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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AKD CHRONICLE, TillTKSO A NOVEMBER 21, 1872. XrTEMEXT AT MsCinoi. wzmn SUFFRAGE. To oar Mam Frioiis SUNDAY Feww Tan. Wa nndersfand that ovieg to the urgent ef many partie Yst.s county desiring to obtain his services, Pr.

IJghthill, the well known realist arid attriAt, of thisclty, maybe Scrantom Wet-more-s stock of fine Fancy Goods finely fcound Books for the Holidays is now all in, and they cordially invite Mends and patrons to call inspect the same. No. 12 State-St. v. m-Vi a tr a fterV Depository.

AMEBICAN TRACT Z001LTJ, Jt.V 1UK NEW Sunday Srhcol XIocL On baad sad hint salty reetrtv at jSJo. "73 StatOHU'oot. D.I.UIrttCNOU.ft.'t. Buy OnlyHio IHK CKI.KBBTi:i WILEY'S Th ar knivT throachant t'wt rati 4t Oniara rM5lTvl l)y fto-n a I part ut i. uim.

A.LU1 i mi if r. it I'- Me" A3 Tbe Water Qwm'Iov. ZZ1 An enr city Is bow being agitated by variona prcjec'a for t'rti procurement of water, we quote from recent exchangee with regard to mots-ments elfewbere. Say tbe Albany time: Jtn one tiling cn lie more itoiioilAiit to ffiif cftm-ntntiitv tl'AO a lull ennioj of irirf ater. It is to health, I a'l a-rati'm nflit.

In mriny il rt-tiortM to ana bfre by anliiunted and oltl fjeatiioai1 pfortte. It inn lance, tht r-frf esnnot in- ovt-rettu-Ti tted. Wben the cllv of lietitoit rmM tn eapo'y i'anjf witli ftre watT It rt hctl fnr out tntt the Ttrtut rivi-r whit flow all tke watt-rttof Ihe wtrt-ern Isttft, an it st a ttoititttitn Neond the limit of tbe citv. titittsttqnrnt growth baa broagiit the locality at wbieb the water is takon from the river bel.w a eonaitierahle portion of the Tnonsh the pipe thromrh which it in dmwn ruw far out into thpslrrura beyond any of fiilh from the horft, ami ttittre it no of the pontt ot the anpplv bein? affected by it. yet the Ojuimiiiooetrti are now Inn tcetinn ot rcrnonnz the point for seenring the water enpplv a comtideraWe tiiatanre farther op tlw Mrewut, ard tihtainins ft from Lake St.

Clair. II is ertiiwsnd Uist it will coat the city aiwoo lo mke tht- rhfU)-i. but then the people will have pnre aud ti n- water, cool ami fntth from tbe bottom af tlrf. 1'ke. nml the proitottion for a chsnire it eonse qntotlv itoiHilarwIth tbe people.

They would ra-t htr ttif tatm Bfweti to secure tuch a result than tlrtnk iniptire and unwholesome water. In the i itv of Alltany the people have been drink-i2 wster, we oo not know tor how many yearn, that in not nejrntivety hud, but haa been shown to be posititHy ftttliv and so fur as we ran lern, have done nolieeaoMt of I he obinctioH mited to the ooat- Ol proctii iiig a bt tter and purer ani.ply. It is even alleged thitt a chalitte so desiTwSio eonld bave ben rneiimirnoly sertired by the exiendirnre of lots tloin and yet the out vm in the way. aotl be people kept on tinietly drinking tbe drnitiiiigs from cattle yards and oot-bonae, bt'ttiiute those bavins the most itirluenee in rnteh matters object! to ho ciet neeee-tary toolttaio a better Wjjter supply. carniot atttnire sneb a policy, or swallow, "without crimace.

its results. Albany has the cayiitnl and ehotiM have the enterprise e-seittinl to pnpolying ita peeple with an abundance of pnre and whtlesotne. water. It is matter that demands more attention than wci-ds it needs action. The New York Commercial Advertiser, onver the centum of the 1'ieaent I'oitl of Xew The etirreHpomlerice wltii-h hat psttsed httveu Men.

ShaJer and jhuiriiieur with regard tti Hie nee ot sea wat4T for eirticiiritishiiig tires, it aina-larlv and forelMv illuBrrittetl by the rosnlts of ve. PRICE LIST. I'fM SI a il Bafcrwrk Fire Fwltier-li Trials and its TrlBBtitsi. This isnot the first time the attention of oar cilire ns has lieen ealled to that pirtalt'e apour- attis for pnlt'ng cnt fnT-s, known a the Bb- cock Fire evtiognisher. Altbongh this tnaohirw is comparatively new, it usefulness has more tnsn ooee been demonstrated.

Wecaq eall a few instance where incipient fires which, if allowed Ibe time which ts ngaally necessary for engines to get in operation, would have destroyed much valuable property, bat which were extinguished by the Babcovk machine with insignificant loss. Work of this kind haa been done by the Protective, aa organization which canies the extinguisher to every fire. In many of the larger buildings in tki city, these et-tingnisbersare already nsed, and wo understand that they have, on mora than one occasion been found of great service in ooe of onr leading hotel. Of coorse it is net clfcimcd that this machine will be of material fl.ct In a raging conflagrattoa snch as visited Chicago or Boston, bat it is claimed, and with a good deal of reason, we think, that the nee of this little giant at an early stage of either of those devastating firee might have saved millions of dollars. But without going at length Into the what n.ight have areas, we turn our attention to the notice of an experiment made withjthe Ball-cock fire extinguisher on Falls field yesterday afternoon.

Twelve tar barrels and ive oil barrels were procured and placed npon each other, three tier high. The heads were knocked out and slaving were thrown inside of each barrel. Kerosene oil wa then poured over the barrele and on to the shavings, ard tbe whole became sd exceedingly inuammatile mass. The fire was lighted in several places aud in a wonderfully brief time a hot fire waa raging. The body of Same rose several feet high, aad ita suppression to the observer would seem almost an impossibility.

A et id wind was blowing at the time which largely increased the fnry ef the tire. When every barrel was in a lair way of being destroyed in a few minutes, the Baboock machine waa brot'ght forward by the agent and with a emsll stream of fluid that looked like soda water, tfeiiiitg from "a tube not a quarter of an inch ia diameter, he suppressed the fire in lees than a minuter, and reudeied every burning ember a mere piece of charcoal within three minutes. Tbe experiment was a sueoeas and it was witnessed by several of onr largest property holders, underwriters, and insurance agents, who, although the day was bitterly cold, felt eofficicnt interest in the trial to vieit tho locality where it took place. Tke fiie was again started and with the same result. Tbe test was a good one aud it gave entire satisfaction as to the value of the machine.

All tbe ingredients necessary for this machine besides the. water, are coutsined a small sylisdcr, and by simply lifting a rod ttiey are emptied into the water and the gas is evolved. The contents of the cylinder never aud it is always ready lor use. Twenty-five hundred fires, which would In all probability hsve destroyed- --0, 000, 0H) of Drop-city, hare beea suppressed by these machines since they came into use. An engine enpplied with thlssame fluid 13 aW mauufactuied by this company.

Its dimensions are such as to allow it to be drawn by two or three men. It is furnished with haif-ieeh hose, 100 feet of which can be cirried on a man's arm up landers or stairways No time is lost in mating steam, and, as it is well known, the first five mir.ntes In many fires are the most important. Engines of this character are now in tise in Chicago, Cincinnati aad other large cities. If tboy prove useful agents one city they must suiely be equally nscftil in every oity. They are Bold for and $3,009, according to sice.

The extinguisher which was used yesterday with six sets of chemicals is sold for sixty dollars. The usefulness and even necessity of one of the Bibcock extinguishers for every public building, every hotel and iufact piivate dwelling can scarcely be denied, and these who have any property likely to he destroyed by fire will not, we believe, if they examine tbe machine, fail to bny oae. COURT K.cuai. For Ike Week Comifiroelna November IS. li7-A.

Mokboc ceuXTT. Court of sessions and county eouit continued, at Rochester, by Juds Jerome Fuller. "Watsk covntt. Circuit court, oyer and terminer and special term ot lbs supreme court for ex paits motions, at Lyons, by Justice IS. Darwin Smith.

Yats Countv. Cireait court, oyer and terminer and special term of the snprema eourt for ex parts motions, at Penn Yan, by Juatice C. C. Dwiitltt Skjieca colixtt. Sesaiona and county court, on the 19th, at Ovid, by Judgs Wilcoaui.

Catuoa coustv. nited States district eourt at Auburn, on the ICth. by Iinlin Hail. Co rt of Seaaiona. Judge Jerome Fuller and Associate Justices Sucrry and Hart, Presiding.

Kocbissteb. Nov. 90. Vtitnher It On trinl. The ctmi aiijourned milil this uiorniu; at 9': o'clock.

Caurt of Appeals. Present IIou. Sauford K. Church, chief juattcs Justices Allen, Uravee, Peckham, Folder, Andrews and Eapailo. Albanv, Nov.

19. ltOT.OS. On motion of Samuel Baud, the certificatoof M. K. Mattison ordered to bo filed nune pro tune.

Stephen Knowltoa. reapt, agt Henry Fitch and an other, applta. On motion, no one appearing to oppose, it is ordered that this cause be tranforred from tbe commission to this court. Isaiah T. Williams, reapt, agt John Anderson, applt.

On motioB, no one appearing to oppose, appeal dismissed with costs. APPEALS FSOM OBltERS. In the matter of tbe application of the commis sioners of Central park. Argued. In the matter of the petition of William B.

Ajetor to vacate an assessment. Argued. CALFKD1E. Vnmher 482 Francis Voe, applt, at The Florida railroad company el al, reapts. Cause on argument.

Albanv, Kov. 20. The following is the day calendar ths court of appeals foe Thursday. November zlst ambers -i53, 393, 407, 4t 20, 414, lis. jih.

Police Cawrt Bryan. P. J. BaCHKSTKA, Vov. SO.

Lewis Prentice asaanlting bi wife. Sixty days M. O. P. Sarah Baird diMrdeiir conduct ia tha atreat.

Discharged. James Bsya drunk. An ahl man apwards ef seventy years ot ae. Stsit to tue pjor house. Alexander W.

MaUoi drunk. Ton dollars or sixty days. Lewia H. Freeman drunk. Discharged.

Charles Seller aud John Walker disorderly. Thv were caught ia ringing door beUs.CDWehargeti slu a severe reprimand. Archibald 8. Banker of Avon was arrested by De tective Dresser on a warrant awora out by Sauiaal N. fiothoot, cbargins; hira with obtaining 100 buah- ela of barley, valued at $360.

under false preterites, oa the 1th day of November, ltf79, at Roehestta, Waived examination and gave bail lo the next oyer and terminer. Gtxtrge arrested fat asiag 6 flee dollars lor bia own bent-lit whkh had been platted In hia baiieia lor aafs kaeping. by one Joha Cottar. WlS BITS IHK LABuESI AND CHSAPESI STe. If you want Fera of any kind, Misk, Mahtis, Lvsx.

8ase, biMi. sum, taaiss or Astbach am Furs, the largest, cheapest and best stock to be foond in tho city Is at Smith' Mammoth Dry Goodand Fori Uouae, Mam street. Uoalerr. tilevo aad Department. Burke.

FitzSiosons. Hone dc Co. mke thia departmeat cue of the most Important in their house, and endeavor to keep the largess, cholceat and heat assortment in Western New Yerk. Ia it can always be found full lines regular-made English, French aim cerium goods, at the lowest prices. 53, So and maia street.

SiKPiHs. Jnatreoeited at Goodwin dt Kin ney's repository. North Fitshugh street, a fine aad large assortment of easttrn aieio not fad to see them before you pureaaae. bsm Nw teas aud cot rat jast purchased, which we offer to the trad at aateoiebing low imcts. rtn UA kdeM nt.

N. Wa Zaadt Co. BoJOdhd Toe createst vatietv of overooat and winter clothing in the city at Storm Farataa's eae rwo store. Stoekinett for nadvrwear nt A. Eddy Co.

31 Main street bridge. -Tkw wes." W. W. BiisiAB: 1 have used one of the Weed famUy fa tattle pew tag machine long eaoaga to give it a fair tHJ nearly four year. 1 have trade over three thousand pair Bants, besiaes dainc Bjv family aewtsg with the maeaino, rua- aipg eenatatttly daring the four yeStrs, aaa It na coat mo but lust ess WWr tor repairs.

1 have naed the Hows, -Ktaa aad Singvr, bat tW Weed is lust the lisog, nod I woa'd use a Ae. Mba C. Lis, 3 Ktitios Uothtm'M, S. SaUeioaaM tlftei, iltKarr. OS-" Tke mm Bedtea aaatl la iVe Caaal.

YtetenJsy morning tbe viHtge of Mat-edou" was thrown into no ate excitement bv th? report ade by a liottn an that the bedy of a man was floating in the canal below thenpper lock there. I1 rue of the rrtrtdetita of the plat went down and bronght tbe rr.rne to the bank. There waa little or no elothiti on tbe body, which was tint el a arun ia mifSdle aee. One taod was badly crushed and tbe body considerably bruised. It had clearly been ia the water for no' tiute.

honn after the finding of tbisbod.r, it wai lesroed that, a horse aad buggy went in the canal below tbe white bridge on the I'almyra read, and the anthoi itifa tbinkiog from this cirenme lance that tbe occupant of tbe vehicle bad probably been d.wwnod. caused tbe water to be drawn from the abort level. A aecoad body waa then found. From pspcrs fonnd ia the pockets, it waa aecn that the name of deceased was John Kafseter who lived north of Maccdon or nter in the towa of Walworth on a part of the Moore farm. It apaea.

kewas going home from Palmyra dmiag the night and drove into tbe canal, tbe read leading along the towa-path. A bottle of whisky found on his person may have hod something to do with tbe accident. The corpse first found was not identified. Tbe above facts are fur-nial fed by a correspondent Liberal Cbrtatlaa Cwnfrrrace. The firet regular meeting of tins conference took place yesterday in tbe Vuitarian Cbaal.

Various questioLi ef general iaportanoe were ui-t vseed. Among tbe numerous able addresses that were given, that of Eev. Mr. Kennedy wae particularly excellent. In the evening a by Kf v.

II. N. ISrowii. of Uion. i Mr.

Brow a took for bis text the w.trds ia Slafthew xvii, 20 Verily I say nntoj yon, if j-e hitve fuith as a gTain ef mes'ard seed, ye sratl ULto thjs ntopn'aio remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove and no-tliirg shall be impossible unto joa tlciiiis snake these words on the oc-c-eion of performing a cure apon a htnatic. a bdy itofseesetl of a devil. The parent of this lunatic bad brooght bim to the disciples to cure. Tliey bad endeavored to drive out the devil by means of tbe prescribed exorcisms, acd had failed. The man then coadticted the maniac to Joans who was descending the moun tains, and implored the master to perform the core which the disciples had been unable ts briug about.

Jesns cset out the devil and then turning to the twelve, administered to thecn the elern leliuke which is coutsiced in the text. The preacher bad no doubt that this core was accomplished by a method, more in accordance with mental at laws than thr jturans which are employed by thoite who minister to a mind diseased in our days. Trie fi'iili, the lack of ti hub be cocplaiced of in tho disciples was faith in their own powers. They had triel tocaetout tie evil spiiir, not beiievins that they coald do it, aa though trying experi-rotnte. Years accomplished his wonderful weiksby a complete con6drnce in himself and it is this complete confidence in themselves that he demands of his followers.

Faith ia ore's keif, in the powers, whether of Ood or man, that centre in ore's own being is the clear lesson that riogs out; through art tbe master's The preacher deies not forget that Ctriet baid that be accomplished his works thrciDgh the spirit of the Father; that he said, Tbe Father wbo welleth in me, hedoeth these tbiegs." The Father did dwell in hiia, just as he dwells in ns to day. It is this same Divine spirit that brings about whatevar of good that we may do. Eat the spirit without as can do liothing. We can depend npon it tor nothing without onr own actios. Qod's free, circulating spirit, jast like God's sunshine, pervades the nniveise and caa accomplish many thitgs.

lint in car own improvement the action of our own will is essential. Mankind must be the instrument of its own salvation. Heaven is for all, but with the provision that all follow tie coarse that will bring them there. Heaven is the common goal of all men only so far as ail men work for it. There is ia mankind a strong impulse and natural inclination toward good wfaith must be bi ought oat asid encouraged in orrlcr that all may be brought the right way.

We are not evil from oar birth and prone to wickedness. The world has been taught so long that it wa conceived In sin aad reared in vice and iniquity that it haa been led to forget a part of religion that is, that it beats the seeds of good in itself. When any I ture I evil is possible it is only because human na has been perverted. Our nutural instincts are all for gooel. When we have done wrong it has lieen iu violation of our natural insticcts.

God ie a merciful father who chastens aad cheers his children. He hits long borne with them, and talis to them in a thousand ways to siilijtct themselves to his law, from iiica they so often deviate. The honest attempt to our own way is the course that will best please ihe Father. Tbe state of s'tlf-depeodence is the state that produies self-culture. It is the tpiiit of self-dependence that has brought about all tbe great impiovemcnts that have been wrought ill the human race aud by tho human race, in the world of mind or iu the world of matter.

In the latter part of his dis course, Ki v. Mr. crown spoke ot the advance that tie world has made in the past and of what might yet be done for humauity, both rr orally ar materially. To day is the last meeting of tho conference, wbith will adjourn at noon until next year' mcetirg. Our Mater

To the Editor of the Democrat and Chronicle. Generally at thia time of the year, our citi zen are more alive than usual as to the protection tbry enjoy in case of fixe, and with the late terrible fate of Chicago, and the still more re cent Boston disaster, staring them in tbe face. it is probable that thia year, above all others, they will be keenly alive to the neceestty of making some provision to supply a eufheieacy of water tor lire purpose during the coming winter. There will probably be many acliemre pro posed for this purpose, but I would respectfully ask tbe attention of our city authorities to the following, believing it to be the most easily effected, involving the least expense, and tbe most practical of any expedient that ca he adopted. As is well known, the principal street of onr city are provided with large water pipe laid by the late water works compaay.

These pipea extend through all tbe principal streets of citv, and for quite a nominal tana permission caa be obtained te ue theia through the coming winter. On the weat side of the river some oi the mills ran be reauiiy oniameu to supply aumcieut power lo charge those pipea with water from tbe river, while from the old Genesee mill the same advantages can be gaiaed for the east side of tbe river. It would only be neoetsary pat into each mill so selected, a pump of suffi cient capacity, and to lay pipes therewith. The entire expense attending this plan would be a mere myth, and one that the business por tion of our citizen would sladly aenuieAce in, the advantage afforded by it in conquering fire ia the central porlioa of the eity, sU mid we be visited by aucb a calamity, wonlu be incalculable. That this plea ia feasible no one can doubt, and that it caa be readily and cheeply adcpUd needs but a little investigation on the part of our city aulhetitiea to be con vinced.

The truth is, Mr. Editor, that the principal liusiiteaa mea Of our city are fully agreed on one thing, atd that ta, that while our city father and con mleaioner may dicer and quarrel over many things, this im porta ut matter of pro lec tin agaiust the dread fire fiend must uot be with. Already winter ia npon us. aad unlets something is doaa at onee Rot-neater may at ai.t Buomtait become aj blackened ataaa of mm like Chicago er I ton ton. Wbich of na a adord ill Forewarned ia ftucarmed.

sura, dee. E. le the present state of Ihe litigation between the comscioaionera and the council, the former are the oitiv parties who have tbe authority to adopt each a plaa aa here proposed. We sag gt at the eonnderatisa of tbe above suggestions to the water commissioner. Some temporary expedient like that pointed out might be adopt ed and Breve of importance aa a aaiegaard i case ef fire.

The SJvaterteaa Brothers. Tbe Sarll Brothers will give one oi their dark tires ia which they do more reatarkaese hires tcaa did ever the Iaten porta, ia Conn thiaa Hail, next atoaaay etaaiag. Xot, -Sit. ta wit resting their Biystarioua perforsaaitee the most acute are entirely ata loaa wdateraviee bv wtiat ageney the ttrange thing that they at Ioii oa before loesu are nrwagni aoout Tha traud oueniag of winter style at Fahv St Co. State, thia day te-momw.

abcwid be visited by all who lake an intereat in Wt Tht fir na lot la at irood an ot wuiea (Kit hey wiU eB.r that defy cBpeuUn ttulxd Cttft-tepftttp ties frm FlaBtli Ti. ii, of ih liewrrw! Outwit la. On iriBeifatiena acd e.liiorial artii lea have --tir rrrd tram tuee time ainc election re-sr i the rciistratiiiti and voting of the t-vrs of f'rat dmtrirt of tbe eichth ward. t-ra( of inrfnictenf and willful violation of the law lave hi fa urged a'aumt the insoec-U'i who received the vote of the women. Such high authority aa the Hew Tork World l.ol'la that we (iltnuid bare marked the baUottt, aad there are otbeia bo are of the aatne oain The ballot ia a aef-ret affair.

Whit right bad we then to maik any vote that we tbouM Htf 1 lint one of two way waa open to na Kither to rfuae theai, or, receiving-, depoeit Uieni io the bozea as those of all otker voter. Tbe 1 inn of tbe liiih atete that one of the i-spetton (V. Ii. Hall) protected agaiaatrrg-ieteripg Uie namea or receiving tbe votea ef the wnnirn. That alatotnent ia natrue.

Mr. Ball waa decidedly in favor of registering Uieaamea, aad argnel that we ooa'd not refuge. He alao declared that we would be obliged to receive the Totce, and we were not aware that he had changed bia opinion un. il be pro tinted when the biitlote weie eflered ou eleetioa day. Thia suhifet of won-en voting eeema to have her a made a party matter nmply because the wooni a clio-tt.

to vote ail ere way. So far as we are concerned we acted conscienacioualy without qcurstiufwi.g the opiniona of the voters. And when the I'nioa saja tbat we i.roroedt-d in the matti "drfianlly and ender advice'' they say that which is tint true. And if as the Union further states tbe "Federal election law nnL-8 not only the inspector ii tble for aiy violation of law or duty, but also tLose who atvil or coanptlfti in the matter," it ia at me coiitolation to know that their I'em-ot iatic supervisor of elcctioas wbo argued that the position taken by the womea was correct, and that we could tot refuee to rtrpieter their Lurufs "is in the same boat with tiifmaolvee touttte'vea) and that if uubapitily long torui in rcruie it itefore tbtm, (a tht party will lie a larpe and pleaenut (1) tme. Aatl now St Iveptirr do you not kuiw that whea yoa say they 'Keired tbe Scred "'oiaiiie vtwib the dtrgree of rcckiePHneea, and swoie that tbey were male citirana, that you nittri-d a iaitveamid Or perhaps you are not a are that the word male docs iut appear in cither oaih aduiiiiiatercd to voters wbenchal-lcns df And who it that gave oneof these women to andemuud that bad the voted the Oreeicy ticket he would not bare been prosecuted with tbe other fourteen Aid, Sjlvester, if you are anxious tci dj all in your "power to reodtrr tbt-ir contiititiD bt tter and thereby irake them more happy," why did you insist that each of tltofce women eltonld take both the preuoii-nary and general oalbs, warn you were fully aaro that the ircncral oatti did in no apply totliem Was iLat gcntleiuanly Ur were you drft ndiug the constitution have, cutainly, in all we have done as leWrs and inspectors, perftrmed onr dutie anoniirg to our bf Ht knowledge, and we are dccidi.d;y of the opinion that the warrants fnr our arieat were issued, not eo much otxauja of any fuiipoetd guilt on oar part as from a desire to mike ns trouble.

Thia is evidenced by our bt in unable lo lesru tbe ntmae of the coinplain-aat. Kdwis T. B. W.r;.n Jomes. liubtnafcia-Tbc piarto, with all its possibilities of bar" D.ony, and ail its modern beanty of tone, is bu' in perfect, as must lie the catw with any instru-ini nt wbich represents two dulinct and separate sounds by a single note.

Let tw violins be until in perfect unison, and sharp be played en one and 1 Hit ou the other, at the same lime, and there will lie a perceptible discord. An interval, amall indeed, but appreciable exists, which multiplied by the number of toasts In an octave, forms a considerable error, aad the oi.stribution ol this error so that eioh note I shall be in uniae.n with i's octaves, constitutes the art eif the tuner. Tuis fault necessarily per-vedes all inatruuit-iits ot the key-board class, like the piano or orgn. Stringed instruments, wbere tbe pitch of the sounds is regalntea by a the fioaer, which cau be so made as to vary Hie pitch slightly, are susceptible of being always played in perfect tuna, and are thus always perfectly reliable, in spite of tha stretching of the strings, for which allowance is always uaude by the sUilllul player. Imperfect, however, as is the pianoforte, its capability of expression, and its adaptability to so utany vaiietica oi style, bave reuderod it ona of Ibe most

of bootebold instruments, aLtl the improvements of the laet thirty years hut left little te be added. Tbe great sonata of Morart, IteelLoven, Hummel and others of, were writtn for irstruments of fr inferior power and compass, aud those uiaiters kne nothing of the v. eilect produoa- blc by artists of the r. st-ut. day, or of the won- dci ful power and beau ty ef the tnslruaicnt it- lf- The four great of the pist thirty years havti been L'szt, Chopin, Tlialtter and KuLiustt-in.

t'hopm and Tbalhei are deal, and iJtxt i ite lated from the roubical woihl in monastery. Hubioatein alone lives in a a 1 sense. The piano, nnsittiifactory as it is aa a concert instrument, is yet the instrument trout which those artiste protluccd the brilltant fl'cla which hnvo rendi red their nuaiee fa miliar to sul, and for whiuh some el the best miiric in the world has been written. In addition to those we have named, we remember with pleasure a host of lesser light Jaell, DeMayer, Gottschalk and others whose names oar reader will readily re' all, but amoLg them Kubenstem stands like a giant even aiong Titan, and, taking all tbiegs together, the greatest pianist the world ever beard. Ol rare nataral talent, improved by constant study aad unwearied practice, he bnaaa to bia natural gifte and acquired skill he aoul etfa gtcat artist, and a wonderful lumiliarity with the works of the great tone- aiaatets.

Those who heard Liszt, Thaluerg and Dekleyrr in their beat days, cay that be adds to the wonderful mechanical power of Lit, atd tbe faxes fot rt of OeMejer, all the grace and elegance of I nalberg, nia evu uiusioal genjua tervading and eolorlug the whole, and rendering his playiug aa nearly perfection as ean he bored fur on an instrument ef limited powers. He is said to be of reserved and quiet manners, hut on sitting down lo the piano he seems te be come part and parcel of the instrument, to rid) triumphantly with crashing chords, to fill the air with thundeigost aud atorm, or at will to atill the strife and float us on the calm ef an Andante or peaceful OiHlaMe Lizt haa never be-n in Ametica, bat denbt- letas many of oar te tiers have beard aud leMeyer, by fur tbe two greatest pianists who bave visited ns, aad wilt bo able by com- pari son to judge of the great Uassiaa. Tho arees of the day apeak of him as having more than fulfilled expectation in musical power and exoreeetea. and aa eeiuz aos ouiy a iruuuui interpreter of the grettst piano forte muwri, but one whose owe works have a aiajaiar aud veiled beauty. We will only add that the concert to he given Hrurday eveniag ia attrae-tttig the great- tntrteel in luuriiaJ here, lit fcale of ft ata hgaa ytatcrtlay at leo aad is pitiicetsug rapidly.

Tke t-raaa Traak ttailtrar. The gunge ot the Grand Truak railway, be ta ee a Bt-Balo and birnia, baa ju't oeea ubanet-d, and the track is now four fecit eiat nd oiie h'fiu. bt in width, nntforin wuh.tue New lork CcBUal, Xluhiaa Central and the other connection of the read. The Ba9io t'etaiB-creia), referring la the itt'portauoe of the alteration, aays; It will uodoabtedly prove ol great advantage, not only to the coBupacies coucernetd, but alao to the traveling nubile and shippers of ffcijfb to the Wt I'raotieally it creates a new through, mute, of unorukea gauge, betaeeatue East and West by way of tki city, and without the latervenuea ot ferries os the eeiatpletioa ef tbe international bridge aeraaa the Xtagara river at and the tun eel utd-r or bridge aeroaa the letroit river. The Buffalo bridge will aadoabtedly be finished, next aatuauer, aad the other great work.

will bo unshed to eoraatetion wivhoet delay. The Grand Trunk suaaaan have incurred thevaat expense involved ia thia change of gauge, with the expectation of securing a large uortiaa ef the througa tragus irauio fcto. Their local Ude ought to be greatly ia- Haedbv th.s apleadid piece of enterpna. ftr merchant and manutacturer ahoatd n- araae the new route, which will certainly op tl tir advantage. The freight between BuBai aatl the WoU, the Grand Trank i ant.

ka taken ia ear which rau through to tleatineUoH wioat the BeceM tJ for at once iosurieg iu ftwi ewaduiea and despatch. Tha local agt h-a nl a tan alar the aaippora of froMsht front ttafiaie to tbe Wat, esaarius thea that eor aliPHt deaerve their ratronage ana utinssBeaslij urtrtlhrtc Raffia. MM 18 tl thouca rvuto runary ens ttctreiallj fatify that osifaCr- i.i....i;ii tbtt eeaii-any Mt WLctz cale with their taste atilU poict eonsulted for a few day at the Benfaam house. Pefin Ysn. We eongratnlate the afflicted ia Tates county ia being able to secure the aid ef so eminent a practitioner in this department ef tbe medical science.

Eve, ear and throat disease and catarrh are exclusively treated by Dr. Ltgbtbill. Ewinx, Wle eV Falter Has Jtiet received. a line of Paislrt Smawiji, the best bargains ever shewn in this city. Please examine, 69 Main street.

Beat Dollar Tern In Rochester at Curtis At Brewster's, No 99 Buffalo street, opposite Court house. aalfilFjyair For perfect fitting shirts leave your measure with A. Eddy A. SI Mala street bridge, and ton will be sute to get them. CTxcistrATi, cv.

Mth, ItTi Tn 4- Brttt, Aqrnit Amazon nswrance Company, tlochrtlrr, Ji. Y. Losses in recent lire in Boston will not exceed (Signed) 11 D. West, 8eeretry. Assets cf the company over $800,000.

A Jewel. Sosodont pnrifies, Sozodont beautifies, Sozodot-t gratifies all who use it. Sold by druggists and perfamers. die Notwitbatautling the great advance on woolen goods since the fire in Boston, A St. Eddy At.

Co. 31 Main street bridge, still eontmus te sail wrappers and drawers as low as ever. You can litid nice stylijh suits and cape overcoats for boys at Storms Furmaa's one price store. For the Fasbten. If you want a fashionable and well-fi tin? garnenf, goto Garsok's one price house, It aud 1C Budalo street.

Eostok fibe Our Boston house was burnt; nothing saved. Kocheeter branch still lives. At the same tis.e we earnestly reetuest our cus tomers to make immediate wavioeat for ac counts, and thus help us alesg. Erring, WUe Fuller, C3 Main stteet. nol'JIid Winter Mitts Carrie L.

Menter will exhibit her winter styles of hats and bonnets Thursday, November 21st. Ladies are cordially invited to attend. over.3 Main street. nol9ud For Bora. AYe would call the atteutiou of the public to G-KiKiS's stock of boys' clothing they are both neat And tasty.

A. Eddy Ac 31 Main street bridge aro selling tbe best cloth gloves at 7o. and $1 OJ to be found in Kc theater. Fice overcoats, boys' overcoats, heavy over coats, light overcoats, brown overcoats, extra large overcoats, all kinds of overcoats cheap at Htorsss At Furmsn's one price store. JCttT OPESED TO-DAT.

Fifty dcZ'U tWO- button kid gloves, at eighty five oents. EwiDjr, Wise dt Fuller, Mam street. Overcoats. Fine beaver overcoats at Gaesons' as good as custom work, for bail what ordered work costs. To Onr Patrons.

With increased facilities for supplying the wants of buyers, we invite an inspectiou of our stock, wbich embraces everything in our line, comprising domestics, cloths, cassimeres, dress goods, linens, housekeeping goods generally, hosiery and gloves, fancy goods, Yankee notions, Aro. All goods sold at the lowest New York quotations. Our favorable oonnecuon with manufacturers and European houses enables ns to compete successfully with any jobbing kouse in the country. Wi.h a careful attention to orders, combined with the lowest possible prices, we hope to gam your confidence and patronage. Y'ours truly.

A. Brrsxak Si Sox, 36 State stisot. A.M. Eddy Co ,31 Main street bridge, war rants their hirts te fit aud give perfect sat -iifacU m. Try tbeai.

Talmas. This most convenient, and dura ble garment can be found in all shades and grades at Garsoss' one price clothing house, 14 and 16 Buffalo street. Fob. sai.b Two house and lots, oaeh honse containing seven rooms, and each Ijt forty fo-1 ide by 18u feet deep. One house ts situated on Uaitlett street, near KcynoM, ana the other Clifford street, near bt.

Paul. T. rms very easy. Also a eijlendid front room ts let over our store, 4 State street. Inquire, of S.

Rosenblatt, 40 and 4'-i Mate street. l'nseraton given immediately. nolllaw Misa Backus will receive tbe ladies at ber rooms over number 40 S'ate street, Wednesday, November 20th, wueieTshe will exhibit her French bonnets, mnud hats, Scb. Lsdis are invited to call. nolOew The Only Oae.

The only wholesale manufacturing clothing home in the city that seiia goods at retail is Gabs.s' cue price, at 14 16 Butftlo street. We are selling fine seamless Btitish socks for 25c. A.M. Eddy Ac 31 Main stteet bridge. BtrnjintG matkkial.

There is nothing iu the way of stone trimmings for buildings that tbe Frear stone company do not make. The ornamental window caps are not excelled either in durability or beauty by any other material. Tbe company are just completing an elegant fence for one of the most beautiful residences in the city. Tbe plana were drawn by A. J.

Warner. Horpk BiAMtKrs are needed at this season of be year as mnch or more than in the winter and may be tonn together with a fine assortment of lap lobes, horse-brushes, whips. etc, at A. V. Smith's harness, trunk, traveling-bag and satchel store, 66 State street.

A. M. Eddy At Co, 31 Main street bridge, have jnst received a nice line of Cetdtgan jackets and axe selling them at very low price. PiCTTjeg frames. We are patting in more help and hope to be able to supply the demand for our new styles of picture franiea.

The general venlict ia that they are uperior to any in the market. C. W. Woodward, I-o State treet. Eochestbb bracket woRK.9.

We are bringing out several new styles of brackt ts aud wall-pockets for the holiday trade, mnch superior in design and finish to any heretofore made by us. General show and salesreoin at Woodward's, i State street. via as belts and a complete assortment of 1 tidies' and gents' satchels, shawl-scrape and raiUcud rua, at A. V. Smith's.

60 State street DIED. Ssrlotte. Sovem'ter 10 Howard. ai.d years ami 3 Biuttt. Ailee A.

ARrlS Oa Weintlv, rOa, ten France t'li--. wife of Jotia Mrtin, sud only tUiinier of Hod. Henry Fts. una ytara. tW Fwserai from her late res dence, Hq.

1 Kins- street, on Ifrtuaj funwea, at i o'clock. BMITH latuuclty. on the tsta jsred Soilth, aa-ad el yt-art. tf Kanersl tervtoet will be taidtf Vt. Hope Chapel.

to-Uv eTuray). at Sii o'clock P. if. Fne'idt wtU aad camturett at Una elevator e-nuace. Powers' Block.

at II o'clock P. M. a N.A.r?SW4B street. itaruick. of caataa-pUoii, ajetd or aM UtOUli.t.

gv- ineral servleet at the bouse, Adteaiist ua-i, on wndsy. at ie o'clock a.m. Tito Old and ResjonBilil3 D. LEAHY'ri STim DYEINS ASO TA BLISII tlKNT. IVo Ii Tardt Iforth ef Sat Far CemtraJ SU- ON WIl-l.

STRkET, Carner PUATT, (Eactx't Kacw. Bocsasrat, W. T.I UE Sl.i TATION OF I'HH DYE HOCSS 8 hot isdeeed other to KMairte oar o-. i.i.. a a puttneas carat, aid vatheatol our to B'tseesd baaLbu tte penile.

Bo with r.y tiBUiax eitilaftis.t. 1 faatne ao ia tka cotatry. ou cut da roar htuBiMS i- It rt" ate, mi the sattt exper; aa Ifcrva. a en Crap, BroctB. ttttamwa -il4 IVriatria, a.1 eotorsa BUais s-t MiiruxM.

etanetd ill out ujtry Xa tls eoUHS. Ait. LJiet' a l-rstt) oolen bans. 't eieastad eolortid witnoot iiiitii a. ssa pittd sieeiy.

A'o, aad oi ety dt ciptiou aysd alt eolora. and aiad aitk oeate-ie? ati dpsAea, oa very ieombJ. lertaa. tiiKt lived Bltt Ty, Vaartday a Fri day. Ad voces rtioraeduipu wk.

ttoodaroow aZuu UHX wrest, eer. street, t.ictj F. tl. AM DEN, Banker, Tj. sit fo utiAUta ia COLD GOVSSNMEST IsSCUSITISS Drafts eat ail Part of atajropa.


we do net fxiectt th.s Invitation with a of jt nnrel.aaea yon msy make JfOW; nt atsn-ly tt tn it yonwhat SOLID COVIFOKT yoa caalerteelns few lom-iilt' letters, snd to KNOW IX TUB UTI BE JIXT WHKItE TO COM Tor every tbin- yoa want ia our line whea you reonira. STEELE AVERY. We Offer Our Immense Stock -OF- FURNITURE At price, which reduce our marxta of proa; the ktweet poeMOie polat. We Intend to CLEAR OIK WA It BROOMS thelarjre accamalatiocs of ths pit! Stammer, and will ell at rate, whtch will is-lucs eteryaody to NOW. Iaonritock, I SPAR ALLEI.ED st teaiu.uat, rariety and qnality, will he foand EVKRT K1MI OF BIOIIKU9I Ft RXITI UB-tLo plutsett and rlchett; CHOICE CABINET WAKE of latest fashions, aad Bets and Sitgle Fteees of on.chl-.t.

et-celleace. Ws Invite Insperu, anJ UFARAXTEE NIT. IttFACTIOX tosll buyers. C. J.

HAYDEN No. 180, 182, 18 1, ISO STATE-Sl aoXdtt North ol Cantrsl Kailrus I. TISE litlXUKST FhNCY 00CD3 DEPOT IN ITO HESTER. Schwab's Bazaar, 45 MAIN STREET. IT IS OCR PRIOF.

TORF.LI. AT THE S.ST FUdSlBLk RI'KCI ALTIKS SPKCIAIFIKH Opening this Week I Ottoman Scarfs, 03 Cts. EIM2IED CXTKI3I3IED HITS JCII GLOVES glovi: GLOVKS Cr.n Grain Ilibboit, Ontrtch 'Alp. 25c 60c Linen Su-ltchiS, Hash Ilibhon, Lafe' Fine Merino Eosc.

3 Pair, 57c G. SCHWAB, No. 45 I.lain-3t.. BOlldtf GRAND RUSH at thk rv 83 Cent Store! IVow Gootlis Itoeetvoil Every JJuy. t7 WHtfMftftOt' Ion Cilllll'lllle tt3iol iu Every Ciinc.

IV Good C.ootlet tot tl tltt Money. i' Oitll uuil Look, antl yoit will lo sure to Itisy. tip DtlletriMit Art 1- cltM for I C'entat luiifli. E. J.

WARDWELL St CO. FowtiA ComiBcicial No. 64 FFALO-St. BOCUETKR, tt. V.

BOldU NEW BOOKS -AND- Staple Stationery. A Lars and Ccntpl.te Stock lust received at CMNINGHALl'S bookstore, ISumilo Street. aVLsea, AS kkKGASf LUIS OF JFemily I3iblm MtotOfravh 9t'ebier' DteHnartea. I'aektt XietAAs, sTc, AH wkteb ars aaarwd aA amlonaiy Low rrlcv at 26 EatTalo street. IwaHite a Xuoa AUn tar Aauiia Imuia.

Mrs.WILBUR GRIFFIN Sir. 5 S1at4 wATSST ITT1J CCStt, WiTEHPALlt, hah jrTrunur. VEHTIIiATKO WIGS, AM TO 1 1. Birr aVHTICLatk La tiles' Hair maA Cartful) Uresa-ea fl'UOyB wk retard th of rhetr ut. -i- ti'y Ff.

HiL the teett ana a. oil ever ttaea ty pectew.ta atuitw frost MrnllKi. para ettuaid. nn-iti. a-e tte For I.

Vti nibiiKt, at Rf nncciHBKirt ua-l, luyai a ti. of man or TttAI ft W.T i t. ft ti I i S-''A etr.i A as as A 1 4risit. ttul. Jt.m

SO I hi. I rT.ts fu I rrr- -bii. I I-, t- w-. A ft. 71 Si 1 i i a.

te I I 1 f. Hi il -lfi In. 0J. taWI. ft If A l'e.

l.t. A tn ic n. n. I Serrano boaii. I Uil

m. e. 19.20 a Ft. Its. 1 i ifWift IHV P.l Kl l.

ArriKN )JU lfcy 8.4 ai.jtiosm. vwmjj. UJ SOAP. 11 A i Ji p. fa.

in. At Ht A--- 4 fa P.ll. 1 Hvu Li, I 3 i. fte-1r Tea lo S. U.

bMl- PK. W'jm- A Fort. K( ls- B. H. f.eCHi to Dt fi I Plel trt.

i tu'cJNo-fi! ilrMt Oit r'. ti-std-lti ofllre. lBad Lower Tr CortntfcKN Hull If.ters. Wet.abiii 1av Ki j- lrrw. H.

It Hrlli I lor Bli. ME, HIV" IKK, la wiib of tb cjoj-n ob council, nd at iu ruim itf, Uii-etinjt of rit-iron in to held in tue inyor' i.iiif Tbur--dj 4 o'clx to take tlt wish ir.ttil to fuiwl fur tii relief at thr rt by tV. g'et tire io llocto. A Cart iitt Wn.i.ii!. Mjor.

IT W. f'triiiae is at the A tl it i be lsoyft of Mr. KIHs, oti Find o-rM, stole a vatch. 1 Im li l.h'ni ro foo in limlalo tint the 1 1 i of that it jr lias isautil an of lur Eii ft di itiojr. Tiif kt rri jr iiiiil! dfliTei-w crt trasfolrt friun tuegrcurT of Wi.iiam Kioitli, ri Url'-r t'i' et.

Mt Vimd liaa pnj-pliased'a furoi of i-fi artt-a nn Iho mfhl phore nf H'Wi'orb lake. It trU! 1-tK-iiM tin) biho' aatiirarr'a ril'ii! -Anoiarr larminR ora'ori rehfiraU t- tU at Cancu't hail to-night, Oaly mfi eui ilif -sriuu aia invited. Tii IhH'o Adrerliter cati-Biitfc tLt i are d('iDiiiiii on fie jmi. i shalritT lor at the praa- Tli Itrn proptrty Uoltler in the jmrt uf tao i i't, tiik orgaHi.iinx a fita bncdri. The ai ui tare of the athrme has nut t-t trsnspirril.

11 7 1 ilwliui it two dollttra a too. haa (hs tuenty livo dvillara a ton for montbi. The Vt qualit; fan now he bought fur itentj-tbive doliura. Ist niiin an entertainment prim ipaliy oi.Bihttrf of roil sB roi fff, wm givunatKau-l ort bj a quartette club of singei a menbera of tii j. Tuelay eTruing Rtr.

XeWoa Millard w. ini-ui'i oljibn rreVyteiian cutiiej if bjr aruco Krv. lr. xireached the "aer-moB en the o-t aaicn. te LiiiUa Wilboa, arieit(d brre iu by Kinder, chargca wih paaiag i Miifit! f'it fractional i haa been bj ti THud jury iu th I'uited Htntea tourt 61 A I'ioifMt W.

who iaiconduriinit the itherwailt acd tearum tar forth raaiirig ott'erio of KUier, ia -o tf jthe late K. Alitah tVtser, mhofe metuontl arrtit-ea were btlti at xr- late conftieiit' session io this titr. -The New Yoik Lsairtircr jintioducoa an ttui-diajf aa loiiows: kr- univfj -tly atl U.w hjler was MMlff ftl'it'iiiiioti fiewaiil Aii-ifrttm tn li Vi-l ll'Jh lhl Ifit it: it VM II ttbouUI I j.nti -i (tnlli'iite. As iiii hrr'tii pFir-nf, ihv Uj if aiU-iUcd i vci) Im i'luUmije. i.h lUi-'i-, a.

il I'him''-'' its vpi i jiiaii gi dtan. frum tbo 111 r. The lfaierof ouretenina; centemporarioa in a trry aharp and witty artids to tue iualifd litre ahiirli given to Mrs. Sid- tiubh'a r-ada iu our report jeeterday oa the tbat thia noted artra "Je-lipiili a ii i.ned aiid eattivaled an audience as i ter art ivrt i t'oriuthian hall. Oar re-ldiT not the foieaifht to ir riiua tue opinion of the ao.hetre iipun the tierfarmaiioea, foi ti ritinc bia rntioism, a la the ritttauj of otor conteuii'armrj'a reporter.

We rm-n that rt -jiro -ata the trouble that the rtening naoer taaea in nt'tii ja our notieea. It ta eotiOBb for tu to llta public enter-taieaienta that are iriteu in the city. If mad- i tition we were ta eiitipise that journal- reptirt of thoseeiitertalnait-nta, it would be a fruitful tc'td. liui we ahould take UfKin ouraelvea aa ufl'eea taik. aad oit fur which we have no It ilBtl- Arrvlet lr vwrgerr ltttfilita Ilubt arrived here yeaterday ktorcinK nh a prisoner nanied (irorue Miire.

who ia charged with forgery. Milne to thia rooutry frtm tVotland aoise thre iigo, aad took up hi residence at A van. li a fatbt-r is a bank io Scotland nd n.raiiieraily aent the aun, draft which were rsanctt a.t tbo bark at Aron. A oar mo Miiue trilt-d Hivtland and returned havirg with him hia brutl er Kt lw rt, Luiu be bad induced to Ittch dcvcral blank cbecka frtun the bauk tilt re. fr it tho dratta was Blltd out lor one Iieatired uuida and caah obtaiai-d on it at f-rw Voik.

A oond dl tvi'l for the aame amount aa at the Avon bank in Apit! 1U But the eaitiier not baring the lAirrcatT, XI nee waa aent to Stattbeitner, Toae A Co'a hi nk in thia city with peraon to vouch for Tne check cashed accordingly. Vfhta iu foiled character waa aJ'cerward tta cveteii, tie police were informed and 1 cteo -tttellcghea ditu to work up the craa. Mu tad tune eat atd Hughes did aot aae-ed ta tii ding bim. However, a day or two lure came that the Wttr waa under mt at ot atord, iliinnis. It teeoi had to close with a Rarrie4 wotuan tbere wbivb caue4 ii a.iprt-bettaHua.

XeU9e-ie ilutlr atartetl t- aK.ia, mud hi wan ant) Intught ioj Ilu it low ia awaiME exan-iB4tna. h.ti an Lite Bd. A mettii of the eauiniUsiottt is of the aver al low tta aad tbe tfhcra of tins ivl, was at th cl tu rvjupity in tti eity oa Tuesday The uii.ti of the to aidii ia the eaiifMTii lien of tl rud re The treMurer, Mi. Mutt lot d. uiule a att- ctit showing the tuiorml ttuadiUun of the aad giti: aa tc-coaat of tte iw aad rioeBuiturra.

The paymeota fcr a few Biuntta Pt have er.S.v ttera qui Ur: bit woold appear that the directors bave not allowed any uitnroi aeary eapeaditurea to be tde and lha work progreaaoaa. ecuaaatujally a ia iMMiule. Th chief engineer gave a a tailed onet erf tie wark jtoiupkiod and in IJrtaa. Fram the rtjMtrt it appear that lae wsrkof ceaatroctiot is oa all of ae aivistoaii4 at every point brreibe ngkl of wav obtained. iJtrg ouaniuiea oi efoae nna tin lr for bridgiBg ai treavlo work are oeliv rifd at peitta.

Keeid. at ugiur are t.s.d at, La Koy, Waaaaw, tle The iioot baa iaw-rirrfd aoatewkat with of tonaoaciti-" dunag uu f.roeie( however has dautraeta hat bt wade fur ties, and tbe de livery of the hi to comment in fteecUg the Salamaaca divi Itt- apparent the dmetor. aad officer are pa.h-a th work with great Ttgor, and it will nt lo5 c.D.trnctien train V. nt oa tit BOttBMB dillSlOB. tleir illtM-.

deliver the bend, of their fast a the prig Km ective a wotk the pawha of r' ht of r- TVe ctmp5ev ate bow taVine eamwit-k. .1 cte. here ft eatt avqa-r the i'" A TTHF, LADIES' STORK von fin 1 the best ntuntiaauoet coim lete intimeiit nt ta a Rochester, He htaia tuest, cotaer ktaraet. HAVE A VRGE STOCK of LsdieV If sua ChildrCB's Merlt TTrn-Twrln a't K-tet H'DOW Kl.l. Siata ttrt bi, coiner Starkct.

OCR GENERAL STOCK of Ladies' Furnish-ins'srd Psttrv Gedt, sThracin evemhinv per-tataa" tt. Ltnlea' Wear. It irtre tal aittat-tlte, antl pticet to lavorsbi with the same Clats ol goods to be loaad eifewn-rp. si'fliiwen. a- Stale yeet, corner Market.

"TrE OFFER few stylii-h tint. io Press I Trtinmten til Hltck Bear, Silver Fox and otlisr Foet: Yak Lac-a. iel Cheilites Frtnvs, Ac, tic. which be extensively ued th 'on yc iiiivvKLi, OCSldtl 3H Slate street, comor Ma. Seneca Tails Sausage.

I SHALL BAVE a oonetnnt supply from this date- October Sotb. E. F. tlYIE. Maln-it.

Sparkling Wines atluntmV J)ry mud Extra Ory ferzenay, Kwtfi'ror i urif Htuntra, Ver-r itf-inf. aiot tV tbtiotln f-rrra ScJ rMkt Wcnirni, i'tmrtt bimucit Always on hftnd aad tor tale by OClQtl-4 e. p. iiviKewiniD.r. iew Millinery -AND IMGY GOODS STORE We bave Jast rt-frived anil oprnrJ a Choice Stock of, Ceodj for Winler Trade, and are sellinf them at Very Low Prices.

AN ELEGANT STOCK of Ladies' Ties nnd Fichus, Nubias, Hooels, Soarfa, Leggins, Wristlets, do. IN LADIES WKAPPERS AND DRAWEES we have some Splendid Gootls, at pr'un so foic that thev will atlvertine themttJreit. EVEJiTTHING in the Hcmiery Department Woolen Hose, Merino Hose, Fleecy Lined Hose, Children's Fancy Hose, Cotton Hose of all grades. 'Social Bargains ia these goods. WE AEE AGENTS for the Celebrated Here Peamle-s Kid Gloves the Bast Fitting and Best Sewed Gloves imported.

FOli 1.25 we sell a good Two Button Embroidered Kid Glove. FOB $1.00 The Edward geamleea One Button Embroidered Kid Glove. FOB 5(1 CENTS Very good Ki3 Gloves. SILK FRINGES from 3 .00 down to 12 cents a yard. FASSE11ENTEBIE GIUTS, with Jet and without.

TOILET ARTICLES and Gonta' Furnishing Goods. HATS. BONNE rs. Feathers, Flowers, Crapes, Silks, Velvets, Velveteens, dto. In Every Dtpartnieal we arr irHing ood Cuodj at Loir Prices.


1 STORE, Mam filtroot, 'HE SUBSCRIBER opeoe4 tha Stan aw. 1 Kill MbIIh BeawanA naronl.l assail that ta of ia pubtic ici'aiy, la aia aroau-1 the uy ot BocLe-ter, to bt- ptock fine ieas Cott ai bplcea, and gprerai aaortni4rot of ('su uorU4, Pickka Dtt NauTo Wiaea. Ooi aw.ld Tptt nt wftolt-evait, pj-lofti JAUEn iiKfc W1SU, Propneutr. Mrs. B.

TURNER, CFBOal IW TOUU ISTo. 131 Main Street, WASULBGTOH EAU BbOCkU Mi air lrttmitg 1b4 flair Jewelry LstabilstHfit. ttUJsxa. gtmtt anAlem, aad every eearntnn ot yen men tl dair Work la noea oratatie so etdaf a ruw-AiaMs bktmi a aioderata rnoea. lbaBpoBios, rriixlag, fci.

AU orders prompUl atta4d to. deexdeyi 3Iirs REYNOLDS' LAOrES' HAIR 0RE8S1N3 R3SM3, Over 7 aa4 7l Slate-att. HAIR WORK OF KVKKk" DESCRIPTION. Ladies' Ventilated Wigs Fatcliea. BAIH JBWELBx.

Carls. Waterfalls and ToUM ArUela. Ladles' Rati ryreaeed Ui. lavtest a'yle. ocieley FRIEND UT.

1 Crystal Palate BUck, VF.STAIKS 0tO. HJ KAT MAIS ST. LATEST STTLW CURLS, BRAIDS, ViATlRFALLS, Hil.i JEWELRY AXO DEVICK AVOUK. IrIF IIAIK TISTIH I.l.y and (MRg. fll.i.k' a it ru a roil ill.

ocjdcrtit CRESS AND CLOAK MAKING Over TT Strot, iitts at AH SB. in all ot aoa. lata. 1 Sita tiy-es. auto tat tatd rtnj ad tiding TTutttu.

4i-dert etteattd Bte.lert e.J aaort ptitt. art'iiuje 4 Aa.brotc. ry k-c to oidui. dttctrtTi TEEBAUD BROS. KNX A BLISU JI ki.v T.

II BA tl It a 1 eater. ha. PSOHf kCT Iutiuici. O. Works 37 stoatls Har-

ri'HE LAKOEST and atoet Cotnpleta Cleaait. sa.t ilyelBa1 kst.Pltmepsjt ta the WeA. afadt ap litee. eatujoM, raraaat, saawia, let A A ct. it-d a aiuiar iu-ir Co.

ie, f.cta aa Yt eotactd ay aew pro- caaa. -tboat '1 h. beat nteos tt elet to have evd t.Wan-d off Dyed. Ottuja ky GTBDOISS a STONE, at wv Arrttaaa oa VIKNT-4 VAH VIAKOtt lit ALL HTTlb, (i) taAtrattjn arrastcs lor tv rears. Ht.

AUKHOOIfs SO. tW STATE "If wafT, 4 4A tk at. Paisl Vo. tt I (on SS 5 4 45 ti B) if By cs re. sIAIIIfc a a I 5 I ti 14 a as ef pit.

3, tlOHNSTOIV. Atstl STATl'NSH. TAett foit.irly 'In if i st it'it. 40 BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. Tttr: HV.HT STOCK, Tii Ml MMltOfJiT STOCK -tin- Titr: ncsT nricr: Boots, Shoes cr Hugo's, ly( tltx Hr.STtR, IA AT Stivto Gtrcot PRATT.

P. S- Vttj proplr hsre an tha: P': Air hit rr1r E'lf to b- "Tl fiomto New York. Trt ta a mt taxf. Ht wim A1ATTEI to all of tn.le-frtm lta tlvria or won.aa to frvwiUoafrf- u4 ttolwrtty UXl-KK-bliLiUs him. AM Ufe TSe JOt HKSThOi OI'Kl Lninisi klt tots HOUSE.


llro jn.tu't tlra.nA. LOTI'EUY OF LI FK T.iry the Sweilt r. B. 1 It 1 I A II A I. (INS MtlHT ON'LT. KVkMitlO, SOV S1U? 1: MYSTtKlDl i HlltTrUi! 1HH 1MI Dii HOW IS IT tvMl '-B llun.B or fciMrna! Ajirff TUB Wul lUKLL BNKI.L BUOTtiKCi. Tt-lr 8ftr -of! AntoaM-a taaa any lr It. iilh.U'.aof MiHirraDKa! Thii vhieb lire Nvr 8 br-n AttempV-d! Tftt VmvrnpTf at iI ttnumni VoUie4 tJTl Oomir tMd will ft- afrotrrt4 tf tie auattac to cjttiti ue, iairti ijta a.ttl rip jrk. Thia "'atalMiirit thi Ha-U HalV-a U'i ti.ituno.ri') ir. ca 1 atrt'i ty rttwhua -i th ,1 a i withK at, ffiK -iti-in, vtie a.

trt the curtoi. I IVyoi opea at camaeaca jvra at flfTif re-i at (etiT'i, A ua' ia T- -i cva a. bwni.att T. It I' I aN STKI.N S. CeihlNTMi AS HALL.

TKIN A IKK I W-K I. lr tr' au ha.tb.' Ik.uot t. aiinoanee for SATl'KllAT KTKM.tli, SOVKMliKB Tbe Ftrtt In ol AVTOM Kf'HtNSTetM, ttierete HHMtl nlASIAWaAUha only rtvel of ul lsS LltUUAUT, the -d nt.ot. l.tll IMC ti 14h Ike blulnulthcl Mot. L.

KAlllKl.INshl. A imp.alet. (leneral SO i iteciued The sals of Seraietl Seate will eotninenefl at ta. toreof V. M.Iie.Sy, on lAedneadty U4.a:ii, H.t.

9th. at. SKeinway Piano, nar at rh. Claoerta. DANCING.

AT R- A M. Hf-Sool. rp-ra BTerr -fti'lAT nUJ Satcr iav. uitsnrJrj Nt.wtOitf ir Chiiarra atr(aI l.nVileaj at 4 M. na WfMlarrMl-iyii WfiDtirmi-B it Jt.

oa C'rcMUra at Mi i.M a. In tu Aroa4a, a.i at Mr. letarrow', aiafa Urrei, Kaoit fef Pt-i wml Pr at rtMonabl r- txn tH.a. --ui' CORINTH I AIT BAIJL, Mlostc-itr, 1 To Let for LwtcrBS, Conwrta, Opetrsj, A.Tl'a. WILnEB, irp r4, r.

Btt aARu r. runiNii, Ann attl'-tev No. iijwjt BABCOCK FIRE EXTINGUISHER A trg htsea aotioiDtsd Haoeral A in. yteatar. aw Tork for the aal.

theM ewirorated an 4 lava u-bl. atat-a'ata. Thias aiaeklaetsr, edby the ammeat. la. Fir Lttrt-ait.

ol at.w Tork, Ciatua 1 aatl. Chiflwa aa other rL eilitai, aad oy ar own py- Jt "7 mi. PAiaMip Jvsi Ha. afacturara aad Stiinul th.coiu.kiy u.i ally, aad ahoals aw adopttu jiy owner ol piopart, and aoue Sou.r. tAV" Atteai Wanted to Cantata ths i r.aa Wwtern Maw Tork.

JAMEM M. PI1EI.ON tl Oflioa. aoiiui at at tud, alidtt Uall.l. tHrw-t. KIIsIaIITSRY' Lateat Sly lea 1st Fall aad inter Eonncts and Hats, Aatl a helce Aasortiocait of Ftathtru.

rtewtr. tr A Bw BCTtr. thtt it nut Itatit of ttei ly. Call u4ka Over SS Klata atrral. atoaatalataijoeospitd by Mrs.

W-iorttBt. MMu GaiYBr Parnn Go. salvor ak atireta. ia nt street. teie re-anaa Lut ua r.a., A Sav w. -atauan JOB WORK ATTStnr.n TO rnriHeri 1. tsrs.Nt aK. j. o.

aai-teJii I NywKivaiirii. fcMM.t Want HiAL)illotll -V Great aV (Musllarr Ftexlwlst 9ItaIH 20 Par Cent Cheapwt tha-j Lead Pip. E. L. TUOSIAH, Antm w.w Tore I.iml Co ias-I 14 oottU SA.faa., EochaMt.

al.T. The Fait bide Bank ll.OSSIX I'FH CEHT INTKKFSTrrow la'a sVrpotut il ta.f remain nut tuts 'k ft tt'. r. a. TlfcLK.

tw Konef loaned ta uprated iylidej-tp yyFCTKnai ASALTIsl EJPI AlKKtJ-rt tre ttitof ill tttit Htm- He Otr, ,1 r.t tu ty i UU w. ippai jfX J4 r. ay -'ay EK -w'eeaiei M.ob srEBt it.nrote.1 rnna-hk ttrl VOfd Latl.A arter', fti.u I s. t-iday's oonllairrolion in Brotlklvn. That ditaator, sntlieieully st-rioit.

hi itself, was forttmatoiy coafiueti teilhin n.trrote tlreii.t in ctiD-etiueiice of the proximity Of the huniiu tnifltlitjtrs to the rirer. IjaJ they lieen wtoated ut a dmtiuieeof a mile from the tthore. the lier.t and fury of the names, aided by the breeze from tho bay which swept a shower of ttpsrks iniitisd, wernid unquetioiiiiti't have invo.ved a iarire part of the buine3 seetion t.f JBrnokiyu in fuiti. Yot tlt tire de-pjti'tnteiit ot tbnt erity it pniuonionaJly at tttiective as that of Sttw' York, ami tJie suoiilr of jtitlct'wond wattM- is relatively larger than that of the Croton. The fault would not.

rest noon the ehorloers of the firemen of New Vork or ttrooklya if either city were to share the fine xf ftotton 'or f.hieairo. l.nt upon tbe peopi of two citiea, who aeknowlt-titie the etistenee of a datt'or and yet take no treaaures to protect themselves against possible dittaster. tteiieral Shaler estimates tht a Are which would demand the services of eitrht tire-sfetamera that is to say. less than the number of streams needed to ttiitifh the wsrcbonpe tire in yesterday Would retjiiire the disi-harEP of 2.4'iO gallons of water per minute, or pttr hour, a quantity irrcatiy beyond the capacity of thf Croton supply pit-ej in Home parts of this city. Tho correctness of this estimate is ettrnitlished by ths reanlttt of tbe experiments matte in Itroadway laat week, when it was found to I inipossittle ta work a single uie-entrine op to its full capacity the from a six-ineb Croton pipe was imtdetinate.

Tbete fsets are vitally imttortant let the treat citie tf New York and Brooklyn. How, then, to apoly etTeeriee mts-me't of precaution, ia the qottion of immed'Dte iu-tttiettt. f-he consideration of wbich conuot ptudeutly be poned. l.ravt-n. who epetirce as a civil engineer give weight to bia asst-itittn, tuakee two or three good iH.iiile in his letter to lneral Sh'tlfr 1, that the i-reent ststem of water pipe ui thi eity Is incapable of fni eveai supjilirt fm- the lruinetii-ato extinguishment "of tires that the ntiiitation of the ocean water surrounding us is.

Ixith desirable and fe-aaablc 3, thstthe rctltietion in the of maintjiiniiiff the fire tl. nai tment would he nearly ettual to the interest on th- amount retpiirt-d to construct punji ing works. Each of these poiutt d-serveei careful t-tudv, aud ii" the cattat iiyof rivcr-ptimps lie the official atati-ii'-wof the thieago board of public works are available for immediate reference, and for practical illn-tratiem. The punipinir machinery in nse in that city run day and nteht the quantity of wat.r rai-etl annually ttak-inj: the titrnreaof the report for letiij-91 i move than gallons, and the avernae daily tiuanMty pnniiH-d is more thaa 7.O00.0O0 irallons. This euor-mona supply, supplemented by the Crofn, would be ample for any emergency.

But, in order to nroenre it, the pumping engines must be built and tbe new system oianihed. Talkinz and writing cannot mend case. "U'hst is wanted is work practical measures of tbe moat effective character, while tbe evi day is yet didtant. The Canadian l.outbcr Trade. The Buffalo commercial of last evening refers at tone length to thia subject, It says the Canadian have built np a considerable lumber trade with South America a trade whtch before the abrrgation of the reciprocity treaty was in our hand.

The Commercial afTrms further: For some tine past onr lumbor dealers bave been complaining about the diversion of the South American trade from theliud-tou river to the St. I awrenre. From the sfciteinontt made by aome of ihe Canadian papers it woidd ac.iu that th.Te are ecme rennds for these coiiiplautls. Iu till only foiiy -six Teseels were employed in tho buainettj. They carried south 16 feet of lunj'M-r nd tinilieT.

But the stathttics of thia year's buninas, which has not c'osed, shows a great irain as compared with those of its prooeceesor. Ali-eatly setenty veasela have cleared from tho St. Lawrence for South America with lumber. Their aeirrc-rate aiutiontetl tt, 3i 5'-ft ton, antl tholr combined rcrir'itts auiooutetl to ftit. It tiluaulil that from fteen to twenty per cent, will be aittled lo these nies oetoret tue cuiei-e.

The lumlter trade of Canada is verv lare at neon. ent, and it is annually intu'ca-tui. 'f he vat forests oi the liondi, ion contaiu an iiolimitetl amount ol vainatile timlter. aim. aa the foret-ot this country dieappear.

the aitention of lumbermen is turned to Cai.aua. litiutlretht of otur people have purchased tiacks t'f liuiht in that etonntrv. aud thev are now encased in ciiltins: and marketing the lumber. Lai-tte mtntiiles from the tieti.rian llav rei.t,iu. 'art of thia protiuet is shti.ped ttt Chieauo via ihe akes, paitto Jinffalo bv lake, nart to tiswen l.v rail stud lake, and part to ylonirt-al bv both rail and water.

But tbe irreatcr part of the luniitor thtt reaches the hitter market is received from the Oita- a country. It ia nu'kible that the dominion will he a lftrte e. portei of lumber for many veirs. The iniiiieiito utictch of tiniliereotmtiy containetd within her borders will yield vastly more lumlter haa can bo uned noine. em the otu-r nautt, iu ortlt- to ktHkp the rice of Himher at a roaeioimhle tieure in tho nited states, we shall be compelled to import ktriieuaaa- lties trom abroad.

The ranioitv with which our foreets sie dittHniMsrui is excitinir serious cmnu-lit in interested cirslet. It is estimated that in twenty-five years they will bave entirelv disappeared, ii the we rk of destruction cemtinues in the ratio at which it is now being carried on. In view, therefore, of the diversion of the South American lumber trade to the St. Lawrence, of the disappearance of onr timber districts, of the rohahiy Utah price ol lumber, and oi the great iiundat ee of lumber to be found just over the tr uer, in It iwtt policy lor ns to remove every otsa ile the lit of bruising Canadian luiuoor to tae state i iutereats of the consumers otsztaiil.i lie in that directiott. Female Haflraae.

This is the sharp way the New Tork Kxamia- er pnta it: The nttestion whether women have atresdv a ritiht to vote under the constitution, in the ooinfon ot niott iisons, is not one in which even the "'Phil- delphla lawvrr" of Ihe proverb cotibtshana a plaus ible doubt upon. But thoe emineut jurists, Susan B. Anthony, Theodore and some others tinally learned in Ihe law, maintain the ahirmatlve. hequitttlou is now connns to deeigion In a lorm what nnpleaaant to the partit-a wht have rained Stutan IS. Anthony and fourteen other ladies ttv- at the recent election in Kochetiter.

To vote lt- leallvis a pt-nal offense. Tbe lady voters have been prosecuted. If thev rave not the ritrht of vot- imt, aon.e vt omen will have a chance of being made equal with some men by being sentenced to thp same piibon. A Shipment; Large Water-Wheela. The Rochester Turbine water-wheel manu facturing company are shipping four wbeela, whose aggregate weight ia ten tons, and whose united efficiency under a thirteen-foot bead is atiO horse-power.

They are from foar to six feet in diameter. Three of these wheel were deliveretlfye etday at the new depot ef the ISew York Central railroad. They go to Anson FJdred of Stiles, Wisconsin. Mr. E.

ia one of the largest mill-owners in Northern Wbscsasia, having a water sower that tall for the use of thirteen such heels. With a view of eoono- niiaiDr so large a nower, 'he haa made himself acquainted with all the leading wheels ia the country and it speaks well for tbe wheels manufactured here under Van Oe Water a pat ent, that after the snuat thorough investigation. he frankly declares to the company that he finds rotting that suits him so well as the Rochester Turbine, though he baa fouad aome excellent heels at less eott. I'artif interested in water-power will be paid ftravikit to Kidd'a iron-works, te see the massive wheel that is now being Sutshed there, tefoie it goes away. It is the largest wheel ever built in Bochester Fie, it tuns, taiuta' white emirs a atT.

We will sell the above in rs Frit 5 u0. to 00, tr.00 and tld.00 a set, lined ith Witirn 8ati amb SKaoe, at 1L Smith's New York store, 79 Main street. P. AM) S. H.

C. The rt annual ball of the brkklayertre. Piasters aad Stone tcasenst onion will take place at Couotlim Ball on Tuesday cveciac, November 3 Carriage iutt will be found at Uarrowa, Oeweva aad Waver- bcokstorra. The hist aneusi ball oi UtU union will doubtless be largely attended ii. ft Mackie, 82 State atreet, is the ataoagtng partner of the arm of Hackle At Co piano maa- nfaciurers, New York.

By the loSicy of in vesting a large amount of capital ia the basiaeas this et-mpauT are enabled to sell tneir p.ioa at lower pricts and oa mora liberal tra lis a any other bona ia the trade. Their first oVjcit la lo piano which will equal in all respeu the nest inatrument in the market, and their second object is ta aell that Bfaao at snch ptioe as the largest concern la the ooaalry cannot cotupeta itV Look at the Maokis o. at aJ at street. LtCTcna os I'BofHBCT, by S. II.

Bu rbar, at A' vent ball, corner ef State a si at a mined strreia, Tbnrsday eveaiag, st IS o'etoctt. ewUjrt the 13b ef Ke relation. AU ai- ia- viltd. Adatissittn fro. Tan sxtLUtaa will be paid to the fw'aaate ecc'er of a gold watch esaaa, adterUed in ur eoias-as tbta Kereisj, rJ hy tegottatt..

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