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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 8

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1908. MOBVTXQ BEOI8TEK "BIGHT be had Portland yesterday where ho has ACCFCvMFMTC Fftl? stone contract on another church. jLujIf I LI 1 lul Jf ornamental 111 rS. l. JIUU UL 1 UtllOUU a guest of Mrs.


Campbell Chief, J. M. Martin Assistant in tho citv vestordav. K. i'in'lihani of Marcola was ir.

tho citv over Sunday. Hal D. Pultun was uj. from Salen JACOB MATHEWS IS FOUND DEAD In a Small Shack on the Walker Place fOUL PLAY SUSPECTED Th0 bkt so 77- Tuesday Wv vrsti rdav on. business.

John A. Wriylit and Orol O'Brien of Doerhom aro in the city. Glome W. Davis was in from Cres- en cents paid at Program. lia i charitable pur8 general public la1.

1 Little interest was taken in the of fire officers yesterday. The elec discused with Boine acerbity on tho Virt of some of the members. A bill for $75 from Miss Roso of Hip University of Washington, for three analyses of Ritchey creek water, was referred to the finance committee. Hills for hauling pipe etc. on the Hill Crest addition were presented and tlie subject was fully discussed.

brought out tho fact that ninny members of tho council are opposed putting in the pipe on Hill frost, as it establishing a bad precedent and should not go on. By motion, tho matter wus referred to the fire and watei committee with instructions to have the Hill Crest people buy tho pipe cost and put it in at their oxpenso under supervision of Superintendent Taylor. Citv Engineer Waggoner reported tl at 54V. blocks (400 feet long) of paving, had been laid in Eugene, mnkinp fm.oOO square yards, at a cost of and also private work for the street car company amounting to soma thing over $11,000. It was given in full Asked for Permit to Build frame Hotel COMMITTEE OF WHOLE '-1 WILL DECIDE ON MATTER AND ALSO ON APPOINTMENT OF WATER EMPLOYES tion noaru spent tne greater part of the Place of afternoon waiting on voters who fuiled hull v.

SPECIALlr SODY EIFLED AND VALUABLES GONE, BUT NO MASKS OF VIOLENCE FOUND to enmu. voios were nrst polled tor L. Warnock for chief for somo time, when it was learned that Mr. Warnock was ineligible, as he is an exempt fire man. About seven votes were polled and of these William L.

Campbell received five. W. C. Yoran nnd L. L.

Warnock each one. J. M. Martin was elected assistant chief. wr-l! Mondav on business.

Rev. H. A. Clreen returned home yesterday from a trip north. George H.

Bojjuc of Junction Citj was in the city over Sunday. W. (i. Allen went to Irving yesterday to look after his fruit farm. Fred C.

Peil was up from Junction or. his usual business trip yesterday. James Hayes, the Junction hop-buyer, was in the city again yesterday. C. E.

Stewart of Cottage Grovo was down on legal business yesterday. George F. Kelly returned from a business trip to Portland yesterday. Eich American are overstocked iki" and must reduce he tki, 5, for OtllOr irn.l Council met in adjourned session last evening with the mayor and ('ouncilmen Garrett. Roach.

Fisher, Heller, Will iams and Moon present. "ve the best Bla-glJ Tho petition of Fred the Turk to run tamalo wagon in davtimo as well The mavor read the resignation or Mrs. llrodie left for Irving yes- i. II. T.

Harris as a member of tho com- as at night, was referred to tho street There wug evidently a murder committed Kutuidny night, or at least larceny frc-m the dead of Jacob Mathews, whkh wag found In a little tfhui-k or out-house about 150 yards northwest of the house on the "Billy" Walker place, In the bottom between Judklna Point and Springfield on Sunday afternoon. Mathews Is a rough carpenter and Kenerul laborer who has worked about Eugene, Springfield anil M.iroola for several years. He Is about 53 years old and hus been married twice, hav Mri If. Jolun up fm mitte. for the revision of the charter Junction yosterdav to visit, her mother.

and it was accop ed. Juso el Mrs. Nimcv Bushncll returned rom was appointed in his stead and the ap-n visit to hef farm near Irving yester-; po.ntmcnt was unanimously charmed. jnV John H. Hartog nddressod the coun- W.

C. Grun of Medford was in the on tho proposition of W. P. (Jsburn city getting next to "The Engcno and wife to bu.ld a fonr-story hoto Wnv 1 1111 their lot nt cornfir of Eighth and John W. ninnton went back to Cres- Pearl streets, just between tho court visit house and tho Baptist church.

He ask- Eggs are a good price. Prussian Poultry food will make the hens lay. PRESTON HALES. Notice Having leased the Park hotel, to cnted at the corner of Olice street, one block west of S. P.

depot, we will opon tho house to the public December 7, 1908. Nowly furnished throughout; electrie lights; hot and cold water; and brth on both floors. We respectfully solicit a shore of your patronage. 12-4-dtO WILTSE KELSAY. committee with power to act.

Firo protection for the pumping station was brought up by Superintendent Tavlor, and it was referred to the fire and water committee with power to act. Council then went into committee of the whole to discuss tho Osbnrn hotel pionosition and fh appointment of such necessary otfieers an aro needed fp; managing of the. water plant pending tho roferenduin on tho ordinance creating tho commission. ed that tho council givo a special per at home, but tho larerest BOEN fine cut glass than a 1 othorH We will not give TRTMBLE At the Eugeno hospital, on Mondav. December store 'U Cm'H nnd Mrs.

D. IT. Trimble, a son J- 0. Watts A Unique Christmas Gift Dr. Franc Lucilo Hard has solved th'a problem for many who find it a task to select presents for their friends.

Father, mother, sister, will appreciate tho sensible gift of an order for pair of glasses and a first class examination to The Up-to-Date Jewiw Corner Ninth and Apron Social The Ladies' Aid society of tho Con gregntional church will hold an apron and handkerchief sale at Linn's Drug store about tho middle of December. Watch for the dato. 12-3-dt3 REGISTER ADVEBTISIjiofiiii Wood-savers and even bakers: this has made the "Superior" range famous CHAMBERS HARDWARE CO. 11-lldtf. Special Sale mit to i Id a frame building covered with steel lath and content, with an isolated kitchen, so as to eliminate all danger of firo from that source.

Tip: matter was referred to tho committee of tho whole to discuss it with the Commercial club committee after this session. Assessment Ordinances An ordinance levying tho assessment for paving West Eighth street from Chnrnolton to Monroo was passed. The assessment ordinanco for paving Seventh street from Oak to High was passed. Tho ordinance assessing tho cost of paving of West Ninth street from Olive to Lincoln was passed. Tho ordinance for assessment for paving Park street was held up for corrected description.

The assessment ordinances for grading and graveling Moss avenue from Fifteenth street to Faimiount boulevard; Orchard avenuo from Eleventh street to Fairmount Seventeenth street from Walnut avenuo to Agate avenue; Nineteenth street from Orchard avenue to Agnto avenue, were aK unanimously passed. The committee to interview telephone people on improvement, reported that they had interviewed the officials of the company nnd they promised better results, as they are putting in new linc3 and establishing a school for' training operators, nnd they would send some G. E. and Lulu Hayes of Medford arc recent arrivals in Eugene to look over tho city. Joe Morris the Maploton merchant and postmaster, has roturnod to his homo.

B. Senders and Arthur Miller, prominent citizens of Harrisburg. wero in the city Sunday. A. A.

Haflinger, propriotor of Foley Springe, was a business visitor in the city yesterday. Supervisor C. R. Seitz left yesterday fur Portland on business connected wild tho Cascade forest. J.

H. Dnniel will go to Portland today to attend a convention of mutual companies. Miss Michael of Albany cnino in yesterday and will bo the guest of Mrs." Miles" for a short time. Leon Myers held services somewhere down tho lino Sunday and returned homo Monday afternoon. Attorney L.

E. Bean want to Salem yesterday to look up quarters for the coming legislative session. C. E. Harlow and 3.

Y. Currin came down from Cottage Grovo to resume their work on the grand jury. Mrs. J. A.

Burlingamo hns returneit from a six weeks' visit with friends in Astoria, Portland, and Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Robert It. Smith and Dorothy, who have boon visiting at Kuykondnll returned to Roseburg yesterday.

Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. who have NEW TODAY WILL EXCHANGE Largo 9-room house, very centrally located; electric lights, bath; fair grounds for a modern cottage, and will take difference on easy terms or would ing parted from Ws second' wife some three years ago.

He has a brother-in-law by the iname of C. Wi Carson who lives near Springfield and with "whom his daughter, M1ss May Mathews, about 14 years old Is making her 3vome. From Mr. Carson nnd Coroner Gordon wo got the following details of the terrible affair: Tho deceased hus a son with whom he has been at Portland for some time. Mr.

Carson got a letter about the middle of the week from Mr. Mathews, saying he would be home on Saturday night, and the son would go "to Yale, Washington. He heard nothing more until he was notified of the finding of the body a letter having been founi among Mathews effects from hie daughter May, which gave a due to his Identity. The Sheriff and corcner were notified al9 when the body was found and on going to the cabin they found every evidence of foul play. The consents of his two grips were strewn 'about the HcK-r, the pockets of the deceased's clothing were turned Inside out, his shirt collar torn open and the collar buttons taken as well as the cuff butK-ns, and everything of value "taken except $1.15 which was In the pocket of his pants.

Dr. F. M. Day whb called and examined the Tbody anidi found no mark cf violence on or anything that -could have cans death. It Is something of a mystery and the corrner Is greatly puzzled over It.

The deceased either came bo his deattii by "knock-out" drops or something iof that kind administered for the purpose of robbery, 'as he was to have had c-n-'sldernble money, or else he sought refuge lm the cablu andi death over-'took tilm there in the night and some thief rilled his pockets and grips after ward. Tlio coroner is using every sclue he can to find out how deceised yjame to his death. The son hau been to come from Ynle, Wash lngton, and after nil the facts that can bo ascertained, nro known, ami in quest will be held. The body will not be burled, of course, until ifVter the Inquest Is held audi probably, nuttp- Rich American Cut Glass consider a desirable lot. Address Largo House, this office.

J2-8-dt6 run KiSivl One d-room suite, gas stove in conection; suitable for light housekeeping. Geo. T. Hall. 12-8-dtf FOR SALE Good baled hay in large or small Quantities, is.

f. Andrews R. F. D. No.

3, Eugene, Oregon, Wallace place, 3'Xi miles west. 12-8-dtO" We are overstocked with this line and must reduce the stock to give room for other goods, You will not only have the best glass made .1. 1 1 been here for the past threo months, i experienced help irom rortinna ir the returned homo to Seattle i service did not improve hero. Mrs. E.

B. Day of Aberdeen, Wash-! C.v Attorney Bean reported on the ington, camo in yesterday nnd went out lfKnllty of the ordinance creating the on the stage to Maplel'on yestorday. I wn tor, that it. did not. go into WANTED A girl who can cook, wash "and iron, and do general housework.

Inquire of Mrs. Lester Luckey, Col- lego 12-8-dtf S. K. Fono returned to Portland yes-1 ilasll(rn 'A teidav. He sr.ys Eugeno 8 growing so th nonimission wn "therefore tL lit ho has decided to conio back hero FOR, RENT House for rent today.

In quire nt 21 East Seventh or nt Hum pton Bros, store. premature. ikj scicci iiuni uui ine largest siock, as we carry more fine cut glass than all others combined. We will not give prices here1 live. Miss Carrie Burton of Portland, who hns boon horo visiting her sister, Mrs, W.1 W.

Avery, loft for hor work again yesterday. i Mrs. Frederick of Portland. FOR SALE Corner lot on Lincoln and Thirteenth. Good, choice lot.

Call at 7S2 Lincoln street. 12-8-dt4 The city attorney was ordered to draft nn ordinance reducing 'tho time or notice for initiative and referendum petition!) from 30 to days. The mayor. stated that ho understood the the referendum was coming on the but can save you money ir you will come to the who hns been tho guest of Mrs. S.

SPECIAL TODAY Finegnn for somo time', returned home water commission, and that this would hold up the commission until tho April Saturday. PERSONAL MENTION election, and it would bo nccossary appoint such officers as aro necessary to manage tho water plant as soon as possible. Tho subject of this referendum on the water commission was taken up and Mrs. Surah Davidson, who has horn lure visiting her son, T. and fnmilv, left for Junction yesterday to visit oth children.

H. K. Malhews, who recently came from Kiona, Kansas, to look ovor Hi-, country, went to Portland yestorday He will return later. 1 J. O.

WATTS The Jeweler Comer 9th and Willamette Sts. Eugene, Ohjh where she has been on business, nnd Miss Bessie Cosliow of Koseburg, will be the guest of Prof. Luellit Clay who has been visiting her cousins, Miss Carson of tho University of Oregon, for Loin and Miss Libbie Howe, returned few days. homo yesterday 1 i A. Rico of Bennington, Vermont, who has been here for some timo vis FOR SALE A 1000-acre ranch, three and one-half miles from Eugeno.

on good road; suitable for dairy, hay, fruit, or breeding purposes; a bargain. Terms given if desired. WANTED Two or threo lots, in one location, in western part of city, south front preferred; need not eloso in if reasonable price. INVESTMENT Wo have $20,000 to invest in agricultural land, well located, suitable for dividing into two or three small farms; improvements not required on property. TO BUY A small place suitable for dairy and fruit, partly improved; not far from railroad, valuo $2500.

TO TRADE Colorado City, Colorado, residence property and harness business with good, established trade, to exchange 'for Eugene renl estate or farm land not far from railroad station. C. B. BENNETT CO. 22 We-t Sixth St.

Phone. Ked fiSSI THREE WEEKS R. J. Kirkwnud went to Portland yesterday. 0.

L. Kntnn wus down from Jasper yestordny. Claude Loo came up from Junction yisterdayr Georgo Itnguo of Irving was in city yesterday. John Porch wont to Divide on IhikI hchs ycslcrdr.y. Henry Junes wont to Roattle ye on business.

O. Lowell nf HarriHluirg spent Sun luy in the city. Hon. O. 11.

bttrris eaiao in frtwn tl.e south yeatenlny. P. 11. Klliott of Jose is recen: arrival in the city. John A.

Wright of Pcerlinrn was in tlin city yesterday. Rev. W. Uvrssmiin returned from tho north yesterday. Mr.

and MrH. Frank Rimy moved to X. A. Boscovilz of San Francisco, came to Eugene a day or two since and went to Vidn on tho stage Monday im ruing, where he will have interest-. llnrvcy Wheeler, who has been at-tfrd'Hg the V.

M. C. A. conve'ntion at Mi'Minnville. came home yesterday.

The other Eugene representatives did not come yet. V. C. Kelsey. (he Portland enginci mi whom onr city council reposo abseil to confidence and who manages to get the business, was in the city again vestordav conferring with Mavor iting his sister, Mrs.

J. W. Cuiackoii-bush and family, started south Monday morning to visit California points, where ho will probably spend tho winter before returning home. John W. Laird of Garfield.

Washington, who has been hero to attend the of his mother, returned home yesterday. He notes many changes for the belter hero and says ho regards Eugene as his home and after he has a coni)ietencp, he rxpets to return to this city to spend the ever, ing of his life. He snvs the thermo S. L. Mills of Mills college, Oak meter was ten degrees abovo zero last land, came in yesterday from Portland.

Si turdav in Garfield. To Christmas, and your mind turns to thoughts of Christmas Gifts. Our stock of Haviland, Austrian, German, and LeMoges China, Cut Glass, Art Ware, Chafers, Lamps and Jardinieres, is larger than we have ever carried. To stimulate early buying so as to prevent a rush at the last minute, we are going to allow 10 Per Cent Discount, on all Holiday goods, between Dec. 5 and Dec.

20. Fifteen con-sective years of dealing with the Eugene Public has acquainted them with the quality of goods to be found at our store. 583 Willamette Hall Street Orpheum Theatre Hir Klippin Inman. Props. Three Nights Cnmmpnrinflr Monday, Dec.

1 Western Play Tjj CATTLE QUEEN" Prices 10 and 20c no higher. Reserved seats wnnout extra charge. Next bill tne seizing comedy "A Gay Deceiver." telephone Black 1352 riNALL, ACT "THE LION AN THE MOUSE," AT THE EUOEN THEATRE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7.

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