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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1879. BOOKS AUD STATIOWERT THE CAPTAIN'S TBOCBLES. sum tip the simple life on earth and for th earth. Bine life waa so short there was a SUNDAY SERVICES. EDWIN FLORAL BATTERSON Evaporated Peacte eiiurinv ominm EASTWOOD'S NETT FALL STYLES OF PS EAC WED AM tendency to ask 1 What matters it how we pass our days! How can God ba moved by the actions of such irrfnitessimal beings in the universe aa we Why not make the best of these short lives!" But man should imirTlmeoB lh.

Erlt I.a.t Night ArrtM oft Mnau ui a from the Moat Hobert and Will, lam." A tUILD CHBISTKKBD Bl' THE ODD FELLOWS. PORTED We harea choice lot of KVAPOR ATKT) PHAaiilKS, sooght tavorablr. eod will be to4 cheap. respects quite similar to that on occasions when parents have their children christened into the order of Odd Fellowship, we are informed that it is the second instance in which any American lodge of the order has become godfather to a fatherless and motharleas child.

Certainly the history of this case is then as wUl give It prominence in the aunals of Odd Fellowship for years to come. The only other instance at all similar, was the case of an orphan to whom a lodge fn either Chicago or St. Louis became godfather about ten or a dozen years ago. DEPOSITORY. look op and remember that with the Lord a day was as a thousand About a week ago the canal boat Robart Rev.

XV. W. WaUb, at Trinity Cbareh, and Willian, from Jersey City, pass! I pon the Literature or the Period- years, and time waa incomparable with the CATAWBA CHAPES. We hare a auenthy contracted, and art rcceirlns Interesting and Impreaalve Ceremonies at tbe Vulvcramltat Church Yeter-day An Infant Orphan wltU Floral Lode for a Peculiar laiatorjr of the Child. through this city on its way to liunaio.

it Sermon of Rev. w. lrlontaarue Oeer. Family was towed by the tug Christie, 1 and at tbem treat, every few Oar. Teachers" Bibles, Pocket HIM.

MA ot North Adam. at sit. Paul's Chnrch. 1 pon lh Immortality ot th soal-Ber. C.

Iff. Mckersoa Discourse at th Chnrch of the Epiphany on the Rrevlty of Hainan Life. Lockiort the latter gave out so that horse power had to be used. A man ncraed Connors was engaged to tow the boat passed Ton-awacda creek and he did so, putting his bug smallest fraction of the eternity towara wnica all were journeying so rapidly. By him who read sermons in the stone and books tn the running brooks, the importance attaching to every act of life might be read on every page.

In ds life, brief aa it might be, was given to men's souls the impetus that would carry 8unday School Papers, THE BAKER CASE. HEW FOREIGN FRUITS. We Bnre Ralatn. Citron. Firs, Currant.

Lemon Sunday School Cards, Sunday School Becordt. HKLFS FOB TUEBTITDT OF TIT. No more than we can gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles can we draw from the mind, corrupted and diseased by reading, the elements upon which to frame a noble character. If our children read whatever they lay hands on their minds will become whatever they may happen to become. Here then is our position and our duty.

Tbe rising generation is a reading generation. It becomes the church, therefore, to teach her people to m-couratjr the love of reading, and at the same time tlireri the young mind into tb channels which shall be of pro lit and usefulness. It is the duty of the church to warn against th indiscriminate manner with which so many take up tbe literature of the day. It is a true saying, we never can forget the eli'eots of reading even onr immoral book. Its impress on tbe mind is indelible, It is like a sword cut on the hand.

By careful treatment the wound heals, the weakened member recovers Ua wonted strength, but there is the scar to tell the danger which has been overpast. We cannot efface that. Give tbe mind of the young child a bias for tbe good at the stirt. See to it that the vile, cheap story telling periodicals of the day are kept out of his reach. Give him the dear, bright, beautiful, ennobling writings of Christian men.

Let him grow up familiar with history as well a fiction. Giva bim looks and magazines which elevate ami enoMe and he will soon gy on the boat so that when he wanted to return be would have the wherewith to ride on. them one way or the other through all Peel, Malaga rapes, Bananas, At Pendleton his contract ended, and there a Amicable Settlement of the Iff tier-Card from the losng Man Accused of fKmbezzlementStatement of the Oppoelte Party. eternity. All should remember that the life- TION AL B.

B. LB880N8. Bnlxenpuani momtm tZ AT TMlTY CHURCH. The rector of Trinity church, the Rev. W.

dispute arose between WUliara Tuliock, the captain and Connors, in which it is said re Yeh-terday afternoon at 3 iuter-estitig and impressive services were conducted at the First Universalis church, under the auapuesof Florallodge, number i81, I O.O. F. The infant son of Edwin and Mary Batter-on, deceased, was the center of interest on the occasion. The object of the services was the christening of the child by Floral lodge, its godfather, the little one having been recognised as the special protege of the lodge, a-dae from the relations of parents go reated in its work for this world and in preparation for the next, ended with this world. volvers wore used and many blows passed.

O.D.CROSVENOR At any rate, the boat was loaded with wheat. The other dav we published an account of An Immerja Throng of Ladle and culled by the tue Christie, which had been W. Welch preached yesterday morning a sermon on The Reading of the Day, 1 taking for his text the twelfth verse of the tenth chapter of Kccleaiastos And further, by thcee, my sou, be admonished of making of many looks there is no end and much study la SUte-St, Korriortpr Ji. j. the arrest of Merritt A.

Baker, at the instance Have made piirchaees at Fahys hosiery counter for the last few days. The prices on some are wonderfully low. repaired, commenced an eastward journey. In the meantime Connors claimed that Tuiloch and bis crew had stolen a harness from hi in of on ot the Perrin Brothers, furniture dealers, in this city. Before the case came to trial it was amicably settled, as will ba seen is a weariness of th flesh.

KUTS OF ALL KINDS. We hav Eng-tlah Pecan. Alsaouds, Filbert. Brail la, Peanota, Hickory Nau, Chestnut. Ac IN CANNED GOODS We hare everrUiiaf desirable.

Fruit. Vegetable Ac, ftiott of these good are adTaactua In price: we ah all give oar cu torn era the benefit of parcbaeM. Mo orel Cole HOW THE NEWS FLIES. The preacher began his discourse by allud BOOTS AND SHOES BOTTOM PRICES; 6lgn of the Big Shoe, State Street, No. 22 by the following card.

Evidently there was a mikiake somen here, as the accused is a young man who does not apiear to addicted to worth twenty -four dollars. A warrant was sworn out iu Niagara county and placed in the bantls of Constable Patrick Barry. He boarded the boat at Lockpcrt, bat could not ing to the prof Able limited amount of existing at the when the words of the test were written. The books were great The Democrat and CStronlele Read by Everybody from tbe Atlantic to tti Pacltic and from tbe Lake toCahe wrong-uoirg of any kind To l.e Editnr of the Pemncrat and ChronieU: 8ik: 1e rre.irs of voiir naner hare hecn ia find the captain, so yesterday he aui Connors rarce down ou the second Atlantic express to this city. Pacing Spencerport, they claim nls of manuscript, and the Huhjects treated were, we may lielieve, of a legendary or relit; -ious nature.

Tbe only remains of the writing adoption into the family of Theodore Batter- 1 rou, cousin of the deceased Edwin. The circumstance clustering around the history of the case are in many specie peculiarly romantic. A very fair idea of the nature of thoee circuuifctance is given in the latter of the following report of the services yesterday afternoon Rev. Asa Haxe, I). D.

pastor of the chnroh, read from the scriptures the paware, 4 little children to come unto me, et3. the choir sang a grand tlmmt the composition of the organiit, Professor J. H. Kaibneich. An earnest, eloquent and sympathetic prayer fn.ui Kev.

Dr. 8axe followed, and a batisaial addrrsh frv.m the same divine was next fnm.4-dof the action commenced against nm by th Ivrrin Bros', funiture coniuaoy. The follow- learn that a volume of Waverley is more en of that very ancient day are fonnd in our they saw the oat and the captain ou ft. Arriving here tbt-y waited until evening, aud in? is a com-ct evplauation oi Clio matter: Ou or Feme time ago we published a short account tertaining than tbe last novel of the Beadlo kind, and Irving or Motley or Prescott mire TUCKER'S when the boat came through the Exchange WHOLESALE. Bimmwi mm of a private collection of American silver coins mada by John H.

lie Call, of this city. ab jut April Ihrv, the firm referred to placed in try piSHfiygoo Ihirtv-uine of dif-fe wt articlre of furniture fur the purpose of pro-cu-iiiif onttrn frttm the d'fTerent dfalers throueh- Grocors, rower Block. FiMe. It was f00 year3 ieiore borrab or Plato gathered their schools about them and taught their strange philosophy, or Herodotus penned the graphic lines of history, or (Tatifyirg to tbe teste than the last issue of the New York Weekly or the Sunday Mer street rwirg brvige Barry, Conners and Kar-geatA tarded the canal boat Robert hiie the article was written with the best ut tt country. Tlitre wrj no nine Bpwinrd for cury.

It i time for the church to utter her EfiwSpiDgPaiTnss and honest intention toward Mr. McCall it mv wrvicee to and vrtor to tiits a-'Ui-o I the blind Iard of Nao rocky isle sang aud uhnm and Captain buuivan and McCormick got on the tug. The boats protect against tbe materialism of our day Kens it bd caused im an immense amount Democrat and Chronicle. which sets aside the law of God for the grati were tied up near th aqueduct. Harry had FOB HEBNIA OR BIPTUBE.

InTite attenticn of the trade eir antumllyuin fication of man's lowerfriature, whrch regards liad not bef re pieti-d to stop taking orders for th ir ffoOibt. Lut the fiict of thir frtilintf to pleaM mv MTf ra) custoniw. and not payinic Die nty irnrnmu when due, 1 was obliged Ij etiKAtfe mlhutiit ni-s I refused to turn to them their warrant for all on board, but the captain tbe Trojans' downfall. It was a time when large libraries were not so prevalent as now, and when authors and critics vtb not found among the occupations of the diy. We hear only of the prophets of the Most High at cer man a mere macniue to wate and wear out, of trouble, and now when he Sfe a Imocrat and Chronicle reporter around he wishes that parrott guns could be carried in pockets.

Tbe reason of this feeling is that ever bince the article in question was an attractive stock of Staple? Holiday Goods, con. nriptnn Phutorraph and A utoirraph AAtnea, Jvrenaj was cot to be found, so he Stephen Hold, ttae Raptare with Greater Eih in the pursuit of vanities and pleasure, in TOWN TALK. I An-ay, one cf the steenunen, and Mrs. Dal- sm thtv ntale In their coiiiolamt stead of a creature made in the image of God in order. choir, consisting of Sirs.

8. S. Brewer, Miss Hattio Banhnm, and Messrs. James Monroe and D. A.

Bump, sang a new translation of Nearer, my Goi, 1 from Hulden. Then the doctorsaid it wits with great pleasure that he welcomed to bis church the brethren of the order of Odd Fellows, and he ntvtor of th captain wife. 1 he wire Books In Ht story, Blographr, Travel, Pbetry, Fk. On urBUiu July placed tn my hands tain seasons coming forth rrom their seclusion Additional Local on Third written, Mr. McCall has been in receipt of thi pitteit than Aa Oth.r.

ACBSOWUDQKD BT PHT3JCIAS3 TO Bl BASK AJID SKflRITl. and an heir of irumortality. ht. Paul's cuurch. to startle tbe dull ears of tli Jews with their ior au account rr.i.

i uiuiiifii. of Attica. N. Y. I callfd Mr.

T. snl a tlon, Family Bibles, Teachers Gawai and Eloeka, Htercoacopea, Stereoecopie Ylewvy ot (shtM and Bronze inkstanda, octet booki, Wriu we allrwed to remain on board, a she had a pick child, and the stoersma was permitted to remain behind also to take care of the boat. Get ready for new issue of postal three or four letters a day on tbe average about this coin question that the Democrat cards. They are promised this month. had not received all of th (roods they had chanced itirrj wit'i.

he refuwtt to avtpt and pay for auy iart of them. A-tjna in the capacity I divl. and Yesterday the rector of Bt. I aul's church, Rot. Israel Foote, I).

D. ex end Chronicle agitated. Some folks want to licaks. Work Boxes, etc. Tbey hav just takes flour Imiredlately over their store, which wlB at It c-hould be barn1 in mind that the don bf iijr of wtiilnjcthe account for the bfrt tell him rare piece, others want to buy, more wondrous predictions and their woeful warnings.

Beyond thee records we have not a leaf, not a syllable. And yet the writer of th txt says that even in his day, Of th making of many books there was no end, and much study was a changed pulpit with the rector of the church ifticr'-st ft the Hrotiicrs. 1 Vok he ickmI. tion for tbe city hospital takes place on Thurs day next. devoted to their wholeaale trade, aaaaurtjr oaeof floeat show rooms In the state.

The trade are tavtt) tu call aud inspect their stock. at ortb Adams, Mass. and hence the congregation were permitted to listen to two ser want to obtain information about coinage, and thus it goen. The gentleman in question says that be will have to go without an ulster this winter, for he has expended his surplus money The canal mule and the obese turkey now thi ia Tnmm-U and delivered thni to H. (trat, of the same pWe.

fr tlie price m. eid rKeived the pay for thwn. I wrote the trm notify tug ther.i if the tranfer and the collect iittr of the aivwe amount; aud ai th-y weariness of th flesh. 1 If, then, th make daily consultations of the almanac, but rpeuker continued, 4 there was a surfeit of mons by Rev. W.

Montague Geer. Last evening the church was well tilled, and th service was of great interest. Evening prayer was conducted by Mr. Geer, aided by with far different feelings. in postage stamps, and he ha serious thoughts 10 STATE STREET felt to congratulate them upoa the bene'lent ai worthy mission which brcugut thsm trere.

it must te an impuLe of unsotiUliuess that prompUd their action, the a-tion muwt be in accord finoe with the broad an 1 neble prirciplc of their order, when they came to bland as godfathers to a fatherless end motherless child. The blessing growing out of such a worthy act would, was sure, be a benediction upon them all. The service in which they bad com a to-ther to unit would be a recognition of the importance of a singl bu man soul, new born though it were. Brought (ieouiB me an account at mat tmie, i appro of commencing an action against ooe of our took -mak ing in those early days, and ii reading hed becoino a weariness, what ar to This evening Gus Philip, German comedian, produces 4 Under the Gas reporters for the value thereof. The parties showed figbt, and were it not for the presence of the Rchestfr officers Constable Barry and his friend would hare hid a hard time of it.

In fact, Mrs. Dalton, the sister-in-law of Tullccn, the captain, who is from Meriden, Conn. anil only travelling on the boat for pleasure, told our reporter that ft she had had a revolver, Barry and Connors would have a reception of cold blood- Kb ays Tot loch is a Luan cf means in Jery City, aud will make the parties who stopped his boat suffer for it. Sh say knows nothing about the har-neas, and her arrest is an outrage. Harry wa at the depot wh the St.

I.ouU express came in and expecting to find Captain Tuiloch, but he was unsuccessful. pi iMed tlie alove aniuril to my own ue.aml zara (hem credit fur tl on my bKka. Anil after a la of two mrinthn, they oommenc an aouon auainst m-for wliat thyt-rm 1 1 tcJ tbe truth we are a litue bothered our light 1 at the Grand opera house. fay of the position of the student of to-day Unlike the condition of things in olden time. selves about this 4 1 coin article, 1 for letters aiieared at the conn on tl 1 an') aft-r ex th regular assistant of the church.

The singing of the boy choir wa very good and added much to th solemn impressiveness of tiie service. The subject treated of by th reverend gentleman in his discourse was that The PrealiTterian ministers onion of Rochester and Tictnity will meet this morning cur boobs are not made of beards or the inner bark of trees tbey are not mada of skins or are reining into tbe of I ice every day or two re gartiing it, which goes to show that the Demo plaining itie fiuu to Mr. IV rnn's a'tie Attorney, lie vt ouct- a.lvi,l hih vlleut to have a with me. At ume and piac upm, we mM and at 1 clock ux the pastors study in ij- crat and Chronicle is read by the public ellet-ted a aettlement. Mr.

Perrin rmvinii me of tbe immortality of the soul. It waa han mcuLh ccurcn. due, and withdrawing Uie suit which was net down everywhere, and henc its worth an an ad ver parchment. The leave are ho longer leave of vellum nor every letter made by hand. It does not cost, as once it did, 000 guineas to luv a Bible: or a large estate to secure a dled in a manner calculated to impress the to them as the child was by the providence of God, it was incumbent upm them to throw An asf-ociated press dispatch from Toronto for the 17th.

The readers can rtaliiy concltnie whether there was an up whu-h to and if nee ard leave upon their mind the most medium cannot be excelled. 1 he following letter come from th Pacitia slope rays that HanLan hae followed Courtney ex around it all the tie of brotherly luv, thus adding a new fiber to the Christian brother scientific treatise, or 00 sheep and five quar bte a criminal a. tlon. MEtlKUTA. H.VKtlt.

AVWt. Not. Ifi. 18. anp and forwarded his $500 forfeit money pleasing thoughts regarding this very import ant them.

The text choseu wa the twenty and we publish it with pleasure to Keteree biaikia. fers of heat to get a copy of a sermon. The times have cltarsd. There is no borne now sixth vere of the seventy-third pmltn, which DEPOT DOI3C.S. We are reiuested by th other side of the cae to stat that according to arrangement It will be heard with sorrow, but truth I ax Faycisco.

r)8 street, Uovember Id, Jo thr rdttar of the Democrat and Chronicle fo destitute that the daily print is not a fre This eat represent the pail wtih-mt the Iwlt. Hot the poattlon and shape of the V-ahaped prtnr, whicb a oor.rant but easy apward presaor la siren to the Pad hin adjusted. A FKEFElT APPLJASCB FOR THB RWJJEP OF UBKNIA. NO MO KB BOKT flm.XG TKLM TO tAM' AND Rl ST. KO ELASTiC BANDd TO BAR OUT.

FOB. SALS BT DR. H. DAVIS, Druggist, 81 State Street (west tide). reads as follows My heart and my strength faileth, but God the strength of my heart and my portion hood ultimately to bless the world.

Jeu had set the example of taling litt'e children in his arm and blessing tiiem. The otj of tbe present serricei was to emulate tht ex-eniple to bestow a benediction upon the child. TbfV should remember also that they were compels us to cocfis that another juvenile Pinafore 1 troupe is working this way from tbe parties in the cae of I errin KroUiera, furniture dealers, again M. A. Baker, You mblished a very inter'-stinc article Fast Time from Huff.

Th Work of Hoy. iutnt visitor. There is no man so jioor that his children ray not have bocks and an education. There which ha t-n reprinted in the Uniieun.of this the southern part or the state. formerly agent of the firm, met Saturday forever.

If it was given to the angels, cirv.aho':t th coin collection of Mr, McCall. i afternoon and adjured the dtilicuity. tbe ft fipeaker said, to know those thingu --d to be a journal Ur I have relied upon the s-H'ial The young girl taken from the house of assignation Saturday night by Officers Howarth is no clime on this vast gM, save the unex naming an immortal soul. Ha trusted that eotirby of our prof eqpiion an mifnc4iit authority of which we were ignorant if it was permit are informed that Mr. Baker returned the hotosrropha and money in question, and the plored wilds of Central Africa, where the th is service would not be without i ts r- irouDunR you upon iue minject.

i amuse my and Davis was yea-tonlay sent home. She ptfvca leisure tjj collecting Anu ncan silver coin, and I fhtd that you ouote iViias a rare half-dollar. printing pre has not sent its abaft of light, and served in a measure to uplift and encour- matter being settied on that basis he was du- promised to be more careful hereafter. ted them to walk in the full glory of perfect bght, while groped in darkness to pierce the veil of myntery and see and understand effect upon th chili they were about to rhripten. As an outgrowth of services On Sunday afternoon about the only pla-a of intercut to the news patherer i the Central depot.

Then it is that the two Atlantic expresses from Buffalo and Suspension BriJj come in, and occasionally an item turns op. YeterdaT the first train was one hour and cbarged by order of the justice. Inasmuch 1 hare not rome to thai date, for I am working are. A return vovager tell us that he liom the earnest to ir.e nae oniy ar- as both Sides of tbe story hare now been told, it was earnestly to be desired that tae chili's parents by adoption would feel a nuw wanctity Toe weight of Captain Sullivan seems to agitate the people of Holly. We can assure them that whenever the captain has been rivrd at lMO.

Hut I belt, x- 1 cao ret iia fur Mr. found copies of one of our American ill us those things which were to us strange, per plexicg and inexpiicabi then with what sen nothing more need be said as it lacks public 31 (-Call if be will pet Ittir for me. If not, would rmted weeklies In the frozen waste of inner seven minute late leaving Buffalo. It arrived tercet. tiinent of pity must they look down upon th added to the parental ligations.

While it afTorded him joy. it was with a feeling of so IACKIE, 82 Hib-ria. Far uto the tu itiing region of tbe mountains, where there is no regular race to hich they wer sent to minister. here however only a few minutes late, having made the distance of sixty -nine miles in th you mind lettinK me know much mu-'h I ought to pjy U. an 1 what are the value of 11, aij-i iwi half-dullar.

The pernons who f'J auch things are really nninfrmied on tbis poiut.acd ank out of keeping ith ess Wanna wss pOEOj and the meti are of tbe roughest mould, We had been allowed centuries in which to pursue our investigations upon all manner of Ladle all Wool I nlon Salt-Of uxitrwear, either In red or white. Fahys, Shawl and Cloak Department extraordinary time of one hour and forty-flv minute. One stop was made on the way down, and twice th train, which was composed of ten cars, bad to slack up. eubjerU science had received tborou, u.e oiKttatiiirm rrom auction saies in rnnie ooot, wl.iib 1 whi. is mv only authority.

you will find niany of th periodicals of the day. Men are reading every wuerew have ft ruck upon a reading, age. find current searching all through its wide domain, the wan published in IMl.and fu latrft tpiotatia ar 159. Pertiaps you could 14 sermons of tbe rock bad been sta bed an 1, 1 he exizine that did tcu business was num in kuw a later ana tettr xuae to Ajnencan ber Sil, the old and reiiabla engineer George liumu-uxiacica. Kesife-tfiiy yours, (iAKnYCSTgR.

Formerly tiar New York Time. ai'ied by wonderful appliance and inventions cf great mechanic the great school of nature had pursued it course, and yet in vy it of all that had liecn learned were as Lmgham handling th lever and Frederick Burke, FlUlShnona, cme A Co. have now In store a niagn invent aortmnt of Woolen IStawl and Wrap, in flo grey and clan piaids. 'w line of Paialey in close, half Offers the Celebrated Virvt-riaas TTnrehon Brothers Ua-Terscy Place, Stew Turk. PIANOS Jacobs shoveling in tbe coal.

This was a rapid trip acd Li eg ham is just tbe man to take charge of any Mich fast undertaking. For th information of the writer we would say that Mr. McCall has made his collection 1 -4 net of one mind on on of th moat lm open and open centers, India Camerea, lel lortant problems brought before our noticafor hue the second Atlantic was approaching hi Dicka and Ileal India Camel 's Hair, with alout 5, OOO Cloaks and Ikdrrvana, th beat eclutlon th destiny of th human soul. literature fcr every department of study, as well as for every age ia life, even down to werklie for the little ones Jtwt learning lo lip their A It, C. wertty years apo, it i estimated there wer published in this country 4 1 000 new papers, with an annual issue of copies.

To day ther mmt be three times that number. Faming any of our news stands, are a mixed with th counties sheets which are arrayed before ua. To fix the attention of the young, are print which the eye of purity thouM never look tipn. Th story paper is pictured with Kvneeof murdarou hofT'r, or of senmiality, and tbe columns of paper after paper which are spread out ua ar of tttmee the At the flr.t blu it would appear that there of coins solely for hia own pleasure, and he has no re to sell. There was a mistake in our original article regarding the dat of on piecethe half-dollar of 1 it should have read 1653, th latter being rare and productKms of Paris, Berlin and their owi tbe trestle work on the Falls road over th canal some mischievous boys pelted the coaches with mud bails, tonea, sticks, etc.

could pottibly be but two opinions regarding mak, th hu-grwt variety and choicest as weighed he has never been found wanting. The special directors car San Francis -co, of the Missouri Pacific railroad, passed throvgh on the St. Louis laat night, with four directors thereon, bound for New York. Arthur Devlin, the old man who was robbed out of so much money by the woman Harvey, now in the Monroe county penitentiary, has given up his earthly goods to St. Mary's hospital, and entered ths institution to spend the remainder of hia days.

The female department of too Western House of Refuge is now heated by the Holley steam procecs. The steam is generated in the boiler connected with the main building. The experiment was commenced Saturday night, and is said to work to a charm. The many friends of Policeman Ralph Bendon and hie worthy family will sympathise with them in the lues of their youngest child, Frankie. who died at an early hour this morning.

The disease was scarlet fever, and two other children in the same household are suffering from it. Yesterday, at the Cathedral, Father Mc-Cabe celebrated high mass and Father Mc Donald preached. After the regular sermon the rector of the Cathedral, Rt. James F. O'Eare, eceded the pulpit and thanked th I choir and Hignor ISuoo f'r the great amttaf ac the sul.jeet el titer th soul was immortal or sortment, and beat value ever offered by it waa not whether the speaker and bis hear- In doing so the entirety of several windows was endangered, as also th safety of th th other not.

them, at A3, and r7 Main lemnity that be welcomed the members of the orrer to take part in th spervi" for which they had met. At tbe conclusion of thee remarks by IV. Saxe the congregation, led by the choir, sang Pleyels Hymn, 1 in words appropriate to the occasion. The child was then brought forward, and Ir. Baxe in aimiui5tering it th ordinance of baptif said i Kdwin Floral, I baptls you in the nam of th living God, 1 and audid a U'Eediction.

Grand Jihn W. Btebbins tLen arose to speak in behalf of Floral lodg and the order. He said that thi scene, so far as tbe beautiful and impremiv cereraonry it-self was cinrerned, was but an oit rwf seated one in Odd Fellowship. Thousands children bad btx-n chriKtened by th or ier, but iu all the iutotaucea other than this, with perhaps a wngl-c exception, a mother or father had pretentd th liul on to namd aiul tiiesMd. P-ut this infant son of th onier by eduptioa hal no father, no mother to bring Prward fir a Lain and bennlx-tior.

Bvubtleaa tbere were those prent who won Id feel imprevwM with a solemnity attached to this tad arid exnrptional cae. then pioc f'rd to relat th sad, romantic history cf Kdwin Flornl Battersua, tbe lufatit i.rotv of ti-e Odd PeJlowa. KdwtD ard Mary Battrscm. th father and mother of tbertifcl, were married New York In Marr-h, 1H7H. He waa a native of this state, and a ers would live thrigb eternity, know them We believ that one of the beat authorities pawngers.

As it was harioe j. tfinty th rives sud each other, and tw enabled to Be Uor beater and Lake Oatarlo Railway, well known and popular brakesman on that Three Stringed, Posble Bridge. Steel aeratr Duplex CtraBd French Acsiotu. HJUAKB, tiKA11 and with UimooiAjj froaa ltCs to 1ST, also the well-known Emerson Piaoo, of Boston; Tee A rWu' Piaao. of BoA'n; Mack! A Bell Treble.

Hew Tork; Bmb A Sut, U. Pease and others Maoo A Hamlta and Peioabet A Co. a Standard Or-maa. with BU or Piano Attacnment, from f0 to SI. 000.

Every and price. 0 InKronenU for election, at prices del; lex competition. Jail or maarrm MACKIE, ROfUXSTKR. F. 9.

A. on coin collections is Bcott'f Journal, monthly published in New York, and by ai their bole live in review before tbem, both before and after death, or aleep, and thus end On and after Baturday, November 1 Mb, drewung th publiahors thereof the lated( train was struck in th face by a clod and quit twvereiy injured. Depot Ofllecr Stott intoads to investigate that matter. It would seem that mau must live after quotation on rare coins can be acertAinedL and until further notice, train will leave Bay street at 1 0 a. m.

and 4 10 p. tn. an! Ijik Beath at 9 a. ia. and 'Jj p.

m. ath or eijae that the closing of tbe eye upon Another letter came to as yesterday, which eerth waa tbe cluairg of all existence that subjoin To He fV.MVT(it and CrvntW- II alne Plane. We havn two vry tine upright, on rose ww pings of th vilest police records which a ilty wickednraa can prutlrxw. Our Bun ior papers lib exixtene of which i4iows ao pwi ly tLat tbe world getting tb al-atitag tbe chun-h in the matter of inwuenc over li men of our day, to be av-oeptabie, mutt have tb M-andals tt mtritAj aervei up In tbe dk racy manner, tbe murders, and rapas, and ulctdia, each and all properly dwelt tb nan entered a grave from which ther OKild be no revurre-tiou that life was like a candle and death was but blowing out flame: or lik the flower, ojiening for a day Ir.ePiaed find ooe half d'dlar, clnare of Iv. will pH-ae preerut to John rl.

wood and on blackwainut cane, l-H octave. The cae are those new style and very handsomely finished. They ar a flrst-cla piano and can sold at reasonable aitA witu my otppiinienith E. E.

KIt.fXI.aNO. aid dying at sunset, never again to form 49 STATE STREET. SOW BEADI pr.rt of th universe of God. But no, th It ts nredlet to say th half dollar wa price. the puhhc to call and tb m.

There has been several hundred of the nutation of immortality gives to Mr. McCall tn th presencaof several tiprn, ard if relijrioa aliould perchance Pali, tlav Bitrftblsi That tb heart can wish, or device, in th way of in Hate or Bonnet. Kvery aru- U.el gx to tuak up a bonnet t-quiMte. Th llsih hull Vt fur at Mart-'. Marion'a new far larl ar tie (ln in WeWa York.

Manoa's stork is iomj lU with ami sarqu-a, fur -aned Oolrrfna, fur-liaed etrniiara, fur e-tta, ard fur trtmmiBas. Fur repaired to the 1 et inaaner, seal saeqites rebnwd, tnatsosd cd at rMJtiabi mU-s. not reduevd to ucb simple of th Haines pianos sold in Rochester and claim a cour it ruut be, too ofn ee it. term a. At oon aa men rfrln to duvuss it, all witneteee, but th mUtak made in th original ai tic la, regarding tbe date, 1 instead of 1 again cornea on her.

Tbe lattr is the to fcid up th church to public ridicule, or to th hrancbe of science and philosophy ar vicinity, aud ail of them have (riven good aaUafaction. J. W. Marti Bro. 6 'J State street, sole agent.

"OH! mi rT inanreo a ittw. t. adTrt! art forth tbe unhappy ihmwim of ita anem-mrrn, Tb rmabiig of Hunday morning brought into piay ad qmltnllng and hair pm-icn silver piece, and the one to moat htf-a. WMM1 riilming sjoe on uutd th ordinary mind the care iuitt dilHctiit to get at. Tb last communication fT" to rhow that thcrw is great tnterwit taken Pi wMM-a, baftof them on ito rnmpeltod either to give up the whole snbjart or accept tbe dortrine and Idea aa advanced pl- rwAix4 be ouwtdered a seodJn; to tit a naa for motmt meditation and prayer in tbe b'Xia of ItvL it does not Incline us to think of hoi incus and boiy thing.

It You faaH Ratrh them for th Money. Gents' drgskin walking gloves, embroidered in thai com buinwa, and last, bat not least, in the article publifttd to this journal. by church. IHwnswton could not solve the not ri.k jor.r bUif r. B.

luaiuDs, Co Btat FALL STYLES OF HATS KKDLKS9 VARIETY. LOW PBICBA, Xlotooa I S1NG1.B OS BY BAI.B. TAKCY SLEIGH ROBES LOW PRICKS. tW I. A BIHS, now ti the beat time to ret oot the F7fc in iL altered or ie-ttituffisd.

Beet Work. LOW PiUCfiS. J.ODEKBiII5Ageat 49 State Street. 1 becks, sold elsewhere for 2. 00 trv ai once Ht ST I Genuin buck gauntlet gloves, two oiuet 1-9 admitv4 that ther ia nothing which iow that we are a reading people so mu- problem or settle tbe difficulty.

Many writers outfits of the chnrch bad written utoq tbe subject, btmI many of them advocated a ob Centiemea, tion they were giving the clergy ana the congregation by their musical retHiiuous. In a notice of a recent concert the alliterative critic of tha Elmira Gazette said 4 Tagl iaptrm a ftrue gteoor tones teUinfcly took. That's ail very pretty in sound, but it unfortunately for its truthfulness, that our Italian friend with the double-barreled name is, instead of a tenor, one of the finest baritone singers in America. It comes from the El mini Gaatte but is of nnrrerRal application Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a person stationed at the door of the opera houe during a concert and Fee that no person enters or goes out while a selection ia being given I Let people be compelled to keep in or stay out until such a time es their movement will not disturb the audi MJ-iilElty. whiea baa atnod tae teat for JO noble youT.g man.

Kb was the danshter of haughty, bnoerlnrts Bonth American parent. Ber parent obected stronucvuely to the mar-Hrgt, lxcnu'- they had svight and pianoed for thlr daughter a matrimonial ailianc with a wealthy geUrnan. Tivy tltreateiMd to dbiiiberit her if she folded to th tni woman intnct of love ad marrie4ijroung Bat-t-raro. Hhe was true to beratdf and bar alll-axcrd asd th uni jq was exmum-niatd. HerparenU kept their word and r-tated to have anything furtbur do with bcr or bent.

Iant spring, about sera month Fahys have everything in the way of a genU aa tl fact of Sunday papen among aa. But aiot-g with this oooe a fat Usat LATH IlO.TiK TKSri VtONT. Ii Paovnnofca il.l trf. 1 glova aiway at the loweat price. Extra buck gauntlets, worth $4.00 and i ctro plat lamp complete.

Marble top titand Th Qeni) only. Books, all the new popular works. Another ca. of th txtra shawls tain kind of immortality, and hence we hear of grace and prayer when it stated th tt ther wa no God save a fiod identical with An r.x-Icanat ol tl. Ilonaa or Uerec Keinrae to lit Kll Way.

CI Str: Be we are not a thinking rl ft amueiuent rather than iu- We Iiav oat Herelved nen tny una itrt is rt. le.S I mn-w siou'sa Ta-rci nature. Thus was th old languag kept up Our fall importation of dolls, which make ore of tlt bMt in I'nn luurt Bobtoci V'Jc Stoke, Powers block. dm tiot.

and with some of ua, ala! the Iiyl'a day is so wprhora that can find to convey a sentiment, but no Mitatanc. LT I KKMEi'l. a. ft tL I hne a ty of, ami are now prepared to ofifer a. he bad Sr.twn tt cure KI tnir Uiight wll pray that this rev at ion of the the trade th finest asmrtment ever shown.

Tnx prevailine fashion fur silk Neckerchiefs ro in th of G-d truth, to pleaur iu the atu-ndnnfe at Ui g'iftfC of truth mtgbt la tfme draw bho oite-. tueaieine. hkd fan d. i at-i mt. -1 ur 'itr I fnuea lour Use ai.ias the fclrdU and the rrr-mu tJ1 I at boieMiie ai retail show and Hai.dkerchiffB for ladies and children, is IT STANDS IT TEE HEID place 4 prayer, pivare in anything which pei-ia! 'ine which cariE.Tt be produd for tcei a wJ nmn.

War a iuA Lt ilC.ITf lck to the rciigioo of their fathers. We tiiul among tb materialiats of a certain nesting with merited favor. ence in the enjoy meet of an entertainment. 4ow not kep this poor, famubed soul of ours jr cent, advance on our pricw. At i' fro, and a ear aitr their mar -liege, their little ana vt born, Very soon biterwards, Theodore K.

Batterwii, of this city, visited Kdwin, (his coun, whoa young wife was very ill at th time, though not re-frarded dangerously so. Tbeodor rigaatod that his more cinirn.tan -m sciot 4 a certain idea of ku mortality Fojxwtlaie a kind bearbl ftrmer natvad Toole, re-idtpg in Ciarka, t-Kk a biy named bael out of the bouae of refuge. character bad been good white be wa tn (lut wbjtbnr had bea seat fr I.inur, and in fact durrbg th ttrn he rided with Mr, Tool ut to hat unlay last ti conduct wa abov rjroa-h. Then, jw-v appropriated ethteea dollar, to emioyer and friend, and find. It is Mippored that he cam to this city, and th lttk- ax on the lookout for hlui.

feeding ut-o the mierabi bk of tbe A 71 take In tbe Keckonlni- PrT8 RHMRITta prepared JLIuMl.Y fw hORLxr'a, 4oand 47 Main street. or 14' a wtckedneM and foliy. Ho we tmd it, bK-a was inUrertlug to exatuiue. Fur itutaixw, there was Mm immortality of The Adrentibt assured us that after last Jewelry for the Holiday. For first-clou fine goodt in th line of Better Than Ever Before.

our life gud and motive la sen- matter. It could change its form but never 1 lit B.a4oer.lreramt: t--S Vl rr mra a Ki.i,t so iJ'-wu Thursday, Time ould be no longer, bat rbey tem to have been out in their reckoning. gems and jewels no other bouse in Rochester tit n. (rtir rvadtnn mut 1m of a seneati viai If any grntlectan ha th Idea that he can ould warrant htm in adapting th cUUl, nd lie wanted thnm to give pemiiailon can equal the showing made by McAllaster, not get a better mi it of ttotbc ntw than ever became annihilated Then there was the immortality of force whii-h could abo be trait formed but never annhUlated. Tlie f- iMtture, our prewiinK must le of a amtiatloiial luiture, an-i our praying wH, that, with for bim to taka tbe little fi-Ilow when it would bepfTe, toe evkience of will contradict Urine, and it at tfU medical aj-v, is not a subiect of internet to THE DOMESTIC Sewing MacMne Received the FIBST AWARD at the State and Western New York Fairs this Fail.

1 here is still a ncessity for devices for measuring tic still a demand for watcher, clocks auid chronometers and Sunderlia Co. at 1 Stat street, have been making extraordinary preparations to meet that de bfcrh created man could end hi existence Mumburrb Burke, 20 btate street. On of the proprietors has just returned from New York with a lare, varied and low-priced aa-eortineiht of goods for the holidays. uch an impreakdon, upoa a call at itbur-rpoon Orb wold 8 West Main street. REMEDY rvrasion a thoucht on way or the other.

In be perfectly wife and j-i-iiruvia to rosnore him from bis parents. Htrangely en-wigh, by acme mtuiuoc, Mrs. Batta-sx-n at oniw agreed PaovmutCt, Li he early years of this dfocew It waa not no- Tbey ar making nk-er elothuig now thau ever common to find on tbe table of our chnrch ith tbe coum from Ko'b-atr, and said ah before, and thy are duicg their ex silent SOL1I BY ALL DRUGGISTS. again and be would revolved iuto uchor but matter and fortw could nt be destroyed and would remain through all eternity. nbera declared the idea of th immortality of tb human race.

We, as individuals, would mand. 1 heir stock was never so large and varied as this falL per pla books such a "Kip's iHwihl Witness would sweiit to tli proposition if Kdwla wer workcbeaier than ever before. A call at their sbr will repay any gentleman of tast A Bad mistake. When a man finds himelf in that situation of tbeCharch, 4 Ilicbardaon iaaatna, greeable to it. But litt'e more was said or BOUKS AMD STATIORERT I'ercival on th Apoatoiic nuooes Fancy and Plain Crockery.

and culture. never rtf from th grave, bi tae race would fo, and our rKinday-w-hool librarie The demand of the people for fine goods In where tbe purchase of a new suit of clothing is iieceary, be makes a great and damaging mixta if be fails to ro to the great head- nr It la the abnpleat, aaelet, most nolsaiaaa, moat darahte and hsht-rauia' aaaUa Machin la uw thought alnr-tit the matter at the time, but jurt before Theodore's departure Edwin said to bim, Wait a minute my wife wants to ae yon and bid you x-d-bya. When Pahy bwII Salt atorked with books whk-h wer be perpetuated, for a our ancestors lived In ua ao we ahoald live in otbars. Others claimed the line of crockery, both fancy and plain, have been fully met by H. C.

Winner, at Of underwear for 60 crata. caiculated to etor young mind with pro A th Holiday ear Now Approaehlaa TL)-e who are de-arotta of making gifts man-ufocturr by their own Ingenuity, will fiod tbe material at Fahys. nol Manr There Is but on place tn Rochester where th elegant good which ar making sink an rxcttriuent in th fin crockery bu ran foetid and that Is at W. H. Glenny Co.

'a, last Main atrwet. Th goods are a unpnrtattoo and hat no equal th lit aid f.f York. Tb war in all th various (lejartroenta is UrKt-claaa and notwiUutanding its eminent superiority tb price ar lower at any other bouse. cetiter for bargains Forman's, corner of an imrDOt Wlity of tbougbt, of moral fore and defritse against th errors of Komaniun they went into tLs sick ram. at first Sosstething Ahut Mhad.

Main and Front street. is making, tats China Hall, BH State street, and his pnoes ar th kwebt to be had in this vicinity. CALL A IN" I KXASnNE. nd sttariahbxn. But It ts not ao now.

Our the invalid failed to recognise her cousin, but falL better work than was ever seen in irh- To Ute KdiUnr of the ivaomit ad CaroniWe duty, Others oltuued that th same bigot tranformed, th condition of it existence be changed but not destroyed. people don't reaj doctrinal worts. our ebter before, and in the matter of prices be Hia: I asa inforaaed by Mr. McFhrsotv a rbiklrci are not taught at home wherein and nakrow escape. can ealeiy challenge comparison.

tteakt read from a noted KogluUi writer ex- tbtb dealer at dackec kbarbur, that over 600 hy tbey difFr on church ujueatioo with FOB BALI AT Mrs. J131ES UESDERSOX'S 19 East Maln-8t- ahad, weighing from two aud a half to four tracts relating to the ideas of i'antheuim etc. others about them, and their rwaultng olhto- and then continued.) saw two principles Holiday Carta. Th Great Railway Kins; Come Very day srhool books ia limited to tuoa of a most In life, standing tn deadly opposition to tch pouna cnoh, hav bta takan tn whit ta net, ot in deep water in his vicinity in Lake Outario durtng last aununer. Their atouiacha nxaiJy "he said, if reviving rrorn a deep sleep, Ob, ye ft is cousin Theodore, and he will take our Uttle darling to IlocheHWr, where will be cared f-jr.

Though Theodore departed then, and knew it not till afterward, Mary Batt rw did with those joyous wort la almost upon her lip. Edwin' death soon followed, and Theodore Ratteraon ex ecu ted the dy ing iiih of the orphan mother. He brought th Uttle one In his arms uhy nature, io ahow bow th public H. C. Wiener, at China Hall, 33 State street, baa very fine goods in this line, which It's a tts Air Is Wear Loafs-c HI lie Accident to the Train on Uakh the Vanderbtlt Pa is Went Eattwari on.

Aatnrday. other on looked to perfection and Ui other drapgtd men down. They war like the iieavl BratiOrd it wt. stated that recently a sw war full of th common food of th lake. Avit sKTiErixa.

ot story papar hal reaUnvd to life again an were decorated specially from his designs and i are very attractive just the things to bay end tbe sea of Galilee, like th deaert and ring that thev lewd in th lake, and th old church stmndal, which bat beu well cbaikceh ar that tbey naver have been to salt for holiday guts. rich fertile fields, like sweetnedaud fragrance and beauty ooutra.ted with repubnv and igh forgotten year ago. A copy of th pa MOOBE nBRHBT Merchant Tailors, Hare reeeJrea taeir Stock of water, and that we hav added a nw fvh in Yenterday morning this journal gar sm to Rochester. At iirat there war maov on brrihl tbinga. One led man np to th altar per had doubtlee been seat to erery clergyman of the country to show what enterpris the Lake.

I hav opened lh)Uand of shl extended oconnt of th pasnage through this city of William H. Vanderbilt, William K. tbe train curious to know why no mother nor PERIOMAL. aijd fitted bim for his deftinvfleyond the akii taken in th Hudson, Uonnw-ticutt aud 1 oto ing i-apers we have, how much they tend to and th other led him downward until his feet VandetbiJt, Captain Jacob Vanderbllt, J. B.

mac rivers, and hardly ever 11 ud anytbuur in their sUitnacha. I thiuk they hav beconj rouiot morality aud to ft-r a re vera ore is nurs accompanied anil cared for th infant. But as tli people learned the outline of th child's history the idle curiosity of th travel-. took hold on belt. In this Ute good so often H.

A. Jacobs, of Bostoa, is at the Whit comb. Ihifa-her, Hon. Webster Wagner, Augustus NEW FALL SUITINGS yet, mut Mich pipers drove il to th wall that th speaker helived land locked, and will make lak Ontario their Hcheil, Joaeph Harker, J. B.

HiUeck, of the bese, papers tilled with matter of toe moat home. oura, Htrra uu: Hon. George F. Panforth went east last in rids matter, also, the good would prevail on behigb alley road, and illiam lurnbuli. AJI of fl7t-caM soannfartare, both Doaaastle an eliuiy nature, ar th papers which ar in ers waa changed to generous attention.

At hia lodge Mr. Batterson recounted all that bad transpired during bis absence. Imbued Iivrhetttr, Nov. 15th, th principal of tn survival of tu futet. Testing.

Ibe party had an uneventful and quiet ride lance decuand, and which ar read by young Aaide from the Co rial i ana theory, what cm until Saturday night on th Hudson Ki' J. D. Brower, Kalamazoo, is at the By tb abov letter it will be seen that th nd old ail over this continent, it is aii tnat Win wuebt far, and th. ciim an unponeo. Cro sable Elyaian OwercatUis( Brooks era vs.

Carr neltona, ate. ith tbe generous sympathy which such a his eolatifia wa ther in imnvrtality Wht road. The special, which was carrying the Whitoomb. stew are very favorable for tb perpetuitv of th number of Immoral hooks published an ooueolatiun was it to b-lie ihut matter, -rce, mttd aiooey with tt, teat erery bail dismtaries, was. running at the rat of nhad in Lake Ontario.

ar informed by tory might be expected to awaken, the lodge uiianimouRly adopted th following resolu nuaily is 000, (H)0 being more than all H. Watling, Seneca Falls, registers at thought, were immortal 1 It might d- u.xie a niiLUte. At Tarry town th regular make eubetantial addition oC he frtiblicatiGiia of our church societies put tbe vvhjtcofiJb. Mr. tiroen that eiually good aistiM are given reardlrg t.tripei bmum.

In 1878 he placed to nourish impractical phiioeophers but not for paeseriger train, due here yeaterday mormng. tions, eetabJiHhing the permanent relations whk-h are now cemented between it and th fW" PHa and Overeoata ade to order at th lowest llrio prloea. aad aatlajMUooaiiarttiiteed. Cor. East Main S.

St. Panl-Sta. wlher. The ttniajter -general, of aua Org rHlIXIF OOFTT OOOFT. This evening th abov-named flerman dialect corned, with th outlandiah aowrv-will legtn an engagement for three Mgbt and a matinee at the Grand opera bouh.

lie present th play of 1 nder th Ga-vli(ht, re-arrnngl to suit tb reuire-menu of his peculiar talent, and In It he plays ttottrkry iu dialect. It 1 said lobes remark -ably good performance. Th Toronto Mail, of recent data, says Th theater was well hi led last night on the occasion of the first ap-jrftiranos in this city of Oefty Oooft's -New York combination. Tb piece played was Auguxtin Italy's 1 nder the (ia4ight. It baa been aeveral time presented here and iff-eds little mention.

Oufty (iooft as rhiiiip tb tJerman so'dier, waa amuaing, and proved that hail quite maHered tb art of speaking the broken Kag-tish icetenry to the character. Miss Adelaide Thornton filled to advantage tb part of Laura In sh wa seconded by Mih Grace Both as fVoW. J. R. Bjacknian, Iniig known to Toronto theater-goer played th part of Jiykm a well a th exigency of the part demanded.

Tiia MKnEnrarBb cosrczRT. C. Henri Lane, M. of Chicago, is at pracucai working humanity, which ru.hes switched off on the branch to allow the 1 4 of eae Iiih, varying in length from nve ila has forbUlden the passage through Ui maila child the Brackets. accipt the tcacnuia of Christianity.

A other train to pass. Th train, it seems, bad to MX ir.chea, into th river below toe fill. of iiirs such aa lay Ooinira, Poiii lfe-rlTed, Tnt Qrnnd llAttemoa aad Uod u-teured to tito aigh of tb tow ao Rev. J. P.

Sankey is in CVunbridge, Ohio, Hooks tMPerislI ot got far enough on the side track, for long aince one waa caught at Lwuiton, News, and other such demoralising suett. ihis hnVemli aianethe imw 1 mercy to the ptx- and the illiterate ben the car in which th Vanderbllt party virtting his pereuta. tbe month of the Ningaxa river, nie.vunn while in our country, they are publUUed aui diM-tiurKe the dutiet of icIither to t'lls litte he baa given tbcui a n' in th immortality xteeu iucbe. In length. It is an ocn ftsh Captain H.

J. Farnsworth, United Btate Hcatterrd over th land in the greatest pro y. ami in i me uaine ot uos mage lorm a part re came by the rear end of the stopped truck th sleeping car Medina atid R. AT.WHALEN'8 S3I0K1XG CAK TOBACCO 18 WHAT EVERT PMOKER HHOT7LD VW3 AS the Nicotine la extracted, and tt will out bit the facgMorruBkeoneduiy. 8vl4 ta all GttOCltii sad atd runs up into rivers and inlet-.

anny, at the Brackett. fuion, their hKieous picture are preaenttl of tbe hi aiui had bidden hia nieur- t. gu uito ail the world aud preach ii. Tu i in name I.t-j-.Ufd. That, in order to tlie retaUon Una N-y to tlie lodie contanly befur the but utver before baa on teen caught iu lak Our tabtea ar loaded with bsjgsias, ri Gus Phillips (Oufty Gooft) and wife and treeaindows were knocked to pieces just at he sectton in wLicb William U.

Vandriilt before our eyes at every news stand, ttiey are sold on oar railroad trains, they are seen at Uiot uiu-uiicausi oh; gra-p aZ it t- i iiturio, proving conclusively that it is a mii itsof the hrotnent, a ToJuntct-r fund ia hereby raiiiaikc couipanv are at the tutcoxiu EiACCO stokkh ma chased at tbe large auction sales, and cojiifort bim aul tt proved th luaniNprltig to was sleeping. The railroad king was unin- tult Mr. tireeu's experiincnt. The stiocj reau-o ami i-et aiart ror run iriwn ana ntin- he home of many people, they are taken houxa. tiil'iru butt to a holy lite.

lhedifTorenc iuTui, but then he never had a more narrow tbe exwrtment is tlatring to th readr to mak a Uberal coiioesttca within tli walls cf our school ami col log, RILEY ALBERT We are clad to hear that William Hil- tu arier.ttac pbitteobrs who rejected tlw et-cflpe from death in his lifetime. Tbe Me I bcjculturiat aitd p'eaAing to all disciple of it; tlii fi-r mi purose a box shall tie pla-el up-ii tlie Nohje (irai.U tahieat wery Unim me(iiir. which -hall deiHiffLeU Kunis as trie brother hail rlioe Ut dejHit: th Nohie (Irand itill 1 1 -in lirnv to time il the atteuUn lrthra and not an crucial voice beard in con-ima- ditth, of th Brackett house, is rapidly con- i.le, atid Chrututuity, was that they were try frirzner price. (hi a i now in this city in the Waguer car he art of angung vaJoir-g. tmtton of things hlch other nations look upon as the very seeds ot triuie aud villainy.

A uig to find among the starn and in the lowela erd. We hav th largest stock in chs1 it, tttl the nnonev so received nhall be tiritomrd of tb arth the truth which the Cbrittian had Mus Alir Wren, sbjter of Frel Wren, A Full Liu. in the bank, to be uaed a oocanton Blutil I fjuirod, few years ago I eaux Coll ge wa nearly the store to display it. received fr-U'i his Saviour, aud of whose fonriv of this city, is a member of thi 13 Holiday Preaeata. fow that tiie holidava are drawing near, Of cin-t-d AU new shaJM, At Mr.

Rtthbfos proceeded to say that th Lst evening a grand concert was given at det.troyrd by fire, aa the result of one of tbe hoys attempting toemnlste tht hero of ou of bile light they caught now and then hiUipa comedy O'upany. oc'n it yard, erinaiiia hail by tb L.teuertarei society, rjaiiy of our citiseus will be interested to know lTed ray through the prirnu of tbilr ua Nathan Stein, the well known senior Kihlkt 'H. 4n nf! 47 K(ut Main ttrwt. be books which he bail mt fluUhe! reading orphan Kdwin Floral Batterson waa heir not only to the parental love and care of tb father and mot Lor who had adopted him, but ibbt njbftantud. rich and preHenta la iiff.

He believed the divinity of CtirUt The operetta of 'In Africauertn" was repeated, with the an ir cat as that of but partrier of Btem, AdLer left for New Not kmg frince a young lad In New Jerwy ran STEELE line of diamonds and other gem and jew- tiara Milk firrlutcs. 1 ork huit veniug ou baineas. from bis home and waa found out tie tlie keystoue of tbe arch of all cim title phikophy. lt ua hold fast what is given M-Haday eveninK, aud waa given uw sty i. can be found in lurgtnt asMortmeut and for At Fbys vou can got jtuited, sure, in their would receive benefactions and tbe care abo of hi dfather.

Floral lodge. among the Indinns of tlie for west. His mind A. Nichoson, for twenty-six years res Preceding the oiera was th rendering of tbe towett prices at the enUTpriaing jewelry nous us for our kipping lt us feel that after fock, the variety very targe, lu Jet Fringe- had becom so thoroughly saturated with In ident aeut of the Aiuerican expre company He cxpreseed tbe nope and belief that an all- tbe wreck of matbnr and th crah of of McAUaster, Humburch Sc Burks, btat 41 Bed IS Slab Street foilowiiig general rtUMiaAMMK. pMhys hav spec initio not to be found id dian scalping ecenee and wild rutlianinm by -treet.

here, baa rebhned. Mr. lSichoaoo known in this city and highly respected. Hi wfirida, we shall waka in th Saviour's Uk- reading the Lowest tyje of dime novels, that Overture a uber and aatlhexl. tit, fT-v I tfi'i 'A 2 -A AiT zts.

SB li fWiiinnuwimH aaniii -rtmu MinflSgaSM wwe 1'rovidenoe would direct the thought aud inclinationa of th foster parents, and lead them to train the young cjtM well, for time and for eternity. He said: As th daugh he concluded but up here in lu waa to outdo Hand-Malt Or hentra. n-any friends wih him well in whatever bsi- Hoc art The O'd and Responsible. all tli rutliauiMm that bad ever been beard of, buett, frcm Mazlc riute CHVHCH OT THB ICPirHAKY. At th Boston Btore.

We open an elegant ue aiay wanv. Mrs. Mrton mm nr. a-nwr. There are extreme rates, but as fucin tbey jrte of Knit (-foods, oompriaing th various Buell Laniberaon, the well known Rev.

C. M. Nickeraon, rector of the church Clioru 'liow Have I lovefl Vou iillli W0BB1 D. LEARY'S wualities in Children's Hoods, Children' reprentatiY of the Parker Gan company, of ter or Pharaoh took from th water th great law giver of Israel and gavo him to his mother to nurse and nurture a th princess if tlie Epiphany, on Houth Fratu-it street. arrert attention.

Novel reading has become the bane of our social Ufa. 1 am not one of I b-ters, Jackets for ladies and Misms, latest I 0X.AT ANU AKHI'tf Ma i.K- UUATIM. VICNOKHM. A NIX RONS, 1 Roenwlee. Mnden.

Conn. and number 97 Coamera Kioto lji-dertaftu. Kolo Koa Ver Mm. Hartori. Overture Stradeila Orclteatra.

preached -a tthnrt and pointed sermon bvd evi-Ling ou Uie brevity of human life and te toveltie In ft bias. 1 and Ctiuiiren traintd aiid reared him to th very trf-et. New York, was in tbe city yetrdy li.Kin. A few imported Knit Vest in STlfflBYEill Hu-U days that th Parker gun is so w-l! utceasity of iminetliate preparation thoee who would say that works ot Action ar in themselves a curne to th community. Like all good thing, they mak us to suffer froin tbe abuse of them.

Perhaps no book in the lames' sizes will be closed out very cheap. best advantage for th great work before bim, so may tb father and motner and tb godfather of this childr of their adoption kr-ewn now throoshout th west that the for eternity. Hia text was aa follows New 4ad Thi Week atUi Racastr, Kxamtn our stock guarantee our price u-ka are ail wishing they were decoys oat (io to no-, ye that say To-day or to-morrow we world, except the Bible, ba been transit ted ihe lowest. Bibjet, IaIYDsaY At Ciiaa. in tnto wib a city, and oouunue Were a yoar.

that way. MlilCoifcsrFlr into so many language aa Uncle Tom ai.d fi'T b.iJ rH, and get sain Frank B. Hine, of Chicago, a former Cleansing Establishment. throw around him all th beneficent, ennobling buiuences within their power. The object' of Odd Fellowship are to visit the sick, to bury the dead, and to car for the widow and or Think Twice, Whtreek, yt ut n't what shall neon me mor (abin, and that too because it ia on of Rocbetlerian, was in this city ye-terday.

Mr Gunts Scarf Pbss, Novelties in Ties, Bargains in Gloves, Kew Htyle in Jewelry, Hosiery, linderwar, etc. Table Cutlery, Gvntlemen and ladies, and take time to look those books which ban made the world the bol 100 lards North of th I. W. )ntrml row. rr rhat in your life ll eve a aor, iitt apiH-at Ui 1.

a blUe time, aud tneu TauiaU- 62 State Street. Hin will well remembered by th old fcrx ut you before making any extensive pur K. K. leMt, nill-MU, Vor. Plata.

ter. can't hav too many such books I Tb aheiuoas rocurr tux a vin away. jkiuca, iv; i wi uu mn. KitxjiJ boys, atd especially the firemen, for be chae. For lnatance, in elecung furniture, But sine that book appeared, hav ooeu Ijadlea' and Ueatieaiea a uarmanta Olaaaaa or QoU i lbe rove read said that, long as a choicb uki or iwticfa, when cheapest, ia quit an item of flooded with trasb of th worse was a prominent mmner of old rrotecttjn K-x a far back a 34, and up to th date lnann lift, nikiit aiioear as viewed And Hi I ver war, at oeeu.

wumi npimiAi prua.tiU Oioei. Alao, V'waiher. a.d Ku) Ilwitd or Colored. llOBAKY conlainl uuw more ords than H-oUter'sPi'''' Foreign and Bomwttie Fraitu and txt, just look around and see who ha th kind. Our book shelve groan under Ui sterinc! of youth, it was, as flt.

Ji aw tspm-tai aLianuop paid to dultut; ap LaoeCarlaina vhHi G-rjrge Jooea, of the INew York In in. OZJCSTBD A VVBtfT'fl, Bargain store, 7 Main street. and best stock at lowest prtcea, and load of fiction, and young and oil fol it. uaaMiiir vapor, when com phan aid thi uew son of th order is aided to tb lot li-t of thousands of children already partly under the fostering cars of oar noble order. Mr.

Btebbins alluded to th great extent of tb fostering fellowship that was in fact thrown around this little one, stating that when he grew to man's estate the new son of th ordtr would hare thousands of elder tl) it for S5 CEKT8, at Oay, Tfaartdayaad fildaj. Jack Iaux worthy, of Milwaukee, lr. Confectionery I irBCRBAM-AB F.Tora. i have th least good common-sense you low tb tutor ie of phantoms with an in tensity with auythiug else than itself. In read lai yworifay and John Cowlea, of this city, fachacea Vail, for auatf Deliver ta ia ot fail to make your selections at Charles ana eagerness that reality scarcely commands, Tb Late Iff r.

Lonl Whalen. ing Ueunrir of our predecessors, how rap WM ARB niKRBAL WiTFIl OH batviif-d the dreg rx'pe. J. Pay den Co's great furniture wareroomm. mutit remember that In a well written idly they twent to hav panned away; only a This estimable lady departed this life on Baturday laxt.

after nn illness of many 'Mi, 1H13, 184 and IbQ Btate street, below any Part or th City. Goods returned tn one week. tj'Mt. rotad and nMnraed pj Bl llissa. Eli l.

ooUeeted by Rxpaaa. 1 following we copy from on of our ex ktory we are brought Into contact with charac few uwmortels wei-e left to re. -all tbetr lives. PK1I I. HT, AtuilUMOt TOBACCO! AND CIO A BIS.

BXMEHBEB THB PLACB, Cheaomt Book Houi to ihe railroad. hut item. Tt lady tueutioned is wnll kiwwa ters whoa views, thoughts, feeling aud expe If tlie ordinary period of human life seemed so Uiontbs. Hhe Leaves a husband and four riences ar for th time being aa real to us as hbort, how tbe sitigl century of our nAtiooal cbildien, who, in th loss of a noble -hearted COF 1 hav no Aaenta, aa rtottra PAlilFIL ACCIDENT. in Ui eity, Utrjg th daughter of th late rnibl of Alheny, a most yrominent l)r of bis day, and Um grand-i-uighter of life lUelf.

Tbey rouse our nihilities and TZo. 52 Ntnte sti-eet lite nut wnk into iusigiilllcaiioe tn the period ran their hnatnea with an cheap u. other, have sustained their first misfortune in life. The deceased waa a native of draw ns down with them into evil, or lift than throach sua aKenU Address A. COUHTHYKAH.

a ftiioaa in (site U. Hmrth. of thi city into a higher sphere for good. And henc tb i tb life of nation. It took three centuries for Christianity to gain veu a tootholi upon tb earth, and many of th great works of Limira, but had resided in this city for man Hutachlfrr Aaatatn lHjary.

Mb August, daUraB Bteven. a ufij ArMr, i riiir.tiur a reo itation in dreadful literature that is poisoning tb bvs and girls ot tbe country, turning tbe boys into D. LE ARY, FRED. W. CtARfl years.

Her butend a brother of th well known tobconit, R. T. Whalen, with Fypt, noUtbly the pyramids, wer worn with G8.CO S8.00 dot literary and art circle. 8 paiuU thieves and the girls into vagaBonds, is cor tbe marks of tbe age eveu lu Joseph's time. and ManarVwrai na rVi. Rnahaater. Yeabrdey afternoon the well-known crock dealer drove up to the Bt. Paul street en on 4ttHii, ciUibutHi to th magazine rupt ing because it brings th young reader iuto printer whom is connected in bupineex. For rome time past th lata Mrs. Whuten has en blind, an alMiction she bore with So gradual, so slow had been all tbe re vol IS OTJH P1UCB the company of corrupt characters.

Uon and cbangva covered by th whole period aire of the Oaburn boue. In getting out Ti bis buggy bie left foot caught in th reins For tbe Best Sat of Gum Teeth, Christian fortitude, and when death cam to Tb boy who reads thM imaginative histo ft ftnr aan lk Thean. ing form of the umveraa prior to otien the light of another and a better world ries of thieves, counterfeiters, highwaymen brothers almost all over the world representing nine nationalitiea. In conclusion tb speaker said to th Odd Fellows present May the benign influence of this sacred service never fad from your memories, may tb new duties and re-hponsibilitie you Lav assumed toward an immortal soul never be neglected, and when over bis grave tbe myrtle shall twin, may It be yours to know that other of your foster children has pawed from earth to heaven. Mrs.

8. 8. Brewer, the soprano, and James Monroe, th tenor of th choir, aaug a very beautiful duet taken from th compositions of Title, and arranged by Pr.ifrssor Kaitifleisch. I here wen paasafree iu th piece where the two voices bleiuied with ik p'iona1ly tin harmony, and th general effejt of th piece was gKl. Th corgrrgatioii united in singing th dox-lcgy and wrdi mieead with a benediostoa protMsjnced by lr.

Baxa. nil the serv yebtetday was ia tnaay ncursaoBiM" I.ultcr TruyB, Caudj BoiMi nTl0Il Mr Muteebkr was prcipitatd Upper or Under Euui. tb date of man's exi-teuco, seer no-J mU (jremost to th sidewalk. box lot and pirate, ha tb same effect pro to br she parsed away from family and friends calmly and reeiguedly. Th deceased If th is tbmg which every genUeman in BoHwt4fr oiiyht bbua mora 4iwLly ben be do ohr, that plc is tfa eojnd- ttupenduus in point tf comparison.

This duced upon hia miud that would be proouoed Urew out hi arm, and In thi way I 'otevtt-d bimwlf from mor seriou a. UM Mat; uumnfM our great planet, itself sunk into indguia- mas well known in th section of the city by actual association with the uving persons. Eocaester. which she lived for her kindness of heart caiio in tbe whole starry beaveu of the uui- i jury Uian be received. As it was his akl Na.

Firt-eiaa garmenU, 'i nw, youU-s and boys, can ha hd aiuUToota. 'ASei MtA. TS. This Is as true as th truth itoelf. There is no mytery about it.

4 Kril and by her death th poor bar lost a faithful a twi ted and an ugly sprain at th Prmrrrod hr hf HRST sskj. a verx. The thrte-coore yoars aud ta allotted to mau stmtd short iuuutd so short fiat it Uf Wo tbtrn tut xlntloM wnm it. Mr. Mut-cbler wa assisted Into th cMuuiuuications corrupt good manners i rid a tb.rd tfcti Uioe cWffM by cua-lorn at VcV-rllo's C.

O. O. aton. friend. Bhe was tb mother of Alouzo balea th well known locotuotiv engfn waa no wuudur thu psalmist tutlaiuiei.

burn botu drug store by City Atvtrney Young men nnd young women who lit up till IH AtlVMN Hui.lUiY French IU .1. I. wW ai.i otbeni. where bis foot waa nndniKbt to read stories of most rapid santi 4 ard fiO re are-t. New ma4 fwhionM M- Yrirk mad roods ar arriving duly WKANTOM.

KTMH IBM on the Central whose uiany acquaintances will keenly ympthiae with him in this ad fHt f. orea1. ba was takaa home. SMITH SHEARER ", that Thou art mindful of Laughter aad tetra, whtt a mtn ered and what be ujoyel, hU ahadoary p. pa and pompotu.

sluWows Ibis awuiei to nteeit fail of course io comprehending the letat of life' realities, and when tltey com to Ml-arllB' and prloea ar lower tuar tiaa ni-dermtaud that Mr. MntcuW rwoetved bl A1N PROKU.E-Bt Jna A. Harrteoa, I'tlr. tl fw. r-rit.

VUBAKTOMV. WftMU 4 00,. 10 BtM. C. rver baton.

event. 1 uouc of the funeral appaara our obituary column. 194 and Pwr jmvcsl. th u-jury in th saaB (wot aocaewin g. batUe with iu trials they fall bock dijeouraged..

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