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Walnut Valley Times from El Dorado, Kansas • Page 2

El Dorado, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-r ii i i ul1 'ri gi 1 nr 1 'I ii i i ii iirn- w- 5 Bl6od Humors FGrsivarnod, Forearmed. stnKe 3 KlllC etc c. -S Sr. Lcuir street car wrecked Jur, 3 Boy killed and wonu-r. ar Tor r.

St. 14 Trartlc resumed or. a.i lir.t-s. Jni. 1' St.

L. s'rrrt car both victory Wli pp-: 7 rep. i5co CHRONOLOGICAL An Orderly and Concise Review" of Important Happenings cf the Past Year hr. ex A i.i 7. of 'ta.

I. irm i s-iv. of state, at W.h.i.g- Si Hi Cark. at Nf A of Ohio, at at Ather.s. M.isroIM.

-I'ry or, Lulii S. t. Nap- rnV.ri x-l at La? Ye -irg. Irr: ilitary trov. of da at.d Car.

Lt 1 i i 14 ai. IN. K. 6-S DEVELOPMENTS OF THE CHINESE CRISIS Easiness Failures, Startling Disasters, Crimes and Lynching I oreijm Events, Including a Brief Account of the boer t'ar Necrology, Politics, Sports, Etc. The liability to disease is freatly lessened when is in -rootlcon- dition, and the circulation healthy and I vigorous.

For thtn all refuse matter promptly cirricd out of thesvstera; otherw-ise it would accumulate tak-: place, the Mood btcome pnllutcd and the constitution so wakened that a simple malady niiht rtult senouslv. A health.y, nctive circulation means pood digt-stion and strong, healthy nerves. As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.

has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy for old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is I made exclusively of roots and herbs. I No ether remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses tlie blood of im-i jMk. x. Dunties.

At the same time it builds up the weak and debilitated, and renovates the entire svs tern. It cures permanently all manner 1 of biood and skin troubles. Mr. E. E.

Kelly, of Urban CV, write: I had on my hands and face for five years. Ir wor.Ui break oat in littio whit crusts wauld form id drup off, leaving th skin red and inflamed. Ttie uoo'or- did cie r.o (j--vi. I asd all the Ujciicatv! so-ips and taives without beniit. S.

ir.e, ud my skin i lit as clear and smooth us any one's." Hnry Sinfriet. rf Cape May, IV. srtys twentv-one bottie. of S. S.

curea t.r if of breast. Doc-tirs aLii friends thought her case hope-i less. i Kt-hiri T- ri--rfnrt. C.

for lion-. Two bot-i lies of S. it Mrod -oA cou-! 4itioii an.i Send fii I and write ov.r -i. i a bo a your case, i i.e free. THE SwiFT CO, ATLANTA, 6A.

nn: fThe Um. or uf the Kighrccus iur a vt il. s-rf re M.t jp- i 1 1 i r-'in up! if I' in, 4- ui ii. t-. i i.d rrynvhir toward r.

war. al svrii.tici, 1..., r-Kx-T S-rator John F.i'tt-t iTI at Situ Oct 17 Wm pres ai 'i Lee ur. 1 21 Warner. Cha c- er, at 7, 2-- Sherman r. 1 1 77.

Max. i-x. 77. No- in 1... in York.

M.r A New p. 1: id i. I 16 "Id niMirli. il.o I i j- Sir Arthar. ir.

1.. 1 1T7 f'avis. Cu-I jy Ab r. 3 5- A'' i. ff i S.

rr.rii.t at I 'i 1 1: ji 11,1 i t-- t. pro- r. P. i-ft iii 1 1 k.i.k iu lor- 9 I I v. bn.d, i''- P.

.1 -r-k l.y i 1-'-' y- ki: ulf-d; 2 burr.tU m.l t. hiincc-I- 1..:. lb '-i. li' r. d-rnvri r.

1 f'Tts Km to r-ur- a. i. iu cuii.iv.,i Anu r- T-. to Ti- 1 Tiu. ii it-jiorttci in ful! control i r.

S. try. ni 1 i li: iii i i 1 -1 (' I v' 1 1 i IT i and (. ur. .1 i fV PACKER'S f-'IM HAIR BALSAM i i ku rEfinVflOYAL fiLLS' ii r-twm 1 1 tr 1 li.L.l Il vtljCARPEITTER.

E. Hollinshsad v.tii art- l.N-k- i in nil kih.K of n- i i woik i a hamiy man a niakinu' ami rcj ah ini the many It doesn't make ar.y difference whether believe in the theory and speak cf the ca jses of diseases as referable to germs, microbes or bacilli, or whether you use the older and better understood terrr.i of "humors" and 'blood diseases" Hood's Sarsapa-rilia cures them all. It cures salt rheum or eczema, catarrh, rheumatism, malaria i and all ether blood poisons; nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. This is not merely modern theory; it Is solid up-to-date fact. Salt rheum on ruy hands seven- I ha-i to wear cloves must of the tune.

an. I eouM in.t shut thumb ami tintT'T wits cured by Hood's Mk. A. O. fcl'Ai'LL-iNU, North Jearsiort, Me.

My three months was cured of a very hud i-asc of Hood's arsaa-rilia." Wm. li. ItAk.NEK. Earl. i'a.

Hood's Sarsapariila Promises to cure and keeps the promise. No substitute for Hood's acts lika Hood's be sure to get Hold's. Jul tTMUi 1 rs 1 I troup-i surri 27 rrj.i.ii- ivu-r, I'. -er t. 7 Lyd-ni M't; ur-- i i'-rs at rts r-- rris' i "Mi i onej-- to li.iv-lJ Kriiisr on er.n.--Re;iwe.i i Nov.

ilivh I'I 23-I'r. I 'aria. 1" liriUfh sarrt-gani to Wrt of lll-'-Iti rts S'liith i I -r n-i. in I'o W'l, taking imes KruKtr t- m- and Wet. snuiii- It: nnimar.d tr Kit.

I 'J. i-riiiari abili'y t. iwt ive Kr II lri: ish parliament ri'-mi to ootiiirnie war. I.V- Lritih at ZaFtntn De Wet an.i dftio imnine i if Mijiplirs am! a tilt iT-- i-u. I.

p. i.l 1 'e UVi in in or putr itivasiun Boer inatiers Colesburg. GOV l'RMK AM J.r. 4--Itai' to i. policy ot puwers dpi Se.

Hays W. ra.i.e b-JoS. S. st Lratrd hmekburn Ky elected 1G Jas. (la.) rlei t- 'l V.

S. sm "i-tor. Lur.smo i ills i ir.aus'ira tfi. Jf Mriffiiam ll Ri.l'erts xi'-dt-ti ironi by of Ut to w. l--n.

Ktibbe deteats Sui.At.ttr lor nf lucky, Frai.klort. CI I -m' -v'ra: ic m'-m'ters of Ky. met ar.d ib'etjci litrk-h Am ircted i.v. and Leut. hi swi.rn in by ehie.f ot eeurt of appeals.

Cov. T.iylor 'it-elarts of insurrection and adjourn k-ibiature to m- et at London. Ft-b. 2 Martial law In Frankfort. Ky.

3 Ittrckham in to suei i Juebel. a treaty relating to Nica-rngiia cdial sitji d. 6 Judb Wm. II Taft app-intod pres. nf commission to t-rg n.ize for Philippine K.

P.rd 'ai L'. r. Mar. 5 Admiral liemcy selt-ettd to tlcet. Ll Civil p.

rp.rted In all important Philippine tmvr.s. Apr. S. s-riiate p.s.-s biii civil povernmt-nt for Porto li'co. ard a IZ per tarifT on fi-riain x-i rts to ar.d providing frer triip Xi r.

1, Dt-wty GecidL to run ii Hit. ucky court of appeals decides J. w. -Ho! 4 L. is gor 1'urio I te rel tl'-i vote, to in tin.

tat ilatthew S. T'jv ToIe pplectfd as of ij.iw.ui 11. Ailen inaugurated rivil svernor of Porto liico. RfV. F.

('. Swallow Ph nnmino'ed for pn s. by Christian pai tv, at liock 1 lat.d. 111. --i-'Ug over inland Tutuila.

Samoa. 10 Peuplf-' riy in tiiioi convention at Sioux FalX S. nominated j. Ivrvnn. mid Chs.

A. Towr. iMumi.) for pn-s. ar.d vice pres idij ie- populii-t? nmjimu te Wharton Hai ker Pa.) tor pres. ar.d lnnatiu Donnelly for vice in convention in Cincinnati.

15 L. S. Senator W. A. Clark (Mont.) fli himselt unable to hold the seat resigns.

21 a. supreme court decides Kentucky governorship contest in Beckham's favor on ground of no jurisdiction: 4 justices dissented Gov. W. W. Mead (La.) in augurated K.

G. Rat li bone, di root or ggnnrul of posts in Cuba, suspended. CCi Virginia votes for eonstitutional revision to disfranchise neirros. Jun 4 Oregon republicans carry state election. 12-1.

S. Senator Ceo. P. Wet more R. reelected court of claims decides Rar A.imiral Smpsnn to hav ben tn com mar; during hr with 'ervera.

30 Rnpubiican naiinLai m-etij in Philadelphia; Sru or ljodge, chair-ma platiurm d. 21 Pit f- unanimously reromirat-ed by ri--pubilcans fnr Theodore kni.iseit, for pres. 28 Jov. Iole (Hawaii inaugurated Pro- h.bir ii go i.orioiid Ji ihiM Wnnlli'V for lit nry P. Meu-al! for vice pr.

s. Jul. 4 Democratic natioral convention at Kanf.ts City; D. Richardson, chair-in 11.

5 Wm. J. Bryan nominated by democrats for p.atiVirm adopt-! 6 Adiai K. Stt vrrifon hv df mo- crats for vice pr- Silver in convention at Kaunas City indorse Bryan 12 Pres. Mc Kin formally r.utirit of nom-ina "ion at i 'ant on.

16--Nat. I.a'ie Republican clubs in session fit St. Palll. Zi International surveyors iorate Cfinada- boundary accordir.g to moous Auir. I Kx-Gov.

Wo'. ott Mass.) appointed finibdaoir to Italy. 4 E. V. Debs, social mocrat presidential nominee, issues letter of acceptance.

8 Wm. J. Bryan ar.d A.jlai Stevi.on noti-flfd of nomination at li.diar.apnhs. 13 "Liberty corgres" Indianapolis Geo. Hi ntwul chairman Sep.

4 Wm W. Stickr.ey (rep Vtj elected gov S'th H. K.lis nominated for prs. by national union reform party. Kx-Pres.

Ovelard as member oi ii.Ternati' al board of i ion Ust-ue trea'y Oo'. Quadrennial convention of demo-critic clubs at 4 W. W. Stiekiiey Vt ir.a ug'ira TrUl by jury in Lut.j, and writ of harii-aa corpus d. Nov 2 Roosevelt ends rerurd -breaking cd icn tour havir.g travelt 2l.2- miivs and made sp.

tchfs weeks. 5 constitutional convention meets ir. Havana. r--Mf ard Roosevelt ec pr-. ar.d vice- r-s.

ot 8. electoral p- p- plurality. 877.7ia. B.con Ga reelect (. efr.afT.

Isthmi-in canal favors N'fc-arag'ian route, estimated cost S. Senator J. T. Morgan Ala.) reelected. Dec.

1 inaugurates civil service system in Philippines. 3 Pres. McKii. ley's annual message read on opening of Ld ss-ion of -th oor.grest. 5 Chas.

A. Towne (Minn.) appointed to senate. 6 Army reorganization bill parsed by lower htiuse of congress. R. Eagan restored to army ard retired.

and Ii-eian territories organ-17? Joint convention to unite on form of government. nGov. J. C. W.

Heokham (Ky.) inaugu rated. status of Prro Hlco and Philippines armed supreme court. 19 (irr.ver Cleveland advises attempt at democratic reortanizotioii. 20 S. snate ratines to 15) Hay-PaunceXoLe treaty.

INDt'STRIAL. Jan. 1 Indiana glass factories s'art up after 6 mos. icleresB iron works in Pittsburgh resume operations, advancing wages of men, pay roll over 11. ('.

i yearly Pennsylvania railroad pensions i. old employes. 15Cnited Mir. Worktrs in gathering at Indianapolis; John Mitchell reelected president on 19th. 17 Chicago drainage fcS.O).-0"o opened Large bridge concerns cor.solldatfc.

capital, Feb. 5 In Chicago 1.5u0 men defy contractors' nw rules nd walk out durir week number of strikers increases to 7.CJ'. 14 Sheet steel mills of country combine at Pittsburgh; capital. 5SmXi. Mar.

6 Over 96. Out) men Idle In Chicago. 3ti Actual work on underground rapid transit tunnel in Nw York Lgui; 90 Strike of machlniii sett lea Apr. 32 In Chicago. iluO union pirkets attacked 8f" nonunion workers; 17 men Injured during not.

23 Spring Valley (111 Co 's 5.000 coal miners ordered to strike. 26Estimated men and J3S.w.000 capital made idle in Chicago by sfiket. May uil Co. raies wages ol men 10 per cent, and reduces working hours. In Chicago Judg Tmhlll declares ccn-tract for county worft invalid because of cia'iae reqalrii.g exclusively union Itbor.

In St. Lciiis a street car striKe. IJThree strike sympathizers sh' in Sr. Louis in with men who mptcd t-i run s're-t can.

"-IHirn? 21 of Rt Louis street ra Baby's voice -7 sum ums ALVAH SHELDEN- bi ii North frtren, Dorndo.KaLSiB oee at K. I-TTS'So, har.e:.s. Suffer. I'. ice, e'i 77.

-8 i rfii'-'i r-'g- ij sub-he nbrrsuniil df or -J- ihf- tidinue. are received and all arrears nc paid in full. EL JA N. -I. WHAT ABOUT THE ORIENT? IV'oK' t'i ji.iyi-r- I lliil.L' of" I a i j- ri. 'I In-y h. v. i 17 a. rt Ji-1 Aj.n! him t's a I 1 l. (i fur iily the i5 kn "To- lioni I Malw I ii.

JilMi.iiy. I I. i i t.i iii lh'- mniith hi alpi ")-V. V. i'n; the (rade I emi I 'hina.

laml a'ei al; 1 hi i I il iia- a 'i' ii'. er any nai i A laili.ia.i I i .11 '111'1' I lillf I 7x-I h.i:-...! h.l're- -i lie! ii! a litre I.I I'lititaiti-iliL' nvei a iiii lau I. i.i ii -eM thl- i. the the I' lielte.

I Ml nil he i'llLMU-'l h.iiii tlie I' ueite i er aiel inal lhenate-i aJ'i i a nil itie nia-l. I.eivii.; lin-valley, tin ina'l uill Ma Iia ini.un-I iiii-. rh-li mhiviai ii-tii--t-. liiiue- tif .1.1. iivvi.

al.ij in. II I. It' ale h.ill'.l la Iiii I. la i.l I hi Ii I i it J. i.i-1 V.

ill inn thri-uvh jmn. inle-t- nl oak ali'j a -e. the i.l Mc.i- there ale iivtr i.iit Miilli. ai in niin-iliL'. tiL'I'ii'lhliile, e.

Ii I a li v. it ii an inipntt i.l i I llu.f llliihi.t; ami an exnrt tla'le e-1 eleven Illilliull-. i'i'h thl flea! Ihjhwav frnlll the ei.a-t tn tin' llnti a la rue i.l'thi-t.aee eaa he laine.1 ii'' of the I -tail an'l I li'-le i- le. tloiil'l thai in I -Me i.e i i at la nee nl Ihv I lli. ntal llaile.

tile "'al tlalli. i.i tlli-ena-t lilai." the I'-a-l a paying elilel'I'li-e. leer i. lily ear- avn a plan 'a a- ri.lia'tvi.l I.V a Ie. Kni.v.lliL: 1 lie 1 inr a.h.

antaU' nf 1 1 lial l.i-I a lellliinll- i.l'a i liiaiail'j' Ihe an. I he-t ii tlie Iraile el' tlit' ien! a in I a i I 1 he ill! il i'a-ellie In a' I'siilt'il lale- ami I t.i lailn.a'l Ti.j..ii-l.aliipi.tii liaele I'a in le.xa-: ami lYi.m lli'. t't la mi with tlie lalhiiai! -K ill el' the I niteil Slale-. ami Marl Meain -hip line- hi hiaa ami the 1'a. ilie i-iaml-.

ami a ei.inpaliy wa- villi h.n I'SI a- I Hi the "th ni A 'I' A T.ilhelt. ami A i ns I ev Yiek nil lie. MeamHii. ily nf Vera uz, til i' i' tn Lit a fi.necMiill II the Y( xieaii the rnail 'l 'ily nl' 'eia 'i as re. keil in hill nil' 1 1 le nl I' Inl lila.

ien 'I ni hei a il rnw lie. en w.ts v. ashnre nti a ami all the ilneu-nn nt" re''anliiiL- I if fiileipii-e uce Inst. ieneiaM lien n-i-m I. The enni pally as ie.HL'anieil ami aveliis weieseiittn Mexir.i 1..

nhlain a emi- et-imi fur the ina.l: hul uheiilheyj Mt l. all -jn ernineiit ha. I a It nil-vr nt' enlii e-i. M' ra II nan-, a mi iih.i i a u-. a i'avniai'le mie, hnl vith ih-Ii a- lhe eniil.l uhuin.

tun. I- were rai-i i 1" naiiil the mail ale enn-tiie'l "as emiiineln nl a.t .1 ll i p. Silieethen -ierai pailie- have lienle 'hints tnhtnlil Ihi- mail hut limit' have sueeeeileil in lai-ins slll'ieieiit eapita! tn earry tlif cti1-r ri-e -nni-s until miw hen Ihi- very i 1 1 1 i 1 i i 1 1-w ay has U'l iime a ne-a ily. nil itl tiir intcrf-t Ihe enpie anil Males are lakini; in I he traile uf the Orient ami I'ai ilie (sialais an.l ha- -pi imir mtn new life, anil an enterpri-e that twenty yea; a lalhire ami will lmu he a ureal -ni is-. Thelir-t 11 niik- nl iaihna.1 I'rnin Port ea-Iwanl will Ihe lt-t harUir mi the Pa.

-itie ith the rie'Mi'st nl" iron, enpper. lead, silver ami l-oM that are known to the v.orlil, ith a nf ahmit ir.jiiHi. ene-liaif nf Ileal are rnuaireil in niiiiinr ami e.nivaklit. in tliP Lusint's they ill L'ive to the rail row I. to a (lopnlatio': people in farniiiiEr ami nianuraeturiiiL': anil the irvos reeeipl will not he lr-s the lirst year than ss.oon Mfxiean.

)pr mile. lllllililifftmi i al. ulales that eniraye! iii mininir are worth to a rail-roail hat are, oimaue I in arienlliire: am! ivennan -ays that this IniMoii iron fnrnaee in Wyomins; priKluees. every twenly-foai hours niore I'ivifirht for a lailrnavi. in out of the funiaeo, tliati a farm a inilewkle, e-tendinir from IViiver K('liieaa woukl.

even if it eouM he ma le to prailuee t-ittvn iui-hels of heat to ery aere. If we ket i the-e fa. ts in our niinil-while we examine the reports on the mineral wealth alons: the KatKi" City. Mexieo A Orient Kailroil r.uhe. il 'vill Leeasy to soot hat v.o are sroinu- to have an unusually ir'o lui-ines from the Mart, lint even if ll.ere wort' not a mine or an inhahitant alenir Ihe entire 1J1 miles of the lir-t seeii the timher alone would give freiirht enouuh to make tlie investment a good one.

A Slilwell. the man ho it huiid-ing the Orient lino, is a man ho has results to show. He is not a man of cxeuses. Ho is an optimist. Ho he-lieves in cheerfulness and aehie ement.

lie is a New Yorker. II is grandfather with whom he grew up fiom hoyhood, helped to huild what is now- the New York Central. He is a sort nf heath tary hoomer. Ten or tw elve years ago he the Mis-ouri. lvausas A Texas Trust company with heail'iuarteti-at Kansas City.

Shortly after this he conceived the idea of huiidinn a roa.l from Kansas to the of Mexico. At first people guyed him. thinking a man like Mr. Stihreil. ithout experience and financial aid, would certainly full.

He carried on the work, however, and most of the line was built during the panic and at a time when the financial world and others looked upon his enterprise as a speeie9 of insanity. He was so cheerful that jieople gave liitn their money as a kind 1 yer rtat-h r- Pretoria, la tv-r il. A v.z It Tv at r. ii. at cee'Iares jir bt 17- I ot h' 7: f.

n-ca i ii 1 nia a ii It rae, i --r wounded ir. ri; -t at Snr Pa. -tc- -ui chimney urt-rs wav rf per tri.u-i:.e strike etr.pioyes. i'Hi- man leu ar.d several artrnipt of strikers to eiee coi-iu rv at Fa.

mir.trs in at Sera ra i decide 'o arot-pt lo w.tSr inert-c-r-d by T' ai samp rule hi! April. i.l-li'K abohht il other bv raTui I'oal declared off, opernt r- hhv- n-v tc il at New sum- ao oui.t of Pe R. R. aph- Ijt Mr. i.i i crt W.

Watt rson rr'ir. rt-rs id Kj ii. k. i Thos T- or. n.o: i.i n- rr.

iril. fvhitf) and ot: Ox, P.rooke Apr i r. -k 5 lor. (Hit ii lyvi. starto lire hii Uipted John Ed Mindco Chowgoe (cob til, larshall JoLe (nc- Ma i I IUU1- Ne-r Cer.eva.

unknown negro: assault of Vl g.ri.. Alaska rs in c. ir.r:;c. to save trouble- of ui J-ir ir tuni i-Puti c.l. Kimblern shot wirV murdrrd 2 cniidren Jun.

2 Tuiviier. "Dago Pete" (r.e-gr. i by r.vgro mb ms. ulted woman P.r;..gMoi:. N.

tKrred and reathercd. sa.u io ua- late 4-Near M'sitsippi City. A a A-V. i (r.i.grc-i-; m' 25.N'e.:r a F.a.. -if- groi; attempitd iis-i-tult.

Jul. 6 Ntar J.l i. att. ir.ptfcd asaiiii. 27 Koi.t rt i in Nw Organs, lor killing 2 po.u i m.

n. Aug. 1J li. Uetts r.t gr- cirl. 22 Aki'.

n. i-ioit surrourded cl.iN.rir.e' a nftio. bren. 2. Moo Co.i.n.ri.t ha.l iii.d bl- iiv bui.c.ig.

Tr- ici'Ted To Nro had a 1 win'- WrtS to imr.rij-oj.nier.t. 'r ncv viii. Thos. J. Ames ol- oreoi.

rnL.r.;- r. Sep. r.r hatoula. 4 negroes; a r-fc. wi.h ry.

23 2 1 -ivrie elders Ciattd with tar ar.d envt-n from town. Oct. 2 Electric. IV Ii. field Towns, r.d (colored) burned at stake; attempted aa-sauit.

II K.kton, Fratus "Warfield ir.En.l; attempted to enter house where white woman ar.d child were only occup 23 Near Vickburg. MniS colored wne muruerer. by r.earo mob 24 Liberty Hill. Jas. Guer ami Jas Caliawny i colored chargad with lirir.g Into farmer' house.

Nov. 8 Near Coahoma, Lit Nabors (colored); murder. IB Jefferson. Tex 3 negroea taken from Jail and har.ged; murder. 16 Near Limon.

Co! Preston Porter. Jr. (negro), Lumen at atake; murder of Frost. 27 Nesr Lake City, Spencer Williams, desperate negro gambler. Dec.

7 Near Ivanhoe. Dan Long (negro); criminal assMtilt. 16 Ko kport. ir.d tud Rowland and Jim Henderson (both colored; murdei 17 Rock'jort, John kolla (colored); implicated in murder. 19 Arcafiia.

2 negroes who robbed and burned trading boat and klded Thos. Thompson, its owner. 20 Gullport. negro named Lewis; murder. METEOROLOGICAL.

Jan. 1 Mississippi freezes ovr at Ft. I.ouis rix of snow at M.toun, (si.jliMsht'S new record. Fob. 3 Tornado sweeps coast of Ntw- iiiiinitliitifl.

6- -'Inipt Tiit uro drops 50 o-reri in 15 hours hica.fe'o Collinsvilie itrucfc b' winiistoni). Mar. 1 Heaviest snow since 1888 in northern New York and New Kngiand; business at stHti.istiil. ITi i sri'iH't'torms in Texas, Alfsaia-pippi. Jjosnsisna and Alalmma.

Apr. 4 it hm i -if sirik.s during1 at 'h -v f-nne. Wyo. fi kt Water Valley. Tex.

7 Ijim at Austin, swept away; l'(K- ani over fw lives Inst. 15 'i'oindtlo sffr--jiS over Winfleld and Cltarwn rer. Kan. Han.burjr. Ia.

May at Wilson viile, and in rt-ntial Kansas. 7 Cyi-lorie in vLIIp, III Terrific hailstorm nt io, Tornado at San Tex. Ki lips of Mm viewed; in belt of totality tky in srnp running from Norfolk Sew Origans Cyclone in Sbawa tz-wnsinp. Mich. Jun.

7 Fauikrur, almost entirely d-ni'il -hed by tornado Many buildings by at Miami. I T. 23 'yclone in county. JiHtiiatir'g1 windstorm near lilanchari-vil. Wis.

2i Mississippi at unparalleled low mark Streets of Mobile. submnreti by cloudbiirst. Jul. ft Cyclone destroys Steamboat Ro k. ia.

14 Llano, destroyed in part by storm. 16 Cloudburst Coiemin. Tex. 2' at Marshall. Mich.

ForKrins-s. N. wiped out by tornado. 31 'iondburst flood: in Anzn'ii. canyons and A UK- 1- Tin tic mining shaken iy region.

T'tah. 1 1 1 1 ri heat in Ciiitajio causes nine ri-arhs. I'i HaiNtorm acres wheat -a St i i a 16 in astt-rr. I.iinois destroys hr. corn.

2" 'I'm tdo at Sheboygan, does 1:4 If urrirant off coast of Cape Nome. Alaska Haiitorm does ST.ou.'yw dire-ae to tohacco in Rock county. Wis. Sept. 6 Earthquaka at Lituya bay, Alaska.

7 Tropical gtle sweeps Florida coaf i -West Indian hurricane wrecks Galveston. ves-ia driven mii-s inland and rice crop destroyed, property loss at frmi to J.V,"1. li Storm -fl damage to fruit around Buffalo. and several F'un-Amerlran expsition building's partially wr-ck-d. 5 and tornado at Ferguson, Jit.

27 Shams. almost destroved bv cv- cljriH Oct. 4 R-d Wing. outni 1e w.r!d hv 7i hik. Minn.

cut off from Torm. damage at Blwa- 16 Kjrth in from I at 11 At J.ick.-'fiivii.L-, earthquake Ni v. T'-rns -lo ys w.Tte planet ions in Tt-nntjate and northern Mis- Itc. 13 Earthquake left at Santiago de Cuba. 16 shskf-n hy earthquake.

Gait in Pan Francisco 17 Earthrpjakc ir Kjt Tcr.ntstt. and North Carodr-a. NECROLOGY. Jan. 7 McOIynn, Rev CathOiic piient ard siir.g.f -f ft KTr.

at Ntwburg, N. 'Jl. 3 Juhn. author and pjt, at rtnt wood. Er.ff.

21 Hiackmire. Kirhard author "Lorna at T-d din gton. Eng. 73. Zl Sto.

kfn. Jhn Potter, tx-U. S. senator; ftt Nw York: 74. Ff-b.

3 iotbel, WiiiUm, governor de jure of Kentucky. WtdiS. H. military g-ov-rnor in reconstruction days, at Palmyra, N. Y.

77. Mtr. 2 tppe. Sydney, congressman, oJ Virginia, at Washington. 4 Archb-shop at TJubUQU, 75.

ft Harmf-r, Alfred corirreeanian (rather of the at Gerrr.antown. Pa 7f, 2 Stone. J. governor for 10 yra. of Mig- a-iasippl.

at Springs. "S-Saftjr-r, Philttus, ex-L. S. senator, at O.hkoh. c3.

31-fiibson. Chas. ex-T'. 8. senator from Maryland, at Washir.jrton: 57.

Apr Bidwiil. John, prohibition candidate iur In at Chici', Cai May 1 Munkacksy, cteibbratenl painter, at bor.n, Austria. 7 Culberson. at JefTr- eon. Tex Wifda.

Richard Storra, poet ar.d writer at Detroit. 84. 22 Kill, ex-U. S. enator, at Lnvcr.

Col. Jur. 5 Ht-phn. Anirican war ror- at BdC-n-WdF, Ger So lfr HufT'-cker. Jute HtiAy, atSmyr- Is the joy of the household, for with, out it no happiness can be complete.

The ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so full of danger and snfferinz that without pain. Our book of priceless oy gasoline txplo- li atKi 65, kill Mu.T ur cumrn ui- rr. i trial Ottr Creek, r. (tail Kiilse. in ut A.

L. Ki.I- Dr. tJlto Au- 4 k3Vd in quarrtl H. H. iro--r st.

j-N-t ty U'rr. W. -wti au.jrn.-y. ouri; ir. D.tvM U.

CoNnn kii Kri.Kfurt, Ky. 2;.' of t. k.i;-.i by t. u.uml'ld by rame with i farmer nt nr Tluti-fle-'t. htr yrar.d Onidhti.

kills li' v. A wi.o connnitt donit-s- kil'a a.1 'itiruf r. X. KLitip Vjr: i in rviurpi- bbi-sru, lib; cisii- A I-'. 1:.

riot at kiiM 4 men. ouiniiii U. McAllister, i. lb kdsc. cr.d ztit Mr.

e.M.u.ri;r; mur- d.r-ii fici; Tr-iiuiit. lh. 1 -In irud a.t Aiisusinf. Sh-rnT I aad br.thrs ur r-Jtri, ktlis. Air, uiiu rsiW.

ftr.d tit-rstif, at J-Ildurauo, i Jji tV HuiiisT. V. wife of 3 davs. dt ClLlll.i.b!. S- "i In riot S' Origins Robert i btrli i' i 1 1 i i i kUis i mm.

Any. 4--i'iv- u-ai rediitt of iwuii httwefn ai.U iijnis ramtiits, at bwe liun. Jor.s ar.d Turner tak tif r.enr Clinton, fi i- i-r to 14 A xw. A. H.

kills v. i. salt: Tiiniy trouble. If S. ii while d.ii: at Shar if; 1 is thtn kuit by sheriff's i I'Aul Crorln at Vaukeeha, K. and thuots lilmseif, ti rtus'd tu marry hnn. 17 other at Turtle ll.jtii.d, in a. tight; all wanted to marry ht. 1 V. ai: -rr Kvti.s kills wife and self, at I 1 1 y-.

Ky. dumt-stic trouble. At O. S. kills tu.d ihw would not live with him -ll-raiise husby r.d Intended becoming a Mrs.

Rnullier dmwns iia, tr.d seii, tt Two Riv-rs. Wis. 4 kills her 3 children and ai H'ir-tervil. N. ir.saro from if over iirt.ntd' deaths Chas.

Varpo kli.i wife and slf at Aurora, drink. N'jV- fi In fht over politics at rille, Ii 'A'ailHce Graves kilied and others w.iinded. 14-N-ar John Cartpr ar.d U'ivt-r Mi tly killt-d in dn-I over girl. -('. rt Th-o.

"aii-rt pleads guilLy to mnr- wif't ar.d i stepchildren, at ArliLg- ti Mil -1-'. as a result of mysterious at Forsythe Mines, O. FIHES. Jan. 13 Iowa City, business block; I --lay t'jii.

firs in business section i-- Louis, among business houses; N' ark. X. fire In retail dry 7 i-Hii-deiphia, fire In retail i-'iouj dltl'it t. City, S. IV, 50 business buildings; 2-Newport, J5u(ir0u0 fire In busl- democratic conven-'iur.

ha.l and building's; Apr. Spies buiidlng; 1- utsburgli, Jos. Home de- store; a--' rrten N. several factories; toy 2k Hu entirely destroyed and Ottawa h.i'.t bUIT.fcd. o-Foi'ts; tir- in Michigan roach alarm-ins proij.irtions.

M-y -Nttw York, Mkllory Una steamship Quo. '27 -Ap'achicola, 6 business blocks; Jun.ii-rit. Etinne du Saffusnay, Prine iJios. A lumber piant; 7 Virginia. destroyed; JSrtj.yOO.

-liim minton. 111.. U.wO.wO fire in e. iVaree, A. T-, M.iiix.ij mill, JwJO.OOU 3 Murnrfa, X.

Detroit Copper Mining t'o-'s smelting Jl.w.iJtV. 30- IIoboka, N. lira on docks North Gtrinan Lloyd ar.d ocean liner Bremen and Main stroyd; Biaek Hock. N. lumberyards; Jul.

5 Conatabia Hook, N. Standard Oil Co. 'a plant 14-Preeott. A. business section and dwailircs; 0J.

23 St. Cold Storage TVare-ho'i? Tiarrhoii3; $7j). 24 N. Erttern elevator; 750.. 4-.

Baker Stewart Lumber iumbr yards; 5i.f.,i...t. 19-Axai Kelly Ax Manf. 5- 21 Forest fires In Colorado and Wyoming; esl 2t lNarr.i??insett Ptr. S3V.0i;i fire, i- oil. Tx ft Planters' il mill: Near Plymouth.

forest nres: fifin. 30Nfw York. Ttrmir.fll 9tore SI 1'artn? Cros, Iron Mountain railway pa; 4', 0'). Ot-r. 6 nw York, Atlantic transport line pUr; $1 2-New Vor-k, hou of Tarrant Co.

ffnd othf-r building's, from ehtmicai ex- niosir.n Nuv. large part of business Shaman county. Sj big ranches. FOREIGN. IEar In At halkilnk.

dt-Ftruy-d '2" viiirtesi: ii lives lost. tf Se'vciah efcbiii of 14th parliament u-'ii Victor it- I- Mcst t-rribie h-Ht vr eitif rit in Ayres; deaths in-in str. M' r. tro nn.i Mexic in': an; iila M-r. do great damage Ir scut h'-ra IS Limerick (Ire.) city corporation? reue to lsue address of v.aicoiue to que-, n.

Apr. 14 Paris exposition op-r-d. of bridge at Paris exposition 4 F. iiit'1 cT.fcmry of Frazil's disci v. rv at H'o Jr.ncir...

11 I'zrtr aDa.ih'.'s d. j.r.rtat ion to Siberia of c)iivicrs and forbids sentencing i'i wiiii'ui trial. Jun In India 6. people receiving iiimir." rc.ier. 21 t'oiii.

Mourair(T. Russian minister of arrirs. dies fat. Petersburg. Jul.

41- ifjye't status, gift of Ameriean i sentea to ranee by Commis- P- of Italy, aged 56, assas- izi by Pressi. iT --y- swears allegiance -v'- ill. Turkish tioops massacre Armenian? r.t of King Hum-It- rt fit H-me. I'i Lord Chief Justice Russell of England die at London; aged tS. IS Lord Roberts a pointed commander In ehf of British army to succeed Lord uistlty.

Sep. 1 Ali Mahomet Est, rebel leader seeking to usurp Persia's throne, dtcfeated and Imprisoned. Duke d'Abruxal of Italy returns frcm arctic region after having gone within 241 miles of pols. Oct. I Canadian parliament dissolved.

10 United Sfates receives 2.745 awards at Paris exposition, more than any other foreign country. 17 Prince von Hohenloht resigns chancellorship of Germany; Von Bueiow named to succeed hira. 19 Lord Curzon says famine has caused 500.000 deaths in India- Nov. 7 Sir Chas. Tupper defeated In Canadian election; liberals overwhelmingly miooessiul.

12 Paris exposition closed. 29 Typhoon at Tourane, Japan; 1,800 lives lost. Deo, 2 Pre. Diat cf Mexico Inaugurated for sixth time. 4 Flood in river Tiber cause 17.500 000 loss la Rome.

7 Russian consuls In Turkey report killing of hundred of Armenians dally. THE WAR IN' THE TRANSVAAL. Jan. 1 Gen. French take Colesburg.

10 Roberta and Kitchener land at Cape Town. 13 rn. Duller begins second attempt to rttiieve Ladyjmun 2 ien. Warren capture Spion Oen. Woodgate killed.

2i Splon kop abandoned. Feb. Bulier checke-d in third attempt to relieve Ladysmith; 1.747 lost in the thre advances. 15 -Gen French enter Kimberley. 27 Cronie witn men surrenders at Paardeberg 25 Ledymith relieved.

Mar. li aiiibury rejects peaee overtures of Boera. 15 Roberts enters Bloemfonteln Steyn movea capital to Kroonstadt. 26 G-n Joubert dies in Pretoria. Apr.

Bowrs capture five companies British troops near Bloemfontein. 1 Battle of Maerkatsfentein; British loe killed and wounded and dud are taien prisoners. 25 driven from "Wepener. May Severe fighting along Vet river. la Roberts occupies Kroontadt without IS Marekir.g relieved, ending siege of days.

British enter Johannesburg. Jun 3 Kruger shifts seat of government from Pretoria to Lyaenburg. Roberts Lak-ca Pretoria EatjUtii Dec -Al. IS i.i:..:.' i.ik-w -1'" st 9- Terry t( re. a.

i in -4 J-a Mr. -v AtchKnTv i. Ml run fr. ni 1 cjtf i Apr N.tti-'f.-u ti ms May J-Fri-d I. 2 4 d.

ship at t'o: i-. 23- Sydney wins Ann- 30-- i'. ni.s It SKi'iP if -Ut I Ct ut Jul n.i!rs l.r.i -a i rui.tri it-u. jit 9l'f'r of thr-iugh Niara river raj 14 vhl'tn 7 t.i in ni.ii. i ships ut h'h rls.

17 Vdicr bra w.irl':'! r. i tar nt KrlrhT-'n IV. AMhfi i 1 xii K. 'rr ir. i.r.- iv r- 11: 1..

Aur. 6- Har ir -m Nnv Y-u 7 i b. tH in -i ii. Ir I ii-' in 47 5 At i.i'...:hl. M.iss tr rt ma ii in 6 1 i us .,1 u.

II- Kr i wrh Hr mil in 17 York by 1. 3WM it i I. W. I 'i' Jan.

1 F. I I. uf a.J-I... nl lA I4-M I. a'b 4-I' h.

IT. ii r. 2i-M. Ir-rr HII' ai J. i'r tirr.H j.r.s i.

i'V.,,. Jun Mi. Of i iil.s. I- A T.z r.a. ri i's ht Y.

i i pr-m- (-ur d- tlCe iaW i--1'T" Jul. 3 I v- i reunii i si pood r.jG.- r- at Ml h. 17 World's F.i es i.e; i. F. K.

l.r. r. Lor.d..n....MrJ. at 1,1 A. S- ci-ty of Army cf h'- ornrdz'-'i at oi ir- i pr A.

r- in 1- V-r i 3 l' troit. Mil Nat. 1 1- 3 1 cor. if. r.

In 21t Jks I. f. Oa, for in, x.r: an K-iipf rp. f-f V-r U'ir hold A rr. i a liar -n L-o --nr I.r i l'l lr.

-T I i S-P. 2-A rt. .7 P-j- 1' r.t f- -(-- Y.T'AY.t-rt. L' n. Is 26 A.

M' i i chif r.f Iff. ward r.f -d d-th i.r'i n.urdtr. a j-. Ky. Oc.

lir.k'rs1 ir; annual Flnn Va. IV Galvf rt-ii-f furd r'-a'-hrp 2 Nov. 21 Nat B- '-d r'rt rnr.w: CKO, W. M-vr-rc din) 2b H. rn C'l'nr A'-nl in 1 W.

C. ir. 27rc ar.r.jjl ccnvn- tlUR. 4 Crnv. Pir.gre ai in.

A ti.rv frt'idf. rs r.e-n vjy.1.' rsh conv.ctrd of 10-'irritoril txpositin 1G Of r--'-. c-n y-c' I.hh. 17-Nrit ir V. 'd r' of -a: in Ir.duttr: Anr-ri- v.

IS of fr' J'hr. 4iitr to or Cbica ir. Tloirif, I)c. 3n.Mnj. firowr Horha, brother O'liimandant Lfwis liothn, has arrirwj in on his way to Tht Ifajrup.

IIk carries -lispatches for Mr. Krtijrr-r. Jt, th war in Afrira will last fnr years, that Mr. Stf-yn lias plnnnw an inviiMnn of ajK- Colony an-1 thht of the is certain. Onf TnK(1jr to Anothrr.

Uorfon, I-c. ris Var-Dr, a prominent farmer, corn it sniridp taking strychnine. had been brooding over financial tronhles and the of his wife. A hours later the wif; di-d from th: fchock. A doubly funeral will he hejfl.

Irni at Firkx'Htnr. r.loernfontein, ik-c. The Ilritih have refM-ctipied rieksinirir. which for lime had he en in the hands of the A Fvndicatt? with tal is orraniii: at Ihil. eon tro 1 be sTeI tube Uie United Slates.

I ij 1 PRESIDENT A. if admi-sion fee to see the only cheer-u! man in the wotld at that time. Win ahout two-thinls of the line was nmpleted, a syilematieeirort was made I hy railroads and ethers interested in Ka-tern and Western lines, to thwart his plan-. The Trallio Manager of the i.oui-ville and Nashville sjient many days jN Kansas City, published a phainplilet, not only in the English laie-'uaL'e hut in the Hutch language to affect his Holland sei urities, and made pn-itive statements that the road would nc er Ik; hililt. the road reachol Port Arthuror I he Onlf of Mexii-o, he also conceived he i-lea of digging a ship canal seven and one-half miles long.

This was foimht by injunction ill In th local and federal courts. It is needless to say that the mad was suoi-essfiilly built and that the canal was completed, and ad mit- tmiav anv vessel that sails the neeaii. I he Kansas A' Texas Trust company was used to financier these enterprises that is to say, it negotiated the securities and acted as a clearing Imii-e bile this work was going on and after it as completed. Mr. Stilwell built what is now known as the Suburban connecting Kansas and Missouri including the v.

In. it-ale districts of lioth Kansas City, Mi oiiri. and Kansas City, Kansas, and also the packing houses and Argen line smelter. He was the moving spirit in building the great Convention Hall of Kansas ily: was Ihe lirst contributor to a large amount, not only forbimself hut various auxiliary emu panics, including the Holt Line and Trust company. At one time during his absence the work in this direction had practically -lopped.

He came home and immediately revived the matter and stuck to it until the hall was completed. Mr. Stilwell built what is known as the Kansas City Noiihern Connecting liailu ay. running from Kansas City to Paltonshurg, Missouri, where it connected with the nil. and also built I her line from Paltonshurg, east, to lonnt'i-t with a line running from Trcnlon to Quincy, erystalizing the three lines into one system, all of which lmu pay tribute to Kansas City.

He conceived the idea of bringing the St A' iraiid Island road into Kansas City, by extending its line from St ph to this paint, hich was huc-eess-ully carried out; he conceived the idea of liuililingto Fairmount Park near Kansas City, hich hasaH'orded amusement and pleasure to not only the entire population here, butadjaeent towns and cities. lie also built the Kausas City-1 nilepeiiilcnoe Air Line, a suburban line running from Kansas City to Independence, Mo. Mr. Stilwell has been a subject of knockers, hut invariably it was from two classes. One was from people who re i resen ted railroads or business enterprises that would le allected by the success of his undertakings; the other as of a class ho never sut'eeiled in anything themselves and wereapparent-ly unw ilhng to see a man in their midst achieve success.

It is a matter of liistiry, and a notable fact, that in all of Mr. Stilwell's groat enterprises he has never yet failed to earry any of them through. Those who are near Mr. Stilwell and in his confidence. Iielieve that the ambition of his life is to successfully huild and complete the Kansas City, Mexico Orient Railway from Kansas City to the Pacific ocean.

When he talks of this it is -imply an inspiration. Knowing that the proposition is one of almost unlimited resource and posMui'itic, it is an easy matter for him to convince others of hat he believs and actually know to lie true himself. It is a well known fact that the President and Cabinet of the Republic of Mexico, by their isdom and foresight; not only control matters of stat; but all arteries of commerce, and having an iinilevelopt I country that is so rich in mineral, agriculture audotherresoiirten that it is hard for one to conceit' its IH'ssihilities. It has en stated that Mr. Stilwell is Ihe only man outside the Republic of Mexico, who has ever lieeu able to roach the ''powers that tie-' in a satis-f 'dory way.

Members of the Executive and cabinet have repeatedly gone ith Mr. Stilwell in person, to the statu; therefore it can be readily understood when these people have given Him the most generous concessions, not only in money but in mineral aDd timber lands, that ith other advantages he possesses, success is sure to crown his eirorts; although it should not lie over loked that Mr. Stilwell will moot with opposition in building this road, principally from railroads, which will, of course, 1 compelled to share their business with this great transcontinental line. A few words alout Mr. Stilwell personally.

He is unpretentious in his home and business life; has always displayed a greater desire to achieve business success and help others than to himself. He is thoroughly conscientious in any ork he undertakes. The question has often been asked: "What is the secret of his success?" It is believed that he will not undertake any proposition that he does not think is right and has merit, and thoroughly Mieves in himself. Having reached this opinion iu his own mind, he has the happy faculty of convincing others I to llieve as he does. Another charae- STILLvVELI.

teristic his nature is that he has scarcely ever been known to resent critlciw, except that it be for the pur pose of protecting his friends. If he i told that some one has spnken unkind ly of him he either pays no attention to it, or makes a remark to the eil'ti "Well, he didn't mean that," or something of that kind. In conclusion, there is no doubt in the world hut that Mr. Stilwell ill not only build the road from Kansas City to the Pacific ocean across the Republic of Mexico; giving employment to thousands of men, opening up new industries; but before the line is finished he ill have completed arrangements for building and operating a line of steamers between the Pacific coast and the Orient. The officers of this Company have signed a contract for a traffic arrange ment with the Chicago, Milwaukee A-St.

Paul Railway, and have propositions for a number of other roads. LYNCHING LADIES. Some one sends the Times the San Francisco Call containing this marvellous editorial. And this kind of idocy is rampant throughout the country: Miss Morrison at El Dorado, Kansas, was the recipient of the amatory attentions of Mr Oliu Castle. Mr Castle had a large assortment and general stock of such attentions, and bestow some of the goods also upon Miss Wiley.

A marriage between him and the latter follow and Miss Morrison was left ith nothiug but Mr Castle's attentions on hand. It may be that Mrs Castle wore an air of triumph with her welding ring, but be that as it may, there opened between the two women a great gulf of exasjier-ation, and they met oueday ith razors and when they parted Mrs Castle's throat was slit beyond repair and the poor lady died. For this encounter Miss Morrison has just been on trial, and a jury failed to convict her. It is believed in El Dorado that she cannot be convictfd, and that her discharge will follow. Mr Castle, the gentleman whose surplus stock of attentions was the remote cause of the lamentable tragedy, seems to be a self-centered sort of person, ith remarkable self control.

It is alleged that during the trial of Miss Morrison for the crime of making him a idow er, he declared that the affair bored him, and so he got up a party autl went hunting! The ladies of El Dorado have divided into two camps, and in one of them there is talk of organizing a lynching party and hanging Miss Morrison to a lamp post or a telegraph pole if she is not free. This is to be done exclusively by the ladies, with no aid, comfort or assistance by the coarser sex. The social fabric ef EI Dorado is split in two by the heat of the affair. The local newspaper has been stoifd by the Morrison party, and that young lady defies her petticoat' 1 enemies and says she does not fear them. It is strange that none of the indignant and prospective lynchers has thought to discuss Mr Castle.

"Hell hath no fury l'ke a woman scorn'i," and Miss Morrison was obviously scorn-'i, the gentle dames should admit that she had a right to out-hell hell. Our advice may not reach the stirring and excited scene of these events, but if it could we would advise the angry ladies, who seem so regardful of Mr Castle's that in lynching Miss Morrison they may deprive him of a second malrioioual experience that would add to the exhibit Kansas can already make as a land of vicissitude and novelty. THE GIRL TO BE AVOIDED. She is the girl who takes you ofT in one corner and tells you things that you wouldn't repeat to your mother. She is the girl who is anxious to have you join a party, which is to be a "dead secret;" and at which because the peo ple are very fr and easy, you are uncomfortable and wish you were at home.

She is the girl who tries to induce you "just for fun," to smoke a cigarette, or to take a glass of wine, and you don't know and possibly she doesn't, that many of the sinnersoftoday committed their first sin "just for fun." She is the girl who persuades you that slang is witty, that a loud dress that attracts attention is "stylish," and that your own simple gowns are dowdy and undesirable. She dosen't know, nor do yen, how many women have gone to destruction because of their love of fine clothes. She is the girl ho persuades you that to stay at home and care and love your own, to help your mother and to to have your pleasures at home and where home people can see them, is tiresome and stupid; and that spending the afternoon walking up and down the street, looking at the indows and the people, is "just delightful." She is the girl who persuades you that to be on familiar terms with thrs or four young men is an evidence of your charms and fascination, instead of being, as it is, am outw ard visible sigu of your perfect folly. She is the girl who persuades you that it is a very small thing t3 be referred to as "a gay girL" She is very very much mistaken. And of all others she is the girl who, no matter how hard she may try to make you believe in her, is the girl to be avoided.

All: -i jir ii. ir; in ii IV pfter h.nrt ri. Kmi'i--: I -am i r.i'sc ruuttc i. if l.irt tu i i-ulicy.

O-l. at: ti" ili.LT M'an ity uf lo. 1 " rs sriirt -3('9 jn.iut rs. auiii.Lir.ic 3: I' (I. 10 iiithtjrizt-d tr Ms, to -I- utvd to I nilnry 5 r.

r. ai KI SIM.SS I-' MIA Mil IV J-in. 6- II I 'il -f-t-t n. j.i'.: v.n 'ii7. S.

'rrfiu-is 1'. Owinj 1 -Ntv jr. M.i. ,1 Uv nrv ir.anl.; i. i.irn.

"nil. Stal ci.inl.i... (flour i-'nrt Jurvls IN. luu.k suspend'. i payni- nl in Dt-ctm- B- J.

F. P. mntifactur.T Rt Akinn. bi.krui'tcy li' -John Khi). I.

uil.ii NVw York. petition; J1.53..osf.; 11. i s. 2-- i. Applt tMij York, pjLiisii- is; J.i,".''.

M.i'i hnnts' X. 11 Fnv CVn! suvinus l.rir:k tor bank for r. Stat.

bank; itmbns, ll I I 'i I .1 id bank; slate bank. koous di-alf-r of i pria' banks at Mich. bar.k. of N'. York.

and at Mulberry ittkmen at Ash- "barb klrp-," ii I i 1 Tit- oV. f. I.l. mi. il i i p.

1 i Lnan of Vi.rk brokers; at Peabodr, rs bnr.k. r.t Newport. Ky. i large fratcr- i-iati-ju. Jar.

2- v. -2T F-b. 'ir r. x. wrrckf-d on Cabot I. ii il tn tombed by i'i-. I 5 In railroad C. Wnrd capsized T. tilula 7 in buriJr.g of i hu r.

4-N- 6 i N' ar Fire t'rek. mi tx- N. "4 in Ifrrmi Apr. 7 rifiit, 5 in bu: i. lion.e.

Near Ja. ks.ui. in tio.i-i. 17 ar.d ar. 10 bv At and Hull, Schof.

2W by ex- p.oi.'T' n.h i IU 'nai Co. IT 1 at i. 7 e.tlVion in i Tuiatirt-k, bj explosion in nun1. IT Francisco, 6 daths to date from bu- 22 In Cumnock coal mines. N.

C-, 30 by ex- pa.s ion. ffNtar Mr.tcort-ry. TV. 12 rora ect- poifi.rir-ii a liamii'cn. 5 in railroad IK.

7--NVT. by fall of heavy iLr, i by pas in mtn i3 cr. 1' rr Philip, li. :3 N-r If.uush.

wreck a c-unty. O. 5 bv c- railroad, i -hipw reck. 1 by railw-wy Beaver lone. 24 Depere, ti by railroad Thatcher.

A. 6 In burning hom. St Kboken. N. about i .5 Ly tire on docka of North German Lloyd Co Nortoik.

IS negroes by sinking of barge. Jul. 2 Chicago, by heat. 3 Hoboken. N.

in tenement fire. Pehrinir ea coast sloop Seattl 7 drow ned. 4 Fourth of July celebrations throughout country killed 59 ar.d injured 2,77 peopl NearTacoma. 36 by plunging of car into deep chasm Parksrsburg, 6 bv oil tank explosion. 9 Near Calieo Rock.

D. J. Fink and family if persons) by eating toadstools, lfi Coleman. 15 In cloudburst. IS New York city, 70 bv excessive haat.

23 Near Akron, ll by capsizing of ikiff. 6 Thirty-Mile rapids. Alaaka. 40 by overturning of stamer. Aug.

Aurich. 3 in railroad wreck. li Chicago, 47 deaths. 131 prostrations and driven insane, the record of a week of excessive heat, lfc Slatington, 16; train crashed into omnibus. York.

9 In storm. 15 Chicago, in burning house Plerson, In railroad collision Nome, Alaska, 16 by shipwreck. 21 Kensico, K. by rear-end collision. fe Galveston.

about lost in Hood: 75 other Texas towns report loss of 114 lives. 12 Mour.1 City, 9 fn railroad Lake Krie. barge John B. Lyons foundered; 14 IS Eau Claire.

4 by capsizing ot boat. li OfT Chatham. 1 in gai. 24 Morristown. In cyclone.

Oct. 7 Nar Biwabik. 9 in cyclone. 35 Sells, by dynamite explosion. 17 New York.

in tenement lioue lire. 21 Lodl. 6 In tornado 2 NVw York IS by chemical explosion and rFSultirfir fire in drup Ve Hart, M.nt in mtlroail wrfi'k. NVv. i B-rrysberg.

W. IS by dynamite os'ofi. lfi N'ear I'oik. 6 ir. railroad wreck, I'l'U iyo.

Pa 6 in bamii hotel. 20 In western Tfrrest ar.d northern Mississippi, by cyior.e In Wisconsin cays' hur.t'r.g st-aon results in ij men killed ar.d 12 wounded. 2 6an 13 by failing in of roof over glass furnaces truiserTose-mite lost in pho'n in Philippines, 5 seamen crowned. Dec. 3 Chicago.

6 by boiler explosion In railroad power Fishing boatCora McKay given up for lost with crew of 3t iidects of Province-town. Mas? 7 Durir.s past season on great lakes 110 Iiv aid to have been loM. off Erie. tow targ Cbarlas Fotter tudertd; lost- I art ii irs making change in riMMiis r--iV. M.ikttm' hu i us.

a-liiiiLT marhirur-, hay Mai ki luvktl hay-uatui-ivrs that ai- 1 1 if i ii r. Havoou a Ih.iih' or ham to" huiM? Siv aiut it he (Uh-h tlie wni'k il ill in- wtU iIoik'. jt ijoi ii ot the Allen huihl- iiiL'. North Main KI Dorado, V. fx f- ll lark.

Long K.I I. Clorlv cS: Co. Wewant our flour trade. Look at our prices. 90c Per Sack For Kansas Patent 1 here is nothiDg better made.

E. K- Clark Co. -i: (-L'l i '--'J i Nt at aii'l r. mfortai.Ic furniture a'hN really tn the imprint culture uj-on any li'iiK-, hcvvevtr hum hlc Witjmi money l-y"h liiiif ymir fmniture, iiiakiiK? it at ati'I Call and so: hal it ill 'x-t t' have ti-ft pi. -1- of tun.

it mtv U- liki hl-w iiiM-fc ovr. iip x. Willi t-coiiij ifand Store Wt-t i'W North Main Stret-t, For tlie Little Foils Lofk out! You want to watch, or Christmas ill be here 1-efore you are aA are of it. We want to warn vou ou won't forget our I.i? Moek if IM'IiK ANIIKS. Ht-eeiai prictw to Sunday ehooi touiinitteee and school teacher-.

1 ANDY THE ITCHEN. O. M. Prop'r. North Mam, Dont Be Fooled TJ tM gtmoiiM, tMitrinal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mad only by Madison Mtdl-cIm MadiMW, Wl.

It kp you u. Our trad mark cut oo ach packaf a. Rrlca, 3J cantA- tv cold In bulk. Accapt so atiactt tMTtMi ww. Aaa; 7mr aruiiia t- 'K ('.

Ki? 'VTi I she look9 forward to it with indescribable fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of chiid-birth can he entirely avoided by the use of Mother's a scientific liniment. By its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in perfect safety and value 10 aii women win De sent free to any address by Bradneld Regulator Atlanta, Ga. Mother's Friend.

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