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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 3

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 14, OCZAJI STXAlCEXmj MXXJIC Al GLASTOMJOT, AGAIN. Democrat and Chronicle. Sargent of California Is hostile. So Allison of Iowa. Carpenter joins with Howe in wisbinr, at least, that there may be a Democrat and Chronicle, COMMERCIAL BEC0BD BOCBEMTKR MA aVKBTS OF TI K--DA Y.

fneara of Tnt4t FLOim afarkat arm wltb a avod doaaad. Balaa bbls at for gprlnc. tot amber Wlnier, S5, for white Winter ana t.r for aoaMa extra Kn FLO IB market ancbanged at S1.2S for aitr Tfrt. 1 frstt at te. Bart ST-msk stesdr asa rsli at IjOvpsw, an No.

Hpring at latasiaie she oat.lde price for Northwestern. PaovisioNs Pnits wmrket steady: sales at SU.CTeMfe. LAKn marks steady: sales at f-Mucash. wnrsgr market active and blffberi aats at S7c Dnasan Hikis market steady: saiea at Rscairra rt.ij, bbls aiar wheat, Jtfi.tVU bsb fS.D hush oats. bnsb barley.

UW) bnh rye. aHlPwaTS-llHi) bbl. Soar. lH.iribn.h wbret, bush euro, busk cata, 1A.1BS kaak barley. apeMat ta tas AscAsstsr Bor tt IMS A.

M. Wht market osim at rwxocasb, T2HHC fteiisv FVnrvary. and seller Msrrb. market qnlat at lie eaaA. and SJ'sc sailer Pehruarv.

SO A. M. WHEAT market quiet at lake cash. 127 seller Peoraary and wit seller Msm. Corv m.rkot w.ak aimsc easb.

Hike seller etM-oars aud per la not strong enough to bear np a denial tbe fact tbat be stole In place of answering our charges, the bloated old boramw trump up some two-cent stories, which would not current as pay for decayed cabbage-stalks, and attempts to palm them off upon the community as attacks upon onr honor. Unable to actthe part of a man, even -n so small a way a to Imitate the whining of a whirred child, this pitiful puppy "P-on his bind Wa and bowl dolefully Wrt the moon of ourjob-oftioe. He tries to smash upon our heads the rotten eggs of his wrath, by in-s listing baselcs slanders concerning our siib-rription list. This sort of stuff ia what the driveling dunce of the Banner considers strong riting. It is strong, with the strength tbat is peculiar to tbe polecat.

The swell-beaded and slobbering simpleton laks the courage to indorse bia own calumnious insinuations, or to present them in the shape of charges tbat can be met and repelled, but hopes to thrust bis slimy tongue into the bloaaom of our Integrity, and to Wast its fresh and fragrant leaves, before the fnsidous instrument can be branded by tbe mailed band of truth and justice. His calumnies are as harmless as a cat without claws, and we only mention them in order that we may hold no to tbe dirnst of en outraged community thi aJiom-inable buzzard, who seeks to gratify the cravings of bis appetite for carrion, by oreyiog upon the vitals of supwrlor beines. who" are as far above bis reach as tbe heavens are above the earth. Although this unbearable nuisance has so far outraged all the laws of truth and decency as to be deserving of no mercy from us, we will do liim the favor to suggest, against the next time he comes borne drunk at nigbt, that Smith's swill-barrel bas been removed to the corner of the ditch at which be usually tumbles in, and tbat an overdose of sour swill mav become sickening, even to so foul feeder as himself. In conclusion, we will hot lie up this insignificant insect by stuffing him into a vial of "immortal verse, as follows: wis type worn, hts In Is ne4n.

And be aets drunk on vile banana. BOARD OF StPEB VISORS. riMIAS IsIJia FOR OTEEXSTOWff AKB UtUIFOOU Moral Mall Bteaaisri are SPPOlnud to gall at. rot. tiTVOf a 11,11 A.M.

IS. 1 P. M. CITTOr ciTTnr Pikm Ssmrday. Beot.

C1TT Bent. TTor rcui II IPX. UMDAT, aad sack aaonasdipg SATUKDAt aad TH from Ptar Pa. 1A north RlTsr, aAT or PASSJAGB. CA BUI, tra and SMB.

gold, aeeordtna SO datlons. not oand tn. tickets at low rates. STKKKAOB. to Liverpool.

Oneenst1 wn. fndr.ndarrT. Leadon. Bnatoi or lrdlm aj 0. Pte jald Hamtidrs.

aertiSoatea, 9.3, currency. Passeagere also forwarded SO Havre, wadan. Norway. DansAaxk aad Pari, itSr. isrnsia at In relea.

TiurB less and Berths seenred at 9BT ofllee, wbart iaas af t. so-ps a. n. ASA l.VPU 4 BsuUers, AJATIOI AI. l.REOF TiTAIF.RTCl 1 I IKKniUL ssi It IkKlisvUw I.

wrvr I-SL This Omnanr takes the Bjss of laear- ance (no to twc.OW! in gi.ldi on ssv-h of lis thaa g'rinsT Kaseenawr. turn lor safety and of danger at st-a. The most sontherly route has iiwp been sstopted By this lonipanr to arow ice ana iisk Tons. 4.S-1 ITALY 4.4l B'lTPT SI.V r.KiN avni 4.O40 4.7S ars rlii, ANft S.141 Tin IiiSSHS A.7-44 4. HO hi ot me anoT.

1 111 Inars Vork ever, Weoncsdayt Lierp.ol, i.mewnss wti. erery Thorsday, very wsdneedsy: fortalghur to Mincos siren. labn pas-ags to LiveriKiol 70, SOsnd tp 1 1, Ml .11 i ii 1 "Mil i -ti Tickets to Liraro.iol and ratuxa at lowest rate. Ktersve nassHse to I.iTerp'f.l.. Hasswairers to and irtm lAT.rpoi4.

Cardiff. Bristol, tjneentu.n. Antwerp. Uotterdam. botheuharg.

Cbruttaoa or i cr.fcssfn. fr.rtber psrttca'ars apply st tra Company's rOic, fit Bn.dWMf, sw F. W. J. HI HT.

M-isgar. Ortb Hllll.M)t UfXTlMli'llJN. a Cllter RAILROADS. VEff VORK ETF 4I. A IIL'OSOS RIVEK KA1LMOAU.

On and after Jan. 5th. Trains I cats Rochester at FAST BT D1CT BOA. Tionls Eun-ess iSleepltig Car) -IS A. M.

Special Kew York Express New Vork Cipress. 7 SpeelB Day Upreas KV Day modaUon i P. Bouthwest Atlantic Krpress (Sleeping Car) 4 Northwest Atlantic (Sieeinrg Carl bji ( Trains run on HuaJsrJ BOAO. Tort f.xpfess-. Bs'lnTore Atlantic Kxpre Auouin TI A.

kU 7 t) II it P. H. -O S.IU (in Bj GOING W4fT-aCTt. Nleht t'sctdc KmigrsB t. I)st Express I iil.ll.

7 1 P. M. 4 10, -id Chiceau Express, WEtT NIAGARA (ALU UOAO. Nlget 3:13. st.

Aceommodstton s.t Pacific iQxjp. m. AccomaiCHiati4e 1 15 Kmigrant Aocommodslioa 4 10 liny Kxpress Chicago Express TRAINS FOR CHAttLOTTR. IsS (KB A. P.

V. Arrtre a. 4.401'. a. J.

TlLLIMtiHAUT, C. W. KNTIRICK, tieo'l trup't. tivu'l r.ciei Aa'L Bocbester, January 5, ISTt. ORTUEIt RAILWAY.

ItlRKCT ROI'TB HOrTIs. TO BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, PIIIT.ADEL I'lUA. UAKBIsBf ttlr. WI LU AMl4iiH tL- AHICA, and All Poinu boath. Thhocch Hiini.t Rochkstfb avt BtLimoai rTHOLT ClASGi or Caks.

Thiuk Taias bAitv lexcept uaday to Euiika VIA Wlater isrhedale. Or sod afrer NfT. z. Trains wilt Leave the Xepot of the ew York Central Kaiiroad as follows: SOFTBTWAB14. 3:00 A.

tn. ACCOMAtoriATIOI Daily (except B'indays) stoppiug at ali stations. at tlmir. at A. St.

lOllO A. W. BALT1MOBK EXPRBHS-Tnrongt to Baltimore without change of cars daily ii-na-days excepted, stopping at priaclpaJ stations, leaving Csnandaigua at A. arrtTlng at Klmtra at Wilinmsport Harrtburg P. M-, lW.t;m..r.

2-1IA. Wash, inirton Jl A M. Urawuig IWom (Jars ateiom-paay this train. 3:5 P. 6OI.THEH8 EXPRESS Stopping al principal stations Arririna at K.mira 1114? P.

at. Leaving Klmtra slt li A.M., WUIiams-pirt deiphta P. M-. Baltimore Ha V4'sshingtoc M. Pullman Palace Seep.

ing Carson Isouihern Express, Wlliiauisport to aslilngton. tW Passengers by this routs win save both tlms snd expense orer route via s'cs Yorh city. tV Kreleht Hblpped Through. In car loads, frorr. poults on the New York Central Railroad to Baltimore, Philadelphia and intermediate pauiui wiulwuI breaking balk.

Ft iBformattoa In reference to freight, shipper, will please address tbe tienersl Weiva Kroight Agent at Buffalo. I. M. eCHBRMEKtlOICN, Ueoeral Western Freight Aji-oot. BaoWo, Ji.

T. A. i. CAS1ATT, trwnfHTt atAaager. General Pasnenger Agent Baiumora, Ud.

ttUU. aciIOPIELD, Ticket Agent. Kocheater. M1U street, WINTER ARB A NQEMENT. REAT CENTRAL ROirTE I suspension Bridge and XMagara 'aiia.

VIA Great Western ail Micl. Central HAIIaROAB. THE POFHTaAR LINK TO l4ffTllOIT. CHICAGO, OMAHA, 8AN AM) Alsi fOlNTd WEST. TheonrrnneinlnIrtj.iiA!T,a THuorGW la tw liso Huom, Homeland Hi.t.wio Cakm btMWeea KotManTTK, Chicago, and nil other Western Cities.

The MAGNIFICENT PALACE CAU3 are run on Through Trains West from itoohester. tW itates of Fare are always aa LOW as by any otherroute. Trains leave Rochester on arrival of Trains from the Fast. StaA A. 1W.

MORMNO EXPKBSS-Arrlve: troil 5:45 H. M. I bicajf" A. M. with Puil-man'a Palace farror iiir from htmoensioe Bnthte to Uetrott.

blecpina' Car from letruit tn C'hicairo. IQ'M Aa ill. PACIFIC EXPRESS Wtth Pullman's Ui'lel and lrawinr Kwii Cars without cUag Arrrpia at letxou at hJ ukl P. hi. ChjcatfwfiO This svrdrd by all to be the tmt msrnvArent and complete in iu poiauaoatw ol any Irciui apuu tbi continent.

ittitt P. M. BTENINO KJtPKBSi Wtth PrJllman'S Palace Woepina Cars, f-xoept Saturdays. Ar-rives at iM-troft at A. Chicauo P.

at. Tlua train doea not run on Hsuurday night. P. CHICAGO KXPBKS With Puttman's I'alace Sieeouit? Csr thntusb to Chieaao without cnajicre. Arrires at at Id 15 A.

M. Chicairo at i P. Un Sitnrdav this train rnns to Ietriit onty. If These trains make sure connections at Chicago with all trains West. Nrthwt3st and bmithweit, tW Be stire aud ark tor tie nets via auspnnsloB BrtkUe, to be bad at ail ticket ofiioes.

V. K. Wt IK. H. K- BAKdWXT, GeniSup'tO.

W. RR. Gen'l (ap t. W. K.

A. J. IlAKIXrtV, Oenera! Eastern lrtrseryif-r AiT-nt, VM. Kin. Alt, vur.l Ticket A ceo uo taut, Unad- wav, IVcw Vork.


M1LWA1J. KKE, HAXiltsON, LACB08SK, PKA1HK DL CB1RN, OMAHA, SAN rBANCIlCO, UtVLl'TH, KANSAS CITY, ffr, JOtBPH, ST. LOCI8, 8T. PAUL. And all principal points In the West, Sooth and Northwest.

KIPKFSS TRAINS LEAVE) RlilKrSTKr-ETDEPOTl Luiislo (Sucdar. exceptedi, York time iwhich is twenty minutes Ian tar Iuab BuQalo timet, as follows: 6 A. at Btratford tu ti A.M., llnnnen, loalon Z.ii P. samia J-t) P. Milwaukee Junction i P.

lietroit Junction i.Ut P. 14 Lie. trott ie P. M. Chicago ssO A.

M. l34 P. M- ACCOMMODATIUN. Arrlring st Bmdtord at A. M.

etmttord 3 A. 1UK A. I.inaoo 1U: A. Mill.) lioti A. M-, Alilwsu-kee Junction ITiA.

al Detroit June-Uoa kji A. UcU-oil W-U A. At, Trains arrive from the Wert as loiiows: HAY r.XI'HIi4-TsiuP. M. AWOMMOUATIUS-Sia A.

If. and P. kt. rir aieeping Cars oa all Eight tratjis. arPuilmaas Palace aleetug'ara fnsm Port Uuron to Chicago.

gar- Iiefrenhment Rooms at Stratf-ird and Sarnln. Sa Baggaae t-becktMl tarouieh nrtmitpal points Vivat. tilEO. Ticket Agent. VI sllll street, Hocheater.

X. Passengers leaving Buflaio f-w the tA'est, sa.oild te mire to pnrcns4e aad Trunk Hallwav, to be hsd st the Company's onVa, Ko, 1 Bano ttltn-k I 1., C.J. BKriJGfc, Unaelng Uiretor T. Montreai. JOHN WHtTUoKe, Aartrit G.

T. BsiAmIo, T. I. iaKllllA, Tra veil Aaent, Bnftalo. Tal'd Tegjlywr imth, 1EFEREES SALE BrwiaE Court.

tavcoraw Basil, aiatntifl, aW Cbarhm Its. Of wl and others, de'tsisOaaiUst, In pnnnianee ol a Judgment of freetvanre and safe renders in tho abore mutitd stu.a, at a mt: al term sid Cmrt tatdd a the eity if ltsrhttr, on tha li day lioemter. 1-Ti tke uudir-sit. ttuly apvomted tnnf'-r, nJl sv-il at paaiK auc-tloD oa tbe front atcps uf the Court Ujn-e. in buU city of Kjss-otatrr.

on tbe ith tiv of Jan jarr. at la o'cttxta A. thw ioitowina deaoiaad oremlstM, to wit AM thmCtra or pace of land sttaete in tb ettv of Boefaotr, C-untv of M-are, and uu of Kef York, boundd and described as fUowi: on the sooth side of AUen street aa tt intaHTBtfu, a with the line of eoott 'l-y mamtja tiiut wrwarfiiy to tho soath iinof AlUsei stret etahty-taht tettrt. theav "Uinwat'llf on a itne prali( woh suid iC4Ht alieT two bnntrHl fet; thene eastwardty os a tins (arsilsi with Aiin et-eot visithtT-eta-ht ftiats to tbe west tinef said alley, sad tht-no onjirth-wardly on tha wet hoe of naid Hcott aiiey two hiuk-dred feet to tha place ol btiuiina. OaUHl lemtisrar ilst.

l-- t'HAKtXs TOW Eli, Ktfleree. jCKAXfi ft ASN tf Pllfl Alt f. VO. n2wfltTHIS 19 TO UIVE NOTICE i-' that on tbe Itttb eay of January, A. I.

I7i. Wnrraiua in liankruptcy wa tasatfkO aauinst the ataLi tip hai at bitutpy, of arvkprt, in tn Counts-of nluro, and ntam of New fork, who has wn ad)uOxMt a bankrupt un bis uwn petition, that tha pmymant of auy dht and eeilvery of sny Hrtpertr sUvcts-iak to snrh aaaaxupt, to aim ir hta uoa. and tn tmunferof an property by him are for bid. en bylaw, thatameettna of tn eredttora of tho-Naid bank rapt, to prove Uitr daots and to rhtHNh ia ur mure aMtaee of htsastnto, wot be bvdat a C-mrt ol snkrupecy, to ba koiiiaao N. tti Puwws' auiid iua ta the city of healer, Mtaro Conntv, Sw ork.

before Joseph U. Husuanda, K-tjtt4er on (-ho nnith day of February. A. 1. t-Tt, at id clo.k A.4I.

K. 4. kEkaVKV. lT. Depnty a mttnji-tr.

E. P. rrrxttt, Kao ttroekport, Y. IECElVrni'S SAT-E SmtTiiE Com-t Monro Coanty. Bessie it'im- at' Jn-M M'trrisj'a and Bdaet kuf-riuo, wile, AlcAaA.Kr atom son and KHt-a htoiTsHi, bo- wife.

Parwiaai to an order stt tniavCuurt. mda term btld at the citr of tbelbth aay oi feli-iiwwni. if -a. u-id Bauuiey. Jiitlot by wiii.

i. ta tt.4ii;n,i, wo eppwntt HmiCvr tii the laul and iu the juiitf meat in -h. atU-u. and aift. to sw-a the same, aa sh RifyiTi-f.

m4 by virton of ii aosi aaid i man m-ii aatd tanda iid piv-mtt-o at pnbhc ao4.X4'a tJvs 'nmi tha toon Hi to, in the cty of KAchitr. in l'unvf ot it'fii roe. ok tne Oa of aaOrtAAr, at tn o'ehss. ia the foron of that day. The Sstd sndafd mBtmardf4frri3daloiioi: AU that tis-t or i-tare- land sitaate tn the citr of aa-katr.

County atoerOw. nad htata jt Tajua. am-wn axul dUnK uiud a kit Sk W.slitite tract i an4d hsk Mi. 3 trMiiiix the wwwt sioaof tirahnm -u-t, it b-iftf nrty lv-t it-tuit attd rear, aad t-oOiHi tm ia jtat Laua ia.ti kisu trfiKKH AAMT-BtSLL, Bretr. Joaat Vajt VtMiaaia.

iitt a a. FIXE LAaOTES STATIOlfEllY REFP AtTint tir-. i aUi-Oia pa-'-wwaod lrtea. At CLAtta: h- 54V.r. 48 Wot sUtfritw dr.

B0TA1UC AM' ECLECTIC. ISom 119 Mate Street. fUFES ALL CRABtaE DIEAttE It fin th Sevxtm, a4-tB tan ir- wiatw-sft, nr fttt.pT cjesTt-j ttfo. and noon ot eo44uou sasn V'ttrVi-. frv4ai lye.

tmponnd Bwnrt and vwHrrtb(e ii i sa by J. K. A Ki. chaofie street, and S- A., Kmh Hiit streH.

H. JAMES, M. Or, M. C. P.

S.v by sir Inn aatl -araewn, aad OrwlUf aad Aerial. DR. JAW dewotea hu aUeolioa Ua-aivaw af the Eye and l-inr, nod sil d' hhm an antn ar 4r-rrrtir n-tur. iMWU'r. aa W4r na ahov M7iiOar to fm.maa and n' Oflnw No.

I. lid lKrbMttav, ff. T. tmw btvars from to A. 3 to a eod to P.

M. tl.ii attended to at ad other huura. EXT. BOc efi TPt A.rP5 (f ivi wjiic. KKAlEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU.

Tbe aalyhaewa ernes for 3RI6IIT3 Dl. KAeK. aad a pesltlse remedy for Of St, Gravel, Btrtctorea, Dtshaaea. Nerroaa Debility. Dro- oon-retehtloa or Incoa- Mne.ce of arine, irritarioa, Inaammatton or alcera-Uoa ef the LADDER and BI0MKY9, s.ssai.

"-baa eorrbasa er whites, disease of the proa-trste gland, stow hra-kdost deport. mZ? dUesuw. or affection, of iMdmr- Mm' dropsical swellings, existing la ehiidrea. KOMATTCSWniT THE AGC OH hL Price One Dollar pet bottle, or Six BotUe for Flrt IXHiars. DrpM, lot Pa a Be street.

Resv Vark. Bot-n rmroiTsi imrvtm UAKBiS KWI.NO, VY birfesal. Uriurg'sts. DOCTOR ECLECTIC and CLAIR VOYANT PHTSI- 1 C1A.M (Late cf Postor takta Booms 87 SUte-SU. WalbrtdtTvw-a Kew Block atocaester.

rnrtne treatment of all CHRONIC UiBBArK. Ta asvoiushintr sncoess and remarkable par formed by Dr. Ci.KVKL.AiNU re daU tbeift of Clavirvoy-inots and the treatment of diarsaa th ctvturat reaiedtshti. a rnrn opixtrtnnlty oaared taa atirtnd to ootaln a correct dtaanostS and the it sfcUifui tren ti. tact Clairvoyant maminattons filKB to Invalids.

trrBtin bottr- froas to totlA- and I to 6P, KfdsTi snd fltnrdaTS T'-frt-1 LOTTLRT HAVANA LOTTERY. DrHwing every 17 days, eommeoelng J.aaary sth.KI. 7t Prises amounting to 1 Priie 01 lisi.uL, 1 Prise ol a I Prise ot KlIU 1 Prtse of 11. "Ml 1 Prises ol SV.Utieach in Prises of eat M.J'i Pnsxa of MX) eat 4.i tJi Puxcs of 4V1UJ each 1'K Orcalsrs with fell tnfirrmetl)n sect rr. Tickers fie sale and prises cashed by P.

ll: l.l 1, tstatsoaar and tavosrai Agent, 3ti York. MISSOrKI STATE I0TTEBT1 LtgaliAtd by State Authority end Iravcn tt Public in UL Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme! CO.OOO NUMBERS I Class to be Drawn Jan. 31st, 1971. 5.8S0 Prizp AmonBtijia-to 1 p-rse of I 1.140 IP.

till 0 5 of) pvrst ft Drlis. of 1K prise pnzt prizes of. 4 pme '20 prises JA nr. tt pnies ft prtiss 9 30 pr i4s 38 prises 4.0 jmi a til 44 1 St.3 1,0041 mm 'AiO 441 prises EAlf Tickets, $5. OrtauflSO far Our iftteriea ara eh-iter ed by tbe tte, are always drawn at ths time named, and all urawinjs awe nder the supervision of sworn CummsMiumera.

tW lha omctal drawina- will be shed lathe dt. Louis pnpera, aad a copy of ft awue annt to anr-Chssersof licit eta. We wui drw a similar 'rsm tbe last day et vf ry month durinji the yfr btj, tar rtetnit by PfT Oi Kff'B MOyf ORhrJU, a KKKU l.KnhH, 1HA JT or IwA PUikiO, nahiidtor a Or-Ti'-r, Ai i-e-. Ml KHVt WILLr A 0 Pust OfCca Bvl iti. ex.

Lot ia, KO, CITT KOTICL5, pOCMEtiTEU CITY TKEUKEH'si t- li Mt January id. H7t. ISotioa ta hereby gtvfn thai the Ase-sment Itrl for opeiiina a stret fri'tn kli.e to Iboinas nveon is left at thi oHfi ftir r- llcu n. snd an pMra-as (jMU-tMl In toe sai AjweMmnt are rwuutrtd ut pay to tli3 CUy Treasurer tne ee-al tiastrf td'tbem reapectivaiy, within theume herai natter mao-tiontd tne-tbird of the amnnt a-d within thrw moutbt trt-m tne ct'unt matia ui to Awsraio Bit. wiiti Imefvt; one-third vt the amount with lote root, at ahe rate of seven ter cenu per annum, wltbtn one.

yeiar fmtu the coiitirmatioa )f rtt'i; and the remainifijrooe-thlrd. with at tbe "Sin withio two esus from tna ti a-ud rovt. The said rolls were confirmed on the nh day of IXC, W. JoiLN WILUAM. Troaurar.

Proposed Extension of the City Limits. VOTICE IS ETEKEBY to all wbroi 1 tt may otmrern, that tbe atitfirtties of th city of Rochester will appiy tha lsf t-i-iura at tbn eta la ol New Tort, at Us nt rful-ir ui evtnson tha city ia aoooriiajU4a with ton fuflowiiiAi dvtt'ribed im-: duirtta from theeastorn shore of Bonsd Pond where the west line ol Wt No. il ol trie wa of Or tvece iu-tersorta the same: thence sontherly to tha faiuhway ruuninjj eaat and west on tbe mrta sule ol nrth! a farm tn aiii tnwn thenoe wetuar'y ai--Uf a-tJ hiatt-wy to the bthway runntnn north and a-mib nit wt of the Wide Wiutrt and wtw-ard of irwt.a.' tavern and the otd Ju-ixe B'ii) fanu, and said highway siuthnnr to tha atuth liu of a o. 1 oi tnnc eAAlerly ah)ii liif line of sa ht No. 1, W' rxjj tna Ulrnr and futMwtn' tne flrt btahway runninc esvl axsd sen SOU1 uuta ui ins Mmioe tinty wkt ttrou and snd the hsa of aaid hts war uroductd tha intritirHtissa Clover street; fat nee nurthc; frJT aioiiir Invar str-a to Last aveotie.

and aionn io TTna of saulL tii'io Street nrodnced northeriy to UiS cenU-r uf Cretrk: thsr-nre nurlhsrl afona the enMr aaid creek the head of Bay; tQessfcms mivhvriy alonf the western shore of Bay lot wiiiav-axak the ah'e of lan Onuno; toeueo wesioriy alouc the sh of lAuie (nttvr-j low water-mark to tha irn shr of Hund Pond. In the Town ot tireoco; thonr tatbriy atoof theea-torn shore of aai 4 amd tow wur-rnark to V. Vt Mi MoHaV 1ULOAL NOTICES. CHEtiTFrSSAT.E-SrpitKWEroCRTMa-7 re junty. as.

feaiesba t. Yt-dore u. et al. Iu puraini uf iulvmt ttsiejl4itre SPd ilM Biks-tnal ttsrm tf t'i taaMatel' Vork, avai at taa Oaarv u4s in th tit of HH.hftff, Muna Cmaif. on tne -Mb day of a brr, asoai, liun.

Liurvd KuKtav.y. one of ths Jiotluitt of Ui suprevna Cort Cijaritsa H. fmptvril, tMtrta of atd Coaaty avf Mmm. daty aut, w.ii sail at pub'w aucu. at tha abend 's tidier, 41 Kvnolds Arcade, In aaaf city ul Itocbssster, oa the hta dar of faauwf.

147 1, it II o'ciim tv tn ths a of tuat day, tua (osioaoia dvf'crJ bed pr4BA4S4-a, to wtt All that ssi-t or Haii-ei of tand situate la the cttv of Rt. hr-aer, Cuny of Mtmrow nt ota! if Mt Vork. kiufWa aod -tevUirittsJ folio wa: sVOrfiaatiaa the fsjr-r of lot nanilur asVsnufoi oa th -nh kij Oavta Mr ruaaiuf from lOeaos tHirtv f.ttii fv; 114sb-'v? avornvvfiy at nsjUk anijiri wiia lavi t-rot one hnndrvd Mt fr4. thfox ejt4crty pavralissl wtth liuvis tre-t tutrti A)k th? southeriT oaift hundrtd (tpsjrt to ton ptacn of txinntntf, bMa ffrt off ton ansa-sul of it number si i wen Oio airtij aid of Dava a-at, rfrvnca brintt had to a map of ad tTswn. fivd tn aionrte Couut CUrfc a omen Auguat i.

a led hovhester. In la. lHAS. a. CAhlPeHT.fs, hixutfl Muni on Co.

pAVtrtWdon. 1 EKERES IV K'jehwstnr Kavtnirs Hank. pia4ntt0. aatn aanrin H. tark.

ui tieetiUatriA ol. and nutttr, aw- fe.ndam. in pursiaam4 of a jndcnteitt of f'trm loaars nad sale rfntlered tfre ftntv emuiptt atit.o. at pmI tArm of SMid Cnrt htd at tha tniy of IrvhasWr, M-V, vn a r- tii daf of tAe stiBed stferret dait apptMitwa th-relor. bil at pub auction, on ihe Irotit spa of tan oart Hotvso, in sid citr of UH-hnater, on tk Waa war rf JsaiAAvry, at lOu'ritMa a.

i fviioWiaa w-acr ti-rdi irfoiA. wn A tat wet or parni -and nttmue tn the toumy of MonruM, auJ Ojjo of l.r V.iit, Umr lot Dumbtsr Mo kundr vwa-ww i Viit ta twOtitti A imlT J-w th-tr w-p and survey. Th as id rrtHiW 4. tc itiwt,--4 rot ii.ert,.uia. and o-r fcnown sa the tot nrth of iiy Kou-rdy's torjk bnusa, and istsuc i''l aasniafaO 4Va Charts li.

CUtS Ey Mar A nu btiiu. Ikstasl Urvsuat-r PALMER, Keferea, r.WAn Habmi. pita Ait y. sire si i her.iiy M.stieee1 to ol J.nsff. 14.

at 11 A. 14.. at the pi.a id January IClh. vrt.

JUUJI P. PAl.tlEH, Beferee. UtUCIOl HTKIITLY 11 BE FLAVOEING EXTRACTS TUE fUOIVEsT IRCITS. Col ton's Select Flavors TVIevaa 'Hsssr, Alneny, f'lareadaa,14 N. e.of.

ter Miss bo sutxrruir, in m-hucss and Srliisrii ol aavott also ia aroat strentta." 4 as. B. l.tana. Msasssn Maaae. eprtugSgld.

Mass W.hs.a fr wvrai years und tt.m aud Sod Ihelr elt -i-iae flasks ud great strvuata aiaajS dspaailwl ass-ua aad not ii'-u. (sssitm Hall. Saratoeaj Orrst ffaasss rrt; Pr.ale White H.isulsiiii; Isfl Vfll. iaas llr.rr liMrl.

late many ll4ei Iltauilsss.allst Msa.aHiSaa.lst 4i4at. kieuaua aad iTaagf i oaaia stuMr aaia. sal taia. Sold tn lt.ic4M.tar by H0044B T. A.

aV-T US a PAlAat, and by IMaHirs la ssuk. aiayvrs. ssaT OS) til Tbe M-WV af tbe Law Viaairatra-Abbr railh Iacrtbestbe sale at tier Caw. Letter tbe Sprrrateld RppnWtoa. Glastojtburt, Jan.

8, 1ST, Thin day hae witnessed a transaction never before sen in thi town or in any other, I am sure, in ail pw England. We walked, at coon, two or tJir kws above us to see tne cattle let nut or tneir Hy orrtws of the collector, the cows seven of them bad been buJdled into a space of fifteen feet by twelve (measured oy my sister) end tied up for aeven days anJ Dishes, together, always having had their freedom betore. It was a tobacco-slied, and the owner bad to brine them hay from another build- toe, and givetnem water na pau. drawn from a well at some distance. We saw twenty -one pails-full carried at one time.

He OKttbebtrrt be could under the circumstances. The collector could not have let them Out, 'well knowing that it would take the bote authority oi the town to ever ooniina tbem tbere again. Mr. K. our tenant, had to make tbe milk, for the tenaitive young wile of tbe tobecco-sbed owner declared that a drop of that milk rhoakl never come into her boue, for it seemed to her just as if it were stolen.

Mia K. said yesterday tbat the cows bad failed, by two-thirds, of their milk since they were taken from our yard. 1 he procession soon started, headed by tbe collector (who is also eoota.ble, leading the bt cow; tbe others, driven by four men with a doa and a drum; several teams; and we tbe rear in a wagon with Mr. and Mrs. K.

We intended to walk together atone, but Mr. E. insisted upon our riding, as his wife was determined to go with ua Mrs K. rernaiked on way tbat it appeared like a funeral. There were about forty men at tbe sign-post, who bid so low that Mr.

K. was forced to speak for the four best, below their value, which covered tbe tax and exnenses, leaving tbe three smallest. All would have been sacrificed, for it was evident from the bids that they intended to get them for a somt. Not a man came to speaa so us. it waa remaraea by one who liked the business that tbe whole town was against ua We thought we had many friends, as we have been treated with the greatest outward respect, as if we were complete, with only one faiUnst, tbat of not laying our taxes, this wiuter.

We would not have bebeved the town could thus persecute women who were born and bred here, among the oldest and most law-abiding citizens, wtao bave never from Jisiwng the sick ana distressed throughout the aole town, watchinz tbrpUau iong bights in hovels where none were willing to enter; and those, too, whq who have paid the most money Into the towo treasury. We understand there is now due f-i, oou 'or taxes from voters, who are released by paying twelve per cent, interest, and we pleaded for tbe same indulgence but we were women and bad no power. It ill not do to offend a voter. We know not what they will do when the March tax is claimed, but must not now be surprised at anything. They say personal estate must be seized first, and we greatly fear tbey will ransack our house, tear up our carpets, and take-ornamental things, tbe work of a lamented sister, and her fine paintings, for she was an artist.

My sister says her feelings will not be so much tried as by the sufferings of her cows. She has interested herself in sedentary pursuits, having translated and written out tbe whole Bible three times, with ber own band, from tbe Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and needs out-door exercise. She says now she can no more have the comfort of raising a fine calf, now and then, from the oread of following it to the sign-post to see it sacrificed. We are now in a lonely situation. We were long a family of five sisters; we are now but two.

As the town now manages our property, we must soon be forced to the poor-house, and none are better acquainted with its inmates. The town's answer to ali tnis will be, "Pay your taxes, then-' tbe same answer the British gave to our revolutionary ancestors. Abbt H. Smith. HLNTS TO BLACKGUARDS.

A Few SDEseotioae la the C'hicace Ti St. Louis Democrat, Tbe recent efforts of the personal journalists are characterised by an effusive flatulence, or a flatulent exclusiveness, as the Chicago Times would say. A spirited discussion between the Bungtoa Banner and the Weeklr Washtub is reproduced ia our col- umns this morning, as another "awful example' of personal journalism. Buxigtowa Banner, Nov. 23.

From the asinine ejaculations of the inebri ated idiot who presides over the dirty destin ies oi tue eeaiy tvasntuo, we gainer mat bis bile has been started by. the blue-mass remarks which we saw fit to make upon his course in connection with the question of locating tne town-pump, ine nyond reptile, whom it were base flattery to call a puppy, dives into the recesses of the sewer which serves him in place of an intellect, and fishes up scraps of garbage and buckets ul of filth, with which he vainly attempts to bedaub the immaculate person of the editor of the Ban ner. will inform this infamous excres cence, this half-baked lump of clay whom we cannot dignify with the title of mud-beap. that his insane efforts only tecoil unon his own besotted nature; that tbe filth with which he attempts to bespatter us only adds a deeper dje to the indecency of hu own character. His unfledged slanders are quenched in the bud, and fall still- born npon the earth, leaving us unharmed by their asinine venom, ti hen he charges that the female members of our family have shown a preference for tha Weekly ashtub as bustle-paper, in place of the high-toned Bung-town Banner, he utters an insidious insinuation, whose malignant idiocy is only equaled by its unparalleled exacerbation.

We repel the bae accusation as false in every aspect, and dare the villain to the proof. Taat the Banner occupies an exalted position as bustle-material among the very first families of Bungtown, is a fact which the foul-mouthed slanderer of the Washtub is incapable of appreciating, simply because he is not admitted to the circles in which those families shine resplendent. This ignominious idiot violates tbe sanctity of private life by asserting that we attended the banquet in honor of the inauguration of the town pump, in a pair of pantaloons which we borrowed from the butcber who lives across the way from our office. We retaliate by the unqualified asseveration that the credit of the garbage box of the Washtub is so low in this community that he could not borrow a pair of superannuated strings from the kic ted-out sbces of a red-headed boy. If the pantaloons of Hans Krauth happen to fit us.

and be has sufficient confidence in our integrity to believe that we will adorn and return them, that is a matter with which the general public has no concern. It is sufficient to say that we did not attend the banquet in pantaloons that were patched at the knee and open to the winds of Heaven in the seat. But we are not, fortunately for our reputation, re- rnstble for the personal appearance of the slanderer of the Washtub. The crawling and eontemptiple cur, whom it would be a word of supererogation to denominate a dog, bas also insinuated that we have been in the habit of tapoiog a neighboring ash-hopper, surreptitiously and through the fence, in order to procure lye with which to cleanse our types. This infamous invention is odIv exceeded in vilenesa by the low-flung and detectable disposition of the cross-eyed calumniator who promulgates it, and we leave him to the stings of which burn with tire unquenchable, and that fadeth not away which will yet Put la everjr hoamt hand a whip To lauli the raacal naked through the land.

Having thus disposed of these silly sltn-ders, we can afford to allow their cowardly perpetrator to go unmolested on his way to the penitentiary but we have a word or two more lo say before we can consign him to the seclusion of his cess-pool. Whatever our shortcomings may have been in respect to our convivial qualities or in the clothes line, we were never guilty of the transcendent meai ne ss of driving off our neighbor's speckled cow, and then deluging the country with handbills, with our imprint attached, offei ing a reward for the thief, in order to convey the false impression that we had a big run of job-work. Whatever may have been our struggle to build up a paying patronage for the Banner, we have never descended to tow as to allure subscriptions from charitable people on the pretense of a lame leg, which we claimed had been wounded In the Biaekhawk war, but which was really injured by falling over a fence when we were surprised in tbe act of stealing wood from our neighbor's pile. However economical and laborious our family may be, we were never caught begging cold victuals around town, and manufacturing them into hash for our half-starved apprentices, when the imposition could readily be detectedhy the color of the hairs, which could only have sprung from the red headed cook at the saloon on the cornel'. We do not charge that tbe sapbeaded alangwbanger of the Wa-ihtub has been guilty of ttteee and other detestable, not to say diabolical, practices; bat the public have seen his handbills, they have heard of his game leg, and tha hairs of his hash are still twined around the teeth of his apprentices.

In conclusion, we hope that we may be pardoned by our high-toned readers if we embalm that double-distilled essence of dead dog, tbe editor of tbe Washtub, in immortal verwe, as follows: type Is poor. fai ink sale. Au be geu draofc ea bottled al. Weafciy WaaAlob, JKot, Si. The pusillanimous polecat who diffuses his offensive odor through the columns of the Bungtown Banner comes at us with a oolumn of dirty drivel, which simply proves that his slop-bucket has azaui run over into h.a editorial page.

Although it an act of condescension on our part to notice this superannuated sampler of stale swill, we will ararattA to pick up witn a pair of east-off tongs, and parade him for the inspection of the public. If tbe freckle-faced fool had sense enough to scrape acum from a pot of pig's feet, ha would not be so ready to acknowledge that not even the pantaloons bich he borrowed from Krauth, tbe butcher, had been sufficient to prtveol our keen blade from peae-Uating hu scaly cutiole. For ourself wecaa boldly say, let tbe galled jade aiuin-h our withers are unstrung We are proud to declare that our office is mens eoMMtarecci, and our women aad children are in the same fix. Tha bat-eyed baboon who crawls up the decayed flagstaff of the Banner, and in so doing Ignouiiniously expoaea himself, does n4 pretend to deny aay of the charges which we so clearly proved against him in our last issue. Even tbe slop-kettle which he calls bis bead is not brass-plated thick enough for aucb unparalleled imoudttoce.

Ha is obliged to admit the bustle tnamuaUun, ne glories ia tbe possession of Krauth 'a pantaloon, and tbe lye be stole from, his fieisubor'tVap slip between the cup and the lip," in this matter. Carpenter's chance of re-election for Howe's place would not be bad, even though be may not be able to succeed him self, could the "Green jurist himself oe Iran MA tea to in supreme cour. djiu the Merrills, Maine and Vermont, are more than lukewarm on this matter. Other sen ators feel it to be a nomination not fit lo be made, and tbere is not one who would not be glad to avoid "the job before them. For myself, I am Inclined to believe that Mr.

Cushing may be confirmed, but I hope otherwise against The name of BEMAiriV a. CTRTtS has often been mentioned in connection with this position. I remember that he was the one judge who protested from that beach against the Dred Scott opinion. But heretofore I have held a prejudice against him as a judge artao abandoned his high place for the purpose of making money. Speaking of this to a friend, ootemporary as a public man, be said that my statement was not just to Mr.

Curtis. These were the facta: When the associate-justiceship was offered to Mr. Curtis, the latter declined because of the meager salary. He bad an expensive family, accustomed to liffe on a generous income, and while his professional resources were large, he had not secured adequate provision for them. Tbe salary was then 6,000.

It was promised by Mr. Webster and other friends that every effort should be made I to raise it to (10,000. On that Mr. Curtis accepted. He was at once confirmed.

Shortly after the salary was raised to 000 per annum. Judge Curtis remained for some considerable time on the bench. At last, what of private fortune he bad was swept away by unfortunate investment. Before this Curtis bad stated to friends tbat he should be compelled to resign. When his losses came he did so, and my friend says earned within a year thereafter at the bar over 000.

Parsimonious salaries are not always economical, it will be at en R. J. H. OIK UVOMA II LB. Bfaiaty Abaat Draiaatre af Crrtala Swama Leads.

Orreapondeoce Itemocratasd Cbrontole. Livosia Btatios, January 12, 1871, it takes all sorts of men to make a world, so it requires all sorts of weather to make a complete season. When there is nothing else to talk about the weather becomes a fruitful topic of conversation, and tbe peculiarities of the present season afford a subject of a great deal of thinking if not of talking. In this locality there has been but little more than a single week of good traveling since the first onset of winter the result is more or less quietude in business, and general growling. Borne who do not say much, it may be feared, feel some as the Dutchman's boy did after being flogged for sweaiing.

"Kowvot you dinks?" said the father. 'I know votyou dinks, you dinks tarn. The bard times' do not abate much, all classes feeling the pressure more or less. Borne time ago a commissioner was appointed to fix an assessment for the drainage of certain swampy lands in and about Hamilton Station, lying in the towns of Livonia, Lima and Avon. Tbe ditel es have cost nearly 10,000 and a tax for the amount has oeen levied on the individuals whose lands were supposed to be benefited by the drainage.

A few of the individuals paid their tax, but many claim that their tax is more than the value of the land and refuse to pay it. An effort is being made by them to throw the tax, or a portion of it, upon the towns in which the swamp is located, on the ground tbat it is a measure for the promotion of the health of the public. About two weeks' ago the commission, composed of Colonel Strong of Geneseo and two other gentlemen, sat at this place and took evidence for two days. Since that time they have had three or four sittings at Lima, Hamilton and Avon, the last of which, closing the evidence, was held in Avon on the Cth inst. The facts elicited from the professional testimony were to the effect that swampy and wet places covered by decaying vegetation were frequently a source of ill-health; also that all low and wet localities are less conducive to health than the more dry and elevated but similar portions covered with timber were not deleterious.

In reference to the particular locality in question, no increase of sickness over that of other localities was found to exist, as was shown both by neighboring physicians and residents. That portion of the swamp lying in the town of Livonia is nearly all covered with timber, so that this town may be expected to be left clear of the tax, whatever decision may be rendered in respect to the others. If tbe diainage of all low or wet lands is a public benefit and a just public expenditure, we know of many individuals who would be glad to avail themselves of the privilege of having their lands drained at thr public expense, and thereby improve their pecuniary circumstances. H. Decker represents the individuals and J.

W. Bryan of this place represents the towns. The decision will be awaited ith some interest. Theophilus. Oar Cljde Letter.

CerrespoDdenoe Democrat an! Chroaiele. C'lyie, Jan. 12, 1S74. When one reads, as we do, in the Democrat and Chronicle of tbe success of the Rochester water works of the immense quantity of water thrown and the distance to which it is thrown it it makes us sick to think of the lamentable insecurity of our village in case of a conflagration. The only machine npon which we can place any dependence in time of need is a small, old-fashioned hand engine, purchased by the corporation when your correspondent was a boy.

To be sure, we have what is called a steam fire engine" a ccetly toy purchased by the village clerk and four trustees but it is not a reliable article. At the time of tbe destruction by fire of the Clyde glass works, the best engine belonging to the village was also destroyed. Within two or three weeks after this event several meetings of tax-payers were held to take action in regard to the purchase of a steam fire engine; at each one and every one of these meetings no proposition, resolution, or any action favoring, in the slightest degree, the purchase of a rotary fire engine would be entertained. Yet the clerk of the village and four trustees, in direct opposition to the majority of tax-payers, went ahead and purchased, at a cost of $5, 000, a small rotary machine that has already proved itself an almost total failure. At the first trial of the machine after it was brought here the trustees themselves were disappointed in its working; and at every subsequent trial it has worked worse and worse proving itself a very good squirt -gun, and not a steam fire engine.

At the last trial with 13d pounds of steam, and throwing through one length of hose and a three-quarter inch nozzle, a few drops of water, by a sudden elevation of the pipe, were landed ViQ feet distant by actual measurement. One of our old firemen offered to bet fifty dollars that he could take out the old number 1, and tnrowtng through tbe same length of hose and same sue nozzle, and having twenty-live men on the brakes, could beat tbe steam concern not less than nity feet, and the wager was not taken. One ot the trustees, Aaron Gregory, president of tha board, all honor to bis name, refused to sanction outrageous imposition upon tbe tax -payers. CiAI.tX. A Coneeri at Midnight.

Waterbarr Ttaua. Theodore Thomas was announced to give a cuioert in Walerbury last night. Tne company, aboBt seventy in nuuioer, left New York on the coon train. On arriving at briogsport they found that owing to the waalmig away of several bridges by the flood on ike ISaugatuck railroad they would be uuabie to reach Waterbury by that route. Ihey dined and talked over the situation, nd then took the train via New Haven to Berlin: tnexn'e tu-y went by branch to ew Britain.

Here they obtained through the kindness of Hu perm tnie it eM oa a special train for Waiertiury. All went well until tbe train reached TarrvvillfA Ttutra it as youod that a heavily huiea train had got of the track. Five cars, loaded with iron, and the engine was piled up in hoplasa confusion. lib mas was mad. It was evident that tb prospect of reaching Waterbury in time for tbe concert bad vanished.

The apents telegraphed the state of affairs, and aaid the troupe would arrive as soon as pM-sible, A sfcial tram came out from Waterbury to find them and eventually to company arrived In Waterbury at a time hen the concert should have been over. Proceeding to tbe hall where there was yet a patient and goodly acdierTce the company, wieb swaUow-taiiaa coatsaad wnile cravau. marched upon tbe stage, took thoir place, and at eleven clock Theodore nomas, as pleasant and smiling as ever, lifted bis baton and the concert began. It was a Doe one, and wasinjoyed by ail. It basted for two noura The first, time Waterbury ever had I tne sensation of a pat concert.

TRAVELERS' RECORD. Arrival aad Drtrl Tral.a. TRAIKi IiKPART. tinacr bo ad. u.

a rJ.T?.. sis A w. t. fc f. ttipress i f' trnrsn ot.

a t. r. (.. 1M.T rpjf I ai.iUc Hi flLU BOAS. srb AimnBf.

p- iciprese Vj A n. l.a lxkn.rt Aee'e I "ft lmy U4MU A b4l mi soap. Hew Tor S.vja.s ATT 19 ISitM 4ri I) j3 1 Si 819: :) I'teem 1 ti Chisago Jt hi.4f BOOM SOITBIU riNTHAt. if' 1 p.

I Ca IUOTTI BOA. Hi a a I TK1W AKttlVR. timber it -r- rsnlie tctr. Rm.t- 4 11 Tret" 4 Kieago ttiJ ACB'TtJ" OA. rr i.t i A a.ib' fe p.m.

ft-, in more K.S., i Is Hspiess r- BrvrsiO boao. sv.At.Ps.. p.m. tALXA BOAO. W.

T. Iim. At. r. M.

lAiUK H. 4i ma win. rf rn j) im. Ba IWffmr p.m. Ui AXiTMt.

A A.BL. OKTBXBJf CKXTBJUU 1 TO irw 9 V. Kipre CIAUjOTn BOAO. 4 p.m. A it.

DENTISTRY. WILSON SMITH, Dentists, IPO rtwrn REMOVAL. ii. iowt; irntii, SO Street to th r.t Corner WALTER AND LINE, i rx I TS. 1 iM1 R'j r)3 Si Hmith Biook.

corner of It lUlBAiid Kx-h utr, N.V. II WAITTH. D.DH. J. WAH.U t.ltK.

W. Drs. PROCTOR ALLEN, TISTS, TZor. 10, 11 and 12. (her 5a.

14 Sut-St A pomm. K. Auu, BAGGAGE EX PR ESS To the Tatrons of Trait Weed's BAGGAGE EXPRESS. I V)R THJi I5EXEKIT OF CITIZEXS thM pir cpiie rTerwl to fwrly or law icnirti Krl Kallrov4, at rmr and Mim and CItnus-Mt. vn K.

o1br, htave-Ui Wbttoomb Hvom: v. v. HlU.ftt.: G. W. -nj M.

G. K. trt4 oA 4 Wvtrly Blvot Lk 8hor tlnft ftfe Hti- LTe oroer f-r aaornitur trmia Bt iw-r tfuhc 4 'cWf P. Ii. tbe txicht Br9vttn; for nvtfbt at any time tar in tb ho oHBo U'f dfpol, ftOd Vo fuu4 OBLl(l Ua wnI BAGGAGE EXPRESS DECKER CO.

ArnCftv-Mm Office, check tnd, Pe tort CMtni txvot tao W. A. WUllMiot A si' entrAnoA to fcrtuftl niir. hwi BattdtoAi D. M.

Ivf, AreA6e; otrB li'MiAe drug iKjir J.iin Meier's fruttswrv, cor-ti-r KM Mm ana FruikiiD tra; aaa Wi WblwiBit Hnut ana tha Nutiunal li'Asl. oLkJ noiu.i na t.Kr-r Turkic HODEB IR AOV AJiics Of TKAJM TLaUL HOTELS CITY Luncli House mm mlm. Crmrf Wtr lrft. jOARJjlU BYTHBUAy. WEEK OR 'I ti uraxpi4 wit Lb bA Ui -urkt aSonlA, r.

Mitd tip Snrt-rlaa Mft. jr A r-xwl Mr)p! KMni IIUH.MT PAKrMN. rriVrr, lurmufti ITvprWor of tli leeTi7ls ltoii, L-tiktiTUies L4Ttnswa M. T. WAVERLY HOUSE.

tltatenu ir TTiilraiii me. JL)NK a tr-pripr, WHITCOMBOTJOE -ti Ai.M tr Ttntliv iOO ftr Bf, IlUiUWG Fi lra'i-4i- os, Afrt-I t.t t-u kna iiiytai croTlded with mi coaTaaiancaa. CHAPMAN HOUSE, fcouth st, I'nul Mrt-t-t, rtJ ouaoaiia tba Knr pra Honaa, aa4 few r-d auVlB of Uba Oalmrn. i.Ai.-E nwy urAOLisii attacbed. Trraaa ataaaabl.

NATIONAL HOTEL, laalte I aart llaaae. ir cT EUROPEAN HOTEL Martk Kll ikara-Mn arar Meat Nats. ar list, air, an4 ptraaui. f-ataai aarra at all koan. WOOD. CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM AND SODA WATES Choice Fruits! FREKCH CAM WOEKS CONFECTIONERY Faucy Cake Bakery Wedding Parties Supplied! I ORNAMENTS IXwe to oraar. etc K. Mil VTA US, 'INartkCllaiaa-H. r.tiiioABLi: CONFECTIONERY I-AKLORa AND RESTAUR AST FOR LAXIE8 AND GESTLESCEN EALH SERVED TO ORDER from the laiaataariaaai of I.aa 1 7 -r- awawa ava mm a taj ua i i'U trujrtre aaaalftw UtMISE ITiENCH CANDIES 'All BUt to N.

BOOK BIVDIHO. JOHN C. HOORE, Bock-Binder, Ruler and Blank Bosk MAL-AtrrL'E. "lSH'l AKCABE. aalat Kacbaatar, TO Banking Institutions nEKCAvriLE i inns Business Men Generally.


Tb Pmlim aad Cats MtlH-A Little Ktrr-Tfc SMateV table DMrur-rtwster aad Flab Frieaste ad Ca.eiag Will I aehtaa be llmr4 Wasbwotot, D. Jn. It, lo lustration of the president's fUiij (M the BmiTAtor attggrta) oer the opposition ex-prtMed to aleb Cashing, a witty southern friend toM the following, in toy bearing, to the s-otrernor of weatern territory GaneraJ, you've beard of Major Bradford, 1 Brtppoae!" "Oh, yes!" was the repJy, Well, Bradford was major of Jeff. Carta's old Mexican regiment, toe one tbat didn't win be baUle of Kuena Vista, you know. Major Bradford was one of the meanest men the Raineat and withal handsomest of men.

He had a good opinion of himself, as yon wilt remember. He courted a rich widow at one time, and at last proposed. To bis great as tonishment he was at once rejected. 8tp ping back, the major raised his glasses, and lotking at the lady, exclaimed Did I un derttand aright, madam? Do yon refuse Uajcr Bradford I' The refusal was repeated, when the major broke out with, 'Well, madam, may I ask who lit heaven 's name you trill tal after refusing Major Bradford I think General Grant may a-k that of the P.ermblioans on this Cashing matter, re marked the narrator, as he walked away, smiling at us, and well pleased at himself for havinr said a good thing. That there Is the most iuteitre dissatisfaction at TBB H'OMIWATJOK OV CAU CCHOTTO no one here ill deny.

It is not a bad test of the (popular verdict, on such a matter, to a certain what is the impression made by it on tfce Washington correspondent. As a body. the feeling as to the wisdom of Mr. dish ing 's nomination was most decidedly ad verse. This, too, without reference to the tone of their paper, their own or its politics.

The dispatches sent are much milder is every way than the tenor of conversational criti cism. Democrats as well as Kepublicans share In this feeling. Of course, the 'ew York Herald's correspondent supports and tc dorses. Mr. Cusbing has been for two or three years past the chief inspirer and source of the more important intelligence sent by the Herald's Washington bureau.

Without doubt, Chief -Justice Cashing if he becomes such 1 will continue to be that inspirer. That venerable legal free lance has a good deal of the literary Berserker blood in him. He is just Bohemian enough to appreciate the value of the Herald. It will be remembered that some three years or more ago the Her' aid made several savage attacks on Hamilton Fish, while at the same time it complimented the president The secretary of state is said to have cried "Peccarl" at last, and ever since the Herald has often criticised the de partment, while at the same time it has never assailed Mr. Fish personally.

Erer since, too, the Herald has bad a good many "exclusive" from here about forelrn affairs. Mr. Cushing has been, in all these things, the real Washington correspondent. Is it to be supposed this has been done, con-aidering the confidential relations be has held, without the knowledge ef Mr. Fish? Hardly.

That journal would prefer Mr. Cushing to remain on its home roll rather than its foreign staff. John Russell Young may not be able to get into as confidential relations with Minister Cushing as he has been with MTXISTEB SICKLES. The New York Times representative, and he of the Philadelphia Press the latter of whom al ays a toady of the first water were tha only others who named the appointment as satisfactory. There is expressed on all sides the utmost dislike.

A leading Massachusetts representative, said to be George F. Hoar, is credited with telling Mr. Fish that it would be easy to procure, at one effort, the names of 150 Republican congressmen to a request that the president would renominate Mr. Williams rather than to be saddled with Mr. Curbing.

No one seems to be1 pleased with the nomination except the states' rights democrats. These, combined with those who want to see the present administration a failure, and the tew, very few persons who, like General Benjamin F. Butler, desire Mr. Cushing to succeed for personal reasons, are the only ones favoring the confirmation. There is every reason to state that the greater part of the Ktp'ihb'sns in congress are intensely ilisguated at the appointment of Mr.

Cush-iig. Every otf approved or acquiesced in Die propriety ot his nomination as minister to The very reasons that made most bwlseve tbat an exceptionally good Domina tion Brakes the Isrge majority regard this ntw onor exceptionally indifferent, if not positively bad. It is too early to decide whether he will be confirmed, but every day's delay will weaken his chances. The motives that lead to this nomination are discussed with more or less bitterness. Democrats, Liberals, and Republicans who accept but have never BELIEVED GRANT, aay that the nomination proves the truth of a criticism often made, but- heretofore scouted, and that is, that the president's chief, if not Lis only test, for nomination to leading positions, is whether the nominee has been, or is likely to be, in the proper degree, serviceable to himself.

Mr. Cushing has been a most agreeable legal servitor ready to fetch and carry in all international mattersand hence the president, deciding as he 4oes i lb out advice or consultation, arrives at the conclusion that he is just the man for this high position. Others there are who entertain so poor an opinion of U. 8. Grant as to suggest that he has nominated Cushing OCt OP RPLEkN This is a fcuggeslion quiet generally accepted.

Bet it dees injustice to Cntut aai is unworthy of Cushing, whose ability is by far too great, as his individuality is too marked, for him to be put forward into high places as a means of gratifying even a president's siJeen. The fact is that Caleb Cushing has bad all along the powerful support of BENJAHIX F. Bl-TLEB, aad latterly of Hamilton Fish. O.i tlft, it is wbispt red that to the secretary of stbtc, who knows that the president has a weakness to be regarded in history as a second Washing-Con, is due the adroit suggestion, put out in the state department's organ here, that Mr. Cuthinjr as chief-justice could do as John Jay did in earlier days, when filling the same high place, go to Europe on a high diplomatic musion and settle questions liable to affect the peace of the country.

Butler, Fih and Cuahing are the triumvirate credited with bringing about tha Curbing nomination. as to coxrnutATiox, Mr. Cushing haa the selfish ambition of some senators to work for him. He is seventy, two years of age and over, aad those who hunger for the judicial robes may be supposed to indulge a little in the belief that the nominee is too old to stay long, and hence their chances do not quite vanish. But Cuahing as chief-justice would probably live longer than Edmunds or How as aeaatora.

When it comes to be sifted down, this sort of idea wOl have but little weight. Cockling uiiht count bis chances good in any event; but then, president do change and parties do ke control, while of the Cashing and their son t-w die an(i none resiga. To Democrat decidedly divided on the question of supporting Mr. Cuahing. The southern men who were an willingly led into rebellion, or have since considered bow it came about, are disposed to regard Mr.

Cuahing a one of the northern Democrats who, lit a Butler in voting for Jefferson Davis at Charleston, egged on the rebellion and then de serted in the hour of need. Ransom of North Carolina, Gordon and Norwood of Georgia, Cooper of Tennessee and Merrimon are mora or leas actively opposed. Stevenson of Kentucky is a strong supporter, owing, it is said, to the fact that Mr. Cushiug greatly aided Breckinridge's nomination in laoo. AMO.NU RtFl BLICAXS.

There i no doubt that the "carpetbag, or southern senators, are hostile. There is not one, however, they say submit to pressure, that dues not fear to trust many questions that may still arise in their section and be sent to the supreme court to the decision of a tribunal presided over by a justii so learned and subtile, and so thoroughly imbued with the old slates' rights doctrines, as Caleb Cashing. (Senator Morton, rumor says, is strongly Pposed to confirmation. So also with Carpenter. Edmunds urged confirmation with- out referee ce, yet he is known to be person- ally doubtM of the wiadom of confirmation, i groane.

GRAIS WBrEAT-maraei raiea sceaar at uhuk for Milwaukee alob. IS6l0e for amber winter, and rperic fnr wait, winter, aeeoraina to enamy. Oats martet arm at Hasnetor state. Coax market rotas steady at TtTje for ftate. COBS ME Ait fceUuia at for bolted and 130c for ante-lied RYE I'nirpM.

SetHna at sse. if fx FEED Market at ft for shorts, ii for ahtpstacfe, and l-'l for mlddUiw BAIt-ROAD Albany. Troy ami Schenectady, to New Turk, Sue; and to Boston, Hartford and Sew Haven, ac raicgs CTBBEST. Kerised dally for tbe Democrat and Cbronlcie. JKAIS-Ptreet borers pay (ha following rates: Whbat li0l)e for Wicks and white Michlsan, for the best White, and l5ivy for Bed, to quality.

Rra eaoted at bas. Babut qwned at ltoguoe for atzfowad and 1309 HGc for two-rowea. iaa at 70iA75o for 8tata tbe mtter price tor eld. Oats quoted at 2aV13c for State. PRESS.

Market etitet bat witn a good demand; sales at 7aTXc for heavy, and TsVe a for liabt. AT AND STRAW Market drooping. We quote the raltn prices Hay. tTO.uOa3g.oo a ton Timothy, and ti.kl8,0U ton for CSover. Baled Hay qncted st ltMalTUe.

Straw quoted at SUtaU. K. T. HTIH'h iSD OHT iHABKET. Following are the changes in tbe stocks named (made as bom tbe last Board) sine the sales of Jan.

12: ADVAKftB. i. Deiawsre a Harlem preferred 1'i Boston Water Iillnoltteotrsl New York t'eotrsl a A. a T. Banva Uadson consoliasled Burlington A UuUicy liBCUMri, rantoB 1 Col.

A Conwiidalad Coal Chi. A HockUalaaa WeMera Inion Mil. A St. OniOfi-llTer MM. A St.

Paul pref. .1 QmcSAjlver IS Toledo waoasn. Kort Wayne Alton A Terre ChicaffO A Alton 3 ChtcairoA Alton Ohio A Mississippi. .....1 Lac. A i Indiana 3 raciciau.

7 a Micbifan Central Panama Cnioa Pacific Minh Southern Cleveland A Pitts Chicago A Hannibal A St. Chi. ANortoarsvapret. maT Kw roa aaaary n.1:S0 P. M.

Mow ff-aw Sterling Ball and weak at 4S2X8 for siltylT and for autbt. Oold elosed steady at ltlH aller selling at UlxuliiX. Loans were made at 67 cent gold for carrying to 1--. Clearings from the Gold Exchange Bank Treasury disbarsements tl.fD5.0HO. Customs receipts Exports ef produce foe the week l.505.Wi.

Qoveramenta were qslet bat arm. Southern State bonds were quiet at slightly unproved figures. Stocks opened steady bot soon declined cent on rumors of a riot In Tompkins Square, and enntinned erensb nntil it was settled tbat tbe workingmen's gathering bad dispersed without serious disturbance; and the receipt of Washington advt. ees that Richardson regarded yesterday's vote on Kelly's bill as favorable to Inflation, notwithstanding tbe later votes oa Hoi man' send Hawtey's resolutions. Tbe market then recovered from tbe early decline and closed steady at nearly the highest figures af the day.

Tbe firmness was most decided in New York Central. The most active stocks were Lake Shore, Westera Union, Union Paeifle, C. C. A I. and Kew York Central, stock sales to-day between IS and o'clock amounted to 300,000 shares, of wnica were Western Union, 41,000 Union Pacific.

SI. 000 Wabash. 12,000 Pacific Mall. 13,010 Obioa, 31.01O New York Central, 26,000 Lake Shore, 85,000 St. Paul, 11,000 C.

C. A 1. and 6,300 Northwestern. (JO RN EXTS Closes as ol lows S. 6s of 'SI rea lieu U.

8. S-2uconn. of 'S3 tnew) U. S. s-a'reg.

of v. s. 5-iocoup, of ibauh V. H. 6-20 coup, of li.

8. 5-3U coup, of '65 old 1 Ui U. 6. i-aicoup. of V.

S. of New fives .1 vi V. 8. 14-40 registered. 1K C.

S. Currency sixes. 114ft BAIL WAY STOCKS Closed as follows: Delaware A Hudson. Chicago A Northwest. Anx do do pref.

UK Col. A 76 New Jersey Chi. A Rock Mil. A St. Paul 4-o do do 7 ToU, Wab A 52 do do 70 Fort Wsyne V)St Alton A Terra Han to.

12 do do pref. il CtalcaroA Alton im do do pref. lift Ohio A Mississippi MX Delaware. Lackawna A Western WI Hartford A Krla 31 Indiana Burltnirtoo 4 Qulncy.l Han. A St.

Si Canton 7fi Consolidated 5 Cumberumd 60 Western L'nion 77 OulcksilTer Quicksilrer 32 Pacific Mail 42 Boston Water Power. U)f New York Central and Hudson River Krie. 474 Kric preferred 13 Harlem .....1 Harlem ll2 Michigan S4 Panama Union Pacifio MH Lake Shore A Michigan Southern ffltj Illinois lis Cleveland A Pitts PACIFIC HAiKOAD BOKDS Closed as foUows: Central Pacific SKH Land Sraata. 77v Unloa Pacitic sit Pactno luoomes 7j SOUTHERN STATE BONDS Closed as follows: Tennessee "a New Virginis 6s New Missouri ftt Joseph Lrevee es 45 Alaoama 6.... to Alaoama fa lieonrla 6....

65 North Otrovlna North Caroina loev). 15 Booth Carolina 27 South Carolina fnew). 10 s3 9 Louisiana Louisxuna 40 EXPBEHS STOCKS Closed ufoUowsi Adams Am'oa-Merch'ts ITn. Vy tjils, Farco a 6U United 71 KEW YORK AIAKKET. Kew York, Jannary 1.16 p.

M. COTTON Market a shade easier wrth a de-rnnnd. t-ales Sit bales at hic for mldllina np4ands; forward deliveries decliued Htl-lvc with a light business. KirOUR AKD MEAL VixyrB reoel pt 13. bbls.

Market for Htate and vV estern f) our a tea with a moderate inquiry. Sales 13.000 sols at the folvowins qnota-tions; tor superfine Western and State, ST.rtivsT.:! tor common to good extra. Western and tate, T.Me7. for prood to choice Western and State, for common to ebooe white wheat vVestern extra, 7.00fe$,ijy for common to poodextra Ohio, and fr common to choice extra 8t. IsOOiS market cion quiet Rye Flock market without material chance; sales at Oorv MrAi scNrce and advancing sales Western at nod Brandy wine at 4V4.HU.

-Market rules lower; sales at 100 He. clos- tnsr qniet. GBA1N War.AT reeeipta-ltValO bnsh: market epened rf berfmore atoady without im porta at chamre in price with a moderate export demand, but closed qut with holders more disposed to raliae; sales S6.0U0 bush at ifthShCie for No. 3 Chicasro. Pr''l--yc for No.

2 Milwaukee. laTi-sltVkC for Minneta, 170c for No. 1 Milwaukee. lvHc for mixed Iowa t-prinz, lrit 165c for Northwestern Spring, and ltjtiil6Ho for No. I Iowa.

Bye market Arm at lOfrsluTc for Western and State. Barley scarce and advsnoUor. sales Canada West at in store and afloat. BakllV Malt market quiet hut firm. Coax receipts bush; market opened tirm but afterwards became heavy and closed with a little better sales bush at HAtfiHc for old Weatern mixed in store, closing at the latter price, WVnc for old Western mixed afloat, Hx9fie.

for new Western mixed attoet, and Joc for new white Sutliern afloat. Oat ret-ipt 34'J bush; market quiet and scarcelv so firm; sales iSLCsju bush at towVbc for Weatera mixed, and Katitso fur white Tne following statement sbows the amount of craia in store on tho dates Jan. Jan. fi, Jan. 13.

174. IffTi. i-f73. Wheat, 1, 329,173 1.571. t.

1,117.319 Curn, 1,071, 2TO 1, 1910 fets, bush Barley, bush 5TI.U.1 live, tld s0.fttf Teas, bush 17.7W 1fJ.T S.3i Malt, StfC X.T I7au Total, bnsh 3.0at?.to7 3.369.07 BAY Market steady; sales at ft-lv4i 9 ton lor common to cood shipptnc Uol'st Market eteadv; sales at 3i0c for good to choice and Kf 25c for low to fair American. GHtCKKli? corrsB maraetquiet but very firm. Prf.AB market rather heavy; common to irood re-aninfz quoted at7t4c, nnd prime ataVtO. Mokhu market without decided chaue ia frics. Rxce market.

quiet; Carolina quoted atsHand Rntvoon at 7vC B4.o market steady; sales at 2mo for State and Pennsvtvsnla and for Weatern and Canada PETKoLELM Market quiet; sales rettoed Cargoes held al lse, and crude at 5k a. FROVISION'8 Pobk market rules hsavy: sales new rnasH at jO, prima mess at I la. 2. extra prime at Bekp market plain mess at fa, 751 and extra mess at Bkkv Ha ms market quiet at $24, TiekckBukp market quiet and uncbanaod at f2lst for prime mess ana tor Indtaa mess. Cut Mkird- market quiet: sales dry-satted shoulders at 6 h.

Min-iujea market heavy; aales long-clear at se, and short-dear at $so. Lari market closed heavy: sales prime Western steam at vswhic- BUTTxa market timet; sales State at GoytwOc and Western at "4c. Ch kfhe market firm; aalea common to prima 8 tate aifc-MsVc. IaxiajW market steady; sales as at tjiHi sc. C.EKEHAL 31ARRETH.

Toledo, Jannary tv-e P. m. rixrw market rules quiet and steady. WaaaT market steady; saiea fto, white Wabab at 150c. amber Mchlsa at l-0c.

and No red at Hoc. Co rs market steady: sates high-mixedat fltiiic. new at ftte, low-mixed at StiSc, new at Kk-. and new no arade at euwio. Oats market steady: saies Mo.

1 at 4tc and ao. at l)Ub4s-ai Hoeasaies at SkktsR ontt, Rkckitti bnah wheat, 1UX bnsh corn, I0.O10 bosh o-t. bOis tluur. Shipments-', IXX) buah corn. 1UA) bush oau, aad bou dour, Oaweea.

Jaaaary 1S-6 P. msrket rules griiltt and steady; sate No 1 Spnnjf at ,00, amber Winter at white Winter m. ft.m. and doabla extra at Whkat marketquiet; suies No. 1 efcUiwaskee cluh at loc, and choice white Canada at liits.

C'. market hrms held at oc Bahlkt market ru-es quiet: up take Canada held at KOc. and Ray Vuiotsat 170. Corv bolted at hoc andunboited at Kibe. Mux rico ttnchaned: saiea shortest thipMufls at fi.iX), and middHmrs at Raii uoao REtcuTT -door to fbita-deiphta to Boston tsOc, to New Fork Wc, and to AJhany 4aaw fW llwakee.

January tt-4 P. market quiet and uncnaned; sales extra Sprinjc at kti.tKK a. SS. Whxat market steady: sates No. IMilwankea feprinr at lHcnd iS'o.

Milwaukee Spring at ltc Coto marktrt stead saiea No. Oats market opened ttrm but elosed dull; s-tloa Mo. 2 at 42c. market steady: sales So. 1 at ttc market dm w-tt ta a fir demand; mmim Kk vpeiim at 1.16c.

PWO Ift 10 Hi k4ot oomiual. MKrV PoUS aaisss at Laku akrfct oomioai: ae kettle at ronc, and steam at 8c. Dneiniico Hoo sales at 00. Rfx kipt bbts Sour. btHth whajat.

S.ouu head boiea. ii, UAi bat flour, mod hush wheal. rte Iawlw January I P. nrja all trade tvlow treole are wtrak and tower: buinss market setive and prices tat her; saiea No. Sprin at tamrstc.

So. red Winter at and No. Kail at ifcc. Cokm market active and hts-her; an left No. mixod at Uc at ISaat St.

Loots oa the track and in elevator. OATa market opened tirm but dosed dull; sales No. 2 at at Kat St. Louts ta elevator, ciosiotf at 4o. BAftLxr-marfcat auiet.

Kvi heat grade are scarce and htyber; aalea no. 2 at fVse. Wmaar market rules arm: aalea at tCc. Ka-C irTW3 ttw bbls ti-iur, IauUU bush wbeat, Ouah corn. IVftA tmsh oats.

T.iAJU buaa barley, LA baslt rya. 1. Ml head hoar a. Hfltals, January 136 P. M.Fxont market rules Wrri (rroond 8priM at t.

(::, io. Ba- aera' at Airef iuur auuxja. aaa 1 mts ay a uapsj, atutya UIUN an hi a tw, Mte, jO, rat-w et rates inactive; N. I Mitwmukwe prtna quoted at ljae, o. 2 Mitwau- ai- rapruMl at au, ru.

f-sijro ppniif at l-c, rea inter at tiic and whit WIduw lTwriie. Coax -maxkeH tWBt smatil Miea to. 1 Wester la stora at and bujsb new on the traefe at 7lc. Oat market rultktsqutot but steady; No. Weatarn held at aoo.

Bahlky market active; sales Canada at iiv2c and No. iCbhmrv at Itic. Bajii.xt Haxr market steady; Weatern at Wi17c aud Canada at EUrmioaai KAmx. fnioi7KO Hoo markt quiet at lr. Mtie rHaa saiea heavy mesa aad iiucuut tkdv and clear at IH.OU.

lkia aaies a Ste ja tisn. H4Ue tuhsand kaa. Kscaim-a a ai and UailH. -jU bbls tt-)ur, Vj ifle busa wbe4, buh oi.rn. M.uubush oat, uua bosh bar lev.

Bauv koap lKrvRT ift.Ai bwjkh whemt. U.ttX boh aura and SkK'JW bttsb oata. Tn following? statement snears taa amount, of grain la stora and anoal on the dates fce ined yu. ti, Jan. S.

Jaa. IKil. 173. Whasat, ah ftH.r.'a Cra, 2, 76 Oats, tmsh ( Karler.

haah-, m.l iiin Xbi.utcl Rye, Vush. 1S Krt 11, Peaa, hash ihajicy mait, T'ftal. iMM mth4 CATiXK rteceipts for the week 1W cars; market ahw, buytrs ana seiiers nr apart, and swnr are arvktuf it: oer taat week's ettM-in nrioea; there wa hut httie dotna. SurkK axb Lautm reoetpts for tha wek 40 besad; market aotiv at advaac usIsm duoK HtrOH tevpt fir the wek hA kwtMlt tvnarke slow and dali; saiea Torknra at to.fTH(!---v. and heavy hotraat ten aw, January P.

M.urnawarft firm slith a tivif demands ttaauiiy oa looal aocouut. at Af market firm nub a lair demand ante No, tittatro Urum atlliio: Y2, tmmh tHd to ftpnoi N-. Sprti st ifcMHe. ad rccd at Hie Htc Co a-suak rala lower wKh a tatr 4fmandi. No.

zmiawd rto4Hi isil at 41 eaa or satiajr Jan-nary, aew No. tastsadat wxjts. old miaMd at aai aud new do at tt4e. Oara ssarket mum No, at Rxi at4vrat aaiM 3c seller March and seller Mnr: 1: OH Al. skat market nrm at I caan, I seller rhrnar snd lirti(e selir Msrch.

Cos v-market Srm as loosB, aeUer teornary. iKe seller March snd HC seller May. UJOM.Whkat market sleety at KS'c easb. seller rebruary and lke bid selier March. Ct market st tie easb, seller Febro ary and mp seller March.

Spsckil to the RtKhftttr Board of Trad. netrwlt, January Wsht-msrket rules eler at loAacltisc forextre white, tor No. 1 white, and nominal for No. 1 while, and So. amber.

Cor market qalet: Wo. 1 mixed osred at S4a. Oat msrket Srmer at 4Tc for No. 1 mixed. BahlCV market nominal, imsswieo Hocs-msrket steady at essDS cover held hiahar but lltaavllle, January 10.

-10 P. M. The Petroleum markets were steady at prerlons Oa tne Coper ttoed the market was noted at 1 r. 1.

40 for six 't. At City the market was qnoted at Tbe ssarket at Parker' sUndnif was quoted at l.Iiiil.lTH for Cnlted pipe and 11.27 1. All I'nion. Tbe borne refined market waa quoted at Hc In bulk and WHO la barrels. Herald.

I a flan, January 1.1. Afternoon Bonds; United Stetes (eld)W. Erie fctH January IS Afternoon Rentes sXfsno. I.lverpwel, Jannary Afternoon Cotton closed steady and tirm following are the autb'in-Hi qao-tstlons: Middling Cpisnds, Mirtrf'lng lr-leana, SHkd. Males of the day foot up U.w) bales, UicliKiina' 1 UHI bales for speculatfn and estxirt.

P. I-Klour, 2ssfid Wheat. I41virt for red Western Spring for red inter. 1 td 14-ld for white sverage. for clutt Corn, '-d- Barley, d.

Oats. Astd. Pee- Pork, rssOd. Lard, Cheese per rwt far best gradua of AmericaaSae.

I n. ted States bends 03- ICE. SPRING FOUNTAIN Xw. TJ. T3 0ICIIa.

PUREST AS3 BSST IM USE. KXT Yearly Contracts now making, csty ofnee ope March 1st. Orders by mail. 3ii KORTU BT. PATL 8TB EXT.

pinrnxr soon We hate a complete stock of Printing and Wrapping PAPERS, purchased at the latest and lowest quotations. Large consumers will find it to their interest to examine our Stock. ALL IN COKY, 10 and 12 Exchanare-St. mtTJIIO AST) ART. EMERSON'S Singing School.

Price 75 or $7.50 Per Doz. Is A.CoMPLsrrz, Cheap aki Usefct Book fob Bisotsa Nov ia tbe time to use it, as It hs. all the material to make tne Winter Pinytug Hcliooi aUrwcure and useful in Uie highest degree. By t. O.

EMERSOX. Sjstem for Beginners PIANOFORTE. By MASON IIOADLEV. One cannot helpUkina; this tborouah. aystematie method, the work of men eminent in their profession, aad who have the important qualification of beinr experienced teachers.

Remember that the first months of rntmctlon are, there it any distAnctlfL, the important ones. That fs the time to tar a cood foundation. A work wel begun is already half done." Paicz $3.00. All hooka sent, postpaid, an receipt of retail price. CHASs Q.

1MTSOS 6c 1'Oa. Til Brnndwny, New Verfc. OLIVER BITS05 dV Bowton. GIBBONS fc STOjTI, MAjruvACTxraKaa or aTIMV-CLAM FIAHOS III ALL sTTTUB. Vvary Instrument Wsrrantad for tr years.

1 "'IIITglTTri 1 HO. tstt a Bia STREET. irs msnafaetorr. Ha. -JrA Ooatk 8.

Paal atraet. OO AX AJTD WOOD. SULLIVAN GOAL! AT THE rOULOWlNa InT'd. Ton Del. Del.

Del. 60 8 B5 13 3D 1 90 34 70 S4 1 84 7 40 1 S3 Also, Fittstoa aad Bloeburs; Coals. Orncs aso Vard JVo. 177 South St. Paul Street.

FKANK A. BENTUTT, Bote Agent for the City. GEORGE EXGERT, FITTSTON GOAL YARD, Aio. 119 Excihange SOeet, r-RICES HOV. I.

InT'd. Del'd. KTob. Grate IH BH N3 S3 All TVin. t-n i 7 3 1 ffi Move 7 3-1 3 74 'A 00 I'taeatsat.

74 7 10 1 3 1 3 .7 Oil TV I). PAY, FITTSTON COAL, 57 ritzhngh 8tret, South Side of tbe Canal, Opp. New City Ilall. ls Crate SO 4t 7 Stave 7 641 6 73 rrd. 7 1 7 3-1 7 lt MTobw it Toa.

3 341 SI 0 3 3 1 3 73 3 3 1 t3 c. a. ruiLLirs co. PITTSTON COAL. Baala Strew Bridge.

tVeat eilsla. aaa teUb Btrvcit eai ta Jtatlread llrtdge. In Td. Del'd. Toa.

4 MM 3 SO jr 74 7 IS 4 tMsrse 7 44 7 34 3 74 0 73 7 10 I 3 XTon. 1 iSS 1 i Pittston and Wilkesbarre COAL. In Ta. DeJ'd Ton. XToa.

Ton. HA 03 1 Kas 74 Tt 34 13 stars 7 7 33 3 73 A 4X9 73 Til 3 4 1 3 173 SosUb St. Paol Street. ANTHRACITE COAL AT THB YOLLO WIX8 PSUCaSS i InT'd. Del'd Ton.

jttoa. I 7 33 t3 74 l.rsi, si aa a 3 its 111 Ifi Cheauial 74 7 I is 3 gs4 WToa. it i txj 1 4 6KNKRAL OFrlCB! Ha. Sit Bl PPAI.O tvTREKT. First tout to rtght at Arcade trance.

YAJU1 OSkiCitdi s. PlyaMiih Assaasi Bmlala Cor. BV. Washlagrtaa, AUlt-slt Car. P.ra.

aad Na. 31 HiIhi Sttrert. U. KAaCCKJki. Ag.U.

Jaockastar. Sov. 1, 137a. Delawure and Hudsoa Canal LACKAWANNA COAL AT TUB rOIXOWTBU PAlCmi I iaTB. DePToa.

Tom. wa. l.aasn... 7 7 33 S3 73 ls4 3t f3 IM 1M Kas 74 7 1 3 B4 1 3 Sxava 7 7 34 3 73 A Chss 73 Til 3 3 13 umcsm VC at West Mala stssat. Powers' Block.

aud CiMlsee street, earner of Kxcbacjra, W. C. VlCaAAaVsi. Aswl, Bocheeter Hov. W.

ILa YT" 1XKTESB A RRK A "CD PITTSTON COATs. a large saapiy ef taa above CMla afway. aa lua4. aad tuxasuaUtluwasAatarket prlees. kt.

BAKBOM. gar Centra! OStca Ma. I WA mataswaaf, euuiroad T.i-4 and WUcs-Ss. 1 34 Oaa ausMti Caaai Yard aaa Omce, WaraSoasestria. H1 IS MARRIAGE VOW By Mrs.

FairfleU Corksa. Pnes St a. Aa eeraaet vtttaata. aalea a .44 aad w.jataa oairai 40 tad. TaAiJI AT aT.

ss aaa aaatwHkb Ttesdat Jan. 13, XB74. BorJ met, pur-tmaat to adjournment. Bfr Icaughton in the cbatr. 1 Menibera all rtrAsentv MintHe cf xeUrdaj' proceedings wad ana approvta Mr.

JtHcrdS presented a co mm anicat ion from J. A- Btall in reference to bis cltum of .00 against the county for sei-rice as acting ditf rict-ancraey. winch bad been reported upon by tbe committee on county la ions numbers, at the annual session, and the sum of 150 allowed. Referred to the committee on county claims number 2, with instructions to report thereon at this session of the board. Mr.

Martin presented the following communication from tbe sureties of George N. Deming, ex-county treasurer, which was referred to the committee on treasurer's accounts To thr Bonwdldt The Board of Supervisor of Monroe Ve the uodersiffneiS sureties on on or more of the Gpnre ti. Demiof. late connty treasurer of said county of Moan, or Us board of uierTHors ally request that your honorable body will as a may be, take some action toascertain and de innate how nincii of tbe aliened detiotency of mi id treasurer as claimed to te due said county aa distinguished frnm the amount alleged to he due the etate, and how mn -rti claimed to be due on each one of tha several bonds held by tbe count atfatnat -aid treasurer and hi a sureties. This request ia made with a rmw to ascertain whbtber or not some proper and equitable adjustment ot the matter involved cannot he made without the expense and delay of HtigaUoxi Tours rerv respectfully, Lymak M- (both bnnnS). W. Bni'i'is (both bonds). Charlm Hcmneb (both bonus. H. K.

1)1 km an ejt'r of W. C. DewitU OOETZJ4AX, C. MKTJOi, i H. O.

OTIS, I VlXARX HOTHvE. l)AVULi. BlSOHAM DlTKK, ('ALKB i-KEKMAX, Joseph Willi a ms. Mr.

Loder, from the committee on court house and jail, to whom was referred the communication of D. W. Jaine. proposing to mend and paint the roof of the court house for sfc-00, and also to ascertain what proportion the city will pay. reported that the city-would pay seventy -fire dollars of the amount.

Jar. Jeffords moved that the committee on court house and jail be instructed to contract with Mr. allies for painting the court house roof in accordance with the terms of his proposition presented to this board. Carried. By Mr.

Loder: That when the work of repairing tha roof ol the cwurt house ts completed to tbe satisfaction of the eommittee on court house and jail, tha county treasurer pay tha same from the coutingeaU fund, oa the certitkmtc of said committee. Adopted all ayes. By Mr. Loder; HeaoH-ed, That tbe committee oa coart house and jail be and are bert ry instructed to present a htil to the board of public works for ooO-balt of the bill of Benjamin McKarhn for relainir string iu front of the court house (ne-ott being 164. W), and that the amount when paid be credited by the county troai-urer to tbe contiiietjnt fund.

Adopted. Mr. Jeffords presented the following report, which was adopted: To Honorable the Boar oj Supervisor of Monroe OF.FTLSVFXr-JThe undersigned special committee, appointed at the May session of, tbe board last year, to enter into a contract with Richard E. Iak. of tbe city of New fork, for the purchase of seventy-one volumes of reoord books, known as tusk's compleve directory fnrJ-xpn.

wouid report as follows: On tha day of May lat, your committee made a eon tract with tbe satd Lusk for the delivery of the number of volumes heretofore mentioned, which contract haa been approved by the board, and published with the proceedings. By tbe terms of tha said contract the aaid Lust was to deliver all of the said book on or before the Orat day of January last at the county clerk's office, in good condition. We would report tbat the books thus contracted for have been duly delivered by said Ijtiskand at tha time mentioned in aaid contract. Your committee have earetuily examined said books of record, hays accepted the aald books, and believe them to be uUy up to the recommendations made by said busk in regard to their style and i quality. The smd books are now In the county clerk's office and ready for the use for which they were pu rchased.

Kccbester, January 13th, Kt Thomas J. Jeffords, Jamks Harris, JOS1AH KlCH. Kli-VXlk Wi. Kmbrv. Committee.

By Mr. Jeffords: Resolved, That the clerk draw an order for at.flQD on tbe county reaurer, in favor of Richard B.L,usk, being the contract prico fur index booka furnished tbe county, provision having already been made for raising the amount at the annual session. Adopted all ayes. Mr. aire 11, from the committee appointed at the annual session to report npon the draft of an act in reference to the county treasurer, submitted the following report, which was received To the Hoard of Supervisor of afonnme Cvimty Gkti f.mE-" our committee to whom was referred the subject ol leta-alatioa in regard to the office of the county treasurer of Monroe county, do respectfully ttubuiU the following.

J. H. Waueev, II. K. ftOCHKHTER, 1 tHAK.

Committee. Dflttd. Jan. 13. 1574.

AN ACT to further prescribe the duties and liabilities of tbe treasurer of Monroe Cuunty. The jtpievf the state of New Vor, represented in trtntte and flwmWs, do etncf at fotiow: Election The board of Supervisors of the county of Monroe are empowered and reguired to designate before the eroiratlon of tbe form of otfioe of the county treasurer lat elected tn the said county, one or more banks In which tne funds belonging' to the county shall be deposited, which direooon may be at any Uxe changed at the discretion of the said board. The board of sujervtsors of the aaid county shall preseiil'e and dictate by resolution the terms upon which at) deposits shall be made and received, and In what manner made and withdrawn, and all interest allowed upon aovdeposiir shall belong to the eounty ot Monroe. Th board of supervisors shall require of the depositaries bond fur the safe keep-insc and return of all deposits, which bond shall be subject to the approval, to form and the sumciencv of the securities, of the said board. The boardshail likewise require a bond from the eounty treasurer for the Jaulifitl performance ot his duties as such treasurer as le now reuutrea by law.

2- The said board of supervisors may remove any county treasurer of their county who shall be yaiity of njia4oroprtaiin? any of tne funds or aecurities which shall be received by bim aa such treasurer, or has been guilty of any disobedienoa of the directions of the said board, or of any malfeaHaace or or wilful nenjlect ot duty tn his office- I ai. The aaid hoard may hear complaints aad charges any county treasurer of their county for aAisapproprtatioa of any of the funds or securities which shall be received by him as such treasurer, or of any disobed lenco or the directions of the aaid botro, or for an malfeasance, or misconduct, or wilful neelct cf duty in his offlcv, and may hear, try and determine such otupmims and charge, and tf ttuch complaint or charges found true, the board may ruatove such treasurer aa the Orat sectiou ft Before proceedlna to the trial, the board shall cause a copy of the oocupiaint and charges made aasunt any tuch treasurer to he delivered to him, with a notice oxlnffih time place at which the trial shall be had. ft i. itnesses may be sworn npon anv aoch trial before the btrd, and 4 be chairman of aaid board shall adiiJnttw ttirMiith- to the witieses, and any person jfutltv of false swearing at such tna! shaft be subject to like punishment a- in oases ineouriaof record. Tbe chairman of the said board shall hvme ftuirptenaa procure the atteadivoe of witBesaea for the coo my and for the aeeuMd without eonipensa turn.

Witowses attendlncr upon aucb trial shall be cut tiled to the like leoa as is now provided by taw iu Courts of record. ft S. In casta the board shall, after such trial, re move any uch eouuiy trtaurer, the shall till the vacancy by aopointaseot of soma suitauie person who shall bold tlte omce until a treasurer shall be elected by tha people, unless sooner removed. I T. The board ot supervisors ahail hi tha salary of any count treasurer selected or appointed ia said county before en tori air upon the flu tie of hi of.

ftee, which shall be in lieu of all perct niage or fea. I i. The county treasurer eounty shall receive the otvunty taxes of ta eltyot iiheuier as follow: AU taxes paid onor before the 1st day of January ta each year without admmc per cent tor Collection; all taxes paid from ihe tirst toted uoviud-inathe aftuth days of January, a two per cent, all taxes paid from the flftoeuth day of January to and iotJuding the drat dav of Kebmary, at three per eeut and all taxes pata iruw the flrteeoth day ox rwrumrj, mi BTrpwWDt. BssaarwbivsMi bv ca trrwaaurur for tha collection ol taxes aboil bciou county o. Monroe.

a cuntf ti-urer ihaH keepao accurate account of aM saonevs received, deposited, smd paid out bv his. and hU on hrst of wy aaouUi make a rrm aud true statesuf-nt tbtweor In writing, which wtateaaaut shall be vertaed by hiaoat aa t-ta orrt-riue-. Such statement be iub- H.tid oa the drrt of every month lit a a paper printed in theeouuty. to be designated by taa b-ard. ft ui Tretwuiw shall not be tumble to the ooa of county treasurer ta county ftwa seeood tm for the next Uuee yara after the termLuatioa of their TlfThis act shan take efle.

at the evp! ratios of the present count; treu.r tvrta ot wmoe. By Mr. Jeffords: Resolved, That a eoraailttee of three members this l.OHrdue fn.ta earh iembi ilinvt-a tv the ba.r to drwrt an act to be subumted to thv- i4Watre f.rr ex eoafcaiflia provisions fasruiw lUeaJ 'f Jaw now to'" S. Uaat naTM) ft te Ol SUUlLtt- tersof thawpei to th amount of sad also routamina a provtHioa for um repeal of all law ra-ieatviJif tiZm tWxatiou the rea' na ssl troprty of iiI.iou vol poi atiou wttiiia ths state. Adopted.

Upon motion of Mr Whitbeck, tha board adjou nd f.i..l jo o'clock: to-itaorrow. W.1JLXA OUVaTH, Clerk. Is fcrrne or lakclh, coughs and colds will umfce a lodgment ia the system. Bat they are not tenant at wiiL You caa them wtth 1,1 ale Honey of Uor tionnd and Tar, in leea time thtfn it take a sheriff to execute a writ. Critteatoo 'a, a venue.

Hold by all dwgiriaw. -Rika's Toothaeau props cure tw adnata. Balzac bad been mai-ried a abort time when he remarked that 41 tkd made a tata-take ia tha only womaa ha ever attempted to -uauajre, and to whoaa manufacture ha bad gtvea attention, ft.

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