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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 3

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RUCHESrEK DEM0CP.A1 AND CHRONICLE, MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1875. AAp'et rend ee teas ef UOAL KOTICia- recorded by a Ao abow la what bai taia wwrk ha beea doe. Beinocrat arid Chronicle, Arrival and teArrw 7 th Dewes rtver was t- be foraad op by water aad steam pawee, aad dirthatet ever th city ad other use, aod tbe Hemlock paa ta iadiaw to an eity, wavws n.XJLNCIAL AXP COJaERCIAL KOCHKSTXB atAAtKkTS AA Tt KDA Mvtaed daUly far tk laiuciat aad OBrwoleta. hailboai rawr-rsow (s fj Xw Tort tot A Boaaoa aad Jt Aitanr. n-Ol'B vatHed at r.S for Bsrta.

r. awber i hmj Tt rwT rv tat-t fc ma nmn nu run, AL4rrr ei ia. irt. Hf Ml rf4m. JkIt -a pr t-A pi aa i ngt ffttmie 1-t.

lav A A rwrt. rrt if l. i Fit cent, rHmtk at ptssr S4.4i St I mMA StVA SAW. CHASE ATKINS, BANKERS AND BROKERS. VO.


SMBT. mm rev a VWt. fcX CprSsl Kw tv hoio aw tt rrr tf. 1 A liif.l A a X-. A- S.V aais- eAR K.

T. P. 1. A i- r. W.

t7p-ia1 I ml T. Er a -5 -ft wm a ii't. i i Vtbo Pse-r 4J4A.M V. r- t.awar ttinore Ptoiai toe fSl TFMt A Ar-- -JBd Partfe i. 1A1I a ARM ftp A It-.

A OSS. auxeairiAa-" 1 r.W 4 I-B P- AnWf nw i t- 4 At 4 im ti ks hi sji r.M I tPn-rv A sm is tmu cdtul I i 1F' 1 p.a Ar OVTABiO Pwr rnt it e. e. tl- ri-R, i 1 'f i Uw." r'i i a r. --lT 1 rnrM A- OCtAJi STCJtXEJM ANCHOR LINE.

trm Ml T'k8 SUMO. I JilUAtI riK-T LA- U. MEDICAL D. DAVIS, M. I'bjfcif in and Sargeon.

I HJTCTC ATIH Seorit1 PrJya, b4 wi 'if rttr -i ir-f- rtten urcMl mcv J. L. CURTIS, M. Caa at hi Iroa 8 A. H.

to 12 I1U: At ki PbariaarT la Bntai ia, N. Vi r4edar aaol ttutfi. At Pawer I 3, Kch r- Jloaday Tkardaya. At Tift Ilea, Baffaio, JT. T.

llnrt ad laird Tacatajrt ot each month tit farther aeUce. POT ON The West Eff.cac.Gas Yirtae FROM PETROLEUM "r'i4l bMrt rptfiT rMW lM-4f t-oci- irf-e ni JNOI.i K. ft rar4a.tT diaifjawwa. Hrtar Jerttr. Ma.

A aVT Bfi 744 Wj tu i tu re is vfa tfCrvufjrt). Barn- SciS. stft. Itii far--. H-si, Rmun, Ctofiri(.

n. H--, Ilfiit.aT Tttier tet Kata, fiAesK- iit. Vir TbrbOU It mM: ''1 H.iRTKk IT RTQMRXr3 IT. i La vr c. Tereni ir4 ftcto "a to (tftii mf'd fcir.

i aio3i T-r-takfi pv wisi br "yr-ti. aB. tt bir sf ri -T 1 frvt as A- foe OT for Xi-MO- i.NftiM.ADB SO ceau. U'4t. 'th prrii rd tlx? uts of B.

F. HOL'ftUfOS SOLD BY DKTTGGlTrS GEVE RALLY. HOTXIAi a. aj urit hoisi. on hb- Bar And I ri-'T, f.

eiriis ana arxuMHt. tua Aa4 R. A. M.t racaiLi Grove At 1 Jt Altt tnutt laM P. M.

ttr. am gt rr fjm 1 uc aad r- 1 a vt cet. a aftar Jalr tea, fJ- fxje otba. ndAMAabAc aftar laiv IM. mmr tm Maia afAsr air 1st.

ti.ri Sd.aag mnm f-" Htmtmi atAtr Star M. USa) 13 S-4o AAA id It us now recspffu'aJe and Condense ia tabular form the above result -J rowPAWA-rrrw A ax. of dA4, axat'ttarr at "awaritMa tfl oet nt A0i i (ntiffrnli la KRkias ua aatewat ao-w mraud n- It thus appears that, wbeveiw the debt ua provided for senary 1st, 1873, was 755,81, the aaaount now unpTovided for, after uTee rears aod bait of Republican adiniriAAiraiiaa. is on'y To meet tius, it will be to impose a tax of only ue-foiirth or one-third of a mill ir the cert fiscal year, which will entirely relieve the sta'e from all general indebtedness. It should be added that on the general fund debt 300,000 have been paid thai rear ia coin, rearing a balance of 000.

tor which the means are already fatly provided. The state thus pracucilly relieved of its great burden of debt, and the tax for the next year, owing exclusively to the results of Republican administration as we have Incontestablv demonstrated, may be and will be reduced nearly one half. It would be reduced quite one-half if it were sot for tbe canal deficiency, growing partially out of Governor Tilden's canal policy. Exclusive of that tbe tax which is this year six mills, need not Dext year be more than three mills and no thanks to Governor Tiidea for if. as it would be precisely the same if he had never been born.

This reduction is due wholly to Republican administration. This exhibit is as unparalleled in state history as it is splendid in ita character, and refiersa much credit upon all who have borne a part in the eood work, and especially upon Controller Hopkins, whose unflinching guardianship of the sinking funds and whoe honest, faithful and wise management of tbe state's financial interests have done so much toward this magnificent result. In the light of these facta, the people ot the state can understand, better even than before, the great obligations they are under to that true and able officer who, in this natter as in every other haj never swerved from the strict line of his duty. We are the more free to say this because it cannot even be to lured into the misconstruction of being designed to serve any personal end, since Controller Hopkins, as we understand it, is not a candidate for re nomination. But it is a matter of justice to give him the credit which is his due, and it is a matter of justice to the people, in view oi current misrepresentations, to give them tacts.

ROCHESTER WATER WORKS. The Report of the Exaniiniag; Commission." To the hrmorible George G. Clarkaon, Mayor The undersigned commissioners aader an act ot the legislature ot aba ase ot Sew or. "To examine the acooaat. a3id ana prooeeaicgs or the board of water com mwaAOBers ot the city of Rochester.

paste 3 one 9. 1975. moeefcrailv noon That we were orzaotssd aa a board an aha 19U day of oae IsTa, oa waisa day we en teral our uuima ana maae prelim ma- ary arrangemente lor a ateaoarapaer aad clerk, aad snbeeqaeotlv aa accountant to saws the board ia expediting ana invatig tiocs Bcoaasary to arrive at the end in view, The eommtsaooers were, by sala act, "authorised to examine any aad all books, DaDera, property, aoooanta, estimates, ean- iracta aad voochera, and any aad ail matters eoanected with said water works aad water works eommtaaioaera. to comae! the a'tendance of witnesses before them, as in ordinary proceedingi before courts of aauce, to administer oaths to eaca of tae wtmesACS, aad were required to make au eaaminaoooa in pobue. la AooAicx over the provision of the aea.

aad coasioerias; the Intention of the iettsia- tore, and the object be attained by such an InvestigatAoa. covering a wide field or eD jQiry. and wita limited time to acsoan- pliah la. we endeavored so adopt a metaod of procedure beet calculated so carry out the Geeugn oi toe taw so soe eoa tnas toe evidence might be fairly presented aad reported to toe major or tae city, as reqairea Dy aaa act. it aDDeared to ua that we ahonld inonlre: First What were the powers deAesrated to the water com isstoaers tor the eoaatroetfoa of water works for tae city of Rochester) Second What were the means provided to carry out any plans to be devised for the objects contemplated by tbe water- works act inira oat was none oy toe commission era in making plans, surveys, spectnoatiooa and contractA! Foortb How did they proceed fa the financial arrangement of taeir affairs, as coo- aectea wita tae anaertakiag I Fitta What sum of money was raised and piaeea at ineir aiapotau biito How was it disbursed by them Seventh What nave both ay Ate ma of ater works ast etth Is tbe of water snfrlient I and finally VVaat is the character ot the work! Mas It, thus far beeaaxufuliy performed FOSTERS Or WATTB OOllKIBSIOirkRS.

The act ot April 27. 1572. creatina: a com- mtaatoa for the purpose of supplying tae cut oi Kocnester witn pare aaa wholesome water, gave the commissioners ample powers to make surreys, plans, maps aad eetlmatea for the purpose aad submit them to the mayor tor his approval, and barrow upon the credit of the city an amount not exceeding the amount named ia the estimates of the cost of said works, aad "so make execute and seli" bonds from time to tuxe. as required for the expenses incurred under toe provisions or the act. This act was amended at tbe tame session of tbe legislature, alar giving the commission further powers, such aa acquir ing tiues to tanaa, waters, taxes, springs, Doad aad streams necessarr for their Dar Law! in tss ordinary meuiaas provided by This amendment farther provides for the par of said commisttoners at five dollars ler cirm, besides tnetr reasonable expenses, not exceeding so each eom-Dtiaaiooer tee "sam of dollars la any one year." Aad the same amendment also limits the amount of bonds to be leaned by the city under the act, to three millions of dollars It aiso makes it a misdemeanor for the commisatoBera.

or their employees, to be "inaey manner interested, directly or Indirectly, In faraianina; aay ma- teriAiS, suppues or leoor, for too erectioa of said water-works. Another amendment to tbe original act of April i 7, 1 was passed Jane 13, 1573, lim-luck the term of othoo of said commtw.oa- re to the erst day of October, aad re peating- a ctaaae ia we eesoau act, in At gave teem tbe power to contract with villacaa La aopply them with water. Ttus emeodaiaat give the urtaar power to thecommiaaloaera. vo raise toe sorrace or tae water ta tae rtem-lock and Canadtce lakes, not to exeeed two feet, and to draw down toe said iaka, below low water mark, not to exaaed eLrht Aet. aad protect tbe same, making th etty ef Rochester liable tor 'all' caus ed by the exceresse of sueh powers.

beetioa roar or tots act provides that all the boeds of the cfty mads to provide mean Am i wv, I. IIIIW MUM RHU, tU the custodr of, and be soid or negotiated by. the treasurer of the city of R-Khester, "and all the voucher made for payments of salaries or work are to be eertirid bv the eezhx-er. And also, that "the eitr treasurer anal keep separate accouat of ail bonds issued tor the purposed oascribed, and for ail mower naid nnoa voochArt of said board ot water eoatmtaaioaers. Tae books to be opes to toe iaaoeouofl of aer taxpayer, at ail reaaoBable aimea, aad tae act a jihortaea the rommit iionerA to Day to treasurer "the sum of five baadra.

dollars per aoaara ta fail aompeiwiaUoa for the serviced reqauvd by this act. Tae eommtasioaers are, by the act repaired, eaeh to execute a bond for ta faithai per-foraaaao of dntves, with two aretie, la tod Peaal am of twenty-five thotuaad dollara, and the ety treasurer a bond of etty saeos-aad doiiar pasaity, with two sureties, aa ot tae water tuad. Theee bonds approved by the mayor, and Tnhia further provided for ea9f-aBtraal report ot th eeeaalatBer to the eouecw of all taatr avoeaadiaga bird ameadmaat to to oriarlnal act at April 1-C1. was paatad Jai 1T4 which author to aaaw of boad to in boubI of lW, do, aad limits the awaaaa thai Amount. Aaotner act, to amen a toe JtAy sfu, 173, wed pan a JtareA 17 provtae ror acqairioa; una Dt laada hnlmrtnr AO oorDoraeton.

Another act. paeedJan0, 175, provtda the power to opoa street, ror ta5 ttoww pkpa aad to ex water rente. aad esfraieh rauAAOSd, aad it aIawa for ioiarv ao to woraa. aot. 1 Jane 15.

lsTi. th encioal act of April tl. Is73. authoruAAAg tho iau of bead to pay accrued tntareat. bet not tor iatareet aacroisa; after 156; aad tasoe boaoa tor iaai, tr oeoaiea tor the completion of the waser r1K tj.

At 9 1, Oa LuuetaaeaA ta sua Af.aa Vt imtrart mm A.eM.eVf t6a. wieacBt triA stveaA IH tMsta per Ih. ra wrtr eeoarawt pro is ea tm A nxB 4i4A Aba artliand ct of traatonaOa aad laylac a abor Aad waaadef aa aradtea btsa The filoooraemanas of tbe water atooer for three years, iovoiiog a wide raog of toqoiry.aad reaeatac rrom the eam-cneBeeixieat of their ofHcsa' decUn to July 1. are so larr aao eosspticaiea, that detaried stasrmeos would ta tnas report a tmpracsieehle, aod we must refer atoWy to tbe evidence her ait. treBsmiatsd, though em procaiBeat features of tbe aaate may ee not toed Tbey looslst ef the fofowleg grew tteajd ea shows by to ooos aep taatr aod for wfeich tbey have twedoeed voocoers, oa watea pay maata were Blade; far real emrta, BAwsattna- n.sar Hitly woraa.

uitm m. STVrOer Katptwwliia expa AAA. IT ul I 4 Utyuy vTAtoi ertWKkia rl.TA 1 Sts TA Kstrbiof way a. 2j.ii4il Jinn atetinffkaM. ctrarvT i.Tii go 8oaio euBa ffp-rAtiaeAaAA KcpaiiatMl avnerAi operettas A rs Aad t'J rfilA Wimit Co.

Cur brdrAata Tf nt yiauAa war TiieA tm Ufi.B twXTnii Water aAlfA MnfcvrlB Co' J. i it s. 6 vr I3t si 111 at IkfliflB A) It appears that all the accrued tntertnt oa to dodo at toe tune oi sal nai eo tinted for. Tbe voacher above mentioned hav b-ea examiaea oy our swora aoceaataat, Mr. Race, and maay of them by eureeivet, with a view or provtoa; their eorracBie, aod taey nave oeaa compared wita toe books of the etty treasurer aad also the books ot the water commissioner, aod era foaad to compare with the aocouota in both offisaa.

The work la still nahnUhed. The rewrote are not comaieteo ror tne reception of water, Tb wrougbt-iroa pipea la tl viotalty of Hemlock lake, is much of it ao laid ia the trenches, aod tb bulkhead aad fixture Intended to eottstracted at the outlet for drawing th water from th lake are hot comoAeaoed. arxciAi. iTkxs rv the vouchers There has beee paid by tae eommiesiooer ror treat feat op to July 1, 1475. t.37rf Via, of which oae of tbe eotnatwoaaara received tl.710.eo.

(besides his saiary a commtiatoa-er, wblch ta the three years from hi appointment amounted, by law, to in all 4,710.60. Tbey paid for printing during that period tbe ao no of $.1,643 hi, soma of waieh appear to be for editorials aad mrmfilimnntarj aott-ce. cost or au. rnx wob.e9. It I estimated by the chief eogineer.

Mr. Tuobs, that it will eoct, to liaiah tne two systems of water-works, aoov what ha beea expended to July 175, about tim, which seems to us scarcely adequate making the expenditure for both systems But when the fire per eeat. reserved by the contract, aad going to aha contractor, is added, tbe amount will aurectts (3,144,016.44. or tOeAaboutt. The wiadom of cooatracuog the works befor a fair trial wa given to the Holly system, to see how far it would answer the demands ot our citi-sens, and while an appeal to the Catted States court wa peadiag.

see ait, by what has beea presented to this board in evidence on tne auOiact, aa rather doubtful, and undue beate waa exercised by the eom-EBBwaooera. CO aidenoj the aaetUad legal qoestions involved la tae aoatoa, aad tbe ex-orbttana price ruling for suitable material for eonetracttoa of the work aad tbe atg-h rate to be paid for laoor. Bat it I proved that the U. 8. court had refoaed a prolim n-ary in unction restraining them.

acrrpLi or WATsa. Another quest' ef grave fmportaac, bad been Dr eaented to oa WU1 taare be aa abundant supply of water opoa the Hemlock piaa i Ia the report of the engineer, dated Oct, 31. 1B72, after statlnr the malts of exoeri meet made br ditmzaished acteBtiata In different sections of the country, aad giving toe area ot sue riemiocK aaa t-aaaaie laces, aad calculating the rainfall aod waterflaw from the alopes sarroondiog theee lake, be states that the minimum flow of tbe Hemlock per day" la "expected to be li, (fW, 030 gai on, ana tae mimmumnosr or tne t. aaa oiee per day 2.OJ0.0U0. This rale taUos Is made fa reference to a population of 100 000 that Rochester may expeciea to oomoer a rew years, and ta supply neeueo at ou gauoos eacn, wmaQ will 6, gallons per day leant at the mtcimnm or tow water, besides the sapply needed for the city,,0iKj for the mills on the Hemlock and Canadtce outlet It has not beea in our power.

In oor limited time. to procure estimate of the daily flow of water from these lakes, baaed on acleatirlc calculations, but we havs beea careful to ex amine into the matter, far the purpose of ar-riviaz at a sattsfactvorv eoacituloo. One of the aub-engiaeers on the Hemlock works in tbe employ ot the commissioners sir. ixicnolt who wa relied opoa by them a an expert ia such investigations gauged tne flow of water from theee lakes, oeiiw the confluence ef the two outlet, for several month in the year 1373 aod 174, aad regta-lered his daily oheervattons upaa tae quan- He prodaeeti before us the book contain Inz tbe reaiatrr. and white th averara ta several moath of blgb water wad vary much nigner taan 14.

wm, ij gallons per day, that of tbe month of Aagust, 173. wss only gallons per day, and that of toe same month in 174, gaflOB per day. The sam register showed kae minimum of eome dars vo be much leas thaa the raonistt 6. 0. (kio for the supply of Rochester, with nothing left for the mius on toe prtacipal stream, utaer enquiries into tbe matter of water supply have leruiieo moca ia toe same way.

Tbe engineer, emptoyed by at uadvr statute. A. t. foweil, esq. of byracuse.

cams to a eoDciaaion nearly a last ataced In tbe month ot July 1375, when the water was not at ita lowest stage. Tbe Plan. however, of fnvlnfwv Tubb Involves the eonstructioa of a dan to raise tae water or the Uemlack lak two fee, and draw oa this reservoir six or eight feet below the surface, thereby using, if necessary, the whole volume of water ia the lake, to a depth or eight feet from tb sur face by which means the supply will be kepi np by earetniiy economising the water for tne city a well as toe muia. state the fact as tbey appear, without our conclusion a to the practicability of th scoezne, or tne certainly or tae end desired. Air.

Tubb suDDOaes tna aama nlan mlilit be adopted on a smaller scale at the Caned cs laxa, cy reference to tbe repjrt of Mr. Fowell It will be seen that be thloks the piaa oi ir. in oos, if carried out, will make it certain tnat aa abundant sap ply of water wui tsu oc secure a ror au oomesHs oar' pose in the city, and leave enough for the xtuus oa tne ouuet. ia CHAEAcrnt or tug woax. There, has been ery little eridite produced before us to show that tne wor oonaected with tae Roch ester water works ha not beea skilfully mi laiuuuny uuoa, tnouga many witoesas have been examined by am oa the eubiact aod thoroughly questioned a to their kaa wi-edge or Information and it also appears that the iron pipes and other iron work furnished cy contractors, nav been of the bass mate rial, and manufactured ia the moat approved aau laiatittu manner.

a waonikr ibui pmt Tbe substitution of wrought iron pipes for bricks aod cast iron, ha led to much ia- vesu (ratioo. ims substitution baa some ad vocates on aoeoant ot coeapee. it appears to be a considerable saving ot material and, a reduction in coat of near one-third. Oar engineer, Ur. JPoweU, records hia decision agaioat th use of this species ot pipe for eooduits diAjwreWn la tbe mala wic.ii R.

gmeer Tubba Tae chief objection aeeaas tl be that ther will be leas durable, lo aa, the (wdi ua wo hua wMMna UMUlOwtSAl to eda tnuih to their uciratMltiy. Xoey have aot beta tuSEciantly tested here or elaewhere to prove them entirely reUable, a or has their strength been tried at the factory, aoc jrdin to tae specihcActous THS 8XSEA TOIBS. This part ot th work ia no naimpwtaat oae, because apoa the reservoir depeoda much ot the success of the whole piaa fjr narfulnes aad ram tort to our popoletioa- The Kuah reservoir is nearly eonpiated, and is guaged for holding at a depth ot alae-teea feet btt. iaj, iju gailooa, tstly to he kept ia store for supply below wheo needed. Of this part ot the work we eaa say, trout Inspection of the same by esvarei of as, bat mostly from evidence taken e-mcaratng th earth aad other meteiial of which it Is Nt-structed aad oa wBioa, id etaarlA.

that bo fear Bead be entertained of ite treat th or durability, aad a apprehension of it tailing to hoaA too wate. to Its toll eapaeit. Oor eaclneer xpretwn the like opiasoa. The Movcl Hope reeer jir, eonstracted for the distribution of water In th city, is of smaller capacity aad eon puked abi to coa-tain. wbea nhed to the depth of fifteen fee.

So, ula), 000 of gaUona. Thar had beea a great rarsssy of oputioa ooevseraiag the cooairac- ttoa of it, and whether It eaa ataod the pre-aar of a full haad af water, botlt a it I oa aod ot a very aavody sou. I rofaaAiooal as wail as other saajtestioa have beea made under oath, tending to show tnat the strength of the work is UktaiScteot for the purpoes a- atgaed. Ther are doubu axpreaiad by aome WAtaeassa called, while otners speax wim oaefldnoB. that tbi reservoir Is safely coa- atrweted.

a aauat aaia refer to toe report or jsr. rswtu tor a pcorossnwii opnioa. He betievas that tail reasrvoir la waU made aad wul be aaeare beyond a reasons ni doubt, r. THX hOtXT STBTJtM-' ThEony water works, aa carried out aad eiwptated by the water oommlemt oners, hi aa tedApaodeat system, whO la the aread phaa. of water supply so the eity they are ladi-BeaeabAe, aod oalculAAad to aaord aa aa-ttmliad qaaaUty ot water aa oat la! far ox BAvpoaes as taat drawn from the lak eoaroa by tae Hemlock dystrnn.

aad a vary Important suaaidiary reaarv ta auUMlaojie taaA may wail oooor la the futar. It Is tne teatf-asoey of ail who have been qaett toned about thai CAAtAAtructioo of toes works aad tor great vain to to city that thy are almost tan It leas la piaa aad flaUA aad readas th boos seagaia expects Uons ef tb eotmataa-ity. Haw tar this system might asv beea need, it atvfficteaUy aiKboAed, to ubasrv the waats of tb pecpto, wit a pooeuaatoai eoostaaUy iBcreaslng for raara to ooaia, iear thee aaoat iaiaratd to decioa, SUA M'HULX OaX Iaasmaeh a wa hav had occaafs to look ever aad axatulu the eoeduit ha. Ao far aa la wa ope to take seatimoay tarerd to the wboa mayaeax-packed that we ahall Axpre aoaa optaioa re-PtAa la. Jiwarly ah SB casa troa pioes to be aaed tor aoalt er diatnouUoa are al ready Aaid Is ta trasche aad co ooeaied trora view.

Alack do has bea VOTTCi. TO CTXDlTORa Purawarrt to a Awtier of tbsj Aai-rrate tt the Csr of Moarew. at ts ere tt'a ad persons (jaln eiaiwi Moataon, late tl tne etty of lb.btes'. msia pew T-wk.

il larnfiaiawaei, Ul ISS erMATjed st Ms on Jt-v. Ceve n-as-JE. At. a bafare lavs AaA Amy 9t Pet i. bar.

lasted April WA. to BO, i Xxecut sr. X'trnClt TO CTinwrORfA Pursnaat to aai i-V order of w. D. ebssrt.

wntaM of 7. of M'rs. antte Is b-rrty WTrm7Zlimm7ml2ZTt? trs cams aau Aitter, m'MttTZZ Hvatf Or-l'ii tvmmrof Monmsxaad aeaua MrtwZ Vjrk. to prs et tbe aura snta ji ee lber to tlie ander-lAned at his l.r i. tm ba-l rn bsforetbe taa flay of eoteiii-f tstw I led March sd.

ttCa. UulAtil Al hKJ TT Ada VOTICK TO CREDITORS. ia A or-r tn -Toamt te OxnAy of aors IA bet.y to si I persons Tina ciaiaa aa.i.At Anat Wr-al. tata'f Ihe tows of Parma. M-nroe Slate bsw Vara.

4 pr ei the same with ta voweber tharaof. art ta ai4Vrtir)H. At aer rssnd-nea In Parma, an or baa lor tbe 1Mb of KeMawaPar. -a ua iistted MnreA AAA. ina AU.IMBA B.

wor. 'V'OTICE TO CRKDrTORH. Ptirpuaot to aa A OT'ier or tae iwi saw i boAkwia hereby give to ail parson liarm ri.issa AsTAicAt renna. late wis rnjif M. nroa) fteweev.

a.Aeof Vw te arsseeitne same with tae sow awe toaraif. to andtwpisTned. at A Is rsio-osa. ea or bef.e tae ista dayol sAeteaabcr, iri -retd I'l. atMii A ml ntatrasor fv OT1CE TO CRKDITOBS.

Pnrraaot toaai A S-SW the awsi-saf of the Onstwty ef s-ra. aiaiea ta bersbr to s.1 persons bsvie; a. vis sasinv, irs aeney. sase or tna arw I New dts eent -ss. wit -ra tberso.

andaevtsTBed at uh resotemre ia Arab, wet ov arute toe t.r 1sy of a-pAe-rber tv ialed htarah IstA. ass. aH-anBtO. r. aaT1 A lnnntAlf i iff i XOTTClt TO OirorrOKH, to mm i tt rwnhr.W tf Mt rylHf M-r.

hVrtitr let breAOf 0TrtM to aW pmnmmm etAusw r-iix iiwjn imxm I--rbr4BAMMr, MOBtrtBfh CMr-wfAUai, aswraVtwhaJ, lO til AwAOd tt wHeAWB) Urrt. llv wAVA'ety VA gAdAT rvjh4aattAB. Mo. mil. Aoa-, ot) or to wm 4tr vt tvmm-bw.

Ir'V 14. It. OTIATT. Blwyrtafil. VOnCK TO CREDITOKa tnrwnAtA to mm siv rrr of 0 phM-TV "VT-r.

of um C-rvta9 of Miiiw. tV'tJ'i is hwhj tr -tM) prmmm b.lna A-twATint faran Phitcir. tf vi mtf of iwAA-ra tyr. tw- nfhth mMtm of Nrw wli. ti prn tl aAmfAA.

bT1 Via Us AAaVtaWeT wAttrjf ta Ham iV i R. lsayTa mtm tTf-f. J-Ca. tt Ka-thAlC AdLg mrt HaVT It Of wrw) Reh-td-r. voK tnUn Ikm Um mmg mt eWratvTX.

fr. K. Ism SL'MAmmmr, Mm w. a. Lsrrr.

Uxmtmuw, VOTICl. TO CREDITORa PTjrtvidjat rrABT Of tap (mrrAtwSla ilt UM 0i7 t. MOfaV im brrwTw ay Two in pmnm ba r'fr ela.iaA au.eA;ri Mavrsarm Aiwritlk. tmtm i tswii! h4tiMtd. tSmTif, Mm Inrk.

to mr9-mn txm mmmu with a tc inomuiAM. al mtm nm- wV hMlitH. rrm or ttnf ry ihm ardtLii 1T at Uctv4r, Avrt ta. A4-lOWWTTH. XTOTICE TO CTamrrORaS.

Pan-AA-aOt to mm t9T4erof tbm roiroirv of tbi C-owAtt MT i rxxt, wXirw hmrritr r-t. cHa.lfti mmvaM ErwA' Uf Ut I'ftirrj O'tsntf -ttj t- iff Hew to prpPBWrtl UM awaABt wTlta. lb Of, IO tfc VDJwArrial, Jk, fl4 wwaA. ter. K.

i or fftk dif or OcWKKV. AsAaiArd Apr i Ki. JOt-HCA t. BIH0P, Admtnimmnv. UP RE ME COCKT MoiTto aJ1 Jobs H.

radriH Jmmmm Km Jam A. fhr I T-a. aL. To trim --a wafhtft rrariaatu Tw rej aTtiT "ajari vhaw miyjt tjrf Us fAAw.trtA. sAfaf-in.

a mt'p-T wDTfi mmm Irftiiiif hms m. M'iro wx4iiAai ebrrti -m a Rrttr. IS- 'JaM JtB. IT. Hi4 wr t.

m-Pf of or va Vfoa mt-ftHv mm ta laii' B.ork. Har fte-wiw Mtrfif tXHiDtf 3 I ViUkit twwta At; ftAr tttw mtt.m of Uim Maao, lAtT Ot tsfrd) daT Of TtATaV 1 All feratiQAi will aaa biaAfit. w- k. Fia.i.uff' Aurrae7- HE RIFF tr tern Bra rn. aa m4imnntir ur of ts tj-vxta Cftaa-t-ia mm a lr4-t of Imata Htirt, tWaViiMa tbiuO'Tt tt.

Uatn aDd ArJ. J. lirt fe, la iiiwnx of a ImAgiM ot tnxmT mria ivl BtTtra Ottm it I ten of ieHa t-o ATCAC; aaetl afd tjrrrs l-af trvdt Ti ftAVATg of AifcaVai, ijrmmm Oh a-, oo Ui dtt'li Jw, I- w1" -wj-'d tutve 3ti a- or moT tna 6rcvjm of thm riar iTAdi nt ef M-jar- ia.y. tb b.mtl rAoe. at toa cait leettr Rracber Mrrvaa f'Mfjt-.

Trk rra tU-e Sd da- at A CV'taV. ItTx 19 efcar, tm of U.t day, uxe Xoiiow-iric d.t-kl uemm- 1. to A li wJ-t trat or pw-ee. rf lasd wiqam ta Lh isyw PriBi'ti. M'tir -m.

ma of nmr TsrrM. imnixCwii aavd rlsiri itsawl ai f.Ji.Aa s. pmrt of xa an nf-iTiaiofi of htt ir1f-Di. KmUrnM trmr ef i toi t. il iawe of -irp-'n.

vc. t. br 8- Fiikrn. raoatiAtf tra-e -rib ta tha a- t'n Ita. tt tb mm' tw Arwdraji aioa rAw adafdf Cmmimm H.

IrM AtrtAvu hyrrm e.i4 lcilitWi'i rita bn-f nnf-io fM i-sji and ajrA Incm Uftariaa -rAA-a pra.Ai -nth lfx irn aoxit e.o ro-l t- ua txh 'in of aty eiraA-t; ttnem wwtir'y la UJOrtt. iiOo2 U(2 -VaT4w atXLV-- dwBA, ataiJ lDcftp tr the Elaoa of raim t'oat Attt tmn. rotta vf aiAi, atm la-. Tb 41 lnsxs(5tl to ctory tb(rt-wTa tf no a tot 9 xrt 4 n. wvwtvA br Wia.

ha at It. ata arif br S4 bariBaj dlte 1a tt m. vC. mnS wfi y-m lmvt nl aitv tna-Bsyat Mifid ta la fAi i lo Htras P. iifcr ftrd Ti de-wv-1 Ctar.aC aIas cfty.

230, lAwAMl gtorbtMitfT. tlAslr T-- bTt-T of MiwOcv wMtTaVawA wlaAa, PrntOXUir Loekjru N.T. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF br a-wJ rmm anj lr4rrr4-rt Mry AtluB of ii'rlatatr. -odtm ur Aitoaof hJM aewWs.X. It4rar Ai-a of Of rH-PwUl.

A. -Q reAK 51NJ BtBull: Ait- a. rv-artaw4Aw acrKwr; li ltcAFtil isAAbf Uwreno X. A. tAu- r.f gHfvtUe vti I.

vraa X. idfyw, haanp at law, avavI mx of of JatntM Atvi. tay-ni b-rvtrfiag Wtcrcti TVmi of abt-r, baa BtorT' mw AdB of tb -taA. I of TtraAa. Aa b-S gh certa BarrjaiT Tarniuia.

besarina 4avs Attl Ittli. ptrnTXrirTlMmm AtttaWAt Ot VUl rtat AWrd pArw aonal awtaeva. dair pfovad tva tmsx wtU mad tweiUa a-aUst Jan- At wa. i-mtm of uacttf vf ii. -eactmvvr, in vd natT of b-artiat, tl-AJad.

la aur- aaiice of to rvaid tn auj cam mav aatt e-i. jom aUAd mmvtk ot ym are eva-yj irAireal Arw twrcaiir i apw-tar t.r tasid Burr at ftc S. ta iS awa r. tatt tb 2to dr of a BATt.t,i-r. at ta o'ei'-r.

o' tbat if, xtiva Avod tiiwra attsd prdua of aasai Aas wiii tMAmifrst. In iiii4r." rjrcf bT qawd th w-ivl of tb rr-rat' Court of tr, Crvaifof i aSi-nI. Wrw). W. 1.

Hurr- ef BAAid at ti cttr hs in. fistr i Ju'r. tbe vf our Lrr4 atta iaa aaUtit elgtat ftudxfttf ana wT-ntr-tlT. VV. I.

bUL AttT, arror-a4ra TBE PEOPLE of tb Kt.c of Nw YwItT by tb tre.f t-d aumI IadrAw.nini TAnMf'lvkof Vtwtdr. m.Y. i V. t-taai Oar of Wa. rut.

N. T. a-t-r Oirt. mn- ritp-rt csrk, rj itttr st: kf wq a asa m. Crni3itw-a, itdte n.aowa; ltaard Art, ra wfDce oai 3t'u; uf-irr r.

ria-orw mtita A t. Ha ttr avc ft a "rn WAitif W. irb tt Hett JN. Cr -f ir. X.

T. aad ai to brtr rt rmA-4 mrmm aett OJf aiATT tUi BdVraT Afld fw ar BO- bexwa, btyA nt ta, aad mju vf tm uf If Cierb. A-rJ gret'-nm Wivrm i li. nMr of Wtr ha f7j U) ta rrr" a of tb syntf aocfki. aa are a ort aSuatmu eo wtttft tnrrn a tt? Aa lul -tth.

to aiir-wr. or b-itb r-r avt pv-rT aU AjvtAat4. da fttr. a va taveat wtti a4 tAtas.Qi of raA-v 1 tata -f tn wwa ft-tter, la aaid Cofaaty -af ar dw-fw jA. la ir waii-fle of Ui Mau mucm em gn vl pr vklel, aod eac of y- ar rt4 and rv- urr4 prm aait tu be a-ad aaaear bf th a 4rr It at, at hia to 5.

ta au (Vorttf, tfc day of alf- 1. at te-a f5-r of tbal dT. xtt men tbrr u. audatd to yrbiim vt mmiA IaM aad tmMBin. In t-tirijn WbeTAl bT atsAl ti fJ tf th rurTrat t'oon 1 ia C'axtf of to bt Y(nam, it.

rtt.vrfs, aariNmx At ti aud mf. at tit cut of iV 3 tnt of air. ta Uii reavAv wf oar U-rd tswa- aausd beUAAOrtyd trj --Teo if, iHUAMT. -mr- CUJPREME Woltiw ae aortivirf trd tw lb M-ra tb H'-brd1e atdtr Wraa yOamp-inf- ainec tb (tarb ter ater flic iuil. ut aaao Trn4 qvmv-piiT ot S-w Tiek rd br.

ln pmrmumnem ma hw irte af a tuVaeot of ei j4ire 4u.1 atiie. reodrd-J ia ta entiwH a tT.a. at a t-r ot tb. c-mr b.d at ta ovaaaw m--mmm in tb alf of fiAratAstT. ia a.4 if tn o-antf of bttrart-e.

oo darf Mar. K. and nt-tTt mm tt. "fflABa. wAHftrfc Aws.d AMI).

OO tf awAAB dV ioe. li. aod of tb of tbe rxiertt.l Tfnu mm a art. and of ta wrt of AvetAl av. i a ar-ImtAtt laar rf anitftfi this mi4 itABe rVS apptatta' ba refasre mln tveat-w.

La ta ttiae of Beward A Ka bhq wU ta aaiiie and ate tr at aere fT-'iaB-i a-t-t labaaurd op- tt.r aa'd ar hj9t fAa. tr ttv o.ivT5'f:t ot or aq I I 1, tL rei-ff, aatit- f-feHj an4 I at-- aid Avod order, fai AAfrC-trtet. tK aiont aad ti b-i -a-r of EMyrU tha aiucJi49tr Water Wort. ctiatt'way. oo tt-'t4 ib ari day of tear-a.

1-T and -f to i on. vtih. ar utaai a0 lets al aaa 0-OItK AVT itewrM Hit atr-r W'ra ii- tsaari tAys. U-CUfVH. SMBBAftirU.

ABIdrd AlTII 1-, Id 1 HTw e-ure and a a ba r. J'l- f-) taa jBdaraeai reaaid. a4 arbo mrm efiufed taut t.e yc -erlM tt.m na-re: -r i axm1 Hai aad to watafijAa, ue tk-wtwX'tA. AAtad aapara ti. Bat -trw td ti rr.n i LAt tA-tfv ar n- x'm mt fa -AaarAsae awwtftarr ear ta twoauasa aa of tt aatAfa ti.r ta t.

are l- tae Tie cf iaBMMfSt. kawTwOy rajr4 a BeuwB Cac. a fc xst-, att tar aa. aer 6 rmvr- tr-x-a. ra tae ty '-f (c -wHt-ewea a.

tdjMpid, ra ma ar of iw.iA, I the b. ia.a ni i a. sn. an -3 5 f. ii- Mil Vr1- uf k-aixtsA.

aoJ to baab vnmi Vru at ef ttf-i- itm wrUi 4 afij to aoAAJtdit due and aa-sad Lifift ad b-vrAt ar 4Mawa ra-rreeir -Atr prtin -4 aUaA tUsreC A tfiat a. i tjeraa a- unr pr.Teid f-TJ t- ttr. 4 Nti a aBa twrfare. vitcte taa ua tmm artdAV. a ii br fr- e.

AbKnrtv tu "'ft--'a of tue aa of ta ia a.4 aW- tatBtB Ceawatd. AXAV4A If A ii- t. DA.iBia bbavu, aveivrca. Iated aaaa. CCPRBWE COURT-Oontr of IL nto.

ar -f-n Wa.fcaiia Mettsjc ar Aid: awaintia Baraiaet Aftritaa 3. Mtta. eeekiviaea Tvtivitwut aaaaed) lea ara or re-wulrtd Vi LB fjfiitJAiOl Of bcetrtn atAwd aee-e a tpAyr af ac wt aaa J'. iU mmxa-um. fc.cfte4-r.

If antc'at wBi dit tfitTriVritfmaa ta ta say fnw, fvif-it a-t ia CVtUw tb rwiaf daaafaad ta tbe 8iliW rU0J-K li- A TTE SX S. P1.ff As a Tt tb defvtttfmsts, A-i Jf R(t-: Tak ttmf tb auiiamt ia ta' cr ta Tier ed at.f- at e-ad-e'a toe Btwtaof Ja a-s iLMewfte aersat ia Itib-i M. AVimttt-i t-hat Aatftr. yowfeata)' fcwa-a bb- SHERIFF'8 MA-rc ae. Aamtia 4c a it-b enaa.

et. la p.r-Aa-e ad a ut laidrar m4aw at a ASjaetr. idatrat t-e'aAA iArsirt tiae aaA at Yon, mmm Am tb Ctw4dTt -jimmm In Bj bt mt Iia4AAC. ta mmt Coutt uf utva mrm Mtiad-my of April. acTVirejiAjg-t, tra tave ot lm tmvvmm vi tfaa of tt tAie ut S.w V-eTb I.

ib.rie- rtarl. a-vfeeriffo ka tvn- ataaawt. aett -yi in aeai at awidAaiac tJMUtiti, a. im Vxrt H-tr, ta crul etty taf aVewBavaar -aatv ta tt caf ad Jaawea. Ir a tl aa a toat davjr, gtt S'-Mswariaa' atacrvaAABd aratt-iAamt, a Aii that baa.

aatrf ef aail lrat ttt tit atr ft A-a. Bt-sAaAf- TW lAjfAU At UAA a Ja" ttf--ea tthi Aw twe eaa-aHiA wMAawtt iaa ttaaiaa icai tu ba.Bnimf at a vmr mi aajaaa la tb a- aiBt! aaa mt 9aKx, I aa.a awjetA twapey fcaii1 aeaa ABteaASwaawt ai-r caa a tUA; tw AasAVaaB! AAvta wBrif tray BAV. ra eauot a4 eta-far taart fla-aif kass Pa a s. asniMW ta aha a. IB aea I earaaa pail se'iisa '-Vw" forty ll.A, tn uasc i twait awstrf Msdd.

tae annas at, er m.wuiA in. sssas irfen's a iiari ty stiard aunast as aW. A AuaaA by arA, Aau A.s A-lti. 1.C1. ta H-if CirA'A "ft I -e Bi.

Awts. in Bbtf of AeasAA. aA Bas it, as I ill sad ruservtAa taresAuaA. auawsaa. A a s--, ul IsAd -Trt Au i tteta-r by te-ve kunt laa and wue aad svauhare Baraiass.

ba two aav-ral as. rsfx.rdd in nns tiiatr Cuara'a i A. prestrtsve horthy tawn lad ae be rwdeoo-taiaa BrtewAi seres sf )-uA. aad Is Aw4tt4. 1 a bi and ef tyvaat.

It ersaA bv lassa af atarut by taad art Jauua baawb. aasA Ar is TlBa-twr. -fT, 'r' twr-errt. 1 CUCBBAK. FlaJT AU f- f- Cl'lBE to ta Adiroelaeka.

Iwi in-fliimsl. Ur. AV VACLAC'8 I a sua ir baia ei aAua b-ss tf. lA'A snMitUAeat At USUI sot owty taw agwat aaa toeei eac -ra employed aAoaar the bae have neea taorooghir exacwBed ea this point, bat maiy oaaer who hav bad eeslea to observe th work ea It pogr eed hav tesafled iBrelattoa to It. Front averr aaare ef tefartcaato ta eor power, we have Aaaiaed aa the eaetraetor aaa beea held to a strict faiBilmeat ef has aodertakro.

aad ia ail theoataAd aad extra work tbwd far performed he has left htaia of which the eeeasaisaloBera er th ipabao eaa reasosabiy eompAata: at least netting has beea developed to indicate waat ef ektil ud fidelity. VtT OOWTBACT. We are ao aattsAed 'that the contract for the great bulk of the work wa a jatttctoot one, or that the awn naiaaiooara ar entirely justiaed la act sptiBg the bid aader which It waa awarded, aebaiaaced aad eacertaia as it wad; oat it baa to be considered that at th time this wa dose, the materials for each a work were xeediarry high fa mrks trta-ber. at least, bv tnirtv-ihr per eeaa. than at preeuat, especially the priacipal aru-eie cat A iron, which eost more thaa ail etas ta tb uuasu iiccioa of ta water wavka, aad twea bore a marked Brio a atgh ad th ooo-traes aoectfiaa.

Th bar Dine, with the a i- ditioa of proper flxtaret for operatloa ia the cty, witBoot any aecous tor eoaearucuoo, eot taany Ai, 0U, 0U0. Br refereeca to exhibit 'B" herewith reported, it wiU be Abow a bow this coo tract flame to oo awaraeu. too tow wnt ee brarka aad aom other aroles redaeed tbe aa-arecate ot tbe bid betsw all otoers aad seewred see eotree to steOeaakl or irord. That stewteot it here as ad that ear may how it hen pea that tbe job ef eea- atnettag the water works wa give to tbe contractor who has thaa far exeoated it, and that all may draw their ewa ooacisttoos apoa to faetsabowra, CHAJICB jTCMt OOLUtSKtW Tb ffeetof the original esamatea of th chief anciBeer, whtoh the btds were re ceived, wee to faror th cosrtreetar ia to toilewiM respect: First la tMeoariea aoea Diaaa. soacinsa- tioo aad ttmates a wotud eaaily allow of a nsnaiaaoeq oia.

Seooed Ib ieaviag them ia each shaa that be of tbe bidder woe had the most ta-f ormettoa from the eogiaaer eonld with ta mort safety put la a highly un Balanced bid. Tblrd in max inz piaa aad cfimsted which were liable to efaaage ia very important respects, aad ye bo provAdiag la the leaes for that ebaoge, aboold it taAa pla-ta; thaa grviag tb oootractoar the right to eooa-Dei the comtwiswoeer to em Dior him for. aad to let bias fur man, whatever that change tavoiveo. Fourth Ia aivinar aad withhoidtar in formation prevloue the bidding, the evidence oa thit point is eoa- nieting, and probably cannot be reited apoa ettaer way, which fact renders the wool matter suspicion Firth la allowing or ordering in almost averr lnetance, when he had the option, she most costly material, aad that relatively the hiabeet ia the contract, la place of that which was less costly, aad would have been more economical for tb etty, at the following teat will show: III! S.EA9 At. us l.JM I.

MO SI. 7 tT 4LST0 la. an tn.wN S.A54 7.1 a 5 I si 5 ISM mSJ 3 33 15 CBbie yariA AC roek tt e. SOS Embaokoi tunled lew taan L3fl. KetAtCfd.

rXOQO over l.tA eU e. yd. 13.909 Hrd banted brick in work II A a Mb mi Cubic yards Hals aaoled teA Abaa l.AtJIeet en vm Coble jardA IlBln aaaiea over Ltu. Cebte yarda of coo- erete tie IB Becsicck Umber tad ctABk sn Af ptae uaiher aad tvank S33 MD Of 1 ti dim; gat AtmoeA and pi an SHO Caet troa pipe for ermdtut art a ton a0Q Cast iron pipe for tUAtnbAtloa. te That reported ta the Hem of Holly sys-m eoBatrucaioa aoc an is the sum of V-A.

which waa allowed the ian-traetor for treochf eg for the distri-bBtaon pipe on tbe Hemlock aad Hotly plans ta the city, la addition to toweootract price, on the oemflcate of the cart eogiaeer and eoDsaltiag engineer, forf crowding the rt la inclement weather. OOSCLCBKMW OP ACT, rsOB atVtDgwcg Wkiie we cbeenully credit to the contractor the evadeaee which ahow teat bn work ba beea well done, and performed acMrdlng to the contract and we are conetraiBed to report from evidence further eonclusiona of fact: namely Tbe contract was awarded to said McDonald, as the lowest bidder. Toe bid ot af 3-DoatUd was however badly balanced, ia that four millions of hard burned bnek at oae dollar per thouAead, it proved to be about one fifteenth of tbe value of the brick. Irrespective ot the cost of laying th same In tha proposed conduit, about four miles ia length, from Hemlock lake, which is Included In tbe specifleauoos and contract price, and aU ia that oae hundred doiiar per tboasaad for watte oak sueh as ha been received aad approved by the chief engineer. Is proved to be about three bine the value and r4r marks price.

A comparative statement ot alt the bid on each estimate, wita the atnes of th bidders, ta herewith reported, market exhibit lrior to the preparation of tbe bids of James McDonald and George D. Lord, these parties had several Interview, tail Albany, with reference to the same and is was understood bet we -a them mat McDonald's bid should be at said sum ot one doiiar per tboasaad for h-d burned brick laid ia such coodait a it was by them thea believe i that ta brick would not be need It wet alto la (aid conference orally agreed between them that ia case McDonald got tbe contract Lord aboaid have tbe aubstaaktai Interest therein. Afterward, aad prvor to tbe award of the coo tract to McDonald, a writing of assignment dated April 12, 173, was executed by McDonald and delivered to Lord, a copy whereof ia herewith hied, whereby the en-t-r In -reat of McDooaid ia said bid aod such contract was traoAf erred to said Lord a the sole and absolute owner thereof. This ass'goment and the prior ag eement aad in-tervtewa between Lord aid McDonald ware rxaeeealed irom the board of water ommia-noners and each member thereof and toe chief engJeeer aad secrete -y of the board, as appear by toenadiDated testimony of thess ail and ot Lord and McDonald themselves. In this connection it is proper to state that except in the items of east Iron aad wrought iron pipe, above mentioned, we are not agreed a to what th profits ot the contractor may be, if any, as showa by th evidence.

trEor.mrvrT. oprrras Ther wa bo registry, record or account kept by any ot the om art whose duty it was by th statute to sign or countersign the bonds. We deem such neglect not only ta direct violation ol the law by tbe treviarer, bat ia aa attar disregard ot com moa pru- dec oa oa the part ot the other omoer. Wa recommend tegialatloa for tosh ease La tha fature. xxpessxs or thb sin i Borne Items charred in aba hill of nrrwita of the commissioners, seem scarcely jostta- avuifs bouw too circa mstxace.

ua trip to 5ew York aad to visit iron foxindrieA lo Saw Jersey at stated to have cojt AcoO. otaer expensive excursions do not appear demanded by tha exigencies of th case, aad tbe expanses rmluag by way of publishiag account of them, and otberijoroeeedings of the board, are mentioned that a fair under standing may be had ot the management of the eommtrjioners in the discharge of their duties. Profusion ot expenditure, aa It appears, has somewhat marked th progress of toe water works enterprise. mast, however, state that we are unable to had, in 'all the proofs relating to contract aad their dwbarsenoeats. tnat tha ataaw eomD3isfOber have appropriated aay aaa to their owe private ba, er that any of them.

or any oae appointed or them, hss violated the atatuti for bHMicg them to be in any way interested ta fuiraiahiug the material, aopptle or labor tor to erectioa ot said water worka." CrSCHABGB Or DUTY. The commissioner of tevastlfatioa have endeavored to flint, by long and pa went ia- quiry. ail the facta retatiag to the acta aad proceed in ef the board of wetar eommia- toners ot Rochester as apecidad ia the law creating this bwiy as well a wa coaid oa-derstead our duty. have, aio, aa required by the statute, given opportunity to tne water eomm'ssiooers aad their ageate to produce aay witnessed desired by them to testify la their behalf, or concerning aay of their proceedings, aad have eedeavored to be Impartial In toe entire aaveatlgatAoo of the matters abmitted so for examlnetfcm. The evidence taken before as to more thaa 3,000 folio ef luu word.

ita what apoareet ndetiiv wa have dls- eharged our duty, or ho have succeeded ia securing tne appro riauoo or au iat treated. to say; bat are feet aa eernaa aaauraaee that aotoiag has beea loivwtioa-ally done o- omitted ia any ot oar proceedings or CAOBClualoo by wnich mfereaee may be drawa unioatiy prejedieial to aay party Interested ia ta tavest nation, er teat ougat to impress ether that wrong has beea daa tataeAn. Taos who nreftd to believe that ratemwr at aome where eaacaln that we auignt aave brexgbt ao light, ouciit to noaal'W that oa vary proper occAadioa we hav solicited all who we Btight suppose were able to give la- form Hob oa the subject. or tveet kaeor aay bat oooid to eome tar ward aad aeatst as ta aaravaiUBg aay myAtcry, or unveiling aay wrong tnat Btiatht exist, eonitected with the procemin- ot inoa wao aod earned oat thus tar this rtaJueg. ask such to examio the ef evvlAAnce teportad, aod mar i aa beea left eateeoaed.

or aay ttartt epet thBBBed. ia ashifMtieg what ha beea oae by those who aoouia do rcwponavnie tor work, for good er evfL The "law tar aad evidaeoe Aakatt be- fcaro' thaa eeaBiMiSAioai. "ralativ to th weesr worts oocamweners aad their pre- oeediaga. are herewtttt reporteo. au wateh a lespaot rutty aaomiiien.

Datad AuAuat 14. H. O. Wmn, tACAh CAAJaA, At. fan.

CttAtrscrT Pantar, V. V. ti A BAT A. PS reVB AVa1 TBADE Cstaage ta Frto. lar ad PvrehAA ia Iaa- Ai tcvAAviaai Aaraart aa sa 4a ffirij- at 1 I -i a0Aa- lAAStka AAAJAAAUW, MWlll AT.

IT A TED TO rBKi Br Jeaa Iucelow. BTaax.Be Aim. IADIES' STATION KRY 3 sotch Oramta, a Duau. tm aad aa atjiet ef Pamai va a. w.

Mr wait wtnaw and tB lor oM Bv rxor-a eaoted at t.aj. huUA. rl tfetwd at B) tea roe abort, as tor tkiswAast aad 2t toa for takldriiwr. COM at CA1V 6aiita at ta) ewt. for bolted aad tU ewv tm aabwltwd.

OAtAlM waraAT rntaow'itAT ar sb raBa pnees paia by SaaIwa swaaAvaltyi HSatlaA for wait AUcawaa aad Wieka. UHAlASe tbe beat Wait aad AAMiiAS for Bad-Aba eaotceet aradea doty eow-aaaaadbs wetaAAo atraraa. BVAV-qaynad at wwa. Op aw AwitAWa.s et aexwrdia awalitr. Oav reoted at Vaa m.

aeeardias te eaahty. Baki rv eoauaai. HAT AMD STKAW aarke raa. rahnar pVieeasUAy. She fgrmsamtr and trail! for old Uwothr.

M)ed fear lanted a lc lOB tftrAw quoted At STW toa. PTRkarT PRf rPt or cocrrRi runorrs. To Htwiattar An raiic prujea ami4 truevrraes Aod ao bavera Poettwaw aaaa. aeeordta AeABe Cvnaulllrt, aeeoreta ta aautr.HWH. Jt AaAA- iva tun i lee aoAtt Wild BiarAberrtra qoert il'wllwl.

aanrdiag to i raaitt kt)e trerac-jra rm-A tTib arcorttotta ttHr Abiwee baa aeorr.nn ta vmrteAV TSai' Batter a a. tbriAiaal arlae ttm hhkou-. RfdwB. i Beaunwaaeelnn do avrwlah le do il bU 0. A a- a pleaiewA.

Ai aAaeO. A tcVAAi-AA iae tea. aeeording to ttx Oauaiba aah H. W. rVTOCaV IIS dOltr afAKKB-r.

rouewta arata aaaastas ta AbeAtoekaBsaAwdlAAadA from tbe laatt Board) araae tae aaie of Aa. IS: ABVAatekB. CAtttna 14 a Wiwera Caloa ChU A Boea 1 le Tfrk Central A At A ISA. HadavueOBAoadAted. tm, A tt.

Pan' pref a Trie i. 1 Hartew it Indies Camtrmi It sticaLAAB CestTAi it Bu-uBattoe a aiacy. UAxxrmx CBolttste4 CBtearo A rAciSMAii -X KwJeresotrmi nlon HaBaibal A at. JjAeph. a CleveaAod A ABwaawarr Xw losl, Aatraas 14- JB P.

M. Bower aaay at IVat eeat. mat aaeroeaule aaer eaoAedtAati era A. RtArtloa a baled aa rB or aixty daya aa a tor daaaaad. Oota oaad aa tuataad etoeed aa tiseiixi.

Iotpot. of dry-aooda tor tea week t.f 1.9-rr. CteartBaa froaa Gold Bzewaa Bank ntirMB. CAAtoHiatAttti TrwaAarydat-Barsemeata t3ovct-Baa war arm.

Btate aecsrttlee ealeA. Battead boodA arm. The atoek sparket ha beea atrooa Aod tusber. AUtbooa-k at tbe opema of baalBeaA a fractional decline la price took piee. Tbe aaarket etoaed akrotiAT aad ta aaaey eases tbe bihet eaotartoas of tha week were atade.

Ta advaae for the day waa VIX eeat. TracAactiOBa at tbe Stock Exehaos aatsrewated sharev. GOVBTRIVMBTTT ctneed as rnflowa-C. 8. Saof 'Si L.

ft. a-At ooaavof U. 8. ta of cono BSia (new) itv U. S.

a-JOtxrmp. of 8. 5-SJooop. C. S.

i-X re. of 8. di.lil a C. 8. t-3 et.

of 'r US hew Ivee I. B. t-a Aoop. of ay C. 8.

11S C. a. Carreaey al ae lCa BATI.WATSTKX9-CtOAedaaollowA; Delaware A BodAoau. lt Clereiand A PtttA-. tAas.m ill ChleATo A V'rrib weaa.

ti CoOAotidated CoaU ws Cbv. A S. W. ii 3 A Cta it 4 Weetera Cntca S3 ffw Jersey CeavraL Oaittiiner tiH Cbl. Boek Tk OutrkAllver Brat HA A-IIwaokee A ta.

Paal "A MaU if Mil. A St. Pea. pre 61 bViae WAter Power. Wab.

A Hew Terk CeBtrai A Hoaaan Bivar aM Tnw aw 7 Trw Wtnit. aiuATan8iaw A. A T. H. preferred.

Ilaj Clitesso A C51. A Altwa OhlO A 1aT tielawAra Lcaawda A Western lit Indiana Central. IV Biriturt'ia A Krle li rle liir ...11 Harlem Mlebiaaa Centra. 2Y Panaaa ruioB Paetfle R) Jjlke Shore A Hlchl- Aaa Aj.tnena..M... IlliDoiA Kaa; a St.

PACIFIC RAiLKOAn 8V' Irt Cloaed a Iiauowa: Certral PactSc Laod Graaui baiOD racisc ni. A tActae tooosDw.mM. gOCTHEBS cTT ATA BOSD9 JlOeed aa foOowvt Tenceree St St A Aa Kev Ti iiiiliaAaria SI GeorytA TirA-tnlaee bjia jna Carolina A) ATew Virginia Sorta CAroUoatAvew). 13 tt ASoarl K1H rVath Carolina J'Jeepb. frmtb Carolina faew).

Z7 I Hl-Ina C. P. "Mint A A P. Ieve li BIPKrM VTOCX Ctoawd f-1ow: Aiiania Expma Aa. T-Mrca-U C'B.

ST'4 Waua, AAraTO A Co. 9 lolled StAtaw Al xfw lilt nisnin. SmW AAATIM 14-S P. M. quiet a 3d easy At A driir.

of aaie baieA At use tor mlddim aplaaA. lUJt a AND at All UjCla receipts It.filT MHA Market fur fetat and Western Soar daul aad pnoat Mil! rale rtroDA-y ie boyert' tAVor. teiea B. l. i oo a aA fer aspwrSna Weatern and State.

as.TSA it --T common to sood extra Weuera aad Btate. foe rod to eftoKa Western and State A-" A 1 for eomaion to caote wane wbeat WeatB extra. Ai. TUs-T 5j for ecsiauD to sood extra Ori'o a tl t'T eoauaon to cboiee extra Ivil-: d-jmrn du i aikI auuettied. Soithiav rln tbarket aauet eoADman to 'air extre gutted t- 1 AaT.IB aod Aood CO.

ce extra at 47. fctrs FXot a ABAiket heavy at Cotr bTaai apaiket qoteA And Ateadyj saiea at 11. 1 KA.A..1 for Wewt-ero A. Cj for GKAIS WBAAT receipte baab: market opened dnll and aootrt 1-' lower for A'o. 3 Spring witn a if-demand bot eoed arm for prime; So.

1 Atady a.l ita and nter red dall aad Boaettid: AAue 13, bnah at lsl4'c pnine K. ii-csro. cdipCt nt 12c tliK aeated do. ebiev et Ulc. TitiAUoc f-jr i.

2 jrthweern. Iw; 'o. Mliwaukee. MTatlCHc fr No. 1 apnng.

139it4e fir cnATOOed iowa and atinneeota Spnax. Bra aur ket quiet BAA1.KT maraet anil. Bitlir Mid ntlee quiet. Coajl- reAApta HI. Or 1 fcab ana-ket ralea active aad -'voe tower.

eein ae.vy: i i bab aa tnr eomosos to prime eteam Western tnlxed. tor S'MMX to eaoicc Aaxl Wetorn mixed, ebleBy ail aTSo f.r beated Western mixed And lV.3c yellow- -1-trD Oat reoeiptA il. Hl boh; market mien h5e tower wrtb A fair bo4nAS. partly apeeaiattre: ea'e 3- bash At auxeat tVeatem aad 5.kc fcr white Western Ha Atarxet -teady Oc TA- Be for Ablpptev. P3 MArket qniet at t-- tT new tta tan and WeAfra an Ami: It new New Yrk.

HOC KitlES CorrEr market qaiet asd a Abade flrmer; quoted At tiVAte for sood ordteary to enm eararoee ltio and 1. v-'C cold I J-t. i i rcbAA-Biajifrt qeiat put armer witn iimttea oner-tcirs talr to sood quoted At Soli market Srm creeery araaea qaiet. iuxs market ATnet but Ateady. PETatoLBCB Market Sail and eaaiert alie crude at casb and sviier A UK nad redn' 1 si llltc Ca- Qn.tedi LLSc And nAptsn rt TA LtXI sfarAet raies arm sie aa Market tloii Al KAlTic rt atrsinel.

Tt BPBNTIN85 Msrket dull at f.r sotritA-PB0V1S10S PoBK mArket nrn- luwer: AieA new si et I rl i Bttr mArket rotea qa ea p.Ain meaA and A bi, lx 7 for extra BASF Ha msrket qmei. fltsct Bmr market qniec Ctrr MEA. si market dall. Atu.iji.AA apsrket rp)e AUrAdy; sale eity looc-elear at 1 I. Ai.

market opened beavy bat arm At 1 1 -t iA pnsneAteiam. BtrnEH marAet beary At It rc for eoEmoB Vj prime Western end tiAx for emiBoe to prime tsale. CBE a aaarkeA Deary at AAii'Ac ro Oim u. prrme Koos KArket beavy at tam for stat aad PeanAy.vaaua and liw-c for We-tem. WHISK Market a ehada easier at tSjt9 Xc elMU iL NAB KET.

41-tnil Auxn-t M-WHirllf market rale firm At Cleveland. Anraat iA PBTROI.KT'M market qaiet; aAuee etacoard Wtuta In cur KAA atHcaad btate teat at ke: b.iu Hi.le bicker. Atwaary. Aojrnsc 4 P. at wheat market rules qtnet.

kv A quoted At ate In ice street. Coax market rates qaiea. Oats market ralea hew snta a liffbt deAaaoo aalea cars st Ge tor No. West-era is r. 1 And for o.

1 white. Biaitr-market ecitve; 1. ot o. six -rowed rv.aia. fur September dauirerr.

va tnyat lerma, Mai tuiraet Ateaay. Alllw.ekre, Amratt 4 P. FtorA rnarket tittea quiet but firm, Wbeav market Aieady aad saies Ha. I aniwaaJtee eiab st ts.t snl s. i AfirwAsjuf tiab At icac esa.

isua a.ark)( acuv aod prtcvA tower; aaiea Jia. auxd at sac. Osrs market ea'ier but not qaotably Ivwer: I st ew at lie. Kta Bierket rate nominal iy Steady AAiAA Ka. 1 At se BLlRlAV msrket qaiet and aearly aoajaaL BarEIFTs I bbis A nil bn-awbest.

MGrMiyiu-a uB bbls fl mr as-1 jJ bnb wbeat La ea Fbjuoht wbeat to BaSaluie nt. I Aaaaat tt-d at rur-B market relet dali wita bale oon: lower to Aeti. Wheat market cluii and sate N'o. red Winter At Coal market rules cqiI and pnoa AAwer; sAlee St 1 mixed at roe. I a markeA amva and prieea K'wr: Aaiea 'o SatcAtsc.

Atf marset ds.l as! aalea i st BtJU.IV-t qa -ed. WHixv market Erin tb a Air demand At 1 RECEirrs E.SCS II bnsb wheat U.SB kBAb aea. ts.tjl i busa osts. ISA! Ansa rjm a so bu 'b baartey. Twleela, itiM P.

if FLora etarket ro'e dnii Aod GpeaAOed. Wain msket rales I -r witn a fsr demand; ate Sj. wltite Wia.a at V. new do at It? So 1 white sllcAtKsa At Itfe, cev At Js.i,e, amber AibebistAA at new do at So IrtU Wialer At 111 i. t.

1 rwl Winter Al Hx. new eo ttfe and So. 3 red Winter At tri. nv market mlee lower with a sr-ed dBAand sales bta atixed aa irfe A sm Mw-Atuxed at Mo, I st sou no jrrxae st lx. um itArtotraia K.wer with A fair deniad; ssles j.

fat jr-- Rt-CAAIT ia bbls Aowr. 1 Aei-b waewt. ti. (nfDaodtC;) bw-b su. Hita ivr.

ua bt a-ar and bat asaal. XAAA SAAlal ATA dull and BVBOitl. HawflSAi AawsAt 14 4 P. Plocb eBarket rniea .1 sss I i bawrels st ST.It ror JAo I sirtnst, f.fcr amber Winter, iiti for wait Wnusut dsbie extta. Saur-market rule Mwr; sates 1 cub st Itic and extra wait itH.sjaa9 at le.

Cattuc AAArkeA rules lower; v-tAtxm uAVred at CAmA MlnL sisoamI ttlafe lob for buitl and Sit bl Iw anoofted. Mux 4aam mArket rciea fteady; anvyt At -a t'r srort. It I ton f'jw Rp-tss sad to ta AAtddltastA. (miL lAtbjUTs-wtf oe. fa and rye it.

Nw rot lasiber tafaot'ie Hadn. Htr; mito ItrK.BTt-Imu to BosUa t. Sew Tors lie and to MnAnrtx. Lilt bavrkirr fee loo0-r. ttrltAil aseattadAhluttiAfiwiA.

CAAAi, bAir-AiAtsTS Mi. JU. feet watber. SAeAralt, AnsTttst Theve win me dlap.isitMs Sw sell aa a sbsd- Ml nnrs; Cboiee wait ntK-ieat at awe. lan.

at A AVt. tj, sabers At Ai iX tri st 4. WiMfcuiia ao-1 pr.fia st ivKaad low Atrsies to enperAita At AA i As -4 trA ar ed at Aa.T?aA.ra. Whaat m-Aer were aiu-onta. reaiiAw-, aals extra waiiiaa at new at It: Q'a 2 jlie at Itjc tna new at IXWiii.

CVkv narts) awl a. sua! at Te but for mixed, uaia martAA sAeuf w.tb a fair demand salea Sa. 1 mixed st Btaiar-n--wtDi; bciyerA ia tb marad tor aw at ti, aHL nm Pre. BwsTsUa. Awras 144 7.

at Bxorit markeA rale spa ksn sstea ae bis aa SA.l sad t'tr asnsA, fas- Wa sra Aa, jo tor AessMr and A ti l.rf wbite. ATI furt a qatoted AA At. li. Cat Stul Awited at".iA tvtt ktit gmoted st Si. for ewwe aad Al.

l.a for See a As. WaaA-AAflM laaeAtt; A-v I At. 1. esatia clob otrsl at lAie wita ai btAs. rf mat AeA aua sr.

riees losar; no. 2 mixe4 WsMaru br tfis Dsi ct at oats anarAAAbarei a.eA bre. stra a.s rast bar. EUAUAV aone bwra. HistAWXre easa AeA Anil and At 1j.c tt sal-toa.

f' HE market uraj si far brsry mea tlldl waiAstsaiel at IAS la ti aaiias tas ta tabs and kasrs. atacaim ar Utt-i ea a tar, s.aal Ansa whesA and It corn. ItA- CEII-TA AT BAJlBfAO Lit! b.A A UT, A JUO asuA bAAt, pink swra AO 4 I.i i basa aata. Baii AUiaB Kafir MAS Ta I. bats Boar, lid kst.h wa A 'AS! basa and us Is Caaas, Sisi.

baata to tide-WAter tasb vtasi and t. rtl baa pvattA s. 1 c-ti 1.1 basn waswa and M. nt eataa Aim in earn to -Xew Tors; suits iswiaded. 4 mrass.

Asfut IsE P. nl tna B.1A A tlAOt aaipty. Wtllt at-tn ia-si wiuta Vaiv demand; CAieasro rtpnaw nuescnsl: AU. I 1A.S..1 Bswil EBe at SUA. llfs AeUAA- Sro- Aem bea i Ifca u7 sii tna yeatr.

No i astawto Atann-T at UsaAlttke and rviaeted at It -C Com-Bsrt-t di antb oore se las, ua ba.srs' a-s h'n. lma as tt tttsua, SsaA ssasar Bililaaiaw an ru ocao- ncr ana ressvaeo ba aakw Uin ayrAA aesiva aaa prfee lower; sales No. tslit cash. sutler aus Bat ABB Alt Pi acwteaAeer. art at rsea aw saw vat As.

isl Aa caaa AA4 AA sttMA aasaust. atkirr-maraes. tires iorore; sie a wua 1 seier BetAeanbee. pi'AAeaaraa aaaaauasd sad kAAA Al Arilat i apA.aVtatvbea. t-A mi niira issqi't st a Ja casa and I1A.W selisAT scfrWaM.

rt a-fcww at iris-. aa aa iusmi. basa aura. bsn '8. and tie bu AT, tbaakaaAA.

lii- bssa sua, eavta, LiAAi basb rrnj kkCA a barty. LaAI AAlouis est to Baasjiu lv And wsaaA In. At Ustlr. ws of AAA Bwd. waeaA was etaaAdy at lki4 aiiv Mpwatatf.

buraaasMar at 47k; sa AaiAsA nsKiWAA eeaAabwr. i ssawa. aaaaha A ABeTwooa Ctnt-M ttwind a urn meawy aad as t-kt mciil intisd waa as sae as asv. lab; ea. tsvt, ta s.

lAisriasi Awb r. raa.r. Middling CpAaims- I-sM: llul' lr- O-. (,. IA-IAA1.

BaMn fSAtr AA kana. Is, let bar saasrasAaioa aad ea jaw or the HemKaefe let aod at or Jtc take, if aeefwaary, fa eoadalt fx pea, by roreoof ravitaMoa. to aoooiy saewaatdOC oor aaanftAsu domes 'ie pnrpoaes After eoip'xing aa piao aod drawtoe; ft proper apeeibcatAooa, taey procoAiied to anvrvAiae for Atunti th work for ta Hfmtock system, aod oa the tit day of April. 1873, waned f-reeal btd for to work from varioo iodfvtdeal aad firms, aad fleaily awarded to wr ao Jaaae sf e-Ixsea 4 of Weilaborw retat, eounty. y.

A copy of tbe estimates mad far the bid-trie is herewith reported, marked aid a eratexniat ef the evrat bid mad for th wtt preeotd marked 8 and a copy of th contract made wrM ateDioald aed marked 1 also returned aa a part 01 see evtaeoce mwm I913 or BOTOS. The water eomlaatooers began to farad beads aader tee authority given them by law. which pro-vtdd or aa amount not excluding to amoaat earned ta tb esatmaaas of tie coat" of lb works, aad ia May, 773, executed boad to the amount of 0V. tneide pnatiBg extra biaaks to IaJalyof the same year, (A) were mads, aad a rewards 1, mora. tmoaettnAt la aba eta-rega' to li, 01 1 Ot tb prect ot tbe making and exeeotaoa of tbe several amooo's ther seal aot to a defieite ae-eooBt at least hva beea aoaot to Bad any rvtdeoce to that effee.

If tbe faoad are ei aimed to have be made oader tbe etiaiaal acta ef April 27ia, IVTa, creawagtbe water eoasartMtoa, they were limited to aa aoseoot not xcowdnir to estimate of tb coat of lb work. which was tbea A3, and If the xtoee ooeot Imn were md aador th act of Hay 2ith, 171, the nmtt was fixed at any viaw of to case, It doabtfof whether the eommlawoaeri had the power to Issue any greater amoaat of bond then were required for "tb pay meat of exoentvn Incurred by them sot exceeding (3 It appears front the evideoce, that in theaata of tbe booda, they kept wthlo tbe limit pre-scribed, nnUl too ameodmeel of Jaae 'vta, giving tbrm power to issu the fall amonatof It appears teat A 14.000 of the first lata of these bods www eord by tbe treasarer la this etty. The firtesnlarioa of AAB, Ouu, beiag pno-ted from a htiAormrh piatevwas aot pooeiar, aad was naaaieabie la ftew York, where tbey bad beea eas for aecotiatioa, and all of them onsold were eeat home to ta etty treasurer. The disposition of these returned bonds will be a subject of later enquiry. WHAT BECAWk Of THE After the making of th bonds, a above set forth, and Mbtequent to tbe eale of the t-A, (30 the amount of A3.

175, remaio-insr, aad floally executed, was, at diflereat time, andjby varioo means, by tadtvidaala, toy exprers aad by soma or on of the water commifeioDera, transmitted to 5v York aad placed in the ouatody of the Union Trust company. So regtter or account of such bonds was aver kept by the treasurer that can now be ascertained. Indeed the evidence sao va, that no tracA oceovtU tras eeer ktpt by him. It baa breo, as nearly as praowcahie, found what amount of bonds were made oa aeoouot of the water works, and bow the balk of them went on of the bands of their tears! custodian. Wnat was the alleged purpose In thus with them It is urged that the bonds eonld not be aold la this eity, aad must therefore be taken to Bee York to be Bearo-ttated.

This may be true to some extent, it a large amount of mosey were needed in hast to go forward with the work, bni while tbe treasurer might have done all this, under proper authority and safeguards, he thus parted with the bonds without keeping any account of them, and tbe excess or surplus bonds ware aiso seat to New York to be ready for transfer if needed. bow warns bovt The bond to be executed oa aecowotof AbA water works were to be sold from time to tune, "at not leas Abaa par, and the 11m- nea sale, produce a mncb larger sum than any estimate then made for completing the works. Mow were the bonds soldi Piaoed in tbe bands of tbe Untoa Trust company, oa a contract made by the mmmlasliinnri aad ratified by th treasurer, after the act of Jane u. Is 75, to deliver thorn as fast aa sold to Kobinsoa, Coa Co. waa were to aeU them for a commiarioo of oae per eent aod expenses aad they paaaed Into tbeir poaeea-aion or control, and when the interest or convenience of that firm seemed to require it, were often negotiated at sauce, hi: oar rates by the employ mDt of other broker to sell them.

About was thus paid for commission of sale, ioclading a discount directly to the purchaser, on to7, uuu of tba bonds sold to diffarent purchaser, wbea maen of the time atace tne boeds placed oa the market la Sew ork they have been above par aad aomettmes, especially of late, from tbree to five per eeat. In 173, wheo the largest tMrotiatloaa for the sale of the booda were going oa, a financial paaie occurred, by which the interest of tbe city were somewhat jeoparded and tbe water bonds were slew ot aaie, aod it is estimated that th metaod porsaed by the Ireetarer or water eommiasiooers, or all accng eoa jointly 1st th aaie ot theae water booda to toja date, ha cost our city about Tbe treasurer sold of tbe first issae IH of the water booda. By the ageacy of Robinson, Chaae At Co. aad their aooeaaora, there have beea sold t-i, Xi, and th proceeds ot the whole. Including the sold at home, have been placed ia the hands of th treasurer, to bo drawn out oa protxr vouchers of the water oommiastoaera making aa asrgrestate of A3, iaju, wXt, bsaide interest on (tepoaits and that accrued on bonds sold, and a small sum for rents, ia all, placed to their credit, th moot 5L.

Tb commissioner have thus received this amount, applicable to water works porposes, or had the same In their control. BOW WAS TT BtCf DtStrAftD AT TBClt Ia tilU ooooectioa it tear te veil to rate lhm ot tit A bond, prear4 f'fT iBfrae tor tr.e witer cobhsimIoiivb, aAvxri were or-i r.a I titlKjTaDtied. tome of sk x.a.i Appear to rat btn ere-tja 4oa furm bS S-J tftl In blab A. TAe traasarer cIaicqa ao bnraid ia.ji'jO IitboyrApQed bucds. Inc.

u3mn 'juj ttrsA -ld. whiea hai excCAnTe4, tthee had been canewled i Aad tile toL btAaka. Tbe reaiAlalBS A.M of toe iiieoirrApea were fuasd by vor AocoaatAat, CAOoeiieO, in bAirts tbe Colon Trait makiiiit Abe SrAt SHO.00D werv Aest ap frow ttew York aad cm iroel a aetore to be bonied uAaer tut-caiiclted Ajid eoffrATed tK.n.1. ttflQ0 Tbre were toad with the Trast eompaar eaceetiea ccopoa Miaosio toe inuut oi A Dd a. ofreariAAertxl oaruacataA.

eAaeltel Antl in tbe eitr treasurer oflce ot bond Attli Tbtre vet remaia is tbe odce of the nloa TmAAempaar of rwiuarir erectuad rA-ifttend SoadA. kepA fur traaafer.H... -kl lb 1 1 1 trtrAmrer TTI vn Al.tia? 1 Aad by sWbuiAcm, Cbase A The foregoing ia the bast aecroot we are able to give ot the bonds proved to have oeen created cy the water commissioner. and the disposition made of them: aad while wa are not aatisued that the bum in a of bonds or blanks, la the loose manner soown, instead or xeepiag them ia toe ofBce aa voucher, after caacal- licg th ame, is a fair basiae method ot disposing of them, we are led to believe that no fraud was intended, or that aay harm 1 likely to an from the proceeding. kit seems, a we find, that all tbe bonds cou pons and rag iatered, made suosequent to the ouu.iaaj lrtoograpns nrst printed, were mils with tbe accramg interest, payabta at ta ome of the Uaioa Trust com aay, in the ciiv of ew York, and tb crtmmiwpancra contracted with that company to pay to Interest on them aemi annually from rands to be provided by thai eity.

aad the company is to receive a salary or t-zJ a year ror auoa payment and for making transfers of booda, amounting to t7.5tO while bonds rua. thirty years and requiring th city to remit tbe iaiereet to Sew York, aad finally to pay tbe bonds there, abea they become baa. 1 policy appears to us very ooaotf oi, aad tbe waat ot economy, wbea we tywiaider the expense and trouble of the arraogeoaeat for exchanges of agency, tor thirty years, cannot oe ovrrAooceo. There vet remaia la the aaad of the Union Trust ocmpeay 4774. wxi( befor meotioeed t.

aotdpieieir executed aaa BBaoid, without any security tat taey my aot be paseed to bono fit holdera, and tea cixy required to pay them. The etty treasarar is bonad by oath aad bis bond to keep the bonds aad taads ee'ely. bat no sacfa obligation rests npan a monied eor-poratioa or sroat eoeapasry. DiaUBjjl.VT9. It appears from the proofs that 14.

OO Asm of cast iron was porchased by George I. Lord of U. Clark of Ke York, at ageat of tae Thomas Iran eoaspaay, to he daaverwd oa the dock or yard of tne commissi soars ia Ha-aster, a I per gr-OBj too, aad amanatAng to ubtntiily faifltlad, aod aaarly all the aooaey paia oy tae eommiaatoaere. tsut toe cootraetor was to recurve from ta emmA- aiooertfor uuo too, or tnereaboats, of up- piy or eood ait pipe, d.o per too. ace mating 0 "-4, wiO aad tor tb balsace, a boat T.

1MJ toe oi dJstrtbutAOB pipe. Aw per too, AVVt. iai. makiBg ia all or eass lroa 1 1. 244 003.

This laetodea about aM totm oaad tor It Roily work. About aiy, lf.r aaaaga was made la Abe bias of the work br th eomousaioa- ers, under the adrico ot Ah chief engineer. Air. Toboa, by waloa. wroogbt troa was substituted for tb proposed brick conduit of fear mues, appearing ia the epeoia- and asso tor a portAoa of taw east trod) supply pmsa.

Ahoot waive mtiaa of wrought troa wa taa to oa uasa ia tne con- aoruottoa of th work. A Bw eoatract was mad with AtcDoaald, by Air. Lord, far halt chase. The WToeeht trow wd faTBtaBed br ThdtBl- a LthAoa, of that aur, to ba djatirarad a so ib ef tb work, ready to be piaoea ia ta artaches, for At 50 per li pouoda. Th eoatraesor.

by a-reamea. era to raeatvw 1111 Im ism did eer in Doaaoe. xaa wveawas broa tea uoautodl wiU f0- S.tiu0 poueds aad as taa eta. Per pound, eost the tomaiisaoera 44. mAkiag aa toe aegreraas tareaet and wroaskt rxwwlnit aad etritMAAiaa ptpa, AW Bww 0L4 a2f' ba racoUActad that the 7" earaad or coaveyed by to coetractor akxxg tba of ts work, from tee Hon Baa sir yard, ta atae af da-bvevy ef tb traa nt.ra txtay aad dtatn aq ted tor lay tae ia to trestcaa aad.

toaa properiy laid and adjasted jt coveriag. aadaa wrought troa piaeed ta th trwaehes by him. aad proper -y oooaeeasd awl dtvad a abov. It aitww tor the erancaorteuoa of to cat iroB pip ju soatv aad lay log to aaat ia th trenches, fir doiiar a to a thaeAHdeaee aor It wortA. wa have tor this Aao.iAjB.

aad to tayiag of the wrroogat troa, oae half of oa oaea per foo-iad. a a the evWeeo It is eatuBated. it will cost, we have A23.4. Th mates tor oartiec and laying ptae 132, tti. far TlaHa.

Aaa. J. -The jumping match anaoutx-! to take piatc tjftwefB tbe cotebrated jumpers, jainea W. Freeman of C'iucaso and Hob-ertii. lifta liiiacur aa decided at UobokeB, i.

V. yearierdaf. Aiarr crowd awBtikd to wiiotsn Ute a2tur. 'I coa-ttst aran looked fortrard to ritb eazer ia-Jernt, aad Ibere were large turn of money iBTrsifd oa tbe Li Moodajr the rotn jumped three Mandia; jumps for tix) a niilv, wtien Hraa was Ticrioi, jumping fwl 4f inches. Freenuui Hras to another content, and oa nigbt a match wm made.

The crodiUoaa tLc coolest yesterday were for tie Biea to jnajp oae aiagla jump, each to bave triaU, for fiit a aide; spring trrvd. As aooo the two conitaoit mD.e on Hit- icrenad the betting em toe need, hj ane fri'Brt betting ftw to ttiat he weuld win. treirtatoo aod were tte judge, aad H'ater M. Mai well Mh'n retrrwi. Tle ground btatir piepared, aod tLie arran wmenu for the con-Uti Killed, Ue maic Freemaa wtn tiie tOM and had to jump first, lie trowd formed id tj haes aad crowded upon lite rootcsUnts, cot seeraTnjj to be toe (ett afraid of being struck by the dumb be Els of the jumpers.

As Kyaa stepped forward to this mark to make the first jump, 100 to 70 was offered tbat he would win, aad the odds were readily tkea I freeman friesda. Oa the 8rt trial Ryao rraaprd BififeopouDd darob-belis aud core ted 12 2 laches. Freecaan, with a graceful erolutmo, followed and landed orer Kyaa'a mart, Jumping- 12 feet 3 3-4 inches. On the aext tr al Kyaa jumped 18 feet 4 1-4 bat wheo the judges n-Bouaced that Freeman's jamp was 13 feet 61-4 iorheahe was loudly cheered. AUeyea were lotentiy wstchiajf iiyaa wbea he -ed ttie mark for the third trial; $100 to was offered that Freeman would win, and there was a change in toe beiti Kyaa Jumped 12 fe-t 8 3-4 inches, amid the widest cheenue; but when Free man followed and again landed over Ryan's mark, the wildest excitement preralled among the crowd.

Fieeman's jump was 12 feet 9 3-4 inches. At Chicago, in July, 170, Bob Way won the championship of America, by covering 12 feet 1-4 incoes. This jump was the on record opto June, atbea Xtd hearses lumped 13 feet 1 inch, in a match with Bob Way at B.nghamton, for the championship of America; and the fact of Freeman covering the above distance created a fnrcr. On the fourth trial Iiyaa jumped 12 feci 1118 inches, amid tremendous cheering. Freeman followed, and the rnia began to come down.

lie changed his dumb-bells, uin hi fifteen instead of his twenty. pound bells. After making oae or two eroiutlocs be covttcu the extraordinary distance of 13 feet 1-4 inch, and without making any great effort. Freeman was now made the favorite at 100 to 30, and the odds were readily taken. On tae final trial Ryan covered a greater distance than Freeman followed, jumping 13 feet 8-4 inch.

Freeman followed, and jumped orer Ryan's mark, but slipped down, aad the jump was scored against him. Then followed the final trial. Betting was still 100 to f50oa Freeman. Ryan kept quite cool and bad a little the best of the contest, for FTeercan had to jump first, not beaten Ryan at effort. Intense excitement prevailed among the crowd when Freeman stood on the mark to make the finai jump.

He did not keep the crowd loci in siiptDBe, and cleverly jumped 13 feet 8 3-4 inches. Ryan's friends were now Jubilant, and oSered'f 100 to Mi that their man would wio. He at once picked up lus dumb-bells and jumped 13 feet 3 1-4 inches, beating Freeman's wonderful performance one-half inch, and winning the match. Freeman's friends were surprised at tbeir man defeat. Freeman belongs out west, and was brought east expressly to de-iettx the best jumpier in this section.

He tas failel, having been de'eated in two contests. Freeman's friends thought, since the death of Ed tearles of Sing Stag, X. Bob at ti vjit-aa, ana A. that a man that could cover i feet 2 3-4 inches could beat anybody in America, but they were mistaken. Ryan is a wonderful jumper, and his friends claim that he can heat the best jamp oa record made by ceanes, at tuca, is ieet a 3-t incae.

The State Finase--A splendid Exhibit Aivaar JosmAl. Sme time ago we asked the controller of tiAe stats to give us a precise official statement of the exact present condition of the state 'nances, embracing the stain of the public debt aad the sinking funds aad the probable requirements of the next year. He complied with our request, and we have bad in our possession for some davs the conclusive evidences of such a faithful and sagacious management and such a marvel -ous improvement of finances as we under take to tar is unparalleled in the whole hittory of the state. We now invite the ai't-otioa of the peaple to the facts. The direction of the finances came into Republican hands Jaauiiry 1st, 1S72, when a Republican administration was installed, with Hopkins in charge of the ft ate funds.

Mr. Hopkins has been controller from tbat dav to this; the legislatures have all been Republican, except last year's assembly; and trovernor Dix was for two years of the time at the head of the execurive department. In the following statement we exclude the canal debt, which belongs to an entirely different branch of adrmiiistrition and wnich has been funded for eiahtten years, upon the theory that it could thus 1 extinguished from the canal revenues without any taxation. The state-meat covers all of the finance but the canal del 4. The amount of the bounty dtbt.

January 1st, hen Democratic adtninistmioa wtnl out and Republican came in, was 21,144,000. To meet this there should have been in the sinking fund about But the Iemocratic administration wrongfully and unlawfully diverted about of this sum. which bad been sacredly set apart to apply on the debt, and consumed it in extravagant and profiieate expenditure thus producing a deficiency of that amount The amount of secaritMii in the sinkins fund at that time was only the state of the debt January lt, was, therefore, as fallows: TlTt CV TSTS T-rnV JllTllT X. lTJ. AnoABt rf ab Jasry 1, iu fcfi aviuc ta ULji ial- tv.

zn This givfls the actual amount of dtht unprovided for January 1st, 1S73. S.nce that tide of the bountv dtbt bonds have been brought ia and absolutely canceled, lit ducting that from the amount of dtbt tiUUJaiidiGif January 1st, iyr2, shows the amount outstanding at the present time, as foiiow tlr-M 0tX0tAaAitlf Jabbatt 1ST) mbmMtiUsaf $tt. lu trcm, juH DviitcxtAAAAdlB AUTQAt tli. iMt.xlt Meanwhile, at the same time that so much of the bouaty dtbt hasbeea attualiy can cekd, the sinking funds which were depleted under iJenAOcratie administration hare since been tnvfe good, and bow embrace stale and ttiited States Securities whi'Jl are at a preminm of eighteen to twenty per but whk-h even at their par value amount to So that the slate of the dtbt at the ptwnt time ia follow 5: ftiti txj AT.rr Hz Atu.s us at 1 hi show a rtduc-tioa of January lit, lb7i, atfuiiows; or tkft BalAAIa Of AM AtsduxULAM AA.ArtUa in. 1T1 of t.c asdAtaaw AwcAvnbAA.

aa U. A "dAl AAA. Ai. A IUtflitUO CiA.lAlS.tVW But tlu is cot all. Tbbt b-nimy debt is doe April 7th, 177.

The balaace to-diy, a we have Aeeo, is ti. To meet xhu aiuiwiit. there i cow ia the treasury out invested aj. There are also the proceeds of I'm tax of twaamlU for 17J, imposed but not yet collected, which will be There is further the ink-rest due the statA on the iavestnif at of the sicking fund up to April 7th, IS 77, which will amount to l.ftyj.UuO. And there is ala the premium on thee securities of the sic kixj tuad hich is now eighteen pet cent, but wui jfe, to allow for way possible coa-tinritiCije, we cocat at only fourteen per CMit- i aad which at las lew Arrive will pro-c Agaiass all this the only charge wlU be ths balance of thetlebt as givfra above, and the latere en the ottatandin debt up to the time it is twi-oO- The account then stead thus: aAMs rauvuKa rv aAVAAca a sw? trtmmmt no an I ali t.

tiKi 7. Asrtitlh. AS' TOAAi 1 tane dM. As. Sife, 'n.

tAlMrt wA AAA AAfU 71 A. AAlgjlilWi HAi a rrAAed La i a full Ik t4 the AeewtK br-ld bv tae cou-txcOler fvr the futii SA.10. BS as Ltaiaiiss sax so a at m.wm 94 6,aai AJf OLD HFIBFR OF THB a EW vobx rrtrcat BXC4Akm." am BE Of A Aea" as 4sAarMiaof feminaT a bw parAner-sbip with svme party ln capisai and wita la-Sist-aee. In awese to exteo an estabilAoerl Urn- reawiaatow nao Bawai.a! Bf-stBaas Thaadrer. Amhw eeeaaasw oa of the bawA IneaAest oo Wsll rsA A Id I All, wlta rasl ssisa.

W. C. Bo Sfs fTfc P. atatn tee aavmBt of eapltai that am be huauaaAd. aeltsaa aErhajiaed OHO, BRICHA.VI At E4TATB and Iy.AH AOVKTW.

IAVWMB IA MisUAwdlSA Cbareh Bsoea. Otessro. Will Bsw.xtatsf loans for BoB-rwet-aests drawiaa tea per by ri eatMis. leAmTAs made, proewrtv tans psld, at ratea. Correaeeaasa'A s-itmtsi Piesion.

K-en A Cn anlrrs rV-Aail Bav I 1 CbAATe: B-v J. Ur4dtcA. tW Aw b.e lAnesety, H. AJlrwd H. At-T-Srt lilS.

TKAMBOATti UA1A.1 Aa.tK TO CANADA KOC II BUT 1111. FKOM THA n.KWDlT sTKW LAXtt BTBAnftnt 1875 "NORSEMAN." 1875 ClAkBTlBO V. B. AWDCABADtSB atAUA and Kxpresa, will leave Asa smAawaswswa rrrt ar storaeister every aveolBA (Sanstara ii.ei..i BASo'etoek lor Coboar aad Port Uopa exewpt Sat-arday, wbea aae leaves at I P. H.

otmaeetinA ther with foraed Trsnk aratna for all soints aa Uasda IbrtarnlEt. leave 0bonr every morilne at I Eli Port Hope at Al. oa arrival enaad Trnak a-re kne trains In BasA and West Oelt aa aVtsrbso Toarsday avomlnats. st wverr m-vrniDsu cent edneedsy at tills OaAawa, And i tills OaAawa, bar a aa wedaescsy aaoa-suias. aboaid a VednosdAy AAorainaTA.

aboaid EW Taw hi me fsvnme rowte from Boca aster fo Ton to, BeiievU! kinaTAtoa Bmravloa. Preaeota. 'rttawa, Cornwall. Messina Itnan. Montreal.

Aso for the eeleoraAed Bice Iaaa tAkln aad liuP spat fyroands. north of Coboar. tar-atoea bayera ana Sod this ta qatekes aad ftBeaarsa ryat fro tha splendid Atoek aoaatry aeetb of la ks imtorlo ta an y. BaAUnAor aad all pi-aw Bast and Aoatb from Bocbewtar. srw sewv.

tne a. i t- sc smasra at UAarKiua. MuritLU. Arvat, aA il AAreeA. ttnsAee: a capt.

flAwyjap. pun Hups Qei. VKW YORK CAtWTRAl. AID HI" Da A eXJA klftk BAlLHUiD. Oa and artar Monday.

June St Tralaa tears fcloefa ester a follows: eOlXAs M-AJft BT D1BACT BOAD. Pt.LealA Kxpresa tsleeaMa Car) A. hf, PpeeiAj ew York Kxprea. IS ew York 7 gpemat Day atxpreaa an Itml liwa i if) a AttcommudaUoe n.iwtbweet Atiantltf Ex press (Steepin Car) ml ays Iakt tailed 4J fiorthweet Atiaaue (Bleepln Carl Bandays kBOiadAd BAST AtTBCKN BOAR.

Wrw Tork Exta-ps i-w A.M. ry Kx press il Atlantic Xxprea lit P. M. Atoora AeeomsAodatloa A Al (Connect for hsitlmore, Pailarmipnia And IflSbtAtxwreas tt soixo west BT Bcrraxo BOAD. KewTwl Expreas I-W) AM.

t.j3 rsdorj F.i press Apr i 1 P.M. Hay Kiprew i i re-'si Oisro Kxprass it ChicaEo Express je GOItJO WEST 7VI AGAKA PA1XA BOAD. JCjrbt Bxprese A. M. AceommQAttoa is PaetSe Kxprvss Yi-m A ao modal, a 1 li P.

M. Eaiyrrant AoojmixOoatiOn 4 t) Tay Express ta apeeiai Cfeieso li CAMraco AUprwat Jii Jt TBArxs rOH CHAR lyTrTT B. Ieare 4tA aad IdilS A. M.t i-As. tdtand P.

tt. AxriTe Ul) and JA A. M.i 4 av. island kliii P. H.

KK5DRICK. Gea'l TIcAat Aveilt. J. TlUJ-SUllxer. aswa'I eap I.

ROCHESTER BTTATal IXSK KAXL. WAT I Oa aad After Monday. Deeeaber tth, tit. trates railway wul stays at ur bea tor aad dtAtspa ea thJ road as aerwAuu i ntmcrrr aid pasv. skit Leave Boehestar r-apot, mam and usi.

Ao i A.M. ppra aa Aid. wsp.e-y2od At tta. BrooAOAJa twi k.a.lal JO, eottA vllie At -st, At tandatTAl, Mamford at 7 ta. cAta Boad at 7 se.

lJi.a Boek at xR, Arrlvln at LeHoy at iili A. M. Bu. a Lear a Baca ester, si taV P. M.

lAbeom Part at 4 at at tin, Mnrsan'e Bad at tl I A SfllttrU at i at, am ford a A Stata Bad at ana 'Lima Boo at Aia. Ar. Ilveat Lettoy at I t) P. M. EAJTWABIi SO.

A rrPR ia-lyaTM LeBsy at A A. he. Lima Pek at tv-taia AVisd as, sf it ford At 6. U'fceAtlsnd a i osTbAttsvlJisai -CA- ttsvUJeStfS. rexn B.d i It.

SrooAdaua ea It, Mapwooa at OL-Uooia Para at IA. Ar. RttAlkMla tWAt-W A. M. AO.

4 aKltiUX AND PAgrsCrGFR Leaves Aeboy art P. Boca at torn at A. Mamford ai tA, heat and aA A It. liar. bnttrriBe at 4 tT, eeotisviila at aea.

Morxsn' Boad At at T.lfMapiewood at 7 a-Iapoi. P. -a at I A Arrive at stocaAwAar aa P. M. I Trains lean and amve oa Albany Bis to kraAB kko oa ttnmi bAAAenaara.

EsTloUt, PrasldsnA A MATin. tagarlAtandent. fc ocatwiAAr. B. bee AC A.

SUMMER ARRA.SGZ5rEXT. GREAT CETTRAt ROCTbT TI.V tHtapessctoa Brutes and Btastara Pills. Great Western MicMiai Central RilLKOiD. TDK PriPTTLAB UM TO DCTRiltT, MAYCITV VAReHALL. AT TLB CRKES.

KAI.iEAZOJ, tllli.AuU. MIL At BS. bi- lJ'l Id. OMAHA. 9AM rKA.NClsCO: TX) HIMn.


NoBIllWAtsT AMD bOCTaWBST. Tbe only Bn rnmiln PriXAxx'sTlTBorGH Due. I kot-M. Hotel And biAEekytii Ctiu betvaea SUM H191AU. If And All (AASW eiuw.

The PAl.ACtt CABS ar ran oa T-c. Trains Weet from cheater AV" Kstes ol I are Ars aiwaya as IaiW a br aay oil. rocte. Trains seav Roche! or on arrlTal of Traina aaie esh. JJ A.

5f VORSltfG BTPBIta! AlVvet Detroit irk) H. M. rn.CS.O A A with Pu.l-msn's Palace Parlor Car fr BrKlKe t.1 lietrutA. nlwspinAT Car from tAsuxiaA lo CnicasTO. 13.4 PACtPtC ETPRB Wtth PntmsnA ti-tl Aad Dtawiqa Hooec Cars wima: ebAaje.

ArrA a LtatruU at -ks f. CtUCaato SA TcM is accorded by all to be the atost masraifleeat and complete in ua apporoLmaais ot anj uaia apoa taia coeunent. 3 P. "HTf ItNlNG BXPKKtVt with PvM-aan Pa.c s'eepiTiE Cars. Arnrei at tvroit at 3AJ A.

M. he. Si p. M. Tfu trai Vearea daily tiaturdAya exeepced.

It3 r. -9PBCIAL CHIC AiiO EI PR "--With Pailmaa A Sieeolar Cara taroarh lo tbiCAEO wiihuet ibAE. ArdtM at is-tmtt at A. CbtcaOAt 4 P. M.

va atanays tbw trale nai to betrott oa'r. fsr-Tnese trains sale sure connections st CbleAATO a it ti si trains WasA. Northwest And amtAdesA. tr Be sure sod aaa 1 vt tickets via of aaAsnAt Bradce. to be t-Ad At aH UctetoCceA.

C. i. AtKVDi.K. oeaeral Manasrer. W.

Geo'l rop M. a B. R. ASOREW WAtVO.q. irto I fop't li.

T. A. 3. tieners) EaaVera PaasecEeT Asexu WM. fclx.

Aa (ien'l Ticket Accuantaat, AAV wa New Turk. a. PHI' K. Ti wtTrtv B'nfk CaTtt icmnx General City Tax 1875 Cttt TaftASCftSB irn(x EAr3a.t4iT, S.T., lv3.5, THS ASSESRMET ROLLS FOa THX n-s. iM Tas wf kCi Ita Pna pimcmm La IAa afcee ci ruotx.

AU sow i iw-r Ui-freoii ar ht- BtAiA vmf umi n'ttrnTfrn in riaciia Af Lmmimtr. Tax tto-m du Ju.y I. I pom ram iSA-tvia 5u araaud oe the Slst dAf Of JO f. lb Wi add-ed tf (ld atf Ua tit da? air and at. oe bafor tn it oar or ta rtsi 1.

1.." r. If saTr- Lt. I'llAf Of avMASlVr tBr 4R Of SaWs. ivr tri l'. cay uf, TWO PKt VAST.

Ir jd a ftr tb dar of taioa for lie da of OfrO, TH Kit, if PK it t. K.S 1 pm sifitrr tb tstb djr (if Ot. tvr and oa or ba fure Uif Ut day of Ao'ember. PKa It after tb ia daar of Bi And oA yf be 'ore tbe lit ef Korer, 1 a Plvfs Ci I1, ajieju in, cbai-ved mil mst rvatmituM antaid after tb tjtb dar a.a,t: -r. the aoiTTfAya.

at tb rat of TW KLVI r-tKi ftr. tta aQaaaa. WaUTauita wiAw ingatwt i la tviia llv I aii aau rt-satAiitvfi astiC ia tfi al trcwMr. r-tb f- aad Inuiiae, ava aOTA, t.j;Abx ita CoU4Aor' f. BhXk t.

WlLUaUU, TraagAirar. OCHaSTEH CTTYTREAHCRER'3 OF- fles, a.w TMwM4 Awii-tit BoU for 1 at oust u-t 'tait aVArf-afra, at Iveft at Ui.i wOioe ijm mMmc tjoo, aad an BktraB UBf. ia i Aa Mrd AacAKeii avt r-uiral to iay vj itvi Oty TrrJWBrtr ir-tt ae-ral nai ttivd vb'-a nt4AeiATe.y wiiOia tla Ua arAf aavrauODtM: env Uird of th isjAtat mm4 arftb. tkrem avi.Tilfl frm tb AitiSLrtaati or th Aiwtnxett wb0mx i ate real: orvard of tite trita at tA rav af per cazib, iter to iiav. v-teeta oae ftar frora the oiRftrej.

a of Aid h. mti tn iaomtti ni third. laur at mmm rate, wiUlLb tu ymmxm tnm turn CvaanmmM-m AtsUa Kiasa. Tb swi-id awaOal ti txm3rr4 oa th 4a rjrf bi a. IX Wl tXi a CITY TREASURER'S OF-a b'K k.

Aaa-. "ta. K. yaudca Bartj laat ta Rail fr trtratAiatace urtrt l-iaca WaiA. A.n iiei sarfACA A37-r, re left at tai f-r Uaal! BaraiA aAsAieti UB ta tsaUA Ajw-aAPatOt itti Atr favt ta paj av bav i reaaitxer ta te-irta.

frtAaXi V' toe rr, wrrtbm taUrtjr taa- lna tia) data tAfByU. 1. WiiAiaABlA. XnABtwirr. XOTICK TO CXTTRACTORaXotti3 fa Aw bereaf b4 ad iiiavi vtH ta r.

cfr at ta (ytee or ta saVawr uf fmmtm W.hraa, V-e-A Kto. Clvr imU ttnill mdm at rrtiia-. Ajaau atdb, Um tAa tvwlmm idWv- BAeat: w- Aj-ib be. Pb-aJ AilAntaaBaf LAta waaret Fafit Wajai, l-eU ttr tret WsiiaA, Aaa PpV Prk armfc rtc-r strmm Tts V. mtxm A taesa Art tn-ptttmmmmK.

Itrtry atnratval aaaM e'i aAvatad by a SwmimJBem tAVd uf a-na Awi AAA, IA U-Att tea OAA-ATAd tl-Adtd ta aeaua or amaaav- ana-. bexa- axS-t vaawU a tnmtr art-d te aa cMfie -tb aaA orf ctemt waa. te a-trtWaa ta worm prot.wa.w- t. Htmrnm -jratw avo taood anil ar aiAAd by tb hVmrm ut P-fti. Wjc4A.

alitan ana tattrewS ar mm mAMX. FmT AVea-rd-jf i rt! mm a-artki'd aaAAIattbj tAr -aT Uf bB) of tA imx-Qmj Ptr: -via aiso reawrww tct rtaat 'rv twi wm vmmm umnw mm a mumtrw. vtn rVAwtea aggtsaaa aWt cue nAJwjkMt av U- aid aVAarA enaaaa0str A-r--aTwt ta tBarsAtra twa tlarAB i tl tAt tB tea, trBja ataatd xamm- 4rajaaa.iv mam ariAsdaa aa tei a emimti ta ta MtrMt. mmmm aw taa aad iftati tT aaaa. a tBUCaa ttu aliA Oaaf fwtfffr a tilta.

THi 3, mrrniK rr k-kqajl itmaa. XTMTF-O BTATE3 DttTRiCr COCRr bsnksn UatRA'd kse lat. an. la an Bia II er at etiipawaA sYsusuaiy. a Bsaa.iA.

The anAerattned e.vsw a ace ttiat. tr virt ie of tbe piwer in bua sa assAsam. at baikru t.y nf a. pales Whttbev of the ruia.ul SMAapsA mm; rosaiT s. T.

aad al- br vwaiaaoa "ra-rf the I eii.d KtalsM UfUKt Coeirt fr lts b-lirn In. (a- -A N. or, he awl At pabne as to ta kfsrhes bnhME. at the ftA ueaArA li. A-a ut-my oi BtaaaAsv.

a the -day at Awwl. a. s. l. At It A a ia- ar erA a ia eel evwl-oee of ate a wu.Mii, ta at.

aaava a as aii i aa i aiij A--. v. a. ami; Aiu-m-f rsd. A-rtt ta i Acetis- l-ij.

ltti Otnaat rVrta Juat silAJ'A, hast Mala-At Vt 1 I tr Vr am. lj a-; is eib of i-l 9 Liu wl to la Boata. wrm. par dar, or (a.a ar Iwm1 oaa. CLINTON HOTEL, i I a.

Kxrhaava Btrea. TfRMi aj 0fesDAT. ma to taa pncApal Tralaa. iiAAC iMLirt rVoaf1tora. NATIONAL HOTEL, 0.aAl( Cart Uaaae, ratr KCCHrra t.

a i. Prrr'w ACCTIOH BAUBS. (Residence Jn Waterloo at i Auction. AST Vill. fs i fee w.5 lteir mod w1tiiKt rrr A u4 0t 4a i iii trai fn -dM-a ai uv of tr rpr r.

Tife a-ttirfl -Aia jc ca rci oa to4 for J. 6. WfetGHT, fraTarl. I CALliUA PHILUPS. Aicttcn and CcmmJssien Mil 11 1 BUSH SB isa.

r. aj a4 Em Mala atmi Brldda. av.HSaAfTBJt. a. T.

CA AfeA WL.ItSCiiA. iaarr hMlAwHIa At- XrOCU. LOCKS. aglir-Prccf Ccfflbieatica lock i rorma, btorb, tkck. prawtik, a Cair.

as saaw iAWAU, Kai -m avc, aa Aaa riu aua ftl VOCKt tOLS 8T 'Ita BaUWaUTUM, IAEGEST GREEXLEA.F yAmrnaj wb ttAiiTTacTrmaaji KsTartTaUJICrjU fSATTEELIlE SMTTTPS IRDBP1M0KIIT fflBB INSDBAKGE AGENCY 4ft PwerV BttUdlBf p'utr iN tap ix aooti roxrasfiaa at fctAJ-iJlASLa stAnu, laiiswa.IRV vmmor Arraat.aK. SH9ia aatiTa. AL ESTATE IMSDBANCE AGENCY. 1Na -AO lUGXJDE. XATIOVAL liraaoa OoaapAsy, Haw Toe.

1.UIITAHLE i Jiraoa Coamajsy, Frortdaaoa, t'lSttt'V ftTlAV 1 flt 'p wtAaraa Ji a IVAJSM ip UtucajMw of Wsmeahsr. Ma. ATL1VTIC israsaa CnafaMUr, frovtJeBCdi, B. aiuAd aad rrwcrr M. CJiJLXDJLLL.

1 wor Aa Ta foresroing acta. Ah material parts of watc a baiAev are etaad, eoasturttd all tb aathonxy give by law tor ta oontra Isob at ta Hioefieater water werka. th (X uts. Th eomViil 1 en act. durto ta year ana.

Aiai.4ii&( the paseag of ta origtaal act ereat lef th eoeBsnHAton. proceeded, aader tad da-eettaa of taaur oolcaf aataeer, Mr. TabM, to KiAA taapa. aarvey aad aatiaaates, aad taaaa to ca mayor, aa pronded ts to are, -d aaally adopted pAaaa for two tyatesa of water works, kaowa ad to "fio.iy stern. had too hrmlock lak ty ateaa.

17 th HoUr sytUKa th vatar ot mia a isg. essi rjutntat isw gaereq Waaler a rvd luSd-jsiUrtt tar watts) Wlsiter. and IbskAlAisid Iai u. Cam. aassa.

tsASA. earAay, -u. ia. AAwd. p.a.

LauA, taw.B.rf.s.4. Cbasa svaot fiat tat aea..

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