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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AM) CIIKOMCLE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1872. OlitT TIKI ntin- cured by Bn pnhlie works cofnrxii.sioo a-sainst the rowmrm mnci'. It is aa Supraree coron Tbe rity i.f RVwbcsler against Geortre W. Aldrich and Ito4kn. 1 sni at 'ipmiun that liie motion for a the temporary irdntactatw.

sraxited in thia case caa ftropotiv dissaea-d of upon wi 1J established an I fatt.iHar pTiitHp-esol es.nriv, witltou? a of A 0 Op Depository WwtrtO Fine rt lewt. At moderate prh-ea a fall lino of Km rope an chromoa, American chromo, laitbographa imported. lure frame new Stereoscopic view. Looking glasses), Tanan statuarr. aad retail trade pi -i-i at MACHINES, The Raki cohtra.

Tbe contract submit tfd to the common council last aigrrt by T. Kwiid and bis associates for snnplyiez thecitv wi.h water is a Toluminons mmmtm0m It guAC-ar i era the completion of works to Hemlock folk by the close ot aad yt eontem plates, with many provisos, a enpnly from the pcoi MmlhtsTWB). Tbe kind of maia to be iiseH left baauiMutly inbriTite. Tim eos'raet ia f.T tbirtv years. The public boil tinrs paiks and hydrants are to be supp-fi -d all tor ti ii olt rasntaiiTu o( i'bere I is a lorg-wioded statement af a method by wide the is to acquire tbe ownership of tfce walks at the end of th peri ai, tbe bnt sVrsol tbem axsectiBg to rteh enough oat of them bv tnat A 1 the elrg t- or additioLs arc to he past! frr in the rt a liberal rate.

A vr iiie Stat strf-Kt caos-ist. -About I oMock yesterday afterowo John Lynch a r'diarot pop, while drtvmg across the Sistte street eroding of the Central rail-rfrad, was interrupted in his prngres- by a Io-- '-motive drawing a freight The beet vehicle was struck and pretty well demolished, and Mr fjoch being thrown to tt-o grotnd with great loree suffered tbe fracture of two of I is no and wa otherwise severely He was taken to his home corner of lit -nue and Mimger street. A nmo employed by Mr. Lynch in sinking a well fill into the excavation al-out tbe same time in tie afternoon, aud snflered Physicians were caKeai to atteml ta the injories oi employer and employe at the same time. Srwso.n cmkhw-kar.

We have ladia-Oai-i wiappers and drawers worth from fifty cents to three dollars eirh. have jean drawer- from seventy -live cents to two dollars ea-h. have a large vatiety of summer inenuo wrspiiers and drawer, ad we are selling theru at very low figures. Cone, K-udall Ac Tone, 6 Maiu aueet budge. Stfft Since the iujacctioits were granted, it has been rumored that the streets were to be apnukled with Or.

Irish's Utawa beer. Ttat fa a The beer is i.sedoiily to sprinkle the of the multitudes wbo go to Powers' bio k. Tuk Rf'T CHANCt OS a hi ii Have yon seen troat- large, elegant toilet (jui't' tor i each 1 They are both sides alike, the beat ar-th le ever sold in this city. We will sell ot tbem this week, at K. H.

Smith's New Vork stoic, street l.F.ruioEUATObS, ice boies, water eooteilt, ucd ail summer g'-- at the Kaiponatn, 71 srt John P. Humphrey The OhJK'T of saeniSsnutM i- to sippfy the svate with oxgen. The of ovygeu is to convert the digested food (chyle) into (in other words to finish digestion and to parily and the blood, wh'a it comes to tbe lungs with tbe impurities of the bo ly. Oxygen is nature's blood maker aud blood punfi aud it is from tbe blood that the body gets its conrisbment so that if tbe blood does mt get enough oxygrn to make it pure and rich some or all parts of tbe system will suffer and become dieas d. Now, what does the diseaied rsou want Oxygen and more than they can get from common air.

Perfeetfuly pure attuospbtric air is one-tilth oxygen and four-fifths nitrogen. Oxygenized air is four-ti'ths oxygen and one-fifth nitrogen, aud five times as tiers? as atmospheric air. I claim (I kuow it) that oxygenized air (as administered at nss State street) punfi-s an 1 vitiltzee the blod, equalise the eirculition and reaches every part of the system at ouce, axd make? the person more responsive to any remedy than may be given with it. By its use diseases have and can he cured tabat will not yield to other treatment. And its work is quick.

There is no person living in a cty, and especially those that are not much in the opu air, but what can occaetonaHy a few breaths of it with bem tit. See advertisement headed Shirts, shirts! shirts; We kep a large line al white and fancy shiits. We are making shirts to order, and the universal cry ot those woo have worn our shirts is they fit nicely. Cone, Kendall -fc Tone, 31iu street bridge. The isai ri.ACH viiLt-.

What is that? Dr. Irish's Htawa er, of course. Matthews, aloce, tells if. Ii noxF.s, water eolers Baxd sumiiur gctsls are selitag very cLeijt at Huji-phrej A. 71 Stamtinwt, l.

ur'TRi ikxil We bope it will ba) iKtroe iu roiDd bj every one that tbe auittii, atiaxtbtrrj festival for tbe beoetic of the industrial school off on Friday ereniug next, at CoiintbiaD ball. All who have uotieed the large addition now Iteiug rtiaiie to tbe iDritd-tasa on Exchange street, fur the pnr-oosc of a nursery, ill uot iail ta realise how manifestly tbts chaittyis destineai to oeeupy a worthy pron.ixieuee aiuouu the beuevoleut entttrprises of our city. Let out citizens see to it tb tttbts tes. tival is tiiade a pteunixry aueces to the lurtaa-tasn, Tux. lir.EAI towkk.

The observatory now brr, 4 ou Powera'a b'ock, may be coai-psrad with tbe tower of Babel, but tbe bab-bliug talkers of old bxd uo cou'in-r ilrink as ItUb's Ottawa beer, which Matthews draws beneath this menlarn sbal'c Eskmit riKtist' Ass.K tAixti.N. There will be asocial meeting of the exempt firerxren held in their ball (Market this (Wednesday) evening, at balf-past 7, sharp, when committee on revision of by-laws will rejiort and action will be taken on tbe sumo. A toll and panstittit attemlaiiCe- is reixneateii. I-'red. A.

Auxos, s-c-retaiT. GrtlTKB til KS, LINEN SHKKTIlfGS, 1ILI.DW e'ASLMi, TlULKT V1 ILTS. afcaaa We ll.Vtt an 11X1- n-euao atoek of tha aoove ajBaais that wa iu the store when 1 iKiught out tbe stock of tbe aaluiin-iatratcrs, and we will reduce this stock by selling them lor less thau tbey cost the- late Broxicer. F. 11.

Smith, successor, jSpta Vork store, 'i Main street. A HKATEIt x'DNTtsT In the beat-provoking prestiiential eoDtest now npon us, let tireeley-ttes and (tranters uot torget that Ir. Irish's tittawa beer, sold by Matthews, is the most cooirrg drink iu th world. Stt those dusters, at one-half the price of feather dusters a good odo tor one dollar durable and cheap. Just received at John I'.

Ilampbrey A. Co. 's, 71 State atreet. To faemzks. (let the beat.

Get the Rum imi Hall thbeshixo Mai minks with leather covered pulleys, s-aiety couplxugs, ooeave ad-iusters, stacker raising reel and other improve-rnt-Dts, sow itl kueii at 1'KICEs. Circulars fixe. Rpair alway on band. Factory Fast avenue. Salesroom South Warer street, llochaster, N.

Y. jel'idJLcdw Miltomi-. As Milton's soul wa like a star and daelt apart, so Irish's Ottawa hear staiitls alone among fluid as the best drink ever inula. MattLcwa sells it. rsTSTtx, CAMaE.

We bate just par a beautnlul line of prints ou ar counter for ten redts a yard. Tbey were fsxrmi'y one shilling. K. H. Suiii.h'e New Vork store, at street.

Tm Fkiab sfoxjt coarxst sell oraaaaeu a' aindow caps for four dollara that wi'l ast at tbe stone ysrtls eiglt dollar lo siiteeu dollars, and titer or ualxteuta. woa-k the sane prixp-ir -tton. Tbe ooaajpaay lak ordxr for all kind of buildirtar wot were sle-ae i wanted, at such piiees that tb small, si capitalist need nat use the old-fashioned straight wiodow trtuxaainx. Horse blocks, debt use-posts, cemeier atork, ehtmnet ti'ps, peslwtls for vases in ixtvus, tdewulk Ate. We advise all to exaituue work iu Caual atreet.

Itt the etubrohirry department of Uurke, KitaStmons, Hone sk i'o. a xa no 4 be found lull aaaairtmeut of Cash's Iriitiuga, royal Sianai-rtBatbani Irilling, majtie roluinv(laisi rurji.tis, liitiue fi imiuinat. lace ruliliuit. fiuBlinxts of footings, bia tucatDK, SsiM tuwabntts, tlanbura edf ins and flouncing, with a sue nib cent st. 0 made-up linen itostsU and la, lie An stock of abi'e at the low --ttii tee.

53, 55 and '4: street. CuE, Ks.aiiaLL dt TIMx have mas), fesral-union to their shirt uc' bolb in wiaite ianey. Tbe pattern, an new aad naos: desirable in market. Tbey bare a'sax a large lite of summer B'aMll at ear, and are st-l'i (g at very low prxetsa. a) Mais atreet laradge.

TavsKs ana. traveling nags ran and are rmile both sirean aad st lih, al A utrii's r.n-ess and trunk atom. 63 sltate atreet, wlasre aise may las haasd a hue asaortaaeut of aad rathe lor carnage and phaeton seat, Btallasea, Kajgliafa blly aud wbaxeoune whip. ii evetyihtng Hea ded to coaaaalete a aictl rvllBg oat tt. N.itmiVG new aud nek in unlet wafers co'eares and rbtst-a la'rfuiues for tbe basaikxar cUitrf at retail atttchel 1 10 StEa atrvtH, flrdtnaltsn -Seralces al the Real tveawa Bnt- Its! laarcb.

At tbi place of worship Philip Sordeli wan lal evening ordained as a miniater. Tbe services ware ot a bigh interesting and impressive nature. Kev. Thorn J. Morgan pecidod and the sermon was proa bed by Rat.

Or. from the words Ye are tbe light of the s. Id Matthew v. 11. The diseoarae began by a beautiful deseiiptioo ot iigbt a an emblem of the spiritual illumination treat owed upan the I hrlsfan.

Tlaat ltbt bad never abone noon matiKtr.d ti tfc. a-iv. nt ol" tbe Sir, who shoio- with the effulgent t. itit, purity an 1 love. Tbe preat ber described with the glow of devout enthusiasm tee perfection of I hiist's nature iu each of these three respect.

It is a remarkable i baracterxsti of Dr. Ken -dn; that bis imaginal'on is vivid and fresh for all hi learning and tbe advance of age. A oucg writer conid rot mplov more troie and rt' iora, but he vanxtd bardly choose then to neb ta'te and to bcttr purpose. Having explained tbe qualities ol that light which was maniftstcd in the Son of God, the apesiker turned to deserile tbe same light as emlOilied in tbe Christian's life. His unnri had he illuminated by divir.e knowledge and bis heart bad be.

lighted by divine love. The Chiistiau wa thus no unworthy copy of tbe Master. was be 8 tbua pictured a rut re fcc ion of the imagination. However nui-bile disciple of Jesus mi gut fall short of reflecting the glory of tha light Ihey had received, there was evidence of it presence io them. Tbe arcument for the rexuty of divine exeeibnee iu the church, here introduced by the pie.

cher, waa strongly put ami illustrated l.y an abundance of beautiful imagery, la a few closing ecntenix Or. Kemiriek turned to tbe candidate for ordination, saying that if the follower of Christ were tbe light of tbe world, much more should tab preacher, teacher and paster reflect tbe radiance ol" the light from beavt n. Tbe prayer of ordination was delivered by Rev. T. Edwin Brown, and the candidate was cobsf crated to 1-ia sacred calling by the laying on of hand as be knelt in the pulpit.

Key. Mr. having thus been devoted to tbe ministry, wa welcomed to its iya and sorrows in a brief anil eitraest address by J. II. Iltilmore.

Finally Her. Mr. Bates delivered tbe charge to tbe minister, which closad the exer-ciseh. In the course of the service the choir Bating -cvcial voluutiries and selections. Jlei tine of Pioaeera.

Site Ti i. et i of the ione. -s of Western jt Y'oik was behl yesterday at ti commin coobeil cbiimber. The attendance wa not large, au to tbe fact that thirteen membars of tbs i.s-1 i-iation bad ilied sim-e the last meeting, two years ago; and also for tbe reason aa ivas9tated durii-g tbe tcsaion, that the meetiag was not as wciradvcrttsed as it should have oeen. Tbe rt last year were: President, J.

Hill vice president-, Abelard IieynolJs, Preston Srtith; scetetary, Col Xfwtra: treasurer, B. Lang worthy; executive committee, Benjamin Mt Kariand, Edwin Scrantom, Omrx Harris. Mr Hil called tbe meeting to order, and alluded to tbe death of Vice Pre-id-nt Preston Smith and Cbaptaun Uev. A G. Hall Secretary Newton was unable to leave bis bed, and would probably never meet with tbe pioneers Mr.

Hill also said that his health wa such aa to render him incapable of performing the duties of presiding officer. (Sen. A. W. Kiiey invoked tlie divine b'rssiig upon tbe iobiera.

In tbe absence of tbe secret xrv, B. Ling-wcrtby consented to tahe tbe miuutcs of the eeting. Tbe case cf Mrs. Loe, over 100 years, old, w.i. pnsentfd.

and on motion of Oen. Riley, a collection was taken op which amounted ta about tbiiteen dollars. H. X. Langworthy offered tbe following: as, In tbe inscrntible dealings of the Divine Being h-xs lit lo remove from us Mmafnrd of Tairport.

Stuiih of K.s-hee:er, and oth -rs bv death, wonld also muc- particularly expresa our deep aorxtiw at the loss of our esteemed cbaplaiu rtev. Irr. A. ll. Hail, a friend and brother wb, always was in his chair at our meetings to open the delitseratioas of our meetings by prayer and pi in-ono'ince the blessings npon us.

May his mantle tail upon us. his memory and peace to is ashes. Ihe resolutioa was adopted. The association adjourned at 1 o'clock for waa "ru aL uwmw uuvci. The pioDeers at tbe afternoon 6rioa recited v.

.1 focue of tteir adventures tbis region of i jiiq-tj in early da s. Sctetiura were made a'jut iutriidaciag dM t. of tlie lives of tLe who have died, to tlie end thut the moetiu9 of the society tUaty le made moie Int'-rtstiasr- Sincp last lueetin, which fM held June 4th. 10, the foilovin meoibers of theaaj-( iatioD have died Ira LaapLam. of Mei-don, died -funo 7th, t87f, ago eighty-three years.

Keujaiain Ware, of Henrietta, died in Jtilv ti ive 3 ear, ajee eihty-fonr. Jobn Culvt-r, Brighton, diei in A nt of sain ear, ge eihty-tiye years. Citlvio Eaten, Webster, died in Xoyeinoer, eai-tieyt dr, aed sixty-riine vears Mifjy, wife of the late Sjmuel Hrnton, died DccetulH-r I9tb, aed sventv-ninp' year-i. iiltcm Jttiiuiry, 172, ag iiLty-tour years. Adtdi baplm, Pentitld.

ditd Ftrbruarj 187t-, age seveuty-seven veara. Muliord Butte, Fairport, same year, age t-( cty-eeven years. illiaro Pitktn, Kofhi'ster, 6a me rear, Blary lit bard, Tiocheotcr, Ft-braary li-th, 1S71, age eiLty-one years. Vuliaiii Wdder, Koebeeter, Fi broary 35th, age seventy-nine year-. I'reston Smith, Kucbeter, Mxij Otb, age tiybtj -six years.

Tacl Knowles, Riga, April siOtU, ae cot given. Jlev. A. Gka Hall, Rochester, September 10th, aiee eixty-Bix yeara B.

Ii rpoui Uo.jhetter, Xovemer J0th, ape ft ventY-nin'. Ororge C. Latta, Cbar'ot'e. November 7th, ag seveuty yeari-. Tbe names ot the officers elected for the ensuing are as follows Mdent A.

W. Viec-Pieaideits Schoylcr Me and Daniel Budd. Jn-crctaty I. B. Ljngvorthy.

Treasuixr Benjamin MrKarlaa. EAeeutive committee Orrin Scrantom, H. X. Langworthy. banlin Ittrv.

Dr. Shaw, who was also elected an bouorary u. of th asciati.u. Mrs. sBcrtbrong, who waa the oldest prt M-nt at the last set-sum, ami wbo held the gold medal, not beiog able to attend yesterday, sent in this mark of an honorable old age, ana it was lrt stowed on C'hailca Foot, a resident of Aieiiinder street, wbo is ninety -one years of age.

Mr. Foot came into what is now mro (Ounty in lKim, being then nineteen years of age. He recited his experiences, but hll HM being weak, we were unable to get a sketch ot bis srory. Ihe association then adjourned for one year. KucucyTKH" TMVKiisiTT ls WUJH Tbe in formation coitaintd in tbe following communi cation a ill, we are certain, interest very many of onr readers: In aii art', le Amerb-an in tbe Welah Star of tbe tMfc of ala.

the SttwfSS al Iu i-' UiMlt- iir ion We wr ivi fi.ueb 1 linawd ith it oiirelv that we 1 ftH the tiifi miation of thof wboia we kn-w take a deed mtereal in all thai concerns the proTe of fcea iNerait Tbe Itaplists have two anivr-rsities in the state of New ork the one at Hamilton the othr at U-s-h eter. Th- univeisLtv i Kieliesier bi'ldn th- fore-iu'et rank -be suffer even Brown's uai- veiaity to take the bad of her. If says the iter 1 had fifty eovs ffe'bm) and deairel to saake men of tbem. I woiilti ftriid tbem to Kocheater." ttta ta law protect lamditiun she psBaaea.

jjreaner aCvftntaea tban nineAetn-twesUtietha of the lost it lions of the laud and vet bet faculty (Wltre that abe haa only juat -started! Her protrsaors uniU'wr ten nd ber i and, withal, -i baa not U-en of any mau-i-ial iujuty to iher mother institution at' kladison. Sh Kaa raised herself to a poaitiou of at eminence and won for heraelf a name worthy ihoae wb have the care of her in ter eat a. itf thia our rewderta tuay iiiatge when talr that she bates proteaawr, 148 rneLra. tDu.Ooo worth wi endow men and a Hbiary contaaninje voluaaew. regret to find that ihe writer appeared to ta-bjpHirant vt the exiatancsS of one of th- gnsat-at at-ixscuoua of our university, vii, the Ward ealanet.

with wbk our reatters are too fanisdiai- to require anv further iiiftrmation. We unthankful, howerei loouj- WeUli fru-nU lor his kiud r.uitiou. and we hope wheu he paya ua a vioit our university wilt hav -a lorat railins or wall wround it, ao that h- welt deri a ltsrs.esurt. iwt oiil fzum the work tuat done iuaade. bt.t aUo floui the fftod laate I ual haa b.

eu diaplaye 1 without. IttBGLsBT Some time Monday ni'bt the retxdefce of David Koaamberg, North Paxil street, waa entered by a burglar through the frost dour by fore tng the lo-ik. Tae n-st discovery of the larceny was made yeatenlsy morxiing. wneu Mr Uoenberc arose and fottuti a poriion oi bis clothing missing. Tie gar-meuts were found at lite t-sttt oi tbe staxrease irti tl studs valued at were taken Iro a shirt bosom, a goli watch tkied at $--t, gold iecklace, fifteen dollara, bullous twelve dollar, collar batsoa, three dollar, aud over sevens.

en ilattars money were takeo, 'he whole ait i to The were DutiuVd of tbe burglar. au.l asere of the thitf yesterday daxiog a well as a bouse was alo Ksia an ircitaBce. MaW I I I Yearly tteriSng of tha Frlanda-Bantism ot Mia rsaallet. Correapoctteftce ol ike Deaxocr at an-1 Chronicle. N'xw rriRtt.

tine iti. i-rTS. I aridst of the stirring scene- ineadant la ihe eloaing sesaxens of tha biennial conference of th- Methodist of tha I'ntted Slates, the ortbodoi Krirnd of Nv Vork stale coaiventd. We have had the privilege of looking fax npon both. No one could fail to admire the business-like erneatnesa with whit every topic srs baTiffled by the forxnar while the roligions regard extended to sneh a man a Bishop Sin h.Tt ha stepped forward to otT-r a verbal explanation wa- ially uiarked and adtui-rahle.

Imring the one acaeiiaa that we had the ilegt wilh tbem we w-re rba: this ehara. larxatic eowniiugluig of th simeaLly religious, with Iba keen matter-of-fact capacity te handle cbtxreh orgssiaaxiaaa with efHs-Irveiieaa sarr the two ux xt elements that wore MclhoJisini! i Amerit. Th- Friieids met st their capaei-si Twentieth stnet on the Sist tilt, tlram-ii'-rcv is in their front and they hav a xard finely shaded. 1 be lirown stone' meet tng tarraft i BkBaa aWwal hiring npon the brown coats nd sxii that envelop tha elder father and mothers that enter then in. l-oniiicuoitsl inlexmingliug lKrweveris tbe 1 -t.

i tii ale little foe any parti: of dress, but take tha world a they find it apnropriate that common run of form that is ti-ty simple withont hi ing plainly odd- The ft. 'I t.i- fraternal srreetijitrs wen many and heanv. As the two separ-ite gath-rxns of map anal woxnen met in the two large audience rea ms felt sik nee brooded over tbexu, aud Ibstai earnest vis al prayer gave fitting exprtsssiwi to the a- itL't- heart. The cn-dentia'a of tha ritn friend in altenilanee and the epi-itlea of fellcwship from the varimx Atnerka yearly meet- t'. it.

ai llritain waa read during the iirst -sion. Thev are taith las-nliarlv charai-reris- tic of the ssi. ty. The r.tot noticeable miaisfar 'he mTi ftriiiti to h- eir trot Lindlpv If II I WH. He had ov-r forty yers exieri-j ence in th" n.ij having viaited 'England.

Ire-; Nf-r-way and Sweden in tb eonrw of his Yarid I' noieworrhT fa- that aii hi-. briitii-r and sifters have been active miTiisterH in tb nocieTv. a-Lri tnat hif. fnther li' had the vi4oa many y-ri in rf'frre. ce to the of this i wbi.

ha thus fir wortMl exactlv trap. Ann- the wn-nen pTakf rs the ntoat nA-w rthv wen liebcrah C. Tttoraaa of Balthaore an-f Klizabeth h. omstork of Michigan. The epistle ii; excetilngly tit tint; urma tbe beautv of I exintiusi ietweea tbem io v'ari u- iin of the country.

Oa wras strikiniriv r-liiirer i of tb olden days when tbs eaters chnrcbea th- epiifh-f from TI; -piiit engendered bv this iauz-of d. nmentary greeting ant work oat heal th re fills in any church wber? it does i in- is Bnctc toriu. A-- oMiins tbe stat4sfiea reTiv-Mf the ajvipfv is prtirnwiag. lm the atate -f Kanaas the grow: a 'lias ri i ently 1-een very rapf.i, anl by the eoumrr. a ot all ihe American in-.

rinj! a new meet ing will be i in next! A deP-jra- Tin was spiat-i ted to rtprfsent this state. In thia state tb (r; t-en a pt ptibh- iuerease of m'-m-bersbip. SUd a still greater incr ae in spi; itaalitv dtirii. the past year. The committee npon iren- ral itiiw-tiiis reported tfiat live fincit nad Wn lold if bin the stale, with sorh exc'llmt results that a large committee ww agam appointed to carrv forward the work dming the year.

It was t'clt ttist tbe work alrejti wa it steppiug-ftone to much. Chriatian iu tbe rat itre. A fr a genera! conferciioe of all tlie American yarly me. tirih Was considered and spproved. and thev are to thus nvt in Vovcmber i next in this city.

The rejmrts -f the committees on fdncation and i-eace wen- II ivetl and the funds peeted promptlv Ou afternoon a large joint meeting waa h-ld in th- int-reat of the Sabbat h-schm ls. A pr.e itttal discussion ensued, and in the evening an able address was inven bv Kev. J. H. Vincent cf Xew Yotk.

which was evl- dently ket-ulv appriniaud, Oi: tbe verr gath'-rings asraSifvf. both in New York and Brooklvn. for wontbiit. and much exce'lent Christian adviee warivtn. Mo- day wholly occupied in ejij in conM-'ei in-; I the i-prt of tbe rne.t,nz.' which ib composed of about fortv membeis and nets for the body the vear.

Its special upon the free-lmen aud th'- Indians were i- interesting. In acting for the Indian, all I the yearlv -operate, and thus bring out excellent result. Mnch work has V- dine rin the past year of an enconraginz nature, and very mnch more is evidentlv for. The I rtpert elicited much ay(iithetic feelin-r, and lb- i needful funds were rly anpn.priatoii. Tiiis vearlv no eiinc lias aeted.

iu Viririnis, among the The woik has mn. hbted. At tbi.j janctiire there ts mow- ned of advice 1 among ibem than money. Stid the able and etil'i. nt superintendent that has latored there for vcju-s is consi quently contiuu.

d. The answeriu'; oi' the dis cipimary tmeries and th-- proposed changina of stima ot them, brought out much practical adviee. Amid all their howerr varied the thought expiessed or whether from older or younger. it was especially noticeahh- bow Wt ly ftnds'pnd-ing each class was to the other. Harsh strife was swallowed up in Christian charity.

Central aad Western New York came down wi a nnaninious r-quet far a-t adjtinrnment to in Kochester in 16n. Tradition, as much as auyiMug else, bas kept this yearly convocation in the metropolis herelofur-. but the reasonable demand to 1 1 is with tbe western nirt ion ot thi Lite. met with much tavor fnm many in Xew York aa well. and aft a csreful di'mssion it ws unaiiitnocaly agref-d to convene in your fair city another fast If all wbo can attend tben enjoy it as much aa tbe writer, it will be a blenHici; to and vicinity.

liot noteworthy event whis I have had the of witnesein. was the biip jsni by im-mcxsii-n ot iSaTah Smiley at th- ltanson llace l.aptiat church. ItToikly-n. Her w-ll-kno wn pulpit ebaqueuce drew to-ther an iiumeue throng non tbip orcas'on An admirable sermon was delivered by -he itaator. Rev.

fi.rge F. I'nt--rostt. after which he said that be did not adraiuUt-r this ot binance as tasl of this chuit nnt as a miuiat-r of the spel and that in taking this step she did not design toeutcr the Itaptist church. Mi-B Smilev then came forward and told in characteristic Mnplicity the for thic etp. It Wiia nit that she desired to renounce Qok-riaiii.

but that Mlie deeired to complete her consecration to Christ. She had voluntarily withdrawn from the society of i hi she had ia-en a memler tweutv years. sb-might, in an unembarraased way, foJtid tb-- cf Ler conscience. She should enter now no chur. bnt folb -ited the Christian fellowslupof i all.

Eventually she hoped to reioin the Friends aud i i rniplete the sphere of ber fulness. id i. for a year jii-st this itut siii.a in all it import- ant and tue only thing that iti made long delay thai her ronmiiasion as a Gospel iniiii-jer ruiht not xcept wiiinn th-folds the society of Friends, She bad now. hn w-t ei iicludesl ilutt He who ca'l -d to His (serviee eei.ld hIso arrange for hrr wn-ady and well. Mi-therefore now took this step in tbe 'presence of Go 1 and man.

It was indeed p. specimen of Chriatian nobility to si her take this nob's eland. By this act she has endeared berseif to thv Christian world more c'osely than ever before. It will bad to much t-omm The rt liirious prea will teem with iis iTajaTt. Amoni tbe (Quaker eb-meat tt mut call out the ablest wmmma tt.

sh tie peculiar dc( of so ity SMS Kint tenaciously held fjr IH yeaxa. tin S'r'firat jfrovrid This stepping tut frtjm the snJII of posiauH'e chnrvh tenets compel-, ihe church ilelf to the trulolulnevvs of its Her.c- it will do the Cbr-slian world gtatt Let have a ill. jstrcBg and free diseuasiou, and let tr-itb prev.iil. O.tskavKK. Father Itnrke's l.ectare.

To the Edltorot tbe Democ-at and Chronicle. inti-lXmiuican is not a fair controversia ist he loses bia H-n'jw r. calls nk-k-names and withLoId-, his own name. So bold an assailant ouaht not Ia.k the moral conrajre to show the stricken who is tin-striker i so lond a claimant f.r frae dist uaaion onht to illustrate its worth by correctness of statement, found lojie and moderation of lannase I have wih to your space with a dt-ft nse of Fatiier Burke, the imuiinicans, the sSpaniah intiuiaition or intolerance in other countries. Indeed, the my-Ueri-ona woid- of Auti-loiuinican are calculate, to ti my own heart with fear and dire anticipations of coming woe.

To be "anaijrned, tried and broken as a criminal by some bubb-u agency, is a throat to disturb a lrave man's soul, if tbe threat has any Saenaea In vain do 1 conjure up all the poaaible in-alible of "broken." Sorely we art-not to have an American inquisition, wiih ra wbeela aud rack, and my lord bisbov" for itt, ttrat victim. Thc-n I try to rwape from aueb bluoiiy tbouiihta by suppoa-ini that my friend, who ia amiability itaelf, who would not for the world be guilty uf an Injuatice to another, wlto is Iwtuiim; ua wretched papUi on our ifinoram nnlty, imok-rance. miift nieau some gentler way of puttius on the SjWiWt. Ah! now I have iu" He means that we shall be broken" financially. They will u-t stu-v-ze our thumb-bant mercifully.

aaecaues the eniiehunment ol tbenineo eath century, tbey will only aqueeze our po keta and extract, not blood, but dollars- We are lo buiid acuoot-houaes for our ueiuhlairs' rhildreii. pay for tbeir education without regard to cost auit build our own bounes, pay our own teacherw, and bow our hds with beetiiiin humUit wheu inir master- for wb in we have done ao much, taunt ua with want cf i'-r and etl.i iei.i-y rtud wiih "und iiu ptVi ii.itutiit atai wasting valuable time." So.u people do not heaitaee to eall thia treatment iutol.ranie. Ac. Hut touebet tai the Chriatian free school quewtion. and, therefoie, fai a to 10-teisfSt me very deeply.

tar a 1 can ayt at "AntiTk.miuii aii'a'' im-aniaa he is hiefiy crw ati abut the iu -tbeiet a--, tii tr etlui ation jLiven in our p'urochiat bools. Yet only a few fats -ak til. naval lud. ishij. at the ilisposal tlie meualaer of conitTeaa tor the BiUtalo district, hav i been oftVrtl as a pr ze the beat ac holar iu the pat die achoois of Huffdo.

the priae was cairied off bv one OuigU-y, a pupil of the Christian iirothera' hla C'mrjM'titors were from the print iial sesstlar aebools of the city, in-doding the Central school an 1 th Normal school. 11- otcf-'rih. all Christian free s- ads' will have to be excluded Uom such I'jmpetitaoas. or education pvtTely set uiar wdli be put to tb' blush by tbete bt.y tt' tbe itieflieient" larot'hiil aehawda Allow me to sav to Anti-lomiiean." and to a'l tiia fi that we invite the largest disenawion of diGcr-6itn will briua about a -trinaiieiit aettieni ut on a that will ihe all citizens, tnat tne parent ami tne sure, aae trj absolute right to oducaXe tbe child that tbe state cannot in justice take from a fattier a right derived fri'iii the natural and tine law; that the present ayetem of public school, by lnlerferiuat wxth this aaaXaaaVs and divine right of pareuta. ia open to censure for its ixeruatit-e iptreaatoo and peaTMeetxtxoa latatiy, "it is abauid to uta.

ua. tha qaawtxonof int.d-er.nce abroad while we have such xtlariag txiatsasice of in tolerance al honie If our school, are inaalieieBt give tx our share-of the taxes, oi iiu uot tax us for acbooi psxrpaaxea, axxd at ill -ive you the beat of achswas every seuar, Lost luiubl U- dee eived by some aaaertxaaxs of 1 to say lurthenaMate, that in a short tltue, one or two vears at most, there wxU la auiple school acasuurnislaixe.u fur all utir CaxWic ehxlitreii, aad that all our Catholic hiltlr. wfll be in hts.isux harmou wilh the religi-'U views and failh of their i. In esuK lusxon, it will la- much easier for us ts be ut. for --Auti-xXaxaxiuK-an and hts the peraeeBtor.

J. McQuaixi, lasbop of lis. acsier. Tiie Thomas aiot'iauxjT fi'w acksow-t la. 11 Tbe iolioaing letter from Samuel B.

Lawn nee lo General Crumby, received yesterday, arkaowledgea the rtdpt of tne money maVBl in (bi city by Gen. lumby, Ksy. told and Capt (Jilbert, tvr the ptopoed I latOBUment: gP Mercer six eat, I Saw XoaaL May 49. i-ri 1 tkata th honor rbe ras-aitfX of yotxrs of the atstsu lust, with s-abaoriptsoa list and ebeek fer JO' for the Tfc, alia aaanatvaeat tiLnd. which will be dulv reaxdared and aaaaasaivoaa I tSBBa vaox and oaxr frieoda bate been very aaxeosat-fnl and tt gisaa at pleasure to announce aaea nan aouae adatilautia to the fund.

Veiy trulv lours, S-tMLTf- B. lafJ. To UeBtral F. fjuxnbj. I'nder tht.

rule -'Jaaiir' m-k tor the ub. nation uf lite, iuiloamg iiarxx- grepb: lb. esiiaewIBB wt repnrVal tbe thoaa-da for tks t'cloe wa a iiitaeditaaa in wtu. hexss- ssxd tnxsl.i rout ihe strssrts sure Ike gexxtb-txaixa ter assi i-i'ltta that en a white the la.iae-.nalx rtliu. lay evaaaitxat- axx lava the heat aalliority ita-axan was aavcarvd is pvw.r.

a naavtk befox alid tlcn luft wo en- bis eiar. Wewishy-au uie p'vaaaat tireaui. tutiiav ilt R. pcrtst I For the tVreb mi men--ng nnrfar- Jnr 10. Jl0Nttr cotvTT.

Ctwaity c.vrt coutinae by Jndge FulbT. W.ini cotTtTv. Equity term of the sttprewe (ourt. at Lyotii by Judge Ilarwia tiMARiO rx. Coai.ry eonit and TWi'n- at CanaDdnlgua, oy W.

H. Smith. e.antvjulg,'- OfOHAi, if km Thi r. i niijaed llotfa Ut, Hon. Ibouaa A.

JyUnaon. prtiding. Court of Appcnla. Alb AtT. Jno i.

TTeent Hon. Sanfwd E. f'hnrcb, Cbt-f -fustier Jni-tkea Alien, Grovr. ft kham. FoLgsr ami Ka palln i'lMl-Ba-iit'ii ml- and tALanAa.

Number 3M Henry H. Sm-th and an-nV" r- Fhilip Sndtb. applt. Settled. amber 3t2 Chrisiophar C.

ILoorola. vi Tb- Lone Island Railroad tNmiaiiye applt. Number 3fe4 Ceylon W. CatT. vs Elizabeth Carr.

respt. Passed. jjytiniU tSer Jobu D. lax ke. rcapt.

v-t liiaa XI iV-rr-'wa. applt. Sabmi.ted by tbe appellant, argm-d by W. ot for la- respondent. NnmWr Lattcll, rs Bnn ill, respt.

Argued by IV Witt Brown rouns. I tor tbi apj llant. and hv W. aandfortl of of couna-1 for tbe Nnn her to 380 TTwwua Tieruan. vs Tbe Mayor.

AMttumi an I ommoaaUty of the city of A loan v. applta. Thomaa Rhatigan va Tlie same. Micha, I A. N-lan vs Th same.

N. W. ChamUrtain vs The ne. Mary Cullen vs The same. bn Flsnsgen vs Tbe same.

C. Hanuan The same. James Judge vs The same. Andrew an vs Tbe same. J.

Lysatt the same. M. M-Graw vs The same. M. McDonald vs The sjuk Thomaa O'Hara Tbe ame.

Patrick A. White Tbe fame, and Bridget lch vs Tbe same. Argn together aa ene canse by Samuel of conns tlie appelant and bv Amas S. Parker, of conn toi the respondents.

Af.BaT. Jane 11, The fi flowing the cou.t of apais day calend ir f(rt" June r2 Sfmnbers 327. 365, 309, 35, 100. 406, J4L Albaxt. -fun' II.

In the conrt of appeals to-day Deeisi'ins handed down Judgments afSnned T)j Lindsay Starbuah Van Ingen va Wav Webb vs fHbll; Darien vs Yatrs Jauox Caiiumn Shaw vi? H' me Life Insurance Company. Jndgmetita reers-d. i. -w trials grants, costs to abide event E-twh-y vs Xiast Btvsc NatioaJ Uajk Kolly vs Peott. two cases.

Juilgment reversed anj judgment for the plaintiff on demuir-r a ord'-red by the mrt at spei ii tsrnx, tth sis, nnleaa the defendant, witiiin twenty days after notice of fUing of the remittitur in the rcart lelow. file and an answer duly an! pay costs from the time of the dmm-rr-r Hall rs The Omaha National latnk. Judgment of the revc7se! and the assepfm.ent made by the and all proceedings under it reverf -d and. vacated The Pe pls ex rel vs Oarris aud otiiera, cominiaaioners, arc Judgm ent reversed, aud jndgmnt for p'aintia demmter with costs, smlatnt the within twenty days after notice of filing the re mi iter in the coort la-low. answer the complaint and pay thi costs of the prtiiai from the time of patting in t'ie demur rer The Merchants' Est h.uige Nation il of the ity of New Ycrk vs Tl.e Commercial Waxchouae mpany.

Ju'igiuent attlrined with costs in the conrt l-ehm, and without eota lo either party in thia court John Hrris vs Tbe New Yotk Central and lands Ktver Railroad Company. Order granting new tTial asTirmed anJ jivlgment for the plaii.ti:T with eosts pnrsnant to stip-idation Tbe ua Insurance Company vs Order granting new trial reversed and jiidgmt-ut on tbe report of the referee atiiruied with costs Gutch SSS vs Dauiels. Court-Gcnernl Ternq. Buffalo, June ID. Thomas A.

Johnson, prasiiiini; justice; George Barker and John L. Tak ott, associate iiatjcea. 1 be jatiple ve Charles Marlow- Application fo-r a writ of habeas corpus direetei to the sheriff' of Cha-tatiqua county, ordc.inn and him, the sheriff, to prolnce to this court tht- body of th said CL.rIe Marlow. forthwith. Granted.

Gr(nlief Clark, et al, rcspts vs Benjamin W. Se-land, et al. apis. Appealed from jndment entered on -he report of ti refere. Alined and snbmitted.

T. BriJTs. et al. respU. va Tbo North British and Mercantile Insurance company.

A3m9 the same vs The People Insurane'1 enmpanv. txceptions directed to be heard in the nrst instance aicnersl term. Argued and submitted. John Y. WesiiaH, re-p.

vs James U. Peacock applt. Appeal ftoui judgment entered ou trial at circ-iit court. Argued and iwubmiited. James Hooper, reap, vs-Fuib Xwddj by uarJlan.

spplt. Judgment alnrmetl by default. Margaret Griswold, respt. vs the superinten leat ot tht ptHir of Genesee coimty, implead-! applt. JndTsCent afirrmed by default.

in4 Ives, respt, vs Lot khart B. Crane, impleaded applt. Judgment affitmed defanlt. Orro tMBX, respt, vs Milo Hid eS r-wjU. Appeal from judgment eiu-rcd c-a reiort fr referee- vued and Jne tl.

At it rr.l term, fourth department, the following; is the da tor Wedueaday JCi ml tis 1C, j3, 67. 91, 22, 9, 96, and 102. Conrt of VrIoni. Spet CoMUty Judge George- W. IiU.wson aad As-t iatc Sherry and Hart presiding.

KCKTHt-sTKa, June 11. The fallowing named pcr.ns were arraigned this forenoon in this Ciiurt.aud pleaded aa follows Widi-rm Barkman indb-ted f.r grand Lircrny -t. a harness valuei ten dollars, iu the town of Pei'Ueld. Pleaded guilty. Tl onias Dawson, a'laa Doracy burglary.

Not guilty. Charles and Frederick Lrrn.I l.irei'ny stealing a horse and buggy, Pleaded guiit se ntenced to the house of refuge. John Perry laro ny fiom the uerson. Xot guilty. William Wilson larceny of Nt guilty.

Lizzie Hays keeping a di.orderly Pleaded guiltv and waa fined fifty dollar. Warner keeping disorderly hous not guilty. Minnie lirant keepiug tlisorlerly house. Euilty and ws fined aeventy-tivt- dollar. Ann Chapman keeping disorderly b-ius ed not gniPy.

Ann keeping honae. not guQty. Man Hall keeping a disonlerly huua. gmlt ami wac fine4i flOO. Jennie Dt a diaordt i ly hurte.

l'laalad PI le.l Pie ,.1 Plaatit 1 1 1-H PlwaUd guilty and was fined $150. Hannah Swartz keeping a ditordcrlv iHlUSe. PU adeal not giulty. George Child, irrand htreettw stealing a horwe and bugv. Pleadod uot guilty, and SSataaS that he is in sane.

John Kluties, assault wiih inteat to do bodily harm. Pit aiie-1 not guiTty. 1 he teesft adjourned nritii 9 ckak tliis morning. 1'otne Cosrt-Bryaa, r. J.

Kch'HEstkh. June 11. John Durnaxan waa for beioi: drnxxk also, with assisting a prisoner to escape and reaistint- an oflicer. laist niirht he tried to break oat of hi. cell, lleld lor the grand jury.

Kerou Garrely drunk and liiaox-derly. Fiia-d $IO or sixty days and bail for goo i behavior. Teddy Mitiramiery. arrested by itb ear I.vtinli fT stealtng a trowel axxd stoue-bammye. the property of ileorue ('.

Schnlta. Convii'taai and attnteuis'd si mouths iu at. C. 1'. and nxaed a0 in atlditiou.

He ia an obi offender. i iiarlt-M aicMannis, a boy eleven years of aire, came le lire station and resinesteil to be sen! t. tbe house of relnjre, mi that he could la-am a He cause ftoni Indiaxa axd has no home. His f-qatat was irant-d. lleorge I inaberg safe I Hsc hartred.

t'halles Itlltil'gs vaxtTat t. 'ol dl-Sfaao-d of. lillniori-B rover drunk. Fined HQ or 60 days. Margaret Bteuiiaux was cliarged wilb aVealiug a or, ss Sarah M.

Fisher. -jt who Bred thv revolver at Mr. Ffta-urd'a residence Saturday night, was held fur the grand bxry. William Nii-bolaon petit iareeoy steading a bottle i small hear from a wagon Not ui.isxaed of. 11.

t'lacauer arrested for tuakrag threats axtamst John McMillan. Gave bail to hea the peace and an.wer at the stasxest JuW HblSHUf Mt.CaaSfc.X t'fc THE 1-OPB. Tbo following circular has been addressed to ail the I ail oitc clergy of this diut-ese by Archbxhop Esv. lieaa SIB; Please nn mnta to your n-re jatioii that ibe anuiud 6r the hoiv father ill be made tn ail the churchtta of tha arch ai the fourth SuBiiay after Penrjcosl, the abxb of 1 acaxi nx ressind vou of the xuanv avavoais for which it not osly vert deairable. but etau ,1 r.

imisrrlaaee that Ibis etllei XiotJ shostld be. II uea, a mora than ota8 large and Btssral una. It ia Viaauvru to all that th. tria's aud em 'aaar-aasxixea of ourhaalv father have beau wusliniiod dxxritig the riaai two vasu-s tar bwyotad. anvtaxing a.

haa axtnerto brsaa ealx.d The is aha churca ai the a)oatok see hate oeeu wunaatu and tu I to fcursue with ever Uittrt aajag, i MM I tbeir work vaactih-xte axid apotialiou in the capit-it ..1 iba It la aesfcihl to reatane wbo is rxriaally a tbear haaaiB, to the stiU mrUati buaii iatiua ing a penal- neron the boua uf aa unserixpn'oas etniaent, whu ha uaxxrwed hi rigtua, and rub-Ud htm of hia temporal ag ard iuna. To this h- Bolil and Brady meam toanlaiit. Ha looks t.i hia nxiiLl'-l ehihiren throughout the world conn-daut that front this iudatejuty at least, tBey eaa and trutect and r'taetas txixa. rer.

thaw, is sturs nt the dutv and pritreVge of auppivlag the want, and CSDSaxlicg the hear our foluaaon father I do not aJU-w n. fte 'lawbt tba hia ihitdren in this aasssae eatBts, is main, reverend ih in blaliop af Mew Vurk. i tat air. Vciy Uu); Lista! thbeau t.iaivss. r'or a good thread Klve.

iu very desirable sbatte. call at Cone, Kendal! ik Tone's, Mam street bridge. Health r. I rtrifkl -A 14. Slander anil ibr flead I Kulaaeles an Kds-artan hi Hn allllra Feller Dliialm Ike Injunction iMM Asaaemblx.

Vr. Toere was a regular see i mg of ib eoin aoc rout fii yesterday cyening. Aid. Aldri Ig in tbe chair. A from property owner on Adam' t- rei was read asking that tbe improTement ol that street be cariied out a originally pro-pcx4, and that tbe street be ai lened so a to cut oft all encroaching feaees, piazraa, Ac.

A .1. IbOgaTs ofti nd a resolution to this elfe--t, and supported it in a few remarks. arried. Aid. lly asked if this waa not a paMt nni-sne so thai n.ight be referred to the bo ird Aid Kogcr said tbe i lty tnetacngei roi.ld do tbe bnnoes.

I -i .1. no ks cominitiee presented a cam mnnication from T. B. Hand and his oseociat It roogb Lo. ian Uirdseye tbeir aftorney.

anb-n iltmg en tract for snpplying lioebaster with walsr. They also sent tip tbe draft of the ptopoeed contract. Ordered received, riled aad published. A comtntinicaiion from tbe hoard ol health a read, asking Rat an increased appropriation to arable that body to take charge of cleauloe ti streets, Irani which business the council ia er ioieed. Aid Stern iited she estimates for tbe lions departments, for the coming year.

The amount set down for tbe board of health was Aid. K-lly mined to amend by- inak-ng the sum $31. Osi. Aid. Sclj opposed tbe proposition strongly.

attacked the lavish exiienditnre bitterly an 1 read statistics showing that while tbe ol the city hud increased bnt twenty-nine (ist cent, during tbe l.sat ten year, some of the fend bad adi aoeed at the rate of 900 to SN per cnt. He wa finally calVil to order on the ground that be exceeded five minute in hi ep c-h. Aid. Cann ak-d if a conmission authorised to expend $3,000,006 for water work would lmve been tolerated ten yenrs ago I Aid. Kelly made a long speech on the blthy coi ditiou of the streets and the neatness with nbicb tbe work of cleaning them had ben car-riid out at the time of the service of tbe injuoe-ttoB.

He would not tke any in the im-peadieg law He would be inclined ta fa-vor a t'rt-riy appoint public works commis-sion at a pro per season. Tel as mostof the people sacno .1 to be Against commissions to manage our internal affairs be w-nt for carrying out llo ir 'I he extra amount granted to tlxi lard of health coul cut oB from the stretT in piovrment fund. Aid. Selye rose agrttn acd denied tbe good condition of the tr-ete. Aid.

Kelly They are better than when mi, the city. Aid. Selye I uevtr rue tbe city. He then ai titon to reiterate bi arguments on the rfaa-pr. portion between the growth of tbe city an-I tbe fiibtlul In einn at in its expense.

Aid. Mauder roae much excited and rou-ed to virtuous indignation. He propounded a number of conundrums s. to where tbe eleventh ward, the sixth ward, tbe ninth ward, were iu lfti According to him tbe place was a bowling at that time. He cbsaani by iuMrighit against tbe commiasions, char- i acUrtsing tbeir appoilntniect a sqaantUrtilion several times with groat tmphisi.

Aid. I'ond said, io answer to Aid. Selye, that tbe grog amount of Ibe tux levy thia year is $20,000 less than last year, iacludicg at tbe aaine tio'e the (100 for Chicago. Aid. Rogers doubted if a change in tbe appro, pnationa auld be mkde without aurcr.isiug i tbem once more.

Aid. McConnell said there was no authority in tbe charier for the Uiard of health to exieiid the money given to theui in the way proposed. Tbe motion was then carried. On motion of Aid. Kelly the appropriation to tbe highway- fund was cut down On motion of Aid.

Pood, amended by Aid. llogi is, the contingent exj-nae lund was cat down from to $0). 000. Aid. tern moved that tbe item of $15, 001 for the jiiitcliase of school property bd reduced to $5, 000.

Aid Kelly eaid $10,000 of tbe appropriation was already anticipated and spent. Aid. Stern was willing to cut down tbe board ol education on account of tbeir recent action Aid. Mauder marie a vehement speech in favor of tbe board of education anil against cutting down the appropriation. He asked that the chairmnn ol the finance committee of tbe boaid ol education lie beard, since be was present.

orn. Otis was called for and explained bo ti ts expense had been incurred. Tbe fund of iaal ytar wa- overdrawn $10,009 for tbe repair oi numbers 13 and 1 his amount the contractors. Aid. Mauder and Mr.

Carroll, aree.l to ait for. Aid Solve said no wonder Aid. Maud, wa so anxious to gel tbe appropriation passed. H-bad no right while holding office to be doing work lor the city. If tbe board of education conid run tbe city in debt without authority $10,000, they could do it for $100,000.

He paid the appropriationa for this year amounted to $195, 000. That was enough in all conscience. A gii-at share of this was lor the new acadeinv. This ixietitutiou be mvi igbed against bitterly. The common school ayst.

was intended to give an ordinary educatiou. Had provisions in nllegiate educatiou been added to tbe law it would never have been passed. It would have stood no better chance ol getting through tbe legislature than be did of getting into btaven thia iiigbt, If this ytem of advancing the range ol studies iu the schools continued, we should have everybody coilege bred. And who ever beard any good of a college graduate. They were lit lor nothing but to spend mouey.

Tney beggared hi it lathers. Wbo were the lawvera the city who were ooing all the leading buiinonsl Were any of them graduates of college Heading, willing and anihmettc wire all any man needed. Not long ago Henry K. Selden and a number of doctor ot divinity and physic had proaentod a report t. thw board ol upervinor, declaring that these high schools and academies were the O'liiiutiL school system.

Iu the opinion of the speaker, only self-made men were good for any thiug. He delivered an eloquent disquisition ou the orthlesaneaa, coatiine and pure-cuseednea ol college bred men generally. A man could not amount to much who spent his time- in studying dead languages instead ot jibing something of advantage to the world. Here Aid. Mauder rose.

cunningly, aud asked Aid. Selye what dead language were. That gentleman returned in lofty acorn, 'They are languages no louger in nee. Vov an make ua. of them, tor ou don't know any thing about them.

Com. I )i tbs-u explained, as before, bow tbe indebtedlicsa had been iucurred. Aid Selye "Why didn't you make it $100, Ut instead of $10,000 lorn. Oli "We didn't need to." Aid. Stern expressed bis favor towards the hvk school.

He had no n.itiou the di-coa-uou would b. coue ao wide. It this indebtedness was already incurred, be would not ask to pre motion. After thii explanallou from Com Oiia, he asked to withdraw bxs re-atutM, Aid. raig rulugixcd tbe schools aud baard ol education.

Aid. Selye renewed tbe reaolotion, and it waa tabli-d aye VI, naya 6 AM. Wl.itmor. 1 to cut t-. SM 08 the polo- appropriation.

Aid. aiing movtd to table, l.jst- Tbe original motion was then lost, and tbe original tax levy, as amended, was adoptod. A communiealion fnm iteoeral Claike was ra! tcoflrnug i be council a match ug aalute ou tbe Fourth of July. Tbe honor waa accepted. A letter iruiu assistaut Adiulaut -Oeneral Stone aa lead asking an aiipr ipnatmn for the ex-l nae incurred in properly tug the ua IKiOai hu.idajr.

Ou motion ol Aid Kelly was graut-1 Tbe allpulatlusl ot tbe pubhc works commission in regard to reaching a close of IBM litigation ia regard to the couatilatioua itj ol Hal eommiasiidi was pieaented The city al i wa allowed at hi own wish to explain bt actum in tbe matter. Tbe proposition bad submitusl in open conrt without ant propriety. It naa au outrage. The cunumgly ob-laLBtd li jubetion n-iuauird him from incarriag any expense la these various caeca ou oi tbe cily of Koebceter. The scheme wa to attack hiaaaelf and bt clients with all tbe ill U- Selden, Samuol Seldea, W.

V. Cog til and E. A. Raymond, while be should be prevented from getting aid hia defcitae Sorb a pro(sittob he did not beaitaw to raiert at oa.te. He wa williug to nd by bia act and aboulder tbe respoo-b lusell Ibe pabiicatiou of tbi proposal in tlie airs waa annuly to beao odium oa him tnd bl client lApplause.

I be paper was then tabled A communua'ion from Judge Fuller waatbeu reed dtssolvirg Ibe tempoiry iniunetioo pro Wrtrr Werkt Qimlm-nMri 1 or of lo ibe He to. dewiaosl it as a nt gTanlsd ll his title to the re as presented by i kre bi In I case, 'at gard will be tbe tnurrv which vnh'o i.l.'aad ab ant it It be grant rte.1 by tba piaintpf. and a-a rb-ar ntavn tba rasa will ms l.e grant ei hi a abt'sgor refusing it senator and extant of nam would sufTT if it is Bonsneea to the known mle of eqntty ralion ol wfcn no au- Ijat-tiee. rtOe i Tbi. s.

the city, i ii ii- i tnaaurer tng it cai isirt or lilnsti Cited i brought lb. jo ---i'i- 1. the street st rail, the eon th nan" of i smbert of tbe teat and city into effect fcani takn any Ihe aitaraiios tirtl. opentnir. const ti -n inij.ri.v.-ti em.

repairing. rink''ing ny aiist, avanne. lane, alley walk, park, aaaaw sewer or bridge in the citvof Rochester; tmm the tnakiiig er e.olle,ii..n of any aaat-awruent. and tbay trc.isi-.i ft tin iiioiiev n-for ein whan tlie rortfract "shaTl have alleadv let I or ex.i-nteil. and from pat In nv ntoner or salary lo the street superintend i-nt servlcs.

theroait.v i. ml. nd: and to Te strain tin aupenti-eudeot from performing any dull or rt-ceiriuz aov alary or emotninent aa sneh. Ana the temporary injunction granted hv me, does an n-strain each and all tha defendants until tba further or of the court. It i p'rhap wlietber it anen MC an far suspend the ral orhaary business a oration, that I ascntt'V jodze am derrfved of the power to grant It by the 23it aactiiax of UM code, ftut I da, not place tleciaion on'that untimil.

I tlainly. to warrant sneh nn extrs-mlinarv intar-pnaitioti the juuicis! arm. I he the part of Hie pUiutiff. should ia- very i ao.l ry stmug. I airi a-iv'd.

iti the name of th- city of -'s! -r. do no lean, than to enjoin the pjiiieipal pan iif its nsstgnissd officer and agents, some fr-m tie- p-r-lormant of all. and the H-rfonn ine- oi I lm Ipal pact oi ihe funcUoua it. volsed upon them by its charter. And yet ii was admitted on the argument, that this suit bn.ntrbl in the name of the city, teas not insri-tarad or aniborisedby the city altorriey or any of its nsogniaed olhcera or am biMities, hat' by- who is eossaan ennt: In act for ii ui its name, and to tits interests, and tbi! reallv and in point of la.i.

I nm not ask. ii by the ity, the nominal plain tiff, but by aoroels- ly else, assuming to act in its la-- half to continue tliirt injunction. The impn.priet of doing ao an of so doubtful a eharsc- ter ia manifest The complaint is voritled by the jtt-raoug claiming la. la- of public works, and as so. h.

orllceis of said ctty; bur no I stalut. haa at.t-mpteil 10 confer upon them anthoriiv to biinc aefiiaT in the name of the rite. JCor is this in my judgment the pntiar way to bxtttg nil action to try their title ro the offices clainod by theux, or to t.uat the aldermen from tlie office cotriinissiotinrs of highway, or flu defendant. Krick, from the office of street which atoce it is charged ih. are now nsttriiiiig withunt any law (ad warrant or aasantasxaj The aulbority to thns corimance tlti-i action BB the rsmc and ou bcludf of tbe corpo- ration, cannot be derived from chapter ltil of It laws of 1-1 April I for thai act only authorises an action bv a tax paver I of tbe corn- rath he hn ntrht in bis own uatna aiunst officers, agents, eonimi-sioners and other -r- sons assuming to act for ox ou behalf of the corpora- i lion.

Iu Ihe r.xi j.tsi this ai ii-ai is has. mainly lb. at of the legislature of May Kh. lata, providing I lor snd aaxtpia ling to authorise the appoint incut an-! ot -anisa i-tn of a latard of commis-sinners p-ililie sulks iorsaid city, and to c-inf. up.u tbeui all the jsiwers anil luxii uoc istfon- exercised by tbe aldermen as coxnmis-Ttm rs highways, and by the ansa i intendent.

under ibe charter. I be oi ibe last mentioned act la sarioaslv and withont deciding npon its validity, for ibe purposes of this motion, within the rules of prac a Pare anno, ric, td-it is sniiicient to say that ia at le-it quite doubtful, ami will rexnaia until' it is pasaw-d xxpon and settled by- tbe court of dt mier resort. And moreovtsr. the exercise of sound requires.

I thtita. That tbe aldermen slnsild not be restrained from tbe heir functions as comrnisaiiieis of they have never ceased t.i discharge till this quesiion can be finally determinisl. Tho Sanaa. jtieoces be very as riou-s to the eitv ard its iu. Labitsnts And tbete is an additional reason wht the street superintendent should not be restrained from tbe perforTuanci- of his fnnctions as such, iaasr xuiich as it Wi.tdd prevent him from Ihe iLse barge of any of the duth a of an office liom wUleh he haa iait yet been ousted, and before his title to it has been decided ujKin and declared void.

The duties beret's fore jierfoimed by the aldermen as commissioners of hi.hwavs. and bv the street stna-rinti-n lent must bp fS-i torniisl bv somebody, they cannot be omitted for any ngth of time without detriment to the city and to the public health, and Ihev caruot he snc- ceasfuily iieifomi. without tbe concurrence and i i i-i taiion ihe common c. To attempt to 1 sidoliliite the commissioners of ptildic irks for dnrliie this litigation, would onlv rest, in eon-fttsion prisducng any practical good. I-iws have ns -tntly been paasisl hy- tlie lezislatnra.

amtaaaatMaag or purfairting to authorise tbe appoiat- i nient ai organisation of a city hall com-axssion, and i i fox supplying tbe city with water, and by the ad of tbe 2f'th uf Mat. before referred to. these I mmxseious art- recognise.1 and their pow.Ts greatly exilarired. The constitutionality and valiility of thrsse ia-s is qnesiiobeit also, and iu actions brought to test tbem pn-liminary-inlunetions have Iwen revivesl by the etbiral term of the supreme court in this depart- meut. restraining lite respc-tive irom even ising any ol the functions or puwers sought to ionterre.1 iits.ii them bv th- si-veral acta in ones- I lion, until the dYci-inn of that court upon their valid- itv ran oUaiiHMl.

And anotlj suit in th- nature ofatriN. -i i.y th--1 i the w. ik-. them from i i tag I of1 the fan iiiD.s or powers ouht to ri- ninii tdcin. Ot th t-I -jtJtn.

And a ar.J puivo1- oi tt.i-t action is to re-tT-iL council and trea- nrcriroiii incor-i inn or paying any of xl and expenses of surh aiid the ouim ii fr-nn ad.iptint; r. oidinance or prtK-diitg authfirising the payment uf any money, or the incurring of any inde i'twdm-M-n accoont ssT any such costs or expenses, all whi. ta they were from dfinj; by the tem-(wrarv injonction which is now sought to be con-tiisued. The answeT to tbi- pnrt of th motion is that the ceii-tiituiiorjaliiy of earn and atl of thejj law. the extent ot tbe iwfii, to Ik- conferred tin it j-iM-ctivuly.

are proir suhiocts for judicial in-. aud determmation. It is hiiilyimpjr Utnt to the city to know at the earliest practicable peri. wbeiher they hae anv anl what forte and ef-fet. To that the city'authorities shall n- hh -r -a' U'-ns again! any ol tbe newly creaul ofieers.

it i mine the validity ol" the laws in (pienrioii, nor dr-Ienti at tit ns brought a-faiust it otiicei d- fttcto if not df jurr. to establish the TalMity of those laws, v- lt practically compel Uu; the eft to lei jii4-meut be tukeu auai.i-it tbv-m bv default, which Wi uld be nniuft. These uuiuersMe? litiga- i' iih ui.kultLly t- i-e re-irett-l. and are likely be pitt.iiu. tiv- of much harm but I can se- no in looming th-- prfeeutit.n or Mf -u' of tbe diffrYnt litigations npon one side, while the other is peimitted to oou immolested.

Soling as the esxy ntinnes to be attacked, it must le accorded the rifihx and privilege of defending itself audi's re -i-iiii-til ofiit und. if need be, ol arry ing tu into Af-iea for that purp.a-.e. And if ihe people of the city an- not aatisned wiih ti ii ehueii repr- nta-ti thy have a remetK I i iH th cir'-nnistaiii. 'S, I think it wo.d-1 an abuse ot judicial to continue thb- iuj unction. The motion for a continuance of the injunction or-dt in IU cat is ther denied aud the same is iii--i lviil.

with flO etists of motion to the defendants. Ordera-cordiiigly. Fi llk, Jii county ju'tge. Mm luster. June 11.

lST2. The readinir waa bailed with rapturous applause. At the close Aid. Kelly rose and desired to offer the thanks of the i.itith ward to Judge Fuller for bU able decision Ld as an Luntt ixan in the face of the city apd the wotld. Aid.

Stern movpd th the wards be ia-clml'd- tarried. Aid. Kogers asked the coaomittee on the new free academy to report a hat had been done, fhere was much talk about the matter outside. Had they made a contract 1 If so, with whom ami for what amount Aid. Craig said they proposed to put up a building worth The final uiduaue for improvement of East avenue then came up and as tbe injunction was now dissolved, the boatd took action for iu adoption- 1 hi tiual ordinance for the improvement of Park avenue eame up.

Al. McConiie.l prefented a petition from tbe tax payers on li tin asking for the rescion ot alt aetion taktn ou th matter. He moved tbi iuoetinite postponeoieut of tbe ordinance. Lost. Ob motion of Wbitmore, postpouod un til next tegular meeting.

Aid (ieriing moved to '-tpone aciiou ou all ordinances until next regular meetiug. Carried. i in motion the board then proceeded to elect a chief aud aseutaot engineers iu place of the present incumbf nts nooc term of oflice has expirsd. Ibt nrst ballot for chief resulted as follows S. Gitoa attt ling 9 A bsjl.ol was then taken for two assistants ou the east side of the nver, with the full owing result J.

C. i Vj 14 Jamea. Maltoloi Jl.bll Kail S. 4 James Mab-otm waa dev tared eh in, ana a bahot waa taken for tbe remaining one, as l-d-tea John 14 I 1 UiaUollV 13 No cbotce, as a maionty of the whole board is needed for eic ttoa. It was Uted over aj.aiu with tho foilowiug result.

O. Kane 17 J. C. 9 'I ao ri.v'XaUir for the wtaal ante ot tne river weie then balloted for, and Samuel IJvmish, re i 1 1 it rule votea was declared elected. A i.i!Oi''r of ballots acre taken without an vt'tiu, le contet-t iug btfllwcea al and Sotdemit'a.

The bosrd tiaally alj uretwt without ehoioe. lb- ballotung various alder-oea showed ibt ait by ca iting vetea for vartoua com-utr-H-ner oa every eceraasao- Tney seem to eot-eiutr it a pretty er- iusult lo a inau tj a- the. i iliragea lor him Tbe mroUa taken ail ia all, a a an rxtrtinely lively on. A'tt the handing in of JaJge Fuller's the Uaeutoera of the ix buiaterous iu tbeir exuiiation. 'litir joy eonid not br relrained wtiaita par Iu jfUUi iaouuoB, and pr wit-ni had to l.

ct'ial joaii rap pi sag with -i'sgveifor or drr. AcJttrtcd uUl Thursday at 10 o'cla -V io mbeu a aiattioe for lh? elee'ion cf it retort Ur tlw Ueaft Vniiey ro.d sra9 (tail Ai zst aKeruxu L- -r-i- en pU.yed bj, SttattoD on KxeUaagv i i wagon. wa tbrwu Em tbe ix-r ftaiug btwlge, and sx pvrteW that be bad to hi: takes io in ILLUSTRATE CHRISTIAN WEEKL is sow orritKn to rw n-r 1 BiOWTHtl. tat to Jan 03TjE3 DOXjIiAU. Xuw 1 ik ttata to mbaeriha at 75 SSaftJ srfff O.D.ajOv Ladles' FreDrh Kit! Bntto Ladies' Serge Button Boot.

Latliea- Kid Metropclitac Ladie' Hi Saratoga Tis fadies" Kii Lnnisa Kel'ogtr's Ladus' Kid SJifw. Ladi's' Serg Croqaet Boots and Shoa; rta-- iXUla A i. a IE laFsL JSl. 17 5 4 State street, VACUUM OIL Ct 3fo.

2 Main street 1 i Vacuam Oil Blacking fir Err- Hitirif tt aolTrS as OIL STORE Wcotl! keepisianllt on i Bad for WL i-aaSt Heta-'i irstt PI BE t. It LK, KLtvPH IM, I. INfa, IIM-Olll, STR UTS, IVK, nt ii. iii in, Mt.Ml, and Wa racotTtraetid -ar V.Ull HACHJLN1 Oa' as's Fnrwft-ioT LnMlrErifj O'l. Al-a.

I -i-thtr Be ia KcXmXl priro oplu fMjr W-aJ-o 3iate a High Test Kerosene STMcl; warrant pr1 r' taiv ftir tail price prr all at o. 1 tlala utrei 1 If. B. FVI.Hin, f.rfts-y, BOT.laodtf-:si AMI'S EM rs. Vtmrw iioi -i- THOMAS CAtlK Brsisasa a.a.ot TH IllUltf THII Six slits situ 1 1 u.i' of ta- t. i'i u.d!as. WaKO, Misted ha lhar aj i( Jouas art st. Mis TI.NITTA MuNTAiiCs etaalaiy Iterate. June tOth. Ard antil lurtber BOllfli em be preteatadlLr Itr anx THE WIMM.

II tNO; or, Th of Death. at. Ward in ill wltu rarl-'r an IXaorea fahla rionirsi Miss Wirtatf Man's- Cbolfe steals can he secured Wi.lts a. fa. Block.

Industrial School. A SIKAWBKltliV FIsTIVAL- Al A ian Malt, Malay June 1 UN. Tlckrts tr, eenis. ihe Jexdsd'.ii The Coliseum, omrr rtl. nnliL'nn nnl Alii wili aa pot Caaveerta, Lniufrv Kshihittt4na aVf.

ly to C. K. tnlSU. jvMd'f So lb v'iiLtoQ treu CORINTHIAN HALL, Oirtw lr, 1 To Lf for Lt cTuits. C'lacfrts.

0j tru- MJaPIi 11 II.DFII, Proprietor. KIl-HAHii Fc-t-M Me Is-f a CARPETINGS yyi: r.a dailt kfciiviso BeivaJ llion i Hody Tapeslr) Bras.ela, J-I'lya, I as. aia Venellnna, llenipa, ll Uatlia, traaie, hue A kxeek tatllnzt SI a I a. Knits, aV a jar. nxvi i uk LARGEST AND BEST ASSOflTMEX; To txc tbe StejSe, anj at tSs x-ow i paioaa.

HOWE Sc ROGER- a it rut. Bttal dXIBX PUEE W'AITE LEA!) The Best Wliitc Bodv Finenebiv Wliiti8a IV In thle mar tt. la maacsactarvd THE CORNELL LEAD BU Aia aeaDaed aa fr 1 IIAAia. MAIasA.j 111 Sa. OA aE3 n.

X3 Thslurarll Wall tteiy ounce 01 sda.xerslii'O reseat la any a- by dealer, asacraily. aptidSUt. -H Silver Platingr. XT i MATH. Smiths A- alaserlt ttoa it T.ble wars aa.J M.ati.attxatsa.

tb I'laxitx- a aeiaalty All Work, t.aiarameeai. tr Ic I o. aa. JJOA1TD. UENtlF.MA AS.HHI8 wiFt aaa anvti 1, 1.

inralsaed ro- 0 ard Ktant.lai a lias I eaxt se 1 a a fate stna.a pTstt lsaasa Blin wuols or aarrtai nC(UlHS' HiVIV.s Bl.k. I aaat BaehatBBe aireet, Keekeaue, D. I ts dat. of da. six, to the Bast day ol tae aotk la which itv wtt Lrs.a P.

rituhl rreati. at AOHS fc KssclikSTta. kBBMextt I aia UI u. a. OSCOCO A FARLEY, DaS-Vl-ERSS 11 RE tUIAaMa, mi sums, sa.l Biaarax.

JJfca Atrosana aa. alkl-t PLUIYIBING. If TOT 0HI aaaable rata, J. WILSON 30 nest to Hm smb CAN DO IT. aay ah kind, of dobhtsg pros pt If V'ta If 1 State etreet.

oi ine we wi.i orr oar eEnre stork of sires ffwals, shawU, VC. at n-dneed price, a view of edectmg a genrrl c'oetes: cot during tco eoo. Customers will find trg3ici in ery depwrtrrent tbro'iffhoat. and wtf wonM solicit an insprction of oar ger. eral stew an i raw -s.

A. swMst i StAt. SUte and Sfiil street. MiTi UKMJk t-- logU. Pt Er Fl avfjj.s at MiP-1 -li at r- -t.

T. II. Dnt will lectnro in Chriatadelpbfaa ball, Palaiei's blo on Tiisr aal Wednen- i day evenings c4 this week. Subject: 'Tlje i Kcvelatioo ol Ielty Contained the Bible vs. Mtl, rtt Spimuafcem.

Tiis i)u'li-- irv mvit4. sVats Jrc' and no eolb ctitm. jellad MfJUARD Ft vi ews take noa.e that I have bad my tables altered to tbe popular eise five by ten, carutus and they are now open i to the vublic with uew ba'la, et have for sale a ball pwd set implete; ls a good eaie. H-ihanl, fffteen cents. l-aw-rcacc jellxd i.nrke, Kii i.tiobs, Hotie S.

Co. ive jtii opened a large invoice of rich mnnming gcssN iu bla bemani, black llorent-iie, i lark byztn-tine, black all-wool grenadines, black silk and wool grnadiDPS, black Engli-h Kngltsb bostibaines, bl.ick extra fine cashmere, black lusterbss alpacas, black tb.bct shawls, black erape black deep bau-lker-ch ets, wiih miny new and rich goods for light saenrt-irg. at the lowest maiket price-, at 3 and 07 Slain street. jell td Tin' tf L. I' -ti: it mi v.

BL'. highly recommended for familv HSt Go is Host. We are uaily making large sabs of ttoa and toffees deliverable after July 1st, baviajc a large stock nuTchaed bet iro the late aOvance. We are prepared to exhibit fresh samples of tbe different grades and take orders for prompt Oelivt ry, as we intend to -hip these goods in bonded ears. Our prices are uciform- iv as low as New Yotk or lVsiou markets, and we invite the attention 0f the city and ex-Mintry trade to our large stock and tine as-octin Mit.

O. C. Bnetl Ce 36 and fcxebaoge street, jtM'ed laEALEK-S. OtlB ll.ijdrStl sail llltv b'xas clioica far torv eh-atr, tuclatiiog tlie cclabraTati Cxxwlt svtlie Ixt-auil. 100 ti.

rrs eboice caovarw-il itriisl leaf aud sUouldcr. I9 Usuaai uf ti "I A lard. 100 kp ami tne-- stair lard. 100 of Kattitaak, 1'tck Ct. mined lard.

-IO bxrre' of Monroe aoatv pork. Id store ana biw receiving, bow offered to the trade et radnrred pricaxa. G. Bixell A 36 ard Kicliane street. MARRIED.

HTANTxtN HOl-M In Clavelsntl. Tt ursrtaa, l. wn, hi tba Her. W. H.

Ooodrlc-h, u. Wluiam P. rstat.toD aail ElUabe'th C. Holm. BrRFR-BOWXKT- At 1U retldance nt tha brltla's tal Avon, -luaa 1872, lit- Rt--.

A. 8. Ilnnsfortt A. M. Boiler of lioeaesltr.

N'. and Mm Hallle Bowltv. KIlsO-DAVI-ln llilarltv. Jane bv the Rev. J.

bbaw. D. 8. Kixxat, of tblacxir, BBal Lotc Itatia, of fcpeucerport. DIED.

PHH-LIPS-ln Henrrett. on tbe 1'ir tost Helen U. B-, lie of alahlon IX. Phillips, auct only dauaOler of li. late LRu.

Hrlia i. af' 1 and ccenrbs. taT" Ncrlc eol fsneral hereatar. is THE 6LD AND RtlSPOSSttltE LSARY'S fftfiiM by-hit xtfsd Closifising T-v-s j. nt a rk CantxBj RaUiotMj laepot.

tie mill ortter ef IMall. Ibbow a t-CL'tanx, a. T.I The r.tpniatloa of mis lite house stints lfs rta others to coantenviT oar slat cfcecks, joatuasx at even tne cut of onr bnilduuc, to mislead aad t.nail.iu tbe puplic No connection with anytimtlar eaiasunonieni. 1 have ao sa-aots ta ttas country. can do your business directly villi ma, st the tame ex-p.

use a throosb an ag-tnt Crape, Kroaxfca l.aat.mere a-. .1 1 .1.1 ai unit all clore't silt, rtnos cleansed without injury to the colon. Also ladla' i t-, i taarrx-nr. cieansea or eoioreax wlth.iut rtppuxal, acd pressed nicely. Also, Kaa.i.srs and Kid Gloves cleansed or dy-d.

Bilk, Wcoi ot Cottoa eH'Ods ol every dear ptaianyei axl colors, and nntr.ea with and or. very resaonable rm. dyed Btaca every Taexdayrfcues lay n-t Friday All nocasreturLe It. or.e wsoa. Ixoods recaltadaad rtmmcd by i -esa D.

leaky, slUl ttrcst, eoraar Plstt street, oebeater. V.Y. ssttsVaSaoaT THEBAUD FBEM II STEAM CLEANIN9 AMD DYEIK3 ESTABLJ3HM M-Hf. JKANCH OFFICIS: No. -I CtetB-sl Kot Lt N.

V. NO. (ft l'UyM-KCT bt-, CLf TIL kN'D, O. WoikSi ij Sooth DIvUlou Rot' talo, N. V.

Tbe LuricrM ami Mix: OoaMfJool Clean'iia aad Uynia lit tte "tK. Made- np Ur-in. ine. V'lrrtv, JrwU. fils Lai rs.

4 1., ft ia a maoaer ti oeiiU' Co ata Pautf aod vi bv a nw pro fees. uhoui rio-iBif. Tl.e best iia- in thv rtty iu have Koeds ltesi.d or Dyed, pron pt.y atleuited to. r. I yisdey F.

J. ASViSDEN, Banker, XDIll fttWtltS' BANK. llKAJ-KBlM GOLD A G0VEKXMENT SECCRITIES nrsflt en all Hart, of En rope. WKAT WE KNOW OF F.MIN8, fiareClALLT LAWN ali I a Tirii wh-i u.v- atM tue PUjaaT it-iii Lawn fcowrr USA A 4 MITT" HM Biter iti A. bngtit'.

n. tt. B. Ro ttorae IL.waxiii-er. I 1 ntHi.

Hi. am Wtxlt y. J. Barrv. fc oser.

Was. Litre. XSart.D ill -on. CO. Ooodal-, aaaas, A HrnQMir, CI iri (a.iord Beo Ktlae, 11.

st.usn, A a ft M. Boeai er. ito'ttanla Hsn. P. Hobtns Hob.

a. C. Dstlseo, iHi.snd, J. M.ll, I F.Patn. Kowter, I has Hart.

E. C. Upton, la. B. la Milord.

L. A- War. Lett r. ard. JOS.

taatL A. Pls. Bet. A. laxe, F.

Lord. Mcl'unald, Henry i r.uri 11. Arthur 1 or mil, Herbert (fciu-ebtp. Bat at-Bid UiCfcttl. Js.

aaraeat, Van ZaSdt, ol. a t. A Mat S. K. a U.uiinetl.

F. h- Isutand, Coi. Anxtle, J. citleld, BX.lcr. M.

Bi v. t.s Uanfc. 'he. aahn Bower, Mobi. fche-loaa, A.

S. Maun. John Kos Levin. a L.

Bra. lar. Ma nle-oroery. rtetutaarotl. Ut Dean, liocllaatcx Una- UV a Je a in a.

ters If, C. Mt-rrlam. a. lar. J.

Mar aad le, W. i stone, L. B.aer. Bi.cs. tt R.

Clarke, Jc-bu lo.bruw, Bol BSBBBaWfc I Parsoas, ter, "7- FltaOBiiuonw. laar Wl. W. HidiW f.

A. Maomber, i. a Moa. J.rtta Lord, I Kdwar.i Birta Mark Mil and over tS oth- Tbe i -t an tr-t caaaa. Tha aAsakanwaat ib mlia Mv i i ft twStl cult wfc Bra, rat bUb xra-a, cata nt and rt.naa lawaa.

aWaa ao oar. easy a lad ar la- ij eaa aac tt.aadtA ool Lawu Mover vurtb 41714. on trial wv'am a THli 4 AVotlltT. st, fcasaat. T.

ll'loins TO TUE tMAI'K and tr aaptee-vv utllint-f ttOaatr 4 ol itrutg taaxtsiir. trr lea AttBAJtT aavaal lo aay la fl.iM sad oar. fcaBBaa Bets Maralst-txarstav, we eaa eoaihst. who say. I at price, ta BASE BALLS.

Ws kavs a all lis, lacaadlxal eaJaotat VAN HORSX HU.lav iti 11 BaiAD, ATLlSnt', atu STOCK I ad tha lower These oAVr 10 thetrads ax ana a actor rt' Cat aaxpplicd eita all -irxda uf BASE BALL GOODS at low ruco, SCPatANTOM fe WET MORE, 12 8tate street. J. RATCLIFFE, MactUaetnrar, -vrtioltaala Dealer is FISHING TACKLE. 7 a 1 ket strttt. taf-Kepsinng itatly done, oe'May ip WAV.

SHE AR. a- Democrat and Chronicle. 1-V 1 1 Cent WinW 5o 5o1 ton (Vest. rt la, rv tuf. r.

hair I i hp -Inanire ll.rat. Bible- r'ablL I. -Hi lo, lint Bamelt ii 5 W-llia tt-x. Hon, lot Hale-Ho arn' But net a Kooert. r- t- cp -tj-' a AM'I SS -'tl lilt lift it, ftr I'lark Johnston.

So Pleasant atrts.1. 1 tin trine i f's- Less lb- Kast ficueee rive Uk. conference unset at in ptember. 1'ullmact car arc Baton to be ma from Ball 1 lo 1 ttiragu via Suspension llrtdge. Mill 'treat en tTcd N.oday niht and a few pennies weit- stolen Tha Mi'urt counly medical society meet Ui-t iii tlx- itt halt.

Jnt a we jfo to I -e an alarm of In waf ii- i i lorrol i'Utt and Mill atlfat 1 1 icttx-red tba! IZrie raiiwaj rumpt-at baa nitbleitrd the sale ot intAzieating U- eh pi. ii in d-ior on tbeir 1 it. -outii si gtanSad to tbe mj to defray ex'-eriaea incurred in the ap-urupriaaC ubeTace of tbe 4th. Tbia auui ts uri a'tj irti inr that imrpow. Mia Job on, of tha pr prietw of tbe North AinerlL-an hotel, cttroer of Bran and MaV rtreete, attempted, it ia reportM, to tciCHie trntofday ty talctus iaudunutn.

Rwbard Jeskbia of Kiaa died on MooJir J.t. Ilia itluee wiia of brief duration and ha dat a aoeia tu4, i tie fuLeral will take 1 la it H.j-.-st at IJ--K la tbts ttt-on. Laal (Tenios tb OaUihter of J.iepb Stettin imrr, jeara, fall down tbe ataita ia thi Uahuia and Iraetured her abonbier bbade. Tne iujwj ia a oiot ptiorul one, bol the lit Uc e.iff. rer austained it heroically.

In the ceoeral tettn of tbe aupreme court in 1m inj: betd in Buffalo an appheatton to UM'dtiv tion ast'itiitt water w.irks eooinjis-atotiera waatrtl.H-d yesterday allowing the lat-t to a-abe aorve a in fa-t, they are allowed to do ererythir eateept iae boudfl. It wat. an error aav that th Matnn--rrhor wonld ai ila nea and VVtr.itit exroraion yetterdav. I i not till -Iu 8th thai the eieuraion take place. 1 aba itentay.

'J be i at Uoowledjjujt ut that nri ii. i aa a- anybody else may be uiieicfortiied aud dee ieed. A few daya since ix tub tpace a as given up tea atatement ol how tbe rep rt of Ibe Uemocrat and Chronicle araa eived in reference to Abt, and some am i mh wa lartuiced iu enteroriie Ii ia not well to lie hasty, ueibhor, wheu your oa Uahihtj to bluLder ia ao appai-cnt. 1J. annual cnTeation ol the fit ork Stale Sunday choI Teacbere' aaso-c'ation la an be held at Noran 1'io-nano county, i Wvdnet-day.

June at 4 p. m. and roa inue through the tiotu and tilst. Aa ex-chana it irti lug lo the Oct aaioQ "Auur ante have Iw-en received ny the cooa-n 'tit t- that aewral emitifnt Sunday school woiki tsfrom diaVieall pine of Ifcis and other atetea iU be pn sent and parti el pataa. Ine axople of Norwit have made (renerous and au pte provision for th eotsrtaiament of dele-gatca, ai Man mho expect to attend should forward thcal names to T.

D. Miller, Norwich, a aoafl aa tbe l-tth instant, in order to aecure utnlaiuno nt. The ad-i a -i lioad an 1 steati. I lt rompaoiaK will furu'a return tokeUi free to all who att. i ti.

lmci tot km. The between Dan O'famntU and Lad) Allen came ofl yeaterday Ibeie wa but a luat attendance on tbe (rack and not inu. ia the coo-teat, nt tlree straight heat'; tm.e, f. The taiuser took rat at with tbe greatest eaae. I 1 1 1 t.

The iciiing Hand wi' played laat vcutng to a fair house. The favorable iini-reasion already made by Tbe piece anil toe att'ogol Mr. Ward and nor Ifenei1. The play will he re-prt si i tti for the laar time to-night, which tbe ol eebsatiiinal diama will do to rtnn bar. A nv a -I: ATI s.

Yeaterday Sarah Itakrr, ag.rl employed ial'bnrbiir man-ufectory, and leai-lmg ou iiartl -tt atreet, cam.t near laeioj: a nooaly injured by having ber dress eawaes jD some ma'-hinery in the ahop. Her clotbtng a alaaoat torn iroai her body, aud on)) bj bt great st Sort dxl she escape from ItaviiK bar limba broken. Sb wag conrcyed tolit home in a back. 1 Mi.a.risiis. We publish thia morning, lhiMl page, a foil directory of all the, idd Fol'ow- aa.diiood Tempi.

r- lodge aretb r', for tbe guidance ol stranger: also the time and place of toe tir-g of buiidiug-lot and loan aaaoeialiona. Hereafter, oa tbe line y. lo-it ift-ue contaial a notice of swaaV-inga f. that day. tiur readers, or tbe publie which inn's the same thing, will xhai.L Up- lof bo dotug.

BtX BataTI KtKiUt niuliMl. Tlie. anuiver-iv umit the yiHtng imiaarv take p'rte on Thursday evening at the cbapel ti I I'i intetian cbun Tl.e will be under tLc Iracitinal of Mr. I' f'ary. The addiatl is to be delivered by Uev.

H. M. SI, r. 1 oi anon will one of the most luti it nu of iia kind. Tbe pupil eaauot fail to i iitim the excellence of tbe musical aad literary matroctiou ihey have ret.ived.

Ihi Ks isEtaa. inr. uaa utnnracsr 1 Ciibaon, tbe preaeut chief engineer of Ibe bis depHrtment, aa laat night re-elertved, 1 t.t aa no apposition. Mr. Gibson has tie dunes of bi wish great ability, and his prsoeal character is no more a-lmirahle than hia rutesa.onal one.

Tbe iatereaUof fie city ate stile in bis hands. Jamea MaUoiui, John O'Kane and Satum-I Iban-isb wre elected aaaisuot. and are all men well qualified for the positions Thci-e one lemstbing to le ti'lc-i. Tbi sri-T os a l)M The lrirudaol Mrs. Kathsaa at mortified at the con-it.

lion ol ber name with the arret of Mock We air'ed that bi allo--i oi i that other person was a parts to (ha ti inn iu any way. that but a alight arquaiLtauce eaiatod btlween tbe complainant and i he young man-such au arquatnt- aloe aa Was oi.asot.iahie from baanling at Iia. r.inic Ti. we are turlh-ei iulcim.d. tter out of a remark inaerentlv made ly tbe lady in refereuoe to the picture Mock wa ar'liug.

V.trdy at ihe point court, Mock ber, hen ihame against bttn wa niOidrawn. Mrs Kaiiiaway out lately reuiostd to thinity froiu SI la-u and among ber fneuda here are laiui hea ate knew her belore she took up her roai ifcnce iu hUa hesier Iheee agrest augment ng the acrvonl ven bv Mo-k an nocerily oppo- aite to tie Iron, tbeir kao Irvine of ber character -ud diaposiuon. Tna l.atim aatoi I here is tut oia erne btsrm tne Ureolev orfan nod otht-r baitaititsdiee. that alihuugb tbe music of both ta equa i dolaiui, tbo former sort are mBaite Was ia number it as-ems Las; par I haa one of them, lUmi ehw-b the New York Time, say "On Saturday tLe Tribune aunoum .1 iB nbst purjaurtid to be a special from LaM-kport, i thai ibe daily liuao- that city bad 'deserted and had raised tbe DiBiil of Gresiley and Hrovm to the bead ai its ro'iinte A corresp ndent furuabes nuh a krt. ol tbe journal inqjeaUou, wlucn i -i-i for itaeff how far the di-eairaVa of the liitoiae aie lo or tehrd upon I ne I.

a daily Tiu is auh isned by a copperhoad stock voat panj. It was started about eight months gs to drive tbe daily I'uiob, anoibei l. I fa a. I ahtC. t-Ul Ibe tield It has a i.ry, and alill le lullaeuce, tiiii anions mo rats In fact.

It may l.r to In- a lair sample ol tbe 1 iudu-niiV state journals that bare proaounctrd in favoi of Ibe 'p rpetoal nd'data I 1.

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