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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TATTOITEaT TATtCJwxT Democrat and Chronicle. t2rOam 0M U( Viy of Jwmmtk 1 JT5, PoC, Prmsarat CVmieU wfl inmUmd IS. a Wrlo jrg, tx 0M Tie Last Dr. Tha greet auction sale of bank-rapt stock of dry roods, carpet, etc by Gatasha Phl'hot, oa Men street, will ncattlveiy be brougM to a eioae this even tag. Stand aot oa order of going, bat go at once.

The Best PitstH. mate that tbs tvamber of boats tbos delyad before tbe eompietiea of tbe work of rep, will reecb from 400 to X). The WAtehtbAA alocg that portloa ef the ratal where tbe beak gsva way made bis round of iaspectioa at e'dock oa tba vroiog pre'loos aad BOtatng aabsaaI or eal-xted to Attract AttesMoa aoald be dis-etrvered. The break waa a stfigajaf one ta many reapema. aad taking everything- into eossadaratiea waa a very fortunate oaa.

ia-aatsrrBeh aa Ms umujieuue a short rtislsnaa ta aitbar direcaion from tba aite woaid bare been disaatroes to tba anrroaading oc-ootry. WATIB WOBKSSTESTIBAIIOJT. 0. D. GROSVEXOB, It 15 8tt Street, SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES.

Teachers' Bibles a SpecialtT. CAUL AT THB Aisrican Tract Bspsiiarj, At 75 State Street. i and OfQco STATIONERY BtAHK WORK; LKDGKR8, JOCBJT ALH. DAY BOOKH. CAH BOOCH, UTTER COPYr5(J AJTD Till.T, BOOK3, CAP, BILL AJfD LBUAL CO-tMJCRCtAl.

ItOTtta, UCTTEA FIX HTATIO.NEKY FOH LAX 1X3' C5-L tAs larseas MoeA ef PA ATA AI Ara la Aw Tort. Trade savetled as I MERRIAM Boo knell cm gad sutiosers, 40 West Main 8troet. Caasxja A Moeasp. Bssa JUnaiAB. BmnarSatd.


BOOTS AJTD IHOE GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE Boots and Sioes The Blb'e Cast sat if Ue School. of te larmiers aet CAveaiel. your tofumns are declared to be opa for a fair dieec-. of that vexed bat im-portant question, claim the pHvOegA of SAjdreaaing a few qaesttoes to those Protea-Utt raatort, to whora of late yea kare ae-corded so larga space to lay before the pubUe their reason for the sxcIdubca of the Bibls from Ise pubiio schools, and this I do. tbe hope, that both the questions, ead tbe answers if any be deigned Mtheaakmay reflect some degree of tight upoa a vary painfal sepect of the sabject.

Daaa samrRxv A the position ywa bars taken, la regard to the reading of tbe Bible la tha schools, la, to multitudes of Christtaa people wboliy htjcoociiable with your aacred orSce, permit me to ask you. ia all fraternal kindness, tbA following plain aad simple question FlrAt Too beUeva the Bible to bath word of God. given Aad Addressed to the whole race of Adam Cab yon adduce oaa passage from tnat book to abow tbat God releasee or excuses any human being from bearing sad obeying it, oa the pie that be doe aot believe III How then oaa yea atand ap ead Attempt to release any oa this nieaf Thou shalt speak my words nato thee whether they will whether they win forbear. Second Tom believe the sen command-BMAt to be the law of God, Addjased to and binding upon every soul of man; how thea can you sat yourselves against rsading this law to tbe children in tbe school when you know that many of them are aot likely to bear it anywhere eUet Third Yon believe God to be tbe Supreme law-giver How thea caa yoa labor through, three-fourths of a sermon to est eaids his legisiatsoa by erg amenta drawn front mere bnmaa enactment Fourth You believe that those who discredit end oppose tbe taaching of the Bibls are ia error, in fatal error; How is It possi-ble then for yoa to lend your mQueaoe to keep and fortify them la that fatal error Fifth Too. believe that the gospel of Christ's meessge of life to very sinful soul, whether you or old; How then oaa yoa whatever others may do, stand At the school-hoarn door, aad intercept tbat message I Sixth You believe that those parents who are unwilling their children shoatd bear the word of God at to error, aad do them great wrong How thea can yoH aide with stub parents in doing this grets wrong I Seventh You Acknowledge Christ to bo your mAtter, And thai be has taught us thus to pray: -Our father which art in heaven, etc How then caa you oppose the use of this prayer among the lit tie children? Are you hot taking the place of the erring whom ilisit-A.

"When Jesus saw it, be was much displeased, and said auto them, suffer tb little children to come unto me and forbid them not! Eighth Oo every Sabbath day. you pray God to remove or break dowa every ooeta-cle to the gospei in Barman, China and spaa How sifter this can you land your hands to wall ap every school-house la your owa city Against that gsepel! Kinth You Basks the wan of your prayer-room echo with tbo sound "Send by whom thou wilt send, only sand salvation, and then soon you are up from your kners, yoa My, -He, Lord, not by the schools if tbe whole rising ganerAtfoo perish. Is this conaisSency 1X You admire tbe magnanimity of PaoL wbea be said some preach Christ of envy sad strife. And some of good will. What tbesf notwithstanding every way, whether to pretence or to truth, list is preached, end I therein do rejoice, and wfll rejoice.

How it, then, that yoa cannot rejoice that that geepel ia read in sincerity and with seriousness by moa of tha principals of our schools I How people's eyes get filled with dAStf" 11. Ton ground an argument Against tba bible ia tbe schools, on "tbe manner in which soma read it. Does the divine truth from your lips owe ita success Altogether to your decorous manner, or to tha holy spirit of God I Ha haa, ere this, emDloyed a Balaam to utter predictions, end A Judw to work miracle bis fact I leave yoa to apply this wsy or that way. 12- Finally, you hava taken a stand, which a few may approve, bat which greet body of Christian people deeply deplore. If it a a the devO, AAd not tbe bible, that wm to be east out of our schools, what groAter aeel or more strenuous effort could you have pat forth tbAA you hare done ia this mAtter; And you bare put your prod nation before the public, let me Ask yoa to turn over your "barrel, and show us one sermon to win sine era to Christ, anon which you have bestowed one-half the time or labor devoted to those to cast oat God's word from Among our children in the schools.

I envy neither your position nor your prodao-tiocs hut if these simple questions will serve to lead you to give a 'second sober thought' to tbe Dart you have acted, my end will be eccons listed. THE NXT 30 DAYT-i I' 41 I me- A he bc rt in tc ii to I iot lot isa erf em ea uf 'Bel nui re ro ece 11 tf ke! Tl im -cU ren cliC at a 'tv, -nai niij a aco. Ob I ist I rU -Tbs ECO bep e. i uct i Tea ttxib Ul mj si pro. i rout Hii9 sboA yea i A a re oral the Jew.

ii i- UtU I 4 re I 'Ml i i JXK ct i te i rc i OW lid roui rise otir le inue ecu an htt tit Jrfot tB tndc es ike -mr tt-pei f-otj i ion OiUll nary i-iira wU, war. ion '-T ri I ifc Tb. nJe iri te fp Oh tcmuj hui i nitrt Ulrt The Free tcsstAr-tr Cearee of tAmdr, etc Tbe school board bald aa Adjourned tpeciaj meeting bat evening, tbA president. Com. Baker, ta the chair.

Ia tha absence of Paperfntandent BOis. Com. Mlcbeara was appointed dark. Cot. Miebaela.

from the Free academy committee, reported the roars of study for that lost tattoo fallows: To te HnncmUr he Board of Etueatinn UI.TTLKMXS: The Free academy woaid respectfully recommend tbe adoption of tba iouowtbc eoorses oi staay in aba It mm academy for tha aaaoiAg year: CXAWfcai, corasE. Vr-4 Uirw Itia 1 eat is. Alseera, Anefeat HiMory, Cepiao. '-T1 Lim ae Talis Oiawaiai AJrra. Moan Hw r.

Oeatauvltioa. Ibt-e ura-um BeaAar aoA Una Alsesra, Assiiah lumn. Coicgoaiuoa- i rtMta aod fat, Mftim re (VMaaoOtiaa aod Aioeailoa. onm fcarra -w tmr aad Una rj-nmi-i. i etry, Oreeb CompvttHm ae BHsxrattaa.

Tltiw vma Ceere and Latia CowpallKn. An aasaa, tWili teEsaasa. Comvosltiua aaA Bwea Ttmin nix FtnA tea Cteef a ea Uun Aaa-bat. Aertev rta-oe(le. Swan 104 orau-na Seot4 terw viratl, Bomar, Berte aiavota, Ba- a Taire Mra- VtrsH, Hi-ster.

taar aau oraoaoa. SC1B-VT1HC OOCK8S. wwr vsaa. terai Atcahea. A'aaarml Ptrikiama-r- ae CV -eaorttioa.

eeooae teim Alitebra. Haasrel rIkraosAy. ad- 1 airo er Vn term LaUn toiv. lnn latla scan, aaderu Hirw.ry tim trnB -uua iMaser asco-TD rasa. sm term Geowesry, aaa KlorotKttj.

eaeoad te-m aomaary. Fb-aiolosr. Caaaosttsan AiocatKe. leira nam eotsetry. Be-any, CowagsiAoa eo4 Eiacauaa.

Irterta Ce ir aad latin Coaipostttos, German. eeciid tana Cesar aad Iatta Compgatttaav German Frenea. Third term Tleero and iatla Cempoaitioa, Ger-aaaa. Freach. Laasaaca.

XEiao 1 11a. Vyrrt tens Ttriteai ueocranhy MS Oeaiosry, ma. Serr. Eaar, aa i waiton. eeerod a-n History aad Palmeel aeoeoaiy, BAat-are.

Kaa ya and rtioaa. TbirrJ c9C09 tt soygg Bleat er wetaods of learetnc Bnslia Uteratare. feraiiaaiins Aaaaa or Oraaiona. nptiemM. mm lena reera aad LaUa CoiapoaitaaB.

Trie, awatri, EjOale. eeeoad terst VircU, Sarreytns. Btsaaal FhBeao-br. Third tarm Vl-r" r. w.rml PUaaophr.

iL Sl.tSiS toLitSiS. pmi rim term honk Cammerctal Aritbtaa-He aad Eiocaaoa. Heenml term Book Comstereiai Arlkh aie-tle 1 ri. ard Thtrc term Bk Keeping. Heieaee of Qorern-mexiL, ComptaitOBaad 1: wnj Ion.

rtrat terat Sataral PsUoaofiny. Uerotaa. Fhysleal GeeeraflllT. seeoBO tarm ataral Pbikmaphy. Garmaa.

Aaaa- onc. 1 bird term-Chemistry. German. ngUsb Iiaera-tnre. Adopted.

Tbey would further recommend tha those papila wbo have pursued regular coarse of study in the Free academy for two years, aad those wbo have pursued regular courses of study for three years, be united to form A graduating class for the ensuing year. Tbey woaid further recommend tbat each pupil in tbe Free Academy ba reqaired to take three full studies. And ao more, during each term ct Attendance uulees especially permitted to take more or leas studies by the Free Academy committee, Tbey would further recommend that any graduate of tbe Free academy be permitted to remain ta attendance one year after graduation pursuing optional studies. The same committee also submitted the following We would farther recommend the employment of tbe folio wing teachers ia the Free academy, at the salaries specified, for the ensuing year: Mtss E. Gay lord, precepweas, Mrs.

rXCase, attistAnt preceptress. S00. Was Wilkinson, teacher of composition, Charles Forbes, K. teacher of physical sciences, tl. Prof.

Trzctsk, teacher of Garmaa sod snperinteedeni of German instruction in subordinate schools, SLOW We would further recommend that the board elect, by ballot, a principal aad two assistant principals of tbe Free Academy, At salaries respectively of and L0ia The rrport Is signed by Cams. chaels, Gflmora, lie! yea, Davis and SemplA. Com. Lauer did not know what right tba committee bad of appolntinc Professor Trxolak superintendent of German sehooia He did not think that the professor, however well qualified, could teach in the free Academy end superintend other schools at the earns time. Com.

Bern pie would vote for toe sslary of Jl, 000 for Professor Trzeiak, not taking into account bis appointment aa toperin tend ant of the German department of the schools. Com. Bart was for leaving Prof cat or Treciak'a position mm it was. Com. Lester moved that the recommendation of the report relating to superintendent of German schools be stricken out.

The report wm Adopted entire, aQ am end meats being withdra vn. Com. Howard presented a report from the building committee awarding the contract of the new number 5 school to John Straachen Son for 15, 500 He stated that there wm only one bid lower And the difference was only $300. Tbe report wm Adopted. Com.

Bart moved A ballot for janitor of the Free Academy. The vote was ordered and a large a umber of ballots taken withnut result. Messrs. Blackwood, Lochia And Howland being the candidates. Com Michaela hoped the board would re elect Mr.

Blackwood mm tbA Utter bad made a faithful janitor. After fourteen or fifteen ballots bad been taken, the question was postponed for one week. Com. GO more offered a resolution to fix tbe time for the election of principal And as sistant principals of the Free Aeademy A the next regular meeting. Carried.

Ayes 8. nays 5. Com. Howard offered a resolution for re moving tbe fences about aomber ft, gTading the groand and patting down cement or plank walks. Com.

Sempls opposed tbe resolution as enough money has already been expended oa number 6, in which several rooaas war at in use-Co m. Baker explained that the work was eceasary; the fexcee and walks being out of repair. XTbe subject wm referred ta tbe bunding: committee to report next week. Com. Letter offered a resolution for im proving tbe grounds About school nsmber 18.

This wm referred to the building committee to report At tb next meeting. Com. Laner moved that tha building com mittee be directed to report soma plan for tbe relief of somber 9, IS and SL. Relyea said that After Inspecting somber IS, be and other oo mission era had discovered there wse room for many more seals The motion prevailed. Com.

Michaela from tha Free Academy committee reported la favor of allowing tbo AtheAsaam library aaace to the Free library room Aad that tbs papers Also be placed tbera tabled for one week. Adjourned. Base A game of bn wee played yesterday oa tbo Ligbsoa groands between nines mads Ap from tba establish menu of 9. Levi Co. aad H.

Michaels Co. Tha following is the tKUiUE: m. co. AT. tTHaALS A CO.

o. B. atony. G. Smith, Eoi.

a 1 Iks. a a I M. Van Beisk.b I 4 aa.burr. I. 1 J.

faeSafr. it. luw, I li tuiL a. a 1 Mars, la iSs Viecard. e.

r. i. iJSaaaia. I I I'JblHWf. I.

I lot la. 1. .1 a I 17 as pare A. Brews. Sowrar AU at ft re.

The Old lOSUu At a regular mseihu-g of tba la Beg. 5. Y.VoAv. bald last evening At tbs mayor's office, city hall, tbe fallowing offloert were duly si sol nl riswljans Cat. T.

A. Faraoes. Htm Vlea-Praaidaoa Cmpa. fi. mtn6 Vkea-t-rmucaat aav Jotta A.

llavy. eecrMarr mast w. Waaaaara. Treaurwr -Oast. Ailrwl fcitwi.

Csasiiaia ert Aasaata. CaiUsoe. Trsateaa Qui f.l irmnmom eert.W.A. rlavaw. B.

Waraaa, twrut, iaaas laiaaa. raras is. li. Bad. AcjaarBed.

sabject to tbe call of tb president. Care HP. Msahtt.i, cbalrmaa. Gsxx WsABBrBa, aeoretary. Llrctlea Omeen.

At a regaiar BMeting of the Ajbary Tsm- peranee society the following ofllnors were elected for tha ensuing term Pesiaat sstan I aanal. Vti-r-fmHSair-iieursv J- Tri'aassias awiaaarr A lU.aUa a. gaava. Treaarr Mtasstiaai Uaa. LiWariaa KmHA a- hay.

kjeaesa" jststea SM Attn Cveaaat, 'a at Mcinasaa. alas atarf Arvea. Jaavoa si. Bnea CAartaaAias- Ir too bars a few atiaate Vetsare drop Into the store of G. aad Waattoa.

Baal Mem street sad South 8a, Paul street aad examine tha Baa stock of window shadnt And wall papers ever aeea I ajsesra. Laaausary. Beamaa aaa Ls-MKHts. Hui is as, Aaeleat EQa. I ainn aaa Oraawaw, liar- aad Gra-astar.

6er-aaa, A Cag i V9VKTV. A Tent Hsb aaata aA etne4 ia Blarry tVo We Bte tttm, with a tratkrr- w's BXevoiver aim ta the raea. Oaa of tba moat reaaarkabla case ta tbs matriBBoaial bo rvar traaaptrtac ta Was tare Turk was daetded la tbA Mpreaaaeoart. Jaatice E. Darwla Smith preakUng, yaaterday.

Tbe rireainstAAceB of tba caae mm nearly as bar baea abi to leara ia tbe Im-perfet eoAAaer ia whiob they com to at are aa follows: Soma ttooa sfaoa A yOAagt man named OAwrge R. Brown. A residAAt of East Rath, Bde com plaint that be had boao eoercad ir. to a nsamaga with a yoBg worn ab Bamed Lou BAroer, At Atoa Tba caae waa brought op before Jadge Ramsey aad by biai referred to rga W. RawaoA.

Taa atAta-BBaat aJegad to have beaa mada by Brown 1 that ha waa Acteeding to aotae basiaeae ta a MAcksmltb shop At Hoaeaya Falls soma time atboa, wbea a baa named Cosetar Bristol, dAAAty aherifl of tha coAAty, caUad him eat into the sweat to apeak with him. Ba want oat and Bratot toid him be moat go down to A too witb him. I u.wer to bit question for what purpose, ba waa told to marry Lola Barber. Ha toid Bristol (Hias Barber's brother-in-law) tbat be did ant wish to marry her aa ha did aot love her eaoogh for that. It is tbAA said tbat be wm informed by Bristol that tba young lady bad eoafeoaad baring beaa criminally intimate with bun (Bro I aad tbat ba mast BPAtry her.

Ha mast accompany him to Avoa dead er aUva, as ba cbona. firowa got into tbe boggy Aad oa tbo way down ia reply to noma remark of Bristol's said ba a eased be coald get away if ha wished to. Tberenpoo, ha tales, Bristol draw a revolver from bie pocket aad placing It at hie head comprised him to keep hia seat aadende aa dowa West Rasa. He was obliged to go from tbeaca te Avoa without ehangiag bis dotbiaa. Tbe yonog lady was obtained At her father's booae aad waa ordered by the brother-in-law to Acoompaay hi a and Brown.

Hoe got into tbo baggy aad tba two proceeded towards Avoa. They stooped at a booae aad a minister was procured by Bristol to perform tba eeremoay. Tbe mia-iater, Bro era claimed, asked Bristol whether tbera was any reaaoa why the parties should aot be Baited Aad he aaid ao. Tba parties taemaeivee were not asked Any question aa ia csstomary. Having tbat bees married by farce, tbe partiee returned to tbe bnde's boese where tbe unwilling basbaod left bit wife and weot to bis owa borne.

He daiaiAd tbat tba charge of Intimacy mad fcy Bristol was totally nnfoaaded, and mads eeia it is said, that neither before nor since tbe marriage bad ba bad Any relation of ia-tiinacy with Visa Barber. Tba report of tbe referee waa eeot into apreme court aad yesterday Jurtioe K. Darwin Smith granted a decree declaring tbe marriage nail and void. Both parties i were allowed tbe privilege of marrying again. Tba case Is c-oe wbicb baa mads consider in the eotamanlty where tbe partir reside, and taa deeiaioa of tba court wm doubtless revive tbe interest ia tbe qoesttoa two-fold.

The case is a remarkable one and tbe mystery of Bristol's Action remains yet to be explained. CASAL BREAK, Fire Benares' Fe the Brie Caaal Bank Rear Palmira Wutai A way A Ha ax CarrtoS Oat -A rm oaa tea flut-1 S.ea a rarea at Aartk eeeaaarr tm Bta-All fb L'Aaaam. Bbcrtly before 2 o'clock yesterday mor-Bitg aa exteosive AOu disastroas break occurred la tbe bank of tbe Erie caaal about one able of tbo village of Palmyra Tbe locality ia wbicb tbe break occurred 1 one which baa occasioned saaca difimity ever sicca tbe canal was pot into operation, al-tboogb no break bad ever taken place before at this particular spot. About 500 feet from tbe local iy of tbe present break a smaller ooa oecavred last spring, which was promptly and efficiently repaired. In that vicinity tbe canal runs along a Aids hill with a bluff seveAty or eighty feet oa tbe heal path side ax a gTdaai tlope down te tbe Mad creek bottcm 3.

cn tbe other. Tbe Sita are About thirty feet lower than tha level of tba tow-path. Tbe bottom of tbe canal there for sotnt distance is mada of cement clay and sha'e rock. OaUid is a rip-rap walL This feasaiA-ays occasioned trouble by its lia.i i. ty to soak ap and lough oat.

As before sxau-4 a tmnU break occurred about 500 feet last spring. Tbe engineer Aad super-mtendect re Dai red the difHeulty end streaktbened tbe bank. Where tbe secured ibe bank ft Is still intact, TUX BKBAX. Tbs boat "John Green way" baand east leaded with corn, approached tbo place here the break oecarred A few minutes be fore o'clock. Tbe steersman opoa the boat waa astoaiabed to see the team towing anddenly tura aroand and ran back bo tbe tow path.

Ia aa In cast And without farther warning, tbe bank, water, boat and ail wast out with oaa grand ptonge, down tbe side hill. Toe borsea bad been detached from tba towing line wbea they turned around ao tbat they were aot swept away. Tbe back it erpeera was all ready tor tba break and the team arrived joat in time to be startled by tbe first fiseore. Tbe boat waa borne dowa by tbe 'current and leaded la a eornOaid belonging to a Mrs Wil cox, fully 200 feet from the position it had left ia tbe canal bed. It waa pretty well twiated op aad brokea by the shock.

The casta-n, crew, cook end relief team were ea tbe boot, bat ao ono was injured in the alighteaa. Teare were two otber boam wbicb were ao Bear tba break that they were nrarly drawn through ft by tbe sac a of the water. Tha one coming tbe Dearest to It waa the S. K. Worthingtoa loaded with wheat.

This lies OA tbA beet path side opposite the break. Tbe Bali Lo gan, with lam bar aad the Bartboiomew loaded witb cement, lie at either ead of tbe ebAsm upoa the bed of tbe canal. Alt tha boats are badly wreaehed and twisted. Tbs tow-path bank of the caaal was taken away for more than four handred feet, bat another bandred feet it so torn and wrench ed that it will hava to be taken A way la ar te aoitably to repair the bank. Tba little atraam.

Mad areak, run along by tbA cans' eaer the break aad tbos tbs terrible inundation which weald surely hava followed tbe letting oat of so great A balk of water, was averted, tba torrent rashlag down tbA natural channel of tba Btream. Toere are waste gates at Lower Meeedoa and At "ewarfc, bet these ware of coarse not speed-iiy opened aad hence the entire balk of water oot of tha stretch knows aa tba Twelve MuA lave weat roahing oat of tbA break ia tbe beaa. It la ao wonder, therefore, that ao mac damage waa dona. Tha bad of the canal was washed away to tba depth of about tea feet. Canal engineer Hanks aeti- SBAtea Abet from 1000 to 15,000 yards of earth will be reqaired ta raise the bank ap to its farmer poaitioA and make tba work good.

He aad atngtcear Fay weat dowa to Palmyra eater day and gave the groand a careful ex arrr Mr. Hank stales that there ts plasty of graral oa tha opposite aide of taa aanal, bat great win be Axperieas ed ia getting at it aad ia working aroeiad the aoaI lying ia aba had of the caaai. Toe blaS ea tba beelpaih side is sot eeveaty teat high wiU a Atsep aaaia af in ant ad DM aver eorarad with crop. They wfl1 ae Aboged to gat ap to the top of the hill and make road dowa, ia watch to bnag tha graral. A eareral asBlnials place tbe time ainmiry to tba proper aad eompiet aoooot- anahmaat af atue work to be oaa weak Aag'A- tat this aaosabsA.

Tbia aatimata is mada opoa tba Bamearot wtarkaaae aa teai whJcA it Axnaotea wm go tA work a pa a tba break to day, Bectiaa Bapamteadaat 8 D. aitrweaar af Ciyda, waa aa haad ye aw day, sad made a beginning with Anoot fifty Hs ba ail the aaceanary manfilaary, or Ma work aa the epet, aad to-day expaou to ptU AAOAt Sue avaa aad aaraety-CTa tea mi ea the lob. lab tha foroa it is thaagat boats oaa again be moving by Tea day next, Tada that, hewevar, will reqoir the aaaat taitafoi work, and freedom from mishaps aad poll TJatU taa eaaaat is refitted tbera wul of oaaraa ba aa eacire atopaag-A of aoam ba- tweea MaoedOA aad swart, wbare lock are aitnated. Boats from tba aaM will aaep in the taree-snilA level batAw SewArfc aad ia tb Clyde level. Boats from the wee "eest ia the meilan ills ievat this aide af tha Ma-adna lock, The Bugbears aau BDSSU LEATHER -AB- Leatlier anil Canvas TRAVELING CASES FOR THE SATCHEL.

also, a rtAA ut or BOGEES; SCISSORS Lit CASKS WITH erLVsTR PLATBO AOWA fT opgaaa ar STEELE 4 AVEBTS, 44 aad Stsvte fcirocst. ft'UKkllTUBX. Bailli Mil, 69,71 North St. MAnufactorers of and Dealer ia FINE aaj FASHIOXASLE FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Our nock it full And complete of the latest and mo approved styles, and manufactured especially to meet tha demands of tba Spring Trade, Fttrnllart) of Every Deals; or Style HAnnfactured to Order.

We have a fan line of Cottage and cheaper grades of Furniture. We invite an examination of our goods, a our styles tod price cannot be beaten. CROCKERY AJCD GLASSWARE. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS i FRUIT JARS! 2,000 CASES OX PALE OF THB BE3T AJTD MOST APPROVED ST TI.K3, AJSD AT BOTTOM PRICKa 1,000 CASES BOYD'S GESmtB atASOS JARS. WITH PORCELAIN LIS ED COVER3.

1,000 CASES QUEK5 AST atASOS IitPROVEB, WITH GLASS COVEPA The Trade is I UTIO YEV against imitation of the Cfevf4 A BS. Buy none cithoiM the Trade-Mark, Mason' Patent r. 30th, 1S3H," is found on the face of the Bottle. HENRY C. 33 State-St.



TE5T AND FLAO FACTORY ITllU81tD ltX DS.Teit&FWMfactorr JAMES FIELD, 40 4 42 Eich.nge-SL, E0CKE3TES, H. T. Meaafaessrar sf Rata and Faacy ffiliei-Priof A-iis0saii Teili riaas. Raicmoeka. Barwsar Aafttas.

Boas iia, tlrse. Sua sad KtafS Corars, a A soieasia aad Aalaa iratlwr La Boston Manila and Jute Rope a MAJcFACTrim rtucat, a Braided aad On Waa Ataa lVd.roatoe Arina Caruet Wart. Entrta raostad, Tacaie Hit Tit ATAAA -A" AAD AM (M KB AO -A" GRAIN BAGS. Boat Oars.


Brush, and Broom Wire. Kaivaa, A aft ea Patma, Caavas. Daa aad Aaatia FASHING TACKLE. AAD IT.AO To AajtT INDEPENDENT fflSUBAIiCE AGL'iCY MB. i.

a WARD has withdra wa from the toast board ef Sr. isiwtmm aatd waaactioa its Mr. Cartas (art aaa eetaailaaad ae asaetmaani asatkcr. Itar win ba a. ta aaaairaaa te tea otd aaatomen af taa aad taa at astasia rates aad ta ratiaiaa J.

B. Willi. ft are-" mt. DHDOt. DRUCS1 ORUCSI DRUGS! B.

BATTSIXB OX, Osbara Boas a Dras AtnriK A I BasaMaua em. wkoiatale Sad retail sttuara ks sad Caami- eais; a lar. ana HOkHrtlKH StlMI'ltSt. M'oaeal Wtfaow Ti ai Hit- 1 ml Imatrwmeata Sa lJCiKwtj Of Utie Claasioa Sanaa. raauy, st iiAktuWi, Aa sU Jwt FIN TUB JUST IN TIE We desire to call atteatie to oar Fiae StAtiAaery aad KBrraviag sari me at.

We bare long anal the lead ia Rochester Ia thi line, aad having jaat made aa arraage. meat te keep la sleek tke aaa eABAted Iiae af AtAtieaery pat ap by tke. weU knewA kaaao of TIFF at Af York, tAwetker with a tall Une of seaa. plee tke saperior Ea graved Work ia laritatiens. Cards, Ac, far which they are sa well kaowa.

We cis boast af having the very a treat goads prod aced. We ia. vt te aa laspectiaa at oar Ita of samples, aad ia Letter aad Note Payers woaid call atteatiea ta the aew Cherry Tiat as man thing SEW AAd very tAstefAl. tCRANTOM At WETKOKB. It State Street, Rochester, If.

onrrr FnRstHro ooont. The celebrated and unequaled and "Elm-wood" Collars, to be found only at Ranney Brothers, 20 State-St. Wholesale and retail. Also, the finest stock of Fancy Shirts.Summer Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, new and elegant Scarfs, Bows and Ties.and the "Flour City Fine Shirt," exclusively sold by Ranney Brothers, 20 State-St. W.A.Doie&Cfl.

ALTHOUGH MERCHANTS secerail mfkemtiiig of THEIR GULL TRADE Threejbotit tfcs Srrin. yet WA esa TRCTHFTJlxr cub great Increase In taie. OTiii ant ran la KB SEA). THE REASON IS Tnat stilt oar soods hsra been AXCBIXATTT IM sjCALITT. oar Jans CMFOKaXT IMS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST! And we kar OVTB.V ODFSRSOLDall comASUSJea.

IN ORDER TO INSURE A of svettre eosliitTa. Uaivatta) ska Smam-mer, buU AFTER JUL! 1st. REOUCE OUB PBICSd ae sil classes of woods. KvarrtaUe tm i i lli rv i rAISCTir GOODS! FXTS JirV GOOOS-5 GOOD aJNr CIIE.V1?: 45 ana 47 Slain Strest HLSETY-NIXE OE3TT STOKE. Tte Old Staiiarl No.

64 POWERS' BLOCK tt Sf LL tRTICI.K COI.D In the CITT FOB aad AT CBATa, FOIt AO CE.tTA. Zon't ifaka a in the Number and oSitf otners to otolte yoat solacee you or ie our Storm when you ore aot, WE HAVE JUST OPENED A Tart, snd Fie ttoek of Vt. Ts aad It MrtUATBIU BAbd kick. a pUted, tor 99 CA-TT8 We are tents a Sa A RO WOO S'-UtTT tsr. and S.u, la I tv.x.

wtta booa, trlckata, Sitka. eomstaaa. CS VTA BAA AAON'ZA LAMPS. wttA sasU or uu. for A cavrs Li.VBV DIXA aed FASCT WHITA, AaTS.

aoat ti- a as wnoisaale. tut. 9 A CABTA BHiHTBCJ AUKBU AACStl ta Warraal grevy Artlriw we Heil. We Blesm He Traah. The Larea Variety Aiere la Waller a Hew Verk.

E. J. Mwell Co. BAUSCM A ORANSFIELO, Z0 ArsadA 'Tlse-vvsi aaew. OSCAR H.

PEACOCK, OfflcA, 57 CjAUi ATeadA. TO RXJTT To Rent HH frTTH OF BOOMS ea First Floor. a Muoiam; BBS tte Html aaa roamt. Ae. i SOS HOW A WAansA ntaeasA-ts, To Rent.

A bL'lTB OF TVBSISBXO ROOMS. Ia- aa eatraaa He, It WAST MAI 9T-T. To Rent. DtSTSO KOOhf AKO SALOON la tha Aorta rtaeas mil Stttidtatt kaatra aa WeetFe Aainujaa aosts. A it.

a aw Saa aaiaa. masis tatpratiitaa narlorita oat ar twa bea. aa mar am waataa. nrsiaaad ar UaaaA Boars syi a warns ataa a Ssraamta im at aw la S--B at, aaaiaa sr staam o. A as tea rary aata aAtahltlHtvttAltiaan, A.

AL 111 a a It.tssatav. Mara IA tsti. Baaaa, Notice Is Hereby Given pHAJTHB CXJP AETKBrtSBtl" heretofore iuB aaa wooosv waortaA by tati.a. caataaa. saa tba paomnM btiavasiaaad sy aCitA ATIM and WHIT.

Lii-Vai, tv A WO. ROBEKI OAXZ OWES "8 Defeeasba Laad. at iiAJUWW'S AVvivr s. tOArsAds Read tbo opinio af Profeetsr Benedict, prtuerpel of tbo Free Aeademy, to regard to the mat-tie of tha Gibbon Ac Stone pisao. BxaAATam Faaa Acajasrr.

Mbsbs Gxbboas A Stoaa: It Afford me great picas ore to say that the plana I purchased of you, for thi institution, boom four year since, bm more than reaKeed oar sn- Uci potions of it fitoees. In every respect, for oar parpoA to securing a first oa tasw-a- SAAAA, It BAA bASA to eVAry day AAA, At OAT chapel axareises, and nsonthly, at oar etty institutes, it Baa aaoat aalisfsoasruy served the sxcellent Artist who hare tad our masis, aad rwytng upoa tba jadgment of thoae wbo have critical taste and a twwetwad oat. I aaa conflnced that, for brsadth. depth aad richness of tone, for retentive power to keep ia tune, aad All tbe other good qualities at a superior toatrument, tt is aot surpassed by any of foreign or aomestki mass rectum. Yours truly, JC W.

Bxseqict. The pater 1 overhead tie strap, maasfac-tared aad t- only by tha nndereicned, i tbe only safe aad reUable hitching strap. A boras bed by one of these straps tt a rare guaranty tba ba will bo found where he waa left. Taa kvrgA Bomber of runaways oocarrics; dsfly at quit BAiggsBtive sf some safe mean of hitching horse securely. A.

V. Smith dt 65 And 07 State street, Kvxav cat this mobtth Barks Fltz Sim oa Hone Co make Addition to the job lot offered. Bummer goods mast and will ae sold let the sacrifice Ae ever so great. Customers will find bargains to Llama lace ahawla aod secqnee, black greaadioea, tinea dresses, black and fancy colored silks, line of dress goods, tun umbrellas, hoase-keeping goads. hosiery, glove And underwear, la oaa, em broideries aad whita goods.

With a fall determination to does out summer stock, bargains will be found in every department. 53 55 aad 57 Main street. At tba Brennaa store, 30 State street, wil be found Victoria lawns, jaconets, aaia-eooka, dress linen. Batiste, grass etochs, percales, pique end A full line of fine white goods At prices recently reduced. We have A Una of sammer dress goods, worth twenty aad twenty-five cents, that we are offering at a great sacrifice only tea oeata a yard.

Parties to search of cheap goods moat go to the Brensan store. Da. 3. P., toe magnetto healer, will taks a location.

And be Absent from the city from Jane 2th to August lota. AB communication addressed to him at bis office, 150 Power 'a block, (a asu, will meet with prompt attention by hia mtentary (Mr. Doaglas) who will remain for that par-Po. Tvrkisk Bath 59 ut 61 Street. Tba repairs are foUy completed end wa Are At borne to the pubiio.

C. 8. Hess xt. Proprietor. $50 to $10,000 sa teTst4 ta 8o lrotSk.

-Hot to 1o t. A IvcKik es Wm 0trs, tWB tree. TCHBBIDGU CO. Wsatl Smrmt. Kev Tri.

fr. Hops Cntwrsmrr.ThB mwmber of tewtarvMDw. tu Mob Ropm the vaek ami Tair IH- vera 8Aea (13), aa4 tfe mUMwrnum wen v.folJor9: DtptbrtTre mnp.M 1 rVastle Trmr 1 harr? feTr. PntonfLat-a 1 MarMfcti. 1 Trabofd ieTtjr i CTmlwaOO 1 InatQitXtQ Oiwrvsjav la'aatarai I hiOryjata; 1 1 1 -rCsnjaa.

Of inti rl Apiictww i jii reported i I- uwmofmr of tBt9rBeBts aA AiM wwiMwy Anrtx toamt9amaiaMT9mt of Itwi wti wwe LEGAL 1SEWS. litre Cirt JoarUce Vleir. Prer3inAT- lwOCTl al I WL Jn'7 Q. wTi'Ham lOTa, Wtjlhim sDsmvia dioi-iirr ma A pferiBaT cird ia Scattler too bocutea, mcix ttuaV lwt thsDX bOT- TrmTTt hosi-- Mchel HurV-y flruuia; bvsmI dlsorCaHij. Tea toi laVf- or lotrtw WilttiM JNurv.

WTtttan itlfiHi, JHulGt I9Mmu daabarderij aat jtarnarrj. A3rre T-a-fc pon. Fran Coopgr poce- lXOS trtMB AJaiUUt aWXtlSaaw imfaCaa QT ataUaAla ChT htUTtW Bpora Dv tirtrtBtj rr tv txom awlt Smsker thM.Q wavi. Five dottars- PaU4-Hmurj Coops emintsli aod carted tm. No GLBpoeeG of.

ClMrleo Giwtn tnre It of. JlrbB UMKAlA4f BIB duVtl IM VaV) No. wUpsaeea of. SATItiATIO.X. Arriralg gad Clearances.

ROCBX9TEB. JnJy IL lt. 1e roUetrBD Aotus cleared truxa thtt otr yeer- CtBSBBO. Wm pacta. Hx-ht, AaOaiu.

lien Arm.idt. do ao. PCatrpbeli, do Medina. rets Laoe. do makers.

Hart Jit, de Oiean. Cuiwio-rrs. Jaty 11, trt. Sehr Mnrtnr. tirtKa Haroir, htmber.

Barge st Baker. Cleftao. hme tune. BarseCwl BracSeK. Ce Vincrat.

u-ore. Tut: M.titie Spencer. Citjton. Barsea. ecurKaterprite.

Torunto. ne-hi. Sutir Mafftiet. Oweto. paeaectfers and freisht.

Mir 1'fiiio Betineu. Osnstra. lutbt. Schr Mart r. seni teonra mb.

Mill Ptv.DC ties and bunr Amau. fcrt paaaessen aavt irwWku 9etf sfoniter. Fair Haven, lia-nt. ra uil. T.h.l i.

eoat. far Caritoa, Bruekrilla. do. iwrar Ecterpn. Woitbr.

do. Acar Starr Ta. lor. t. It.

j. (chr Beanett. p-. troa. cer Weat Wind.

Toronto, eoal. ar Maaraek. Oawearo. tmaaesfers and freight. oitur Atiniaavi, Purt H-te, paatangara and tretxht.

UcrtAlyQ, July AV1JL itnnD. rarreu. Laiapee. 3 Grflr. Bell.

Wweoeil. LraDtia. ti rt iwan. Jenaie Grav.Jas Sawyer. lady Watalaaxoa, Levis Watjel.

t'arne stack. Herrtck. A Geo b.riiek. ktaran, edSam.

i G'eta. Orrta Coliint, a 8 Poaad. Uanson. LK tictiDom. iias Ball.

Barrow, Blaaeaa. Ckeaa Transpananon. Jsc'h ieBD. Cwra A Frank trios.

Pi ktrak, Jter. Stocaa. Ttooas tiosL Wltaon. Wm Petne. 8 trans.

Deaand, A li Brows, if ebrss-ka. Vibbard. it Dodge. Franx rthmilon. Sccayifrr.

Bella, Idta Uaster. Jas Hatmart. Laura Fanro. Feao. Adas SSiii.

Kitue Oaraa. Jaa H'tob. Tyra X. lrfc, HBibert, tallies. Albert Andaua.

Jaa Baser. Ad Hia.lna. Owan KaSerty. A Allen, no Aarr. Uai-as siarr, Prad bpecbt, Vasdarbilv a 11 WetcA.

41 B.RBIi Jul. lu.ll. aeiier. amine vjuDwaeat Moure. Dextar Tlrai do Cliarlotte.

Wrtawt do i ttlllward, Pniuty 7-Mrdo at Keaiul, Boots I-ajU do at A Iiiiofl. Petra TSD do Hon Crham. Crtmaiins TTaa Petiflad, Ptfleld r-Oj do Bran, bwin aoo do Perkins, t'nspla Ttl0 do Parkar, Hawaa T-aju de Minnesota. Meek TTttl Otcaha. Pslkner do Scoaff-r.

Bill real dc Troy, do do do do do do dj do do do do da do do do do do a do do a do A Batr. BJeeTSt) do ileaeea. Ptcnl TTtlDda ti Jackaoa. Bapptie do Jtinea. Prau a erd.

Fraiiex da Ornry. bray VX i Brsea, Warner 7W do 8 PsrwelL bardner So Lersaua, 1 if oota Gray. Rtxtt do Clilns aeo da McK Herrtt-k. sactrr do A Farsnam, Mayers huaper sad skta-la de Caiiee. Patterson lilac her dn Maloaay Matose ttoaa and boons Ldr A ahlzirun, Mairay tUiSoata.

a Cta. Wiimft eaal da Miaar tuer ilA floor da A Swan, rreeiand euai Msnteraaoa. Prospect. Aeetiar So Ao A JaekaB. T'sradeii laasbar di I.

Haraaa. BiotMliiooA dtt LAUim Aasta. Ghbm, Enls-nt do at up do do Wincaoii, lotlerfcoopa aad ssarea Atedtsa. Aevl. i-hI rura larnt do Boarta.

Fiatsarr do Toaawaada, A LfOiis, Coitiatdo Ao A UartM. Han aun wheat Tekprs. EC CVvscaor, kVrs-iitaa eoal I. McAibata. Parter flatit Masiy UHa hmaef Baal Mikt.

Cast LDt'S, Wtl.taaitdrtee LiUotv. Aaaklik. (Imrtlae (Ml badaea. CiftL saaveans Atras. Qwoasd: letltit att a cia aGat oa aura, ta oat oaa.

Al D.D Wkaaa. S.e; aora. tHa; oaa, ataa lasibml a at: Sard wood St. oak a a. Ta StrTmi-Pine.

St ap- a. oak Ps aa. Bta at A fcja Baitala ComiBaraiai tl.trtaar. The Old and Responsible -D. Leary's STEAM DYEING AAA Cleansins EstAMIahmtnt! AAw Tarda A art ed she new TarA Ctmcrtti Katirwad Pas as.

Caw. fit at. taeTes aad fliallaataa' Haatts fttaasA Caiurad tmaoet rtpna, aad areata i alaaiy. Aiaa l.uor, Aid Aioraa claaaad ar Oatarad. vsecat.

tuana-a sa.4 ie Sal a as its i at mi a aa4 (wjlili etrtaa. oooda trysA Saas avers TasaAay. Itsili) an Bxtaas. Part as iAeCtsr. rslsAMHPawt9Bw aa AaVe 1LVkAsasws.

tioaa ttwmtrad aad ratBTBti kr Blus audit Sr axsrass taaxaaaj, Bar I hava Be AAwaaa, ae Ctaiam tJaa Oa thets eataeata wua aa Cnetveatr tAtta tarea SA aa Aseat. At Hi ta X. AUiOtVltY, HI Cersvar atf rtalt KseAeasev. M. 8.

DUNK'S in wsT atAia btbjut. Ml'MFOHD trtStMKT. evASs lart euAer Btaes brwAuas L4r Aaw wBr4-J. A. BM1.

Momm'simm W. fraees. KnMtt trT Hwa. Com CMn. BmSHHti mw i woo w.

D. MMn. WnMMMm, 0e Wmamm V. mfrmj Wclkar. Pm for Mawn la ruMtaM law wvbn tljUUA.

WD. Tw rik. Um retitr pteri la hH tty for tat Klchi oeijr. Tb ofBrfJ proeMdlDd bm bomri of apMviMirs wiu tmai em ear UiW pmm. Thm OwfM Tvl e)a wffl bold a nt-Iar OMNAiBc tbto erroiac arrugt a pr-rrmmas for ttw uaiii rcAtiA.

Tom kM Iwtvwa Uw Roekntnt ab4 Um Sew Hum ciom wm hm eUe4 torn VtriAg pvk a I o'clock Ibis Aftersse. I Tt Sw Emo cfao saI tlx SMra, tb rek elk of Bfrmeom, ymmUrdmy by A mcorm ot 1 to Taajt (tut do Ul her t-U. Our atar at mi eAafly q. Tb tAteat ABAdA 7trrd7 Aftecnooa tkM A (Ull blWt AAT PAlmrTA WM lO tb preete tocUoo of tb oaa of teat prise WM iAOOTTACt. TO t0 bTAACA w- 5W feet ApATt -pAhoraiea Barter aa4 Oreea Arrested A eAa sa Fit etreAt rbe fci bAtteved to Aata CMAprd from aa taom Ha AAd eTi-dCAUj beeo dricfcte.

wa ABAkt ire him AOBc, aq4 AoAd mm be wm rAOed. A ESAMOf bus bIl waa played yesterday AftATAoea oa ts Buater atreat ajroaBda between tso PukOi dob as4 tbA If warks. It waa toot A rr mdtmuia ftn a tba BewArkt caa off vieMrioaa by a acoro of S3 to 23. Loefci K. MaAderille, eecaaa tssmart' tor of tbe iota.

ward, reports as tallow 3.9C; ospy boosea, 43; satire votata. iT AAroraliaei voters. 375; Aliens, St; btiB mma bMM, familiea Tistt 6.3; fcoosAs rlAitad. 797; dsAtba tram aim 1st, to Jena 1st, lf7 41; marriAm, Trtr3av DaAiei Barley, Aged sloe, (all frocB tbe bAAisasrt la aba eoart boaas, tbA dietABeA betareaa two fisora. His left arm araa brokea a bora tbA eibow aal hi ooUat IpOoa was fracMred.

Dn. 13 ilea aad Baker Attesded tb lad who wm ooareyod by De tctle oars to the booaa of bis mother, A widow with fire children. Kriax At i Sma-ford street. Tbera eras a gas of bAae bail played oa Friday between tba Eaatldera and Wet alders of Stmie street. Oca aide claims tbat tbe otber fmnfjiad a profeaatooal player 1a tootr aad tbea wot tbA ruu.

The otber nidedeay tbe eh Aad each Are get ting to aobatAt afaia their positive. Fna Is (oa be I Uus la crowinf aarioat. A boot 1 o'clock Saaday raomion Arthor Kalgbt Wt bie dotAiaaj oa tea but of the caaai boat ExebaAga atroat bridge aad Jamp-Adiatotba oaaaL "Wttile was eajaytcg bimaeJl awlmmiog. two Aril atodad yoatbs aaoaed George Tbotrpaon aa4 Frask Cooper laracd froaa Puta Alley aad proeeednd to rifle bis pocket Tbry aeeored a amall nra a ltd Aad tbe aerrfoea of cSawi Cole asl Stoaa. TbA boys Are still at tbe police offlje awaiting aa aiamloation.

Sewark races commace to-day. area create are opoa tbA card, a :30 rac wttb tbirvaee la tbA field, race with niaa (a tb field aod A bbUa beat ruanirg rACA witb arreo entrtea. Tbera will bo a large crowd present asd pieatr of aport. Tbcas wisbiag to Attend from tbia city caa do ma by taking taa 10 .25 a. m.

train, ratornlng by tbe train wblcbleer (vwark at 4o aad rrirm tier At wa. ObttBAry. IM 4txr at tb Duaaeiat aa4 Cbraiee: Aliea Eaoob of Rldgaway, oeAr KedtnA, Orieaaa coaoty. died on tbe I'd icL At tbe AgA of tetr y-OM years. Be was bora ta Orwell, oa toe iih day of Jaiy, Ja bis early maobood bo Uft tbe ragged bills At bis baUta state aed came to tb a For a year or two ha was la tbo employ of tbA late Gideon Cobb, whoa beaver afterward bead ia bigb esteem.

la tbe wiater ba taught tbe district aebooL Sxk after te boagtit laoS te Ridgeway, wbicb be eaiti-AAted till Baaitifiked yeara made labor a bordrA, wbao be traaaferrad tbe car of A farm to ttt otdrat boa. Bis yooager eoa ts a rrpatable lawyer la Chicago. His foor daaghtert are all BOArrled aad settled la tha vicinity of tbebr paternal Aoma. Ha wm twice married. His first wife, tbe onotber cf all bt cbildraa, waa Diaathla Hal bard, to died tare yeATs Ago.

His aeooad wife, witb cm bo It red bat aAout ooa )aar, waa Mrs. Olive Ganu, tha daogbtar of Hoa. Robert AnderaoB of G'aa. His ooaeaci was Axlaoerreiy aoogbt ia tbA AAigbborbood wbea cotinsei was eaedad. He waa Aver tbe trier of tbe widow And too tatberleaa.

Ha waa tbe executor or administrator of scAsy eats tea, for ba waa capable And raiiabi at aii time aad ta every piaaa. Ha wm from early yean A wortby aad ba-loved member of tbA Preebytertaa ebarob, Aad for a Aomber of year ab aldar wbo all daligbted to bonor. A beautiful Ufa ia ended bat tbA momory of it many virtAea will lofig bA cberiabed. Taa AatlarrL, Skew. Tea Caa maAagoria wbicb cxbibftad toe tbe atn-et groAada yaaterday draw wail, aad ail wbo visited tba abow agraad tbat It was worth aeeiDg.

Tea place at wbicb (ash exhibit so Are give of lata ia oat of tbo way aad not rartlcBiarly-Attraewve, even wbea reaabed. will seeore mAeb larger crowd by Ceding A BBora aceeaaibl looAtity. i Taa exnibmoa of aaitnai waa large. Taa icAgea ware AteU aod tbe animal eleaa aod bcAltby. Tba names ooght to hava beaa oa tba eagea, hi( at taa keeper made A particuiar attempt tA inform tbo spectator! a to tbA epeeiae of crcatarea which tbey taokad at.

However, tba via: tor for a qaar ur of a dollar eoAid purebAA a book, with foil deearipUooA aad hlab'y-colared eatA, i Taa eacat ia tbe adjoiAlAg teat was voted A good oaa. And tbA Bbow aJtocetbar baacA batter tbAA Aoy tbat haa appeared ia Kinh- oatrr tbia an 1 AwerltAA Bk Traat Aoc1Ma. Ataaara. H. arrow, B.

tL Dowry, a C. Avar. CbArtaa K. Jbtarrt O. Wetmora AAd AtbAra, leptaaaAtmg aba It sl barter book arada, teava to-day to Attaod tba meeting BAilad At Niagara fail.

Ia a oity iUe ear icasttainieg tbirtaeA eaatral book aad payer AAtablisttTiiariaa. large yrUliag o3-cwa, paper and BAip A oooAidarAblA asAkar efcoalA go ta taw aoavAnttAA. H-t oraaa era ba ba Aak, Aad geaaraj plana atopanil tor tbA avarAmaat Af Baa book trad. Iaat aAmmar aba oaavaatkAA aaat at psi Ia Bay, oa Lata aVia, aaac Baa- daaty. and AH who were Vkera, maay BAOrA Wilt AttAAd tAJA.

SpACtAl raucniMU are Auda for p. i from MAtxa tA TaxAA, aad aa tar waataa tb Atla nta! pi, a weU aa at tbA hotels at tba WmUm, VTa abaii report tba proewadinga frwat day to gay. kArirA rrhUr. Taa eminent Garmaa tragadia a Charles reehter appear ta Corlaaaiaa evenisg, Aad oar etitins will (raedliy baIaa poa tbA first opporwusJty tbat haa aar offared tbea to hear this oaiabrata Ba will appear la tha WUarole af Ray to tbA vary flaA drama of bit owa aoma- aad we aba Aaaara oor raajan that a treat of tba ricbaat aatore a ta atara tor AboaA who attaad Faebtarai aopportod by aa BAAABABy saa company. aa4 all ita bcra areaaid to have boea aaeaaB anhh diree ieaard for tbA real aaari pciaisanl.

aad aot to be mar fiH-ape. Among are aoate Already kaowa te tba pobflo bare, Tiatag lowers, laagdoa. ataa Pnoa aad other. Ba ara aad reaervayoor aeata to-day Aad At- tAd tO-Aigbt, Caatiaeatlee et the Teatla The committee of mvastigatioA mat agala yesterday forenoon, ail tbo members being present, William R. VorXhwmj, oaa of tha lospee- tors, was eaiied as a wlinms aad teeAfied to tha QAAlity of the iron, tba depth aad mod of discing tba traacbea.

Hia erideoce was to tbe aaaoA effect Aa that Already given by Mr. Tabbe. He farther testified that aa tbA pipe whoso laying be had inspected had been placed at the proper depth. Tbe board went lata ezeeativa I melon aad A tootioa made by Mr. Perry wm carried.

It orders tha clerk to sub pre a bidders Ia Lock port and Buffalo, tbeee being Meenrs. Peck St Peterson and Mr. Hickiar. At the afternoon swssina ao work waa dons for soma tima awing to taa absence of witnesses. Fatally Patrick Barry came fat And was sworn.

In Answer to questions pat by Jadge Warner be teatJfled aa fallows: Tbe firm of Kawaarer te Berry, of which I am one, own toe Miller farm Brig-btoa. Tbe dwtriABtine; i earn uir at located principally oa oar farm I believe acrea or tbereaboote were sold to tbe oommosioa-er. Tbe land itself was sold for Bat otber personal property was aoidl the groona being covered with valuable nursery stock. end tbA whole payment was tSt, S3 Tbs sub-soil is mostly gravei. aaad and gravel, as far dowa I know.

I do not know bow tbe bottom of tee reservoir at coeaarncted. There are ao evidences to show tbe reaervotr haxardoss except the Aetore of tbe croend. I urged that the ground was BBsaiteoie. I toid Mr. Lord tbat tea groand wm very poroas, and called ha Attention to toe eooaeqaenees should the reservoir rire ay, standing over the city aa It doea I waa no anxious to sail in (act I woaid hare been gied to have paid tbe eom-miasloners a large sum to have left it aiooe.

1 eew witnesses' testimony tbat tbe Stanley farm waa wena mnch aa oars I bold oars worth two dollar to one for tnat; It ts oa A beenttfal betxbt, was covered with floe or-eamentai trees forming a border of fifty feet there wee a hedge and bearing fruit trees Ia Answer to Com. Perry The eommiauoa-ers did not want to bay tbe whole lot; I ssg-gested a Una on the east aide, parallel with the weat, making A square. They now own two hundred feet deep not occupied by the reservoir; we owa oa the north side of reservoir, aad across tbe street, I have given a Mention to tbe breaking away of reservoir, and called the attention, of tbe commissioner to each calami uee. I am aot aa expert, bat it appears to me that neither the bottom nor tbe stone on tbe aide are enough for aaf ety tbe atone wm Inferior, and I said S3. Qneetion If the work can be mads more aecBia by a eoocrete bottom under clay, oogbt that to be doAef answer I hold it for the interest of tbe city to make that reservoir safe.

If it should gtve way it would involve great lost of life i mm well mm of property. It the break were on the north aide tbe loss to life woaid be great, as on tbe south side only property er-aid be endangered. In selling I did not take into consideration the loss of valae wbicb would ensue to otoer property near bv. Tbey said It was to be a thorough piece of wot to be beyond qoesUOA, And with A roadway, sodded, etc I deoUned to Agree, and finally Mr. beeves handed me i-ii.

CJ" and said if we were not satisfied there woaid be a resort to appraisers. Mr. Eti wearer WMla Enrooe and I was eioaa. ao to aave farther trouble I concluded to accept the offer. Mr.

Barry was shows a plan of the reear- vcir And his attention was called to the fact that the eegineer bed stated tha south west corner the part of most danger. He oon-tisacd: I have read of muskrAts mAktngjopenlBgs la basks I do not know whether a paddieot day would stop tbetr operations. I think tbe puddle wm made alter the wail wm boiia. Yet I should not venture to ray that tbe rmbenkment was finished et the time I can not say at what stags the oiay paddle wm pot in. At this point the testimony dosed and the committee held an Informal disc nation of the subject with Barry And Mr.

Tabbe. Commissioner Bower wm also present. Mr. Tubbs explained how tbe paddling was dose. Be wee perfectly confident of tbe entire safety of tha reservoir, bat if Any ooa bad doubts tbs committee sboald call one or more expert engineers from abroad and have them inspect the work.

The board than adjourned. The Water Wsrks -Decision of Special Tbe decision of the special term of the su preme court has bean banded down in reference to the question of right of way, which was raised by the old Rochester water com pany. It will be remembered that the point at teene wm ta regard to tbe crossing of certain property in Livingston county owned by the af press id Rochester water company, wbo refused to make compromise by which the new company could obtain the right cross their lands hi tbA intended Approach to the water of Hemlock aad Can ad ice lakes. Tbe decision of tbe court recently haaded down emrma tbe right of way for the Reh- eater water works company, aad decrees the sppointment of commissioners of appraisement who shall decide tbe amount of compensstioa to be paid by them for tbe easement obtained. The daim that the Rochester water company had the exeluaivs right to control the waters of Hemlock lake through its own pipes, and that any aot of tbe petitioners tending to interfere with such exclusive claim to that water wm an interference to iu corporate rights wm denied oa tbe groand that no law had given It such exclasivs rigbsx.

It wm simply authorised to take, and bold all waters, etc. which they should legally enter upon and take by virtue of such set. The Japaaeee Troupe. This evening -the world-renowned troupe of Japanese par formers appear At tbA Opera house. Tbey will perform for three Bights only.

Their entertain men ts are Among the most Interesting that can be given, and they never fail to draw the largest Audiences whenever they hare Appeared in this city. and wa expect to see the Oyer hoase filled to tu utmost capacity for tbs next three nights. Tbe specialh among tha troupe are claimed to be the chief performer in their line ia tba world, aad doubtless their claims are well fcaaded. We eta heartily recommend our readers to make sure of their seats ia order to witness tbA most wonderful performances la the line of lop-tpmniag, balancing, rope walking, contortions, etc. sver glvtn ia Rochester.

ltallas Opera-Oar readers will ba interested In the aa- oonneeaneet tbat tbe diagram of Corinthian ball aad tba box sheet for Bale of reserved seats for the Mobaibi opera night will be open Friday morning At Dewey's. The opera ta ba performed the first svsalng (Saturday is tbe familiar bat always popular oaa of Martha." Moaday evening following Dnntiattl 'a opera of La Favor-tea, will ba prod need. Tea prima aoaaa. Madams ancle Mohalbi, is a aew aspirant tor favor at the hand of the Roo jester pao-Us, but share can be ao doubt that aha will give the best satisfaction. Tba favorite teaor Tern earl at ta tha troupe, and other performer of equal aunt Oar readers will be glad to bear again tba baa treat of good Italian opera.

FenAAAL Lenta Roaario, manager of tba Royal edeo Japaaess trocpe Is la town, stopping at the Whiteomh boeaa. Eohraim BtelAhArd. Af HewTotk. whs) fcas beaa stopping for a few days Ia this city at tbe hospitable maasioa of Q. Wile, left for boms last sveatng.

JoAa S. Bchaaffal. has reArtned to tbs eity tor a short Visit. Bo eoad acted a vary aoceaafol engageoLanl for Frank Mayo tbreegh Peanay tvaaia and taa son therm Aooaates af thai state. Tha wail knowA gentleman, EL 8.

Phelps, bM Beaa appoiated by CwlAaal Begy mm rifle inspector of tea fifty -foorth rigimest. with the rank of eaptais, 3 man could ba found besatr adapted tor tba nosittoa thaA CapteiA Phelps. Aa lAftaae latlTldBai PUase4 Off. Far hava complaints aba police afh- AA that Charles Godwin, residing oa Monroe ateaae. waataeaAA And aaaeJd ba damosad of taa proper manner.

Teesarday Caief McLean was Informed tbat Godwin had need a large Knife in a verv thrsatmitn ACffiordtAgly ordered his arras. Xra, Baekley and Pieree examined the piiauuui And pre-aeaAcad him twain. Oodaia has tn aa laansie of the tnsiss My lam before. FOR osn. LstltV erse Uot relish.

vvntar ertew I go, ler tt AA ladlee' aetitt'sunts tiat. tare. raalr anew 1 fr 1 0 t-tdtee' t-rala rallaA, malar rMa At7, far 1 AA JLa-laV Aers Fated retlah, rtttfcar Nin a A3, far 1 TS Lediea rwrs Ceeafeea dat tere BaxeA, res a lar 'A AA, lav 1 laetee' 14 Kims seta stale, res alar srtee. 4 IS. lev A Ladtae' 14 sens Bat taa Batta.rttrd ft.ta.ras artee 1 AA.

tar tlj 1 adt-w- HMBtiitt ttwMs. tA- A.I1. tt.A. I AA.

I airs' aid Mteeere. Heeted. tt.AA, II. At. tl-SA, tl J. li 1. UJS. Lasles' tt aite Aid Healed Mllsaara H.1S La dice iil see ra Ate te A t-eailrataa'a aif Baata a ea t-eatlratew-a atle Bttis te feeaileaaea'eCaM K. wed Bawt. im tin ueasee'a Ml Mtet 1 AA taeatieaaea'e reserves Metiers 1 A Bets' fheee.

all At flea ae Mat a' -ti. Meats A A Bays- Ceasreae l.altera i ilt Pairs blldrea'a kttt tU eelara. as use -ge air. treat ale af Aabeer eummnoat Sepa. Its.

iMrgen Mock, best rooda lawaa sneos a Aoosaa-Utal tt AtST JiAIA ATAAAT. H. F. Van Dake. JEWELKT.

WATCHES We are tetling some kind At lower price thaa detained before the war. If a Welch a aot an oaa. sill lai pea so. if ae aw aaa are aterely oraaauauwal by beta iaed wAar ap anil SHOW sea. aad wttAAeM vhsre real aunty aa.

aaada A we win axptala tbat, toe. We wta Mil a AMB aery of IM I dtaarsa aroverUaa. hetnrvA efiaa ititttil Csadoar baa sarrad aa ae ea a Uie saa. that wa wta urtia every aerve a teiaia ia Oar ttoet at (oid aad stirar WsieAw a mm raU lAae aay aeaa salted at a tsar of JOHN HAY JEWELER, 53 West Main-St. GREAT CLOSDiG CUT SALE OF JEWELRY.

ySS fTTOCC Af Baaattful Goods ta tha Jawatry aataaltaamaas ot i ACB ekfl.UMtV toba a.ld nsarHiaa aa arwaa. 1 a PWea reatrallr aa la. at taa a a. aar or aan Maia sod Kstaia ttraata. baa racai.

irada. aad tk. anrrtiinittt rar--3aaui ut na caat -m Tsar ar arts. t-3i Wavinta. "4 rititt Warsui tb j-t a tsned aad o.ur array 1 gais taaiadad la that a -rv-m-atof trada.

An aaa (r.r-4tt Rnatra a ar." ID laet.aa ui. HaiiMw. Tba aa a wiu baais laati.i.tsi an. sa tit a nrMau mate it a rapid aal tnif'w will a. a prnjaa MMiatif Sack aa ovaot tiattf s.

sar-u' amtttyiaaa d-wiyuua an aa aawa batora tmau twa la tl. etr It wta. a tbarattira, tQarracl ra.S Ufe.t atattat aeutblltBKev aad waa w.b atl. t.ti.a, Bttra-rll-stily SAarea Uua.l oa ru Tta will a. a.dated viae at al was.

tea oi mi taa -M Ba.1 la. a IA saurwM ia- A wbe wast ia mnrmrw Beaatti fVand aariel tl 'a. fti Ui. iat ttat 1 1 1 ran sauaid rtatt tAa Jaa air kaaa. of 1 JACOB SKILLMAI.

37 WEST M1IS STREET. M'ALLASTEB, Xo. IS SUto Street, ABC-true lamb rtt or FIXE WATCHES, BICir JEtrKLBT. OLI MiyE I) I A UOXDS, MARBLE. CLOCKS, REAL BROXZEi, UASTLE ORXAilKSIS, SOLID SILVER SILVER ELATED WARE, txV, af AC, Oar kr far aa lamat ta aaad a Was-sea Asw tars, aad weave saute aa tee bbA t-as saa.

vo rait Lbs saaa. All are asrdiaiiy UifHed 10 jpsaxis aar soalt sst S1DEBLIH YOCB raxow-taBOBEBV. He Would Whistle. About 13 o'clock last night the quietness of Sortb St. Paul street was disturbed by a series os ear-piercing whistle.

Policeman St- Helen soon learned that ley came from a half Inebriated individual who was going homeward with ba fingers to his mouth; whlls sounds far louder than those which oecsatonany Assail the ears of tbo street ear driver issued therefrom. The officer requested him to be quiet. En declared himself a free-born American, with a perfect right to whistle, end ao policeman or Any one else should prevent him from whistling. Be struck ap Ball Columbia, whin tied it through. AAd had just opened on Yankee Doodle wbea tbe policeman collared him.

On the way to the police office, he filled the Air with the echo of hia whistle. Young mea pawing along the streets screamed, "Come "obeeee "go to, lemons." "choke it off," "swim out, you 're ever your head, 'and everything else, but to vain. BtiU the whistle sounded. a small boy asked bint what he would take for his whittle, but he merely changed bis tune Aad kept oa. At tbA police effiae Officer Hyiand asked tba man's name end had to wail three minute by tit clock before the fellew finished The Arkanaaw Traveler.

He thea simply said my name a Tom liollla; I've beea Arrested for whistling, Aad I'll whisUe All nigbX" Thea he commenced "When Johnny oome marching home. The cell door closed behind him just hs had opened on Tramp, Tramp, Tramp," He let dowa the iron bed be wm to rest oa to the tune of "I'm hsppy a a big Baa-flower," ead wbea the prisoner to tbA nex cell told him to "1st up" he jumped to bis feet and danced the eoag out, Tba other prisoners howled At him bat be paid little attention. Bo occasion ally repeated Arrest a man for whistling and weot at his work with renewed energy. Occasionally ha varied hi occupation by whistling as it calling for a dog. then bo emitted aa ear piercing end peace destroying whisUe that would hava made every street ear driver penes.

The prisoner Abased hint, tha police requested him to keep qaiet, bat still he whistled on. Wbea our reporter left the cells ha bad jaat finished tb "MaHlgan GoAraa" and had eommeneed a combinatioa of Bilvar Threada among the Gold ad When you and I were yousg, Maggie. A special mseeenger who left tba police office at twenty minutes after three this anornlng says the mat was still whistling at that time, aad Appeared likely to do so for boars aa come. Wsajf to waa-f to aave money te baying a piseo go to tba Bast Sid mask! store, 108 Beat Main street. There yoa wta find tha best pianos, Aad At tha lowest price for esah or instalment The finest stock of musio aad masieal Issl ts si tba very lowest ferteea, A is rga stock of German Acoroion, vieima, guitars, fin lea, masita eraana, aaa, the best ta ba found ta tbA city.

Call aad OTsratBo goods aad ariose bete yea par. ebAAA, aad sea how maoh yoa oaa sava 4 J. CralgbeAd's, oppos the Whitoomb Bona root axsc Maaars. Paiiaau at Mcitay took possiasios of the popular sampls rooms. Bomber Mamford street, aad fitted ah sib up to aa elegsat meaner.

Among the athar adorn merit wm a large banner painted greea which bosg before the door. Yesterday was Las lJth of Jely, Aad Mr. McKay, aa opening the sstsbltshmeat, WMaomewbat surprised to ate tnat some one had coveted tba greea beaner with oraaga eoaors. Ta drapery which bM A very dowdy" Appearance, ia still oa exhibitioa at aba eatabliah-amaa, aad win remain to uaaJ tbe Uth of Maren, tirffi. Nf JiW-aJW.


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