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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 3

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE," MONPAYr JUEY 7, 1873. tlxAataOATS. rTJBUtlaVTIOaTU I Dcniocrat and Chronicle. Fearte A Rrtormae, fee. tath tA Jane tlh yian ri-esi.

aHakaraeanaaHa aa Oiaraaar K. let iSraoSeM. asV, uanaporwUoe a- 0e a. Ba-'tK-l Gllea. Soar per orsera, Jaa WHMtr A i'aj a prU Sto iiiaBel doe him was t25 only, for one-third of a month '1 eerrtee.

Hid claim was referred to tbe FtDsaea Vtuaattt4s, est down to we qaaner of a aoma, and nelUed ac-Crirdine'J. Furthermore, one of tbe School Ooaamls-ii tiers fass informed your eommitsee tbat tbe elaitnant aaaerted to hint tbat had be been re-elected to the office be should never iave tboosbt of makiBCBDy demand for extra pay for pas serrloes. WitH iocs fauxs refor tbe 01 your com 1 1 tee reeoa- tpead pat men ot the claim. iienpec'fally aobmU'el, Johs Bqwck, Jobs Uowrow. Jsv iBUBAk AllTCHBU.

Lav Ci-moiii le. Ordered reCTrved, Bled and puuhsoed. co at srtr A rioxn. Tbe Clerk presented trie of the rrotxedir.K of the CmrrKiu I Vioneil Jbb tb, 1T3, ae apprrrred by his Hfnor. toe Mayor, except ao rxiereh a arrrrertaioa to tbe Front street Cits axil kites amy omnia.

The Provident s'ated tbe queotioa to be f-ball the rennlution to pay John Qam the aajtn r-f r-ai" irtwHnaiKliai tbe ob'eo-tkBiof bui Honor tbe Wiyt-r." 1 dared carried ty the followior vote: Ayr, Ald. Ct.aris. Atdridza, Howard, OljairDjan. trers, ilcjlauiu, Gjrtoo. Herx-berfcer, Fee.

linui er. ouo-mit. Stem, Merer, w. li. AotJincv.

Cmft. Kelly. rJaelp. Jiellts, Bwer. il tchell, i'iwktiiaieio, Griffou, hitrjuore, Mauder, Jtargrauder, Farbor, Hsbs -Ibm 1'residsat presented tbe fullotring: OrrTfaT Rorrtyserrri ft GtrrrrTB VaL- 111 li.

R. tOkfASt, Jnoe 1-173. To the CoTOTnen Council of the City of lisxJv S. Oisilta Tn aecoidace with yonr request by rey.lution, passed Juae 17th. l-TTS, I herewith jireaeitk a report of the above pany.

A partial settlement between the eon satire boards ot Dtrecton was sisde ia Aoguat leTl on tbe following baa': All mits were to oe diseontlnned except the one in tbe Coiled State rtaprem Court which would decide which was the lawful Board. Tbe road au to be leased to the F.rie Railway Company at an annual rental of six per cetit. upon tbe capital itocfr, to each itock-bohier eerDMnmialiy ia sdvsnce. free of all taxes aod expenae. The lease to be forfeited if such rent aboafd bo rtfused to any stock-holder for thirty day after it was demanded.

Former leases to be cancelled. 1 be fcrte Railway Company' were ray to this Company seven bond red dollar! itTtk; a year to pay tbe expense of keep-tug up the orgaoizaMon of tbis Company. Tbe above lease was executed by both Boards. atd unce tbat time the three per eent. semt-auDuaOy has been promptly paid to tbe atock-bolders on deoiaud, tbe City Ria-berter receiving nice thouaaud dollars (fS.GoO) everv January and uly.

It was further agreed tbat the accumulated earainsk kbould be divided. A dividend was at once made by the Board of Directors in possession of tbe funds of ten per cent, and paid over to tbe itock-holders, tbe City of Rochester receiving thirty thousand dollars tbe first money ever returned upon its investment in tbe etockof the Company. further dividend was made by that Board of Directors, a question having arisen iu regard to taxes. All disborsetnents up to tbia time were made from the funds in toe hands of G. Cameron, Treaeurer, who was recognized bv tbe Erie Railway Company as tbe lawful Treasurer, tbev having paid the rent to him.

A final settlement waa made with this Board of biirectors by the Supreme Court of the Cnited States, "said Court having decided tbat they were not tbe lawful board, upon which decision G. Cameron. Treasurer, turned over to me as Treasurer the in hu hands of thefunJa belonging to tbis Company, a detailed itatemeot of vebicb. with all otber moneys receired and disbursed by me, and the auuouut on hand, pit aae ni-d herewith: bxcbipts. 1TTL June 14 By amour, receives for aafe 150 Dt isrs.

keb. By cah from G. Cameron, Treuarer 83 20 or calmil '0 Jao. 1 aeml annoal from Erie Kaltwar Co. J53 no 12 lciairvafconaocuiiatatkBerOaat uj 14 eaf er.

said contract to be for a term expiring April 1-t. 1T, aad tbe rental to ba at the rate of per year. Adopted. By AW. W.

Anthony Resolved. That the Common Council of the City ot Rochester deem and hereby declare It nsjMBry to extend tbe sewerage of tow city from Monroe avenue afoeir Gaorlman street to that town of Brighton, ia order to promote stx public heaitb and seenre proper draining of remise witfciar tbe city luaits; aad the layer is hereby requested to petition the County Court f'ir the appointment of Commissioner for the oesntroetioa of such sewer. Adopted, i By Aid. Conoolly Rosolvod. That the Fire Oe part men Co nm tree be, an 1 tbey are hereby directed plaoe at tbs dtatpoaal of Geddea, of ttae blamlth Ipsrtaeot.

ona er more of tbe steam fire engine, for trie purpose of fluahinc tbe main sewers in tne central por taon of- the eity. tkeraaby washiag oat said sewers aad vorv mttenaiiy aaai-iug in maintaining a heaitay of bar citv. Adopted. By AW. from Char Ira E.

Ockslaua it Co. ia releroaco lo nintuig jsraceardiirs 5tc, ot the Coanmoa Council. Referred to the Law Otmmittee. By Aid. Briuker Resolved, That a t'orn-cii; of tbr be appointed by the President to a certain now oiue i damage i any was cauied to pruperty owned by ax, A'or-certer by the cooatractiod ot Viiaceiafe Plae bridge.

Carried. Tbe President appointed as saoh, Committee Aid. Brinker. Ourdoa atd Roars. By Aid.

Gorton Pet Uk ol Geo. Riley for permission te erect a wood building oa his situate on Court street. Referred to tee Wood building Committee with pjwar to set. Aid. Gorton Revived, That In fuore no license for the sale of fieb meet be granted for a less sum than and tbat ait per-soiiS apptyii for new lioences be reqatred to aiepesit the mosey with kite Treaiurer preyitua to tbe passage of any rtHouitvon to grxotsuch liC3Ui-e.

Adopted. By Aid. Rogers Petitk-a of G. N. Hotch-kin for permisaion to erect a wood building on his kits No.

32 and situate on kAcaaiAge, atrerW Kwd bulkiiug Coatmittee, Aid. Roger moved that the ii-jxrd no ar aujfurn. Carried. Adjourntd. Wk.

T. iloBni.sos, City clerk. Board of unite Work. SPECIAL JBEETISO. EocacisTER, July 2, 1.573.

Present CoiBmissioBer Briggs, Tbompsoa, Hebard, Warner. Commifeioner Brig? In the Chair. Bj Commissioner rVarner: Kei-olfed, That the clerk draw two orders npon tbe City Treasurer In fivor of F. C. Lauer for 8ve bucdred dollars (f500) each, as per 'estimate cf the City Surveyor, payable respectively in one and two years from date wr.h interest, for work done and mot rial furnished by said Lauer for Vincent Place improvement and charge that fund.

Adopted -all ayes. By CommiisiODer Brigtrs: Whereas, Complaint bas been vrxSi to thTs Board of fast aViving across the bridges of the city, in violation of ordinance. Resolved, Tbat warnraaf is hereby given to whom it msy concern that after the publication of this notice all persons guilty of such driving will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and that the matter be referred to Commissioner Hebard with power to act. Adop'd. By CommisiooeT Hebard Resolved, That the clerk draw an or3er on the Treasarer In favor of Orrin Harris, for the snm of eigbty-one dollars (tSl.QO) in full piy-ment for Inspecting Anson Park and Bd street sewers, and charge forty-two dollars f42.00)to Anson Park sewer fund and thirty-nine dollars ($39.00) to Bond street sewer fund.

Adopted all ayes. ASaESakllST ROLLS Upon motion the following assessment rolls were con tinned. Flag walk on Frank street. Weld sod Scio street sewer. etone sewer in aioo street.

bETTrSGS. BTOXEOB ATBNTJx 3EWEB E3TTXATI 11,190. Thomas Stetson Iver A. B. McConneil A.C Kan ber dt Vicinus 0d 0l 1,151 00 1,157 75 On motion th contract was awarded tb si.

G. BowtB, tbe lowest bidder. WELD ASD aCIO 8TBEET SkalE. B3TLMATg KauberA Viclnu3 $3,405 25 Thomas Stetson 4,470 SO Daris dt liyer 50 Butler fc C. bauer 4.S98 75 A.

U. McCocsell dt Co informal On motion the contract was awarded to saucer iclixus, the lowest bidders. OAKLASD PABAT SEWEB. XSTUCATB $3,500. Ra liber fc Vicinus 00 Thomas Stetson 4) Davis Cher ,5 00 A.

a. JrlctJoTjoeU 8,447 80 I. 11WW Butler A CbambeTB. 00 A. C.

Bow en 2,770 00 i ne aoove contract was awarded, to 1. Hsnford, the lowest bidder. tTjriOW STBEET SBWBB, BSTOtATE, $3,008. Ranber Vicinus $2,073 S5 ThomssStetson 2,759 30 bavsS- 2.S93 25 A. B.

McConbell 35 ButUfcfc Cham bars 3,413 40 v. cowen 3.170 F. Lauer 335 50 The above contract was awarded to Rauber Vicinus, tbe lowest bidders. By Com. Hebard Resolved, That the Barnes of all bondemen upon either contracts or laborers' bonds, shall be approved by tais Board, before any contract is executed.

Adopted. The matter of surface sewer sa spring street ws.a referred to Com. Warner with power to act. Upon motion tbe matter of employment of engineer for steam roller waa referred to Coat. Bnggs.

-Commissioners Wareer and Hebard were ap pointed a committee in the matter of construct ing a wail at the east end of Vineent Piaea Bridge. Adjourned. Thos. J. Kivoxs, erk.

-) bPECLAX. MOTaCES. Mcthers. Mothers, Mothers. DON'T FaU, to procure MRS.

WTN3-ICWS BOOTHIVO iSTRrP. for all iliajuu. In. eldest to tbe period cf teethlnat la ebtldrea. It re-Ueves trie culla from pain, eorea wind ooiic regulawa the Ooweia, and by riaios relief and kealta nj tac child, givea rest to the muliier.

Be saro aad call fur "AIRS. WtSSLOar SOOTHLire STBtrr." FWttlali, ail urag-gia. AVOID QUACKS. A Tlctlrn of eariT fndiatretlan- m.nai ntr Tnr-wfmt rtaw bitity. prematur decar.

Ac barina: tried in vain eTry adTertised iosedv. baa (tiaaaorered a almp means 01 eJi-trure. bicb be will tnd True to bis fu ii-w aiAiierers. anvaareaa j. hkkv iu.

ns aireety Tort. FOB MOTH PATCHES. FRECKLES AXI1TAN. nse Perra' a Motn and Preokie I Ia la and old by Orugls'a every-wkere. Deput aV Bond atreet.

New York. FISTPLES 0-V THE FACE, Rlai-ktnA, mm t' I a tTfe Perry'a Inii-n-iI and 11 u. Betneitv tbe Irreat eain Medicine. Prepared only by lr B. C.

Perry, berruatouialsl. Ileixil, a -N'tf. York. OK TtXKBRBAKFAOT, brSCHEOS, DLNXEIt AND BLrraa bEA PEKRI- Warreaterakir. gait 13 bMlBSwriiSABLkt.

JOns BlkCArk rMJS-s Kew Tarrk. Ajrenta forttie t'otteil -iares. CO iaiilH ATIOa X.OCK. I0CES I ELTglar-FiCCf ConifcinatiDn locks. HOCSH, 8TORB, TRCTTK, DRAWER, Puas OCea, CnptMard otbet Lottka.

Nna Latekea. aauali nat Keya. tr kii la-oks aola by tb Hardwar Trad ganwr- ir Vlckal Ftaatag aiaa to order and ut tb bast SiEGENT GREEflLEAF Patecteei tuui COAX. Ajm WOOD. ANTHRACITE GOAL AT TUB rOLbOWIWQ PK1CB8 In TI.

Del' Tin. KToa. a 3 4(1 SIS At 1.1 I 31 -5 IfTntt. 1 ISo I.a.a ail AS a ft.l ha a 'o ruv. 4.1 tkeaaat.

a lie S3 35 u.n kral pries Mat. 3S HI FFAbO STBHT, Pint door to rtaha of Arcauls BntraBe. YARD OPTICUS K. 7 PlyaasBth Aveaae, Bakala-eU f.r. s.

Waakiastaa. Ulll-nu. Car. Feral, aa Sa. 31 II a da a Hareet.

B. U. BAJtOOCK. Aaant. Jaly tSS.

Delaware and Hudson Canal Lackawanna Coal at the roixowuta Paucn la T-ab Daf Teat, at Toa. Laaa 4 S3 1 1 1 ra 1 1 tsw Urate 3 sa 3 4 Kara at a 33 aatarv 43 3 ata.t t3 3 omcata Ha. Was Mala surma, Powarf a Noee, COAIs! COAL! Prrpgroa ato wilkesbarrs coal, fraa rrua tb winaa. fut aau as Mark as aateaa ia ae asli parea.aaga. aiaw tMuaamarB tajaa iua aaaaataa ana aaaaaaa saw.

BlllVk, Waradaoaa aaaat. aaaa PtaBk DIALOGLEj-J AKD DRAMArJ for pubbo aad aauiur iwaatBA-a. Jar bw k. abaaav U-A" 4 mf A.KCTAI TO CiTESTOaS. The yortTtm' Pacific Railroad Company having determined to dome its 7 SO First Mortgage Gold Loan.

an4 thereafter to pay as kit her rate of la ha sat tttaa six per cent, on farther aaase of tat tarods. Tar ixarrrio aurxAr-roxnor tb 3-1 tOA nr vow suae disposes or throngh tbs asaal aarseetiaa. Tbs attentlao of Uioa wistlng to retaveat July Coupons and Dividends la te tlita flavorak'. eutawtualty Bar otitatrtlnar these As the txroca of tttla tyros sea tauaOe reset vW In psymeatfor tb Company a hu4 at 1-1, teey re la SBfll hiereawurg eeisaaid tm ttila ynryijae, ans artH eoBtltrae to ft sftertfr loaatatla-a ataas whlrfa Btaeh echaaees tketr Talnw anil aikraetf i meas as an iBrasr-Best. Tb Company cow baa tcors MD taflea of fts Bosd Irairt and fa operadoa, taeftKItng th asrsfr Kastern Krtsloa, aflnaectlr.f Bapertw and the aavtgattoa of the Misawnrl Ktver; tbe work of eon-strBeUoo 1 jrmajrtaatnt setlafactoray.

The Cotn-paay baa eatrnad tiUe to asarly Ten wrmoa Acres of It band Grant, ani aaiea of lands Bava thna tar sversjre. 15 per acre All marketable aecarltles ar received fa srehaoge for Pacific, for sate by Banks aad Bankers. JAY COOKE CO. 7 TO 12 PER CENT. Wa sue erlty ef Coamty, Cry aad sSboct ntatnet Btcd-, baaraaira bekalityof aii ania aoHi, crt mm us eoapozi aaaa itm tniiCA ca-n siiien.

far ad I II en re iaa. r. atkii' PA ato fun pebiiake ay ovT aenir, as Ia ttea kand of m.11 laterMc i- eTm ot aecntltsea. Two -rol. saw w.N.

CoLga II i. BuLLaTM a SOW, Aeeets. Km Beater, w. T. TO INVESTORS! Peronj wlahtel to rata a eat COCFOJIS or DIVI.

II or to taereaae tbetr tneoms fym Bia3 already arreaaaat other tea sroetabls aaaililaa. sboald faU to exaaoloauia CITV, Ob STY and llOD I. aaOBO-a for sale by aa. Tkey arc la dBmtnationa of 1 OO, tioo aod l.OOO, etBt to tan pea Mat tolerant, parable la Kaw Turk. Price from 73 to par and tntexva.

iaT" Call oa aa, or send for Descriptive Oat. J. C. MILLER aV SOU, las. Aria.

Kb. Is Lxchaaa Place, ltaacliewter, a. V. Cil'Y OF ROCHESTER 7 PES CE2JT. EOEDSa Bt vtbtt-bov a Act T.roiT..4-mil passbo A rail.

It. vm, BxnTLam "Aw Act TO St' PPL Tfls OTr ot Bocatnu arm ft; a a ash wkolbsohb VAItS," TBS SAID CTTY IS ArTHOIaaaUED to bbow ax Airororr jot iicnscio THREE Of DOLLA8.) axbto rsac Boime thikirib Axn Planes Tax cbjexjit aw tub Crrr roa pat- kUBCI Of XBBAAAlB WIXB LMTIUtXaiV A. WILDER, Mayor. EOSWELL HAET, PrsaSden. Board Water ConuBiaalonera.

City of We oner the a have Beads tor amis. Tkey have Til IHT VKAR" te raa, wlik iatereat vayable Jaaaary aad Jaly, at the af tbe Traasfer Aaeaey, the Fates Tram t'saBsaar I Mew York, aad are tsaaseal la tol rill ar REGISTER FORM. Price Par. aaAil al 1 at. after wbieb iatereat will be a aided.

51 B-SCKirTIOS JiOW OPEJI. nCBlHSOH, CHASE Bankers, IS Broad Street, DO. SEW TOBJL Esrliitlrjii, CSuar Eapiils an, inn rjtn RAIL WA First Mortgage eld Per feat. Convertible etinalBg Fsaal Bam, MILWACB.EK DIVlBlOW. Barntnea 187X, Minnesota liltereat rWrrirernerita Minnesota 1 jnV" iH.T-al ct i ueeainmsta nar ICS Brat tour montlu of tb present Jearwere aa Xolivwa: ariuary f7.r3 as Total roe for mrmhi.

156 ti taic BaB mag UaL aVA tUDoanted to 2S And in b7K. iio'ths ml." C-SJ ULLaAaB UJlCJf 120 JcaT 13 WAF KO, JIM (fi) titiutti. wviJd BUkate tb emj-atxms for tbe tV. a iijcfvmae in as iar wtoown aauiy in Mil Tad is beartb-f and lifcetr to continue, is dnaf.o- r.rmu dj we report or tbe TTeaurer of tba tnte, rbo ebowa Uiat dui-toc th penoi of ten year pat aa unbrokea avnnuj ixcreaVke of nuiwy aaanuxun ba taivea pLc tAxotbODt tbe state fbe above wttrraa are fr.m tbe MiTiaesot mrNton en wnS Ut MCRlilo, CKkkAh. Pile aIMi RiiLWAV.

2 m.i)cn in iewtn. Tae KiU ajas Auacc, Wilis ttUU Ttfrj lar-2wVJF irtfTrflaaJliria bulaM full o-tm on ta July trexV i tiers txmda. in addtuoa to beizt brat mortnare vpcQ tbe Miiwukee Dtuitja, waieb. aen taoepen J- tberttbr rendciiiiat eba sttmnLie rtffAr-ka mme oeeirmbi tbtta th-ee apa tbe Bivi- Xr 7 rmr-vu ineir wing at aorjDf SecibntT. Tbe totai beaded tedpbteixiesa of tbe CiimptQr ta vn wir? LrtvMrt.jn......

43 ft) On tbe Miiwmokee Dtnuina Tbe total Interest rnlraotenta on both tmea vfcni.wr, wucrwM uienn raTuinfkftt the siiiiut-BuwiiiitNua nunc were in i-i, ana thee are e-ttsated in a In ei'wi of r0.500. 1 be MrritTi5r to be derived frata the Mtl wmiUee theahort peritKS of tbe prewnt year or wbicb It win be open, tt is bettered. w.i msKetbe t-tal from eATBtTLwr tn exeea of aad net avmbjjj in ezeea of al juu. Tl Burlmfc'toB, Cedar and Minnesota we Dda are, for intrinle raiue, or rwtvurity of priBKaDal and inierr4. iefarw ta nima nnw th nsaxBet.

We are pfrArwl to execute ufacra ior toea truad at A. and UaY CLIW! FOR gALiBY8' 'SCW rtt-EOCHKTER LOAJi ASSOCIATION; H. RRF.t. ST E.M. Trawl trvf a WATt'RS, rlrmr City Ksvoonai U.

RiH UEsTKH, Weebanlea rm-wiiix Kajxa; SMITH A 1JLWOOD, Buikera, iaoebesLtar, S. T. $2,500,000 First Mortgage Gold Bonds OF THS ITortliwestara and Sontheasterii RAILWAY, OF ILLINOIS. wv- mwm raa. or aarrB per cent, war inntn, piia Jac-iar7 liu ana July at Naw YorkTb.jn )n; or opuua ot Lha koaiisr.

Bind, anil ba ra i.uim1. if -iTXri thta road ia now euaaplaaad traaa Jaefcaoaval te Itmcuaa Chxmmtn aud ton a. a. at VirUao-a ui-iat-i A cuer 10 itaa. Til r-ad, ao far aa m-o -h-mI, la usoruagniy iaipad.

nttr.iy paid fr, la fjil a.i-3 it la Biroa JtmtueUtt road uniy that oima aa araa ana aoaraa tntan-aal- la enr-eney. The r.a-J aiii oa Lb ouiea in lenaitt, and Is -odea at per ml a roarlri t-taj waa -i Hi, Ut ill. Ima ri ad trayi-a ma a-arda ol tea state, ail tit aoat lm- vada. eon. me ouai ain.

at VtrdeB, an tR-sda are AM fcKkiy aateamed by tb aa In-Teat aas been aaca aeaientn. Wa kaa aor- i 7 aI BtS'B repealadly ovat lit en nr. Ha. m1 ar i di an an 3 au raaoaiLaa't Inia knnila aa PhJl' apla.iiAai s.ieir asnwi wmrnT.j, a 4xuia aavwOBit Kay bag hi GIBSON, Bante 5a Excbiuige llacc, r. AbaO, SRICKgO.

JEXSLNtia MUMPORD, bTsttthkimer, tosrn a BocBastar. M. T. kV Ordare may aent tbnaurb ny of tb Banks tn LAta vuaauay aa Kay Bad ot aa LOTTERY XISS0UEI STATE I0TTEETI by Stat Authority and Drawn kaa Itbtie M. boat i.

Grand Single Number Scheme! 60.000 NUMBERS! Class ta be Drawn July 31tt, 1S73. PrUes AmouHtinj to bet 3 prtrrm of a 1 vntmm uf uni-a 3'ie snaaaef Boa) a atruua vna 1 prla 4 priae 4 SO poaa A fna-a inaa of 14.4-ie 1U.O OfcS sruM of (HUM i 1 ll stum of. 3o Tirketa, $ia Half Ticket. $5. I (rar tuuanaa ar etiarterad oy tea saaui, ar.

alaaya draw, aa tr-a time naiawd, aad an drannara ar andec tkaaaMa-vtal'J. ot aaun Coaaaanain tar- Tea oSiclal rawin.a ta iuoii.n.l la th St. Lflaaa jawra, as euf, ut ttraanna aaaaaaa ar-akaatrof kaw. anil draw ataatta agwawia ta taa day ok aery a. on in dann -w tW II oy I i unifuuL i.bTtKXD trrTsii, iHrr i itiPHrid.

aar- arj lor a Oreaaar. Puat Oataw Boa S.A4B. or. Um. aa, kto.

MISCEaJLAJTEOUS. STEP LADDERS! WB HAVB KOW EV frPORBaUrsr atoek of ttefaaSlaaa's AnVMaaaM ld iura. frwb to faav-lh BeT ae Laddara ta at taa Aa. aiata aad PaaaAars Staaorta BS Baaa taaut artist 4. The Hetnioek Lake water is the purest and best for 'S and B9aurara9tortng aaes.

It is not ejua lel. certainly oos, ur-paser-d. by the wattr snppiied t- aav city ro tbe coantry. Tbere are some w'ai have be-crme babituated to the nse of hard water for crinkir purposes who prefer it to a 'ft water. But the amount require i for drinking purposes I a very insignificant portion of tbe onaiitity repaired for domestic ase.

For all otber pwrpeaes in the Bowefcoid arnie can deny that soft water is tndiapenaabty necessary. For manufacturing purposes there is no drrtded opinion as to tbe varae of pore aed soft water. A firm doing tira large buiMais the city ia the tnaoafactare of boiler, bare made tbe statement baaed upon etimatea earefu'Iy made, tUat tbe uae of Genesee River water in the boilers ia the city eost the owners of them at least tVo-Xt?) per sui urn. caused by the injury to them from Incrustation of lime and the additional qnacti'y of fuel rreesBry to keep- ua foe ptoper heart in tbeax. The proprtetors of the i'aper Mills a tbe bower Fai-s hav9 stated, that tbe use of Genesee River water iovHves aa ahsohite cost to tbem of about a year trver wba it woold be if tbary were sup-plied with pore aod soft Severs parties are known to have visited the city frooj abrxsd with a view toestaolishi'ig here new branches of manufactures ia wh'capare, water was an important Independable eie-mei of product on and have Neaa eompelted to abandon their projects by reason uf tae absence of any supply of water except that el tail ed frdoi the Genesee River.

5. The plan for obtaliiii.g from bate Initanu waa foacd to be more einewnte than any other plan cons ered, iuvoiving the coiiatruction of an expensive tunnel nailer the lake of uncertain cost and of powerful pomping machinery, the eon of atainten-ance and running of which wynld be four or five times tbat of maintaining gravitating wriks. 6. The cost of maintenance of gravitating wr-ri i tbe leant of any anode of water sap-piy, and each works are relieved fi-oro tae liability to accident or interrnptioa which eo asarily attaca to ail itiecuanical appi-anees. After submitting onr report nothiug farther was attempted in tbe unreotiun oi owrrrg to the eotttTnaunce of Hutaliou.

it being deemed wisest to await tbe final judgment of tbe Court of Appeals upon tbe validity of tbe acts noder which ve were ampoarered. Tbat Court having rendered its decision affirming their tbImjUj we prceodtd to prepare for and ad-verliee tbe lettings of tbe contract for so much of tie work as could properly be made tbe subject of competition for contract- As tbe pun pa and machinery of the iioliey sys- rn were patenea end cort'd be luriiuied oply bv pai iy, a contract was made th orn em petition with tbe Holly ManuCactur-ieg Crmpatiy of buck port, for two sets of purr ping engines, consisting of four double- actu critiiders ot nines. ammeter and twenty-fenr mchee stroke, mounted noon heavy iron arc bed frames, the cylinders for each aet so arranged as to take snction and disburse at eight soccesve and moil points in each revolution for the purpose of impart ing as nearly as possible au uniform Uow and steady prtasure of water in tae mams aua pipes, and so constructed that either or any of tbe cylinders tea? be ran or toeetoer- Also, two turbine water wneels of capacity when driven under a head of HO feet fall to operate the said eugines in theperformance of their durv. Also. Hollv's pa ent Uydrostatio Pressure Guage.

to res-tilate tbe speed of the Turbines by tbe pres sure uf tbe waterin the mains and pipes, and to enable the operator to change tbe mme at pleasure. Also, the necessary shafting, gearing, couplings, iron bridge-truss, pillow blocks, Ac, to reader effective all machinery. Also, two pairs af doable cylinder. quarter crank, cor deosing piston steam en gines; tne lour cylinders to be sixtoen 'ncnea in diameter, and twenty-seven feet stroke. To these shall be attached four doable-acting pumping engines, each driven directly by one of tbe steam eBginea, such pumping engines to be etch lu't inches in diameter and 27 inches stroke.

Alert, three steam boilers of sufficient capacity for the steam engines. Abo, a Hollv Rotary staam engine of 16U bo-se-power, and two Holly Patent Ro'ary pumps, with all necessary eeaxiug, shafting. couplings, valves, goaaee, etc The whole machinery is guaranteed to throw twenty-five streams at once, one inch in diameter, and sbali have a capacity of supplying directly from tne mains 3.0o0.0t)0 gallops of water in 'H hours or that the pumping engines driven by water wheeis m.der a head of not leas than fifty feet fa'l. a bail have a eapartry to tbmw 12 soeh fire and that tbe pumping engines driven by steam shall have capacity to throw ten such reams. The price aarreed to be pa'd for all the above is tiS.Ooo eiebty per cent, of which is to be paid as tbe work pmgres-es from time to time on the estimates of tbe Engineer of of the Board, and me balance after trial and acceptance of the completed works.

For tbe erection of these works we have purchased of Hon. Selye a water lot on Brown's Rice, with three full water rights, upon which we are now en traced in constructing wheel pit to be of 90 feet lit depth, and are about to commence the build ing within which tbe machinery is to be placed. Tbe price of the water lkt agreed to oe paia ia 1 On the fftb of March taserted ins num ber of newspapers advertisements for the letting of the work on the Hemlock system, which covered construction of reservoirs, conduit trenches for distributing pipes, all cast iron pipes for both eondnit and distri bution in fact, el all matters which could prrperly be made a subji-ct of contract: the selection of hydrants, stop valves, air valves. corporation stops, being properly re- av rvea ior purcnaee wnen reoaired.

inese advertisements preceded the date fixed for opening of the bids over thirty days, and were lnaerveu in uewi-papers in ttocaester. Albany, Tors, Boston, Philadelphia. Pit tabnrg arid Cincinnati. A condition was imposed in the notice to bidder, that each bid should be accompanied bv a certified check on some banking institution, or Gov ernment or rotate bonds, amounting to one per cent, upon the amount of the bid. to be forfeited to the city of Rochester in cae the bid should be accepted and the party bid- 1 i utiig e-Huuiu uwiiira to exercuie toe contract In accordance with his bid.

Whea the bid should be accepted and tbe bidder ready to execui-e a eoutr-ct. the amount of forfeit to be increased to 23 percent, npoa tbe amount to be represented by Government or state bonds or certified check oa some banking institution, which amount to be held as security for tae full performance of tbe contract to be entered into. In addition to this security ten per cent, of all amount of work done and material tarnished, to be kept back from all pay meats upon tne coutract nutn ail sbouid be sati factorily performed, besides a bond with two sufiicieot sureties in the sum of seventy- five thousand dollars to secure tie payment oi laborers wages. On the 12th of April there were received eleven bids, each accompanied by the security required. Mr.

James McDonald, MilU-bi ro. Essex county. Hew York, being tbe lowest bidder, the bid was duly declared to hint, t-uboequently Mr. Mel) maid depos itee win tne noara a certinea check for the amount required as security for perform ance, aeuverea also Dona lor tae paymeat of laborers' wages, and executed the coutract. Land has been purchased of Messrs.

wanger Barry and of the heirs of Uavid Stanley, deceased, fsr the Distributing Res ervoir, xuisianu is tne nignet aoove tae city, and fortunately is in line of tbe conduit to the Storage Reservoir. It is suuated on the tidge due east of ML Hope Cemetery, and the surface of tbe Reservoir from tbis point will be abojt 127 the surface of the Erie Canab Work ia begun upon this Rawetvoir after some delay iu LfEot atiou lor the purchase ol tae hand and it is hoped that this seasoa will witness its compiettvn. its capacity will be OW gallons. I i Tbe land for tte btorage Reservoir was also purchased on wbac is known as Fitus liilL about three miles south of Eat Uoarv eitn. on the south side of tbe road arbicQ divides the town of Kmh from tbe towa of Henrietta- ary gratifyiue nr isrre- basal ready been made in the work of construc tion of tbis zteeervotr.

tbe banks are to be bunt with great care and unusual strength, ai we are exceedingly fortunate la obtAia- ing upon the ground the very best ot mate rial ior sol ti emDaakment, insuring per ect safety as well as permanence. Tbe capacity of this Reservoir ill be ga'ion. Every ell' rt will be made to complete the tinny system ourng in is season, aod we confidently expect to be able to do so. The pipes for the whole dual a vat eta are cott-tracted for. and the earliest deliveries dur ing this summer are ordered and promised tor the distribution connected with the Holly machinery.

After that distribution shall be eutctod, it is our intention to urge tbe laying of pipes, if possible, as faak as they may be received. Tbe hydrants aid I kltri Ate "sm alt arImm! .1. Holley system, and will be ready for attach- me ut as soon as the pipes sbxil be ready for lat U.S. For further information more tn detail of our pruceedma, we invite examination of tbe records of tbe rard. which are to be found in our office, open to the inspection of all.

A li items of expenditure can be found tn duplicate either at our ofiice or that ot the City Treasurer. Respectfully an limit ted, Koxwku. Hart, P. M., Wju H.

Bowmas, C. Mouse, IrlLSAJI ibl ERXIIS. Rochester, 1, 1CS. tirdTd reeetved. Hied and published.

The Clerk preawnted the folio wing rrtKisusx kautm, To the llunorable Vie Common Council of tuy vj lujcriasurr: Tour Committee to whom was refetved the mvesi igation of the extra work of tbe Vin cent Paaee Bridge abutment anil masonry, would respectfully report: lUt your metattheCltv 11 ia tbe Mayor's office on sattardar tbe 17th at a o'clock, wbena Mr. John Hickler, of Bufiaio, testified the folio will statement That he knows the point which the Cltv Surveyor, Mr. Grantsynn, located the fiwor ot tbe bridge, and that he sou Id still point tbe place out as giver, to blm when he oora mebced tbe work, and tha the bride fijor is aw that level now. AU tbe pirn are tuilt two feet wider on tbe bottom thaa the specifications read, via sixteen feet. One ef (be piers jseeoatd eaat) is three feet longer than the speeifisation required, the others are also some louer, but he don't know how rouen.

The wing wail of baat abutment en the south end, arms bnilt oa a direct tine with be kbulmeut natii it airuck Barti.4 uuay's tand oa which a small piece of wall was built, to retain the earth on Mr. Bartholo-tnay'e lot. the wbole of this masonry eon-st ut ing less work thaa on tbe north wing. On the west abutment there was a pl of Wall baiit ea the line of the street ia addition to the regaiar wiug ef tbe abutment, said wall contains from tweiv to fifreo yards of masonry and is worth shoot toe san as the other work. Tbe blasting for the abutment was not carried down any farther than was nacesarary to gets Bond fooodaation.

(is gnedl Joh HJCSXCB. The oontrsctor, Mr. Leigbteo, testified that he claims extra tr naasernrr oa too depth of the two easier ly piers, those on the ffata, caused by having to mo deeper to strike tbe rock, than he anticipated. A so lot additional height of btot of that bride to tbe extent of 6-i5 feet. 1 be alterattwDof tbe feebtbt was made by fbe Committee before any atone waa laid.

Mr. Grants von originally (O" tun the height from which tne committee, as above s.ated. raised i the feeu Mr. Leigh ton aiso claims tbat he aaadn his estimate and price based on tbs beiglkts and depths of the Titers gtveu bioa by aU. Grantsyua.

City A Iter tbee test monies havinar bee a taken yonr CoruBiiitee proceed to tbe bridge it further investg tiou ud so built heiewiiit the foiiowiiag report Tcnr ComaMttee Bad that ia onseiueaee of ihe elevation of the bridge 2 feet 6 uicoee above the original level, it involved an additional amount of 111 yard of stone work, a mount mi to 1 U7f. also tbere is a p'ece of wall on tbe aoutb side of west abutment, on the line of the atrvet, coniaioiag about 12 which would be worth flea), making a btjtal extra work of l.tia: and this your Committee fird to be a Itval ciaitn against the ciij, the t'ornuutuie iu charite LaTing or-df red tbat alteration, as reporuid to oa by ibe ity purveyor ia Uie proaeace of Mr Le-rhton. Tbe claim of Mr. lafghton for exTa work nn the bottom of tbe piers in consequence of tbe additional depta he had to eotoreaeh the rock, more than he aniicipated. your Committee cannot a iniit to be a lectl claixi, as no sjecilieii depth was given Mr.

Leishtoa by the City Surveyor or kOy otherwise by authority of tbe C'ty. and bis eoutrACt com pels him to start the foundation on the solid rock. or Committee would further report that there is so doubt whatever tbat the depth of excavation for the two easterly piers was nioch neater tbau would have been sup posed by even experieucen persoua, judging from tne appearances and indications of the I'talitv, and tbat Mr. beighton was an douottdiy mistaken in his calculations on tbat point. I oar committee, therefore.

think tbat It would probably be no more than eqaitable that the city should at least bear a portion of this very large xtra work. ana wonid, therefore, recommend that Mr, Leiehton be paid the snm of six thousand equal to HM yards of masonry, iu ad ditios to tbe above-mentioned sum of eigw ten hundred aod forty-Gve dollars (LSU) up his giving a receipt in full of aU de mands. liXNkT BalXKIB. John Gorton, JB-, HaTKBT T. ROOCBS, rdered received, filed and published.

Aid. Kelly moved the adoption of the reso lution to pay Thomas benrbfrn 28.70B.2i being for balance due for constructing Vincent Pace bridge as per estimate of City Snr- vevrr ijiraritsyn" iprawentea April 4to, lsiif. at io wo I prtntea proceedings), Lost by tbe followiog vote: Aye Aid. Kelly. Wbitmore, Maader syii Aid.

Cowles. Aldridee. Howard. Cesbnian, Rogers. McMallen, Gorton, Herz- nereer, ee, Dnnser.

otinonv, stern. Mever, V' G. Anthony. Crof "aj fhelp, Nell is, B-wer, Mitchell. Fleekerstien, Griffen, Margrander, Farber, Skuse.

2b Aid. Fee moved the adoption of the report oi tee vommrtiee. -Carried by the following vote Area Aid. Cowles. Aldndae, Howard, Rogers.

MeMuUen, Gorton, Fee, Brinker, Stern, Meyer. W. G. Anthonv. Croft.

Bower, iecensteir, narzranaer, xase its. riays Aid. Cnshroan, Herzbers-er, Con- Dr.lly, Kelly, Bhelp, Jiellit, Mitchell, Griffen, rt nitmore, msuaer, aroer tl. The lerk presented the followine; Ey Aid. Kelly Resolved, Tbat the Com niittee on Honse of Truants are hereov in structed to close tbe Uoa-ie as soon as ar-ransements can be made to properly provide for the care of the children therein.

That the intra'es be placed in tte Orphan Asv- of this city, and that tbe city pay for metr support. 'Acd In the meantime tbs Law Committee and City Attorney examine into the Ut relating to the House for Idle and Truants and report to this Board. Aid. Ke'ly moved to postpice action on tee resoiufon nutu the next regular meat- ix-g. Carried.

lucrmTt Aid. Conooliy moved that the Board now proceed to appoint Coramiii.nocerj of JJeedk to fill vacancies in the 2d 6tb, 7Th and wards, tbe Clerk to cast the entire ballot Carried. KTMTBAIXOT. George W. Sin, Frederick fi.

Unscott and George MesBkmer each received 28 votes aud A brain H. Curhman received 25 votes, and ware declared appointed Commissioner of AM. barber preaeoted the following and iimreii iua Bbccopuanoe. varried. EOCBtSTCB.

Jnlv 1 1tT To the EmtrraNe Ctrnmon Council of the t. IMLIMiy I ou ere most rwaneerfnllw invi ed to attend tbe Stimmernight's Festi val, to ne given at rails letd, t'harsday eve- ing, jmy wvo, oy me rtaneock uaard. Yoara, reApeetfuIly. i Jkvxs PxtntKBTT, Ey -Aid. Griffeu Resolved.

That the Treasarer be and is berebv reoriented to can cel the tax of 2.85 for Pinnacle avenue sewer, assessed to heirs of Michael Gannon en lot Jo. 5, situate corner Comfjrt street and Pinnacle avenue. Said tax Mould have been cancelled under resolution of Aid. fcttbbin8, in reference to Peter Culliu's tax. Adopted.

By Aid. -Whitmore Resolved, That Jacob Kevel, to wtom was awarded the contract for the Improvement ef Nelson notified bv the Clerk to eaae a sufficient force of men and teams to be put upon said improvetneit) so that it will be numbed on or before the first day of August next and further be it i Resolved, Tbat in case the said Jacob Keyel fails to complete the afore-ia-d work- on or before the day above mentioned, then the Improvement Committee be and are hereby authorized and empowered to advertize for propoaals for the improvement of neison street, and when the contract is let and work completed, the contract price be charged to said Jacob Keyel. Adopted. By Aid. Fieckensteiu-Petition of Jacob Erbech, for permission "to erect a wood building on hU lot No.

5. situate on Saltan street. Referred to the Wood Building Committee with power to act. i'T Aid. Mitcotu hereas.

The Bomtla- tton of the bas Increased to upwards of 60,000 inhabitants, aud those living in the outer ward, in great numbers. are obliged to go unprotected, in consequence of tbe small number of polioemen employed by tbe city therefore iiesolveo, hat the Police Comm.sdionera are hereby requested and empowered to ap point i.iuneeu aaaitionai poticeaieu over tbe present force. Adopted by the following vote: A ye Aid. Cowles. At Howard McMulien, Herzoerger, Fee, brinker, Connol v.

Stern. Mever, W. G. Anthony, Crotu Kelly, Sihelp, Xelhs, Bower, ssitcneii, I ecKensteu. (Jruimi.

Mir gran der, Farber, okoae 23. ays Aid, lUatera. Gorton. Whitmnrw iUauder a Aid. Bower trresenterl aha Inllnvim, Sum cms Col-ut.

Mary Kuickerbocaer agst. iua a-ivy ui oucouettr; Please to take notice tbat iadarmo-it ouiy eiiTerea io tne above actma on the Z4th day of June 1673, with tne clerk of this court at Rochester. N. 1., ia favor at the nlainrift sou atiiinai toe aeieooant I jr two taoussnd ei bundred aod forty-nine 23-1-A) diliars aamages and costs. a ottia, CouswaxL 4 Pbrxivsi, Pi tT Ata'ys.

Dsted June 2Sh. 1S7J. ToJtxir SHiPHciiu. I'fts Att'v. bV Aid.

Bower Keoivd. That tha I draw an order on tbe treasurer for S2.rlt!i 23 Payable to Messrs. Cogsareli it Peraiua, being iu fall for damages and costs in tbe ease of Knickerbocker ag'st. tbe of Rochester and cbaree tbe same to the Contingent Fund. AOoptea oy toe iouowing vo: Atea.

Aid. (Jowies. Aid. id 'e. Cuabinan, Rogers.

Mc Mullen, Gorton, flen- li.O.L I .11 w. u. Anthony, croft, Kellv. c-heln. Neiiia Bower, MitcbeU, FlAckeuaunn, Giffen, Whit-more, Mauner, Margrander, r.

Ukase -Ti. Nays Aid. Meyer. 1. Aid Bower ved a reeoGsideration of the vote on tbe resolution fixing tbe salary of the rchoot Policeman at f-Vi per moaib, passed Nov.

3d, lHjkl tat folio 27 of printed prueoed-inga.) Camed. Akf. Hower moved to amend by stnkloe out "feo," and aubatiuitiag therefor. Carried. The original resolution as amesded was then declared adopt ed.

BV A1U. aketly Bill ol va. ti. B'Jtter. Rs.

ferred to the Aldermea of ttteDta ward. Bv Aid. Kelly Resolved, that tha Fi. nanee Committoe aud the City Treasurer be ai they are hereby aothotixed and requested to Iraue the bonds of the city to toe amount of (15.U00, as provided in aa act of the Legislature, June 10th, 171, enti tied "Aa act to authorize the City of Roca-ester to issue fifteea dollars worth of bonds for tbe purpose of erecting a pub ie cool but aing in toe aeauminaitoa ot fb- Otv each with interest at 7 percent payaote semi-aeuually, principal and luttyrest, pava- bje at tae city lreasorers oiaco, sa bonis tn become due on the first day ot January. lseS.

Also to dispose of said bonds for the best interosk ef the city, at not teas than par value thereof, and place tbe proceeds to the credit of the lioatrd of Eiueattoo. foe tha purpose of erecting a school hoaae npoa tae lot known as tbe Monroe street eemetery tot. Aui'iara oy toe vote: A Tea-Aid. Cow le. A id rid are, Uoarard.Caah- eoan.

It gena, McMuiiaaa, Gurtoa. Herxoer- more, liauuer, aUrgraadair, Farber, bki Pv Aid. Croft Resolved. Tbat tha Coiumiita- be and are here iy aathnrtxd to enter into a contract with iney U. Koby ior a tease 01 a lot oa tiiu tret, sni bv aattd Koby, to be used fur the storage of wood aud coal beluKgLn, to Ue eity uf Kxiii- ma 4 at? Aa4 easanr tsat Ian4.

ir. nm aaowto "Th'Tnaa ataB. lawaieaie--- 5 A vs A ia. ai-a; jr. 1 ao.

aaJarr ioiT iaa As4 taat faaA. rn nrr naurn-na arTrHnir twr-xttej I tn a FBJ fcieV.JT k. ra.l.a..rf Ji fl B.iLr A -air cartel ao1 a 15 a I tfi aaa UH as A ada.r. aaa4. uar iriTn itm, a jeavinla.

fi rbrtiWi asS amteaTataltiaic lmf lamp fnr aoa- 1S)4 A ore ctf pbue taaapa for Joae, aetla ata BT jrt enroer. a t. ks -t ii Kaa fur irabic aatpa ijTjr vmr? Jb'i TTFj5 tairkaJgitauiua. oral aB ud-B no nuu? catxuiBani mrt. Viaqa A fr-an.

ftnar LU io Afid tlat uud. tockt BTKaarr nnomiER rtnro. 6 Bya, In-peeuc Court aret laBirvre- boi I3t 75 Ai. cbarce tbu rami. aiii ririimin nrarix Tir JianA loaea.

Baalta OBtoer. aaae er, aal 'imtf lat Abu caarge tbat Tend. Hi roues tsar a btwbxt rnro. Thennae. 1 mocia'a aaiarf to Jofy I.

11 er Alio klPlan. i a iaj li. k'tt. r.i-r ifMk, ataa pacaoel Brown, Kv lka A Burcfifll, iiS Pi 75 taleft Hi, Tim lir.iflA-fa. ti AJ Arthur.

T5 1J0 ff-rrr JlaniaST. Ti at iliiam vi bite. "i Ft i Ti 15 Vi JrlitirTe. TS I-athrip. 7i i bn la.

liHt 1 te-tnaa b. 74 "i Tkw a ti i ttj, Tm iii'an, IHt a Mi-iV-rms. Hi 00 JrA kr-'arik, to frf-- 1 7W Hw faker. Ti (C H'jh TilO I I.Mt, Titfc 1 1: lwkMtiar, "iul J.

7 OT B-nb Cri IeT, TS au tn'jrt, nm Jnm acheS'-ey, 75 ifi -iil(er, 7i fUJ Puna. 75 4 frrara. T4 utl Baif.b li, Ti -0 Jaiy.ft han.r. 1 bia l.r.inb. ti i Anfl a ConnniiT.

7 i nirfietiruitr il) OnJer uhTr. 75 (tj A-an 7i iAJ Jt Krai-a. Ti iu liiiajn It 7i H) kl'rba-l Wolf. 7s (. Hsle, ti' kn IK-yle, 75 Iul v.

au.Iiriii;barai Ti 09 aa. is ttu Ti tin BC lo T5 00 J- tit! 75 in A)ti4 aiban," 7i ial A tniuiin. Ti IS Hriaiid, Til) txsorte Uunl. 75 if) kn I 'ikelr, 5tl IS Twaia. iaijar Ti 06 J-WI I' CleaTT.

TJ k'ranfc liiXKlatn, 3 72 i) ma, 72 50 fl Ine-an. 01 Hon-i. iler. 7i id krauA liua. Clerk of Commlaalooers, Xt Ba Q3a ft Parable to A VTIMer.

Mayor. 1 1 anui.el anu at 'pnae4. A. Cartbb WiLnia, 31 ror. tVEORCa li.

"OOPM, ZIMVKB. fijltce Coai-miaeleBera. A at Wheeler. Puliee Jaatice. one gr.

aaiarr to July lat 509 Ailea. for aerrlcea aa Actios Puiiee 75 0 i t'lrrti meilicol jf I -ea tl 0 BrbAPit-rta. la 00 Ami -arve tbat ren4. A Lj tae r-nn wlnA Tote Ae Aiil. f'uwJea, TTiarar3.

Cobronn, MrMniiee Fee. Br aker, nnol-y Htem. Keyer. i Amb Croft, Ij. Setita, H-wer.

SflceaieH. ttn'ii, V. a.trn. re, ktaatter, Mararaaaer. aruex, aanaa Aid.

Wbittnore, from the Jmprorement Con.Diittee, reported in faor of the eati-n-ate of JKiuagbue 4 Lauer, aud pre.wutea tbe follow i uar oibba nun ixrwivrarix. Tke City of to mJmii ue a XAonr, Dr. Jo 1, or ft rimilwaT. at 4.S. 0 V.

kiO, AM 31 itfl reiaid. at rta. i 00 4 surface aewera, eew. a tra i Jaj 1 reiaurad, aa kiaoa, hJ U0 VTt. Crett.

t'ct. 2, Order, uue aud two rears, tt 00 MOD) Dec. 1 5 Cash order, 1.1JL ul VMu 30 Palaree "ae. jia 44 Paiabi- iu lull, wken ttttre are aada ap- piicatle. a 44 Bt Aid.

Whfrniore Resolved, That the ii hereby requented to draw bd order a above aiated, aud that the Treasurer be rrjtieted to pay the nme and charge Gibba Street Improrement Fund. Adopted by tbe f.i.lottme vote: Ayek Aid. Gowle, AidrtdaB. Howard. Cufbrnan.

eera. Mciluiieu. taorma- Uera. rjjer. Fee, Brittker.

Vonnolle. Srern, May. T. V. x.

ABt BODT, tJOTt, Jveily. isheip. Nellia. Mitebell, Fleckenrtia. Grif- biiomra.

Margraudar, Furtxr, Skats from the Iw' Cicamit'ee, jniacfiira lac iiiiu wriaj To he Uooratiic Common Council iMini 1 be Law Committee, to wcum wa reierrea tbe Dill of Ueonte W. Miller of i500 fir counsel fee aod aerTicea. and I. aoodnee ti.5&f?itj in tbe (ait of the Baulc of Rocbener acainet tbe eiiy of Rochester, reepectfaSly icfu-iikuiu uiucr 14 arnra at a jaat cou-ciiutii as to the etrattableeees of the de- tney bare carefuur eiammed the airtniy of tbe caae, wbica may be tir-erly mm iuiivwi; The stub was commenced iD lggi for re -urry of tuts ou tlUL.iMi of kBe cap- iiui it iiro oar a. claimed to bare been ei-coipt from taxatioa rduaoo of beiop in.

Temd in L'Ditad r-tat-a stocks or bonds. A df tuarrer to tbe coin plaint waa interposed Slid no fur-ber proceeding had until lstH, when, aa City Attorney, Mr. Miller proeoed- ea ia tiecn-e. After psittDg throaeh tb tower coarfB. it was Dually carried to the Appeals, wueu.

10 163, judemeat to furor ot tteoity wb amrmed. After this oeciBtou. a writ of err taaa aoed oat and the care a carried to he SuprtKO Court or toe LDitea states. It remaiuel ia that lunn uiitu Jreoruary, 1b: wbea it arms de cided id favor-ot tbe city, tous fiuaUy d- ixrsiun i tua cmiroversy. aar.

Miller served aa eotmsel tbroaghoat these proceed intra, bATir.e been authorized and lnatructed, by resolution uf tbe Commou Council, to carrr od ice case a iter term 01 olltee bad ex pireo. but whether tbe claim now pre rented 1 terie, uiar be bet-t trim a couiodrration i tbe xlowiDg facta: Oa JBBoary JMb, ItiTU. tbe Comtuon Council. by reaolution. eutuotiicd iLe paymeat of the auoj ituea u.u: Tbe city of theater, to George W.

Miller, Air. To fees for coonsel aod arrntient la the caseot tbe Comn-ecial Bank tbe city of Rocbeater ia tbe bapreme Court aud Court of Aipea 09 Joi.e, lux, fcjLperisea to 19 00 Juut, lr.w, 25 00 fUMl 00 Ir sedition to this mm Mr. Miller oollect- vmi into tbe plaintiff la tbe auit betareea tot) end (quoted from memory, exact Oioie, can be ha. It muat aJao be reuiem-betd tbat dun! a port ton of tbe tints -aa iu eeiar. M.

was re 1. lay aa iity it will be pe reei ved that the biU now presented ia service a arter tbe time when ite awmi was reuaered la the of -1 iiran; aua an a eat ws uesesaary tube aoae at ibis juncture wad to arrite ou', tae ana nrter. and forward to the uitd uti J-opn-Uic I ouit, aa ait 11 foments in ( ura pecaeated ia printed form. It ia that Cue labor nerf jrmed in ti laai proceed i turn must hare been com-pj-iiirely iiKbt, to una so entire! familiar aiui tee ease, indeed, tbe am naut charged -V mm ana uriet was only "HUB, at toe anuai paul tb tity. a a guide, would only iudica'e from li 10 J4 tp.

ol an ordinary 12 mo, TuL A vaat of brilliant lore and legal sniditiou ui gbt. aoareter, b-we beea eoudeosed into ao aaiau a siatce. ay refernse to the turns a.reauy pais air, iler from the ar rorai souroea rtteriad to. aud addioa; khs tU now Iireaeuted, it will be aeen that his demands n-acu 1 ne caarooui ngures or apwards of 5.uaj. To throw further light 00 the lubjea-t, uicuttuuaa iau toe fuaiutlfl a a.

who conducted tee iuit throuirh all the proeeedincs had from tts eommenee- uieui to termination Ui the United Mitel ftaiwenis (imri-wore settled with fr tae ir Ju add, however, tbat their full bul aiaa lliOO, but ia eoustd- 01 cavuj losi me ttlt araa reduo- t-eh beiu the facta in the ease, your committee can oi or aii.iae r. h. at least a otastoriv inactivity on the part of the Counci a a reii-irum vi mo lutct to the calm, dis- ww laaum iieiuai and verdict of tne aaeajuKisjttiiy anbmitted, Juki UuwKta, Joa.i tioB-pos. Jav, 'iBua. Mm.

Han a Committee. Ordeeed ra-refved, Hied Bud Dublne-i Aid. Hower movd tate a option of tike re- arneo. To The Jit-acfiifciV Cor ant on Council of Ve tiiiiuau Tha Latw Comtnittee have ausf eocaidered the claim of be aria Cnrtia, A art forth iu a ejantniiiiisaUuo so the Cov-n-oB Cooneil, daied 13th In which he afhrms there ia luUr aod WaJIv doe him. tbe aura if tvim, peiog tea dollars p-r otonth no, in.

to Apru nsTa, dor-nat alint tin be served as iScboul Polioe- U-Aa. 1 tie ekatoi la baaed on a eaarJnru.B tf your body, paaa Narveaiber SI. 1-ka, exiug a ur aiwii aervioe at e-Ta per tuoutu, avbereas he recw vvd oniv 173. At the tine referred one polieesian was employed and tbe reaiuiMn sottue fO per month es-ptvaaiy names "the iScoool Poiioemaa." bea two wr assigned tv taa wort, the AKard of rxllKStlon naaasd a rea ti iSTimiiru. 1 1 aitia am-i-mt iha jhe pree been tbui fixed.

Ue reee ved a pay learulariv at imi rmim ik. nattitd. aro ti out nnvut any lr4r aatBity, nd tiaaJ.v. alUM faiiuig as a t-BMitdaia) tor reiieeuon. pre-curd a biU peraonaUy, eliuuu4 thai the ly ILLCFTR A TETi-fiiat pu hi iabad tnehrrjrno, fit.

1 if asr mmrtmm oY tirslaa4 'Ml Paumoara Utaa-trattis Bre Karte'a of tna HaaUian Chasae, aatd an saeb caamaovr By Uas Saawau AUaatts aa faHto Taa Cawsaa y. Ik atasr Malv "THrirr. I al laiaea nar. f.T I -Tp rjrr fim- r-r -a-ra rf fj r-mT Cv-- tvtrw i ILL SIXSICAIa, 5tv kV- Bi Oh ivi i '-f lira atswaaa-a I trx.rr Af Wvti snd Hrw -fcicfc alaotrt tDvaVii-b7 can Uh wViv JprpmAu Heurt Bum, Lfrfr (Vrir r-ralriw mad Vom Ox aftappwXULAS oared wxbJuxac bo ties. IM(itaidt, Low 9prtWa aaI of tne tjitsol, icmaAja ta kio or Xurr eurd reatdl.y tr XonowlOag th tliXxctKrrL oa wis bottle.

Fr Klwfsey tva4 CHntiiT tterJ--Tmmim ix ban iiO ictttj wili Gvartace aio VVerms, trot hm trtrutm without thm -lift few troUie. mrw iuUA.tu.uit ut ta BiUAw OlMwilMit M. nif-w xVittlv tttut novt 3ttQnlt ew wbea aU out rattai3t43i tmiimt, DlflBcvititt 'eaii4ia, Havtjcfae- mtjC Lmn.4)mliiUL.j. BhrmHftM, ffwenM and Trfnitvr ItsatlCillaa. Rmrhliin, Catarrh, CocTwUaUmt, tvad Hyttmrn euitKl or ttiwreb fLtevk IHarvIt BTwtkfar, rNin fa tb lmw7-, t-t- Cb9.

urvtvniiOki tsttr! lew fry. una ot Lbe KiutLker titer. Femttle I) so prrlBt smorur Anrt-ea taai4ws, ii r3kaij ttu iuvftiakH iiABwlio. ui Vua-iier BUira. Btllon Eirittant uod Xnteraftxant rrrs, preTTmrimt tn mrnaj afcrunf oir vi.otrr, fnnsmaiy ndiai4i1 bj Ua) um ol Ui woaktu Biturm.

Tbe A find In tbe Quaker Bitter. Jast th mrU t4 U.ey tand id need of in tbetr ytmrt. tt SulckeM tab bit-od nd cbera tb aaitU. ba4 ymwrn it pt4i, dovn the LncUaed, Jim Ob ta.u rm(ii long; (rislkj atrHt3 wtta ajk mcurarbie diseM), 4UW a tw tyuUtaa ol tab vuAtur fiiUattra SOld by all and a3fe4iciaeftw Teuler ia PBKPARED BT DR. H.

3. LINT At tbeix Great Me5iral Depot, 13 aad 1ST A IWTiajv-ljwai, XJa, a. lw- Bold At wbolscaU by J. K. Port Lane a Paina, Rses.

Uigbia A Baakln. Rowley A ban. Hustang nniment tit A rraaasi aan a T-a mull. fcnowTi tbroagooat Um Iiitabia wotkt fi -aa thn mrimm and Deat rd of anj iUsmiect in th world. From.

ue amUiooa opai ni)oo oi botll wrAd no aari nta-PUaat oaa T-rr rkwo! q. A. a Haviia aod HuO- iiiiBnimtwBmii. uaatt MAN AND BEAST. SOXJD BY ALL UIJT'f S.T-l860-X iJLMillMilUn 1 BSTTERS ParatT a VtaNle rVanCtran.

-niMfi rrf ratrwswaa I-. w-A'i-kvfwn rtVxla. Ftrt.A f-i 'r9rrw-i a BwiircvsTji qannty faitf 1 of 4Srrjt ugitir 4 aa to be. ia aoi wu4cn Plantation Bitters tha Fmwauat, Baa and Moat TMnila Boinestic Tonic In tha WorM. Tny ar.

rood Aw. m.t i-aj. a-. r9 aMV(-3aaU9 atUajtBiAau. Um3 an auatjaT to awI rwoenv TiMtf ar A Splendid Appetizer.

rd eriTw DmtfmM, Svk Baadaeba, ftoatr Stfloaciw Aan Barn, Lj vc iajapijuBt, me? mittKwd avtrxitl-j TaaTtTVtajaew Tneia oe Anra, mohu aaa Mciaa, and aiwajn MoaMtiiAiM i a aTakkCaal aaWkaW OaTK. Tor Cleansbg the Teeth. Dr. PAUL DAVIS, IMiyfelciaia and Httrg-eoiaUa 14 oV BI PFALO STHKtST. CAN be aorvavlttMl at ail bonrv, day and amnaf.

cm aii It pa Una. WOfXtXa ftt1 Chu-lren. Midwiferf, t-- twLfter with WtM at a aetwair aa- i TOCNO U9W, TAKI PARTT- bMith r. wt pwavaw DjinMri, Ait iUaVaVi DaaVbflia trawatl ail A ,1 Mttair aaaaa addrtjuad jt. Zfr aPAtL DAVIa.

BuZ Hoe. awtar. and tO Bauntdkaak at atasap wben aa pvj r-5 BurouiOa TO Institutions MEECANTILE HEMS, AND Business Men Genorally. Cl REED ft B23TF0RD, ELWOOD BLOCK, korkwiar. ar raaard Baaafasafa luua of aa, aa aad aaaai aaaa.1 aaiwaca or afriMawnr or i or aaaa.

aa anoa aan Ui aaoaa awaaatcwi. jtlaollnlaa, sriaraait of kka a aaaa aaaa. rd at aaiaiBariaaa. Paaaaiaa aad Coiu -a Wart aanity. Car mvtf frr of awa-ioyaa ta tais varw aua Bandlas MllolMO.

Sar aaakl aa tar cat say aaaukl at wurk ak A-or a JOHN C. 3I00RE, Bcck-Elfidsr, Ruler and Blank Bscl MAMCfACTCEla, roUCATIOJfAI-. VOSBURCH'S ACADEMY. 4 SOTMER TEKV of Iar will aaaaeneefl MOflDAT. JaJr ftb, a Toaoena a arwa-ri-7, aua awanatrti, auraar vi wwaa.

fLy. Mkio aaLnMrtt. kkTiar -VlijxA it viJm dkU-ia. tb auur imnunar. CT.Hair HALLFwiatUa A.

D. 3 TIM Bt. Rar. W. H.

ODKrf BCIM Katt, O. T. aVatt. FW Rrm, Klvt C. fmrrwi, Aa ML, Af atatc awkkt AJnaanaa, yU0 ar aawtiiwa, t- rarwa aatyw Qetabtr I ka4 PaTariwtars IX 0m l3rw 1 '-kk-- fsw an kri J-IIC SEW SIDE WHEEL ITEASEB TALLIXG If A TEES, win make aw antw 4iiy nn ova Qm-v Hlver kat.raia lilana Hwa ar liM.n.ui', k.nB HimMi aa A.

at. an-l 1 ta F. una wtk I k. train aa fry IV a. ti 11.

and th lake. a-earanr karw aVack Hum. p. at P. 14.

foe tr Tlckcta. eta; Cklldras. li aarita. rt Saaitaya. will aaak Ifirr, leaVn arnsaaat II A.

I P. aal I ntSaraUi at tl 1 P. ak. aa r. VTt mmmmmmr ran etarV9W tor la ry atiMylns a tu ta icna Bjoaa, at iw taa.

er. 1ST3 -SEW JERwEY STE-VMliOAT mp a sr. Trrai raopi rr limb Ttwa. e-w- ih aail l(W, T. JiJHa an RH will L-i-ir trtti ltin.rB I'w A -iy on Vi toar.

A 1-A mt P. lawviak i-w'T iffar.iaya rK-epf-liaa liiuuai: DREW, DAS EICKM05D. r(. a. i.

Bt-. Kt.M'ATil, WkDNCeOATa, IkUlAYS. bea.t Saw Turk at i Cacx. w. H.

t'HusrfoPalia, Tmntrt 1B0BKDAT. SATUKLlAra. n'c P. M. an uspoatt dar.

at raaea rar taken at ia wioc. aad tmt kiaavai. li io4e' Ue eotimet ruiaty watkkhe X. T. ak.

H. in A iu 1. VI. B. Tbia latm sot tu tw euiaaat ky ratkar pai ai vithO'it

i. W. HAH'OIKI, Aieet. I River ai. Laaw.

9qc aod tb AT-ery-. TH ERS VAILYt BOTAL Mailt, ftrfl ItXPHHtt," Li Ui rAM2 V-i. Jn tnnertvo GRAKOTRKKI RATLVT AT, frmtom m. Hiaitrairft FJU TO i JajtAia, fcFC HiVtiii Al( JJBMT, '-rl: Tr.nnJ?u: su' -r'-'-T -f -ht wVtiiiK ft.Ni'Al A ft. tH AM lAl Vf irnrt- to a a cu Ki.vt.a, X'S favK-Vi a avl Svf iiKK, M.

mnr.tnm mjt avrVeJ aud kQ tL ri at U1'. -HA t. tr-t. it If TC-ltViTt. T.tml, wii, w- wri.

i IViw.j Cptw ui in tcsmen.t Mv Kni Mail Luie: pmifrisir. MAwJT 'of- af AH VI Os mm4 Alter Jmt 3ttk. Ob of tb ihov -taerp le-tv n-riie er even on avm-at if triti fr-Tf LM be-tcr, fa- iifnrrwnl airt-t, tocbtus i ruc i -tj, A a fvn-Jw of t-B-rre-io-N i.ti ftd0-leiiraf A 11 tfM of t-l- rt jbs-l learea eer oa tvdav tt ifst S. T. C.

Depot at P. iC tTxact WHO wtwXfjkliX. Hrt or- aivl pnr 0-knt, GRAXO THr'S RAILWAY ami Rui'AL wLitfc ar Tt nui vr O.l, tw aaVJi H'-llt-u! TlCKKi'T Ti rirTT I-IFFERfyT Ft 'I raft or vnd for in, d- rpt oi rti-e. T. D.

stTwRtnax. Aant. RalHilo. I. BaiTmlai.

GEO. fe.lii.Ur.t.iJ. As'V A1LV IHE TO C.V4IA IfKOSL KOrBtT(K, TH8 sri NEW LACB "TEAM EH It- a agatak Btani at' www' CaBMySaafl 1 Bl ft -ka f. a l.a wKmra; Dd fori htipa, xi pt rainrJ, wbMi ket at P. f-Tv nhU nil'imi titer wttab Grattr Tnittl anoFUiiba- taraiaa for ail aU3t (b leT err muni in at Prt Mij on -efrT.

of fol rJ jm'xm trsina rr- aad Wv ta at BrtAfbun M.c aod "laars-Uf orDfnjr. at ererj nj'rrlnj xrwypi rntCia7 at aiVof Dnrhr.t- and NfWCMh a a-dn da BOrBlaAwT, ilOtll frtfiwJfit OSaFP. Tbia i thi r-TjL froaa --titawT fv-r Tt-OBt-t, Beiletii, irratAa. BrkctUt, Craaok-t, Otw Saw a. Cum jus.

A'o t'i ih -Hraiw Rt4 Uu rUbiA4 ao4 Uaabn ir- unila ojrtA of bktizrtf. MT ftT bnyera arm ftn-f tht th QTrtrrw am4 roBt tf tm tia witfC-rtd-t of Iak C'Dtavmo u- Halt, alttselL eimatrv ivrta UBaurt, u4 au $4ixU iver. Atawi aod wtb from atTw IhitI that Ai T. i rt- fC.ywiraX-1 taatlh TtteiTTi. at CbaW -owtav iEv.

I KLit, Ar -r-t. It CtaCMaVwf or TAPT. ftAWriiRji, H'-l. rrV crrr koxzc Ccnoral City Taxes 1873, Crrr Tnr A.r-Bm'a Ore--, Ikookasier. rl HE KOLLrj for the alov aia iefl in ina fho tor coon.

peraitna obbhi in aaid rll ar reiotel pay Akaar taxtal aa jTeamtid in ai. I'll Tbe Tity ireaaurar ahall nwir toe arooan any taa in Mid Aawaaoueni Uliim dann aua oaoni of Jaiy. and on all n. ti.l on or bef ir. tn ttHrby-Ural day of Ally, aiiceewna th.

tavylns ut amb tax, tie for Ihe oiia-ant ind aaid eiiy. tb foUowlns; additaou as cbarsa Ior yta If the asm be Tald after tl.a thlrty-D-M day of Jnly, aadou or iii. s-t nay of w-nrainer tf Bltk iVvf" " an audiuon oi tie Brat day ef September, aod oa or re the Brit day nl October, taco naxt, aa ad- It said after ibe ant dsv tt and no or Mi so addiuoa of i 11 li fcA, rBaI.KiT. Il Bald after tlie tiftaantb day of aatd rantb of Oe-tober, snd en or befar tae rtrH da of Noreaabar tban uu at, an aaldiuon of lub a I'l-H CK. r.

If laid after tbe tlrat day of aaid of rod oa or in. fl ftem lb Bay uf ihaaaa an additloo of FIVE PER CSV r. And if pld at any una after Ik fifteenth day of aucb atd'U of 1 PtH i k.i r. and tker-from at Uie rata of 1 wslVI Pad fWaJTaiit tjatiM Daeetiher istJi, with Collector a saw. is adanuuaiotaa.

teas and rnteraat, I ILUAMa, lroaaarer. CITY TRE.SVREU'5 OFFlCB-fioche-ter. Joiy ad. ia baraor a Hon UiaA tke AiaawaaDenl Roll for R'-tainca Waika on laat avenwe. 1 newer aortal aide epenoer aareet, Fn.vir in Monroe arena.

Plank in beridan Park, Criawwa.ka uiicionoa of PkalB area a sad Tr- Bnm aueet, ft rtnkiuiai Eaea imie and OOib street. North -l. Paul atna-t. eiorlnkhna South riuknak atreet, are left at tbia lor coliseum, and all navarw named the raid wr "mrt! K. -M, are re-iu'nal id ray to the ny i raaaaear taa amral auaaa nl to tnern reapacuvair, within mirtr fr jia Uia Parte keraarf.

J'jHJi WlLLXAAta, Traaaaorer. CITY TREASURER'S OFFTCK Rochester. Ja Ad. I. s.rwa.

the fa laproaeaeaaia of fteto aarMw, in i axoiinatrtt and Oaklaad Park, Adams atreet Improvetbaut, Laae arenua na HfaiK. are irt at una and all p-raw named ta Uh aani Aaaaaaaaent Ho lis ar. rsqatrwd tar tile U.unl to thaoa reapourtiy, wtibin ut. tun aerawfiar eaaa- UoCrd I -ii" iMr ef tha or, Bortlia altar jw of ua i.ia.Ml roll. witbout intertiat: one-third of t-, ri, i Sweat aa Ike rata of aerea paw or-a.

mmr aim wiltun on yaar froca uia Com! rtuau, of aaid run and th oiie-lhtrd. with Inlereaa aa Aua aaaie rats, lo.i li taa Iroaa to. ma -a Ib.aaudroU wasoonlrrtBed oa tbe kiak day of Jua. 1- Jolts WiLLiaJla, Iroaa-rar. Proposals.

Dxtabtmivt ot PTnuc I'awrBr-r-riuJt, 1 ruu-vitjiiuri (irnri, I IUebter. J. Aan Jato. Vn. SEALED for Pafounkr and liilenlna In to Public Sc.

a Bull r.oara rreeitad aa c-fllc. as to o'clock VI i wr ilk lr'-apoaia to be aadeatan mtn-k per atoar rard eacb loa nllaulns aLd iiti. ii.wooa. JoHl 17 a At A tl ti EJH.tmv.i, h. (,.

is, f. JB-, tay. P. tiAV t. lamitta.

Proposals. Cut Clbb ornn, aww. a wj, in VOTICE. -nil rti f- I Uif Oty iVfii i uob; frano ttta dal wLftUi tba ltb of Ju.jt at, P. H1011 tUcimtfcir at, th Kenrvae Iaup in thmw, -aa ui-LainiiijAi ib ow-at of tar eo ut, Chsicnvw -axij iaa fbe awat lo ttna jear tram taU armtdAf uf At- At- aMl rMkahi f.r kvin ta nrattr all th Ptttyiat.

Lait.p ia tte c.iy iwta aad ry-tit taa ftiaaa to be oaed to be toe bwt tJr.w tb) ih ut, aa a-'W in ta th ckiU4iriiau.a ol tb lnm ihiJ-jT cn tract who fi A i fur ttaiiA A VHir -TBI ir-uni ats im oaf or AQvat, wT. nLm VU OUk) na aertatra in furr.iab a b4id who prt'Pf-i ixt rr-vrtr4 tif OA' TH a. tsa lr.m aa -n tbe faiThfiit tnut and parfvwa an.e rui tn- nLfiaV if taaroM lb OltAUalarra fwaajj-BBt UiJ f.t.tX t.J fad fa. ail bid. it HOvwAitiJ i at i Brt.

tuts. UKlSK RR. Ltiuuv KmaaiUir, Jn Mth. ton Xotv-a ia awar ITt Vs1 in ute jvrt aiAaA-sr of ti. f'MlowTnj: dea--nba avi-tr kJ Ut at id tu uitj ti HaMfaTd of PiAto uva, So.

i rwr Biaei-a. oa H- e4m. uy hMTt i MoCA vaaa aii.araU'.-t vU Wi At) waur rw paoarT 09 arsoOT, iortl jto. Tba ay-lac of a ft walk fr. in -mj rwxrrfe WUb britJl siU i-f tba bv.vkJ ae and pavibai a aur oa aaa4 fruat of aSCtl'-Oi Th eatiEuatrwl jjwtia and tb trr1t.rr dfra.ed baparSMMl ax 1 pri-fmt ut a aa-jaaed ta b4 ti to th adj-wutl.

taraart. n- wali tin miiMPtAr- artttrrr. lbrarf of aptarik a-aJk fW-t laHtw it ea.b at! oi 1 bat tut'-avAa au --( vau saieat-r ariy: ae--iLr aiMwi. 1 beaaUM-twl eapcaawB It. JbU, avri.t (Uta tarwritry UJ tvnl prptTw.

tr a--wl -jrie oyt uo eack atia of ttaaaiaia au-wawt froa I raaota iUatl to 'saaaaT ai.7. ftriujf luxe sottTw aracvT. Ttt txTia(inc of AtaVin Ul A.iQ irr)( atflri 2tjV.aU lakab Ll.A kwUfa-uiit-ti ta w'Ji, and th taffwriviry di-uud beo-rfiUkl euad jy-n -per fj ta a iwr -f ta -t. -o aitl uf wTlit 4aLLa UakU tHJawt iTUa a4 btjaja aaraea to Aiiaa atatBwct. i tmi-i orrti clijtto rraaix.

Tb anrtzikUn of rUi riiniiw Maaiati tr wt to Ax.ilrwfl atreat auul ua Th irtkM la t. ka dreau1 tMiit-BMi aod tnmr Ui Urlm MOb fWd Of ImaB. daU-aaatt. fk-aa Mart Haia to awkAtiraWw aafaet. inn-, tyTTur Money Advanced.

OS DIAMOMaH, WATCHES, and all kiB of rr.jt-al Proarty aa low rataa. iioiy feeriaedo. la tha ativ. A MtuaiM. Aa W.

a bKiian, Maarmte swrt, i a 1 J. 1, I t. taVtiold aad aiiraa tt aacLa. and Cuaan fur wis Money to Loan. TETf TflOCSAJSD DOLLARS ia fnveart fa Walaaaau taaat-laaa.

aa au .8 of aaraoaaJ arofMrt, aa Brat-iaa. awirmaaM, aa la. I tt- it aaai aaiai. aa. aiaa uaea, oaar o.

a.ia aa. Paal aarat. A anralama f.w tmAimm Ail haararaw tamcrl. lAkauu, trakaa opM (ruaa A- at. It.

A. Taa oaly Uoi OAJi FITTmti. Gas, Water and Steam RtL'ng. 'E KEEP Cf STOCK larwa qaantiUee of akruaatat aad taa trua Pina. auwani troa PHnaara aad Sraaa loda irf all aair I gtaona I.

w-ta. ar Boas la taus mtt to taa of ba. ealral. aaaa tataaws at twrawtlas ak Bakar, PBttaSaitiaia. Aa a aunaaa at aas saw aaaaaaa at bm.

FiAtaxaau 11 is oar narawaary au aay taas a. I a rtaati kaaftra ta aaaa of ta. aaaataaamrwr. a iuia.i, Baaaaaa a MOTHKRLY TALKS with Yoonr House-kaapera By klra. Baeekar.

Prle. rt, a CALDWELL OF SF2IS FIELD. Warw Jemr, 197. bt aajrr. BAJCTS.

Tork TrOwa. apot. arwsnd yo. I7aai A oa t-v ttta.t 1ST Us- li furtt ms JrsT farmer. Aod bt raa a v2t-I anywh-r.

vow-fi tarts ay a bil. Boaa-iM wot- Mn raa, wrr pretty aa aa tkt tt ninety-. ysaw man I sayr en BV7T1MI; yaw Of CalB, Ibe jaari-a. 1V e'iwie tS l.wn rtrla Wtet.101 Ohm m.l a a. All riwl tn.

fwr aty. t.tU. irs-S- t4 VI. u. vl I ap At Usr fartna.

wixn few wtf. wlti eblid ar-rra, "at ats IB ta Bvaa I. .) atf How ff the hirelint en-w bn, ---n- aft lay Aiid i.AG-t' tae caaitaai. her'J, aT rwt-tli try Thin of as TO ft t-n-aay this ef him and tat w'o-tawt Hnshtxira Sa. th taa.ikc aad tbe lrvieas of tha atsTrbs re- irot iw And a bat eonld WbW SBtJIUd IOB Wbat 90ld ri, They anelnrrh t-I aur i Br-" MW1 4 flMHed out la pDs'? of rno-b.

a4 thr wa ttr ft- Tb. all boattnf I ju- tow borv ii em atw 'h-T di4. Ttw U. Graawa Bt-von I Oert! mofe tb-T nli-thrt fwra nrf-. 1 a i an Sfn mn-J y-u II turn ap a a- Ifre lik ami aal ail.

la air mia loaicil JaT lt I-J tirgatar MrctiBS rrMidei.t Aii- Gejre W. Aldridg'S, pi- I'rtpe-n' AVI. OnwW, Hwrl, 'Til-n'o. l-T. M-Moilf.

iirnnn. Hrrt- v. (i. auiAiwt, K-tly, Bhw.t, MuchKll, Firrkeast4in. vbttter, MauJer, Uargraader, l-Vr tr, f-ku 'SI.

Aid. I. M. Antbony 1 rPHtjTAi, or miscttch. Tb iriuuir 't tb previotil turtlaz.

JuDf IT wr af proTeJ a pubiUaed ia lk-k of Tr wd mi. Fl.E!-ESTATIOS AD BFriBRKCB 0 PETITIONS, CLAIM, CTC fwrBiV ot D. M. Stfwart, TIm.Wa C. Mn'th, li.

i.v., Wi'liam il jriey. Wuliatn 1 ui.rUir. H.Ur-iwn aud SiiabT Uaou-faf ioni.g Cooiji.J. Fire lprtiiieui C-om- Ii Aid. H'-ward BiJBftt Ja B.SriTder.

U. uaUs Bni K. li. a-ubrear. Lmap C'oorilii!" l-w A'd rtoii Petiif of Jobn C.

Van xr "h'A- lo re "pence to Minerva a'T. I pr.tvruiettt ConiiuiU. Ht AM. H. ntx-ru-ei-Bills Hi.

G. nir-ej1 1 niijaa oioa, A. iLbltt. L'nion atiil AaT'-'iner oaiprr, li. Ytraea.

J. 1'. 11 x. M. Heavrj, 1.

K. Parnona, K. A i ilrt-it -ciie-Lor I'rictiasc lai-rn? cm Siitptitni. Cuutiiitiit Coui-nmi'r. ly AM.

il RilU L. Mk, urf li''ne t-d urraa Udilili i iii tliiti bv A 'd. Mjt lla of T. TVliiu-bow. H.

i KiiMt Burt 1. W. fearers, far fcop- If 4iicaii.ief!. b) Aid. fi Bills of E.

Andrews, Ot ai St'i-fcfr. J. Vt'g 'iwr. William l'. K.

A T. rriaoo, H. P. Aflam Vi Henry VV ar-r. H.

Aq'io. 1 i arm a er l'ter Kiaenmeogor, T. il ore. ft. Mra ki -y Uruuaa Ajiam.

no. l-rkt! i tJf-rlioe Brcber, litK-p'tai, Orphan Aaymn, lauri a VVeinjo, Mary's spitat ai J'-f'ti guaiiiwifa. Por t'omojities. li '( St.'a lloapiud.

Laar Com tr trr-. lif Aid. KeVy li'lls of Mary Ciemiaaoa and John Mrrui. usrvt C'-ui iitte. by Aid It.arrr Petiii an tit Haoora Cral-dick.

for da sire for mjary sustained ber in filiii uod a ncewa ati-ri. licfcritd to tue lizard vf 1'utlio Wor. by Aid. Mitth-n Bli: of Utiinn anl Ad-rt ar On iwiiv, J. LaKwiek-r and linciveaier CVia(aDy.

ijtB- By Aid- Vb t.u ire Kstiaiafe of Ikmaboe 1 laear. Inn rvrrmeot tJuramitfj. i j. Lrftuaririiea-. vt ara a ill aai, J'jwa ai P.

R. uJru3T., on Uouae fur Idle aod Truaut Irani. UtiNiBTs sTAKDixa coanirms. AW.

from tbe on Ciiy IV it. ia favor uf tb of 1 nnet H. T. Kiug aud 1. W.

iJuw-ra. iuaucai t'omniitiee. Aid. bbt ip fr.jtn tb Wood Bofld Ira; Cono-mittt-e, rap. us ii laat of tat p-tiiKu of Janr loi-ej, J.

P. Card. Fredotick luxaof, and preatM.tod Ltie iwuie: Hf Aid. fbeip That Jame Card. Frederick lmaot, le sua tLry arc beirt a'rauied protiasMu eioec awid tiuildM.tta lu acsa'i-ctance witb their p-t'tt'kna, Ubder trie ai.s-:itn of Uis Wood biutditK l.uii.uim-) and 1 ltd Maribjal.

Ad-avi. Aid. CViarlea. from he F'r part meat tV rorniitee. r-r- rts ibn bultof 1 it.

uarT, iiiii-.) Thomaa Wiiha'o-n. Job i I a. r. ti. U.

Iirewaier i Wil-bam ib rlt-r. VN iiiiaru luubridgo, Jinu H. 1 r.aru and Maiiufaeturuig CoakpiMiy. Flotnc) I Aid. Cowira ireKBld tbe following: ltarTi.a, N.

T-, July lt, 13T1 T( ri Comimn Coucii of linchaster Ta Fire I ei drtnwil Cnrsini, tee betj Ia7 fi r'rt iu rcetrii to ibe ''uiiuute aiiu" fouiM-rta-d nrj ca uer, aid toe tl L. Track. Tb aaui meii nie uw puj (l.Vj ajrar. The Comuitter find it dilHault, to tiei tr li till tbe f.iti.M. at tbe print ti.

lbore i.i. a iu auci in are rei lo tbe j-noi mi.V! nt tbetr ddty, on n-cuuat ILe price aid, are wsa'-d tosre. I re rrcua.ii.eLj the rage of tbe Ibatihe 'mirjato m-n" now eoiiuecita aau Fire lieciaj-tujeot. Be i-ij me tam LWiajear, and tbat tbe, fwremei- id ifce wifni pamej ooa-lecied a tacu iier he fiDOayeir tuea. Jnas Cowlh, rs Fet, OMJ- Jo if Fire lcp't.

Com. trdered ree.T-d fid aud paixiaiied. Aid. t.ved toe aA4ptiua of tbd AOoi-iail by tbe tou Aje d. liiaim.

AWnUta, liowarJ. Meiiiiilen, rtou, llerz-tier. Fw, In itetn. t. AkU Cmfi, cli, lj-er, M.trtieM, Ijrtfl bus uif, Jdauoer, Maryrautior, Fr-Lrr Alu.

fi atd fn au fbe L-aip CoramiFtee. iu iii- rt tbe fciiia uf J. il. sar w. H.

u-fj, auid E. 1. Abdreara. t-i ai-ce Aid. Mi Cu i Ir a tbe tte.

reurt- ed tu bnU ol ItJKaras! it. in, N. A. A. I uli t'ra J.

C. UaiT iiU'u. voifwuT. a. a li ttr blttt Co Jta- y.

Fibaiace I Aid. aaae ffuu ib- on I lr la auu Irusiit Ciiiltireu rep fa tibf ft R.b-rt. J. ard Uim, l. irio i aud S.

IL Hucdjuff bl i Fi-1 re on n.tiee. A'vf. t- tl fruai the Comai'ttcas on Relief H. i tsui-t-rt of ttie rf.rted ia fit or F. U.

Aefirew. a t1" r'J'L i- i. SiaipaOB, aa li. F. Haiitinewn.

Adam tat, lirury leaver, H. Aua-Ca. Urearatar tJonitiBSTer. c. T.

li mn, Mar a Ori A.rlum, Smitb, Per-V e. i to. ty itoap.ial. urpaaa Jloapttai, aut Jaej.b yaaiu-uQu Ftnauee A d. keily, the Street I'o-nmrttee, rei rt ia fv, of tbe tiiia Of Marr Joba alarroa.

iiaferrd to toe iiiitic ionium? for pariueui. cawecaiue to Fai.d. Ad. Untorr.w, fnBtBaCbBinrBt F-X-Iihm i i.itd:,!;.,. re rted in favor of toe tluA i N.

iiaaiea. "I a A-Abbett, lui aod Advertir t- uarob.iUi. w. tl. lerkea.

J. P. 1 1 1 1 araoraa. A id. 1 tifititl, ti me t'lmiiiuteaj on ai and Carria CU-r Fti.aewa.tirti.aiiuee.

a'' 'm Uk 'c Coa-uiiiie- FIS AJiCA Bl DGa-r. K.H AT I a. Jail, nei OOSTIJtalsrT Menu a r-v aauw i a a 7 i Bt Sm Ji Ma Lia-k toM tAStlVt'saa Wony'tTAi '1 "ryKTia aaa.aa I l- a. IS bt- a trkoskir. Icr(a Bay Atd aaaa i-wfiUaaaatt A aaaL ktraAniKn rrars.

sua. auas tu Jaa rJ.V lut WjBai'ii M1" k-u ttraakaa: iZiZZi'ZTei: I-- Hack A a aeaa trvaa ktariBi ITlk 10 aas I Rays, aa i -4 mt alia A. Baata. kV aad Jaa Jaay JiJaa.blA at 1 to tlijtS ai May ia. Kleetti.n notice.

III SS 5 Uli Jone la. Inspectors Ita. 1- ktb. 6, Eieetlon CHlees, i.iiiPct'jr reea, 1. Hxpeniea.

DltecArirs. May Is. aoticas, A 7. lrivideixi rxud. June t.

IZ naiary to yn, lTI, 7I. 7S. iou nuun r. aea. Mil'tvoc Court, IrfpaK-lo-rs' birectora' neeuns, Dividend, Balacce, Tota).

TuLai lart. uiis X3, on bsnrt. I ic.aELio civiJencs, Branca la Treanrer'a bands doe the (1,239 54 I know of no claims agaiait the Company except one made bv K. R. Hammen for fl.OU) for acting aa President one year, and um fcy John Lute for the same services an- otber year and disbursements, amount not being stated.

Said elaims were referred to the Finance Committee. Very reapectfully, E. rpTosr. fSecretarysnd Treasurer. 1 hereby certify that I bava examined tha alve report, and nod the aame correct, and tbat tbe tranaactioea therein gp-citied were authorized by tbe B.

ard of Direetors. James Brachetb, President. Ordered received, flted and pobliated. The Clerk preeeBted the following: IKEAitBEB'B BtOJtTHt-T REPORT. Cm TBBAsrjBA-BS Orrirx, Jut lac.

1 To Imt Hon. tka rrxamoai rxaactl -USVTLIM Ike bereariLh sahmita tha Montbiy tKateasaot of Uia oalweaof aba prtndpal on tbe at, day 4 Ja.y, IgTg, aa reaoired by SccHal te cay Ckartar. jwrra Continareart Fnnd A Bb.jlB li i aau a saw to run. wonts, a c.Trr 14 Plr Uetautiaeat i unit H1.TI5 61 I'oHee axid. 1.

oa LamD an 0-s e.r a7rrssi toard or Health rr.iyft KL5H 64 M'tES for Truant frund mJ i ktap baurvey i nuS isjt? 2w Joair WnxtAirs, Treaanrer. FribarHbed and swots bef'-m mm thia ita Jbij.ji ao.i. WlJLUAXS, Atatarv foiiae. CrrfJered reeelved. filed and pa blished.

The Clerk preeented tbe followiug To the the Common CouncU of the City of liochmer: la accordance with the provisions of section 7, ebapter 754, of Ixtwg of the State of New York, paed June 13, 1-73. whieh re-quirei that tbe ikoard of Water Commissioners of the City of Rochester "shall oa the first day of July and January in each year make a report in writing to the Common Council of all proceedings had by them and l-abilities incurred;" we have tha honor to make tbe following report: The hiter.ess of no'ice received by usof he pasBSEe of tbe act mentioned and the consequent insufliciency of time for preparation ef a report in detail, together with tbe preparatory and prelimi arr character of the work thus fer ct t-tly done by mast neeeg-aarily make a report at this timti somewhat general in statement. The Board entered upon the work com mitted to tbern, seiec ed Mr. J. Nelson Tabbs of this city as Chief Eiigttieer, who immediately, under directions of the Board, commenced tbe aurvey ot the various plana proposed, vix supply from ihe Genes-re river front Lake Outario a from Heruioek lake.

GenT. I. F. Tornbr of theRoeiieater L'uirer-i-ity was also selected as Consulting Engineer. Ibe work surrey had not proceeded far wbeu it was interrupted by an injunction setyfd upon on the application of your uouoratsie uoay on toe ground IB at the act or acts uuder Which we were oruceedin? trv uiitoi.atitutional and void, in a ahoi-t tirxe the mjouction was so far modified as to permit ns to proofed with surveys and make a repo; to tbe Mavor aa rennireii ih.

i -j The tnrrey was aceordioirlv eontinnoyt in am.iiiou also to the work in which tbe I hief i ciober saa engaeed of rnaatng surveys Kud examinations of tbe different plans i soi "iy ot water proposen, it was thought tbat tt tpiMtiy ol the water to be snppiied sbouia neeome aiso a suoiect of imp.rtaot coDsideiatioo. Accordingly rTof. a. A. batten ore.

Prof, of Cbeiiuatry of the Rucit eater L'biveraity was requsatod to make aa exploration of the Genesee river and its pm.cipal tributaries so as to be to form opinion of tbe existing and nronable sources of pollution to whiin it is exposed, and cf tbe liabilities of its water to vary in quauiy at tae uinrreot seasons of toe rear. also a lirnilar exatuinstiau of Hemlock lake buu late Ontario, togetacr with aa arxaiyaii to ice water ana suco otber suuements as to tbe qoalitv of water bear i or utxxi the aul jecta of health sod masafaotureB as well as tbe quantity of the supply, so that we niigiit be in poaaesaeoa of (UI valuable information which tnizbt enable as to deter mine intelligently when all things were con- a i-reel npn tne best plan to be adopted. toe iota ot ruereniDer, we sub mitted our report to the Mayor, accom- pai ied by the report of tbe Chief igineer. nptn tbe plans sud estimates, considered and ordained by hitu, tenet be with a very valuable Bad 1 Dstruettve re port by Prof. Lartiatore apen the sabieets trauested to be considered by him.

Which report was duly accepted and approved by tie Mavor. Tbe report was printed la pamphlet form and a copy sent to most of the tax-payers of the city. By that report it has ooeu seen tbat are recwaiaiended a dual arete ui of aop- ply via general duuiestio supply and for manufacturing par puaea from Ueuliock Lake by gravitation, ai.d auptaly for fire porpasaas hi for fJuahiiig aeaiera, from tbe Genesee River by means of the Holly traletn, to cover the central ptrrtion of tbe eity. which em-bracaa tbe moat ot the biiaiiiraB atud inavan- taei uriss parrtiwa of the city. rraautu tne akioouon ol the dual Systran ana briefly as folio wa: I- 1 aaoptuia cf tha Hi.liv wool.t furulah, dnruig the present rear.

Droteetion against fire to tbe portion of the where (in oi oi uar are empiayea. tie anenai sewers of the city an annat in that section aod water could be loniwat iut.plu-d frotn tbe Genesee Uiver, to oleanae tbe Hi and remove all Oangei to tbe public bealth from them tn the locality where most vbe male portion ot our neutila are ttaxh- ered ournjg tbs hours of boaiooa. o. it reduces tn the extent of the nse of water in tbe section to be covered by it for a rant ana sewer pitraoaaaa, tbe reoaire- meuts rum tbe tletuioc supply, ana tans so much reduces tbe ooat of pipe fur cuti- tiuil from Uemiuck Lake. 1 .0 Til (U 57 row at m) vc .0 01 au 6 ti 30 61 A KjmK iU tl-Mtt tS It.yit a 11,139 94 1W IO iwtkki, at aCHtw-a, 31.

J. a. a a. atkiikhTux. aiaauaaiaai.

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