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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 6

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

li ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHROXTOLE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 18S7. IN THE POLITICAL WORLD. THE WOMEN AS GYM MASTS MORE PIPES TO. BE LAID Democrat and Chronicle 8treet cemcnt "i(5't 1.05; De Younga street Edward street pipe sewer, Third avenue plank walk, $655 street plank walk, $245, pD from Hensler Alley to Ames street tlo Final ord, nances wera SPECIAL FOR WEDNESDAY 1 ,500 yards Egyptian Laces, From 10 to 15 in.

wide, in Cream and Beige, at 12 per yard, worth 25c to 40c. Fifty dozen Ladies' Printed Silk Handkerchiefs, at 1 5c. worth 25c. Fifty dozen Gentlemen's Printed Silk Handkerchiefs, ai 25c, worth 50c. be Carroll, Hutcliings, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, Southard Co.

154 East Main St. THE LINING Of a decent Overcoat costs the manufacturer more than some overcoats can be bought for. This is no argument against a practice some gentlemen, some young gentlemen and some old gentlemen, have of going to C. E. FURMAN Merchant Tailors, Main street, corner Front street, to have garments made of good wool goods, imported or domestic, at very reasonable prices, with fit guaranteed.

TTELLOW BLOCK. FINEST THE flF CARPETS AND FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION is made at the extensive warerooms of I. F. CARTER. 89 State street, corner of Church.

His prorate patterns in Carpets made exclusively tor his trade, and obtainable nowhere else, are the handsomest goods ever shown in Rochester. Novelties received daily. I. F. CARTER ETCHGS Some Vigorous Opinions at the United Labor Club Meeting.

The meeting of the United Labor Club last night was well attended and decidedly interesting. When the preliminary business had beeu transacted, Colonel J. 8. Graham arose and asked the privilege of saying a few words regarding an article which appeared in the last issue of the The Earth relative to Mr. Blair's appearance in Roch The colonel thought it did injustice to Mr.

Biaur and said he believed the United tabor Party was doing wrong whan it favored any candidate put up by either of the old parties. Colonel Graham's speech was applauded, and several other speakers i olio wed in a similar vein, holding that no partiality should be given the paper to anyone outside of the regular United Labor candidates. One of the edi- toiial stall of the paper explained that it was not Intended to show anv partiality or to do anything fur ther thau act for the interests of the club. With this, the matter was dropped. The question of Thursday's mass meeting cam-i up and arrangements were completed for the reception of the speakers.

A. large bundle of bttllotsfor the sLa.e ticket showed that the club is preparing for election day. POINTERS. Another United Labor mass meeting is to be held in the city Hail to-morrow evening. Dr.

Alfred S. Hougnton, of Cincinnati, and Robert Crowe, ot New York. wi.i speak. The event in Democratic circles Is the appearance of Governor Hill in the City Hall next Friday evening. Arrangements are in progress to tender the governor a reception at Hotel Bartholomay on the same evening.

At the meeting of the Central Prohibi tion Cluo last night arrangements were completed for the mass meeting to be held next Saturday evening in City HalL A street parade will be given before the meet ing. Republican appointments have been made as follows i Cnarlea i. Fitch, at We ci st-r, Friday evening; ex-Congressman Davy, at East Henrietta, Saturday evening W. S. Huboell, at Irondequoit, to-night; Senator Pitts, at PenUeld, to-morrow evening.

The Second Ward Repnblicsn Associa tion held a meeting last evening at its rooms on State street. A short talk was given by Dr. Babbace and by ether members of the association, and the meeting proved very enthusiastio. This association is one of the strongest in the city, having a membership of nearly 150 working Republicans. Another meeting will be held next Monday night for the purpose of appointing committees for working at the polls.

ENDED HIS OWN LIFE. Suicide of John Arend While in a Fit of Despondency. Yesterday morning Coroner Sharps was awakened by two young men, who stated that a man had committed suicide out in Brighton. That official accompanied the young men and found the body of John Arend lying in the yard of his mother-in- law, Mrs. Schake, at the corner of University and Arbutus avenues, with a bullet hole in bis temple.

About ten years ago John Arend married Anna Mack. It is alleged that" his married life was far from happy, and repeated quarrels resulted in a separation. About two years ago Arnd went into the grocery busi ness, and last August sold out to Philip Mack, his brother-in-law. He made over tures to his wife towards reconciliation, and she agreed to live with him if he would give her 400. This be did, but it is asserted lhat she refused then to make good her promise.

Arend theo wen Into the patent medicine business, where he lost some money. For a long time be bad been despondent, and frequently threatened to take hi life. Sunday eight he took supper at his pareuts home. No. 39 Mason street, and went to the residence of his brother George, on Nassau street, where he stayed all night.

About 1 :30 o'clock yesterday morning Arend went to his mother-in law' house and rapped at the kltcben door, but could not gain admittance. He then stepped out into the yard, and, raising his revolver, fired tne fatal shot, which ended all his earthly troubles. Coroner Sharps held an inquest yesterday morning. A large number of witnesses were sworn woo tostined substantially to tne facts given above. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death by a pistol shot tired by THE THEATERS.

Varieties at the Casino to-night. "Clio' will be repeated this afternoon and evening at the Academy. Lotta, the "Pawn Ticket, will close her engagement at the Opera House to-night. No matinee will be given. A Bacred concert will be given Sunday night at the Opera House by Levy, the and compauy.

Seats will be on sale on Thursday morning. Hetty Chase Bernard in 'Rags, The Wildcat, will appear Friday and Saturday with a Saturday matinee at the Opera House. Seats are on sale. Arthur Rehan's company will be the attraction all of next week at the Opera House. Two matinees.

"Love In Harness'' and "Nancy comprise the repurtoire. sale ol seats opens friday morning. The Montague-Turner Gem English Opera Compatiy will appear at the New Opera House for three nights next week, beginning with November iJth. The repertoire will be as follows: Wednesday eveniug, ''Bohemian Girl and the fourth act ot "II Trova-toie;" TnursJay evening, Maritaua Friday evening, the principal scenes from 'Faust aud two sceues from 'Martha. PURELY PERSONAL.

D. M. New York. Flanigan left last evening for J. F.

W. Purdv. of Dansviile. is at Powers Hotel. Hon.

Frank Rice, of Canandaigua, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Sadie B. Hurley is in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Hebard. Fred Hebard has arrived home after an absence of three weeks in Duluth. Mrs. William Ellis, of Rochester, has been visiting in Henrietta, the guest of Wolcott Ellis. The firm of W.

Chapman, Son Co. of Theresa, has moved its business to this city, and will occupy the store at 121 State street. Glean R. Miner, local editor of the Hornellsville Evening Tribune, is In the city. attendior the conference of Societies of Christian Endeavor, Richard Livingston and wife, left yes terday morning for New York city, wbera for the next two weeks they are to study the system of the New ork hotels.

Thursdav evening last at 693 East Main street occurred the marriage of Miss Stella B. Gibbs. daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Warren 8 Gibbs, to Elmer E.

Clark, of Syracuse. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Sherwood, of the Fiist Baptist Church of Syracuse, and was witnessed by a large number ox relatives and irienua. COMPARATIVE rEMPERATURE.


ICASUSM A CO. ITWIIUB TMH.OMTM. 1S87- hls -3 a 3A.M. -Hi -4 3 A.M. 1 BA.M.

3 llA.W.-'jii- i it. UiC -33 FA.M.- 30 3 7 -as 37 -3 36 33 -31 11 A.M. m. I PP.M- 3P.M. 1 4 P.M.

Wit- til I ll'l! -H7 5 a er.M. p.m. f. 5 0 tP.M. -'IV- 12 12 MID fi 30 i'l'i- For Western New York.

Warmer; fair weather. Y. M. A. Building Fund, $68,703.

TOWN Beneath my window, in the calm, Sliil Autumn arose A lav that stirred my heart. And banished all repose. I called out to the farmer's boy, Sav. whsnce that wondrous lay?" "Tis our Id soeckied ueu, said he, Who's laid an egg to-day. Judge.

Additional Local on Fifth Page. The Humana Society -will meet this afternoon The Board of Health will meet on Friday afternoon. There will be a meeting: of the board of trustees of the Eureka Club this evening. The bricklayers and masons have adopted resolutions on the aealh of Hiram Mo-Nett. Feissner Post G.

A. R. No. 106, will give a ball to-morrow evening at Germania Hall. The Rochester Zither Club will give Its third annual concert at the New Opera House on the 28th instant.

A crazy tea' will be served at the rooms of the Railway Branch of theY. M. A. to-morrow afternoon and evening. Sentence was yesterday suspended In the case of Michael McMahou, who had entered a plea of guilty to grand larceny in the second decree.

The Rochester Rifles will give their first annual dress ball this evening at Germania Hall. A large cumber of tickets has been sold for the event. Deputy Sheriff Webster yesterday took James Mortimer to Auburn prison. Morti mer, it will be remembered, received a sen tence of seven years. There will be a meeting of Englishmen to-morrow evening at the Windsor Hotel for the purpose of organizing a new lode of the Sous of At.

George. This afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Mary A. Suii'urJ, 0 James street, at 3 o'clock, will be held the meeting of the Women's Political Club. At a special meetia of the St.

Leopold Union held at its hail, resolutions of respect for their friend and brother, Julia Aletaer, deoeased, were ad pled. At the regular monthly meeting of the Scottish Society held last evening in Damascus Temple plans were inaugurated for the calebratiou of St. Ahdrtws Day. The monthly devotional meeting of the Women's ChrUiiun Temperance Union of the Seventh ward will be held this afternoon in the Alexander street M. K.

Cuurcti, at 3 o'clock. There will be given to-night and Wed nesday nibt enter ainujent under the auspices of tne Ht. James Guild in the pai ish building, which will consist of music and recitations, followed by the first act of the drama "Our Folks. Post Commercial Travelers Association of this city, is preparing for a social to be held on Saturday evening at the rooms on Fitzhugh street. B.

D. W. Cleve land, J. R. fchepurd, and Waiter C.

Lewis comprise the committee of arrangements. Hours of Pleasure. At the meeting of the Young People's Society of the First Methodist Church held last evening in the lecture rooms of the church ollioers were elected to fill the vacancies as follows: President, D. N. Calicios; vice-piesident, A.

L. Thompson; Miss Carrie McMillan. A musical and literary was carritd out after the election and highly enjoyed by the many presmt. At the Park Avenue Baptist Church last evening an attractive jrogramme embracing mus and read ng was resented at the monthly social. Many were present and the evening passed pleasantly.

Elected and Installed. Last night the members of the Prudential Temple of Honor mot for installation of officers for the coming term. The following named were elected and duly installed by the Deputy Grand Templar, W. C. Woodward W.

C. T. Levi C. Weston W. V.

T. Georire West Jolm i nlr nr. ton W. F. It James S.

Aterretta: W. Chaplain, L. H. Dennison W. treasurer, W.

C. usUer, J. S. May-nard; deputy usher, A. S.

Shannon; W. sentinel, Charles Murch. Serous Apoplexy. Coroner Kleindietist held an inqusot on the body of Mrs. Mary Tobin, who was found dead ia bed Monday night at hor home.No.

1 1 Chaiaplaia street. Dr. Mulligan made an au oiwv, and the verdict of tho juiy was that death resulted from serous apoplexy. Sam Jones Will Come. The celebrated Sam Jones will be In Rochester at Washington Rink on the eveniug of the 12th inst.

and give ce ebrated lecture entitled tiet there. The gentleman needs no introduction, and the peoole will turn out in large numbers to hear him. Home for the Friendless. Those who have delayed, or forgotten, or neglected to make their annual donation to this deserving institution, are requested to seud their gift to the Home to morrow. Some of the lady managers wJl be present throughout the day.

A Ring and Pocketbook. John Shepherd was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant charging him with stealing a gold ring and a pocketbook from William Wfchle. Shepherd was locked up and will be examined this morning. The Knot Untied. In the case of Helen D.

Brayton against J. Adelbert Brayton, Judge Rumsey yesterday granted the plain till a decree of A Large and Interested Assemblage to Hear William Blaikia THE ATHLETE'S SOUND ADVICE Points as to Muscular Development Comments on the Laxity of Jay Could as to His Health Everyone Ought to Walk Much, Wisner Hall, In which is located the gymnasium for women and children, was well filled last night to hear the address of Wdl-iam Blaikie, of New York, on the subject of athletic exercise and the health! uluess of the gymnasium. Shortly after 8 o'clock one of the young lady enthusiasts arose and introduced Mr. Blaikie, who began by alluding to the story of the man who was out at 4Vie of the New York clubs ra her late one night, and who, when asked by one of his fellow members what he was going to tell his wife, said he would tell her nothing, as he expected she wjuld do all the talking herself. So consequently the speaker ua id he expected to be in that very same predicament himself to niht.

Continuing be said, "Devices and the science of the gymnasium have been so perfected as to euable ua to train every body physically even cripples to receive benflt. Twenty one years ago the New York papers devoted only about twenty lines to one of the Yale College boat races, and to-day what a channel Now a boat race has become so popular, as have all pbyfical sports, that the papers all over the iand publisn any vf here from one to several columns of such news thereby showing you that people have learned to believe and be interested in such things. Mr. Blaikie also alluded to his ref -ereeship at the Chautauqua races when Courtney an Hanlon were to row.and showed how haraeoed these men muscles were. Why yon take our pugilistic Sullivan, said he, he has so much muscle that by press ing the weight of his hand on the shadow on the wall it would certainly be as mild as the kick ot a mule.

Now then the differ ence between these two men Is this, that while Sullivan can fight he hasn' the science to row a boat like Hanlon or Courtney, and vice versa, all of which goes to show it Is the art of skill and training. Continuing, the speaker said that the young ladies were doing just right by letting peop.e know the advantages of a gymna- of num. I remember once 1 had on of the editors of the New York Tribune, said he, who was working hard mentally and was bent over by the duties he pursued, come over to the gymnasium and some time after 1 met him on the street, a proud, erect, stout le.low. In fact I hardly reconiz-d him. Said 4 my dear fellow what have you been doiog to look so to which he replied 'I have been taking regular daily practice at the gymnasium, as you suggested.

This is only one of the thousands of cases we come in contact wuu. ine young ladies by gymnasium practice dyelop elasticity, grace, strength, beauty and health. If you wi.i tell ma of an better for the developments of these things, I'll give up. People should not try by overdoing to be champions of what ever l. ranch of muscular development they practice, this is in-dead hurtful.

He alluded to Mrs. Langtry, saying she was developed by her alti etio practice. This gsve her the becoming and graceful carriage she possesses. And wlaing, too, Is healthful. People when they go to the mountains should walk from tweaty-nv to thirty tudas a day.

They should not co Ihete to rest. We A me. lean penpln do not walk half enough. But stld better than ail, la the gym nasium, for it strengthens every muscle and makes strong the weak spots. The spring-board strengthens the muscles of th leg.

wt.ile many other apl ances strengthen otLer oarta. In order to strengthen the lungs breathe long and deeply. Inhale th fresh air, aud do It with a wiiL You will gain health in the end. Ladies generally, continued the speaker, "have weak arms. The way to strengthen them is to put them to test by drawing yourself up on a horizontal bar.

Tueretore, isn't it within the power of each and every one of us to develop ourselves into strong men and women! Yes, indeed, it lies wholly with us. He alluded to Jay Goul I's nervousness, neuralgia, and said that he can take hardly a moment's comfort. 'Lveryone should indeed obtain muscular and vital development. Inhale strengthen your lungs- Get a lull chest. All this can be done.

Don't neglect to avail yourself of an opportunity. Young ladies should not try to practice alone as it is hard work. Get several together and appoint an hour to meet and go through the exercises together. You have in this hall every appliance needed. Meet here of ten and practice.

You have also a bathing regalia. Take a bath when you get through and I will guaiantee, with such practice kept up. you wiil coins out strong heathy young ladies. In conclusion the speaker said If your young men would exercise as they should, the student aud book-keeper kink would be taken out of them. Photographic Section.

G. n. Croughton lectured before the Pho tographic Section last evening, choosing as a subject The Preparation of Slides for the Magio Lantern. He said that the first slides made for projecting upon a screen by a mugio lantern, were all made and painted bv band, but the great expense of making them in this wav prevented their general me. Now, the original of tho lantern slide is al ways a photograph, and there is no limit to the size.

A part of a large negative may be taken by contact priuti or the whole of the negative can bo reduced in the camera. Mr. Croughton illustrated his lecture by sketches on the black board, and by exposing aud developing slides. lbs section will be well represented at the coming soiree, and has laid out ini.ei esting work for the winter prize contests and lantern exhibitions. A number of new members were added and the interest in the section seems to be in creasing.

Belonged to Another Family. a man ana woman entered Harned's res taurant last evening, and after enjoying arty supper the waman passed out and the man refused to settle for the meals. He was arrested by Otfioer McArthur and gave the name or James tslattery, though ne said he wanted it to go on record that he was 'not one of the fighting ones. Academy of Science. ine committees appointed to arrange for the soiree met at the Academy of Science last night and elected Thomas Dransfield chairman.

Matters were then thoroughly aiscusseo, and Tuesday, December 6th was decided upon as the date to hold the soiree. the affair will be very elaborate in its de tails. Was an Actress. lhe woman Mrs. Osborn, who was found insane in Elmira on Saturday last, and who figured in this city a few weeks has re.

covered nerseir, and save she is an actress. i i i i is uimiwu, buu iusi uer uuiuuia lives ia Orange, N. J. The Regular Meeting of the Fathers Held Last Night City MRS. GRAHAM'S PETITION The Aldermen Adopt the Budget and Transact a Considerable Amount of Other Business The East Side Trunk Sewer Matter.

It was something or a surprise, last night, to see the aldermen file into the Common Council chamber at an early hour. It was also surprising to see the way the fourteen city fathers dispatched the business. They did it hurriedly, which showed that none of them were prone to linger longer than necessary. The gavel had hardly sounded and President Tracy's voice, when he called out the first business, had hardly ceased to vibrate, before aa application from the Rochester Superheated Water Company was presented for the right to lay and maintain in the streets, avenues, highways and public places in the city of Rochester, loaated about in a mile circle, pipes of iron or other suitable metal for the conveyance of superheated water or steam to such public aud private buildings as may require the same for heating, cooking, power and other purposes. The appMoatian further states That the system of central station beating, the right to construct and use which is hereby applied for, Is known as the Frail system.

In this system the water Is heated at the central station to the desired temperature, but is not a. lowed to change into steam, the making of steam being prevented by keeping the pipes and boilers full of water. The water thus heated is forced through to be supplied from the boiler, baok to the boiler, maintaining throughout the system a constant circulation. Actual practice has shown that water heated to 400 degrees, Fahrenheit, can be circulated through one mile of pipe, at a speed of about ten feet per second, and returned to the boiler witn a loss of no more than two per cent, in heat. The petition waa signed by A.

G. Yates, president of the company, and the aldermen voted to receive and file the same. A communication was received from Mrs. Graham asking the aldermen to order the judgment of $2, 000 that she held agains the oity, for the de th of her daughter iit the Court street bridge disaster, to be paid at once. On motion of Alderman Bohrer the matter was referred to the Law Committee and city attorney.

The finance budget was next read and adoptod. Alderman Elliott, chairman of the Police and Exo se Board Investigating Committee, reported that several meetings had been held and that a stenographer had been engaged to taxe the evidence, and a constable to serve subpoenas. He stated that the fir.t meeting would oe held in the Common Council chambers, Monday evening November 7th. The report also stated that notices bad been published in all the daily papers, requesting that any persons who could give any information concerning the transactions of either of the boards, would send word to the committee. The lamp question, which appears as vexatious as ever, waa aga brought no bv Alderman Fee, who presented a resolution to the effect that a man be hired to look after them and report the number that were lighted and unlighted.

Every alderman in the board nearly, had a finger in the pie and made his little speech on the troublesome question. Alderman Elliott offered a resolution, which was adopt requesting the Police Commissioners, to order the patrol- men to make a daily report of the number of lamps, lighted and unlighted on their. beats, and these reports to be given to the city clerk who would keep a record. Alder men Fee, Thayer and Kohlmetz were appointed a committee on the reso.ution offered by Alderman Fee. A bill of over $4, 000 for lights was presented by Alderman Fee as chairman of the lamp committee, who said he did not know whether the bill was correct or not.

A communication was read from the city surveyor regarding the advisability of mov- ng the West avenue swing bridge, the com munication stating that it would be impracticable. Within a few xys after October 1st. four com plete leveling parties, -ach consiitius; of four men, were placed iu the held under the nuperr.j.ou of Oscar H. Peacock, to test the levels recorued upon the topographical map ot ihs city, made in lt70; also 'o fully supplement th work then performed by taking a. I nect-s ary additional levels in tha whOie of the Sixtren ward and parts of the Fifui, Seventn,, Tweirtn Thirteeutn and Fourteenth wards.

Nearly the whole of the montii was occupied with this work insiue of the city limits, and the data so obtained may now be plotted upon the map. biiiire finishing their wora within tne city, all cf the four parties have been tmraged in running iimiiar series of levels aud surveys in those por tions of the towns of Brighton aud Irondequoit whici are adjacent to tne eastern and norinern boundaries of iho ciy, in order to obtain sufficient a ai a to exhibit the general toiioraphy thereof. and to define the extent of territory ia said too us which may be drained by the proposea sewer. This part of the work is progressing as rapidly as pos sible and will doubtless be completed in a few weeks. It has also been considered expedient to ascertain, by accurate UiSTumental survey, the extent of the swampy lands and marsnes ar the head of Bay.

in view of the fact that Tuomas Cieen. and other natural water courses whtcn have heretofore been used as carriers of raw sewa from thecitv. empty into the southern irtion ot said b-iy, aud the question will arise as to the propriety of continuing the usn of these fr such purposes. Una of the Meld par. ie has accord njfiy beira assigned to tne survey of this locality, and lias been pied there with for several days oast.

In the meantime, thirty-one ilood-waier gauges for taming tne of flow in the principal outlet sewers of tne eiit re eastern poi tiou of the city were designed, constructed ana erected at as many nuttabie pou.ts. Two ram-gmiges have al; been made and set up at the Hoches er Hndge VVor-s and the Mun.cipal tiai works, tarougi tne, kind permission of J. F. Alden and J. Y.

MClintock, respectively. Willi tnese two new gauges, in addition to those ma n-lained by the United fctatss Signal Service on fow-ers Biock, uid by the tjrecutive tl. ard at Mt. Hope Keservoir, an accurate record of the depth and distribution of any cons.ueraule rainfall in the city wiil be ob-allied. The object-of securing the data desired from the atoresiiid sewer and raiu gauges is to lie erunue.

if possible, the relauion between the amount of water whicu falls a ran upon the drainage areas of several seweis and Inst which actually flows oil fr.m sa'U ars as thrUh tiie saner. A number measurements, of the velocity of the current of the (ienesee Kiver. between Brewer's Dock and Charlotte, nave also been made during the present low of the er. itie tesuita omained that on the surface the curreut Is atTected grea Iv by the wind, ttoating obi cts 'wn or across the ktivam according to the direc tion of even sdght breeeeo; but belov the surface. a very slight aud steady current toward the lake is found, tha average, rate of mot beingoniyone mi in nearly eighteen tn urs, and the greatest rate one mile in about liftmen hours.

Ihis fact is of much significnce in determining the quesiiou of urn avanahdity of the river as a permanent outfall for the sewage of a large and rapidly growing rirv. la the hvdraulic work above mentioned two careful observers, and sometimes more, are required for constant service, iu addiuon to the force of assistants in the held, so ti at during the greater part of the past month twenty men have been regularly engaged in the prosecution of the work. nnrincr tha enrninr month the survevs and levels in Ci-iiihton and Irondequoit wil be continued, and other vhIocIly measurements in the river taken KxDerimeuts will aiuo be made wita the view of whether anv oronounceti current ex ists in the lake between the river and tae bay; but aa such experiments can be conducted satis-fiutonlv oniv in calm weather, it Is doubtful whether anv reliable data can be se cured during the remainder of this year, It mav also he remarked that no definite location for the orooosed trunk sewer has yet been decided upon, ai.u that this jortntcuuclusloi canaot be reached until all of uec ary data has lirst rMn BHcured aud thoroughly considered. 1 he hn.nir rf i irn ii-il is of a broad scope, and will bi useiul in the proper presentation of the problem and im ultimate solution in ev ry rasiwra. without it.

ih-re would be oo mui-h left to Individ iudineut founded upon insufficient premises. The following first ordinances were adop- ted i Gccesse Valley oanal outlet sewer. lows ionaou rona outlet sewer, adoDf.7 Summer postponed West Orange street pipa adopted; Boardcoan street and avenue sewer, indefinitely postponed roe avenue improvement, adopted avenue extension, adopted Exchange sJS extension, postponed four weeks. Aid rman Fritzsche presented an tnvlt tion from the committee in chares of Feissner Post ball, to be held at Geriu Hall, to-m-rrow evening. The was accepted and each alderman receiy 6 pink ticket of admittance.

Alderman gave notice that at th. next meeting he should make a motion th the sessions of the council should be fr, 6:30 to o'clock at each m-etfo The following resolution waa presented the same gentleman Resolved. By the Common Council of the elf. Rochester that Hon. (Joarles S.

Baker, raemhSS congress from tn.s district, be r.quUted cure from the government a suitanl anoro!" tion in the river and barbor bill, with wail up the river south of the village of CharT.Tf.? so the channel of the Genesee mav rti ened to the benefit of navigation and the fr9' the stream thereby increased. A resolution was adopted that the name of Schanck avenue from Goodman street to Culver Park be changed to East Main street? On motion of Alderman Foley the matter of the Jefferson avenue sidewalk waa adjourned. The same gentleman made a motion that tt Board of Health be requested to pay itt em. ployes once a week, which was carried. Ihi meeting then adjourned.

RAILWAY GOSSIP. News Gleaned Along the Various Linn Officer La Pointe continues to wage wur on the boys who stone the Central-Hudoa trains. He is energetic and the right mas is the right place. The Erie Express has made arrays, ments to run a sealed car from New York'to Rochester in a special train, arriving ia ti.ii city at 9 o'clock in the morning. An accident occurred on the Fall Brook road near Geneva, Monday nisht, by whidi two freight trains collided.

A number ot cars were badly wrecked, but no one wi injured. James C. Quiggle has been appoints! United States consul at St. Thoma, Ont. Mr.

Quiggle was a representative of Jackson in this cty, when the latter was receiver of the Pennsylvania branch of the old Rochester Pittsburg. The train on the Buffalo, Rochester Pittsburg road leaving here at 7:50 A. will hereafter connect with the Nypano" for Cincinnati and all western point. Tills road now has two western connections, ai the evening train also makes the earns connection. The following was received by Associated Press last niht: New York, Nov.

1. At a special meit-ing of the stockholders of the Buffalo, Koch-ester Pittsburg railway to-day a nw mortgage of $10, 000, 000 was authorized, $6. OOO, 000 of which is to be reserved to take up tha present consolidated mortgage of OuO, 000 and 4. 000. OOiJ to be raised for extensions now projected, rolling stock aud general purchases.

This Great Sale OF CREATING GREAT EXCUEirtSI Iff ROCHESTER. CUSTOMERS COMING TSrtl 100 MILES A WAV SAVE THEIR KXPXFiC AND FROil $3.00 TO $15.00 OH A Bt'U BESIDE. No matter what you require, suit, ovif. coat or jingle pants for men's, boys' a ad children's winter wear, do not think ot buying a single stitch of clothing until yon have examined the goods and prices at I'm great asaignee sale of the M. H.

Carroll stock at his old stand. 40 East Mam street. where nearly $37,000 worth of clothing ii being slaughtered as clothing was never slaughtered before. Thousands of satis fied customers will testify to the wonder: bargains to be bad at this great sale. I or everybody buys, goes away with their of bundles well pleaded a nd satisfied, for this entire stck positively wid be doted arms full more than and mut out.

no matter bow great the sao ri-Do not hesitate, but come at once, for graud bargains cannot last at the fice. these ten iae low price. These goods must be MJ to pay creditors. Read, read, tuen cut tiili out and with you, for every garment ia this large and elegantly assorted stock vlll be found exactly as advertised. Meo'l heavy cassimere suits $4.15, formerly sold for $10; men's fine cassimere suits $4.

6 5, formerly sold for $13. 50 men's strictly 3 wool cheviot suits (6. 65, former price ls; men's elegant plain and silk mixed caacimi suits, latest styles, $9. 95, actually cheap st 20 men heavy overcoats 1. fornuer price 48; men's splendid chinchilla ovir- coats $2.

9o, actually worth heavy cassimere suits $2 95, won boys nice overcoats, $1.75, fornon ly sold for children's nice suiJ, plain and fancy cassimere, worm children's heavy overcw $1.49, wcrth and over 8.000 ot i gigantic bargains the greatest the world knew Small dealers are cordially invite to call and get prices and all mail orders re ceive prompt attention at At. if. carron old staud, 40 East Main street. Open eve nings until 9 o'clock. Winter Wraps.

msiafe mmnlAl. at nplf nf all the 5 vlf. in fall anil ninUF wranrf don't fall tO I call on the old reliable dry goods house 01 238-242 East Main street. Worth Eating-. Bath buns, jell buns, Scotch scones, coR'es buns and rolls of all kinds.

Fiefh every day at Cuiross' bakeries, 80 and 4U9 Sis' street. Ladies We Are Doing Wonders In the cloak department. We want jotf to see the Newmarkets and Raglans iu plaluS and stripes with si.k hood for IS. J. A.

S. Mann Co. opvn to-day a fine 1 of children's and misses' cloaks and cap es' cioaas 7 at low prices; ai ulsters stvlisb goods a ladies cape ulsters. For art embroidery materials, best good!) honest lengths aud quantity, go to 4- street. Oaks Cajjuol.

High Nnveities. Received from Berlin the choicest line 1 of braided jackets and Newmarkets in all 1 newest colorings, suitable for house a street wear aiso a fine importation of wrsp in all the latest pat. erns. Burke, FiTzSmoss, Honk Ss to. Our Dress Goods Are dflfng wonders with the large assortmes we have, and our $15 pattern dress-s sre the talk of the city.

Kirlkt's. 156 and 158 East Main stress. Children's Cloaks at $1 and our leaders are newmsr" 0 $5.25, 5. 95, tailor made jackets $. $4.75, astrchan jackeis.

braided plush' jacket. Opening new stjs dauj. FltAXlUAS lIORRIS? MISS MOBTOU, No. 30 State Street, la now ready to show her DISPLAY 89 STATE ST ARRIVING DAILY. Choice Etchings, LIMITED EDITIONS, plates destroyed.

No Duplicates. Also some SMALL Etchings, beautiful subjects, artistically framed, at $10 and upwards. ART DEALER Powers-Block- FALL WINTER STYLES OF MILLINERY A complete line of CEXTEMERt KID GLOVES THe Eudge Eicyeletts and ictor Safety ADVANTAGES. Perfect immunity from alters; very treat power; eusv mounting aud dismounting; reat power up hill: slight resistance to head winds; less vibration and maximum speed with minimum of exertion; corufortable foot-iests; less ephishing. THOMSON KENFIELD, Sole Agents, 92 South Ht.

'aul-n. C. CAULEY CO. Have In store a large and choice stock of new fail MILLINERY G-OODS. Which they the lowest prices, at offer at possible 50 52 "STATE-ST.

All Who Are Interested in China Decorating; A EE I JiVITr-D TO CaIX OS FRANK DOEH-LEH 237 who do in ali its branches, and from the finest and most expensive decorating to the cheapest. Wedding, birthday and Christmas presents in new and uuique designs, gotten up on short notice. Wort done to order; firing auixteur: barber's cups 'n all the latest designs, to whicb your attention is called. Classes are now forming for learning the art, both dy and evening. F.H.

SANFORD, DENTIST. i ormerly of Ellswordi teanf ord, 222 East HVEai n. Stj. Teeth Extracted without pain. WOOD versus HARDWARE I 'Tis not all gold that glitters, neither Is everything in our Hardware Store of Steel aoii Iron, as ttie following list of a few of the goods we keep iu "W'OuD" will prove, and we also venture to think will please you in quality and prices: Pastry Boards, Skirt Boards, Lap Boards, Bosom Boards, Ironing Boards, Wash Tubs, Wash Benches, Well Buckets, Sugar Buckets, Flour Buckets, Flour Scoops, Sugar Scoops, Chopping Trays, Chopping Bowls, Basting Tables, Step Ladders, Spoons Boling Pins, Potato Mashers, Butter Bowls.

Butter Moulds, Butter Pats white Holly) Butter Ladles. Butter Prints, Butter Churns, Bread Plates, Slaw Cutters, Clothes Pounders, Clothes Bars, Clothes Pins, Clothes Hampers, Clothes Baskets, Grain Baskets, Grain Measures, Grain Scoops. Salad Sets. Spice Cabinets. Weaver, Palmer Richmond, 31, 33 and 35 East Main St.

Cor. Aqucduct-et. nearly opposite Arcade. ELLSWORTH HOYT, -UXULT Teeth extracted without pain. 152 East Main Rochester, N.

Y. JEFFREYS, NDERTAKER, 155 STATE STREET. TtLE5 Call No. 203. 0en Day a no Nicht.

OdJL Clotlis I FOR A FEW DA YS OKL Y. 2 square. $1. 60 squares, $1 squares, tSceuuL Cash paid for second hand furnirure. stovea, etc.

v. J. UXjUiiY, 3d Front street..

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