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Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York • Page 4

Rochester, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r. ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. TUESDAY, DECK HE 11 30, 1873, Boon KOOIB AJT9 TA Jury to be (-barged and which were condder democrat and Chronicle. '3 COLEIIAH. AH who intend to extend tbe etwtomary hneniislitioa of New Year's to their P'stioo can fulfill at least a part of Ks benevolent purpose, but its members have hardly began as a body to feel the tremendous difficulties in their way.

The poor And the insane we shall have always with us. I Owllirr TT Wearer C. TV. Ins. Jade-MMstmsts.

OtHuioa br J. Csart ef Ki sslsss. Tiii TT--fi Jerome slier, presiding associate tssoses, HsaMarA. n-e. t.

The Peopls vs Heees Cotewas. wd guilST. court adjoiuaed BtuCrueader mortun at clock. rsMcs cawr. JasUos Wkseisr.

rTsstdtaa. ItocsTssTSr a. Dee. Jseeb rvsl siremfed for 8.t!tlus and suemps-tm- to about Banff ateefel. bare ball to keep tae Jula t-vmphler drunk snd disorderly, rtne ten dollars.

Airiiae Vs ry- safe eertw. Wnri red. Richard 8svsessttia Patr ies Ka iJ. Set-tied. Cmc nor Hops exs rraar.

The number et in-weats a Mount Hose waring tbe week ending December et was twenty-two and lb disss ses as follows i Apoplexy. Accident Arthritis CoBvuislotis Coses mpttoe Or. Ppiul Meningitis Iwt ipsy Heart Ifuutitsoa Old A Pseum'tBls pveroatare Btrto. PsrsiyiS Eclampsia. Ths number af interments ss this cemetery during the responding week of hutt year wasnlneteea Oft.

MARRH-), BAKER LOUGSTAIT AttheretUdenoe of Oideoa tnitb, on Chrlstme day. by Rv. llorsi-a Psvid ti. Baser sad At-sta J. Long all of Slaosdos.

DIED. RICH A RDSOW in Henrietta, on Mommy mo-stag, lieceenber 2jtb. II. Bli-hsrdsus, a-ed 71 year. funeral from his late resldeoce, oat rndsy.

Jsa-ssry .4. at 11 o'clock s. as. DCS BAR Is troadeqwolt, Deeember 3th, Cyras tmnbsr. sged Is years, iiuterai from his sate res, deuce, oa Wednesday stao eioca p- m.

WALTER In Pbllsdelnbls. December SOtb. of eon. geetitm el the harles R. Waiter.

Infant son oi i. sos aits iwusoieiiow vs siter, ssjsa months. The Old and Responsible D. LEAHY'S Stem Dyeing; mil CleaMsg BHTABLUHtIKwt. TWO HCXDsSTl TAADS SORTS OF wgW TOKX CAST.

TAAL RATI, SO All DSF-OT, OS MILL, HTKKKT, Canter PL ATT. (Brown's Raos, Rochester, ST. T.I rpHK REFUTATION Of THle DTK HOTJBK jbl Since usb aaa incaeed ssnsrs to sosntarf et osx signs, checks sad business cards, and even ths cut of our building, to mislead and humbug the pubUo. No connection with any similar sstsblisament. I bsvs no Bgente in ths eountry.

You can do your business mieeuy who sss, as tne same expense ss tnrougn SI agent. Craps, Brochs, Cashmere and Piaid Shawls and alt bright colored 8ilks and Merlnaa. iul witbost Injury to the colors. Also, Ladles1 snd Gentlemen's woolen Oarmsnts deansed or colored without ripping, and pressed mealy. Aleo, Feather and KidGioves cleaned or dyed.

Silk. Wool or Cotton Goods of every description dyed sn colors, and finished witt nearness and dispatch, on Tory reasonable terms. ttood dyed Black every Tuesday, Thursday and rnusv, jsiJ rw reisrawj in Wis Wwaa. UOOOS re eeived sad returned by exnrees. Address D.

LKA M1U street, eoraer Flatt street, ttocuester, i. s. i ursrs'rs DYE HOUSE! Ill West Xala Street, AND 40 51 am ford Street. OSBSRa LaTT AT EITHER PLACB WILL BB PROMPTLY ATTK.VDKD TO. WILLIAM J.

ROBINSON. Gents' Clothing Cleaned DYED AND REPAIRED- 86 South St. Paal-Stn Rochester, IT, Y. ALL OBXiSBs FttOMPTLT ATTDI TO. SHOW CASES.

Woofl anfl MEtal SHow Cases. ALL TH1 LATsWT DB8IGX3 BT French Plate and Crystal Glass, BILVSTR BASH AST DOOR BARS. ALSO, THE STEIN PATENT MfllAf. SAM rEL STEIN, mmmutmctmrr oe sUssl Wrroom. earner Coart nd Krohny tXCOLsV N.

T. Prtoe LUt auid C-vtsaiofi-sw Mat oo ipUe.nm '9 rot Patent ftpnrig Hinge on all Mri BOOU afaJra aT.stvTlOJflaEet&'t. FIRST OF JANUARY OFf EB A MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF BLW BOOKS BUSINESS STATIONERY CASTER'S sad ITSPnSSi" Writing Fluids. ALSO PRIST BIIaL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, io. 12 State Street.

nXB ART DEPOT FROM THIS DATE C5TTL THB FIRST OP JANUARY NEXT, TV SIlALL MAAK AM At KKAUH Discountof20PerCent rroat our retail prices of the 1st lastsat oa Picture Frames, Looking Glasses, AJfD WALMCT Wood Ornameiits, Chromos, Engravings, Stereoscopes Views, AND O. USA 6O01 WB tBAL Iff. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. Aad wtU try sad wait en sU alio far of as srttAssaU. WOODWARD'S FIIJE ART DEPOT! ISo.

1.6 State Street. BANK! TNE EAST SIDE SAVINBS BARK TIAVB BIX PER CE5T. IHTERKST from A ossooa Asvestts tatrs they remain tl less tha warty says. r. isi.w, shsqi av Moasr loaned oa aswrove smiassrsis- nlH MA.RBJAOE VOW, By r.

Oitas. AawVbvf "AWomi Mrs. Carsslins AswUisr A Woman tssorst Su At ITaKUt A AV Bilf A. si ss4 ss) asss streeW had. Eke all the others, been subjected to a pressure of 300 pounds to tbe square Inch before being laid.

And no flaw was revealed. It is probsbte that it was subsequently fractured when being bud on its rocky bed, and its weakness wea At once shown when the water was let on. Anew pipe was hud last night, and furttjer preliminary testa wiQ be made without delsy. It is not expected that the pipes will be found oqual to the test in every instance, but such as may prove defective will be replaced or repaired with tH possible expedition. EIEEX0SI.NABT.

Krsalsr Wretlss si tbe Csartlles A Asse. ctstlsa-Krrsrts sf Cswatittrrs, sVe. A regular meeting of the Rochester branch of the state charities aid Association was held in tbe city clerk's otSee last evening, Dr. Dean presiding. The main business before the meeting was to bear and consider the reports of the various committees.

But two of them were submitted in writing and from these we are permitted to make extracts The committee on adult Able-bodied pan -pers reported That visits were made by members of this committee to tbe Monroe county alms house on tbe 23d and 27th inst. and from careful inquiry of the officers in charge, who were very courteous and obliging, and personal inspection, the following facts were gleaned In the female department of the institution, the names of but four females were given to the committee as belonging to the class or sonic aoie- nexuea paupers. i nree of this number were sent from Ibis city tbe other one has been, until recently, a resident of Syracuse. One twenty-six years of Age, two Uurty-two years And one seventy-one years of age. All healthy and able to work.

In tbe male department the names of forty- Luree were oouunea oi Ages ranging from seventeen years to eighty-three years. Of this number three were between seventeen end twenty years of age, six between twenty and thirty years, two between thirty end forty years, eight between And fifty four between fifty and sixty years, ourteen between sixty and seventy years, three between serentv and eisrhtv vears and two aged eighty-one and eighty-three years respectively. Of this number All are able to perform some labor. But two Are strong sad in good health, the remainder are more or less enfeebled from age, injuries, intemperate habits or disease. They Are neither hospital subjects nor in the enjoyment of full bodily beaJth and vigor.

And Derhana would mors properly belong to a class denominated in army parlance, convalescents. Tneir nativity is as follows: Irish twenty-two, English five, German four, American seven, French one, Russian one. Welch one. Dan ish one, Canadians five. The visits Above described only strwigthen the impression stated, end quite fully discussed At A former meeting, viz: That A large proportion of tbe inmates of our Alms bouse are able to earn their living, if suitable employment could be furnished them.

submitted, A. MA.2fDEva.LE, Chairman of com. Rochester, Dec S9, 1873. The report of the committee on insane Asylum embodied the following facts And suggestions: Tbe visitors of the south hall renort the number of insane females as fortv-five. Of these twenty-seven are from the city, fifteen from the county, and three are independent, or supported by friends.

Twenty-four are Irish, six Germans, two English and thirteen Americans. The suggestions made by the visitors are that "these unfortunate onea should be well cared for, that more inviting spoons And tin ware should be provided for tneir meals, and butter given them onoe A day. Breakfast is at 8 a. m. dinner at p.

m. only two meals. Lunch, which con sisted of a slice of bread, has been dispensed with for awhile. Tbe ball is too crowded. lsitor in the basement, men's deDart- ment, reports ten males.

These Are chr on rases of insanity, two having been in the institution since 1857, sixteen years, two since lxl, thirteen years end the rest Admitted At various times since 1870. Thev are the lowest And most degraded cases. And so cemented as to be very filthy And de structive. In three cases injuries were the cause of insanity, while in seven the cause is mi Known. Ages vary irom seventeen years to sixty-five.

Five are Roman Catholics. three Protestants, one no religion and one unknown. Crime And "intemperance were tbe cause ot tbe present condition of one who eleven years oi Age was sent the bouse of refuse, later to the penitentiary, subsequently two terms Auburn state orison. where he became insane four havinsr for crime been sent to the asylum, the house of refuge or the penitentiary. Might not prison discipline or insanity have been the cause of the crimes Suggestions were made that larger apart ments above ground, an adequate number of attendants and An abundant supply of water would render the condition of this class less distressing.

Ventilation is madequa'e and tne bnsement in whicu tbey are confined is unsuitable for occupancv. Dr. and Mrs. Lord svfforded everv facility necessary for tbe visitation. The difficulties Attenomg tne care or tne insane must be Apparent to all.

Visitors of the committee for the almshouse report tbe wards quite comfortable. In the femaie department division number 4, number 15 has seven inmates. Two Are simple; All past middle age and not in robust health. use 1 rotes tan four Koman Catholics, Number 16, all tbe occupants, four in num ber, are simple or insane. Visitor for 50, 53 and 55, reports the inmates among the most comfortable in tbe institution.

Manyarecon-val'-scent and appear happy and contented. All can read and received tne reading matter witn inanKTiiiness. xne apartments were nest And tidy, well ventilated and more bright and cheerful owing to the newlv whitened walls. Most of tnem were convalescent. Intemperance the remote or im mediate cause of their misfortune and a disregard of religion, are equally ruitful sources of their miseries.

isitor of number and 4o renorts eleven beds in tbe hospital ward one vacated by death the mgbt previous And waiting the disposition of friends. ATI convalescent but one, lately sent from Churchville. Number 47 contained eight beds; aged men's ward Intemperance tbe cause of the present condition of All except one. And great care bas to be exercised iu allowing them to go from the grounds. Ihe wards looked very comfortable And cleanly.

Mr. Loder, as usual, was very ready to give any information desirsd. These two reports gave rise to considerable discussion, valuable as tending to tbe discovery of just what defects exist in our county charitable institutions It was agreed on All hands thAt the officials in barge. Dr. Lord of the insane Asylum And Mr." Loder of tbe almshouse were doing all in their power for the health and comfort ef the persons in Institutions.

Dr. Ely, the younger, pointed out very clearly that the insane asylum was over crowded a stAte of things which necessitated the confinement of part of the patients in the basement. Here puie air was not to be had. Several ladies urged also, that but two meals a day, which compelled a fast from o'clock in tbe Afternoon till 8 or 9 the next morning were not enough. It was also stat ed that this arrangement had not been ordered by tbe superintendent.

The sugges tion wss made that the supervisors ought to furnith more room or else send part of the insane to other asylums. This brought out Henry E. Rochester, who stated that the insane asylum was under the immediate control of trustees who were honorable And high-minded men. Whatever they asked the board granted. The latter body hAd expended Urge sums on the institution of late.

And was besides that paying bills continually for tbe care of our insane At Utica, Ovid and Auburn. Tbe committee on out door re lief reported that An organisation had been effected in every ward ot the city, and that very great good had already re sulted. The overseer of tbe poor had been especially Aided in detecting im posters, And less of tbe deserving poor were bable to be neelected. Tne committee on tne Jail reported tnrougn one of their number, a lady who bas visited the Institution for thirteen years, thnt it was never kept in better order, or even in as stood condition as now. This was due to the care And management of the Jailor, Mr.

Beekwith, and his excellent wife. The lady criticised tbe plan on which the building ia constructed, as preventing ventiuv tion And as giving bat one room or ball in which the prisoners can congregAte when not locked is the cells. This threw first offenders And those young in crime into the society of the more hardened criminals. And was therefore A school of de pravity. She alao saw tbe evil of confining men for long months or even year in jail be fore their trial was reached.

Tbe next regular meeting of the association will take piece on the last Thursday in January. This will Also be the annual meet ing. In this connection we may state that the object of the society is not so much to criti cise or inveigh Against existing defects as to work quietly tor their gradual removal. This view was very clearly expressed by Dr. Dean in A conversation subsequent to the meeting.

Tbe quieter the organisation did its work the more likelihood was tnere fa his opinion ot its effecting permaeeut forma Tbe wisdom of this view of a most important subject will strike every thought ful Derson who has reflected upon tneaun eulues which surrouAiS any Attempt to smellorats Uie condition of the poor And tbe There ia no question that the FOR THEJEJOLlDAYs or all etzK at rSMILr, Pt U-IT AI rocta-r. AT CROSVENOR'S 73 State Sfreef. PRANG'S CHROMOS TEXTS Rew and Bee. i--7 witn aadwitmn i.sme. eiLo I sUCAS.

BOOKS FOS CHILDREN! Call at 75 State Street Bsfore psxehsstng. 0. D. GROSVENOrl, Xo. 73 Mate Sirret.

NEW YEABS PRESES7S. Tbe Uitlc Store IroanJ the Corner Greet wilh HATV sud will oner greater luiKniu au tse rirB, TTOLIDAT it STOOj EcCrS in Fine, Sets cf SttoterAYiaris, Elch Fancy ATGEIATII IlKWCTO PRIrM ron TH1STT D.trt. CLAEK JOHNSTON'S Bosis'jre, 40 Wet JIala Strpr Geo. Stranon Co. ot rr.n wo a rrtv oars Ledgers, Day Books, Journals, Cash Books, In every tie, Siyle Brj tiaitty.

it WHr.r,K4A. 41 and 43 Exchange Street, GREAT REDUCTION nnnnniThnn'o DnnVetmifl I 26 BUFFALO STREET. Jssw East a A res as Katraaes.l When wll. Imsd a Oompssts DtxS uf School and Miscellaneous Books, UrBBvn Book, PrsvH Books, Bibles, or every Seecrtpuoa. Autograph and Photograph klhzms NEW GAMES.

CooiirtiOsT of Parlor Crisav-t, rNj JLaj vi sVescirtBieou ui H. Kver osrsd ut the Hr. Writing Desks, Work Boxes, ai BBtmrrs. Diarle for lSy-- rsll sn szsstlss stoea sad earless before ssaxln TOSJ psisSases slsswhsrs.

Bsmsaibsr las Usoatsoss. 28 B( KIAIO ST It F. KT. Sst Yeur Ejes, Sav Tour Money. Ssv Tsur Temper ir rrv.tal Vpee-tsrts.

Tirv sre Clirl! Are mvle from frrsfAllseil tJi srtA, snd Mi'V rt rK- ensthsn Hie w-s- se st say taxic. F. H. LEVIS, Agent, It tttaie rMrewt, slerbestsr- USEFUL PRESENTS GOLD SPECTACLES, from $3 ta $15. 0FEEA GLASSES, $4, $3.50, $10, 4c SIT EL SPECTACLES, from 7'5o to 1 MICEOECOPES, $3, $5, $12, 4a.

POCKET KICE0SC0PES, from 50c to $3. MAGI0 LANTEEUS, Krjrosea LAinpiOO0D-T0Y OGUTES, from $1 to $5. THERMOMETERS, Spy And Hour Glit. DBA WING DiSTEgMENTS, $1 ti $25, BAUSCH DRANSFiELD.20 ilrcads LsULsEES' OOOXMU MES. JAMES HENDERSON Bas last iwcetvea her Fail Bapstr ot LsSW FIHE FURHISniHO GOODS UNDERWEAR.

end has a Mew sMSaitr CtOLXRsC( AMD ai-ioa5 Sailor Suits, Cloaks, Wsvr swse ss otlssr tats sod SsaaawsSks strtss. infants Comolete Outfits, s-HKVOH IXlKlBTr. whb stsvT aJy ouht tu have, ss rsosivinsi a as ISriiSl SU mm Over INo. fi tit sstroot. (Xoosts furssstty essraptsw sirs.


WOODBI-KT. stOBS B5. THE SCHOOL STA0K And IPS sad LADIES' 8TATI0SERT REPJ I1 AilTHwT Hire's Rwll-h At CLARIS JufiASI, a7 tee jotige. Toe jury retired at 11 :30 end Afterward tbe court took a recess unta five o'clock. At tbe hour appointed the Jadge were ia their seats and tbe court room aexsHwy pAcarea.

The Jury came out for snore instructions, And hnving received taesn. Again retired, when the court took another recess till half-past eight. The Jury came in At half past 8 o'clock lest night. The c-jurt-room was crowded. bat no one Imagined thAt a verdict had been reached.

It was whispered, however, thAt snore of them were for conviction than when tbey first retired. The defendant, Stephen ColemsB, had a1 ready been brought into court. His face was slightly flushed, And there troubled took in his eyes. The clerk asked the foreman of the jury. James WAgstAff, if they had Agreed upon their verdict, and the latter Answered nnve.

Tbe cltrk Is your verdict gnilty or not guilty The foreman Guilty. inere was no perceptible change in the countenance of Coleman as this short but fatal word fell on his ear, except thAt the troubled look grew more perceptible. The clerk tben polled the Jury And each signified bis Assent to the verdict tnstnet-Attorney Kernes Arose end said that in moving sentence, he wished to pre sent a request from Meters. Burke Co. who had Appeared in the light of prosecu tors, thst the penalty be made as light possible.

iie Also wished personally to second tbe request, And he was certain from his knowledge ef the sentiments of the Jurors that they concurred fully in tbe petition for mercy. The verdict was a vindication of the law. It effect would be to destroy in the city of Rochester the practice of receiving stolen goods. As such, he was glad of the verdict. And with this the prosecution was satisfied.

The foremen of the Jury rose to say. briefly, but as quietly and earnestly as the verdict had been given, that they petitioned tbe court to exercise leniency in the sen tence. John M. Davy, cf counsel for staled that they intended to make applica tion for a new trial and he, therefore, hoped that sentence would be deferred till a bill of exceptions prepared. He ssked that sentence be deferred At least till the next morning.

J. Cochrane Also arose to ask for a more extended stay. It would require longer time to make np a case. Judge Fuller The difficulty About that is thAt the term of one of the justices is abo'it to expire. Mr.

Cochrane It does not expire till after the 1st of January. The court The time expires December SL Mr. Cochrane If we have till that time it will be sufficient. Mr. Davy Will your honor give us at least til to-morrow morning? Judge Fuller The court yields so far as to defer sentence tfll 9 'clock to-morrow morning, with the understanding that it is not disposed to make a postponement beyond that time.

District-Attorney Raines The prisoner will of course be committed till then. Mr. Cochrane I suppose not. He is at liberty on bail to the Amount of 10, 000. The district-attorney I believe the re- sponfcibil ty of bail terminates with conviction.

Mr. Cochrane Not At All. But Coleman will be here. There need be no fear of that. District-Attorney Raines I have taken some pains to look into the matter, And find thAt tha responsibility of bail ends At this point.

Judge Fuller He la now in the custody of the court, And isn't the responsibility of bail then terminated The district-attorney explained that the form of the bond in this county was peculiar like those of no other oounty in the state. He bad satisfied himself of the non-liability of bail After conviction of the defendant. Judge Fuller- That being so, I think shall hAve to order him in custody till morning, though I regret the necessity. Mr. Davy Cannot An officer be appointed to take charge of him? District -Attorney Raines That is A matter for the sheriff to Arrange.

The court then ordered the sheriff to take Coleman in his charge. Judge Fuller thanked the jury for the steadiness of their Attendance And for their attention to the business which came before them. He said he sbould not discharge them till morning. The clerk Announced tbe court adjourned tin 9 o'clock this morning. Fart of the throng remained to get A glance At Coleman as he was removed by Under Sheriff Campbell.

The verdict created intense surprise, as it was supposed the jury would either Acquit or not Agree. Of the personnel of the jury, nothing can be said but what is favorable. Coleman's able counsel Admitted the exceDenoe of its members when the trial began. There can therefore be no other conclusion than that the evidence was so clear and overwhelming as to admit of no doubt of the defendant's guilt. The statutes of this state make the offense of which Coleman has been convicted, punishable by imprisonment in a state prison for a term not exceeding five years, or in A coun ty jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding 250, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

THE HGLLf WAT Eli WORKS. Went ta Bel us Dese Tswsrs Testinc the 11 A IJeicetive Mala Dtseeveree. Bicce it has been stated that a formal trial and test of tbe Holly water works would take place to-day, we have taken pains to learn if such were the fact, and have been advised by competent Authority that the Announcement was somewhat premature. It is true that some preliminary tests of the machinery and pipes have been made And will be continued, but no day can now be named with certainty for the general open ing, Although It cannot be very distant. The contract test win be applied as soon as possible, and as the public may not know what that is, we will state that it is required to throw twenty fire streams to A height of 100 feet, directly from Any twenty hydrants, through one length of hose, And through A nozzle one inch in diameter.

The hydrants chosen for the teat are to be such only as are not more than fifty feet Above the point of suction of the pumps, which is the level Af the water in Brown's race At the en gine bouse. This relates, practically, to Any hydrant laid in the Holly system in any part of the city. This will be sufficiently severe to demon strata tbe stability of tbe pipes and hydrants for general use by the fire department dur ing the winter. Tbey will be subjeoted to A pressure of 150 pounds to the squsre inch. while the ordinary fire pressure will be About 100 pounds, only.

The grand display tobe made at some fu ture time will consist of tbe vertical dis charge of a column of water three Inches in diameter to the height -of 300 feet, which will take place at the comer of West Main and StAte streets. This, however, is not In cluded in tbe contract, And will probably be deferred until spring. It is intended merely to convey an idea of the power of the ma cbinery, which is equal to thAt of vao borses. It is deemed inexpedient to Attempt this At the present time, since the pressure required is so greet tnet leaks would in all probability nraduced. which it would be more than oidinarilr difficult to repair At this season.

About 4 o'clock yesterdAy Afternoon the large force main which passes under the race was tested with A pressure of 10S pounds to the square inch. A stop gate aecieentAllT left open And tbe water was forced into the mainJnMill street. which it was not intended to teat at the time. The ootoseqnenee was thst A leak was discovered At a point midw Ay between Flatt end Furnace streets. Tbe pavement And earth for A distance of twelve or fifteen feet was thrown np and a large volsme of water gushed forth.

A force of men were set At work Immediately to remove the defective After excavating to A deptn About ten feet it was found that one section of the main bad been fractured lougituainsiiy. tbe break extending in A spiral form from one end to the other. The plAoe where this niue was laid was one of the most nnfavor for rood work on the entire route. Tbe trench had been oner ried several feet through the sjli4 rock, and tbe men bad to carry on their elations in very cold weather. The pipe New Year! YOU WANT New Blank Book, Sew BUI Heads, Xew Ltter Heads, Sew Invoice Books.

Xew Letter Copy In? Book Xew Letter Presses Xew Inkstands, Xew Stationer-. We do Blndinjr. Printing, AVe do It Prompt, We do It Well, We do It Cheap. BUSDJESS MEN ail FIRMS Invited to our Stock ss seta- tbe Lest, Largest and Cheapest. STEELE AVERY 44 and 40 State-St.

BOOTS Aira SHOES. SLIPPERS. HAND EMBKOIDEIIED SLITPERd for Ladies wisLing something EXTRA NICE, -nd who have not the time to embroider them, these are JTST THE THING. I have also a I VERT LARGE assortment of nil other kinds of SLIPPERS for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Boys, Youths and Chil dren for the Ilolidavs, and at prices as LOW as any house la the city. i PRATT, lVo.

C-sV STATE STIiEETT. Read! II. 1. I ill! JUlilYU aeVY tsslSlOl llCeSs Gents' Calf Boots sold ot 4 i rat 4 (M VI i 1 I 00 VI 1 511 60 Oil al I 00 35 5 00 ki tan 00 i so Sewed Boots, Dsubls oles I 7 Tap Solas 4 ra TTsnd-trad. Sewed 10 00 Kin Boots, t.1.

Si. St.jO. sad fSl Brtys and Youths' Boots hum 1 oo Children' Shoes frvm 2S LstUes' Serge Polish Boots, ore- Iy for 9 1 i Polish Button Boots. Is uo PsbbleS Coat Polish 3 75 50 Bilppersln Serge. Goat, KM, trout 1 uo 1,000 pairs Gentlemen's, Toadies, lVIisses' aad Children's OVERSHOES Ia Bvery style Made sad of ta Most Improved Patterns and Styles, wita WALK'S PATS.TT BUCKLiai oa the Arctlos, a (iresvt Improvesasot.

In fast. ean fit anv Boot or Shoe sssde with sn Overshoe that will YVosr Well and nut crack or tsar sows. All Good Warranted as Eepresentad Tbe abora jrooa will ba wM for Cah. and rmh only. uf HUiTKrW Ir Ui onntiDuerS.

with the Aortment to be found In tlte CiiwWmmpletM call antl exam in? goo asod priosM at. 34 WestMain-st. (NEXT TO ARCADE) H. F.

VAN PAKE. Boots AJD Shoes BECK MEYER, 87 East Main Street, Have Just received a full Une of Fall Style of Gents', Ladies, Misses' aad BOOTS and SHOES of home manufao-tare And fine Eastern work one of tha Bast assortments veroSered in this city, and At price thAt dafy competition. Call and examine our stock. IT" CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. SIGN OF THE RED BOOT HOLIDAY GOODS E.

S. PHELPS GO. 4 Main-St, Opp. Front, 'FOR Holiday Presents Til ay hat a nam stock or Cutlery, Skate, Fauaej BeTolTCrt, CTilldren' Sleds CloUte Wrlagera, Iarlur Air -AT- Very Low Prices FOB THS HOLTOAT8. OX'T FORGET the UMBER i 4 Opp.

Front. E. SAW Co. ARTISTS LESTER BUTLER ARTISTS. StBtU, 182 Powers Block, Fifth Flwar.

IMSIA IKK. BAT OS OB WATIs OOLOK PORTRAITS vtercs frass small riessree saw aoiaasd Ins 8U' fSblOB sasaBsv. Orausrf essosisA or asu rear rasssu. sa asausa. WAX FLOWERS And Artista' Materiaia, IV Hoaassa CossA Palsters' Swpsilaa.

Oosi. less sssttrtssstit of Cass. Pais A rraasfe Os AW las sew sassts last reesivss. i.q. AAA Hl, aasSafTOAv-Sv.

5 8 I' i 0 I 1 I fi' II 4 lc'i 1 ''I '-'5 I i4 il friends, should call IX Fleming, tbe well-known caterer. 1 Mais street bridge and secure some of tbe con fectionery, ice cream or fancy cake te be ft, ind at establishment. He has also just Added to Us stock A large Invoice of choice Florida These fruit are of tbe first onalitv And will undoubtedly be in great request. rtm.nRi'S's suciohs. Wholesale snd retail depot for the celebrated pAtent bent knee childrea'saMih, the strongest And best sled in the city, ranging is price from gl 35 to s50vch.

At A. V. Smith's harness And trunk 65 State street. Fabisia akd Bekus cloaks snd sacqne at very low price At Bear, FrrzSuioss, Hop Co. Corros ooons.

Bukee, FrrrSiwovs, Howe A iVi. have sn Immense stock of cottons At the present low market prices. Oratsrl st Esther. Th drees rehearsal of the Oratorio of Esther last evening was a fine And Almost rose to the dignity of a fall fledged concert. The principal solo pa.

is were artis- tieallv taken, and tha choruses, with few exceptions, were rendered with strength and Drecision. Those who attend the concert this evening cannot fail to be delighted. while At the same time they will aid benevolent enterprise. Cards of admission fifty cents, may be procured at Moore Cole' store, and At the door. Concert will commence At 8 o'clock.

A. V. Smith, Co State street, leader of fashions in the harness line, is prepare! to supply dealer and horse owners with Sprague's security check hook. Portland bttt.x sleighs, sleigh dcEs, lap robes, whips, harness, horse blankets, ia great numbers, and they will be sold at low prices At A. V.

Smith's, 65 State street. The popular clothing firm of J. Morton A 11 Main street bridge, are sow offering fine suits of all kinds from their great stock at greatly reduced price. Call on them for bargains. Bill heads printed at the Democrat and Chronicle office cheaper than at any other place in the city.

LEGAL NEWS. Geeeral Term Deris ess. sided the ttrnmt terra of tbe sum eomn held at lae conn hoaae la Ibe city of Rochester In and for tss roorui jadicMU espsruseDt, va Talcott and Hon. K. Itarwln omltb.

Iistu-es. lrm LftmloD. reel, vs uunua a. navnitf. sdbis.

Jsdnmeet reversed sod new trial ordered, to some event, new rexerea ds sppoinisa. opinion bf Mullln. P. J. Erancns Aim v.

Dt'E In error, vs The Psosls. defts to error, dotiwvd unniiea. James an Alien, eirr. aeott. vs Lnev Hmn.

revpt. lirder of surrogate aHiriued. wits costs to be Emellne Mao44. eiBf-ntrtx. igjiuL.

Ti TTnmlltna Snyder, itnpj'd, spprt. Judy my tit affirmed wltii con. Opinion by Mullin. $. Tne People, ex rel St- Thomas omnsn ssvtam.

spplt, ti Henry et al. trustees, Jtc.reapts. Order of term affirmed wttii ten dollars costs. OvInHvB by Wnllin, P. i.

James M. overhill vs Hiram Ia. flnvdam. Order reversed so far ss it colds the jartjrmeDt exWnffnibed by reason of tbe appointment of the debtor executor or tne creditor's iat will, sad affirmed as to tasrsst- doe. Opinion by Huilin, P.

J. Tbe People ex rel J'tslab I. TTvler vs Israel IT Arnold. Judgment reversed with eoets. llevld Moulton.

resnt- Hmdi Latvia, amtlt- Jndfrment affirmed. A -a Leonard, resnt- vs Robinson fSafriarm. unit Order of county eonrt afflr Bed, costs to abide event. Opinion by Mullln. P.

J. 1 be peoule ex rel Tbomas I vs Jofan Richard. son et al. Certiorari qnaaaed with coms. p.

Nlcbols. edm'r. apt-It. va Ueorre W. Tift.

respt. Jadttmeat affirmed wlui costs. Opinion by Mullln. P. J.

Oliver H. P. tusmpna. exr. aonlt.

vs Thomas A P. Chamberlain et a i reepte. Judgment affirmed opinion of tne superior court. Robert R. Cross et al.

spplts. vs John Cross et al. reapt. Order reversed snd proceedings remitted to the trairoftate with directions to give sffetH to the contract between the administrators snd their attorney by allowing the amount paid him, snd to disallow tbe item of s-9 paid by respt lor medical sttendance upoa tbe Inteeuite. 1 chSt-1 KeliT.

ItlDlL. vs Renees Robinson. rMnt. Juda-irent affirmed. William Paraons.

spurt, vs Harriet A. Cobnrn. reept. Judgment modinVd so as not to prevent plif from brinmns another action, and as assumed affirm ed with costs. Opinl-n by Muliin P.

J. Tbsron J. nnier. apptt, vs jones cuuey sssi. reepts- Judgment smrmed with costs.

snran Alien etai. repui. vs uwreB r'ii-i. appti. Judgment affirmed.

Opinion by ullin P. J. spplt. Judgment amrmed. Opinion by Mullln P.

J. ritfteaer M. Thmher. reapt. vs xsirirs nentiey.

SIUWW u. auin si afta vs vi ti'-m. resp't. Judgment affirmed, with costs. Anaoa Wrtgnt.

srflignee, AC. vs uennis aennsay et si. New trial denied. Lydla Ann toie et si, sppi ta. va tenurs i'na.

resp't. oecree of surrogate reversed snd issue ordered to be tried at the next circuit court In Monroe oounty. whether the testator was of sound mind at the time of executing tne will, and also whether be was Induced to execute it ny uncuo innoenoes. crsis of this appeal to abide tbe event. Pamelia At.

Lsfevre, executrix, resp't, vs Xssse Lsfevrs. Impleaded. Ac. sppl't. Judgment affirmed oa tfis opinion st special term, with costs to be paid nil' Iaftr.

the aDoellant. Baymond. Oidaloa br wp't. Judgment sinrmed, wtm ousts. uiiin n.

P.J. versed and new trsl ordered, eosts to sbide event. Opinion by Muliin. P. i.

James C. Strong, spprt, vs George F. et si. reap' is. Order atarmed, witn leave to smesd eom-1 mint on psyment of the costs of dsmurrsr and of the appral.

Opinion by JAUItlii. John KeTy, resp't. vs John F. Dee. appt't.

mfni rerersWi arid new trial fcrmntsM before anrrtler rrffkree, CvOftta to abtd reat. Opinion by M.ulUa, a ppt't. JurltfmMii modttlsid br iacUi Kto $16 Xi nd lnUret bo date of report, aod a mouitieti amrxued, with coels to appeLlut. Opuuoi. by Muiiiia, r.

at Hsobart trmn at, r-v, mo iww, pi niueiAt vad order aibxaMMt. Uptoioa br JiuJUn. Morris Jommrew, r.' -rowpa war- Dr. vt mi.

pvit a. adtuuA- ana oruar amrtnea. Op'-nlonbj P. J. Kenbam. n-wV't, Banme! W. t3te-, appft. udsTaisdot reversed a ort trisu orat-riHi, ot Irldt? event, rwlexe to aMpuiaisfKl. Opaoo br Mullln, P.J.

Wllllt.9. rleWn, a Bkrwr, sllt. ndtfmeiit affirmed. OsitxUoo br Mull! p. j.

Mai reTlft sDUl" t. Tbe MlabQWlU luai ltfe Insoraascs Coinp-nr. rwp' t. i u.lffimmt re- 'i-ved and new trial oruervo, cosim autut Dion Munm, r. j.

iennr V. Johns, appl'i, Prenel Ia, Ja-tlUa refttH't, Jodfrmtnt rer-red tnd b-it trial ordwl. eoet- to abide event- New reierea Im apoiueo. Opinion 0 MiiiiiD, r. Angus imtort, rep't, rs BrlflBfat Oonroy, appl't.

Pa oetr defecti ie. Uecttne to hear. UuTla J. apt I. nmcs mwa.

resp't. Judgment, auanued, opinion 01 pAu 8. rower. Jsme K. Kelly.

JudKmeat attirrtied opiuioi oi refxMee. Tha JtV-pIe ex r.l, Comr'i of Hishwar of tb town of vs WftKbt Wilson. ill mm Wbitman, t-t fti, at irrw l. umnor, Mm wi A-nns Tllle. ard (Hirer HuLvbard, et al, of The court declines to bear tbeee cues for vaxu of uri adieu on.

opinion or i-c. KAvninel Gnrnei. et, al. The Atlanta and Great Tfetern Railway- Co. Ordrap.ealed from attainted.

lUt SHfocaislGQ eacn appeal, ire (iwu vuwi ue una. Opinion br Talcott, J. Ann MiAlotte. vdzu'x. Ao.

wm Henry B. Hathaway. trial ordered, coats to abide opinKn by u. imam i. rrmcs iiiibiq ti -u u.

bv deducting lrom tbe amount ttiere- ot lim1, wiLb InUMeet frum May ltd. and as la us mooiciQ Acru.ea wiin cueie uiawes ro.pwuuc. Opinion br 1alo. lt. J.

Ihe Board or Commissioners of Ax rise Of Marion vsjame Tcrk. Judgment of tbe county court sua Cf tbe justice reversed. Opinion byTaloott, J. Tbe People, ex rel. Cbsrles Uorn, et al, vs Crlfflth Jones.

Com'r. et si. Proceedings of defendant Jones ss Com'r, Ac revsrsed witb ousts, oulnioa bylaicow, J. jsmea niw vi, o- -firmed. Opinion by Taitll.

J. tt.hl iinn.fIaio winne. st si. Decree of tbe surrogais of Onondaga county affirmed wltb euets to respis. trpinion aj isicim Cbsrles v.

uusn ana wire v. rfiiuw Judgment modlbed by sddlng It tlie words 'ex cept upon sonie rtgntor iiueto oe eoquirai and as tbus modifled affirmed witb ousts ox supesl to respts. uj i.nnm telvin sfcNeal vs Charles Clement. Judgment reversed sud new trial ordered, costs to abide svwnt. ew referes to be appolnwd.

Opinion by lal- Cook vs Tbe People. Jodgment reversed snd new teial ordered in tbe general setMMoua of Jef- feison ci unty, to woh-b ine rpwra uu are rm1lted. tptnlon by TslcoH. J- Kkiei A. Kendall vs The Upland Purchase Insur ance rompMT.

i- trial uenieo an.i iwinuu. nerea I or ui wis wm Jobn'M. Carpenter vs Patrick O'lViSRherty et si. Jucgmenl aibrmed. witb costs ot appeal to respt.

OptiiKn by laicoti, J. V. lllisin Jennings et al, by guardian. Ae, vs Alexander hlttemore. Imp! d.

Ac. Judgment armed, with costs of appeal to be paid by dstendaut. Wnitto- mors. Opinion by a Jobn ebeat et al vs Tbe Cues snd ilntek River rsll-txCad company. ew trial denied sud Judgment or-deJed I foi pl as oo tbe verdict.

Opuitoa by Tal- tby a Reed vs Ssnford Abbey. Judgment f- People. Conviction re-TeTled sud proceedings ths SewwraJ Mssj- sioseoi isws muutj. sl. tbe prisoner.

Opinion by Talcott, J. tinam H. Leater. assignee. Ac.

vs Ths Home eomoanv. Apoesi dlMuisd with coats. OpiBion TsJoom, J. Haran St. Barnes vs Giles C.

Bsrrus. JudAmsnt so mied. Opinion by Talcott j. UlaytoB Ia. tilii vs miio vr i and others.

Order of sixxnsi It denied motion for tsyofj P1DS' "J'J? costs ot tbe former suit wore paid, and afflrmed as to ihe residue of said o. dec wllb 00.1s of appeal. 'nt'piii Oeorge Wteks. everses, The Oswego oounty wnrt of sessions sod otners. Orcarul special term amrmed on opiuiuu at spools! term.

r.nnt. a nrkrn bUays, Ao, orde. of sped-4 tsrut sBrn.ed with mm. by Bmitn, J. James tampoeii vs ruiwanm cratedand Judsmeat ordersd spos vsruleu Ontoioa bremitb.

J. Km trl.l granted, wlti Bmitb. J. Csutvtn Grlewnld, eommisaloser of highways. Ac.vs Bir.ea euuer.

jvagmwi w.sassu.lm tret tit. sSTt MtBlU. JolsJi 1. liebjaia i-mur. w-miied.

with euwt. Oiinhn by aaiithsJ. 7 be 1-laauitnurew and Me-TbaniW National Bank of Bufiato and oher. The i- and Mvhante Katiooal tianK or iwa-wi uww-. srrasted, abide event, opinion ry J.vtepti etie John Smm vn-J denied and judgment ordered ou the rerdicVs Opinion by 'laUin D.

Whipoie va lxul J. W-lkee. Jd-AA-t fvssjawvd. ni triiai tfrauwed. to ahtde rveot before new referee.

Optnin by dtoli-h, J. Mmrtmm I. Hopttfh WiHtatn tt, Btruble, Judifmrat Affirms. OplLtion by cmlth, J. jHL-4aww KUUW wsavt.

a sw.ssMr ssssva 7 rxtent, irvTened, new trial rmoteed, eoV to ahtde event. Optoton by J. Thankful P. Cock ra Cheater C. Mchi.

Jadff memaAmed. Opinion iaitb, Sktasrk Noriclcirttra tf tber. W. Cook. JuertstwMkt sAsThrvaed.

Ori-loO by WnUb, J. Thss latut Iltkl IjtM njSU rsVATwa MmDsVfif Ti JOhS K. Iseonard. Judgment reTerwed and new trie jrranted bwfirre new iWeree, with oueta to atb-oe tAe event OHoion hj ttmub. J.

WcHxlbridre tw Aaron rHifiM, liTt.t nodtned br dfarHttisi fri It wand tt- teret thereB ttum I tr t. and otsUttrw rTud. with ivivt aininHii tbw aiMttti. OgMa- ton by Kixiith, J. Lgftvid H.

Hull Rer I. Mrrin aa4 othar. Jus'gwent athrwed. Opini-n br uitth. J.

Theodre U. kl josveon sWrtttiLd kmith clarwa. Judg'ueni Mvis Wiihb va Jmmtm ma JtUsstBat af- sBtth MamIja IHytMLUtt lT J. W.

Iwtun t-Vauk W. Hprlj4-tein. it TI rafes-ri i tr.llskrB ti HoilLh. J. I fess-atM.

1ss.KMkA aTAV 1'KsA SCSjOOlsA- Jmlaf BnW.Mt nnd sssrsas ixJLl, itt ra saravWx. AVn .1 mtsw tfUal sf TAU in tae Mt-neral aewtoua of eunntr afid iuaautt4. iu ti.i etrt. opwBtvn bs wtiik. J.

JatreN. J. Mssooner va Juhn Lai Jndmenti Tv-sTftsr-d saam! new brtai ntssd, w. t. s.44 ovaucv new rvo-v Conclusion of the Tria! THE CHARGE TO THE JURY.

A VERDICT OF CUILTY. Sentence JPfMf trff 9 (Tcioef; This Morning. The court room was cued At An early hour yesterday morning, as it was onderstood Judge Fuller would deliver his charge to the Jury in regard to the Coletnao ease on tbe opening of court. The case has occasioned mucb interest during the two weeks it has been on trial, and every day the court room has been well filled with listeners. Yester day, however, was filled to oversowing every test was filled and aislea and doorwAys peeked with those who were interested enough to stand during the proceedings.

Shortly After 10 o'clock the jury took their seats and the clerk called tbe court to order. After the usual formalities. Judge Fuller arose and Addressed tbe jury for more than An hour. The following is a sketch of the charge: In the outset the judge remarked that the trial had occupied so long a time And such a mass of evidence had been Adduced that he would not Attempt to go over it in detail, but would present some considerations for the guidance of the jury in their deliberations. Tbe substance of the charge brought by the people Against tbe defendant, was that on the 10th of March, Dennis and Daniel Connors stole five bars of iron from the yard of Burke carried it around to Mr.

Coleman's store, sold it to him, and that he re ceived it knowing it to have been stolen. Upon that charge he was being tried, And it was for the jury to decide whether or not he was guilty of the crime charged In the indictment. The charge resolved itself into three branches I irst The allega tion that Daniel and Dennis Connors stole iron from the premises of Burke Co. Second That they carried it Around And sold it to Mr. Coleman Third Thst he received the iron, knowing it to have been stolen.

The burden of proof was upon the side of the people, And the jury must satisfy themselves beyond the shadow of a doubt in regard to All the propositions or branches of the charge. Tbe defence claimed that they were All false. From the necessity of tbe case, tbe two Connor boys were the principal And ma terial witneeeea to make this charge. In the recollection of the judge, there was no direct testimony of any other witness who saw the boys carry out the iron. It was contended.

therefore, on the part of tbe defence, that the evidence of these boys was unworthy of credit. In the first place, they testified to their own infamy and were impeached by their own testimony. It was also claimed by the defense that it was not safe to convict a person on tbe testimony of an accomplice. The law on that point was that if the jury believed it to be true they might convict, but it was unsafe to do so, and they should as a rule require full corroboration. The defense had produced witnesses to prove the bad reputation of the boys.

And the prosecution hAd in turn tried to substantiate their good character. The jury was to make decision. And in determining upon the subject were to take into consideration All the facts bearing upon it. The defense claimed it as unsafe to convict a nu of the standing of the defendant upon such testimony. but upon the other hand it was claimed that tbe evidence of the boys was false their stories could not so closely Agree.

Another ahum of the defense was that the evidence of the boys was not only false but that they had been suborned to perjure themselves by Burke Co. in order to pro cure a conviction. The prosecution contend ed thnt Burke Co. took no steps Against Coleman until they found And recognised the iron and After they found it did nothing but try the title to it. They were ignorant of the boys And their whereabouts.

And when they did find them, instigated process Against them. Not until then it is claimed did they take any steps against Coleman. Tbe jury must decide what there was to the claim of conspiracy on the part of Burke Co. in order to ruin the defendant And get hold of his property. It made no difference other iron had been received by Coleman unless the jury were certain as regards the particular five bars a conviction was impos sible, and the prisoner should be Ac quitted.

The eleven bars of iron found on the 1-th of March threw no light upon the case which conoemed the five bars. And the only bearing that such fact had, if Any, was that it was claimed by defense that they were marked and put there to carry out tbe design of bringing the charge against Coleman. If it was proven that the beys did steal iron on previous occasions and carry it to that place, it was no proof that they stole the five bars And had no bearing upon tbe question and it was admitted only as it had a bearing upon the question of guilty knowledge. If it was shown that the five bars bad been rtolen And taken to Mr. Cole- and he Lad bought them, that fact ould constitute no offense unless he had bought them with the knowledge that they bad been stolen.

If the testimony of tbe boys thst Coleman said they must go Awsy: thAt Burke St Co. smelt a mice etc was believed it went to show guilty knowledge. Tbe judge repeated substantially what he had previously said upon the subject of conviction upon the testimony of Accomplices, and spoke at considerable length upon the differ ent brands of iron Irondale, Dry Valley, etc. and stated that it had been shown that some cf the brands kept by Burke Co. were found in the cellar of Coleman, which the former had attempted to identify as be longing to him.

It was a difficult task to distinguish between brands of iron, bat Burke Co. had not only pretended to do that, but also to identify the iron found as theirs. If they could not identify the par ticular five bars it amounted only to the fact that iron of tbe same brand as theirs was fouLd in Coleman's cellar. The defense claimed and had brought witnesses to prove that Burke or Any one else could not identify iron In thAt manner, end that Burke was carried away with bis zeal to convict the prisoner There were some seven or eight tons of iron found in Coleman's cellar of which between four and five tons was of the Dry Valley brand and 1,000 or 1,300 pounds of Irondale. The claim was that six or seven tons must hsve been received in the cellar in January or February as it was shown there was but little there at the 1st of January.

Prosecution claimed it was put there between the 10th of February and the 11th of March following. The fact that iron was thus found there does not prove that the fire particular bars were found there and goee farther tnsn to Show guilty knowledge. The defendant had not shown bow be came by all of the iron found there and on thnt account the district-attorney Asked the Jury to infer guilt. Whether the inference could be dre wn or not not a question for Iaw but for tbe Jury to Oociae. ins juage then spike At some length on Iron found in tbe canal and the maimer in which tbe jury must oonsider the evidence presented on thst subject.

Tbe fact that the delendeot nnd not been placed upon the stand In bis own defense was then touched upon. Because such was the case tbe jury were not to draw Any iuft-rrnCe Against lbs prisoner. In the opinion of the court the stAbate Allowing an accused man to testify in his own defense was a cruel one And in spirit, if not in letter, was uneocstiluUatial. No witnesses hsd been brought forward to prove previous good character of accused, but this also should not be used against him. With these remarks the judge would leave the ease with the jury.

Tbey could see the importance of it as shown by tbe interest It bad excited. They most lay aside all prejudice on tbe one band; And all sympathy on tbe other. The question, with them simply way to decide whether did receive tbe five bars of iron knowing they hsd been stolen from Burke Co. If they so found tbey must bricg in A verdict of conviction, but if on the other hand tbey coula not sat JsfT themselves that such was the case they must ao.uit him. At tbe conclusion of the charge the counsel for both defence sad proseoeUon present ed proposiuoos upon which they wished the saris foe evue-j.

w. Wrls-at. Ittimi Wssitt f. Bear a. pitast a WsAteS W.

4. H. Mm tM-0 Msa ml. As wsirtss A. sra.

IMKIM ft IM C. Di AwsMoa. Tsxsarers. Cwmww sir. atn.

ihies. Tee Was Wom-W(of Art farters. Seisvl-ITwf. W. (in Ctif A Atscsr pa AjAwrM.

II sn iujmii A Wfmofi. tip." TOWS T1U. Mctirr, brskemaa oo tb Cbtl 1. fc4 tfcrH fiogsrs crushed while ecu '-w 00 SatardA eight. Hit horns 6 street J4hi Brown of OgJn Allowed l.fs asfuea to catch ia tb griiig of a cut- tit-g dsy or two ioce, nd the raalt rj tl bi right bind wm rrerely Imoer- 7tft ortoHo o( Eihr will be prodaeed In Cp MtM At the obape! of the Pint BapLut cburrflj tbw rmilsK.

TLe procwvlj of the en-t Mtajnatect Are to be deToted to beoeTOteot I arpM. ffwtiTAl heM to the Voting lpn' Ctbolic Inntiiute YraMmg la eren- Ing, wm A "rrj sacoenfal effeir, ADd hAd- ixw nm must here bees netted for the be- DTTot urpoee lcteAcled. Ji Enwry Brown of Cburclirflie loct two vt firgT, a ff dAT goj white feeding cuUira box. While enneed in this labor. tiVtf-u wm tADed off And faenee the lie wm Attended by Dr.

CrA)g. -4 at John Brown, residing with I itr 43 St. Josepa street, while i'r-j 1 te chair. Dpeet it And him-n4T, est-erdey, oAusiBg a frACtare And die-location of hie right elbow. Ite reduction i-ffected by Jr.

iFrAnha shortly After the Aeiteiit. Tfhe reterAO CoTert, the oldest irtgtjr sad eompoe in Americt, over three eoore end ten yrri of Age, with the AlleehAnisiw' enoertiztng in the western trt icf the etAte.j Mr. Corert the composer tit the "Kworti of Banker Hfll And Mux! st the of lAfsyette La New Yol city OTpr fiftyjyeire sgt. Prrwiuilti leleeal t'raailMeser fer H'r Are in the mi a of thAt seAson which is 3iid the mast epprupiiAte for giving ex ir4-Hjt to a rgar for friends through the of preeeotajtions, end CansJ Fsy will hsjre oocssioa to recall with 4 i ire the memory of en affair of the kind wti4h took place at the caaal engineer's of- f'c Yesterday. Mr.

Fay was summoned to ta -fr to find it occupied by a large number brother officials, who lost no time in ri why bi presence was required. lHv4kn engineer jBehn, who had been ss spokesman, stepped forward And iii appropriate remarks presented Mr. Fey wits a onique and elegant photograph Album, the leal of which is a massiTe silrer tablet, tAuUfuUy engTAred And bearing the engineer's coat of arm. The gift was accom-rnied by the following Address, which is en graved on one of the tAbiets 'kw Yobk State Casals. DlFWIOl EOCHtma.

N. Y. Dec 31 11 m. V. Vonttl I'nuMMmir: Ikar urn: Iwairoua of showing, At the cluee of jour oflt'-ial term, our high Appreciation of your efficiency as a public orti cer and world as a citizen also of Acknowledg-.

ug our obligations for your ever kind and courteous bearing towards us, not furgetuog that by your sound comma khm, skill and Ability, our duties have been made compar-Alivefy eaey And pleasing, while the j.uldic intereet has been thereby materially enhanced, we therefore most re-fpe-tfuily dedicate to you this tablet as a testimonial of our high appreciation And tteartfelt rep-ct; and wishing you a long and praeperous life, tiuly subscribe ourselves yoarfi lends. Jobs Fhedekick Bkbx, Div. Engineer. Btkox Mi'UUT Hasais Kes. Kugineer.

A. WAJRAltS, Supt. Bee. 10, E. C.

i Hiram P. Wiui'n, Hupt. Sec 11, C. Wtijw Johltb, tHipt.bee. 12, K.

C. W. W. Bitrick, Bupt. Sec.

13, K. C. IiKwrrr C. Walch, bupt. Bee.

la, E. C. R. A. K.iHU-iD, 8upt.

Bee, 1, O. V. C. RujaB om, Supt. Bee 2, O.

V. C. W. H. WrrasiT, bupt Bee G.

V. C. Mr. Fay was taken completely by surprise, with visible emotion Aocepted with thanks gjift which testifies to the harmonious relations hich the cjommlasloner, the engineers ajiA the superintendents bear to one Another. The teesaer Traare Case.

Yesterday morning Coroner Biwell of Oen-eto, in the oompsny of the sheriff of the c-octy snd a physician, visited the bouse in Csbawaugus, where the body of Mias Bonney has lain for about seven weeks. And made An examination of the remaina. The people in srose care the bedy is made no resistance ta the wishes of the authorities, And A complete external enuninktioa was therefore made. Tliey, of course, st once pronounced the Ixsly dead, but thiey could discover no appar- ut cause of death. No trace of any Act of violence could be found.

And hence the ooro- cur thought hei hau no power to take tl body into i his care. Decomposition 1 as advanced yery far, And the body it claimed, aoj as represented to us by a ettk-man who came down from Avon last evening, is a putt id mass. In external ap -IwArance it continues About the same as it Las for some time past, being but little thrucken And preserving tbe same dark roli-r. After making the examination the coroner and party returned to Geneseo without taking charge of the remains as they should have done. The family claim that they will keeo the remains as they have previously dene even though they now present ought but a horrible mass of decayed ha man tVh.

Without doubt the authorities will tke some fujrtbc-r steps in the matter And tlistsoon. BarS Pahlie arks. The board held a regular meeting yesterday. A resolution was presented by Com. JirLggs authorising the treasurer to collect the estimaie fn full for that section of Lke Avenue between Jones avenue end McCracken street, and seventy -three per cent, of the estimate for that section bet ween McCrackeo street and the city line.

The resolution was adopted. Com. Warner presented A resolution in fetrurting the treasurer to collect nine and one-half percent, of the tax for Lake avo- r.iie aide Adopted. A petition Was presented by the New York 'entrs4 and flndson River railroad company lor rrniiseion to cowtruot iron bridges over the several streets crossed by their tracks tietweeu the Genesee river and the Erie i sr.aL The petition was ordered filed And I ubuehed. with a view of calling np the sub ject of the petition at some future meeting The surveyor reported that A section of Tyler street was isteroAched noon to the ex tent, ia place, of three and a half feet.

Tbe AsseasmeBt roil for opening A street from Maple street to Tbomas avenue was coohrmed. The Assessment roll for widening run street was laid over one week. OMsaarr. In the death of Charles E. 5oble, which took place at 1 is residence in New York on Maturday, a gentleman well known through oat the stAte and especially in railroad cir drt, has passed sway.

lie was general eastern agent of the Michigan Central And Cireat Western railroad, the duties of which rmce he performed with coosumate Ability, Mr. Noble bad been an invalid for several years. lie leevea a wife And three children. The remains were taken to Buffalo for in txrtait His numerous friend ia this City will mourn him sinoerely. David H.

KiebJ-don, a well-known cittern of BenriettA, died At his residence in thst tows yesterday morning. Be was born in Cayuga county, but had resided in Henri' cttn for more than thirty years. Be universally respected in the common ty as a man of enbleuusbed integrity. Mr. xtichardson had attained to the Age of sev- eaaty-one.

Bis funeral will take plAO from lint Ute residence on Friday. fsrsssal. Hob. Kira Con.tU, Ithaca Hon. H.

I. Com tock, CanAndaigua; Bv. C. U. GilUat And family, tckport; E.

B. Pottle, Naples; J. Q. Laws; New York and Henry A. Morgan, Aurora, nrestoppttig At tbe Brackett Bouse.

A. 3. Smith has been Appointed assistant general passerrger and ticket agent of tbe Cleveland, Colttmbna, Cincinnati and Indian a poiis railroad oompsvny. sir. Bmith wfll tnake Cleveland ids baad'iuarters.

He has tiuxottrous friends in this eity who will rejoioe that ha has been Appointed to A position fur which Admirably qualified, i. r. At A regular meeting of Teoronto lodge. neld last evening At Odd Fellows' hail in thai city, tbe following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz: G. D.

H. West bury. V. G. William WiihAms.

Secretary F. D. Rogers. TreAsorer James M. Leonard.

F. Becretarv B. F. Thomas. Trustees Daniel Wood, George Harrison, u.

una al. 1'wtv Room committee A- T. Barney. Joint library committee B. Committee on Mount Hope lot S.

Q. elect. Beeeverlag freas Her Iajerles. We learn thAt Mrs. Kersan, who struck down by a locomotive near Churchville a few days since, is recovering in spite of tbe fearful character of her injaries.

She was removed to St. Mary's hospital ester dsy. As tbe effects of the accident, several of ber ribs were broken and besides this one of her leg was fractured. She received sever bruises also About the body. The indications now are thst she will oe restored to health She has been under the care of Dr.

Craig of Churchville. nassss Street Caarrs. Rev. Mr. Parker, the Evangelist, commenced bis labors last night at the Memorial Church, Hudson street.

The sermon was on, the system adopted by Nehemiah viz: having each one build A portion of the wall over against his own bouse, Judiog from the interest and numbers last evening, the bouse will soon be filled The meetings for to-day And the rest of the week ere at 2 o'clock and half past six; preaching At half-past seven. OLD AND RELIABLE. The Urecery Hasse Mesre, Jswrs Hlsck. Ceie at Fifteen years ago this firm commenced business only a few steps from their present location. By personal Attention And fair dealing they have built np An enviable reputation And a large And constantly growing trade.

They are now recognised as the leading retail grocers of this city, and Although handling a large Amount of goods they still believe that pure goods of the best quality are the cheapest for consumers and the most satisfactory to both bayer and seller. For the New Year's trade they have a large stock of fancy groceries, including white grapes, extra raisins, figs and dates in fancy packages, nuts of all kinds. Jellies in tumblers and bottles, English sauces and pickles, fine And fancy crackers, canned goods, ehoice cigars, handsome Apples for table use, olives, catsups, olive oils, honey, pine Apple cheese, sardines, poultry, cranberries, The ladies will find the purest and best coffees for their New Year's tables at this house. M. C.

Co. have also a few genuine Florida oranges, large And perfectly sweet. For deliCACies or substantial go to 72 West Main street, Powers" block. Oeaeral Tens Deetsteaa. The general term of tbe supreme court for the fourth judicial department met in this eity yesterday And handed down decisions in the cases argued at the October term.

The decisions will be found in this morning's paper. Ltons vxxyxt. Bcbeb, FmSniois, Hoir Co. are selling their Lyons cloaking And trimming velvets At very low prices. Tbe HelUar At ass ware's.

Our sales in chromos, brackets, frames, Albums, stereoscopes, views, have never been larger than for the last two weeks, which encourages us to continue selling At present low prices until the completion of our inventory (About the third week in January). What we sell at the smallest advances on cost, we consider better than to Inventory them. Bargains for a few weeks At C. W. Woodward's, 136 State street.

Horsk binkets, lap robes, sleigh bells, harness, trunks, travelling bags, satchel, whips and many other articles can be bought at a small advance from cost at A. V. Hurra 'B Portland sleigh store, 65 State street. Ver Business Men. An experienced book-keeper end office man is open for engagements from some time in January.

Beat city references. Address Phillip, care lock-box 637, P. O. C. J.

Wood's BAjrcrso acajrxy wkw teem Commencing Friday, January 2d, at 7 p. m. For gentlemen, Saturday, January 3d. 1374, at 8 p. m.

for ladies, misses and masters, Wednesday, January 7th, at 7 p. m. for private lessons given to suit applicants. For particular inquire At the academy, 10 Mumford street. Next soiree Monday, January 5.

Black dress bilks. Bcbkx, FrrzSmo.Ts, Hoke Co. are selling the best make of Lyons black dress silks at price which make their goods very popular. A LARGS TRADE OONTHrCalXT IXCRKA8LVO. The immense volume of business daily transacted by Messrs.

Brennan Son is something extraordinary in these times. Their stock affords, probably, the best bargains in dry goods ever offered in Rochester, and while the present low price continue the panic will have no existence, as far as the concern of Brennan Son is concerned. A special reduction has been made on Irish poplins, paisly shawls, silks, dress goods, GEircnne meerschaum goods to be sold at retail at importers' prices at number 2i Exchange street. The greatest sale of dry goods ever known in Rochester are being made at the well-known bouse of Bcbeb, FttzSixoxs, Hone Co. Their stock is always kept up to the requirements of the public, and their price meet the approbation of the trade generally.

Mill Is Desnaae. Crowell wetland, 9 Arcade, find thnt the demand for their rare mechanical toy and Whitman' confectionery continues unabated. This firm Are offering confectionery of their own manufacture At price scarcely more than nominal. As is well known, their assortment of toys is one of the most com plete ever exhibited in this city. Call at 9 Arcade and look over their goods.

It would be difficult to say in what respect the photographs produced by Barhydt, who can be found At bis gallery oyer 83 State street, are susceptible of improvement. They Appear to be Absolutely faultless. And demonstrate the extraordinary skill of the artist. Ilapsr Sew Year. Those wishing to buy New Tear present sbould be sure and call at the Rochester art gallery, where they will find a full line of chromos, frames, brackets, scopes, views.

shells, which are for sale et very low Drioes. Now Is the time to buy cnesp. Bar gains can be had by calling At 87 West Main street. 11. P.

Kundel. Jast Double end single Portland sleighs, best oualitv end eletrantlv trimmed, bee them At Goodwin Kenney's, North Fitzhugh street. Ceaeert T-SIat. Tbe Sabbath school concert to-night At the North street M. E.

church promise to be one of the best ever given in this city. Borne of the finest musicians in the city will par- ticiPAt in the exercises, end bolder of tickets (40 cents) will be entitled to oyster to be served in the basement of the church After the musiCAl entertainment. Johji W. Tatlovi is a photographer whose reputation la second to none. Hi parlors are situated over 83 and 85 East Main street.

The specimens of his work to be seen there will satisfy Anyone that be is a master ef hat Ark Tha cbawl dapahtukkt or Brut, Frrs- BtxOBS, Hosts' Ox contain every new and desirable style brought out tiua seat: Their sales are very large at their present popular price, TUB celebrated belt treble piano on exhi bition at Mackie's musical ware rooms, 63 State street, owe their great reputation sod universal popularity to their sterling merit In finish, tone And durability tbey are unsur passed. They are nosr offered on very sasy terms, land a largesnumber Are constantly on exhibition at Mackie's, where a full line of musical fnerchendise, Also, can be always found, i ft.

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