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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 5

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIIK MOIiMNfl KKfilSTKIt, SATI'llDAY, NOVKMHKK 10, veil In Kiikumi! vi-ntitriliiy afterniion THE DAILY FASHION HINT. local Hed Cross officers are more than pleased with tho efficient work of tho line county auxiliaries. Men's Monarch Shirt Sale Continues all Week Again- ATHENA UNDERWEAR ffOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Roy Stewart EN'OKMOrS STOCKS, HKST QIIALITIKS, fiOOO, WARM WOOI anil COTTON' I'XPKKWKAR for KM, WOMEN AND CHINDRKN AT ALMOST WHOLESALE PRICE. (TIllH I II HH Nllelll Gets the Draw on 'em (TIl'lH Time HH Hilelll Scull) The Devil Dodger -TV I 1 ,1 Devil never really wins. Ami when Hie earils were Inycd down Hie Devil won, The die wan cnsl.

SflflOV TODAY ONLY AiIiiIIh l.V. Children lOij MEN'S UNION SUITS, $2 A natural gray wool proiipss, mixed Union Suit, in Mon's sizes, from 34 to 46,. Spenial now at $3.00 $1.50 MEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS $1.25 Eeru and gray, heavy cotton Union Suits for men, in sizes 34 to 46, improved crotch. Special $1.25 80c UNION" SUITS 69 Women's fine quality Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, made of cotton. Special while lot lasts .69 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY OF EUGENE rASTEVRIZBIV VOUL.

IS SAFETY FIRST MIX.K. Eugen Pin a Milk Cream Co. J. H. Schmidt, nrm 04J Oak phone 70.

I-l-tf 0MNG To the SAVOY Theatre Tie Famous JEWEL Production CAUGHT IN THE ROUNDS $1.25 UNDERWEAR 75( Splendid Merino Wool Vests and I'aiits, in children's ami misses sizes, gray and while, Athena make, special ,75 90o UNION SUITS 75 Children's white and Knty, heavy cotton Union Suits, in ages 4 to 16, special .75 MENS RICHMOND UNION SUITS $3.00 to $4.00 Splendid qualities; in Richmond Union Suits at from to $4.00 a suit. Made of host material and perfect fitting. DUOFOLD I'SDEUWEAll IX THE HEART MARRIKD. At the home of the officiating minister at Junction City, November 7, 1917, Ar thur Wlckwire and Anna Mary Wil son, both of Junction City, by KeV. E.

T. Smith. BOHN. HUFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Huffman, November 9, '1917, a daughter. CLARK In Eugene, November 8, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Clark, residing at 588 Monroe street, a daughter. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Chairman George Quayle, of the executive committee in charge of the Y. M. C.

A. drive in Lane courtty, yes terday Issued tho following notice to Lane county teachers outside Eugene: 'In all of Lane coun'y, outside Eu gene, the amounts coitectea tn students' donations to the Y. M. C. A.

fund during the big drive, will be forwarded direct to F. N. McAlister, cashier of the United States National bonk of Eugene, who is county treas urer of the movement. Tho amount collected from the school children will bo held in a separate fund, the whole of which will go to the wai fund of the Y. M.

C. Tho usual reductions on millinery are being observed for the month of November at Mrs. Ruth McCallum Carter's millinery parlors, room 22, over First National bank. 11-6-4 Try Eugene Soectal. Rood cigar, tf Stop That Cold At Once CASCARAPUININE The old family remedy In tablet form safe, sure, easy to take.

No opiates no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get the genuine ooz With Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24 TabUu for 25c.

At Any Drue Stor Cut This Out and paste it on the door, then you'll have our jitney Number 904. DODGE AUTO SERVICE Doty's res. phone 534-R. Rebnien res. phono G62-Y.

nflul Mu afi'' I I ggmgggp mid will remain In iim iiiu im i. lay or I wo. In MaiHlifli Id on HiihIiicnh HilKll (I'llileu, of the Kuurnii Mat. Iicmb facloiy, weal to Manibrield ycB-tenlny on liiiini in i. layH.

II. M. I iifiiu I (. li'lllllllKH, lllliuiiuer of lift On on I company at 'ohm liny, returned In Miimhfli.ld yenliuilav after a abort lilp to I'orllund. Tliiifi Mm liuek lliiiilinir W.

II. Ilollliiton, jr. J), K. KdKiir and (leoiKii 11, llaxter, of CroBwe.ll. loft Bterday fur tho lako country on thi roaid, on duck hunt.

TiiIii-k I'ohMIoii wllli H. I'. Compaiiy J. c. Van (lullder baa arrived In IliiKiiie from I'oweiB ami luiB taken llie imiiiIIIoii of lui'chnnlrnl helper ut I In: Houlhern I'liclflc roiimlhoiiHO.

Wall CardH Kinrlvcil Tho Kouth- ll 1'aclflr fon-o baa received Blip- ly of the wall card time InblcB for iIIhI rll.ul ion ami Akcut (Illlettn an noiiuci.B Hint anyone may Becuro ono by callliiK at the pnaBctiKcr Btation. Will Allciul Mim-IIiik N. Itobb, ii ii I uKimt, and MIbb Hulh tNirbelt, homo food demoiiBtrator, will atteml a meelluK of tho KraiiKii I'rent todiiy and Bpeak to tho mem beiB on Impoitnnt tuple. It will bo an all-day meeting. I'clltlon III Court Illcil hern wob filed In Juvenile court yeB.

lerday a petition to declare Anna Hhnrp, a minor, dependent. It 1b al li-Ked that Bhe haB not tho proper parental earo or KuardlaiiKhlp; that er inolher, Mch. Evil 1'erklliB, Ib Bep- arated from her first husband und Ihn father Ib out of tho state. (Jock Io W'lllmv NprlilKH A. I nok left yeslerday fur I.omlon HprliiKB, whero hU du lighter l.uelllo Ib liui-liliiK school.

Klin will return home with him and Beml the week ml In the city. and Mra. Cook ecently moved In from Cook's Inn nn tho MrKenxlo rlvur, and have moved Into hoiiso on Charnelton strc-et. rcM'nOt Y. M.

('. A. Ciiiiho ney J. M. Hovera Hpoko beforo tho Hanta Clara tcraiiKO Inst nlKht In the mieii'BiB or tho i M.

C. A. war ork. Ho said there Ib a Kreat deal of InloreBt In the subject nmoiif; the KriuiKers of that locality and they re- inesled that ono of tho tenniB go out Ihere and solicit auhscrlptlunn to the fund. Irepam for rYr-Hhmin Honflre Iho freshmen of tho University of oreBon havo begun collecting the flro wood for the bit? freshmen bon flro whlrh In annually ono of the ovenlB of home-romliiK week.

The blK flro will bo Blartcil on Kluculd field Krlday nlKht. The freshmen are KcttliiK tho wood on tho upper Wll lametto river, near Hprlnsfleld. KcIkhiI Money to He Sent Out Mooro, county school Btiperlntcnd ent. says ho will be ready to Bend out tho rcKiilnr apportionment of tile ounly Bchool money on Monday of next weok. in addition to tho rcfrular pporttonmcut he wdll send to ench district tho deficiency created by the non-payment of the taxoR on tho Ore Hon and California railway grant lands for threo yonra.

Thinks JloblKTH Si-nriMl Awny- Klne, who conducts a small shoo shop and second hand store at 629 Vlllam otto street, says that when lie came to work yesterday mornliiR he found his Btoro door unlocked, llo Ih of tho opinion that Homeono entered for tho purpose of robbery but became frightened away as ho has missed nothlnir. Ho days ho Is certain that ho loekeil tlio door tho nlKht before IiiHlall New tlinntiT of Sorority ho Misses JesHlo Garner, Mildred tlarland, Huth llothrock, Kiifrenla HomliiK, Donna Spencor, ltuth Mont Roniory, Carroll Montiifiuo, Marjor Williams, Heleno Po Ijino nnd Melba Williams, membors of tho local, chapter of tho Kappa Alpha Theta so rority, left yesterday for Corvallls, whero they will attend tho Installation of tho lleta Kpsilom chapter of tho Kappa Alpha Theta at O. A. C. Tho new chapter was formerly tho Alphl Chi, local sorority.

Marshal lienves Prisoner Hen A deputy United States marshal from rortlnnrt arrived out from Marshflold yesterday aftornoon with a prisoner, and left him with Sheriff Pnrker to keep hero until today, when ho will return horo with an other fodornl prisoner to arrniKii be foro K. O. Immel, United States commissioner. Tho man brouRlit hero from Mnrshfleld Is accused of falsifying aa to tho place of hit birth in giving information whon applying for cltlssensblp papeiH. Hoys Hold rriu-tlce Hoy Scout-s of Kugono, who will tako a loading part III tho Y.

M. C. A. Ntrcot demonstration this afternoon, held a practlco in tho armory last evonlng. Scoutuins-lor J.

H. Slarr lias Issued tho following appeal to tho parents of tho boys: "Kvory scout In F.ugono is called for sorvlco Saturday after noon nnd Sunday evening, and the parents of every Hoy Scout nro urged to sco that ho linn no other ongngo-mont for Saturday from 2:30 toB p. m. nnd Sunday uflornoon at 4:30 o'clock." If lull School Hoys Clnss (irows Tho lilgh Bchool boy' gymnasium class of tho Y. M.

O. A. Is fast growing In approval of tho younger men of tho city ns 1 shown by tho fact that ten boys nro now enrolled In tho cIiirb nnd other boys liavo signified tholr Intention of Joining Boon. The class moots Tnoadny nftornoon at o'clock and Thursday aftornoon at 4:30. Tho class Is under tho supervision of Caroll Itoborts a young man who has had oxpenlenco In tho -work In tho Frosno, Y.

M. C. A. Tho class work consists of regular gym nasium nnd nppnratus work. Snys County Iltl Good ltonil Work K.

L. Kleiner, a farmer nonr Alvn dnre, was 111 the city yesterday to nl loud to business mailers, Ho says Aluinicy In I'oitland Attorney C. K. AlcOlnnls Is In Portland for a day or two on business connected with an Important case of his. liuhor Council Turns Over Moitcy The central labor council of this elly found that it had 2 left over In the treasury und turned it over to Ihc Hed Cross.

AlUiul Kuiii-rnl IIith Mr. ond Mrs. Itoy H. Hoyd, of Meadowvlew, and Mrs. H.

V. Wilkes, of Florence, arrived In Eugene yesterday to attend tho funeral of Mrs. Mary Lowry. (Jo to Corvnllls for Week-end Doughlas Walarkey, George Iieggs, Montague, George Cuslc und Ned Fowler were among the students who left yesterday to spend the weekend In Corvallls where they will witness tho O. A.

8. C. football and tho U. of O. and O.

A. C. soccer contests today. looks for Car KIioi-Uhfo W. P.

Powers, traveling freight and passen ger agent of tho Oregon Electric, who was In Eugeno yesterday, says that a car shortage is looked for soon If tho shippers do not ship their potatoes and other farm produce out now, as the freight business Ib constantly increasing and there will be a congestion If tho produco Is held until later. IVcw Piling Contrni't KstnhliHlieri 8. E. HiiBBCll. who has been engaged In getting out piling for tho Southern Pacific along the Coos Hay branch west of Eugene for a number of years past, has Just taken another contract with tho company to furnish 11,700 fir pilings.

A new camp has Just been established near Not! and the work of getting tho logs out has sturted. Old Friimds Visit Mrs. M. R. Mc Lean returned yesterday from a week's visit to Corvallls and Albany.

While In Albany sho visited an old friend, Mrs. Monteith, who is close to 00 years old. Mrs. Monteith and Mrs. McLean were girlhood friends In Indiana 70 years but had not seen each other for this length of time until Mrs.

McLean's visit. Mill Soon to Operate E. O. Potter returned yesterday from a few days' visit to Nckoma, on the Siuslaw river, whero ho has been attending to business connected with timber Interests In thnt vicinity. L.

D. Forrest went with him, but will remain there for a few days longer. Mr. Potter reports that tho Commonwealth Lumber company Is complet ing a new mill which will be ready for work by tho first of the month. Lou Sherman Is doing brick work on the new structure.

lrofcssors on Extension Work Dr. W. D. Smith, professor of geology In tho University of Oregon left yesterday for Fort Stevens to spend the week-end and to dellvor his first lecture before the soldiers who aro taking the University tension work which is being carried on at the fort. Dr.

B. V. DeBusk professor of secondary education in the University, also left yesterday for Portland whero ho -will attend to work connected with the University Chamber of Commerce extension courses held in that city. Government Will Aid Farmers The government will aid in the mar keting of tho potato crop of the United States, according to the infor mation received by X. S.

Robb, coun ty agricultural agent, Thursday. The circular received by Mr. Robb states that the government will open an of fice in North Yakima, tho ad mltted center of potato growing in tho Pacific Northwest, for tho pur pose of sending out accurate reports on the market conditions throughout the country. These reports will be is. sued daily and will bo sent free to all potato growers asking for them.

Mr. Robb has been requested to send In a list of the potato growers in Lane county and he wishes any who want to receive tho bulletins to notify him at once. FEKSOJiAIz MJ3NTIOJf. Mrs. A.

L. Ingalls has gone to Grants Pass for a visit of a few days. Mrs. Ralph Yodcr is here from El mlra visiting her mother, Mrs. M.

A-. Green. D. Forrest, of Hlnkelyville, was nn arrival In tho city yesterday af ternoon. Georgo J.

Stevons returned to Wal ton yesterday after a short stay In Eugene. W. C. Hillings returned to his homo at Trlanglo lako yesterday after a visit hero of a few days. Mrs.

A. C. Rodlfer, of Drain, was an arrival in Eugeno last night and will visit In tho city today. Frank E. Taylor was In' from Thurston Thursday night for the Knights of Tythlas lianquct.

Miss Winona Gelgcr, of Junction City, Is visiting nt the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. V. West, in Eusreno. Ross Mathews, merchant of Thurston, attondod tho annual roll call and banquet of tho Knights of Pythias Thursday night.

A. I. p'Hellly, principal of the high school at Junction City, attended the Knights of Pythias banquet and roll call hero Thursday night. Miss Mabel Manerud is visiting at Sllvorton and from there will proceed to other cltlos down the valloy, ox-pocting to bo gone a month. Adam McMillan, proprietor of confectionery storo nnd a billiard parlor at Vonota, was In the city yestorday attending to business matters.

Mrs. S. C. Harndon returned to Irv-Ing yesterday aftor a short visit. Hor daughter, Miss Nora, who was with her, will remain for a day or two.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holeomb, of Al- vadoro, wero in the city Thursdny night for tho annual roll call and banquet of tho Knights of Pythias.

J. A. and C. A. Holeomb, of Alva-doe, loft for tholr homo yestorday aftor attondlng tho annual roll call mooting of the Knights of Pyllilns which wns hold Thursdny night.

Hrv, Mr. Pollard Will Prrneli Kev. I'ollnnl will preach nl Central wllcy, Ciow slnllon, rlundny ul 11 in. ntl 7:0 p. in.

VMM Sons In t'lty N. Leo nl Junction City, In visiting nl tint tomes of her nous, K. C. I. ml W.

II., till" work, Itctiiriui lYnni Nortli Jefferson II. Itih roluriiml to tho city yesterday Ifternoon from trip to polntii on llio Ml ililo brnnrh of tho H. 1. JinUm hi Kniitiii Judge J.

Cluck, Jimllro of tho pettra at Crriwcll, was ft KuKone vtHitur yes-ttrjn)', miotiillni; tho afternoon hero on buvlncHit, Iran fur Kurt Stevens is. W. B. Kollutl i-f yesterday fur Kurt Rtveiin, wliore she will vlnlt her bus-feiul who a moiuuer uf tho Koiund company, O. C.

A. llrtunu From TIiuIht K. ti. I'ut. ter returned yetderday afternoon from Kekoiim, whero he ami Mnlur 1.

Forrest went a few days ago It look ul mime tlinlier they own. Student (lo Hume for IVeek-i'iiil Anions' tho University students who left yefileidiiy to spend tho week-end In Portlnntl woro: V. l.y lo Mc'ros. k)', Horbort llnywooil and Miss Corn lloiforil, Itallrond Official VMIm K. V.

Zamrowr, traveling passenger agent lor Din Hants railway system, wiih Inllioclly yesterday ntlemlliiK to bus- Intwt matter, llo left hint nlKht furl hiiiuaiterB nl t'oi tluml. Itottini In Monterey 11. rullcrimii, a member of tho telegraph battalion of Iho army, stationed at Monterey, who him boon hero lor Mvtrnl cIiivh visiting his family, ipcrtu In leave IcinlKht for ramp, lie Mpcrtu to start for I'rnnco Boon. Work In 1hh Conservation nnKii Mlxlnen hoys of tho Junior ehool wero work yesterday tho final wlu.l-Ii!'.m"IC rnmpnlitn tills oily, havliifr been asslKticd to i work by Superintendent W. It.

Ililllicrfoiil, Hill w. ,1 lie 'nlrinoiini inn Cross ohiii.l.... Mm, w. ThleneB at tho corner Twenly.f.M pnM Mil Tho Sensation of Broadway I ll Direct from its tromendous I illlll broadway run comes this I I great JEWEL production illlll I "PAY ME" featuring DOROTHY. PHILLIPS WILLIAM STOWELL LOU CHANEY "Hell Morgan's Girl" Fame.

poy Stewart in Trianglpy Btrei.t, yrMerilny iifternoon, unci it very prufitalilo ami onjoynblo menliifi wan npont by tho 'iU iiieiiiliuio pi ehent. llureiiee Men In jiKcim Klwln JohiiBun, A. ti. Tiinkn ami II. A.

Ktnike, of l-'lorenee, arrived In Mu-Keno yeiiteriliiy afternoon ami aro reK Int. nil in thu Hotel OrlKK. WnntN to llti CltJjeii Charleii V. Kllerbeek, a nntlvo nf Ontario, Can- aila. yeniurtlay filml with tho eounty elerk bin ilei'lurnttun of Intention of cIllxi'M of tho Unltuil HlnteB.

9 Marshflehl Hanker Here n. Huk-ko, ennhler nf tho rW'amllnavlan-Aiuerlean bank at Marnhfletil, Ih In the city, liavInK coino out to ntlcml the 1'hrlntlan Hclonee lerluro hint iiltrht. CIomw StiinW'. 1'elernon of tho KiiKcno Mamiilo nturo, hau returneil. from I'ullmiiti, ViiHhlnKton, where ho rloHcil out ono of the enmpnny MtorcH, Tho Hlore wan illm'nlttlnucil iim It wui lutpo.HBlblo to Heeuro a tnaniiKor.

On Way to Hltlo ltlver MIlieM Ilurrlnkton, a mining mini of Oak land, California, arrived In Kukciio laid nlKht and will leavo thtn morn. Iiik fur Jhn llluo ltlver niinci! to look after Hflmu uf iho pruperttcH In tho dlnlrlct. lci! for lionitliw County T. llynn, fnnnerly nf thin elly, now of I'urtlaml, areuutpnnleil by J. A.

Hoi taday, of NewbeiK, left ycHtonlay for polntH In liotiifhir! county afler a Mhnrl Mlay here. They ku to look at rtoino prmerly. I Hook All Iti'iuly for IllstrlliutJon M. .1. Muore, connly Behool Bilpor Intemleut, Iiiih completed lit? task of nHnmllni; tho nchool llbniry bonks, ro really received from the tato depart ment'of eductlun, and they nro now roitdy fur dlHtrlbiitlon, Ah.hI.hI III tiiHlallntlon of Chapter MInk Mellm Wllllamn.

Mlas Marjorlo WllllnniM, MIhx I ll til MontBumery, MIhh i 'hi ul Muntaiiue ami Miss Heleno Deljuin worn al Cnrvalllx yestorday In iismIhI In the Instiillntlon of a new chapter nf Mm Kappa Alpha Tliutn Bororlly at tho tatn coIIcku. Here from Wnllon Mr. and Mm Ktni'Hl Craldrre, MIsh lsabelln WflKht nnd Wendell Wrluhl, of Walton, Telephone 813 "My trolteiir unit Is like nn nil liimu leaf in nil In brown nnd red," bii.vb Norn. "It him 8uch a nice BhapliiK bobiu line over the client, anil the lower part of the coat has the most nimtsliiB pockem. It an Ideal null for a thin girl like myself." n.

y. ii. that the county court has had some wonderful work on the county roads In that vicinity nnd that they aro now In tho best condition that they have ever been. F.nllstH In Army Elgin M. Arzcll of Marshfield, yesterday enlisted In the nrmy through the local recruiting of'lco and will bo nsslgncd to tho aviation corps.

Moving to Dayton, Wash. Earl James and family arc moving to Day ton, their household goods having been shipped out over the Southern I'aclflc lino yesterday. lxHlgc Worker to Coos Hay J. W. Simmons, state deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America, left yesterday for Marshfield.

llo will meet tho lodges there and at Coiiulllo and return to Kugeno Monday. Itifiim from Cliurcli fJnllierlnK Hev. und Mrs. A. M.

Spnnglor and Mr. und Mrs. W. C. Yornn have returned from Portland, whore they attended tho stale conference of the Congregational church.

Doctors Meet Tonight Tho 1-ane County Medical society will hold Its monthly meeting at the Hotel Ostium tonight. A bumiiict will be held at 0:30 and Dr. A. K. Mackey.

of Portland, will talk on an Important subject. Hii.t.s Store nl Ixuiilon Springs W. A. llcck, who has been clerk In tho Caswell Whltton store In this city, and formerly In business at Donna, has purchased tho store at London Springs, 11! milc3 south of Cottage Grove. Dallas Hoy Sent Home David Swcnson, llie Dallas boy who was in tho car stolen at Portland by two youths of that city, and who were caught at Cottage Grove, was sent home yesterday, ns ho was not Implicated In the theft, having been picked up by the others as they passed through that city.

Commerce Club Formed At a special meeting of nil tho students in tho University of Oregon who are attending tho school of commerce, commerce club wns formed on Thursday. The new club will hold regular meetings and will work for tho welfare of the school of conv merce. Don Itoborts was electod president of the new organization. Ijirgo Audience Greets Orators A largo audience greeted tho students of tho department of oratory of tho Kiigene Hiblo university at public ro- given by them In tho chnpel of the stone btilldi" nn tho cnmpus last night. Tho students showed a high degree of training on tho part of the head of tho department, D.

C. Kel lems. 1 Con nlv Court Momlx'ivj Hero All three nieinhers of tho Linn county court wore In ICugone Thurs day aftornoon and wero taken by tho members of the Lnne county court to tho rond south of Meadowvlew, wliore Iho county caterpillar onglno, scari fier nnd grader nro at work. Tho members of the Linn county court woro much pleased with tho machiH' cry nnd havo practically decidod to purchnso similar outfit. Tho mem bors of the Linn county court are Judge n.

McKnlght and Com nilssloncta Htttler nnd' Irvine. Hill from Auxiliaries Alii The Thurston niixllinry of the lociu Hoa Cross yesterday turned Into tho gen eral fund of tho Kugeno chapter 21 as the receipts of a party which the membors gavo nnd $15 as tho membership funds of 16 now membors which woro recently addod to the chapter. Tho chnplcrs of Coburg, Thurston, Wnltervlllo yesterday sent 111 shipments of finished articles. Tho and a brilliant cast. PAY I ME" has been described as INI liim stupendous a thriller mai- Hill imum of action drama of I ml v'vid hue.

To witness this IIIIH production Is to enjoy every I moment of it. it a powertui drama or I II Primitive passions and 11 1 I IIIIH mighty emotions. 1 I 2 Days Only MONDAY TUESDAY Adults 15c. Children 10c. Have You Thought? Only 6 Weeks to Christinas Modern Woodmen Entertainment and Dance IIENDERSIIOTT'S ORCHESTRA.

New Armory, Eugene Monday, Nov. 12 BEGINNING AT 7:30 P. M. Admission by Ticket, which may bo obtained FREE from any member of tho Modem Woodmen, Royal Neighbors or at 41 Eighth Ave. W.

C-O-M-E! THANKSGIVING CARDS ami CHRISTMAS CARDS ARK NOW ON SAIjK SOME KAVK HOIJOHT-OTIIKKS ARK BUYING NOW HAVli YOU! We Wu very beautiful lino. Thny told uh last year we hail tiiiest iiMsorlinont in llui city, anil wo think wo linvo this V1 'i in prices from lu to BOh the eard. "lull! wo liavi! a lai'fra stoeU it will lio well for you to niiiko your selet'tion early. "0 arn iileased to ho ahlo to hIiow you a lino of cliildren's 'VM' from r)(! up to Wo espee.ially U1" youi' iittontioii ih ny Hooks ami tho Caiupl'iro Uirls' books now Hcllinj; at 15c. WHAT'S NirjKR for a PRESENT THAN A NICK HOOK you buy early you might road them before.


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