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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 7

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. 1888. Assessment Committee. After a communi- STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. French clocks, very handsome.

GlKJTNT'8. BUSY COMMON COUNCIL DAILY CIRCULATION WEEK ENDING MAY 12th. It Leads Them. Alii The Paris Kid Glove Store tha only exclusive glove store in tha city the largest assortment, the latest shades, the lowest prices. 83 East Main street, sign of tha glove.

T. M. Bdsby. PARLOR, CHAMBER and DIfWW ROOM are selling the lowest Parlor, Chamber and We priced Dining Room Furniture to be had anywhere in the world. Get all the prices, then come to the Furniture Palace and compare.

SHAL GES East Main Street, STERLING Our Silver is pronounced to be superb, being unique and chaste in the extreme a revelation, in fact. Our efforts to bring to this market something out of the ordinary run of things have been appreciated, for which we extend thanks. A fine line of Pitchers, Tea Caddies, Porringers, Hand Mirrors and Black Coffee Pots just received. WISK New SILVER! Ch.n.1 -fQUa- OPENING ART DEALER Powers Block. UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF RECENT ETCHING And Artistic Frames.

are invited to see them. The Special Committee Recommend Frank M. Howe for Superintendent. The regular monthly meeting of the Board Managers ot the fctate Industrial School was held yesterday afternoon at the institution. All the managers were present witb the exception of Dr.

Jonas Jones and J. Miller Kelly. The Technolocical School Committee through its chairman, Henry Lomb, presented a report in which was a lengthy statement from Assistant Sunerin- tendent Murray giving hia observations in his recent visit, by direction of the board, to several of the technological schools ot the country. The Visiting Committee, com posed of Hon. Thomas Raines, Rev.

Dr. Gibbard and J. D. Decker, made a report considerable length, severely criticizing tome matters connected with the institution. At tbe close of the formal business meet ing, the board went into executive session.

Among the things which it was afterwards learnedcame up for consideration was the se lection of a superintendent to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Levi 8. Fulton. The special committee named some time ago by the board for tbat purpose made a reDort, recommending Frank M. Howe, of Milford, for the position. In view of the importance attached to the naming of a new superintendent, action on tho matter was deferred until the 28th inst, and a committee was appointed, consisting of Martin Barron, Ira L.

Otis, Rev. Dr. Gibbard and Hon. Thomas Raines, to in the meantime visit the reform schools at Lansing, Mich. and Providence, R.

I. of which Mr. Howe has had charge, for the purpose of makine further inquiry in regard to the management of those institutions while he whs superintendent of them. It is understood that a clear majority of the Board of Managers bave declared their purpose to bave a change of management in the State Industrial School without qualification, and that all but two of the man- ra spa in nf tha ra.tnllv sys- tern. RAILWAY MATTERS.

A Gigantic Work Contemplated-of General Interest. -News It ia said that the Syracuse, Ontario Hew York railway tunnel near Cazenovia will probably be unroofed this summer. The tunnel is 1, 600 feet long and seventeen and a half high and is covered by about twenty-eight feet of soil. Tbe cut before reaching the tunnel is 630 feet long at one end and at the other 560 feet. The tunnel itself is in bad condition and the expense of repairing it would be very large, bo it has been decided to blow off the roof, at au estimate cost of 30, 000.

It is said that the West Shore Railway Company is the promoter of the undertaking. Although the West Shore company actually owns the Syracuse, Ontario New York road, that fact is not generally known. Arrangements are being made to run West Shore engines orer the Syracuse road and at present the tunnel 13 too small for the West Shore's large locomotives. BALLAST. The Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg pay car started on its rounds yesterday.

Work will soon be begun on the projected Central Park Station on the Central-Hudson. At the Erie station electric lights are being placed in position over the Court street entrance. Commencing Sunday next the Central-Hudson Company will run trains to Ontario Beach every hour. The Erie pay car arrived in this city yesterday. It was greeted with pleasant looks by the employes.

Tne Central-Hudson station at Niagara Falls will be remodeled shortly. A new station will be erected at Lockport, J. A. Haskell, genera! manager of tha Rochester and Pi tsburg Coal and Iron company, and J. M.

Drill, genoral coal agent of tbe same corporation, were in the city yesterday. Monday evening the Rochester sleeping car service on the Central-Hudson was inaugurated. A sleeper has been put on train No. 10 which leaves this city at 8:05 o'clock each night. The new time table on the Erie will go into effect next Sunday.

It is probable that New York express will put on the road. which wdl leave Rochester at 7 P. M. and arrive in New York at 7 A. M.

A meeting of tho leading officers of tha Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen is to take place In Chicago this It is rumored that the intention is to make a last effort toward securing tbe interference of other railway managers in behalf of arbitration with the officers. E. M. Moore, general freight agent of the Rome, Watertown Ogdensburg rail way, has resigned. Mr.

Moore is an old railway man, and for many years has been in the employ of this company. Ha baa occupied positions in all grades of the service and has ever been been distinguished for energy and efficiency. His successor has not yet been named. Frank Parsons has been appointed assistant general ireignt agent or the same road, with headquarters at Oswe go. Its Eighth Reunion.

The eighth annual reunion of the Third New York Cavalry will be held at the Newport House, June 13th. The command will proceed to the resort oy street oars, iu Bay railway and by steamers. Scott, of the Bay railway, nas cnarge of the transportation or tne regiment. Real Estate Transfers. The following real estate transfers were recorded in the county clerk's office.

Tuesday, May 15, 1688: John Bushman and wife to Isaac Jones, property in Henrietta; $10. Louis U. Gaus and wife to Bernard' Lobmske, property on Sullivan street $1,000. Lucy E. Havward to Kdwio Taylor and wife, property on (jirson avenue; ilhs J.

Howard and wife to Hiram M. Tripp, property on Casper street; $1,119. erdinand Schaefer nl others to Herman U. Larzeiere, propel ty on Uostou l'ar; $tj0. Henry H.

Sclinarr and wife to Mary Ann Johnson, property in city: $415 Kitea Parker to Shelly O. Grumps, property in PitiRford; $txlO. I hiliip Kammer and wiffl to Benjamin E. Chase; nroijertr on Goodman Eliza Ionian to K. E.

Welch, property on Glen-wood avenue; $1, 2iXl. John Handy and wife to Thomas H. Thompson and wife, properly on Frank street; SI. 950. William U.

oarhutt to Henry Bigeford, property in Wheatland; 850. Patrick Ward and others to John P. Bowman, orouerty corner Brown nnd Oak streets; $3,000. Susan A. Newnwn to Kosotta Tofield and others, prop-rty in Fairport; I'liilip J.

Meyer and wife to Louis P. Meyer, oroDHrty in city; 31. Charles O. ZolW and wife to John Schwartz, oroperiy oti Fourth avenue; 'ilO. Pmiip H.

Yawuian to Mary C. Yawman, property in city; A Thing of Beauty Is a joy forever, exclaimed a lady having purchased a pair of beautiful kid gloves in the genuine seven book Foster laoe-up, at the Varia Uiove Store, 83 East Main street, ahm of tbe big glove. Exclusively gloves. X. M.

Btsar. C. E. MORRIS, cauon from the citv attorner had been read touching the AVestarn Union Telegraph Company's liability in tbe cases for damages widen, toad been decided against the city and growing out of the Court street disaster. that oliicial was directed to bring suit against the company to recover the amount of damages paid out by tbe city.

Alderman Koblmeta then presented a res olution which was unanimously adonted It was one thanking Assistant City Attorney Sullivan for his assistance to the council in rendering legal advice, praising his ability and judgment, and closing by recommending: that be be retained by the city attorney for the coming year. It ia needless to say the recommendation will be followed. The council then voted to contribute $400 to tha Veteran Brigade to assist in defraying the expenses Decoration Day. Alderman Foley presented two separate petitions asking that one lady physician on each of the river be added to the list of city chvsiciana. One petition was signed by Mrs.

Oscar Craig as presideut and Mrs. Arthur Robinson as secretary of the Female Charitable Society. for the managers of that organization. The other had the signatures of about twenty-five prominent ladies from different parts of the city. The petitions were ordered received, filed and published.

From matters which had previously trans pired, the action of the council in resolving to cispeuse witn the services of City Sur veyor Quidby was not unexpected. The Map and burvey Committee some time ago asked tbe Civil (Service Examiners to examine applicants for that position. Tha report which was sent to the committee certified that Oscar II. Peacock and George tV. Rafter bad passed the required examination, stand ing 0 and 75 per cent, respectively, and were therefore eligible to appoint ment, but, as the law provided that preference was to be given to old soldiers, Mr.

Peacock should be consid ered first. A damper was thrown upon the election of Mr. Peacock yesterday morning, by the serving of a temporary injunction up on members of the Map and Survey Com mittee, and Civil Service Examiners L. P. Poss, W.

F. Peck and John H. Hop kins. Tbe injunction was granted by Jus tice Angle in a suit brought by Edwin French and restrains the Civil Service Ex aminers from certifying that Engineer Pea cock attained a standing of SO per cent, at the late examinations. It also restrains the committee named from appointing Mr.

Peacock city surveyor. The complaint in the action Bets forth that of the six obligatory questions placed before tbe applicants at the examination, Mr. Peacock failed wholly to answer three, while his answers to the reat were incomplete, When this point in the proceedings of the City Fathers had been reached last night, Alderman Selye sent up the communication received by the committee from the Civil Service Examiners, signed by George A. Benton as secretary, recommending Mr. Pea cock as eligible to appointment.

The matter of the injunction was at once brought up, but tbe aldermen bad evidently been doing some brain work Bines tha injunction had been served. In the face of that document the communication would probably bave been laid upon the table had not Alderman Kelly called the alderman of the becouu to the chair and himself taken the floor. He kept the floor just lone enough to ask Assistant City Attorney bullivan to point out to the aldermen a legal loop hole that had been left oren in the injunction. It was that the injunction did not affect the coun cil, but simply the members ot the Map Committee and the examining t.oard and that if the aldermen saw fit they could legally appoint Mr. Peacock to his coveted pos.tion.

He, however, counseled that the members of the Map and Survey Committee abstain from voting. Alderman "Williams then offered a resolution that Mr. Peacock be employed as city surveyor for one year at a salary of Mo one talked upon the resolution, but when the vote was called for, the aldermen were Slow in responding and asked all sorts of questions as to the probability of laying themselves liable for contempt of court. When Alderman McMillan was reached he asked to be excused from voting on tha ground that he believed it was a violation of the injunction. The members of the Maps Committee were excused also, and when the result was reached it was found that six votes had ben cast in favor of the appoiutment.

Before the result was announced Alderman Selye's eye took a census the desks, and detected that six were not a majority of those present. Xo 'vanishing lady'' apparatus could have reduced the number present quicker than the way that tha alderman from the Kintb disappeared. Now there were eleven aldermen present, and a new vote was asked for. Alderman McMillan was not excused this time and voted "no." tix votes cast in the affirmative, Mr. Peacock was declared elected.

The last Monday in May has been set by Justice Angle as the date for tha argument for a temporary injunction. Iha mayor was authorized to renew contracts with the organizations renting rooms in the Front street City Building. Several other building petitions were presented, but the only further important business was the adoption of a resolution by Alderman Kelly authorizing the publication of 1, S00 copies of the city charter. The council then adjourned. MORTUARY MATTERS.

Oscar A. Braman died yesterday morn- i 1 a ing at his fatner's resiuence, u. uou" Park, aged 24 years. -Thomas Wright died yesterday at his residence in Webster, aged 78 years. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the house.

The funeral of the late Arie Van Ingen will be held at the family residence, No. 45 Jonea avenue, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The deceased was a cousin of the lata Dr. Van Ingen. The funeral of the late Jesse B.

Hannan, whose death at perinton on Monday has bea previously announced, will take place to-morrow afternoon at the family residence at 2 o'clock, in that place. William Cunningham, who was found on the Central-Hudson tracks near Batavia Sunday morning, died at the City Hospital Monday afternoon, aged 40 years. The funeral will take place at the hospital at 9 o'clock this morning. Joseph Lee. son of John ana aiary iee, iliAd vsterdav morning at the family resi- nrnor nf North Bt.

Paul and Ward streets, aged 19 years. The funeral will be held to-morrow morning at 9 clock at the house, and at 9:30 o'clock at Bt. Bridgets Church. They All Want Them. Sunerintendent Mallett.

of the Telephone Exchanee. yesterday up to 5 o'clock had re ffiiv.d bv mail Howards of 100 letters from d.i nrdarine back their tele phones. An extra force of men wid be put on, so that orders can be filled as promptly l. ia nosnibJa with the rreat number to put in. About a Board Bilh Thomas Dalton was arrested In yesterday for beating a board bill city.

Detective Kavanagh brought Itocuetter last night. Buffalo in this him to -n ta tlmn tn bUV crockery of all kinds. We never were so well prepared to of of A Lively Contest Over the City Surveys orship. JIR. PEACOCK FINALLY ELECTED the Democrats Despite Injunctions 4nd Other Protests Some Important Reports acd More important Postponements.

Sdrinn Tracy's absence from the city left hut fifteen wards represented in the BH iOE ol v. but with the chair buife ol business was disposed of with A large number of building petitions were nj referred to tbe fire marshal or di posed of. and the reports of committees era called for. Under tLa bead Alderman Kohlinetz as chairman of i'Ainmit tAA Kflnt. nn AWWSiuou I report, the principal points of been published in tha Dkmocrat rnxicLE.

TLe report was adopted hicn AND with the ti xception of the- clause referring to goodman street outlet sewer assessments, on rii'-eh action was postponed two weeks. A'derman Selye offered tha report el lb 31 a ana ourvey Lommu-which recommended the employ- 0I cf the following' namea assistants i. ha ritv surveyors omce at the satanes W. J. Stewart, assistant surveyor, $123 per month W.

B. Sackett, S5. 23 per K. W. Kace.

1 66 per month John recTOB to4. 24 per month W. M. Rebasz, It 75 per mouth; C. per ilortin Wahl 155 per month T.

6mith, $25 per month. Xit report further provided that tha right to the salaries as any urns saou.u re n-ain with the council, and fixed the salary city surveyor at $2,300. It also that the services of Surveyor Quinby and L. y. McConneil be dispensed with 31st.

A resolution was carried tbe report. jdermaa Fee then sent up a rsport of the special committee fayoring tha granting fths petition of the Super-heated Water Company to station a plant, lay pipes ad do business in the city Tha reoort also recommended that the con trt which the mavor has been authorized to enter into with the company on behalf of tha city, should enjoin on the company the ksacitg of its works in good condition, and th-it. the clauses on this point be similar to those ia the contracts with the gas and light ins companies. The report was adopted by resolution. Alderman Hall, of the committee appoint ed to investigate charges preferred against Citr Ihvsician Gumberts, handed in a re port which stated that in the minds of the committee the charges were not.

well founded, and that no criticism Is deserved It the pbvsician. It also recommended iht hereafter retorts in tbe form of com- tilaints in tha line of those made against Dr, bcmberis be made through the overseer of the poor. On a strict party vote the report adopted, the Democrats voting to ac- ceot it. Ia the Law Committee's report presented 1ST Alderman Kelly and adopted, it was re commended that the following clause be dis- Henry Heavev. lor damage to knirnr November 18b6.

S32 Anthony M. HcUt. for in juries alleged to have been sua tained bv slipping on the street in January lbSS Charles Kose and Thomas Coulson for in uries received from the water main on Eronscn avenue. Two communications rtf.ativa to street lmurcvaments were re ceived from the Executive Board. lbe re ports of the Commissioners.

and police were ordered received filled and pub lished. First ordinances were adopted as follows Ci tT Madina imcrovement. estimated eirense to. -iOJ Adama street asphalt im provement, estimated expense Eeily s'reet sprinkling, estimated expense ISO; Manhattan street sprinkling, estimated infns 2 1 CO Lowell street apt inkling, es timated expense $14:0. JTorth St.

Paul street, walk Alexander street clean ing exnense dcSU Lontey ave nue pipe sewer, estimated expense $430 C.iff strt nine sewer, estimated expense 11. 050: Adams street Macadam improve meat, estimated expense 6, 950; Meigs itrta? wsit. estimated expense 3o5. Final ordinances were disposed of as fol lows; Home street sprinkling, adopted; "William street sprinkling, section two, adopted Reynolds street sprinting, section two. laid over two weeks; Union Croat anrinkliner.

adopted YTeld street prickling, adopted Jones avenue spriakliDg. postponed two weeks; Exchange street sprinkling, adopted Clarissa street prinkliDg, adopted; Granger street sprinkling, adopted Hudson street ipriokong, section two, adopted; Marshall street sprinkling, adopted; West avenue fprinkllne. adooted Charles street plank walk, adopted Ravine avenue plank waik, adontel Norwood street plank Copied: Korth Goodman street walks. adopted Monroe Avenue walks rjostnoned two weeks: cement Mon roa Aveuua cleaning, adopted; Tremont treat; cleaning, adopted Clifton street pipe ewtr. adopted Champlain street pipe Bew er, adopted Myrtle street sewer, amendment offered and ordinance laid over two weks; Violet street pipe sewer, adopted; Vick Park, Avenue curb improvement, sdoptsd; Vick Fark, Avenue improve-ttent, adopted Adams strett Medina stone improvement, laid over two weeks Bouth Goodman treet Medina improvement, adopted-, Clilf street Medina improvement, iadeQcltely postponed; Mortimer street widening, indetniteiy postponed opening two streets between Hensler alley and Glasgow T'ark, adopted; Lamberton Park extension postponed four weeks; The ordinances providing for the construction of bridges across the river at Alexander street.

Driving lark Avenue and Piatt street, according to the provisions of tha bill recently passed by the Legislature authorizing the city treasurer to issue bonds the amount of 1300,000 for bridge purposes, wera laid ovir four weeks. The tax lery as presented at the last and published in full in the Democrat 4X0 L'ueoxk i.c was passed, when the fol-tawing ameudments ollered by Alderman Tumj had been made: Fund for park pur-foiit increased to levy for tticher's fund changed from $135, 000 to 1125. 000, the 10, O00 being added to the bniiduig fund of the Board of Education. Ths makes the increase in the whole tax k-J 146, 000. Tu resolution authorizing the name of the itrset running from East Main street and kouwa as orth avenue to be changed to Korta street, was again laid over.

Latt night was the time set lor the selling ttis franchise for constructing street rail-WT lines ou Plymouth avenue and several other streets as petitioned by the Rochester City Er ghton Railway Company. Mr. Beckley, some of the property owners was present and stated that he was read pteent the case of ki cllsnts, but that as George r-aiaes. the attorney for the company was absent, he wk wi.ling that another post-tenueat hould Le The matter was tt refor, again put over two weeks.

Pet-r Uonard wa, ltCud constable of the Fourth end the erk wss authorized to cast ballot lor the cou.missioners of resolution r.r lu.rm.n WnMlllan. of No Wonder That Clothing Men Advertise suits cheap. Why not? when they can buy at Burke, FitzSimons, Hone -o. -s satmettes for 20o, 25o, 85o and 40o Union cassimeres for 25o, 30o, 35c and 40o wool cassimeres for 50c, 60o, 65c, 75o and 85c; all wool cassimeres for tl and $1.25. Look at the variety in our Cloth department.

Bcrke, FireSmoNS, Honk Co. Murder on St. Paul Street. GREAT IXCITIIIIIST OVKB THE AFFRAY. The greatest murder of high grade clothing ever known will commence next Friday, May lstn, at No.

12 couth 6t. Paul street Over $37,000 worth of ready-made clothing men, boys and children, will be actually butchered at 32 cents on tbe dollar ofmso-facturers' cost. Here are a few samples of the terrlfle bargains i A man's complete suit of spring elothing at $2. 98, guaranteed worth $12. You can take this suit home and if it is not worth $12 you can return tt and we will cheerfully return the $8.

98. Over two thousand men's all wool suits, in magnificent spring plaids and stripes, at $5.65, positively worth $15; over thirty-two hundred men's all wool suits at $7. 45, guaranteed worth boys' elegant silk mixed complete spring suits at $3. 75, guaranteed Worth $9.00, or we will pledge ourselves to return tbe $2. 75; men's good cassimere pants at 93 centB, actually worth $2.

50 children's handsome school suits at $1.65, positively worth best quality suspenders at 10 cents, actually worth 50 cents and best overalls 35 cents, actually worth 75 cents and over eight thousand other stupendous bargains in imported and high grade suits, spring overcoats and single pants, in imported corkscrews, whip cords, Meltons, Scotch cheviots, etc in Prince Albert and cutaway styles. Next Friday, May 1 6th, at No. 12 South SU Paul street, two doors from Main street. Open evenings until 10 o'clock. Special Cut on Dress Goods.

This week two cases summer dress goods at 25c. 33 inches wide. Fresh new goods, worth 37c Flanigas Co. Spring importations now forward and opened. Ladies know what this means in our establishment.

Glesxy'S. Domestic Hosiery. 1, 000 dozen ladies' fancy striped, solid colored and black cotton hose on sale to-day at 10c a pair; as good as other stores sell lor 12o. Sibley-, Lindsay Cukr. Fifty-foub ijich all-wool suiting at 50e, never sold heretofore less than $1 per yard.

43-inch all-wool suiting 37J cts, heretofore 50 cts and 75 cts. 42-inch silk and wool French drers goods at 50 cts, imported to sell tor 1 this season. One case of Arlington wool checks at 12J cts, regular price 25 cts. 50 pieces of base ecru and drab cashmeres at 12 cts, 36 inches wide; regular 25 cts, and so on. These are the cheapest dry goods ever offered in Rochester.

J. Faht Co, We are Taking Measures For saal sacques to be mads from our late importation of seal skins tha finest; ever brought to this market. The low-priced beaded wraps and jackets are an attraction now. Shale Mfllow, Hatters and Furriers, 78 and 80 East Main street. Ladies' and Misses' Wraps and Jackets, Novel and tasteful styles combined with beautiful materials give individuality and identity to almost every garment shown by us this season.

We offer some exclusive novelties in beaded wraps which are exquisitely beautiful. Those who have visited our cloak department acknowledge that wo offer the best goods, perfect work manship and latest etyles at the lowest prices. Burke, FitzSimoxs, Honk Co. Straw Hats Re-shaped. All the new styles at tbe Rochester Straw Works, 69 and 71 Mumford street.

Embroideries. Special sale this week. A lot of colored edgings and all overs at one half former prices, also new patterns in 45-lnch Swiss bouncings. A new lot just in. Siblky, Lindsay Curb.

Rochester Dyeing and Laundry Company Make lace curtains look like new by their special process of cleansing and finishing them. Send a postal to their office, 69 and 71 Mnmford street. White Goods! White Goods I Special sale of summer novelties in white goods, 1 ncluding cambrics, lawns, piques, muslins, embroideries, lace checks and stripes, nainsooks and cottage draperies, at Bcrke, FitzSimons, Hunk Co. 's. Special Cut on Dress Goods.

40 inch all wool English cashmeres 8GJc, real value 65c See them. Flanigan Co. at Millinery Opening. We will hold our summer millinery opening Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The attractions are greater than usual this season.

The ladies of the city of Rochester and vicinity will please accept this notioe as a special invitation to our opening Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Siblky, Likdsay Cubs. Whm you want really choice pieces ot art pottery for wedding gifts, you should go to Glknmt's. O'CONNOR BAKER. In this city, on the morning of May 15. If 88, at the residence of the bride's mother.

1G0 Kent-sL, by the Rev, Lr. Saxe, Wnliam 1. O'Connor and Grace E. Baker, both of this city. JDIED.

ANN AN. At his residence near Fairport, May 14. 18, Jesse B. Hannan, aed 53 years. Funeral to-morrow (Thursday) af lei noon at o'clock.

Friends are invited to attend. WRIGHT. In Webster, May 15, itoo, Thomas giit, aged T8 years. uneral from residence In Webster, Friday afternoon at o'clock. Friends ara invited.

iZJS THE OLD AND RESPONSIBLE D. LEARY'S And Cleansing Establishment, 200 Yard iVorth of the K- Y. Crnfral Kailroat Dim street. Corner I'lalt. Tartle ana rjent eraen-g Garments Cleaned or Col.

1.H11....I m'l and Dreeil nl elr. Also emheraaml KM illoves Cleaned or CO ored. Fpeciaiattentoiiuaidtodi.ini ui Laue Curtain nai Color Velvet, cioods ed It aca every 'i'uoad 1 Bui sua and rtdar, Packages Called for anil UeivereJ Any Part of tho dir. enodt.retnmainoneweek. Good, TcmT aol rcii'rnM hr Kiprnn.

Bl icnllKciedii'Kiprew. jjr- 1 ni4 no Auent. ubWuiwi oaa do Lualuess with me oiuwimt taau Uirotuta an akmbu Atluru4 D. LEARY, UiU cor, Piatt, Rochester. N.

oioaiii lupins big we in of SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY- THURSDAY FR1DA SATURDAY Total for the Week Daily average 12,950 14,100 14,228 14,051 14,100 14.179 14,154 97,762 13,966 ETATE OF NEW YORK. Cot" NTT or MoNROt. W. II. Mathews, President of the Rocsfer Printing bein by me duly sworn, doth de-nnsit nd but that tiie Democrat and Chho- icle printed and circulated during the past week the above number cf flaily papers.

W. H. MATHEWS. President. Eworn to before me this dav of May, 133.

WM. OUVKK. Com, of Deed. In Memoriam. Death has once more entered the borne of Mr.

John Houghtaling, this time calling their only sunshine and treasure, Minnie S. from this to her Heavenly Father's home. Her death was sudden and very unexpected. Though ill for some time, she was confined to tha bouse but two short days, being taken suddenly on Thursday evening with a fainting spell, she continued to grow worse until the end 9 o'clock Saturday evening. The direct cause of her death was muscular rheumatism centering at the heart, causing her great pain, which she bore without a murmur or complaint.

vv nen tne ena came it seemed but a slumber, and she passed with a smile to that home she was so confident God had prepared for her, leaving the comforting words to those left that God will care for you, as He has always done. She has been taken in the bloom of her youth, being but 21 years, 4 months and 12 days of age still she has lived these few years in such an unexceptionable way that she will long be remembered by all who knew her. Not only will her loss bo felt in the home which bus been made so barren and lonely, but it will be felt in the church and Sunday-school class, in her society, and by her friends and companions. She was endowed with most perfect graces, beautiful in deed and word. Her gifts were such as to dispense harmony and sunshine wherever she appeared.

Lovely in character and Christian faith, pure in sentiment and virtuous in conduct to the highest degree, she was indeed one of God's beautiful creatures, destined to bud in the world, but to unfold ta perfectness in the land of glory. Who could help loving berf Who could see and know her and net feel that by such acquaintance a purer impulse was the result! She was a most beautiful girl, not only in physical features but in Christian character, which made one know that she had been washed in that blood which takes away all imperfection. As one has said, Not too much of praise can be said of her. As to others, it seemed that her life was almost perfect. How sweet and comforting is the thought tbat there is no doubt but that Ehe wears a crown in heaven, and awaits on that silvery shore the coming of those who Are left.

She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers, Frank and John A. her uncle, John Hougbtaling, wi whom she has made her home and her cousin. Miss Mary Houghtaling, besides a very large circle of friends. Tha funeral took place from the residence, No. 8 Frank street, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and was largely attended.

The servioes were conducted by the Revs. J. W. Stewart and J. JE.

Adams. COURT MATTERS. Special Term. Rochester, May 15, 1833. justice of the Present Hon.

Supreme Court. James L. Angle, Court adjourned to Wednesday morning. May at 11 o'clock, iu chambers, for ex-parie business. Court of Sessions.

Rochester, May 13. 1S83. Present Hon. John S. Morgan, county judge, and Ses-ion Judares Bly and Bancroft.

The People vs. Herman K.uschel; on trial. Court adjourned to WtduesUay, Hay 16th. at o'clock. 10 Surrogate Court.

Rochester, May IS, 1SSS. Present Hon. J. A. Adlington, surrogate of Monroe county.

Ia re Eliza M. Fisk; proof of will; will admitted. In re Barbara Koehler; proof of will; will admitted. Municipal Court. Rochester, May 15, 1888.

Present Judges George E. Warner and Thomas E. White. Thomas H. Campbell et al.

against Alexander McDonald: final order in summary proceedings. Joseph F. fcebtayer against Bridget HJgKins; judgment for the plaintiff for $0 5. Kdward C. Rice against William W.

Beadle; tried before Judge White. John B. Kegen against Maggie Wilson; trial be fore ude arner and judgment 01 non-suit grant ed. Police Court. Rochester.

May 15, 18S8. Police Justice Keeler, presiding. William Jones and William Hurler, both drunk; each 510 or three months. James O'Neil, drunk; 10 or three months. Peter Dean, drunk; paid So.

Abraham Herman, stealiag; six months and $50 or ti ty days. Henry It. Cram, cruelty to animals; adjourned to May lTth. Patrick McCormiek and William Cook, both drunk; ech six months. John Rogers, drunk: thirty days.

Joseph Haldwin, drunk; $10 or thirty days. Johta Glynn, violating ordinance; took the pledge. Thomas Gorman and Timothy Collins, both drunk; each three months. George Rogers, hotel fraud withdrawn. Read advertisements of A.

S. Mann Co. to-day. They offer Inducements all around. Their ladies' hosiery stock, also men's furnishing stocks are also entitled to the special notice of customers.

They are very busy in all departments, in spite of the forbidding weather. Coaching Parasols, 500 coaching parasols put on sale this morning at tl each, reduced from 11.50. Siblky, Lisdbay Curb. Wanted. Two experienced clothing salesmen, also experienced clothing stockkeeper.

Browsers, Buffalo, N. Y. Painters' Supplies. Clark Knapp at No. 101 EaBt Main street and Nos.

1 and 3 Houth Water street, bave a full and complete stock of paints. oils, glass and all other goods needed by painters. $5.00 Patent Leather Sboes $5.00. Just what every gent needs now. Have them in buticu, lace, congress and Oxfords.

Custom sboes to order. J. D. McLonald, G8 State street. Bargains in Dress Goods.

In our dress goods department we have made some striking reductions on many styles of spring and summer dress goods which we desire to close out. Those calling early Will have the choice of selection. Burke, FitzSimonb, Hons Co. Beaded Wraps, Jersey walking c'iets, bouse jackets and waists, made dreaae? for ladies and children for summer trade now ready. all for Summer Styles Opening Wednesday and Thursday, May 16th and 16th.

All ladies cordially invited to call at 42 Stats street. Oaks CaLhoxtn. Evkry department of our mammoth establishment is now in full running order and ready for an immense spring trade. W. H.

Glksni Co. Ladies' Hosiery. We are now offering some exceptionally good bargains in ladies' hosiery. Sea those exhibit in our front window. Burke, Fitz Simows, Hosk Co.

The New York Express Leaving this city at 8. 04 P. M. daily on the New York Central, baa an entire sleeping car reserved for Rochester travel. This train is the fastest train on the road witb the exception of the "limited, "arriving in the Grand Central Station at 7 :30 A.

M. Returning tbe car will be attached to tbe fast mail leaving New York at 9 P. M. arriving Rochester at 7:40 A. M.

Berths reserved in advance at Lewis's, No. 4 East Main street, or at Central station. The New York Central is the only line having two tracks exclusively for passenger travel, and landing passengers at the Grand Central Station the only one in the city. Take the Hudson River route. Tbe Sateen in French designs are tbe feature of the day.

Nothing in summer dress fabrics ever equalled them for style and price. Tbe styles are special, uncommon and confined to us alone. J. Fahy Co. Hosiery 1 Hosiery Hosiery 1 On sale to-day 500 dozen ladies' embroidered cotto hose, no seams, in black, bal-briggan, two and two stripe, and a large assortment ot fancy stripes.

A special lot ladies' black brilliant lisle hose at 25c a pair, A bargain. Siblky, Lindsay Curb. Wells, Fargo Special Express. Trains are now miming between the Atlantic and Paciflo seaboards. The principal New York office of tbe company will be removed to No.

63 Broadway on May 21st. Buckskin Shoes Made to order for tender feet. Kangaroo, Dongola, glove kid, French kid and Cordovan all very fine light Stock, for tender feet, kept in stock. Agent for Grover's hand-sewed easy shoes. McDonald, 58 State street.

Fine display of French clocks in marble and bronze cases. lenny' a. Wet or Dry. Largest stock of champagnes, clarets and Rhine wines ia the city. Hatborn, Apollinaris and Clysmio waters.

I buy in car-load lots. Dealers can buy here cheaper than by sending to New York. Centred Cochran's ginger ale and Soda. Imported ales and porters, all brands. Hiqginb, 59 State street, went side 235 East Main street Hotel Livingston.

Millinery Opening. Miss II. H. Backus will exhibit on Thursday and Friday May 17th and 18th, the latest fashious in bonnets and hats, at ber rooms, 40 State Street. Dress Trimmings.

Novelties arriving daily in tinsel braids, bead gimps, crochet gimps, worsted gimps and siik cord gimps. Tinsel and silk girdles, soutache braids in gold, silver and steel tin-Beis, also in worsted. Silk marabouts for wraps in all colors. Bcrke, Fitz Simons, Honk Co. HOT WEATHER GOODS Ice Cream Freezers, Lemon Squeezers, Water Coolers, Refrigerators and Ice Chests Screen Wire Cloth, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Fly Traps, and Door Screens.

A One-Quart Ice Cream Freezer, both useful and novel. SSF A New Water Cooler that avoids the risk of con taminating water with impure ice. The ice separate from water. Weaver, Palmer Richmond WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. REMEMBER, We are Sole gents FOB FULLER WARREN CELEBRATED SPLENDID DIAMOND STEWART STOYES AND RANGES The Smoothest Castings, the Best Heaters and the Most Economical of any in use.

Call and soe theia before purchasing- State 199-201 East Main Painless Dentistry GUARANTEED. B0ST05 DE8TAL ASSOCIATION 91 Etate, corner Church Gas administered 95 Crown cold ahoy filling 75c to 1 00 Gold fillings 1 IX) Teeth cleaned 75 A set of Teeth A 500 A set warrautd not fur a day but for all time 8 WJ Teeth wiuumt tlatea. ajruacuuK avoiuou. BODY Our stock has been doubled by recent shipments and includes all grades, colors and patterns. The goods are fresh from the mills and we sell them at the lowest market price.

GORTON 43-45 Street. BEAUTIFUL CARPETINGS When buying CARPETS, make your purchases at the toarerooms of I. HT. CAETEB, Where you will have a large variety of elegant patterns to select from. New, beautiful goods, low prices.

state ghuech: sts. A select stock of NEW FURNITURE. IE DVE HOOD, Powers Block, Art Gallery Floor. tooth? can replace it without the miinauce of a nlata masticate with. Have you fine or difficult work you waul without paia.

Gas and VI tallied Air. SOMETHING NEW AND TAMARIND ICE CREAM vmmm Made from West India Fruit. East Main Street. FORMERLY WITH HOY LEU. Lauww.

Miw and Children, ham. Sold by I niuunnurnu. IIADIN3 RETAILERS etrnvlivn Sl U41 Broadway, New York. snencerfi 513 A 515 TThtp tou Inst a front and perfectly firm to done? Irespectfully solicit such. Teeth extracted 1 nousanus jtF tn.

AwenptiT circular. FERRIS New Butter We are receiving from Jefferson county by press dally the choicest new butter, which we are offering to consumers at the lowest possible figuree. Very nioe new butter at 25c A. W. GILMAN 18 lEasti sensible nTnitT7 BtST l.v HATERIAIS.

SSRiS ATI ST BUTTCSS wtnt Bull off. F.H. SANFORD DENTI3T, k'ormerly of Ellsworth Sanford. 222 'East ZIVTciirrx Teeth extracted without paiu. CHARLES S.

ELLIS ARCH 1TECT 432 and 434 Powers 8loJc. Fancy Summer Silk. We now oiler a most beautiful collection of these goods, including printed popeliue trelaines. printed bengilines, printed India silks and printed pongee silks. Also plaid surahs in large and elegant patterns.

Call and see them. Fnx Bimoss, Hoss Co. city surveyor was authorized to estab- the 'r 1 ft. FajiY Cow.

lia J. meet tbe demands of tbe public. W. U. Glass Co.

iWst sxuttsioa roil was referred ths.

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