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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1872. (CJfln mocrat and Chronicle. Gift Concert, exi in te embraces would be necessary as soon as it eoxtld be laid. And other items would probably be found somewhat too low, to me-t which i nill1' it should be stated, the gen- t-eman refsrresi to prooaaed to add lea put Beat, to the aggregate. The 'machinery' pat do sen at tire exact sore for which the H-Btfy conqianr will supp'y it: and it tnclorles a tbe notice ara advised, the requisite xnexm an-giaes and htalera, tliree sets of pn-apiug ma-ctrinerv ao adjusted bat iu of aecnU as to one set another can be snbaiitated without delay; and alxo a lire alarm, arc Ate.

QI7AUTT OF OEWSBKC 8IVEB WATKBS. The commitiee tltongbt it proper to procure a ew snalvxix of our river water, and Prof. S. A laittioaiKe. of the Rocbexter noitrersiiy, wa xccordrofty em loyed for that purpose.

Ha prurorrd two samjplea of river water on tbe Vnt. of Peceniher-r-r-e taken from the rfrer oiiawiie the Valley railroad depot, tbe other xt point above tb Kaptds The professor says "the river was At a tow stsgr and corf red with ice eight incla :) ek No rain bad fallen for some time 'onseqnently, under these circiimxtanees, while the proportion of mechanically suspended roat-tr in the waters ot tbe river mnst have been near the wiimmnm, at the same time the pro-pos-tien ot hme and other salts in solattoa was probably near the maximum. Itbtb samples were taken from tbe middle of the river. His anal sis is ax follows: Wster from Osa Water frsmOen-exee rtrar appo- ess rlrsr saore tie 6. T.

depot. the tbmmi. Pxrtx kx Ct-xias Par "irains l.lujB)pr sal LOAV'-XIOper (al. total saaal mxtlar. Do.

xfltr xtaiadtng days Be. xfter ataasMag 10 Cay raj m.m I it la.B 1M 8.B 1M ta BB i 9.B IS4 S.B Tbe Fraxxr Artl.eial ftwe Is adapted all kitds of work in which atone and brick used. Frost and the leaeBU do not if. Elegantly carvel and moulded window cap, warranted to stand, are at Bine dollar, that would cost, cut from the nat-nral stone, five times tbat sum. When by it aae tbe architectural appearance of onr building can be ao cheaply Improved, and their value greatly enhanced, wt are very much mistaken if It is not very generally adopt ed.

We are infornjed that it wax introduced into more than 100 buildings last season, aod their owner include men waned judgmeBt and cio diacrimination, and not liable to be deceived. Some cf these, we are told, have recently give a second order for additional building which they are abont to erect. In other cities the elaborate ornamental front of the Frear stone are not excelled by any other material. The company are now negotiating to pat up several front in this ctty. Their works aad office are on canal street.

Wcoilfk r.i.tsaETS. Burke, Fit Simon, Htoe Co. have a complete assortment of flue woolen blanket, a hieh they are selling rapidly at reduced prices. Toe sett in wt series or Bi- (Wtatk ait-ttois in tbe Arcade hall, i duly described ia bills aod diagrams, and embrace valuable vacant lots of land in Evergreen street, near Coofcey avenue and North St. Paul street, Terms: $100 down on each lot; balance to suit purchaser; or a discoout of ten per cent, ior aa.

Sale on Thursday, Febrnary lt, at AjtSDEX, jaSodht Auctioneer. Armoxt sale fin Friday, February 2d, 1872, at the store of J. H. Flocb, 141 Buffalo street, all the remaining stock of good, con-(isting of stoves, tin ware, and pipe, one pair of Fairbank scales Sale positive. Terms cash.

Jan-MSt Scavltji A McCartut, 41 Main street, am row offering 150 dinner, breakfast and tea sets. Alcock 's celebrated iron stone China ware, 17-) pieces, for $18 Porcelain opaque tea sets, imitation of French China, fifty-six pieces for China tea sets, fltty-six piece for $Ji I go band China tea sets, fifty-six pieces, $9. They dexire to reduce their stock before the 1st of Febrnary. tb season of their inventory. All goods warranted at the Central crockery house, 41 Main, corner Water street.

ja6ulft Cheap hii.i.ia bi at Griffin's hilliard parlous, corner of Mill and Market streets also at (triffin's bowling alley and billisrd rom on South St Paul street, nnder the new opera house. The price of billiards is only ten cuts per game aud tbe tables the very best in tbe city. Give me a call and judge for yourself. I a Griffin, propri. lor.

Ciiefje, 2,200 cheese, flnet far to.ry: embracing the celebrated George Hoy's, Jolmsonburgb, Orangeville, Bennington's and Sheldon's, and West Star. Now in store and for sale by Smith, Pejus ins dr. Co. Exchange street I J.

11 1.1S IB i a.t; lit a i it i 1 i I jd Trace. Trace. Wsrne Caaatr Jfexea Diss straw Fire art Newark. carrespondeare of th Democrat aad Cbroalcl. Nkwabk, Jan.

1872. The first fire which baa this year occurred in Newark happened yesterday morning abont fou' o'clock. The dwelling bonae of Anthony Hill, a respected citizen ol Eat Newark, together witb all tae boosehold furniture he possessed were burned. Vdur correspondent wa informed, upon visititig 'he premises, that the tire originated in the ceiling, which wa ignited from the kitchen stoveipipe. The family were all asleep.

The wind blew like a hurricane at tbe time. The horror of awakening upon sach a old, windy morning as yesterday's, with the flames consuming ail aronnd and everything ot one's home cannot well be Mr. Hilf wife and five children could scarcely follow him out of the house before the upper floors fell in. Engine company number 2 (the Arcadia) were promptly upon the spot, but if there bad been twenty others little could have been effected during the strong wind. Adjoiuiog buildings were saved.

A few minutes time was sufficient for the flames to turn all the little children's clothes, the furniture of the parents, all tbe household pets, the Penates of the family and their borne into nothing but ashes. There was ao insurance upon the property. The toe reealculsble to Mr. Hilt. He has the sympathiea of all.

The bridge over tbe Erie canal for tbe Sodus Point and Southern railroad is beiug rapidly constructed. The mill-pond of tbe custom mills is being spiled, and the viaduct ior crossing it will soon Deconstructed. The railroad company advertise for ties, and the grade is perfected and fenced in between here and Great Sodus Bay. The state works upou tbe canal are being prosecuted vigorously. EDrCATIOSAL.

Tbe Wayne county lecture organisations have been busy this season. Lyons and Palmyra hav-icg put the 'lite of business" into tbe work by earnestly opposing the Newark lecture association. But the report of the treasurer of this association shows tbat it is out of debt aod has money on hand. Among tbe lectures by Greeley, Schurx, Taylor, Train, aud Mrs. Livermore tbat of Mrs.

Livermore has aided the "in the rhino'' more than any other. Nasby is to appear here, and Train is going to stop again. Your correspondent received a few days ago from School Commissioner Allen the announcement and programme of the Wayne county teachers' association, which will hold a session on Friday and Saturday of this week, in Lyons. Among the addresses announced are those from Prof. Seagrave, principal of Newark academy, and Messrs- Goodnoe, from Newark, and Hoag, formerly of Newerk.

The Lyons Republican assures teachers of the extensive hospitality of Lyons, whose citizens nerver allow teachers to go away hungry. This week and last have been a dull court session of supreme caurt at Lyons, Justice J. C. Smith presiding. The county lodge of Good Templars meets the second Tuesday in February at Maeedon Ceuter.

Salt. giad tug by order of the aewer committee oonld be charged tbe erroneous assessment food. This wonld bring the expense of improving Pryor xtreet npoa tb whole city. Some alder-nvn declared they wonld not vote to charge open the citizens at large tbe price of local improvements. Let ihe contractor suffer, or the sewer committee whose action was unauthorised.

Aid. Stone said no other course was poxsible. Pryor street people could not be forced to pay for what was done without an ordinance, aud any injunction obtained by them would be valid. Aid. Mandeville suggested that the amvunt charged for grading be left aside for the present, nntil the people of Pryor street showed a better disposition.

He thought tbe sewer committee had acted for the best. Aid. M. i insisted that the people of Pryor street bad asked him repeatedly to grade tbe street, and tbey had received full value for tbeir money. Aid.

Kelly declared that it bad long been the custom to grade tbe streets and finish them off after building sewers. Let each locality pay for its own in pmvement. Aid. Aldridge moved that tbe resolution be-fore tbe boaid be postponed until tbe next meeting and referred to tbe sewer committee, with directions to bring in an ordinance for grading Pryor street. Alderman Craig eppced this measnre.

If Pryorstreet was graded at eighty cents a foot tbey paid a price douide what it was worth. This method of telling contractor to bid low and trust to extras was rnnning this board into the ground. Tbe sewer committee was making these blunders continually. Why, Alderman Strlil'ins had even reeeutly received another com mm ia regard to a little sewer iu the twelfth ward where another of their mistakes had taken place. This attack drew ont some mutnal recriminn-tiens.

in which Aldermen Caring and Mauder took part. Alderman McConnelt said that he saw no reason for referring this matter to any committee. For one, as a member of the sewer committee, be said he owned up that tbey had transcended their authority tbi year in grading streets. He said be would not do so again, but simply art strictly to the letter of the law. Alderman Stone had made a slight mistake in representing him as saying tbe grading Was worth one dollar.

He had declared the work worth seventy-five ents, hut bad consented it with tbe other members. All the odium of the board this ytar was thrown on the sewer committee. Others had been fully as mnch to blams in the matter. Tbe improvement committee bad repeatedly changed tbe figures of certain contractors to bring their bids up higher than those of others. He intt.tnced Asylum street, Washington street and other places.

Aid. Serve, on behalf tbe improvement committee, denied the allegations of Aid. Mc-Connrll. He said it waa an absolute falsehood as far as he knew to say that the committee had ever given work to one contractor at prices larger than others would do it for. If $560 wa paid ou Pryor street for about as many feet the expense was double what it should be.

He anamidvertfd against the loose manner ia which tbe sewer committee did business. Aid. Aldridge of the same committee nniiu-tained its purity and honesty. ftntAjtc.B if Tara. A day or two ago the Fnioo contained aa account of an old curiosity "aa ancient copy of the eripture, printed In 1717.

By way of contrast to this antique specimen, that journal now give us a desorip-tmn of aoasethtag new and startling which it has discovered. In yeaterdav evening's issue it sets forth tbe eorioo intelligence that (hingl( are becoming scarce that tbey ara also on account of Are; that chevp roofing material is likewise very mnch needed, that in Europe people make as of tiles; and, strange ta say, tbat they make them out of clay. Our contxir.irorary. thinking that its bare assertion of these startling facts would not be taken, refers the multitudes of people who want to take its word to some place on East avenne for information. Tbe Cnion may really be right about this matter of tiles.

We think that we have beard of them somewhere before. They are not perhaps quite as new aa invention as the Union seems to think. Hour roc raory does not fail us we recollect an interesting story of how an old woman threw one of them down off a roof and killed King Pyrrbus with it a little iaci-dtnt which is of no very recent date having takea place some twenty-five centuries back. Tbere is also an expression need for hat, tbat the word tile, which is plainly a metaphor Ibb) application of the name of the covering of a house to tbe covering of the bead. This turn of rxpression mast bave taken quite a long time lo grow into the language.

Indeed we should not after all be surprised to lu sr that the wonderful tiles, which the Union bas just found ont and is endeavoring to bring before the public, have been common in tbe world for several thousand years. At the conclusion of its article tbe Uuiou uses its celebrated dirty linen" metaphor borrowed by the local for the occasion from its political editor. Tbat linen of tbo Union's has been worn so long and for auch purposes that it bas grown ao leas font than threadbare and if pnt into use strain, onr ck-port friend will probably forward his red-ribbon to our contemporary. Visit to the coisn issTrrLTiosrs. A prominent clergyman of tbis city hiving visited the penitentiary, insane asylum and connty bouse, sends an account of his observations which will doubtless prove interesting to our readers.

He says: 'We visited them in an official as well a iu a triendly spirit, ami we were much pleased with what we saw, and witb the care aud attention of their respective superintendents. Wr. Mc-Whorter seems to be a gentleman will suited for his position. Under his management the penitentiary is clean, warm aud comfortable. We bave visited many state prisons and fonn 1 no institution of tbe kind in better condition, especially for sanitary purposes.

Judging from tbe industries of tbe place, we should say that it cost but little to tbe county. The next place visited was the insane asylum, an institution which cannot fall to elicit the sympathies of the visitor. Tlie varitd phases of mental diseases are wonderfolly strikiug: here we find kings and queens in imagination, others are great literati, but by far tbe greater number are afHit't-ed with a dreadtnl meianchuly which like a dark clond hangs over the mind and renders them insensible to every passing object. Over this institution Dr. Lord presides, a gentleman well qualiled to fill sncb an important position.

Though small in statute, yet of great power, he controls tbe insane ol all classes. Tbe secret of bU influence over them seems to be in bis eye, which expresses a decided and unflinching will. His care aud kinduess for the unfortunate creatures we admired much. We found him amusing the inmates ot tbe institution with bis violin, and tbey dancing happily to bis excellent music. This was the best medicine be could give them.

The alms house was the last visit It it a building entirely unsuited for its purposes: low, and its departments badly veutilated. u-iaut sate and attention to cleanliness are absolutely necessary to the health of its inmates, who are far too numerous lor the siae of tbe building. Every room is blled with worthy objeets of charity. Mr. Loder, the gentlemanly superintendent, is unceasing in hi care and kindness to tbeee poor creatures under his charge.

We saw no one there unworthy of chanty, and many were the blessings poured ou his head for tbis kinduess and attention. A Lew county borne is much required. fOlHT KEl'OltO. For tte Week Commencing January titt.lST Monboe cot NTT. Regular special term of the supreme court for the hearing of Ueehester JudVeH Darwin Smith.

preshhii. The County court. Judge Jerome Fuller presiuiag. is continued. Watne copntt.

The circmt and oyr and ter-miner st Lyons, held by Jndge James 0. Smith, waa adjourned on Saturday to Tuesday January 3dth i Court of Appeals. Albaxt, Jan. s9 Present Hon. Sanford Church, chief justice Justices Allen, Grover, I'eckham, Fulger and Rap-alio.

Number t5 Gertrude A. Ilackett, admiu'x. 4c, respi. agt Edward BeidVo, spplt. Argued.

Nrrmber 13 Frank 'West et al, exe'rs, reapu, at George D. Geary, applt Suhruitt-d Number Margaret Conroy, adm'x. respt. a-l Thomas Gale, applt. Argued.

Number "I The People ex Bat Botafard, respt, agt George Darlhag. applt. Argued January SPsh. C. H.

Clark, of eottnael for appellant, and El ward Harris for respondent Number 73 James Russell, respt. agt A. B. Stein berger. apfdt- Judgment by default, appellant uot appearing.

Numlier Egbert R. Middlebrook, applt, agt Charles R. itroodbent, respt. Argned January SO. Derisions in the court of appeals January 20, 1ST? Judgment affirmed with costs Eaton agt Alger, Ancbinotde sgt Wiley.

Budenhack agt Kodley. Boebe agt MoKenrie, Howe agt Hiserodt, Tracey agt Ken-ban, Clark agt Clark. Judgment affirmed Smith agt tha Pts.ple, Ihe People and Jackson agt Poller. Judgment of the supreme court reversed and decree of surrogate affirmed without aaaBJ to either party against the other Uaruee agt Uu.terwood. Judgment affirmed srith costs, wiih leave to plain tiffs to amino their complaint on payment of coats within twenty days after notice that the judgment of the court ha been made tbe judgment of the court Austin agt Monroe.

Judgment reversed as to all the penalties except one. and aa to one penalty and the ex cess of fate Bali and the costs include? in the judge eul of tbe oooxt bo-low amrmsd without rostx to either party in this court Frit ehie agt the New York Central and Mud river railroad company, Loaaaharry agt same. Remittor am. nded hy making the judgmeat of this eoort affirm the judgment ot the court below a a nle ia the two actduns with a single bill uf costs iarnok agt orris. King agt Brock.

peal witb coat of the appeal to the time of the meeting and tea dollars costs of motion Letter agt Field. Appeal duBuaaed with coat Schxettler sit ir dbr r. the People ex rel. Robinson agt Mesla.ias. Appeal dismissed eiotizales agt the New York Central and Hudson river railroad company.

Motion granted without costs Moore agt Haitian. Order of general and apecial terra of the supreme court reversed and motion to set aanle orders granted with coat-- West Side bank agt Pagxfey. Order granting new trial affirmed and judgment absolute for plaintiff wiih costs Davis agt tin- ffw York Central and Hudson river railroad ecmpanv. Order granting new trial affirmed and judgment absolute for defendant with costs, pursuant to stipu lation Rogers agt simlth. llei iiaon of appeal suspended and order granted re-iue the court below to return rxmittur this ourt, with leave to d.

fan dan move in this cour; for relief as he shall be advised Oyckmao agt Pedro Terrer Y. Laud The following ia the day calendar of the court ef appeals for January 30 i Number 41, Ti, 72. 78. fit. 63, 64.

45. Tui-iK of it, that a cough or cold neglected, may lead to serious consequences; iu tbe early stage ot throat and luug diseases. Madame Porter's cough balsam is an invaluable remedy. can be taken by the oideet person or youngest bild. it ia aafe and reliable.

Price tweatv- tive oents, and in lxrge bottle at filty aud seventy-five cents Try it Si'EifAs. Bonc'E. Notice is hereby given that a special meetiag of company filly fourth regiment New Y'ork state national guard, ia ordered for Wednesday Januarv iisi, aud also Thursday February 1st, at n.ilf past 1 o'clock m. Bnsiness of importance to be transacted. By order ot Ltaur.

T. Calliiian. Commanding Company 54ln regiment. llius GOOl ir rbhi-'CBD 1-RH is Burke, Kit Simons, Hone at Co. have reduced the prices ol' i huke styles ot winter dress goods, and are selling large quantilie every day Call early and make your selecusMi.

Pbkemitoby sacnoa. Friday next, February 'I, at store number 141 Buffalo (or West Main I street, at m. I bit aell and out a stock of new aud M-ooatd band More and tin ware of all kiadx used ia families. Iu the slan are stoves, counter and platform scales. truck, na'e dess, coal hods, a portable furnace and other things.

Tbe owner is leaving for the a est, so the whole stock will be sold, and bow is the time to buy. Etiwitt Sceabtom, Auctioneer. JaOsWd'A, J. ft. Whitmore wdl lecture tutx evening at the hall, corner of State and Muuford street.

Subject "Temperance. Alt interested in temperance reform are tavtt to atteud. Seat free. Or sbsebal tttTEaan. To know where tbe greatest reduction has been made upou good during the dull season, aod the different alaaae of good subject to such reductiua We give them.

Urea good of every deesrtpUoo i ud caaxi uteres, flannels, shawls, cloak, hasi cry and ghjrra, ootioaa, lar. in all of whi th greatest reduction has bean made at A Breanaa At Sob's, Hi State xtreet AU kinds ct domestic at the. lowcs pomes. rarely nr never rear he, would be so great a te tender the xttemot 'Berperttent. Third Tbat tbe Hem'oek Lak prsijeet is at preeewt in sueh a Mat of dixorganisattoa and na-ieertointy tbat no reliance can he placed upon it since tbe engineer of tbe work ao recently a the Qflth inat intimated that their completion is contingent upon tbe help of Rochester capital- ix-x it, raising $150, 000 witbia a month, on a i heals not stated to tbein unknown Fovtrth Thai in caae the water of Hemlock lake should he brought here ia wooden or sheet iron prpe tbe city supply will be more liable to interruption than it will be it txkea from tb river, bv the fnll extent of the liability toacci- dent ef a frail line of pipe many miles in length.

Kilth That tbe cheapest, moat expeditious, and most reliable auppty can be prorared by taking water from trie river within or near the city Hmits aud finally, s.ith That tbe water of the Gene properly protected from contaminating iufl.ieuees, and filtered, wil prove to be a wboleaome aa any city on the continent is supplied with. All of which is respeetfuily submitted. Koehester, Jan. 24, 1872. Isaac Bi I is.

Chairman. Joan H. BaewsrEB, Skc P. Babxt. Henry Geobxib G.

t'oortR. I W. Power, Wat. Tbomfsok, H. Kxapp, TnoMA.x I'arsovs.

Aid. Stone then moved the adoption of tb resolution recommending tbe transfer of tbe firttesee Talley stock for tbe stock of the Lake Ontario Shore railroad and providing for tbe submission of tbe measure for tbe approval of the people. Atter some explanations to the samn gener-il (fleet as contained in speeches heretofore reported tbe resolution was adopted ail ayes except two. Hy Aid. Caring aa ordinance for a sewer in Exchange street Irom Court street to the canal.

The sewer to be constructed of stone, two feet square as far as Spring street and from that point to consist of twelve inch pipes running under tbe walk on each fide of tbe street. The ordinance also lirovides tor tbe necessary laterals. The estimated cost ts $2. 039 to be assessed on the property benefited. Adopted1.

The final ordinance for the improvement of Tsppan street was brought up by AU. Canng who moved an amendment which was adopted tbe matter was then postponed for one week fjrndfr the bead of unfinished business tbe election of managers for the bouse for idle and truant- children came up and was on motion postponed until tbe next regular meetiug. Aid. Aldridge moved that the board proceed to the election of a school commissioner tor the first ward, to fill tbe vacancy occasioned bv the deatb of Henry S. Dean.

He nominated for tbe office Charles L. Fredeuhurg. Aid. Mandeville nominated William F. Holmes.

Charles L. Fredrnbnrg was chosen on the first ballet by a vote of 15 tj 9. Aid. Aldridge offered a resolution providing for a contrast with Xormington dt HollowaF for tbe construction of a flag walk on Lorimer street for the sum of $2,700 Adopted. Aid.

Fond presented the following resolution: Hy Aid. Pond; Whereas. The common council did. about two years since, purchase the lot ot tbe First Fleshy lerian society lor the purpose, as then dis-tictly understood and declared, of building thereon a city hall, and in furtherance of the purpose bas the past year made a contract of with and secured certain privileges from the county of Monroe, and( whereas, notwitbstamting all the discussions and proposition since bad and made no site has been suggested on which so many can unite as that one ven omitting all considerations of expense), and in view of tbe attempts which are being made to procure legislation on tbe subject by a few individuals without having in any way consulted with tbe citizeus at large or this board, oreven allowing a copy of the proposed bill to he published therefore, Kesailved, That Aldermen BoayaBx Mande-viilc. Stade, Charters and Heavey be appointed a I-nt (ding committee lor tbe new city hall, and that tuey are nereny utiectea to procure plans suitable for the lot purchased for that purpose, and to present tbe same to this board forcon-sioeiation as early as practicable; such plans to be made on such scaleatud in such style as tbat the hole expense of tbe same hen entirely finished and ready for occupation shall uot ex-, wed $1511,000.

Aid. Stebbins declared that the location named was an improper one with the canal, the Clinton hotel bams aud tbe walls ol the bridge surrounding it. He moved as an amendment tbat for the above site the property of tbe Hon. litifus Kt e'er, on St. Paul street, be substituted.

It was extensive and cheap, and the only objection was that it was not as central as some others. Aid. Craig seconded the amenduxr-nt, declaring tbat no site on the east of the river was so eligible, it being light and airy. Aid. Caring moved as a substitute that the property known as the New England property, on East Main street, be purchased.

It was cheap and extensive. This substitute was not seconded. Aid. Whitmore called for the previous question. Aid.

Kelly said these substitutes and amt-n l-ments were hastening the passage of tbe btll now pending in the legislature. That measure would be rushed through aud signed by the governor iu the twinkling of an eye. Aid. Stebbins in explaining his vote declare-! thtit tbe aldeimen acre nnder a threat. It was unmanly to tee whipped into a course by tbe action of tbe legislature.

Inany Ltber cir cumstunces he would imagine such a suggestion a trick to induce us to accept an improper site. Aid. Charters moved to lay Aid. Carina's substitute on tbe table. Aid.

llerrbcrger said that he bad often thought that he would uot, under any 111 1 11 am -stance, vote for the lot behind the court house, shutting tbe city hr.ll up in such a dark location. It was a hard pill for tbe aldermen from the east side to swallow. But no other course could be taken. We were threatened with a tax of $500,000 and he thought tbe burden would be an outrage ou the poor. Tbe only way to do was to head off the moverx in tbat scheme.

Aid. Canng thought the threat about tbe bill was not a very dangerous one. Aid. Stape declared he would vote for placing the city hall behind the court bouse, although Leretofore opposed to that site. Aid.

Stebbins said tbey should uot be moved bj aay threats in tbe matter, but act according to tbeir own judgment. He proposed to fight tbe matter out fairly and squarely, and it defeated die game. He would not do what appeared to bis judgment wrong, in order to de feat some other scheme. The council was too apt to curl under and shrink at the signs of opposition. On motion Alderman Caring's substitute au! Alderman Stebbins amendment were laid upon the table.

Tbe question there recurred on tbe main question, tbe previous question having been put in operation to shut off discussion. Alderman Pond's resolution wa then adopted. On motion of Alderman Kogers Wolf Ac Co. 's bill of $1000 for work and serricrs on number one engine bouse was ordered paid. Aldtrman Rogers presented fbe following; Py Aid.

Rotters Whereas, The rejMirt of tbe committee on tbe subject of the swing bridge at Buffalo street is very much remonstrated against by persons owning property on Caledonia avenue and its vicinity; therefore Resolved, Tbat our represent xtives iu the legislature of the state be requested to use tbeir influence to procure the passage of the following act. Au act to amend an act entitled an act to authorise tbe canal couimissiouers to construct a swing bridge over the Erie can-sl on Buffalo street in the city ot Rochester, aud to use the matt rials of the oi bridge ia roostrueting a bridge over said canal to connect Munger and Artrill rtreeta in said city passed April 7th, 1872. Tbe people of the state of New York represented in senate and assembly do euact as lol-Iowb: Section 1 Scctioo I of said act is hereby amended so as to road as follows: Section 1. The canal commissi are hereby authorised and required to construct a awina or turntable bridge over tbe Erie canal in tbe city of Rochester, at a point where aant canal is intersected by Buffalo street, in place of I be nridge now over said canal at the point aforesaid Said swing bridge shall be located on such a line as ahail be moat practiceble and in the opiuion of sa canal eommisaiourrs moat conductive to tbe best interest ol the ctate and the citizeus using e.iatlit. This act shall take immediate eBoct In explanation of the new plan, Aid.

Roger said a straight bridge would be impracticable on account of the eambankmeut, necessary for the Cahsdouia avenue bridge. My varying a little from tbe liae of the street, the long bridge opening from one side would be done away witn. ne new wiutu aiso oe-bnilt with the apprppiiatkiu already made, otherwise $22, 000 additional woull have to be procured, and ibis woiud deleat the whole im provement. A remonstrance from tax -payers ou Evergreen street wa read aud referred to the improvement committee. Aid.

Canug moved to reconsider a motxou previously passed to receive sixty-five per cent, in full from the tax-payer on Pryor street, for their lBiprovrmeat. He aatd a mis take had been made in the meaaurvment of the sowar. The recouuderatioB wa earned. On motion of Aid. Mender the original restitution was then postponed indefinitely, and Aid Caring offered a new reeolution to the effect that fifty-six per exint he received in full instead of sixty-fire.

Aid. Stone moved as a substitute that $560 paid for grading Pryor stieet. $110 charged for extra length of sewer and tor one lateral which had not been built. And $200 expended witaout authority on Lake avenue be credited lo those streets and charged to the erroneous asaeasmeat fund. Aid.

Stone explained tbe whole matter tu regard to the Pryor street buxineax, stating matuly what we have already published. He said tbe grading of tbe street, although done without authority, wa a benefit to the street and the tax-payers ought to pay something for the work. Aid, Caring moved to postpone tbe matter for one week. Tbe Bieituu waa last, and in ex-planal on of his vote. Aid.

Canug said the con tear tor had paid back what money he had received lor tbe 13y feel ef sever not built aad for tbe lateral which be had not dog. The debate aa Aid. Stone's resolution -uxwad the pout whether the money paid far Mae ttater Works le, tton el tAtte fer t'ltx Maia "'i swlxx itrtdae I all far a Psfeti Beetle. AVe. There wax a meeting of the eotnenon raunril at tt.eir rhxniber last evening.

Aid. Panama in eaair Aid. Stotie presented the following repart ft water wortx eonsntittee, which was orirl rf ctved, ftlsd and published. wxTKB woeas or rnttnrnts. 7-.

fr i'ommon f'mmril of I tl CarAexarar 1 in- eotler.ttraed. ehargetl by a reeolatbvn of tour bo nor able body, passed Hecewlber 12, t7. with ''the dutv of investigating the pieaent plan to sapdv the eirv with water, aad especially te examine the Holt or any other ayatetrt, which shall froni latkt tut a no, and ta urrxeet the matter-. In aoe tangible ahat for lb cow'idrxteit, of the ornwton council, and a public, meeting of our eittnens. if they shall deem the same ad-1 vtsabar, aartia-r that iatnxediately after the pixvuags of slid reai.lattoa.

and witl.ool waittnr tor an olioi! aatiflcxtroe, they orgauiaed aa.1 proceeded to the work assigned farm. They smght by Utters of totairT and other wise reliable lnfor-j matron ax to the working ot the Holly xyatetTt ia tinsw cities, the coat of works adequate xuppliing this ctty with water Ontario and from the (ieaesee river re--Hetivelv: thx.v alxo made such inquirr into 1 'Hie nrexr nt rtiin te-emed aee-xarv: and proeuifU a new anslx-ix of the water of the fb nasee wbtch baa eaused foe principal delay in tl completion of their labors. l.AIt OUT AS IO. The onitnittee hace not been able to proenre reliable data on which they could base an ex-tiro te of the cost nor even the eertaioty. ol xapit'ting tbe city wiih fhitario water.

The elements of uneertainty in tbeywo problems are, lit the praetirabthi of eoatractiag a tonne! under the lake bottem far enough Irom thx 1 to Mcure lake water at all tiroes untainted with the impuniif of city eewage earned d.wn by the Oeaexee; and Snd. the Mat of xrirb. liiBtiel provided it can he conxtructod. 1 committee possess no information as to the cbaraeter of the lake bottom under which a tunnel would require to be made tor the purpose in question. If it is sand or anything but rock or earth substantially impervious to water, tbe cost would lie wo great ax to forbi 1 the se-rion consideration ot this plan; and if it ia such or eatrti of the kind referred te.

the rut-k wo ild still he enormous, and probably out of all proportion to the value of the tunnel xh-n completed. The committee, i -v. i-r. are not to suonit any estimates on this point. It ix ol.vtnas that tbe plan of obtaining water from laiae Ontario, must mclude i.ux arrangement for taking tbe supply at a very considerable distance from the shore inasmuch as tbe river water surcharged with -purities, derived Irom sewage aud tbe various ti aotiiai iirie situated on its banks, wouks otherwise be taken up rind forced back by expensive machinery for tbe daily use of our citizens I be cost of the wo! kx aside from the lunuel and furring uachioery, is estimated by very coui-petent anthority at something over fTO.dlO per noli That is, to supply the city with water tak-n from the lake near the shore would cost (reckoning tbe distance at eight miles) rising of (fsSo, (sXi more thau it would cost to supply it with water from the.

river taken above all t-ewage and other loexl sources, of imparity. And even to this large amount mutt tie added her large sum for extra machinery which IMS plan would necessitate, as well as tt iu il. Unite i o-t ol a lunar' it ne proa ajaV to secure lake water untuixc-4 with the water of the Getiaaee THE UEJrTEE WATEIIWOIIKS COMI'AST. fStBee th'S committee was appointed the property of this company has been sold under 'a forecloeuie of one cla-s of mortguge bonds, and has tieen purchased, as this oommittee have baen infotmeil, by Lucien Birdaeye on behalf of hi a Mr. Kxnd.

The pnrehaser is repre-m ted as a gentleman of great enterprise and ample mean to complete the works on any plan at iv be deemed beat tor all interests; and Mr. ilirdxs ye has assured the comniitt-ee that he i will soon be prepared to submit propoaaU to the common council for supplyiug the city with Hemlock lake water on the plan contemplated ti the old com- pany anil also ouir propoisals lur supplying the same waters under preau-e by means of the Holly system. The committee think a respectful bearing should be accorded to Mr. Hand and that whatever oHVr he mar submit should bare a fair aud candid cousidoratinn. It is understood that the contract long since made with the okl company for xupplymg the, rift with water tor public purposes, ba lapsed; and lhal the city is entirety tree to enter into new coutracte with the prescut representative, of the company: or with a company to be hereafter organized, or to proceed to construct water works on public account, aecordmgly as one or other of these plans may seem most cod -dui-ivt- to the general interests of onr It sboniU however be staled in this connection lhal there ia a class of bonds amounting to some JSO.

ISO which, it ia claimed by tbe hol lers theieot, constitute a first lien upon all tbe property of tbe company that was boazbt bv Mr. Hand. Liltgaticu growing out of this claim is now landing. and the caanmitte are informed that the case will probably not be tried till next May. It would s.

eiii a very obvious dictate of prudence that au adequate guaranty against delay in con -e-quence of this litigation should precede or form a part any negotiation with the purchaser under the recent foreclosure, for a water supply. Tbat litigation mav last for i ears; and meaa-alule the iiile to ttit property will be involved in sonic degree el uun-i tainiy. The eo remittee understand although they have sought no ne a information on tint point that the water which tbe compaor uudc.r lormor itiMnsgcment proio.seil to supply is very far iiouj ing pure or even cleanly; they behove that a reliable supply of" pure water fro 11m-asek lake canpot be obtaiued ex'eptinj bv sub-stltBaiaaf cast iiou tor the woodei; mains, and extending tljetu soiilhwanilr to the lake, or at least beyond every lt-cal source of contamination. Tbe di-tauec irom the city to the lake is not tatT Irom twenty-eight miles; and the cost cast irou pipe per mile is estimated by a cor-r--i undent of the Dt mocrat, wriuug appareut-1 in Ihe int.reat ut the lute honduolde-rs nt $47, On tbia basis an iron main of cs-p-icTi -ufbci. nt lor tbe purfiose would cost i -This amount of new expenditure, leas by whatever sum may be saved by substituting an i-ia-i itch or race waj for iron pipe for a a-e.

t-i-ar the i A-, the re- eatsl as an iudunaenaable first sen towards se- ci ring a reliable supplv of Hemlock lake water. the Hoi.LT sraiait. From whatever simn-i- w.i er may be taken tli 1 1 1 1 1 at i tee are decidedly and uuanimous'y ot tbe opinuin that it should be distributed through tbe city by means ut the llollv or some is i-teoa hh-i th- water tak- from the river or from Lxke Ontario, thai or a similar ay stem of forcing would be absolutely indispensable; aaxj should tbe Hemlock wa ter be reiiglii aer iy its oan gravity, it could never meet the wants or answer to the expec-ta-ti, ot the public uuleri il should lie distrin uietl nil a pressure -ulhcw-nt for tire purposes without the agency ol a Bre engine- The pre valent opinton mat a reservoir ou the Mi. Hi lax taatajAaa hills would furaisb sultirient head to make tbe water available for fire pur-eai 1 1. attai-hiug hose dirvctly to tbe hydrants, is, as tfie commitiee are thorougblv convinced, niirelv erroueoiis.

Hunu tbe hours ol the lay when tbe consumption of water bv private consumer is greatest, it is very evident Irom tat ts derived from Ihe experience of other cities, that the reservoir prcaxure wonld not render tbe water available for lire suppression xbt.vt- the aesood stories of buiidiuga. Tb great aud merit of tbe Holly aleui is, that within three or lour miumes ol tbe receipt ot tire alarm it will supply a pressutm BBwMnSI tf throw stream or streams over the highest buildings, from any hydrant couuected witb the aorks inus entirely suiterseding the ece-ait3 of lire engnes for tbe protection of roj-rty attnm tns territory rxuitlie.i or water pipes Al leaai one city bas sold ail its sles now -e p. da upo ita Hasty wotks alone for protection agaiu-t fire; while others have transferred ibeit fire en gines to tbe outer senium where water pipes bare not been laid. Tue received by lb. i otnuiittor from man) cities, is to tbe effect that in no caae base tire exreU'Wd beyond the nuilding in which il originated, since the introduction ot the Holly works, in some localities lueurance rates have been reduced tweniy-bve to bill per cent, ou account of their de-mon-atrated emciency while iu all, so far as tbe rottiuilitee arc auvist-tl, the ameuiitot insurance has been greatly diminished, owiug to the in -ri eased sense ui xeotuily which the preaeaee of these work a begets The Hon.

If lddiugs ol llayton. Ohio writes 'lr is the common opinion ol our people aud 1 bea il frequently xpietsed--that since the inauguration of our Holly) works, less than two years ago, th-vy ivr saveel ruoagfa propertt hieh would oth-erwi-e have been dtstroyed by fire to pay back the entire expenditure of the citv in cans ructing aud operating them Other teaiireouy of the sauac lenor, both oral and written, bas come to the committee ia suc'a xbutnlaas-e and so Weil al lusted ax to leave u. doubt in their minds that the Holly, or aome sn, lie; ot i- tiivrlv neteaeary lor this city and should be provided for a ith the least toxMole delay. Tttey lielieve thai it aouki supersede the neceasily of maintaining our expensive elaaau Bre-rngiuea as fast aa the pi ptx aad hydrants should bo extended trom the center towardx I he outskirts of the e.t and that iu a short lime tbe mayor of Ut heeirr Would tie ahSr to state tbe effects of it adoption tu substantia lit the aanxe word as Mayurliroi of IVoria, 111. "it has it.e i a lire Jr xtrtmeul nearly one-balf, not a that we bow have a paul departoxtul ana previously a volunteer one We now use one-horse hose carriage, ith three paid buee inert to each earnage, and in.

we 6imi prompt and erncieaL Illk HOIXT STSTEJl AM. THE ALTEAMATTVa a. i or st rri-y Should it be decided to adopt the Holly system legardlea ol toe question whether or not to depend on the water ol Hemlock Lethe, ul-tnuaieh, lor the use -of tbe city, there Woaid be no risk bet ond a small tHutinfceut Iota, la al oner te construct works oa this plan and taking water from the river above the unper dam at such pornananr pper inquiry shall prove to be heat. For fire, aewer aud all other te. only drinking and culinary purposes, tin river water ia uaivc-satK admitted to ha lost aa good ax the water of Hemlock Like And wvicsuch workx now in operation, ilem-loek Lake could at aoy lutuie time be aubati-tuted lor river water, abould it he dex-mod de-xirtde, atAA litlla uscotirvatcave or loss Tbe tnashmery and tbe a tree mains would be the Banae in cxjal, xtrength and construction whether they abould be nrt used tor river water or held in slrTsliw loi lite uc ot Ihe staler tlooa iiom- Un-k Cake.

ESTIMATED OOWT Or HOLXT WOBBA. li eommtttee submit the fotlowinr fijuns ior the lnlormation of tbe (Himmon couucif aad the public They are hastily prepared oa ia-romph te date by a (eaUeaxan thoroughly Weil qualified to esUinate correctly ou definite apeei- ti.i unu chW Ax far sanatnac jfaUoax of wxier is twatF-'Hr is sax cB of Mtitimi, eJ axlmaiuxliias ra a wale- a i.tea frow. ta fix. aula a xis, htui lnxbsa Is diamxtar, and oa us Ihwk, utiil aad l.aAxit AIJB latoir B-iIes (UsunSallJa. vraa Weight- in.

sai txati Baiidlbg aad tsBadauoas 1 iiurea trw'ti iaaa rairxx if frsaaata stilea. cent par Uaoa: (uol rx BxB ixi SI. 'A Tslxl cau. wxxtrr ta lakaa Irota tke riser oa am ta city Tbe roxutatllee woaki add a coasfierabie sum in i ticje given arrr ibry iax tej AW BAttJ oallexf apoB to make on estiatste of their own. Tbe ttioxr wexAtd prolsxhij rxsai usuoh more than Use estimate; not tne arxnalsoa, wnicb sow as even aormixaaL.

El Jllhai coawtitute the leading awaanstat 10 its cost. Be-aide a lunger, tine of dtstnbuttag pipe than tbe DEl'AHTI KB Of TKAISK TKAISS HEPABT. arrVALo Wt fSI i At --IU gal I J-Jixayi ISx. Bxlt Ki rB Avm Ar Aoerrx I a. Bl ft 1S5 s.s.y.ii I 1 1T i 1G-B UurKt at KV 535 1x1 St-f St.

EX. llBfl WP Kt. r. A re-si re cue lxy fctr few aa-BLEat CH1341 rxlXK M( (B JS a rn At Ki sje a. 5 Ibc.B nnwra.

Ml as. il t.t TltAIv, ARWVB. rr xa Bar a t.a.CU Bi Ac 7-IS AciT jft Si. aa ij Its. lb x-v ex Acesnji 35.Bbii Ci a ioua.

iiatt Dr ki Xt Ex fe -w "fir OXtl. a.T j. JS DAT Kx. MM aa oa. I A GBXBLOTTI Mmx! KB xt Xt.

kx iB a.m. .7 t-If Feta ft'StarTX Pall I H-trwr la. i ra a tax i t-oafcWT 'rAioLre Rev Kagftaad rn KxUonAi Hotel xt m. i-iry. 'tn I sxr.isi.rxgn'.

el 1.14 Sxirr. F- fare Lease (pragueX Hotel, Wilt street, xt p. ax. dally atox.itt woatte xsr. xixrmti kailwux.

aaax vav- x. at aad XX p.m. Lmt Ixax-vt'la-r? aas 4' at. Arrtx. ia lit m.

aa4 'SQp. m. ArTlxx xt Ar a x. aB4 p. m.

MW UtVEITISEIEITs THIS D1T. B- aa4 Xrxualtery At Daveyx. xatcxV Twaalj 6oo4. ArtlT Max I A ra Xf'e4 Xexrf. Fxnr to I ai it if a '1 1 Aarax.

A txrtoty rxm Hnan Mai L1 an raal t's-A TbaaA tixx at laaDrr CleaK. I a wxixx Laart-cxxx. DlctbHos. ax.

Ax kiie Mm Property hx-. H. Oarkarx P-tTx AttT. Bo-'t At Sao x. avi-i-v aVmjji VimXMtt v.

Taw a Talk. ttif riaeiot! at Fcbroarx 6th, tli Aoxa-IrtRA wit! 0i tlratualk' eolertaiam ut At Co-tiataun) kavil. We ttto'i Titiwl ilnt next Wetrn KM pxHfcir a ill it held tS.r lut wrflc in St-pteui-U-r next. -1 be rrgaUr well as the xpeeUl c'tartflr attaaatavnt eommtttee took tea tra for Al.ta-r i-t uttit ix UUtiucUj tbal i tMatiM rrfDroixaiottft. it Kaoerteig, t1t rtnxo or of thix i tt; DeRt MmhiAT Teitig, the ixraxieAt'f bix bxmltt at lorntr hall, North tM xtrtat ta tue tlratnx of K'tehas Futn- jiertiU kel.

bmsc itnpottaot cat" at th t-ilioe toart --xt i.Uy than tb of Uatiiel Rx fur tAsius A box. Hit hac! 8te, avail, bx the tir. Ttie bm xdmitletl lie xu not hurt. We be-In xe tbe eaxe wax dUoiixxed. Taw traia do IB Uiia citj Teatertlar rr: ro--i 2 it Hotu liuffxlo was aereral boar, late r-bi'l I dtiTlOg ABXXft Oi lie ni.iur iimUip.i when the.

train was a few uiUea wtet al Wxtat ta. The eoart of ayer and teraituer lor Febraa-r i eji' lie aeit Monday Oa the second week Uat) aexeiou of tb'S eoort cnmiaal cneA will taken nji. The partiex tudktexl for the mar-. i lobt Kai -Uner will, doubtlcax, be pot (atrial. Otbtr criuiiual canaea will alxo be Vakt up.

xfaaVaj Kaller bax ordered a jrrand jury foi June tent ..1 eonrt ot The praetit has been do! to call any grand Jury in Min.rxer, which La bet found in tnxuy caaex In an irjo-iiee to prixxtaera who, after beine ilii ai at at till in jail for xexeral raaaitba were aot i i i 1 1 1 1 for aty offene. AM. Hi waraaaajM in the eotrTiroo eount-J rexterday etentua; put a rather strange wr.teh n-t-ived no ajixwrr He fur -afxhex meal to the city tu contract for distribution to th po.n au 1 tx eiuiettaex twitted with the t. (rettinj a little out of temper on thi acccuiit, ft- il it there were not an alder was tm-H-ut a ose part-nta bad the eating of xoute of that meat It ix nobody's buinAs of (oi.rne but the. was a strange one lor tnib a place.

fr The Uater taeattea. The totumitte appointed to exa anil re-: i rcirxnliiv' the eysb tns -f supplviu city with water, submitted their report laat irBBBJH and the grea' iaiportanee or th- qttes- ion juatiliea ux in tMi.g taw report in fuLL It will be Been that tut committee earnestly r. eu the Holler system of distribution, and favor Abtatuing water from the ricrr. They alxoi rge the imKrtance of proceetltng at once, that in the event ot the failure of the rive. eiinTintent.

the works will be equally valuable if water ia obtalni-d elsewhere. We cr-ta-nlv eoncnr in the itntortanre of betiJ prepared for active operations at the eatrlirat possible nomtut. but we bare a season which ran vxoted to discussion, and we trust the in- t.i- ii'i pt will be -ior-ouffhtx seantted. We confeax the comtni tee tail tocouvince us of the deairabilitj ol obtaining filtered wjter tntni the river; nor do they a tf ii.i- ot'li t-ttous to -iar Wr donbt if our citixetix arc opar.daiouto-rs thxt lhey will 1axor a raa project Iteeaoaeof present i hi apses, when it may entail large outlay to tf-. it ltd tbev certainly willing to undertake a di.ul.ttul experiment ta a itattri ki gravelt aftt-fting health as the xupplr ot water.

Wt xitbiult that we muat base the purest water atliiuab'e. with axnpplx ample for tireari.t aud future needs. Wbeu that source at upp' i di ti ruim-d, the nrxt point In order wtli tie to pris-ure il at the least cost conFisteut with dlwalillKy anj acrvice The araum-n' tliat the tfver a ater m-iII do for the preseat ia uaworthy ot use. What we want to knew is this: Is it the bot attainable supply, and can it be always relied upon without detriment to axan fax-tunui; interexte. no matter bow extended may be our growth I We da not be lieve tbeae qut xttunx can be answered in the affirmative Certainly the committee fail to show aad are aeeuaioglv conxeieax of it.

We in-vile dixcaat-roa, with the view of deterniin the iiueetuoua of superior parity and abounding eapply. Hal we have no spare lor any thing which I'oes aot seek to demonstrate theec t.inla with pri't iaioti and accuracy In tbe meanitni' ti the committee do not appear to hare aa- piaaclied the anbjed from that standpoint, i report is entire! unaatUfarb-ry tons We would like an investigation by experts, which shrill have it ita Mile obiot detetui.uiug ol these piitnta. ikmil roaKissiuasa or the nti wxri. i i Ki i. rg, cashier of the But bea ter aawitigx bank, wa oWcfced by be coaaaaovt rt'iitu il uigbl ax hoot com mixsi oner of the nrxt ward, to fill the vacancy in the aebool i Hii-t .1 by the death ot Henry in Mr 1 i ix every way qualiaed for the poaiaine for which be baa been selt-eted, aud Imxi in iriii-ii andiaarrgetac vouug man.

and one abi. has shown much seat in matter p-r tatcirts to our rducat onat institutioax, he wil nuke a ptxettcal and naefu! uicraber of tht Uidid of edaiiatioB. Pbbh i aBT In bixat xtile or leap years by the of an iEUrealary day, febtuary rata i- i i ii t.a.t. 1 ti a a- i at la the It. -acnliaa calendar.

In the reign ot Nuasa tn aouibs were added to the year isiuei.v, Jaainsry at the begiuutag and Vet. i Hart at the end; and ibis arrangement contin ned unul 11 i a-li, hea tbo di platexl final, afet Tht an. name of was derived from the ver'j ttbrmarr. to put I i tin Uuuiau Ir-lival of geiterai eipiaUou and laati which wax Ultra ted dnnng the latter pan of tUi mouth In Kebraary, alaa, the Lupa raia were held, and men were ptuiaed by the priest of ran l.yreus at that fettival. Kixk i.t About three.

BCBXtLtCT AT XKASUAl.tCA. motniag. the i-ial I burned Kittiiat.ury, at the abexe plaex, wa together with its entire iiiuitau, in i iodtag a vxlaahaa hanxe and a eamage. team that the vaxx atuiaat to a exa'xxiuty lbs work of an ltxcradisiy At neatly the saase boar Mrasrs. tiatlurd It Kietd'a sfore wax entered by burglar.

Flxey eHrcted an entrance thr.iu,h the eettAT. The broke open the safe aud rttiej lU COB-t, A portion of the aaaul baa beea reeov-nd Wc have not beard the bx by the rob-i, A aegro uamtai William Clark has beea arrexted an susptriea. llei.M.E TO WHOM BOBOK Hi AlsiB FOB Tkttt UIU OF A 1 i.Ul BILU AliUdlUg to the low pressure ef tne Hloumtietd gas at Uocbesler and tbe fart that it soon to be let into one of the reservoir, the Ltockport Tutou say: Wr think this would be a good time for aome of the Korhestet reporter to exteud some of their in same direction, as it will aid the preasare to the required extent Some time do tbeer Wat a literary society imposed of young ladies aud genliru. in this city, one of Ihe regulation ol whu It a red ribbon should be given to Ihe member of tbe association who got of lite dullest oke at aoy meeting The trophy was to be Worn until mure wretched atledtpt at wit was made by a ipsalmi. We ah all al oar oan expense luuration tf fbis praiseworthy ciixtoat nrb a badge to the, Lay-kport I to-day.

Let the esiitor keep il until some one of the profession in trying to be smart makes a greater fi ot of bimsx lt tnsn be baayust done i i i I I I 1 I I AT Till Roc-heftier Rank, SATURDAY AFTERf.0CNfAT2P J. MARCH 2d, 1372. FOR WHICH IMMi Usriyallvi A.tD had ii: Celebrated Cornet Ban is 3 cr i AMI OX I.Y TK KKT-. Ttcfseis Oily Cns Dollar Eac'i, which niUt'c toe bolder to ao aTmlMian fo ta C-or, crt, ami a caa! to draw one 'he ftNiaaiw aaav did and valnabte Uti. The Sylenrtfei iitftm that wiirm am- tha Ticket Holder on tha erraiaa-of the Corert esa he aeen and examined at tbe dttfer eat ktvd.n hovea truwi wktoh tbey w.

re pur Ua GRAND LIST kf 1 Weber Piano, rtaasatly earwid ertnMnf top BuBKtma, extra carted tan aua Is oc- tare. I 1 rand Harp. Erard, donble xenon. oetarex. Oothlt xtlle.

anlsfied la satis w.tttd aod irol 1 atanlxr A Si.n's P.axo. carted ls. ne peari mouldli on top oi cue. ssu 1 atner- a Piano, rtcaly carve lags aa ease, 7 octaves, 1 Spaa mxtehed ranxdlan Ponte. 1 splendid Pnaauia, let.tacr top rlrr-rr trmmed.

1 S.jaare' box Top BtuiaT, richly trimmed. Xii 1 Splendid et of BlnxTorx, Is'f Cjelt Ctp', Mat, i ollar aad Wristlets. 1 Larae on Painting. baaaUralty fraaMd. Scene Wreck on tax Coast o( Slae It, sit i lat re Ol Patrtlnf.

beanii ally flanam. Scene, Mountain ot Switzerland. Sis. -xl. SJQ 1 Grind Otter imlnsbaia Orraa.

e. carved walnat eaae, (a 1 Boxts.n lirrxn, beantlfat carved wxtnat e.s. 1 Beantitni Piano Case BeAodis.ix, carvcaleaa. ja. 1 Ladies' fiexi Sltm and Baa, 1 a 1 splennh.

Oold Wax, (eoi'ewaai'a, an 1 Spleuriid Gold W.leb, a-e tletaen'x, 1 rtplendtd Gold Wales. taO 1 Rare Oil Pamtina.rennibe Al'evtixnj 4 splendid. Golil Watehca. Istl X. at (Usl, am 1 Splandld Genuaa Violencello, 1 rry Bandsorae Oil t'xlotta.

rat 1 Silter Dialed Tex Salt xa stxlrer. sat 1 Set of SIBCle Baroe, (old ptaied, i i- -t. 3. 1 spiemim inxrrorn kis(, isr(. a-a -oa-is, watcrl, 1 Ladles' Tmnk.

mis. br A. V. Smith fox exhibit, on al ttic Stale ralr, 1 Fine Oil Palnttnc beea oa ihs Beacb, Lernj. island, I piano Coyer, eletrastly embroidered caad tVs k.

1 Splendid Clarli net. twetr. ieinild iveua lute, lac silver 1 Mxrt'n's tanltxr. Kosewood Our sr. 1 Piano corer, tlextantl.

emSroldere 1 It-, ad Clolb. 1 Splendid Clarionet, twelve keys, lbxtecdli Cocoa Flole, twvlr. xtlrer keys, 4 L.d.e. lurs.i.i, tso 1 Lxrae size fclan'alxrtarlEia n.iarer rtewlna tlx ir, aB as cltine, 13d 1 IVa'l-i a-e Grorwr A Baker S- win. Marblne, ISC fcxioiiy bew-iia -tlseitiDe.

aara. uu 1 PI. -an Cover, elegantly embroidered Broad Cloth, 4. 5 Mink Bnffs sad Collar. exeh.

ma i ffx aa4 vnUar (a) each. so 4 Eleawar Ctiiomo llcttrrex. rlt-Mr tmmarf, i3 ear. ,1 jr. VirttBt.

fi each, Jin laSBtllvavplatetl Water PItehtrs. I'neAea. (Ja UK 8ilver-piauil Cxxlors, tine cat (lax. titmice, $I( exrh lin IT siierr Wxtei ex. tnntirn: i-e-.

10 esebt. tjfcxl lAi felccl aTnararrnsx ai ilte Coort of Lady Waablnc- xtxe axTxI. sir. e. b.

ijn 'The ortalxal patnttna fXetm wbteh that taken Is bow oaueti by A.T. Stewart, Sew York, far wbicb a nld BaAOUl', and It cast tF-tfOL, encixre it. pxcture 553 GIFTS, amounting to $16,570 HIE A WAKD1.SU of lac faafsaiJIC Otfu y.i bt made bfa Cost nxiiare 7icAf ffolOrm i on the night of the Concert from the Tlrket Holders PrepemL Plan of Distribution. tafvlera Tknxxnd Five Hundred aad exit xxafcerx reprexantlna tbe Uckcu aaaxed. wt 1 be plsced In one wheel, and eaia.

laxr ribxd with IX naroeeof ihe gilts, will be placed la another, frax-, tbeae wbeelx a Sf BEB aad xGIKT wUl be drawn Xl'BBBB draws in t'ACU CssTAltCtl txk'ng the GiFl drawaat the tarae Cue A steal Mb mm FOB ONE DOLLili. Tickti.a for Sale at tho following Housea CiO. If. ELL'S tt ilU-IC STORK. 4 atrx-t.

where exa be and exxmtne.1 tbepiannx. Hirp." vl cxl laxtrcuueatx lor this Grxa.l Gut E. ETTE.f HELvIER a JEWELERff So 3 fltt treet, where cm seen aad cxxiniard a portion ol Uia Gold aad Hllrer Bicbes, Man ond Ring x-id silrer-n xie-J Ware, purchased lor iblx Urxad Girt CoBcert. D. P.

ROSEMJLUI. JKKLBRS. Jfft. 1 era sou exan bii for Watr chaaed i ct. at wh i loco the Oold aad piaid Ware, par-wi raiiu villa JLLIRD.

BrTalfO. HAT FI STORK, Hi StaU rat at wfa: tore x'an be aaa and rtttDiBei at) Fttn par-cb tad of utcai ior tnu iBraJHi A tjuncart. F. 0LTER, JEsT.lER, So. so BaCalo xtrexl.

al whose xtore em wen and exaxoBxa a aortloo of lac Bold aad Silver Wateke aad S.lrsr plaled Ware, pa. hxsed of him far ibtx Grand GIB Concert 0. HI. Book 6BX1 It, Area- If al', where the pUtarc if ta UBXari cr LatU Waakamtoa nay Ax I. StIITH's HAftNESS AltRTRrrsK STOBB.So at Stale street a here Can kx en the Ban era xnd Trui.A of hlai for Ihlx Grand Olfl 'oatln.

SADER0V-j TISE ABT AUJtBT. Batxlo xtreet. where ran ice lu I rroii ue aad rTcAurwx aarcaaeed ci auu for thi. Grind OulConcxxl. 24 Family Sewiog.

Maclss a5J BBBBO. waa re taay ran ta teea wnttl ta. Coasws laaa Macci aad psrtlrx who draw Uuh Sew Ing axt nuiex will receive Ua irax taalr ran leti.e aereatx. A Bvwver A Baker sexxlas Baehlae, Agetxrr, Ik Bulla, xirtet. re xserxlog Bai klae Ageaer.

tl Balo xlreet. Waaaaj IJIhbw few lag Bachlae Agaaer. Sewing Ma.fcl.,- Ageaer. a btala 'igSSF' Bachlae Agency ittlx I in sew lag Mrvehla Accsaei st Bxta xtreat. rWvi, aleWa Ateaei, I it A merit Bacx II.

Hew lag Maehlae. Ageaey. 1 ttr, et itHl -W," HI'" Maefcla Ageary. Buaal Mr Tic tlx rax Ike Oraad Gift Concert ar caxal at axl the ill- rem sewing Baohtae Ag.aciox, The San of CbUsIUb Poik Bxy be te ea ar the BxCaraxo Farm, ax aula wees of Xt. la Hospital.

Tha Pheaton and Bus-y May be fxao. Walbridgc'e axah.e, aa ill uxet. TKKKTS, 1.4 MB. AH orders for titkxU biaull aioxl Ue tk.GBKITlCaKTtiPFtt'. xt GEO.

H. ELLIS Palace Music Store, 64 BTJEEALO STREET, Eg ere' Block. Boclister, N. Y. tW Oa the Boa day tollowla after the Concert a LBI cf all ta Nunbers drawing Utlta will be pab: liked th sit tha Dull papers In ttocheater.

If aay wbo ifr Otfta are aot present al the Coarert, th-y will rccetra xkem a.t ia sBM a tf tkey were preacat a sal van or ax-ma. i biy, tnsotasbl In ctdx .1 i srtsxnxte and xul- TOixte or lime MtfaXHaB ol aias nsalx Oxide ot Iron i sl.r-ldeof sodiDDi Sillcx not deter BtUied Orx-xpti Bistter l'rofessor Lattitbore state that another examination for solid matter alter the water had .1 gv tbe same result a- wi-r" ontained at trie end of tire davs a fact which shows that all matter mechanically suspended was deptsxited wttlna tbat period. Tbe significance of tbe fitures of this anal-ysis so far as the members of tbe committee are coo'eined. and the same is doubtless true of tbe community generally depends entirely upon a comparison ot them witb hgures representing tne ami ol inner waters, i he rejsort of wjrsli, made iu IS! tbe author ities of this city and embodied in a prospectus ti-r the sale of Koehester water works bonds ixoed in 170, furnished ample metine for malting sorb comparison. Tne number of grains ot solid matter to the gallon of different waters is here given on tbat autboniy: Croton (by SiHiroan, highest authority) 10.91; average of Croton analysis, 7.

26; average of Schuylkill, 5 Ox', Cocbituate-, Ottawa and Lawrence, 7. cistern water soon alter rain, 6. sjli; Average wells of Koehester, SB 33: Manhattan wells (largely used in Ne Totk be.lore Croton). 00; Caledonia spnii-r, 44 Erie canal at Koehester 1862, 8 00; Hou-eoye outlet Smithtown, 1863, 4. 31 L-ike Ontario iu front of piers one-half mile out, 10.

00, northeast ot piers and beyond the stream discharged from Geeesee river, 6 40; west of piers. 4 16; Genesee river st btgb water I860, 6 40; high water August I860, 5.60; at Kapidx (time not stated). 11 21. Thus it will be seen tbat our river water compares favorably with inauy other waters which are Ireely used and highly esteemed by tbe people of the various localities named. Croton contains M.

93 grain of solid atfer according to tbe very highest American authority while Genesee contains from 5. 60 to 11 II grains the amount varying with tbe stage of water. Tbe well at the old Cornhiil tavern in our city showed 41 00 grains solid matter to the gallon. Its elevation above tbe surrounding territory exclodes the idea of other than miueral solids probably carbonate ol lime chiefly wliik the river aater Contains but 6. 87 giaius of lime to tie gallon, or ouly one sixth as much as the water of this far-famed well.

Acd as fur other foreign substances, the commiitee neither know nor can conceive ot any reae-ou for supposing tbat the water ot the Genesee not qmte as free troiu them, as tbe water of other rivers from which different ritie in various parts of tbe country respectively draw their supplies- It is not, like the Ohio and other fivers (the waters of which are used without filtering hy many cities on their banks) contamixisted by tbe sewage of large towns. Its sources are mostly springs and small streams taking their rise in lake lets of clear water and so far as the committee are advised no large swam rilled with decaying vegetable matter has the Genesee for its outlet The few loeal causes ot contamination indicated by tbe excess ot chloride of sodium (itself a small quantity JpMM iu tbe sample of water takea near tbe Valley desot, can be easily removed; doubtless other causes of like character along tbe river and its tributaries, which affect our imaginations more than tbe purity of tbe water at a great distance, conld readily be disposed of; and then the only valid objection to the water would pectssarily rest upon the few grains of salts of lime to tbe wutcu it unquestionably contains. Yet in spite of taBa facts, and it would see us for some purpose uot alte-gether harmony with public interests a determined effort has beeu made which is still resolutely persisted in, to make our citizens believe that tbe water ot the Genesee is totally and unfit for general use; and that uo other than Hemic a lake water should be accepted. Even while mis report is in progress, a letter bas been received from the engineer of tbe 'gold bond holders of the Koehester water works1' alleging that tbe Hemlock take project the only one wor.hv of consideration, soliciting our citizens to at Tin raising $150,000 of the $110,000. wbieb be says would complete the works and assure an annual revenue of not less than $180, t00, St an expense of only $10,000 but he takes pains to in, part this precious bii of information '1 have understood tbat tbere are some per-soni ho to secure a water supply by I'umping from the nvtr or lake but the sap-pfy would be surcharged with lime and entirely unfit for t-ulinary or manufacturing purposes.

Tbe average of wells iu K.tebestcr, as shown by Mr. Maish, tbe former engineer of tbe contain itS. 33 grains of solid matter mostly lime to the gallon tbe wafer coutaiiis 10.06 to 10.18 grains of ao'id matter lo the gallon, of which less than 7. 00 grains is lime. Vet the eugincer above quoted te.lls a people who have all their lives used well water (as many of our citizens do) containing 33 grains of solid matter to the gallon, tbat river water containing ten grains and lake water containing a much smaller quantity of solid matter are 'surcharged with lime aud entirely tutlit for culinary purposes It mav not be unprofitable to inouire a little oTtbrr into tins lime question and see whether tbe authority of the 'engineer of the gold bond holders of the Kocbester water works'' should be accepted as conclusive as to "unfit nee" ol our river water "for culinary purposes.

Chariest'. Chandler delivered a very elaborate and exhaustive lecture on water before the American Institute in January, 1871, in which he sets forth the conclusions in respect to the sanitary effects of waters of various qual-itics, at which men of science have arrived tn-long and patient investigation. He says: 1 'Tbe sanitary congress which met at Brussels tidi that water containing mure than thirty-five grains of impurity in one gallon is not v. boltsen and that there should not be mnch more than one grain of organic matter. Genes, i aajer is very far removed from these objections.

He sat further: "It is a great ad vaniaae iu makir.g tea or coffee to use water of as-ul five degree, of barduess; tbat is, containing about five grains of carbonate ot lime or iU equivalent in the gallon. Hence it at clear laarx 0acee witer bas a "great advantage making tea or coffee, over any other that is proposed for supplying the city. Hut by far the most important fact bearing directly uion the subject before this committee. Its bad nf Br. CbaBOler, in his lecture, is the Lr.

Letbeby, one of tbi iheat authorities on the sanitary relations water, considers water of moderate hardness preferable to very soft water, for domestic purposes. About six grains of carbonate of lime to tbe galloa is desirable. He finds the death rate is less in cities supplied with, moderately hard water than iu those supplied with soft water." Tbe Genesee water exactly fulfils these con-dilions: tbat is, when "the proportion of lime is near tbe maximum" (at low water) to tjUote the language af I'lofissor Lattimore, it contains 6. 8 grains of lime to the gallon. When the water is high, the lime would be proportionally lex-; Imt at all times it would tic 'about six grains of the carbonate of lime to the gallon." a proportion which one of the highest authorities on the sanitary relations of water considers as a condition of good health anu a tew death rate.

it has long been held by many men of high intelligence tbat water containing a moderate pro-tan tion of lime better aa tap test to the con- processes of nature which arealwaya going on in tbe human organism, thau water in a hu tbat element is wanting. That opinion is uos fortified, if uot conclusively established, by an accurate observer aud pains -taking statistician, wbo is also a medical expert, and it will not be shaken in tbe estimatioa of intelligent men hy the vaue and sweeping asparsipa of an engineer whose principal couceru is (very prop-eHj to rescue bix employers from a disastrous huabeial adventure. WATEB BlOBTTS KlVEB lAXCATlOSI. A long stsndicg objection to taking water from the nver, is that it would Involve the paying of an indemnity to the owners of water power at ibis point and it was assumed that his indemnity would require a large sum inasmuch as a 1 ml supply lor the cily would late tieaaly all the water ot tbe river at its lower stages' fhe committee are advised by eminent rounxel and it is the dictate of cemaaoa sense, thai tbe mill owners, would be entitled to no larger sum. If tbe water be taken.

Hum tbe river here, thxn if it were takea from one of its tributaries. And the mat -ii ni itdtmuity ceases to be formidable when submitted to mathematical test. The quaa-v water represented by .4, 000, 000 gallons per day ix found by accurate calculation to be considerably less than is required at sixteen feet end tl! ola- I till stone atiU lis aClompAnt ing machinery Tbe cost of tbe water right (ouisl not, therefore, Be heavy Il lis probable that any company (or the cut aa the raxe may be) that should undertake to supply the ctty with water by means of tbe Holly or other similar system would Find il advantageous lo hay a water tower on one ot the upper races The ownership of such power would give a company all the water it would aeed for dxstri button, and alxo supersede the Beceatdtv ol sit ana machinery, except as a reserve power for forcing purpose. Moreover, it al at future time it ahc-uhl he deemesl ei-prdieiit to sut.xtiiuie Hemlock or Houraye. t.

river water, the same forciug power could be Bard, white Ihe water hitherto distributed, aad ant surplus that abould re matin, woald roast a valuable property which could readily be Bold, orxppbrdlo "inanulactuttug purposes Au engineer who has had much exponeuee wub tbe Baity s. sic gives a ttecxdrd preference fur water over steam power for forcing purpose He atatea also that a filler of a kind and capacity tbat will give tbe my a full sap-ply of river water rendered tree Irom alt impurities thai are ux chanually oiised with it, can he constructed at a moderate cost. The cxauwiltee having te tbe best of their slippy, discharged the Baty aasigned tbein, a. very briefly restate the conclusions to which candid and impartial iavcsugatxau has led them First Thai from whatever source tbe supply of water be lakes, il should be distributed by tbe forcing system inasmuch as tbat system will i li ski private consumer to draw water at aov i lintlaB axed that it will very largely di the cost of the ore deuurtiocu'. au-J at the same time iaereaaa it ea4eesK-y ia a Mitt greater arwamrttoa That she ooat of getting water (ram Lalta Owaara.

wbteit the Ueaeare water coals tea sawa of aha eatj Dr. Price's tooth loceoges harden the gums. rom' i. hies at wholesale. We are bow in daily receipt of large additions to our stock of staple groceries, and arc offering all goods in onr line iu strict accordance with New York quotations.

All dealers in want of bargains will please call. Smith, Perkins At Co. New teas. New teas. A large stock of new crop Young Hysons, Gunpowders aod Oolongs, per Pacific railway, now receiving and for sale upon most favorable terms.

Jau'24tbw Smith, Perkus Co. MARRIED. ANSOOMB BILI i -voHPitST At the rextdeaes of the bride'- falser, in Plustord. 5. Jsnuary -Jlsh, by Key G.

smith. Mr Thotnxx Anteomb snd Mix Jennie A. Blllisuhurxt, both of rittsford. Y. DIED.

OAKLET-On the MWIg oi the Wit. Hc-ttiv, wife of C. P. Qavklcy. taf The i em Jon wiil be brought to tht city for iD- MALKY-Io tbi rHT.

at their rM-nrv 5ao street, CattiertM Sfairg)'. Uaiugutcr ol John and atbf ririra) Mavnley, (ted tt years. If Funeral tarc.IT. the Memorial Chcrr ffilan street, this i Wednesday aft-ernaoti, at ulck Frieu- of tbe family are Inflted to i. Mi a S'OM-In to: city, Jan.

3Cth, 172. Uim Mary SbaiuxcD, mged il yean. tyFnoeral from the residence of her broahar, Rob-art Share on, No. 112 ttreat, tala Wednesday) afternoon, at 9 Frt of the family Are invited ta attend LOTK At bis residence. January 30th, Andrew Lore, teti 15 yais.

UT" Funeral from bla lata residence. N'a. 167 5orth Clinton atreet, on Tharvlay, February lat, at o'clock P.M. Fries. of the tamily are invited to attend.

DAVIB-In Uns cltr, on tiie lohn DaTi, formerly of Newbnry. Eng ani, ad yetrf. BOT'GHTOH-In th a city, 30-h, lira. Sylf.a Boaghtan, wife of Mr. Romero BoarhWn.

pf Funeral from tba booae. 5o. 1 fteynold itreet, on Thuraday, February lat, at o'cluek: P. and nt the t'Lurcb oi the Epiphany, Frances ttraet, at lf o'clock M. Frienda of tbe family are reapacUully Invited to nitead.

F. J. AMS DEIST, BANKER, (Uader Powers'! ilsca.i Dexisr la Goid aid rnrdi at ec unties. Drafts on all Parts of Europe, feat JRANCH OF Mmf. DEMOKEST'S York Emporium er Fashion, No.

7i 1.11 I STAIRS. Sresi-traklnir. tn sit lu Draarbes, and tn the best manner. Tf.e (B4ta always srxcefal and aeearale Particular attention paid to pally aresses and wed Hug truix-xeaas. XLd embroidery done to order t-tlnjf and fitting aaaeaa rsryanurt noiiee Ixlxohxrr a full xnpplr of Una.

Item, real's rellaMe net'erui ter laowxar. Mux. THOBAS J. .111.1 deeSt Vtey THE OLD AND RESPONSIBLE D. LEARY'S Steam reins aad Cleansing Two Hundred jxrdx Norta of Kcc Tort Csstral Railroad l.xpot.

Will sstreet, (Xrxrr af I'iait. Ibbows'x bacb, socsstris, a v. Tne reputation of Hits llyti Hons uure ISSS tixx In au, ed ulltcrx lo counterfeit oar xlaxs, ebre-ks, Suxinsxti ex: its snd even the rat of oar ballduiB, 19 nusiesd xnd huiebair the paallc. So roanrrtlon wtt anyi.odlxr tssisniunment 1 have ao xjreatt ta tne country. Ton can do yoar business dtrrt tly with ate, st tne xams et xx rough aaaaent.

Crape. Broeh-, faxxmx'e snd Maid Stxwix. and all colored xad H- -nnox cleansed without Injury to tbe colors, Alaa tattle' and seullemen't Wuolen taaaaasafa cleansed rotor xd a a HI ripping, and prrxxed ntcalr Aatc. rain sr. and Kid Irtovex cleansed or drcd.

Silk, Wool or Cotloa xiootis oi every desertpt oadyed ail color, aaa (ntslied ilii neatness Bad dispatch, an very resxonsblt. lerotx. Uoodx dytd Blxex every Tuexdsv.Tbnrsdaj sad Fnaxr Ail sooox returned one wee, ttoodx rsctslvxrl sad rxt arnrd hj rxjarrxs. f) 1.KART, xtrfet, comer Piatt xtrset, Bccacatxr, B.T. A Sue Mark or KtiReineitt is the use uf 'Scat, Tasteful STATIONERY! In all li st arraljaB to a ntoe In Choice Panera ntid EDVtloi4M, In the latest ahapaa aad Uaiaa, wua XxaIs 3, Wax, aad ererythlns pertainta to tbe stemtotn of the best dBxlliy, we rars always mail a ceual feature ul our bttxfter.

Oar ttocE lor tbe New Year Is targar ttaa erer tefor. Oar aewer it ilea in Initial bib Mooter a a Slampinar, CARD ENfiRAVINS, embraea ail tha iataat atjiwa, aadlare e-ucatad tn the l- manner. mm WETMDHB II 8TATS STREET. JBT apeclal x'taatlon atyxn la B-rred Wor ta Wadding lattlxt uax.Ac. LEDGERS DAY latOOIvtS, Journals, Cask Hook, IB fc.Ve.Ki SIZxT ASD QUALITT.

We carer ta BasT AND 1.AKOB6T (TOCK ta Atocaextcr, xa we am aAord taxauax IaKSH I'BIClatS Boo a ol ail bUdo made to 'roar Vn tbo nwat acc ot-mb)t HMHT. We do all Kinla INTINQ, HI I.I. HE AJS, UriTEH IIK VI1-. CliffAr ABO Bit AT, Carters Araulii Ink, Eigiiik IteUiug. LETTER BOOKS, COPYING BOOKS, Brxrytbraxr tha BBaT sad Fxtr Price.

A c. uuts xpxxisd wuatxteod "1,1 Uosaaa. STEELE a AVEKV, 5 1 State Sti-eat. S. -Carter's iaa Calendar araua.

lel CIaAKKE INEW METHOD REED ORGANS. ar xailraeaa si haa i mm pleaxirig i he pablic both by nu playiu aa hi. com, ptaxitioux. Rose into faror on ar xppxar asce aaAht xcaaa wiedged lo be xs.aa wots of Ue filet Ptlce, fM.M. Bar aUtaHias Tit tl iniiii Tilli te "hexovxe.

sent, ast rree.otl ree-etot ut retxxt OtlTBB i in. Kaa uxa. a. xiievi cv rsea m. Oar Insane Pear.

The eare of the insane poor is one of tbe most difficult duties thrown upon society. Iosanity is an evil, which neither tbe solicitude of friends can effectually counteract, nor the luxuries of alth greatly soften. Something can be done at limes to enlighten tbe benighted intellect and provide comforts for the body wheu the diseased mind is beyond all ministry; but generally a maniac is like an untamable beast tbat is incapable of understanding enorts for his good and is likely to rend bis keeper or himself at any momeut. Such a creature may by continued watchfulness be prevented from doing or Buffering barm. He may too bave some of tbe materials of happiness secured to him and in his own wild way make use of them; but it is only in charge of the most Bkilllul and cou--ein tious physicians aud under a system scieu-tific in its scope and perfect in its details that even such partial results can be attained.

Tbe unavoidable miseries with which even private mad booses teem show bow little is the best tbat loving relatives, with the assistance of wealth, can do for their afflicted friends. When to the evil of insanity poverty is added, and the sufferer is thrown upon the state for protection, the problem of providing for his happiness, or at least his comfort, is indeed a difficult one. States have never been over sue-tv eestinl in dealing with tbe poor, but tbe complicated misery of poverty and insanity, combined atd entangled together, presents a difficulty which will need much thought aud wisdom to overcome. As far as the individual is concerned, the lesser evil may be swallowed up in tho greater, and an idiot may imagine himself as rich as Croesus, though clad in tattered rags; but as far as the state is concerned, tho misfortunes heighten eaeh other, for the unfortunate being is an unruly pauper, who, instead of the beggar's docility, may have the pride of a Spanish nobleman, the fierceness of a tijjcr and the mischievous-ness of a moakey. To take eare of the insane poor is tin a hard k.

but it never -thelecs is one tbat the Christian state must perform thoroughly. The best method to pursue in accomplishing this work ia yet to be discovered. A visit to our county insane asylum, mile some years ago, overwhelmed us with a sense of the misery, squalor and wretchedness of the inmates. We by no means wish to be uuderstood as sating that tbe inatitntiou was not as admirably arranged as circumstances would permit. Part of the evil was the natural result of the afflcitiun of tbe unfortunate patients, which no kindness could counteract.

But oursystetu is such that small asylums are multiplied all over the state, with inadequate at tendance, and often with impetfect buildings 1 and narrow grounds. Yet the expense upon each locality is heavie- than a few great central asylums provided with every advantage and appliauce that charity and science could suggest would entail. Patients affected with acute insanity are scut to such central rnsticu-tions for treatment, why should chronic oases be treated upon different pr.uciplesf BrnTAN's allegort. The Pilgrim's Progress as shown on canvas nightly at Corinthian ball, so far from loaiug its interest, is constantly attracting larger throngs. it is a must agreeable series of pictures and holds the attention of persons past tbe age when panoramic shows are usually enjoyable.

To younger people, of course, tbe views are a perpetual delight. Then, too, aside from tbe inter st of the pi aires as such, they draw attention to the beautiful story which they illustrate a story which can be read both for amusement and benefit by children and greybeards. Tbe present panorama was the result of a project conceived some four years siuee by a lew merchant of New York city whose oltjc was to prov ide au cutertaiuuieul which should furnish amusement aud at the same time exert a moral and religious influence. Theatrical managers and showmen ot all kinds pronounced the plan a failure from its yery inception even before the canvas was touched by a brush. This ouly made its success more sure, for its projectors were thereby more strongly impressed with the uecessity of making tbe undertaking one which could not but excite adiuiraitou.

Tiiey employed sach artists Leutze, Balling, Calverhouse, William Hart, Nehlig, Berger, dtc. whose genius transferred to the canvas the scenes imagined by Bunyan in a manner worthy of their immortal author. Naturally tbe expense became enormous, but this, as all the acrid knows, has been fully justified by the savces of the exhibition. We think the gen lb men who wore the parents oi tbe enterprise selected for illustration the best possible subject. It was an unhackneyed one.

It gave scope for imagination. Tbe pic-tares, if drawn in the spirit ot the allegory, wouhi be natural, novel and eutertainiug, auu yet so (Ujiaestivf of mural and religious ideas as to be inseparable trom them. The exeenrion was equal to the design. The pictured ville-gory first excites interest an interest which it never loses then awakens sympathy for the pilgrim in his course, and finally leads those who view it to propoae for tbeui (elves the same journey in order that they may reach the same eekAtial goat. It encourage men to persevere in their road to heaven, gives them hope in despondency aud make them thoughtful when tbe wind and tide act-in aB in their tar or, aud they are tn danger of supposing they have already entered the ualm hich isfoanxi only tn tbe final haven of rest.

It is an honor to America that she should bave been the first to illustrate tbe woaatertul drexii." in a manner worthy of iu beauty, simplicity, genius. The merchants of New York wbo planned the entertainment are fully repaid for their liberality ia the laughter and tear of thousands in every city where the panorama baa been shown. It baa proves! com-pxaayiv eua.cese.tul. No hat than J) exhibit Kins were given in the metropolis, liJU ia Box ton, and 150 in Philadelphia. We ran only say ia eonalasioa that no one should fail to witness the panorama.

It is still being exhibited at Corinthian hall and all who have attended are unstinted in its praise. Woman i i hiso. lb the SUUur of Ute 'ratcrrwat atxa fairxMxtel There is quite aa anxiety among the ettiaea here to see the articles regarding Sarah Smiley' preaching ia Curler 'a church, as act forth ia the Brooklyn Eagle, and mentioned the letter oj your correspondent iu Taeaday'x Democrat. Please print them and oblige many readers OoCAAffABAL. I'almtb N.

Y. 1 1 he ai tie lea meatioaed will be touad. aa tbe third page ol this issue En. House BSaxrsa and Mad of families can tad tbe Harford at their grocer's. Aid.

McConnell reply simply read the bid on Asylum and Washington streets. In the former instance a contractor's bid amounting to $5, 482 was put by the committee at 792. In tbe latter case a bid represented, at $1,015 was really $0,972, two dollars lees than the bid of the gentleman to whom they wished to give the work. Aid. Aldridge stated that when bids were opened tbe city surveyor figured upon them and tbe committee took tbe results directly from his hands.

Aid. Stebbins moved tbo previous question wtv.rh was put in force. Tbe whole matter was evealually referred to tbe law committee and city attorney with orders to report at tbe next meeting. Aid. Stone offered a resolution giving Nicholas Ochs the sum ot thirty dollars to assist him in paying tor medical attendance rendered necessary to bis daughter bv the crime recently crmmitted upon her.

and charge to she poor fund. Aid. Mandevi Whitcomb and Stebbins said they opposed the principle of voting away motey in this way. Tbey would rather give tbe money out of their own pockets, than vote away the people's money. Aid.

Stone said tbtt as chairman of the poor committee, be migbt have paid tbis sum and charged it to dishursements. It is a mere question of humanity, it sickened biui to hear men who had voted away hundreds of dollars to military companies and thousands to contractors in extras, cavil about such a matter, lhey merely wanted an opportunity to make I uncombe speeches. Tney were talking at tbe reporters, aad if those gentlemen were not present at tbe meetings of tie board there would be less of tbis useless oratory. Kelly said buudreds had been gi ten to racsfer tbe remains of a soldier from another tate hither, why hesitate about tbis He asserted bis own readiDess to give practical proof of his sympathy with the afflicted family. Aid.

Stape asked if the thirty dollars would pay the doctor's bill, and when told that it would not, but would satisly tbe party concerned, moved, by way ot amendment, that the sum be fifty dollars. Adopted. The sum of thirty-five dollars was also contributed by the aldermen iu a few minutes for tbe same purpose. Aid. Kelly offered tbe following resolution Whearas, Au ioiportaut bill having been introduced into our legislature by Hon.

i D. Lord, appointing a set of commissioners to locate and build a city hall, aud tbat bonds, uot to exceed $500, 000, shall be issued therefor. Therefore, be it resolved that his honor, Mayor Brians, is hereby requested to issue a call in all the daily papers of tbis city, iu pursuance of the above, to the tax-payers of Rochester, inviting them to meet iu City Hall, ou Mondav next. February 5th, at 7:30 p. ui.

to take into consideration tbe propriety of saiti hill, aod to pive expresstou thereto, and that our member of assembly and senator are hereby requested to hold such biil in abeyance until said expression can ha had. Also, Tbat a certified copy of the above be forwarded tn Hon. George I). Lord and Hon. Jarvis Lord, and that they are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly.

Aid. Stape moved to substitute Thursday night for Monday night. Amendment adopted and original resolution passed. Aid. Gerling asked what bad been done by ihe fire department committee to obtain a supply of water in the canal.

Aid. Kogetl, In unswar, said that from the Valley canal to tbe weigh lock water mid aot be procured on any terms. The state contractors for the improvement of the canal for that distance may bave to go to work at any moment and cannot allow the channel to be obstructed. They bad offered to pat up a dam far $1, 500 at the Valley canal, but that work would not be worth the expense. Aid.

Ms. Council said the water so procured could only be of use to run steam engines aloug the canal hank in the eleventh ward. Aid. Gerling moved that the fire department committee be instructed to procure water in the center of the city if possible at au expense not greater than $1,500. Aid.

Mandeville moved as an amendment that Aid. Gerliog be appointed as a committee of one to supply the center of the city with water for tire purposes during the rest of tbe winter, St an expense of not more ttan $1,500. Ta retoluton, as amended, waa adopted. Aid. Siebbtu stated tbat he had beeu asked by several gcntlemeu to present on this occasion Hie resolution offered hy him at the special meeting on Monday, and at that time declared out of orstr.

Tbis resolution we have already published. It providies for the election ot a convention of law delegate from each party for tbe amend -ment 04 oar city charter. Tbe measure was lost. The finance budget was adopted without reading. AM.

Mauder moved the snspension of the penal ordinance in regard to the sale of foreign Ituita, nnltil next June. Aid. Boeder moved tbe reeisioro of the resolution spoointing Aid. Gerling a committee of one to procure water for fire purpose in the ctsuter of the city. A lively debate fallowed between Aid.

Ger ling and Aid. Mandeville, the former thinking the resolution a slur upon him. Aid. Gerltug bar-as-teriaed Aid. Maadevitle as a nice little talker, and the latter iu tarn vented considerable sarcasm upou biui.

The tilt was a lively one, and carried ou more deceutlv than is usual ia personal contest of alderman. Tbe motioa to reconsider waa lost. Aid. Stone moved tbat Aid Mandeville and himself be added to the comuuUre tousistiogot a l.i Gerling. Camed- Adjouraed.

The KaMa. Praise at the present condition of tb Kfie raUway is now aa general as blame was heretofore A good Juige of a good thing, 'Brick" Pomerov, aay is one of hi recent letter to the I mocrat: 'We like the Erui railway. There is no more attractive road to travel on ib tbe world. The ears are ao wide, eay riding and cleanly ki pt A person ha room enough lu roam around, spread out, rest, take eo intuit, lean hack and enjoy himaeli. There are other good railroads ta the world, but none whose ear are ao attractive a those of tb broad gdaye, well managed aad rather extensively kuown Erie railway cmpny.

The s'erptu; cars are better tax the atrial! couches ef our ton fathers, aud lar ahead of what the Shin ul king aod qoteu enjoyed, and they thought they lived high. OrEKA Hoi sc, The Enchantress waa witiu es, by a large audience at the opera bouse Last night, lite piece has considerable detail about it with which the performer (bowed much more familiarity last uiht than an it first prrsentauoa. The aeesuc effect oi the Enchantress are baajMtfal aad the (raging of Mrs. Caroline Rjohiugs Bernard aad th other member of Us aaCBBata is aa ai tractive feature of the entertaittaieat.

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