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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


MUSIC AND THE DHAMA THE PEAPLOCK BROKEN toemocrat and Chronicla three fesHOnt ago, when Mis Hank created Carmen. Plymouth oh arch I still without an alto. Mma. Gareter sailed for this country but Wednesday. Tha Arfon concert ha been postponed until some time next month.

Free Liszt waa seventy year old last Friday, the ai.t iustsni. Mite Wirt of Albion, win sing at Prof. Wllkins' recital Friday evening. Patience haa been added to the repertoire of the Riot Surprise Party. Harry C.

Kimball will preslds at th organ tn th Unitarian church to- day. Mist Griswold of th Brick church choir, owing to Illness, will not sing to- day. Th concert to-morrow evening promise to be a very enjoyable affair. The Fhilharmonfo society have decided give a series of four concerts during th Inter. George Btott snd Samuel Talma gs were elected members ot tbe Apollo club at tbeir nueilng.

C. T. Englehart has been elected builnm. manager ot the Apollo club in place of Cnarler Grsngrr, resigned. Adamowskl, the violinist of tha Kellogg troupe, has made a very distinguished success thus far this season.

Tbe Maaqu of Pandora, an opera by Alfred Ceiller, 1 shortly to be brought out at Metropolitan Casino In New York. Tbe Apollo club will give their first concert for tbe season on the evening of November 1 5. Ticket will be on sal after Thursday this week. The first performance of Carpenter' tn this country was given by Boston Ideals, at Brooklyn, Wednesday evening last. Mrs.

Zelda Seguln Wailaoe, who retired from tbe Mag something more than a year ago, ha now gone Into juvenile opera. The will probably be named David, after his father. Professor rein or conducted tbe Apollo club at tbeir rehearsal last Friday evening. boy are enthusiastic In tbeir praise of Professor Grelner as a conductor, and bay engaged him to direct the club for the eaOB. O'Oyley Carte I on hi way here, and may be expected to arrive this week.

Mr. Cart come to look after hi operatic and dramatic interests and to put 'Patience' on road. He far now a man worth almost MaTe at Behaals at Art staprffaaartaa i th Art OaJJsry. Tba coRactlon of many work of a-ivd painter in th Art Exchange Loan Extent, tion, I a marked event In ast etrdas la BVoek aster. It I to be regretted tbat tba room where they are exhibited is so small thi pictures cf rain are hung too high, dwarfla, somewhat the general ffee.

Tha arJari would a large on if all thee IrnporJrit work were on tba line. A a sehool ta ads! sat public taa In the right direction, tMs collect ion Is invaluable. Tber ta not aslaral bad pirn of work in fS, and a It aZ year before picture ot so much merit JZ which represent so many wall known tr4 art work are brought together where general public can study them, ft would ll well It all atodeota of art, and tn older pupils of th public schools and atmioarias could avail theowelrn of this opportune. wiii be a long time before a Diaz, a Saber Fir mm Ou-ard or a Bcughton will ba brount Rocbeater. Al.

en exhibition always gives a rscp. portuntry of srinr, arisen of different scaru when tbe gems several collection, are aced juxtaposition. This Is notably true of Hit collection. Tba modern school of art I wg repreiented by Arthur Vrtly, Hv.1. Gilford and W.

T. Richarda. a school oae popular, bat happily becoming mu'ca leas ao. Bierstadt and J. F.

Cropaey. Erttwi work, delicate, thongbtful and falofseaU-moot, haa a very enaxacteristlc example h) George H. Broughtoo, giving those wbo are tne fortunate poaeeasors of the ngrav-ing, aad bis pilgrim subject, (a(r idea of how their picture look In c4L It It unfortunate tbat his picture haegs so high. Modern French realistic painting a well shown in The Centre' by bailer. The skill with which erery detail of the artist's studio and tn painter and hi critic ta tha picture ar given, I (Imply rnarreUoo.

Ws bava seen Meisogniere wnich were no mors closely or powerfully painted. Dauadorf work ia more familiar, and may bs sees here -tn It fading glory, by several large paintings whicb one wishes were a little higher, so that eotne smaller works of more value ware lower down. On dbriike to stand oa hia toe to study a Glrard, cr to tax a telescope to read each a picture a Kramer's old monk. Tn Forest ot Foa-talnebleau, 1 by Diaz, represent a das of French art work that ha Denote exceedingly popular, and a school that ha widely isfi. sneed tb young pain tew of America as weB France.

Curot, Millet, Diaz, Hunt and a host cf their followers hava oontrtoated powerfully to tb breadth and tone of artistic standards, and tha Diaz-1 a good specimen ot tbeir work. It la clearing to see that citterns of wealtk ar purchasing pictures, guided by crorreet principle. To purchase a picture because oca-like it, is self gratification. To purchase a picture that is of merit aad value, ia to discharge a debt to tha want of art student, and to add to the art treasure of the city. This hsu to be tbe best outcome of tola axfai-bitton.

It will teach purchasers picture abroad the class of picture to buy If tbey wish their pictures tn hold tbeir own with thorn of their nelgab tra their return. Tbese valuable ptctnre now form a standard, by which many vicious work tbat hava beea purchased hap hazard, win be relegated to the garret, and henceforth purcfaaeers will consult with competent judges before they expend th eooeJderele sums the expensive pictures require for their purchase. Another Haw Lag ladies' Jerseys, in ail wool and regular made, for $2. 50 only, at Fabya. On tor New TsrT.

Boone, tb popular tailor at 50 Bute rVset, upstairs, leave the dty to night for New York to purchase tb winter stock ijt his always wall supplied fctanilehment. A reporter for this paper dropped Into hit store yesterday for a hajf hour and thai time was spent very profitably fax looking over tai spier did line ot fall salting which load daws hi counters. In tbat stock are some a th) handsomest cloths made and also some 0 tki very teat, embracing both imported and do -meetic goods, which are In separate rooms Mr. Boon ba had a long experience in ths tailoring and bs selects goooN with rsre good judgment and taste. He w-Ji aetl good its to order for twenty dollara, aad a splendid pair of pants for five dollara.

Hi emplcjs none but tbe vary best cutters as 1 maaers and consequently fa always gives perfiect fit. Gestumew one bottle of Byphillns wtS cure G. and G. in five days. Sold by aS druggists.

Stallion ata. On Tuesday afternoon next th wen-known stallions Be. Gotbard, Ot. A nerd, Seneca and bale bone will trot for a parse of S2i0 at tbe Di Park. An exciting ooateatnuy be expected.

DKBOrBtTIC CONVBHTIO. Sens rl far Pratt far Traaso rar, Haw a fer astica. The Democrat of Monroe county met la cot ven tion in tbe city bail, just before nxa yesterday. E. A.

Jaquith, chairman of tb county central committee, called the eoovsa-tlon to order and nominated Hon George Raines for temporary chairman. This a ttni-n a tion was confirmed by vote of the eoarea-tt. and M-srs. John A. Adams, JokaK.

Warner and William G. Raines were chorea ts act as searetarie. There were no conceatiag delegations. After lbs roll call, ths temporary organisation of the convention was mads tb pt rmanenl on, gbbesquentiy, ia cota-plianoe with a motion, tba chair appointed the 1 lowing committee of three from each arsembiy district In tba county, to nam I county central committee Meagre W. S.

(Stewart, p. MeaKber, J. H. McGregor, George J. Green.

Gaorej H. Bene, Siaoisy HamrooBd, H. W. Davis, Piatt baittk ei Jamee Brown, jr. A eoauniteee oa resolutions vrss also appoiuted aa follow.

Hob. P. B. Hulect, John Eagan, Cnarle Bogert, Sylvester Wilcox, C. J.

McDowell, H. As-chamcaugh, F. Scbioeaer, B. Preston aa N. eser ve.

The convention than took a racer till afternoon. Al 2 :30 o'iock p. the convention reassembled, wben tha report of nam tor a county central ccTntaitt-e was submitted and adopted First dietrlotLevi J. Calklw and Jajree It Gnea. fect-nd diatrict it.

A. Jan.uitb. Watlianlel Ttiomp-aoo. WUiiara M. Trmuj, Joan JAuier Keliy, Jims H.

Schooler. Third district Donald McSaugbtoa, L. Sf- -ear, W. JL Clarke-After tha adoption of th above resort, taa committee on resolution ta a long au.tfttita 'Cdeavnred to tell of tn rem ark at tie p-rf seal oa hirh had been and waa to be at aited by the Demcvtata ot Monroe county. Sew York -rate and th nation.

Ta re, latt sot favort and promtced the re organlaatioa aai tarpr alien of a regtmeot in Rochester tar to th defunct fifty -fourth, wkk went dissolution because of needUs x-crave anre, tnterfal distensions and rnanf eourta martial. Th report ot tb commtttai wa adopted. Alter Hon. George Raines bad urged OS ination of a ticket that woo raein -np crt at the poll, Charles Euglert aomll-aud tor steritf F. A.

ScboatTeL, wbo ksest tenor store and sample room In tb iif Uiion bnllding. John N. Buckley weoacsl le nomination, aad said that Colonel Soant-el needed no praise from any tn Kcaheaw. Ex-Jarlge Halett moved thai Mr. tJcetrTstM eominated by acclamation.

Carrle-1. At tbe nominee bad been notified ot as tbe cenrlcAte ot the county atocrary, be thanked the convention aad raw (1 al it ha should be elected in people wM f.zd itvat their confiiaDc tn him had aol beat mt-p weed. no'aaB Arntb Kroneon for exianty treat-urer, U. bchooiey said that Mr. Bron-on woaU" Ik.

n.n.t... mrtm At-W tC snore, wfareupon ax-Jadg HalH rated for treasurer ex-Supervisor L- Pratt, and this nomination wa mad i)n aiaiies of N. T. HaekstaiT. GwOriS it, Howe wa nominated for Justice of aa.

and the convention eras 4joirned. Bi sotAL. Sunder ln Co. are JJ" netpt of tb new watch, silver casa, oai ttundarlln. Is I a vratcb tbat bat epr tally for his firm.

Tweyara A. Lsstitsrf ftro.cht froaa Halifax at Last, Th special Chicago ex press from the east, which reach ad this dty about 10 o'oek last night, brought back Detective P. C. Kavaa-sgb, who had been to Halifax, Nova Sootla, and wbo wa aoeompanled oa tba return trip James A. Laeksbury, ths young Rochester forger, who Bed for refuge to lb Dominion.

C. M. Everest, secretary and treasurer of th Yaerram Oil company, and former employer of Inksbury, was also on th train. The young man looked rather peaked, and appeared to be eoroewbet worn with the trouble which he bad voluntarily brought upon himself. He wa taken once to th polio station and assigned a place In ceil 6.

Ha soon fell into a complacent slumber, having previously declined be Interviewed. Beside tbe prisoner, detective Kavanagh brought back $470 In gold, $147 In greenbacks, which bad, with tba drafts unnraotlatetl, been obtained oa tbe forced check by Lanksbury. tbe officer saj had quit a job tracing to ycucg man through Geneva and Syrecuae to New York city, as well as around tha different placet ha frequented In tbe latter locality. Bat It wa comparatively assy work after he found tbat Lankebury bad been out to Harlem with a friend end bad there left hia measure, Joseph Oskley shop, for a pair ot fancy shoes. These tbe young man paid for in ed ranee mating to tbe shoemaker that if he did no call them soon be would send for them lafer.

Tn officer represented himself to Oakiey a friend anxious to as Lanksbury, and finallv, when Oskley got a letter ordering the hoe to be forsrarded to Halifax, ha let Kavanagh as it. Thst letter had beea pented by th young forger in th folio wing onrxrphbtlcated and trusting style Haltvax Hotel. I Halifax, H. 8., Oct. Joteph Oaklet, Ztf.

Drue Bib: Please send my shoes to the enclosed address as soon as possible, aa 1 only expect to remain here a abort tune. Tours, SVC. Jambs LaNKsacar. P. B.

Please direct them as follows; James Wbitford, Halifax Hotel, Halifax, N. 8. The detectiv got oa tha same train by which tba boot ware being sent to Lanka-bury, and at Boaton he got a train ahead of tbem, thinking of course tbat Lanksbury would not leave Halifax until be got the boe. In tba meantime, however, tba New York polio cfSoer with whom the detectiv bad been tn consultation telegraphed on. and bad Lanksbury arrested, as already published.

Detective Kavanagh report tbat ba wa finely treated by the autnorlue at Halifax. He re turned via St. John, Portland, Boston and Alt any. It Is understood tbat tbe young forger, now safely caged, has been indicted by tha grand jury ao recently In session. UNDER ABRBST.

Th Serlou Chare Agalaat William Wagner. Last night William Wager, a young man about twenty- three yean of age, was brought tne pclice station by Patrolmen Sloan and Baird on a charge ot attempting rape, preferred by a German woman named Ruf. Id facta ot tbe matter a gleaned by a Democrat and Chronicle reporter, are thews Yesterday afternoon a German approached Patrolman Baird on Main street and began talking ia very excited manner, but as hi remark were expressed tn unmistakable German th patrol man was unable to understand turn, lie procured tbe services ot an Interpreter, and through ttis medium discovered tbat the German, whoee nam was Ruf, wished to prefer charge of attempted rape against some party whose tins be did not know. He said the crime was attempted in Kearney' coal yard Ea-t Rochester on Friday morning. Baird procured tbe assistance ot Patrolman Slon, and together tbey vialted the German' home, which Is joct this sice of the toil gate on East Mais rtree.

Mrs. Rut substantiated the tsu-cjent ter hoebatid, by meant ot an inwr-r re ter, be also being unable to apeak E.g lish. She said a man, whom she waa sure sue could identify, bad ill treated her on tbe day mentioned, but was unable to accomplish an-po: pt nwiog to ber struggle. A wo.Tiao was a tUi her at the rime, and Mrs. Rat said ehe aid swear ft the occurrence.

From tne descr'ptlua given tbe oifioere set to work to t1trc tbe ecoundrel, and it was but a time ra-fora they captured Wagner in a btr on Main street. He admitted tnat he had been with the woman, but nothing more. Mrs. Ruf will be called upoa to Identity the prts-tner. Lap IX 3, if you want a good, rich black ailk, noted for durability a well a beauty, ask fcr Alexander Girauda Co.

Rhada-mes, Cacb em ire or Merveilleux. None gen nine without maker's name on each piece. W- CALL, particular attention to advertise ment, and fuel and decisive aot ion of the Western New York Agricultural society oa the vexed qnevrion ot ptano and organ awards. See letter October 20, 1881. Saaatlasaaa, go to tbe great sale of underwear at Fabya; tea largest stock tne city.

CONHMJATICN OP TUB COlgCIL. Tha LslharsB mtolatet at tb Church ei tha Yeterday morning's session ot th Lather- en council in this city was opened with servi- crnducted by Rev. Dr. 8 Fritscneil. of Mendota, 111.

Meters. Sehmlttbelmer. Sam- nelson and Dr. Kennedy, were appointed a committee to audittbe treasurer's accounts. Dr.

rjebrnucker made a rep a-t In bhalf ot the committee oa doctrinal aubjeet. The following thews will form tba abject of a doctrinal dlacn-akn during tha moroing eours ox to-morrow 5 97. The tokens of an Invisible church are ia- vteible tok-ns. and can there; ore only jut' aa invtribte ret-ofruitioo. The communion of an In- vanbie church must, aa such, be an invisible cm- munion.

the communion of saints pertains to the Invisible church, and it is therefor aot a visible communion. It is taught in tbe creed; it fa aa article of faith, and cannot therefore be an object of vision. It is neither made nor necessarily u.arkeo. by going into one puiuit or coming to one altar. Men miy bave both tn common an-h nt beinz In tiie "communion of saints, and be ia that communiou without a common pulpit or altar.

4 at. The church visible mav be considered in the vider and in the sfrutcr sense of the term. The wider sense conaiderett wiin refereace to the ea-rmuiialeof ils the stricter sense with reference to its rightful e.rtgtm4x In conformity thrcfurhont with the utvlce Idea and command. Wherever men may be bora to toJ aad divinely nurtured, either tAroutjA the whole faith theyeon- fede. cr in spllr of lyarut ul It, were Is Uie cburcb vialhie In Its widest a-nae.

Tae vitibU churca, taking the term in its iiir.teT sense, has its viatole to wit. the ontciar aocepvance and of Uie woj a In ittotaiuy. in its pure and true eenee, arid the use of tue rttr'it sacramenis la beir divine reeenuall Wneraver men are lotli to oK.u. aaa aivinely nut. ur-a the raith a.

a ar need, aod iu ao respect ra of jw.r I of tlMkt faith and uae, I no re la v. inn- in irte etiicter a-itett, war punt vi-. hi; nrmrhtne uud-retenaic iiupiied. the tt i to the and unre-terveuij it-i. cburch vislrae.

Alt Ulina ran -ii. nt f- if eoDft-aed secie tt iciiiitiia ctaiiu ot ne-cti' lo he of tne vieible churca la rhe strictir Vt arc Lutheran. becAU-re we beueve tbt -I urch jiuitly claims tbat ber faith i in everv par r-crittoraJ. Wt.e of holds that all ain.a inoouHisttAiit aim tnis are untecauie. v.ur ihurcu esl.t of rijrht, at.d we are ia her f-llow.

run of ttKiit. only because ale Is unreser re-liv the vt-le chtirx by an unreserved confession uf the ah. 1- truth. 4 s. It is tne church invisible whtch Is the eon- Stlrut ve ai rieterininallag element in trte church latbte.

In Its true essence. All accteataattoel com- niunit as which have a part of the church iDvisirjIe In tliera are ao ar.and In respect of such elerueata. pert or tbe t'brlauan tne cr.urcb ne tt-vaiiseticai onurcn, ana in um nenaw. ana rhrt i.Kh theawetemeuui. utey and tite pure ChriaS lan rt urch, beanr.K rfOonat sake fur a time tne rt-tw at 1 1 neu.K ca1 1 l.tnii.

ran. are or one tKHlv, and are UirouKh thr-twi homutfeneous ele- mei to wit, Ibe arut4 ana true Deitevers, po rar knit one "cornmunca of sain ta" All true beiMrv-ra in ihe Lutheran church, nast aad rra. eat, aaii io all other churches now and In all agwa, re in ihia aes t. ae bortv, knoaa to Uie Lord and to the Lord only, aa Uia. Sd lunothy, ii, IS.

Th president sppolnted Rev. Dr. assa ys! and Kodell, and Mesers. Schuilttheliner, Heupt and Staake a ooiumttta to prepare tb memorial to the Northern Panifis railroad. Tre coiorlderation of hi ms missions was then taken up again and remarks made by Dr.

1 eptavent, L. L. Ucugbl of Philadelphia, Huber of by recuse. Dr. Mol lebnse ot Mew York, Rev.

C. Volts of Batfaln, Rev. Kau- dtg of Readlrg, and Rv. Gomph ot Plttaford. Tbe council then adjourned with prayer by Rev.

Gcuiph. Cbllarwa'a Marian Hess, twelve end on half, fifteen, eighteen and twpoty flv otnta; tbey are a bargain, at Fab a. A aeplelaaa a.aahlag Trssk. Ysaterday afrernoxoa a mau wbo cava hi tiama a Joha Kacbet apurotcttad OiBoer Bay den at tn four corner and Inquirwd th way to tba Ert depot. The ortl.iar direotad be cf It a to In by a of oa of TOWN TALK.

The dec-trie light miohin seems to be unpen tartly delayed oat railroad, WmUm K. Be 'mo lost a valuable hp from hit boggy on Main street tart night Th funeral of tha lata Sam.iel P. Allan will ask place at Geneoeo, this afternoon a 8 i 'clock W. B. Hone has commenced the anotbs cf a nw steam sawmill near the new Rochester and Pittsburg depot.

An djotirrje.t meeting of the Red Cross ieiy win ba it-Id to morrow evening lo crnmru craDji' otiambare. While work for John Locke on Jordan, aliey yesterday morning, Charles Jerome 1 tciee of his Bi gnrtdly laoeraeed by a Tr c-aragers or the Loan Exhibition wib ft ec' uiTit til h-tciiti they bav. -ti -le oii saie, vi. w.ii no ia acy cas be solicited to porebsse A man ergsged In laying pipe for the Munie pt gas company waa overcome wiuh gas on Howell street ester day. He shortly recovered and wss taken home.

The Hoc hi club band practises every Wednesday n'gbt. In rooms at the corner ot P. bt. Paul atd Main streets, and acquiring considerable proficiency. The eights ward valley eanal sewer project again agitates the minds of the people of to wtst tr.d.

as they cannot nee the old canal alter the railroad tracks are laid hi It. "etercey nvmiog thirty-four Indiana from Corfu i-a-eed through Rochester on their way to attend the fret of the Woite Dog, at the Onondaga reservation to-day. Tbe teenagers ot the loan exhibition wish it st- ouro.i tat soon aa the present snp-plv of exhausted another edition will be famed and sold tor ten cents a copy. Tha coroner's jury yesterday atleraooa rendered a veruir-t that Petar floy eametohia deal-, while iaroxteited, and that no blame is attached to a oy of tbe Central railroal employes. Yesterdav aftenraoa sow eommlwion appointed to examine Harriaon H.

Babeock da- eided that be is ioMoe. A pmpt ja was m-ie of his pr.perty, and ha will probably removed: to the Insane asylum at I tics It is now stated that all bat one ot the cot.trscts for work on tbe Genesee Valley rami railroad have been let, and tbe work will be prreee4ed with as fast as the weather w.ll permit, and be finished by the first of Ju-y next. There ate more potatoes In the conn try than has bee, supposed, and it is balieved that atie present high prices cannot be maintained. Borne of the eastern papers predict that tha price win go below fifty cents per bushel be-lore tbe first ot November. It has been stated by one who ouiht to kn that when tbe Central railroad tracks have be.

elevated, the grading on north Bt. Paol street will begtn at points 8-5 yards north snd ronth cf the bridge, where tbe rtreet will be lowered to an Initial depth of 8 feet. A valuable addition to the archaeological cibrret at the university was made by William N. Bege, one of Its trustees, daring the vacation. Tbe additional caUectiem tn-f 1 Indian flint implements in a good shape an1! a skull from one ot tbe arestern mounds, tre latter of which possesses peculiar marks of interest It waa retorted to the chief ot police yeefj terday that cerelee sportsmen shot a steer dead near tbe slaughter-house of Conrad He z-berger, on Moor, a avenue, and that shot from tome sporo man's weapon rattled tha d-' ors snd windows of John Brown's rest-den on Bay street.

Chief McLean says that uy person found firing off weapons within tha city limits is to be immediately arrested. Tbe man wba cuutf luuted tha followiog to a newspaper never eat up all night to kap tbe baby quiet Of all the joys vouchsafed to man In life's tempestuous whirl, there is no fa ir that approacbee heaven ao near as com-paey with a girl rosy, laogbing, boxom gtri; a frank, good-natnred, hunewt girl; a ftaling, fiirtltig, dashing, doatiag, smiling, rmscking, Jolly, kli.g, jaunty, jovial, poeer-pokirjg, dear oaek ot a girl the brightest, dearest, sweetest girl tbe trimmest, gayest, neatest girl tha funniest, noehtest, frankest, fairest, roundest, ripest, roQgei3hes rarest, tpicieat, squlrmtest, best of girls, with drooping lashes, bait concealing amorous flafebes with rosy cheeks and clustering carls, the sweetest and tbe beet ot girls. C. J. HAVDsas and oomoany, at suanimoth wareroiiins, Nos.

180, 183, 184 and 188 State street, just north ot toe central tracks, are telling an unusually excellent lot of furniture of all kinds and styles, psrlcr furniture, finished in tha btett and riches deelgna and figures, bed -rt om sets that are handsome and cheap, and library and dit irg room sets that are uncommonly tasteful and wen made. Their facilities are to extensive that they can and do sell eheep. Ths MaGKincKHT stock of ornamental slate and marble mantles, coal grates, brass Bra- places, brass and fenders, in tbe store of Henry B. H-berd, at 71 State street, attracts vary much attention and ptt-roBtge. 6ypbiukk will curs O.

and 8. In fire days Bold by all druggists. FIRB VLSIHBS. Itsws from the Boya Backet and taa Hose. Ladder The Proteetives house Is gradually being lushed skyward John Vai.derwarf of the Alerts has joined taa Benedicts The Aeive are making arrangements for purchasing a co'tege site at tbe bay.

Willi ReJe, of tha Era hook and ladder company of Bradford, was in tbe city last week. Chit of battalion Rhodes was retired by aba New York fire enmmlssiooeai oa Friday, with a penelon of 1 1, 250 a year. A fine etnary has beea placed In the sit-ting room of tbe Aiert house by George Rows, aba steward It is a gift ot Baiter Bros. Tha ofSc'al circular has been Issued esn- Tsaing the "United firs underwriters in Ails, tea' In Kew rk on November ItHh The Steam Guage and Lantern Works have presented tbe Actives with a handsome signal lamp, to replace the one broken at toe fdtratfoB fire recently. Losers by firs have been light during the past week compared with preceding ones.

Tbe rVriastcrt by tire during the past six months aava been mrarkabla. Tbe prcspecta of a serious water famine In Sew York, have eauasd tha fire com mis sot era to arrange tut a supply of dynamit-f ase la blowirg up buildings ia case ot eir ergency At a recent Inspection of the Boston fire departs-ant, angina No. 6 was sent out of It bouse ta four seconds, while engine "4 wish men undraw and tn bed, was ready to start In 11 3-4 see-mis. Tbe president of a New York city fir Insurance company bad worth o' property stored in tbe Morrell warehouse at tbe time it wae burned, on which be had oily 3, 000 lnorai.oe. This Is a remarkable case cf consistency.

A Tlaaaly Ail Lat t'ght at 9 .30 o'clock one of the tn-metes of tbe house of Frank Lord, 33 Howell street, beard a aoaod as of men walking on the tin roof at the rear of tbe house and gave an alarm. At the ttms only Mrs. Lvd. bar son atd a servant were In tbe boose. Wnan tne alarm waa rounded tbe intruder or Intruders made off.

Patrolman Golden was called to tbe boose and while examining the premises discovered a large bole in on of the wmdowa, which waa made In a manner that denoted a professional thief. But for tbe timely alarm Ur. Lord would probably bar suffered a severe loss. las a atrial Be tool BsatUsa, At a meeting of the lady roanagere of the industrial School yesterday afternoon, every poattbte arrangement was made which will enable all to enjoy its annual donatioo oa TJmrsday next. Dinner will be served from snidaay anal the close ot the evening, and at 8 o'ciock aa entertainment will be given to the reception reran ot the building.

Tbe fancy tabka wul oa loaded down with thing pretty, and trara eaa be no better place to purshaaa Cbriatmae giita. Tne mangers extend a aaoat cordial invitation to everyone to take tola pheasant way ot aaioisz tnem oa in tbeir charitable work. Etelaa a. a Fasraan. Vaaterdav E.

Frve. of Br. rhile dellverlrg fiowere at a store o. Ru.L street, left Bis overcoat ia his wagon, aaand- ng outakle. hen ne returned the coat wss miwiof.

He reported his loss at polioa hea-I TV hb r-e he tbe ard Tbe IB was cn a In All bad to up At said for said He to of lost as two in his a CORBENKED AIR-CURB. xpertaaeBt, a Wall Katab-llahea Fast. At first this treatment was an experiment. aeon proved to be based on correct princi for during years ot experimenting, one more cases of all tha )edug diseases were Heated, and from the uniform good results, (ootwithidaDdiDg that mast of tha oases were ttooee wnlcb medicine failed to reach) we have beoome thoroughly win vi coed that its range of action is infinitely wider than that of any other system of practice, and that 11 reaches duease more simply, naturally and heaea more effectually than any other. Among the prominent Kuropean physicians have proven the efficacy of these baths, may be mentioned Drs.

Trousseau, Pidoux, Berlin, rravss, Uent, Moutard-Martin, Can- Leva! Picqneohef, Fereol, Frauchet, Cintrat, SandahL bios and Langs. Although they have not proved It to the extent that we have, yet they speak very highly of It, as well they may. Unfortunately, a large proportloi of American physicians are prejudiced against everything not taught by their own particular reboots, and hence this treatment la misrepresented, by some Ignorantly and by other ma- llciouMy. come, however, have, thrown ide tbeir prejudice and are extending to u-a friencly hand. Two regularly graduated siclans have been with us during tae sum aa patients and others who have beoom; cnvlLCcd of Its virtues are sending us pa-tttnts.

Jams E. Hatdeh and company are telling amount ot their artistic and well made furniture, at 73 Bute street. They keep In stock tbe very best furniture ot all kinds, and make a special point never to allow any thing to go out of theit store that they cannot warrant as represented. uistltmiB, l-ave just opened a new and elegant Una ot goods that have never beea seen here before for cheapness. R.

W. West, Bazaar, 7 Main street bridge. 1BBED IN DEATH. lbs Body ef ss laciaa EiksBsa. Warrior Yesterday morning as soma workmen were employed in digging a atom quarry opposite bouse of seoiamin Blmpson on North Paul street, one ot them discovered tbe armed skeleton ot an Indian warrior, grasping his right band a tomahawk and In his left rutty blade ot a scalping knife.

The figure as In a reclining position, with the left arm slightly raised while the right hand, holding knife, waa laid upon the breast. Two arrow heads of flint were found at tha warrior's side, but the bow, which undoubtedly buried with tbem, haa beoome a part ot dust ot tbe earth. To what tribe the arrior be'onged caa be merely a subject ot supposition, as tbe naked skeleton alone re- sirs ot what is obscured In tha unknown hletc ry of the past. Cooper tells us that the proud Mohican chieftain once followed tha war path aronnd the shores ot Ontario, and that teariesa Delaware here hunted tne timid deer. Along these shores, too, during the French and Indian war, the canoe of the Canadian savage noiselessly glided through quiet waters, its inmates seeking for some 'ort mate English settler on whom to satisfy their Inhuman thirst for blood.

Whether or ti. it exhumed warrior belonged to one of tb'se tribes, or from soma mora distant part lowed the war-path or chase until upon our land be met his death, la more than his mean-lr glesa remains or time-dulled weapons will us of tbeir history. Wan tad. its Experienced clothing stock keepers wanted. Apply at E.

Btelnf eld's store, 15 Main street bridge. Johh Odihbacb, at 49 State street. Is Introducing many novel and pleasisg styles of lurs, nata, caps, pons, ore. that are having v.ry rapid sale. Hit Is the best pi toe in city to get furs repaired and reiioed.

Prices very reasonable. Til BEST place In the city to get cut fiowsrs, alng'ng birds, bird cages. See Is at Kfwcale's, 87 East Main street. He always a choice collection of the freshest ca were, and bis slrgiog birds are the baud rcmest to be found in the city. CH1CIFAI.

BELtKuA lie BatiaiBcs. Water rents, $89. 58. General city taxes, ,1,489.82. Several indicted prisoners, yesterday, gave ban to appear tor trial at the proper time.

Judge Uaoomber goes to Bath to-morrow to bold the adjourned circuit court of Steuben county. This device was exhibited on the door of the municipal court, yejterday afternoon p. m. Uourt Closed, Frozsn out no fire. Thirty-seven burial permits were isued tbe health officer of this city during the wtk Just ended.

Sixteen of tbem were Issued on Monday. It la thought that the general term judges win require most of tbe present week in which to lock over and decids the esses before them. and that, therefore, decisions will not be bended down before Thursday or Friday. Tbe heirs of the J. C.

Ayer estate have notified tbe proper oOlalals and attorneys that tnty will appeal from tha report ot the com mission of appraisal, which awarded their Etmlock lake land to the city for $2,050. Tbe owner of that load of bay which was recently burned In front of the barn of Bam ber Williama, on Lancaster street, haa sued tne nrm to recover tne price ot the hay, Claiming that toe bay was delivered when wza drawn Jnto the barn, even It It was co aumc by fire afterward. The district-attorney hat received official notification that under tne new code Henry L. Kubies has been adjudged by the court of oyer and terminer of Cayuga county to be an ha bit oal drunkard. This ia one of the first eases under tbe code, and tbe same sentence may be imposed upon all or any persons convicted second time of felony.

Yesterday the complaint of Danlsl Run tie. Id a suit against the city for $18. 739. 34 was served cn City-Attorney Fanning. It It another ot those water works suits to recover tor extra services and materials tarnished, as was tne case in the George u.

Lord suit. In both cases tha claims ware anigoed from He Donald, the original contractor for the waer works. P. s-ibly it will yet be found that there is no end to these "extra claims 'Iga tions. PERSON Bat.

H.L. Arnold, of Geceseo. is at Congress tall. C. D.

Lane, ot Batavia a gue-t at Can-res ball. J'epb J. Hartridee. of Avon, is at tha Brat kstt hcuse. F.

C. Bhute. of Syracuse, is at tbe Wavery tones. of New York, la at the Chester Moore, of Buffalo. Is among the iuugrBs niu arrivals.

James F. McK-a, ot Rook 'or I. 111., at tte Whitccmb bouw. G. P.

Castle, manager of the Journal da partment ot tha medical publishing house of winiam woodSUo. JNew Xork, Is the -Emtl Btelnfeld, representing Eaufmaun Bro's Boody, tbe larae pipe hones ot New York, is stopping at tbe Osburn house for a few day a. 8. J. Bennett, nt this elty agent tor J.

W. Son's, Blue Line" cigars, leaves to-morrow morning for an expended western trip, embracing Chicago. Kansas City, and Omaba, Neb. Howard BrolaskLot St. Louis.

M. Ames. of Glens Falls, C. F. Townsend, of Syreaaa, A Mlllar.i, or Albany, U.

a Kneetand. of Uoljey, Hugh Duffy, of Cortlaud, Kugena Koberts, of Boff lo, and Thomas H. Wills, ot Albany, are guests at the Whltoomb house. Holy Croaa Chnrrlii Tbe new Holy Cross church, at Charlotte, now ready for tbe roof, and tbe most ex- Iraordinary fact la that there ts ao debt whatever upon tha church aa It standa. Nothing can ne more surpruing tnan tnat aoon a sub stantlal and beautiful struetura could be erected la such a small village when it Is taken tn consideration that there are only atx ut rorty families who belong to tbe eon gregation.

It la trna that most ot It was a'-bieved by festivals and entertainments gotten op for it, as well aa by strict economy and earnest soliciting. Someone with a level head and business tact deserves great credit. From facta gather by our reporter, It Is now prr posed to cover It with a firat claas slate roof, wita dormer windows. For tbe purpose cf raising funds to hear tha expense of the roof tbe following named gentlemen have of fered themselves as candidate for a beaoti lul parlor stove tbe Si. James 'to be voted for next Thanksgiving ere: Hamuel Cbadwirk, George Way, Ambrose Farnar, Alexander Ferguson and Simon Tiernan.

urease must come tor such a worthy object and through such popular name as those mentioned above. La (as. now is th time to Bod Mm most artistic am broidery felt, eenveaeea and satin la tbeir worsted department, at Kenya. 1 bas that be It be little bave art est syo lips. and his that of The the The De a poor the their with are the this ly an to ty a LAND AND WATER SPORTS I'NDA RtniHAHir OV PHOII.fgflT BP0RTIKQ What la Owing aa th gained Atbleiee Kai ls for Assibsr B'x Data' TraaiB BaatctblBa Absat Laeraaae la America TB Trsttlag HsearSs far th Tear 4Jnral Spart-loa Iwe.

At Cranston, L. I. McDufl" defeated Thurber, running 440 yard. Time, 1:10. Boston will have a new baa ball nine next sea sun, with Harry Wright manager.

Certain Rochester men will not go bom from the Buffalo meeting broke. Buffalo Commercial. Charles Roweli ha been offered 10, 000 to compete In a six-day race in New York, but refused. Rnssella, th full sister to Maud 8., owned by Mr. Steel, of broken to barcest.

Ti Jockey who rode Foxhall in the Ceea re witch (W. MacDonald) I laid to bare received $10, 000 for hi services. Chicago offers Pierre Lorillarrl and J. Eeer a $20, 000 purs for Iroquois and Fox-hall to inn for at Chicago. Th sn tries, so far, for John Eanls' six dy race are Frank Hart, John Dobler, Harry Howard, George D.

Noremac and Peter Ki-wards. James R. Keen offer to ma'ch Foxhall against Ircquol for $10,000 a side. If Pierre Loriilard make ths match Iroquois will win. Ashbury, the English yachtman, who brought th yacht Lev oola to this country, bat did not win the American cop, Is stopping la New York.

Pier. Loriilard has declined th challenge of Mr. Beiden to match hia (team yacht Yoae mlts aga nst the Radfaa, to race 1, 000 mile at tea for $5, 000 a aid. A report comes from Hartford that J. H.

Haverly valuable trotter, Troubadour, who broke down during th grand circuit race, is Improving, and may be able to rao again. In England, H. Car leas, the English pedestrian, Is to attempt to walk a mile and a quarter every half hour for on thousand consecutive hours. Gale failed to complete this ftat in England. Captain A.

B. Bogardns, the champion wing shot ot th world, ta tn South Carolina. Bogardns write from Raleigh, B. C. and states that he I teady to meet any man In America in front of tbe traps and shoot at 100 pigeons thirty yarda ris from fire traps for amount from 1, 000 upwards.

The great arix day race under the management of John Ennls, baa been postponed until last week In Novemtar. It waa postponed owing to th great fire at tk Fourth avenue railroad depot, which mad it necessary for Vanderbilt to use Madison Square garden a a place of shelter for bis car and bone. In th grand central trotting circuit flfty-fenr borsea and mare reduced tbeir records tbat Is from the time they entered tne circuit until Ibe close of tbe circuit. This doe aot tbe number ot time each boras low ered the record at the several meetings. There were eleven records lowered at Pittsburg, twelv at Cleveland, nine at Buffalo, eight al Rochester, four at Utfoa, and eight at Hartford, making fifty-two changes In alL My era continue to break former athletic recotds with monotonous frequency.

Two weeks ago surpassed all previous performances tn tbe world at running half a mile aod 000 yards, and wrote bis name at a point which is likely to be above athletic high water mark for many year-. Last Saturday wiped out ail former figure at 350 yard, and night have made similar havoc with the quarter cile record bat for th high wind. Wilkes' Spirit. At Lincoln, Nebraska, Andre Chris Wit. Muldoon and Clarence Whistler are riispi.iyli.gtl.eir skill and strength in feats of wrest.isg.

In one ot their shows tbey opened with feats ot strength, the athletes nsing rcurdlrr bar weighing 143 pounds. This tbev bandied as an ordinary man would a forty pcund weight, Muldoon raising tha bar ar ms length four time with hi right arm. CLrt.tcl's forts wa in lifting it with hi- teetb. Whistler tit In a chair and Cnrirto! can It th chair and it occupant by catching the cnalr round tn his teeth. At Babylon, L.

I. recently, tbe great team pigeon- shooting match for tbe champion cup and team championship of tbe West-mi inter kennel club was a grand affair. Tba following olubs competed Narragansett, New York, Riverton, Btaten Island, Orange and Wntminater gun clubs. It waa woo by the Riverton club. Teams of four each shot at twenty birds, thirty yards rie Score: Riverton killed 66, misted 14; Westminster Kennel club killed 64, missed 16 Narragan-aet killed 63, missed 17 New York killed 63, misted 17; btaten Island killed 56, missed 84 Orange, N.

il, killed 53, missed 27. At Ottawa, Canada, recently, the fol lowing teams competed in the great hose carriage race tor ths championship Maple city, ot Ogdensburg Excelsior, Prescott Ran qoette, Potsdam, N. Y. Smith hose. Chat- ay Fifth Baker hose, Keesvilie, N.

Y. Chandlers, Ottawa; Hero, Morrtaborg De fiance, Norwood, N. Y. Tbe Chandlers Seam captained by James Bhea, ot Burlington, t. won.

Ibe team ran in a truly magnificent manner, to the great admiration ot every one. The coupling was caught by Shea as It came off the drum and was broken immediately ana tne pipe attained. The urn srasei 1-4 secotde. which, although the fastest aocom-plist ed, could have been vastly Improved It it bad been deeired. In an editorial on th gam of lacrosse.

tbe New York Sportsman says Slowly but surely tbe national game of Canada is geioio ground tn tea states, and although It may be many years before It ha anything l'ke a unm footing with our athletes, yet there 1 little doubt abas it will eventually be a popular game and excit considerable enthusiasm when good clubs meet. We doubt if there 1 any game which combines in It a many element for the Improvement of tbe physique of our youth, while it poyeoses beauties and inter- ettth and sensational situation unknown to rowing, base ball or cricket. In tbe latter reelect It more Dearly approaches football than scything else, but we do not mean the mlxtd up game played by the CMiege clab and chrieieucd football, though It la muco prettier than the heavy winter game grace taking tbe part ot the brut force exercised In foot bi U. Call aaa Gat Oa. Large 4-steif plant stand 99a Carving knife and fork and steel fin.

99: Largs n.agrifjlug reading giaa 99: Toilet box, silk puffed, ootnb and brush. 99 Rcgrrs 6v Bro. 's tea spoons, Bret ze card receiver, new, worth $3. 00, or iy rosroii 990 Store, Pavers' Block. Striata try varartvlag.

Y.r'i irtaf tb Brother drove to to! cltt fit ra Long Pond wua a valuable aot fitl- tatt' of horeva. it ts reported that they drov- 'be Lorfees too bard and that on ths way boot' the t.rt'tbtrs were both drunk ard kept laebtni ir team. Lart evening tbey stopped Kpe-vr'e on Lake arena to get a drink, an r. mug cut found on ot the horses lying deed. Kxperti wbo saw tb horn a MS Oath resulted from overdriving.

PASTORS AiVO PULPITS. Rev. Cb atlas W. Ede will preach at th Rowley Street Mission chapel at 7 30 o'clock thif evening. At taa Univeraallirt Miaalon chapel on rpenctr street, this event ig, th Rsv.

Dr. will ofllclate. Elder Porter W. Taylor will preach In tbe Advent Christian church this evening. Subject, Th last chapter.

Rev. Dr. Pattiaon, of tb Theological seminary, will preach at th East Avenu Bantls! church to-day, both morulng and renlog. Union Sunday school service wlil be held 'a church this afternoon, al which Ur. Moldehnka will addraas tba ohlldren in Gar ntsn Dr.

Paasavant in English. At Concordia Lutheran church. Rev. E. Hrydter pastor, Rev.

L. KuniK will preaoa In an moruirg. no evening rervtee. At Bt John' Irutheran church IHwmanl Rev. A.

WentieL of Pitt-burg, Pa. will ouaiuinja ww morning servic. Rev. A. Ppaeth.

D. D. nreaehea at Zion'a rauTcn iwrtnarl. tbls morning-. Rvaninw.

at. a. saoitiennae. ut new era. B.

A. Abbott, railroad seorstarv of tha Y. M. C. A.

will address to members of tb association at their room, al 4 o'clock this afternoon. -Rev. H. C. Rlggs win preach.

at St. Peter's church this morning, and In tba atter-not Edwin B. Flek will relate the story ot tne ssicnigan sutTerer. A ury M. church.

Rev. W. Win chester pastor. Preaching at 10 30 a. m.

and 7 p.m.. by th paator. Sunday obnol at 18 no. ycuog peoples mseilng at uu p. m.

-Rev. J. Fry, D. D. of Reading.

Pa. will preach at tb Evangelical Lotta ran ohuraa on Grtjve street this morning, and ta tha eve nil tba pulpit wtll occupied by Rv. A. I'eeeevBUl, D. of Puuburg, Pa.

Al Plymouth church this mornlrur Rsv. Myron Adams wtll praaoa upon the aubjaot. ne orthodox and tha evangelical rr deniptton contrasted Th evening ub ject will ba Th Sabbath a bop and not taw or tn present. by at to al a so to a a at rllntra the Batetal isaaetwattoa lor taa lussii-Nlaik Dlatnes. tke n-vvblitwii of the Tumty-Xintk Senatorial District :2 AltLough beiievtng that I reoir-ed he r-eulr Republican Domination i emt lu dietrict, yet earing that the success of tbe KepnbUcan party, which I have at heart, may Jecpard sed by two oandidatea remaining In field, I have decided In the Interest of party barmony to withdraw my name from canvass for senator.

I wish to express at this time my hearty tbstks to my many friend for their earnest onselfli-li efforts In my behalf. TrasHtig that this ctrane may, In the end, prove tbe right one, and hoping that the whole ticket may be triumphantly elected, I remain Yours, respectfully, A. B. LaKBKBTOir. Tbe above card is published with pleasure.

limitations of oar Sunday editijn "forbid comment on the magnanimous aotloa of Lembertoo, which is reserved until toil orrow. BLOOD ISO rOKBCeTION, StmbblBc AaVay walch Oecmrrad Last Bveaiag. About 7 :30 o'clock last evening Patrol aw Jfafeph Baker was pasting tbe old Bennett block on West Main street when he heard cries of murder' and police, 1 issuing from a room In one cf the npper stories. He joined by Officer Wangman, and they proceeded to the room from which the noise came snd kicked the door In, it being lacked the inside. They found Frank Smith, hie lfe and a man named Jim Bruce, all engaged a row.

Tbe woman was bleeding profusely from cuts ou faer left arm, blood was on her face and she presented a very demoralised sight. Brace's face waa covered with blood, and, altogether, the crowd bore a hard look. were drunk, and it waa evident that they beea engaged la a desperate fight. They were taken to the station house and locked ur. Bruce said he was getting ready go to bed when Smith started saying be would kill his wife.

that be struck her with a ease knife several ttmea, Inflicting the wounds above mentioned. Brace then sprang at him and pulled him away from the woman, and then occurred tbe yelling which attracted the attention of the officers. In contradiction to this story Smith his wife cut her arm with a lamp chim-ny. He was completely overcome on being locked up, and gave utterance to the most piercing yels and screams, continually calling Sarah, which ia his pet name tor his wife. He is but nineteen years of age, and this was tbe first time eras drunk.

is a painter by trade. Dr. Pierce attended Mrs. Smith's wounds. One cf the arteries the left arm has been severed, and she has much blood.

Be btndaged the wounded arm, acd she was relegated to the back corridor, out ot tbe sound of her husband's voice be mournfojly called for "Sarah. Toe are good specimens of the poor white trath cf Rochester. A THIEF C1FICBED. Yeatbfal Buul'i OparaUaaa la. thle CUr.

John C. O'Brien, a young man about nineteen years of age, came to Rochester from Albion about nine weeks ago and went to work Heavey livery stable. He remained there three weeks, then went to the Yaoderbiit bouse, comer ot Center and Hill streets, and engaged to work at three dollars per week. The first week he bought a suit of clothes and gave the proprietor sixteen dollars in cash to place in the safe in trust for him. The proprietor missed money at different times bat could not fasten tbe theft on O'Brien, although he suspected him.

Yesterday, O'Brien rote a telegram purporting to come from parents in Albion, and bidding nun earns home Immediately. He shows 1 this to his employer and than started for the depot. Tne botel keeper Informed Lieutenant Davit of the fff-ir, and requested him to arrest O'Brien Fusptdon. This was done, the offljer finding the youth at the Central depot, about take tbe Chicago express for Albion. As r-on aa arrested be eontessed that ha had utolen forty-eight dollars from his employ er, rd ave up a purse In which were thirty-five dollars and eighty-seven cents.

He was locked up at police headquarters. O' Brien Is very good looking boy, and It ia said comas from a good family in Albion. ROCK.B AND BOARDS. Taa Playful Canters of a Sapposssl in- William T. Taylor, of Hanford's Landing, was sitting in bis bouse last evening when a stone crashed through one ot the windows, carrying portions ot the blind and sash with it.

Immediately another stone came hum- mlrg into tbe room and a second later a big for sale sign board whlszed through the window and settled against the opposite wall. Mr. Taylor thought II about time to invest! gate, and did ao, discovering a tall man In tne yard in tbe act of picking up another rock to be need in the bombardment. Taylor went for bim, and after a struggle succeeded in cap raring him. The stranger proved to be a mao nearly teventy years of age, but whether drunk or crazy Taj lor couldn't tell.

He se eared the services of Constable Merrills and tbey drove with the prisoner to police head quarters. It was with great difficulty that be could be held, and when be arrived at beadqnarters he broke away from his captors and favored tbe captain and others with break-down. He was afterward taken below. He refused to give his name, and It Is believed that he is an escaped lunatic The sign board be threw had been nailed to a tree at least ten feet from the ground. THE FITTSEORD CONTENTION.

slaaUena Hade fer taa First A eae sa fely District. The Republican delegates from tha towns of the first assembly district, met In convention In tbe village of Plttaford, yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock, at which time a recess was taken until o'clock In tbe afternoon. On reassembling, tha convention was called to order by George A. Goes, on whose motion Hon. G.

L. G. Seely was made chairman. Charles B. Wilbur, ot Perinton, and William Hickoz, of Brighton, were then made secrete Hea.

On motion ot W. H. Raymond, of Per. field, Judson F. Sheldon, ot nominated for member ot assembly by acclamation.

Professar S. Powell, ot Webtter, nominated for school commissioner N. Curtlss Holt. Tha Domination waa seconded by Col-. -eel May, of Plttaford, and Hon.

Charles S. right, of Webster. On mostoa of Mr. Ktrkox, of Brighton, Mr. Holt wss by acclernaM'm.

The nominees were ben introduced to tbe delegates and delivered thort speeches, after which tha convention adjourned. Kaiii Rochester. Are all tbe ready a'" goods Finman Is selling, and made in bis own factory, under bis Immediate super- viaicn. The stock la superb bis line of over coats, light and heavy weights, are superior a all ot tiers and but prices are less. The ame remarks apply with equal force to his custom-made gooda.

Ho store la this section haa tbe variety ot materials to select from at he has. East Patuxsts. It's now just as easy to go to booeaa-ernlcg as It ts 'to fall off creased log. This haa been accompUsned by Albert Beir, 44 and 40 East Main street, by tbe establishment ot his easy pay ment, 'special credit' system. It's a prpular move, and when people understand tbey can boy carpets, furniture and bed- ring as cheap of bim in that way as they can 1 uy of others for cash, be gets Iba trade.

Yocso hest Byphlllne from three to five daa. giatr. will cure yoa In Bold by ell drug BICYCLE BRIEFS. During tbe winter months the club will hold meetings once a month. Tbe Detroit telegraph messenger boys use tha bicycle in delivering messages.

A bicycle stand and exerciser are among the latest additions to bicycling aundrlaa. In Los don, England, the letter carriers oa tha outskirts are to be furnished with bicycles to deliver their mall. Tbe Bicycling World in tha future will I oevota tie oola devote its columns entirely to bicycle notes, I UTk arcbery news. Messrs. Smith and Koodolf, members of enio, maoe a trip aa tar aa Batavte, ba auna day, eorarbig some seven pavement around the drew at Waabtegton, which ia one quarter of a aV", ciuo tor holding races, etc.

uenmnoo ot aa amateur, rule 24 won baa never eni petedla an ooen cntn oaUitnn tor public tuooey, or for gate money, or ncder a falsa name, or with a profaaaUmaL for a prise or where gate money la charged, nor baa ever personally tangbt or punned btcy-tlng or raner atniecin axavoassa aa a -ntans of It veil hood. tie ty ut i ni cf nd t-f A i iiefiT a of as a gtes ISM. tha ing Col. lion. et tion, ed no his.

that be t'on that be was O. H. John U. H. L.

H. 1 b. L. I illJIil Klllt OP THI KNITOR- lit. rotvmnus.

NdBslBatioa orciOB-l T. at. KilswartB, Lack purl, far Caatfltfaie far Km l.r Irons the Vhtilleta Ksnaiorial Ulsirlci K.r BsaSnS sss Itlevaa Viva Ties Vtee Inltlsi Class at a Bsaisrsbissii tey' csanatlsa. The thirtieth senatorial convention at- nbied at 12 o'clock noon, yesterday, and rocerded lth tbe regular order as far ai the call, when Mr Lewis, of Wyoming, noved that the convention take an Informal ballot for candidate for senator. Lost by a vote 80 to BO.

After tbe 3S5th call Mr. Tezter, of Wy oming, ir quired for certain members of tbe L4Vh.gtou county delegation wbo were voting prvxy. Mr. White, ot Llvicgaton, ex-f. -atned ust they were In conference.

On iba 392d call, Mr. Watson, of Oenettr, in nomination Perry Randall, of StalorJ, be received tbe votes ot the Genesee up to the 38Sd call, when Mr. Wiley, Livingston, offered the following preamble reeo.ntlon, which waa lo St by a voie 19 to 21: hereas, After long continued deliberation this cdv ot delegate has not succeeded in auv ef tTorts for that purpose, in areeiag. through a ajt-nty of its members, to place tn nomination the people ot the thirtieth senatorial district candidate tur ne omce oi stte senawr fcereae, This convention has b-en, and still is, tonally divided, not upoa any question having re- to either the merits or uuaiitieationa of anv candidate who has been named, or aa to the claims any pari leu la locality, but are divided rather to what are the real seotlmente of the Republican electors of the district now. therefore, be a Resolved.

That this convention, failing to mate nomination, wlU this day adjourn tine die, after county centrai committees of the coun lea composing this district to, as soon as possible, call couvei tions in each of such counties: said con ventions to be requested to each select tea oete- to meet in a senatorial convention for this oietrict, nereoy caneo. to meet at toe usouni rnuee. isocnester. on tne sin oar ot noaauwr. The convention then took a recess until 2 o'clock p.

m. ArrSRItOOH SKSSIOB. The delecates assembled at 3 :30 o'cloekjuid tegular order ot calling the roll waa pro ceeded with until the 403d call, each result as follows J. E. Ellsworth 80 Isaac bampton After tbe 403d call Mr.

Watson, of su ee, presented a request that non. Isaac P.ampton be allowed tj address the conven for which unanimous consent was given. Mr. Hampton on being introduced thank the gentlemen of the convention who bad steadily supported him, and as be deprecated tbe deadlock which existed in the con vention be proposed ao withdraw his name, providing Colonel Ellsworth would withdraw Mr. Pound ot Niagara, then asked unani mous coneent for Colonel Ellsworth also to address the convention.

On being introduced gentleman in a short speech thanked his friends for their support and announced that was no longer a candidate for the noouna for senator. W. J. Hpmpbrey of Wyoming, moved tha convenUon proceed to aa informal teJlot for senator. G.

G. Hoeklni of Wyoming, asked unanimous consent tor the sus pension of all bosloeea lor nrteen minutes. pending this motion, which was granted. Ob convention coming toorder, tbe motion withdrawn and the roll was called tor the 404-Ji time, with the following reeult JohnE Pound It I William Worthington. 10 I E.

A. Nah 1 Lucius N. Uauss 4 I B. L- Arnold F. Tarwox Archibald 1 Kidder M.

Scott I Isaac Hampwn 1 403th boll calu Pound 13 William X. 11 Lucius N. F. Tarboa 1 Kidder M. Scott 2 E.

A. Hash H. L. Arnold Archibald Kennedy. T.

E. mtaworta HOIX CAUL. JohnE Peusd 12 i William M. White H. 1 I H.

1.. Arnold K-ou 4 Archibald LuausN. a. W. a.

Sutherland F. Tar box. 4 I T. E. KOLL CALX.

Jo'ioE. Pound li Kidder M. Sou 12 i William N. CanifB '6 Archibald F. Tarbox 4 T.

E. Eilswot lb 406TB SOU, CALL. Pound IS I Kidder Jf. Scott. B.

11 I William M. White. rt. tfaigs 4 A. fcjiswortn 1.

larbox Isaac Hampton. 40ra ROLL CALU JohnE Pound ISIKidaer M. Jmea H. Leomis 11 I William M. banea.

8 tl. s. larbox 3 uUC 410th roll call. John Pound 14 I wtlltam M. Wblte i James H.

Looou? .0 Lsac Hampton 1 H. Bangs 2 T. Ellsworth 2 H. Tarbox Robert if. Wiley 1 Kidder M.

ocott I Befcre ealllrg tbe roU for tbe 4 1 1th time. Jr-bn N. I)avidon, who had presided over tbe deliberations of tbe convention daring the en tire session, was obliged to leave tbe convea tion, and thanking tbe delegates for their courteous treatment of him, called Lieuten ant- governor G. G. Hosktns to the chair.

hea the call of Livingston county reached the name of George Whitehead, who had been substituted for George L. McDonald, that gentleman rose in his place and stated that te had come Into the convention as a substitute at the eleventh hour without piedzss, in structions or promises, and believing that Colonel T. E. Ellsworth would prove an ae- c- table candidate to tbe Republicans of his district he tbould vote for his nomination. The secretary then called the familiar roll tor the lest time with tbe following remit T.

E. Ellsworth 21 1 William M. 1 Judge BrundBge. 12 breac Hampton 1 KJduer a. ticott 4 1 J.

Pound 1 Tbe chairman announced tne nomination of Colonel Timothy E. Ellsworth as candidate fur senator, and tbe great deadlock was his trrv. On motion of A. O. Bunnell, ot Livingston, the nomination ot Colonel Ellsworth was made unanimcus.

A committee consUting of William C. Wat son, of Geceeee John E. Pound, of Niagara ttobert a. tvuey, ot Livingston, and L. id.

Humphrey, jr of Wyoming, were appointed a committee to notify Colonel Ellsworth of bis roDilnatlon. He soon entered the park where tbe convenUon was held and spoke sub stantially as follows Ma. PRKWnssr a2td GsTi.aKlt or Ttrs CotrvEK- tion I have een formally nouried by a committee from the convention that you have placed me in nomirailon as a candidate tor state senator for the dietrict where we reside. At the sauie time. In Ioase tc my I have bstji In formed of rt in wbico that nomination was made.

By reason ot that lAformation and what took place curing my presence in the convection a few boura ao, I find mrself ia a situation before )ou more embarrassing than any I ver experienced before. Toe information conveyed to was that tbe nomination was effected by the smrmativa votes of the delegates of the county fn in wbicb 1 come, the voles of the dele-gaiee of Wyoming county and the voteof one deie- iraie rrom i.ivintrstoa county. Tbe latter was siven by a irenth nian. whr. an I am informed, had uoi unm una uimoiiD actea a aelerate to this ci Bvt-nt on.

ard bs, 1 wa laformeij. had be-a ttitutedaa such delegale. aot la aocuro.aa.jv rr the aiiihoritv -iv, o. in nociMUMa telfil dei-gjw-e from Uvinrtun coua- ruiKti'ution in case of Tha: ra bwn suusiuted by an individual delegate from at county, anu aot by the delegation aa a bodv.

the authority for such suh-c-ttuiion reijuired. "Bt euttscuuei t'y my nom'narion h-l reaa nnabinv-tis by the votes of ail the delegates lrm cocatleS of Wvomimr nd NotwithstAmJioe thla latter i cannt-tcouceive the aomisalioa would hav ken I'la'-e hma It not been for the vote of Lb et--ate from LivirgMton, to whom I bave re- erred. he dilemma ia whicb I ttnd rnvw-lf. and a ni occauons me the embarrassment i feel. Is.

that after the long continued aesuon of the coo- "iitlcr. If 1 no not accent the norainatioa. the coaventioa will still be left to a lonjrer continuance in orcer to accomplish the purpose which brought them together; c-r. If 1 do accept it i cannot but feel, a I ah li time to time meet any gentleman a ho t- fce-e a delegate and too him in the eye. i should see there reflected the thought rbat 1 would aot have beea ia tbe position la which t.iat nonilaa-iOD nlaceu me esceot for thtt sirgle vote from Livinsn county, about wbicb it is claimea.

say the leaat, there Is eo much aa to Induce the suspicion that the aonjtiiatiofl WMlmtir elfNd. While 1 rxguira loin aiiujkuon, ana tne position to wnico nave reference, and ia which, should I de- me, ttie coaventioe won pieced, and which no one regreta more than mya-lf, I cannot but 1 ink ifcat 11 re i .1 one courM for ma to taaa. hhr.uld 1 tak-e any other, ft would leave me ia a I sirion. al ter what I said In the remarks 1 made a Wltburawirfr mtse-f from the consideration, of the in which I should foal that I bad funk my niADiiDess, and that those who are now rearing me aid beard me then, would conceive bat what said tiien was not eaid in tbe rood faith with which it waa said, sad with which 1 believe you credited me, 1 mutt, therefore, decline tUe ui ui luauuu. After Colonel Ellsworth had retired from be convention William C.

Watson, chairman of the omlng delegation, moved that ha be ir minated for candidate for senator by ac dentation. Pending this motion W. A. Sutherland, of LIvingMon, on a question of privilege, said bat toe delegate from ljtvtogHtoo. Mr.

Whitehead, who was substituted for George L. McDonald, cams into tne convention with as much regularity aa any delegate who had been substituted on the delegation with one xcrption. One substitute only was voted for by the delegation. The others all sat tn tbe conventina by the tacit consent ot tbe detega tion. Mr.

Whitehead's substitution therefore regular. The motion to nominate Uouroel lis worth by acclamation was carried and tbe committee gala notified bim of tbe action of tbe eon en tion. When he re-appeared he accepted i ha nomination In a tew appropriate words The convention than, at ft 25 o'clock, ad journed, with three cheers for tbe candidate, after being la session six days. lav Italian All are Invited to iuv store darirur the earning week and sea tbe eieaaol Una of new goods, oonabiicg ot almost a vary thing. R.

W. Waar, The Baaaar, 7 Main street Bridge. but ples or who net, a (b) a tbey I ties, tbe St. In the tbe was tbe a rj tbe the nt not ro! tell a the DHimilfl NOTES AND RaUSIVAai GOSSIP OF THE WEEK. be Drama oa tne Local a tax A rirat- Class Comedian Unappreciated Tha OperaClaa IB Hsliratssa Amateur Haala what taa ataa Stars anal Blanaaara Hral aaa Talk about Basic la Ml-Oeeaa, ata.

JOHH B. OLAJUCB. With th Imoteasioa that Jobu B. Clarke made, there ia firm ground for the bops should he visit Rochester again he would greeted with crowded Bouses nut of course is mere cr leas problematical, unless Indeed should take tbe precaution to announce a German dialect and one or two catching songs. One ot the floeel comedians la the world, be played to a mall audience at the Curiulhlan academy of muilo yesteraay afternoon, and in the evening there was a disgraceful array ot empty feats.

It was not ULSxpeoted, however, bat it is nevertheless a matter cf rtgret that so many of our citiseos missed one of the must flol'hed conaeiy performances ot in. day. As Dr. DanglMt tha matinee and Jeremtali bpytter In tbe evening, be gave to perfect creation. Indescribably funny, each a work of which will bear th oljs scrutiny, even to the mlnatet derail.

He seems to move in an atmoarnere humor quiet but penetrating, and tbe patfay of any audience is thoroughly en listed before the first word has issued irom nis To every lover ot true comedy his act- must be an unfailing source of pleasure, there is consolation in tha thought that small audiences were due alone to the fact ha was so little known. THE GALLEY SLAVS. Bartley Campbell' "Galley Blave company ia announced to appear at the Corfu- thian academy of music tne last tore nights the week, with a Saturday matinee. Galley Slave will be presented at performances, with the exception of Sa turday night, when Fairfax will be produced, by many thought to be one of tha strongest plays Campbell has ever written. company Includes Maud Granger, Guasie Forrest, Elsis Moore, Frank Brutus Booth, Thomas a.

earns ana others almost equally well known. the Mr. and Mrs. Florence are always surd of audience in this elty, and the thought ot booses Is the last fear that haunts the manager's brain. Tbey are to appear In The Mighty Dollar, at the Uortn thian academy ot music, Tuesday night and tbe fol lowing afternoon and Wednesday night.

For first time In this country tbey will produce new play Cherries Ripe, or Home Again. THE WORLD. The grand spectacular piece entitled The World, which had such a long run In New York, Is to be given at tbe Grand opera house Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, a Wednesday matinee. Tbe acenlc effects aald to surpass anything of the kind ever attempted in ibis city, and a large ballet will exert its soothing Influence upoa tha bald heads. Tbe piece la gorgecus In coloring and dramatic incidents are ot tbe most intense nature.

Large houea are assured. rtJH OS THE BRISTOL. Fun on the Bristol' is alway popular in city and tbe announcement that it-Is to be played at tbe Grand Opera house, Friday and Saturday nights, by the Jsrret aad Palmer combination will be received with pleasure by admirers of this branch ot the drama. Near all of the old member ot the company are retained, and It will be remembered that tbey gave an excellent performance. HAH5EBCH0B CONCERT.

The Rochester Mannerchor I announced to give its opening concert ot the season at tbe Coiintblan Academy of Music to-morrow venli and the well known character of the ortab'Strion ensures an entertainment of ex cent onal merit, Tae programme ha already peered In th se columns, and It is needless is; that it will be followed lo every- dotau. HIUFTT DCJtPTT. audience were large at the Grand opia bouse, yesterday, both In tbe after-not a and evening, and the Humpty Damp- nertormtnee was received wl every mikut favor. It is an excellent combine and the sueeeeafol attempt to vary tbe usual stereotyped style deserves every encour- agemens. DRAMATIC BOTES.

The Knights are trying to get Into a New York theater, to "make a run tor Baron Rudolph. 'Buffalo Bill derived hit nam from contracting for buffalo meat tor Jie Union Pacific railroad graders. Oliver Doud Byron and the 1 'Rooms for Rent" combination are shcrily to appear at tbe Grand opera bouse, Lizzie Price Fechter Is to be married ehr rtly to John McDoaoogh, ot Philadelphia, rich lumber merchant aod owner of the Eighth Street Theatre. Mrs. J.

H. Haekett la contemplating another tour. The lady ia amply backed by capital, and wishes to start out Immediately, opening at th Academy of Music, New York The senior Martlnettl of the family of that name wbicb appears with the Adams Humpty Dumpty troupe, played In Rochester tw enty four years ago. He is a panVamlmlc pioneer. William Ovlatt, tbe Indefatigable property man of the Corinthian academy, has been extending his domain, and now has one of the largest aa wall aa one ot tbe most complete 'cariosity shops' 1 In the country.

Signer Majeront will not go to Florida fcr his health, but Instead will sail for Paris In a few days, and pass the winter with his relative, Madame Riatori. Thence be goes to Italy, returning here next tall it ha be well ecuegb. It I not likely that th regular season ot tbe Union Square will open witu'The Lights ot London, because It cannot, la alt proba bllity, be got ready bo time. There is a great amount ot rehearsing to be done. Therefore tbe sea -toe will open with a revival, most ilkly, ot tbe 'Banker' Daughter, Al.

Follln, tbe husband ot Maude Gran gtr, will travel with her this season, the Dramatic Times aava, In tbe capacity of a number of her company. It will be hit first apt es ranee in public as an actor. Nevertbe-leee, his decision Is a wise one. He he bought a plsy for bis wife from John A. St-vens, aod she will a tar In it next season Miss Jennie Lee ha been specially unfortunate sines ber engagement tn Eogland, to tour tbe Un ted State under tbe manage n.ntof H.

J. Sargent. Her 'Poor Jo" baa been badly directed and haa consequently alien flat. Added to this Mis Lee lately de-potted ail her personal effects valued at $5, -000 ra the Morrell storage which wss com pletely de-rtroyed by tbe fire of last Moa lay n'tis. It 1 also reported that Mr.

Sarant lo longer ber manager. Mies Lotta la worth at tha present tlms arciut $500, 000. Soma time ago ehe milt a bed investment, wnich entailed a loss of 1 0, 000. At tbat time she onnaidsred Bar s- orth $000,000. She has made up o0, 000 of tbat amount since.

Mr Booth fnrtuna at present, be himself estimate at $450. 000, but It runs a little over coat at preeent values. Without doubt thess to psonla are tbe richest in the dramatic line in the country. Mr. Jefferaon comes next.

Mr sod-uuoagh Is rapidly advening towards rtt bea. In the past three years ta haa made 40, 000. but he haa spent the greater nor- tino of tbat In paying np his debts. These are new about all done with, aod at tbe present rata of profit Mr. McCnllough should be very w-aitbv to a short time.

He can make ab jus t'0, OOOayear in his business. Byrne's Drsmatto Time. J. H. Hill, a Chicago clothier, ami also mm user of traveling shows, took the young woman recently known In thle dty aa Maggla tintgnt, but now caned Margaret Mathers, to Lice go, and the followiog I what tbe Naws Letter say about the exhibition Mies rV.ateers gave a private reading at the Grant Pacific tbe other day, at least that ia what Mr.

Htil chose to call it, but tae took special pan to make every Item connected with the as public as possible. Of course the slu.h gtitbera ot our dally newspaper fairly leaned themselves into wild enthusiasm over the lady, although It ts darkly bio ted that out of the critic In the city only on waa present at tbe rtauitg. How true this may be do aot venture to say, but tha exquisite notice of ti.a Isay 's abilities which appeared the following morning were something never to he trgntten. Win Mathers, from all reliable account, is a very coaimonplao young woman with a da sire tor the rtage. Hill ta working her for all the Is, or Is not, worth daring tbe year which precede ber first appeereao on tha stag.

Of course It I to bis interest to have her talked and written about as much aa possible, but tt.sat private reading and public reports ot the seme will have little or no effect npooterulble-Bticded people. 'Mercury. MUSICAL MATTERS. A manseer famed, whom the lads all know, Vas waieliliiir his oineic rehearwe, Ard noticed noma time that the ttuus didn't blow Ho be went for that chap with a curwe, Ilia (trior fellow replied, with an air quite dis-treae'd. For ha dickens, he saw.

was to pay blr, I've ia the score a few liars of rest." hays tha meaager: Loailng I Just aa I gtteaaed I I don't pay ou to rant, but to play 1 Exchange, Miss Minnie Bank has bscouia ah wife of tha Chevalier Krnai Von tieeee- Wartegg, a Vleneee journalist fie visited this country to last tbe of and tbe boy Tbe the Tim ing half on tbii and wai last ed W. pot the half a million of dollars, almost all cf It made thrtugh Gilbert and Sullivan. Dramatic a. Manager Mapleson'a son Charles In speak of the concert given by the Mapleaoo opera artist bo mid-ocean aoon after a storm, sua A curious thing about this concert was that of th people wbo took part came to me the morning of the performance and wanted to sing something sacred, a prayer or eome- ot tbat kind tbey were all superstitious tbe storm had scared them they did not to go down with a secular piece on tbeir programme. So our entertainment tarn out to be quite sacred concert.

It waa a true case of When the Devil wa Sick, etc." The following new music has been re-celvtd from Oliver Dirson Co. Roch ester Bella, by Marziels Cralgie Burn Wcod, a Scotch ballad, by Strachaner 4 Starlight on tha River' a ballad, by Edwin Christie "A Funeral Anthem, by Tucternian President Garfield March, Am ebian Pared March, by Micfaaeles; 'Wst! Wttl Wstl Galop," by Cbotes; "Ihlrplng Birds' Polka, by Le Baron; Tbe Forest Echo, by J. T. Qulgg Quadrille from BiUIe Taylor. From F.

Helmlck, Cincinnati, O. A long entitled 4 Never go hack on a traveling man. It la understood tbat the Opera Club la to laced on an amateur basis once more and thst hereafter th operas rendered will be by our home talent. Tbe performances of this ular organization have been fast losing tte amateur character and assuming more proportion ot a semi professional com pair, tbe principal roles beiog In the bands of hired for tbe purpose. The de clsiuu ot the club In this matter I a arise one, for tne public will certainly have an Inters' and pride tn supporting an organization wnos perfurmauces are strictly ot an roa'eu-cbsraoter, tbat uld not be expected if th case were otherwise.

A hitherto unknown opera by Dou'zstt'ft entitled li Duca d' Alba, which ha beev locked up in a box for thirty years, ha rect ntly been discovered. Sig. Fiiippl, musical ritlcof the Preeeveranza, make th fol low 'tig declarations ree pec ting the recently discovered score The score of li Duca d'. Alba' exists; we bave seen It with our own eyes, shut up in a tin box, and every aot has still its seal in act. The score has re-matt ed for thirty year closed in a tin box, with teals, which bave been broken and oper ed tn the presence of a notary and the con tree ting parties.

There has been found tbe con plete orchestration of all th acta, and ail Dy i nand ot Dsnizet'i, whose character I eaiy to recognise. Tea paper la yellowish, and bears all the traces of thirty years' im prisonment. We believe that only in the fourth act tbe music and Instrumentation of sotre recitative are wantlcg but the essential pait la there complete, aa It waa In Meyer beer's Africans, where also soma trilling detail were missing. Tbe fact 1 that, from tba examination which made, the Doca d' Alba" appears to be entirely con posed by Donizetti, lngtrnme.ritali.aed by hint, and, what is most important, fit to be represented. Winter Stock: or BlacK Ooodt 71 urn-la DepartmeBt, Burke, FltzBlmons, Hon Co.

make this department one of tbe most Important In their boure. Every article wanted, from the lowest cost to tbe beet, can alway be found in it-Henrietta cloth, imperial serge, all-wool drapd'Alma, India cashmere. Jersey cord. black granite, black arm urea, black oamei's bai', nun's serge, jet black cashmere, black anion crepe, reratan cords, drap ete. Englteb Bombazine, Tamis cloth, all-wool era cloths, black flannel, black 6-4 cloth, black 6 4 wool Stclten and many medi um and heavy wide fabrics in jet black, circulars, ptionah-e and wraps, with a full etc.

of crape ruchlog, black bordered hand kerchiefs, black Thibet shawls, and every wtc to In black Koglisb crapes, al right price. Corner Main and St. Paul streets. ttatttin aft NKWS. Concert and ball of tn Rochester Turn Zotgltng Veretn to-morrow night.

Both the Mx-nnerchor and Llederkracz Irglrg scctetit bava concert to morrow evening. The PeL-aner Post cadet will hereafter be drlUed in Ursprung's hall corner of Atwater and Chatham streets, by Commander John Bei.o. A new aaving and aid areoclation Is to be IoiuhhI in J. Kremb's hurtuese place, corner ClmtcB street and Buchan Park to-morrow evenlr g. Instead of th usual (acred Concert, an optical entertainment under th managem-n 4 J.

in Bracher, will be hed at Genesee Fallt peak to-night. Tbe young men' loclety ot Salem church will hold a musical entertainment oa Wedne day eventrg, November Wtb, at tbeir rooms Tre proceeds of tbe entertainment are to bs for tbe benefit ot the library fund. Tba bearing on the Stcll and Mar burger pri irty before tbe Central railroad commits etori eaa been postponed froru Monday to Tueodsy morning at 9 o'clock, before Com mltelr ners Perry, Morey and Key, at the or r.awara narrir. Among tba attractions of the coming Lit dertafel concert ts a chorus from Gypsy life. In seven numbers by Becker, to be suns by ibe combined chorus of male aad female voices, numbering In all some fifty or sixty.

All the scenery and ooslume will partake ot toe uypey character. A Baker's union waa formed In this city ouncay in r. shop, Ho, CUntoi met. with th following ouloars: Klenl Oeo. F.

Be-in icc-Hreeidenr Joeeph Wieaner. P-cierary Oeor-are Bcblcker. JrranurerF. Keaet. George Relth ha given to Major Spahn otrmrnemorativ ot the Prancrj- rr nw ran war, wntcn area given by tha emperor of Germany to the soldiers who took pert in- tbst campaign.

The major baa not yrt. found tbe prtzs medal which recently mrt. Har Vrlaanara Arralaaaa. Yesterday morning tba court of oyer and tei miner convened and arraigned several more Irrtrctid prlarmera. The pleading in wee, with a single correction ot tauten oa, are given neaow The People vs.

Thomas Pan non, Rlward Crampt artu utun irargiary, intra atrgrwS. Aaca arraiKne.1 anil pleaded not EUtliy. The People v. Charles Hrichlsr. Burglary, third derrree.

Pleaded not nilliv. The l'opla va. urtmoy T. eaten. Orand lar ceny, two rndrctmenta.

l'leaded aot aulltr. 1'lie Peotl vs John Duly, hulli-ted for arson, Hiiro deirree. and atrenced lti rite Rlmipa rwf.trm- autrv, June 114. 1-oett. he at that time Kivlng hia aa i w-treittcn yearn, anti it navlGg beau alitiwa that nt- la or the ae of fouruutn, sentence corrected 1 ti uriaunar aerir.

mi western nousa or refuge. Tba circuit court and court ot oyer and ter miner were then adjourned until Monday, urmnrar, tool, as 1U dock, i Assemble bis Nominated. special dispatch so the Democrat and Chronicle Pang Yaw, N. Oct. Si 188V.

John T. Andrews lid was nominated for th aeeem- hly on the nineteenth ballot, at tha Republican rouuty cony en Ut to day. any tba 1, at beat aod cold, and are taa toest I Oi rice ever snad. Price are namai tbat every on caa carry a watch. hlui to tbe plana, aod aoon after achate catca hack duwa Exchange street In a back, bavlag with hlru a trunk.

He drove to Fund's hotel on Front strew, and carried tb trunk to a qoertrta and Chief McLean detailed Officer list den and Detective Lynch to InvesUgats tbe matter. Tbey soon found the coat In taa pawn ofree of Wheeler Wilson, where It Baadt-Maa ana Caataaa FitsUerald wWhea to say that be hrwV gords daily, and that bt stock of raw 'I clothbtg for fall and winter oooil-i eta i rice are far below all VDVtwlirek cuett drtine. I (x-ked wit aad dtueatK) goods aud all gwntleraes ((J of fin goods at rewronabla dgures r. to call at 8tl Wast Maiastr, Elwoe NO skWi.T established store -Uf In Roonesfar aa baa Hu!" candy stora, at tba entrance w. Tbe t.aacn it tbat vry kind ot ZA iloiw, and fresh every time, a thrra, and can ba bought cheap.

Tbe borne comfort chair aoaet rl ately nan ed, tor it adord af that and also a full nn .1 thdadtyleaa rvh t' tA store at G. 8 Parley, So. treat. room np stair. Havdwn bad nbtarvewi tb niaa v.

lib suspicion and followed him to th hotel, and later In the day he went to hi room and examined the trunk. It contained a quantity ut underwear aod other w-axtnt: ap had been left asbort ma Del ore ny a stranger wbo raised tl 60 on it. Tbe thief baa not yet ben eap a ad. Befobb the prist of coal advances any Biora, it will beooove consumers to put In their winter stock. Tty cannot get better coal at tne low aw figures than at Rashes' coal yard, on ttoasfc avenue, near the canal tirtdga.

pat el, two sample ease of perfumery marked A. Bplrhlar, and one sample case of lao marked Haaeitlne, Wvlcbar Co. A the coetterita of tba trunk broked vary sa.ptattiua, th otnosr a Treated Kanhew and rortgad htm tn a rail, and also bad tba aruuk takaa to head quarter. Th matter will further lovri-Ugaled to-day, a.

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