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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OF NORTHEAST AUKAKSAR VOLUME G. OP NORTHEAST- AUKAN3A8 AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Blytheville Courier Mississippi Valley Lender. Blytiievllie Herald Blythevillo Dally News RLYTHEVll.LP:, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, IMS SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO ADJOURN SATURDAY Power Company Seeks To Bar Power Plant Erection Roosevelt Explains Invitation For General Participation In Plan WARM SPRINGS, Mar. 25. Roosevelt, said today that the state department's invitation to 29 nations to cooperate In providing a haven for political refugees Is designed to aid minorities In Spain, and Italy as well as Austria and Germany.

He explained tliat the invitation, sent by Secretary of State Cordeil Hull to 29 nations, suggested that they work with the United States to set up a special committee to assist, the escape of political refugees from countries 111 which they arc riot welcome. Although the Invitation mentioned no political or racial creed it at first believed that it was made principally In behalf of Jews in Germany and Nuzified Austria. Tlie Invitation was extended to all American republics, Great Britain, Prance. Belgium. Switzerland.

The Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Sweden find Denmark. Mr. Roosevelt was asked whether Hull's invitation primarily was concerned with Jewish minorities in European nations. He replied that it was meant also to apply to a great many Christians, His explanation of the invitation was made at a "tramp stone" press conference where he faced correspondents from behind the wheel of his open car. SPRINGFIELD, Mar.

Six Lawyers, three on each side I argued for live hours over new phase of the Arkansas-Missouri Power corporation's fight, to restrain the city of 'Ilmyer, Oregon county, from building municipal ixnver plain, before Die Sprtagliehl court of here yesterday. I The power company, together' with four hulivKluals, was asking the court of appeals for nn order io maintain the status quo until the appeal, on the case, brought from Barton county circuit court, could be heard at the October term. No decision was announced by the court. EDIIPE III CUCE FOR lEIM PEflCE Chamberlain's Speech Brings More Cheerful Outlook For Present Cherry Blossoms Arrive tfurly tCMKV' Store Remains In One Family For 111 Years O. (UP) The ravages'of--depressions have failed -to-effect-the S.

E. Hibben Son dry goods store here which for more than ill years has served the populace of Hillsboro. The store, founded in May, 1826, by Samuel Hibben, is said to be the west of the Alleg- Sufficient Funds On Hand To Make Purchase For Police Transmitter Arrangements have Ijeen completed for the purchase of a tower for the new short wnve police radio transmitter which the City of Blytheville Is to have if $1,100 Is donated for this purjiose. Of tlie $3(iO already cor.trib.- uted, $300 was spent for this tower, which was purchased from Radio Station WMC. Memphis.

This tower, which is said to be in excellent condition, would hav? cost much more when new, it, was said. The tower is to be orected on the rear of Malmu park, west of tlie court house. The American Legion post and local police arc sponsoring the drive to rntse the $1,100 necessary for the purchase of equipment will, It is claimed, provide better police protection and. similar '''transmitters at Little Rock, Memphis and one point in Missouri. In addition to the $315, which was donated last week, these tiave.

contributed: Oil mill, Shouse-IIenry Hardware "red Saliba, Hu" For more store has occupied the same location, its original ledger and day book, yellowed with age and containing the records of purchases by early citizens of Hillsboro, Is in good preservation and still legible. One notation in the margin of the day book, made no years ago, tells of Hibben going to Gettysburg. In a horse-drawn car- riflge, to be married. Samuel Hibben gave over management, of the store to his son Joseph after he had carried on tbe- business. for halt a century.

Joseph, in turn, operated it for another 50 years until 1923 when his health failed. Frank Zane, a clerk in the store who had been with Joseph Hibben for 16 years, then became manager. The wife of Joseph Hibben, Mrs. Henrietta Hibben, Is the store's present owner, and is the lost of the family. Swlnff Music Exhilerating SYDNEY (UP)-Swlng music lias been justified before Its eventual death.

Joyce Barry, IB, attributes her winning a 508-mile cycling record to the fact that swing music kept her awake and pumping most of the way. By United Press grasped today at hope for a year's peace and better business before the next World War. The hope In Spain -as result of the declaration of foreign policy by British Prime, Minister Neville Chamberlain des-1 Iguated to end Immediate war I threats by diplomacy and to speed thc tempo of Industry by building armaments on an unprecedented scale. It was reflected in a more cheerful outlook by official circles in Czechoslovakia nncl In France despite a new cabinet crisis In Paris and in a statement by United States Ambassador Joseph p. Kennedy at London that prospects for peace In 1933 ought to help American business, Meantime Great Britain unofficially agreed to a proposal by the Untied States to set up a special interimtloual committee to aid immigration of political refugees from Austria and Germany.

Secretary of State cordcll Hull Invited 29 nations to participate. Britain's acceptance came as her government leaders acted to put force behind the Chamberlain declaration by speeding munitions production almost to a war-time basis, The government was said to be in possession of secret data on German armaments which was the basis for the general speed up of arms and was expected to result in a tremendous Increase in flght- liisj planes. The object was reported to be construction of 10,000 craft. by labor party leaders it appeared that parliament was strongly behind Chamberlain's, policy "of mediating with dictatorial powers of Europe iind'buildihg up weapons of make Britain's word carry weight in European diplomacy. World wide developments, in the wake of Chamberlain's statement, generally supported tlie view that Britain had improved immediate hopes for peace except on the Spanish and Chinese war fronts.

Nationalist Generalissimo Cisco Franco's army of 100,000 men steadily pressed the loyalist forces back against the catalonlan border, in what appeared to be the climax of the Spanish civil war. Tlie loy- bornly, began fortification of thc Inquiry Gels Favorable Vote, Goes- Marion Bank Opens With $100,000 Deposits MAltlON. Mar. 25. The new Citizens bunk of Miirloii, or- cliu'it the clikslng of the Hunk of Mnrloii last, month, opened loduy.

Perry lliuUm, umldciil. said nliiuit In deposits was on hum! ul the close of, Thc new bunk In ciipllnllwd ivim surplus. Couples Wed together Are Unknown Neighbors SALEM. Ore. (UP) Fifty-two years ago Mr.

and Mrs. Prank K. Hedges and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson were married at a double wedding at Park River.

N. and for the past eight years the llre two couples lived near Salem, great industrial city of Barcelona. neither knowing tlie other Japan's campaign for complete domination of northern China progressed rapidly with Japanese troops advancing Into rich Shantung province. Tlie offensive was directed Immediately against Llnyi, Chinese stronghold in the southern area of the province. I heartening phenomenon shown above, made a.

iol of Washington's veteran predlcters feel ccnt.v but nobody got mad nt all. You me looking nt tile capital's llrst cherry blossoms the season, which weren't supposed to appear till April 1, according to the forecasters. But although the blossoms are new, it's the same old Washington', monument which rears its hciul so proudly In the background. More limn 250,000 visitors are expected Ihls year for llw capital's cherry blossom festival. WASHINGTON, Miir.

25, (Ul 1 Thi' senate today approved a ITSO- hillon. willing for joint COIIBICT- sloiml liivpsllifnllon of die Tomics- scc! Valley Authority. The resolution, offered by Si'iiale Majority Leader Albcn W. Dnrklcy, was approved by volee vote and now goes to the house when? c'Hi- cuiTonce nppcnrcd certain. The Investigation resolution represented compromise and niilhoi 1 Iml points of Inquiry desired by both friends and foes of the nnwh disputed New Deal agency.

Thc resolution calls for a 10- maii Investigating committee, from the senate and live from the house with subpoena powers and a SSO.OOD to cover expenses. The Joint committee Is directed to Inquiry Into charges made by Arthur E. Morgan ns well as Into thc activity of power companies In seeking to obstruct TVA operations. IIIIs Deal NEW YORK, Mar. 25.

(UP) Senator Joslnh W. Bailey N. today called for cessation or artificial stimulus to business and crltlctad many New Dcnl Inws in nn address before (he American Academy ot Political Science. Promotions Made At Scout Court of Honor Several advancements from tenderfoots to palms wore, made til the Boy scout Court of Honor held last night In the m'unlclpiil room of city Hull. E.

M. Terry presided over the court. here. They were not re-united until Mrs. Carson read of Mr.

Hedge's death. Upon calling on Mrs. Hedges she learned they were the brides at the double ceremony. Banker Accused of Slaying Wife Five Stitches Needed For Hailstone Injury NOWATA, Okla. for her story Ural hailstones "as big as lien eggs" fell In a recent storm was presented by Mrs.

Nellie Weaver, farm woman of near here. i Physicians used five stitches lo nllst government, fighting stub- close a gash on Mrs Weaver's hea(i g)je a stone hit her as she dashed from her back door to her storm cellar. I don't see anything so strange about actors argtiing over which one's gonna have his or her name mentioned first in the billing, You'll find pretty much the same arguments going on In most any Hue of business. I remember nUien they paved Main street back home, my Cousin Pernell got a Job and he came home the third day and said the foreman had fired him. When I asked him he he says "Well, the foreman Is the fella that stands around and watches other people work." I says "Well, what's that got to do with It?" Pernell says "Well, he's Jest Jealous got mad bc- Show Admits All Cats SAN FRANCISCO CUD 'Hie Pacific Cat Club reduced democracy to its broadest terms at, Its Pacific Coast cat show.

Classes were open for everything from alley cats to pedigreed ones. Stock Prices NEW YORK, Mar. 25. (UP) The stock market broke today to the lowest levels since early 1935. The railroad averages slumped Eo the lowest since 1932.

A. T. T. Fork Cotton NEW YORK, Mar. 25, Cotton closed steady.

high low close 895 872 873 880 May July Oct. Dec. Jan. Mar. 885 890 879 885 886 Baa 890 ma 870 88-) 807 872 870 879 Sfiln 866 Spots closed steady at 673 up 6.

Orleans Cotton NEW OIJLEANS. Mar. 25. fUP) futures closed steady today, up three to five jwints. Last Week's iv by a voice vote set tho hour KlCC otlX I hint Amount- for la o'clock Saturday.

Spurred by the definite date fov completing their work house mem- licrs began clearing tlielr agenda The 191 people now employed at with passage- of the amended the fllco-stlx mclory, which open- Nlchols-Nyberif tubercular cdTo $1,200 IF ii in ufiuii- ti Jii itrj.fiij'j/ui tuwmmur November 15, received In torlu bill, 88 to 0. and several ap- IrtHt week's payroll, the largest proprlntlon were scheduled to since Ihe factory opened. Approxl- be voted on during the afternoon nmlely $5.200 monthly Is liehin paid '-by tlie St. Louis firm to rcKnlnr employes and Hie seven Instructors, who are hero temporarily. vu na wlu re The women nml girls, who are Sll lt of the senate's passage of the being ImiBlit to sew men's shirts house bridge Improvement dls- iim pajamas, tire being nnld one tvia bill.

The measure provides for lo per ay Ivc-day-u-wcek relief of tho various non-state own- Sflltll VVIliln uniM-niif mid nn Rabbi Pollack Is to Speak In Little Rock Hnbbi Herman Pollack will speak In Little Rock tills Friday evening at thc Temple B'nal fsrael on thc occasion of B'iml D'rltli Day. His subject will be "Humanity On Trial." Two Are Assessed $100 Fines, On Guilty Pleas Charges of driving while under the Influence, of liquor were the only cases heard In municipal court ol unl ut (OU ert today, ncdford Hopkins was nncd Stevens, 10, 1ms evolved a new after he pleaded guilty to this fcsslon. He constructs, from orl- chnrgc and Dcwey Hayncs was lln- ghml plans, model houses, with Models Mailo of Sugar SAN JOSE, Cnl. I. ed a similar amount after also entering plea of guilty.

Four Cords of Wood Cut In Under 9 Hours PINE BUSH, N. Y. Marl, 27-year-old, 105-pound Wood- burnc state prison guard, has established himself as the "Paul Bun- j'fin of Orange County." Swinging a slngic- bladcd axe, Marl cut ami ranked four cords of wood In 8 hours and 55 minutes. He had trained three weeks before attempting the feat. Florida has about 90 electrical storms every year.

lumps of sugar. These are sold to real estate and constructing companies for exhibition purposes. Mlssourlaiis Wed 70 Years MENDOTA, Mo. nncl Mrs. R.

W. Mannon have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on the farm where they have lived, except for a few months, since their marriage. BfNOHAMPTON, N. Y. (UP) City employes of Blnghamton maj soon have to punch time Mayor Charles Kress revealed he was studying to Install time clocks In each of thc various city departments on a trial basis.

Well-d mild-appearing James Warren Crabb II, wealthy 21-year-old Delavan, 111, banker, Is pictured above as ha awaited trial on manslaughter and perjury charges growing out of the slaying of Ms 19-year-old bride, Betty. Crabb assert- edly has stated that he shot tha girl by accident during a struggle tor possession of a gun. Tha had been married only Anaconda Copper 2S Associated 41-2 Beth. Steel 47 Boeing Air 24 1-2 i Chrysler Cities Service i Coca Cola 109 3.4 Gen. Elect 32 Gen.

Motors 295-3 Int. Harvester 55 Montgomery Ward 291-8 N. Y. Central Packard 4 Phillips Petrol 30 Radio 5 Schenley Dlst 183.4 Simmons 151-8 Socony Vacuum 121-2 Standard of N. 42 7-8 Texas Corp.

35 U. S. Smelt 52 3 4 Slcel 443-4 Chicctfw Wheat open high low dos( May 87 87 1-2 85 7-8 85 7-8 Jul. 83 3-4 84 1-4 82 1-2 82 1-2 July i 1-3 1 Dec. Jan.

Mar. ojien ihigh 818 883 884 890 892 897 89D 892 8M 899 close 877 877 881 885 889 8S1 803 895 38G 890 ssa State Patrolmen Winning Wide Spread Acclaim For Blytheville Blylheville and Its slate police-1 Ing. Immediately, a- member told fin rliitu In Ihtu Spots closed steady at 388 up 5. Livestock EAST ST. LOOTS, Milrch 7,000.

Top. 9.15 110-230 9.00-9.10 140-160 8.00-8.W Bulk sows, 7.75-8.15 Cattle: 1,500 Steers, 6.BO-7.75 Slaughter steers, 6.25-9.50 Mixed yearlings, heifers, 6.50-7.50 Slaughter heifers, 6.00-8.75 Beef cows, 5.00-5.75 Cutters and low cutters. 3.75-4.75 open WEATHER cloudy, probably showers in east portion to- uizht and Saturday and in west i portion tonight; cooler Saturday I in west and in both west and I central iwrttons tonight. Memphis and tonight, probably ending Saturday close (morning; colder tonight with low- 1-4 CO 8-8 1 Z8. Jul.

62 1-4 62 7-8 62 1-4 62 1-4 (Saturday and Saturday utght. at a Rotary club meet- men here on duty In this area are gaining widespread acclaim because ol courtesies shown tourists who have had unfortunate experiences while traveling on Highway Gl between West Memphis and the Missouri state ilnc, north of Blylhcvltle. That these tourists appreciate these kindnesses is proved by tlie numerous letters from those who want to say "Thank you" again and by accounts of these experiences which have been told Blytheville people. Eddie B. David and Eugene Dickinson, who patrol the highway, do litHe bit of nearly everything.

Tlielr work includes: investigation of accidents, cooperation with local in the apprehension of criminals and criminal Investigations, making of finger prink, control over paroled convicts and investigation of parole applications. It was last April 1 that tlie officers began their course of training for this patrol which has made Blytheville known in some places at least, from thc New England States to California. ralary while and on a 'piece work" scale after tho up- Is completed. Mst week, one girl made eight dollars a five-day schedule, which Ihc largest sum which has been nadc. One "lino" of ten ijlrls made $7.30 each for their flvo days' work.

According to Jack Thro, malinger. Ihe number iimklug eight dollars or more will soon Iw increased. Nor- innlly, It takes nn employe four weeks to rise from the apprentice class to the "piece work" scale and In his opinion, thc Blylhcvllle group Is doing- very well. The biggest, linmllcap, according to him, Is tho fuel that a number of girls work 11 few weeks mid then move to another and another group has lo be taught, thereby more lu the bracket. An clfort Is being inade lo cm- ploy girls who have lived here longest who nrb not contemplating moving, ns Is often done during thc spring of thc year.

Tlie factory opened with ten girls working ut tlie machines iuui this number liccn steadily Increased lo last week's high. Olll- clnls of thc factory believe Urn! barrtni; a decline in conditions, approximately 300 girls will be employed before thc factory hni been In operation for year. Fifth District Legion Clubs Go 'Over The Top 1 FIFTH Thc membership of every American Legion post In thc Fifth District Is 100 per cent, It was nn nounccd nt the dedication of tli'r Lepanto Hut last night. Blylhevtlr is In the Fifth district. He Won't Quit, Reneg, or Tails him that he was happy to meet him because he was from a town he would always remember because I of thc kindness extended him by the slate police when he had an I accident while traveling through i Blythcville.

A traveling man from Chicago! told Harry Klrby that he hears more "nice things" about the state policemen in Blytheville than of any city he visits. There are many examples of the aid given tourists. Recently, Mrs. Dora Lcwlston, of Detroit, was traveling through Blytheville cn- roule to Chicago, Siic was driving a car which stntck a Blytheville man who later died. Stale po'tce- nien.

who Investigated the accident, assisted her in making all arrangements for hospitaltzatlon of the man, aided in dispatch of telegrams and made it possible for thc party to continue their trip to a sick relative, without further delay. A letter received by Mr. David several days ago was from a man who wanted to express his appreciation for the assistance given him when he had a flat lire on the road near late one night. Another was written by an elder- Continued on Page 3 that he either retract or sub stanllatc charges against fellow board members, or quit. Morgan, who wants a congressional Investigation, challenged the President to discharge him and went home to YelKw Springs, 0., to await outcome ot She JT.VA squabble.

'ollows Senate Action In Reversing (Stand On Bridge District Bill UTTLE HOCK, Mar. 25 lia Kpecinl session of tho 61st Kcnornl assembly will adjourn at loon tomorrow. Concurring in the scimto resolu- for sino die adjournment the session. Observers said the house action 3ii thc concurrent adjournment resolution cnmc as tho direct re- ed districts by paying their Indebtedness from tho J300.00D obV talnod from highway funds. Sfitalu Reconsiders Action lTIliE ROCK, Mar.

35 (UP) Reconsidering the house's Harrls- Toncy bridge Improvement district bill, the senate today reversed Its decision of yesterday nncl passed It, 27 to 7. it was brought Up for reconsideration nt opening of the morning session by a 25 to 4. vote. Only lo votes were cost for It In yesterday's ballot. Proponents refuted tho opposition's allegations that the bill was In violation of tho state's obligations to Us-, bond, holders' In hold- Ing tlmt It was inore of a violation than any other (lie-highway bills passed this 'session." Senator Hendrlx Rowcll of Plne Bluff and Senator W.

P. Norrell of Montlcello fought' for the bill from the sDtiatti floor while Senators lilclmrd Thompson, Eureka Iprlngs, J. L. Shaver, Hal Smith, Clarendon, led the po- posltlon. "Wo' OI-Q getting into the teeth if Ihe Worthen-Kavanaugli case vhlch resulted In the United States juprenio court's holding our 1931 highway legislation unconstitutional," Shaver charged.

"If this is passed It will cause theso acts to ic rendered worthless and when all through (ill we will have, to ihoiv will be time we drew our sal- irlcs for thc session." "They'll Slop Us" Smith tcJU the senators that "if you pass the bill, you know we 111 not get by without the federal overnmcnt Intervening. The bond- oldcrs will stop us In federal court." "This action," he charged, "Is a "Cstilt of a threat from certain nembcrs of the house who say -hey will not adjourn until ass the bill. I am not going to be 'ntlmldatcd by these threats." "This is not a question of being Intimidated," Norrell countered, "it Is a strange thing to me why some of you fellows can reason out the situation In thc manner In which vou have. "You voted for some of the bills which, according to this, violate that obligation. Why did you oppose this bill with the excuse that it is violating our refunding agreement?" he asked.

"Let's be consistent," urged. "We voted for reduction of thc gasoline tax. Why, I'd rather pay the present gas tax and get better roads. "Tlifs bill not only relieves nonresidents of the state, it also relieves the over burdened tax payers. Wlien you come to giving 'relief why not give the taxpayers of Arkansas something?" asked Norrell.

Shortly after the noon recess the senate heard the committee report on Revenue Commissioner Z. M. MeCnrroll's prepared report and then went Into executive session to consider the appointees of Oov. E. Bailey, who are subject to senate confirmation.

The Bailey administration suffered its first major defeat of the current session in the senate yesterday when a bill proposing to refer to Hie voters st the November general election an act em- Anything but downcast in ap- scucmi CKTCUUU on em- pearance is Chairman Arthur E. bracing a new plan for refunding Morgan of TVA. above, who re- tlie state's 8145,800,000 highway fused to resign In the face of kond Indebtedness was cashed 93 President Roosevelt's demand The plan provides for the state to assume obligations of bridge improvement districts and municipal Improvement districts formed to finance construction of highway extensions through cities and town. Its provisions are similar to those advanced recently by ueut. Oov.

Bob Bailey..

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