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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

KOC1IESTEK DK.MOCKAT AND CHKOMCLE, 1 FEBRUARY 10, 1S74. Democrat and Chronicle. WATER. If tbera wen aay eitfxec of Rochester who doabted th value cf the HoHy system cf water worti, it hi safe to say that their doubts were dispelled yesterday. The swept away all objection, aad al-thosgh Rochester is cursed with maay chrocic grontbter and opposer of every improve-soect, for once these genUemea were forced to applaud ia concert with the vaat majority of the three? wbo sa ia the display the first guaractee against dctra--6ire fires that Ra-ester has ever had.

We cannot let th or a pss without fore not the true oae. ft assisted suS-cieatiy in detsrmisaag the that the height reached by the hydrant streams, was calculated nearly as ft a floaUy prove to have beea. The 1 remit ia eases to to be Terified, the tatices of tbe taea who held the streams havicg beea afterwards accurately aaeer-taiaed. It wSl be easy, therefore, to settle the mattr with srictiti accuracy. 5jthat thi is Beceseary, however.

The test ha sbowa that tbe HoSy company have dohe far more thaa they contracted to perf-jna. They agreed to throw tweuty streams to the height of 100 feet, aad they threw thirty-two streams to the height of 135 feet. A3 the etresvms after that were outside the coo-tract and, to fadicats the surprising aators of the result, we need only mention that the S-mch stream wad to show rohtme of watfrr aad aot height; aad yet this Viaeh torrent was forced easily to the height of 250 feet. We may state also tbat the pressure employed was less thaa ia the preceding exhibition tests, tbe signal to shut off preasare being gives before the engineer at the works had raised the pressure to the height he Intended. The following ia a table of the pi unsure actually employed.

The first column shows pressure at a point immediateiy beneath the staadptpe as taken by a gusge inserted ia tbe main by the engineers of the water works company: bslkhea wire acreeas w2 fee pla-ied so that wbea toe water frsta tbe race is osed for the pranpa it will be taoroagbly freed Etkq Boating fecdiea of ary msgastad. Betweea the botlers asd the Smae wall aa arched culvert three aad a half feet wile ar sic feet high, exfrdir.g front the race wall to the partition waZl betweea the boflsr aad engine rooms. Aa opeamg tarto this side of thi culvert is made a short distaaee ia front cf the Cm bulkhead, which opening ir ay be opeced or closed by means of the gate. Into this culvert, at the ead nearest the race, a large wrought-froa pipe, two feet ia diameter, which baa beea laid below the bottom of tbe race, difcharxea- Ta pipe ia intended to convey to the pumps a dearer water thaa that ia the race. Should, however, the supply furnished through this ptpe be cat off, then the above opeaiag allows the water from the frame to enter this culvert and thence to discharge itself into tha reservoir or soctioa pita for the varioaa pumps.

Again, by the opeaiag ot tbe gate ia the rear bulkhead, this water wbea furnished ia saSicient quantity may also be nsed to drive the tarbuwa. Ia this manner, tae supply of water for tbe camps, at all event will be iasnred noder all arcuno-stanees, as soon as the lay in? of the supply pipes fat completed. For the preseat, however, the tur supply is derived entirely from the race, but another seasoa will reader the works independent of the supply at present derived from this source alone. Tae pumps ail take soctioa behind the Some waB trowiBg six cne-iach trea-a to te h-j-of I9i ft. Thts test was more tivi orri out.

The six stream were vs. -a f-wj, bydranta sioig Haia street, sisi f' ty vevor Lirpiooi tt nieamred the her.t of erfuma of water by meaas of a The ds being stormy, a dnxzkcg dimmed the gias of the uwtruaieit tt was imoossitle to measure the height jf pray, but the twl'd wsrt be dwUactlT aera, meaeured te.or c-wara of ultr fee higher thaa the euetrart railed for. Tar was aaotoer tent as vl 09 tbe same afternoon at tbe corner of too atreet and prior, to cr-mpare tb- trl1t frcm the Coir.nei Im te, the m-wt power; steamer we have, with that from Urn kri-rat. The result was aviat graUf vrt.g. Tae steamer ttsed a I 'j'-inca aoiu, and tiw ao attache-! to the hydrant was IS-njca.

T-j. ream from the work shot far aurve of th CVkiRel Lnrake. aad far over the joms vi the of the Second national baox. it wu oonftdeotiv believed by nearly ail tea elfacti ve are stream could im tr, to bear at aty momeat wteraver tt run. At the meet icg of tbe commoa crss' on the same evening the committee ci! a r-por.

frvm wbii-ti a extract tbe ttA. 'Mr. Abbott, from tie ctusnittee ta wafer aad water works, rrportoi that ti HUiy BsaBnfsetartng rWDpiBr' have 005-pbei wuh their contract and com pietei tv? erectir-a of ths Holly wtvr work ma.hiaer in with the terns 4 th eraotreci and tested the aanae a required by said ooo tract, with entire aetwfai-iioa to tner-rumil-tee, and they trtjst to the enure aau-fa tia of our dtiseca. and reeocameod tost ame be aceeptei by the coined, an that warrants tbe balaone be drawa and delivered in full payment to Hiiy anaaaf aetor-eg CMupany to data. Recvi.

ai the reromtnendationa adapted. teas, 11. nays 0." We tav tan gone through a wvntevcat elaUrai oewni-tioo erf te Hliy w--r work and hntcry of thi etsterna. Tae magnttar) of the mvtinB, a-l ri appreciation tn whii ii ft! br oorciu-ena, v-em to daasM toat we ahouM mtaa ibia a aaauer of record. Inforaf, a it 4 ota of the bng htott chapters ui our history.

The tecslty of aome rr'tera e-f Alkinr, Avgne, A. Bamxt, S. V. Dowtfi, F. V-k, ho.

Bydrajit BorUnssat trmer Pit'iaijh and Waal llaio at r--ta, two atreatBra, ioba Bent-VfT, a W. Craadsil, G. Chart bar-laia. Alert boa. Hydrast Kmtheast corner Irring Plaes aad Wft Xaia atreta, atreamsf.

E. W. Fttitb, JT. Cawidr, W. H.

H. Bog-sri. Earrowm, W. IL Bra.iT, Alert boa. Eydrast atratbweat corner Erchscjr aa4 West Mala street, (two streamai, EL M.

P-ar-tra, A. Baird. T. CampbelL J. J.

Artry, Aiert boM. Eydraitt somUseast onrser of Ezchacge and Wect If.Un streete. (two Jarosa KcMalfera, Ed. Pond, Joseph Dremmet, Lem. JeHreys, A.

Cooper. Active boye. Hydrant northeast corner State and West MaLSitraets, Aetira bose. Hydrant northwest corner Front and TTe Kaia (greets, wg W. V.

Ctark, James Smith, W. A. Mi.liigo, Splits Si-coaa, Aetira hoee. Hydrant soutneast corner W-r aad East Main striwta, Baker, Eageoe Mo-gas, Actirc bosa. Hydrant sorthwevt comer St.

Paal and East Main streeta, J. S. Murray, E. J. Fin-ley, Active bosa.

Hydrsnt soctbeast corner St Pail s-. 1 East Main streets. William Costello. John Smith, Stealer camber 1. Pipe on Powers's block, C.

J. Fornerj Jcba O. Kane and Ambrose Bishop. Pipe on Oslorn hoosa, John C. Cona-'jOj aad a P.

Kefeer. TPS TWXVTt TTZT.AH TEST. At r'Teeiaelj 2 o'clock the heavy io3oro3s tone of the coart bouse bell rang oat over the city as the first stroke tbe signal for tbe bcgitmiEg of the display was soonded cpon by telegraph from the jewelry store of J. T. Fez.

The great mass of people which by this time filled the who! street, enrged forward at the soend cf the beO, each aoz-iaus to catch the first glimpse of the apward-thoctiEa water. The hydrants sitasted os tbe focr comers and east of it for a few blocks were the first to get into operation, althongh tbe remaining ones were cot at ail tardy in this regard. As already announced, the hydrants opeeed by tbe erst signal were twelve in number. These were as follows The con-psry claim thai it is the very bet wheel extant for part -gate result aad in Bskicg this fltfm they appear to ceake no id! boaet, a they chaiSeage the world to produce ha equal. The tangent ial move-mert enable to gfve force and the extraordinary xelocity of 4.79 revolutions per minute.

thx wRjwL rrr it aa fmmeose excavation through the rock and extends from the nrfece of the ror ca tbe bank dowa to a host a foot b-kw the level of low water" la Genesee river. This exeat at too or pit is of aa elliptical form, with a larger diameter of aboot atxtesa feet ia a direction at right angles to the deji'lj of tbe boikling. aad a leswr diameter of tea feet in a direction parallel to the To remove the rock taken oit from this pit, which is situated close to the brmk of the high back, it was deemed airisable to blast out additionally for a of about tea feet wide, extending froca the pit proper to the brick, through which the nsarial removed and which was ia general unsuitable for boil-Jiog purposes, eculd be thrown over oa toe fiats below. There were thus ia a'l aboat two cubic yards cf roc tsksa oat before the pit was contpleted. This cUin of tea feet ia width was spsaned at the top by a sntstaatial stone arch eight aad oce -third feet wide, wpon which the rear waa of the buHditg waa carried up.

Tbe pst itseif is covered by aa iron flooring, formed of heavy trssrrtrse rolled iron beams, sosiainiag ia the cecteT a large ring of channel iron. throcgh which the wrought iroa penstock passes water-tight. Tbe r.zg is made into the shape ot a large stuSrg-box, by having acgle iroX'S riveted to its upper and lower flasgea. The fpacea betweea the. beam around this ring or the stuSing-box thos formed, are covered with plates of rolled iron, one-half inch thick, securely riveted to the flanges cf the relied iron bui.

Ths remaining panels formed by the beams are covered with large flag stones six inches thick, they being made perfectly water tight by meaas of hot and finally caulked with lead. From tba surface of thia floor down to the bottom of the wheel pit excavation ia SStf feet ia depth, a fact which at once conveys aa idea of the gigaatis character of the UDdertakrrig. The top of the cof'ng oa which the machinery is mounted ia fifteen feet sbove ths top of this floor, thus giving a distance of tl teet and six inches to the bottom of the wheel pU; and as the sneaa water surface in the race or flame is about T'--f feet below the top of this coping, the head, acting apoa the wheels will be ninety-two feet whea the river is in its medium low state. Every available inch cf height has thus beea used, so as to give the greatest possible power to the tor-bices without increasing their rise, aad hence, slfo, the volume of water required to drive them. The water rights, accord -irgly, purchased for the work wiil be rxffl-ciect act only to drive the wheels, bat also to foraizh a sufficient quantity to be used ia the pipes aad for fire purposes.

Thus tar there Lave beea about rrvx BTtxs or rirx laid fcr the Holly system aad ia the same trench with the pipes destined to convey the crystal waters ot Hemlock lake to the city. The size ot the pipes laid tor tbe Holly system vary from twenty inches ia diameter, which is that of the large force maia, to the small four inch pipes leading to toe hydrant. In the above estimate of the pipes hud, ao account baa beea taken of the length of these small hydrant brandies, which of course are only single. At various points connections between the Holly sad Domestic systems have beea made, which may be opened cr closed by mean of interposed ttop-gites. Through these connection the water conveyed through the pipes of the Holly system may be turned into those of the Doatestk) system, and hence by shutting off the supply from the reeervoir at Mount Hope the effect of tbe Holly works may be concentrated ia aay portion of the dry ia case of a large conflagration.

Coaveraely, should from aay accident tbe working of tbe Holly machinery be impaired, tbe water supply from Hemlock lake may be discharged through these eoaaectioas into the pipes of the Holly system to be ased ia ease of fire. The thickness of these pipes varies from three-fourths to three-eighths of aa inch. The larger thiekaeas being that of a twenty aad the smaller that of a four-inch pipe. Ia addition to the regular mains, nearly a mils of lead service pipe has beea laid to supply property owner who have desired the introduction of the water conveyed by the Holly system into their building. Pure lead service pipe has not beea used oa account of its pernk-ioaa effect apoa health, aa well as from the fact that it reader the water unfit for such chemical purposes as the water may be applied to.

The service ipe used has been either the tin- lined lead pipe or that formed of a composi tion ot tin, lead aad antimony, aa alloy. upon which water ia this vicinity has beea sbowa by experience and experiment to have ao appreciable effect. The iron mains are made with a peculiarly ataped socket, hub or bell-end, so that the lead wbea run into the hubs at the join is will be dove-tailed into these joints aad thereby rendered almost impossible to be blown out by the pressure of the water upoa the rear face of the lead. The thickness of tbe bubs is considerably greater thaa tbe body of the pipes, in so tar aa the Iroa at these points ia subjected to tha wedge-like action of the lead. Ia the larger pipe, the pre portions are such that wbea the preasare upoa the face of this lead wedge becomes so great aa to disintegrate this soft metal thea tbe hob will burst, which is the true condition ta be observed without involving a needless waste of iron.

Ia connexion with the cystem there are ao lea than ICS HTI1HAVT9 aitaated ia different parts of the city. H-xu of these are capable of throwing three aad four fire stream at tbe same time and all the remainder not less than two such streams each. Each of these hydrants ia securely weich backed up by a solid block of maaocry hi conjunction with the resistance offered by the wedge and lead to tbe tearing aasua-der of the joints, reader it almost impossible to blow them out, as has beea sufScieaUy demonstrated by the tests heretofore made. The style of hydrant osed at principally tbat knows as the Mathews patent; however, a number of hydrant made by the Ludlow valve company of Troy, 5. Y.

have also been ased aa well as a hydraat designed by one cf our own citisent, James Daffet. The building, should aava stated, is or namented with eut stone eorak-es aad bears on its front a tablet with the inscription Eachester Water Works, cut in the stone, which hi placed la the middle of the facade. Above thi is another tablet in the form of a small pediment, oa which the date All of tha machinery ia the btukhag, in cluding the boilers, was fornisbed by the Hotly manufacturing company of Lockport, 3f. at tbe contract price of JTOoS, aftar settitg up ia complete running order. The fcmtldiag waa erected by George It Thompson Co.

of this city. Tha plana of the foundation aad wheel pit were turaiabed by the ecgiaeer, J. Kelsoa Tubbs; while the saperstractare waa built after the plans oA. i. Warner, tha well-known architect of this esty.

The iroa peastoek was made by Woodbury, Booth at Co. aad the suit wrtfhbng waa gob by Joseph Cow lea. ras omciAiA. The Hiilly company of Lockport who sup-paed tha machinery for the works was represented by the following officials: T. T.

Flagter, pretideiit; Charles ateep, secretary; B. Holly, pateates aad aoseriataadeat of works; Carlo Huffy, aanstaet superintendent; E. P.HoEy. dreughumaa; F.W.HoUy, ec4uttroeticg axtgiaear of K-jcamter work; Ferry tetoweil, foremaa of Holly machine shops, aad A. P.

HoBy, ccaracttag ea-gireer. The water eemmiswoeer, Row well Bart, E. M. Batiih, Wiiaaas EL Bowmaa. Morse aad Perkma, were of coarse preset, together with the eagineer ia caief, J.

SsJaoaTabbs; eoasaluag engineer, 9. Qoucty: Engineers Emil Caiebimg, Daniel fcajocd aad their "j'ti Aiictg the visitors from abroad were Mayor MerrUi of Boxue; J. J. Hyde, cfcasf eegateer ef tae Saratoga fire oVparteat; Pater Hagaa, chief ecgi aeer of the Roto and Graad Katds fMxh.atr works; Mr. Raises aad aa- ohr $eUmaa from Boston; R.

Botts, editor bt tbe IsUod City Sews; Mr. Eyaa of tr.a Buffalo water works; iijrarw ef Sr; ec Fails aad a large aamber of others. As WtlUimt H. aad George Iaaea sot ib town, have thy wr e4ar.Eg fef the xtinaxt 4jJJthI it before. When tb'ss was accost-1 pfisfced the pecfie showed their appre-natioa with deafeeiKg spfaiaa, asd the gitrUemea presect the Ho2y firm mit have felt prrod of their soxveaa, Mr.

HiLiby was heard to rexaark whea the graad eifmax was reached, If I coaM make aa eagiae able to throw a streauswver that statoe I'd sits ail I'm worth, Proceeding from the maa it did, tto ctroager eomptimeGt eoald have been gi-rea. The sight of such a bodr of water thrown to such a height aa it waa furnfaaVed a bean ti fa! spectacle. A glittering rainbow surrounded the dome Hke a wreath of bettor. The statoe Keelf shoae aa if made cf buraisbed silver, aad its reSectioa cast opoa the mist gsve the sppearaace of a double statue, or rather two statues, aoe fixed tmt the other movable, yielding to the waves of sparUicg spray faHfBaT about it. This rpieadid stream was kept up for ten minutes, ben was cut off aad preparatioQS made for tbe foar remaining exhibitions, all of which were given from the middle of the street ia front of Powers' block.

At that point an opening had been left ia the street which whea aot ia ase is covered with a tight fitting iroo plate. By meaas of this opeaiag a pipe of peculiar thspe was fasteoed to the main ia the bed below. This pipe was fitted with mosth-pieces cf different sizes and its or angle of execution, eonid be altered at pleasure. Tbe first exhibition given with this apparatus was the FOCK- rCB BOBiXOXTAl. STEXAV If the exhibitions previously given were such as to call forth praise and admiration.

the one given by this stream was, in troth, most astonishing. After it had been playing only a few minutes every one thought it was doing splendid work. They thought, however, it had reached the faU extent of its power, and the crowd began to close up to it. Of this they soon after repented, as with a rpritg the water shot suddenly forward and continued to increase its distance until the astonishing sight was present of a four-inch stream issuing from a pipe, archteg gracefully in tbe air aad striking the ground at a distaaee of 440 feet from the point of starting. This distaaee took it far below tbe Bocheeter savings bank oa the corner of Fltxfaogh street.

THK TEXXZ rCH TXKTICAX STBJLAX. At 3:49 p. m. the horizontal stream was shut off and the delivery pipe raised to a vertical position. The water was then immediately let on and the stream crept gradually up until the great height of 3 feet was reached.

Crowds of people were stationed oa Powers' block, ia the window, aad on the tower. These were well sprinkled with water carried over upoa the building by the wind. This stream was a very powerful one. tbx rora isch t-keticai, strxaji. Cutting off the three inch stream, the mouth-piece was removed and another one adapted for a four inch delivery fastened in its place.

But little time was occupied by this change, and soon another fine stream four inches in diameter waa sees moon ting in the air. Thia stream reached the extraordinary heigh I of 227 feet. Alter it had played its allotted time the water was shut oft, the ncxzle ehaaged, aad ia a mintea the great nvi EK11CAX. STBKJOI in operation. It would seem hardly credible that a stream of water five inches ia diameter could be forced by any system of machinery to a height far above the one-inch streams thrown by fire ecgicea.

Severthesrss, such was the case, as thousands of people witnessed to their infinite wonderment and surprise. The height reached by this stream was 200 feet, fifty -two feet higher than the eagle on the flagstaff of the Powers' block tower. Some idea of the force with which the water was thrown may be learned from the fact that two or tnree stnnre tba size of a man's fist, which had ia some got mta the pipes, were thrown into the air some distance above the surrounding buOdings. At 4 :40 p. m.

the signal was given to ah at off the pressure, and the grandest display of water works the world has ever seea was closed. TUX ITGCaKS. We now propose to give ia eoodeased form the figures which show better than discrip-tioa the astonishing nature of the results attained by tbe testa aad exhibitions. These were aa follows Twelve one-inch streams from hydrant. Twelve streams thrown alternately by water aad steam machinery.

Opening eight additional hydrants, mak-inz twenty streams ia all. Twenty streams, oae-mch, thrown by both sets of machinery, aad constituting the contract test. Opening ten additional streems, making thirtv in all. Thirty streams thrown by both sets of ma-chiacrj from Mam atreet, betweea canal bridge and street, including ooae each from roof of Powers 's block aad of Osbora boose. One wo-inch stream thrown ia front of court bouse.

One tour-inch stream fhorizontaB, thrown ia front of Powers 's Mock. One three-inch stream (vertical), thrown ia front of Powers block. O. four-inch stream (verticals, thrown ia front of Powers's block. One five-inch stream thrown ia front of Powers's block.

la the four teats preceding the exhibition streams, the water flowed through fifty feet of hose. The heights reached were as follows: Fourteen one-itch streams 135 feet. Twenty-two one-inch streams 1-45 feet. Thirty-two one-inch streams 1S5 feet. One two-inch stream feet.

One four-inch stream (horizontal) 45 feet. One three-inch stream 1 feet. Oae four -inch stream 2V7.5 feet. One five-inch stream 5 feet. The distance thrown by the horizontal four-inch stream, was of course, immediate obtained by actual neasuremeDt, The 463 feet represent not the distance to which spray was thrown but the distance to which the body of the stream extended or in other words, the point where it fell as at that great dUtaoce from tbe stacd-plpe; for the spray certainly fell to a distance of li feet farther so that the street wss wet dowa from the corner of State to the intersection of Sophia street.

The height reached by the vertical streams waa measured by mathematical instruments ia charge of the folia wing observers: L. I Kkrbois, Assistant Engineer Baches- ter Water Works. BvroB Hoiiey. Assistant ew Tot btate Ceaai. Thomas Eversbed, Chief Eagtaeer Loch es ter ana unoa raiiroad.

Joha Ouwmaa, Civil Engineer aad Sur veyor. Cyrus Eeardiley, Assistant T.ugintrr aad Surveyor. Darnel iTummono, wita aasstaat. en giaeer and bVurveyor. joaar.yaa, sautitiu tny iHimjor.

Joan Filch, timer and Surveyor. The measurmeots intthe three, four aad five inch streama are exact. Aad it ah oold be resnarked here that these heights refer to the highest jet of eotnpoef amter aad not to the highest particle of sproy which was project ed epwarda eoasidarably higher thaa the stream proper aad which oa account of its gradual blend irg with the hues of the sky. could not be definitely -observed. Each of the three aoeaaoremeata we are now referring to has beea reached by observations taken from three different stations A member of transits with TsrUeal limas, tastremeats of the best character, were sued toge with a large theodolite.

The aaeasaremects can therefore be ratied upon aa exact. Taken with the anaoaat of preasare, which we shall abe give, these measurements have a scien tific vaiua, as they will enable cafcqtationt to be made aad formulas to be prepared of the re- latioa betweea preasare aad height ia orcmg water ia a verucal direction. Ko cjch formulas are as yet ia existence. The eievation ascribed to the oae-inch streasns is aot as final The meat Bcenta la these mat acres have at present aa element of aacertaia- ty, aa we will expiaia. Ia the case af 3, 4 aad iaoh vertical streaota, the water awniirt from a stead pipe whose poat- taoa waa of coarse fixed, aad as tbe diatsnce from this to the instruments had beea meas- ered, it easy to measure the eagle of eSevatioa aad ao calculate to a nicety the height of the stream.

The eafy vanikSt jo that eoald occur by reeaoa of the didereet awssresaent would be beraiis of observer judging the height of tha coatKct stream at slightly varymg This Tariatiua ia taking obaerva was Terr slight, as was afterward proved by coetparaoa of the suits reached, it was fuai that they agreed ateoot exactly. But as regards tha inch reams, tn wsa otherwise. Hcretadiaa0 frees the hydrants to the liiiirsmwMa. ta number, had been but Us point front which water was actually tarowm varied from ta ths SbraBreauabt. The aate taken froa the bidtruateat was there nXeawMleaB Ctty Cerreetiwa.

TV F-epbBeaa elector of t'u city of ar nMMvi la ei tee rte fr-jm ee war Cw. to net at taw rr Hn. TfiroAT evxvrwa. rame. i mnn, kWmmH ta mb eebwa.

i trear tostae Mr fc-t bmvki, nrn Uwt w- es. tM4if rTniui M. iufc. ftanmrt iltt. era or vtrai c.MTrrE.

6-. 11. Sntrum, TO-Br ABt UtTlfclESra. fifr Wf Romaw tn (tale Iawns. M.

b. Mve ttm Be. ti hw rww fir wtsw a XtHw. Kmm mvs rw. y- eelA Wc4 KuittJ Wr A v--ysvi A-m fie lSa ST venc'orfis o.

Hew for awe- Wi A Mu, 1 Bum "-la SfiroWtw." TOWS TALK. -f J- iHttm, iwTf'irT of the t- fc ufwrttrt, w3 occupy the pal-I Ttj ivi Coerrearatiooal esarch Umi 6 l. Krr. 0. K.

BartleU i fading wi Cbfwo ( i -r HaSoStOS OS -t: i t4d at sheri this 3fsdtt for The 5 25, M. One lot reserved os Uw aily sold to Joiia A. EL tail too far ITiX rc. jved a set of the-Bw map of lb Catted PS-tates ad 1 ter-ritoriw, ccinpn4 unier tl dirwrtioa of CnBi- WCii iTcmaioiid.

ta9 tt tis ifift tf Jota 8. Ei-h of thw city, fTfco C.t tr tika before Ji- rerKiM, II. KSy mi T. L. lkir3l, for fc: in Uw ectirt cf awsiocM wbea cuSsd oa, ly rcUrii tat rwjoguisaaee la Useam ew of JsKFfk Bav9 who wm foasd dawi tb foot of a fiibt of rti-a la HooturiTJe tiffcl bat, bsr dfKrxd that death w4 rnJ by apof lexy and cot by tbe fall.

It Is probable ILat be tell dirru ti ctairt in a Tb Clbr4i- of mn mating a rrar(jT'jH to bold a gracni fair at Cptoa i thit tuUc, eoassaeeesttK oo Toeday xt jaod to cft-oue oaUl Vub oeceedios Tardaj-. Tb dramatic dub bar Tojsattd their mrncem aad vui cem-trihf Urir abara make aiTair a aac-vat. TV fasd reaJkd wiS ba daroted to off Use tD4Ltdoe cm tbe new Cii-) onsttery ia Sjieaftrpor-i, and ailhoaji tbe ot'jwt of tbe fairia of as aertooa a cbarae-ter hv no dnsbt tbat ail who attesd will sjn tbdwlr tboroaj fmntl. Wi jjaia H. Vaaderbilt, Jots B.

Dutcbr, WiEim Txiroboll, Jobs B. She-man, J. W. Wagner, C. H.

FUhrr, H. rienjoB, offigiala of tbe Ceatral railroad. Heave lUaby, Heaecs Faija; B. F. AcgHl, Gecaaeo; Cbariea BbiBaoa, Kew Tori, are at tba Oa'oom bcroe.

Jc ta B. Anuij, Bra4iey, W. fj-. Brai'ey, Gorg H. Barrr-cgha fife George Gaxdaer, IT.

B. Emitb, PyrajfTO O. Rags. Via. O.

Jt. tiiamU, BuUaio; 0ky Cabell, gt-Looa; P. Vtf. HrJly. Perry Ktowdt, A- Bawtey, Fredi Winne, E.

P. Hawley aod wife, B. Hawjley of wife. K. Hall asd II.

P. CarkjiU, Laekport: 3. S. Hawley, Tbomaa RiOTs, P. W.

BeeAer, Marabal "asaiadairBa. are at the Bracket! hooM. AnaoDZ tbe macy rUton who cams to tiis city jretrt5ay to Interriew tbe display tbe Sicily water works, waa J. 1. Hyde, ebbei eefftaeer of tbe Haratoga.

ftrs depart -KrrL. Mr. Hyde thoogbt- tbe display tba fttw be bad erer aeea. Es eatertaiitf tbe lanr opbdon of Kocbester asd 1U ciusBiii, txi. fot whom could woh tbat ke might oa cora freqoeetiy aaU tarry loogw wb- i he doe corae.

many frieada of George Cawaoa aad wife; wID oe leaaed to lfcara tbat they ar prrnliEjt a few daya in tow at tbe residence of Beott Updike. Mr. Dawscs formerly oca of the axail of the Damo- cratj aad is at president editor a proprietor If tbe A'baay Ereainz Journal. A Caaaare Jtaa inii4 Tltree weeks ago Jamea Fields of Tioa, IVrUitjWaEia, aa rictim'ced to the ezteat of averal bnadred doUara is tbis city by a maa, wbo fT.rca tbe nam of Henry Murnt. Tb afiair was referred to at tbe Utccj.

bat Mr. Field returned to hi borne in Peefrlrani, MvtrrU remaiaed at large, aod 1 tbe tn.rljc paid bo more attention to tbe mat-tr. Hcwerer, Cklef -of-Police McXeaa baa a Tjry dd4 aversion to operaar aacb aa orjna, ax.d be accordingly ee dctesnivoa on bis Iraok. Vordsy DetecUa Ftckett ob-aeried a max at tba depot wbo locked like tbe iodividaa wanted. Ha ar-reeited bias, asd tbe person proved to be Mor- ria Mr.

McLrfAa trfegrapbed to Kirt.i aad be arrived to Uaa eity lat nigbt, wben be at otxte recnii Horra as the maa wbo bad iKtoaed oa bim. A be bad done ao by futtt- vai atJtne coucterfeil coin btaricg the impreas of jibe Tinted rttes ax.d nurporting to be coj3, oo fci TicUm, be was turned orer to tbe Vowed aatboritita and will hare aa! xaJuiBatioe btfore Comtnissiober Gilbert at la o'ekxk tbis mortiuig. Oae af Larkvart'a laailratiaaa. From tbe uactiia-etit display made by tbe IiWiy water works yterday, tbe public of f-jicheatw are brought ia clone aoqaamtarwe witb tbe caaenfacturisf mtereets of oar neighboring city of Lockport. Puaaessia bardiy aecood to Rochester ta tbe eitctil u4 arailabUuy of her water power, baa becoae famotu, aod tba li jlly tasGfaetrig eooarsaay one of her inetita-tJocia.

Coexutieot wab their irrea.t tnrea-ti jn ot baroiy lea celabrateid, aad which kjas Lcked Its assets with tbe growth aj4 lwfntyof tba Lock Oty is Merchant' liarghcg Oil, tba rataee of which as a cara-tjrc and beaag hauneet "for man and tieaat, ar duly set forth ia tir adTertvatog flotuot EataUisbed ia It baa cradoaiiy increased popularity, ottil to-day tbe aifclee are larjrrr than e'er before. Tbe Isboraaoiy in Lockport os of the fiaeat and most cxacpleta jOdins to be found ia Wrtura Kew York. To aoaia aad preearr aarb a (TOBuatate amtaig tba coratira jowlHt 4 tae daj, susrhng worxb is ruau. That ft pwseaaea tt n. we bav so ta sayiG.

Agnew f-jrajeriv pif-'A of sfcbe, EdmbeLrg, aa exfricd ai iefsrar eat tbe anesce of phraaal- uv -j, muppmg at tbe fcoael.roem B-ia-fir-r siatat WiS be happy to i sf ali persom wiatting iaacroetiaos to t4eir BBemtai deveLje- tbeneby karajxg lbs order of buai- sea to bit tbey ar beas adapted ia battln of bf AW thu-u preenhnL ktaay persota are m.ucA beoetted by bus insu-oe- Uooa. tba professor to the f-ubac. Tbas ntU Mara Maattea. tia XtUkV (i tM tKKiCnt ass rwucia smos of yesterday mumtcg eoataias as article j-urporug ta gir tba proceed jigs a ameaaUag of Ii-tubrra Gensaas is. tbe Founeeoia ward, to bts my aasa Is asaeeretary.

Sow, Mr. Etiuar, a tboeah I was aecretary of tbe BtteBat was wiibacit aatborttv. as I seaptw of the aad icdisiatxusai costamed is the roauhi- Ussts. Lor P. Bav-i aJva4 Traeava.

1 prsfw so elevata the eivated tracks at taf aa that averyosi whD has aay cievaiod ioaa ia regard to tba rra-w wiil stop ia at Lathrop's fca-eo aad er store, I ai streea, aed get a gaod cigkr, as boa of IzKpersad aai In aSSraili. The par to ty rigara aad kobacoe is at Latbtop'a, i Slate suat, jstat aroaad tba cora froca tbe 5w YkCaatral aJi HsJ- soa Pj3r radioai, west. Utaai. TV are harnag cobatanA eas for DweQiajrt tetii. Aiao fur tba perri and rest of (arm.

WiSaa at Mabbett, real ages, soother 1 KytfciS' arcade. Exlubitipi, of the Holly Works. A Wonderful Display Test3 Iferer Before Attempted in This or Any Other Country. Thirty Streams Opened a Eat and West Xaio Street. Rochester at Last Sees Her Bo-w of Promise.

iTjtAonniyAiiT results of tux izxuiniTioy STREAMS. A Four-Inch Torrent Thrown 460 Feet. The Stream "VCLieh Formed aa Arch Over the Statue oa tbe Court-Hcmse. A Ilclgbt or 297 reft Reached ty the? roar-Inch Tcrtlr! Strestm. Rochester Adda a New AchieTe-ment to Progress ia the ICiaeteeath Century.

hy Scientific Seme one has called Tatars a hard narse, and it may be ttat ahe is so oa some occasions, bat she sometimes permits her rigid features to relax and smiles benignly on the affisirs of men. Yesterday a great event ia oar municipal history oec erred, and it cannot be denied that the "mighty mother'' contributed her fall share to make it one which tbooid mark an era in our history. Of the thousands who retired to their eoocbes on Tnesday sight, few were assured that the beams of a brilliant mid-winter son would flash on them yesterday morning, A leavdeo sky hong over the city oa that night and the gravest doubts ware entertained whether the day aamed for the grand official test and display cf the Holly works, would prove auspicious. With the earliest dawn, however, all occasion for misjriTing on that score was removed. The con arose fa a clear and intensely bine sky the great orb seemed to stand oat in relief from the ethereal backgroojnd, and his rays fell benignly oa tbe earth, tempered by the clear, oold atmosphere through which they bad passed.

If it had bees within human power to make all the aieteorologieal appointments for the great event, the day couid not have been improved ia any respect. To be strictly accurate, tbe hoar named for the commencement of the display was o'clock in the afternoon. Long before that time Eut and West Kaia street were thronged with people eager to witness the novel and splendid spectacle prepared for them. It would be difficult to say with any degree of eTactn just bow many people were gathered in tbe Ticinity of Powers 's block and the Osbora hoase the tws principal points around which the general interest centered and along tbe streets adjacent, bat it sufficient to say that the crowd was immense. Occurring ia the stormy month of February la mid-winter the number whom interest had drawn to witness the sptacle, was extraordinary.

Had the display taken place at a less inclement season, there can be no doubt that the concourse gathered ia the streets would have been un precedented. As it was, we cannot recall an occasion when the streets of Bocheeter presented a more animated appearance. Of the thousands wbo witnessed the dis play, many were from distant parte, not otilj of this state but ot ine tbe country, many of whom were men thoroughly versed is the science of bjdraolb-s, a magnificent practical fllas- of bich tbey came to witness. AT THS SOU! everything operated to perfection. Hichard Gilbert, tbe very competent engineer, bad charge of tbe machinery, which was found to work in a way the most satisfactory.

Standing by the side of the mighty engines. whose iron arms played like tbe limbs of an oak when the winds of autumn, which have stripped them of all foliage, sway them to and fro, it required no great stretch of im agination to conceiva of one's self in the engine room of aa ocean steamer, so perfect, to exact, so potent were af! the AT THS GBZAT PASS IIKWT.OX. of IhCt a display of aa apparatus for throwing water for fire aad other purposes was made, tbe result of which was deemed ex traordinary aad it was flashed by telegraoh all over tbe civilised world. What was it! Sirup! that a two inch stream had been thrown a height of 250 feet.

Nothing of the kind had ever been done before, bat it win be sen from the ores given below that a bMght ot isT feet was attained yesterday by of doable the diameter. Though subjected to tbe severest tests yesterday in order to brut about such results, the machinery of the Holly works, in its every part, was found equal to every requirement, and there is every reason to believe that it hi the best of its kmd ever pat op. It is oonaidered by men cf the greatest experience that the dis play of yesterday transcended in every particular alt others of the Holiy, or any other system tbat have ever taken place, either ia this eoontry or ia Europe. ms BTDAAm ajtd aosarxxx. In response to the mandate of Chief Ea-near tHfaaon, Alan hoae reported thirty mew for duty aad Active hose thirty-Sva.

The folio wing ia a but of tbe hydrants, thetr posittiins aad tbe namea aad company of those bavmg tbesa ia charge, oommeaciag at the first one upoa Ft Main street and guttg from that point to tbe other ead of tbe street: Hydrant northwest terser of aad Eaat ki ale streets, Edward O'Loughlia aad E. H. Mix, steamer Bomber 1. Hydrant suelbeast ooraer Hume and East Ham streets, John Metzkr asd Edward Colbert, si earner number 1. Hydrant northwest corner Liberty A Hey ad East Xaia street, John Eblingberry aad A.

ravreaa. Active hose. Hydrant southeast eorber Clictoa aad Eaat Ataia streets, John Teller, Spear, steamer a amber S. Hydrant opposite Lancaster street and aorta aide Eaat ataia etreet, U. W.

baaset. Fred atoser, steaaaer aasatw Hydraat northwest career aad East Alaia streets, George Bchleber, Hubert, steamer number i. Hjdfaai southwest comer Scott aHy aad Wast Main strews, John Haley aad James Leeavaid. suaucer camber 3. Hydras northeast arc Sophia an West Vain streets, Wikiasa MfSeese aad Barney HafT.

steamer anatber Hi dr aii I uiht ooraer School aSey aa We HaiB street. ti. E. Miliar aad Jeb T. steamer aamber 3.

Ildraat northeast eorsr KSssebeth aa 1 wt r4- owea Lraca. ttttuam Hasitb, steearer Kttmber i. Bydraat opposite Sffi's Madry, fai site neat Mais suee. John XsCerourk. 1X White, steeajer acaiber a.

Bydract aortbaaat carrier of WasUcfioe, aad West Maia sreta, WUham Boarea, Taoaaas I His straoaer aamber A Hydraat soetaweat ooraer aad West Jtatea streets, Itwo armntsr P. Ixx, referrisg to the tkCL tireless energy aad it- of the eaxiceer of the water- works commission, J. J'elsoa Tub. The ecatmiftkiceer themselves fyrovided wisely for works whs. a thould be thorough mul complete, reliable every emergency aad ca pabie of CghtiDg the largest eonfltgraUon, the eld such aa oce unhappily overtake our eity.

Eat the perfaet sovceaa of yesterday' test is a less to be aecribed to the icootnitsM exertioe of their engineer. These exerttocs were admirably sup; lertented by the tireless labors of aa ecgiaeer yoocg ia tbe prof sssioa, but who, if we mixtake not, is destined for in hi prof ermon. We refer to Knul snd his sopenur have perwiaaily wperroteaded eveu the petty oetaiia ia the lay log of toe mains, aad had the work not beeo done with e.r-trordinary forewght aad rare, thestrsia to wbicb tbeir work was sufojexed yesterday woe VI have ted to d.amstrom breast, such as would not only bae poiid be exbibitioa irretrievat'v but wonld alo have raufed damage 12 ro! ring ao inconsiderable ovrtiay. Kocbester now baa water work for the rjppreiof tirea. It oeelj only the supply fcr domestic tnves to make it worthy of the name of city a word wnica in it awiera sense means a Baaaxripaliiy not only, bat a populated crater supplied with all the rwi issues for the health, comfort aad even iax iry of it inhabitant.

HolJr Water Elsewhere. As sn appropriate accompaniment to tbe detailed account of the tnauuraUoa of Water Wot In in our eity, which we publish at length to-day, we quote below several ac-coox-ts of similar celebrations recently ia other locaKtiea. It Wilj be seea that tbe HoiSy coirpaoy turn out a set cf work every thirty days a ispnifkact proof of tbe growing popularity cf the new and reliable system with which that company Identified. DAWTILLE. F.a.

Ia referent to the HoBy Wiw Work just put ia successful use Danville, Pa. the American of that city of Septrniber ita, 1373, says: ora wtrrs woRta. The Borough mn il has accepted tbe water works asd pipe from tbe bean of toe contractors, after a tborouab teat ia the Dreseace of a committee of citizens and upon toeir recosxjDeadation. Tbey have realiy trippi-ed as with a very exeeiiest piece of meccan-wm. The Holiy water work has proven itseif, oa severe test, to be fully euiel to tbe claim of the company, aad toe crt wees of this place ought to feci grateful to them for tbethorotga discharge of their contract la every particular.

1 be irstem, wbea first de termined npon, did act km the hearty approval of ir. any of our mot expet lean ed me-cbasK, aad agawat this popular opinion) the Hoilv water worfcs company have moved steadily forward. Pumps, pfetoosaod intricate machinery have beea placed ia ponuou with great care aad precaaioB They never doabc ed tbeir ability to meet thr esgagemect, and the rrpreaeatativaa of the company wbo have beea with as have proven themaeires to be tborooch mechanics and obliging geati-men. Last week the cashing strokes were put cpoa the machinery and the council no-Used that it was ready for ini pert ion. Tfii body with a select committee ef citizens witnessed its trial on and proatwaced everything entirely satisfactory.

We beiiove there ia not a citizen of our piar who xt aot dc a friend to the Holly system. Ilaaviile ought to eoBgrasuiate bersalf tbat abe baa beea so fortunate in making coo tracts with partM who have shown themselves thoroughly eonfiecuoas the discharge of their duties. BlOakT.OfllO. The Sidney Journal of October 17th. 1573, has aa account of water works teat la that village, from which the following extracts aremade: Yesterday was the time designated for a ptibbc darpiay of tbe Holly water works ia Bscxtey.

and a eelebratoB over toetr eocnpie- tioci. A great maay oroctals aad prosnineat citsteaa from otaer cities and town war present. BeUetootaine, aoakoneta. I. aioo city, Greeavilie, Fl'jua, Troy, liayiou and Miooietowa were all represented by ettner their mayors or caonctuaen, and took great perns an examining' the works.

A large Bomber of people were in tow a from t.e euunory- Tbe bead was oat sod daring toe greater part of toe day aieoooreed snaeio at abort intervals. The day was exceedingly pieaot, and tbe ti if play was only interfered with by the biarh wind which prevailed daring most ot the afternoon. Tae hose company waa out, aad had charge of the streams thrown in different parts of the town. Tbe visiting officials were highly pleened with tbe uecew of the work, and greatly admired the beautiful mechanitai of the machinery. Many came prejudiced axaimt tee ayatem of the Holly worts, but to ie was aot oce who did not leave thor- oushly convinced of ita feasibility, utility aad uXKjoubtea succe in every particular.

The contract eallM far three oce-tech streams sixty feet ia the boaiaeas part of town, and one one-inch stream seveaty-fly foet high, or two seven-eighth streams seventy feet bitb, oa the Hardra hid. The test showed three oae-mch streams from Ilo to l.o feet bitrh. The oce-ioch stream on tbe Harom tui was over 1 A) feet higo, ao 1 ths two seven-eighth strams ntnety-three feet nizn. inis completed tae contract teet. after which aa loco stream was tarowa over tbe steeple of the Preabyterieo church.

Ttua stream was tfcrown over 140 feet. Five seven-eighth and one one inch streams were tarowa from the public square from eeveexy to eighty feet Lien. ia eoaclunoo. aa in--a ftrram was tnrowa tnroaa i leet oi hew from ninety to one hundred feet high. All toe wera waa dose wita oae wheel.

wben the contract railed t'e bota wbneta. The preasare ranged from iH to 1C1 I crostT uratoa, mich. Tbe Port Huron Times of 7th. 5bT3, has the following account of the inau guration cf the llu'ilf water works ia that city: THK WATTS wfjwt Tas TSIaX THTRSTJAT Arn-ksocis arixnawtrct. (umiTi'iir i.v rvxHT asjrcT ivtioajfTS or th a oat.

Tsuraday, the time set lor the orhciai test of the water works machinery built for the city of Port Huron by the Holly company, was a deasrauol day, so far as the weatbor i waa eooceraed. According to the prornuaiM ananged for the occaua. tae Oe.i of toe city were to be rung rrom i to o'ciocs p. m. after biro there were to be f-Hir usts, three wita six streams at tbe amine I tuoa and one with a single atresia at tba city naif.

1 ins was earned out wita tne exie- tczi of tbe teat with at i streams oa the Kith tide of Biack river, which waa raadsmd tea-p sabie by the faiiare of the cuauwevurs to ccmpiete tue cvMicg oi ciayCK nvnr. Is sties no thrown from tae hvdrant ta fruit ef Cluk Kirrhmwri drug store waatbaoctv one meaauiwd. so far aa we have k-arntd, the horizontal diataace tarowa btitg fet. The watr pressure at the UUi varied men to 14 poemds, tbe ea -giaea at the work making from twenty-six to thirty revolutions a mutate, wita seventy pounds of steam in the boilers. The engines are capable of making from sixty to seventy revotuuoBs a mm am wbea ruaatag to their fuO capacity.

in second teat was toromga a suDgie nose. with a one and ore -fourth toch a-exl, treat of the ctty hail. At this tame water was thrown to a perpeadtcuiar height of 3U1 feet, the water pressure vaxyui Ir jo ID to pounds. Tba tiitrd test was thrrnirh 1. 0 feet ef bcee, eueaected with tae bydraas eo th corner of Hurc-n avenue aad Wuay atraca, aad exteadixig across Military street bridge to tae eeraer of Pine atreet.

Donag tbi test water waa tarowa througb a ly inea aoxvia to a aistaa of oma Ji' feet. uuaily good work was done at this time. the a-achiLBry exhitatng great caaciiy and power. Tbe result of the trial, think, was aaus-fa4ory to every body, and trvm ta start the works are pruooncd a success. Witta two weeks after the above tnal aad acceptance ot the works afireoccured aad after giviag a descriptsoa of it, tbe Port Huroa Joerxtal commented a follow The fire whir occurred TharwHr mora lag, ia th Merchant' exchange btoek, a full ctoeat of hich we give ia another ooiaisa, fully eataUiaaea the sahie ot the vikf work to our city.

At a low estimate tbeas wotks in this case alone saved property to mora thaa pay tor thetr souuw coat, vi Rbotit them tea waoie bink woukl hate beea cocao tried, making a Ilms to the owner aad occapaata of at wast (ai. A a orwot gale waa Uosmt from taw aouta at the time, uaeqiaiied ia aevartty years. aot ooiy tus voeaeia moored at the ia biak river, aorta of th block, won la aav beea destrotad. but a large number of ouuding oa taa aorta stOe weald feave caught are from the burning brands ciimg the air, aad have beea buraad to the gruatd. Taauvg aii in all, we think oar riuseas may well eucgrausiate tcemjK-lvw oa having aecarad the Hoilv water works.

Attaouga there was eocatderabl oppowtioa to taw first, maay bcitertag taaa it woold beateriibie burden upM to tut -pa Jen, yet cow befurve there is out a property owner ia the ctty wbo wmiki consent to thetr beisg ebaadoocd hi it cocld be dte. riTt'oiitxsi, rt. Tba Titarriile Heraid of tiececioer Vh, 11-73, has a very of the Holly water woks jtt competed ia that city, aad of the prelisuiaary to their accept aae by Ue oCicial autaorit.aa. Ot the latter it "Cm Meeday lat. th- worfca wereoiiif.iaily tested ic cf W.

Unlit. tn al -op r-r tt th wo w- ft nsr'esxted tc ereeooa of tue Bstiia)ry, and the water-works committal ct ta city. Tta test CAikd tor uA ths cr: wm Ati-t vr MBTti. it i hi a 3 -s a 5-iftcii IS ta US 9 Vfc-ilr 2 iviHsra ra tnre-faeto 1 -ar-lai-h 1 Sve-iach aueaat. us a The amount of water thrown per minate in the various tests aad the number of gallons which would be thrown in twenty-four hoars at tbe same rate are given ia thefoilowiag table.

It must not be overlooked that there is ao stop in the incessant flow of the water. It hi as easy to continue the streams for tea bcarsas teamiaates: TaBLE Or First aelve one- in eh, strearna, throwing; SS0 gallons per miaute or 4, gallans in twenty-four hours. Second Twenty one-inch streams, throw ing 5, 600 gallons per Sbiaute or 004, OX) gal- Iocj in twenty-four hotrrs. Third Thirty one-inch streams, throwing 8, 400 gallons per minute or 95, CX) gallons in twenty-four hoars. Fourth One two-inch streim, throwing 1, 120 gallons per minute, or 1,612,809 galloas ia twenty-four hours.

Fifth One three-inch stream, throwing 3, ft galloos per miaute or 4, XX), 900 gallons in twenty-four hoars. Bixth Oae four-inch stream, throwing 5, 530 gallons per minute or 7, 963, SuO gallons ia twenty-four hours. Seventh One five-inch stream, throwing gallons per miacte or ifii, 03 galioas in twenty-four hour. Tbe highest steam preasare applied at the works was eighty pounds. Ia each case the engineer ia charge, P.

W. Holly, begaa by a pressure cf twenty pounds and in the ease of the single exhibition streams, first increased the preasare ao slowly that nearly every spec tator thought it would prove impossible te force such volumes of water to ao enormous aa altitude. But as the pressure was ap plied the streams rose bodfly into the air unt0 the observers would hardly have beea astonished to see all the water in the race sucked in to be thrown ia one enormous eoloma high over roofs and tower and flagstaff aad the eagle which looked heavenward from their tops. The Esassea of water forced to these great heights, seemed infused with a positive determination aot to ascend. They rose unwillingly second after aecood till, as the force behind them grew overwhelming, they sud denly seemed to spring of themselves into the clear blue, sunlit canopy, aad thenceforth each separate drop outatrove the other in tee endeavor to leave the dull earth farther aad farther below.

Whea the S3 inch-streams were ascending from oae end of our central street to the oth- the four large piston pumps at the work were aot put to use at all, aad it was only ia throwing the single five inch stream that all save one small pump at the works were set ia motion. Whoever studies the table we have given, will be struck by the fact that the single fire inch stream threw nearly as large a volume of water as the whole thirty-two one iach streams combined. It will also be seen that ao greater pressure waa applied at the works whea thirty streams were thrown thaa at tbe time when but a doeen were in use. Neither was there any falling off ia height by the addition of Some observers even fancied that the streams already at work gained new force as others were added. Owing to the fact that four or five streams were playing near the intersection of btate and West Maia streets, tha force of current ia the main, toward that point, carried pebbles and even stones of large size into the nose, and here once or twice streams were temporarily shut off ia eoaseqasnce.

Bat ia moment afterwards, the aozzles were agaia cleared, and the water shot up as before. mschmptios oi thi wobxs. Ia this connection we reproduce a descrip tion of the work. The first step taken was to secure a suita ble site for the erection of aa engine house. 5ooe better suited for the purpose could be desired than that which waa finally fixed on.

It is the lot on which the old "Red Brrd saw-mill former! stood, and is aitaated oa Browa's race about forty feet sooth of Piatt street. It has a frontage of forty-eight feet and a depth, to the edge of tha bank, of feet, oat extends to the river. Three water chares belong to aad were sold with the lot. repreaeotag three-eightieths of all tha water in the race. Tbe purchase, which was made from Hon.

Lewis Selye. also includes the right of way through a lot opposite that bch the engine house staads, aad through which pipes are laid at a depth of tea feet below tbe service. Excavstiona for the foundation of the building were commenced about the 1st of Jnlr. ISTTS. bat the digging of trenches for pipe waa not commenced cntu soma time later.

Tbe work was pressed forward with such energy that the foundataooa for the en- gtnea, together with tbe aid wall of tba ctracture were ready for tha mono ting of tbe machinery toward the end of October, but the great wheel pit was not finished until hue ia December last. Ia preparing tor the found eUotn ot the earth was first removed aad then several strata of partially decomposed rock, nnti' secure stratum of sound rock was reached. Ia this stratom, however, several crack dacovered which were thoroughly fffled up with cement so aa to present a smooth rocky surface entirely impervious to water. Oo this foandataoa thus prepared the masonry destined to support tha ma chinery, boilers, chimney aad aide walls of the betiding was laid. Tbe foonJatmn lor the side walla ia the treat poruoa af taa building are our feet thick at the bottom.

battering upwards to a width of two aad a half teet at the top. Ia the rear portion of tha building they are five feet thick at the bottom, with a width of three feet at the top. The arracgeoMsat of the various blocks of masonry which support the mammary, chimeey aad boilers is eoite compli cated aad ent be aaderatod without the. aid of a diagram, as they a bound ia archways, col vena aad iatneato passage. The object of that arraasnBat wsa to secure aa iauletioB of the water from Browa's race, paMtag through the Home aad descending through the penstock to the tar-bmea, from that which was to be drawn through the pomps; aa the design is to sup ply tbe pomp with cleaner water taea that which is eeetaiaed in the race.

At the entrance of the Santa, the larger Boating bo-hea hi the race are keot trout ea- ttsg tha tum by meaas of a rack, the bars of woich are about fire laches apart, while Beer the division, wall, betweea the eetgioa sud bukr roosi another rack fc placed ia which tba bars are only ana iach apart, thus sexeetiag oat froca the water a fioeig bod- (4 a sxse suS-riect to caaae aa lajary to the tarbiaea. Behind this second rack; is the with three large vertical gatea, eca three teet wide aad four teet high, by SBeao ot wbJoc the water is preveaMd treat sowing through the Same or eatorisg the wttaci. Behiad tbe penstock aaotaer faa-khead 1m sit uated wita oae large gate, by which the water frota the race may to allowed to eater the pomps or be cat eS at cleatfitrs. At this aad bullhead. Tbe tsperstrBctaie cf the engine bouse ia of brick with substantial wall twenty -one inches ia Uikkaess, rising to a height of fifty feet above the level of the street The build ing rendered absolutely are proof oy toe iron window frames, girders and roof with which it ia farm-bed and above which towers aa octagonal chimney toj a height of fifty feet, pjrmcocted by a ae orameatal cap of cat stone.

Eight is ornished to the boiler aad engine rooms by several wiadows the front aad rear walls as well as by six sk-jtigbts distributed about thereof. xam uodtbt here is of the most massive character, is of. splendid workmanship aad is in three distract parts. The first is a act of four combined cteaxa engines which operate four piston pumps. The second is a rotary engice which will drive two rotary pumps.

while the third consists of eight piston porr.f which 'win be operated by two turbine water wheel located six feet above the level of mean low water in the Genesee river. The power of each turbine is eqni-ralcct to 250 horses, that of the rotary engine to 150 horses; and that of the four combined steam engines to SCO horses, thas giving in all a total of Vi hone power. The steam piston engines are so connected with the rotary pumps by means of proper gearing, I that they caa be used to drive these pumps without the aid of the rotary engine. The rotary engine wul, of coarse, drive the two rotary pumps also. The piston rods of the steam set are also tha piston rods of the pumpa.

Tbey are attached to the piston of tha latter by means of key or wedge which caa be withdraw a arbitrarily at the pleasure of the engineer, so that any one of the four pumps may be naed, or altogether, or in conjunction with tbe rotary pump of which in turn either may be driven without the piston pumps. A sim ilar arrangement exista la the eight pumps driven by the tarbiaea or water-power, aay or all of which may be osed at pleasure. Each pump is connected independently with the force maia aad by means of stop gates or valves can be shot off from the main. Each pah- of engine are coupled together ea to a eraxsk ao that; of course, one engine aiooe cannot be osed without detatchiag the crnr.k rod of the other engine from the crank pin, which may be, however, done without difficulty so tbat if aay one of the engines gives out it caa be repaired wit boat any stoppage of the miachiaery. The same agaia is true of the water set, tnce here.

ia the steam, the pomps are connected together ia pairs, so that aay pump by disconnecting its crank rod from the crank pin, may be isolated from the rest for any necessary repair without aay stoppage of the machinery. The steam for the steam engine is furnish ed by three boilers, located ia the front portion of the building, any. oae of which may be osed. or all of them ta conjunction. The water power is furnished, as mentioned above, by two tarbiaea, which are driven by the water drawn from Brown's race.

The water eater tbe flame at the southwest cor- aer of the building, paosea thence ia a channel about tea feet wide along the south wall, theace turning, it eater the CL1SNCI which consahi of a huge wrought iron tube, four aad a half feet ia diameter, extending from the turbine upwards through the iron flooring to the wheel-pit. This penstock is merely a conduit or supply pipe through which water is furnished to the turbines, aad passes through tbe iron floor to the wheel-pit water tight; so that every particle of water which will pass from the race to the river must pass through this iron tuba. Tsm are turbines aad are of the Stout, Mills Temple pattern, known as tbe American' turbine water wheel, and strictly considered of the class known as tangential wheels, ia ao far aa the water eaters the wheel ia a direction tangential to its circumstance and discharges towards the center of the wheel, while ia tha ordinary or Jonvel" turbine, the water passes through in a direction parallel to the axis of the wbeeL The Wheels are each twenty-six inches in diameter, with continuous shafts extending upward through the iron flooring of the wheel pit to the gearing by which tbey are connect with the pumps. Each shaft is made ap of five piece, coupled together, and steadied by means of cast-iron arms, with adjustable bearings reaching oat from the penstock. The weight of the shafting la supported at the tarbiaea below by a water bearing, which is simply pair of iron discs, between which the water from the penstock is allowed to eater.

aad as Uus water is subjected to a pressure due to a bead of about ninety feet it is plain to be seea that the upper disc, wbea properly proportioned, will be rained so as to counterbalance the weight of the shafting, the lower disc being fixed to tbe wheel frame aad taking ao part ia the revolution. The water esters the wheel through gates at the cir cumference, which gatea are regulated from above by means ot proper geeriag also connected with the regulators, which are remarkable productions of invective gqcius. One of these ia aa hydrostatic preasare gunge by meant of a regulator connecting the demand for water with the supply so that the de mand is supplied by self -regulating machinery. Thus the person ia charge of the works is ntitt in aa instant whea extraordinary power aad more water for fir other purpose ta deokanded bt any part of the city and also by this reg ulator the motion of the machinery i aa controlled, without tbe intervention of aay human aid. that the supply of water called for is at once furnished.

Another ia a eeatriv-aace which regulates taa pressure apoa the service pipes ha dwellings aad otaer places wbea the machinery is being worked ao to a gre pressure. Tba reynlator it ao constructed that in aay ease whea aa extraordinary preasare is reiruired ia the soaias, aa ia time of fire, this valve wjB close so that the pressure oa the service pipes ia the houses is not increased, aad it Is also so constructed that it will fursUa water it waated in such houses during such time of extraordinary pressor oa the mams, aad wis agaia doe without aa iacreaae of pressure os such pipes. Btiil another eoatriraao a water safety valve, so constructed that if from aay for instance) tbe saddea dosing of oae or snore hydraata, that the extraordinary preasare from the recoil is removed, aad tbe water allowed to escape Haul tbe reaction has slowed the machinery by tha actaaa of the hydrostatic pressor regulator, aad the preasare brought to the required standard. War it aot for thia contrivance, the recoil of the water from the saddea cf the hydraat woold be ao great that it would be imyoesibta to lay pipes that eouki withstand the extraordinary preasare. The sty la of wheel maaafaetared fey the coaipasy -The Globe- Iroa Works compaay of Day ton, O.

aav k-cg siace beea dWovao-treted a the beat sow ia am It the fa vorite hwl of the Holly water works com pany, aadi uci by toeea taeveryeae where it ia peastbl to do ao. The tea hi oae fat their works ha this city are woe ted aader a head of ninety feet, thaa resUtiisg a farce which wewld prove disastrous to aay oit- Chifc aot tit the very beat Btaftaisctam at wors. oota J't onem-v- am fire porpotea, was arrpareat to ail, an4 ire caa congratulate onrw-tvea a rx i naving alotted U- most popular ji extant, and cae that oar tas-payr w. aoon realise to be tbe moat effective and -BcmicaL On he ecoaouHi featarea of i-case thail have awrt to say hereafw The Hi-ra ti waa toe ear and perwateot al vocate of that HoilT syla of water wort believing it to be iacwiparaHiy tbe be J3 tae euButrv, and we feel a-ire-l tht onr csthioM wul never barereaaoa to regret baring oor ad vv and that every year wiil add new evidene cf its aixiadiie- 1 iraish Be eaie for asgratalawnx The same paper of lieceuiber Kth. foliowitg account: a rojm'Tq There fcsre been niMj cn--m 1 V-real e.I.ciecf of oar new t-r work.

Opponents of tbe- system bare -3-tended that the puMie test few dtyt isi ii not a reliable cnterioa. iaasaioch a in tert was expecte-1 aad everything laaJe ia readmeme for it. lb fire at the Oil FLxenarsz lti i in i evea did 0Kt cob vine aucna of toe tkepAjcai toax toe H'tiiy work were Lu ia claimed for taera. To auaxe ojut sure, Tom Goodwto, environ xa of Ere eomujittee, with others of ta council, and Chief Mr Toite, deter-Bxel to give tbe work a severe aai anet -re ted trial. A little after aawhi vht.

a number of bunkers at the engine aoe wers awakened and ordered ont wx ectkn of boae. Th-e were attached to tnrew r-draota. Whea everything waa made rewly. a sizaal waa gives by tbe waving of a laritera and in aa inatant atz atr-nm not mto tbe air with a steady flow. Seitoer was te n-giaeer csuabt sapping, but ia ut I wo annate aod a half, tee tx uim were coaa-IX.

at foil tire beit asd rce. Tbuae bo saw the trial aascrt that ten fir stream might have beea ncarted VMS tow aam result. The teat ia perfectly convincing, scarh as ao an coeaeee4 with the work bad tbe slightest knowledge of tbe m-tentoewof tbe fir oooaasittaw aad rpertn-tenaeot Batettt waa borne in bed. Ta Rotary engine was need aad one b-Mior. Th streauia wera kept op aa hour wtUux.

intermiatKiat. Chaw naaa Goadwia. the aaost kettral of the persons present, was moat atooaed. and delighted, aad now deeiarea we caa without mt of our temern, which is going a hi tie farther thsa the wartnewt avlvo. a-e cf the water worxa.

At all event the tw was a awl convtxx-irg one aod u.l klu. all doubts oa the water jii' woo. IAT ni.l w. Mlt BKilT Hclly water works were put la operat ia the sbovs city January a. 1471.

From tbe Courier account the following are made: tbb orvKTai. raial. rrr rut ur ininiv KMitx.v wins wjtut TnaaiT ths a hkibi.t os tks TtMor rem sam rtur rrw aij. ax- IXj VATTOXV WX A KB TOW JHerAAXU TO rk.MT thi riaa rrairnv lenterday, aooordug to tbe aanonBred prcgranuae. the new water word of tai crty were aabjected to to first rtv-ial trial la the preaeoce of toe committee of nuvnt of the cooimoa council aad board o.f it oommtroKioers.

ted ay was not what might be th be Lk could have been selected ir tie porpose of showing tae tiir.w of th water a atrucg south wind wa leg almost conttaacawy, which bad a tendency to throw toe top of the several ttmaxi off suto (pray aad to detract tram toe oieat -uremeat to a crnideraii extent. Ci.1l, this drawback, toe shoarivg in p-omt wa etaiseatly satisfactory, in-tbe warmest eoeonjiums from the many tv tereeted tfctators present. Aeenrlu. aptntment of tbe committee of arraQge-u-eort, cooveyaacea were present at tea Bancroft honse at -i a nv It the acccmcdatioa of citiaea offciaiiy Interested ia tbe cussing dvplay, asd v-r-quickly filled aod dnvea away tv Potter street, where the first trial wa to take place. Hers the fire men aad w'-v Lthdala were found at thetr poats retdy ir the word from Cbief EogiOM iietAal enbar the iroa door of thetr ajuem itnjnr and ailow the free weaf of our beet fnemi asaont the fiery foe which has ao "ft time, ravaged oar city with impunity.

Pre-ieiv at tte dom beitg all attacswtl aaJ every thing being in radixea. tt atcnal waa lv ec and tae atrr waa turned oa Irooi taa several lydrant. r'tuated repectiveiy aa follows: turner of Pouar aad Warren, flatter axd Washington aenu. Potter and Jef-feraon. Warren and Aetor.

Potter aad Mecood aad in tne yard of tbe F. Ac P. M. r.i-road company works This portion of f. city is kitaatad the moat distant from taa water work, approxiroattna cAmw to tnree miiea, aad ao httie aKnlieia wa tarwl lo see the mult, aa it auakea a dirf ereec ot fifteen pouno as the wa'er fru-tiua in tiat distance, wbicfa materially d-traets from tt bsisfctof the colnma thrown.

However, all were agreeably disappointed wben the several hydrants opened tneir tartaL aad eted a majesty volume of water, wtiK-b ana bright la taa face of tn mere in a aoa, fallhix in taower of tta-ioai stray ia every Ou-erUuo. Tba tnt waa a o-mpleie taccea frvto tl-e srt. and many a e-tb of rHef waa heaved from anxi-xai b. art. a tha aelt-evkint at wa made ap-paient tbat tha H.

liy water xltvut prctk-aily eatahh-brd fact in our ctty. The Cinrier give detailed of ev eral other aatafactory tetta. aod rl- follows: be rkwfrg test was made with tea ftreanrf wa x-h, Sim uxty-Cta pMiad ateaca preaaani aad liii pounds of iv, urea from at! a perpemii'-ular stream cf feet Tm rlwl thteatwhco wa nsarsed ttarooghoot by thi abwrxw of break or accident of mtxneiat, save tbe heating of the journal of one of taa rotory er mes, which disabled it a Stuart Umt. The urmoat tat sf action mam-feted by ail wbo witaesaed tee exeritneut, aad we are a'e ta aaying that a fire wmii 1 have bat a poor show in East tjaf'aaw wita our present einaltwat eylra. b.

r. The teat of the new Holly work ia the above village, which took piaoa ea th Sta at Fehtaary, lCt, ia tha described by th Journal cf that place; wnoit txt or ths wavsa tout The crucial teat of the trv water wjrks tcvk place thia afteraooa ia the prta ooe of tbe board of truteet All the fir arrtaaa-ti- ia tba towa were pramptiy oa hand at the expunted time. City aura -nng to tne bjdiaet oa tilth atree (OMt-uuu at hone, Kagle hoae two aectautia caf hue to the (tract of Fourth street, said Iteiuga aamoer 1 attached to taa Tnird atraat hydrant oce aectfin. so I bat wbea the water wa turned oo at tae work, there were ve powerful streama of water ia the air oa Mala street, praksoung a fans aarht and liiABg alt tvhxlder wtta a ca ot aarwr-tty, to ticb ws bate beea a stranger years. Eagle and City aoa thea to tta 1 bird mtm hydrant aud dmajf- byteruui cturrB, after wne-a a mtnmm froat i m.u acuuoer aad tbe boy of tba enitny eol-aired to keep it pulped out.

but toasr s. iirfta were a vain for it as quickly flooded, aad th stream lhat feaued to pip aeetned pmlx -'y small whoa compared wtt the oce etwuii frc-m th new appantloa. tae torai.aad lo hn wired leet ot boa wa thea iad from the Third trvt hydraat of tae Coc grvK auceal caarch, aad with toe powerful, ai-a-iy (tream that came fort daecmg ever tue steepiea, the last fears of ta timid were dpeied and toe diaicivers were nienced aa-i eoovrnued. Th o-luied the inras af th dav. a4 the large crowd that was aawcmMed qrwJy dixowwd.

of ear new Mr aawwiag ui very face. Taa triset taea rspaucd to the clerk's offi -e, a arw u. foil" win rwKitatioa wa adapted: "Ellr.l. I a at the truatee cave wtt- Beamed the text of taw water wore. ar hitihy afa-aaed ith the sunt, and aoll the wotks.

The above eewoatt 3 ri towiwksSa tie beaiBniCi of their la Iry-U o. Otfci. thae work have ba ia ae tjr I xur years their superior asd merit attetd iring that peri d. A l'iaary UXL, lv follow fcg paragraf TLs R-hwl Invt give a cf the 3ft at H. iiv wa--r wrti to a Bre it, tiat city.

t.t vci tt the wer aoire1-1" billy of iuartt but it aa oil rv to u. Tn Ei.a wbo dilute lis vaiui Hiuly water work asa tr prector fair sjiuuh twacat voahi 3 7. nr. t. Pawl and 15 If cor.

M. ri a5 is w.e.Ifc-rt A Z-Miua-w IT F. tt. Kim ass Mib mjt. iS fs w.

enr. From rf IS ffif. AtBM I S.MllMts. 1 1. K.

ert. Eirusn A 9. i 4 LI S. W. OUT.

bCSUKi W.Mud-su, II V. -r. 4 W. a i 6 K. eor.

a Tlt. 1 IviH. 1 I 1 1 1 WW 1 Wot. 1 Total 12 For the first few seconds after the water was let on, the streams given out were not particularly strong, but just as soon as the machinery had time to get into operation the pressure was immediately felt, and the twelve streams sprang up into the air with great power reaching a great height. Everybody was delighted with these streams, which eontmoed playing for twenty minutes, wben eight additional ones were added as fellows: 'is "3 i Sc bcalioa at Hi Sux pip fro: bve UBd pip from tvot ot E.

Cor. Irnas plaea aaA Wat ataia fire K. Cor. nuAash asa Waa ataia West. S.

w. Our. FlteAacS aa Wea ataia Wan. Total The eight additional streams apparently made no difference with the fores or height of tbe others, and the twenty continued playing together evenly aad finely until twenty-five minutes) past two. This was understood to be the COSTKACT TZrT of the machinery aad apparatus.

The contract was to throw twenty streams to a height of 100 feet. If any one had entertained the least doubt whether it wss possible to accomplish this feat, it did not remain long after the pipes were opened, as the streams mounted evenly and smoothly to a height far above the contract point aad the body of water which deluged the streets soon drowned out all doubt as to the success of the experiment. A THTETT-TWO-STKEAJf USalTIOX. While the twenty streams were ia full blast twelve additional ones were put oo aad then the triumph was complete. The hydraaU opened to complete the number were the following: i i Lam of V.

pt. aad Vln oert4 rl 1 S. it eur Vrttoa as4 1- Kiiiiu 2 ba-4. 1 7 erjf. K.

at Zi imn. 1 i-i vl temtx MAia tsi 14 1 S. W. rrr. ta aad K.

JS I K. ev. Hwa ae4 I- 1 f. tor. aaS Wwl 1 a.

aakalanoaud VT. Sua eur Wen. Minim 19 1 1 fe'Uta SK1 Wcvtt Mmiu zree Jiur K. r. k-ulMM-U aaa Wtrs 1 Total Tbe appearance of the street during the next five minutes beggars description.

Along tbe line of Main street between Sorth street aad the canal bridge the air seemed filled with water. The son was shining brightly at the time aad Us rays falling npon the thirty- two strong streams as they leaped fiercely from the nozzles of the hose, up into the air distance of 130 feet and then in great maesea of water, or resolving into showers of fell back again to the earth, pre- rented a briCiact and dazzling spectacle. Each stream produced its own ornament aa innumerable rainbows glittering gorgeoasly below, whSe mean while above them all a wreath of pearly crystals aad diamoad-liks drops was constantly playmg. Tbe admira tion of the spectators kaew no bounds aad from the great crowd arose a ahaat, or rather roar of applause such as tbe streets of Bocheeter never resounded with before. At '2.

p. two strokes were sounded on tba bell, the signal for dosing the streams and resaoTuig the pressure at the works ia order to make preparatioa for the five great tests were to close the dis play. The crowd, although there was now aa interval of thirty-fire minutes before anything was to be done to gratify their cariosity, did aot dimiaisb, but seemed rather to cease. This was probably doe to the fact that those who had previous to this time bees stationed at various places along the Una of the display now came rushing dowa to tba our earners, ia the immediate Beige- borbaod of which the remaining teats were to be made. At Uus poias aad about the court house the throng was intense, aad so eager were they to get good aosiUoas from which to see the wonderfal sight that but little limit waa left for the men operatiBg the pipes to work ta.

As a result, maay sae-ceeded ia getticg themselves thoroughly drenched, having made too scaaty calcula-ttoae as to tba amount of space tbe streams were to occupy. Tbe first exhibiuoa made after the loag interval waa the throwing of THS rwO-tSCW BTRBAJt isfrcxitcf the court house ssaaaoonced on the programme Aa iron standard was plaaed near tbe northwest coraer of the bniHing and beld ta piaee by ahalt-doaaa strong men. At :19 o'i kxk was heard the tap of the bU and ia a few seconds the water apraag from themoathof the pipe. It reached but a ahcrt dutaaos for a number of seaoada. but sous began to crawl op towards the roof the court boose.

It wi3 be reossmbered tbat as yet ao exhibition had bees give a ahowBig aay extraordiaary height, aad maay eatertaiaed sertocta doubts aa to the eaoceat oftbesvstesa when tested in this regard. tba spectators oa tbe gnoaad was Haraee riiia-by, oae of the maaufactarars td tbe ekiaby ateaat firs eagiawa. aad it btCMi to state he toe was one of tbe doubt- era. Tae stream crept slowly ap till it reached a short distance above the roof of the eoort bouse wbea sudcieely it spraag upward asd hsa to show sigsa of giving the stat- oe cf Justice sermoactiag the lofty daosa watting. Tc4 feat had eever boea done by aey streaas tfcrowo is thia city, aa.J every body deetued it oa impoaxibie to aoeoor.phb, la a few aeeet-dsBsore be were the water reached tbat height aad daased with great furt raa a ta bm of the ata Sot coetert with this ft still moutUd cpward -tiaol its gCtWaia drops were fiat-g ttf thaa taseety feet eswv taw bead of that statue hch, aaata tiaaa it first totk As stat icw aa the toj af tb tswpSe jtutkw.

aaver had aush aa i'ilttf.

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