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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, AUGUST 18. 1871. Country Merchants rALUA FIKLD TKAviKOr. MiatoelWeflliisWoit flemocrat and Chronicle. stdascolX A T.Tt-ittniTr Depository ooooideratinB, the district attorney was ptroag-ly of tbe opinion tbat Ehrig iedoced tbe girl to dritik vine for tbe parpoee of intoxicating her aad thea to entire her away from ber associate.

If the yniipg 1eys wbsak are groWag nt pre to iadplgp in this kind of recreation, vrbicb tbe elatiR is legitimate aad proper, he asked tbe rooaarJ what will be tbe moral eea-OiUoa of this eoatrmtrnity ia a few year. The doe adwrmirtKo of public ntiee demand tbat these boys shall be tbat amfc enmes bo longer Be tolerated ia the by-ptaeee aad ia tbe publie reaorta of oar ctty. lbs) defendaatp Ehrig, Borkley and Oar-rcghty were bold to answer for murder ia tbe eeeood degree. Tbe partieA can only be admitted to bail by a nprcme court Judge. nrmntstKaai uw ao is fact! Borkley, Ehrig and Garreghty, the Falls Field rnftiana, hare been held for order ia tbe second degree.

There to not a parent in oor eity-Spho doe not breaths freer from the fact. The wholesome dread all rascala have for tbe law presses heavily upon scamp of tbe same sort who hve beep indulging in bmtsl act aod criminal conduct these asootb past ia oar eity. Oar honest German ciripen will feel tbe honor pad the live of their daughter mora secure now. Every woman in tbe city will realise now tbat abe has a protector wheat tbe law lee have reason to fear; and iBtnlts may not be so ooea-soon. Rake will wnderptand that they an not hnpot -wBchastily with rmpwaity tbey mast give good reason to belhrvw their statement true; tbey will also see tbat evea if their libels are well the eoart will hold thshvesef all sacred, nnta tie right to exiet is forfeited by tbe decree of law.

This ranch i clear: Viola Carson wa a virtnrm girt. Even if abe bad Bot been, her murderers had no rijht to poraoo her to ber death. Buckley. Ehrig and Garregbty were guilty of abemraahle conduct, which cannot be tolerated, no matter by what soft word it may be characterised. Aad they drove or threw Viola down tbe bank.

Tbe publie will agree tbat tbey are guilty of morderiog a poor, defenseless, innocent, virtuous gtrL Tbe law will decide whether tbe responsibility for the crime can be legally fastened npoa them. Justice Bryaa holds tbe rascals for a legal adjudication upon that liability. All honor to bim for his firmness District-attorney Davy's pkillful dissection of the evidence, and learned discussion of the reason to believe that tbe villains cannot escape their de-erta. Th last words of tbeir terrified victim were 1 Let me alone They paid ao respect to her piteona entreaty nay, they followed her tbe more determinedly therefor, and they have not scrupled to follow her even since her death, and to strive to rob ber of tbe character they sought to wrest from ber ra life. Tbey woakl not let ber alone: and neither will tbe law let them alone.

'Let me alone'' is also the cry of many other women who have been iotlowe'l by similar wretches. The law will see tbat their apieai is respected. For thia sense of protection we slso extend to tbe district-attorney tbe Den It is liiesr peqtaeal I -ring to tart time te We tsJ vemj T'pr j.t i i Iwjt.d Tin tti.B I ir i th serve Tb 1-siW Ul7; 'AU lite Tb AB In it) of 'I fW I mx ao cms ilt tral "rm- of 1 11 r. TrsKS. On ThorsdaT of next week the well-knew a Ir Hstcbkia wiQ he at the Clin-ton Hotel, in tbis city, aad remain three day.

Bia trnase are kaowledged go be th very best mpdr, aad th doctor caa furoUih th skeptical with tbe name of sixty persons in tbi city who are bow wearing trasses made by Via. ad who are willing ta testify to tbeir exoei-U Bee. To tbosa nSortog with hernia, dob foot and spinal earvatare, weald advise to call, ob Dr. Hetcbkin. who will afford them a vast amount of relief.

Frtawis SB a wis SWtwut Burke, Fit Sim ooa, Hone A. Co. open thia week a large and elegant arsortment of long and qaara Cashmere aad Paisley sbawis, ope si sad filled centers, all new designs, also a magnificent variety of woolen shawls ef all the popular makes at tbe lowest market price. 53, 55 and 57 Main street 9 Tabget Sboot. Tb Union Otiards (com-ppny fifty-fourth regiment), will bold a target aboot at Mc In tyre's Beach-Hoose, Charlotte, ob Monday, August 21st All veterans of the company are respectfully invited to attend, also, all friends of the company.

Hot weather provisions at Moore at Cole's metropolitan store. Powers Block, consisting in part of two brands choice sogar, cured hams, smoked beef, smoked halibut. Corned codfish la five pound boxes (a new article) meat mackerel in kitts, Jnne butter In crocks, cicero cheese made early ptvl.with no Injurious coloring drug used and what will please tbe purchaser, small profits are strictly adhered to by this firm. Waktid Two or three rooms in a private house, for a lady and ber son. Lock box 555, P.

O. Waurr BACsirr and carved room orna-menta of all kinds can be fonad in large variety, and anything not on band made to order, at Woodward's Aet Dbpot, angl5t6 126 State street. Hessrs. A. At E.

Brennan will at once sell ont tbeir entire stock of gammer goods regardless of cost. Ibey want to make room for their fall importation, and are therefore forced to get rid of tbe old stock. Tbe goods are of all styles and varieties, aad sack as will be fouad to suit purchasers. Wc know from tb eirenm stances stated that all wbo are intending to se lrct summer goods will secure bargains by calling at A. Ac E.

BreitkaVs, 36 State street. Fob lilt One Hoe's doable -cylinder press in good order, will print a sheet 29x46. Price 13,000. Apply at tlip office. jylSdtf Tbi Eochbsteb Cou-Koiatb Ijstttctb.

will be re-opened as a day and boarding school for yot.Bg gentlftnen and boys, oa Monday, Sep tember 4th, by A. Jcoso Babsbtt, A. M. Tuition thirty dollars to sixty dollars a year. jy.dlm Try Henderson's huehn.

Tbi Farmers' snd Mechanics National Bank will psy six rxa csnr. Interest on deposit remaining thirty days from dot ofdepottt to dot of vUMraaaL Five per cent, on dally balance acd business sc-eonnta that do not require discount. Will lseae cerificate of deposit bearing four per payable on em tod. deciiliToAFtf. Thomas Rainss.

Cashier. U.ef i- tit 1-4 Al fs iit 1 of it BC at to fi East Ceeaewew Cowtereatw. 6bva, Aug. 17, isri, fx our. DAT To-day has been tbeongaont a day of BBBsaat interest ta tbe eoBirrrace, tbe people of tbe different charge, and th Methodist rborrb ia general tbroagbont the Col ted States.

We only regret that time and space confine a to a hasty, bat we trut a correct report of tbe more Important busiBeas of the different session a PtOBKISO PCasfO. The eooterenee convened at the appointed boar, 8 o'clo A. M. By reooest of Bishop Ames, Bev. F.

O. Ribbard, D. D. conducted tbe religions e.x-excise. The minate of tbe preriows day were read and approved.

Bev. D. fiat tea was elected trastee of th conference fond. Tbe examination of the character of effect ire elders in tbe Boror llsville and fVna Tan district was taken op and dis-Boaed of, tba closing this portion at the boai-Bese of tbe pespioni. Tbe seventh question Ia relation to the n-perBsmary preawberp was disposed of.

Also tbe eighth question 'Who are tbe superannuated preachers I Thia reveals the feet that there are bow on tbe roll of tbis conference atore than thirty sobb, wbo bavs wither grow old or brckea ia health in tbe faithful service of tbe church. Tbe second onestioo, "Wbo are on trial I showed there are none on trial. At this point the biabop introduced to tbe conference J. W. Lindaley, D.

D. of tbe Boston Theological institute; formerly president of Genesee college at Lima Rev Loomla, T. D. of Allegheny college; Rev. Cnrtis, financial agent Syracuse university Chaplain McCabe, general agent church extension society, and Rev.

Qneal of the Central New Tork conference. Revs. L. Watson, S. O.

Rbinevault andyas. B. reck; were readmitted into the conference. Tbe committe oa the classes of the third and fourth year reported their exam i nations. i Rev.

Dr. Hibbanl, of Rochester, submitted to tbe conference a draft of Address of Wei come," to be presented to the laymen's electoral conference, which is to eonrene here tomorrow afternoon. Ibis paper is ever where the subject of unqualified praise, both for it subject matter and tbe chaste and elegant manner in which these sentiments were expressed. In our report of to-morrew'p proceedings we shall endeavor to at least give a pynonsis of thia admirable paper. Revs.

Irs. F. G. Hibhard, W. II.

Gardner, J. Dennis and C. W. Bennett, a committee to present said address to tbe conference above named. Tbe annual conference sermon was made the special order for to-morrow morning at half-part 10 o'clock.

Right here we may ptate, that this sermon will be pronounced by Rev. J. Alabaster, now of Palmyra, one ot toe moat promising and really able clergymen of the ist Genesee conference- Mr. Alabaster was born bred and educated in Geneva, where his parents still reside. We can promise in advance a splendid sermon.

Tbe bifbop called for reports of committees, and none of the committees baring completed their work, Chaplain McCabe waaaekad to favor the conference with a pong, which he did most effectively. He sang several pathetic ballads in a manner calculated to drawears from his audience. This was indeed an agreeable respite. A. B.

Smith, M. D. proprietor of the Geneva hygienic institute, was invited to mi-drees the confertnoe Saturday morning at 5Vk o'clock. The notices were announced and the conference dismissed with the benediction by Rev. J.

AFTEBIOO.f. Tli is afternoon at half-past 5 s'elock, a large congregation assembled to listen to a discourse by Rev. Philo K. Brown, t. D.

the Genesee conference. He took for his text tbe words: "And when He ahall appear, we also shall appear with Him in glory, We bad not tbe pleasure, owing to other engagements, of listening to the discourse. We have heard it spoken of ia the highest terms and as a masterly effort, ever proposition being sustained by numerous scriptural quotations, and replete throughout with forcible and and beautiful tVESISO SESiUOS. This evening, however, was the event of the day, being tbe anniversary of the "Church Extension Society, J. Alabaster, presiding.

Tbe object end aim of this society, as we twderatand it, is to promote ia the most effective, thorough and systematic manner the extension of tbe Methodist Episcopal ehnrah. The first speech of the evening was made bv Rev. Wm. Lloyd, of Rochester. It was pimply grand, presenting hi the clearest and most forcible language the claims, interests, aim, snd.

present position ot thi organisation of the society. We exceedingly regret the lack of tune for a aynopsis. The second speech waa made by Rcr. Dr. Love, editor of tbe Northern Christian Advocate.

His remarks were to tbe point, and created much enthusiasm. Rev. C. Mrt'obe, general agent of this society, ia as we write, addressing the audience. As bis remarks contain the definite statistic, in relation to tbe present and future of this society, as well as much ot interest to the public in general, we append a synopsis np to the last many may follow him we have no means ef telling, as mny very eminent clergyman are present.

Tbe following is the aynopsis: Tbe church extension society is rapidly assuming a position of vast importance in Meth-odiem. Ita income has more than trebled in tbe past three years. Three years ago the society waa in debt ovtr (53,000 witb an income ef but Now with every doiler of debt paid, with a large balance in the treasury, tbe board of managers confidently expeat that the reports from tbe western conference will awell tbe income for tbe present year to $200, 000. Ic ia tbe experience of tbe board that $5iX) ia sufficient to inspire tbe erection of a church in a new town in the the west. Last year with an income of $110, -GC0 the society aided into existence 216 churches ia thirty-six states and territories of the republic.

Tbe reports of results show that every dollar thus used ba produced five dollars in church property so that thia society baa added to tbe denomination more than 530, OJ0 worth of ehureb property. What will be done thia year cannot yet be told, but all along tbe line of the great Pacific railroad on the western slope of the Rocky Moqntsina and in every part of tbe south and southwest, feeble congregations are finding themselves suddenly put in possession of religious homes, and tbe denomination aces with joy her children organised for tbe work of winning soul to Christ. Many revivals have already occurred ia ch arches erected through tbe agency of thia society, God's blessing ba been on it from the beginning). Oae pestlemaB baa recently givea $60,000 to tbe loan fund and many others have aiven to thia fund irom one thousand to tea thousand dollars. He portrayed bright future and predicted that in three years the society would be building a ehureb fat every day of the rolling year.

rassotTAAV Rev. Jrssee T. Peck, D. D. president of tbe board of trustees of the Syracuse university, arrived in town this afternoon.

COSSECTIPS Tour type made as say in yesterday's report tbat "the Isufg delegate were introduced." It should bave read the lay-delegates were introduced, H. Rarbeateir M'ator-Warka. Progress oa the water-Works nas ao long been at a stand -still, and so IlitUe ha. been said on tbe subject, tbat tbe public have almost forgotten tbat tbe project bad been more than half completed. But tbe funds of th company gave out, tbe expense running beyond tbe estimate, and the stock bulaers refused to advance the puma accessary to finish tbe works.

In this naaatiafactery eomtiuoa matter bave remained up to tbe present time. Yesterday, however, notice was served on tbe president of the company to show cause in court why a receiver sbouli not be appointed. Proceedings bays also boon begun, we understand, to foreclose a mortgage of $800,000 now upon the water work property. Tbis actios may be hailed wita satisfaction by oar ciuaesa The appointment ef areewver i ha tbe first place a trope- step ia order that pipe, hydrant. Ate- belonging to th company and not yet put down may be properly taken car of, tbe otnee ef th company having been closed ber and bo one left ia charge of iu affairs.

if the interest of tbe company is sold, th purchaser will for their own advantage go oa aad finish the works. The company bars mush valuable properly is tbe a bap ef iron and cement pipes, popup thirteen miles of which have been laid ia the citv, leaving out of consnicratu the woodea tubing laid en tbe route from whisk tba water la to be obtained. Th. sooner th present deadlock i ended the Better, as the wooden tubiag will not last aaaay years ia tbe ground ia its rest at ptat. tt ip pointed by ewSPBe-teat authority, that with the water in, tbea tube would Iaat forty year; but of bet a mm not a very abort Urns.

Tbe mattmr of appointing a receiver will probably eotas Before the court in a few week and the mortgage way be foreclosed aad the property sold in tba Beat six munth. need ao eurarge oa tbe importance of I avtag tbe water-wors finished. Every nshatwiaat of Lb city i. ia forested is tbe subject, Ws hope that tbe Wgai action bow takea may ppeedily lead to aoase sausrao-tory reault and ottr tty have, what town, of oae-qaartar the sie aroaad tta eajoy, aa efie-teet system of water-works. We Buy add that we are informed from tba beat awtree that ta cost of completing tha work will he aot greats.

a CZ5TKAL A5D WTTIR TORK. a. heT th-fr sk t. ear "-l" eia aait, pad save tretgkt. ms rargest Stock Jfs.Suite! (oat of UC r- XrTT- Xry" Compotltlort la rncs we CTtALl Mwoarlsoa, ta powpleta-aeas aad resralartij ef Btoca.


tU-AtS, will recs.T par prompt pttpatloa, sad Prices Guaranteed sr Oeeds retaraed st ear zneop. STEELE AVERY, 37 8tate fJtreet. OTLrR POrHLat-At'TiaU rt-tB COOK STOVE, THE MERICA. TH BENT STOVK I IST 3VT JS. DTL I3C 13 T.

also a rrrix ut or CHEAP COOK STOVES OF ETERT DESGEIPTION. TIN WARE, WOODEN WARE, House WAi Gools! EXCLtBITE AGI5CT rOK Jewett's Palace Refrigerator FRENCH'S, 76 Main street. tel deodsm I t-J! COLEMAN'S Vi'hulfsale Hardware aod Jkaafit-tDrtrs' Dtpot. 202 STATE STREET. LIGHT ASD HEATT CA8T1MOS, of atAllSAbls and lira Iroa, WBOCIiHt WOSI STORE TOOLS rOCJfTBTt LEfM.

IllOM MA.NjK8 AMD BAT RACKS. 6AB-, WK1UHTH. PLAHK3. BHOEstAKStta QlOIM, Ao. Aad a fall una of Gaaeral Good.

Isnetrtes solicited pad primp gtvaa ee almost any dasiTiplWa ol giMMla. Rtmtmbtr the nrta oftlte or my 202 STATE-ST. mrdeodAeeowlv THE IMPROVED Excelsiorlawnlower Pteat44 Jaly 20t. cV ICov. 15itv 170.

31 ASCTACTrBED AT JTEWIHTWiH, 9. T. Wa bsuxcsb mux oi iacaa Bacaut. No 1llaad Mover. eaU tscba-a, vatant It pomitda.

No i Hand Mower, emu IS last-ea, veUal poaada. Prlre B3li. Ko i Bortva Mower, eata tacbea, wei-rat 4Ct ta isre Theae aiarhfaea all have eaat-troe rotleare eorabtaed, wbua rearalate tba ortHnar of te Mower aad mc-Xlmk. and id fact irdiapaab. to tt tfjaataf of a ickx aod evaa lawa atao krptug tba aotl pax au ao taai ttte raM rota B.y Kt tor i iirir from iau 11 aot diar oat in dry tlaaa Ta-a ayarhinsa ara ait irua and atveeL beaat'fbj ta Oraian, aoa BnaoaJ by the lils-lLAAfTUt trirV timbir toe awt ti eaa eBlDe oat.

We woald aslTMti litsva ia waat of a kfowar to five aa a raJl and aara aonr, to ta iriav one yoa have the roller aad mower eoaaOiaed. We' warrant oar auacbtiie ta every reepck aad drfy eocaoatiuoa Taa drauilr bate beea (tu-b tbat we bare aaabte to eopplT fcrOBM traee aad b-twaiA. oat bopo to bare a apply ta a few ear to bv at aik muam Can aa acircuiar oar atora, aivit.j fall aeacrlptloa ta dfta Af ear It tnarbiae aod aT imr- r-ntva we are era! Aa-enta frr Central K-w Tors fr theae atawi-AlHea, wtkicb are oa aaie at oer aaure, Nos. 91 93 State etreet, Rochester, N. Y.

BKIGGS BRO. laldeodsw lit FOR SALE RASE CHANCE. AiTfH OF G(V)1. eAOBataftBft- of Iry Oooda, 4 lotltlos' tfrerea, Hooia aad btsoaa, iirmra aad r1 'ftdi. aviAtt artaat-B' tuti a a 1 ta aroi trdr.

Cu re brick rtiat Vvw ta ote uf the bf MbatHaa ta Lirtpf tta coui-tv Irat-e aa trv atabilawMt. Ao-plfli Bt EUa p.rtiro -r eacaaiie for boaat aAd lot or aaii iarrji arar HereMa-ter. A 37 IS I BI KKE, ntAPEB OtvGOOD, -45 Arrade. procar tfehi roan try aad Ka Mr. Bar-e waa iormrty CM3aqr tat ef Fa-ea ta.

era ta re)t- raaoa W-pts4 wa aai itDaeaD ttvaaa. J. Faaaaa, aV W. OwBOoa.

LIMK! w. fi- Oe.l" la Hatg. Bttp BOIeMsteset.opposlts rroaal ituraer. (TUeia eaa ba laia Do Caio attest. t.MiaU JOHN CHAPMAN Bsvlsg ot Oewaer Rag tae swaiasis tad Ma vs awaaria, Ba praparsd ta rsiau rail aasuruaeat of Paper Hangings, Window Shidc 1 viriau a peeRa stationery.

Cord aad Ta fsssals. Window Cat aaca, Paaos i I UullaA'ts. artala soars. of rtetarw fraaaea aad Wladapw Kbaa. S3.

-Al- PTkA AST. WAAHIXUTuM Ban, pVLOCE aWX-Hkarkit, H. T. raT rsasr aUngis aoa lo arder ta tt pest suav IsAlap C. V.

JEFFREYS, Txirxtl siring- Undertalcer JVO. 129 STtTE STHEET, BsU Gas, Water and Steam TRtin Kgp ta sroca targ. nAattue. ar st.Ar.d AA riXTtTaga op naana-an fla. a.

B. atf aMKfuju a A stweeew wf it A r.s steals yt ase tVv tts.rte A rtaraer fftavr far tba fi ssn atlam. ..4 J. sekrsa. far tba Jefes sts Bsc A lry aa As rv-eawf Thev are Held to A as war far atsraVr la tbe feeaad Depree.

Tseedsy forenoon tit is ease Waa oroTd np try CMrtr4-Bttrwej Itary for tbe people, and J. C. Coebrwwe for the aVfense, before Jaatiee Bryaa. Mr, Cechraoe proeedel at Srt to eoavitnr the treBAarttoa As it aneeared the evt bi orator to tbe of VioiA ft. Caraoa, and what tbe Ptate of matter, were after tba first poet mortem examination bad bee held He snie, frwax too rears n.tore of tbe oeenrreoce.

the rowtmnaity wpp excited, sad that this feeling wap of eotra more intense hi too neighborhood wbpra tha frl bad livod. Tbo story of the bo-vp Bw kk-y, (isrreghty pod Cosklej. ahrnit a fourth person bp vine participated In tbe tranwtian, waa doubted more and more a. time passed without tmnring that indlvidnat to the An Foltowmp; thi.

oinoeoaa eptxte tbe terrible belief anoir those who interested themselves ia the pri'a behalf, that she had ttees foully mttrdored and thrown over tbe bonk. And wh the doctor." Moofconserr Bad Horsy, states that the irirl might have bea cbaste previous to that Bi)(ht, and that they were unable to detent aoyibio; that wmild prwe she bad criminal Intercourse on that evetiine, this erldenre being it) eoetra-dictioa of the story related by drfeodanta on the nacrning of their arrest, it was a clear ease agataet the defeadssta, snd posh aone a would warrant their being held for murder in any coort, lint trpon tbe boy Ebrig being arrested bia tosthnoay went to that, so far aa tbe doings of that night, tbe opinion of the physicians waa correct, and tlte state rn' tit of Buckley and Garreghty Was ia the psaia corroborated Mr. C. then took tba position that tbe boy Kbrig pod the girt Viola S. Carnon were emlty ot a crime against otiblic deceney, that their act waa outra-eoitA aod rriminal in iu nature, aad thty demaaded tbe erasure of tbe district at-toiosT at well at the eonrt and if the party bad tare arrested while ia the nalawtal art they would bave to be pnnisnitl in accord aure with tbe law.

Ha further declared tbat the the defendant were presest ia tbe garden and field tbat evening lawfully, tbat having observed a roople walkiog over the ground at that time of niht, their hovixb rnrioetty wap exited a eurioeity that exists ia the miad every boy their natural impulse was to see wbet wii going on. He thought that instead of viiting tbe pnninhroent upon theae boy, the condemnation abonld rest upon Ehriit, and ptl others like him, who make nee of sorb pub places for the gratification of their paeiona. Tha teslimonT showed beroud qneatioa tbat tbe drfondants'a cbaracters for honesty and iuiiuetry are gMd tlarreshty having been employed a large firm ia thia city for are year, ai.d 11 nek icy having deprived himself of decent clothing ia order to furnish money to bis "brother while ia rol'ege. Assuming tbe testimony of Ehrig to be true, tbe conduct of tbe girl on thttt night, without raferesAe to pay prior event ia ber lite, waa puth as would warrant persona in believing tbat abe was a prostitute, and beiyg so, she invited any dips to her embrace. Aod if she waa alive and brought into court ondcraoeh eiretim-stanrep the defendants, fromitbe evidence elicited, could not be bcld guilty of any offense.

The testimony goep to phew that she assented to the invitation given her by Buckley- Tbe counsel did not pretend to pay tbat, althotigb sbe milit have been a prostitute, any attempt to forre ber would bave made the defendants guilty of an assault. The place at whisb thia traiiAAvetioa oeonrred, and tbe occasion being tbae of a public picnic, forbid the preeumptioa of a rape having been enmmitted. Any outcry eonld bare been easily beard, and would readily have attracted attention. The presumption now is that Viola S. Carpon was chaste so fkr as this world knows, prior to tbat nibt, and being so ber first impulse after discovery was to flee, and avoid greater exposure; and in so doing alio lost ber life.

Jio act of Buckley, so far aa the evidence shows, had anything to do with net foiling over the bauk. Khrig textiSee that after she disappeared from bia sight be went to the saloon and drank two glasses of beer, in fifteen or twenty minutes after he returned to the spot expecting to find ber. He thought she bad merely hid ia tbe boshes, and bia action ahowa satisfactorily that he waa not aware tbat anything serious bad happened wben he and Buek-b and tbe girl separated in tbe field. Mr. Cochrane alluded to the fact that tbe defendant were oompelled to work all day at their plaeep of basineaa and only bad evenings for enjoyment that in all innocent and rational amusement they should be protected, for boyhood had its rihta aa well as manhood.

He did cot believe in trying to crusb tboee boya a they are catering the businc world, striving to gain an honest livelihood, by following them as though they bad committed a crime, or by persreoting tbem. The lesion to them and all others engaged ia Like tianaetiofi would he a good one; au.l the discovery made by this unfortunate occurence would, be thought, prove beneiirial to the pro-ptietors of public resort and also to their patron. Tbe eonncil alluded to tbe fact tbat tbia evert waa vary freely diM-ossed br tbe city prek, and lie commended this coiirte, haltering that by this means the truth in rel atinn to the transaction would be brought to the surface. TH D1KTBH7 ATTOItttKT'P ABCtTMEHT. The district attorney said, that he concurred with the counsel on the other side in that portion of his remarks which alluded to tbe fact that during tbe evening of tbe 7th of August, a young girl vi found at the foot of a precipice on tbe east aide of the rirer.

As tha news vibrated through tbe community it was natural for tbe people to iou.uire as to the cause of it, and deaiand of tbe authorities hsving the matter in charge a thorough investigation, 'the people demanded to know if a crime had been committed, and if so. who were the guilty parties. They began ttiis examination, tor the express purpose of eliciting tbe truth, regardless of pub-lie erntimeat. 11 noun the examination these partice appeared to be innocent, then h3 would not have raised hip voice in favor of having tbem held. He wa glad tbat tba laws of our country, though imperfect aa thry may be, given to every individasl who is charged with a crime, a fair and impartial investigation of his caee; pud if upon that investigation no evidence produced fasteninr gnitt orsnspu-ion upon the partb accused, thev they are enutlod to be discharged.

But on the other band, if any vide nee ia produced showing that a crime has been committed, pud there is probable cause to believe tbat the parties accused pep implies ted in the crime, than the due adminuttratioa of publie justice demands that taey abonld be held. He proreeded to investigate tbe ease upon the testimony aa produced npon the examination. Vl hile he should confine hi argument in the orst place to the teetimoay aa elicited upon the examination, be woufd claim tbe right and the riviiag to empress hi new aa to how this iauorvtit and virtuous girl came to ber death. lit elaiia this privilege ia AA much at the learned counsel upon tbe other aide had givea but tpiwob of tbe case. Tbe dietriet attorney here presented the main fact as elicited bv tbe evidence of the defendants, shewing that their statewnta of the transaction disagreed iu many importaBt par ursine.

He tbea proceeded to say that tbe fart already presented ratskliahed tbe point beyoad all reasonable doubt that was in the act of violating the prrsoa of this young girt against her will, and that there waa a concert of actios bstweea Hockley aod toatrbghty, wbo stood by encouraging ti crime. fc. 1 Lis young girl, in the darkness of the Bight, found brrsell entrapped iu the gulley hedged ia ob all side and ia straggling to extricaie her-aclf from tbe clutches of Buckley she goes over tbe precipice. Hp had shown by tbe tcsiimouy tbat tbry oere in the act of violating tbe person of this young girl against her will, which, eon-stitutrd under the laws of our state a felony. Coder tbe statute of I Hoi, be crime of murder ia tlie secoad degree waa created and the ifleix-e eoasUt ia a killing without a design to efieet death, by a person engaged ia the potato iaotua of Buy felony.

It not aeeesitarT Bader thi statute that there abouM be aa intent to kill. If Buck-by ia attempting to violate tbe )eraoa ot tbis gul, her that she believed ber only eeraps waa by plunging over tha esnbauk-aieut, then be is to be held responsible fur ber death, or, if abe ia puiling awsy traat bio. and ta sttouifHisg to rxie from him, aeoideolally falls ever the embankmetit, be it to be held ao-eeUBiaUte- ll is a that they aawald Lsve throve ber ever or poshed ber over to consul ute murder iu the second degree. If she aa constrained to believe that Buckley hip th rests sod actiuM wa desermiued to violate ber person, and to prevent tueb nohntce npoa aer persOB, abe plunges Over the easHksMst, and death aaauca, be attswerable tor the ooa- pequeBera. laktng tbe as it ia, a enme ba beeai commiUod, aud the uVXemianta, BuiAley and Garregbty, are guiitj of tbe The diatrw-t-atusraey paid that be had bWowb vetaioB and theory of this case, aad ia aa mack aa tha learned eouoael oa the ether side had given bia version of it oatsiae of tbe evidence, be (ia di-tnrt-AlIOJ-oeT) would sake the liberty to eatareae bia pirwa.

Ho said that be tueart to bave the examination eonductod called Cbrig becaose it was necessary to have sosne one of tbe parties sworn so that be might be able to ascertain the facta ia the ease but ia the examination not only of Ehrig but of the other parties, be wap strongly impressed that they were not teller the who tseUt Khsig said that ba waa acqa.lBlert with abe girl hat be bad seea ber witit otaer ssxrtspa aod napeted that she area Bot vtituoua stking thi point late AlArgesapplvof the sew PtpmAT -CHOOL art. I IMefjai, thk fi.vrtr Presrraeeed bv sff wke bsvs exaaslsed ft, tb. ben book sow ta tbp aiarkst. hew SUNDAY SCHGCl BOOKS eoastaalir received. Tae tsnrest aad beat stock at Seaara Haw Tork.

American Tract Society A.tB GenersJ londa iehaol rx-poaitor Jstdte O. D. fiHOttlMH siape. A3IUi5E3IEMVS. NEW OPERA HOUSE.

FR1DAT KTttaiwo, AlursiT lJta. A-no5ABtB MIIHT. BENEFIT CF THE GREAT SAPPHO rtsst time ta Korhsatar of tb O-eat Prince iwf I or, Tbe Fairy Rt e. After whleb tb Lasgtrabla laterlas riAit iv ym i rs 1 1 1 r. peerless to whteS I ti-efy AD FHIT' BR.

f-t lossd by eapebo's Special jaesTions wa per Matlaew, lacl Tsaa's Tabla. tv For psrtleslArs see peogrsmmss. Prleea eaa ba aecared At KU 'a, aiao at tbe Op-r. Aloes. ijJ CORINTHIAN HALL I Of BHTElt, fl Ta Let ar Icrars, Coarwrts, 0eraa, a lAWf' rreaeAevar.

BK.BAK T. n.kMlvi. A cat. Aw A cease splTSly IIAHIL.T1. TB ROTHHST'-R ISTv'A'U'M ATfM rear-e' si, cai.

tse aiiela as ib at Kntie-l tbei' ia tbe BAAIlIOt MOCK, ore 1 -a. 1 VI I laaus ih sl'rs by Mr eH.tli)k. pWsau s-s I. tr e--i "1- s- of 1 Iem a. par Taaaa Tk IHitXA k- se rear.

M. II final KT. r-e'--t. A A Baai. Braeva.

I AM' HKt.L, BtMIITol AUCTION SAIES. AUCTION -Ai-EJ. Great ftVafrm lion iloute, 11 rlssls-st Aprtewltaral BMIs All klaita pt pooo. sesph s' LlSerai eaaa AV vases, bdaiis os vopsriy of esrr as tr an air uti at. watmastai MYorFAECtiCll C3I31123133 E313J X1MA1S T.

Bwvsa rr.rA geseral dealer. Is Class as-. Cre. ery. Taekee a le-y.

I la- va. Pc writes advancement, If b-a VhO. Urn-el-a ale.ea as kaal fwyal-alda ssles of real otAte. psrsoaal gwas. As K.tsestve aale Sea Bhele.

s-f Vsetne Caelum bepinett stiiS i'A Y. At Ut'bT HlB.aAd to CjaUl ae tbroeo-f, the wee I-. al ki .1 AscUoaS torday. BEtES C103E, Auctioneers. ea-dtT GALUSHA PHILLTP3, Auctioner.

014 A-ctloB ant) rorniuissl.B fl.ase, Htares sad Malar-wt. Briatpa. BtM UBAlEK. 9. T.

fW Asettoa Bsass svsrr Aatsrilay st A. M. We stectsl Aiieailoa ta oar arwasal atock Organdies and Jaconets Tbe isrice. ksv besa redaced rally os hs't. HUSBARD A NSHTviSOP.

Pai asols aid Eoi DorElIas. Ia order to redore ov etock we hare daced oar prlcoa. HUBBARD A NORTHROP. LAKA LACE SHAWLS. Ws bsve reduced prtot ss PorBMr price git Present pries is oa io it 4 i a a st s.

ss .1 ss t. pa Csstomrrs caa rest assured that the abovs Mat sf prtet. are DDccIclecily Clioap, And tbe BAly aad sfyls sapartsr. KUE3ARD A N0RTH20P. The Finest Assonmont or CHEOMOS Ia B.

saay ke faesd at WOODWIll Fin At Dpt. 13 State trtet. The Rochester BEACKET WOEKS BALKS BOOktA AT WOODWARD'S ART DEPOT, 1J Slate treet. deet rley FitiHAI123t Perfect: jPreveut Cracki rrrsrrTfi itt Leather. Addt greatiy to iu DorabiUiy- IT 1 ALA) glCgLLk BT POIt OtU.tti BOOTS, SHOES, BUSQT c.

llendt ring the ltrUet Leather fit FT rs' sp Is To Csaa laJ. try lam VACSt laiii.rt For lilslx Schools THE HOUR OF SINGIMG. TH a a -r i 1 fa.iklul ai l'raa l7" S. at tile, ao vil S. a aut is era, wo or lAr aar a aa ia ar a pa i er al-o -w pe.

AIV. sad "-wcuoa ot 'My as. "a aww v. iig. J'HICK Beat, post paid, as raestpt ot ratall prie.

OLITKB DITSOS CO, C. B. PfTSOM Haw Ysrtt. -el For Sale or to Rent. THI WW unr.auir rs" imaiuatl, I ,1 d.

of Tar-AmL Bum al r-au aa I los i-rtlaiel, i lla 1 wrs tli mr a COBBIPJaiBtf TATIPtlT OF THE Bat. kin DifCbgST or cosHxcncirr arrrruAL llfi na. coxrz. Ba iessAatg p. A-e 11,1 Aa.

as taa ae ia Ai. l'r. Da. laiu. airm.

rw TT suss -ska A4 At tbtaresw sad Hsc as. J1M tpelsvfa scerawd la'avest Ila, Al 1M TvicteiT: for Tot patrtcrl V.V.'J.'." t.lf;HS at fe-1 K.d Pa Kr vr a s4.sry, Al. 5 ts Awpssi.s a jaaspswaau rem. vaca. xetai trtteaats.

p.ata "e.i"f wljepaBS to al eseeu, ISaUI.iM 2.i FBI5CH BMIIH, ge.t v. REMOVAL '-'-a; 'X'lit; C'KmtArif TEA me PrT. w)' sua Kit. i.hih a. -u pe'.

lp. Aeeo's it-n i Cat. A Ac-aa Ain jorf.cnnii. A.X -J BOAB. i i a.

Aejcow. aravaa pass. lw a ft sit ki Ace At ll STM A'e-m i ft. f-v ea 1 F-m. oass-sria.

i4 ai F-i p. aa l-l a. -) rt A as. a-ta. as ii rr Fi if lli ll W-r CM THA1S ABK1TB." fKr-r aoa.

iirntu ASIA PB. it s. At I-s. Av Ae. tn ss ai.r.i...

H. iti I mm II tp.m Et A'vnr tftn A A fcxfrft. oByniAt k-tf lai Ai run ao.a. I ll. irtnl 'Mi ll.f i IB 1tixftt At 1 SK i at A-aa.

OHAAlOTTa. 4 -a tH. A "-t Lx(ira A -t it Tim i 7-at FaikrtAf Am. vw rcwanTa Fauui a Lisa lTa CiHtoa "a He CmIma at mailt. tnm fcmitiu.HMi PtaUoaal Hot! at p.

at. rn.u Imw Katleaal Sotal I a. a. riwm-4Mni raaa Hotel at 1 p. oriara Lmt.

pracaa'a Hatai. alH! ttrrt, at On VICIItlT V. Tama Talk. A thi'i b-t w. aa4 ttirwf Tr of 2', of Mwbafl Ko, linng tmaWr 19 HrriB loa ywtrtlay fnKxm.

1)tr rt ild a laal pla.tiof th walk Baf tk tiw. 7 catne twlwepn the Kihtr t)i tiT trf l.lifttoti, Iowa, baa hu potpw4 to iftrmofl. Ts Artiara tlrrapue4 that tliry rould not km till tb-n or Jtmurm MiLLca- Joapjia Miller, Ai'-U btT- a jn, ri.l ntof Mt. Miw-rt. nfi i-M, t.iM a He wag failwr of lirnry W.

MiUr, lirsggiat of that 1 -'o Mi'lr, tbe Vftnrer, aod va bora lt fcfSfM rawotT, 1VB. llo-M AT Kai ahaxo Ra'K. An atiste4 pr-. Hiitpalch, rtfflTtl laxt nufc', te thut the Oliii Bot, rrti-4 hj tltU euy.wa tie rae f- fct wat 2:. Kt wa.

-ot-rJ fnr tbe aame jora. a xrici A arriw lor dsf mntta a ill "wld in 5 I'auTs rhnri-h. North St. r.ul RixheaW, on SudiIbt. the 20th iat.

tt 3 p. tit. 8itiuel A. Adam, of iifcltimore, If a mntrtt wtH Ile lriedda of dnat tttnte are invited to he rewtst. I'M-aa KriiAKii.

A xrtionof the aorta tj.nAifn Kgbtxitb ecbuot os Iake eooe enjorcd trip to Clifton iriuj; ott Wedneadaj. Tbey T.tJ a nrf the proprietor, of the air-eore ami watrr-eore to wbm they feel tor farora. The day a aa eafe ia )AiUDira. They eft the oily on the truio at 15 aod returned at 8 o'cloek in tlie evrtiit; iretl aattliad auh the trip which oiif jilra.ure Jo every parttetilar. Iki i.o rr HEAT I Bm'mT.

-Ws are glad to tvtiff. fi-ivot tlio firorkport Ieoorrat, that arki ItnfirtiTeirjents af ZMtig on ia that tril-lae Rehrrioj to J. l. leer' new and hanilhutne kackiDX bnihling, our eaBtetoporary aaye erramept oe the eorner of Main and Matket fUM-ln, tHhfiiis "worked A. Cte butUlta pm.F, the more oar interest increase, and a iinte impittietit to aee it ia ordT to aee what elteet it ha.

upon I'm bal-atHi trf etir boeioeaa Thia i a aplenIid ttrt aod we hepe tt wit! be the mean, of aecunnx mora lioe Tburiness daeea of tbia cia-n. A Ailt(wr liaitcnAXT. The Xew Tork Tim. a rimiuw the following notice of a buuneaa enaa who know bow to watrh hi. enatomnra A wl oioy grocer in tin.

city, who became rich in hi uoaiucim. eaya bta rule alwaya waa, wltrn be eoht a hill of good, on eroitit. to tin-me. lilc'j Tor tbe local paper of bi. eh or a bia cuAtotnar adrertiited and aioroatMiy, be reeled, but aa aoon ata be heia to cititract his adTertistn apaee.

be took tiia fact aa ervieace that tin re wa. vrMiltr ahead, and be itiTariaUly went for fair ISuiit he. "a man woo fee 1 too poor to eueke hie bueitieaa known, ia too pmr to do biein km. 1 te witbiirawin; of an advertise-aueiit ia an evidence of wrakne. that bu.ioena men are not alow to oheerve and art upon Who ia BmrtiKstiiiJ! One of these haol-aoaia piece of nixchtiaery, auirnn planer which waa a credit to Iheakiil and of Uochea-tor uru-uiu.

was shipped on a platlurm cAr yc-ttday for eoror eaot rn city. A. the train waa goitif: North etreet pome bo mountetl the ear and made ibemAelve boy turning the wheela of the plaQer which are dclk-atcly eoc.tmctcd and easily broken. Thc worked hard at tbe machine and if they diii not daujA.Tr it, they are not in fanlt- Too often ailir'c of thia kind ahippwl by raJroniU are damiieed, eotnetimes to a very se-Hou mt nt by Jout aaclt mean, aa we have retried Itailroad of.rlal. who are entrusted with the rare of valuable article, should cn-tlcavor to protect tbem from daojaa hy ruaiici ias urchins Thi plainer came, we noderstand, frtitti the Co-oeratiTe company.

Ahopa. PKtteiAAU Iewu II. Morgan and family arrived home tet evening after a year's ab-noe in Kurifpe. Protcseor Wm. J.

Milne, of Brock port, was ycAterday eieami principal of tbe Sure Normal hebool at Getieeeo. IVofeaaor Samuel D. Harr wa own vice-preident. Tha (election of rroiftheor JUilne for the position named ia a worthy recognition of bia learning abilittea and pciieBce. aa a teacher.

lrofeaor MiId atad-ied at our Univerrily, taogbt in the academy at port, and aince, wa belirva, in the normal attool lit manner ia aell-pseaeaaed but unatNAumtng, and combines that firmneaa aud biodn a tir-cervAAry to the aueorAafal instructor, lie Ubeeiaica eacrrtic, and baa great executive ability. We have not the doubt a. to km fxmcr to till the pUcc to wbah be baa been cboeca. W'e congralelate bim on bi election and the traateea on the ehottw tbe have made. attTKaLA.

fbia favorite troupe eKurttted at Corinthian Kali iaat Bight to an eicrllent bonar, one wbtcb tlte talenia of llry-ant, Noi-e Seymour. McAndrea. aud tbe rest well leerve. 1 be kiuinj the flrst part at once that a good quartette formed one ot tbe fi-alure of tbe prraDt eompany. Tbe eoond arty exhaoaied tha laugluac oauaeity the audMUO.

Mr Andrews led the fun. He iBiitaua tbe dialect of the "Southern to il lite and ia full of bamor. In the sketch ealkrw lOotn night of Hamlet," Seymour and Turtle. At eouvulaed the house. Iiui iSiia.

taihidoa tbe new departure and the Kuklux KU ia LU oxttal irre.tstaUy comic stjle, Wilboat partk-uiariAtug the programme further, we will only sj that be lb or the Ittere were Bew or old, and pome of tbeaa were of th latter desoriiiioo, yet they wore all doe to perfection A good tnuAkal utulrtytjBe Lra Nair, oiosed ttie jrt ruiauce We hope IaB wUi stop hereon tbe return trip. lULAUW Or lit'. 0(0. D. ISoABftBtAS, i.

I. New York tuaiarr has a letter from a Artist worthy IneoJ ia Philadelphia sivisf low I-liareuce tht will oeciMioa the ttarpeat regret to lave Buy (i teBd this gifted aad popuiar di. vsnr. l'r. It.

will be recollected by oar readers as the 'ttrtoer psnttor at the iiaptist thiuch of bochosu The Vtter "Itr. 1m I Urdnra, sttr of tbe First Cburcb 11, lii.u is Bow Kinj danjcnroualy Ul in Ia.1ou- Such is the iatet Inteilienco. lie reached Ulniua aocoe weeks ago with the fcy fevit luikteg in bi. system, and in a few Usv aJier tie was prostraied with dysenu rr. ile baa me with a severe toss.

His funk bad been Aio en with all b.s Butea. These were exceed-lnjjly valuable lha work of grata ssrw aa4 hweri-Lip, and embracing bis entire tour of the llo'y l-and. It Utboaght that thia lot helped to increase the disease wharh b. as hiiu-" Wc trust tha next iuleih-tor will ba more favorable, aad that the alo-4)Srtit pastor sua bs spared aad reluraeJ to his ap)e for still further nsefulaea ruJJTMiA, wOaAstr. Tha Jiaw Tork Time asi Tnbua.

tta dwA.B poliBeal peoaper4A ia tba state, have re (erred, amaoa O-her to tha rat CAyus aa atuoBj tbo ia tars part of the stsl which aubt to bp re. aWcwd. It BBdoubtotlly will ha. A eorres-pottdeat mlt rtoA u. that Ira 1 Brown, M.

1 of ftrfdiiport, ia proaiiDenlly tucBtioned, a ss ttpow a hwa the fssrty caa baraBowsB. Wp saw isothiag about tb wants of the auOrioL, or who would five moat strength to the ticket. It nt ws know aowetbiBS about Mr. Bro waits tBraseriy editest tba twjo Daily Tiasea with BBarked ability, aad for aaaay yaara baa rredered ctWtaol earvtca to tha Eepubtieaa rasas, nwtai? sits I Be bob, but opoa tba rump, lis woo hi be as valuable to ha ttiauiet aa RB old xurmber, and mors vaJuasUs tbaa osur for bo is tberaoghlT faaailiar with tba fiarms rf VrftteUtioB, vin deputy elerk of tbe awrublv, and for several jtara reporter is the arsate. aimpij refer to Mr.

Browa'a quAbfiratiowA aa a MB aod a aUpublieao, kav. iug bo ttcAire to infloeooe tba distriev ewaoarB-' tar which, a. as have paid, we kw aothtag; for the judmetit of th Republican elector, ea tbe ground is far tool a reliable. At tie same tun. it is not improper to refer to Mr.

Itts.wa'a BbtiitM-, ABtewrity, eil-Acienea au. wid. ao-ouAiuIAoee with tba pt.biae maa of th. as eaui htm, mt than ordiwartlr. for re pre-sentative positiopi at awww vr rA Pica; or mvM AKt taaHtW sSowa 1 Is 1.

cawrasa sdalng. Psrtr, CoBe, rmlsArT, as4 Ar Isiulus at sssaob, la Koe eala soa VH-lnlt' a srsily remarksa. as Wa aatar i Hr it doss aaswsrsd by ar tnwriat oa ta eavatop. nr CnPPFBlllTr FNBRAYINQ i wJirw-tttA-WJ VJ WtlVT W-ew ai i-ww V-APSTW a Wftr la bom for tta awrfaccioa tm mma wesstra- SAMPLxs axd erm bt mail SCRAUT0M WETMORE. 12 State Stre-t.


MiTILE, Alt fsil pstoTtaient ol OOLD sad 81LVRB AMERICA1T WATCHES sTEWELRY Selii Gold ail Silver Gooii STOCK ALL NEW. Wholesale and Retail! AT PRICES UNPRECEDENTED. an J-doodl 5 1 1 CARRIAGES! WI HoTIf FOW AWT THB UPOm AS-aottirerit ta Ive foaad any oa aoaa la itns United Ktaiea. eoataie'aji aliaoat ptott varl-tf of ptemre trora the cwthn.fBiwto taelaaat ca-b. all o' tt Hinat aparoTed itjle now la vtne, afain oa ta eacti tb aiicbeat dr eo ol artecUoe Toe aza a lev 01 oar moat auurca: L-andoixlets Tto tarreaaiac denaed for ttala IxaalUal eaniaara moni im ik, ia a lumcieii nvtBiM ior ita pr- norikaf Lwanclaaxis Tlra larorltc faniiy can-lajfe, mtable for i-as aad vtaier.

Clarences Te carHaT pax exeeilasc for au eaiia i Optra dn-tsa. Coup 6 I TaH earr1are, ao wi ea aaetd ta If ew Torit for akop- ptBff aad eaiKoir also ior taaaera aao aaaroaaata LB(g lea IJUIU wAttBU SisVe3B VAA WtAeTAlt.alal. Coupd ISockavray Tba naet coo-reaieat fair 11 earrtaire. now eoTatM lOhB ir: Karle vita or ttboat aartara. to ao- ie ra ovinia friz ron ne are eaade ititu for oae or 16 aoraca, acco moo aux roar prgoaa.

Farrvfaefcea aad StaadfDj-Top Carriarwa of d-acTipuoa. tor Liver? or h.ek ooa oeaa aaot oa aaad or baaoc oa ato tea. aoaOp muco. It w-tll ftt fit reray pareiiaara xTttoc at a diataao to roar tLfj rjtniic vnc oa qttauij. eann" la bottL.

dea'taT aad mannfa 'tirat we offer fiC'l ti 'bt wt-hinai to oroar earriatr-a ot cw vrvi''uua, to ay oun-r eata-iited Beat ta fbu eoaotry. Lrw add'aaaa-" ta giwig Oft-rripttoa of caxrlaaea rcaued ViU aveot vtta prompt atteraUoa. Battnc aeatd aai patted Btver.tae-7.a1ra aa a-ver Iwen aT-pltr) to Oiw.kipu aefora f-Oavtra na to from $3 tutioaa os eacv taaja caa ba pucbaswed claewaeia. Brpositery and Factory So. Canal rtrect, Eochestr.

It GEO. W. HOTCHKIN, JatUttfacturar aad proprietor of tbe eeiebrated Hotel lcin SFRINGLESS TRUSS (SUPPORTEB, GaarABtse to be tbe Host Truss la tap Bisrksl, ss4 arras ted ptv or th nous rs-lUAavd. Tsjs Trsss ts sua wilBonT spRrsn ott tvr ward rnsTAwcst. AAD MAT UK WOKS DAI UfellliaUI.

It permaaeat relief srhere other, tall, as rArff-CAilr cares ssrea oat of every tea ca. ot rscsat Bet Ala. Dr. C. W.

Hotchkin'a Sprlne-l8s Trust Supporter. MB. HOTCBXnt WW. Eg AT st CI Sloa Hotel. Asg at, at aad At.

PALM 1" BA. at A.A.I. Bowl. Aug ITi KH, at Graham Htioa. A nrf 2Pta.

I 1.Y llf at I ivde HoleL Ass. tta aad Tta. rottT FYKtiN, at flow Aid Una, si. tat. ao CARIIAItT'8 PAT5T TWO HOEaat PULVERIZING CULTIVATOR as rOTATO DIGGER Mr ma AwartM ta Yirm Preaiiow at the 1 era.

KuU pmir. lT. It aaparter to the beat Waeet rolrlTur. Tbadapta a ttg iUateJ parfcily tatiM of wboedt. Ta Draft it radaoad aeart tn-k It mar bm Araw dtM a tre or frlatit wilkoat la- jaricji A.

is ieaaaMwa in tarti ior taa Biowiaf ataaauaa better ta a aar uiDvaxor ta bm. ot 00 ly aa a Cait)aor tt etf, Hnt bv a papr iTMfttrtaitpi U.a tLa IT Id A rKKTBC I fUXATa (rkH It ta aot dtctHwrd aatall aleTat orva or drprtiatia la he ear a. ta tAa aaaa wiU itta WlwI atti v.ur. r-rtw-e J'i. C.

BB 4. LJET A MX, auiT-diw Maaaf acturera. ft. raca. T.

frfB PIANOS, af )as sl aad mat rsllabl saaks, aasv be pad pp tta toweat aad saawsa kiss, ss SCO. CLAKK Mng lOJ las 8 taia st warCsatraldspot. J7iiJJLt Jars. Has) sTaBBtastartaa; IT ki Yartu RBAJiCH OrriCC rowers' Block. ltoektr, K.T.

Bsr or rrsit Jars at aa aad vs ta Jos- pr.A's at pr e-At. leiAutf l.a: HAfnw8. Sea, A lor Co. A. esHKeiBK Loaet m.

aw atawtapwrritlOAT lteo. At OOO FIJUWH' HA rfjm Carcsr 0 ktaiAAad gorsk ax. Paai strasa, BBWASXlAWer I i -e- ir-'- iisujrjL r. 'S BlIO.V CAbSII stree. Hear Mala.

I Creed St Benford, BOOK BINDERS BIAKK BOOK BtAwrjACTTJRWrM. Tiar aa aavavi ar4a. HraaaappT. papkaAia. cmisttw.

BlLB paTkal I 11' I a 'av i the sotinmit bjtatx Lnn KAILWAT. Tea real aae Timber I at ores. a. Tbe neeeesity of cheap coal is so well oppre-rutted tbat we need spend bo time in arguing it. Equally well is it acderstood that to ebeao-en Anthracite, we bave but to seen re aa abna-danee of good bi tumioaoA etal at Jew rates.

The woadrrfnny prosperous manofaotariog cities of Pittsburg and Cleveland, aa well as Cmrinnsti. Ixmipvitle and other large eitiep, use bitnminon eoal exclusfvely for their power, aod also for their fuel, bleat furnaces, rolling Axe. England, standing at the bead of manufacturing cot tries, aaee nothing bot bitnmtsonp eoal anthracite being enknowa there. Ia some of tbe ess term aaasnfacturing citiee, during tbe pcarcity of eoal last winter, the iron workers aod engine owners changed to bttu-minonp coal, and were so well aatisfied with it, that tbey say nothing caa induce tbem to go back into tbe elntcbea of eoal hogs, aad tbe uncertainties of miner' strike. Bearing these, facts in view, what facilities for seeurin cheap, soft coal does the proposed railroad afford To ascertain tbe fact hi tbis matter, a committee of tbe common council wap aent over tbe line met summer, and their report, with tbe letters of the rorresfwedente who accompanied tbem, and whose published testimony bo maa baa assailed or can controvert, abundantly sustained the previous carefully formed jadganent ot the directors.

We make a few extracts from these various sources touching incjdeaU.vntlso, opon the other aspects of the enterprise. Trig trjtios'p tiiwp. Mr. Cooper wrote to the Union as follows: Much as all were pleased with the coal mines, we could not overlook tbe import ioee of the timber standing over the mines. Hemlock is plenty, Lard maple abnodant, and so is cherry tbe trees of both growing to a large size.

There is plso plenty of whitewood, of excellent finality. Tbe value of these woods in tbe Rochester market, for manufacturing furniture, car- riagea, JLe. can srarcely be estimated. Again bernyst We do not hesitate to declare tbat we believe no statement yet made by tbe advocates of tbe road, aa to feasibility of tbis route for a railway, or ita advantages to Rochester and the country, baa been in the least exaggerated. Nor do I believe the estimate) of cost is a cent too low.

If there were not a ponnd of coal or a foot of lumber, we are con burnt the State Line road would prove a paying in veal ruent, taking into account Jits cheapness and tbe trade it must control. Is Mr. Cooper, wbo examined tbe matter thoroughly aed impartially, less apt to know or state the facte in the case than a person wbo has never been on the ground, or who ha an toter- U-rest in opposing the toadf rnoM thb demockat's apboiau Tbe correspondent of the Democrat wrote aa foHowp: "Eleven opening into tbe veins have bo made along the line of tbe Bradford road. Tbe Longwood company is prepared to turn out 200 tons per day (of the same coal that was cent to this city for distribution last year. 1 The Lafayette company are wow working on a contract with tbe Erie company for 60, 000 tons a year, delivered in tbe carp at fit.

50 per ton. Gen. Jackson, superintendent, said be would contract to put the eoal down ia Rochester a $3. 75 with the State Line railroad built. Others put tbe limit at 00 to $125.

It is now shipped to Kochester, if at all, via Corning, 238 miles sgainpt 125 by tfap Suite Line route. With thia new short line opened to Kochester andaLake Ontario, there can ba no doubt that these mines would bave an advantage overall others, and would put down and keep down tbe price of coal. Tbe central and controlling facte are tbat this is the nearest northern edge of the gnat bituminous coal fields stretching south towards Pittsbsrg; that tbe mines already open -ed and the road already constructed to them, make this the natural and inevitable outlet of thia coal to the southern and eastern markets and that the laws of trade and carriage will regulate it at ouce if a ahort-aut road shall reach this point from Rochester. tlUAIJTT OF THB COAL Aa to the quality of tbe coal be wrote: "The Erie company use 60, 000 ton. per year of the company's coal; and from tbe miners wbo dump the coal, through the firemen, engineers, station agents, superintendents aod geologist to tbe miners themselves, the testimony is concurrent that it ia rated from 'good enough to 'the best.

On thia o'mt we have some home testimony that is extremely clear and important. About a year age a ear-load of the Lafayette coal was aent here by J. R. Butts, the snperiuten-detitof the Longwood mines, for distribution and trial. John Horton who had charge of the biaet furnace at Charlotte, received half a ton.

He sis let in his letter of July tb, 137 to the citisens of Rochester, that be bad no inter in any form in tbe State Line railroad, except tbat he should prefer to get this eoal at four dollars to paying six dollars to tea dollars for other coal no better. We Invite tbe attention of any interested in the truth about coal to the following extract from bis letter it. Humo-i'i orntiox. 'I received about half a ton of tbe Lafayette coal. I burned it in an open grate, aud found it a free and cheerful burning eoal, and withal very durable, making no cliuker, aad not an unusual quantity of ashes.

From my examination I could not discover it is troubled with aolpbar more than anoh coal commonly is in fact, not so much as some of the Pittsburg coal. It produces a very compact, bard coke, and is in every particular well auaptsd to blast furnace and foundry use, provided it is not troubled with more sulphur, which, in tbe absence of an analysis, 1 have n-sson to believe it is not. For rolling mill or other manufacturing aud domestic use, it is well adapted, and at the low rate at which it can be sold ia tbe city, cannot tail to commend itself to all classes of eitixena, and prove eventually to be a powerful stunu-ins to a very large inorease of, and give a new impetus to, manufactures generally. If any city in tbe L'Lited States baa really suffered from the effect of combinations ia forcing np prices ot certainly cannot be denied that Kochester is that city and it it a reasonable pnppo-pitioB (unless they are blind to their own interests) that tbe t-itixen will take tbe opportunity of relieving themselves of such influences, and also p-uard against them in the future. This, ia my opinion, can be efieetually done by means of the State Line railroad." Mr.

Hoi ton sUo says tbat th supply reached by this road is "practically inexhaustible. Isn't it a fair presumption that this practical and impartial witness knows what be is talking about Tim cost butt aa's Bgroavr. The city's committee, consisting ot Mayor Lute and Aldermen Andrews, Knitting tun, Bigg and Whitcomb, say in their report) The eeUBtry through waieb tbe line runs, except occasionally at abort distanrae. Is rich in agricultural resource, and ia some place, has a radios of twenty miles without railroad conveniences. We wtre Bitten purprised to find tbat Apparently a few obstacles existed to tbe construction of a railroad over the Una proposed.

After referring to tbe working mines, as ootieed ia Ike extract above, the committee quote from tbe report of a geologist, wbioh shows tbat within four miles of tbe present terminus of the eoal road that oar line intersect, there is a deposit of tea suiliion tons of eoal tbat a abort distance beyond another vein is reached, eatimaied to contain fourteen million teas; while still further south, twenty utles ia all, by a crest Itae, following "a high narrow ridge, pemtnj'j a causeway left for a railway," is tbe rarbeat veiaesT all, containing 100,000,000 tuns of good coal. Tbe committee aay: visited tbe JubbsoB run district (the last Baaeed aad examined tbe openings made ia various places in the shaft vela, lower eannel, lime vela and gap vein, and found tbem situated as represented in the. report. And tbey add: Engineers ee the Erie railway pay that they find no difficulty with the eoal lot Being furnished front tbe Lalayette mine. A Bother important feature of that aorlMMB.

is the existcstce of a large BBsMia of fine Umber, of keatleek, cherry, whit wood, beech, snapte aad Birpa. The hemtork is sold at tbe mills fur firs dollars per thousand I'aitK. la that eeetssm have UU9. 69 tset of supanor cherry oa a givea 606 aerea It seems to bp this tswbaseny is poaehuive oa tbe poiuia tout: bed upoa, and that candid eixt-gess will so consider tt ttntil Something more titan nnymou and irreaponsibls talk about lb country Vcieg 'nped timber" ip brought against it Aad where else we paoald tike to knew eaa there be (band, within forty five miles of csxr state line, and a hundred mere from Kochester, ovrr teaty-fiv of which a rsilroad is already eossnleted miaes pdeqaate far our aed tor years, oaat hundred aad twea-tj-four aailliua tons of coal, or where ehte, w.lhm a considerably greater distant from the any, ta any direr mh, sea these facts be Bar-alluiedt Tsui ClTT DlgaCTOa. grateful acknowledgment ef the people; of those wbo freqnent Falls Field and similar places of pleasurable resort, and those who throng elsewhere, or walk the streets, as we bear them decltre tbeir sentiments on every side.

Virtue is more sacred, life njrre secure, ruffianism moie restrained, from tbe manner in which Bryan and Davy bave discharged tbeir official duty. The shield of the law is ample, in faithful and it i firmly held. Falls Field Tragedr. According to adjournment the citizens of the eleventh and other wards met at the eleventh ward house on Wednesday evening to hear the report of the committee appointed by them to investigate the mystery surrounding the death of Viola Carson, on tbe night of the 7th iust. The report of the committee was highly satisfactory to the meeting, and, witb much enthusiasm, the following resolutions were adopted acd ordered published, a expressive of public feeling in relation to tbe tragedy: Whereas, On tbe night of the 7th inst Viola Carbon, a young woman fifteen years of ago, while ar Fn'ls Field garden attending a ebureh picnc, between toe hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, nBfortunatcly fell roro the company of soroe young rowdies unsuspicious of the hellish de shins of tbe scoundrels, and lost ber life in endeavoring to resist tbe brutal assaults of tbe young ruffians who endeavored to outrage ber, and, heress.

That tratrie act was shrouded in mystery, leaving bantly a clue to the perpetrators of tbe deed, in order tbat they might be bruugbt to justice, therefore. Resolved, First Tbat this meeting tender it tl Alike, in tbe name of all resectable eitisens, to bta honor, the mayor and to tbe police commissioners tor tbeir prompt Action ia offering a reward tor the arrest snd conviction of tie parties concerned in tbe Falls Field tragedy and also tor tbeir promptness in detailing detectives and off eers to work up the ease and bring to jiii-tice tbe guilty parti. Resolved, Second That wp tender ottr than ks to District Attorney Daw for tbe able and esurient manner in which lie baa managed toe whole caee. Resolved, Third Thai we hereby thank Drs. Eovey anl Montgomery for the thorough manner in which they bave conducted tbe examination of tbe body of the deceased and for their clear, scientific aad satisfactory report in regard to Violn Carson's death.

Resolvt-d, Fourth Tbat we herebv tender our sincere thanks to Chief of Police Sherman; also to the detectives and police force ia general for tbe Hotiriiig efforts which they made in working op tbe case and bringing tbe perpetrators to juftice. estTved, Fifth That we as citisens expresa our rnlipnatim and disapprobation of tbe doctors who to have made a post mortem examination of the body of Viola Carson, deceased, which examination did not state tbe fncts as found on the second poet mortem ex-aninntinn; also, we denounce Dr. Collins 6r tbe foul aud unwarranted retvirt which be ninde to the press reporter implicatt ig tbe deceased Viola Carson iu loose and prostitute habits. We deem the report referred to lesigned eiiber to represent a virtuous youui limy as a prostitute or to shield the guilty parties from just punishment- Hon. Geoecb W. We find tbe following concerning oar distinguished townsman in the Insurance Guardian, published at London, England Our readers will be pleased to learn thit the distinguished American, whose name stauds at tbe bead of this article, is now in Loudon. It ia onlv two years since Mr. Miller entrretl ti on the discharge of those duties that pertain to the insurance dertmeot of tbe largest American s'ate. The quality of tbe man is shown by wonderful skid he ha exercised in the perforn.ance of those dutie.

He has reorganised the deartuient, extended its opor-aiioue, increased it energy and, mors than all else, has brought its legal tesis to practical in a way to show that tbe functions be exert ie mean something, and that the indorsement or countenance of a company by the department be controls indicates, ao fur as tbat eenpany ia concerned, solvency and reliability. Mr. Miller entered at a very early day npon the woi of personal examination, and the result hps been, what always follows scrottuy, fancy and art ficixl asset a bave for the nrt titne aiuiort wholly disappeared from the assurance at sic msnts. A few companies under his examination bave bees toouu wanting, and have been compelled to suspend operations; others have passed the scrutiny safely; while the major part have come out of the trial with the greatest credit to themselves, to tbe department under whose supervision tbey bave been conducted, and to the ptate to which their corporate is due. Worn down by fatigue, arising from bis ex-cescive labors, Mr.

Miller now seeks in fore i-a travel seme relief and restoration, and we ain-eercly hoi be will be able at the end of bis limited visit to return to his official dutie with his health fully re-established. On Saturday last he was welcomed to England by a large number of actuaries aad other gentlemen interested in insurance. Among the Americans present were Mr. Jones, president of the National ecaipany of New York, and Mr. Prescott, foreign secretary of tbe North America Life Insurance compeny.

A very iniereiting diension occurred after tbe festivities of tbe occasion were over unea the question whether a uniform standard as a test of solvency coulit be applied by authority of in any given state, to all companies do-in? therein, irresoeotive of taeir nieth- is of business, and if ao wbat tbat standard should be. Every person present participated in the discussion, and much valuable information was elicited. It nerd banlly be aaid that oar American fiknd contended strenuously for the doctnue tbat some method was practicable, though they on tbe question aa to wbat tbat uietboii shim Id I be Kiigliah rire sentative present, however, generally doubted the practicability of ary untlorm ptauaaril at all. rom their view, however, it is lair to say tbat Mr. Walford differed.

The interview was of tbe most cordial aud in-, tereeting character. It is uaejerstoed that after Mr. Miller fa- psseo some weeks ou the contineut, ba wdl return to lxuloe, when it is to be hoped some prrattgcmeot will be made to give to those ia-terepted in insurance an opportuuitv to hear from bi own lips hi views of the working ef the Amerisan system, especially as a guarantee of solvency. As the head of tbe most complete of ail the str.t insurance bureaus such an opinion would be most valuable, esacialiy if followed by general intormal tUscmsuoa. lOl'BT Kat'OkD.

Called snateo Diatrtet Ceart II a. N. K. Baft, FreeiaUag. BCVPaXO, Asg.

rr. Tat court coevSEBd st o'clock. Tbe foUewuig bsat-aass wss Lrsnssetaa Ti I alMMl Males Lansing PsauIeto-tBrlets4 st Arrsvaonstma forearrvtB; eaa gttt ssterpiuw wtttv visa spseisl lax. pleads aot ru- Tas I elHa Blaise vs. Albert B.

v. mi una indicted nwi Ira! amrder. cesuuiusd st Fort laru JoJt last, la aergesat WtiUaat Demarsst. Iaiiist-ssrat trassBUn ta cuxssl esart for trial st Adkaaj la October. Tba Bute vs.

Psssr ktoors tadwte for ssdta BAStsatpe pactagsa of tobases. riMOed as gsltty. las Catted vs. a vards At Msakstlk sal ether s-oa-ptty seise at taspanAMa kola Ulsp-SUf las-perta into ta. Cattae Pastas.

taaaisat Foawat tW Joha 11 st is. ctamaaat. Oa trsal. Tasgraa taryeant tat osart aa prpeeat sight tPrtlllBSSnip, Tbs sttaat StAKs vs Josa 6. wnertadlesa stttu tan tar psastt aa kali to hat panisshia soaaiar-aa aauuBal Asa a so-las at Brracass.

neAtmt paiit. tvsssars to is stss prtssa ss Aabara tar twp raau. IS I an Aulas vs. Htary TrowOiMg-s tsdirts! st taattnarat fur p.saiag aa Allan ass Bogs pal cola at Bocsester. Arra-e sad plsaaa aat gailly.

Tap srtsaear statsd as a laatitassp-aua pas foa stew Yark. ss saessvored to pas. to hep-vs cesa oa Lady truss wacsnaa ia tj Sopot at Folic Caars atrraa. T. t.

aeorwr it -atsry TarpiB Oias. Fuw sea aol-awaerstsiy wsv. st. 0. 1.

Jsaica Bt A an sassnltttg Ala wife. Beat sixty oats at. c.r. Bridget Joyce eask. DBrg- Jufca ttsrsw -urori7.

ftes wa aoHArs or alao-ty ears at. C. F. kail poos Bsaavtor. KsgA atatiipaa orsia.

Ft dohar or tarty-bvp sj At. F- gilt SorBS AiakAst. San par goa peaavia. TboAsAA as mssrwerty. Pla tea teUsrs sr sixty at.

C. F. an bad aavtor. On cAAtarday, August 19th, wa hAU open our first aaaurtsaent of popular fall dress gisuds, Th assoriasrint rootaM'S oheae, plaid and atripea; aad price raagw front tour to five shillings per yard. Gi'BAVUtAt fit NteArrimor NEW LIVERY.

Sale, Eoardin and Hacknrj-Coach Stables. 9, GEO. mASSITTH hTlnT w-rTl frrmx O. V. Jeffrj rtabie to bim SEW STAPLES, 171 avt 1b nam va tar- ctola etcrjihlhg in the line of tJorsera, Tixxfisien Donbl- Tffiim oa two ferated open and eov-erid batckBe; Cotckes, ior Medtimif Parti Faavntl stil Eidtttif iartiM, with sober and yen lie manly d'i -r ai orrrij ini utj Bwvotc win ID9t.

wivi lrcirpt vti('DTrD. Kemember th- Bombar, 171 utHi rDU Dorttt ol Struct Cax Subt. OU nOrPEHEKPFKS who tftr? a nprrior blirh rrMe loar of on form wJccellence, Had entire aauac Uaa ia Ui ue of lite C. J.HILL" FLOUR! Thim rrnrrTti brand of Flour baa fiWiihpl a rpnta-tt'rn wit rOuicm'r throufcrboat the conn try tTetxxmd lo tbat of co brafid ia America. The Bave oi taUe C.

J. HILL" Flour eTffDGti tke BOBUtier Irnin thm exoen and aanor- anoe of iesifstctor exfrerin en-a with iofertor aad careiiaoie Dracoa. ana mauroa me iaicyty Elepni Pastry and Bread! WE AXSO VLAS CfACTTniK AM EXCELLENT FiMILT FLOUR of a llgiitly lower uTade, at a LOW PRICR, whtct la larsry io deniand -wttb eonaaraers dainiiAj a Choice Fansi Jr ltHu at a BHKlocate coat. C.J. HILL Sc SON IrJl-ahm I Hardware Store 49 STATE STREET, OLD 8T19D OP STEELE fc AVERT.

1 WOULD reapectral7 anaonryce to tr cltuaoa of Bocarair-r axd tb. paMic fjBrly, tha. 1 bava aato vm fM oalT alwratlooa avod liBp eat In th aboTC Criers', fit tt tor the porpoa of tor baalaaa, aad tbat 1 dia tokeep afuUatockof ttotvU-twlQtf UoKi. CAiUaiAtiK A'i WAUOM MAJUb' Hardware Trimmings Bdfit aod Work. Wrteeia, Bubn, 3tokea, Axlea.

bprtiikTs, Iroo. 8wi, Ao. ELAtkSMlTIIV tOOD-i, An Teols ot sM kiad. Boras Shoes, Hon Kails, e. A lall tins of Alet haslcA" ToolA, Hoass Bult4es' Uoods sa 1 rtutntiiar.

la erest vaneir, sr tb ihe tboi.Ad sba ill srtlelss ibal mat th. trk of Srst-C-Uss Har t-vare etor wMr 1 oaess to Sell si the Lowest Urikl RAleA Aart will a SVtermlB.tH.a to leal tslrlt wit ail, 1 hope to receive a aaai ot tec pnoitc patroaaga. CLARERCE ASHLEY. leMey 1 1 CLINTON HOTEL ADD KREMLINDININOSALOO? staeawBse ssrwet. ster Tsrassot ts beasear TWO noLLtfts rsesif.

i.haj ua ao a on BECK MEYER, CCHTOM Boot axzc3L Sboo EMI-OniUM, o. ST street, S1CN OF THE RED BOM. fJAVi-ttk .1 P. J. MSTSA OK3SUINK I.TJIIIA'S EXTRACTS.

A good aaseraceat last reeetved by WKTMURK. KEEnEoV CO atpapaeyirih trsxu.StPswsrs" Bue. FOR SALE I TMBrAl. AT A BAHOAfrf. the old taKlthad Tta A im Biata toyatawt wiia looia.

Itood Ac Ac, Taia la ravra owurtaaitF pr a a witb a -o-ail capital ia o-tala a cood aasAbitaatd iT-eS'-ttvC tMllfill KaVaM-lft Cat li 11 awia af tAwC If Tt. lilt nun Iraal, NEW YORK STATE FAIR TOBKHILDAT 1LB1HT. Ott. li, ll Ilk. iihiad ih, LAhT DAT FOR KSTKlti.

SEPT.W. The TbirtT-atrM Aaaaal Cattle tsbow aad Fatr mf tba V. tatptt AgrtcaltaraJ isaciety UJ A kst at ALHANV, Oct lid to ttth, letri. FfBKaas ars eeea at' aasssrs rssiaeaai ef new tail ts ao. nsieea oa ssai Adrasa Ail snuat.

e.eeot r-siu a rl wcs aawn a SnSBia" BAteoUD CAT Ot aa ewcMM ll aU tta pitse eaa ftabra. aad riracvBcai tcaaiAirs t' th, HLaia. aad Cisa iAJ sbalhW (ur A.w Aap- kW TofcJl Mint atM tEtt, ASA-Stllaa. FOR SALE. A VEBTAWTlLa Btrstxesa wits Atoes, Swelb-w XX kosae is Acr.

u4. Mte lA A piaeauil OS nasotla kas Cattisi bUiu1a4. a ai'ta traaa ttua li. p. ,1 a Tcrtaa ev Apt.

ajt RObKltis. East BAiat autf anc Aal. si Baat (i-iirj Aalt-nAAl YetFran tJraji, AtienUon OV ARB tp saa at ta sate of ta aagas, a frtaajr avea- ii ai i. i. tag.

taaM leta.attw rrl't la.r. awirs aa a. aria! basisaas V' U-' rirr RiJS-" Air.atgt strsst. I Ov. aV low-orw-aj traat ta.rju.

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