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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CII RO NTC LE WEDNESDAYS "MAY. 21, 1873. IfOOsU aVJTD STATTOmEaKTa C0MOS rCl nwiOATIOBBJ J)emocrat and Chronicle. Aid. Masder moved to proceed to ballot for four additional member of (he poor committer Aid.

Cowlee The resolution is out of order. Aid. Mauder We'll Be whether it is or Mrlamton, lee Besea, Fitters, water coolers, and th Sew Empire Improved Cooking; Stove, eonstrocted oa the sans scientific principle, at T- Kxzui'a, 06 Main street, opposite tbe Osborn House. TW rrwt Nimi IH1a Ytn rime hw Ki 1b hnr BOOB AJTD STATI OazB T) ASEBICAX TRACT SOCIKTT General Sunday ScHaol DgsrJrj o. state (ITZ FIRST EDITION OP 1,000 COPIES Of th.

sew Bsadsr Beaeol "Anrtn "ROYAL DIADEM" Wtal irate el the First BesvM Cserrk. We were present hwt evening at a ssost delightful entertainment given by tbe yoerag ladies society of the First Baptist church, ia which toe four Baptist churches of this citv participebMi, vis. the First church, the Heoond church, the East Avenue church and the Lake Avenue church, Tbe program tn of the evening seems to have been specially arranged by those who have tbe knack of making an enjoyable occasion for ail present. Tbeopeaing exercises comprised a piano duett exceedingly well rendered by Mns Hattie Judson and brother followed by a song from Miss Margie Smith who possesses a voice of peculiar sweetness, a piano solo by Mas Ida Sattertee who played with very fine expression and conception, a song by Mrs. Mixer which added a charm to the evening, aa enlivening piano solo by Mrs.

Beardsley. song br Mis Barrett heartily encored, a piano solo by Mr. Wil-kins of whom praise is needless, and a vocal duett which was perhaps the cream of the evening, by Mr. Wilkin and Mrs. Henry Dean.

After this portion of the regular programme had been performed, J. D. Reid was called upon for a song, which he responded to and prefaced by some decidedly funny and original remarks, in his oiDd'i eye looking into tbe vista of the future and portraying the American congress of 1973, which, in keeping with the progressive influences of this generation and the next, was composed of boys from' eight to fourteen years he then, in lisping accents, rendered the typical speech of that era. and when the applause that greeted it had subeidea, he ssig a song, or a some thing, which was one of tbe most laughable things we ever listened to and was as original as it was ludicrous. When the merriment caused by his singing, speaking and acting had subsided, Professor Hopkins was called upon tor remarks, who then arose and said that he should be most happy to make a speech but for the fact that he was afliicted with that troublesome complaint, which seem to belong especially to editors modesty.

A collection was taken to help defray the expenses of a new piano from Gibbon Stone, purchased by the young ladies the church for the Sabbath school. The assembly were then Invited below to partake of the sumptuous fare provided for the occasion. They had ice cream, chocolate cake, cocoanot cake, spongecake, lemon cake and other cakes to numerous to mention, together with fruits and candies, which amply ministered to the wants of the inner man. It was, taken altogether a most charming evening, and has, we think, established precedent which will we trust be followed by another of the same nature at no distant day. In closing, we wish to return thanks to the young ladies of this church for the attention which they bestowed upon all those present, and which is deserving of real praise.

They are very lady -Eke and very sensible, and as effective and useful as they are intelligent and pleasant. ereet tiBriakJers. We have no doubt that, when considered in the calm, impartial light of the nineteenth century, street sprinklers are endowed with attributes which fully entitle them to our careful forethought, and call from us the reluctant admission that, though not distinguished by any outward marks of splendid pageantry, posterity win cot deny to them the applicability of the came of blessings in disguise. We of the present generation, too, are not entirely heedless to the merits which they possess and which often, despite ourselves and our own natural blindness, command our earnest attention. Of ten we have seen young men going through life with no discernible soul inspiring motive, clothed in lavender panta of most delicate hue, encompassed with coat tails of elaborate symmetry, faultless in gloves, cane and necktie, moving carelessly along through tbe busy scenes of life, suddenly, apprehend ing no danger, aa it were, drenched, ftosked.

et, bedaubed, and all the while the sprin kler teems to mutter, "as a vesture a halt thou change them. 1 These young men passed then from the scenes of a gay world and, doubtless, devoted themselves for a time, at least, to some useful vocation, perhaps in no lesser way than by promoting the interests of agriculture by lingering around the cornfields. Who, after having witnessed such a transformation as this can doubt that sprinkling, when properly administered is a power of singular efficacy. Again have we seen a lady appareled in all tbe artistic taste and combined elegance of modern fashion, moving grandly and superbly down the ample avenues of our city, actuated doubtless by an over-anxiety to cross the street before the sprinkler the ill-omened apparition of fashion has sufficiently passed on its eventful journey and wearing a beau tiful dress, artfully contrived by the skill of artists to old within its folds and flounces every particle of dust that can light upon the surface, receive a baptism, which in the twinkling of an eye changes the delicious shades to more variegated but less permanent hues. So one can deny that this was a blessing no husband's pocket book can fail to acknowledge the compliment to its powers of endurance, no one can have the brainless assurance to sug gest that the treat object of street sprinklers is to sprinkle streets instead of humanity no one in fact could desire a more permanent or lasting power for tbe conversion of mankind.

the ruin of false taste in dress, or the utter destruction of the pride and vanity that walketh abroad. niadz Bar Fees. Thomas Gardner, who has been missing for ten da vs. and who was supposed to be drowned, was found in the race at 8 o'clock this morning, by the night miller in Chase, Ford Smith 's mills. He was taken out and laid in the mill, and the coroner and his pa rents sent for.

Boar efFsblie Werks. Rochester, May 30, 1S73. Present Commissioner vv araer, F-urcen, hiebsrd. rvi iwiDnfr Warner in the chair. On motion of Commissioner FurcelL bids for tbe following improvements were opened and awarded: Pipe sewer in Anson pars; to Kauber ViM-inus for iti.

Smith street plank wait to I nomrs btetson for 60. Hrnrv street plank walk to i nomas stetson for i33. t. Com. Heoard moved that the ordinance for pipe sewer in Oakland park be referred back to the surveyor with instructions to in crease the estimate to 5U0.

Carried. ii da for rat avenue improvement were texuporarUT laid upon the tame upon motion OI arcier. A. B.

McConneu was swarded toe follow ine contracts: Broad street sewer for 50: lliue street sewer lor uua. vo uuer street a er for tvi, vt J. Kutter cnambers were awarded the contract fur grading Seward street for SI. 943 Tbe above were the lowest bidders for the izxi oru vements named. Ev Com.

Hebard Resolved. That the suiierintendent be requested to see that Clar isa street, at the west end of the bridge, be rer aired at once. Adopted. Bv Com. Htbard Resolved, That the superintendent cum aaswortn square, ana that he reuuest the nnnctpal of school num ber 13 to forbid the children of the school playing in said square, until further orders from this board, with tbe view of allowing the gnm to grow in tbe park.

Adopted. Ev Com. Hebard Resolved, That tbe superintendent be requested to examine into the condition of Kmmett street sever, and reoort to this board. Adopted. Resolved, That the clerk notify the public through the daily papers that all partita will be prosecuted who open any street for lateral sewers or otner purposes wtiooui nrsx pro curing a permit Irom tms ooara.

Taos. J. NsvtLia, dark. Flaawa. Or a a aa Faratiare.

We will promptly remove, box, pack and ship piano, and guarantee satisfaction, at low price. Boxes for sale cheap. Orders left at H. 8. Mackie's piano, organ and music store, Stats street, will be immediately attended to a competent manner.

H. Patterson Co. BalMta La A Notice of meeting printed on th back of postal cards, neat and promptly done at this cfiice. aT Tbe committee appointed, by th general comn-Uas on the 5th innt. are requested to meet in the bhikhi room of the Ryaa Zouaves on Thursday, th 23d test.

at o'clock p. m. fur the purpose of perfactiEg final ar-riirteot for Decoration Day. It i -seutial that every nmciiher should presat. By order of the general committee.

A. H. Bai BA.i, secretary. Aarciaa nata4 Fae ttaila. rails will he Sold atpubhe auction, to the highest bddr, oa th Fool farm.

Jay street, Friday, May 23d, at 10 a. m. By order of Jay street and FoUfarw building lot anawristmiv BOOKS AWO ST ATI OlfXRT Novelties! Royal Irisli Iinen NOTE PAPERS Flsae and Cuaniahed Surface. Overland Note, rFarJa OorrospoTlenfW Portable Inkstand, For Towruta. Nickel Honnted Portemonnaiev, la Baasta Leather.

CHOICE COODS bow every day. SCRAfiTOEI WEHOEE No. 12 State Street. ART DEPOT. 0CE NEW STTLES OF PICTURE FRAMES AA nroaosneed hy te th BET hi to market.

BOTH LM DBSIGM AXO ITXInH. With sxtcBde (iMta tor ssaaajrnsawrtac. sea nrowAlae to ay order atom aromptlr. C. W.

WOODWARD, 126 State Street. FOR SALE! TtBEoclESterBraclCElWs Tne above well eetabl iebed boxtnesf wiB be dtspoeed of to th party who baa the eooravfe to take bo4d of tbe most prodtabte ananafadnrln basin eas for aaia. I will be a rtTMoaer to tbe ex-vent of abowt U.dQ0 par Kontb. at a larae prodt to the maaofaurwr. or will drspoee of my entire trade tn that elae of vooda to bits.

It cab be ran profitably with few hands, or sales enaM easily be made for aJI the rood fifty hands eon Id make. Appiy at Vi STATE TREXT. C. W. WOODWARD.

FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE or erry property. ISO Acre of Farmln aad Woodlsnd, within on mite of Bed Win-. Minn- Pries BvstAli or far oaah wlii asaks a liberal discount. C. W.

WOODWARD, 126 State Street. Lale Amis Lot for Salt, Foranromoeatrln; to wnlle! la a rood seisiiBOv- hood. there la ao ehotosr Lot In the marke. sts 0z2M feet, with aa In the rear Mill fee. Apply to C.

W. WOODWARD, 126 State Street. ICE. ICE! ICE! PURE ICE! Spring: Fonntain Ic I HAVE SOLD the entire Spring; Prwmtajw Property to Cot. Wss, boenon.

I reeofa-aoend to all my former eataien to tnUQa4 ta.iaf loe of bixxL. as be is tbe oni one harizur uie SFBLNG FODHTAIN ICS! Of wblcb he baa a fail saiply. February lat, IsTs. li. DOTT.

KaTlnr boocht the abora basiQeea. and hatn. i cured a gooa crop oi Pure prmg rountain ics, BBS I am prepared to supply FamiHf, Hotels and etben at as reaaonabie mtea aa a like eao be had e4ewbere. 1 wonld aity solicit tbe perna? of the old ntomrs1 and of as msuiy new ones as wilt favor me sntn tn-r enetom. tsy isor aaaansr i aoau vn merit their cnOrtenoe.

left at tbe office, 7 A or tbrcith tbe iravtl, prompUy attended v. jutcb ISA, laTtS. Ji SJisaau MTJSIO A XT ART. 15,000 COPIES SOLD or nrrsow A GEMS OF STRAUSS aO tbe bee. 9traoaa WaUtaev Pntkaa, Xa.

nrfcss. GalopeQriwadrines, Ao. L56d pa-res,) PriC9 aJ.M. This axtraordinsry eoUecttow of traus beat mrtate nas acnteTeo a frreat Kucfm sja emian sziereai-tKn has been is bed tbe popaisr and stead-liy increasing demand; 15.0UU coptes suil since Norember iar-t testify to its popa-IsjitT. Among its lem.

are tae tten and oT1, "-Mw fjAfiic iaaaa, Artists Geais as Life." "Bnyl Btma," Msr-najteBeU," and nfty a I teT CMstoato" Folk Oear the Track," G.iop: IB. Heart. fne Sonr' OF OF Strauss Strauss Isasurka; and twenty other ehatx Polkiis.alararkns.Oaa-dnlles. ic. Price Sl aS In board covers: SI in oloth; St In Ao Jnrt published, Straus Daece Musi for Violin and piano," hetn a eoiieoti.m ef th beet Straus.

Steele, ecttvey arrang. for Plsno and Violin Prtoe fl.S). fcy ail Buvk and Mast Dealer. PnbUahed hr CHil). H.

DITMOl efe CO. 911 Bratiwty, Hew Yrk. OUTIK CO, Baetea. splMiwy GIBBONS STONE, MAAXTAC-rCaA OAT FIRTM7T.A FIASOft IB ILL TY1.KJ. arvarv baMraaMBt Warraated for bv year.

nia IT IMS-at tin' I Bi STATI a rr ti MannfawOry. Mj. ftontb Pal etreet. saa 4e cakfetb ajtd oa cxxxriu. CARPETS! HAVE AX ASSORTMENT Of EDglisyoflyBnissels Of later deeJxaathan have yet beea shown hare.

Also an Bezant 9Coca of INGRAIN CARPETS! ROGERS C0PEB8E. 14 Exchange-St. Carpets! Carpets! kav fast added to onr lmmuss stoeS 43a ateees Carpet, eoosisuns of TBLTKTH, BOOT and TAFEfTHY BstC -rLTS and IKGKaIMH. Ao, aOO pieoa MATTlUMHsad 1 JO mosof OIL. 1-OTH-.

MAT-. DirO KTri, As. ABnof BOUY BktfwLj at tj par yard; Tapestry do. at IO ailBn per yard; iiKf st 9 shiUln per yard. Our assortment la lint la Bverr parsMO.

Any oa swrta Carpeta will A BOHIV hr eramliaa oar Kx. KOWE ROGERS 3T State JstFeet. ROOMS TO RXXT. To Rent. STJITES Or ROOitS aad Kmjrle Room for ogi haamd By Mta an vary dawraaia la vry reteea ta third swrv ut onr new aoUdta.

Bxchans aw. BBUTtl, FlkkLI fUf 1 and 1 St.raen.e trwV ROOMS TO RENT I WITH POWER! No. 1 Aqueduct-St LKVlClaB OV maStdtf K. B. a 81 Pa two.

Rooms to Rent. OOREK of btt and Mumford krxa. tajntn ol seaar Iswv i'jasatoa in utaans Aaen BOTH OS coxsrjM pnnw Prica clavbjc joEursroM-s "I E5TE BOOKS A tares variety a aawyra. Sa Mh. BUY THE BEST I mm mmm THE PHILADELPHIA LAWW MOWER U8ID BY KCRokklMRS AS OH All te Best Lams ia RocMsr ir Flvw HaBdre aaa EUratT-wae sold by In this vicinity ks th past three season.

tr-EaM VVewt. at Uease aa4 A brand. It prres ruetf the Fwwalar Faverttev aad axeecd la sale all ether pvt tjwtnr. Every Wachino Warrantad Pliif B-l Inrh Cat IB 5 DewcnpwTe Clrclrs tent 00 explication. STEKLK AVEISV, 44 46 State-St.

Alv for sale by Argute for Centrai "ewTirh: J. 1' wckint-iey, Hs.rdwtmm. BaitaUo sareet; jsnai TirA. b-sie street. Law Registers, Justice Dockets, Grain Receipt Books Hay Scale Books, Livery Registers, ALWAYS IN STOCK AT GEO.

L. STRATTON CO 41 and 43 Exchue Street. GROCERIES. C- EWTLEWK7T wfehins; a Oenuine Havaaa A fni, em Bod roll aaaortmet nf si' popaiar tvs-osM t-V. Oppomt tNjamra iloasa.

DRIED BEEF, Smoked Trmeuea, Bweet Piekie Uanselef my oww en nno. Meat BUr ere) niie. CodliS. rHXned jslav, aarilUMa, an, a treeh lot )uat received by B. F.

HYDE. Bl Wall HAVE Jl'ST RECEITEn a fresh as- 1 tort ml of Hentley A Palmer' tUh Blseolt la the f.tllnwln iMovtmit Muk. Tan'lle, mural, Coeuaont. ChoeobMe Wafer and I4frt 10, BVistoB. Xxoetxlor and Qraham Crackers.

E. F. HYDE, 64 Main-St. a dtf LAWITA GOODS, New Goods FOR LADIES I WE ABE DAILY OPUSIXQ SUCH X0T- EL TIES for Ladit a the season oftr in. FURyiSHIXQ and FAXCT ARTICLES.

Our general line of i ton tttJl knoten to need tnumeralion. EVERT DEPARTME31 ti Al-TRACTIVE. We inzite four early inspection. EVrDOWELL CO. SSSute, Car.

auknvei. HAIR WORK. XUes EG AM A HACK, Over 4 ftnie-r--, Baa 4, Blwaw4 Bliek lpposlt Power' Blook), (srmacTwcr of Seileh, Band. C'urU. Ladies' Ventilated Wtat amd Patches from the BEST Hair.

Ldies II air tantefuiiy Dressed for Parties. AU orders promptly attended to. Ml A. J. EU11.

Mia Si. J. MICK, myl3drn.y NEW GOODS! C. CAtlLET CO. Have ia store Splendid Assortment of Cros Grain Ribbons, Irenes no war.

Hat and Bonnet. SILK FllLNGES, Pajseroec varies. Dree BaUon and Ornament. BUL UCIS BrwAset Laeea. Black Crap, Yell.

Kid Glove. Tie, and seaaral Jt Drees Trimmicgs, Mlllberv and Fancy 6o Towhwh are added ALL rKSIRRT.B NOVRinM aa hus a they atiprar. All of which suil at the LOWEST MAKKKT PBirsH. at Xo. 66 STATE STREET.

BlMVJ C. CAl'LKT Be VO. MES. lYILBUE GRIFFIN, Ao. 56 Stale street.

JATEST 8TTLE3 CIRLS, W4TEHFALU, UAIR JEWELRT. ICLf YENTILATEO WlCiS, A TOILET ARTICLES. Ladies' Hair TastefoUy aad Care fully Draaaed. Mil XJEKT. MILLINERY -AMD FANCY GOODS! Ladies' and Trimmed and Vn- trimmed HATS and BOX SETS and rURSISUiyO GOOI.S Ladtes' Beady-Mads Suits, Ribbons, Loots, VtU Breuiges, Gloves, Hosiery, Unop Skirts and Corsets of VER saristy.

Jjrtss Tvwjwrtsns, Sotions and a FULL assortment of REAL UAIR SWITCHES eonstanllyonKand, at K. T. GRAHAM'S, 91 E. Main-St. SAVUIGS BAJTBLB.

UECHiMlCr tAVlMSl Bill. IB aad IS lukssn atuwec. BarBewt. B. FEB CE3TT.

B3 teres sUMrwrw oa Vposita nssrlli the dat oT AepiMlt, to ta kf. a. at he kin i -moaka ia wataa a i dxasra. wamsvy. aitaagfct a The East Side 8stIiiss Bank PAYS BIX ITER CEST frma BUS JSb flspraaita wtare tmmy remain laws Utsa j-f.

P. H. TlKlJa. II ssi sin i msw mtMf ifiasata ea awTe4 axawaras tm tjwOTs4 jiwdsT mm sU3fOTaVZwU REMOVsAL. X.

LOWE, Dentist, HAS REMOVED from DO BolTalo UiiH to to tbe testae (rir e4 Mei su.4 rrwms was iMitsw uvijsMi ua iiihgivaa CBinaaice mvm Bl VI Removed. THK VACCTM OIL COMPA5T have n-w saawad tar uao trum o. 1 aUus swwM Bnas ltt Povrerbj' Ulool-. T' onn thwmatrv ielnalTlv to ll.e hoiaaal -rrad. shtntan Ul rcust direot Iraa ana stum Mrarta.

Oar Betall Trwa. l.riu a w- Ttlrtl." II Wont 4RI ITIL ISO TnlM PtBars. mt aw. I A ammwi A rw5at a B. I IS yc IT RfpfMI f.l tian a I mi Ktw rcw boas.

T-w 'aw -ro" i fi3l 4-. Awa t7M AMdl'. a-J erl-0 SVAB. cuiuim BOAS. 1 IM KJT.

Train A rive. SALUI BOAB. I Y. F.Ttr--. Ul.

r.y Bti 2 t' m. Ae'" -htatv-iMt' a RHmo-r le Ktjwww AmomBtflU'i m. KxprMi i yjb p. m. I.i ti A nr a J.

CAIUrtt EOiD t- m. I i msnta and IsviU Sotiet mmd f-WpeBMir. I. D. lorl.

Mtnatsm. H. H. terkna. fMOol TMbhC.

Hcer7. tNI proceeduiga oo third page. vportaawn had trap shoot e. Cooductor Ciuck, kiiUng the BjMwuibly yMtrrday aa- i cter to kanae it bonds to the i 00, to build a free academy. of Jionist Hope areaa, acci- mtiu.

ooa-n aod broke one of her nix Biie attended by Dr. Daly. Uperiifcatio for reindnxing the county records can be aeen by calling oa the clerk of the board of usvertmm, Lumber 3 BuSalo trret. The aactioo Bale of feooe rail on the J'or-I (arm, htch as anooaooed to come ol 4 -a the -Xh iiist. ha been changed to the 2d itutl.

He aoai'iiQfment elsewhere. That beaotiful drama, Kathleen Ma-votuurfa, will be produced at the Opera Luske thu evenicgi The new management BieeUiig wiUi full meaAore of popular Tur. The new V.hl now aaed as ao omameat at the Uip of the tower in Power block, has 1en frequently mistaken fjr the weather signal. The color I of eitner one should be i hanged. I A trkc was arrested at Buffalo on STon-fcir ruiiiar.

oil with a onifurm bekoiag the Knock of this city. The lotMnj was and the offender re I The funeral of Mr. Itr. Barnes, whoso death wa nolice.1 in our yesterday 's i-mie, wiH be held on Thuraday at 10 o'clock m. at the residtuice of her brother, 8.

Wilbanan, 79 Us atreet. The builiiig lot aaaoctati'jn which owoc land Dear the proposed driTtmr park, has ttreti overroa with applicationi for membership ainoe the paik aoeif.tkn cfaoe iu rututds in that locality. It i reported that a brutal husband, whose name, unfortunately, we hare not Leen able to get, beat his wife on Sunday, broke two of her riba. The.police bare received bo notice of the caae. The thcrmoiaeter at 7 a.

m. yesterday 3 p. m. bi'i 4.80 p. m.

64; p. m. 5r; 11 p. m. 5ft.

Barometer hih and steady; weather cloudy and cool; fresh to brisk tl-rly wind, Kcport receired give gentle theriy cloudy, threatening weather with areas of light rain. The trotter Idy Allen was being driven I Dennis Mahoney yesterday on the BuiTalo road, and whea near the railroad crossing was frightened by a paasing locomotive. Slahiioey was thrown from his seat, and the afrnpl ran through Maio street and brought up finally at Wright's t-very stable. Nothing serioos happened to either horse or driver. The mrrub of a most worthy young teiiUemAn, connected with a prominent dry goods bouse of this city, and an eatunable tdy, member of the Immaculate Conception church, which took place at St.

Mary's hurch last eventng, attracted an immense ssiwml laj-n of friends and well wisher. Tae hppy ooujJe departed on their tour with the i.rthuwt prospecU, and that they may be jiniled is our only wish. Lartaa af f1T KsOl Cwr -mr. i announced that the corner stone of the lew city hall will be laid, with the ecremo-liiti troper tor so eventful oooaaion, oa the i of the present month. It is esperted that all public officers of the city, the military, the fire department, and nU Bucjctkes civil and military, will juutioi-i fctn in the honors of the event.

HrfH-cttb the stone wOl be deposited such articles and mementovs of pubhc interest as are beicg eQcted for that purpose. Huital-ie coiitrtbuUoSis to be deposited la the receptacle, are solicited from the citi- ti tins city, and will be received by the rierk of the oummusioners at their ofiioe in I'd en's tiiding. TW Dtucn as KilrM4 Crswalasa. TsoButaiot Mercy had a very narrow nut frau fearful accident at the Bophia uret eroding of the Central railroad yester day. The driver of the carriage In whiph they were seated bad been motioned to ad vaace, but did so oly, and by this delay taeearnagB while on the track was nearly iivertakea by a switch engine employed ill shirting the freight rikrs in that vicinity.

The ltttouUve struck the rear of the carriage avaagdamaged the vehicle to some extent. The rtistcm, seeing their peril, screamed in af fright. Fortunately the carriage had passed beyond the point of danger ost in tiota, and they eeraped uuiiijurod, Trtaits C-haxch. Trinity church was WU filled last evening the occasjou of the st-com! of the series of 'IUTauoB lf" serviee la the ErasoopaJ churches of the eity. The ET.

Xr. Thomp- bv of Sew Ytirk preached th sermosi oo the text "Art Thou Be that should coma, or look we for another, and the Master's r- to this saes tion of John the Baptist. The subject was must ably treated in lr. Thump- sub's bruad, clear and original method. Tho next Joint aorvios ill be hald this Wednesday BveaiBg at Christ church.

East aveDoe. The sermon will be prvachod by BbhtipCoxs. 11mm ttarved aa SB CeatraJ BaUrssia. (lie of the carW a freight tram which Wt this citv hue oa Monday night, took fire when near Maoedoev Bad twelvsout of twen ty borsos sthich wers being shipped to 3fc York, were burBed so badly as to he rendered worthies. The fere was eaused by sjwjrks from the tooomoti and although disoovred KkTutb it had mad much beadwav, is aould surajmeted is time to save Um cotifiasd in the ear.

risissf Var4 tesUaa CBBrae. In the third 'rS wia be foud a highly interesuns- eommauksaUoB from J'rufoswar Wud Afus- soma obserrBtions oa the Jtodoe OMBtiuB. the profnasor subjoins a let ter from Tcxaa oorrespuadatut which give very oloar resume of Bflairs in the Booth ed in Parl Mr. I. IT Our HUlbbUbbb th Utawatiaa A valet Water Trwaat Hae t'M At.

tew 0rnkrw tb Cwi A regular meeting of the conncil was held lst evening, the president, Aid. AUrWge, la the chsir. Aid. Stem rresntd the finance budget, which was adopted all aye. Aid.

Bower presented the finaocB committee's estimate of the funds nerosaary for the coming year. The following are the principal amounts: iTT frsnH m-t Iffl. Online! V'" Hxlk f'ic, fQEWJ lrlrwt SC. il iw.fn K.ntg itt Pul-rtr wrii Aid. Bower prevented the report of the law committee in relation to the claim of J.

K. Tbomss for services as architect of the conn in city hall building. The committee are favor of allowing him f-4, 000, a sum which they state is much smaller than his legal claim. Aid. Mitchell moved to table till next regular meeting, tarried.

Aid. Cow tea presented the report of the special committee on the Front street public building to the effect that the council had no riht to construct such a except for the uses of the fire deportment, and therefore the committee recommend that the south end be simply enclosed and left in that yhspe till next winter. Aid. Kelly said the committee found that a contract had been made for the erection of a building for the uaes of the poor and police aa well as for the fire department, and no fault bad been found till now. If the report of the comniiitee was adopted, the north end could be enckwd and used fur storing eity property end for the fire depart meet til next winter, when the legislature would undoubtedly remove the present difficulties.

The committee instead of ascertaining terms oa which the contractor would compromise detennined instead upon the plan now proposed. Aid. Heraberger had bat Otae objection to the report which was, that it gave the fire department committee power to sr before reporting to the board. Aid. Kelly I agree with my frien there in cot wanting to trust any committee, as they now stand, with too much power.

Aid. Rogers aked what the cost of en closing the building would be. Aid. Kelly argued that the plan bow pro posed was the beet one for the present. The report was adopted.

AM. rinker preeented the report of the wpecial committee on Vincent place bridge. The committee after taking the testimony of John Hickler and inspecting the struct are find that the bridge was made 3 6-100 feet higher than the contract called for, by order of a committee of the council that two small strips of wall were abo added and that therefore Mr. Ieighton should be allowed extra pay to the amount of It, The con tractor was further obliged ia sinking the foundations of the structure to go much deeper than was anticipated, and although this gave him no legal claim for extra pay, the committee think that in equity he ought to be allowed for it and they estimate such amount at (A OuCL The whole sum to be al lowed Mr. Leighton is therefore reduced to 7, 45 this to be paid on his giving a receipt infuXL Aid.

Kelly said there was one subject the committee did not touch, and that was the number of yards of masonry in the bridge piers. The dispute heretofore was not whether Mr. Leighton Bhould hare extra compensation, but it bad been hinted that two surveyors had connived with the contractor to overestimate the amount of work dene. Aid. Rogers said the question was whether Mr.

Leijcbton had done extra work, not bow many yards of masonry he bad built. AM. McMullen moved that the report lie over to next regular meeting; and on motion of Aid. Faibey, it was thereupon order ad, received, filed and published. The clerk then read the following communication from his honor Mayor Wilder: tu H--wrahl the Comam CvmtmeU ff tit Cir 0 f.

OL5TLUEV: Ine ie7al proceedings now penoing the United istates court between the cu of Rochester and the water commis-fciusera can be productive of but one result an increased expenditure for useless htiga-tien and I therefore respectfully recommend i hat the city attorney be instructed to with -draw and discontinue all pending proceed -inrs. liocheeter. May ITS. A. Wnjia, mayor.

Aid. Bower presented the following: Resolved, That the suit now pending in the supreme court of the L' mted States between tbe city of Rochester plaintiff in error, and Rofweu Hart and others defendants in error, be and the same ia herebv discontinued and that the city attornev or the attorney of record for the city in the supreme court be, or tbev hereby are directed to forthwith pre pare, execute and file proper stipulations that Mich action be discontinued or the writ of er ror taken therein to such supreme court be dismiwed without cost to either party against the other tnat court. AM. Mauder I want to know if this is one of the honest operations of the'oommiaflan-ers I I was asked to-day if I would go for such a resolution, and said no. The tool of the commission then asked if any inducement could be offered to make me vote for it, and I told him no again.

They pretend that tbe credit of the city is af fected by the suit. Aid. Uriflen asked the city'attorney's'opin- ion of the matter and the latter arose and stated be was surprised at the mayor soonv- munication. Be had not been consulted about it. The supreme Ji-ourt had granted a writ of error aud the motion to dismiss that writ would be argued in October.

Counsel had agreed with him that the city's prospecU were favorable. In any event the cost would be small, btitg simply the expense oftha ar- 'ettt. id. Griffen This suit will be a clog on the water commissioners and prevent them from selling bonds. That is the trouble with them.

And now that they are in a fix they come as usual to the council for help. I believe tan keeping our shoulders to the plow till the conUMt is won. Let tbelmatter be haft to the city attorney. People are every day getting sick of the commissions. Aid.

Rogers agreed with Aid. Griffen. The resolution showed the weakness of the commissioners. Legal proceedings ought not to be stopped, as it was important to know if the act was constitutional. It was bet Lex to find that out now than to wait till three millions had been expended.

The peo ple would want to know it sooner or later. The resotuttoa was adopted ayes 18, nays 11. A communicatioa was received from the city hall commissioners inviting the council to take part in the ceremonies incident to laying tbe corner stone of the new city hall. The clerk read a communication from the board of edacation Baking the following tueds for the coming fiecal year: For ers'' wage and contingent expenses, or repairing buildings, $5, (KM; for the purchase of sites and the construction of new buildings, Aid. Farber seat up the final ordinance for the oututructioa of the at avenue and Brighton sewer, which was adopted.

AM. Kelly's resolution to sell the Truant boose property cajue.upland the author of it roMi to ducuas the measure. He had draws off a Hat of expeBdiutreseaused by the iusti tutK for the last fourfyBars. He believed that the children had been well eared for, an the city had A right'to expect they should be. It was not with the management he bad to deal, but with the quest ma whether wch a house was not costing more than stae worth.

He looked at it as a business wouM at any of his own affaira The oust of the house had been very large and he behered the children could be taken care of as well in the orphan asylums, with far flees expense, if, arter woxmg at the figures, he had prepared a thev would be puhlibed. the board eon eluded to continue the institutioa he would not object lu the last four years, the eoua cil had voted to the house for current expense, a sum which would havupparted every child in luxury at any ef our bote-. He proved the postponement of resoIuQoa fur two weeks to give tune lor rortoer con- sideratioo. Carned, AM, Howard presented a resolution to ob- taai leave from the court for the sale ef the north side of Ceatrel square to ths Central railroad company. The price greed upon Aid.

Anthony had looked ever the "ground and eontruded that the prioe we too low. Bird Ceces, a large assortment, at Tiek't Hard wars. -Xow that building ts begun, nails are wanted; bo are locks and knobs, butts and screws, and aS appertaining to bufldicg in tbe line of hardware can be had as cheap as tbe cheapest, at Hs.vrt Hsbiwo 'a, 74 East Main street, were a complete stock may be seen. Beddfnp FUmtt by the dosen or hundred at Vick't, tixty Sutr slreet Lyo'8 ntsmcr powbu will not harm a baby, but they are death to Seas, cockroaches and bugs. Hrt Pre yowbere in the city can be found such a complete assortment tit spring dress goods of all kinds as at Brencan 'a, number 38 State street.

They have a complete and full stock of Irish poplins, Lyon poplins and camel's hair poplins; everything that could be desired in black drees goods, black silks, colored silks in all the new shades, and a very full lot of French cambrics, which are offered st figures that make it an object for any one to caU and examine before making purchases eleewbere. This house has been so long established and has been growing so steadily in public favor. that it not necessary to ssy that they sell what they advertise. Gold Fith at Vick a Postax cards. Circulars printed on the back of postal cards, cheap and promptly done, at this office.

Hanging Baiktt filled at Prophetic A series of prophetic lectures by Elders George W. Brown, of Orrington, Me. and Charles C. Barker, of West Meriden, Ct. wiU be continued at 7:30 o'clock each evening through the week, in the Adventist's hall, corner of State and Mumford streets.

Tbe evidences in support of the Adventist argument for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in his kingdom this year (l73j wfll be thoroughly canvassed. Seats free. Please bear the series. Faa far BvervseoT. A festival and dance win be given by Heb- mg band, assisted Dy xanxee Miller panorama of Europe and America, at the Atlantic gardens, Falls Field, Wednesday evening.

May 21st. Tickets twenty -five cents. Plant Stands ot wood and wire at FVefc's. Red cedar lined trunks have become a ne cessity. Cwing to that fact, A.

V. Smith of 65 State street, has made preparation to supply any demand that may be made for them. In season past we have had to purchase them in New York, and tbe prices were so high that a few only would avail themselves of this safeguard against moths and other destructive insect. The price this season have been reduced over one-third, and win be delivered at the following prices six dollars, seven dollars and eight dollars apiece. Call at Smith's harness and trunk store and examine them.

Bxrs nrBBf.i.g ajtd parasous. Burke, Fitzsimmons, Hone Co. win open to-day a magnificent stock of English, French and American made umbrellas and parasols, the latest styles in market, the largest a ad most beautiful assortment of this class of goods ever exhibited in this city. 53, 55 and 57 Main street. Rustic Chaim, settees and vases at Vidi'a Fxbsowai.

Dr. Hembold to the front again. are giaa to see tnat during toe doctor's temporary residence in Europe, tho supply of the genuine extract Buchu the only known specific for urinary disorders and complaints in either sex has been supplied from bis formula and apparatus by his representative here. The genuine article bears the doctor's signature, and is probably the best known and most valuable remedy of the kind in the world. John F.

Henry, Sew York, sole agent. COURT BEC0RO. Far the Week C. lew-fa- Mnr, Mar 19. 1M7S.

Conety court and ecmrt of sessions euntiaawl at Rochester by Jadre Poller. The raited Btase court eocUave- at ftufbetter. Judge Ball pmwtln. Ceart at Artemis. FieaMut Ho.

Sanforri Jnrti Alien, Uruvar aod tLaaaB roiser. aaore AtSAirT. Hat a. Xnwber TharJe Mn- ari amixjM. anulu.

Gett laadT. reept. Anml. niimMf rreaene spplt, Sfft CBartea Hlckox and Uiers. reDt.

ncam4i. Nwirberft SSaod 101 Krvl hi a. rtand. Jofco UujthecaD- repte. and Krewl-nci A.

raoos, apixi. a uawce Juoasoa aaa soot ar, taftfria. Argued. AI.BAT. MAT Tfee follow tar der49OB la ta eoort of were udd down thi mi 1 jndf wnu aSirmed Ha cost Lawrence at Maxwell PUKkMF rt Hall am -met.

JcfWwipta revrM and imw am, stride event Carl art Avre: Hamilwa afttheTatrd A aeroe railroad ouzuper Marvin at Marvla; Mana st WarraU. jucra eoi or genera ana special term reversed and ccropitmt dicied Wltijoul euata to either part Krynolds ajrt Prt. frdr affirm (Hi with eoata Howell, la the iraueroz William s.rowler aaa tJorv coaun i- Ker. i I ioiiowus tae Km or appeal oar ealandar for May 21 Matter SO. KB, lift.

IT. MTH. St, IU, US. raited Btates District Ceart. Boo.

JisUtaa K. Ban. DUtrlct Jadge. RoCHSsTSK. Mar St.

Jacob O. Hmltb, eonvlc-tAd TetardaT of Bavins of oi property wlto Intent to defraud hi In TWltnun ot trie bankrupt ao. waa this mumiBB brought tnto court and aentenced to tBiprt4al at hard labor In the tat prioa at At burn for the term ol two year and aiX nxuaui. and ia ad-2uioo to iy a ana of Lowi- Wuiiam HiMl-teailns from th pot-of-fire. hoteuUty.

Henry Morwn was convicted of selHnjr uqnflr without a Itcen. He was Coed S1.0U. ai.l eentonoed to impriwuuneat ia the Monroe county pul for six BQoOth. re'iW H. Richard charred with amorallnc.

pleaded ROiltyand wat hned nrty dollar and required to pay the coat of proaecnuoa aeveoty-Sve doi-lar. lienrv Martin same oSeaos. Fined ttM sad eo.t of proeevutloa. June Tbompwin charend with forg-lnr and pve-aenuns faia voucher for a aeasioa. Oa uiai.

Cmt wf Boaslea. Jadse Fuller, PretdinT. RocHEsrra. Msr 3. The rase of Eastman Colby, on trial lor araon, n-mred toe aUentlna of thi court yesterday, and wul proiiavly conunu to do ao for two or tarae day.

Petlee Cwart Jaattce Wheeler. Preelaias. Rocs arris. Mat v. John Nolan drank.

Flvs aoilar or thirty day. MDteoof aanpendfed J. rusjceraitl drunk, dava. Five dollar or thirty Albert Barron hdrank and OshUn. Dis- csargea.

J.Oin Whtt arraated on a warrant. Cae settled Ji4-pb (jffnircr and Conrad tiachynastoaiui wh pipe, rive aoliar uy toirty amy iww MARR1XD. ADAMS TasVALKBSBCRGH At theresMtesc of the bmie' mother, oo the SHh by the rUv. H- W. Morris.

Norman t). Adam of new York elky and Addie taavalbenbarsa ot aocneaiar. a. 1 DIED. BKt'K wrru-On the mornras of May 20.

fciTt. Jaa- aie. wu or J. a aecAwita. asaei ss ywara.

Hartford papers, please copy. notice of raneral haraafter. rwtiwaTT I. iki. TCta a Wan of A.

and M. J. loess eh. aed 1 saoovo tas oay. raaeral from th resides.

So. 1 Fran street. oppomte Joaasr evsare, this Wednesday) afternoon. at rt clock. Frtnws ef th family ar raapeetraltv tnvlied to attend.

Blbiriltn-1, liMutA. UmmA SWDtf. Wei terty. May in, kainh Halloa, sua of frank U. Sad ftetue St.

ttarBaro, ased 1 year aaa i swan. Baiavta paiier, plrais copy. BAR-At fhlcmro. 111., on the rith md-deoiy. Kiuie.

wife of Itr. N. a. ttarne and dauA-ttior of the late Jotta a. Wuuaau of tin cuy, ta Tia year of bar ra.

fa raneral services a th rasMcnew of 9. B. Wu han, MlOsretoeka BTEXKO. The Old and Responsible D. LEARY'S STUM DYEING AND CLEANSING KTBLJrMJIKJIT.

two imftst TAmim nowrm nnw tom cwm Tvtx iin ttn fr Btvt OK HllaX TStST. Crmo FUITT, tMBOWttM awsaVCaV Ioctmh. T.J THE BFUTATI05 OF THIS DTK HOUH1 eacM awstl feamw eafrS, i al rttr fcttinaf tsiisawi vb4 Uk StcxbtMftsuam btivI. suaaliavr iblUJLKBai- BTsVtV lOatrw US rtm crxasswr maA mil trriki uMrj4 siiu vo4 M-rta t'Jtv. awna4 ttd tim- iwutii is'firt ia euivn.

jlwu lu fX4Vl d-oti, St Wain or r.Kl sjt iwr a4 vJ ewkitrs, aa- 4fr4 Rtf vktrr TmT. TinrwitT rnony. vii fouam imwaiairMiw. wu mum wMjTi. tey tj AisUUMsl IK 1.

IKK OF HCMBOLDT Two volun. A IMt till. St, at CUAItX JOIlJtWTOtt Ikpoasatwa Was main street. TOCK 1 kaw HT IJTKSTAltDH Siteat I wlBrrlT' I Reteat CLtia Booasto, WsnaVMHtMt not. The chair stated that the resolution was oot ia order.

Aid. Kelly A year ago the very same thing was done and the present chairmaa held it faa order. I hope the chair win main- tarn at least a semblance of fairness. The chair If I was wrong ia my ruling last year that makes no difference now. AM.

Mauder appealed from the decision of the chair. AM. Rogers asked tbe president to give his reasons, and the latter replied that his decision was based on rules 25 and 33 of the board. AM. KcCy I read those rules to you last year, and you held they were not applicable.

The vote was taken and the chair sustained 14 to I Aid. Cowles presented a communication from J. R. Tboma, architect of the Front street building, in relation to paying the eon- tractor for material no in the letter's shop tabled. AM.

Howard offeredji resolution to accept the offer of 1L GsJusha for furnishing iron lamp posts at fl.V0 each the lowest bid; adopted. Adjourned. THE LAWS DELAY. A Writ el Error mmi fttav ef Preeeeeiass l.rwmej la tbe rase ef eSem t.eieaua The rriseaer LJeeiv te Be Keieaae a Hall. We presume that most of our citizens have quietly settled down to the belief that Stephen Coleman, who was convicted last week of receiving stolen property, and was sentenced to Auburn state prison for three years, has entered on his term of penal servitude, and was now expiating his crime within the walls of that institution.

The fact is otherwise. Since the ooovicUon of Coleman, his counsel Messrs. Hovey and Davy, have been indefatigable in their effort to save their client from what they believe to be unmerited punishment. We cannot too highly commend their devotion to tbe fortunes of one who claims to be the victim, cot only of a conspiracy, but of adverse circumstance such as rarely combine, as it is alleged they do in this case, to effect the ruin of an innocent man. Yesterday forenoon an order was made by Judge Fuller which directed the sheriff to remove Coleman to Auburn forthwith.

His counsel, who had been busily engaged since his sentence in preparing a bill of ex ceptions, appeared and stated that it was their impression from what had been stated to them by the court and the district-attorney, that Coleman might be allowed to re main until the bill of exceptions was signed and sealed by the court, and an opportunity be ftrren for the prisoner's counsel to be heard upon a writ of error and stay of proceedings. The district-attorney insisted that tbe order of the court should be carried into effect, and the court refused to grant further time. Coleman 's counsel then asked for a stay of proceedings unt0 Saturday of this week to enable the prisoner to fully close up and settle his lm sines matters. This was also refused. His counsel then appeared before Judge E.

Darwin Smith and asked for a writ of error aud stay of proceeedings, and Judge Smith after an examination of a portion of the testimony taken on the trial as appeared by the reporter's minutes and the exceptions taken, granted the writ of error and stay of proceedings. This br-ngs the case before the general term of the supreme court, the next term of which convenes iu Buffalo on the second Tuesday of June. Owing to the shortness of the time intervening it is doubtful whether the case will be argued before the September term. A case and exceptions a voluminous docu ment was served yesterday on District-Attorney Raines, but, if we are correctly informed, no not ice had been given to him that the writ of error and stay of proceedings had been granted. Tberefs no doubt that Coleman 's counsel will now make application for his release on bail It may be safe to assume that their elTui in that direction will not Drove una- aiiing.

If errors sfipear in the record of his trial to justify such action A3 has been had. it would be grievious injustice to keep hiaa within the forbidding precincts of a jail until his case shall be deter nined. Tbe public, who setmed to approve the finding of the jury who decided the cae last week, will have time bow to pause and review what may have been an unwarrantable and hastily formed opinion. The "sober second-thought' will now take the place of thai which was Der- haps the creature of passion or prejudice. There are few who will not acknowledge the justness of the maxim which declares it bet ter for ten guilty men to escape than that one who is innocent should suffer.

If Stephen Coleman is that innocent man we trust that as a convict he may never see the inside of a prison. But it must be saM that the circumstance surrounding his case are decidedly unfavorable to him. The testimony of the score of witnesses who appeared against him is on record. Were they a set of unparalleled villain who conspired to swear away the reputation and liberty of an innocent man If so, we are called on to face a mass of perjury as gross as a mountain, and ws confess we are not prepared to do anything of the sort. A Bsaaeaseata, The Harper's Ferry Singers, a troupe simi lar to the celebrated jubilee singers, of Sto- rer college, vl, are announce tor Tuesday May 27th, at Corinthian had.

The programme indicates that a rare entertain ment will be afforded those who may be pleased to patronise them. They are travelling for the benefit of Storer College, a school which was first organised in October with nineteen pupils, in one of the armory buildings at Harpers Ferry. Subsequently it received the especial attention, of the late Senator Fessenden, and through his efforts seven acres of land and four' government buildings, occupying a site overlooking the headquarters of ola John rfrown, were donated to the college by act of congress. Further aid from friends in the North, and from the Freed men bureau enabled the college to repair these buildings and erect an other but it is still unable to accommodate the numbers of its students who numbered 167 tbe last term though many of it rooms were occupied by six or seven in common. From Baltimore on the East, to the Ohio river on the West, there is no other school in which the higher branches are taught to which a colored student can gain admission.

The institution ia ssdly in need of money, of apparatus, of buildings, in short, of erery thin: save tamest students; and it is with the hope of supplying these preaaiag wants that the college has sent out a band of its students to sing before the public. It is a well knows fact that the voices of the southern slaves. influenced without doubt by the year of bondage that so lotig seemed to them aa in evitable heritage, have a sweet pess, richness and melody of tone which belong to do other people. Do not fad to hear them if you have no musie ia your soul, go because your manhood or womanhood prompt you to aM a really good purpose if you ha ve bo such controlling motives, go to hear music that will so charm and delight you that you win if possible go to hear it again. At all events.

do not fafl of giving them yoar support. Our citizens will be glad to learn that the famoss Hutchinson family wiB give one of their oM-iaahiuned concerts this sveoing Corinthian The Hutchinson first sang in Rochester when it was a village of but a few thousand inhabitant. The programme this evening will embrace enough of the old Biekxhes, which have been rendered with such effect by the Hutchiasons, to awakea memories of their early triumphs. The con cert win, ao doubt, be largely attended. Kea Be.

In the police court, yesterday, two boys, Joseph Greoor and Conrad Haekyus, arrested by Xsrtectire Hughes and iJreaser, were con victed of stealing a quantity ot load and soma insa nice from the premise of Wilham Walker, on Andrews street. On their taati- fhosy a warrant ws issued for th arrest of the party to whom th stolen property was sold, bet it was found that he had fled th city. is underwood that th person, who was a clerk in the store of Oscar BeaaeU, on Stat street, has goom to Chiuago. rocking chairs at Vksk'tx li "TRiTTO HUK tr Jrv, t-rry now OTt. fssqj sCTarTtv.

hj trmt! fwt mr't TTi rirht ti rnmcttvw Fnn.ta stvI Di-1! 1'jtvs FVrsf. Ton tf yoe orrVw fw-ls lf. Bsjm ftyyy yr- wgai v. of 1 T4 vy-v ftrrrr Pwn j-t yw tr" sect frwe. RnrwwTT.

T. LAAVN MOWER From all the Good, Choose the Bm. THE EXCELSIOR No. slower. 11 Inch Cut, PrKe OS No 1 Ho.

1 IS Excel rtor Hone Laws Mower ITS to SO TbT are warranted the tn the market. Try If von do n-t And it so. return tt Tae dis pense with the Garften RMler. A Itrv sfvrk last re eelved. MiRfEl If SROTHEK.

mjie nam -treet- SHOW CASES. Woi ni Metal Slow Cases. ALL. TBS LATEST IN French Plate and Crystal Glass, SILVER BASH- AITO DOOB ALSO, THE STEIN PATENT AQUARIUM. PrtM XskH aVOtl CsTtviOTi(M tttai 0 BBppilOsVisOB.

fffJ-TP CXMBCBfATIOH LOCK. LOCES Eurglar-Pfcsf Combinslion losks. HOC BR STORK, TRX7ITK, DRAWER, Port Oece. Cvpboard and other ijocka, Nht Latcbe. Ac.

with smaii Flat Keys. (Sr Key Lock sold by the Hardware Trade saner. ally. ir MieSal Piattn don to order sad (as ken manner. S1B6ENT I GBEEffliEAF Patentees and BOOK BIHrl)t.

TO Oankicir Institations MERCANTILE FIRMS, Business Men G-enerally. gim BEDFORD, ELW(X)D BLOCK, Biroiu of aar aiae a ad BusmaN Mi-sr in ax. eeiieDca nr waritg.anahiptyr ot paper. a pro sd -fi aioa. eosoiBia.

Jn Bjndini solicited. of ftnlsk, aniainsntafl ff tii hiaat of AomoaxtamBTi. Pssi Dlt 1 at as, Kdltioa Work pcwH7. Cut larga foroa of aaipioTaa la tbis ala as to tara oat aaj Qisuaattty of work at BCrtioa. Fitiaiaiiwa (ivea.

JOHN C. M00RE Beck-Binder, Ruler and Blank Book HSI IMlt ARC1DK, Urn apisVler PROPOSAI-S, Notice, CITT d-raK' a 0nr. Roclmttr, Umj VTX. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha. Scaled i-' ProDoaaia -ri'i roerrd ax Citv Clrrk ofltea, nn-ll io'clocH P.

M. -iatarar. MT f.p furaihtiig ifce city of wivh lamp Tp and Pots for ui public itviopa for tha prasexiK earreot yemr; ssua ivps ana rou oe compuaea or ia oaat. aw my iaa uvojc, iNVai pMoia( aaa in uau.t-iews ortlar fut uao. AMKS O.

HtWAiia, i mk ft. Lamp CoffiiaJwwr. Notice to Builders. SEALED PROPOSALS will be rcsiTed for bull din a dcw PraabyisxiaA Cfeurob at Ltma, UEgwi. N.

T. Draw ins and sDciOcationa eaa aaen a4 iaa oflsa of Ue vrciit-cis J. 1 aa BeTDOitis' Aroada, K'-CL-eu-r, nuui toe 2ta lrutaat: and tnea a uma. wbera btda are to be leX. on or before CAe ut lauuii.

at boob. Ratirontnm for tbe raifloa or carpenter work eepar-Lr-iv wlii be eoiuidered 1 aecasbt ta thvhx of ivjeectnc any or au tm Lssaa. May OKI. WILLIAM TART. JUSTIS liOOOltlCH, HAKLB- T.

DIB BUS, BKNHV tlALK. BARGAI5S. For Sale. TO OXE WISHING TO ENGAGE in the A MtlrtBery end Fancy 6oeds baMaea. a rare oe- tiyrtmiiiy oBered ty MiM K.

Lney of WsvvaHoo. tVceca County, y. Owtnn to til beaJib and an In-abiilcy to attend to lmt she wlmhes to dispose of cer rnure stocc ot new ana cooos, oansisuati ot tbe tate style of Millinery an 1 raacy Uood. Tbe traae g-ja tbe toeauion is tn tbe eeeral bati-ae oart of town. Br bnytcc It at osce.

tbe beoeitt of tbe sprins and summer trde ean be reliel. is is agiMsa DUBiQr-u Cavocb. i ue prTper.y wui be die poseA of ua reaaooabie te ins, AddreM aiw k. at mySCtltf Water too, tfeiMea N. T.

Bottled Ale and Stock Laser Beat quality, sold at 3wl MAIS PrTHEET. Orders tWirered. yfcew TB.MO, LKIi. Three Instruments for Sale. QNE KELODEON.

$15; one for 25, one Pmrior Orgaa for $56 all cheap and my KM ad Saloon for Sa'3. CTOCK, I XT RES AND LE.SE. running tAree five rears: cemraiiy k5vVrl, and oaa do afirst-clsss buMDess. Hmjo for seiiutd, tae pro prietur's love of family ditarbuiee ti. wbiky.

bss caaaed cotw irtermbie diiurt)wnc? tn his btswife tsfier fctienOiiikr tAe Wsaaaa Kbta Meet-Ing yeterdayi caoe tbe oonciuauoo tbat Uie A--in ittstrt be ciuaed. And wbn a wmaa auUtee ai her isind welt, perfashv ya koow h.w it is yottrsWf! But tu vm.Ka muii be sold wiibla tea days. Will excbaiie for a pair of ho-, or a Kliie borseaad fHXimj OTOuaf rlw.y. laqaire, iw ir wtw-a BQTI-0vW 14 BMtTH'9 ArU ALti. Pottery for Sate.

A RETCRN to lNw York be in? riiutvrjKl. i miff. I duioae at say Pottery ub Oteaa. now ektna a rood baaUQeaa, on ea-y twaru. It is one ef tbe zoat SJTaviaea tn tbe wkt, wiaa roar Tvrnina Wbeeu.

Clsj cronod and strted by pcrwer. Tbe ai vrmm of a euo a eottspetarsit fwatu asay be Ap" by tetter or iu jxmrmfm te M. a obtaiaed It VI lain, I. Billiard Room for Sale. rpHE BIIXIARD ROOM formerlj ocxmpirvi jm.

of fctrs ms mimjmvw tewrtjsws, im uanweta zur oa ea.y wurtaa. ror pavriicuiax, loenlre at tba roosns oa Jiia mr-mx, For Sale. INTEREST in a t-cJjtee jobbing And tttanairaturtnti boa. Prudw laiire. baaiaesa Wl aaOsistitMl.

Cbspitai tweTS to sUlm IBvUMuw etUisLTS Adiirwe s. 1. aay5dtf Ely Street. A IiV KHT wit sew ataek Carrtasves. rjf Baraktx.

Pbftetoas, bw and of tae taMat fT, I styea. A few b-mruers can be aoMax-Gif5 wtib open or bos sta. at Kn, 2 Bly atreet, ttrss ikUrt aita -s stain araAs rricin rrus 'utB t. 4nuJ to nwue tuwa. ptut 4, juaune.

Piano for Sale. ffrr? FOB AVLB-Oa LqtUr as Mo. It VTWOLIM' ABOAOB. Hotel for Sale. I OrVsTR FOB XAI.B the Hotel aad ares.

known a th blue uotei, husim ea th Chartooa Hoad. with or without farmi tore, imiilvio to tva th Srt stay. bsaou rtAai. For Sale. rpKE PEW No.

61 in the First Presbyterian Uwa, For aarueidan inittuss Post OBto. m. STT5DAY SCHOOL Ubrarie suppUed with oh utre Books frvn ail tne lea-Tin ri nr -sr nnat CLAKJC JOBHiTTO.M. aaaday uud bwaoarurv. OTHER'S RKtii3TER and Manual TanMBatT.

Al fiBtWBIT a. IAMILY BIBLEa with THctionary of A toM, iawraa AtiarS us ia a A Ol-KS QCIOTIO.N-Ou ami Pnr, O. D. CJEtWYE0R, Sopt, 75 SHf-v. Is Place Hi, 3 Xm WeddlBF Carts EBgTaTetir TUitia? Card EsrrTe4 Roiir- Cards Earrivai EorAT! WEDDING STATIONERY! LA VIES' Ef.vr STATIOXEnr: Klrrssl Blarh Vt alwns Carved -ttPt FeeBcc.

Cmrmer aad ade Braefcets. an, per srs. Twef R.rk tmr esmnle WedillB Cants. Invltatmu a- i lor rant.

ttr Hv th Brjrraver Sew Tort IW AU wark Warranied and aromptiy ikwi. CLARK A.1B TATli.Bt. 40 Wmt Ksln, formerlj BalTal'y StrfeU BOOTS AJTO SHOES, SOBETMG NEW. Gentlemen) Hand-Sewei Englisli Me Shoes! IMPORTED D1BSXT rBOSf THB at a-TTF AOTlTBBnVi Af UiiUDO. CW Faa eafl a4 rmtn.

at PRATT'S, 64 State Rochester IMaTJKAJICB. FIRE RISKS. CoBiBSfrrlal I'ciOBy of London. Capital I Westrhrtr In. (v, New Tort.

Asset over BOS0 f'alrfleli C. las. Co Cons. Asaet over. WaRD aV 11.

LI IU, Aseai. A r.p.n ti "WARDS7 INSURANCE OFFICE EtaMihei in freHmtr tae saeref aaa II I KXTI tasu a eiair Kire I raiBx earn ass trwasi tted at ibis art-', all (- fta lsairiy airi beaeraMr tj and mm is rat sssf boaibe HBmrrr inbirriJ i im i arc-. wbbi bf th tailare tW a as TPJA Insnancc Co Hartford, Conn. PAID IT t'AH CAPrTAU. THREE JULLIOX lHtL L.I Asset MarcB 1, Vrt B.O,0l.

PHCENIX Insurance Hartford, Conn. PAIO rr CASH CAPTTAX, Sir Hun drl Thoumiiul Dollar, ISKVSJtk. nr. SPRINGFIELD Fire and Marine Insurance Ca. PAJU IP CA-U CAPITA! I'itf II unftrret Thouiuttut Dollar.

Amu Js. 1. 1ST. S.1,VU,B. HOVARD Insurance Co New York.

PAID CP CASH CAPITAL, Fitf Hienetrret Thovmtnti Italian. Iwuju. isn HltiM. New York Life uutl 'l'r-ttwt Ci. Equitable Life Assurance L.

A. lTf. WARD, A on. 2 onf 4 Ilrrfatnij Place, fiwilMg Hohsb insaraasa ui CAPITAL. 8330,003 tartte trn mmi ere tsstM a bViSlEaMS kHal.lUv B.11 i CotlVtlrj tb ftf ajsUi.i Uj UweUnf H-rt ti i 'bw iTOf-wflT.

raraU Br,) It as A lT-trt. I uf (Qi c.Lwr ari- t-l conOJfUt tt at tbe this ic-t 4ect4 s-if tbe twrwtsO( i uaf house -r. IIBOBI enalDsysJ rl ItS aRa-aSs WIH SBUsll I ft LLri'iftunrs euuis 4Aoi tavnee arjs tw -taiwB k- St-'i, It tt I SS.S liX llO nevlikJ nf S-v. sU fwtitt ts Skivti westki. ixst t-tv.

urr a tit Uicur sn imbiittT aMWer -r he mma.u,rrim hit tay sire i-Satl ia itAomi m.aI u-avn. so! eliict. rKtil Mrwf irn' bvs itV'n t. be a Bresvy tu ron Tbe i.m,snT will invur aa br frrs coe mratb tt Uuva ruste a wi ys ws remaie. yatr iiofiiui wrrma- -Hltll Hm.

H.rtB.T lofMeet. HMBT V. rTW1' L'. B-Ti aUf ktl.tlkAvr.lB. A lara IXwr.

AIBartrrr s. US Ol MfW-S-. Brv ifd.laBwv ltU. a.ia-er, sJtr R-iAr- WM.wr. Jw.

ui. rmm. V.srbwe Artsavr Wa. CUAkLfsa TT I Krt l.iil Ceetrml rtre Llbb. Qejs Wo.

st UmmTanJr a.t.war-s J. a MILLER SON, (ifiierai Icsurance Agents, CALL, tbe alfcejitkio of th pulthc to Us lv itinfiriaa- Srn siaas anninanum (Xiaunertta. Uunrane ITantmny. of 3e aeta PtxHti Uiaiaur. of BrooS-tn.

Aai.ii Traveler lmrne of rlnlrd. Ct. Asael. B4S Str In.urmact Comty. Srw Tor.

A.wi. SBw.4 1 Pei -Mr lBaraea Company, nf N.w. r. M. 1.

iw.ll iTl.M rtden I -n rane Comiiaaf, of Bert. m. 1 1. Ammu a-t a ar a lltaams lnaran Cumpaay, of b. i.

Memantua laraasa Ctavasand. avas S. C. I LLKH Mw. lissia sWnesler.

1, kr-v DANIEL W. BUSH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCT. SBFM AN1A nil INS. Of Bw Yarfc. Cash at over si.

bi ATI ANTIC INs. Of Mw Yhrfe. Cash Aaete SW.JS ltPtKT riKI S18l.1l of Prondena. K. 1.

tash over iss. of Provwlenee. B. ta Ajs.ts a. BBKWKtur A-M I MAJvTKhvr WS.

CO. of Turk. Caah 1 o.r Btvw BLACK KIT KB 1X1. of Watartowa, Y. Cash m-m wxvmm urs uta.

ox isrooaiyw. for BCOKOMK-AL. BfCTCAI. Ufl ISS- rrueukMew. bv.

CaaB tovr l.s.a. rar-PoHrte heial la Us sbov rollahU Ca at reaattaebt tale. 1 1 iin teuty iljns1d aad aromnilj paid. DANIEL W. BUSH.

Agent, Kxrkanr rUcw, Cortalhlaa ll.a Bl B1l Holland rnrchase Insurance C- NSURES House. Barns and ttoir cmit- A for one or tare year, tun, rr---. o-(. I. asoata.

W. I- at C. 0. CABPB rK. tt ws at th The reeuhiUMi was adopted.

ffeU. pr" Bsarstsry..

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