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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 1

Rochester, New York
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a Democrat and Chronicle. Chronicle Democrat rxiuwa or dniwcitirriuii-ia aivaNt.a lA I 1.1 nrnrri e.ViK I 1 aev r. 1 au par- Kta o. at' rcrtit'aa tnao jtmawn at la coaat Jo Prnttioa- pfoatptif. a.

slat aader.aaviy. uo HaarK rBiirriFw four as ti AKUaUVT'-i-rv'f. H.C, UVKiiUlf.lirMiclaf It titer. rlI. Sr-y'iiS W.


SATntDVV HORNING, MAY II. 1S72. TliRONICLE Ebtabiished 18G8. 5 Rochester an I DAILY EDITION. ROCHSSTEB Democrat and Chronicle.


Iteleaalea to the Kaeheater anvrntlno. Hi i ritpoET, I May 10 At the Suffolk cennty I)i morratic convention held to-dav at itit.ilcud, Hon. A. Keeves wan el eted to the Kocbester convention, and llantel A. ilritlin of K'verheaT alternative Bath are oppoaed to indorsing (Sreley.

nnd the iletided sentiment-of tbe con Li- bad f-jr trial, mr i-trh bin MJW Wi'aDDot ehkrn hr hut rrDif--inftit tba' rn be mAc Wtwwn tbf mnar tit in rmt ntioo n-pf. the Dcui rrtie Pftrtf (Kijjni'fl O. P. MoTviJ. Tlie of briery id tbf of T)4tnr l'oitirr in 1HKT.

BM' tn ala -t i i(i liffl, will ta-kea up iu tbo iMfct ti'iBDiitU 4d uad e.octioBf to- Til! SENATE UJMSCIMITrEE. Pacific railroad hnve dote gTetti damage. Tb" trick ia many places ia waabed away. Trains wili ta nststDdi-d for setera! days. 1 is stated that tbe Btwaab Admiral Ipgl-n-l." msde htntelt thorongbly acquainted with all unr system of coast defence, the exact condition ot our navy the efijrieiiey and defects af our irtm clads.

aud all infotmatiuu of a similar netnre except tbe secret of our torpedo eyt-trro. lu the Fiipreme conrt of Monmotith conntv. a tb ciion the property ol Hclin-bofd tor flT.OtH) in tavor or a tirtn of atlvcrtisme snents. At the Metbialist getoral conference this morning all matters asd oociimenns relative to the book concern were referred to a comntittte caSxfdetTng of one from each annual conference sbronghoat the An announcement was made that printed copies of the new articles of religion would be linnishi mem beta Without transacting any other bnsiniss, the coeierence sdjotirned The health of linctiaoao Keui is improving and hopes are eutertniued ot bis recovery.

As a pair of rontrbs wcr. h-irt. nrr-ted this morning for robtdng Rpd benting a man, ami to the Jetierson Market police conrt, a grnp of roughs followed nnd for a time held i the "onrt room, threatening violence to the officers of tbe Court Finsilv tbey were driven out and the two robbers sr-uLcnced to nt'on. Tbe estimated sp.tie shipments to-morrow wdl reach over $.000,000. "VT'LTtE8 L5 CITINEPB S'LK Jnst openenel BKPNNAN street.

Its Final Convocation. "Rough Ingalls oil' Count De Chamhrun atd ibe Remingtons Exonerated. "Siti Telegraphic Correspond ence. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE WC1RECT CLAIMS NEGOTIATIONS.

Their iBaniored Termination. THE METROPOLIS. IN THE FAR WEST. THE I.F.I-!fI.ATritR. ui i r.ovieri.

I IfT May 10 In relation to Ibe sail- oi tnUixii'atlng liipiora in the rity of New -V It hanges the exnlsf enmmieeioaerfl. In ra tbtioo i public iibrariei. the tdfje. It provided puuisbment for mutilating i. Tb tiili-rt elevated railway bill paaeed by 19 to I appoint como intorter ol parku for the Ptatc of New Yt.rk.

It makes John Brown'a tract a state pat k. 1M by 17 to 7. A ii i to insider waa laid on the tilde. 'lo amend act lor tbe im orporatioD of ao cietiea or us. To catahlih ins'itntion for the relief of aoliliera and saitnra.

incao porate the Frenrh emigration aoeietv. In relation to the sen tec of citations da luna-ti Mr Palmer called np the rcsolation from the af-MDihU non-concurring with the (senate amendment to the New York chaster, to tbe c1uuf- pndii biting appropnationa to ecctanan M-hoads. and moved a reeonsilfration of the vote adopting the amendment. Uamed bv 21 to 6 Mr. Hakcr reported (for the confederation of add aenaie the Lawrenc ir, bed tleVaUd ril-WHT hill.

itdbdbd till 4 o'clock. AtTi- P.SOOX aVaaWlata On motion of Mr. iVnedict, onr repreaentativee in congress were reipMst tai iaor an apnmprial mn ofmoney to American printing houae for tbe blind. Mr -rd int.rotiuoed a bill to lncarporato the Kocheeter Water works company BILU PAWED. provision for the care and frdncation of MNfij ok behalt of the state To exteiirt the time within which 1axee he received iu the city and conntv ot New York, and tbe general fund of said city and county lor lrV, that may be fixed, set apart and anp r-tioDed, aud to prc-v de furtht r-halations in re-p thereto Mr.

lwih. red a resolution thit the senate judiciary coa.niitee may eit during the n-eea and make an inveatigHttou conec ruing canal man age rnrnt, with a view to l'-UIaiiun to put a check upon fraud and extravagaut expeudt-ture, which was adopted. Ilr-Cfasa unlit 7:30 in Etkmm. f)n re-assemhling the senate took up, aa special order, the proposed art enilnient to tbe constit'ttion to prohi'dt appropriations of fiublic money to sectarian schools antl dir3eiie( it at length. TW resolution finaltv passed ayes nays, 5 Messrs fct'ot'k, Foster, Juhcsou, Lrd aud The iieach pneumatic hill was taken up and the unestini) nan put whetle it should pass notwithstanding the veto of tho governor audit wa negatived; ayes nays reijuiring rote.

Adjounud. Asm BfdLT. Tlie bill to reduce the orice paid lot publishing Ihe session lavs in tnc county papers was. on motion of Sir. Ai'kin.

recom-mittrd with instructions to fetuke out tbe enact iug clause. BM Lfl PASSED. T.i an end tbe barter of the East Side association of New York Kegulaticg tbe sale of infoxieatiiial liquors in New Yotk. by requiring the president of rh con mon council toappoint three excise coinmia-eiont ra. Kecesa till 3:30.

BILLS rASPED. Aftersocov ftEWios. The Mil pr viding regulations lor the quarantine in tbe rt of New York was lost by 89 to -JO, ami a moUdd to re-con-ider was laid ou tbe table Mr. VVdder olferel a resadution that when the Even the Noble Red Man I' Alarmed. A OF RADICAL REFORMERS.

Few Phase of Woman's Rights. What a President She Would Make RECEPTION TO MAJOR HOWELL, Foreian. Atht.ns, Graace, May 10. Information of an explosion of ja troleiim and in Trip-ale'za. Greece, wher.

I a Ltiniher of live, were ist, baa been re. ir. this city. Twenty persons were instat tl killed and manv received injuries, some ot wl ich were of a very severe cbara'ter. It was pared that some of the wounded wonl.l die.

I.tiNtKiN, May 10 The Times this morniDg says: Ti-e gov.rnment of Herm.iny is willing to negotiate with the government of France will. avi. of accelerating tbe evacuation of Fienrb ttnitcry now occuiicd by German rt ope. Mutism, M- 10. Dispatches from all the provinces infes ed byl'arltst band state That the it surgfiite are coming in aud surrendering to tbe govtmment troops 1: is rcponed that the Spanish government is displeased at the at linn of France in allowing reatrcafuig Caxlisia to escajie iuto French territory, and that the tovernment ot Vers lutes will be questioned in relation thereto.

The Tennessee Democrat ic Convention. Nashvillb, My 10. That Democratic srate convention closed us labors at a late hour last night. A full delegation to the Baltimore convention was appointed, and Wil.iam A Qmtrels and John M. Fleming were selected as pres.den-lial electors foi the slate at large.

Tbe dele gates irom Severn! t-oiigressional distric's to choose districts electors are all Democrats The remaining districts will appoint dele-rates here-alter, when there will tie a full Democratic ekc orial ticket in the held. bt lore the close of the convention Got. Btovio appeared and made a speech, in which he atlmitt. that tbe party was in a in Dotitv, urd could not succeed of itself. He a proved of the action of the convention relative to the Cincinnati r-oniinaition.

and expressed his In-. let that success would crown their efforts. He ih sired, however, tbe preservation of tbe of the Democratic party. Explosion of Three Boilers. I'lnsiiutiG, May Id.

This moraine, at 4 o'clock, three hollers exploded iu James Wood, Sons Co 's iron mill, at Stw Mill Ran. the tin mar. ram Charles Marchant, was in-stanilv killed. The boilers were nearly new, and had not la-en used until yesterday. Tesliutunial Banquet.

May 10 A testimonial banquet aud a $1,500 punch howl were given to Arthur Chebty, piopiietor of tbe Globe theater, last evi ning at tbe Parkt house. Geoage S. Hii-liure, who presided at the festivities, made, a spret aa did also Her. W. E.

Alger, C. 1., Wot dbuty. and others. WEATHER BEI'OUT, Wae RTMZJiT, i Rtd-iAI SfitVU Cnitbu Statrs Akmt. Div.eion of telegrams and reporta for the benefit of coia tut ne Melt oiological record.

EocHUsTEB. May lo, lliTja i i I U. itlJ I I. a 1 a i -si v. ne of s- I IsS'l I 0hrsULa ti-l -a i 3 i 5 i- 30 15 tiy Calm Calm, Tear.

lid 30. li 7i Calm. Calm. Clear. Bi Bkaa, Mass.

30.28 53 Clear EuLalo, -J t'l SI JS lz ITJacCjaa Oape atay, N. J. 3t tm 58' i 10 Clear Charleston, C. 30 17 T4 Calm. Calm lear Cbejelme, IV.

21 9li 3J 6 Clouds. Chicago, 111 29 74 62 8 IA. rain. Cincinnati. 0 Sa 75 8 I 5 Cloudy.

Cleveland. aa sl 6 SJ3 6 F'air. I. licit, 21 rs ti.j i-air kev West 2 7 NE Clear. Kuoxvills.

Tean 30.03 6 NE 2 Fair. I raventtorth 2tt e3 52 VV 15 Cloudy. Mitrqiiette I I I aleuiphis, Tei.n..' 21: 72 7 Cloudy. Miittaukte, Wis. 20 h7 i SIC 9 Hv.

ram Mt.ntn 30 22 53 i 6 Cf. tr. ill. wTaaMagtap SO II Cloudy. Nashville, 20 9b 74 I 1 Ctondy.

New Orleans 30 01 XI SE 11 Clouay. New York. 30 IJ JTW 24 Clear. Norfolk, Va 30 It 72 8 10 Fair Orr.aha, Neb. gS 3 NW ITcaiing Iphia '30 09 72 SW 4 Clear.

I iitsLnrg, Pa 75 i a Clear. Pi rtland Me 30 31 5u 3 Fair. Koi hester iKlJ 30. IS 49 Calm. Calm.

Clear. S. 11 Pi aneaace 30 08 52 7 Clear. St. lamia, Mo 2S 79 61 SE a L.

rain. St Paul 29.90 34 14 Sleek Washington 30 07 i 77 Calm Calm. Clear. WANTED. jrstflL WkftTED.

t.irl to ot.k and do Kitchen Work. Apply belwees 5 and ir. at Na. 5 Andrswi street. mylidxtl FOR SALE.

FOUR POLKKT Billiard Tablet Itfair'T -f Vfw Toli mar win aoH nt a bar gain ItaiiaiTt at UKoKOa. H10'H, 18S Main alret. WHITEN. NC. JAlfTlPS WlrHlNU Whitening Done at Short Notice Will end to taefr tyge to sal! on HKstqV BAVAlaK.

No. 1 s. i'. tv $5CO REWARD -port A I ASK OP SrAMBIERISO Br. BALI, 4 I'yoT CI HE. over Rltt Drng tin 1 opposite Nw England House. Nj times la acvat c. Call early. myiniif TO RENT. TTIE COTTAtiK II0U8K No.

92 Wt.t avennc. cppoMte lbs Cfty Hostioal, with harn In rear Tue etah' Wit'i atl the font.ttt.iire. welt water and 200-1 ei.iern. Apply on tbe premise. mvlloxd rsyHK ARTisl's MAKiiiKD LIPk Belni tbat of 1 Ali en Durt-r translated ron.

tiie ti -riasa ol L-o-poid Stbefcr. price $125 Just pshll'liedal 8TERLE a AVERY'S, 57 Stste-tt. ANNUAL lit- OHD or Selene. ni Intin.try lor ISTt; nt i F. 13al Trice BTEKI.K At KKVS.

3tate-st. lyt-LPS Edition uf btakespate. Julio. Caesar last rtetivsi STEKLli AVEUV'3. 57 State st.

ABKtrtiR OF HI. s-Bt W. Rchio.on Pnre UTetLat aVKitr'tk Catalogue Sal a OF CIIOICK, HKilII CI.ASS Oil Paintings 1 TUB WORKS OF Eminent Forelirn and American Arums, In Klrh Cold Gilt Frames, Wili nx Solo at PUBLIC AUCTION, UK Wednesday Tiiursday. May 15 At A. So'clca and o'clock P.

af. al each day, at car Saicrcjou.B, JTo. 1TO WTmwi street. rompTlilcsr afcont TSn ol tbe C'bo'ceat Samnlea ot oar Kmiaerat ArtlaiB, amourf which will oe lo.nd i i.rai.v; Perkinfi, A Frlei-ha, Cnt-rbonBe, B. Coater, Mink.

Mybt-rtjelra, C. Beam, C. t. Morll, Howard HIP. IriiOi-gC Uir.WiCK, and manj Gthern of cnal eminence.

ryTb abov Pmlnt caB wll on elilM'n at oar on Monday and laeftdaj, und ErealQars. Mar lin nd 11 tit wher IiefCiipt're vatioaa" crl he had. They are. beyond any doubt, tha ijiiest co lection (of IiisUiip-Dieted Artlr sj tver t-ialbite talmtiity. It.

J. LUM A Auctioneers. rcylldta SrnOOL rtOOKS S'-hool Books Wholcs.le and Ba tall. at CLARK JOHNsJTON'8 Bookstore, 10 BuOa.o-st. Aaanis a KUis' tad stand SriENCB AND lN'-ViTy-Anotial Kscord t-Cl At DK VKVJfL C.riCB TO THE TO SEMITE VALLBr-Settes of vy ondtr aid unrioslty in Caldornia At DK WET'S.

AB1.LDUE UP CLASS and A Brave La1y At HEW tV Library. riAKEsPKAKfb JLHUSCESAii-Edi ed bv Wat a. none. At Ds. WET'S.

TPNCTt l.OPAE'ttlA OF of jka I Dy js. st uaiton. At iiks kt's Jay Cooke Co. Bankers, r.ET5' YORK, No. 20 Wall Stmst.

Uushlnjton, 15th St. Fhlladclpbla, 114 tsoutii Si. Opp. U.S. Ties.

jay cooke, Mcculloch co, at t.oitaatii stbxxt, LONDON. I'oreljjn Travel, Clicolsr lettsMiorcrrdlt issuednpon deposit of uold, currency orspprove i which tbia traveler can ttiu. make availntle ID sny part of the world. Letters can be obtained thronirh onr correspondent, banks srd baLker. IPlllPta the Stale, snd Csnala.

as welt as at our offices. QatKatOPI Or Bey T. Tal-natrs, aithorof Crnmt awtpt I p. Ac. At DARRO A S.

f'H kLHfMS New lot Jn.t opened. An Mer-oro I eaite-r Alttnm 5it p-c a- lor for $1, at CI ABE JOHNS iciN a 40 FuS.lit-st., Adams a old land. MOBHOCO I.f ATHER ALRP1 tor 75c, holdiaaaO picturte, very t-at acd hetp. at Ci.AltK JOlLtsIOM'S. Bookstore.

40 BmtAlo street. Rw BOOKS On- New Heme In th- Weat. prlc.TSat-a. A'Sbian Tate. 75: Ttrsdolf, the Ire-'at d.r.

75e: Onr Varin ot Vi ur Acr sic: Uadtso. ras Water Spiia TM stoi.of the Keittmcnt, $1 Just receitt at STEEL ft WEST'S, 5T State-st A. S. MANN CO. Steel and lilack Stripe Silks at aM prions.

SpleDrlid stock, and prices 2.1 cents a yard less than the tarns can be bought in Xew York. Send for saanjjleB. A. S. MANN 4 OO.

Black and White and Slack and Grey Stripe Silks every quality and low pricos. Stoi large, it-sst tn.cnt varied, and prices below the market. A. 8. Al ANN A UO.

Onr sales in Stripe Silks thus far exoeod any former season. Our pncea axe very reasonable. Stock superb, and offers every inducement. A. S.

MANN A OO. Fine Lyons Poplins of every desirable sLade. Very handsome goods for tha money. A. S.

MANN 4 OO. American Oros Grain Black Silks, made exclusively for us, and connnsd to our trade. New niiish; biamitul goods; JB0 a yard. arrauttd to wear with perfect satisfaction. Nothing like them elsewhere.

I'i ve thousand yards just received. Sarupb sent by mail to any art of the country. A. 8. MANV A CO.

American Cashmere Silks. Not many left a yard. Manufactured by Cheney Brothers, and sold only by us. Elegant goods in every respect. The present supply only to be sold at this place A.

S. MANX A 00. Greatest sale of Black Silks we have ever had. Low prices, fine stouk and the boat g'ods. Look at tbem.

A. 8 M.VNN CO. Silver Grey Press Silks very perfect fabrics and beantiful goods. No. 17 State Street J.

C. MILLER SON, General Inraraoe Agents, No. 12 EXCHAftCE PLACE. bt CALL Lave aAteaakia oi tne public ike lo low-T owlnir first elaes Compaoles: Oontmea'ai I or Cosapaxiy, Xew York. Amu.

i 119tf Mrrt-anUie Mounl Marine I r.a'r:Cw Comaavny a. New Vora Asaeta. nmD i au CoiLpacj. ca -rk. Asaeti (MMt to (-iswatlAiuaJ Li aurajasvc Ossnajw.

Ke ors. Aaaets lLHa aiiCj' i llat; A 1.5 i 1 1 li -uraiura; Oaclanatl. 0. A-aeta Star la uriL-- Cootpaar, New Tork, Aasrto s0 aHJtf rf. MIM.EH A lM.

Am ui. Vo. a BzebsAate Plara nvK-jteawr, Feb. 1, ikIB. isMdna rv ijj LSUItaUNCE COMPANY OF i.

Ohio. CP" l'tti, Ltia. sor. all ln atata. Nt A.

acta Jan. 1 1 7 2, 1 1 S. 1 1 JOekfH ts. Wl Kit. Ajisst ar tds.

Gas, Water acd Steam Frtting. rot" Ki' in atsic a iMjdc aaaa 11 ta-ac Irva Pi. Afailajaal raa taada aii Oew rpiivia to attt and and iir Aieeuia a tBia city for tha sale af mm -h lxwraav of Ouraellua A llakr-r, atiUailirlpota. As a jftLarabtea vf ik gnu outturn oi taSavac Fiwto'-ra. tt ta ooH aei casary to aav taai sk-A ar-laC Lears J-ame ii tka a a- iU fHtlJ.iCA StOAIf.

Kitiaao4fare-t. tub Ecitou Prtxia ins. co. Assets, $193,740. 1 Bfic ftbd ihir i'atenta, A'l oliier la' aorarire from hl eject by t' A concct WWWm taken ot U- property an 1 't-iM by pt3llcant brtorc a poJlc? tint wi.

s-1 exDoiare. piae or dwelling-, Ac. tu pov cD i i imu iiTriy mj la taa pohcy. owina to riMof proporty tnatirevl br Ui ii can -lone tar one or yvra i uimc.i cheaper rate thiia aowctiairae by othr corenwi wh tase mercantile and bm- neaa liu laaorMica doue oat oi thtp tate.

T. I1RPFNTFR. Isonl, Ho. 4 Lnlon BatldiDir. Oppotlte Conr' House.

N. B. Mercatti'c tnd Bofrtnese Klska tcn hi 'ittipr gootl Companies. Biyiide a Am I Long- Lived CAM I KOW VLSI By cBMttaUna! Iad.tat.0s3 of Lngevrtj Forreihing n-te. yet nothing stranje fytirklj hamsd.

yet mort rt Ua'J-' EatUy wlsrttD'nt, y-t csntijfc Y'ry important, yt rt-Mlily applied Dtrply in-terttting, y( full sjf Wiio has not ofrea sabod 'be shove mteneT inUreeilag and ry important bat aa ccao IT WILL BE ANSWECBD BV Dr. T. S. LAMBERT, Ll. D.

OF SEW TOKK, In Tvs LECTURES, Saturday, May 11, tt Monday, May 13, CORINTHIAN HALL. a o'clock. Tnej Lave drawn crowdrt-l honse. ta the larre cities ot tne ka.1. OF .111 SIC, New To-k.

TAUKltNACLE, Brooklyn. TKtMONT TEV1PLE. nrooklya. Ac Ac. 81 BJECT BawBCtlj, tke "Measr.te of Life." Or tie Science and Art of Mra'nrkia the Protjahle i oi mie.j l-Natoreof I i two-Otto, ol tbe nisiurt- are n'-ce-sarlly ipfl I llitiil i twi-flrth c.

nr illy lun. -lived one Oilb narlaklaa at both-Whj 9 II Kxiernsl tndic.ttona TPslity and Longevity answtlna Am 1 probably Look, or snort-I-lved Ill Plasties! appMcatlnn in th. arnolsilt no ttish.a, to Bns-Deiii Life, to Wedded Life, to Wealth la general, elc Adnilssion. 504 cuts. IRON JjOOHNG EeynoluS' Patent Iron RGofirt For Fire, Ws'er, sail Wind proof qnsitttes.

CHEAPNESS AD UDRaBILITI la acknowledged by indfea of the hlg.t mechanTi; skill to be saptrlor to any la the market. Kacaaneit Is Laav coatel with he best metallic Rnst Proof Paint, and scored to the roof that all are 117iilor-iiw''t4ri tlie Hi-tao, reader. Lrakatfe ible, and prov'djnff for Expansion and Contraction, Wt manufactured this root ol GALVAN IXtkLY) ll.l, wMch we rMomiAienal aa tbe only Perfect Hoof made. GSHH ills? 48 EAST MAIM STREET, Itochestt d-'cJOdtl CARPETS. Sfeiv and Choice Design.

In Carpiiis if all lias's 1 Many cl ibeic Private at our To-VwT Store. IN SMITE. PERKINS BLOCK. ROGERS Successors to Brown A Williams. XlocUoater, TNT.

CARPETINGS YyE ARft BAILT BECBIVmo noquctlra, Koval Wiltons, Velvets, Body Brn.sels, d-tlys, Venetians, Hemps, oil Im Its. l-'anry, TV liltc 4 t'lirck Tf attlnirs, Miiis. Hints, Ac, dec. WE UaVS TtlE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT To be tuimd In the dtat. an 1 at tbe lOWKsiT PKICKM.

HOWE ROGERS, 37 State 1 1. auvllsVPeaai 1)1 MEL DAVIS, M. Physician aud Surgeon. (laAia OF i. c.

OFFICE 132 Stattst, up atalr. Re-Reaideiice, 26 Rocaester. KCKAL-Q1A, Secondary 1 SyphMis, ailsll Ciroaie a ap-d? eu-e tturwnteL. Also. flsesaes ol Uti CMi lren, i fry, Ac, with a private oaiure, made a -i-rtalty.

PR. DAVIS luaU aea.Jf fors.j 1-wMrw eiptrUtvp lu tbelr tratniDt. No Morcury Pauentaas a divtanre an be rreaa-d with toe orntt perieet auccs. iy corrc'pODdixlf wi'U the Dotor, SiatjOK tlatr ejiLpfctynp ot ibe disease. a'-.

l-njrtb of tioie aflci te.i, t-t recrive hla -lebra ed reroeiilee Br express or otbcrwlsv aecurt'iy pack est frum obnervanoD No cown ua.catt aoawcred aaLeaa a s.atz ta incloses i i.uua tufij w. nave imilet. viettim tfte dead ol eff eta of nan lap cr Aell Anoa-. aftouid not fkil te cavil Ui ui or write Lbe Do. itii, aa by his rsjaaaaMssi f-'a recelvr itLxedite and mtim irom fbat mind harrow.

apd in diaeaae. Oaf ce Opeu Day -and Wight fW N. letters notkrd untoi a statnp ia la-rlosed. 7sii- t. tlte rtillly.

Ai K. A. a. LL ITWklLRK, sal; and laroralur an-iwn Is tbe Paint and ml tr.a. toihs clUasas or tw- tiTHkr-r ata rciM'j, and lor in pavai fw years i Its.

tar. saw uv-bj Ba' 11 Bktl tjitri rl lit OSV 111- iroai Jaaaary 1c ih ano would be ht; to se all tiia old frianaata aad -csMtAsaers aa as many nw ones anKit at ut vmil at Uia oid atajQd.w- r-et coiner aur M. at K. UUltTlSU TUN M. D.

ROWLEY, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Ml Tl AL Lilt Sr. Vark Asset. SVI.3T7 t7 Ot) IVt'OSIMlrlKtis. I.

A.seta bUN faJ ls 1 1.S..CO Mew sAli.JSA eltUt LSa. CO Baa. Aassta ST Itlt HOl aS KtliB IHt, Co Tot AMF-hltA SlKlt: Jerssy taly. PAll FIB AND PA HI Nit CO ttSt MBXHAMCt-. AM) TBAl Etta' riKE A VAHI.NE 1X8 Oo As- pacVmc prf rat WABa'SB isb: IM.SU sf 377,311 ba i laVIW rn MMH it MbSSS i assaSss IsS.

tOll -VP 19 1 -Jltl SI it 419,4 iti 3. 1 1. VBAV ELKhg A lUSSI I LSS.CO. IMS KAIL WAT IS- CO Aaassa it Pawers Bio. k.

ms' dtTt, P. S. WILSON, Urn liaeu ratter and tteal testate Aff ur) UtllAKU AND CO KaXIP TllUt 1SSCKASCB CO. af Hew Tork. LkS UlsCBAaCatX), ot Cerslaad, Oluo.

MltTtiOPOLITAX LIPK LSSl. BASCB CO, at Pea Tors. P. VI 11 s.iy Aireot, KalSt.erT Mo 1 A read. Hal Bom PVT.

I1U1I: I IIIK IVtrBlVtK! TEe Rcctesler German iBsaranae Comp'y A KB NOW i-Hrttfc Ll taseSUs itUras, 9wSklpSs H- arr. Mer- LaLti Uootv uir- A bisK stfe. trvct, laaatcx 5. T. Up, ir4raif KB, TEA, TETE-A-TETE, SOLITAIRE, ou.

TOILET 1ET8. A fall and nar' eaUcd saaArtsnant 9t nnirK r.k nrra site Ivrsit aialrera ra Baa 1. i-sprtatna the vst aMtortareiH ia the city aa Rlvses1a' tViirpaiatT. th -Vtt. Jn-'i.

a. rtMrrd Ai. ocks futifu, -a uaturrm-j's Uaat4 tatea. II V1R PI tTFD WUtR Tra aM. baskets Cutort, Bauar a.

Lawca stock irash from tie Xsvrdjaa tsx-torija, HBONZK cn 7VIK1. IKItcw A I tr, (r chtixctae and P'ors Ti to i Wtaav tr-j Jlw lacladlac 'h a'iera. TARI ri TI.FRV. Af taotftl Has of ivari, iyory, tste, Knhs-r. nri i a-arf ti dies Ir Is wurUi mr wnsle o' mi 4.

roo buy I AU PHIM TlHLKltlLH ARK. Oimiasjra, wi n--, rrt a Bio ta tbe mu feeapa art awfc o. iioim ftsjisMM, rtnTo-rft aeta. Tea rry Criil'lrnw Traya xa.Tabla via Name Isuf, M. Au utrd-ifia variat of itlr Ka.

pluaae xrmber wa tkeep running lnt flraveaaa iwoda. w3 import mr direct. buy tf at ft a anu'acturarB- W- tell aa heap aa Uir aaeay-rI we adTrrtlse io traab. WISflER PALMER, 23 rt a STbIsTbTT. AUCTION BALES, R.

J. KING CO. cTMOjtmmwUt SFLI AT PPPLIC Ttow at IhelrsaLs. VV Mo. IIS sat Viai at rest, a iti no yi iih, Attli o'etwak A M.

Household Furniture, Carpets, 8c c. CK moved 'rum 'he private rrwddeace ot HnryJ. AsaV ley, to for 0'a jf slri, cnLsUDaT of I'arJnr do'tea. Marble Top Ceater Tablea, I aceaou Hroeail nrta ns, rier an Mantle Mirrors, tatt aiid ts.ii.yk iliac ttm a. 1.1 kt, saavle.

A- liniaai -otni, dnsTft. Eat ens oi.Tr. n.i i. haira, -uiifs in Walnat -viil va. WnhiDd', MalLrefses.

CD d's Cr.b and MslUBM, 1 ahlra, i hsla, Korkrrs, 4ac. Velvet. HnuaaeU aad luaraia A LUSH A FH LLIPS, Auctioneer. Vi iDctioo and roiPBi -e su Baaraa i yial. at- Bilaas- BOCBMTBM.

T. nctloa Salsa svsry Sat ar day at la SATUIU1AV3 KEOIT AK 81.P CARPSTP or KI KSiTMSK, .1 tt.ll i. a- ith VI til alaintlrect. at aiy Sa's ta ri Farter Set. ctiamB- Raay chairs fie-1 -tie a-lels.

Bars. HC.teals, a Walt tea. and lle-u. T.tlea, Htan-1. Hoot i.e.

aa I. 1 t- fat i. i in in Hani Doors, warertibe. Mirror, toki atslsass. ksSr.vina.'.nd Frsm-i, it fa tire rajt nly.ltfrsm an I Camets.

sfcos-ess ivtO'v. a-aeat, Uu.i!n, oont, Fr.b-rs, Ballon, Ac. Al so, AT li O'CLOCK. nT Harcess sad Wii, two To Bacal'tard ft two H. r--- aWTatm.

Ca.h sn bale. I' j.lnvs. Auction Sale 04 the wt ll-ki. wo BIANSIOtJ VD tROIVOV OF I Joseph Cochrane, Esq. Ou, M.t-p At 11 o'clock.

I sell Auction, lu th AKCADK ll.VL.l-, (tn lYont of my olBce. ttis asove w.t. ko ITo-sye-S eaotual tri.t ra ttt. raul ttrsei. I eitttir.

oa vi.w oi tu. aOti seallktn. localuj at.u al Ir i lit TurrotTtTlilus ThfTas? feclit.u and arroiataieata an3 to.T.slen tlrst-, 1 i'a day safars A. H. AM -DPM.

Aaetioasr. Bar Ts ii, i SALES. 1 Urrat nntern lion Hotter, 1 IP -I I i .1 Hulldl.BS. A'l mr ds of foods bocatit LiS-ai cask sA-vaut t. ou BISBjBi lt every at.

rtpwa. aylttltf I. BKOOks, Aacltuwr. Nuw im AucncDi csfflffiissin eoois Kane a rt.oa, (feueral laaler la itiaas war, Of TaaAaa MMsa atlery, Plaia-wara, Co- aaita 11. -1, oa vhii-b 1 bw I iaaa at np-ra aJaavs ou fX elae sCea of reaU fatat, o-erfcaaal -arotper'T ttr i as.


CO. Casual Stop.oov 8UN iN3. CO. l.i BAY 8TATE INS. CO.

Capital I i i FIRST NATIONAL CO. laaptal. pjuo.oop ALPS INS. 00. Cpltal noil

takra at aitalsanm rats, snd ij tirouiscr pala. tMlirt, IO Architects, Builiiers, Aad all ahoar taicrate-i -b rcri.a svew. sr the niett 01 ol-' bitaarf, are invltHl tu Laal atadcBaasttie oar aew iocb of FiMl ti ll DUBS' 11 IHI1H IRE. Ural HfiMtt- i4ir 1mh KiaatMi I. taor lluita, I PUtt-d llaawr Uttav, JapnnnraJ IS-aeir rlmi-a.

erth 1'ttaiU "tilfffril urn. Irt- JaiMttd Uaar Batta. Iral i u. M. til Hrnate Daxar Hnnba, Kraal tlrtauae It.

Pallav. ALL OF TUE LAT.aT A5it MwaT IMPbAjVkUJ PAT-TKRsrt AND riSTsH UP" Ntiw oUlaB, witA Moaaaaaa, Ac fur ai Br-4 Hdiiil Plated Door, NGia-ber Ptw Plates all ar Tost PKicsa. A. S. HAMILTON CO.

41 ariti 'JZ Uuifula street. apasTrHl Dissolution of Copaitoerahip. rstHP BaretoCars snstlaa ssser aaas tM Had. a ul a liardvMi Btiul evHHl. kMlhsr hti will aa ta etltriusBt ol in.

oaalaass 1. am. iklaasdl HKNHVH tu, WM pass ta. D. placa.

NOTK I TV APPOrHCIPt. ta. Rail, Blaek At. inrurat tliair rSMada aad tae p-ifclis Ik.t tasp Ii pal to eies. ost enttr.

w-Ut aa 111. ita-Uj at tad. 1 pn Sal tral bm ladnt-siassA fur all te parvaae. iroat tksts Ta.y aav tis: twr, mi Kjclul net .1 i a. a -t, ras rtaSta.

wbtaa Htap i 1-j orAer. I Is law rates. 1BB.B lory fi Silv.raas will t. MaPi. tb MB to niest say dsuutrid.

In ta.tltBS. a aat 507 BK01DWJLT, X. 1., pi ley 1,000 Cords Wood. WHITt OA K. AIHD HirKOBT, am-ELI.

saABuMKO, for la lots to UM fwe-Tv t-'saara. Aistly oa tae inlaws. Ovsaostt Btn. ValUr Canal, ur addr-is by stall BtMi rLALrlttl. 1st vention Ih, Hew as any prrcipitiite action by rnwj rallilial Awi.rvs.

T. May 10. The Ktoital eotiventiatt me. to-day to elect delo-rti to the Phtladelphla convention. J.

A ateebell ap.l J. ft Dnnnellaic wer cho--n Campte, aud (1 Carry aud G. VV. yiie lit i-oli tiors were ruinaerl incttrsiTo. 1.,1 1 .1 rettc cut t.rant, an i ielejjutes to vote for Grant at Philadelphia Ol ant, and irstruotino i V.i -i i Smoke than Fire.

Lfaveswoiith, May ID. Notbiajr has ben heart! of another fiieht in the Indian territory leiarpQ tbe Toned States authorities ead Xaae i'toctor The story to that effec purporting to be brought here from the Cherokee district must hs- a sheer fabrication. Explosion. N' rm.K, Mhv 10. A special messenger re-repoits the explo-itm of tite hdilcr of the freight Ptenmer Ktnary.ort old Point Comfort, by which Cbiel MTillium Walter, his wife, child and sisti r-in-law were killed, and several severely fcalded.

nelegRtcs to tbe Uepublit an lat.ite Convention WAHHiitoToNviLiiK, May lu. (Jen. Williani K. Htown, Cyrus II. Martin, John Sclioii.

Id and John latckwood have lteen elected delegates t.i the Jt'-pahticao state convention from the liret tiistrict of Orange county. Brbel iiraves Decorated. Atlafta. Ga. May 10.

Tbo citizens turned out en mfliie to dectiiate tbe graves of confederate paid at ta. Tbe business bouses were all closed. Many strangers BSaiall A in the ceremony. Fast Tine. St ru p.

May 10. Engineer James Wood ran a sj ecial train from Kocbester to Syracuse (O-dwy, tbe ili, lance of eighty-one miles in eigbty-two niiimtea. This, for tbe distauco, ia tbo fastest lime on record More Forest Sap, nArnriK. L. May 10 The woods on the eboie ol Saeetor island are on lire.

aav-lliigration extends three miles east and west on tbe euuth side ot tbe island. Complimentary Concert. May 10 A grand vocal and instrumental concert, complimentary to Franz AM, tbe ( composer, took pnofl iu Concordia ball to-night. Louisiana itepublicau estate t'onventien. lS'KW May 10 The ltepublicun state convention ruects in flatou Uoue, June lltlb, to nominate state officers.

AFTEKSOIIS Waal.taaton. VVasjiniiton, Miiy 10. Many members of congress express the opinion that no tariff bUl will he paseed during the present session of roLgtcrs but that the internal revenue laws will tie changed so as to tales only on spirtu-otts, i merit il aud malt iniuors, bjnks and tol acco. Tbev a'so ay the prospect is that COgaieas wilt adj. urn on the OlUb ot May.

Xtw YiiEK, May 10 A Washington special says At a se-sion of the ctl inct on Tuesday last, while tbe Alabama claims were undereon" eidcration, the condition ot our navy was also referred to Tun president said he" had for luoutbs past dtjilored the inefficieucy of our coast defence, and regretteij that be could not da any thing to strengthen them. After the interchange of opioiea, it was finally decided that every iron-i ol tho t. sh.ud be put in a ODtiitton for in mediate service. The secretary oi war was a'so instroe'ed to make the coast it feLet, panii tiiar'y on the southern seaboard, as impugnable as possible. What can be done to put our navy in a state of fliciency is beiug done, and theri lore extraoruioary efforts are to be promptly made to put the b.t of tie iron-elads in sea-going condition, so that th a lew week there uiav not ta.

than lour-teen ready for orders. If nec'. ssary, woiU tviil be none day and'ht. Three iron clads have been ient to a private yard at Philadelphia i lasmematt r. paiis.

Tuosc at Boston, Br.aik-lyn ami Norloik are being tllllll out as rapidlr as possible. The monitors at New Orleans can', with Utile repair, tie madereaay witboui delay. The cause ot tlnsac irity cannot be ascertained. Ulbcials ot the navy departmci.tdo not deny the preparations, but proless ignorance as to the object ot fitting tbem out. Information baa rcacbt.1 ibe navy d.

partment that Moru Castle, gnsrtliig the entrance to Havana liaroor, is being rapidly etrecgtbeneit, aud that fifteen-inch guns, pointing n-award, are now being nut in pattjtioa. Orders to fit out go mjuv monitors at ibis tin.i excite susi-icon iliat trouble is ioi-il ii tut with Spain. The stale depsitment is anxiously expecting dispatctics Irtim S-heui in continuation of those txehuTigrd since Monday, wbicb, with the an ewer to be- nail'- to il by this government, will positivtly dettrniinr- a to trier there will be any on ation for a meeting ot the tribunal of arbitration next mi'Dtli. Should the next exchange ot diet attlies end unfavorably lor tbe arbrration, tt is in unit inplaliou to issue immeuiate orders oi rteali to the agent and counsel appointed to ccncluct our case at Geneva an I bring tbem to the Ul ted States iu time to prepate for tht next stasiuu ol congress aa exhaustive stuti oiL-nt and vindicatiou ol the action of our fuu iiittient prior lo and tinder tbe treaty, for tbe double purpose of setting the country aud tie ad mist rut ion rigtit before tbe world an.I cunserviug our interests against such rtare measures and upparuiuiiics as inav arise for the i-atisfaclta-y settleinriit of the en ouiscl ves and England. 1 be Trib line's Washington dispatch says: An-cng the D.moeratie members of congress ho will suppi rt the Cincinnati presidential ticket is Hon Jam.

Brooks ot New York Ia tLe course of conversation to-day, he said, in htsopitiun, Grfoel'-y will receive in tbe Democratic natioua. convention the votes of tbree-icuiths of the New Eng'and delegates, all of those from New York, the greater part of those Irom New Jersey aud Pennsylvania, several Ohio and Indiana, the entire delegation from Illinois and Sli a pjrt of those irom Wis cousin, all from Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Oregon, California, Ketuacky and Teunessee, and all of the rrniaiuder of the South except a portion of ibose from Georgia He thmks that more than ihret -fourth of the oouveti-ion will go to Baltimore iuiendii to indorse the Cincinnati movement, th. ugh he expects this course to las warmly opposed by delegates from Ohio, Indiana and fVorgia, but only-by gen-tennh whose views are gemnliv extreme. There may be. bethinks, aruprure lutbeeou-veuutn, but its iuduenco will only strength Gru ley among the lit

General Slocutu retetve.i yesterday a letter fiota a leading Democratic member of the New Yoik legislature, wbo writes that, afier careful iuiiuiry and interviews with a groat many of bis political Jrieuds at Albany, be had not been able to find a single I mocrat wbo was not iu favor of supporting tbe Greeley ticket. Destructive Firoa. Nr YdiiK, May 10. -The forest fires are still rtigu ti in the uoan-ains in Cs'er ei.uoty in this flat. 1 he village Chichester was onlv sav-eti irom c-tstrne'ioti jestcrday by the active efforts ot the villegers Tbia morning reached here of th moat cond ignitions, not on destroy ing nniia-r but valuable buildings "The fires commenced ou pJaal is known as D-mo.

Li Ue iu the town of Foreatnurg, Sullivau swept rapt.ll, tur iugh the ing lecca barua and eteiyihiu that -t od in it path Crossing the Monti, eilo and P.irt railway above Oihlaiid. it rapidlr burned through ine forest to th vi lag of OaVl dad, Heie the large lauDtry ot Wheel, as lot att lly in tbe routae ot tbe lire. ibe inhabitants turned rn: eu ma-ae to nbt tbe tiie, but it coutd not t.ecnntro Tin m-nerv was swept away tog. ib. with a large tiuiimiiv ol ba.k.

bide and leather in a short of time The lo. r. Mr li. is a ui $50, laJO. The buildings adja-cent to the itULi wire only saved bv great excMtaB, ami s.

teral ptiliatl down to pre-ti an almost gein ral cond tjratiou. At Paratdiat eta ion, near Oaklaud. hun-lrnd ol cortia ot ttotttl beltoiiiug to tbe I'aradtaa bri, roiLpaity Win destroyed. The greatest prevailed among tbe people living aiong ibe line of the fire Last night a turn daaana: In a fajrmel njind Harlnw at Scotch Iowa w.s discovtHed to be in utmea. It was to'ally ed.

Tbem were eight hed of valuable catllr and two blood, horses burned "I' i Kema'n. tha: have la-en prouojio-ed tlioae oi a human being were found in tia. rum, and it is acpp-isi il that ime drunken mered tbe barn and fired it accident wmle agbtiag a pii.e aad latii.bed ia tbe a -a Too bos ou the nam ia Ouo for $1 en ay. ibe stock waa valued at on which there was no iLstti-Huee. At 3 o'clot this moruing a fir occurred at iol'- 'l! street.

tKCUpled by Maas At Vt etj. dealer, Kili cornices and looking glaifitt Tba oss ou stock n. estimated at fJ'J, on build-t'gt- ttlO both iuaured. Another tire M-cotr. tl at I'-nl aireet.

tbe paint store of V4S.I. I Liggett, causing a loaa of lullv iuaured iiTisui kc, May 10 A die at Sriorraet, Pena deatroyed six squares in tbe hear, of tbe town, eatbractag oue-ihtrd tbe area of the place, and two-thirds of iu entire value The huilcitigs deal re tea included three hotels, erery s'ore and shop batons, botb backing, te th priuuug otbea lawters' otBwa, post oft -e Coiled spates aaeasor's odiee, two rbvrebea. Masoeic and Odd Fellows' hall, telegraph and expre- odices. aud over thirty 1 rivals b.ue.s Fiftv laauitits are reB.iered i tiB.eiees. 1 ne lo-a.

is I ati I'. -0o0 uaaurarc. $7a. ouo Mtiii-E, M.t in A 6r at Taller, Ooon- 'aga ttunty. Ihursdav nigbt destrT.yed tbe I I ley hotel and hams, three asij aeent dwelling Gar- uer drag stare.

Wiigbt's drug ard s. veral ottlttrs and barns. Lass flu, -t $10,000. sew 1.ML fim'm Mav 10 kobert Swift, tbe old--t auei nt at bt. T'ttoiuaa, I is ead A from Svlomon, Kaaaaa, atatwa thai beaty freskets aioag too line of the K.aaaa Mnti-r fn thr Tnrllnn Tirrll or? Cot 1 nl itsn Ii- iini.i.-.i(..

Jluwell Kiri mnti T'HiK, Mit I ft PriTtd frsni ItJtuttr l'TTi-trT ny Ibsl a v.pif ItM Nn trrgBmN. at rbli)nah ir- thf iron, outlaws aTd Orvat xv-tiiut prevaila, ani an ai.p'w'a'ton ba berD inte for two wniiiiv-r of to patrt! the Indian trri itorj aQl onl'-r 1 nuojtrol r-iHotis baa en atlj i t)(r--ari ot Ut, (Vi ih taJiaiia axe beootuiog ruif d. A rn-iial rtMrl ti dT for tb- nria of a Mud r-ocauforing tbfc iod ina.tiyt)r lor tbe denrT and HT-prrdlencT. 1 KamHii waa chrD prpidnt of tb roiiveiiiH'ii and Middloorook of ut one of a nuujo-r of ice-prgidouta. Knotnttooa w-ri" tbe two prrat pi iniplea of averorDon.

which aro order idod fn li'nw. nntl woioaii nudrae. ia Dee.iry tu ecrur a o( liVpuL'te in (uveruai nt. lasf'-Mioii ctM)idJat4a for prenidut an tk -prendnt ar oboiten from eithtr wx fdMlft a lawrt-r. vaa tried to-day on a thawix of fprtjury mtu niti Ihft ttrw ol eir i-f-nttTH in Br K)klTn rna-t Hi a.

The iXrMVfi held ti njeriiD and d'-ci-ied iitaurve to tbe ei'it-hour Kyatent, to Saf pitf moi 1t, but tb. i-un-aaiifHCUrt C'britH-, ef-d thirteen yftars. was tried in Hrolklyii to-day for the. nninler (of Widi WH, p1nyinre. The rvidence bowing tb kiii'Opi of Us a'oidental.

the an le'urutd a vei iiict of not truiltv. A fart-wrdl a go this afternoon to Majr late af--ut of tht- N'-w York etrtt bv a numb of hi-t ts' nal fnenda and aaori .1 VV siiiiontoii, fcfneral agmt of the New York ao irtMi pres-. prpaid.d. and Mtldrtes wfn by tbe luiroian, by tht Hon. VV'il-Itr-ni rtf.n.

prosw't it of tte Western union t-l-raph ieoeral Se-liie, CoL A. C. Iim. i X. VV.

If mu ami aftitff There were exitreasion of rrgi-et at pMrttaft and of eateern I i I nftter, why ItaWM U'-iaorrow for Minn to mmiiup editorial chariro of tbe 1 1 1 Tritione Though the reefptioti was entirely va taken lo proeeut the tjuest with a bnd.jno- gold pti which will ot oidy Im- Daefa to his lti'ure but a ci.tiafit niiixir-r ot the friends left The r-t-iciilflt Hpuhliran Tat'iuiany and 'frm eleftd dr-b-Miea to-ntht tu the -tate eonreDMona. Jatwea CMroj liafls frtoi Sa-rannah, G1-. at a ct ioLtr'a inquest lo-ilay in Joraev citj, know le- gea kiiLng U'dw-rt (jalia-her in a tirt.ckeii fit. A fir- U-i-L'ht eat roved Taitace frhru-nirt ke; "a sutrai f.tje-y on io'd street, Brooklyn I.s- oo MUiiar and syrups S9B, 0 machinrrT fl.Vt.OtH), aUw ei fully iu-ur-d iu the IStarrtonj-pany. fs on hvniomg owned by Charles T.

tkve $6t. ftUd Ipatawd. A crime sm'dar in ita fatnrea to the clebra-Tt a aVilhan tiafHi was p-rpxt -red in this ct? Ltphl il Phelpr-, jvwolor, reaitiing in i'ltirtv -ninth alreet and Sixth arenun was the vii pm. I'heJps heart! ve encaed in rob-i'Mjf. bin preinis and corninir enddenly apon tht rn.

one wf tin1 nrib-ra ttichared a pitoi at biftB, tho ball ed. ol tu tbe ltft breaat, him tat.dly. The tliieves escaped, le.vii'j;H hat behind thetn IwrUMMl ltet.wrt.tng TtiPlr ltamored iniiuttton. Fnalmiid. KTt-tW, MsylO Tbe Djitr filo), this even 1.

ing any a it ta n. in. ten in t-ruai worthy oir-lea tuti tbe negotiation bet wees the liritiaa and Arxieriean wiih r. t'ard tj iuduect claime, were suddenly broken off t- day In pai ttsia. ot td-nitt, (iraiixiUe in the boiiae ot Ion a and i.laor-tooe iu the fcoa-e e.

nmjot a protuu-td that a atatement ut tbe couoitton of tbe negotiations would b. male Mouitay next, wl ether the were received or not- 1 be viait of Empreaa August will termi- ite next 1 utbday, wku thv will return to (ier-atarjr TbV eoDvalsoenee of ex-Iio; press is piorjeM-nig t-ati-factoti'y. DtKifoti wae sworn in -Jay as privy coun- wdor. tieri trota Kugand now land in Pi PC withotai iioiog thtough the ttJKtaJ Byaitm. Vahis.

May 10 Car iste port that their irreaieisi ftreiigtb pain is in Mm prorinee of Hir-cav, and the news ol an attack on Uilaao is ex pi e-ed rtaily. Tlx Ten i pa liaa a dispatch stating that a eot-un ol Spanish tr-n p- which ixarched out In was attacked and dnvoo baick by the insu rgf na. Ti rame paper aays: 1 Ti uatworthy dc-ecnptioua ol tbe afl.irs at OrogT-ieta show th.t i liicieil aeotntTs arc gri ally exagerated in their mipof lane I i ly the rar of tbe Carlist ioice-, 1,980 mrt. ws t.agrd, aul the pna-oliej taken lha- goT( rt; iflej ITnops wen- nearly a'l inbahitanra ho were vn laihising with this in urreclion. Ol the CarltsU nctuaHy in the tight, iW) were actuailv it hot tm comttat Vnm Carloa has sueceeoed in joining n.a par-liaana.

1 be pohlicana re as yet 'lift 'I i r- nisurgenra in tbe province of Oei una and 400 that of Letida. 3C1.IJ i a 1. omi rMpBAOSI Ar.ii.M,T.N. May lft SaNATE On motion L'f Wi. handier, Tueailay evening next was assigned lor eoi siderat.oti of tiJlB leportctl troiu coirnttt tee tn ommerce Mr ISnnitier ittiiotIut.ed anew hit aunplomen-tr eteti nglit bill, aid to have it plac-t .1 9m the calendar.

Mi. H.iy r-refer it te the on ji'dicmrv At iht- ejplration of the morning hour tho bill was ordtnd irtuted aud placod on tbe cxl e-odar to motion to n-h-r. MeT. I ole ortt'ied a rea ucion ioetructing the aet i-eUtiy of to lurni a luiormatiQ aa to the xuM in ot serviug (ioat inland tur mil tat purpot- aud what etfct upon the bsiborul San raMnuMl tti itlai.U would bavu. Tbo resolution went uViT.

The hill was i.aseed authorising the issQe of t-n aru.a to I he inhabitaiiU ol Montana tor defunct agaijst ludutns 1 ne loui-iana tdeeli itill catno up. Alter doaultory politoai di-Auaion, the bill a Theta at-nae then held a brief executive whtcb open wa- re-titnel and the hill Ut amend llie eutureeajeut ai was taken np 'J be Sect pruvniep- lor the appointmeut ot snpd-rt im.r of ele tiona at tb eongreaeioual et tieii in each votin precinct, and where re-4tict-t i made lor Mb ty two ci'iieos. In tho discussion that ensued, Mr. Kellogg r. ii rred to Mate officials aud other lioeral Kc I i.bticai.s it oou Ltiuitiaiu.

wbo at the iiiciunaU L-sii retitiua, as thieve and ran aU a hti bati typpre--l and j.iiimlt'n ibe state. auU aaia tuat tt was they, wiib tue rag-tag and txdi-tad tiotu other flares, who turut tue WC 1 it: tua couveoitiuu Mi I aseerl -1 a mh the na'or would tie i.t Uicr ib m- persons tto ne denounce com -naued the outrage whtcb tie denounc, before uraitei tftv bbrjjne i urt a 1 1 bftj ji.iu, Hogie -ltefore and alter He thai tu toy ol dc legate Ui CiuciQcati ere no letter than thuac iroui IMiisuLa, aud ea 'ltd upon the senators tnnu tit oria and I exas tu s'ate a ho tbe ia were th aasu wed re t. res- nt those states to, tbe convention. Mi Hamilton sail, I can aav for i. vntt-B fioui i ita that was not a anifiig taein ILaatighld ahout acUi-g upon tn Uii iat ua.

ad- jt Ul Ued. liti Mr iVler, from tbe judiciary com -tnittrf, it a bill taking awa the circuit court jet i ou rhi district court lor lit mrhern of G-orgia and f. win.g a circuit euurt lor that dtauit t. 1 wMape d. 1 te h.

wriit into eoiuiuiteee of the whol on the ttili It i i. ef 91, pertlaat-l, for Bo ton, $, WOfor Newport, $ib7. Jt i Nev, I1 Uitt parsed 'i he ou-1 toeV up tbe urifl and tax uil! ecTi mi Use- A bote rnswed oti a motion to luce the ditty oa pig irou ui fire doftarr. er ton attr baocn o.M'Dsauou atd some huOaurous sta-e ti-makii t.e motion tott-duie ibe uioa p'p-tn-n to Ii nol'ar-. a too i veial laitiaajg were reje-t-ted.

Mr lae ma a att out the line tax on pig irou sit tiolUr. so as to let tonae i the tfctict. ten i reduction cUaapr, wLK-b waa agreed to; ayes 84, uays Wk i r-r. a.ltcr kav lUfe? dis- potwrti ot nut a stngir line. itbaut trtfB.aa tiog any further basieeat, tbe Lt-lUdPC aka JOU.

alt d. May lo, PutitoaaniTia. The i urtbru -r wul a vr i t.ii.ica.iwsr--lv over lower Micbiatan to ittia-u. nriak iM-asiblv very brisk 'p pn it tun to uuritisstu-rlt over Lake Mtcbaa co-uigbi. but boutbaaaterty over tbe i aer 'ak-t- faeriag to we-ierlf on Sturday ioudj aeidihtr sod ram Irom is Ohio vaitev loiUiwani, exieuutug east ward over the lower Inke re ei(f-r to Hutberiv wiuda With Ut iikHNi and u-talberovei ibe Atlantic atate-i, aia-d rwlu tbe a est em u'l t.

langeixiua winds are r-a nsum; dl -a tb slice paled. Buflate Tug "utk. hi tKAto, May 1ft The tn ate i aae Com-k asj bxavkrwedl br Uai er while lowiag reat-i oaf oi 'be harhfir tbta afieruoo aeat sunk ins'ab'ly. George Burge. the coak, wae bed and ia not exptciet to litre- Tee a CAcaptU si hi injuries.

rctVTLPTK ISSORTMIVT OP JAP.WKSR tilLlib AND nTldsl sr-nd at 'BETCB ATn BRITIRn I OtlOlki-ln Sprll'S Pabrlc, lust opeaed at BHalNNAN'3. OFTFR OCT: ri.MPLr.Tr? A-aortTMRNT OF 0oOib at AUracuve Prlc-n. A BRENNAN SON. S0 8tats audi) Mill Slrpot. rt tH EH 3 EH 01 CM CM 6 a ah lr at TS -J sa so JS ta 9 sa.

Si SEWING MACHINES. DOMESTIC. So Chantfe ot Teusloa. Aseats Wanted lor WnrTonadtsc Territory e. BxAnrass a co.

10 Maln-at Bridce. Koi hester. PAAII ADKIil'llIA Tbree Machines in One! Maaee whs s-quai cave ike Uixaa IijUowih bukca, via Tbe Lot Mfc I fae Loop or liaalii klttrla, mntt The Hurra I ord or KaiBroUerf Htlleh. has aw ttosa one lo aiaOtbaT at: aimoavt icstaata- aeuuaiy Is store Mnorda enriatrnv-doa, a wiar of work. tiaw a mora bu ski utd atiraoc v- tatxc, uil Buns caaser aad at.iiir Liaaai at ofcaaj- MaMBssss) beiore tbe pablic.

t.r is H.ittrttr, aVeattra! Aasnw lor lbs Stale of St Tart. IP Weal Main l. Um Bay, KOCHPsTPH, T. ttr tat.llaais atd taeraeiv wa, wswLqtL PROCLAMATION. MMHMAA.m fWrt li-tra! OM ciw.t Af A ai tbe Lour Hoaw.

rlt) -f 'i aaar aad or tha county of raw, oa tbe Ur ttereiore my to ae dir ol Hon I ar at tka aa. erviw it, iaia, con'orm't to a pr-dctivar--! ttta Lhairtct At laly. to all pt-raons it4 1 1 ap tra; aaau'a by rect-laaAce or tbrir, and ail or tae tlhr-r oftai-r-rai arta 1 it al'B sf rrrtsKiiiiaai tor lbe aapraraucti aa, saaMaMI uek t'oart. or wbo have taa-n nv mm dSttl tm 'inaoaer saaiTaaw fsajtaMaal aa tatwra sajct rer-. nt satire.

l-ju'aitoa aad wt'ia lb alotOBrtai Uir optsnintf oa tbe Irst dav atioei my hand at th hirrtflr-. imtsmup aaw sasat of bUierter Cojry of atoaro-, a ta nar tat Mar, am joekrH a i amkbkix, ii.ye2Ac-d sUaartA of Moaroa aatp. CicASTRClS C0NFLASP.AT10NS. Someret, Pa Nearly "Extoi-Biv Forest Tires. Tug Sunk at Buffalo.

Co lod III B-B Mill 1-2. 1 3 Meeltnir ol the etostti. Arm. I oramltlrf-. II.iiltfc 01, iihhi lie rbimbruot.iiifti-iiiii ll8rmibic I ur re epondrat e.

Wtsmst.Toa, Ma) lo. lu tha United ttatas Mexican fii.itn Wlwl, 8lt, tn hihiii 11I 1 Hat.tlitv ot tlie I'niteu Stale ti.j.rrttaiiop ot America Imtisus on xt an i nii (i. 1 ttiwu the La i t- It. Uci to corunits- in case mustier 131 tjaiiit Ibe t. citler.

ncea in opinion w.jv SBiiouiiceii awd tbe referred to Mti on-ioire lor 3SQ oa-BBS art- involve! III lit. Of till 1 he hale ai me i unjiuiittse it Oaai meet-tt da? uuO upon a rerenrt. The wmioitt eiitrest thi-ir PBlirnlTtipTPt nt the rvtusal ul Senators tsuuiutr and S. hurr tu testify Is iiai.i to certain matters toacbio tit iumtiitihW, Kttl stale llt.t.

uot-wtlLataliilla. inii i-t nt to wOnii tbev hire givec due consideration, iLt cannot doubt ina wb- pi hmmI to liiuj and that be was a anil lo lesuft o. I. ne the ati.t lli-it lit rr fnai iu tit -i. winch were put to nioi cannot be justified, I oum.itit ti i.

il that tbe inTteunt received tor Ule Aale ol mires, 40 tbe sai iti rMlkg Joue --'iti, IHJi, were r.u'sfrlt paid the ue.aurv, and they dis-mver nothing iu these transactions wbieh ti bict; eitbt upon the government or any ollii iniiiet t. it Utsrewhb. AH tbe Mkbr wen made itii rewtlu latirttle to the KOVtnju.eti. and there wai nothing the r-oiiuu, i oi the etcn trT of war or bin sab-i wawrvtec reneor in this reaper t. 1 he eyllin iit.d itlei of and unhury t.d were not tuade under aurb ureuiuataniea lo Tiitlatr the i i'ha ions ul our iferutueot a it uruttal (er There not tbe eligbteat toandattoo ttir auaMleioc tlit atiy other of tbe KovCrumeut or war department dehe.i au aovaiilaife trttoi Thae aale) Tbe eotatfiltfi- felt tHtuttd as a a art ot juMiee, ut euuers.te ijeneral Kotii.

Inalla troiu anv liu-trotter ti tb. ae trauaat tiona they iiod in tun. inie M-biUi; the uatucal of the KemiUatvot Tbe eotirhii ih. teatuitonv ttiat ('uut de I i at Wuu n. tbe af all tin asperi.

nu. thinan iipoi. out gov. Tiiiuettt ar.d u.pK'ion.i taai iiftoii its 1: ui diflloutt to ascertain itriieiael. i.e piirtHwe lor a bit be 1 tbie luveatijfaiiou, but it i r.

that be ba- ortd tu hrioit wlMiut. At ht teelu tu have heea lu-tr1fBla in tbe iaiert st ol tbe r'reueb jjoverti-tuent ari.l at ott.rra kg as aeut o( Ui. ii tor Place, iiiuriy eobaul-eoeral ot at New V'ork Had Seualora and Srhuri applied to the war aud tiaiurv, they woa A bare aaet-iiailted that arwa uo traud nor violbtioo ot the Ua oi ibe nmitini tu these balm ll.altaae hanil't Ja would baTS faiiea iu hta eflorta to hm. the senate a- an iu ala aie tua fneaai I'laee ami tt.rot auaptett oa the dpirtaieut oi Uia got-r. Uftib Kiuallt, tbts InTeaticaiion a aa ioovkI ttraf upon Tii.

atateuient ttiatver- tatn teetitanoa ba.i tM-etl iu if raaee ret oi.d uiHiD to tbe ataie I Hit UUh tltittt.i li llhit.ii eXta UllVe oepart tut ut el or pot rrnmetita and thirdly, on a -iwtal-v au-lurloii a- to tbe 'coudut li.e in u.o ll im tiow a.t Lai bed that such altpuoecd reat.luU.tDi. aMsTer waa patted t.itt tbo uthci- two gTWWajbBwa ro ajtitunre id aa uitatbt rail hat ta-en unral the aenatora who lLnved and eupi tirte.1 this of luquirT. In Ji tilliti tmtit, lb la ifMilutrvi a in-ed itpoo one one mis tppreh- oaiou and one uuiounttrd uaoirion, an.) would no; he a-en aue at ai uer arnat r. tb.

a lattolti BLiI to a hit ti Uial Be i toe rt-tllae el Staator iMiu. The. cttvuiiiitee at-o tu illleti I b. h- oi-ei or ILtsT U.U-..I- it- ot b- iug llaiialoroieo aato taraerh-ioatier- a. re ut.t attid tty ibe wax jiartBtent in em-h large uuttiiM-rs aa to eri tmaly mnit the tieftualve rapacity id be ooatufry iu lime of war, aao alter ttiiiuu teat I u.

tic. npou the auhct, sat tuat there caft fa- in uoubt thai (be rotitd arm 1 IW, ii" torn a taut aa thej coultt be rata anil O' lo ret-, ite artus t'oni mil aerator pi. it that tue ae an.fer t-ouatder-atiott have not aeri.tualy tatpir.4 the ttotouat ea cutpai-tte t.i ibe i-ounrrT in time of war. Sleet u.t.u will pre at but ni-ru iuj trlrwa. A imit .1 that a tel tgralu waa leeeiaeti fioin 1.

tVaj meraia MinUiS bo uiv.t iaeoi an haiwe-u Uk Uiiibad Stat.a au.t bri tn reapctiQK our rlaiaa for tu-u ial aiuaa-e boib couutlira adhejtu re(M-. Tha folk, a itlg aelcftapu ftrrerwu cl fdalL ITaell Llat isaTi. Siay li. To B. la ti rre aT louutlat'otl tor tlie report about ton ti'lrafajtiit ti taal bittbi 1 iMdmI) Kk HAkti Smith.

Mi. To ard lVan(A tr tt'HrOr waata-a Ui lo kuow what ibot.j.or. i If it any thing traordiQary or dreadful, it ta Uia, II is iSiCutd) OtWiilll, May tu 7'u Siwiom hat reas lator a oh.uke of iroat aud are your-tK a ixiidiuate. -ista-ucd Ki ttti.i SMiia. Wtisili.Ni i Nat 10.

Tm SatiM at ikt rurV. CimeiHHUti 1 n.i! no i. a eai.aiUat for the pi etude-nee vudiaj i. un 1 am not ehaaiti i maM iu rat TTrtwial Grant firat and (Set believe that he trill las r-n-oi inittru tu and rvt-r Jeai 'd iu atid tat laiaihination can he I't- wi be will Am at teaipt by to aae ray uiwr im a acbatoe i d.f. at.

1 uti ut u.leuia and halo. mi bli j-tiecliou eyrr aiuoe committee to prepare arjcleg ot iuipcachuieut in the case ol t.eorge O. BfiVnaru report said articles, the assembly will imm-diatcly resolve into cotnmiitee of the whole Ijcreou. That speecbae iu the committee be hunted to twenty minuted each, that at lOoVliK-k. a.

tbe sec -oid dai'a the committee sfjail proceed to vole ujKin ametiOm' Uts which uiaj tR oft'ted. aud that at not later than 1 p. ra. oi euul second day, the committee shall and port their action to the house which shall in iufointely and without debate vo-e thereon thKt ii tbe articles axe agreed upon, the bouse shall tubed immediately and-without debate belt et by ballot nine managers to conduct said in pt aebment on the part ol the houst, and the titer highest uKu Ibe list, of thoe voted lor on tajc ahall lie deelaT'ed dulyelerted. Mr Fields mov that ibedeb-a'ehe united an I.

our and a baii and tbe speeches to ten mid tea, which was accepted by Mr. Vtdder Mr. Htis'ed moved the following puhsMtute lor the latter part Kesolvcd. Tltat MsH. A Nilcf, Pridde, Strabau, Tilden.

Tobev, Hill, Liucolu and Vrdder be and are herehv appointed managers ou tlie part of this House to pie-i nt the articles of iuipeachmeut aod to ei'i-duct the trial ol George Barnard, justice of the supreme court, lore tbe court ut impeachment. Lost by 'SH to 6. Tbe rt solution as amended by Mr. Fu-Ids's motion was then adopted. Mr.

Veiioer, Irom the committee to draw up ai tides against Jmige bai uard, subrritted a repent bbrdclng articles and mak-inpj a document ol forty-five, pages. I be house then went iuto committee on the articles. Mr. Ma. ka in the chair, ami the e'erk pioceeded to read the articles, winch are an eiubuiaiion ol tne charges contained in the report of the judiciary committee.

lifture the articles ere read through. Mr. Alvord moved that the comoiiitee report tbe articles to the house aud recoa.mcad their pas sage. Can nd He cess till 7:30 p. in.

EvbKiNO session. The chair announced the ele tin ot man age re in the impeuinneut case tti Ire in order. Mr. Alvord tnoveil thitt the ehtir appoint two teller, which warn cariied. and the ekair named Mia Barai and A.

Uili a aurb. Speaker Suiiib aitl lie Intd lizard bin ndtne rLeuti-jnod tus a eiitolidate und eotild not Tbe roll wiip rail, aud ir.emtHirs carno for waru and depofite-i ballots in tho oox in front of tbe eet k'e desk. The votes were cuanted aud found to loot up as I0II0A8, 113 bailota beijg aal Thomas O. Alvooi 101. llradfor-1 Prince l'avul h.

Ili.l IM, Ctrille S. Liotoln modore 1' Vedder VVnliaui VV Nile 81 Jtthu Jacob" 62, Jam. NT. Hinted 61, AUwit L. Haye 67, Samuel J.

Tilden 5J, Ki ank'in W. Toty 51, Uob. rt H. Strabau II, Henry htnitb 22, Speaker Smith 1. Georte kav SO, Obarlea A.

Flauioier IS, The remainder were nmoug Messrs Mortnu. Albereer, (Jriflin, W'hitlwek, Twombly, Burns, Fort, Moulion. Kenned Tucker, Hose, Ira I). Drown, Ki. Ids and Ktruati Hit chair anuouueed the followlui; a elected Messrs Alvord, l'rioce, 1).

Hill, I.inccln, Vedder, Xiies. Jacobs, und Iln.vt-a. Mr. Vnl.lermoaed a r. sol ntiira to notify the senate ot the apMitiitnieut of manager, to eon-mi.

tltt lllipeat bui ul of li. llaruard, waa alopted. Also, that the articles of impeachment be to tbe senate by tbe tiiauag rs just eieeted, which was ttleo arloptt d. EU.S rasstco. To amend the charter of tLe TougLkeepsie hri.iEe cemtaoy.

'The conference committee reported aureemeut pa a ccriam hrioe unti surrogate, compensation bill, which waa aaiu put ou passage and passed Aojauiued. Steaico. a it. moras, May Generals Ccva'loa, Pnlawaa aswd Ayado marched out at daylight tioo u-t-riiiLK wiib a ttout lo, foil troops, mfauLi a no cavalry, with twelve field pics, in por-stiit of (It urial 'freviuo'a ftuvce, now reporusl a' fteadijMt latst a tpMawl eourier reached this etty with dispatebeat to Hon. Oevallos from Gen.

Itotba, who was to leave Monterey to dav v.ilb uo lo attat-a Treviuo waorerer Urn. CVvallu intends to lorm a junction wilb ltot-ba near Camargo. be utwns Mo'ttes and f-. il have prououueed aga'ust 1 ale and are raisiux sum to aid the government to pot him tlottn. Tbe revolutionists Oeausral Xarnjo have be.

in .1 by Cki'ouel Mania's Tauipico wiia catistderaitle loos in uieo atul arms. It is et nleiit that the revolution in northern Mexico is esbausti tl and ttie entire couutry will to- ui'dt i tne coiitiol of the goviiruuii'ul iu a law vtt Ls and oten to Commerce. il l. eitj is aarrisitntd bf tbe uatiuual L-Utrd ui ttt t'olouil CbiiUt. atul is lariteotiy timet, mlbuUfch still: uuder Biartial taw.

Tiasea tin West. u. May 10 So-ne d.ys eioce, two n-tined 1'uloen and Ander-ou'a ere tuurder- td in Caldwell, Sumner countr. Kudu, bra u.mril wbo eecaued iuto the In-t i.n lenitoi in. vijciianet.

committee im- -in. iaioty set aut iu purattit of hies, i Bttttd aud shot hiua. Alter too re- I turn tl tbe visitants from their exeuraion, a ebootioj. a lit ay ocruired in elliugton in i a man named Jack Lynch shot and ltiuen ii.metl liopkius ai.u iara, auu rtteited two biuiselt. l.t neti waa arn sted.

1 ue otlair coining to the knowledge iS ibe ti.u,n.llUe, thev marched oou toWVl- Usaton, a dt.tance of twenty miles, look Lynch irom the ofli.t and banted him. Fire. PtH CtiKkaPsiB. May 10 At 2 o'clock (but afbrrnoon a Ore broke out iu kbe village of 1 -itt att.i hetore tbe flauioa ua.d he sub-tiuett thurbrea with couteuta, a.rr totally destroyed, lurlaamx tbe fretubt esiatiuahment ul A. Staata, the batel of 1 xakcr, tbe lumaer yard of feuuta and Neei and the -tore oi Walter Martin.

Ibe lo will reach $75 41. Tne insuraaoe ia known, fcujfiuc were scot lo tbe village ii ou. Ulruiebck au.i HuttaoU. The iutllaas. Saw FaASt'Isi o.

May 10. Advices from Ari- ii a rt pte.eel tl. n.iai Howard aa parsuiog a wholly diMrrrut eotirsr riaai that adopted by Mi loiter. He ctumntia freely tbe nil-a- ia aiui seeks to irve entire satisfaction to all ai lies Ue lit cUdeavoi lo bate tbe chiefs oi Papagoc and Moneapaa, all of wlouaart, iiteudlt It. tne aud hostile ta Aiahea, accotopany hiiu la Waahiu- ut: wl a Mavar.

S.i iu II. 11- Walkor, ma tot of suctub, X. died ia that city to-day. Nota. Barometer corrected for tcauperatuf and elevation.

LtATKbT TiiLI CltAPH yiAKHKTS Albany, Mr.y 10 8 P. Whtat market strong; sales three cars extra white Mate and Diehl in bags at 215S 220, Ilrk market dull and iiomi nal. CoaJl market stronger; salts nuxtsl Weau-rn at Oats market rather strong; sales two cats No. IStateaifcOc Bariai market neelccted CATTLE Market onenetl buoyant and strong, and laal week's puces have been realised at a range of CKjir'c. Milch cows are in active demand at s5u 300 Mi.rkt for sheep ia dull; sales sheared at 6 Jl -I Hutlalo, May 10 a P.

M. Flour market hrin and steady Sala 60 bids white at $10.00. and hbts city gr. mti. I Spring at qutilod at the foltovting rates: Western Spring at 7 Baker at 25, Amber st (7,75 8,5, Wblte at IfLtM lose tit groiird Spring at Amber at 9.75 and VI bite at 19.75 a 10.25.

Era FutL A at a 5 25 I I city gTonnd. C'jits MkaL linn; qtMittsrl at 125110-- t-oarse, and HOc (tir timtt. VVnRAT-market strong and higher; sales 8,000 hush No. a Milwaukee club at ltfiic, and 4,000 bush lknlnlb Spring at lT5c; So. 2 Mliwaakee aud Chicago 4t rl W'uiter at 200c, and Duluth BPBtaa at 175e.

Ottaat market o.ore active and unsettled: sale. bnsh No 2 Wester to arrive at 15,009 bus .1., spot tin private auOO ush do in loLs al 57Vja5Sc Oats market quiet aud nominally at 45e fur No. 2 Western; sales 12.000 bnsh Toledo to arrive on private It-ruis. KkX markka steady: sales wo bush No. 1 Western at SjBa; ftaPte.l at th Baal ir-market mure atlite and steady: sales thr.

cars W. steru at 70c. and one car CtMiada at 95e on the track; Western quoted at 75 7Br. Canada attasasise, and rowta Slate at. is 70s PttAS market quit Canada field tiaoted at 95 bt the ear, and t05a.UlV for seralllota.

Sikus maiket steady with a good demand, sales Tiiuoihy at 2 75 8M.S5, medinm Clover at 10,00 36.2'. and Urge Clover at PoaK market uui. aalea at lS.OoS 13.50 for heavy, aud $12.75 I3.U0 for light mess. Laho 111.rk.-t tpiiet: sates ai 9a c. Hioh-w im-s roituuai.

HAn.uoAnSiiiiiti:-ia-noue. Laaa Iwro-iTS 27.000 bnsh corn. CATTLE Snpply 513 cars against 433 cars tor ttia same time lasl week; market active aud are unchanged. SHErr receipts 7.410 head agaiu.t ,600 head for the same time Unit week: market closed firm. Hi OS receipt.

16 loo head against 30 5o0 head Car the same time last week; market very dull 'nlcga. May 10 P. MJOol a market firm with a good uemat.d; sates extra Soring at $7 Wheat market tinu with a lair detuan.l: assas aS 154a tI55c for No. 2 Chicago Sitrittg. tokv market 1 1 cited au.l prleaa are higher; aa'es at 45c for No.

2 mixed, and 4'trsic fat rejtsMed. Oats market active and piites ate higher; aale at .17 14 a 37 for No. Krt -market tirai with a trood pssaaatsW salts at irjc bi No. 1. and 9b for la a.

1. market firm with t-u demand, salta at AOtrOlc Ibr No. 2 Fall Pk. market quiet and unchaag-ed. Miss Poaa sales at $12,50.

Latto market iiu.t-t and aarhaagiini salsa at se.tsi, Kawaruras nisrtet nut, at We. I.i H-aoa asarket dull and steady; sates at sea 4.1u for csaaaaa to extra. c.i ilk market firui; sales at for good to cboite tbippiag. Banairrs 7,000 bbi. oouj.

5 000 wheat 1 I HOC bush corn, 2A.0OU bush oata 1 ouO itusb rye, l.otai bush bariev, 5,000 head ho a Sair mtn-t 5 1100 bbls fi. ur 7,000 bush wbeal, Ut tf has com. 10,000 bu.h oats. S.oou bn.b rve," I nun aaah bailey, 5000 bead e'- Lisk I kklc-uns-lanc hanged i 11 do 11, May lt Atterutsia coasou coat si ai 93 lor name. aitd PJ lor account.

Bunds Cuited Sti. tea 5-ZOs, SSt8 iasue ol lig; loldl: sH ft 7s; fSs fur 10-40a. M.t 54T5i-c Afternoon It tea cLaasi at Liverpool, May 10-ArVsnonn Cotton classd qulel Ibe ioliewmg are the authorised. uiHttatl ms. MirUHing I'piaraia.

li.r'vi; Orleans, 11 Vt Salts llate brea e' 000 bales, 0,19 lor -i and export fseed V. a 4i. wt for American si per cwt tor abort-rib middles spirits mrpBtiiia Malirlcin. Itaat A M. Ktonr qu.rte.iat ZTaOd MBjB yvheat for red VV-et.

Sorrna lastd rl mo IJ a 1 lisriey. 3ed. Oata, KsSd Pnaa, SB-Oa Pork 50a tiatsi. I niteO siaia Honda. SS44 kl Ftoar sjaaasd Wheat a 1 tt rest Vt e-t.

12s4.1 fm -J Winter, afcd lzeou for White Corn 2a9d I'aulev, Ss.L I lac. Pe.s rSsod 50a Laid. t. -tit Called States Bands, as'. The reeeipta of wheal l-r the past three dav.

32 -M quarters, of wblflh 27.500 -piarter. wt-rs Amen. an. 3ZcLS AN JOH.NcyON, (.5 NERIL INnIRINCK OFFUE, r.c. 16 Arcade Hall.

Wt w.itt- lor nrtt class tut'isa aad fire s. r-, 1 2.000,000 A Ml ASSKTS. 1 ite rsl pass taksn va klao. 01 nsoitrrtv a rs A. at.

i i.uii. T.i. JOitMsoa. aiu Aiiwaaa, faiLs-Bi njrataB Abbott. at BBWey's..

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