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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TRUNKS and SATCHELS CStTECu AKC fcV SCHOOL TOPICS. Of Interest to Members of the Varioni There 7.iii ben congregational bnsincss meeting tLis- evening in tbe Trinity 13. Largest Line of all kinds, either Large or Small, in the City. i Ther Hatters and Outfitters. 8th and Cumberland aitu ctvs BOHBOPP, LIGHT 8CHKOPP PvbUthert and froprtetort.

MONDAY MARCH 19. TO-NIGHT. Sons of America 8 Sons'ol America Hall-American Mechan'i-s. Uolden Eagle Hall-Iron City Ca-aK Merchants' Pruti-ctivi- A Hall-Ladles' Keller Perseverance Hall-1'erwvenim-c Hand Hauer's Vi. I.

Koss- Choral Society. Uuttlnu's Uall-Orand Central Orchestra Ulricirs Hoot and J.adder airl Ladder company. C'ourt Councils. BRANCHES OF PALM. TODAY.

Ilucklen's Arnica Salve. Dr. King's New Discovery. Public Fox and Bloucli. Lebanon Busmcw College.

Fine TalionnK-Clias E. Kauch. Bev.T. B.i-cliniauk'slIiKher crilicum and Old Testament. Furniture fur sale.

For Bent IJ "Use. Weather Outlook. On Tuesday, clearing, cooling weather and fresh southwest winds will prevail, preceded by local rain on tlie coast, and on Wednesday lair weather, with slight temperature FXB80VAL MEltTIOlT. Mr. John A.

Heilman, of tho Washington House, visited Philadelphia today. Dr. Simeon II. Guilford, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday in this city. Misses Mary II.

and Lizzie Weidmau were visitors in Philadelphia today. Mr. Henry Tracey, superintendent of the Lebanon Tremont railroad, and wife, passed through this city this morn- Ing on their way to Philadelphia. Representative Thomas Walker, town, passed through this city this morning on a bneinrss tiip to Heading. Mr.

Uarry Nutting transacted business In Philadelphia today. Miss Anna II. ilatthes left in the train for Philadelphia. Mr. Casper Sbaak was a visitor in Har ritburg yesterday.

Mr. John Kurtz left yesterday for AI- burtis, where be has secured a position in a shirt factory. Miss Emma Shonp, who has been visiting in Carsonville tor several weeks, returned home today. Mr. W.

H. Livineood, of Reading, Attended to professional business in this city today. Mr. Geo. H.

Horst, cashier of the Myerstown Bank, was an early visitor today in this city. Miss Kate Walker, of Heading, spent Sunday in this oily with her sister, Airs. James Walter. Messrs Philip Gerhart and Adam Entry into Jerusalem Commemorated in tome Churches. Yesterday was Palm Sunday, whieh commemorated the triumphant en'ry ot Christ into Jerusalem where he was received by the people strewine palms in his wav.

and on ail sides sounded the jiyful'cry, "Hoeanna to the Son of David!" Not many days elapsed before this cry was change! to that of insult and scorn. "Crucify Him! Crucify terminating with the tragedy on Calvary. 1'alni Sunday was observed with great pomp and ceremonial in the Catholic, ami also in the Protestant Kpiscopr.1 churches, this city. In some of tin- other churches services comtneni orative of the day were held. The event was celebrated iu the Lutheran churches by the confirmation of catechumtus.

In the morning confirmation services were held iu Triuity Lutheran church. Lehman street, when 7 persons were confirmed. The confirmation services of Salem Lutheran church were held last, evening and the church was crowded with people. The class consisted of 3'-' two ot whom were baptized. At Myeratown Hev.

Schai-tz confirmed 12 persons and baptized two. The services in these churches ss well as iu tho Episcopal and Catholic churches, were ot a very interesting and impressive character. On Friday contirma- mation will be held in the Reformed churches. OVER ONE HUNDRED TEAKS OLD. An Old in the Poueiiion of O.

Gardner, Thii City. A watch, over a hundred years old, is in the possession of Mr. G. Gardner, North Ninth street. The watch was made in Stuttgart, Germany, in 17il3, and purchased by Mr.

Gardner's father who carried it all his lifetime. Then his oldest brother received the watch and took it along on a missionary tour to Chili, where he remained for two years. On returning from Chili he went to China and from there he went back to Holland and Germany, where he a few years after. Another brother got the watch from the widew and had it in his possession until last and as be bad nobody upon whom to bestow the watch and wishing to keep it in the family, he sent it to bis youngest brother here. Mr.

Gardner the watch very highly and carries it on Sundays as a souvenir of his late father. The watch is still iu excellent running order and keeps good time. It is quite a relic aud many people examine it with great interest. Selderg, of this city, visited friends at Myerstown, on Sunday. Miss Klein, sister of Mr.

Harry Klein, of the Farmers' bank, visited her brother. Thos. H. Capp, Dr. A.

B. Glon- Ingor and llr. liay Boughter this afternoon visited Haninburg. Mr. H.

V. L. Meigp, of Philadelphia, arrived in this city at noon. Mr. John Fox, of Fox A Graeff, this afternoon attended to business at Pinegrove.

Mr. and Mrs. Al. Forrest, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Forrest's mother, Sin, Weaver.

Miss Carrie Hoffer, who has been visiting in Washington, has returned home and Is ill with the grip. Mr. Allen Hofl'er is home from tho Hill school for the Easter holidays. Ex-Clerk nf the Orphans' Court Burgner visited Union township today. I Rev.

A. A. Arthur, the new pastor of! Centenary M. E. church, left tor Philadelphia this morning.

of the Peace Moses Arndt, and wife, of Jonestown, today visited this city. Grant Weidman, eeq returned home from Philadelphia this morning, Ex-Recorder II. H. Fegau, of South Aunville, Loose, of Myerstown, and Ex-Recorder Eli Wallace, Newmanstowu exchanged cordial greetings today with friends iu this city. W.

H. lleberling, who was formerly employed as clerk at the Washington House, this city, has accepted a similar position at the Franklin HOIISP, Myerstown, where he will be pleased to see his friends. COURT HOUSE VOTES. Deputy Reoorder Bordlemay has placod on record the following deeds: A deed from Henry D. Fortna, executor of Henry Fortna, deceased, to Suni- uel Bieictine, for I) acres aud 49 perches of land, in North Lebanon township.

A deed from Daniel Brandt and wife to William Arnold, for 81 acres aud 1-lii perches of land, in Swatara township Consideration, J3.9SO. A deed from William Arnold Nora Brandt, for 10 acres and 7 perches of land, in Swatara townshin. Consideration, $608 27. Deputy Register P-nli-y granted following letters ol To Fietta nee Fasnacht, late ol North Annville township, deceased, to John R. Lentz, of the same township.

Letters testamentary on the estate of Reuben Re 1st, late of North Auuville township, deceased, to Joseph Heist, of the same township. PUBLIC OPINION. The NEWS will print such communications under this head as come properly vouched for. but will iu nowise assume, responsibility for any uf the opinions expressed. Too Officious.

EDITOR this trouble about Jacob Ebereole might have been averted but for the ofhciousuess of Lebanon officials. Kborsole, if my memory serves me right, was tried and convicted for a similar oflcnse in the Lancaster county court, and as he was about to be sent to tho peuitentiary, several constables aud alderrcen from this city, to make for themselves little bills of costs, proceeded to Lancaster and brought Eb- eisule to the Lebanon jail, from which he escaped. Am I right TAXPAYER. The Midnight Riot. Lrr.ANOK, March 19, 1894.

EDITOR DAILY NEWS: Iu the account given in tho "Daily Times" of this morning, concerning the "Midnight Rijt" on East Lehman street, on Saturday night, I noticed the following: "Officer Boyer appeared on the scene, etc." That is exactly what he did do, and nothing else. He appeared, and when requested to arrest the instigator of the more than disgraceful row, he didn't have, as the boys say, "tbespunk." 1 bear no malice against Officer Boyer, but I think policemen are appointed to preserve peace, when they fail to do so they are certainly deserving of censure. Our brave officer of the Fifth ward is able to disperse a crowd of boys playing marbles in the early part of the vcheu it comes to preserving peace at bed time for all decent people, he is simply not "in it." On Saturday night the principal in the ficht, (hy the way a mere pigmy), dared Officer Boyer to lay his hand on him. threatening to kuock his (Buyer's) heud off" iii casa he dirt so. lie (Boyer) was afraid to attempt an arrest, no'withstanding there were a number of sober citizens standing by who would have done what lay in their power 10 assist him either iu making an arrest or stopping the disturbance You may imagine, Mr.

Editor, what a terrible affair it was, when little c'jildren clung to their parents' necks iu mortal terror, aud mothers, wives, and even husbands and lathers, were so nervous as to be almost unable to contain themselves. This brave officer "appeared" about twenty minutes alter the row started aud disappeared about two minutes afier He "appeared" for the second time at about half-past twelve, nceornpanieri by the Mayor and several more police men. I could relate a great more, but not caring to weary you a 1 present will merely ask you to kindly publish the foregoing iu your paper, in justice to the "liulo marble playing fellows'" mothers, al whose request 1 hade written above. Wiio SAW IT will scrvi'-es in oiiscrvauce ol wcok -si Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday ami in Trinity Lutheran church.

discourse of iiev. x.1- of the First Baptist church', was ukcn from "The ot line! perfect, converting the suul." Evening text. Amos "Prepare tti meet thy (jud. Next Sunday aftsinoon there will Easter exercir-cs iu connection with tiie Sunday school iu St. Paul's Evangelict.1 ccurcli.

this evening the uctuie ol the Triuity Lutherau cbuieuat 7 i'. Cui.tirniitiou and preparatory service on Friday evening. The servijes in the M. Lutheran church last evening were largely attended. ir beiux c.i'^irmatiou, when a class "I 17 ynun- purple were confirmed.

The 1 Cor. 0:111,20. The this week iu tne Salem Kv. Lutheran church will be as Monday, English at p. m.

Tuewiay. 1-. Wedues- day, Eualioh. Tsiii p. Thursday, Gcr- man, I'- Friday, (termau at with preparatory set vice m.

The will in- M-rviecs pvery evening during this. week, except Saturday Hi's t. M-itU's II lurinctl church. Sjrmju begins at 7: Trinity I Ii- Sunday sell jol was divided vesler.lay, a number ol' the adults up stairs so as to furnish needed roon" bclmv. 'i ho primary department was given of the end oi tne lower story.

Service? will he held each evening this wcel: in St. John's Reformed churoL and Friday alicriiuon nt o'clock Each evening the jruspcl narrative of the words and acts ol Christ lor that day will be read. On Sunday morning at o'clock, tunrise service will be held. At 1'ltfO, Holy curumiiuiun, and p. Knster choral service hy the Sunday school.

The Rev. J. W. Mattern, of.Iouestown, will officiate Ihis evening at the Holy week service in Triuity Lutheran church on Lehmiiu The preparatory lecture for the sacrament ot the l.jid' supper will beheld on Friday evening at iu Fourth St. Presbyterian church.

The sacrament of tho Lord's supper will be administered on Eister daj at the morning service. The St. John's church was decorated with beautiful palms yesterday and the pastor preached a Palm Sunday sermon upon Ps. "Litt up your heads a I' ye lift up ye everlasting dours ami tljj King of glory shall come in." iluch interest was manifested by the large coiigri'tritioa iu attendance. The pastor oi Trinity B.

church preached to a large congregation last evening Irom the text, "In the day of ad- versiiy consider," directing' the attention to some of the evils that haue effec ted aud are effecting the prosperity of our country. There will be Horman preparatory service on Good Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock iu St. Mark's Reformed church Rev. H. J.

W'elker will preach the ser uion. English preparatory service aud confirmation services Good Friday evening at 7:30. St. James Suuday school Easter festival at m. Grace Sunday school.

Sunnyside, Easter festival at 1:30 p. m. Tho official boaid of Trinity B. church vrill meet at the church this evening at 7 o'clock. There will be English communion service iu Salem Ev.

Lutheran church on Sunday at 10 a. m. Infant Sunday scbotil EiKter festival at 2 p. Large Sunday school E.ister festival at 7 p. m.

Special Passiuo services, preparatory to Easter and communion, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings in Seventh St. church. Communion next Sunday morning lor the entire congregation. There will no prayermeeting in Fourth St. Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, on account of the absence of the pastor at services in Ilamsburp.

There will be Sunrise Prayermeetinrj next Sunday at 5:30 a. m. iu Seventh St. Luiherau church. Children's services in the evening iu the interest of church extension.

Services will be held daily at 7:30 aud 10:30 a. and p. this week, in St. Luke's Episcopa' church. CHTIECH SOCIETY NOIES.

Franu'i Furniture Special attention given to unJertakicg Sociable. The sociable given ia Laudermilch's Hall, on Saturday evening, wa3 well attended. The music for the dancers was furnished by several of the members ol the newly-organized Grand Ceutra! band. Left (or Washington. Hon.

E. M. Woomer left this afternoon for Washington, D. to attend to his duties. He is accompanied by his son.Geo.

B. who will spend this week at Washington. (1 Easter Offerings! SPRING DRESS GOODS are now on view here SILKS also, and both in greater v.iriety and beauty than we have been accustomed to show. It's almost like having a fairy tale come true. The opportunity these afford for beautiful and tas'eful dressing, and so moderate, too; yvu may have the best and net be extravagant But see them anyhow, and their beauty and low price will win you.

C. SHEIMK 816-822 Cumberland Street, ST. LAKE'S Erifror.u.—Them will be uo meetings c( the Gnilils this week. The society will meet on Kaster Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 p. at the rectory, to pack two boxes.

Ic is hoped tbat there will bo a good attendance. The boxes are to bo scut to Atlanta, (l-jorgia, and to Sparlanburg, Svnitb Carolina, for tho colored people. Contributions of buoks, papers, cards, clothing, etc wiil be eladly received. Tr.iMTY Young Ladies' Missionary society will meet at the church Ihis evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Tho Loyal Legion will hold a Welcome meeting in the church on Friday evening ol this wctk.

Tho Moss family wil sppear in Fishor House on Saturday even- March uniler the auspices of the Y. C. K. The Y. P.

S. C. will Imld a business meeting thin evening at 8 o'clock. MKMOUIAI. V.

II Women's Mite society mt-ets at1 lie house of Mrs. John on Wednesday, at 1 p. m. ST. JJAHK'S society will meet on Tuesday evening im- iiitdiatuiy after fiervice.

Jauiiii C. E. will meet on Saturday at o'clock. Sir.KM Women's Mite BO- and Children's Missionary society will meet in tho church this evening. WHAT EVERY7AMILY NEEDS A COMPLETE DICTIONARY AND ENCYCLOPEDIA.

The Most Remarkable Offer That Has Yet Been Given it Carefully. We havo just closed a contract with tho company, of Cnicago, by which we enabled to oiler our rt'juiers in a seiia! form "The AiiKitn'AN ENCVCI.DI'.KDIC HICTKIXABV. A TIlOKOVilHI.Y An-fKATE, I'llACTICAI. ASDJIOST NEW OK KKKK.r.r.M'E TO AM. Willins IN THE KX(i- I WITH A AI COt'NT (PKIi.ON.

MKAXINCi, I'llONfN- C.ATION ASH i will be forty paris in all. ouch ctmtaiuiug ninety- six psees. The terms of securing this bo ns fyllowrs: Ciip tivo cuuons fror.i tbe DAILY and htins. or n.aii to office with Gftoeu which will secure any part as it is iffiuud. ordered by mail it will not be necessary to send poslago as ail the pans will be delivered free of cost.

Send tho money and coupons to this L'llice and the parts will be sent by maU A supply will be kept always on hand I at this I'iVioe for who prefer to ca'l I Tor This is no reprint or photc- i u-aj'li bat printed from new nuiie expressly lor it. The work IMS iu com so of preparation for I aboiu sis years uiv.iiT the supervision of most aUie in the country. I The lormer ignition of the work sold for from 4v to per frt. to the istjlooi This will cost by onr I plan, when con-pleud, but 5'J It can ithen be in two. three or four Tolumns, as desired.

The cc 6t of the b.i -k. Hnfiiiijj ill will not exceed jt at the highest estimate, so that it can be seeu what a rare ofi'erwe are making The work can be seeu at this office, I we invite acarelul inspection of it. flmerican Encyclopedic Oictionary. THE WORLD'S GREATEST EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION. The shackles are now broken that have long bound the public to a lack of knowledge in consequence of the high prices charged by mono publishers for their Die tionaries, and the publishers of the NEWS are happy to be medium through which it is DOS sible for their readers to obtain what is in their opinion A Work of Surpassing Merit, i Except the Bible, a dictionary is of all books, the most important and valuable, and even the Bible can not be fully understood without reference to a good woi of this class.

A Book for the Home. The homes of the people are richer today in all things truly valuable than were the palaces of ancient kings. Music, Art and Literature stand smiling at every door. Twenty years ago such a dictionary as this could not have been purchased for a thousand dollars. There was no such work in existence at that time, now fabu loui in its exhaustless literary riches it is fabulously cheap.

So cheap that the lowliest home in the land can well afford to become possessed of this princely library. This grand production is one of immense utility, both as a Dictionary for its unrivaled definitions and an Encyclopaedia for the ma'vel- ously full treatment of words it gives. What the American Encyclopaedic Dictionary is. The American Enclopaedic Dictionary is a revision foi the American people of the Ency- clopaedic Dictionary that is published in England, by Messrs Ltd, of London. Our thoroughly revised American edition, which for Americans' use of course, is much better than the English one, costs you Only 15 Cents ami I Coupons for each part.

The English publishers expended 17 years' time and in bringing their work to completion, so that as it now is, thoroughly revised and Americanized, by an extensive corps of eminent professors, at an expense to the American publishers approximating ooo, this Dictionary is the result of cash expenditures aggregating the princely sum of $600,000 and 2o years' continuous labor by learned people, who were well qualified to successfully carry out the exacting task they undertook. How to Obtain it On another page of this paper will be found a Dictionary Coupon, two of these cou pens of different dates will, when accompanied with jsc, entitle the holder to Part No. i of this Dictionary; the whole work will be complete in about 40 parts, of 96 pages each. FOR CITY READERS. Bring 2 coupons and 15 cents to the office of the DAILY NEWS, where you can obtain Part i.

FOR OUT-OF-TOWN us two coupons and 15 cents coin. Be particular to (i) state the number of the part desired; (2) your full name and address; (3) in- close the necessary ciuponsand I 15 cents. The part you re- I quest will be sent, post-paid, to your address. a os. FURNITURE.

THE dollars arc not as ill plentiful as they were a year or two ago, you will lind that us your dollar will go a great deal farther than it ever did before. We have prescribed the only remedy for dull business these slow times, viz: Prices. In looking over our Furniture you will find the largest rind finest selection of new designs. We will be pleased to show you around whether you are in the market for furniture or not. 525-527 NORTH NINTH ST.

WE ARE PREPARED to repair watches, clocks, and articles of jewelry and pilverware at a moment's notice and in a most artistic manner. You need notice but a moment to perceive- the superiority of our work, and our prices speak in fisrnres that cannot be misunderstood. We are the standard for everything in our work, standard prices, standard time, and standard ware. Whether you adopt the standard or the silver standard, we have it, and are prepared to maintain it. Repair at ou to No 20 Xorth Niath Street, and we'll repair every article yon present.

STOLL FUMK, 20 X. Sinth Si S0'4 Cohen Philadelphia Shoe Store lumi. Look at our Children's Fine shoes, at 40, 50 and 73c. These qualities will ba a great surprise to you at those prices. Our Infants' Fine Dongola shoes, at 25 and 35 cants, are the wonders of the age.

Our Men's Fine (Jalf shoes, at $1.50, $2.00 aud stunners. You want to see these aud will agree with us that they are the greatest shoe ou earth for the money. Our line of Ladies' Fine Dongola shoes at $1.25, $150 and $2.00, are a marvel. For quality, style and prica they have no rival in existence. STOCK £JID OB4IN XASKET.

Reported Daily by 1. W. Stager, 773 Cum- barland Street. LEBANON, March 19,1894. Open'g.

clog's A.C. Atcliisou On. Southern C.C.C. I C. B.

Clhicago Gas D. ijfc Erie Jersey Czntrai LakeShore bouts, Lead "Ji Mo. Pacific Northwestern lii'K N.Y. Central llj- 1 N.C.O (New Stock) QX. New 11 No.

Pac No. Pac. North American Paciflc Alaii Rock Isianc Readme Richmond Term 3t. taul Sugar Ytu'x Iron Western Onion union Paciflc fl Bdison 42 4 Opan'g HlE'a't Low't Closg May. 58 36'4 SI 1W Vfi'A 19 1 sty.

70H 5SVJ 10 8--. 6.4T 1075 6.4U 10 SO 6.4T Wheat Corn Oats May. Porn Wheat CO 60 MM Cash Wheat V) Corn Oats 2 Pork Lara TODAY. Oar 31; --ora, 420; Oats, 327; Hogs, TOMORROW. Car 75; Corn, Oats, Bogs, 22.110? VISIBLE SITPl'LT.

Wheat, Corn, 329.000 20.0CO. GKAIB ARD PRODUCE. Lateit for Flour, Whett, Bntwr, Eggs, Etc. PHILADELPHIA, March 19, 1894. and weak.

but quiet; No. 3 red, Clc; No. 2 Penn'a red, G2Jc. and steady; No. 2 for losal 3 in export elevator, 12 No 2 Penn'a HGs.

and barely steady; No 2 vhtte, aSo No. do, No. mixed and firm; winter, J18 50 al9.5U iu balk, spring, BALKD for choice stock, medium grades dull; timothy, small hal es, $12al5; large bales, mixed lla BALED RYE 75al2.50. OOS and lower; Penu'a firsts, 15s. CHEESET-Steady but quiet.

but firm at as tocuality. LIVE and steady; yonng, winter chichens, pullets, lie; ducks, 1 Callc; geese 9alOc; turkeys, 8a9c. DRESSED with supplies well cleaned up. WEEKLY GRAIN M4.EKIT. The following are the paying prices of grain.

Corrected weekly by A.Strickler's Sons, Lebanon, Loneberry red wheat tjfl Fultz wheat White wheat Bye Corn THE LEBANOH M4KKEIS. Butter, Potitoes, Dried lard, Etc. B'lttcr, IS Fees, Lard! lb Shoulder, lb Uara. lb Bacon, lb It Dried Apples Tallow MARRIED. DM- 17th insl.

in '-ilv bv tlii- liev. r. M. Ma lioliV. "i Ilii-citv.

ami Mr. Ji-lill H.linill.ol Lii-kilali-, the iv'sirli-mv "I thi 1 paiviit-, li'i Guaranteed Caro. TVe our advertised to sell Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, uj on this condition: If vou arc aftlieU'd with a Cough, Cold, or any Lunjc, Throat or Chest trouble, and will tue this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience DO beuiflt, you may w.un the bottle and have the money refutHlu'vK We could not make this offer did wo not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on.

It- never disappoints. Trial Lotties free at Koss it Drug store. Large size 50 cents aud $1.00. Chapped hands and face cured, "Beauty-Cream," 10 cents. For sale by Dr.

Geo. Ross Co. feb21 Tteod Bncklen'a arnica Salve. TilEBESTSAi.VEin the for Cuts, Bruises, Sjres. Ulcers, Salt Uhoum, Fever Sores, Corns, and all Skin Eruplioi aud posi- tively'euros Piles, or no pay i5 It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. Gcorgc'Ross it Co. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what 'vas formerly done in the manner and disagreeably as well. To cleauss the system and break np colds, bcatlachcs and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs.

Parlor Suites in brocatelle wilton rug tapestry thair cloth of our own make and guaranteed first class. Conches, lunugi-s and easy chairs. Also a full line of furniture oi every description to be found ia a first- class store. FunxiTuuF. RAZAAII.

Feb. Tuxei! Taxes'. Persons knowing themselves to be indebted for city and school taxes and water rents for past years are earnestly requested to call at the office of the City Cumberland street, second floor. W. G.

WAiti), Collector. marlG-tf Statomon: UIUOKB lot Clerks of school can obtain nual financial statement blanks at this office. They are printed alter the author ized form aud will fully servo tho pur pose for which they are intended. Or ders by mail will be attended to. Address the NEWS.

Lebanon, Pa. tf The largest assortment of furniture "in be found at onr ware-rooms. Bed-room suites in oak, waluut, birdeye. maple, cbavry, and curled birch in the latest styles. Dining-room KtiHs at Mi prices.

liAZAAIl. An Unperishable Capital To every young man and woman who secures a practical cdu cation ai the Lebanon Business Terms Very Reasonable. Visitors Always Welcome. JUBI.IC SALE Personal Property! Will ba sold at Public ou Thursday, March 22cl, 1894, At the residence of ifce rndtT-sigued at the Atore, corner and (u Lebanon, county, I tile foMowiny sonal Pronerty, viz: six be.ia of Horses, amont; UILMII ET-. are 1 pair flue eh stunt years old, eooJ sm iNe conUitictn 1 2-horse I'l wlth Tipp.

Kli-ifts and I'n-i-. and 1 lull 1 r. 1 hand Trues, sunvsls, lyrics, p'y Darn Is, Boxfls. am! nia'iy utlior too nnnifroii to sharn. when cttndiri.iii-i by t'OX 5 it COLORS Pink.


3SS JS; ss; 3S 8 ss ss 35 DONT FAIL TO SEE DONT FAIL TO SEE DONT FAiL TO SEE OUR 3S New Ipring Lines THEY ARE NOW ARRIVING AND ARE JUST THE GOODS YOU WANT TO SEE BEFORE BUYING YOUR SPRING SHOES NEW Commonwealth Shoe Store. No. 753 CUMBERLAND STREET, Lebanon, Penna. Spring Styles jjoiu IN OUD1SB XO MAItK Ttffc Ol-KNlAU Ofr ODK NlflW A KEO LET- TKH KVKNT, WE MAKE THE FOlAoWIXG OFFER: tu tnler a stj wt-ll cut made cjjrtDlly HairtCcU null. materials are of the latent Htvles, atui suth well known inuhes as the Globes, Hitrrls and Hiickhipnam iii uticl the we English JUOiicd.

Look at oar Dollar Made to Order Troaseri. Oar Five ro Ord Trunsers for*. TTo cnarnn'ee prices to be aft LOW AH KLSKCVHUKK, tv MONET V.ILL BE IlEFUNDED. B. F.

WARD, 29 S. Eighth HnrnniniDmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimniiiiiiiiiimnniniiiiiiiiiiiminmniiiraiig Look Here I you INTEND TO BUILD i We are better prepared tha. ever to QR USE ANY THIN6 IN I serve you, having the LARGEST as well nf tlio BEST SELECTED STOCK of all kinds nt rt ur umber orplflorkj I in the city or county, such as White Pine, I Yellow Pine, Hemlock, Poplar, Ash, Plain take this means ef in- 1 I and Quartered Oak, Cherry, Walnut, forming you that we are in I 1 Cypress, Nahouany, to. 5 that Mne business in the i fullest sense of the word, and i would ask yon that before you make your purchases or con- tracts to CALl AND GET OUR PRICES. We are also prc- pared with the Latest Improved Machinery, of which we have lately made a number of additions, to manufacture anything in the way of FRAMES, SASH, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, DOORS I OR ANYTHING that pertains to work turned out by a FIRST- CLASS PLANING MILL.

We would state further that we make A SPECIALTY OF STAIR BUILDING HARD WOOD INTERIOR FINISH. All we ask is to give us a trial and be convinced. ur Motto is: FAIR DEALING TO UO NOT FORGET THAT THE PLACE TO BUY RIGHT IS OP Fox Graeff, 1 Formerly FOX EflBICH, 3 Cor. Seventh and Guilford Streets, fj LEBANON, PENN'A. JNO.


C. E. Fine Tailoring, This square is like would be blank if it weren't for nice clothing. And if you come to us you will be sure to get not only a nice, stylish suit, but a good one at a low price. Clothing is less in price than ever.

RAUCH Tenth and Cumberland.

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