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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 1

Rochester, New York
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seeeereeeeesr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 15,681 15,681 AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION FOR THREE MONTHS. -I II rlffe FOR THREE MONTHS. fc 1888. THREE CENTS 11 YOTJJME G2. No.

329. HO CHEST Ell, X. SATURDAY" MOKNING, NOVEMBER 24, BUSINESS IS LOOKING UP THE IRISH LAND PROBLEM TO PRISON FOR 25 YEARS He looked the safes and took the key with him. A preliminary investigation showed the fact that Sunde bad absconded with at least $5, 000, but Mr. Brown, one of the proprietors of tbe paper, thinks his peculations must ba much larger, inasmuch as he is impressed with tbe idea that they have extended over a number of years, Ttie first intimation that led Mr.

Brown to believe that Sunde was not altogether right reached him last summer, when he was informed that Sunde was pos ng as a gentleman of leisure at Manhattan Beach and spending money lavishly, and this suggested tbe investigation of his accounts. THE STRIKE AT INDIANAPOLIS. TELEGRAMS IN BRIEF. The Montpelier, Vt. House on Friday refused the filkin liquor license bill a third reading.

The trial of Miss Feebler, the slayer of H. "5V. King, Ht Omaha, will not take place until the February term. Ibe committee appointed to select a place for holding the next G. A.

state encampment have decided on Bmgbamton. The thermometer ia Troy regist-red from 4 to 6 above raro Friday morning. At Saratoga the mercury fell to 5 below eero. The jury in New York In the case of Mrs. Madge Mtone against City Chamberlain Irani were unable to agree and were discharged Friday.

Adam Berkes, of Sardinia, Ohio, who flged by masked men last Saturday tlit, upon a charge that be had been stealing coal, has become a raving maniac. While boring for gas in Livingston cmnty, KentucKy, a vein of silver ore was Struck at the depth or about 800 fret. The Tein is said to be about three feet thick. A report is in circulation that all the railway switchmen in the country are about to join in a ruovement for increased wges ud the settlement of various grievances. A letter received in Washington from an intimate friend of Hon.

Samuel J. F.aniiall describes him in very good condition and says he will cenainly be in bis eat at the assembling of Congress. The breaking of a natural gas main at Kurraysville, Pa. Friday morning, caused total suspension of woi in the mills and factories on the south side of the city. There Is sufficient gas to supply private dwelliugs.

Two burglars invaded the meat market of George Burggraff, on the outskir ts of Chicago, Thursday morning. BuiggrafX discovered tiieoi and a desperate battle ensued. Odo burglar fl9d and the other was captured. D. Lathrop Co.

coffee merchants, of Chicago, have sued the Postal Telegt apb Company for $10, 000 damages upon a claim that th-y lost $8, 000 by the bungling and detective transmission of two messages entrusted to the Postal Com any. H. H. Scott, ex-city president of Hinckley. and present county surveyor, killed Kidney K.

Irwin, an engineer, at the Eastern Mississippi Railwiy water tank, Thursday. Tliey quarrelled and finally came to blows. The railroad men threaten to lynch Scott. During the third day's session of the American Public Health Association at Milwaukee Thursday, the discussion of yellow fever epidemics was resumed and cou-tinued at great length. The executive committee nomina ed Dr.

Hosiner A. Johnson, of Chicago, as president for the coming year. The foreign bankers in New York who have gold for shipment to Europe, state that owing to the demand in London for gold bars for shipment to Russia and to South America, bankers on the other aide are pay la for gold a fraction over lbs nominal price. The amount of gold taken for shipment so far this week ia $4, 65 4, 000. Efforts are being urn da to bring about a meeting of the general luanageis of the various roads in the Central Traffic Association to devie means and measures for stop ping the existing demoralization in east-bound freight rates and to advance rates.

The present situation is having a disastrous iiect upon the weaker roads. On Tuesday the bank acconnt and other property of T. D. Hooper, a stock broker of ew Bedford, was attached in a suit for $25, 000 brought by T. F.

Alien, a well-known drug clerk. It is said that a abort ticue ago, on the death of bis father, Allen received a legacy of $25,000, all but about $5, 000 of which be has lost by peculating at Hooper's place. He claims tii a i the money was secured illegally. Silas Vinton, George Gordon and Robert Wendall, residents of Coopers Creek, W. were returning from a grange meeting Wednesday night, when they got into an altercation with Dayton Moler, Bert Hanna and John Aultz.

A fierce fight ensued. Wendall secured a pruning knife and hacked Henna and Moler and Aultz so badly that the two last named will die. The victors left the wounded men lying bleeding in tbe road, where they were found some hours later. At tbe White House. Washington, Not.

23. Tbe president came into tbe city from Oak View this morning and remained at tbe White House all day. He received a number of visitors, among whom were Mayor Cbapin of Brooklyn, Chief Justice Fuller, Justice Lamar, anl Representative Clements and a party of friends from Georgia. Exports and Imports. Washington, Nov.

23 Th total values the exports of merchandise from the United Slates during tbe twelve months ended October 31, 1888, were against $678, 422, 850 ia 1887. The values of tbe imports for tbe same period were $707, 157, 198, against ia 1887. GOVERNMENT WEATHER REPORT VV'iR PSPISTSSTT, Ciskal Service, Uhitco States A rut. -ocBEsTta. A.

Nov. S3 M. to prove, although the history of crime and criminals is against me, that a bad man can become a good man and win at least the respect, if nob the confidence, of men of this world. Iu reply to the question, How can such frauds as y. committed be guarded against?" Eedellsaid: Ouly by strict supervision and observance of the self-evident cautionary methods, and by an absolute personal identification of (he mortgagor by a responsible person if the mortgagee is unable to identify bim.

TELEPHONE TAXES. The Bell Company Liable for Business Done in This State. New York, Nov. 23. The general term Supreme Court to-day decided that tbe American Bell Telephone Company is liable to tax upon the business which it does in this state.

The tax is claimed upon tbe business transacted in this stite from 1882 to 18S6. 'ibe company's business in this state is only by contracts with iocal corporations for renting of telephone instruments. In 1882 rentals were to tiie amount of $1C4-840, which in 1886 had increased to $296,239. Iu 1SS2 dividends were 10 per cent and in 1886 were 16 per cent in this state. The state claimed five tenths of 1 per cent on the gross earnings, and 10 per cent additional lor default in payment.

Judgment is given against tbe company for $34,478. Judge Van Brunt holds that tbe company is not taxable prior to the amendment of 1885, which enacted that the tax should be only upon the port. on of the capital stock employed in this state, and not npon the Wliole capital stock. Judge Daniels states that tbe right to tax property and business withm tbe limits of (he state is not to be iuu- paired or reduced of Its authority because of artificial or refined distinc'ioas. Both the telephones and the contracts have remained tbe property of tbe company.

A VIOLENT DEATH. A Murder Believed to Have Been Committed in Tonawanda. Special Dispatch to the Democrat and Chronicle. Lockport, Nov. 23.

A mysterious murder bas been discovered at Tonawanda. William O'Toole was found dead in the canal in that town Thursday. On bis bead were wounds, one a frightful scalp wound. His jaw was broken and other bruises of a violent nature were found on his body. A coroner's jury rendered a verdict to-day that O'Toole came to hH death from tbe hands of persons unknown.

On the ntght before, O'Toole had a controversy in tbe saloon ot Andrew Sbeeke and went out. The evidence of two men who live in a place ajoining Sheek was to the effect that they saw O'Toole mount a fiiglit of steps to bis rooms. When he opened the door be fell down. Aaron Egan, captain of a canal boat, said he heard a man calling for help and saw him swiin around tbe steru of another boat. He also observed two men on the bank near the man.

Apples Damaged by Frost. Special Disputch to the Democrat and Chronicle. Lockport, Nov. 23. Tbe recent cold snap bas been particularly ruinous to apples, many tbonsands of barrels of which bave been stored on the sidewalks and streets of this city by buyers.

Tbe thermometer bas registered ten degrees above zero for two days past. At many farms apples stored in barns and piled under trees have been frozen solid. This so damages the fruit as to make it unfit for the market. Buyers have lost considerable, but not so much as the farmers who were holding tbeir apples back and had do place of protection for them Between tbe low prices and tbe freeze-up tbe fruit growers of old Niagara bave hard times of it this fall. Young Tinkler, the Forger.

Cincinnati, Nov. 23. The arrest yesterday in London, i ng. of Charles Tinkler, tbe youthful bank forger, was made through information given by himself in a letter to William Hopkins of this city, one of bis companions. Tinkler is not yet 21 years of age.

He was collector for the Bodmann tobacoo house and last September forged three checks for $5, 000 each and obtained the money on them. A young German eirl named Meier went with Tinkler. It is said that a sister of bers deid of grief a few days ao, and that Tinkler's mother in insane from grief over his son's downfall. An Accident in the Air, Canton, O. Nov.

23. The widening of the Cleveland, Canton Southern railroad from narrow to standard gauge was celebrated here yesierday witb a parade and balloon ascention and parachute jump by Oscar Hunt. Hunt came near losing bis life, one rope of bis trapeze breaking when he was 1, 000 feet in tbe air. Hunt clung to the unbroken rope and was whirled about like a top until the balloon desended. He was unable to work his parachute and upon reaching tbe earth was found to be badly bruised and cut by the apparatus.

Official Vote of the State. Albany, N. Nov. 23. Tbe electoral vote in New York state, as canvassed by the state board of canvassers to-day, is as follows, the highest and lowest number of votes received by any elector being given Republican highest 650, 337, lowest Democratic highest 635, 965, lowest 635, 800.

Prohibition highest 30, 231, lowest 80, 222. Socialist highest 2, 068, lowest 2,023. Union Labor highest 626, lowest 581. United Labor electors-at-large: Redpath 2, 668, Wieder 2.447. Bishop Foley in Detroit.

Detroit, Nov. 23. Tbe Right Rev. John Foley, the newly appointed bishop of Detroit, arrived this evening. He was tendered a grand reception.

Tbe iostallat'on ceremony will take place next Sunday morning. A public reception will be tendered Bishop Foley Tuesday evening next, at which Governor Luce will deliver an address of welcome In tbe name of tbe state of Michigan. Waiting for a Verdict. Beavtr, Pa. Nov.

23. The arguments In the Hibbard-Fry case ended at 6 o'elock. Judge Wickham at once charged the jury, which retired witb the information that if the reached a verdict by 10 o'ciock to-night tbe oourt wouM reconvene to reoeive it. While tbe judge's charge was a most impartial one, it was constructively favorable to tbe defendant. Kansas the Banner State.

Topeka, Kans, 23. Official figures sbaw Harrison's plurality over Cleveland in Kansas -80, 176. Harrison's electors received 182,914, and Cleveland's lOS.T'S. Kansas thus claims to be lbs banner Repuuii-eaa slate. government agents will mingle with the people in the cemetery on that day and provoke a conflict.

Tbe leaders of the demonstration will then be arrested on trumped up charges of having been engaged in plotting against the State and will afterwards be prosecuted for treason. La France says General Boulanger, in an interview, asserted that he had definite information that Prime Minister Floquet was making preparations for a coup d'etat against tbe Bouiangists, and abandoned them only because tbey were prematurely revealed. The Journal des Debats ridicules the rumors of a coup d'etat and says they are only the magnified echoes of the talk of the deputies who have urged the government to adopt energetic measures for the suppression of Boulaugist intrigues. Baron D'Arinos, the Brazilian minister, to day presented M. Goblet, minister of foreign affairs, with the Brazilian decoration of the Imperial Order ot the Rose.

Carney Wants to Fight McAuliffe. Londox, Nov. 23. Jemmy Carney, the champion light-weight pugilist, bas deposited 200 pounds with the Sporting Life, and issues a challenge to fight John McAuliffe, the American champion, according to the rules of tDe London prizt ring, for 500 or 1, 000 a side, the diamond belt, which Mc-Aulifie now holds, and the championship of the world. Carney agrees to give expenses to fiifht in Franca, or wili accept expeuses for the fight to take place in America.

Elections in the Reichstag'. Berlin, Nov. 23. Herr Von Levetzow, Conservative, was to-day elected president of the Reichstag by a vote of 271 out of a total of 281 bal.ots recorded. Dr.

Von-Buhl, Nitionulist, was re-elected first vice-pres dent by 169 out of 259 votes recorded, and Baron Von Unruhe Bomst second vice-president by 150 out of 244. All three geutlemen accepted thu posts. Nationalists to be Prosecuted. London, Nov. 23.

It is announced that Messrs. John O'Connor, Fiuucane, Sheedy, Maine, Condon, Patrick O'Brien and Tanner, all members of the Iri-h Nationalist party in the House of Commons, will be prosecuted for iniimdating renters ot evicted farms. The German East African Bill. Berlin, Nov. 23.

The East African bill, mentioned by Emperor William in his speech at tbe opening of the Reichstag yeBterdsy, is merely a measure to defray the cost of the East Alncan blockade. Cable Mention. Bishop Lyman is in Rome. He will preach at the American Church on Sunday. Signor Ing imi, a Roman advocate who died recently, left a million francs to tbe Pope.

The Hungarian Reformed Church Convention, after a violent debate, has voted in favor of the celibacy of clergymen. The Vatican bas ordered tbe Bishop of Raphe to recall Father McFadden, who is at preseut lecturing in London, to bis parish duties. Mr. Ralston, of London, a well-known writer on myths and folk-lore, baa become insane. He is cranky on the subject of tbe Whitechapel murders.

Tbe Journal de St. Petersburg denies that a secret treaty has been entered into by Corea and Russia. It admits thar. Corea bas granted to Russia facilities for trade across the frontier. A coroner's jury at Midleton, County Cork, has rendered a verdict of wilful murder against Constable Swindell, who fatally stabbed Patrick Ahem during a conflict between tbe people and tbe police at that place.

Cardinal Lavigerie has submitted his anti-slavery scheme to ttie Pope. He relies especially upon England's support. He intends to form an anti-slavery society in Rome, to be composed exclusively of aristocratic ladies. The New Minister to Spain. Washington, Nov.

23. Perry Belmont, tbe newly appointed minister to Spain, yesterday called at the Department of State, took tbe oath of office and received his credentials and preliminary instructions. He expects to returu to Washington before leaving the United States for his post in order to receive further instructions touching his mission. Tbe present secretary of legation at Madrid, Edward Strobel of South Carolina, has been acting as charge d'affaires since Minister Curry's resi. nation.

He graduated from Harvard College just after Mr. Belmont, and as tbe most cordial relations exist between them, be will undoubtedly be retained as secretary of legation. Zalinski's Pneumatic Gun. Washington, Nov. 23.

Captain Zalin-ski, the inventor of tbe pnenmatic dynamite gun, was in consultation with the chief of ordnance and the chief of engineers to-day respecting the procurement of dynamite guns for coast defense. Tbe current army appropriation bill antborizes tbe expenditure of $400, 000 in tbe purchase of these weapons, and about the middle of next week the War Department will issue advertisements for supplying the guns. Tbe location of tbe weapons will be left in the hands of the engineer department, and undoubtedly a number of them will be mounted on the shores of New York harbor. The Proposed Virginia Contest. Washington, Nov.

23. In speaking today of Chairman (Quay's proposed suit to contest tbe electoral vote of Virginia, Hon. James S. Barbour said if there bad been any fraud in tbe oouot the majority would not have been so small as 1, 500. Tbe Democrats did not poll near so good a vote as they might bave done.

Tbey felt secure and didn't coma out. On tbe other hand, the Republicans made the best campaign tbey ever There was no more unfairness in tbe election there than at every election for a hundred years. He said tbe whole affair was clap-trap. Seized with Dangerous Illness. Boston, Nov.

23. Ex-Senator E. H. Robins, of New Hampshire, was taken with vertigo this aiteroooo, and removed to the Massachusetts General Hospital. He was still unconscious at a late boar to-night and bis condition is critical.

His wife and son are with him to-night. Senator Morgan Re-elected. Montgomery, Nov. 23. At a joint caucus of Democratic senators and representatives of the Alabama legislature to-day.

United States Senator John T. Morgan was Dominated by acclamation to be h.s own successor from the 4th of March next. This is bis third nomination. Republican Executive Committee. Washisgton, Nov.

23. Chairman Quay has called a of the executive comit-tee of the Republican national committee for Wednesday, Decern br Cak, ia this oil. THEIR FAITH IN POWDERLY He is Again General Master Workman of the Knights. THE OTHER OFFICERS CHOSEN A Victory for the "Administration in the Result Powderly Will Go to the Paris Exposition He Reduces His Own Salarv. Indianapolis, Nov.

23. The election of officers took up the time of the Knights of Labor General Assembly to-day. Daniel J. Campbell of Scranton nominated T. V.

Powderly for re-election Victor Drury of District Assembly 49, placed the name of Martin Hanley, of New Jersey, before the convention, and an ex-delegate nominated a man named Birch, from Ohio. A groat many seconds to the nominations followed and a vote resulted: Powderly 114, Hanley 27, Birch I. For general worthy foreman, Morris Wheat, of Iowa and Henry A. Breokmeyer. of New Jersey were nominated.

Tbe vote stood Wheat 83, Breckmeyer 56. Three Candida' es for general secretary-treasurer were presented. George Duncan, of Richmond, Va. named Frederick Turner, of Philadelphia, present treasurer. Powderly took the floor and nominated John Hayes, of New Jersey, pre out secretary and W.

G. Price, of New York, presented the name of Mrs. A. P. Stevens, of Toledo.

Before a vote was reached a recess was taken. When tbe convention reassembled balloting was proceeded witb, resulting Hayes 83, Turner 50, Mrs Stevens 3. Powderly having practically requested the election of Ha. es, tbe result ia a Powderly victory. When Powderly got through witb bis nominating speech.

Turner read a letter sent to him by the general master workman, in which he expressed the hope that he (turner) would again be a candidate and would be elected. Mr. Powderly explained that the letter was written before the combination of tbe two offices had been suggestei. Mrs. A.

P. Steveus presented the name of Mrs. L. M. Barry as director and investigator of women's work, and she was reelected by acclamation.

General Master Workman Powderly was chosen to represent the order at tbe Paris exposition. After bis re-election to office, Mr. Powderly took the floor and stated that although his salary bad been left at $5, 000 he would accept only $2, 000, and at the end of bis term tbe order could do wnat they pleased witb tbe As candidates for members of tbe General Executive Board, tbe general master workman presented ibe names of A. W. Wright, of Toronto, Ont.

J. J. Holland, of Jacksonville, Fla, John Costello, of Pittsburg John Devlin, of Detroit J. A. Wright, of Philadelphia T.

B. McGuire, of New York H. C. Xrappagan, of Cincinnati an1 J. J.

Crowley, of Charleston, Mass. On tbe first ballot A. Wright, J. J. Holland, and John Costello, were elected.

Two more bal ots were necessary to elect tbe fourth member of tbe board. John Devlin, of Detroit, was chosen. The first ballot stood A. W. Wrigbt 94, Holland 83, Costello 83, Devlin 67, J.

A. Wright 38, McGuire 53, Trap-pagan 89, Crowley 58. Second ballot: Devlin 56, J. A. Wright 7, McGuire 41, Trappagan 10, Crowley 21.

J. A. Wright withdrew and the third ballot resulted: Devlin 71, McGuire 56, Trappagan 4, Crowley 5. Retiring General Worthy Foreman Richard Griffiths, of Chicago, and Delegate Dela-wart, of Belgium, were presented with fine gold badges by the General Assembly, tbe receipt of which was acknowl- dged appropriately. To-morrow morning the members of tbe Co-operative Board will be elected from the four nominations of General Worthy Foreman heat.

The composition of the new board is considered by Powderly 's friends as very good, some of tbem laying particular stress on tbe election of Costello, who represents the miners. On the other band, it is claimed that his election will bave a bud effect on the Knights of Labor. A leading miner remarked to-night that the election of Costello meant tbe certain secession of the Miners' Assembly. This is owing to a dislike for Costello felt by tbe miners because of bis connection with some of their troubles several years ago. The miners will meet at Columbus, Ohio, December 6lh, and at that will act.

An Extensive Cave-in. Wilkesbarrk, Nov. 23. A cave-in, one of tbe most extensive reported here in a long time, occurred this afteruoon at Parsons Station. Tbe cave is located between the Mineral Spring Colliery, operated by tbe Lebigh Valley Coal Company and the Laurel Run Colliery, operated by the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company.

Tbe cave- in covers an extent ot nearly half a mile square and is about six feet deep almost tbe entirk area. Both water mains, sixteen inches in diameter, of the Wilses-barre Water Company, which extend under tbe covered district, were snapped off and au immeuse volume of water from tbe reservoir rushed into the mines, in consequence work at both collieries bad to be abaudoned until repairs can be made and water pumped out of tbe mines. No lives were lost, but the walls of several bouses are reported badly damaged and cracked. American Public Health Association. Milwaukee, Nov.

23. The final session of tbe American Public Health Association was held this morning. It was entirely a business meeting, and after the election of officers and tbe transaction ot some routine business tbe members dispersed. Professor Hosmer A. Johnson, M.

D. of Chicago, was elected presideut. The noxt meeting will be held in Brooklyn. Killed by a Train. Trot, Nov.

23. An Italian whose name is unknown was struck by a train and killed last night whiio crossing a bridge on the Kitcbburg railroad near Hoosick Fa. Is. Tbe body was found on the rocks, thirty feet below the bridge. Guilty of Manslaughter.

Trot, Nov. 23 This morning Franklin V. Brower was found guilty of manslaughter in tbe first degree. Brower caused the death of the woman with whom ho lived at Melrose, performing a criminal operation. A Newspaper Cashier Absconds.

New York, Nov. 23. Olaf Sunde, cashier of the New York Daily A'eus, it is reported has absconded. Sunde bas been tea years in the employ of tbe Uailg Xews. He was last seen at 1 1 o'clock on Wednesday at which time be accniuii(il l.r..,i 1 bis assouftte wti'l about be iaTssUgated.

Good Indications of a Week Ago Still Continue. THE PRICE OF STEEL RAILS Explanation of the Cut to Dollars A Boom in Raw W-ol Earnings of Railways Repc I From Various Industries. New York. Nov. 23.

Special telegrams to Bradxtreef this week contain towt not all of tbe favorable characteristic noticed in general trade circles cue week agi. At Savannah merchants are waiting patiently for weather cold enough to raise the Florida quarantine, which bas depressed trade in that vicinity so long, aod at Galveston tbe volume of merchandise moving is only moderate, due to cold and relay weather and heavy interior roads. AS most other points, t-xcept Detroit, where Keceral trade is only fair, steady increases are reported in orders received and placed tor almost all staple lines. In explanation of the out of 128 of the price of steel rails, it is learned that tbe new Pittsburg mill sold at $26 at the mill last week, to be delivered at Buffalo at $27.50. Tbe rail makers have been baring a hot time of It among themselves, and erroneous impressions prevailed last week that large rail contracts had been made at $28 and $20.50 These grew out ot tbe one sale at $20.

Tbe new mill was working for a share of tbe trade and has apparently secured it, which puts bo- torn mid quotations in Pennsylvania up to $27. 50 (chiefly Scranton), and $28 to $29 as rail quotations generally. Tba visible supply of copper bas increased. Progress bas been made toward extending tbe contracts tetween domestic mining companies and tbe French operators. Copper prioes are more active with a fractional advance.

Ean ings per mile of 105 railroads lor September show a loss of 4. 6 per cent. as compared with September. 1887, and a loss of 2.2 per cent, against lfcStS, with gain of 1. 8 per cent, over September, 1885.

For nine months this year's mileage earnings are 4. 2 per cent, below those of 1S37. tut are 2. 2 per cent. and 6.6 per respectively, greater than in 1888 and 1885.

Tbe trunk-line troubles have caused a heavy and increasing liquidation in tbe New York stock market and a decided fall in stock values, though a brisk recovery set In late on Friday. Higher money markets abroad, with tbe shipment of over $4, in gold, create additional pleasure on tbe market. Foreign exchange is high and strong. The gold shipping point has not been reached, but the premium, on gold abroad makes shipments possible. Demand sterling is $4.

88 to $4. The moderate concession in bleached cottons last week -resulted In an active demand and a partial rvsortation oftbs previous level of prices. There is a satisfactory demand for spring styles of ginguaai?" Orders for woolens have been checked somewhat by the advance in prices of raw wool. Raw wool is more active and si rone ar in all domestic markets, the situation bain; somewhat extraordinary compared with the dull ness of last summer. Within a month tbe gain in prices has been from 2 to 4 cents per pound.

Increased importations are expected during the year. Manufacturers are now specially interested to arrange to get an advance on tbeir heavy-weight goods commensurate with tbe higher price for raw material. Cotton is rather dull and slightly lower on fuller crop movement and lower Liverpool quotations. Four Atlantic porta this week exported about 300, 000 and two Pacilio ports 700, -000 bushels of wheat. Flour shipments aggregated, both coasts, 445, 000 bushels (as wheat), nearly nine-tenths of it being from Atlantic and Gulf ports.

Counting flour as wheat, tbe aggregate foreign shipments this week are 1,446,412 bushels, against 2, 082, 618 bushels last week, and 2,015,067 bushels in the third week of November 1887. Flour ia dull and has declined 5 to 15 cents on some grades to 30 cents. Wheat is off 3 cents but corn is 1, 314 cents and oats cent higher. Raw sugar has been quite firm with re duced offerings at full asking price, though without special activity. Refiners have drawn on stocks rather than buy under these circumstances.

Tbe demand for refined is increased very little, but in some ins ances prices are lg cent higher. The demand for desirable lots of Brazil and other coffees is somewhat larger and ot more satisfactory volume. This is followed by a hardening in prices on fair invoices of Rio of fully cent. Brazilian crop reports aie contradictory. European markets are stronger.

Business failures number 253 In the United States week against 178 last. Canada bad 14 this week against 2 1 last. Fire Sweeps a Maryland Town. Pocomokk Citt, Nov. 23.

Fire broke out here at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the drug store of D. O. J. Truitt. This building was tuatsd In the heart of the town and from the first it was a hopeless case.

The hook and ladder company did all in their power, but all their efforts rroved fruitless. The town was not provided with any Gre apparatus and a messenger was sent to Salisbury for its department, which responded ia one hour from the receipt of the message. A strong northwest wind sent the flames leaping from one building to another. The entire business portion of tbe place wae swept away, including two hotels and four newspaper offices. Only two stores remain Tbe tire was extinguished at 10:30 P.

Mr Tbe loss is half a miUioa dollars, partly luT sured. No Longer a G. A. R. Man.

Bpjusgfikld, 111., Not. 23. Tbe commander of Stephenson Post, No. 30. G.

A. R. announced at a meeting last nUbt that Comrade John MoAuley Palmer had asked for and received an honorable discbarge from tbe order. General Palmer, who was candidate for governor on the Detnocratia ticket in the recent election, was tbe Crsl department commandsr for tbe State Illinois, and was eje-officio commander-ia-cbiet of the United States. It is said he bases his withdrawal upon an illegal viola-tion of tbe constitution and ritual, charging that the order has been perverted to political purposes.

When tbe fact of the withdrawal became known among local Grand Arrur men regret was expressed that the General had taken such action. Chicago's New Postmaster. Chicago, Nor. 23. General Walker Newberry has decided to accept tae otr postmaster Chicago, tanci.r..

President Cleveland Sentence of James Bedell, the Forger of Mortgages. THE STORY OF HIS DOWNFALL A Statement to a Reporter in Which He Attributes His First and Subsequent False Steps to the Seductions of tbe Policy Shop. New York. Nov. 23 James Bedell, tbe real estate clerk of Shipman, Barlow, La-rocque Cioate.

who swindled his employers and their clients out of $264, 000, was to-day sentenced, on his plea of guilty, to state prison for twenty-five years and four months. Philip J. Gobs, one of the policy dealers who got $30, 000 out of Bedell, pleaded guilty to felony, and was fined $1,000. Immediately after tbe opening the Court of General Sessions in which Recorder Smyth is now setting. Colonel Fellows entered and in a loud ordered tbe attendants to bring James E.

Bedell to the bar. A rumor that Bedell would be brought up for sentence spread this morning, and the court room was densely crowded. Deputy Sheriff burke with difficulty edged bis way through the crowd and in bis wane came Bedell. The forger was dressed in a greyish colored suit, was smooth shaven and, barring bis sallow complexion, seemedHo be in excellent health. As he epped up to the rail and faced the recorder he seemed thoroughly composed, but his black eyes flashed nervously, as he glanced at the throng of people all breathlessly watching tim.

Clerk Sparks was seated at the clerk's desk and as Bedel! took bis place at tbe bar he handed him a bundle of papers, whtch, it subsequen ly appeared, contained two indictments for forge, iu tbe first decree, and six inuictments for forgery in the second degree, all growiug out of the swindle in Shipman, Barlow, Larocque Cboate's offire. Bedell nervously tinkered them for a moment, glanced over tbcm carelessly, handed them back to Clerk Sparks with the remark, "I decline to plead to these indictments." Thereupon Colonel Fellows moved that a plea of Not guilty" be entered. James E. Bedell, what have you to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon you J'' demanded Ckrk Sparks. I have no legal reasons, your honor, slowly said Bedell, in a low tone, to offer your honor why sentence should not be pronouueed against me, assuming that your honor bas giveu consideration to the communications which I have sent to you in the hope that you might find some mitigation in (he punishment now to be inflicted upon me.

I simply await my sentence. Tbe recorder then sentenced him to confinement at hard labor in tbe state prison for twenty-five years and four months. Bedell Makes a Statement. New York, Nov. 23.

James E. Bedell, tbe forger of mortgages, who was to-day sentenced for twenty-live years and four mouths, as the result of his criminal career, made a statement to-day to a reporter concerning his lorgeries. which is the first time be bas consented to talk about the matter off the witness stund. He spoke substantially as foliows 1 make this statement with a view to explaining to many who would perhaps like to know tbe causes which led to my downfall and, while it does not relieve me from the responsibility of my wrongful acts, it may serve a good purpose in that it may be a warning to those who may be similarly situated to avoid temptation of any kind. It was my desire to make money quickly and easily that led me into the pernicous habit of playing policy.

My attention was called to it by advertisements in tbe papers many years ago. My first attempt succeeding, I followed it up, and from time to time was successful, but by degrees losses began and tbey continued to grow large day by day, until io the course of time, I saw that ruin was staring me in tbe face on account of debts and other obligations resting npon me. 'I had to do something to save myself, as I thought, and made tbe first fraudulent mortgage in 1884. With a portion of tbe proceeds thus obtained I paid off the obligations then pressing upon me, retaining the balance, and then endeavored by honorable efforts to make up tbe sum I had taken. Do what I could, I was unable to accomplish it, and ttien in tbe hope that I might by some stroke of good luck win back tbe necessary amount from.

policy, I used tbe balance of tbe money raised on tbe mortgage, and in time it went the way of tbe From this first false stp, I gradually took tbe succeeding steps which culminated in my taking a vast sum. At no time while I was engaged in this unlawful business did I utterly lose tbe sense of right. I bad many a little struggle with myself be; ore the commission of each wrongful act. In more than one case, I am glad to say that I did succeed in resisting temptation and in carrying transactions without any taint of fraud. These transactions, few thougn they were, do not belp me any now, for tbe cloud which bangs over me is so dark that it can hardly be penetrated by tbe light of any good action on my part.

1 never was what tbe world calls a dissipated man. Drink did not lead me into trouble. But trouble drove me to the use of stimulants at certain periods to such an extent that mind and memory became a total blank to me. Tbe great pressure upon my mind, hourly, sleeping and waking, I may say increasing in weight as tbe number of my wrongful acts increased, calling for constant watcbiulness on my part, to guard against detection, and meanwhile being compell to keep my mind clear to successfully carry through the numerous large and important matters entrusted to my care, left me in sucb a condition that there appeared to be no relief to my brain except to deaden its anxieties by excessive use of stimulants at certain times. I recognize tbe fact that I am guilt; of great crimes and that my acts have created a feeliug of insecurity among investors of money upon tbe security of real estate.

My punishment should be sucb as to give warning to all others against the commission of such offenses. It gives me satisfaction to say that from tbe day of my arrest to tbe present time no untruthful word bas passed my lips. I confessed everything, no matter bow bard tbe truth bore upon me. I infoimed my former employers, who were ever kind to me, precisely how tbey stool as far as my own acts were concerned. Tbey bave found that tue statements I bave made to them were true.

I transferred to thsm all my property. I told tbe whole troth, damaging as it was against me, npon my examination in their suit against tbe Bask of tbe Stale of New York. I have no revenge; ul feeling to gratify, but am willing to take my puniatiuieDt as a man, and if any opportunity is offered to me, and I live, I sbaU tadearor Parnell Urges Settlement of the Arrears Question. REAL AND BOGUS OUTRAGES Questions Brought Up Before the Parnell Commission Rumors of a Coup d'Etat by the French Government Foreign News by Cable. Lojtdoiv, Nov.

23. In the Houe of Commons is evening Mr. Sexton asked whether it was true that seven Irisu members were about to be prosecuted, and if so, where there was any relation between the prosecution and tbe delay in tbe do: ate on the Irish estimates. If there was not, be asked if Mr. Smith, the government leader, would give tbe assurance that members would not be withdrawn from their parliamentary duties utiiil tbe estimates were settled.

Mr. Smith denied having any knowledge of tbe prosecution. He certainly desired members to remain until the estimates were considered. He tb-n moved that the rule compelling adjournment at midnight be again suspended to enable the House to conclude tbe debate on the Irish land purchase bill. Carried, 195 to 159.

On mutiou to go into committee on tbe bill, Mr. ParDell proposed au amendment giving the government power to instruct the land commission to deal with arrears when fixing judicial rents. He urged that, in view ot the fact that it was agreed on all sides that the arrears question must necessarily be settled, it ought to be dealt with without delay, in conjunction with the question of land purchases. This done, it would place the tenant in a position to contract freely with the landlord, protect tbe exchequer against loss, and give tbe Ashbourne act tbe best possible chance to work with smoothness. Mr.

Smith contended that tbe course which Mr. Parnell proposed would place the tenant in a distinctly worse position than before, by recogn zing arrears ad a charge that might continue to bang around bis neck, even after completing bis purchase. Now, after a contract for purchase bad been agreed upon, the arrears became ipse facto wiped out. Mr. Dillon held that the mischief of arrears occurred before the agreement for purchase was signed.

Mr. Parnell 's motion was rejected 1S2 to 148. Mr. Nolan, (Home Ruler) moved that purchasing tenants be allowed to purchase grass land in tae neighborhood of their holdings. Messrs.

Plunkett and Smith admitted that the matter was worthy of attention, but said that tbe Bubject should be considered apart from tbe present bill. Mr. Morley advised that the motion be withdrawn. Several Parnellites reported that the government objected to the motion because an was tbe author and ttiey insisted upon a division. Tbe motion was negatived 159 to 128.

Sir B. Walker Foster (Liberal) moved to reduce the amount of the grant asked for in tLe bill to 1, 500, 000. Sir G. O. lreveljan said that be bad beard that a nobleman cunnected with a minister bad already received t2 0, 000 and vhat Lord Londonderry would benefit by the measure.

Mr Goechea repudiated Mr. Trevelyan's insinuations. Hugh Childs commented on the absence of information regarding the operation of the Ashbourne act. Alter further debate the motion was rejected 212 to 154. The Parnell Commission.

London, Nov. 23. At the sitting of the Parnell Commission to-day Inspector of Police Huggins testified concerning outrages at Castle Ireland, County Kerry. Sir Charles Russell objected to witness giving evidence regarding matters beyond bis personal knowledge. Presiding Justice Hannen said be admitted reports made by the police at times for what they were worth.

Witness, resuming, quoted from statistics which showed that from November, 1882, to September, 18S4, 160 outrages were committed. On cross-examination witness said be believed that farmers' sons initiated outrages in order to evade the payment of rent. He knew of twenty bogus outrages. He was not aware that men had connived to damage their own property in order to secure compensation from tbe quarter sessions. He did not think that all outrages were due to secret societies.

Some of them were the result of family quarrels, or of private malice. He hai connected the League with moonlighting because prior to the existence of tbe League Kerry had been peaceful. Mr. Rei 1. of counsel (or tbe Parnellites, asked: What is your ground for assummg this connection! Witness "At every meeting of the League, landlords and bailiffs were denounced.

As a consequence, both of these Classes became unpopular, and nearly every man who has been murdered belonged to either one class or tbe other. Mr. Lockwood, of the Parnellites counsel then asked tbe witness bow long be bad been engaged in getting up a case for tbe Times. Sir Henry James, of counsel for the Times, objected to the question, whereupon Sir Charles Rus-ell exclaimed warmly: We charge and inteud to prove that the whole executive authority, even including tbe resident magistrates, is engaged in getting up the Times case. Witness then denied that tbe Times bad employed him.

On redirect examination by the prosecution, witness siated that no case of bogus outrage bad ever been returned by tbe police as a real outrage. A Murder in County Kerry. Dublin, Nov. 23. A farmer named Daly bas been murdered at Tralee, County Kerry.

He bad been shot four times. It is tbe opinion of tbe police that Daly was killed by moonlighters He had returned from America recently and taken a larm from which a tenant bad been evicted. He bad been threatened with violence and bad been compelled to obtain police protection. Tbe murder of Daiy is supposed to be due to family feu is. At the inquest a boy deposed that be brought tbe hist news of the murder to Daly's wife; that she declared that she was clad, as she would now have the land for herself, and that the matter bad cost her tuany tears during the past year.

During tbe taking of tbe evidence tbe wife cried loudly. Bensational Reports in Paris. Paris, Nov. 23. Tbe Boulangist and atlve journals charge tbe govern iiicut th preparing a com) d'etat, Jo be CRirUd out on the occasion of the demonstration at the grave the revolutionist LauJiu oa lecembr 2nd.

They allege that. Business at a Complete Standstill in the Railroad Yards. Indianapolis, Not. 23. Tho strike of railroad switchmen is taking on an ugly phase.

Not a tingle twitch engine in the city was moved this morning- In the freight yards everything is in confusion. The morning trains were abandoned half made up, or not made up at all, except in the Monon and Lake Erie and Western yards. Tbe man, however, declared that not an engine should be fired this morning. In all tbe yards business was at a complete standstill. In several places engineers and firemen, or other employes of the roads, pressed iato tbe service, tried to go on with the work, but the strikers interfered and prevented the departure of any trains.

Although some disposition to blockade the tracks and obstruct- tbe progress of men who desired to work was exh.b ted, only one instance of positive violence was repotted during the night. A serious phase of tbe strike is that the engineers and firemen are in close sympathy witb tbe switchmen and make no attempt to man tbe engines. In nearly every instance tbey bave quit work, run tbeir engines into tbeir stalls and drawn the fires when the switchmen requested it. This adds much to the complication of tbe matter. While switchmen may be replaced by inexperienced men and traffic resumed in a short time, provided tbe engineers and firemen will work, without the latter nothing can be done.

Inexperience will not do to trust upon an enginj. AU tbe forenoon the strikers bave been going in gangs from ods yard to another and warning applicants for work that if tbey undertook to bandle the switch engines they would be handled roughly. Fearing trouble, the officers of the roads called for police protection at coon, and an effort will be made to start out some trains to-night. INTO CHICAGO. Arrangements of the Canadian Pacific Road for New Connections.

Chicago, Not. 23. Tho Evening Journal says The report that tbe Canadian Pacific road has made arrangements to run trains into Chicago is corrobated by J. Francis Lee, tbe commercial agent in this city. In answer to inquiries Mr.

Lee Baid "The Canadian Pacific bas made all Us arrangements to that end. It is now building a road between London and Windsor, Ont. to connect at Detroit with tbe Wabash system. It will run trains into tbe city over the Wabash tracks and will bave terminal facilities here in connection with that system. "Have any arrangements been made for reaching Chicago from tbe northwest, say from St.

Paul, as reported "I know of no such arrangements, and do not think it bas been thought of. "How soon will you ba running your trains into this city 2 We expect to have everything in shape in about a year from now. We will probably be running trains in a year. The Democrats Carry Bouth Carolina. Columbia, S.

Nov. 23. The state board of canvassers has concluded the canvass of all the state and federal returns, and has declared tbe result, which is the eleo-ti of tbe entire Democratic electoral ticket the following vote Cleveland, Harrison, Democratic majority, 62, 085. The total vote is 1 1, 933 less than four years ago. The Democratic majority is 4,054 grea'er.

Democratic congressmen are elected in tbe seven distriots of the state, the contest in the Seventh or "black district having been decided by the state board in favor of Colonel William Elliott, the present incumbent, who is re-elected by a vote of 8, 358 to 7, 003 for Miller, his colored competitor, who contested the election of Elliott. Killed in a Collision. Pittsburg, Nov. 23. Two freight trains on the Cleveland Pittsburg road collided at Hammondsviile, Ohio, at 4 o'clock this morning.

Both engines and a number of loaded cars were demolished. Engineer Whittacre bad his leg crushed. The engineer of the otber train, named Dolphin, and a brakeman named Salvia are missing and are supposed to be in the wreck. A dispatch from Wellsville says Engineer Dolphin of Wellsville and Brakeman Slavin of Ravenna, O. were caught in the wreck and killed.

Conductor Rees and Engineer Whittacre were seriously but not fatally injured. Ti.e accident wus caused by tbe crew tbe extra train disobeying orders. The loss is heavy. A Letter From. Thurman.

ffELPASo, Nov. 23. The following letter from Allen G. Thurman has been received by Judge Allen Blacker, chairman of the Democratic county executive committee of El Paso county Columbus, Nov. 16th.

Allen Blacker, El Paso, Texas: JtooE: Thanks for your kind favor of the lh lest- I regret the result of the election, not on any aocouut, but because I fear the policv of our political opponent. As lor myself. I shall never be a candiuate for office again, but i siiall never cease while I live to work for the party, and I do not deapair of its ultimate success Yours truly, A. U. THURMAN.

A Big Water Project. Clitkland, Not. 23. A project la en foot among capitalists here to supply the cities and towns of Ohio with water from Lake Erie. They think a large pip, line g30 miles long can be operated as successfollv as tbe small pipe 600 miles long, which car-res oil to Chicago.

It is designed to run the water pipe line direct to Columbus and thence to Cincinnati Reservoirs are to be constructed for securing an uninterrupted wnT" cclU8at- Th. main line wild be tapped to supply smaller cities. Not a Good Model to Follow TSQTn' N8T- 23--A "Creeabl. effect that the stern of the English gunboat Scout" has sunk considerably and that the rear frames show signs of weakness. Ibis sign of structural weakness aequlrte importance from tbe fact that tbe new gnu-boats, Yorktown, Bennington and others recently built for our navy are patterned closely upon tbe English model which now shows liui of failure.

5 hi or 2 i 3 Observance o. i 2 I 8 I 5 Ktat pf uK.nlr, lielroit karuuaue. luicajto I-'uJuia 6U I'Uian iiooraeaa. H. Vuicenr Ssinarcic.

Celt. ft- As ui vine. Lodge (Jict 80. 420f 30. 4:4 10 20 sin).

8210S 84 -iSE 34 2SE ti.NW 40 2S VV 88 4 8W S4 OSff lOCIear IsClear fri.lear 6Cloady 4lear 4Clear frclear 4i lear fc Clear 4snow ftdear Fair 4jClear ISO. 8110; 3) 86u8 ha). 2 3 30. 32 40! 6S 32 Mi US BO 814l A.uS10l 10 25S12i St 2isE M. lncresae.

tDecreaso. Minus (-) xero. Tbe S(fo" It indicates tbe win veiocitjrto be uuiae or leas nr tiour. Local Observations. Rochebtek, Nov.

24. Yesterdav the high-t temperature was 33. 4 degrees, tne lowest 11.0 degrees, with falling barometer, southeasterly winds and fair weather. ax i in urn velocity of tbe wind 14 nules per boar at 11:15 A. M.

mean daily barometer, HO. 68 mean daily Ibermoui-ter, a-j. meao daily humidity 63. 6 er enr, Rainfall or melted snow Bine last mid-ifcLt report, Weather Indications. Nov.

23. 8 P. M. Ib-dication for twenty-four bonrs: tor Western New York: Waiuier, fair, wuiu uiX i.ui to fcoulberl. Additional TelegraDti on MfP.

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