Wilkes-Barre Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 1
- Publication:
- Wilkes-Barre Times Leaderi
- Location:
- Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I ALL TI j.i I Tl i i)A i It i ii I i i L5 1 LI TWENTY PAGES i .5 FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 21, 1914 gggl-V1 aanaaawaa i- A .1 v. if f. I JL I aMBMaMMaiMMMBWaBMaWWnMMMMnnM I i i 1 SUFFERING IS GREAT; JAPAN READY TO STRIKE GERMANY UNLESS THE RAISER 1 YOUR HELP IS ME MAKES COMPLETE BACKDOWN i Ultimatum Expires Sunday anil it is Considered Unlikely, That. Germany Will Agree to the demands of the Vli kador-vlapanese5 Newspapers Impressing Upon the People the Need of Res pect For the United States Belief Now Obtains That Hostilities Will be Opened in-the Far East The suffering and distress of the surviving victims of the cyclone that visited the Empire and Blackman sections of the city Iaa.t even-t ing: is appalling.
There is one great difference between this catastro-i phe and the one that struck the city twenty-four years ago. The vic- tims of last evening's calamity are extremely poor. Their all was: contained in the small dwellings they occupied. In many cases not a-1 vestige of their homes remain. A dozen houses were caught up in the grasp of the irresistible forces and crushed like so many match' it.
tt The victims are truly in great need of help. The demand is imi mediate and imperative. Quick action is needed, to relieve their suffering to some extent Nothing can compensate for the loss of the loved ones, nor is there any thought of replacing property losses, i and troops are on transports ready to sail. Japanese officials believe the German warships in the East will attempt to do as much damage as possible to the Japanese fleet at longr range while remaining; under the protection of the German land forts as much as possible. There is ho disposition of the Japanese Toklo, Apg.
is -ready td itrlk Germany. Only a complete baiiJtdoVn by the Kaiser can prevent hostilities at Kiao Chau. The ultima-; turn expires on Sunday. That, Germany will consent to turn lier territory over to Japan 'or even China intern her varhipa is considered very un-. likely, So certain are the Japanese of-flcials tnat therr yilt be a declaration of rar between Jap'ak and Germany that all iajrBhips are ready for actjon A Wilksarrpol4ce Officer is 'Shown Doing Cusrd Duty at the -Wrecked House in Bleekman's Patch.
i Six persons are dead to-day, cores 6f houses are totally or par ANTWERP STATE OF SIEGE; FOREIGNERS TOLD TO VACATE; BRUSSELS IS NOW ISOLATED The victims need food and clothing and lodging. vWUkes-Barre can and will take care of this urgent need and quickly respond to th demand for immediate relief. Subscriptions, big or little, are needed. 'A small contribution offered now is better than double' the amount later. I Mayor John V.
Kosek has asked the three daily newspapers The. News, the Record and the Times-Leader, to act as depositories for subscriptions. All offerings of help should be made to one these immediately and due credit will be given publicly of the names and amounts. 1 Scranton Man's Subscription Mr. W.
T. Boland, of Scran ton, started the Times-Leader this afternoon with $10. 1 1 Hurley-Loughran Clothing Gmpany, West Market street, donates clothing through the Times-Leader, Mayor Kosek has headed with $5 0 the list he asks others to sub scribe to. -The Mayor's proclamation is as follows;" TO THE PEOPLE OF 1 The neighboring township yesterday received sad visitation, the terrific wind and electric storm leaving death and destruction in its path. We cannot restore much or the great loss that has been done, but humanity demands that we take steps as will offer temporary re lief to those most in need.
Not within twenty-four years have our hearts touched the distress of our fellows as they are today. Many who but a few hours ago" were alive and happy ere now cold in death. Others aare tially destroyed and seventy-fivi persons-are sulXering from injuries as the result of a tornado! that swept the outer edge1 of this city last evening at 5:50 The violent rotatory tempest swept through Black-man's Patch and the fempire side of the. Heights, section. Blinding flashes of lightnmg.and deafening claps of thunder i accompanied the liurricane force.
Residents in the affected section became panic stricken, some running through the fields toward the Stanton breaker, while the majority sought refuge in the cellars of their The storm tore steeples from many, churches on the Heights, rip officials to rninlmlae the. task ahead, The Kia Chau forts are modern" and (OoUantd Oa Txg rive.) the flooding of certain sections of the approaches, to the forts to a depth of between two and three feet, sufficient to prevent the bringing of artillery and yet not deep enough to permit the enemy using boats. United Press.) Smaller houses in 'the suburbs and along the' canal have been destroyed and the trees outside the city cut down, so that any German attacking forces cannot take refuge txhind them, is' grave doubt whether the Germans plan any serious siege of Ant- i 't .41 K' Antwerp. vla The Hague,) Aug. 21-r-This city is betng placed in a state of elege.
All foreigners will be asked to 1 leave as soon as possible. King Albert and the general staff are now here. The forts' are all manned and national guard has been directed to Act upon orders from the military officers. While details of the defense methods are withheld, can be Mated that all of the original plans are being carried OUt; (Note While' the censor jplkmlnated any further details on this point it Is known that the defense plans of houses, smashed liftcd'slate, and ped roofs from dozens 't 1 1 i.T MS: 5 i sm i i vcmi-nyina Cut btittws Vne uamaye una to some or t'te riou uwnna oy onn oymyn, tn, rleiyni. -f h.
tractor I 1 zl many families are without a rage TMrteea.) the Washington. D. Aug. 31. Fc Eastern Pennsylvania i Thunder show4 ejrs this afternoon or lonightj eomewhat cooler tonight; Saturday fair.
Seasonable Suggestions Chas. J. Zinn Bro. 1885 Established 1 35 Oldest and Mc.l Reliable Store for Quality -5 and Low Prices Special Price on Flour for Friday and Saturday Only Zinn's Best Flour by barrel $6.60 PILLSDURY Leave your.cret3 eulj kinds of fruit cL season, as wej- t'- ialty. Cor.
Wo" I 1 The Above Ploture Shew the Laurel ill 'of the Wilkes- Berre Silk' Company After it Was Knocked Down fry Last FAir People Died As Result of Injury Sustained When Building Crashed. writhing in pain and agony while (ContUued 6a BOY, KIT BY BASE BALL, DIES RHlnir. Pa Auir. 21. Hermsn Rabb year old.
son of Franklin P. died from the effects of being strucK on the head by a baseball last week. He responded to treatment but In a few days, complained of excruciating pain in. the head. He was' seised with convulsions, Wch resulted in his death.
1 Seasonable Suggestions LiyE POULTRY Dressed to Order Heavy Fowl, i 22c Light Fowl, lb. 2 1 Large Spring Chicken lb, Broilers, lb. 2 tc Boiling Chicken, lb. v. 1 8c Spring Ducks, Squabs and Pigeons 50c pair "200 Plymouth Rock pullets for sate428c lb.
Open till 10 p. Saturday, Free delivery, special prices for PEOPLES' Poultry Market 35 S. Pennsylvania Ave. JBcli 2620-J. Nsw 769-R The lit ol dead! follows MISS EDNA DAVENPORT, aged 26, of Constine city; crrnerlyr of Shickshinny.
She was caught in the mill The girl died this morning at the Wyoming Homeopathic Hospital. JOSEPH GRIFFITHS, ged 50, of this city, mill watchman. He was buried under machinery at the silk mill. CATHERINE SMITH, vaged 17, of Meade street, killed when mill collapsed. ANNA BURN.ETSKI, aged 18, of South street, city, also caught In the mill's ruins.
HELEN BRAZITSKI, aged 5, of Georgetown, buried under roof of a porch. JOSEPH ACIKAZEG, aged 9, of Georgetown, killed when home was wrecked. SERIOUSLY INJURED. A list of those seriously injured includes i At the Mercy Hospital: John Solek, Blackman street; arm and leg Joseph Verentskl, 40, 401 S. Empire street; lacerated scalp, suffering frojn shock.
Annie aged 2, 401 S. Empire street; lacerated scalp, fractured arm. Mrs. Victoria Verentski, 30, 401 S. Empire street lacerated scalp.
Mary Verentstd, 9, 401 S. Empire street; bums about body (Continued On rage Vine.) Seasonable Suggestions PEOPLE ARE NOT FOOLS It is none of our business how much a customer pays for a pair of. shoes. Out il is our business to sen that gets the lowest price for what he buys at our. store and the best values for w'het he pay.
We are at all times In. a position to give our customers more for their tnoney than they get else where. Trv ok. WISEMAN CO. 1 IIS SOUTH MAIN ST.
CHICKEN AND WAFFLE DINNER at the ONEONTA HOTEL HARVEY'S LAKE on Saturday, Night Fresh farm products, our famous milk fed poultry and our delicious waffles afford an elaborate menu. You will enjoy your meal at this cool resort and then you can. fv 'DANCE to your heart's content In the ball room Mr. Al LeRoy and Miss Rigbey (demonstrating new dances and super ivlsm? the AM AQUA SWEPT BY STORM Tamaqua, Aug. 21.
-The most destructive storm of the season passe over this region last evening, blowing down trfes and Much damage was done to the fruit trees in the farming distract. N't' Seasonable Suggestions Tornado Irisur Covering damage su yestetrday's factory cantile buildings; and M.S. GA General Insu (Successor to 4th Floor, Welles Bid BclLPh'o LABORER KILLED WATCHMAN SAVES ON CHURCH JOS CHILD FROM DEATH -i 4 Xorristown, 'Aug. At risk Tamaqua, Aug. 2.1Christ Eis- of his life, Patrick Mulfigan, a cross- enberg years old.
employed as a watchman, 'at the Mill street cross vnu; th on. ins of the Pennsylvania Railroad, last laborer in rebuilding M. Johns Re- ty formed Church, was in. antly ed TorhltoM yejtr, run yesterday afternon when he wis struck ftIng acro8a tracki front an on the head by a brick falling from a oach, er train. The child one of the walls.
His skull was frac WM B0 tQ death benPatn tn, tured. 11 wheels that part of her foot was cut off. Ci.frrraefinne Mulligan was-knocked unconscious Seasonable buggesuons by ln, pJJot of the iocomotlve and badly cut about the head. Ull 1 11 III! I I I I II II. il I .1 Windstorm Seasonable Suggestions surancel 1 li Ji-SAVOY Ch aS that CailSed George Weine Present, l' Rates on churches, OTHELLO bams, mer-, Shakespeare, immortal their COntentS, turn- classic of love," jealousy and tn nnr nfTirp revenge.
Produced WOUi: yENICE-with its wealth-of lOW. jV '-historic and poetic environ-' 7 1 Lubin Presents' fance i THis Brothers ranunf 4 Blood g'J'? arrC'a- I ne, 1010. And Edward Peil i V. imi i. 'V fii t.
CALLS OH VOHAIJ, FINDS HER DEAD "Shamokln, Aug. 21. Mrs. Lor etta Teager called on Mrs. Joseph Smlnk, wife of a well known business man.
Snd found her lying oii a bed dead from sudden attack of heart disease. Seasonable Suggestions Comfort Rest Enjoyriient at the Oneohta Hotel Harvey's Lake 4 We plan even the minutest detail that will provide pleasure for our guests. Our one aim is to make their stay at the Oneonta an enjoyable one. 'ishinK, boating and bathing adds to the attrac tivoness of this beautiful resort, and afforda-mucft. p4asvu-of-aHi- TABLE SUPPLIED WITH SEASON'S DELICACIES There' a home-like feeling about our dining-room.
Fresh farm prfductaTand milk-fed poultry always ued. rThe excellence of the cooking and service satisfies the most particular. DIRECTIONS TO AUTOIST5 For an ideal drive take the left road from This road will make your trip to the lake a pleasant one. Incidentally notify us of your coming and special preparation will be made for your parly,.
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- Pages Available:
- 281,925
- Years Available:
- 1884-1938