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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


ATK1L 1. rug wort moonomloal, BEST ROOF Offered to the Publio I CALL AND SEE SAMPLE. 57 State street 11EYNOLDS BROS A. EHRLICH, 8 Main street Bridge, XaaOCIIESTEIa. a ai s- T.

2 v. a 4 at. A -f Bat mi 5 BBS mm A L. A. EHRLICH, 8 Main street Bridge.

-w-a af-Sa aS1 WW -BtT tStt SWS a AMUSEMtlSTS. CORINTHIAN HALL OCHASTEK, M. T. let Leetsrea, Ceavrertt, Operas, A PAM'I, WILDER. rra-rrtetBs-.

BJCBAKO T. AaI srlMly Brrwas CUHINT111AH II A I Kui Biunn osii.t Kataday, Tueedty, Wt-iaslay sad YkBrrday rtl 1 7th, 1 satis, 1 ISt SMHh. Clin hi. Mac l-vv'n EAJtOl'S OB101 XL II I Ii Tt IV I IV UlBMraia tb Berasarr, Mtaatc aad Abvi-ibiik. mi Aantated By la fulKisiaa laUala anas Mr.

Wllllaaa F. Uwl, Wfwrse II. SsaeBvwy, BJssa Kate HalHas, Mr. bariww Marlvev. hew fa-ew-ry.

Mwte. Braas. sse. e. Adataaioa a aad a ceavta. i.m atian' la i Wnuri Pew Y.k Fair. Rocbesltr hj mwmei tb at cordiac to the notion of many people, not aaarartaoc. I a place of tbe crawl snow sww meat is on fcot to bare a Western ew I or air, which, tf successful, will sbswct erery purpose and prore r.ore adTMtsgeous to tte larm-ars of the western part of tbe Stat than the Al bany exhibition. It will adranca the agricultural ieterests of this section better than any teatitstion aaanafrrd lor the purpose of maales; rich a few ia-ii rid amis and dtseKtirg er-rybody else. Tbe Western New Toik fair wUi be a perasa- eeut Institution, such as the people of this city and county, as wen a tbe counties adjacent, can bearUly carport.

Let us bsre a Western New Tork fair. Tk Water Bill. E4twt Vmnrrnt and CJiromirte It Is blh time tbat cur peot I begin to bsstir Uwtneehm la respect to tbe bill before the L'g tsatare, purportine to be aa act to supply tbe city of Rochester with pure and wholesome wa ter." (L) Tbe bill bas passed the Assemblj.irooe to tbe Senate, been reported broiabir by a standing committee of that body, ftd may any diy be parsed aod become a law. Are our people aware of the prorieioiia of this bill I say nothing of the character or fitnesa of proposed Commissioners, Mortimer F. Reynolds, John M'Conrill, William Mndgett, A.

Carter Wilder and Edward M. Smith kt It be conceded tbat these gentlemen are as emi nent for abUlty and execute talent as Uxy are dattoguabed for integrity a of motire. under anr aaJ cb-cumstasces. nat inc-n it i it to be endured tnat any set ui men, without the authority or approval ol the i taxpayers or people, or any consultation with them, directly or indirectly, shall procure them selves to be legislated into a position tbat will Eire them the sbaolnta control of the rajsins and dabereesaent of aa unlimited amount ol money. to be drawn from tie people by taxation (3.) Do oar people know, that If this bin should these five gentlemen win be pot in supreme and exclusive control of tbe matter of supply! tie this city with water, for an time.

without any limitation as to the duration of ot- svf (41 Do our people understand that if tteae fire reatlemeo shall be able by any means or any appliance, to carry this project by a ma jority rote at a ensrter election, they, the Com misskCTS, are themselves by the act itself, clothed witha sort of omnipotent power in respect to this important matter, asd for life? (5.) Da our people comprehend that tbew fire genSemen, or any three of them, will be empowered to borrow money on the credit of tbe city, and thus to add to our municipal debt, tn amount limited only by the estimate which they themselves shall make, as to the probable cost of the work, and which may amount to miHiontr (4) If our good people understand all this, and are disposed to allow this bill to pass without word of dUsent, very well. If, nowtver, they do sot understand it, it is time they did, and that they bestir themselves to prevent the passAze of tbe bin. (7.) It is said that each of the aforesaid proposed Com mlssioners disavows any participation in, or knowledge of, the concoction of tbe bill. The friends of these gettlcmen rejoics at this disavowal for that the fbiH originated tn corrupt motives no one doubts and men of character so spotless as that of each cf these gentlemen, could not but suffer In reputation if known to have any band in originating a scheme so obviously conceived for mere purposes of plunder. (8 Tax pater.

CoxxzaTS. The objection to the water bill a bore expressed, thus mads by one of cur emi nent ritiztns, are set forth as tersely and vigor ously as it is possible to state them. Wc cave certain comment to make apon this suiject which wiQ sufSdesUy explain themselves, and for the sake of clearness have numbered our notes ia tbe communication ted our response thereto. First It a a disgrace to tte city of Rochester Baa it has not now a bonutifal supply of pure and wholesome water. We therefore regard with favor any movement looking with Vigor and determination in that direction, and believe only these criticisms to be rouod which are aimed at obstacle to it speedy eonturnmation, or seek to surround a commendable enterprise with necessary tafeguards.

oecxjuu tur earrespontreat tuminatrs one element of the problem by conceding the fitness of tb proposed Commission. It is, then, only necessary to property regulate their powers, in order to secure the end aimed at For ourselves, we have no preference in regard to the Commissioners, so long ss they possets the qualifications enumerated by our correspondent Third Tbi criticism of Taxpayer is disln- genucus. hue id terms it Is a ticcre upon the Commissioners lor prccuritg tbemselves to be legislated into a positioa ch abwlate control, without cocsultitioo, it laipties thai they can raise snd dfebue an unlimited atnouut of money, without tbe approval of the people. tbe till ilieU provides that the people shall first approve tbe plan snd the expenditure. Fourth Tbe Commissioner will not be put "sopresM and exclusive control" the paesage of tb-; Ml.

rbit til cnly be done by a vote of tfe fir fcs-t, their prripojiljon. Filth This objection is a valid ce. After the vote of the peofie, if it i an tfSrmiUve one, the Commke loners will hve tort of otnnipo- ten power over tbi important matter. But the people need not confer this power upon them if they do aot desire. That this provision should be amended, however, we entirely agree.

There ihould be restrictions np wi their p-jwer and a limitation upon their Urais of offke. Sixth This objection Is ot co validity. If the people desire water, and approve of tbe ex penditure proposed, me lueal duty or raising the money would have to be disehargel by the Commissioners la any event Seventh Instead of preventing tbe of the bill, it would seem to be wiser, if we are to have water, to secure Its perfce" ion. Eifihtb-ll hardly wrrta waile to inquire ss to the purpose underlying tbe origination of the bill if the mot era have prevented tbe consummation of their purpose by placing ibeoiate power ia the hands of gentlemen of apxlea character. There is one other objection, which I not raised by our correspondest, aad that i that we do not need aey bill In order to secure the supply of water we need.

Tbat wosid open up a broad field of inquiry, which ws wt ul-i be gtaj to bavi explored, aad fully diccosscd, pro asd cos, In these Colstons. If we can have water without enactment ef some sort, let it be conclusively demonstrated. Tbne re many who have donbt npo this potnu It will be seen ttst wt bold that tbe ofjse-Urc of dn cot tbe qa-'S'tcMi. ner i a'l ohvia'ed by ameedscnt, ar-d thai tbe tra me: vl. -It- it can be thown tbat we need to Uw abst- ever To tbat point direct expressing eo pprnitn Tan VrsiTLaji Glass Blcweju.

Thi troupe rave another exbibitioa at Washington Hall tart even which waa well attended. To-n'ebt bealie tha regular dk tributi of prise, a beaatiral glaa pipe ariT! be gtveu to tbe hoa-Uest ceaUeaaaa. A FatxxitLi Lota. Yetterdaf af'eraooa Bsge BatUes, a young man bound for Buffalo, waa mt by a oa tht tUe-ei and uked uae frieedly art tiea. Tbey toost a ('rick together at seiooa oa Stat atreet, titd t'tt place, tbe straegrr asked Mr.

Battles for thirty five dollar which waa gtvea him. Tha nacal result followed -the ahArper was just that amoctit richer than before Mr. B. met him. LX1CAL.

NOTICIX. 1.6U0 pieces five eorded edge silk ribbon, in til aatden, jaat received, which we will sell at ant yrd, worth tbirteen cects. ti, Scawta 4 45 Maia tSreeiL lUwx, Haw a. frrt. frn, Blow, Blow aad dgat everybody with the eft.

naive odor from yeer catarrh, act becsaa am old futry aoctor wfce bas 3ifcJt'rt4 a wt'J frot Uilfe-v tbat tbe world stove, tell tiat it cannot be cured. Tie pruprwtor ef Dt. Bage's catarrh rriaeJj will rt ward a ca of tiUri he cannot care. Sold by ot send eixty ceatA to K. V.

Fierce, M. IX, 133 Benec street, Bsffaiet, N. for it. Great bargait la kta rtr -t rtbtoss at Scbwab'a, 43 Aitrttna a to an feHrteaent in ciata of a aevie of grmad diaaiaeed euseerta, tee ce-ets wnica .11 be devoted to Lb relief at the at of the FrcaH-a war. for UAcriaieXB.

0 to wab't jkUIn AlslMaart ewrja Sirti cirattB. ww nith Carm. ini 4o Saw 9oma iw I irria et, a w-rw 7t Miwottn a Uuil1 a AO (M -a ti ir -a a IIW IOKK. H1KKIT. AW Itirn.

rns.jnin-sr.a. asns-tfaraat tot a 4 WJftASJB lot scaris. n. e.rr it Mra Mmwkewww. wu a tm araK tat tuu newt la t5il an4 a 4taA k'er.

KMiumiiMue oauea wwm Sairlaa PKen a4 7 tM imcut XLaiA a 004 tn rKw-a do Cam te sAeta wait wmi atra wwti. a ODWunoateeaswa atr tt los. a mraei'ica awt. at aa a fnr mi XM aoffa. Hiaa -aaran vnsyat esecKn wuc.

oaalK we. Reti- tm ta- arkt la heal wi'! a tto' lof exnm. 7v tA Sn.r-irm V(ura Rn-aara-rt 'Mtt; mtir a Brlr Tarts Jait. aaii brt r.u.4, Vne ut ffr Barter Mate otaraet la ti--l. e.ora rertj.ta rv; wttbovt 'le- rhaisrr fi tr.1 a t'Jt aixel weirB.

tsaie tor aw wtr rag at TV-a. lor whft ani reiiow eater. Inr mftiHm. mnii If tiM4n. reeiB Bna: Is tt-.

I' es at tf-'sc (or wrrB af (m'o to ttoe Bn aat. X'w nock -Jt vil a ill Wbeat.OiMft VS3SI cm. bca Itt aa b'i'i -4va u3Jf laj fmmm hniJ, 38 lit Market a asiet. aates aa uercea (or carorna, ti mehooi i arjui a auie. r.ta rt (1.

A r3 Htraa a flam at JSc fir Catia Cb. lor FoiW fcfc.o, aiul W-c lor lair te axi reCQtaat. f. tat aup- Market kt qatet. taita lot State, 4 rTBOLJrM Hk.

talea at 13js Tie f-y Fcr roles qilet aa seTF- ww BMsa; S.ali 'or a-? rnwt" Aje BUS bfcia cea. iUpr Aprli.rMar'an't at aaf maraes ia gih ulrin om at a eta -s tot 'ja asl icr ir r. lrca Beef is ut: fl Uere-a at J4.ia:ii tot pnM sesa, n4 fcrt T0.iB for ic-. Ham ar hoiA at Mi-UHr art aomt- Bal: aalea at tor city Uwm clear, r'-at am (Jail; a- is tT bma. for ht1erv.

Lavr it beavr; ai urea at fr ateaib. aiii lor cettje I'rdrred. alao 25 anr Anril a2d Jone. at II 2i.c. titter aa-irtt oit: laita at lor 2QaJe for it beaty Mit-a at iia for E9oa vt CATTLK (FtyiB ue atxprt.t BEEVES Tie maritet a -vl after a Iiar4 tra4e DTteea daring ft- week.

Tfce eattle on sale all weot OB ran ana trie clostna: pnr. vere aaca eaa. ratber atrocirer, wefc. Tbe aoaliir gx4 prteea rnitg iroai lai -c. CALVES-Are eUKEI-AXO LAMB-Martet (abetter.

Tbe Mork It atl at for wool hee aad jneard at isie- Snnte lajnbs are wort LSiJ-c. betca acarce. HJ5-UTe iratoed tn Ite I'j-t daric? lb week. CMsmg at i ure, aaa lor oreseed. iLBtir niikiiT.

ALaasr. Arn! T. la VLeirU If Id Inderal dmaaa. frit-es are steadr. Kalnd rer-eipta are uir.

Cora Meal la eteay. aea at for 5'ta a I ccara aod Sae. atve rlfniria atealy: aai at tati tai. 1SKT it mi atl it U't. ftilb Wa aerol co aaea.

rESU Mariet BJ-t. SP.ICO huM CloTpr from rtiir it tur ilia aaaxnam, ts4 U'Uc lor iare. uaotk, sale ta Aft LAlbaav Am. 1311. I ALAaar.

April 17 F. at Wheat imtrhAravd- aaaa ona ear arhlte State at 1 c. Ke qoiet; eatea Slate ia email lota at Its Cora ta aac Bariey is onri. erata steady: aaJea TJ0 baaA ia bags at arc for oilxeal aad mc lot woue suu. OSWIGB tlKKtT tt ifrfhi tawtoe, April IT- r.

rtrH rt-t tetyewa saie Soie at t.Xl ter io. 1 Brnnt. 7.7i7 Ti tot taoer Wiafr, JS for artste aa ti OS for SoaSla extra. B8AJS Woat Earicet la mlet; aaleaSjaa ak So. I Hilvaoxe cod to arrlTe at aad one car red ter at c.

Cora -larkti is Mtea 2JC bsa Bttxed Wew-m at 9. maraet la Donunal: save at SSs fr rK' ra to-j icaritet aeia at Mee vp-lake anwla: sties one ear. Peaa tttarket a Kra irrtTt jaet. BlIiHW IS KS (mi: aa, COW SIXAi S.e. as cwt Mrttaal.

aa MOT. Irti ror a e-m afirt ihm at sa at ci fcidaiiiis 'VE-ItrhTS rttr Ui 3iaaS- i a i-f-T -1 A ir-y eirara Uitt wi m. a- TJ ,,4 tf hi IKK I fOOT bob Vit; tn biB Warlee ljott Co.B; J4.rl Datv Fca'; idIM foet lttlBOer. tl rtLO 9U1HIT. Ar ratrtiaA.I Bcrraio.

Apra 17 r. M. rLOBR Market Is steady; sales s.ios set at bv. for Bo zettTarrosad fconaar. wsicat oaraat ia bo dtstMrntsow te orerste; Vo.

3 Chieaaw Bptlox at aossiBaa at -a i ce, is I A o. Mil vanjaee at Cora ttar Act a ta fair de-siaad ao4 erau aaaea it. as beat at fiae tor Weatera. Oat market a dan an 4 aafleadT: sajea Z9.A Waatrttatste. -rt a acrta-ii- uir, at r-r WeacerB.

Bat rr aartet la la Semaal amle ifa Canayda oa aod tja) baaa Weatera at aoc IB atre. P- aa aartet a naslactHl. SKKUS Sale at tor Tunotky. BtABsaSfor Et aaa e'-Jaf t-r Beavnae iorrr. i'r ka Maxarl a Boauaal: keid at WM.

raoVistONS Uarkea a oail. Mas Tort is dBtt: a ea at mmtjn isr bear, aaa. Lard auras a daii; aa: a i tor nw. KEi-EIPTS Floor. it bb-s: Barter.

rbj Wh. 15c. btt.a. Kre, bnsfe; data, laO) bBaAt Vora, oaaa; fcaa, Biba. CUICtCiO JliXk.T.

M9 TWasraaA. LTncaaw. April 11 r. tt FLOUB MaxteS a ma first; aaa at sot Berlnx extra. vttavxit aoeal snartt a easier: closing- at IJQlte eaaa.

a.d aetier Xiay lor 2So. 2 caieaco tear, dance tte atdiaooe aartet was ura ir at LeiSic eat. an-l aeijer May. Cor maj-aet a et mad tower: aaMea at as ft fresh, ana lr rvesiar receipt No. 1 1: aar-ncta Btraooa toa aaartat waa alrt ax It for No.

i. tar raartat to dall: Sales at caan allrr Stay f-Jr So. i inriT.m Ifir ai iKja lae ataraet waa Kyv ABt aalfrs ai -c mt o. A alaner-cartti it saiei: taiet at jfo. 2birntMa.

atret aaicsat for wood, ue lor PkiOVISlOVs Martit Mess rora a qwie-t: aales ai A eastu sataeiata tuta-. Lara tcartt sales at iajaccaifl. LJVA HOb-Ara cuiet; tajea at S-35jGO. BBKW CATTLK Are aad klaer. aales at as.ts-.5-..

LAKE fSEIGHTS Are caiet. Ott Cora, Sc; BartaTr, ac-i Haeat. fle. to Buga'o. Bet Klrta msar, etna; 3et, 1 Mat; Kya.

XJffi boat; Cora. ba-sa; Barley, btum; 0ts. ri.AtO bT-iii-. n'rtt. a tead; tea.

fen LfatiiJi Fio-ir 5ie Imia. Wae-at. r5sei siah: ST-. oei-. I'era, Ii' tas: Paries.

a ft. 91' SVtal iku: Uoira, 2 an laaava: C'Bitar. ilSMl Bead. UnvrttkEI 21ASh.IT Mi ItJUThA MiLwaraaa. April tf.

y-LOCR artel it qalet; sales Al tor doabtt Sprit sttra. BALM waeat aartet tnn: sale at ssis lor Bo. 1 MUwaaanas, asd Ule tor Bo. Mljwaatee. Oaia aoartat i lower; sale at tJ lor to.

A Cora Market ia daL- aaai at tfc tar Ho. 1 mined. Ky aaraot fiomiital: aales at 35e foe Ho. l. aad for ho.

2. Bariei sarbil s-iie at aVr'lor No. PRoVISIuNS Ta oitrket for tlea F-Jtif btary; sales at I ItAitiU fa To nataio te. and to issejs BJH-fctrnt Wfceai, ZLJJt east; wor. Flror.

'SSj Sail 1 3 am, iijMt Btua. varara. Fioau. i-vat taa TOLXDO Si llklT. At ItlligeiBBl 1 Tca-BDO, April II -S r.

FLtrB Marfcst a sieads witn a atoderate detnaad. GBALS anartet laaatet aa blaraer: aaie at 14te for red ttasaaa. aad iuhc I- So. 2 red BTabaes. L-ora a a anaae oetier: sajea at art for art aixe4.

ar.a i. -sC iirtwv mixeti. eiata aara Is dall atl aaies at ac tor o. 1, aad for hr. lj 11 1 3 Are bib oacaia tM to (kaml Btefcrrrs fnmt.

tsas -wat -t jo -aa Cora.llJi aa. OaU. lljss basa. ALBABV LlltSTOtH JIABtHET. Lr.

AbtB 1 P. M. I tatlPTS Tae folauw la a coar-ratiaaateaaari WflH ai I awut tr uaa hsIUt-B forf toe iH B4f it-" ihAr S1 irewa, eaiun Aa): aavd i. XbaS LaatWae tjifi 4JB saa tin i.tu tate a to BtBVFS Ta aarwet wttcfe closed tta -a n- taa a tuna, wt eA preaiid fnday at tb uraiaar eoav tiaacd aatil ta cloae, coaeejai aa beiag aaae at s-er bdow last veet't at tn opr lftB Ac t-r poiLn-1 tbe te par tad and erea Tc Br mm Ba saama; ir an, ta a ivaur VI I bb powava ia wiac caaaa mioa aia BraTtoaa weea a BaTaf: wer aukie to effoart saie. a tt correct oar lava ot ooasarattv vbIbb.

to ax- A wiilt tt asm raiinaof aaaxtet tta waea rava-tw BaitM awaa aa aaa aoaiewxBal eaot TaJ- Wdtes. I rttriBm ay-- 1 i a aFai (ft.kfy Otjaa) Vk qaii.y ft a Tifft (bi iv lawrHkr ou 4 OA i TV iS 20 1 St)- afj BKP brmvarb of h- wool mrr scrc. UQaHj of ry (fd- i Lt. tO 5 A BwlliMf miicA ffc fff ftBisf dttrtisf tbe vc Ct'-tBa troa. t-W to fe4 pr Bteva- iaUii OOXatf tZIM Ma-Be ft.

Of tr? trVj-, OtftllBl aXAaKJIValTS avv Sk Sat amaker. V4. 13. BaaT tatCbi- Udat 5aitM fetlM S-J-S bsaaaa- IOC tKS aann 3t ISJB- titwt ntBBUm VBj SaWa aWaft BBaf l-wA, aBa-i) CAOt-4 atA 4itorTnaf lalaK-tHBI a C4trVa, 1 AU-viitC 4 wa cMtnTal. Ani Tfc TIm iwEraA i-v! ilef.

BstfT-N a im df toc IIjMf t. faMf tuaT UjKtft aal MARRIED. wtB-rut e.u- it ctnat'a Chtrea. ABrti at. act By ar.

w. ib ttt.i,;;. Wuiuua 6de aad Aata r-oBcO. aiiiat oaiaaiKr uf sujaa iMai, au uf taa KM, DIED. MOM3A1C Ia tba cur.

Aaril Mrs. Atena tin (m- taat -i. at- as aartaAttait aoraaat. tafws I auaiia mwt -aa a- (B-taaeral from IA rratiaac at J.B. Hail, Ba.

atl acAaa tuwet, tats (TtwadarF afleraoow at Ji airlock. FraBd of (At taouly art ntvaaa te attcad. AV1At Wattias. aw-bailer Cobbit. tttdeiL.y.

as BBBSSe da aaa taf taa aaael.avua.aa Uaiaa, ti fsasaa. I t'K" I Ji Tb tba mrtt Ten. aAer atat Utaeta, Mat L. ABsasta IB" raatra. acrrles at tba rcaKltccs af tar Bofta s.

rat atawwMtwa (lAawdayi attarBooa, a eVtoefc. rftewd of tae wasaas will picaa atuad WltAoaSlaniaer avttakt. Taw ataaaaad taaaufii traad wkatt daratk a a 'a. ail by aarseaaa-a tana ertetfy tArottttieit, a wsrtAf store axtaadwd avstac taa bar matt has asa. aa tTtcBat a lac teBaeia tarat kswwa ter ataa; aad weJ lax am sis if aus ta ta aortvw wkaea ea Btsawas staay atavn of taa tsatdea berwv.

aravt. Tt friend wtuxs Sara lost waa sta waa tae. r.iot-4 ail titett' of aeif te kee Uwt awnnseat tk BStfart B4 tiaealtesa ISViaSB SlaWSt ter. TiaSnSera. far ka a treat aa-l.

Bat oar ataa a aw atanal aral. waa ta aAata aayt ker ataia tntk taod asd taTia-a Ouaaa Htvfirm aiaaaU setasoat of tbe sawad BAaust of xrttac ft aaavgb. earaeda JBd dsarrwe a tttraaiaa wwtkar. Was ad thaa fa. Ul asd caitsrt ceroid mSxt te soke mw ksoy, tAiitate taf wwie aivm ker a ayjsr toatc.

jj, I For trimmed and ntnmntc4 bats, co to i3 Main street Exrzmizscn, AGkxst Tkacbxu Dr. Daatai Daria, l- State atreet, has been a successful practitioner of nedictne for Uurty-Bre years, and solicits chronic dkensas of all kinds. See sdrcrUecment in another column. apilSddtclw The araod spring opening at echwan'a, 45 Main street, Wednesday and Tburdy, April i9-Jt and 30 Ih, 1STL IJifts govds at Brennaa'a. Oir stock is replete with nortlwe.

Tbe bdiea will be pleased by tepecttr-g pur assortment. Our prices will gratify the expectation of the most eccomical. This drsrtajnt includes maey etjtes srd fabrics not to be found elsewhere, and erabiaces tbe moat pepular goods at the lowest prices. A. A E.

Brxssas, 95 Stste street spUAitf For hosiery sod corset, go to Schwsb's, 43 Miln street Hotel Puofebtt ron Sali on to East The Lake Avenue Uooe, No. 33 State atreet Is effered for ut to rent Tbe yard, ebeda and bun attached are the best in the city. En quire on the premises. Haevet Rosicbajta, Fnrprietcr. apllJ3i We are informed that G.

Schwab of 45 MAin strtet, are ma king extensive preparations for their grand opening on Wednesday and Thursday, April 19th and 30th, 1S7L iaPCATAST. acctiom calc it wuj be no ticed ia our advertising columns that the valuable real property comprising the Whit ney estate, so called, consisting of the great grain elevator, the malt house, the granite mills and the manufactory property, will be told at public auction on the 2ilh Inst, unless disposed of by private sale before that day. Such a sal will constitute aa erect in commercial circlets. and la a matter of public interest For hair goods go to Schwab's 45 Main street Concent. A concert will be given at tbe Good Tempfar'e Hart, earner cf ML1 and Mum ford streets, oa Wednesday evening, April 19th.

oy B.endrlck, who will be assisted by Prof. K. M. JuUis, and other leading musical talent of tie dry. Doors open at 7V o'clock concert to commence it 8 o'clock.

spllSJ2t The grand spring opening of the cnterprisine firm of G. Schwab 9 45 Main street, win take place on Wednesday and Thursday, April rota and anh, 1S7L BrajLE, FirzSnaroxs, Hojtb Co. are hav- mg large tiles of dree goods of all the newest styles, selected with great ore and with par ticular reference to the want of their numerous customers. They are also selling all kinds gloves, hosiery end nnderwear at lower prices man nave been effared during the past ten years. The aMortmect is complete ia every depart ment, aid we advife purchasers to nuke their selection before it is broken.

For ilbbon and fijwer go to S.nwab", 45 ctreet. we were surprised at the large tmrant of business both wholesale and done by the firm of J. Faby fc 64 State and 2 And 4 Mirkct but are so no longer, ss tbey sen their goods ch.eaper.than other house and they can do so without injuring themselves, as they buy their goods by the e-e from the first hands only, thereby savine the profit of the wholesale dealer and merchant They have now in laelr store one of the largest and best assorted stock of goods In their lite in western New York, eom-prisirjg full line of ribbons, laces, embroideries, tiEeues, grenadines, bwrages, notions, hosiery, all grades, kid gloves, flowers, straw asd neapoliUnhAts and bocneta, They keep a fall assortinect of trimmed hate and bonnets elwav on hand. We recommend ail to jay a visit to their beautiful store. The btst LOO kid clove iht tcorid at Schwab's, 49 MIa street Tbe styles and designs in millinery aid faney goods win be exhibited at tbe grand spring opening of G.

Schwab A 43 Mala treet, on Wednesday and Thursday, AprU 19i andSOUi, 157L For rarasol go to Schwab', 45 Mala street. Lamas' Drcs Bionn. Tne rbilvt-lkhia pharmacy is a drug store Just started at the corner of East avenue aod Lawrence street It win be menaged by two ladies, who are educated physkiamt and pharuiackt. The advertisement of the csUbSsbme-nt will be found in another column. The starting of a drag tore in charge or ladies is a new idea and a good one.

We are certain the place will be liberally patronijed. Trimmed and untrimmcd bats retailed at New York jotbiogprica at G. Schwab's, 45 Main street i For a firet-clas pnotograpb, a picture in water colors or oil, visit Taylor A BtrbydVe gallery, over 60 tnd 83 Bute street. This Is a leading gt'kry acd the proprietors are expe-tiewc-d ar tist A The itraiiUett opening of the season be at G. febwab A 45 Mtia street, on Wednes day and Thursday, April 19lh and 30th, 1871.

Emma What a nice flavor that cigar you're smoking Where do joa buy Iheta James Jtmet a a strange qaettioa, Em. I buy ine-vn, onrs. Opt Corah's skwe. 4 et Paul street Tr rooed aed antrimnwd hsts retailed at New terra -ooing pric- al Scawt A C.t.'e,45 mm street. Waix PaFxe A moatcomiileteeteck of wtll paper, in new pattern and Is test styles, is now on sale at U.

A W. Weldon's, 53 Mtia street Decoration of every kied are also sold by tha. boose. Parties ia rencvtUne their ho us would do well to cat! at 51 (L40par4ls for ninety cents tt Main street Tbe manufacture of forniture ia Rochester one cf it targes-t and meet exteusive iuduEtriea. TbeRKteds of dollars are is vested in the bod nes.

and product of rexae of our furniture bouftf go to every section of this state and to mtav piece ia the western and southern states. A leading establishment In the trade ks Haea, Smith A Spencer 74 SUte street, and its la cUl ties for maanlar. taring are at great aed probably greater than any other in tbe state. Their large wareroom aed salesroom is crowded to iu capacity with every atyla of ware, from tha eisBptoit article So Lb moat liberate and expensive. The utecbaaic em ployed by Ihi house are the most experienced aad skilled tbtt can be obtained, and many of the piece of fumitare are marvel of taste la design tnd elegance in taasa.

Tbe large mean factory ooeectrd with this bouse at fitted up with t3 the improved mtt-aihay asd arrangement arr to do tbe gre'. tmoust of work la tbe shortest possible time. It would be wel for those la the furniture trad: or contemplating tbe parch of good of thia ci te pay Vait to Haas, Smith A Spencer's, 71 gut atreet. The teat L0O kid glove the worMat Scbnab', 4S Main Fotn UaoCTtnrna. The wnoieeal grocery trade it grade! ealargtag fat tha city, and aatot.J the Ablag firva who baainess is atrge and arowtitg i that of Carti A B.ewrter, 90 BufU' 'rpet Their store I roomy, and tbey k'ef a Ure; ataxrk of the best aroeeriea, seliicg fectfc tt botcaal asd retaiL The tmilenry of grcr, ta keep the best gootis of certain kind tad (MHnui uliUr of otter, so that pwr- tGaSEtB are forced ta buy eoe artarie bare and anoiaef tnere, doe not charaetcrae this ettab-tabsaent, where every sort of fudly grocerka caa be obtained, aH of pnnM qaallty aad at the towett marked rate.

The firm aim at mack to make price aalform aad low a to keen A ttosk ef the beat quit tie thrcragaoet Ee- taU daaer wiilfiad tt to their interest to call at the store of Cart A Brewster. Taey wSB C.s4 the above act jaat a we have represented tseat. lee trat have wide feputailoa tor konoraba deaiice, mai tho who deal with them oeee rc-sjmr esatecaar of tbe botia. For tnewe resavsn tbear jeMntg trade at growing hat. Their retail traie to aa lare.

6iiieBUy aivite lusilta to prci tata www af TrM-r4r I KHrk aT saw Btc-als be Table! Twrsre-d-Talk a-f lrulim. etc A few dsys jd Sheriff Canjpbcli Jrd a twect foer trnmotir asd oUer stork la tba roond bowei and Bachioe ahopa of the Sew Tork Centra! nil road at Brown street For a day or so tuts railroad embargv did sot aetri- aT.y icttrfer witb tbe operaUoos of tb coas- pacy, trat yesterday tt waa foasd accsssary to bm tbe locomoUns, ci'-brr far tbe trains or to ntaka repairs oa tbes. and iy in k- a. th result Of Ifcis condiUou of affairs aoiaKroaw dr-b wera sent to and from bcad'jwters, and it re ported tbat Mr. Gowid, anaster asecbscic of tbe nbOTs.

nria rt, rl abowtl o'clock ytaterday aflemoow ta break tbe locks in defiance oi i sbenfl. Tbe sutler weal at tar aa tbat owe of tbe asethaiiics was aboat procuring tools far tbe work. Tbe sheriff aalaraiiT Became slarnred and prepared to tammou Ut-t to rit tbe prcceedipg. htlwn tbe crisis came aa older eosmteraaandlBe tbe prerVooa doe waa ieaaed and all again qalet Pbtriff Campbell lock three mem bera of tbe police force bia to tbe about 5 o'clock to fclst aim in the perforators of bis doty. Jsilor was present with a basket full of locks, sod constables and deputy sheriff were there savo eaardlss the property Tbe sheriff bad placed a chain and lock on tbe machinery, by which the turn table are moTed, sod eTcrr loeotBOtire In tbe two round houses were coosC'iaenUr unable to more.

Oae of tha iocotaoUTCs, 2," was on the etraJght tra k. and fcarioe tbat some adreuturons railroader would undertake to run the ml cbine" off, the wbeela wera chained and locked to the frame work. Of course It was not tbe slicht liiiis Of chala that held tbe Iron horse in place, for cce might at easily lie a thunderbolt with a kite string- as to resist the mortmentg ol Use ponderous puffer with such a trinket law. howeTer. must prsTiil orer Inanimate Uinga as wtll ss such a lire corporation aa the Central, and the chains and lock I were mere shadows of tbe authority behind thea.

After consultation with George J. Whitney, director of tbe road.and Edward Harris, tbe At- torner, the sheriff consented that thrca paseen- rer esrtnea ahould sro out of the shops, with the understandlos; that their placo would be taken by three others, and those b. were let (re on returning to the house COBla not be mored arsln without the a the sheriff. It is due to and Mr. Hirris to raj tbat they assured tbe sheriff that be would notba intarfered with la the exercise of his author; euUl a setucmeut was bad.

It was stated the other day that Sheriff Camp bcU Lad receired security from the road, bnt we are informed that tbe security was merely nominal and In truth worthless. He proposes now to hold the property until he shall hire rcceiTed ample security in jroTerc- meat bonds or cab, to the amount of tbe Judg meats. Mr. Torrance, of Buffalo, and other railroad officials were in jwu last asd it is sad feat they propose to secure the sheriff wilbsut delay. Tburs-Uy is adrerUsed as the day of sale when, if tee difficulty Is not settled far ss tbe county cffUer is concerned, the kxomo-tiree wul be sold under the basnmrr to tbe hijrhest bidder.

The qaeetion is asked why tbf railroad property ia Buffalo was lcried on Tbe answer is that the sscrlff of Erie countr is a partner of Mr. Lannisg, the attorney for the Central in that city, and he would not Just the man to seUfi tie property of the company. 9eriaa harcea Aaalast Kareane lafaraaera On Satoidsr evening a meeiicg was held at Brock port, composed of prominent cltiaens Of that puce. Georze Of Hamlin was chairmsn, and H. N.

rVaci cf Brockpirt secre tary. The otject of be mcetirg was to protest agiiuH vexAtioos sU made for trivial cause by rtTtcu? cfficiali The charges are grave and oujbt to be inViStigated. We annex the preamble asd rtSGlaUos adopted at the meeting. If any persons wiab to take issue wish taw tai meats therein tte columns of tbe lino. riiT ceeowli will be open to Uiem for that purpose Whercaa.

There kave been In Brockoort and neiirhboriEg towns numerous arrests of persons under processes issued by I'cited States com missioner where there has been no vioUtion of law; or through hrnorance only a trivial violation, resulting in no serious detriment to the end of justice arrest wherein innocent asd well meaning person have and improperly been taken from their avocation nd soLtectcd to great trouble snd expense. with no advantage to the community or the law therefore, be It rVoi(L Tbat we, the citizens of Brockport and neighboring towns in public meeting asscm- ukv, evacrxiutr itfuHw louat uoH it itxi. nn- at uncalled for and wexatioua arrest, and that we firmly and eewrteoasiy appeal te the legally eemsUtutcd authoritiea for a total abatement of the eviL In maktne ttia protest and armeal we ascura all person legitimately ia authority that they will have our most cordial support in meting out to all willful violator of law. KearJved, Tbat this organizatioa be continued throB-a the present year, and tbat it officer are authorized to call future meetings to ferret out and give publicity to future abuses of the law, if any (bould exist to endeavor to remove tbe authority for such abuse, if tbey shall pertct in continuing tbe grievances com plained of or to take an other action deemed neeowarv in fertberance of the object for which tbis ant Ic? was called. Kesol red.

That the newspaper of LLU aly are renuastrd to pal-liih the prctmbk sci ro- lutioD of this meeting. Adopted Qnatumouaiy. Geo. W. Eatis, Cbairuian.

1L N. Blraca, Secretary. MacEvpi's Bisensicos. This is the original of Ireland and the best The pictures are admirable. represcutaUocs o( tcenery and p'nee in the Emerald Isle.

The vUwa are painted ty tbe beat artkt and are well worth aeeitg. But aside from these represestaUon tbe entertainment Is varied by songs, dances, sketches of Irish character, dts. The whole was amused by Mr. Charles MacZvoy and a of the most attractive and pleasing character. The H.bcreicon was presented last at Corinthian HaM to a large aaiience aod received with ectkx'its'k iff'jase.

The fine ptintiisgt de lighted cvery'x'dy. Tbe slstring aed artrng of Mr. Wuliam Lawlor as "Barney the Gai kept the a ce in conlinutl Several bailai acre aneiy rendered by Ma Marie Mac Eroy, who 1 a charming a voeaikt at the 1 affective iu tte character of "Norah." Mia Kate lialptne was sneceEsfnl a Mia O'Caliagbaji in ta humorous ekrtcne. Tbe of tbe paic'lset gtven by Mr. Ciaa.

Mae Evoy a detailed rnoueb to be ietereUsg and cot to extended as to become tedintr. He has L.t the right mcdiom. He aUo played namljer of irfea airs on the vklia wbka were finely reedcred. The whole entertainment was lively and kept np tbe to the end. Tonight tfct Hibemkron wiii be give sam sed we eipett tie wP! tjul to that i Us? c'jkt.

imart to Ravtca a CarLD AnaraT tir ran MncnaAAT. (Satnrday niebt fie Jorz from Ummwto-b. Wathiecton coonty, west itto Morgan Uaaie'a woods jaat eaat of faoe to gateer wild fiowers, and waJt rttaf cd, Henry Pnrver aeued one of tbe thildna Ld made a draparat attempt te vioiate her j.roe. The ctiid atrujreied with aimuet exsrUon and koaiiy broke ftwa tte rap erf ti man. He tbeu ran after asm t-e amnikat of tbe gtris as4 naad tbe alVsssi upoa tr, tbraatmins to kiii tcr if n-rei4 or mored.

but the IUti one begged ti (oEt ht aa xt ate could unta the eilow became fnb'eced tod ran on late tb woods. WUd is uarck of 1L mjacreant atd tTuJ turn ia B.bByicrvy. He was iJsmeaAltfy takes before JuU Mandeil, asd ri.Atu j.B asd was cwmmtttrd to il to await taetitusg et tbe nx( evurt. He kaa ready avrvwd two y- ta tke bowse of cocrrc-tcra at jctrttcT, acd eOBtase that be would have retoed Ute rvrti i eouid, aad laat be a out cf an organized bastd of ttievess who kave bea cperatk on tlL-n aad efneea. and ateal- tng itenirt.

The breeswtck Journal as :1 1 1, crvwa ironi or pue esce were jast ready to its ti tie culprit a be was brocght down if bad beea kept in algtt a miaote more have no doubt tha eJantv would bare been saved a feui ol expeeaa. aad woaid h.tF been a funeral ijuad. Tray rrt. Tie lis! lite of nte-ton 4ti not cuorsed correcttag lfc boe eassed rfeat PrjtsoSiL. Oar -jrtif.

WJ 2Um vd, ia town. Cot C. T. AiaraWe, we regret Inie I jw i I. aed ti n-sl l.m is outa for as-JToStd ti to wy La out vt (

Hoe, A- Bjody, G. aed Geitrir Cecil of the Lake Store railroaiA have engaged rooaaa at the 'Hbam lioiae, and will be ia the city to-day. W. Tarrase. Bapenaferaeent of the Western D.vaaiun of VL New Tork Ceatral rartroaf.

Arrive tset evefiiaj troea BaCais, and It ConfTat iiiit Tub mvsf cf an A. Stay, of tiTi- Aa, 5wl erf feet K.JKp-. CtrI V. ti wis! igrt-t to iars tit sae Sjtg 'tv at l-r rei iesc, aad fca" co srs rivr'jcr tit reeov-ry. E-y ia bid aat Hy ijkcraaty, besssg i of It utile children bom is that cg-taiiy.

Uufcaay Javsth yaUij ef ner Wi' Scan. Ms AAir A Joueg geoUeman, sfirr kavteg paid ha addresses to a young ady for soeae tiana, popped the auasttoo- The lady In a frightened manner said, "Ton scare me, sir." The genUeaaa did not wish to frighten tte lady, and consequently remained silent tor tease time, when she exclaimed, Sear me againl" Ladles wbe use root beer are not easily seared," a Ha use given strengtn ted nerve. Bold by James Matthews, under tbe grand staireaee, Powers Coarmerdsl Fire Proof BaiWling. airl.dlw Five barrels Shaker dried sweet com tor sale. spr7dlw Ccbtij A Bgiwrrxa.

Wajtwb. Twe experienced travelies ageBtr. None but those thoroughly acquainted with the dry good and men's famishing goods trsde need apply. Bern, Stebji A aprlMlt MO! street Wall F.rrit so Wikdow hides. The cheapest snd best assortment of wall papers and window shadte can be Jousd at Zon No.

7 Front street a few doors off Miln street bridge. aplSdlw Wastib -At Congrwt Hall, tour good table waiters. pmM'. KxauViL. Dr.

Charles E. KkJet has removed trowi 94 etata abrwi to 00 Sonth FiUhugb street corner of Spring. Office hour 10 A. M. to 3 P.

M. pt4d2w ManeccaiTi Krr Glotss. are Kile agent for Western New York for the tale erf the genuine Marguerite kid gloves, which we are enabled to offer at the very low price of one dol lar a pair. Try them. S.

Eosssblatt 40 and 41 Bute tnd 11 MU1 street. spll211w Pobczlasb Opaqcb. A large assortment of the above fine ware, a close Imitation of French eulna, at the price ef tone china, luet received at the Central Crockery House, 41 Main street nprl5tt3t Scasuh A McCabtht A 8pi BstvxnAGB. Jme Matthews ha tut placed on draught, at hi fountain ia Pow er' block. Dr.

Irish' root beer, which a bigoJy recommended tor cleansing and purifying tbe blood. A Urge quantity of this beer as drank in New York city during tbe spring etsoo, and It effect fc good- prM 1 to wntcf wb-lmin will find it to their edrseUge to call at Savags A Dksat'b, mrch29dcc4w No. UT Bnfaste Billiaed Pakjloks, comer of Mill and Market street, are the lirgestcbespcst and best furnished rooms la the Stt. It bas sixteen table, sod tbe price only tea ceu per game by dy. snd fifteen em's by Hcbt.

spri 4 raer AFrl-tr. Tbb F.rm-rs' tnd Meetatrics" National Bank wDl r-aj mi piRCrsr. on deposit re-mainiBg la ry days Von date of Uoit to daii jf wUMratnC Five per cent on daily balances tnd busmen x-eoant that do not r-qairedis-eoewL Will i- rer -le- ot 4epoM! bearing four per cnt, psystlr ci drrn-nd. Ksrsiw, AccTfct or FvesiTCat I will pay eMwg fte bouse, and I hiv Ij'in rietn a cia 3 acd better a.n?ec of bayer U- any rtVr per- oa ia btt busi-e in 'bbd v. tVlttn-n' effle--.

Fnwi Sc-tAB-rcia, Ae'ioncev id Lnii 8--ker, apiUlo.xS- Jo a ItoJt COMMERCIAL HKC01U) amawarrwa OuM rFi ArOt I LAK A Bitairs. ivistr Aprfi fa. Very Brtla rrala ta arriT'n- White wsest seaxrB, ra 1 petces bare a-wI stne owr taw report. Beat eoawuuad, I OS- Bay a extrewaeSy searee, aod Oa brak erauaa ka dTsaeal ae price S1 sesssa wrnus a v-eK. KMhcwtee trhciewaU rrte CWrrewt.

Via tswtsSfcw hHw rre viseel te. rrlc- at atad tc-wwr, riaaw--, re- ri4 Kocec A Cole, iirttm. it-rrwet4 octal tat tbe Paoert.) trx i CTii- i ia f-ia-d 1 'rti -j T' I'-pafcna. rii Cse FT-lai' Tn frea I im-. m.

61 CST 9c ue L.awar rra-e erc a. jm-ratw. J. -Ws--. a.

LraitJ ate-t tor CM, 1 -I -m ta Vat-r J. a a i.Tm a t- s.Ss.. AS sucmtw br rertf r- trot m.rr. i risa Harlot aa-1 wtt-a br4 troat --tt baxaavl pttyi Iv-iver 1 i'-rew tea Bull past aad stw.L, 3t lie r. -te Bhc tte Itteworte 6, A.

Dsvoa. Fot ttltett roU-N-arirtf tH tISUBtXa, UTeaaa4 HOaia Lar SM iS-e Saokee Huns Italic Boka4 6mllrs a lwatte smoked coa Jowte. 5 aoenTa nuen cwaaon-v. WtslntJa. Betatt.

aiu. run MtdaUlias tow BBOst It J.Jaan HAT- toe Bale Bay 9 cwt WOOL-, IAiaLOW Boat a TradB a IJLATBKB-Roti a Sola HM.mM Vaije abM Ite ze45e Baite aL. t'saert IBlnara. al.f a i rjnina.hep colored, awnaxa mJ BtlDEA L'ttrnwaeo -te Trtmased tt BKI5B Catrais, aatrtBaiee, a oo sraiil. rrseek eaiuana Sneepakma eao do urease HKF raXTS BXgF Ctt aaa ci Val I.

a. Taa. dreaawt, rat VaaJ Caileea CrroX IWi Smok Beat cis vfaitefti Trott Bt salt eM lMsisr LTSWatB VWajal.S WAMsiUAS ar lte te tnaajt LTTOH areaaa LAMB Pora taarter -1 SaSUM UiB eaarter COAL- Star Kai a.a to CaaMBIt tow Graa low laai Wb. Caaaai Ulula laffip B.1 Si ut TacBov.o(aaleBt art yard tsiee Kc toa axtf tor en Terms WOOD rS eor. Port eorl.

SMa: Hare napie as Uekory, aawe, oiit aa-1 AeHvene tJ Krara. 9 BAUKEL6 riowi B. STOCAt ABt HBtlt Btkklf roetewiac art ta eaaaaet ia tte atoea uaa itaSt at trea ta at Bear aac ta saia or Aprt Bw Task Oatral i Caaioa Caabilae ii a Tart Caatfwa 5 it ten it Ciaro A B. Brw Jarac, Ctatral. ajvoa a T.B AJam a T.

tt. atwA. aw A Alto Oil A AittMMarf Bra Braf 1 aucautaa DBatrsl 1 UBKauas a a mmmm a) 4 oadeavio a kvao a si allwaatoe Bt. am A at Pbi rat 1 oat a ta ti laATBBT tfBTAB-lr a. 7Ury-l Waw Tea.

April II r. SMtd w-wa tt list. -rea USX, ae tat at tat raUtat tad dose laaallt. Ta aranaft ml Uve ttaetaae Ban wera nsaaaa. Oanrawalt wore atroB tsaao au way, waa bat twe csavas la pea.

Baas tnaita waw saaat asa ana. Itoawy a easy at ta tar tan. tieaaatw lia. tHt aavaa-t, U. BtOCAS catta.

ahraacB a BUM a ta teeead salt bet tea wt aad wsn auwa; a eke elaav aOYZMjCaOiST raw ttilewnte an a ctoaaa 1 ran ana va Aa apea as a a LUialMla Bal i Carcaac)a Bow, Ct. Fart nana, Laa BAXLWAT STUCXn rea Tta Huawwiaa wwcw aaa a 1 si La a Bueiawa-a a taw, a i C. a a tea eaa, Ca I aits A BMC ta St iS Cb C-rl Waat'w Ba. Tti. i I I I Ik acst Han aa Wataa rwa in a at karsAor Bra tta-w It eaat FVWtra.

iiilMtlaaia catsrw a AJaa l- Hmmom iammt a-eMfa aoota-m. ava cavn Caa-a. a Fata. AAassr tisrwa at asrt l.tJUieav 1 a AABi ta. i BlATaWalw Cis at ia itiiaarB-j.

KOBV- as -a niiaaaw -J anX WalV csoaec tat Maxate a m.J AaKoaal a Aa whim a Aiit Kai aid aarraajat taf a .1 B.T.CAttaa- i Cta-B A A to aa mm at thW aaa an a tra a wm iOaseBtuttl Barawa. i kra -a l-aa 1 Art rt -a ta Wf ASv-a I A a.i- ittiaas Oai.i aa t. a i a nt Lava a Bar I EM. L. A aa.l I lw.

aijJ The Game for the Season. ggaiBe aaa-le nmftm tw ea Crwwaa. aa ta Qt toe 'aa. rrynatrj. ao4 nalk aa IM aairia wv kwataaw.

Wt la sertsct rdar CROQUET FACTORY IM Kc aESTBBt Slvtat a aw to wm mmwr. ase twrf a wt svrry vara tare aaxixa They are the Best They are the Cheapest t9 rAT erf. -Tw-t art 4vO4 tjK tor tM tfufiiwtir, 5i ww a rr 4 ft. owr trfpn. STEELE AVERY 51 State street.

ROCHESTER! 52 State street. Lalle' Sotleiy. Hosiery. Gortclyt-Mlaaea' Hosiery. Gormiy's-Teatk's Bottesy.

A3 usaad ry Boo Sklra. trora.ll a. Fresck Wovea Bkn-w. Lateit ayte. Cotsea Kanttiec Tarts.

tloraly'a. Woo tea Knitting Tares. Alt site aad colors. EabroMered Kdctagt. eorwdy's tmroKleTed laeertasaa Soraly.

Crccaet A paxcay Edlcaa Goratyt. tleBCatsses laeertloes a L'lic- GoeaJyt. Estyr lacertlotu Krtat dlf ersavt wtdtb. a-taa Ltttaa Baadkare-Blefs BcatsBsd Llaea BaadkerTs orsaly't. Bestuteaed Handier Tl- sjorsatlt.

rascv Botrdared Gorscry. MosuaiaB avadkerchie a tn tr an CaiVtrsa- llasidkeTebts'. aoTsalyw. Ladies' Gewt't blovea. Berlin taerttilyl.

LAiilet" A Gem's tjtosrwa. ir-i. enaty's. Lavdie A Oealt BttdGievaa All colera tad fyte. Bitek EUfcrnrtea.

Goraaly. S)iack Colored TtCsata. Gormtyt. SIIA Bafrata aitdCotde. AO color tad wfdta.

PA BABULS. Goraaly 'a. Mack Brwwa ea Gertsly's. BIet.Wtte sad Coioied tarajjt. roafer-Colorad Ltaaaj.

tierntly's. Llaea-Plaia or GOMLYMOS. 52 State street I IO 8tate street. C. B.

2. sTonia, Bar rill Isa asade eat, awl lb Halt ih sat al.a ORAND IN'Ci li.iNIIMID BtBttT nvtimu at a. BAftBOAO TIMK BITS IB EVERY HIIAIM: 3 BOl'IT 19 BAT BAT BATB BATE AT I I B.TI-' C. BU BTOBE, BOB BET HOft ITS BU9BETS BO .1 HITS II BTATB ITBI1T. lBXMMEO ABO CBTBJMMEIF.

It saavta to 1 aotlavrm. MtUXSKBT Bssoiss. mi SPECM.LT1 Do ao leap AID tiLOl E. witsnta PKOBIT la tAeaa, and tbat will aot FAT KEBT. XTfaiX- GrOOCXt It BATE LA ITIS BtTAIBlS.

ItEL. CUltaBOBSI, Tte 1mes varttty tt WeatarB saw lor. Jjaoo CSt-QocXjBt. CVLLABB, a. a PB1CE1S "ET" Break tot tartarv BeeattrtTsa lefceyi ira.

EaiaU ra-easBira. aad tr aritad la sal! and test tae ouhtis' O. 33. Store, 11 STUTE STUVMIT. aa-Hdlw I aNsxJF VagBt-ttl BrtAA wm WUi ear fiwsaaiBaa Larrt ttosasiatBia.

Try ab. -s tlvaaiaaaaa satratdlw The CaclatAiOfii ef ItTaiid. w-l-nLLl mm a ararara us star tb. b-rwaat of ansa Aervaa. al Hantsad.

Ac. tsskkaa Wrtttara by see wte ers4 krssetf, aad teat tree on fav I Utkrikrecw.Y. t. THOWA. at a Fins Fttsi nora Wit AavaKipaj.

Jwaane AWD) MTHUTII naewamrteal j. wiii la Iter a At D1RSOVS. FReWtHtrkMSSr atOBBKTW A Vtatt to SI n-ottJ (oaata- TA Atewt Art, FtJ tituvt mnaa. KSAtio nmaf. State nrrrt.

MA CIO Bnor-Tiw irtia law a rm wt Jto erilt crawifl afeei4 wlttMyaa a at. Tri ct ra froa Al to 4 per Fn hf a tvm I Stafa llEtl KOI. Te-o 11-1 In s4- i vane or iteacwa. r.k yt ate teat? 14. STttLE AVAKY tae-t.

Ill'l WIIHIHMS or b-rselr) i wtat 1 kaow rarata-, A la MTit. mrj a I nw. bj Xi-a M. karer SI 3. A A ed.

Lile.tT Aatur aoora. at ia rtita vFny.j;iiM THE CELEBRATED FitiHeVESESI Peffeetlj Frerenti Cracki'g rr'rcrrti the Levher. Adds greatly to ltf Iratb'ht itHiuoEi'iiuEirrjB BOOTS, SHOES, 8UGGT TOPS, Iz. litndtrlngtht iiardttt Leather SOFT mJS Ft pta Tie Cans with Gilt LbeW VI' rT OIL COMfAS nucha ter, K. tw- (kjM BB-s vrarraBte-4 br Htrfw aad s-uerally.

aplS Aetr obi i Pf remptorj Sale Rral Estate AT THR FlOrllTT aTtt1 iKw -111 r-. althnit ri-aa-rra at PNialle ASettoa. to tha Blirnea ht.tAa.r na TTSKHA nanrisa. Aarfl Ath. at elavm eloca.

IB KTBoioa airwt, ia inm hk riaww la taa mxtaujse It la Mta at btitsk aata. ry-i ndentaae offer fnr aaia im toBowte e- i-U nt Talnable raai estate. ft3a ta tbe city of Roeaeater, H. IT lately owaed try Mr.taeo. Vkltavev aad Ueura.

ait- era Pool, vta A ttKMtad trams Grata Betatw. "a rss raaa. Aartaje acsowelir ot ti ah eompleto la Kt, wita Lartia Brie a Waj-Doata the trie Canal. as4 toiawleil by orsac vrmry resficc tract wilA ua Aaw loia leawa atauarou lararea and most coenplebe la ia arpolBtiiaea of ay obc la tire rtate, abao aitaated oa tba CaSAt aaa aua Uurty yards of lata ataiiraaa cnuoa. ni.iaT BBataa R.M ated toatt of aad adiouK-w it MaH-Bosae, on lb Canal, aaltable tur Buaaaiaclttrm Bsuwosea.

Blaaata, 1 tew maLtiBLfartancB zmmoses. eltasied at Um eoraer etr matt aaa wareaoaae rtwnaiiaa ow Canal, bow oeeamed by H. a fee co. a era a a aJca Iwe-sxory iraaaa awBtuncoa aasamtsaaDi. Vta Slaw aad rtaalas Mill lax.

sHiat-t ow Warebowy atreet. lot raoaiaa; back tae old Harla aad anal, arratased lor ranoas aaaaalartanna; eatavb- Mt. BUaaT tatd OaBsTS. V. TFwa, aaawll Braaaa Hwaaas and I aKsv- ttedoa Uak Mreet-dlreetiy east of me Eleeator also vacaat tot aortk of tad adkSaaBcsand koase.

s. The ooei ly wen and faroraolT anosra as tha Sratlit FlwartBc a ills. Bavuta; Ten ol biobb aad ia cr-mpete wot condition, dtaatedos Brown's Baee. wlta tne water rvats. appnaniaw to aaaB.

aa-aatvediae abandtat water power at all seasons. S. Hatllatt naT aad atawa. totuer Mltl asd Ft alt trreet orvpoaite tbe Gras'-to avow occapied by Mr. Job P.

ttocaa aa a aacAma alaoa. Mara of these several meev of ptoeeriv aave oeea pre tared for oavaaaeat Aeslrta ftlaoB 1. Rra-watar aayf WITH am K. Wwraa. Trastetsof ta aCatate, at ta Traders' aakmaj Bank.

Of tar II. rtKTEBy Beat Ksute Brctsr, scar If-tf No. is Bveyaotds' Arrays. APERIES OP GRAND Dt AMOttT) GIFT C-JWCBBTB will aeld la wfcinton, D. C.

eoaiweoelna; oa Ute td day of Mae. tbe proauof wttlea will voted to he relief of Ike slenatot tbe reach war-1SQ 9tC tletala and no morel will be Bold, nttabered froa lto 13 AS, dsa die wortk of Diamonds, of tbe flaeM uai tty. warranted by a diatnotvt boas Becoad to bom ia exuteae. wlD be BiTSW to boidera of ucketa srttboet leaei alaoa. waetber anaerBS or praseaw.

Tha ataamiaeant coCectloa, wbleh a tbe largest and aaoat Ib Ananra. a cataloaraed aa folMw-. me Itspa-rtal set, Breastpta aad kar-iins-s. warraate to be tae coral la America, worta bb aaaeeaia rent foil ass. BrcaatpiB Ear-etnas aad Brae.

lea. woeti At7AtB. DMBailar worta tattt one bo I it air- i inamoad Km, wortb ti8a: ow tnaniaeew art of SoBtav're IXamoad Btads. wortb tiJ- oae bea Btlfal iladiesi rail set. LTnater,.a r-a-leta.

wsnb t-Man t.t99 seta aad separate artle.ea. IB ail tKratK-isaeatne n-fta asd U'keta la aixjociUja live aoat taoral)I eves praMiwd. Tae aaoat aatvfacaory aod BBtaealte proofa of a owr asatrtaona. from ta rest acd aaoat raapotatole soar- cra toa cttuiui. iuu awe "vi snil befoaadtatAe liaadt cat ageata la all Braclpal eAtie.

ejrsMri sortleksrts taforattion, dVtPese-d to ewr Kw York office, will reeelTe proaipt iKo'lfli. fnr panmiars ace clrealara. Kattoaval Bask ot Repwblie deaoauorr. J-illfJattit i wjy. a cu Areata.

Ticket a. (a Broadway. tw I tork. tw tnapati SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. BkreiTOBif aw w.

C. Thomas Bookstore. AO nUFFALO-ST, tOidAdaasA E.tasaad.l 5,999 Ttlurs ia Stack falerted wHb rrest ear. from dtsteraat PNtb a SoctetleanBta: Aaerteaa Baptist Panltsblaa irlety, I Prwabytat-taa Board Tract fc-xrletF- Cartar'a. aanftoipb a.

I trteilr A Mart ara 'a, Hoytt. aad outeia. rsrai.Aad I at best caa terata. I Wa expect to sell tt copies af ta new Babeata ocawi cifiaiviis anioa. ITJIHE GOLD.

Few Sample Copies GRATIS tor thot te ex- avnaiaB aua law ft. LBin-vtocuoa. aviso IB HOC Bright Jewels aad Fresh laurels. tBagle repiei all above aamed boota, as by coaies, ASi.wo. W.

C. TII03LVH BOOKSELLER cV FjTATIOft Ea, AO Buffalo street. H. F. VAN DAKB, 31 Buffalo Street, 13setttB tte bet 0'K IKJLLAB OAdTElia a Iowa.

t-a-naa can aaa get a pair. AOIttS" BEKfl POLtSH BeXiTiS. patent tart -star 1 avJ 1 1 a i aia oiaw aaract. H. B.

TAN BilL -rs-rmtoek of ladles', anewf aad CaBdr-w BtTBa tr bli iws suu I wa ara Mliiaar at axLTcBaely lew praes-trosa ll-is to IJ at AH DIKE'S. -r-UR Two Dollar and a Half hKRes POLISH BIOTS ara uav ta aovB tor taa pesos. l(. r. TAB DAKB.

60S FAIRS SCB6 Ctil Miaaif Ftc Csa-S I raar, at U. W. TAR llkl'9. X20 yiufi hLI1JlR- Forty Ctats per a. B.

TAN BIK1-R. LALHBS CONSKESS ATT BBS at Ota Dstiar asa pair at Sl Pltrf.lllinsltM. EXTRA la-ire eltes of BAtMOKAL Sera Kjd-wnta low beeis. al Bt BVeflalw (street. rLOLADIsTS' tiBOEs, wtta or wUaowa tsa.

teat abo aada to wear wall. TAB JAjFlkS' SC16 BEkXEO SLIPPkiU. HAS. TJItlXf-H kid But toa aad lac Bonu-tb baa teat A ia towa, at H. F.

VAN DAKE'S, 34 Buffalo Street. MtAeIyial pi FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY solid SterlJLngr Silver, PLATED WARE, AT HAY SimJiMAN'S, Watchr oar Specialty. CiifOHOgTEpltE, Chjronometexi, LTBra, TOaLLBj Watcbwa, Ladie WaUhem, Bay Wttchett varasy tstoataka nwt itu. Each Waict warraoued bb yaar aad aos wnaewt Bteattca. fat a TT.

I arss iattt, aad saftm our r-iaeiana a ta rtraart taat eaataa atars or saeA rsptsaaB lai Im. Waiaa la asa aavraswlty tiwal sy tt. Mat bafaa-a oBsraaa- tt Caa aaa. tba BeceaBUsw accoansa Bar tae tSCTsaawasTsea la sc. waa wtuct tart taa (tssx- td is steadily rrrn-rg trade.

BiFFAui mur, t-dJieai omttte rwtrf Baa. I I sat fta Dai! Dwniocrfct aad Cfcronicln baa circulation 5,000 copies In be city woies donbl that of ny tker tooraaJ in Rochester. Our total ial-y circuUUoa i nearly 10 000 code ahicfc UrglTla exces of any paper a tt State ogtalda of New York City. at. ra IA As-.

swaasrssa SaasSStalM aaM AWE PIPtRTt IK I oa "1 MIS I a at. at i rr Tis. a est a MB i tr Fc St1 I -ilt fiX r. -a At a ty Atooa. -a Ba -wa! SOB7B.

aa. note. 1 s- rta 'fB5 Me Ma-I tt cms l.n we I I CaAti-OTT i is ti sai iy a. iBa-at S. -B cl.

ti i TRAIBS AkKIVB-Tsirraau (US KiU. -w a. a Stm rti Fi a a. Wt. i A Ft AtB i.

as t- a rt. SI Krvm is aa ri i A cxv-n a Li A '-V-a a---m S.HL kt. a. Ai irmi ia 1 vix a. a a.

I TS I.Df a CmiHOTTA. parfcs tti.e a- i au Aifl zt so ssa anaau Irtsr.m. lia A a rfkit wtn rtts as Lsv ciiatea unu-iura a Bsatxae Hasjc sixr. tcnrrnrajjt-Utna PaUoaal Bout at tr.w. I VaUoaal Kotej at r.

res CaiauiTra-uaTef erasMf Hotel stl'i r.M Win mtrmmt SF -immrwm aprm r. u.aai. i r-v A V1CIKIT Tea a TaJa. A irctt.i cf tb Cctnmce CobecJ tha eeSDg. The work of 6 Lug tht ril is tbcot to commence.

kt of tie It Ust a tokkpiMtl bU-l-f4s ftr jy 0 tide aili take piece to nibt be- i rre Slossoa asd Fergmon at TatUa's rooms. A frcJ trci kjyed In cue of lie otifhoj-e on Brown's race, feed bis ana brckfa ftfd.y by bATicg It csttgit in MIL John KlsUogborr, a ni'mber of Aciire Hose, a Uo was beared about two week ajo, imj-roTitg rspuTj. It is thoBgfct te win soon Able to sttcoa to Us dctics. -A1 itUia cf wuitar, Atn renin, (iltd 5 to tie pecitctst'AiT. Tbe iiaratdiat nan of deaUt was corfntcrticn.

She a 'snallj la this city. Tbe board cf of tbe Eochester, Ndj(s aad PccMy'TAiii railroad wS3 at ML Morris on Thursday next, at which time tie bids for construction will be epeced sad tie k-t- A lortas-r ridsEt tf icVser iscced locktd sp yteterday for Deas has bn on a tour tbroogh lt Caxuxias wilb. a two lejrffd col DetccliTea Hsebis acd Fkkvlt arreted tdy Aeguit Lswretce kit brisz drank. Xr. L- ko cjirsJ wttU cruUre to sop- port CJS liBUJJ.

Wax. Ej-ae, a cbsp who Is oty out of tte wersJsoate a fc iiys, as attempt, wfcfc mT proTe sacttWul, to brrk hi Main Ktllrs drBcV cruwS- to ar-i ru 1. Aa itisrg jTitcads last the iiermacs cf Rochester fcaTe bea dated with tbe pace jBbU, ttst the rn'Eirjg ity sud Turccar coicWr aticu will t-c la city on re it Friday ereaicf. Tbe prers of ruioxu in hia. ttnaM of praise of Mile.

Tornvar, a boss daring tt oa tte are woeJcrfu! to btbuldj Tbe lc bo atf er4 i A'd. h-ia" wtr sirtt-hl jtnlsy by dtectiTe 'n kelt, sod eftrr bearing of tbe otse were l.i,-cJ. TUeu4did cot spfreciate tbe sennas cat ore of tbe fftn XhfJ com- rur ira! dUf'AV iat ft Lt uiii'jd crciy I :T.n to luuk cpwArd. Tse red colors oa the -kj a if irrS-cled fix a Cre. The wtre conaUctly In color and 1-rilUacry, and m'srtjt Ise raciJ for hours with lEttrest.

A tofte be lor fat In Cte'e brjtfcer, and by a uaa ia their employ, ran away on BafSiio fUvet yesutday aflmnoe. The driver as tbrown out on tbe titer bridge, riigitly tn--Brfrd, md tbe kwe ran op to asd down Et Pa ill atreet and was stopped near Pcsnt street The hfrte not in is red. Tbe R.TerUc clab reciivl Iheir I-pt Pctries on Sitcfdif lt Sae was built Waters, Balsh of Troy, and forty eet tine inches Ions, vesteea and a quarter iBibes Uim, drt lh attit atifi a quailcr ictbes jut oars, sUered I a traveler," seals to slide, fore and aft, and eedar washboard. Oeorg Fraatsteig tb known en graver ttst city, was made t'j recipient of eiegmiit tilvcr-mouctcd Smith Wafon rtTol- rr, a prf-seet from 13. D.

T. Moore, cf Mxrei Kami New Yorker. Mr. F. a a regular -S-r to tbe ove ymmt, and ti efforts are appreciated ty its preprittor.

Maj. Wm. M. fomsrrly cf li-A eil.T, and connected with tte Earil, trecjt the pre'cot from New Tork. Hmrra Ka Tark Fair.

1 1 beara of aubtnn ef Its aiouf oe aiity Agricultural aocietf teid a isteiitg r-is Saturday last Tbe fuHjait preassVe aia was passed rberta, Tbe diairs baa ba cxprcstd with real usALimsty by anaer. asd eili-at reset ty fr a great Weu-rn New York ertitimon ttort. impSnnestA. matfc'orry, Cowers iid Wurks i4 art KocbeeVrr tbe tail; thertfor hwoived, Tbat wi3 bold tueh an xt.iW- ora ta wr-rid, acd sae onr bt eff jiW trwEi tta nut sunt it aa aer, rrh5.i i rmnMrd pre-liOes to tiie axrrt ncr c-f tte t- -m-d, tbe last feattreav in Aji TS tnncy to be applied to mcreAsiLg ta prrmiuiaa fock, ins; iemtula, arm prodarts and etasucturf, aid to puttiug U. jfrouiida in stuubSe condition for aack a fir.

Oa mow), tbe treidict appointed ta tA ice fimaiuia to atilteit ri: u-s L. M. jj, C. C. Boitoa, A.

ti. UiUowb. Ceo. E. MioecsaI, E.

P. UuMaard, C. M. Tjlr acd Joe. R.

tiarretsee. By vote of the board tie presi3at waa aidid to tie f.a ikrTTr, Ss'cre'jn A imsiTBt-B. Frai.k Eec tten appiHsuti tj vo li toard cf rita cosijiiijiiocsr, ati wAl Jjve i lba power aca snuionty ci a reealar nuacber cf the fcrce. Hia daty t-e to keep UHt rtcortls of tbe tcmia iu aao to act a clerk of the police court.

There was need of as of til kind, asd Mr. Eaos it Lbs bsab to all t.t tllL Peter Huewea bat per-f(xm4 cutlea pertaintBg to place lor sevtxa! jtar, acd at same time tas bad to do cetAide detj. fat actei aa clerk darirg km spar benra, wastk a aai be sure sU)fiU. kfWwi tMw act Bat Mr. liajrwa is too vaiaiW a kiss a nebKUvt a a Utoroafb eoii cgictr to re kept Btuch hsdjcrs, asi til sew arrarram.

win relieve tim ett rly from book dttr asd af lord Jtaa greater Of aa a iUto. TT beiku the fotce n.U be becteud t.y tbr aenlces of Mr. aches a detect ve and by Mr. Eno as clerk. Ptb ir Mas.

At uirra BaswS. Oely a week t-liC eerurrcd tba ectn of Dr. Joseph of CtHi, Oa fsakday ajwidw fotkrweJ t. hc ixiol eoiresUoa of U.c la ber fvftyeevesti year. Tte deeesaed waa a vwu of gentle 1 tavea her ttr trteadi.

Ss was ptcs tat ter j-irty toe of aatrtty ahiefc Busy giod r-o wrth Si aarviSfd rt tiia-tid tut a few boars ovir a weti. The funeral wiS be ar.ctjtd fris raii ltC Cta on Wt4iitiaj at I o'UU P. s4 kt Ihe Preebitcnaa tlaiti 3 CeloOu gs5CSB AB LA UT WEBBS. OF Eraser's Ar'enetiava Trouve OF Class Blowers A Workers, A WISHIIUTOII HILL, rTest OL Aa STEAM EN0I. QtBEB mm BBAITT.

tsrsest atre1aa of Ga tort tn ia. won a iare aad raltaSia tot of 01 Baisaa r4 S-f rwm fa tara Will b. grt.a so ut. tMiaart tl sal mm-r- saect. Kacti WiB to.

mi wit a SOCIAL OACE I'twiaara Ta t'ttrat Adaiaio tt eeats. EwMaiiaeas Wadaesdav aad Bataraav. lAaora of at l'ckei. JUbSws 15 tts as, Mile COnil-TH 1 A. I A 1.1 TaiBEE aiBHTtvlLI I a-II way, statarday tk Msadas.

A pell 4 tfc tilth. Bis THE COM BIB Awl a. ABUT CORDOVA. II rirs4-Us Irtlst. II M'tti rrBxscB.

TBI.CBItLWSSBIS. Btur-ris-Tt tfriEB OF TUB BIB. ST PPOB Sa lbs foBowlsx sa 'mtm-ty paay la Saco ka aaa, Iaaioalc Mr. Bill WILAtll, Mr. a.

I.Kt.URT. Ik-Be Mssetvaa, Vaeal- Meaaesi. FBABI BT It I As. a ai A I JT IbCbaaBra.jj, lowha Cksj Bess aad am BLCMcaiLLUI. as a a a Bkt Ckaiwetn Aetat vawviavtaisa HatiBI 1EWIET.

Tk ktaa Ma toy Beet tad istve. MI Ml i BT A St. umm t- to I a a Ta ca-iy avi't a CoaBic jeaitss Bad CAssae Arttst. Mr lew lsl. Tts Cm.ea of Sobs, aad hb i- IE ail (Mast wrai.a-tsw, at.

Ta Ores tra tsdt-r in, rs iia of PBF. IIWHSltl T' rVa. kttiuttlvn nartirl atw eaa ks vsrw.ys BwAaeora, Area4. aplAStt. WkO.

A0BAW. Jp- e-atlt OYHHTASIUM. TH BBTBItTIB s)tS)St a.aa. cb1 it. 5t a.

itnanf kKkaw to tAetr aew lawai i ts. sa ILToM BLCA. sne Boa. rl. a.d -i aaatractu-a st ty Mr.

tHAODtics rr-iwiat Cyaeoatae. of ta BMaMa. Esy-Taaa. Its txrta -r t. RiJW PAtta-iV Ottoetm CBAaV CISPBfU.

a. a. BAMiLi-m. C.RJ). Curl, Chatelaine llrald, (hUnon Tfe isrtaa Ataarta to t.

tsaad as CURTIS', 110 State-st BT2ZAW. CACTUS. HAZ1Z. Asia sad Bvaueta, Tnmasd aad Vatrtasaad. CMTTIH HO State-st.

ixtlf cial flwwen Ii Crcat rartfly. BIBBOBB IB ET KB SIM A BE, laCX C0LL4-O AST) IXTf A tart Asset IBM al at ClWTIfV, HO Hlate atreet. apissu CLINTON HOTEL AAD aCIlKMLIZVlMrs I-a ttt'ttf wrsst, Beebetttwr. Tre9f tsab-itaatrt TWO ISAAC Aa.ii.El- to. wiM Ittflt iMMtnaeS a vntb ar.

nr ram, ti 41 faluLaa SBtaauaaaaaaat 1T BwBavla etseet. r- ttsv WUI a. tuaad mats al a'l I 'Baa. I. da waw.

taesr Ua. tvan-anf Aaraa a 1r. aiASAAinil.

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