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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 9

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 'OAKLAND TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1937 Alameda Boy Scouts To Fete Cupid Works Havoc DREAM HOME CONTEST EDITOR, OAKLAND TRIBUNE, IpGTION; OF OFFICERS TO Milk Code Gel 400 Awards- Istfrand franklin-5treetsrOakland With Buffet -Staff National-Ghaplairi ALAMEbA. bct.V.-S6m 40O LOSE BABTIST MEET HERE Joseph Balagno, operator of "a 11 Dear Sir: Please pnter me in THEr TRIBUNE'S DREAM HOME CONTEST, send me furtherjnformationrrega'rding this model home competition. I Is Retained awards were, distributed at the Fall buffet at 1029 Broadway, is not.sure court of honor held by Alameda Boy but what Cupid is keeping a 24-hour Election of new oicers will A reception will Ibe given tonight by'E'H.

Liscunf Auxiliary 2, United Spanish War Veterans, for Mrs. Betty national chaplain of the auxiliary. The affair, to. be held at the Veterans Memorial Building. 300 Grand watchOTer his establishment.

Name' tervilte led the devotional period this morning, speaking on the theme "Our Fellowship in the Breaking of Bread." i Vostprrlav TSabunn 1aTnpd nf the Scouts at the Lincoln school, this, week. Harry M. Hammond was-chairman of the event, assisted by a -T I -J tl conclude the three-day Northern California Baptist 'convention at the Tenth Avenue Church' marriage in ReVJ pf his son and em Addl Iress Avenue, is under, the direction ot Mrs. Nora Ferle, president of the committee cpmposea ui n. Mathewsoh, MajM Louis Bowler, Scout commissioners Mayor H.

A. Welchhart, Judge Daniel H. tomorrow noon, Dr. George M. Derbyshire of Church: Berkeley conduCt.his Ashley, Hauler Hit Plan to Ease Up on Oakland Inspection Oakland's, standards for milk In- City i i State organization.

Mrs. Bassett. a nast nresident of ployee, Ernest, 26,. the sixth employee of the buffet to ftiarry during the past year. Young Balagno, former Roosevelt High Schoo student, married a former 'classmate, Miss Melba Barnes, 22.

with whom' he attended the Nine speakers took part In tne discussion of "The Church Its: Educational Task;" with the Rev. Gordon D.i Speakers included: Dr. Lewis J. Julianel, Mrs. A.

R. Heron, Wilbur E. Larson Jean Morony, the Rev. J- Theo-'dore tfe Rev. Ralph final meeting as1 moderator.

Dr. Henry Lauren Thompson Elbert H. Hicks of First Churcn, Knox, S. C. Wright, J.

O. Bates, Monte FJynn," Herbert CJark, Btan. ley Whitney and William Hitchlngs. wo. ou, oi san JjUis UDispo, nas n1sn hpld nffipps of San is vice-moderator, ana Mrs.

Elmer, JI. Paine, Oakland, sec school in 1929. chairman of the child weHare com U. S. Pays $50,000 For Land, Faces Suit' The Marin Land and Cattle Com Knudsen the Rev.

Gordon San Lea rid ro's 'Sons' To Sponsor Benefit SAN LEANDRO, Oct. fl. festu- Bay area, wijlbe Riainlainedn ispite The counle went to Reno Monday- retary, Forbes. mittee and president of the California department. Dr.

Elmer A. Frideu, interim pas Highlight of the Court was tne presentation of Eagle Scout badges to VictorjGarfinkle of Troop 2 and Sea Scout Jack Frost 6f Ship Certificates" of map instructors were presented to Donald Campling, Thn Rpv. Prank ft. Facerbure Of of the drive c-eing maae Dy commer cial interests to "broaden. the base' and were married yesterday, A report set, their parents did' hot give detail's of the wedding nor fu She was for two years reeional tor at First Church, and member of the faculty of the Berkeley Los Angeles, gove the inspirational pany has accepted $50,000 'on ac dlllo Parlor, Native Son of the of milk inspection by accepting chairman of Group 10, a national Office, in which she supervised' the count" from the governmenton Its, address on "Jesus unrist, ine Foundation." ture plans, but it was understood will return at the end of Baptist Divinity cnoi, wuu attended the world conference on Hf am4 rnrk at Oxfords England, Gojden West, will sponsor a public benefit whlsf'party tomorrow night State -wide rules and regulations adopted at the last session of the Rtnt T.epfslature:- Dr.

J. C. Robbins of New York assistant scoutmaster, iroop bod Mathiesen, Troop ty Bill Cox, Troop 1, and Kenneth Fisher, Troop 14. auxiliaries oi caniornia, wevaaa, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. this week to make their home in Ala- at 8 o'clock In tha Alvarado Street the past Summer, spoke last night City spoke on ''The Triumphant Church." In 1936 -she was elected national demand for 51,392,000 ror its property; adjoining Fort fiaker, federal court records disclosed today.

The company maysue for the difference. This was the answer of Oakland nffMaih tadav to the reauest made on "The Church ana -me Mtrlrttin Instructor ni1 was I. D. E. J3.

Hall, according to Frank A symposium ott "Enlisting, Build 0 vated to the office of national chap- The bride is employed as clerk in a downtown department store. Belagno has been living with his mnfher Mr Ralaeno. 'at 1108 Negus, publicity chairman, ivesterday the City Council ing. Conseiving Church Member Today." NEW EXPERIENCES Funds derived from the affair Members of the Haywire orcnestra of Troop 15 entertained with cowboy songs and music prior to the Opening ceremonies, which were in charge Ot host Troop 11, under the leadership of Henry B. Cushman, district v'; r't-: ship" was' led by Dr.

W. Earle Smith. San Francisco. Speakers In humility is the first iteo on iain tne national auxiliary encampment in Columbus, Ohio, in August. will be used for the Organization of.

Santa Cl6ra Avenue, Alameda. His. ho Bthwv in nower. then the 800. by Carlfeton L.

Rank," attorney for the Alameda County Milk Dealers' Association. Rank urged the council to abandon thn restrictions net in munic cluded! Rev. Cecil G. Osborne, who bride lives in Oakland. a parlor drurn and" bugle corps.

men and women at the Oxford con- snoke on "The Metropolitan Lawyers to Mtet Sullivan, Oakland attorney, will be the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Lawyer's Club Of Alameda County, tonight, at 6:30 a'rlnrk. at th UniVerSitV Club. 19th finM u.orp pioso to new expert Churches;" Rev. Otto R. Loverude, Members of the drum and, bugle committee.

which includes ipal ordinances, which Drovlde that enppn- of solritual power," said" Man Injured Fall Thomas McCbrmick, 42, of 515 Alice Street, was at the Alameda Water Problim Tr.ioht Tribune reader looking for Rrtv Williams, chairman: Al Bllva. "The Out-State Churches," witn Doctor Smith speaking on "What To Do About It." milk sold in Oakland must be sub-4rted to Oakland "instjection. He Doctor Fridell. "Thpre was'aote of realism, Sell 'Pupplei Eight or buyers 'ealltd at 2258 Buena Vista, Alameda, and pur chased all the advertised pups. and JacksOn Streets, Oakland, Sul- deeo-well pumfls; nine eallrd Al Ferriera and Anthony Lepes, are in charge of arrangements for continued the speaker.

"There was County Hospital today with a head Injury and auffering from, shock DIVINITY SCHOOL PROGRAM TR lnidad 9573M: one bought adver Used article. lican'g subject will be "Practical as pects of Criminal Defense Work. the toarty. Featured on the afternoon pro psked that a gentleman's agreement be entered into with surrounding cities and with neighboring lies in order to permit delivery of milk and milk products from out after ha slipped and feu last nignt gram was the Divinity SchoW Pro no 'sugar coating or conditions within the churchof Christ or in the world at The churches were not seeking to protect them gram. Dr.

Stanford Fleming, pres ident of the school, was to make his iiae cities mw uamana. report. Talks were scheduled but-were-iacing witn unci frankness their own shortcomings. OTHCIALS CONCUR three Students: A. Stanley mbc- TV V.

Ashlev. health officer Nair, University of California at Without glossing over tne convictions which are historic and. precious, the final decisions Which Tw vntp in. 'the ttlenarv. ses Los Angeles; Elro'y C.

Shikles, of Redlands; and Miss Julia for Oakland, City Manager John Hassler, R. L. Griffith, chief milk inspector, were unanimous in Anne Brand. Bemngnam state il IJEV7 DilUIE A STROIIG DAIIII sions resulted in guidihg statements their- opposition to sucn an agree. Normal.

to be sent out to all oi Lnristenaom. The Divin ty Sp-h6oLAlumni din-' Hpm unity was manifested wnicn ft Rank's request was referred to Jhese official for a report to be ner will follow at 5:30. fir' V'W flnwthrrin. pypputlva transcended all numan expecta- made, to the council members at secretary of the Northern California later idateJ But they stated today Concluding, Doctor Frideu saia, "Tiiimiiitv rpalism and unity were tliat they would advise against let lintfMnom'thii ham. characteristics -of the ility -r pnnfprpnp which represented the fOakland has spent many years in and Nevada-Sierra Baptist conventions, presided last night at the dinner honoring Dr.

Claiborne Hill, president-emeritus of the Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, who for several decades presided over the Baptist School for the Ministry Protestant Christians in ine tmtiaing up a miiK-inspeciion serv-tee" which places this city at the top HKt nf oltlpn in California for world today." DEVOTIONAL PERIOD The Rev. S. A. Thweatt of Por insisting upon clean mi. and milk Dr.

Ashley declared. f'The suggestion is now being made that these years of effort be tossed into the discard and an agreement hp enlpred into which would U.S. Sayre Says Baptists Call result in inferior milk being sold in this community. DANGERS FORESEEN Can Guard Peace ''TTnrtpr thin affrppmpnt milk could New Pastor i Dr. John Snape, for six years hp unld in Oakland under conditions which we would not accept under Kff.W vnTtx.

Oct. 8. (P-In wrtrlH ''fast ernwinff unsafe for the our present regulations and ards. It is my intent to preserve the hieh standards and to increase re nastor of -the First Baptist. Church, pivllirpd and the neace loving." has been ailed as Interim-pastor at American foreign policy is based on strictions rather than, to let down three fundamental principles lor the bars.

I Tnsnpntion of Oakland's milk 8UD the' 23rd Avenue Baptist Church, filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Rev. Thomas B. Marsh. which "we are ready to riskjmd sapriflne." in the oolnlon of As ply at the dairies is provided in the City Charter, and' the standards are sistant Secretary of State Francis Savre. John J.

Cooper, chairman of the set up in, an ordinanoe adopted sev eral years aeo. Sayre, former college professor pulpit committee, announces Dr. Sriapevbegins his" Work here and son-in-law of Woodrow Wilson outlined the three points: In order to fully comply witn Rank's rpnupst it would be necessary "First, we can seek in every for the charter tn he amended and nrnrtirahlfi way to liberalize world the ordinance changed to meet the Sunday. A reception in hjs honor will be held at the. close of the evening service.

in Tnhpr trade and to eliminate or reduce excessive trade barriers. lower standards set up by the State. Breaking down of trade barriers was the basis of Rank's plea, but the rlt7 Afftriiole twrfnv tnnV hp ktttnri "Gannn1 titA pan pvprt pnnstnnt. JJUVl-Ut jannyc Chtirchf N. and nowerful nressure throuahout the world against the use of force Churches of.

Spokane and that granting of, his request would for the settlement of international conflict. "Third, we can continue to up hold in every way which seems II IIEVJ DilHEIS A bank has definite obligations not only i-'to its patrons but to its community. In these dayi of economic progress a new bank, building upon the foundations of today rather than yesterday, is in a splendid, position to meet these obligations. to make its services increasingly valuable to patrons and community alike. THE BANK OF COMMERCE IS SUCXX A DJII1IZ practicable civilized standards of New bids for construction of a pile foundation for, the Municipal Expo- aitlon Building Annex will be received by the City Council on October Bids for the job were received by th ortimrll tast but were re international conflict." Hp snnkp at the.

plnsinff spsslnn last night of the New York Herald Euclid Avenu Church, and Temple Church, Los Angeles. While In Cleveland he was pastor of John p. Rockefeller and completed i church edifice costing $1,350,000. During his six yearsHn Oakland, he was president of the Lions Club for one year, taught one of the largest Men's Biblq Classes America at the Hotel Oakland, was active in Y. M.

C. A. work, inter-cnurch movements, and other phases of life, and served as gsand chaplain Tribune seventh annual forum. jected because they were, in excess Oakland Santa Fe of estimates made by the City i.n elnoer. Man Gets Promotion AtmroDriation of $157,962.59 for 2i and jbfoectoM 0 Ike (lank Gommesica A.




I. VEITCH construction work on State Highway No. between Broadway and Ver- John D. Bugh, former ticket clerk in Oakland, has -been named chief Tinn fropt vntprt hv the mlincil. of the Grana oage oi miwiu ticket clerk for the Santa Fe Rail Tire Chief William G.

Lutkey was road In San Francisco. California. noinr Snans was a member of Tha. hrnmotion was one of a series hp pvnriitive committee of the Na affecting employees of the passenger tional Northern Baptist umven-. traffic; department in tne Bay ais tion for slxrs, president of the trict.

R. B. Miller, passenger agent at American BaptisfNCorciBn Mission Society; and presid'entlof the Northern California Baptist Convention. He is the author of two books. San Jose has been to Oakland, and R.

L. McCorkle will succeed him. today granted permission by the City Council to attend the 65th annual convention of the International Fiferaen's Association at Oklahoma City on October 19 to 22. An appro-' prist on of $250 to cover his penses at the convention also was 7 Two-hoqr parking zones were established on the folowing streets by adopted by the council: Mitchell' Street from East Fourteenth to jEast Sixteenth Street. Twenty-eighth and Twenty-nintli Avenues from East Fourteenth 1 to Eeast Sixteenth Street; Portions of 1 Adeline Street -declared to be pact of the main highway are from Sixteenth Street to C.

G. Mueller has been named as STBOIIC BHIJII: To fulfill these functions abank must be securely financed, staffed by a wiselyrchosen personnel and directed by men of recognized posi tion in finance and commerce. It must also have a clearly-defined and active interest in the progress and well-being of its home city. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 13 SUCH A BANK fill OilKLilHD DfitllS: Oakland has been perhaps the successor to the late Charles H. Duffy, who, was San Francisco passenger agent, and L.

D. McAlr Towhsend Notes (All Townsend affairs open to the public.) lister, formerly Ferry Building ticket aeent. Formerly chief clerk in the' San Francisco ticket office-. J. R.

Mc- Guest speaker at'tomorrow night's Cabe has been appointed Ferry meeting of Lowell Townsena ciud, No. 32, will be Jake Brollier, mem-k nf tho Spvpnth District Town- Building agent, and R. J. HIngs send Board. A business session and bergen has.

been transferred from the ferry office to become chief community sing will also be held. clerk. Tnwnsend bulletins will be read at thp reeular business' meeting of only city of its size America without its own independent commercial bank. This city deserves Santa Fe To.wnsend Club, No. to morrow night in' University liign BEANS School, 57th and Grove Streets, Charles Dowd will be guest Thirty-sixth Street and from Fifty-third Street to Sixty-first Street.

ii Breokfost Club Sets Installation New will be installed at the weekly meeting of the Oakland Breakfast Club -tomorrow 'morning it the Leamington Hotel. E. Anderson will be installed as president. Dr. Clyde C.

Hall as yice-president, and P. B. Snashall as.seqretary-treasurer. They succeed Roy Burke, Stanley Kragen and Lieut. Myrten Johnston.

Pit Delaney is in charge of the program far the morning, which wili include soprano solos by Miss Gladys Keller. KBAUV BAKiD IN speaker" at tomorrow night's- meet ing of Alameda Townsend Uuo. wo. Mastick School, Santa Clara -til 1K; I 111 If Avenue and St. Charles btreet.

rinrrmnnt Townsend Club. No. 2, will hold a business meeting to a commercial bank with its interests and activ- ities centered here; with its chief executives on duty here and with the ability tpjnake all of its decisions here. THE BANK OF COMMERCE IS SUCXX A BANK The Bank of Commerce opens at i0 d. m.

tomorrow in thelLstory of Commerce Building at Washington, 1 6th and San Pabk. Your account, commercial or savings, will be sincerely welcomed. NEW ENGLAND! These are the true "Down East" baked beans baked in brick ovens and in open bean pots baked with lavish use of fat, juicy pork baked with drenchings of rich, spicy sauces baked through, and through to a niealy, tender brown baked just as New England housewives have been I baking old-fashioned flavor into beans for, lo, this many a day. Try them tonight for dinner, TJRrmTOTMORRItlrCOr" morrow night at the 50th century Club House, 2716 Derby Street. Eastlawn Townsend Club, No.

31, will sponsor a whist party tomorrow afternoon in Souza's Hall, 1454 47th Avenue, starting at 1:15 o'clock, A business meeting otJCastle-mont Townsend Club'No. 5, will be held tomorrow night at School, 8600 Foothill Boulevard. Townsend bulletins will oneDav Service! .1 I xnismwnouemua GU6S1 The Bank of Commerce Building Portland, Maine TrtSwiiiwI DUE TO GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY la Opca Beta Fotf Tendar and inflamed, scorched by acids, Bunting with pain, gnawing appetite, but such penalty paid fcr gratifying it I What a picture! And how unnecessary, thanks to VON'S PINK TABLETS No magic about it just common sense mow-how" ways of relieving human suffering that vnwc D1MK T4 RI FTS miirklv damonstrate. Not WASHINGTON, SIXTEENTH and SAN PABLO TEXEPH.ONE TWINOAK8 0600 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION oa sal at Drag Stores. Call at our fUc or an rRANniHca VON Pelfl Balialnr.

Ml Mrkct St- Silt 04, DrPt. O. baal 1 Hlndlj Fe BOOKLET. THE ruiw I rKHER." merllln for Nome tetmen and lnfotmtloB Guranttt. Phoa GA rlleU BAKBTIM IS if 'i 1 11 Noma.


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