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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 2

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEM OCR AT ANDHRONICLE THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1877. possess, it is not strange that it should Impress Oakky Haix had magnificent country Democrat and Chronicle, Auction Sales. jtmumements. referred to his former interview with him, and remarked on the number of the population belonging to the Methodist connection in th district from which the gentleman came. A short time ago the pope's old cat, which had lived with him many years, died.

It always came in with the soup, sat gravely in a chair opposite the pontiff till the latter had finished his dinner, then received its own portion from its master's hand, and took itself off till the same hour on the following day. Th people around his holiness feared that he might have been painfully affected by the death of his old favorite, but he didn't seem to care much about it. A gentleman on Sheldon street thought of having a telephone put into his house, so as to enable him to hold sweet converse with his business partner, but his aged mother protested against it earnestly. Robert," she said, "if yon bring one of those dreadful things in here I'll never close my eyes for fear it may break out and sweep us all into eternity, and us not a bit the wiser." He tried to persuade her that it was an innocuous instrument, but Eratmrnntof Ui Fawrite Equestrtaa Actrs. I8S KATE FISHEBt and her Trained Eorsa WOIfOBKrx THUBSAY EVE.HIHO tBCU 2.

FRENCH SPY AID DICK TURPI. Wo performance load Friday nliht and Oarrow Book Store. Jwelr ator, PBELIMIXABY ASNOtJUCSMSST. pOKINTHIAN HALL. PROF.

CFOMWEU From Ctickerlnt Hall and the Grand Ran Temple. Hew York Ctty, wldgirea BrHiuoTa, EVENINGS OP TRAVEL MONI.AV 8, UT I.T" The proceed of the opening ai-fet wla ha donated to the Hospital! of Rocbeeter. Wood and Coal. E. P.

SNELL (Sl CO. Dealers In SrHGrTTOH BLACK DIAMOND OOAl Oentral Ofllee Ho, 15 W88T MAXlf 8TEXR, YardV-M. T. O. K.

B-. COB. 8001. In d. Del Toa.

Ton. To. 8BATB tS 15 5 65 85 ttifi 6 2fl 85 380 in BTOVB 6 15 3 15 lra OBMWTV. 6 75 9 15 5. 1 PERRIlSslfCQ; Dealers In Wtlksbarr PI lis toa Main Office and Yard Alexander Street Can Brides.

Branch Office-East Avenue, OorT ner Union Street. In d. Pel Ton. jU Ton. gBATE 15 A5S5 83 STOVE 75 8 15 3 15 CHEfcTNTrr.

5 60 5 90 8 00 CHECTN-PT 4 SO 4 60 40 Tl 55 1 9) 1 75 1 65 1 35 PITT8TON COAL. C. A. PHILLIPS Ho. 1 A resale Hail (Opp.

Dewev'a Bookctor A. a. BPBIN6EB, 177 Booth St. Pan! JOHN A. YAK INOEH, BnflaJo-st.

Swing Bride. 1. PHILUPa, Braith-st, next to H. Bride. UIOWIH WILKESBARHE COAL I Oentral OrBee, 36 West Kaia SSra.

aa OfBcea, 138 Oak and 814 Baat Srwi. In Y't Hel Toa. UToa Tn. nital EGO 8TOVB CHgBTNTTT 15 5 25 6 76 6 75 tS 56 85 11 65 6 60 is ea -i i 8 17Q 8 15 I 70 Miscellaneous. $245 Bnyg a $425 New Piano.

ROSEWOOD, 7 octave, carved case, full Iron frame, overstrung bass, top dampers-all modern Improvements warranted. First-class old establuW Kew York maker. Examine MACKIE'S Great Piano, Organ and Mimic Stores, ao qi.m o. Wax Flower Materials. TU8T OPENING a new lot, indnding oma mrveiireB in unis nne wntce maKg ar assortment quite complete.

French Crystal Shade of ail pizes and diiferent nhapes. Oh, yer BiAJR WOOOBGTH, MOttSB 4t CO. Public riarket I DEALERS IN MEAT, FI8H adPS f-f will consult their interwt by ascarine stalto wim DW 011 We8t Main Btreflt Ifod West Mam-at. will anippiy InformaiiM tvnl rnt Rtnllsi tsomn enterBriaiiiy smwer a-rji. me store lo.

187. ia rh m.rt 1H7. is the market bulldmr wish office awachad, if tieaired. Home owl apmy an-leee able to conduct a grocery establish meat ttrst-respectg. Possesion given immth DIVORCES I KiALLT A.VDQCIBTLT 0BAIS min nvsar Btats and Tarritory-foruicoiiipatioiiitT orotiif rsaxj" experlenee.

A.J. HsX'Ba, IS noes, fee nacres. Kasldenc aBaeaaatarr. Mass, Institute of Technology New department of Practlaal Mechanism. Tmltlos a rear.

I ur president's report upon Ras4Ua 11 all K1.1.A.N 11. secLretary, Oo.ton. alula. Chinese California Laundry, 160 Stat. Street.

Si.TiS S1mOT? THE CBABOF HIS anotnsn- lanrirr at Mo. wa KaS M.V. ths launs7 in will be happrto sss tepTaaaassht IIOWLAlSDSfJHOftL For Advanced Education, of Young Women. nd departments. A.

M. Vlee-Fresident, M. AKSA WYTHE Mason Hamlin fWans. 10 DIFFEREKT BTYLEa on hand, from rented until paid for by quarterly renT oT-STtns bought, sold and exehangad. Sole and retail depot.

MacKIB a fareat Hano, Organ and Muste store. i.u. 5 pnate Htreec Clairvoyant Reading; ftireu. One Ooilar or aiDirte ait ini "3- tiLHU MO. Fraak-st.

County Tax. Mokroe Oonerv Tsassrsra's Oma I bOCHESTKR. March 9fl 1SW ALL PERSONS who have omitted to par are n-wwDy ncKinea tnat rZ hj: 10 a. at my offlw, ia tha In default of such payment, a warrant win be Ksued for the collection thereof, according: to law. a.ju.j armio, ireaaurar.

Tit ATEUIA18 for Water Color Paint. wewton Water Oolors. in taa; Moist ater Colors, in Pans: English and French Crayon Papers; White and Tinted Briawl MonocPOIate Boartls: Brusbasof ewr artista. mamjl uaaMTu, tji requirea Dr i rt A a UI fro S3 and 35 Front HEADQUARTERS FOR BLUE GUSSIL Kow popular for Sunlight Batha At the old juain. oor.

ater-at M. E. HUNTliiHTOX. DiVORCSS MAU.TAKB QClETIiT OBTAINED FOB IN. ooa.patibti:tr, Ac; resldeaoeBaoaoaaB.ri.j-a altsr dears.

n.S-i."" A. uliiiliKlou. auarnai at-Law, 134 Ch iaa Ui, TO PRINTERS. MrMANNIS, MA HON West Main (Street, Rochester, have just received a full assortment of Hoe' celebrated Patent Clasp NEWS mm JOB CASE, which, ai well a ordinary Case, will ba sold at loweat price. Aflnelotof BXTHA JOB I all eolor fresh from manufacturers' hands, and guaranteed give aatisfactlott.

They ar manufacturers' agent for Oordoa. DnrrarsaL Peerles. Ulobe, star and Leader Prasse, and Peerless Paper Cutter. Jacasmi. InraiirsLa aiu, the best paper Addressing Machine extant, at aoll only them.

Their "BOCHK8TEK NEWS INK" 1 high praised by all wbo gin It a trial. Sign 1'aintinff. CEO. ARNOLD Furniture Auction. I WILL RILL Bt AUCI10W DW KLLI-OS, (or tlx pareent.

f.lx nau on toe dotiar Inclntfin adrartiatn and all exfen of Talt 1 laat laaa th oaoal prlc but, no mauar, it't hard Umm, Old AaotloB and OmmtBslon iiou, and Bat M.ln tt. bridn. To All Those BO WISH TO SBLL FDRKCTOB. OARPBTS TT an all kins of bonBfktwptna aooda, loall ea mt. and I will par cut for the uat.

b. Pllli-iJPri. Maul Eaat Maln-Bt. CALUSHA PHILLIPS. DM Auction antl Commission Hoise ESTABLISHED 18,12.

Btora. Ho. 28 and 28 Burr Mar 8TRr Baine. KOCBKBTES, N. Y.

BeU Real Estate and all kind of Peraoaal Property. Caah Advances made on Oonaijrnment. tmT- Auction Halea every Saturday at A. BL SATURDA Y'S REGULAR S4LK OF FUR-future, Carpets, Clothing, Bookt, Halt, Cap and Sundry Good. ON SATURDAY, MARCH 81a.

At 9 30 A. I Bha.ll rD at auction, at my aalea-rooma, Koa 6 and 2b East Main street bridira. a usual. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND H0C8EKESPIS0 O0OD8, Commencing with Crockery. Plated Spoon.

Knive and Forks. Crocks, Jaffa, Lamps, te. THEM I SHALL BELL Table. Bediteada, Bareaus, Commode. Mauresww, Bpriag BeOS.

Feather Bed. Pillow, Ouilt. Blankets; then Carpets and Oil Cloth, Parlor Furniture, Chamber Sets. Marble Top Tables, Extension Tables. Oak, B'ack Walnut and Mahogany Center Tables, Eajiy and rWa Boras Couches, Lounges, EngraWiurR.

OU Paintings, chromo, Hall Blands, Counters. Desks, Hhow Cases, Wardrobes, Cupboards, Filters, Lot Tubs. Pailr, lot Hats, Caps, Clothing, Cloths, Curtains and Lambrequlna, case of Birds, Lot Hardware, all kinds Stoves, Iron Safes. Baddle, 1 Piano, 1 Melodeon, Atao, at 12 O'Oux-x, rs FsosT or SALCSaOOHS, Horses, Waffons, 4c gy Terms cash and sales positive. SCRAN TOM'S Auction Store and RealEstats Office No.

44 Exchange Street. I CJVt'B -WtBliai, C1LV- aVa. WU sUiJ aVllifJ Ql property, asd Appraises OoodM. SATURDAYS SALKOF FUBNITURB, Carpets, Book. Ac.

ATURDAY, MARCH 31st At 10 A. M.t a. myBiore, 1 sell l'artor. Chamber, DialnK-room and Kitchen Furniture and BtOTee a ootl lot. AISO, a frenUemaa Library of many valuable works, kaiea for cash.

POSITIVE SALE OF FIRST-CLASS CAR- pein ana rumwture tn tioute jo. 77 Frank Street. nPHURSDAY, APRIL 5th At 10 A. at ntar Jay street, shall sell Velvet, BrnsMis, 3-Ply and InsrraJa Carpett, Part or Furniture, arble Tables Hall Tree. Bureaus, Chamber Set, Chairs, Extennion Table, Lots of Crockery and Kitchen Stuff.

Alan nolra Irnn liars tWvIlai an4 1V.1 all to be sold for cwih. Carpets an-d Oil Cloths. MEW CARPETS WE INVITE the people of Rochester and vicinity to inspect one of the largest and most varied assortment of CARPETH ever shown in our store, and would advise all those in need nt Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Mati. A' ocall early and make their selection white our stock is complete. 14 Exchange-8t.

CARPETINGS. 1AM DAILY ADDING to my large stock rf Uie NewPHt and Choicest Patterns of all v. ou rjio izianuxacuirecL ana aeJUnx Utem at Prices to Suit the Times. Purchaser wishing: to ear money will please examine. 76 Htatfl KtrAPt.

I. F. CARTER. etihg: Havwa- made extemdvA ImnmvAmjmus in oor Warerooiiu, and completely filled th Bame wim ail trie new an choice designs of the season, consistiiiz of Sfftiiiiclta. At.

mlnttfrg, Wlltonii, Velvety Body Brug- eciB, upHiirj lirnswis, s-riyg, Ingrains, Venetians. Hrmus. Oil rintlta. Mats, Knirs, Cranib Clothg, kt we are prepared to show the most extensive and complete assortment of the above goods to be round In tbe Btate, and at popular price. HOWE ROGERS.

Da .9 Business Cards. ftHORER A TA1LLIK. MANTJFAOTnBXBS OF IRON COLUMNS rOB BUILDING. Gee FcnntlrT 145 147 M. fater-Si HOCHEsTIR, W.

w. ralTTHJiB MADK TO OHllEa BuyPatcnt Kalsomine BCSl IIFIL COLORS. Anyone Can Use Them. OSGOOD CLABK, Sole Agent, wront Mtrset. Betail Shoe and Dry Boota Dealerg' Shelf Boxes MADE TO OBOES ON SHOUT NOTIC BY J.

if. riuivrr, PAPER BOX MANUPACTUREM 91 North Water Street BIRO STUFFING! Rinn THOaAS W. FRilNB. Practical Taxidermist, No. 13 Joslyn Park, Ko-chester.

Birds. Animals, Ieeia' Beads and Fish mounted in a superior manner from close study otnatuie Termt Low. PTtrFFINO BIRD STUFFING B1KD BTIIFFINO BIBD STUtTlNS BIRD STUFFING BIRO STUFFING BIRD STUFFINQ BIRD 8IUFKI.N8 ELEVATORS. BAWD OR IPO n'KS. MA S'VTAn rHBD, PIT rrp AA'X) WAHRASTKV, fltrooa ft Woodbury, Martln Brlgirs, Pollock A Weavar, J.

T. Stewart. John nV storev. L. 8.


RANSEB8, ta SHputaJ Hacalnory deaUraed and built to order. OubiutT of all kinds. Cllaitoa HuUlna, K-h eater 11 lKhKJ VcntilattHl Rooms to tt nto tuaequaled power, elevators, salsabas to klad ut Kuaauf aoturLux. A1II OQ. CENTRAL HOU3E5 No.

1 Jacofr-ttw, ftaaa ka, N. V. OFFKRM to Ckmmara(i Innim and ww sa muuxcc, ifOOfj sjm. Bpoma. CHA.8 KKUUV.

rnrtif7 CMP a to by tended to. When he was in this country previous to 1K73 he caused her to be nlcii in aMntrait in New York city, where he paid for hr education. hu viHjLs-u mm) cuhtbdi ner music DiMter to in 1 believe so; expecting that she would remain 11 "He ift to assume the Doailion at tMiim nf th orchestra at the Lyceum theater in London. Shortly after his departure Matilda Heron with- ntf mvt n'j xieron tnenr one huuw. tun was witnarawn rrom the school and her services were used for the niviiin au' rn w.

iijvi au' rn w. Did Mr. Btoepfel object to this when he learned iia air. hi of ft? "He did violently object: but his objections ufsa fttwaji oas Men nauy and anxious to nlace the eirl in a nronr achrtn an that she may be sufficiently educaW. The child oaiunuiy preiera ure on tne stage, having known scarcely any other, but when Mr.

Btoepfei wrote to me to furnish means to send his child over to "mvj. uro uuij ji uLrci iwa iur ner, ana being her only proper. Intimate protector, I con BwitBun unu tne leaamg mew xorK morning journals encouraging that chlid of thlr tionate authority of her only parent, and caliina upon her to 'champion 1 the arts and follow the advice of her mother, whose life thev well know has been Intemperate, to say the least of it, and who mner had judgment enough, even in her hast Finally, Mr. Boucicault said he had resolved to stay in this country. "There are various causes, ha added, "for ray determination.

I prefer the society, the people and the climate. Then the theaters, where much of my life is necessarily passed, are avuknaaua as dtoj ICSX MI lUtt metropolitan theaters of London, which, unfortunately, of ltiAVMN hlM filler. I J. aiHiu UJVU llllJI UJTOI til 11 LIS. They are managed generally by the lowest uuu vri oiuismjib in an airs.

J. ney are Without riianinlinA rvr nnwiAne. fen extent. The best English actors and actresses nave migrated to wis country. 1 assert the American people pay for intellectual entertainment a higher price than the people of I a.1 juwuuuu, nuu uiejreaujTO tney get a Detter arti tla alnrf rlaaanra CONTEnroUBY OPINION.

The Tribune Dlaaatlafl.d In behalf of genuine independents we have "upgrMiuua. im Dogos independents Will CrOW I hr.f nf 1.111... i divers persons, who are not supposed to be- wj li avtt niiy oi cunjrry, sore-beaded, and impecunious oflioe beggars, are behaving exactly as if thev MA Ua. r.t v.

sulking. They take occasion, on street eor- lebbers, so reutars that Hie coancrv tutx j-i and that republican institutions are forever uiBgraceo, oeeauee that spotless reformer, Mr. Xiiden, was not inaugurated president. They hut nr. mli-lwt tk.

i. v.t.1 ia com posed of four Republicans, two independents and one Democrat. inxtMA nf 1 1 1 UOUW- crats. They hungered and thirsted for peace anil Jk 1. juowwi buuiu, out pretend to be miserable because the accumulated fl th of in.

t-r n. nn. i i i uw ur some supernatural Hercules in twenty days. They lifted np their voices for civil service reform and hard mnnev yes it wrenches them terribly to ine government conducted by the men who slaughtered inflation in 1875, and the meB WbO m.b.

practical issue In American politics. Does it no occur to these unhappy fellew-citisens that a censorious world. oonaidnrin country has, and what they pretended to suspect mat tney are really Wrath about thn nt t. 1 i it aujr man expected a place of honor or profit from Mr. Tilde he must be forgiven if he cannot abide a reform which does not mean shekels for him.

But if m.n HooIm nuu purer and wiser government, and the prevalence of those ideas which independents have professed to cherish, why this look of sad- Genuine and mnnlv trjni that there Is errant hnn. nf 1 1 1 WUB i ..1 Ul lllO UI which they have battled. They differed in their judgment as to the shortest and surest path to those reforms, but, whether they preferred Eaves or Tiliion i 1 tuM, ujf either path, the end is near. They do not act like men who were ravenous for ortiee, because from Tilden or frnm i I asked only reform.

They are not erowUnir because there are fair prospects of peine at the south: becanu i iin oi specie payment rise; because the president has actually begun to teach Americans not to live in the hnrw nf uf i.i i ivi.uuioHj pay. Ihess are the sooila thui v.nii.4 waste no time in sulking when a president actually tries to lift the country to a better government, a real prosperity, and a higher Ts Advantages or Delay. Th Times (Bep.) It is not necessary to be enthusiastic about or ixwiisiana or tha Knfw ence for bouth T. merely, not essentials. What is essential is.

the cultivation of a more conciliatory spirit on the part of the adherents of Messr" Hampton and Nicholls; and there can be none more likely to foster it than the southern friends of conciliation in congress. If they stand aloof, we may cot wander at the nnvlolHini. displayed by the extremists in New Orleans. j.uv uirpuuiiuiu niisconcepuon wnich experience is clearing away is that which had expression in the injudicious zeal of Messrs. Matthews and Foster.

The belief was largely cherished among Republicans that a frank overture in the direction of peace would be responded to as frankly by the southern people. Borne traces of this feeling are still apparent. Here and there are.Republicans who insist that a wise stroke of policy would be the withdrawal of the trnnna. virliaiit mndn. fa.

stipulate for conditions or to guard against conseouencea. Thin an. the ranks of the party. The malignant tem- wuicu repeiieu proposals looking to an amicable sestlemenc has the or many Republicans who in the nrst instance were disposed to rely upon the fair promisee of the southerners. It has also strentrthenerl th.

those who from the first saw the necessity of u.i.., wv, give up me position now helfi i 1 1. it i i i uum. uw uaaia nas been obtained for a satisfactory settlement of -ui tu.u uiapuw. ine great body of the jiai ljt vurougnout tne north has no sympathy with proscription, and no wish to revive slumbering strife. It wants recon ciliation, nearly and lasting.

And in order that the reconciliation, when effected, may be of this character, it is resolved that the puuey loresnaoowea Dy the president shall be inaugurated carefully, and subject to guarantees that shall avert the chance of its Extirpation of riormonlsm. The Herald iTnd 1 We must express surprise that our respect- uueniveiung r-ost, dissents from the views we have expressed a to the necessity of rooting out Mormonism. When uiw-aeiying adultery, bigamy, murder, tyranny and blasphemy have been practiced for 'J unuer a mass ox reli gion, and an oppoitune event opens the way for their speedy extinction, nothing could oaem more unseasonable than to make this an occasion for preaching the sacred rights of conscience and the duty of toleration. There could not be a greater affront to religion itself or to tha principle of toleration than a protest against efforts to break up the pestilent nest of abomination which ha ao long defied th laws and reeked with every crime denounced in the decalogue. Religion forsooth! Is lust religion) Is wholesale massacre of the innnnent rulio-jnf A i and secret assassination, and mutiny against the laws, anr rjh.M i itirmjinnmy religion? What Is Mormonism, steeped as it in hideOUB ArwM.1 llllh BWM.UW1 Wltn atrocious, dastardly murders, but aa organ-ised attempt to blazon evil deeus and come-crate a crimef" Khali iu.

Huuuirju WUU compunctions of conscience lest do injury clothingr 7 PPSar 8h8ei" The Herald haa Isit Mv oruHa i tion of the Mormon religion qua religion, but OnlV tha sn s.j li riBTwiwua oi toe henioua crimes which are perpetrated by its fleas tXTn bctjuv joiroa xor toeing mealy-mouthed and difUniistinir nns Kalial 3 waaa Mint. OOU oign chaatisement of its crimes would paroipi- Wl uasututioa. But it is only the crimes, and not the religion, that we mate a direct ohir nf i. ai. a.uruj'jil ism can survive the crimes committed in its pruvoewju ny its authority we wiU have no quarrel with it after it purifl- We have "Misted on is that John D.

Lee acoomplioss in a while massacre and robbery shall his punishment We hava nn bum sun pie legal justice would contribute to th extinction nav according mentioned that aa an .1 what ought to be done on nurelv grounila It would betray a great lack of vigor and foresight for our government to let this great ononrtnnitv r1" "Jwiuui puttmg Mormon problem on iu way to a final Stat ft No Arm, The World (Dem). Apply th ri(Vrna nt to wuuauiuiiionai reia- on -and and "rieans on the other hand, which the electoral eommiasion set up and by what right does Mr. Hayes maintain the army bsy as body-guard around Packard and ChamUrlain! To put down insurrection or domestic violence in those states! But th president has no shadow of authority to do this unless tha state asks him to do it; and where now is the tt. i aaKs Is Packard tha a mi 4JOU1S1- a of the th mo ueeu upon toe people ox tne nortn snat claims boldly put forth and constantly reiterated should pass as genuine even among fair-minded men. esDeciallv when the oountar- demenstration is feeble, not by reason of its inherent integrity, but by reason of Its in capacity to assert itself with the same con.

centra ted and systematic power as its oppo nent. Bat the time has come when preten dons should be pricked and assumotions ex amined, and the inquiry particularly pressed one, wneum Jiew Orleans really speaks for Louisiana. We do not purpose to determine authoritatively as to which party is' to-day numerically the superior of the other Louisiana. The prima fade case is in favor of the Packard government. It has a legal certificate and is sustained by the duly eon stituted courts.

It does not. indeed, demon strate itself, at the capital, with an authority equal to that of its rival, and does not exact from either the warehouses or the shims the obedience which is legally its due, This, however, proves nothing save that it is shut in by beleaguering forces. Old Orleans in vestea By the tnglish troops did Kot prove that the heart of France was loyal to the English, and as her emancipation came from me provinces, to even to modern Or leans may deliverance come from the ontside. It is quite as important to know how Louisiana feels, as to know' how New Orleans acts. The views of the loyal masses on the plantations, of the earnest patriots of the cabins, of the dwellers by the havous and the cane-brakes, are quite a important to be as- vnwmeu, a just settlement is to be reached, as are those of the bankers and lawyers and divines of New Orleans in whose breasts still rankles hate for the Union and oontemot for the liberties its conquering genius has made poesiDie.

This work will devolve upon the nommiitinn which has been constituted by the nm'ilant It will go to Louisiana with a determination to hear both side. Louisiana, as well as New Orleans, will have a voice before it. It is not improbable that an accommodation may be secured between the contending nartiea. It may be that it will-be deemed best for the loyai government to forego some of its legal right in order peace may ensue in the distracted state. It may even be that the Nicholls government will be able to make such a case as to justify the withdrawal of tne leaerai troops.

These are after considers irons. For the present, the loval sooth press should protest against a snap judgment in ravor or the illegal government of Nicholl. The nation is compelled to recognise whatever ngnts mnere in that so-called government but neither it, nor the president, will hasten to take judgment by default against the loval men ox Louisiana, but it must not be pur cuaseo. cy tn surrender of the liberties of loyal men, or in contravention of the dictates 01 justice. Foixowrao is senator Cole's new bill fnr superintendent of public works, which has passed the legislature: Section 1 Thn nwlnt.nt 1 VI.

fFUUtlU works to be appointed by the governor, by auvice ana consent or the sen ate, shall receive a mUpv nt a r. ut annum, together with all traveling expenses M-bucujy incurred, to be audited, allowed and paid monthly by the auditor of the canal department Bet ire he shall enter upon the duties of the office he shall take and subscribe the eonstituaonal oath of office, and file the same in the office of the secretary of state, and shall execute a bond to the people of this state in the penal snm of 25,000, with two or more substantial freeholders of this state as sureties, who shall, in the aggregate, justify in double the amount of the penalty of said bond, conditioned for the faithful discharo-e nf ha Antrim 1.1. office, and for truly accounting for all moneys intrusted tn him as tanoh i. bond shall be subject to the approval of the -uujtw, bbu wots bo approveo snati be filed in the office of the auditor, and shall be renewed whenever and as often as the same shall be required to be by law or by concurrent resolution of the senate and assembly, or governor. And said snpeantendent of public works, as a member of the canal board, shall be entitled to one vote only.

2. The assistant superintendent or super- intendents to be appointed by the superintendent of public works shall each receive a I salary of 3,000 pes- annum, together wish .11 necessary traveling expenses, to be audited, allowed, and paid monthly by the auditor of the csal department by his warrant upon the i treasurer. Before either of them shall enter upon the duties of his office he shall take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and shall file the same in the office of the secretary of state, and shall execute a bond to the people of this state in the penal stun of $20,000, with two or more substantial freeholders of this state as sureties, who shall in the aggregate justify in double of the amount of the penalty of the bond, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and for truly accounting for all moneys intrusted to him as such assistant superintendent, which bond shall be subject to the approval of the auditor. nd when so approved hall ha fiU fa, tfco office of a iMto, HIJ shall be renewed whenever and as often as the Same Shall he nvinmwl fen k. 1 1 1 vj uw.ur I'T concurrent resolution of the senate and as- "nuui, or bj tne auaivor.

3. This act shall take effect immediately. CCBKEST TOPICS. This Wlimia must bc stoppbd. Oakey Hall's love for Ada, but likewise Blue glass is reeied by the New York ajutu ob a-sure cure.

Alfosso says he is not married. 80 much tne better lor tus wife. Sweuty AJrn Halt w1ivn we iMvuiig gaest. That touho mas is frequently mentioned mtt tha nrinns -sl WEifDELL PhxlIsIps had some new and areeaiui convuuaons yesterday. IF BTO KKWD rmral naara usaaww UAU IUIUj l(U V9 nBjpy.

The ranvmR nf th. a-aaajrraaaa- UM niMnawtXI. KaaapjyBw U1M KlU QOWH tO DS llgatBd. The Mnni-nvns' rmH ni i UUHUl wuuutijr IB uvxufi uiuai us ils mouiaenng in tne grave. A VTTr.R AIT.

whmiM r.hinlrjnAw.a.l Wi-vltl Mown ca Ja-lvaCH- uuu. Mioxwim ux tune ox peace. Thi Graphic sneaks of the fair-" Bo ther have fairs ovaf thom tvn? The ctrkt srRinKi rt company is to insure fortunes for its officers. Parties who nntvl mnn a-a rntu informed that the grand dukes are in New York. slrTTT Tlnmiaf.W nnohf t-A at sw Aafuu UL indignation on the office boy and less on stata.

We are coitvikced Mr NAh hFAnr most of that fresh maple sugar over in his little ark. WhIIT TWm V4THPU tt T.nlln-ssv-irtvausi. geta out, the jail will again feel as if it were orphan. presidential commission to eomfl tn him arwt things. THE MAJOrtTTT no-ainat.

IWhAW in ton's church is ninetv-fiva. (iivx th m.n another live. IsfHIIHK PnHvnnv (.. welcome in if wit own husband. vaav wuuunvUU Advertiber.

is the carries the belt. Miss Authowt tMikAri iw 1- Chicago the other night, and her hearers were intoxicated with delight. TTLTSfeEfi GRANT alrMrlv rWIn vt IW glass with the sole purpose of convincing uuudu taut aw un tun. Memphis pROPoaea farMrtr tn mnnf. her own beer.

This means a tremendous business revival in Memphis. laOGAH WAI.KR RIJIWI MT1 tha of the Herald. Thanka. We had begun think he didn't walk at ail. PklWC MlUnaa rKitilr Vtlratt lTt lufa I aavill have that office if he has to advertise in the CindmtAti Commercial for it Portlaro is trvinie to suDnress 8unda? newspapers.

We suppose the Sunday newspapers of Portland are not good. President Hates rceivM son wr from offioa-seekera. You must mark yours tCBOiiai and important. a I to or ite to jue fer seat ana Kpc rrom nrteen to twenty norsee. Whispkrkd that Miss Ada Dyas will go to jcairopa airecuy, wdt see win play aa ea- HUBERT B03TTOK hu 100 trotten and takes rare pleasure in keeping them out of the tight v.

buv puuuc oe cruis i. true groanesa. Kxhajik of A mother whose son was about to oe nangea i would rather tee him a at. Tallin jpriifcnr rhftn in thin Hrwuatfnl mnm iia Johs D. Lek had Dine wives.

Some people tQinfe that a the reason be warn aa calm, on the aay oi nis execution, as a summer morning, that the wears but one pair of pantaloons at a time, ana even rey ao not oeiong to ner ous- 1 uvaJJtl. Kbw Mexico has had a shower of live emus, ana tne azy people or tna locality are uau uwbuio Miny muu cumt OB WJB nail' BXreil "Wm beg Wade Hampton to be gentle and IrinA whilin av. CTa im afirl but this country doesn't want another gigantic Bertha, voiy Hiujekit, we learn from the Philadelphia Times, wouldn't please Boston so much if her walking apparatus were not in- tivutxrvutu. It is superfluous in ex-Senator Pomeroy to aeny tne story tnat ne baa turned actor. It is a good deal to do and he isn't the man for the position.

It is the fashion in Paris to make over say that some of the reconstrooted articles BH)UUaU. Rajlph Waldo Rxkksox is ia Washlnsrton. Dont be alarmed, however. He doesn't be long to the next congress and he doesn't con Maggie Mitcbkll has to earn $13,000 a year to pay interest and prevent her property poor or rather rich. A rVlt.TTa.nrrS PI DVD sain ILf tTawrI sing any more than a canal-boat." Now we trust Rutherford will know enough to keep silence tne cnurcnes.

PVTI) nir t-rta imrul Jnb-a wuuwaj. arcpaccn irom nis wire in words Hxe these "Alexis, what are you doing now?" and several exclamation -points. A DOREW ballet comnanifiH rm ftravAlinir In the SOUth. Atlfi Vt MV t.ha Advertiser, "the people keep on howling for tne president to wituuraw tne troupes." TlTF iniffia fchav TVihnno aa Vk. editor of the period does too much govern- wuu aw UBl XJ nauaxjr and truly, he ought to know if anybody.

HnRAPa' fwRVaVT bTV ia wnawa.l a.l Graphic as materialised through the influence tt Protlii-lAPtr TTava. hi. 1 -li i uwwi peroaps vo ure over tne situation. T-r MinvXTiTTWD In i ao UIIIM11 1UWOI UUIIU- nated bv the PhiladelDhia Times aa m. TnAmho of the new polar expedition, and Secretary Sherman has already begun to weep tears of THE STATEXEKT that thn Mimtini nt W.K saw George at a recent seance and he was bujwuj, wiw uic exception of a bad cold.

KlX tiini. PAHITTSJ war hrira in nna hnnaa of them turned their faces to the wall and hOWled. Wi do Wlh thA sion would go south at once. PHOfBal RiVl irnn nr-omnhnA he. sermon to her old congregation last Sunday, irwiy n.

its conclusion. (Jtners wept, too; and it ia believed that the new church will do the best business. a fine bass voir, and immAflifitolw aont an accordeon. Perhaps an anvil and a barrel fit fhtxnv WfMilfi rinvra Kuan Katic cord eon is better than nothing. Dons Piatt savs we would IIL-a tn fri PrMlMnnf.

fl-rm'a (Vhaa 1 1 J. B11 U- case we trust the toe wont come at us a violently as most people's toes come at the val- Ti i i i uu. iu iuo Kroats we buuuiu nave to turn around and run, too. TrT1C TAT HVI tha shiaf t-arttit-aKlsa acter of the GrphK watiow 1 tie, though the word roof occurs eleven times, tongs five times, and 'hurl7 three times. The bootjack had not then been discovered.

The word piety 1 appears in the Bible only once and the words moral and 'morality not at all. A however, is mentioned once, and 'engines' twice." The Boston Radical club discaased the revival business the 'Other day. We make cmbi, iiuiu ulto irjin, UIOITNJ' IlwilBria- ing that outside of Boston it reads oddly mis apciarei earnestly tnat Howly did the best he knew how; he had moved the people. Let the liberals take hoW and do the rest, sutwti-tuticg tlwir wisdom for his ignorance. Mr Kacac-S ninwl fnr annul thal Moodr led seen into error, and, in his opioionTdidt lore harm than good.

whathednn't" waggon coniDarvrt mij a metnoa or 000-ajioBto livuvj way of tamiQK horses. Samuel Lonffllow gently deplored the harmful excitement of reTivals and Moody's way of talking to children. Miss Peabody erring, Horrible: hor- But Mr. Dudley pronounced Ber. Mr.

Ok, the great, revivalist, tne- man ror ana sad hs was doing more to rationalise and PnrKerise Boston, more to undermine the historic church, than any manenaed in that yortc. whiie the rery temple that was totteri-rf applauded him. Mrc Cbene -poke of one result of Mr. Cook's leturea, orthodox neighbor borrowed the ittr of Theodore Parker." Miss Peabody, still burning with benevolent but vaue dwres to do good to somebody. Husrtrfturd that Cook needed more watching than Moody, pe ing an old Call mist at bottom, and that tha liberals ought to educate and convert him.

This was the climax, and with a general smile and nod of approval, the meeting dispersed. Dion Boccicault, Interviewed at great length recently by a reporter of the Chicago Inter-Ocean, gave his views of various mat- iui toe utmost freedom. His play, forbidden Fruit," has been pirated by various parties and theaters, and thev will ll be prosecuted. The western theaters are so excellent that he should be glad to play in them alwav. Than.

nA gwu uioaiiricai uiiuu on urn press, either In London, Paris. viuku, urusevnere. Ut ail his Slavs he likna Th. i reoortar ualrnd tn 1 1 1 his plays he attributed his suocesses. The uuuu uueuwcw yuxs, wuu ne; me play, as the old dramatists nRftd tn Cwtl it i.

tnnHa nnt fT-i structure or the plot, of which the characters me product, should be nrst considered, and should lie in the dramatist's mind, to be anil i-mf tvwt. Kak. i. a wuiu Ul Aln.Ujnn uioiugue a piacea upon it. ub modern cnucs have subverted this system entfr-nlv hv ,4 1 wuv uiwuq tu most Important of the parts in th drama it- tne least so.

it is Dut the clothing. It should be elegant and of the finest texture assured! llllt. whan. th. ..1 i wwimiig in structure and in well-selected and contrasted cuarcrors is, arter all, out a suit of clothes, however hrilliant th.

li.1im.. n. uuuuv uicjr ue. 1 oe modern dramatista, misled by modern critics, jjcub im run away W1ED meir minds, and they make their suit of ctothee-that is, they write thnji- iii "pi1-- btioir piui. us created or their characters developed.

What uieiuou oo you adopt?" inquired the interviewer. I proceed -on the old method, and therefore I am criticised as a 'maker' and constructor' of dramas, and the critics say neglect what they call the 'literary' element. The. eriti f. -mj huh uuj uuauep- tion of a character and the use to which that character is put by the various incident constituting the Kfcm-p tha I u.j u.

umuuij( do with the dialonue. which changed as a suit of clothes may be." He spoke of Dumas as a man of immense ability, but ree-arded him m.t.h i social subjects. Gilbert, he said. is a fanci ful writer, whose best works have always been of the f.ntHur ani i.i But rarely has he dealt successfully with hu- uuuuui "Why is it," queried the scribe, "that th number of dramatist, i. i wwm so small Journalism and periodical writing have absorbed the workmen of the brain.

They are called upon to pour out daily or weekly their thoughts on various subjects, and they have not leisure to allow any great subject to remain in their mirM. i enough to become a great conceDtion important work." With nl BilOn RlVnil k. Maid L. 1 1 i uvuor, nouerc Ktoenfal hH rennutul v. i i.

uuu iu Buppir ner wim means and send her to England. Mr. Stoepfel was a most honorable, conscientious man. His separation from his wife was owing to the fact that the tastes of the two were dissimilar-and at the same time Hiss Heron, while amiable, was wrong headed. Bijou declined go to ner rattier.

Mr. Boucicault said: I tabled in V- t. -ioJ1D1 nianui lll.s uiitr, mtu-re gross Dusrepreentatioiis had im lnie use of to abuse sw iett wiih regard to the re- iiiuiMui ma urn butevlvL oili.r-ie called Matilda 1 iorl has commended child fur the diKisloa ahe has nuuie ia ref uaiiiir ai-ceed to hl fatlier 's renufest." niaiier ormceiid with this atTair. Tlie maimer la wiii-h or paper, liare treated tbe nxiiieat of father ia aliameful. Mr.

touwpfe for ifae laat placed a proper school and her eduuaUoa at- IS th i.i itl and cannot the legislature be convened? What evidence is before Mr. Hayes, or Mr. Kvarts, or Mr. Matthews of insurrection in South Carolina or Louisiana) Aside from the pledge made by notorious counsellors of Mr. Hares, how or when, upon the state rights theories proclaimed by the electoral commission, does tha president get one iota of authority to assume the existence of an insurrection hi a state which does not sxist! If a state is sovereign enough to create presidential why not sovereign enough to create ia governor? There can be no middle ground of compromise in these CW3 state between the two political paihes If the Republican party be not entitled to wield the power of the state, then the Democratie party is.

It will be disgracefully fatal to American institutions if either party stoops to trade or concede away any of ia right. The governor and a majority of the legislature, as really elected in each stats, either are Democratic or Republican. if the administration retreats from the doctrine of the electoral commission and dishonors the pledges of Mr. Matthews and Mr TCvai-ta ml i less body-guard oi bayonets in those states, let the Democrats in each of those states stand by their arms till congress meets. Then let the plain issue be made state rights, or no national army! CENEKAt, NEWS.

Robert Bonner has issued a catalogue of nni Blames, showing 100 trotters, worth None are for sale. WUliam H. Tanderbilt will double the amount of bequeea to other members of the i imure oi roe weea. George S. Jenkins, of New York, a claim agent, haa been arrested for complicity in the treasury frauds at Washington.

Paying Teller Hall, of the Brooklyn "ana, cnargeu witn complicity with the bookkeeper, Whitney, in tha recent defalcation. The missing $10,000 has been traced to Mr. Hall. Tweed's counsel says he will on Friday m-nnnm a uiMl.m.iit T- x. offer to expose Tweed's transactions will be uiaun, uiougn iweea might consent to appear against Sweeny.

The Murphy temperance movement has u. m-. vamiuuuu, v. At newark and urest-line saloons have been closed and saloonkeepers have joined the movement. Over 1,000 signed the pledge in Newark.

The New York deputy-register was asked for a permit to remove the body of Charles H. Smith from the steamer Charleston to the depot for transfer to llion, where the deceased resirlrd A uvn nf i i vuu.u vuu iub lauier was shot by the accidental discharge of a gun oouu plantation of Mr. Bieelow. near Jj l-uinvilla s-i. had no papers from the coroner in Florida showing that such was the case, but had a doctor's certificate.

The coroner thought circumstances warranted an investigation. WUHIKuTOH NOTES. MnndV Hill H.nlrav will "HI UWU DDi IU the east portico of the capitol, next Sunday. aicLdnn, of the late Florida returning board hn hoMn anminll v. uiuuw.

OI the supreme court of New Mexico. Mr. Chamberlain says he will assert his riehta tn tha Lat hul will i i fnwMMJ UU UU3MIVM9B in the way of the reconciliation policy. A special cabinet meeting commenced at noon on Wednesday. Sessions have been held daily, except Sunday, for nearly two weeks.

The Sun says no one appears to doubt that the final result of the Chamberlain-HamDton eonferenm will h. r.h. v. i of troops. The Herald says communications of Tuesday Settle tha Timii.inna ntuiHn.

i1allnilAl in the minds of Louisianians here. They have telegraphed to Nicholls urging patience. .1 i favorably disposed towards the southern Democrats, and particularly towards Hampton, but there ia reaann tn heltaira within week his feelinfirs have nnders-nna change. Secretary Thompson has ordered the re- nt tha Knanl nf --D annaau vm. a.

UtOifWWn to inspect the vessels arriving home from for- BVBL.uns or aoout to depart on a cruise. The board was disbanded last September by Robeson. -A mpTYl of tha mhiwa. avr tK. wvnaJ dent had some pretty plain talk with the plained of the impatience-and excitement at Sew Orleans.

He had every confidence in the success of the commission. The Times reports that Clerk Adams has nluul TJ 1 1 i 1 uunu Bimav luiaa ui voioraao, on tne roll of the house, instead of Belford, who holds the governor's certificate. Belford was elected in OctnViAt- liiimc eJectiw. -n wnuci Imam HB.Mfn.. 1 11 issueu a circular prohUiiting the importation of cattle uiuc vrcimauK, Holland, ceigium ana Ireland, and recommending that horsee hel nrin.

emn. I. kWUIiriBI named be quarantined. Blooded stock will be admitted on consular certificate. Tha WnrM aav.

th. inmiiHut uos appointed the following visiting board to West Vivinl. LI 11 1 in i.i iij niii ur j3. neuis, i w.uu vmuiuuui, CTjiiByivama: Stevenson, Illinois; Professor Thompson, assart use tu; Rev. C.

8. Richardson, New York; oiuiop vuintaru, lennesrfee. The Tribune says Mr. Chamberlain, at v. i.i.

13 i i uu. "'ii i-u inuueut xxayes, was impressed with the fact that the president has tvn nnmmM In vi. nna 1 I iiinuiis lUlbn with the Republican party and the other to gain tne conhrtenoe of the south and allay its bitterness. Cnamliarlatn ltn any process Dy which Hampton could oust UW.U1IUC 111 mm i rum tn state nouse if the troops were withdrawn. There are strong grounds for the opinion that the noise over the Foster-Matthews agreement has oeen caused by prominent Democrats, who are Beginning to have serious fears they will mm yjn now vj organise sue next house of rep imaiiauvai.

TherirniiHunt. iu an 1nlmil 1.1. uu. i uusui- berlain manifested great sympathy with the southern Republicans and the strongest desire to secure their political and personal rights in such a way as to command the approval of reasonable men of both parties. He wishes to combine justioe to the southern Republicans with I ution it.

ject in calling Chamberlain and Hampton to tBwuiAigwu, ia hj put tnem on tneir patriot-ism with a view of disoovering some possible solution of difficulties which will not garded by either party as a surrender of its rign-s, ana wmcn win still make it possible for the administration to take further active part in the settlement of affairs in South Carolina, loo much stress cannot be laid upon tne fact that the president expresses a aav. jj way au varren- der the rights of southern Republicans to the aaaa-o Moguo lalUUlIB VI VUkrWTOOt ZTne C1UDSL PERSONA I. Mr. TAOnCrfollnnj- la. hai'na.

1 I uuiub fju. luwi UT thesculntor I). Fmn.h ka i.r,i bust of Mr. Whittier. Flying slimnsenf Alfrw.

TAnnvmn Un-a ate: Klnnnh ht iNii-Mwav nk a svujuv, muu grizziea Deara. ---Mr. Millaie will send to the new Gros- "'vu as JU 7 JTOUOVa IU UIJU don on th 1st of May, three portraits of uouguum oi me a use oi Westminster, and a UI aeaininrsss, IQUa-lOd on tiood Bong of a Shirt." -Mrs. HavAK. it annMM ilnu ,1 Densivelv rnmiDh tn tiIubiu.

1.1. m.u iwtuiuuBuie ladies of Wanhinirtr.n Kh rm.i.u tired in a plain black silk grown, with her hair simply dressed and wearing no jewelry, and they don't like it Dom Pedro th. amium. nt IJ served the eclipse of the moon on the evening Februrary 27, at the Arcetri observatory, near Naples. The emperor took a very lively interest in the phenomenon, and discussed with acutenees the hypothesis with which th as- tronomera trieri tk.

.1 1 j.uB Buaue and colors in which the moon appeared during ujuoreut pnase ox ohservation. St.fin In mitst lrnlr tn hi. 1 .1 ...1 IL. last session of the Berlin geographical society the president, Dr. Bantam, announced that well-known African traveler, Dr.

Gustav Nacbtigal, intended to undertake a new journey of exploration into the interior from the coast of equatorial Africa This field, now rendered i. i vj w. 1111.1 111 1 i ill Mohr at Molange, has always been the favor- uenuu vjKpiirrers. ur. Nai-htiial'a

fnnuuu ijihiiiiuuui. 111 bill, ugl- dtrtakuig, weU as his six years' varied ex- woitfluie narasnipa or African travel, Will Imu tn IiA.r.. -u: suspui uxaJ (jum ta.wcni bllll USW attempt to intvn thm nnLriAarn terkm of the continent. i' 1 tmv, nit, .1 11.11,, uu LSI tong been kimm t. th.

i i. A r4 in 1 1. 1. 1 author of some of our most striking csri- uaturaa, incinaing the cartoon on our front page to day, this afternoon on the Dakota for Europe, where ha expects to remain cm An auuivion so arr. rrosts work on th Oraphic sine April, 1874, he is Weil known tn hi.

uuuiiu .11 1 irui ill. IUUU- rabie illustration of books by Dickens and sueier, and also by a variety or serious EliCturea r.i-.i.t I 11,...,.. I hv P-r Bros. Daring his absence Mr. Frost will probably send regular contributions to this paper, including illustrated letters from London and Parts.

Graphic he pop has an axtranrdinarllv acmipata memory. The other day, on belug revisited after a 1- UDii Bl uj a UtlUiUBIUUi American gentleman of no special note, to th ar we Stoves. 177G 1876 SoBor loWiioiHoiOFis Das Tbe. First Prize at the Oreat Centennial Exliibitioa wan Awarded to the IV1ACEE Sliiar. PortalilB Mn For the following Points of Excellence: First As the only Kaoge that baa a perfect lira hex.

Becond fliz holes that are all available. Third The best and only sure flue. Fourth The bwrt ventilated oven. Fifth The sure and even baker, Btxtb The Maroe patent Bagulator. Seventh Portable tank, shelf and towel rack.

EJdhth Beautiful in design and perfection la mechanism. Call and see this beautiful cooking aiTaueameBt at NO. 48 KABT MAIN 8T. JNO, B.SNYDER. Pure Candy.

IRA arOa. A. LOVEJOY, MANUFACTURER OF SPECIALTIES. Mr lo Colorior otlcr PoisonDns Matternsei 12 HaiB-St. BrIdKe, EoehesUr.

Musical Instruments. MACKIE'S Great Piano, Orpii Stores 82 STATE STREET. TXT HOLES ALE ATTO RETAIL DEALER, Jobber and Publisher of Sheet Music, Books, Sole depot for Bteinway, Weber and Bell Treble Pianos, Mason Hamlin Organs. Instruments for rent. For sale on the iiiatallmeat plan.

CEAIGHEAD'S MUSIC STORE 18 WHERE yon want to go if you wish to ret bargains. Music anl lostrnments at the lowest prictia. No. 1U9 EA.8T WAIN BTflEET, Kjpp. wiutooniD iiouse.

GIBBONS STONE, AT ANTJF A CTURE RS of PIANO "T'al II am In RhMt Mn.u. 11., i- 9 I II rjrt i rv in an sty tea and deal- pweral Musical Merchandise. Warerooma Ho. 80 Bute atreet maaataatorr. No.

and a Hill Mnst. BACbeater, N. T. lavuian i rwv.r-'j.LiJi.BC MJ PIANOS. OKOAN8 and MUSIC PurehaMn will alwar Qnd ntj soodt 11 a rreil wuJ.

par to oail at mr new store, Blia IM BHult. IA rmArn arllUML 1. 1 DENTIST nA8 BJTMOVEp FBOM TH CO HN ER of Bortll Pal and M.ln-.ui., to 175 Powers' BiooS. ttfth floor. 8peclal attantlon paid to rtiUna and tha L.

J.S.WALTER, ucnusia, T0OMB 83 and S3 Bmith' ICaUt. al BJchaPire Btroeta, Bochester, If Y. Crs. PROCTOR ALLEN, Dentists No. 10, 11 and 13, Over Ho- 14 State-3t i.

a. r-KQCTOK. w. J'ire Insurance. WARD CLARK'S Inilepentlent Insurance CI, tl Powers Block, First Floor.

J.awaan. Ocara Oljma. FIRE INSURANCE, LIVERPOOL AFD LONDON AMD SLOBK. Bold (28,740,000 m- ui iuimiu a.771,52 Connectlcnt Fire.

Asseta Bepnbuo, new SySS uvaaav, VWM1UUUB, (M Ml Bt. Joseph, Bt. Joseph, Mo MMO WH. F. HOLMES CO- Agents, Ho.

a iTlaaonlc Hall Block. Gloves and Trunks. OF. C. F.

KID GLOVE! Trunls and Traveling Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, PEITCHARD LIKLY No. 78 State Street Hair Work. MrsWILBOH GRIFFIN No. 56 State Street. Latest Ktj-loH ol Water- lalls, Curls ana Hull- elry.

Iwlieaj' Ventilated Wlg-s and Toilet Aj-tieles. LoiIU-h' llulr- tastefully and oareiully Temple of Fancy. Clita's Carriages JumpinK Kopes, Kite, Base BalU, And Marbles AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE TEMPLE OF FANCY 1 10 State Street. M. L.

HUGHES. pHAMBKRa' ENCYCUPJEDrA Amerl-V I an HeTisetl edition. In sheep, library binding. 10 Vols for .00. Agency at MEiatlAM Bookstore, 40 West Main Bt lr'K AND LKTTER8 OF CHAULKS I KINI1HI.K.V.Ki1Iju1 hthu.ll.

uiik Prli-e $4.50. at UTiriUJt AVBHV B. 44 and 4tl HlaHnv OMAN CATHOl-IciHM Old and" For sale hr mj pie Th Auburn Advertiser authoritatively cdbiik that General MeDougall will movj the mamhaU'a offie to Aabarn abont the first of July. Thi of Chicago have renominated for major, the Hen. Monro Heath, under whom, forth last nine months, the affairs of the city have been most prudently, economically and honestly managed, To him and the excellent common cooneZ, the city is trader a deep debt of gratitude.

Hfc re-election should not be doabtfoL Perry H. Smith is the Democratie candidate. Th Golden Role has an interesting article on William M. Brans college days. Be was a member of the Vale class of 1837, and among his classmates were Morrison R.

Waits, Edwards Pierrepont and for two years Samuel J. Tiidm. Mr. Evarts was distinguished for hie dry wit, his talent as a debater and his ability as a writer. He was the leader in debating societies and one of the founders and first editor? of the Yale Literary Magasine, the oldest of college periodicals.

He was also a bright scholar and a social favorite. Th vsrrsisHKU moxuhkst at the national capital, in honor of the father of his country, resemble a good many people whose base is at broad enough for the height to which they spire. A commission of three eminent army engineers, General Gilmora, Doane and Wright, have carefully examined the struc-tuie and have agreed that the monument cannot be completed, on the original plan, because the foundation is insufficient to stand riditional weight to that which it is now supporting. Placed eight feet below the surface it has already settled Si Inches. So it is decreed that the monument must come down and this decree will a MU SSLtUCI 1- can of true taste, however his patriotism may oe mocked by the resection that it seems im-posaibfc to erect a worthy monument to the memory of the first president Edward Todso, the active chief of statistics, has prepared the following interesting statement of the quantity and value of frw-h beef exported from the United States to Great Britain during the eight months eud-ii-g February 28th, 1S77-rora Frnm Hor.l,fi.

Pounds. Julr August fc p. rraber. S.131..50 txmi las-fu-ber TOTAL BXPORTe PO'mri. VttfU4.

1.1m aW 1 IIU lilt 116,H.i5 4.1tl.ynn SW.IJS3 Jarmarr 8.574 SiS.HO 441.15? To England i (t Scotland 1S.4-.i5 118 iw The constant growth in the exnortatinn in be noticed. The average price of the beef per pound was 8, cents. Tn Buffalo Express has a note-worthy article on tavil service reform and, after ap. provb.g of the various details of its administration as announced by the president and his secretaries, suggests the following question wmcn is, at least worthy of consideration: But there are some cases when vacancies will not occur at least not voluntarily to which the aiiention of the administration may well be directed. Suppose a senator and it IK mute a itmmMhia 1 Kucwtr in in is vatate or another having made up his mind commission would seat Hayes and that Hayes had not been talking buncos be in his letter of acceptance, bat really eaut civil service reform and tenure of office; and suppose that this senator had accordingly hedged against the new a.

-aiuistration t.y getting in the hut days of the iid administration, a lot of old and efficient officials hoisted and their places fil ed men, wnose only recommendation was that 1 liv scuvwe uia very intent on furthering any ambitions projects that ocuBiur uiifui entertain lor the future say for ls-80. Sow the question is, would it be civil service reform, or exactly the reverse, to keep these new men in the places in which utj vb grown warm 1 Notices of contests for seats in the forty- mrtn tc use have been filed with Clerk Adams in the following cases: James H. Achlin, Dem- H. Darrall, Republican, iom ijouisiaiia: Thomas M. Patterson nm ocrat, vs.

James B. Bel ford, Republican, Colorado: J. 8. Richardson, Democrat, vs. Joseph H.

Kainey, (colored) Republican, South Carolina: Tillman, Democrat, vs. Robert Bmalls, (colored) Republican, South Carolina; J. B. Earn, Democrat, vs. George L.

Smith, Republican, Louisiana; Jere Haralson, (eolored) Republican, vs Charles M. SheUey, Demo crat, Alabama; Samuel McDoweU, Democrat, vs. uicnara Williams, Republican, Oregon L. C. Carpenter, Republican, vs.

D. Wyatt Jemocrat, South Carolina: Benjamin Dean, Democrat nuaan a. riper, Republican, vs. Horace TUtri. Peter B.

Democrat vs. Romauldo xacneco, rupubhean, CaUfornia; Edward auuerw, aepubhean, vs. Charles E. Nash, Democrat, Louisiana: Robert G. Frost, Democrat, vs.

Lynn a Metcalf, RepubUcan, Mis-oori; WUliam Randolph, Republican, vs. Casey Young, Democrat, Tennessee; Joseph kst, nepubllcan, vs. John Goods, Dam ocrat, Virginia; W. E. Hunton, Democrat, vs Joseph Jorgenten, Republican, Virginia; B.

Siutting, Republican, vs. James x-Jiey, democrat, Pennsylvania; John H. Hungste, va B. T. Harsh, Illinois; Benjamin F.

Wiley, Republican, vs. William Hartsell, ijemocrst, mmois; H. M. Davidson, Democrat vs. William J.

Pur man. Rnnhiii Florida; Jessie E. Finley, Democrat, vs. Ho- rano Bisbee, Florida. sew orlajs asd LocisiAjrA.

-reopie dare not move; they dare not even form an opinion before Paris ays Henri Taine, in one of his graphic de scriptions 01 the social and political conditions Obtaining in France, just previous to the Reiirn of Terror. What Paris was to France, It is assumed that Jew Orleans is to Louisiana. In study ing the problem of the dual governments in Louisiana, it is well to reflect that New Orleans may not be Louisiana, that the one may not reflect the sentiments of the other, and may not be controlled by the same desires. Citie always make a good deal of noue. There are concentrated controlling forces which act in advantage, which segregated and sparsely settled rural communities cannot poaseea.

By the telegraph, cities are Olrectly connected with all portions of the country, in which they are located, and make bamediat demonstration of their will. Through cities also, with all their intelligence, permeates the virus of despotism of self-assertion, if that is a milder term, and, claiming to speak for the country, the country often submit to their imperious will, or seems to submit. These propositions are of general significance, and, withont reference to the specific ax tag on km between New Orleans and Louisiana, It is well to keep them clearly in mind. They are universally applicable. They, with other propositions which we may note, will eerve to elucidat something of the vexed Issues with which the people of Louisiana and the adminittration at Washington have to SeaL Ho friend of the loyal people of Louisiana can fairly deny that New Orleans is bitterly hostile to the loyal government of the state.

The njmeri jl majority of the parish of Orleans has. declared itself against the Paclmxd government, to a variety of ways in the press, at the poll, in its military organi-ationsi to its resistance to the collection of taxes and to other processes of the law. The brains and th purse of New Orleans are on the aid of Nicholls as unmistakably as they were on the side of th confederacy when it armed itself for revolt against that Union. With the wealth and intelligence of the city are allied the dangerous and brutalised classes, and tie combination is not slow to demonstrate Itself, in its separate capacities. There are the press and the telegraph, the bowie-knife and the bludgeon all united for a common end, and the alliance is one not to be despised! Possessing a great deal of strength, and arrogating to itself strength which it does not awa his the an fix her he the ture man to day wuowu, uu, unj.

IU WW IIUUUBBU1UB Bllll millions of poor Hindoos it killed lat fall." "Why," said he, "that wasn't a telephone that I nn iiu. i hi, uiu ukiv luweroa ner glasses, and, looking at him over the rims thereof, said he couldn't fool her that she mightn't know much perhaps, but she did know that the typhoon was the president of Japan. The gentleman has given it up as a hopeless case. Chicago Tribune. Ex-Mayor Hall was never credited with a very humble opinion of himself.

A correspondent of the Boston Journal, who conversed with Mr. Hall recently, says that he thus reviewed his career: "First, Mr. Hall said, he was cheated out of a valuable property. Next, be was seduced from a fine law business to enter political life. When he became mayor, which was a crowning folly of his life, no young man.

ever had a more brilliant future. The governorship was sure to him. A reasonable ambition promised him a seat in the United States senate. Some time or ether the Democrat would be in power, and his chance for a seat in the cabinet were as good as any man's in the state. Then came the ring troubles; he had nothina: to do with Ihem; was ignorant of all wrong; yet he was crushed in the avalanche that bora the city authorities down.

His misfortunes culminated in his abandoning a fine law practice for the stage." Temperance la Kt-ollsvlile. To Ott aillor qf tu democrat and VirotUaU. Sir: This may seem to be a subject so often treated as to be worn thread-bare, yet I have a word to say in its favor. For fear some captions critic should turn his face with the remark thread-bare, thread-bare" the threads are golden and glitter in the sunlight. A jewel sparkles, turn it which way you please, so this theme is ever, fresh, eveV- delightful to a true-hearted temperanoe man.

Even if I handle it feebly, the motive will be appreciated and my words be not unacceptable. Iu the past week our village, through the agency of Messrr. Frost and McEelvey, the great apostles of temperance," commenced a temperance revival and it very soon assumed immense volume and is now sweeping forward, gathering strength and momentum with the march of time. In the three nights that they were with us 430 persons signed the pledge and put on the blue ribbon, showing to toe world that they were on the side of reform. This week, on Tuesday evening, Messrs.

Frost and White are to be with us again, and we hope, on that occasion, to increase the number to 500. The next step was the propriety of securing a suitable place for a club room, where reformed young men can go for social comfort and to read. This we obtained im- Vnaulsaal-Alv anrl ham aaVw4 narm1a have sent in books, papers and mottis, so that already our room has quite the appearance of a reading room. Ere a day or two more it will he Wall flUl-d nnrl trtnniietA mrirVt A reading matter. Hoping this work will rapidly increase in our village, until every man, woman and child hu tha owi.w.

BcottsvUle for once in its day can claim itself TurnjB, RIBBON. ctcotttvtue. March 26, 177. An Absconder from Amsterdam. Albany Journal.

Rev. Zebulon Phi 11 in i- il imnum parte and has always been looked upon as a "ujuiji nuu viuuau.e memoer or society. He uuw wine me nnonciai managftr ox tne Uayrti-WBla Knnlr awwi. 1 aswaa WUVU1 UUU OkB CXLOKJ CUDX.eC- ted in a similar way with a Methodist school or college at Troy. He is a member of the Trov conference, and durinir hf mHp had several charges given him by it, one of iucau uciug cm, ne now an onioer in the H.

E. church at Amsterdam. Leaving the ministry, he became a member of the banking firm of Morris, Phillips at A mfttnrri Am unA im nnw a vmi a-i. firm of Phillips, Gardiner knit goods manufactures of that village. The other mem- partner.

Considerable excitement has been caused in business circle by Mr. fhiUips's sudden disappearance. He had charge of the finances of the concern. Some time ago it had come to the knowledge of Messrs Uardinerand RriUKnti t.lia. U.

uuiijjb waa uoing Dusiness in an irregular manner, and they learned recently that be was signing the firm nam to notes.acd using the proceeds for his own ben- nnik.11111, Baa -1st, ne capped the cnecaa in tne firm name on the two Schenectady banks for several thousand dollars, getting them cashed at the three Amiterdam banks and anni-nnriatino- th. tire sum. On the 21st Bome of the checks came oaca protested, and Mr. Phillips, who kept out of sight, was sent for to explain matters. He could not he fimrul mil.i.l..

he left town. Messrs. Gardiner and Branson nave neara nothing from him, but telegrams have hAii .1 uimiraii III ilin umuf stating that he went to New Jersey, where he uuua ujita iy nuii naiumore, ana at last accounts was bound for Chicago, with the probable intention of keeping on to Cali- "uvrewarainerijanaon, his son-in-law, resides. Mr Phillips's lends are surprised and j. a.

uimi aaa aeveiopmenus. Some German families, who had been living Texas, some tl mn Blrwas a) L. in to live, now large quantity of B. T. Babbitt's best soap has to be sent regularly to meat tha naada a kl a wi vuoii.mjivB ana inenas.

THEY COULD SEE IT It was so apparent to the Centennial jurors, when they came ui compare Benson Capcine forous PUUlter WltJl Other nnmnm i.iTZ rr auiiui iw 01 tnem, tnat they were forced by their own convlctiona to aire it the highest and only award of merit over all "'hers. Benson 's Capcine Porous Planter was iu- v.B.u.u uuij uujecuon ever round tn 111. nlit anil i Pra piaster, i i ana cures where others will not even relieve. While pofweW free from the lead poisons chat many other rilaa- run wyMUU. OOsU fiVery- Jewelry TO THEJPUBLIC.

A I shall positively close out mv at the earliest possible date, I offer the balance of my stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware at half the actual vain. Gent' Gold Huntini- IS kt Watches. fmm 160 to 1150. Ladies' Gold Huntina- 18 kt Watches, from 25 to 100.

The same goods are sold at a profit of 60 per cent by other dealer. Rogers' Silver Plated Spoon and Fork at factory price. Eight day Striking Clock, from 4.50 to 8. One dav Sr.rlkin. Clock from 2.50 to 15 50.

price are for the best Clock, in th. market, and new Btyls case. AU warranted be good time piece. JACOB SKILLM AN SS Weal mala trsu SWISS WATCHES Just received, directly from Rwlr.l.n finest quality and assortment of Ladie Watche ever brought to Rochester th finest ta design and engraving of case, in quality of movement and cheapneu have ever had. A written guarantee will accompany each Watch, together with a candid and comprehensive explanation of it qualifications and merit.

JOHN HAY a. CO. JhTrfELKUS, No. 63 West Main Street, ROCHESTER, N. V.

qHB ENGLInH CONHTITUTION and Price By Walw, Bauehot. FELK AVERVB, 44 and 46 Btate at. (Y TH" rKKTIMS ATION of Orchards br Charle. Darwla, UlusUatei bTFtliE ft AVEUV'B. 44 and 46 Butte-av A MAD WORLD and IU Irihahltant.

By 1 trait. i SICM 1 BNaVSIKNTAl. sat COACH PA1NTBB 1 lit ftriTS BoriWiaa i THE LIFE of the Scotch Naturalist, That Kdward. By Samuel RmUea, with Purtrratl and UluBlralloBs. $1 50.

Just received ail BLACK BPIRITS AND WHITE A iiL liy Frauce TroUopa, Uliutrauat, STEELE tTQlt, HulU T0L. 1st, mCTlONARYOFCBRiaTIAM ANTlyUlTlrM. l.dlted by W.lilara Smltt. WORIJi CREATIONS Ry C. C.

Merrl- "'Ah-'o Aprtl ropnlar Wi lencs Monthly, now ready, at DARU0W Boukator. BCBANTOM WETMOHB, 13 tte-4t. I.

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