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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOC RAT AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1872, 9 TIIK SN A SC HO LEDGERS TscVY llOOK Cash Book-, IN EVT UZB AJD (jrAl-ITT. Wt carry ta BEST AND tAEMiBeT STOLE la asssiSstster. sad we oaa shard tce.aaA TTV -aa-f. Lo- -viS--ay 0 A MACHINES. Oar at a 4 an Ams at mrii MrwriaBn TSET.

Charle G. Miller bas concluded to sell his old stock at number Mnmford street instead of moving it to bi new aboe parlor. The stock comprises all kinddt of women's, and ebildrcns' same, which he will tell from one dollar to $1 75 a latin tbe c. ar4t lot of bor that too can find in the eity. Mow isyonr chance to buy cheap boee.

Tbere is about in pairs. He bas so some men's kip boots which be offer at $2 75 a pair; sixty pairs men's overshoes st one dollar a pair. If yrm want new stock, tall at numbe' Mnmford street. uarlk-h G. Milleb.

im-bl3d3t Gloves Wc have a very desirable spring lisle glove also a full assortment of Alexandras in all color aBd lose Kesdall At 6 Main street bridge. raVte PH awl tiasrr Taletee. Trie rri oTatioa tbi wbool bn'ldinj wa celebrstt but tstriog by a soeixble b-ld in tbe edifre. The st roc tare which Is la all bast at sad pxtrpaaes a Dew one, was tbroejred aiib tbe ibiKlreo of the district toother witb ibebr parents aud fr.en Is. There was a ill programme wf eser.

tsea Mnsir was tarnished by ftsoer's batd, a tbe greater part of the gathering l-rorar n.xicd the apaeuia room on the upp-r flw. i ptewaesl witb the neat and rota lortabte appears nee of tbe baildiag and disposed to i nter bearlily in'o tbe spirit of the oceasina. la tbe intersala between tbo plajiog tbe band, bbsbt gstliered about the piano to listen to a Bomber ot dnely rendered iatrataeatai pieeta There wa alao singing by tbe popils snd bj a tamber of talented socalisn ol m-tarer jcsb. Tbe ladiea of tbe district bad pro-sided mpiier, wlm wa served io tbe roosas on tbe lower door. To furnish enough for so lare throng required no ordinary preparations, but the ladies were equal to tbe tank.

Tbe display of mnah interest will art appear airasge to those ta miliar witb tbe old etbvol building now so cota-plett ly hanged. Tbe etrueture was as poorly adapUu tf at bool purposes as could well be iiusgit.ed. It bwi patched np for years, additions out ol keeping with tbe main building bad bcea to it, tbe roof wa leas the worn out. Tbere wa a descent I four i. froai one room into another in tbe sau.4 story.

Tbe structure with its adsttswEM Uuind large from the outside, bat wa so badly divided into paiinnu that It really accommodated roraipaiaiisely few popila. Consciou of this state of things tbe commissioner for tbe district, HarrtsoB (i. Olta began urging tbe ol edueation to i-n tbe building. Witb a itreiatenc wbicb is a part of his cbaract he rontinnetl to pies the matter till repair were at last ordered. Tbe contract for tbe work wa gisea to ex -Aid.

Carroll for nd Com. Otis wa appointed to super-iuteud ti.t job. I he BiMition were torn down and tbe main building extended. All tbe partition wrie taken out and tbe whole editiee cell mil led. Bat tbe plan did not include new floora and a sew roof for the main or old building, although both were sadly needed, and tbe seakras commissioner obtained farther appropriations to tbe ann ual of $3, WW to gain these I'jes-ta.

The building is now one of tbe best for school purposes in tbo city. Toe re are fire roonis ob each floor which betug separated by glass partitions, ran be thrown together bi neTrr required. A ball runs along the entire length of tbe structure with doors badm, to each room and witb stairways at either end to reach tbe upper floor where tbe same ar-langen-ent of balls and rooms lis been followed. He length of the upper rooms, with the partition six! bark, ia 111 feet, with a width of tbiny-fise leet, and it is sixteen fret in height. Ctrl of tbe lower room will seat about seventy pupils, and those on the upper floor nearly fifty.

Tbe rootrs lor the upper grade hare siagte desks a plan wki'-b should be followed ia all tbe schools All tbe work aio this new buildiag, for such, as we have remarked, it really is, has been welt done, baring been inspected by tbe indefatigable commissioner from first to last. The wood-work was dose br William Wright, and the paint" by William Tbayer. The matter of ri ntilation has been properly attended to, and ia tliis builcing, at leisst, no fault can be fi and on that score. i boo! Dumbei thirteen, now one of the best as regards tbe building occupied, is also oae of tbe largest and best managed in tbe whole twenty. It bad registered lat year 700 pupils, sn it has ten teachers.

Tbe principal JoIib is a young man of energetic Character, with good rxrrutire abilities, kind and ren in and yet firm. Me is worth; of tbe position be occupies, and hi ex-. are 'oly seconded by a competent corps of assistant. A we bare already mire than hinted, the improved prospect ol this -chool are due almost en-tir ly to the eiu'i-esefnl efforts ol Com. Oti.

Tbe people of tbe 1 welftb ward fully appreciate that fact, is indicated by bis rt -election for another tetm. He was unanimously nominated by his I arty and elected by a large majority. All who attended tbe sociable last night, a they looked about and expressed their satisfaction wiihtbe edifice, in tbe same breath spoke in unsKnUd praise of their commissioner. Among those prxseut during tbe evening, were most of toe Bjeoibera of tbe board and nearly all tbe residents of the district. Tbe affair was excellently arranged and prorod in everv at use a tborougbtT pleasaut occasion.

nii.nitt. of i PSaaa P.Wle Pelvale ft.ilellaera Wbirb Will be fawsaieled wad BTW a Will be I awwesred tbe aaai a Summer i. ibtat ti, Place Adjacent. Tbe eooaing summer mast prove a bwsy season to all cf oaeebaaaca aad working men if all. or even a mafority of tbe build-isgs wbirb are ia enntemplatioa are erected.

Ii would seetr aa tboagh capitalists -eere direct-irg their to iavestrneBts in real estate, and large section of land in tbe outside wants are beiag dirided op into city iota which com -maod handsome tarices. ftrine parties impatient of tbe teiJiwtsajeaa of tbe winter have ahead; begaa ope rati. a. Tbe depth to which the frost has penetrated tbe earth renders it difficult to make aay prozreag where excavations bare to be made, and but for tbii reason tbere would be roach more stir in the way of building than is now obserrable. Tbe architects, however, nave been and till are busy making drawiags for all classes and steles of itrueture cd from those plan which have been made, we gal her some detail respectiag buildings which will lie completed the coming season, tbose will be commenced and sundry improvement of this nature which are in cootem -pUtion.

From plans draws by A J. Warner the following buildings are to lie erected and improre-roents on buildiag made. EM or PaiWr.ES BLOCK. D. Bowers baa haal plans made aud the contract islet fot the enlargement of bis block, lie propose to add one torr to tbe Buffalo and htate stie- fronts of bis already immeaae baild-mg.

A scare of men are now at wok in getting oat the iron and other castings necessary for this addition. The entire front oi the block will be covered witb a mausard roof. In the rear portion of the block will be added two additional stories, and over the elevator tower of brick and iron will be built which will nee sixty feet above the highest psrt of the main structure, and it will command a point of observation fifteen leet higher than that on tbe court house tower. Tbeextr-me height will be 160 feet snffioiently elevated, we sbmld judge, for observation or speculative purposes. Tbe floors of tbe upper halls are now of wcod.

but Mr. Powers will remove tbrm and lay down in tbeir stead Italian marble, so tbat all the cormlor iron first to last, throughout tbe entire strurtnre, will be of this mate! int. It la designed to begin wsnirlng this vast improvement about the first ot next month, and it is supposed that ibe entire work will be romp'tled about tbe 1st of Angust. This no-nt is one of some rrjagnituile when tbe am of tbe building wbicb it will cover is taken into consideration, and jn'lgiog from it extent tbe expense of thin addition cannot fall short of $1110, 000. Mr.

Power i evidently determined to make his block on of tbe grandest monuments of architecture to tbe lice of commercial building in the I'nited States. howe's builixwgs. Our well-known citixen Jacob Howe is going ta erect a fine block on South Fitzhatgh street this summer. The excavation is now nearly done, but this part of tbe work bae been alow owing to tbe depth of frost in tbe ground. The building to be erected a front of forty-five feet and a depth of serentt -five feet.

It will be tonr stories high with basement, baitt of biick with Gainesville stone trimmings- Tue ground floor will be devoted to stores, and the upper floors are to be arranged into suite of rooms lor families. Tbe exterior appearance and general design ol the block will be somewhat like Hiram Wood's buildings on Fitihugh street. This block will be finished the earning ML' LIM1ES STBEET IMrKOVEllSST, Messrs. Eltwaner Sr. Barry, some two years ago, began the improvement of Cypres etreet, which runs from Mount Hope avenue te Siutfc avenue along tbe north line of their nursery zn.oucis.

Tbey built neat dwelling on this tbottagbfare, which were suitable for small i families, and just the class of house which were irost nct-tieta. As fast aa they were fitsished tbey were sold on reasonable terms and we believe tbey are nearly all occupied. Cypress street prior to tin change was a mere neglected highway, and the enterprise of these gentietut baa made it one of the most desirable localities on tbe outskirts of tbe city to sade. These well kuswn nursery men have opened a new thoroughfare which i a short distance rjouUi of Cypress street, and which runs parallel witb it across ihe grounds from Mount Hope avenue to South avenue. Tbey intend laying out lots on either aide of tht street, which is to be called Ltaden street, and erecting collates ranging in prices from $1,550 to fJ, 800.

Tbey bare already let contracts for ten ol these dwellings which will be ready for about the first of Septemoer. This im-proremci't is one of decided iaaportance aud must be appreciated by tbe people reeiding in tbat section of the city. pbivatb besidbscks. Extensive improvements will be made tbi summer in C. C.

Merriman's residence East avenne. A modern roof wilfbe put ou the present building aad a tower added. Our fellow citixen A. E. Pritchard is making preparation to build an elegant family residence on LsEe avenue near tbe citv line.

It is aot vet decided whether the structure will be ot brick or stone. H. Kent and H. P. LaBgworthy contemplate erecting fine modern residence this sum mer, the former on bis lot on South Washington street and the latter on bis East avenue prop- rty, curlier of Arnold park Both these dwell- will oe ot Dries, anu luruisucaa sun an iuo latest improvements and conveniences).

PLANS PCI It SXW CITY ALA 15D FBKE At ADEitT. We saw in Mr. Warner' office preliminary designs of tbe new eity hall and free academy. The fcrroer were executed nuder direction ot he committee of tbe common conned last June. Ihe design as draws or Mr.

Warner liasr stories biih witb mansard roof. The three first Hoot were contemplated for office for all the city officials, and the fourth floor tor a city ball capable of aeatmg about aoo people. The Free academy, if built after Mr Warner plans, would ne a siruciur oi very imposing appearance, and a credit to our city ae an educational institution. BCLLHISGS FOB OTHER PLACES. Mr.

Warner ha drawn plana for a fire proof county clerk somce wnieu win oe erecieu ib a-j-otrs; also for a lire-proof clerk's office for Geo eat coontv, wbeeb will be built in Bataria. Each of thea-e buildings will cost about $14,000. The inundation wall for the center bnildin and two wing of tbe new insane asylum of Buf-jalv were laid last year, ami tbi pari of the immense buildings, or rather chain of buildings. 11 be ertsoted this summer. Mr amer la tbe supervising arvouiia-c 1.

oa lais eeuea. A large academe and union school iu tbe ril- laceof Wavwaw, cost-be 3 iei will be bui.t this snnmer. 1. B. Frindle of East Btthaav, Gcneewec count bas seen red plans lor a res.aenee wnicn be will burjd tbi- year.

Budalo its commence building this season new city hall and eouit hdnse wbtch will cost feaetMaa and for which Mr. Warner drew the plana Thetrnctnre will bo of Clark a island granite, and it will have a frontage of JuO ieei depth of ia least. It will requira threa year to complete I baa buildiag. air. Warner bas drawn plans for numerous small buildings of wbicb ueaiiou caaiuot made ibis time.

We give below aketeb of tue buildings te ia-eretted from drawings made by It Thorn aa art burn, of tbi city. THE AXat ii- se Tbt far tbe new aim heus-. were adopted be the board of siipertiaars as preasruted br Mr. Tnamsaa. The work of excarati-g for this county building has iUreaydy begun- It ill be aitiAated ou be iatnd betweeei lav tsaaur ael lom and penitentiary.

Tbe design will cos -stat of a taatn building which will be connected with wings bt lire-proof cwridiars twenty -five fee-tin length Each wing will set back thirteen feart frrani tbe froEt line of tbe main section Tbe entire building will have a front of i5 feet, snd a depth ui 1-JO A baacieieeBt nine leet ia drptb wilt be pot under the entire building, which will br arranged for dining room, store -loa-uaa. etc. Tbt brat floor of the center building wiB be set apart for a warden' department and chapel and dormitortee. Tb ar.v.atl door will be arraaged for d-ariai tort crated dar itaouat tvbaOi aud ihe third Boor far tuaspitai, batb -rooms aud dormnorio. taadixttC wdl be of brack witb while Tbs Me uitaa alt ur it will bav galvanised irtm core ices and slated roof The main ouildiBg will raat tweTre fcet above the lugs, and sal Ibe extreme, end of each wiag wi.l be a panlion.

a.v aJveB leet above lb root. Ii I eataxvuUed that brick WiU rvaiuired his aluiabouse, and tbe entire will beta to. lttitbaagbt ajsi. list it wdl abeltcr tariween ssro si ,01 be caampieiea Uf to her A SURE MARK OF REFINEMENT X8 THE I ko ol IXottt, STATIONERY! IB sn that pertains to a alee sleek, fa Oifdce IHaevs sod Eareiopea, ia the latest a tape, aad Basse, wit Wax, moJ eTTjthlna; rts-JPtni; HM cr4tjirv of tfc qnaift vf hT iiwiTc fator of oar bmtetK. Ou tuxtk tut ite New Year thB ctct Oar ew.r styles ta III! Ill and Stamplir.

CARD EN8RAVIN8, AC, embrace til the latest styles, 4a-C-'e extcated la th bal siira weti 12 STATE STREET. rr attention si Tea to jaBarrsred Work is eddiaa- Card. lnrlt.tioBS.Aa-. fvfiooorfrr 0000' ria I I WJ JY" rvssiisrfi 1 0 BOOK 0000001)60000 iaai'iisyiw fyaarsefiarlllliallMIIMMWMEEEW UIMWWWA -V s'a H' ks. 10 I s-rir0iMhNCrOf sPRI NTI NGs fjOiX)toorifMX)oo XX)0iarx)Oi) 0(MX10iJOl0 LETTER HEADS, RILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, SRIEFS POINTS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, SHOW CARDS, RUSINESS CARDS, TARS, ENVELOPES AKD Every Description OF 00OOXVX)O0OCI0OOOO ofrioooonofKxxoooooc PRINTING.

as tt, 00 tXaJttKX)CNJ00lJC 0c0lrWXICJOUO DOSB OS THK MOST REASONABLE TERMS, AT THE Demccrat and tfamb Office. FKEMH SMITH, Insurance Agency BKPBFSEST THE FOLLOWING FLBST-CLAaS COMPAWlKSi 'asBrsoce Coccany of Korth Aaierlcs. PasUadeapaaa. A see a S.ll at. 17 FraaJtlln Fire, of Philadelphia.

AateU PersFsjlraat. Fire, of Padadeloaaa, Asuta i rtoysA of Urerpool, fGaldl Aaseta 1 Coarsree, of Albaay, S. alA.UOd OBBeclicnl Mataal LU ol Bartlord, UUU Titreters' Accsdeat laaorsrace CotB- p.i.y, of Haruord Uallway PaavaetiScf laauraace Cacapeay of Hartforu A0.0 3 OFFICE! No. 5 Pov -t i Baildiag. oeIdxswIysj I liliAl 1 AliAL Oil, The he teat i at Amentta, M.

la ae sr art tie OB a tisafe oils, Man ith, is7 says There are Botaole extettiosa, of raeatioa Pratt's Astral Oil. aa article watch we here need lot many y. are, aad fear to re exewtle.1 la all reaped. Motte ver ae bave uever heard of aa BCCa- tuoe, wru li we a.La:,t M. P.

MkTTiOLDeJ A CO. TLASTTlt Iou i sik. Uodey aad Oaiaxy ai'l SA usnwir o. MH a riNT I lH.ttir Alio -Fr, ii MM Joaraal of Gin ol IB her Tees i hy Mias HaBrJA. taeUlas.

At. reaeired at Tar Km A BOrsli THE WOkLTa-hletchM of Tr.fel thr juad acta trver suae seu, by a. wilt Eyaterowa last A AVAKT' 41 slaleat. ceiseai ai 00ii httrsd FISCH-Bj Colilaa, paper asd e.o, 1. ilBWITI at FAKisOS BEsVtHElt AM) aiSHiHiik-iS tents, fseaasia a cent.

Uluaualad, Poor Mias F.ach- Hy Wtkle colltas the Bar a- MUlt. An atw bocks. at rnaELEA AVEBV B.i; rHao-eta-aeV rhetor. 01 SfSIJIa'a Lector Tlckt, alao a large seitctloa of Uatiloarteal ao-ika, at DA SHOW'S. 4 LI kw -Wlund taaxhtiaitde, Oao.

MaedoaaU. ruMjfttmm.f immt Hear ace at Ittitgton. Max MaUer. The Laad of Dtaclatl-a, by Skf. Hayes.

Basset a e-i at A ATB5YW. St Slab, al. ArTUtiOMH BBW CEClatjsrWA. uvm setts ear JLaisdaj Ulfta. Al iiEW hT'S.

WA 1 a iMMtUCstiias.i,. readj alT utt CiUlICl Bttxley. ai TkM OCJi A ljl AttX14 ii JI Ci a la aitrra n.rajha a a i. hi-t i instead is $109, 000. sew cm HA 8.

me olea brts alreadv been givea of tbe new city ball which the committee of tbe common cr uL'ill propose to build on tbe lot in rear of tbe present court bouse Mr. Thomas's plan bas beta adopted br the council, aad it may be well to give something regardiog it in this coo-neetiejD The building will be about tbe same height aa the present eraurt-boose. will be coos true ted of stone or ntarble snd win be as near flee-proof a ilia poeaihle to make it It will have a front of 125 feet ami a depth of eventy-five feet. On tbe fit st floor will be located tbt oflttea of tbe mayor, city cierk, treasurer, street sur. tendent ami overseer of tbe poor.

Oa tb; second floor will Ire tbe common council cbambr, committee and sloak rooms, city gurveyor'a, fire marsbal' and assessor' offices The third floor will lie used for a public hall, with seats radiatii from tbe platform, and with gallria on the tides and rear. Tbi hill will seat between 2, 500 and 3, OKI people. Iu center of the bnilding on tbe north front wiil be a tower and a pavilion on each corner Estimated cost. $150,000. CBtTBCH or THE REFOBMATrtx.

Plans have been made for tli. li rcb of ibe Refotroution, which will be locate en Grore street- This structure will be of brick with white Medina stone trimming and stained glass windows. Tbe edifice will be two stone high, the first of hicb will Ire devoteVt to a vestibule, main Sou day school, infant and vestry rooms. On the nexl floor will be the main audience room. Tbe Komanesqae tyl? of architecture has been adopted.

Tbe contract for this building will be immediately let. PRI VAT EMTLBPRUE. Mr. Ihomas ha drawn plans for some ol EUwangtr At Barry's cottages which are lo ie built on I.iuden etreet- LAMBEBT05 PABK. A I.umberton has opened a street jut north of Francis treet on West avenue on a tract of land which be owns.

The new thorougblare is to be named Lambeiton park. Mr. contemplate erectiog about twenty dwelliug hoases aud cottagr ibe earning summer. Two of these buildings are now iu procea of construe-tioa. at.

B. THOMAS baa purchased of tbe heirs of Arista rebus t'bampic-n thirteen acres ol laad on tb north side of et Main street wb-ch bedesignes to cut np into city lots and ujton which he propose to erect commodious dwellings this season. Tbe Bocbf ster saving bank will undergo some exunaire interior improvemeats during tbe present year. Britiiracs is iwoisisr, towm. A.

Fowley of Waterloo, baa now orally completed his hotel at that place, which will cost when finished $80,000. A $20,000 acbool-bouse wdl be built at Fair-1-ort this summer. The contract baa just len Mr. Tbt mas bas drawing for a large Baptist church at Havana, which will cost $30. 030, and for a residence forS.

H. Shattnck, of Medina. This is not bv any mean a complete list of tbe buildings for wbicb Mr. Thomas has drawn t.lans. Fiom the preaent indicatrcrn there will be more buiidin? done thi eason than fur any rear hitherto.

Opeca house Leah Tbe finely written and vt ry effective play ol "Leah the Forsaken" was presented at the OpeTa house last night, with Mis Western in tbe leading role. The character of the foraakeu Jewess bas been rendered famous by Mias Batoaan's personation of it, and tor another actress to attempt tbe part is to challenge dangerous comparison. For MiaM Western' rendition we have nothing but unqualified praise. There may he faults in ber acting, but where the excellence is so surpassingly great, we are little inclined to stop and consider whether there are not some defects which detract from it. Tbe audience watched her with breathless interest, especially during the tragic scene in tbe fourth act which culoii-catesin the celebrated curse.

The repeated shorts burst of applause with which after mterrals of intense silence tbey gave vent to tbeir sympathies, were most grateful tributes to tbe artist' feelings. Ia tbe last act, where Leak meets tbe wife and child of ber for nter lover, tbe interest was no less highly wrought. Every tone and inflection of her voice seemed fraught Kith peculiar meaaing. and there was an artistic purpose in every mo tion. Tbe unconscious attitude in which she leaned over the chair where KwlolfX had been st ated snd tbe hesitation in the impulse to kiss tbe little girl, are iuslaucea of what we mean.

Her drapery was more graceful than tbe tattered garmeuts in which she appeared the i vening ln-fore, and many of her po.te were full of fine atatuepque tflett Mr. Hearne, a Huilolpk, deserve commendation for the good taste antl talent displayed in hia natural presentation of tbe part. Tbe piece waa neatly put upon tbe stage, and tbe general cast of characters by the company well sustained. To-Light the play ot "Oliver Twist" will bs givcu wub Miss Western as Xanrg Hikes, J. A.

liearnc as Bill take and inton Hall as I'ayin. This role is (aid to be the most effective, though Imrderiug on tbe horrible, which Mias Western assumes, aad the abort caste is sufficient warrant for her abie support. Prompt becovebt of a stolen WATcn Yesterday afternoon Policeman Garrett while in tbe vicinity of Jouea square waa iuforme i tbat tbe residence of C. F. Ham, coi-ncr of Saratoga avenue and Lorimer street had been robbed, and on inquiry be learned that a valuable gold wattb, chain aud pin aud eighty cent in currency were missing from Mr.

Ham' residence. Two boy wbo bad been engaged in tbe foretoon to carry in coal at the bonse bad. it was thought, stolen tbe article. The boy whose name were George and John Hoi is were found at tbe borne ol tl.eir parents on Thompson street- Tbe first i about fourteen years of age ana tbe other considerably younger. The boys at first denied the theft, but on close questioning, tbe elder confessed to stealing tbe watch and told where be had bidden it He accompanied the officer to Campbell's warehouse, niar the canal, order which the watch and chain wilt found.

The boy alleged that he lost the pin (rilueu at $ll in croaeio a lot. It was not found. The wateb is worth about $400, and wa presented to Mr. Ham by tbo employe of tbe Ohio and Mississippi railroad. It appears ibat wbile the boys were carrying in coal, Mrs-Ham locked tbe door aud went out.

he eldest of tbe two then entered by the cellar way aad appropriated tbe article Darned. Tbe partLts of the lad are respectable paople. Death of Maurice Mc All aster Maurice McAUas-ler, a lad fro yews of age and only son ot George A. McAllaster, died yesterday. The grief tbe parents can only be imagined by those wbo bare borne a similar afflictiou.

The child was taken sick about two months ago and the physicians were for a time uncertain of the nature of the matadT. Two year ago he had ex-peiienced an attack of acarlet fever, and it was thought tbe present ilinoa grew from tbe form- tr one. On 1 briatmas day ibe fad took to ni- bed and truin thai time to bis death suffered in tensely, yet bearing bit distress witb the courage ot a martyr. Hi disease aM-uued a form and daily he grew worse. Tbe agony of hi parent while they aaw hiui insensibly tailing without chance ot recovery is incapable of dearnp'ion.

Tbt event one of peculiar sadness, and tbe ber eared parents will have tbt sincere sympathy oi all who limb rttaod tbe ei ream stance. The remains will br takes for interment to-day to tbe crnxtery at Penn Tan. Tbit Tillage was ioiBuiiy Mr. i A 'a a resilience. PEBBoaaL Rev R.

O. Wilson, pastor of tbe Cornbill Melbodutt Episcopal church, was la Lesi suddenly ill oat Tuesday of tbi week witb bleeding of tbe lungs. He lies a critical state at hta resideace. Boost ACCTtoa. Mesaera.

King A. Co. aue-iioLtcra, inferos ua tbey bar received a ca-ignmenl uf about $12, WOO of tbe finest 1 tacks, direct from Loudon, Glasgow and Dullui, casaprisiag souse of tbe finest baoas published in full calf and Morocco blading Eueyclcptdiaa, work of art, architecture and The whole to be Bold without reserve. Tbe sale will eomateoee Saturday ave-Bing.

loth last, at bum aer 2 East Maia street, and will continue tall all are eald. marl4d2t SPIBITl ALlaw -E Wilson, speaker, laser BAtd tneslibLa, wilt lecture al Good Templars' ball, Mumford street, oa Friday and Saturday evenings, and all day Sunday, March Lath, loth Msf 17 th. All abaald bear him. Chiici Pbice. Msaart- Gordon ah Darn wbo conduct tbe refVctoir al 21 Mill at reel, bar baaaa getung ap meals at two hdling avek It was aa xprnmeat wbaeb ha not prov cd prod table.

They bav aeeardingly fixed the price for diaaer at forty cants, and rVae brkaat aad tKppc Iweaty 4. oaal. aae Ifraa- s-e eonaaja prv. wbvch every ri-ii Pisaace snradai1t Fleaaaaat rated. With tbe rapid progTes nf science and lb wide diffusion of kcowletlge, the varied systems of finance have undergone innaaserabie rbar g's, while otber aad tewer system bsve br dded to tbem, tie working ot wbicb are but little understood bevond the observation of these who may have become personally nd ne-'cubiarily i a ta rested ta them.

Sewtbeorie iB bank new modes of in-Testment by which additional per centage may be gained, by and within tbe sanction of tbe law; in short any number ol new financial ideas have two and falleo. bat few Inderal, have hn established en sure aud him foundations, r- ting in permanent to tbe basinet B. no single department hare these new ideas ben so successfully demonstrated as ia mat ot life iusuranre; and in no instsace in this country is there a record that commands the approbation of the public to the eiteut ol tbat of the Washington life of Xew York. That iu ajweitw tive officer are gentlemen thoroughly schooled in this most hazardous and complex department of finance, no person who ha examined it workings, can doubt- Tbey have made it policy toy, ard those citizens who form a btisi-net connection with it broad, liberal aad oc beyond any and all crmAj agencies. F'lom its annual statement we gather tbe following interesting tacts which will substantiate tbat hich has already been aid and prove to those who may desire to form a business connection witb it tbat it is the safest and must ralnable invtstment tbat can be made ol Spare fande: In tbe vear 1871 its receipt exceeded the snm of $1, 131.381.

The at assets the present writing are about $3,000, iX) Furtbeosore, it baa a surplus of $331,387, which it far in excess of tbat gbown by many of tb older corporations. Tbs surplus is the policy-holder's sheet anchor, and is ihe true index of the etabi'ity of a company. lis investments are s-afe and remunerative, and while ita affairs are wisely and economically administered it grants all the modern torn of life aad endown em insnrance. The iesti-tutioa is a lavonte mong tbe solid men of tbe metropolis; and to those of our readers who contemplate life insurance we urge the clima of tbe Washington to their consideration. OI'KT KEftlltB.

For the Week rtsmetrlsi Msnda-. rlarch 11, 1S75. Mcboe CC-LXTT. The March session of the gen-eral term of th" supreme court amtuned Judge Muilin, Johnson and Talcott. On Monday, adjourned special term for ex part motions, br Judge E.

Dar. in Smith. The March term of the county court and eonrt of reearion commences on Monday at Both eater, Judge Jerome Fuller presiding. OXTARIO ltd ftt. Comity court and sessions at CrinandaigTta.

by Judge W. H. Smith Orleans corjrrr County court and session at Albion, by Judge sawyer. Supreme Court Genera! Term. Joseph Muilin, presiding justice Thomas eh.

-John son and John Taieott. associate justice. B0CHE3TER. Manh 13. Number 29 James McCaffrey, respt, rs James Wooden, spplt Argued.

Number 09 Mumford anal ai, va Nelson and al. Argued. Number fir Roberts Boberts. Argued. Number 6C Harden and ah rs Krnger and al.

Argued. Number t77 Conklin agt The Pbinnix mills of Seneca Falls. Argued. Number 70 Thomas C. Bates, respt.

ts Tbe Memphis, 11 Paso and Pacific railroad company, applt. affirmed by default. Nemi-er "2 Henry H. Merriam, respt, agt Chandler D. Faulkner, applt Argued.

Tbe following is tbs calendar for Thursday, March Id: Numbers 73-73. 76. SO1-. 3. 77.

I1-, 83. 9, 87, 88. Ceanty Court. Judge Jerome Fuller preeidiag- Bcchsst as March 13. John Weight va Bran Woerthkig.

Jury out. Henry Savage rs Daniel L. Sbipman, Thi case will be given to the jury in the morning Police Court-Brraa. P. J.

EoeifESTEK. March 13. 187. James Sa use drunk. Fined ten dollars or sentence of sixty days.

Messrs. Clarkson dr. Co. merchant tailors bare received tbeir usual spring importations of English and Scotch woolens and would notify tbeir numerous customers that they are prepared to dress tbem up ia the latest style and in tbe beet quality of foreign goeds. No greater variety or better styles of cloth and caaaimeres can be found in tbe market.

35 State street New cajLLARSs We bare one ot tli neaatest collars lor gentlemen wear ever made. Tey if it will not please rou. C'ONE, KHSDALL ToSE, 6 Main street bridge. Five thoc-ajili pueces of Hambl-roh be-bboideeies. Burke, Fitzsimons, Hone Co wjll offer this week an immense stock of Ham- burghs, choice, selected patterns and styles, at lower prices theu have ever been made in this market, also a magnificent assortment of real black thread laces, real Guipure laces, aud a cotoplete line of ladies underwear in well made guoCs, at prices that will command attention.

At 53, 55 and 57 Main street. Nkw stobb. Our good are all new, and our prices satisfy all who buy of us. Cost, Kendall dc ToXE, 6 Main street bridge. IKid gloves.

We bave just received our spring supply of kid gloves of the celebrated makes, Perioot, Harris and Garibaldi, in all tbe fashionable shades for ladies and misses. S. IlosfjrBtsSTT 4c Co. 40 and 42 State street. ftQiTES.

We bave opened to-day two cases of striped piques far dresses, from auction, which we ofler at tbe extremely low prices ot twentv and twenty -live cents pr yard. S. Rosrnelatt At Co. 40 and 42 State atreet- Shirts Willi to order. We will get up shirts to order, aud will guarantee satisfaction to all.

Cos Kexiaall or Tone, 6 Main street bridge. HorsES and lot fob sale on rery easy terms, 00 well improred streets, vis Strong, Bsrtlett and Reynolds. Also six house on Clifford street. Now is the time to secure 4 ho toe, each bouse full two stories; finished tiirougborrt Inquire ot S. Bosbwblatt, mart.

1 ad 4- Slate street. Agents waktkd tor the city or country. Ad dress R. D. ButbaAuan, Kochtau-ror Syracuse, S.

T. mar-Ai if BajiuAINS. You can bay a dinner and tea- set el tbe very best Ecglush stone china, con sisting of 16H pieces, for eighteen dollars, and a gold-band china tea-set of fifty six piecea for ae dol'ars, at William Bl Thompson's, al Stars street A libt-nal discoani to me traoe irom these prices. New Lacndbt. We do up laundry work ia tbe shortest possible time and in a manner tbat will please you.

Cone Eisdaix Tor, 6 Main street bridge. Tkimmincs. New passementerie trimmings, in elegant designs, handsome ailK lringes, nuscE ilk drew and cloak ornaments, anal French silk cordtd button, just received at S. Rose? aa. att At Co.

'a, I i lb 40 and 42 Mate street. Oblt oscb in a urariMB can you ever find a firm tbat are selling good of tbeir own mauu -lacture at so low price and small profits and tbat firm 1 c.mpi-iaed ol George X. Storms and Cbarlea Furtaab, and the good they sell are men, youths, and boys, clothing, aud tbey can be found at 2 Buffalo a tret Kiiusember, Buffalo, corner of Front btX'LAL and musical entertainment at tht First Baptist cbapel thi evening, March 14th. supper served lions to ltf o'clock. As free.

DoXATioa. Tbe friend of the Kev P. Liaat. lander, sastur of tbe German -t -t t-haieb, comer of North and Tyler stcaela, will give bim a donation party at tbe church this aiiersooa and even lag. J.

1 ail Co. 64 Nil sste suvei. bav now in store a magnificent slock of goada liable for tbe spring sasasaoa. Tbeir kid (have fifty -tight rcnta, tighty-aeven cents and $135 are tbe cheapest aud beat tbtag of the kind ever offered in hVocbester They have a beautiful asaaurtment of sbasle ia gra grain ribbona, silk lata and stasis, asbea, attsttj late, Hamharg ed.iiga. ate to JaEN Irom April 11, tbe three story brick at or- number 23 vchaage atreat, how otcupted by Winn.

Eenl $1,000. Job Ste'y Saviag Bank. wawtMHsl Matt Dolaaty still xcslent ndaee- lAscata io hxiiisjisgss me a tc bi laacb liayusse. a Alt aar-tf lie -pstea reran, is t- the beat lim HT. Has esp will hs) ttaer at o'eissca ta-i'ij Depot3itory 1 AV' 1 by tto American Tract Ameo the AlBa.

SI; A Bummer li Society. Lacy (1 EetlMe lor Lu. larioo, i Ti-o. The Va Tue 1 of Hea.t U'e hy I- 1 By tar -sre Call. 4.

ssa Americas Trsat a-Hrery asd "eee--at Saad.r s. sael Dopoaiwry, 13 itate street. OJOI. GKOBVEVIR. Boots Shoes COST.

FOK 1HB ShXT SIXTY DAYS I SHALL ILO-B OUT MT Fall and Winter Goois at PRATT, fSta.ti'--i NEW OPEItA no rsUEL Last I a two ol Ibe Arttatr, Miss 1.1 li TUT KsA KVKN I NfS. vfAHCTI I tlh. Wlla Be pieae Mias Ter-loB Oi ta. era el Fire-Atl PUy. "OLn KK I aT." ZSEJ-- tatille Western.

raatn. tee Jew J. CUiloa Hall. Br" Frld.y bvenias. BeyS, of Laeitte t(T II I 1 awe I IBs tin M.

Alteroooa. -aar OT MouiUt. Jiss Coowha Coanataatv a. ii1m I Twenty tsar haptrto CORIMHIAN HALE. THEODORE Infqnalfd outtfi THOMAS' Ornaniiatiu Sixty Distinguished PerfGrmeis.

ProBoenred ly the satire Pr the farsa' aertect Cart Treape whi fi has$ toor ra tnis eoatry or Esrop, ri re ONE GRAM) CONCERT t4 ED5EDA ETI.MM1. tSfll Hhh Which will posit-vely be the of the Season. The follow led r-ololttt will asBOsr 'or i 1 -at lb MIStiMARIF KHEBa.ta Tvnrsg aad ii Mil. 1 I CM til i I-1 SSI, Together with the I'arivaled On beat ra ol over ie Prrlerarra CJV" Priee of Aaaaitstoa.

(1 1 Searvd Baals, a) test Airs. The sale of Beaerred Peals aad Ticket, will r-m meece oa Saturday sorcitc. Mar. lih, at Isewsys COHITIIIA! HALL. TUII'MPH AKT UKTt'KM Wednesday aad Tbarsday.

Mar, 13 sag Ita The Ortglaal GEORGIA MINSTRELS 11. A TROI PE. RaTlnw completed taetr rreat i.arotxaa ior. appear- Idm kartore tahe 9Coya) Families bcrtnaa ai 'fiat Britaun. By part-calar r.

aujt mtmir ijrhiiaai eaeSwd FLANTATIO Llf'lt. fW Price as uaa4. I EMCLE. EVIMPTT A snf-vw. CBA3 B.

ttn ap, lauain- Aftttit. fl DAT EVE.tlSG, S1ECH IMh CON CE DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT. NEW YORK RAND Novel htMi.riatioa Int -If Vpr nouts. Th Htstrloalc Clab of te Wester House ot Befai will appear ta Corinthian Hall, TIIlatraOAT MAIM 11 lih la iheir Lueilke Ortgtul D. ansa etUiUed.

lL.JAi TJ I i 1 1 a I fill. Or Boy Lire in furk If The penorrtaers sea ire from Slot raan ol age aaoat of are Brst-tla. Three otber ptst will he peod seed ao the rses. caaloa, whKB, totBr with ta asrb uaa'c oi ike Sew Turk State Silf -f inritt laitt! wul make a tpsaadM er-n. MteitalatBSBI.

tV Ticket ca baSKsred tt the Book asl It Star Keaervrd tsesa. 19 cants, to be had al Dewey's Bookstore, w-ere diagiam of taw Mall tea he ea. Ibe proceed of ta eaicttainaBeet will be deroi to tbe purehaae of St Baad aBAUnzaSBt arsd Kaple. isLiaa the LIS a. I oors op- a al IS a'ciocA to al 9.

no a sci BANCIHI SCHOOL-NEW TERM. MB A M. lOBLEHjH Seaool fat Dwoeirsg. Power BBUdua. every Westaewday wt iMiiai etaav mea- ae rsatar Jasuary Mb ,171.

Ca idres et lirVa A tDt 2ss aaloslUS tell, at Ir SstsAtn ti sail ernes at'. P. M-,'.t tC. It, Uffl edBaai. CORINTHIAIw tlKHMTtll.

ta last ar Tiitraiaa, BAS'L W1LOIB, AlcaAatD T. FLEMINU Aseat. satTt. St HO! FOR KANSAS. E.

LEWIS A I am! .0 yt if a at I re lit JA ti Wast a Cetowy ot t-iatilea lo seat A. a tb. Balbsj srn. oi tbe oaat Wakaraaa Klaer a' rea JMS SB, 'as a sa ef gtod uatber. tea orehar', ria 11.

wit aou. IstSl la IVyUlaaM Itaaoe frou. naeyaraa. Ac aitaaied i kaasAas, aad aboat taaal siaaaa flwaa eate. ti rarta.

must srsa i rtdoa. taaaiag aklag A localtoe f.r For parp-ie. .1 aid p-opet etvraa a rail asd taoes al ele ipiioa nf SIB Ila -ar e.ellag. tbe sabaenber wdl Cliato. Hotel.

BotBeeter. oa 1 aeeata, 1 9 at ts- day le rt. osi at Use I alao. ISfiraala. aBd 1Mb alao, Aaserlea Issi, at uemea, eta lay aad Mtaday.

b. th aad a vstrs will rx aih aad a lart- aJl WhO Bias fs-- aery bspsr to iLeel all WBO may fe-i afei a e. B. LB- Pvirmrrlj oi THE3AUD AT-1 1 13 TNT II Etearn Cleansing and Dyeing Eatab aisiment, i l.lMUNJiT. i liters fr M.tB-at.l.

Maia 0ce aad Work, Botb Diatstoa st he la vest a. oat cm; let Cleasleg atal Uyeiag si IB iae ww, Cl.tLA.MsK BV Mlt-tS-s Ot TASi. a. raws c-reoireaso aw 'if see a-a e.t tttlltretnoiisr I assM lo east utktu'j 4 pares also dyed.

Wlstta STjfsS 1 iSTed rW. c.elaaj..l LA. i aaw. AM hid tad Feather. aMaatfa "VS.

av Pea -a 1 I tM 1 MS p- tar seU tleais.i. NEW IMPIIOVKU aStna Sewing Machines A HE BET 1. THE WllRLIc Aa eAaaaaa tt-eri I saatageol -on ten. wso tsSi ta I UK A HOOfcE K. Attorneyi and OoiaMraltwi at La 74.

CELAR eTIFrr. Saaaaa stf ev. Saw 14 tas tr.tx adF two atoostw- fewiw aad s-a4as A aa- kTMtAarvIiaa sJ ir-. a HALL I Y. OtThavarti, wttaraa, eattsT-ll LI prices Brack.

0 an k-lwar made ta order la the asost eereel ble auaeer. Wt do all klsda ot PRINTING, Bllsla HKADS, KIN VEI.OPE8, LETTEH HEADS. CHEAP AND IV at AT. I Carter's I Arnold Ink, Eniiina i LETTER BOOKS, COPYING BOOKS, Er.rythlB the BKaT and Fair Price. Aaeooatt opened with Uood Baaiaeas Uoosaa.

STEELE AVER V. 57 State Street. 5. -Carter' Ink Calendar gratis. )sa; AUCTION SaUaES.

GaAXUSHA PHILLIP8, Auctionesr, Olt Inrtlen ast eitarrs'ltl aad Brldae- Rta HUM Ftt. T. T. lar A ac-lB Sales every salBrday at SVi A. SL s'ATI RI) I 1H( 11 ttilh.

at A. my ladtSMa'a street, will tse sold salesroonss. and IS Ms'a stre Beo-steauA. Bareaoa. steads.

Tables, east as. Tel Easy Ckairs. Kocklnsand Cue Chali-s, la, east Conches. Chsrsaer ant Par or Fern Hare, Pliirig Beds. Hair n1 Matlre ea.

1 rather Bed aud Pillow. I)ress aad, All kmds Paiatfsirs. Carom. sad tDgraTlags. with fr- toes, hookiaf Show Cases.

Cooater aad Desk. Larre atlorm Scales all perieet. aVfrtaeratore. Filters. Llothlae.

Hsu aad Caps, stalves. Forks, bpooas. Plated Ware, Lot of Books. Mlrrois, ail ttaaa, lores, Carpet Oil cloth, Ac. ALSO, by order ot A drain Hti-sa 4 Fhow Caaes and ot'ier eoods.l Iron Safes.

1 bevesvOtlave i laao, 1 Ac At 11 o'clock. Plows, Ram -as, Ac Tetats eaah sad sslea positive. A. K. AMSDEN, Auctioneer.

OaBce. 31 Area dr. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF First-class FTirniture Thursday, March Uth, at 10 o'clock, al the elegaat Eesiderce of Hon. Jolin McConville, Na. 79 PLTBOCTH A 1 F.N 1 I- I shall sell at Anetioa said entire Household Furniluro and Effects, CoixprU'Zig the tttlmU and quUtj oi a wcll-sppoiat4 oisDsiom.

ALL XEAJtLT ttW, IS 8TTLB. QO0B TASTE JJtD OF sl'PBRlOB. EXVELLJCSCE. A01VQ TBI 6PKCIAiTIE3 ARK: tlarpers in great variety. Parlor snd Bel-eo Mirrors, Tele teles.

Sofas, Bajr chairs. Marble-top TaBle" aad Stands, rrxtcnjion Parlor Bd IVdreoTi Sn.t" u.rr i-ID-sl aSBjM lablea. CoffiiiacHir, airs. Brdts ead aod Sr-riii-. Cbolce BfdcaT" and Hit MaTtrmwes.

gpr(jass ai.J QtUii-v i bbdsra. Crocsery, PiateK. aud Cut ery. iiur, Horse ItV.aipaiT, Batddle. 1 Straw Cotter.

1 Law a Muwer, to the end. Also, fW TKKMS Snms usder $t5, cash: otw tbat p.u.ount, three muntot, on appro t1, iidorsed notes, wit a irttret. marMad A. K. AMSDE5, Aoetloneer.

Ke? Tort Aucncni CommiavSiQii HoniE 17 MA IS SThht, i B0CBXA7Bl Y. Bn-XB A fZgftL general dealers In CrocM try. Tanker Motions, Cutlery, Plate-ware, Ac, Coo-sjsjiaa euu soiif itL, on which aOTnaeats will he insrle. lnt-claM antloneers always oa hand for ont aide sales of real estate, tersoaal oropertr. r''l, Ae BEfcR8 A CLOSE.

him IS RAM0M, AnctloDf-er Office, No. 31 A fade? Store- Mo. 6 Exchane-si TsEAL ESTATK AGENT Pnraie Bale or 1 Sells Furtiltare st hoases, api.ralses prooeny f-LWi. adTaeces oioaey oa noods to tie sola. AUCTIOH BALES.

fir rat ft 'entrrwt ii 0oun. till HuHals-al Atrkilliral t.lldtac. All hinds ai stood boaarht aad sold. UberaJ oaaaa raacee made oa roaeriy or every deacrtotloa. BTiUtf B.

4 sKIHlhS A.etl..Mr Heavy Hardware 8NELF HARDWARE, CARRIAGE HARDWARE, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, MANUFACT'RS HARDWARE OF ALL U1MIS Tb. Best Assortment Erer oeersd la this city, th LOWEST PRICES. Close hayers are part3rniarly Inrited to examine oex ftck and prtoea. No. 49 State street.

CLlREltCK 1SHLET. leidey I r4 CARRIAGES! WI HAW ON BAITD THK LARttKST AA aortrrect to be fonnd ia aay one hosts in the Dntted States, -a-pr s'sa alsst fcry alesssvr vehtelea. 'rosn th- eheatest bajCatyto tnatfoi eoaca, ail we moat epprovea siyies in au taa ajf swt w-m ui seriec feiaOwlu, are a lev of ear asost adaaire4: Iaandanlets Tat tecreasla demand for Ints beaatllai c.mtlt a-onai tbe is a saatslea; lAsrstts. tor saa. laanilaiiH The larcrtta fBatUF sarnaat, si table aad wtatsr.

ClattrirrrtCtibl I Tue carnage pat sod diia A Coupij Tals earriaae. Ao mub aaed la Bsw Tsrk tar IB aad also fot bo.kere and BaereBaau go- pin aad call rag ia Coupe Bot'kaway Ta tin eoareaMat raony ra rr' awe now Baaaaaa six aersotss Sa-wa are made 'tafjAI Bat BV TWO IHtw, HWWBOMUt 4S4IBBB Ctle.UOi-4 aiah aad Steading Top am age everw da- vfjkM, for Urery or Haek bas aeaa kept oa kaad at Had to or- oa taortaal potetht aouce. it wtli tauy ratty psreaaser at aiaiaaee te se aad exaaalae pries aad aultty. thtaS wa eae Belt i. rsota.

dai.n-ra aad ataael tart we offer faeiUtl-s ttsoaa wtsblBsi la oraar ramaava of p-callar coMlrs tlos. r-jaa. to aay 6er eatablia. saeal IB thla ec-aatry Letters drees. -i ta as.

ginaa desrript ea of raarnagraa Mahrad will as. with St SttaBTaOa. Hsrislgiaveoted aad sweated sew Biacair.e. sic sa tim aerer haea at pllad earnag. eaah lea as to sa 11 iroa.

Asa vs he parch saed elsewhere. belo aiea 1 befora 3 t'aal-st. lUfislfry, ss. ist as. lists Ball Is fly 4T PE It-UN UEi i aoil of by Orabam act awswssrw.

WrEWUvtes twardCvw. sew stvt trda fv aad Aitmai atiss. TeacBasra will laawaw call BavX SfEALE A AVEBT.XT SutMt noOa FOM UOT-OUea- Twatt-llaesyer's laikaTl 1 4 DKWlft EJ euilloa A4 t)t EW BASTEU CAUOLS fot ail CBBreBe. Al HEWET-S BAT AKD TATLOK1 Library ol Trita, j4i 441 Wttd Mea aLd Baa. At UlWIt's.

NTAlJIEEltllSUIwrads A' 't a wkcTi a-at. I W.W. SHERAR. md renve-br4 u4 -a Apple or Hr itiF a ifont, mocrat and Chronicle. Umi IKUID-lKKIHL AMD DIMSTI X( OF TR1IW, TRA! lBPAItT.

Mia. I Ex. X.T.tCM IH.T Bz iJ 1II ai. Ex TH El. JU Atom Bait.

Ei Fk Ex. -p L'l Ex Lap m. Aeca 4: Arise Ae it- Iy Ei Hi Aeeo. i-a let A I Bl.l...i B.t -S. J.

0 PALL Ml. ne kisvKi wu. 1J At St. Aa f. a Aoo i9 MS Fac El OUBOTIt ji.j tl IS f.

BI Arti-ir. (tit Ii 4. Loct tilSt Par Ex IMt.m ta MH i Ct. bi Tit Br- I is. AKR1VB.

Birrst. se.r liBse.s. CIS. Ex ISA! Ex. l' ii MP fiB Hi Ex i Fr.

saw Aim iww Mi Ea 11:1 Arei -raj 1 45 I a at Ac at ftt r--i ij .) Ex m. nay I A a soars gsgsBBat PAILS E.A Ac- -ai UME CM. itm BO. Hi Eli p. SB.

Ex Mi liey Kx. -at) p.M obaxlottb. tt! Aaeasm I 4cm Mi ra Mix.n ac. rC 11 I tooa: SB. sea ban Ej Belt Bat 5i Ex kit 4 mn asm in.

h4t rn citatca B- use tiatttr 1 igcft OvT4H-LMr4f Bew fcDjT-ana PmJOavnV ia Btaoutl Hotel Ittr St. ft rev.iSL. Leasee SssAloMl Hotel et i 9. Mb. Poa Owaetarrrw I -ere, tfWi Bof I p.

m. 4 r. -U rwu'. Botel. mi! irt, lit tInU4 X41LK4, 1 IM 44d i.p.

4- U4fl DU4 i 7 4 411. 444 54 IKK itottjftt 4X. 44tt3-4D. A.Ti 4U a W.B'r A TdaaAT Mil u. tKift oc b1 mi.

f. A Uo4 r.r Cpi or 41 Cfc.ThlH. B4r WaeW4 Illlf LaM fUlstlio. tiktM-S i i li rioW' A rear Ko. Or- H'-itwr -Qliygc T.tM Woodward hi I Gtlti cBlUp.

far Sal- -O. PailUr A 'tan nlca A a. A Bo. A. a P- aarl aelftr -taal Aaerj 4 AM) 1S1TV.

Tow. T.Ik. Hir 'WSDi; Itkdira' 4cirtT Of tb First Bap-ii rboi'H gir puciabl at chapel tbU Rer. Potnr wr of Trar ejafereore will trarh Egal. khtt rTrciag in tLc First aletbo-di fcjri- ctiairli at b.lf put 7 The btt rj B.

take. plc on ihe run! April lit, iB.trarf ait April ltb. ax M.urc coatty Sabbata r' wi- urkr U- it. wt IVc'ti a Marta tJar'j-t insUf rjt Ofl i6 xad -Tn l'iUraa cooc-rt ancoaor4 in yrsfr-'' aMt- takiajj jjarc la Brighton TiilaffF on Fnaa; nifrit take pl.r ilu eTeoinz. Tut wrotig Oaur as iu.dTtfrt.

nllj itcu br our lateraiaBt. Ii Sa rnAttafnd tbit Mr. Tilliasrhact, fiprnct Ldtnt) of the New V.rk Ontral askd liudraa Kirr rilr lia tietn otfrrcd the g'Btial aupr riaaaitcav-y wati I'Bttre ovaiKr. snrat ut tbc Enr railway tT tb nt board of director- of tbat Mia. Ha.

kins an i'W lady crf n'y-tbree acars of aje a ho rt at-lcd corner ol Broad wa smd llowrtl i t. ditd auddeulf A'. 'J "clrrx icnli-'aj aftcrnnoo. I. tb thr.e bi tirs (lur.xrda, btr grand -mo.

elcren yr til iijrc. aibibt-ual in the same Loum. SEBtut ri tiiKRt. catrrdaj nftcrn.on a ouoj lad TjiLuto VViiliaai r.wtbra, aed oiot Tr-ar, two of C.wtiira. street, aus-taibtra) ae ci.

injarH. ay t.lltax from aa ib bU Qcaavaa uiili. Ota ot ais arai km br. k' and be was otlnrrwi braised and iniutra) Tbc diaiance fallc-a wax IWMaJ fill and fa a apt- iroan death was aeiraruloas Tiii ii ii a(. ihent.

A bny sixteen ol (jsc, Burned Mi lM Yager was run oaer bj ii i i jii' aa at aeaterday alier-ciion Bad fiallv inj-ircd. It appears be, witb oike-r lai. was Ijitna at the Twa It eiitb i Ii. tins were eUttrdta oa 4tt4a trxnks aa4 tbe ew. Yaer started to rao a i tom tin- map aud was atrBt-k down tbe i.

oosvotiat d' a. lus tbe express train Ilr wa fontiti ti be trrriblt injured and alt bough bring a l.i ib. train 1. (1 Aluson, au hopes were ea-t rtsiod of bis reeosi rr Kif: ski li.irr waoom -Vm friend A Urn lee inse just broagbt out one ot the aaeat ir igo' ever sees ia this evy, asado b) Itucb- ii. Bh.Bica.

For tbe dalirerr ol I it vaatsot be exeelled. H. C. rVlrri i be 115 South St. Baal street, has Usiaa uate ia the exeeuuj of tbe lanetusg -I tbe concern.

Mr. Oarfee baa a Terr bast baw uis: the wagau, wciartung 1, 5r- we. nvg a barn-as which is said to be tbe a i al in tie cry. It as aec Jioss to sar A it maker of tbe baraess No i i-. 1 iriet fee la pro ul of bis ri.

A enn ir1 ssacow BJfciara Absal baii-paat I oVlis teaterday aftei aoou Mr. Lerdeo. ot tbe firm ot Davis At Lrriaa, illwUal stock deal -t i Uiigt -r a moment in rear of tbe Area aa, in charge ot bis tittle boy, wfaik- be to enter tbe p-nst-olfica. Tbe horse beoa.e ttighiet.ed and ran awar down Kxcbange street, np Fr ml and scr Buffalo street to sards tbe walk in Iroat of the new buildiag on tie bridge Tbe child bad kuelt stowa ia tbe vebiele held on witb great tensarils to tbe rt uxat aa loot-rest. At tbe curb tbe b-igiiv wa beougbt ia oolliaiou witb i art aii.

etopped without very serious damage 'I be little Ls stood op a soon aa the vebetM i.m ts a and aa lifted ou' uubitrt 1 US MV Hi.iL tl.lsal Hit our con uasiXHM'rs tbe site of tbe proposed Kee acuscli s. auddiog too ecatral and aapaaad strsiutli the nanars ol tat a tract Thaaede tret in tbe atttu thoa bavva bes Bwtsctd fr uawaialr at we teogntae the at ila and desire to make no apology tar tbetn. The seeool bow ver nas rtout ished in ajme of tbrm for man. present tucoi.scliieat Its trticlur. ruast tea so plMtied aa so irtei't li.r disadvantages at tbe site to a great degree Kor out part, we cannot imagiue tb rs'tttral Wi at a large raty placed b.

i end tb ii i lu prtsper p- siisub is i iibt tbe tbirE of ti isa and tbar are acrib wbbkh it Mint endure, and in Santa wbirb it must maka itsslf useful Ho i4i tbt Ingb sebatol at och it. as tbis expect ton eiteasatv tr ain; of a viHaee academ 1 1 Usere air any aste caastiaing as many ad v-btaaas and WaBtisg ail tb. defects of tb i.reei.t, Seue tbess at aoee It woatd dostbl new be all well. If tbe Frea aifttssmr coald br arl aftong garstrse anal foaatait. til twaj beau tbase of tbe eteb rated ground so tit sue nebs el Atbeas, from ch all siach tostatti tusa are named but we tl tbe frsmd tb echo.

will lee satiatvd to base aiilrsthiaa; dim for it at ow ia tb way ptopoaeal, feaowiag from iit er rxpeneuc now grwdgtBglr tbe praa- cnl grant baa been obtained There it danger in deiy and str-an- ty el tboace, Vest asking too mu waaj sbottht ge 1 Soose eopW tbtuk the propoaert I rsr ibis its huiivll; ia tisngaruua r- aejotaiiug as daeaa, a nag. Ir plaan teiai tbey are tb ibe mayor ri of the public men of ftacb eater r.aoot bo It usted to put Bp a I Mil Vhag wirtb 7 without Healing some of tbe tuDda Wr are extiag sat ot lbs tsar aot distrust uib baa pot a letter upon sJ for ward metemeat of aba lumia ipalitv tbtok it tuB. tkat tbe eessamut itj aboabi change Ua tone ot bait fcearted tear uA say boldly its ixts ii-re is a to eie-. ute arc that you peiliirm ytr task boDeatbe ss at leeteie j- awsjprt- f-! -i, (fiatac SF.wrSO JIAtHISE OPEBATO WASTED. App'y immediately at tbe ladies' underwear mauufac-torv, corner Court and Stone street.

mchlSdtt Wiu.IAW A. Ucdbabd. Battfbt B. i be second annual ball of battery Rochester I'nion Grey, will take place on Mtraday eTeuitg, April 1st. at Washington hall.

Those who attended their ball last year were satisfied that tbi fine rorp is capable Of getting up something that canuot be exceltealin the lint of military balls. The auction sale of firt-clss furniture at tbe maos'tin at Hob. John M'Convill, cumber 70 Ply mouth avenue, on Thursday tbe 14th, enlist unusual interent, and promise to be one of tbe moat attractive 01" my spring series of furniture talis. Sums over $25 a-credit of three months on approved indorsed note with interest Amskek, Auctioneer. Baarl3d2d.

Chevktt SmBTinG. We have tbe neatest of all cheviots in the market. Cos Kjuiliall i Tose, 6 Main street bridge. The laeoest awd most attractive ann- tUTlOB OF SHAWLS IN TUB CITT. Messrs.

A. 4. Soa bave just opened a beautiful line of spring shawls. Thi deprtment is one of tbe most prominent attractions a whole floor being devoted to its wants. Many style which may be aeen arc consigned lor their exclusive sale.

A tour of inspection will please every one who contemplates purchasing. 36 State asd 9 Mux btreet. For sale. One close and two open coaches, light, for sale cheap; also three or four good work horses. Apply immediately at stable oa Division street.

G. W. WALBiUIKaK. The dentists sell Or. Price's tooth iozenges- VEGETntE When the blood becomes lifelea and stagnant, either from change ot weather or of e'imate.

want of exercise, irregular diet, or from any othtr cause, the Vegetine will re-Dew the blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, and impart a tone ot vigor to the whole body. BmiIIbw.II Notice. Deafness, impaired disease ot the threat, lung, heart; eatarrh and asthma, complaint of the liver and kidney exeln-sively and successtully treated by Dr. Von Mofvchzieker, office Osborn house, where he can be seen every Friday, Saturday and Man-day. Hours from 10 till p.

m. anhl2f (ftf DIED. Sf KArrETD-In Chicago, B.i on the nth last, Robert ScraDekL e- FantTal from tbe house of his brother-in-law, Parld Hunter. No. SOS AjexsB'ler st this Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clocc.

Friends of the family are la-rtted to attend. atcAlLASTKR In this dtv, on tbelsth Maurice only sod of Belle S. aad George H. klcAUaster, aged 1c years sad months. tW Funeral erric will be held st the resilient.

So. 11 North Fitzhtujb street, this iThBrsdar) after-aooB, at 1 o'clock The remains will be tax.ea to Fean Tan for mtermect. TATLOB In this city, on the morning of the lsth Bertram, tnlsut sob of Kraals and Llbbie L. Taylor, safed 4 rr.oalhs and 7 nays. a Notsre of funeral hereafter.

THE OLD AND RESPONSIBLE Da LEARY'3 cue, Dyeing and Cleansing ESTABLISH fsTEJTT Two hnadred yards North of New Tors: Centra: Railroad depot. On mill eVtresef, Corner of Bsowas taoi. looanm, a The repntatloa of mis laye li -use slate baa las anted outers lo eoaslcrteat oar sijr: eac-cXs, sosjasst i-ai ds and rren the cut ot our baUdtnar. to muileaa humbai; the aeblic. No conaectton with soyslmlla: i bars bo atrents fa tae coaatr).

Ton c.B do jonr bnsiness directly with me, at the same ei v-ase rciUfh aa Crape, Sroch. CaABtnere sad Plaid Shawls, snd all bright colored bllats na He-riroa withocl tBjury to the colors. Also isdler aiid gea-letnea'a oolea (iarments cleamsed ot colored wit boot ripping aad pnssed nicely. Also, Feaibers sim. Kid Giores cleansed or dyed, rillk.

Wool or Cotton 0000s of every dtas-riptioBdyea ad colors, ai.c flnished with sesvaes asd daW-s'cri. on rerr reasonable t. ran. -Goods dyed Blaca erery TBeaayiThorsday sad Friday All goods returned ia sue week. Goods received aar retarn'-il br xpress.

Address D. LEABT. MUl ttreet, eoraer Flstt street, Boct.itster. N. T.

seixaaaVcey F. J. AMSDEN, BANKER, (Under Powers's Bank.) Dealer ta tod and urine? Drafts on all Parta of Europe). sal TK ASCII OF DEMOHEST'S Trk EnpcriBB af Fashion, So. 7i S1I.VST., IP STA1ES.

tU its Branca, aad la the beat man aer. The fltnu aiwaya arraceul sad aecarsta. Partte-sr aitebii a paud to paily ireaaasa and wed uaaa-seaus Bisl-ilna and eaibrotdery done to order. C-at-ir-ai sad Fiitlaat don. oa eery snort notice.

1 hare (ul.MU'Eii) Dem -rest's reliable eattiruajor ladiesaii iudrea. alas. THOMAS J. bfcllTti. decartttty Anciion biraonliii To Merrhontt, lotion ana CatMaliu 1 AS MY ENTIRE TIME la reauired ay the Bochestrr Frar fctooe Coiapaav, 1 sea 1 sea at Paid Aoc -tb.

my stock of Cloihs suit Trlmnrfoas adapted to tbe Me chant Tailoring trace, st ai store, as wt Main strict Powere' hlotik.oa IHLKSDAT. MABciajtst. st lock A.M., Bale bs sooaer sold at pr rat- sale be bios wiU be a per cent age oa at coat as per aBd tbe parchaaer wtli be tsaiu eati leas-of -ttre snd good win of bullae, which 1 well eitao-Itshsd. "antes i catnap to engta-a a baslaass ia-vited to call ad exanriue character avt ianoaa, r.f tnstnts. Th loctllon tije muM aassljwJatt la tht city sasoea win not exceed AS.htji.

Is 1 good order, sad recently parrsased. Trms, -ale laaor- al a- Lt HILS, miti-iSiw A. Aatsnxx. AacUoneer IT. BEING IHKt.aVN frors me csrriate Monday raooa tee 1110 on Kaal te.

aae. i wee a Aleisbder snd labia street. 1 anal. P.aRTMON Atfe ci nthibing, araong olher tauisra, t-om sS to f'C) la mosey, asd a earn with the name of ih oudarrs'garj-J tLeteoa. The seraoc who and he same will be auit ably rewarded by learlBE it wits Mease issrgeat A AXasaavhta.

ill Bill Court and Storse re-u 8d MBS. 6 GHttgNLEAF. Notice of Digsolntion. Ta- OTICE 18 tKEBY UlTE.s that toe paxtae.thlp J3 berei-t re existing aaaer tae firm name of Mas-. 3 a- oiesee baa hers dis-olrad be aiutoai c.Caeat Ail asebco's and itcn anus owhsst 10 the late ana 01 Al ssoa A rteice mast be a itled with aad pat to Sylrester u.

Masoa, now hapeiialeadtat of tee ftoehesler Career PBaipC'o al toe fercser estabilsfta ent ol tuelstentai of MOB A Pierce, corner of Barer aad Water streets. Hex best- r. w. 1MB. ttocbester, eearaaaj s.aa.

saaa. SfLVe.srKfl 1 MASON, JuSEPH O. latlXk. malSord Distolut'on of Copartniirtliip. IHE CoPAIrTNEesBlP heretofore exSatlaa; nailer Ibe trm aa ol Ball, stone A ta lade Ua i wlradbr muiaal coeseBi March tws.Utn.

43 H. asuaco. cacer seed dare ints day fo-me-1 Copiriae rem oeLar )f Ball A BrSarOe. arho al caeral dry epasM aad other trade aa tbe BALANCE SHEET Of tbe Bocbesterr t'-aeriive Ateatciialiwa. Battalias; BnoM olCalnu Hoauu.toe 4 al acre, at i a laao, a.

a i Cash ob isaad 1 at. soarce. I i Paid ob peoperty at time of Paid C. I bcB MM osortaraile aw ob Load sad of narctiMS BIS a ea iuruaat 0l! Cash on band mass il to Stale of Sew Tork.Maro CorABty Wniiaoi iiarrl-. aad Heary A tanido.

Secretary ol Use EarkSter Co-op istrre Baildla Lot A-ao. latioa. beiaa eaAaeearatei) aiad daly depose aad sar thai itV7 a true aial correct ot tee ears rial eSU lot. and imieot wril. fAMT HlKKIS.b wwvbw Ie a.

A A MiHUlIf ai i com ueoo. MEtHAMIfS' SASiK, 13 and 1 Estebaaa. atreet, htaier, ir six paat CaVMT. taterwss allowed o. deposits frees ihaeAral day ottte c-Bilai- at oath ea or a fii.

dale of sawealt, Ml atws way at i 5SS ia.kaci wimdrawst aoBJI ItAaCHJawTaW asntillry. ktalilAttt -t sar-Til JMaSi HBRK. tB tlUk ifnTlC laAltltOAU ToMrXT-ia next rea. laf eetle for vfceeeeetioB af losict.i-s sad Dtfwet- "H.i.a1v tettadtd w-jtw JL'VBJllUl tatXItwA- Father MtrrUi hy th jw sasthor ol eat a Stwss rrayer. Ae.

i ii. Ssallread Hot et a Paetmr aad storse far Littlt One. Pr, aa Pul.T asd other r. lories. MasV-e.

la Ftahsraiaf 4 la(h a laA'savlAki i kIMCrllS. 0 iatta. The Wat it Question. Ever' licaly ie dry discussing tbe water quea-tionjual now, aud the sentiment of tbe community seems to set strongly against 't he use ot rirer water. Jack FalstafTs motto wa to foraaear thin potaliuna," but we don't thiuk be would advise anybody to adopt potations that were thick witb dirt.

If he had been niutb accustomed to drinking water it is probable that be would prcler to take it straight a he iial hi wine. We ail remember with what dieguct be exclaimed on one occasion when off red a draught: "Vou rogue, there lime in this sack too With what contempt he would are lot Led upon the water irom tbe Genesee, tb which it i proposed to snpply us What II tbe temperance people do witb all their old songs urging people to drink me 'pure ana parkluig water," if the new company goes into titration in aecordaace with Alderman stone ta solution and tbe nectar f.otu this side of tbe og yard near tbe Valley railroad bridge is preaa-nitd to our lips. 1 ucy cant nave toe face to -ing tbem inside the limit of tbe corporation. Tbere will certainly be a sad m- auce, as far aa tbey are concerned, of "Ail old by tubs rasde nullity." Hoaevf the notion of supplying the ci'y erith water lioru tbt nrer is fast losing groaud, tbt I Lion, its strongest sdrooate. daring resit i ay evening that the expedient waa at beat only temporary one, and that tbe cbeme which ii uet uhiuiatclT be adaptod, was that of tag iron pipe to Ueulix lake at a cost of t2, 0Ti, 000.

aud thus si tutius pure water. If tbe plan of conatinciing work at moderate expense aini ilitiiag a supply Irom tbo nv-r above thn ty were carried out, bow long would it be be- tore tbe otber atep would be taken The aitl.t men at tbe laead of this moTemeut don't caee fur any other quality in water than that it tan be drawn iu abundance and will be I eirengli to pnt ont a Are. Tbe safety of ii.ii pioperl.t wonld ir- inettred and they woabl lake no farther rare In tbt matter. Ia that ase the editor ot tbe I ciou would have to wait U.urer for his Hemlock water than Socrates or Ko oui. Another claaa of peraoata who be-bar as Ir tie as we do ia river water as a bev- iagi hut have a lea abiding faith ia tbe u.aesaitv of ira.u pipe than our neighbor has.

l.sik wub to tbe completion of tbe id wat i work under tb- management and by u.eans a ihe parr baser ol tbem, Mr. Band. u.ab I- let. iji: 1 In car Out Ibr I becie a I ready begun, and bis agents are about pla tit pipe already down and tin ug the main It is toe purp -se i locarri tbrpia ml to lle.u lark lake instead of to Smitbtown We not attru pt to aiag tbe praises ot tliat buds of water, aa ila tide is ceneraiir to be pure and aoft salted la all respect to aup ply the want aud minister to last luxuriou- laste ot our citizens lit super. steudent ol these w.

professes to be couudetH that wa- I er from tbs- sake can tx- intrudured into this rit before beat November. One great dime ally ibis st hi use tbe woodts pipe put in use tbe greater paAtt of tbe way. It baa been com pares! u4 tnnptlT, ton barrel witu both eoda katKked oat Another trouble ta that tbe head of at- attained, according to teaiiuaouy the water works comuiittee, would be icadeqtiate to render it of avail 1-purpsMta scanesT sutiae nt to rais it upper st.aies ot important buildiag-. Tbe idea of suppla ing tbe city fiom Lake nnai to baa laree often Uroaa-bod, but never Tt-t lairlytesttd Tbe investigation of the water a its toautiittee oa this poiat wa utierlv Tb ops a ion of the serious majui Bbti tiir of) -babd ssbBlale of ag. at ei tbt Hoiiy sjatean we.r tb basis ot tbetr luaton regard lo tbat uiatter put or ward in tbeir re-pvit.

If tb tdilor of tbe I niB rtuk bare bad bis war. would not tut braucn of the- subject bare Vwea gone lata aaacii Uassroiigbla iHt (ittsavtits stienrrtai-s A crvtirdeti Lease used tbe tieorgta mixiaxral at Coriotbiaa ball last night Tbe troupe eas play wiibout wsakiag cat of burnt eos i aad tbeir perform auaee instead ot being altogether tbe product of art tab dcjad t-ielj upon mot her natnra Tbe alBiri dancing and acting were exeolirnl su4 the audience ta-au'tesled its Bp proval br fteq-jeni tauble.r ami aupbsuse. The first purtaoa ot tbe rataartaaaaseat wis ipecis OBiisse ded a srw.

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