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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 4

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.1 1 i Hsu: WA1U AC-OCIATIOIT. ltOICS Oj? E2PTJL3IOU. giftconceht. Yesterday we were calUd npon by CHIiBAKEOUS. SOCIETIES.

THE DAILY hot' heard front froai masonic Directory. en th Uiinl Moa-ditT in eih nootfc. K. 1 i.iire. Eminent Commdr; John Brodie, Keccraer.

i WstkkM Stai Looi Ko. 2 meet Srst MOily nijht ery month. Thompson, W. M. C.

O. Cutter. 6ecr1ry. M.asoUA LowsrKo. 60 kmU Monday uigbt every month, -tie, h.

ledce, W. M. Ie oif i ii.l,.rnri Ha. 9 mseij rasond Mon day mcht erery montb. -6mm W.

lUiawt, I OfTrroiiTl, Corstcit Ha. 1 moet Bret ZlZZZ. WZ p.TC Lf 'A JOW. niton, ctevurtier. I ODD-FELLOWS' DIRECTORY.

1 FnVfiarLocotKn 1 meeta eyery Friday I eye-in, at Odd feltow. hH. eeryer ark ha ill Bli Scott utreets. A. 11.

Barns. I Ulirietima hartwic, mror. '4 1 Secretary; Leo i Pollock, Xreaa- riaa TrfDO Ko. 12, IJ O. O.

F.i meet erery Tne(iy OTcning at Odd Fellows hall. i -I v. a.s jo W.Oox.'J Joan Kerrott. oecretary; iry i rr Xn. 43.

t. O. O. meeta UaniliiTMoniril at )id ellowl J. if.

Trauacler. Wm. Fenton, V. H. 1.

Ualaey. Secretary; John M. Mar rhy. Traaarer, Akss as Emcakphbitt Ko. 2.

F. O. F. I meeta on the nrat and third Wednesdays la eat a meath at Odd teUowr ha.ll. Th Odd Fkllows Dsoars Lodgs.

meets a -the second ednesday: in eaon l.rv-t T4ftrv: lnna KoL 158- T. O. B. mmU very Ihar-day Ten in 9 4vt 7S'cokt i -luia Rsn. PrMl" west; Leo Pollock, lieeording beoretaxy.

BJSl ItaaVJ BS at WVIIW lUf r.pwn Rmvar "Kdtw Corwm. Ko meets every" Satarday eyeninr. at thejr 4edre room. Kraose buUdinr. eorner Main and Second streets.

Wm. Hisgins. Secretary. i -I The charge for anaonnfins candidates is I In MA Ansa Will SBBOllUM- 1 meat be made waere payment net "i ia aayance. i I JJ- reasons best known to myself.

1 nave K.marMd ta hrMini an inJeDeadent repab ae i liean eandidate for the office or lieutenant I ,11 xitiTB ui avi Jnn5. 1872. -6dtf WANTED. it HTED THE PUBLIC TO I uVsa each insertion. f.

-j I rruATioy- By an esse-1 rAHTEI VV neneed Bseaaeper! -u dartna tommen. Keforenpes e-trea. Ad-1 de. A. C.

O. Boa tel.i 7-eediw' -IIT AiiTlD-1 ABOREKS- Laborers- to VTfk a a.C3 Bl Ml A. an. MS Srl eonstait employmenti wai furnish a od rhoase live Men. with lamutespre-tmrrmH.

Inasire at Brown's baw and Plan tnr MiU. six miles souta of FOB BENT. VMM stCliT ROOMS Fnrnuhed er an- furnished, at the noose, oa b.ocb afreet or the whole boasewiu sa rentoa i For terms apply en me premises 6-25dtf tor ht.stoeb:s. dwblungs AKD FFICB ROOMS-Ia Areentatop Rsik. Best kiimsfi location opito liifio noca jpest uiuc iwug la the city.

Jsous bat persons oi sooa h. r.ntpr need aocitv. ILota to lease. Sons bat persons of good moral Proprietor, -tKHT STOKI-HOCSE Ne Keith buildtnt. xan street.

KKHT ROOMS Eixbtees room is Keith baildios. A No. 1 Stand, saitsd lLSrel. and Eighth. I'ttaribawt inquire of Lhi lC-tiKiv At wAiAta.

Ft honsea. with from oae to tee roams eann I J. I 1 I 1 i I. F. I -11 11" r.

t-dtet-jf r. i --l- v2 -V v' i il itr- V. -xr: i '4. r- rK mm if-' i s' i' if- 4- -i i tTfV? r- av- gomlKenci Tikhsr bv boat or wseon. tL 1mm ai mI1 a ww Rev.

Mr. Loving, pastor of Spring-street M. E. Church, South, who informed us that a woman, whose name he not know, escaped from the poor-house a few dsys since to keep from starving After caving the place it seems, she found shelter ia a shsnty near by, where she has since remaiacd, beinp furnished by ladies living in the neighborhood with food. She stales, we sre informed, thst she was actually starving, i and would have died for the want of proper food and alien' ion had she longer remained at the poor (or pest) house.

This is a fearful state of affairs. Is there no remedy II is Judge Reeve, of the county court, no authority to inter fere end compel the keepers of the poor house to perform their We trust this case will be fully investigated. and that the poor-hotue may be made a home and not a prison pea for the dis tressed. The people pay fcr i. and they have a right to ask this much.

Purchase year blanks at Gazetts office. lAWsere, Purchase your blanks at Gazetts office. antlers. Purchase your blaaka at Gazxttx office. Osmatablea.

Porchase your bhuks at Gazxttb office. atejuc exoxs, watermelons, at No. 214 East Markham street. C. Aleiubei Co.

Rest I Eateta tVer ststl. Elcbty i feet on Second i street, near Msin, business property. Three very nandsome eottsg-m, cheap Six beautiful lots, near the Pike house. Msin and bcott streets, property, very desirable. Lots! on Capitol Hill and suburban property.

Apply to J.M. BARTOW. Markham street over Cohen's jewelry store. I I Sikcx the late fire we have been doing business in the dinning-room of the Pa- cifie hotel. We have received notice to vacate aaid room in twenty days, and we a fr 1 a will oner greater inu ucemrnia in our tine than have ever been known before.

M. H. A D.McGaxh. Look atD. B.

Mendel's buggies. Bb sure and purchase your bugglee at I U. B. AlAHDAL'S. I Ceaaiyntrks, Purchase your blanks at Qazrti office.

Ws are receiving bv every express all the latest styles of spring suits and sam ales of price goods. wisbinc nobby suits made to order will save money i it i bj giving us av can, si sraciuc notei. 1 M. H. ct.

U. MCUAiny. i i (.. Rsmeval. The coal, office of Geo.

W. Baxter A Ccw has been removed to the office of Fsgan, Treuevsnt under Tucker's bank. i -E risia," -iT-t: Purchase your blanks at Qaiettw office. Aix the goods saved from the late fire will be closed out at any price. Call and see, as we mean business.

I. M. H. D. MoQajtw.

mi Gestlkmex wishing traits or shirts made to order-call and see our late styles of samples, at Pacific hotel. A fit guar anteed or no sale. 11 m. H. Doo -Muzzxes just received at F.

Hexekiah's hardware store, Markham street. -'-u-j I Attxxd the forced sale of clothing and gentlemen's furnishing goods 1st Pacific hotel. Twenty daws to close the entire stock." M. H. SD.

McGaxx. Fob dress suits, business suits, shirts and drawers, seeks, handkerchiefs, gloves. paper and linen colors, hats of all the latest styles ouy inem at your own price at facind Hotel. Ai. xt.

dt U. alcuabjk. Ocr neoessity hi your opportunity. All goods saved from the late fire belonging to the Little Rock Clothing store mast positively be closed oat in twenty days, at Pacific hotel. i M.

H. A D. McGaxx. Sor-ijCATirEB tmvx ks, leather valises, traveling sstcnela, nmbrellas, and every thine that is usually kept in a first-clasi clothing house, will be closed oa, regard less of cost, at IscJ bo hotel, Of every description for sale at. the Ga zexTK olacsv Fries ia per qaire i -f-" oa Detlar Per smwlre For all blanks at Oaxkttx office, except deeds and plaia i i i Bfamesjla Blasskn, Of all joat printed and for sal at the UAZzre omoe.

GOODBAR A G1LLILAND, WHOLESALM iv. 1 -r i BOOTS ANDnATSL. i I AIM -fL- "1" i LADIES' A3D MISSES TRIMMED HATS K3 aad XU Mala street. MXMPHIS. -Tsxaassi tf hsvs last rnectvsd a fewhnadred eases or sooda for the bammer Trade, and wil boreeeivior oar fall Miock by the ISth A a rust, and invito the Arkansas merchant to sivo ns a call this falli Wo will duplicate any eastern market.

I 7-21 diy JJOR LEASE, The northwest corner on Main and Third streets (42x10 feel) will be leased oa lung time and good terms. Apply -X-D. Kira-bell'sstnre. I J.W.MOORE. JulyS.

137:1. 'I 7-9 dim OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. or rss PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COMPANY Owes or tss Pkopi.b'8 Issfsiwcs i Littls Ivocs. July 6. 1S71.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of this eempwny has ordered asiFe-smect ef twenty Ui per cent, upoa the subscribed catdtal stock, paraoio oa or bo-lore the tart. i J. T. TUEZEVAXT. ooretary.

RAND SCHEME FOR THE BENEFIT I 1 ie i ARKANSAS AG ElCULTUEAl, AND MI. i- CHANICAL FAIE ASSOCIATION. 1 -1 i- i The Arkaasas departmoat of Us Mississippi Agricultural. AdacatioBal aad Maaa- laetartag Aid nacioty proposes to vivo a eerie ef drawiars for the benefit of the Agri-cultural aad Manafsstariag Assentation of Arkaasas. eased apea the tollowlag i SPLENDID A LIBERAL SCHEME, rova DsUWIXG5, 0 DISTKIBCTIOXS, TAKE PLACE AT LTTTLB ROCK, it.


ameaaUag SECOND DRAWING, AUGUST tta BOPrWos. er Prom's. asasaaMsw THIRD DRAWING, SEPTEMBER Stsa 9W Psfcsse. es Prom's. amowaHsg ts sT.KjO FOURTH DRAWING I I -i- '-I GRAND SCHEME, OCTOBXEltth.

-i 400 Prises, aatoaatlag to, i There are FOUR CAPITAL PRIZES 1 Of tkefollewli asBeBBaii i.eee, l.see, fts.eee aaadi fA10S9.lkr rfsss. raa'-fet fross fiafite eaisaaUag la the agsregate to PRICES OF TICKETS BACH OF THE FOUR DRAWINGS. WHOLES M. HALT ES These drawings will be eead acted a a dor tbo special patronage aad supervisioa ef the Board of Lireotors of the Arkaasas Agricultural aad Atoehaaieal air A as eolation, aad -i PERFECT FAIRNES3 QUARAETBBD IK BYE BY. RESPECT FULL PARTICULARS Asd eer'iaaiieB of t'je scheme and details tnay be tjaai tn printed etrealare ia the ef areata.

urt.i rtrt re parcel aset ef aey f-f ear " ia eVoac. Agents i- 'sit aieau bo ari-'--. i rts ''l-i-'. 'i ii- sf tse Arf.s iieartmeat of --rri A. S.

i A.i iwwety. i SECOSD GRAND GIFT CONCERT ra aib or tbs PUBLIC 1 LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY, AV XV. Rvanlhorit In the ajt of the lesial stars Benrooratina the Pnblic Library of tucky, tbo trustees will sivo their SECOND GRAKD GIFT CONCERT Ta the great all of the Pnblic Library baltd-iac. in Louis oat SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1873. TICKETS ADMISSION" Will beissoed at tlOsAoh: half tickets 15; quartet1 tickets 11 tickets tor $HW; 2 for f2t 66 for 500: 118 lor StOOO; i-S for $2500 575 for HO.

diseonat oa less thaa 1UO worth of ticketa as PFXIXO TH8 COXCtBT TBS ItlOr? $500,000 IN CURRENCY Will bo given to the holders ef tickets by distrtbotioa by lot of oaa tuocsakb oirra. asiultows: -s ijsr ororrrs- One rraad,. One grand I i i -1 i i ao.ww sash 1 t. 1 1 1 1 i i l.tMlcaah 1.... lO.Wieafh 1 1 B.uioeash 1 6.0H0eash 6.aa)eask 4 omieash S.OUOea.h 'I i ts $0 We a7h 8,0 each 15 gilts ot 1UW S4CI 15.

WW eah lS.OuOeash i at gifts ef il gins of 2T gifts of 35 fUof 45 gitts of 50 gilts of 6H ei taof SM each. MO each. 700 each. 600 each. 17.500 eah 5)10 sash 0O SO eaeh each 100 each 2O.0lOeasb IH.OiO cash 20.0110 Cash h) Eirtsef 612 gifts ef Total 1000 sifts, an Tha Hon.

Thos. E. Bsamletto. late cor srooref Kentucky, has contented to represent tbs trostees in the management of this second Urand urn cooeert. asd Be will personally see that the money from the sals orueaets is acpwiwi wim iiwinr, that tbo drawiaa ia fairly, eondne ted.

aad Ue gifu justly awarded and promptly paid. The ilrawiDS wtil taas place in paous. ia lull lit anviuw. wuuvi iu, immediate sDDervision and direction the il ii u. officers and trustees or tno raoHe Aibrary of Kentacky and tbo following named eminent aad disintirested citizens, who have consented to bo present aad see that ail is fairly done lion, M.

K. llardin. Judas eoart appeals. Kentucky. Hon.

Proctor Knott, late M. district. j-: H. W. Brace, juge Ninth jadicialdis- triet.

Kentucky. Gen. Eli 11- Murray. U. S.

marshal, disfrtet Centnckv. i Hon. T. chancellor Lonlsvllle chancery eoarl. -t-.

Hon. K. D. Staaiford. president Farmers' and tiro vera' bank.

Hon. John Barbe, uiaaarer B.oyai Ingnr- snce company, Liverpool Col. PbiL Lee, evnt. attorney inth Judicial Dr. C.

tiraham. founder Graham eablnet Col. Ji Iron P. Johnsoe, manag erOatthoass. Dr.

T. a. Bell. fiot. Medical university.

LOUlSVIIie. I Hon. J. G. Baxter, mayor Louisville.

Hon. T. L. Bumett, eity attorney. Hanrv Wolford.

treasurer Louisville. A. O. Brannin. president Manufacturers- bank.

ii i- Jas. Bridge ford, president Second nations) W. C. h. Vvhfps.

propriefor Wlllard hoteL J. v. Jshniton, preRidsnfTraders bank. -M. Victor itewcombi arm Kswoemb.

Ba- ehanan A Co. Henry Denoen. resident German bank Andrew Graham, tobacco and cotton mer- Dr. N'orvia Green, president L. A Short line, railroad.

i f. Vol. Rose, agent Adams Express company. THOS. E.

BRAMLKTTK. Agent Public Library of Kentacky, Public Library buildiar. Louisville. Ky. i earCireulart.

giving fall particulars, seat oa application. R. t. W. M.


li LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 7-2 dtf jVATIVE WINES. I We save a eboica lot of Consord, la ws re sal linnet lay lor mes. grow a ia 4 jlN FIVE AND TEN GALLON KEGS, For family ase. S-I3 dim Will sell very low. MlLiLKK A PEN7.EL.

OOD COMMON TRUNKS, i ZINC-a)VERED TRUNCS, and i MEN'S CHEAP SATCHELS, 4 JTdtf 'i t7 LAWRENCE rpRUMPLER DABBS, iO.UH MAKERS ako ssAXaaa rs Fhot-gsns. Riles, Pistols, Powder-flasks cbot-pouehes. Game-bags. Holsters and belts. Wads, Uapa.

Powder, tihot. Lead together with a full assortment of FISHING-TACKLE. Of every description, lnclading Poles, nooks, Lines, eto. New Stock Just receivedbout hteaclasirsly lor i r-. WTileli enables us to sell lower than the LiUtvtt.

He nave just finished our in vetso oi -lew stock ana em itmn n.i. have the largest stock and greatest variety ei evcryminK ia our line to De louna in the btate. or in the southern market. We do all sinus or repairing ot ore-arms with neatness and dispatch and we ark all oar old air on, ana au aemint anything in on ine to call and eza mine our new and s-reatl increased stnclc. himnmhcr tha sl'in 4 MAN'S blUiii, opposite feprando's Kestru rant.

N. B. We sell to all dealers at Cincinnati and iS ew iork wholesale rates, adding hi. 11 f'l'FT a 1.1 111 OUIJf. Little Rook.

Kent, 1. 1S71. f9-ldtf JUMBEI LATHS, Etc. A. n.

RYAN A CO, 1JT of all tt SALE ASD LEASE. i A numharof daairahla hn-ildtna- luti.Tasa. Wd in diffsreat parts of ho eity. Aypljtt d. W.

AlOKSi. Jaly8. 1871. 7-9 dim WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Ws will, frro aad after this 3 ate.

aad an til tne arrival oi oar FALL Soil all klada of DRY GOOrS, CLOTHING, nATS, BOOTS AND AT GRKATLY UKDCfCgD PRICtS. OTTKHHKIMKR A BRO. LftUe Rock. Jaly 4. 1873.

6ltf 1TTLE ROCK MARBLE WORKS. (ESTABLUHKDW-a.) JAMES TUNNAII, MARBLB WOBKES AKD IMPORTER AXD DKALSa tm FOREIGN AMERICAN MARBLE, MABKHAM STREETV Between Rock aad Camberlaail, LITTLE ROCK. -ARKANSAS. i All orders for Hmsnssii. Tlead and Foot stones, oi any kind or style, will be promptly filled at as low rates, as ean bo bad elsewhere Parties wishing- anything- in this line will do well to call oa tne aad examine paterns.

esins. price ltet, ete. itMtr lAKiiJ iunniin. MAIL LINE. PINE BLUFF AND MONTICELLO.

The aadersisBod have the eon tracts for earryiatthe Uaited BUtes mail, daily bs- twooa i LUTLS ROCK AND PISE BLUFF. ABB TRI-WEKKLY TO M05TICELLO. Oood coaches, teams and eare'al drivers 7-o att it.n.irE3 tsn.u. T30ARD. 4 1' i -j 1 EXCELLENT ROOMS AND BOARD 1 Day boarderataecommodated.

6-6 dim ARBER SHOP BATH-HOUSE. Two Doors Below the Aathoay Roase, en Maranam otreet THE FI9EST ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. Rot aad Cold Water Bathi ean be hsd at all hoars through the day and evening. CO. 61dtf Proprietors.

"YTHITE 8ULPHUR SPRINGS nOTEL, SEARCf. ARKANSAS J. FLOYD SMITH. X. 1, 1 Lisa ef ITacks eonnect daily with traiaa aad steamboats.


CALIFORNIA JOHANNISBERGER, A White Wins. Mr. Stockton, formerly of Saliaa county. Arkansas, bat for tbo past twenty three years proprietor ef one of the first vineyards in thoGoidea state, has shipped to Little rioec asuantity of the atove brands of Mativo Vv ino, which he confidently rwoiu-mead to tie public, now i i.iat luey contain only the parejiuca cf tte grape. INVALIDr3 Csa ass this wine with the fait ltnowleige that they are not taking tte ADULTzr.ATic:'3 Fi often sell under Ce et lues." is cf "Pure CM fj -n i tLa store of 51 "'---a be wul Jaraiii tno Ca.oriiia toes to snit nBrer.

1 St t.e iiii JXPELLED. Fratro Hn-t, Jalyt, llPx. Xotioe is hereby a-tvea. that oa the tweati- sth day of April, 1ST M. X.

JMi was ex. relied from all ricata, privilege aad beae-ts Masonry for cross aaaiBsoaie soa- JSy order of the Lodrs: d. F. COfEB, W.if. W.

A. Oissew, Secretary. GEOCSEIES. csiatss artLsa. cataLra r.


aaa an ear. OWDLE A BMBRY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i COKWAY ET. Wo nw lean la tnfni-a. tlia iIHimi liims noes aad vicinity that we are la re ceipt ot a general steea i ti x. Which we will soil AS LOW A3 THE LOWEST.

SIYBU5 ACALLv t-2Sdtf BaXs, QutmruM co. ORE NEW GOODS I AT i 2 a GRIFFITH A (XXH -i i I 1 We are eonsiavaUy tseeivlwaT so meek (eg aew id ear line. -whMe ws aieays kooa aoompleto stock ol -T V- FANCY DRY GOODS, i-V- I (It: It mast aot be forrottea that ws also keep a I fall stook ef STAPLE GOODS, 'y Ts whlck' ws invite Iks stteaUoa Coaahry MertmaaU aad Piastasa. OUR STOCK OF li CARPETING 3, RUGS, MATS, OIL CLOTHS A LACS CURTAIL larger aad more complete thaa ever he's ITdtf S. L.CSITF1TU ACft.

dz JU hltpe. Gaeliot dcires to inform the ladies tt Lut'e o. f't i praparej ire io i-m-tc ii r-nch Iuhihh ber ti i a and i i y. It fcr I ni: t- i ii tfc arl I rt! i a i j. i i a i ra.

0- rf a i Jii rvccivei, i- a I lliVdf I artvies wbn th eLeriff ordered the (uard on tbe pri cirr, which they did, killing Tucker sad it ii thoaght young Hale sod West also. The old man Hale escaped back to Dorer. Soon after his son's horse came la with blood all oyer the raddle, and it was inferred bj this that Lis son was one ol 'the sheriff's victims. Nothing 'had been beard of West, bat the general im prasion was that he also fell a victim by the same means. I The people of Rnssellville, on hearing the news, it is staUd at once armed themselves and when our informant left yesterday morning more trouble waa ap- The clerk; Mr.

liickoz, was linn nf tli aherifl'a TMMna. the melee he was thrown from his and had bis arm severely yui-o injured. The jheriff, od Hickox ar rived in the city last evening to consult the governor perhaps to ask him to clare martial law. John R. IL on behalf of the i ciUxens f( the county, also arrived last evening and had aa interview with the governor last night.

It is to be hoped his excellency will re sort to no unusual means in this matter. tnorougn ana complete investigation into the facts should be had, and wher ever the responsibility- rests the guilty parties should receive speedy puaiah- TIIir CWlJBTEslritlTEM Nothing 'new was developed 'id this case yesterday. The prosccutiosv got through; with, the examination of wit nesses for the state. The defence will 1 introduce their witnesses to-day, com- ii rv. vir- BCBCmr wu.

ciwa. a puuiis aurv still in the darir as to ttie evidence ad duced, bat from wkal we have previaosly stated we lea to, neive ii is quite Cairo, fultokTrailroad. Little UtiU sm id Leais-Hew this From tae Poplar Bluff (Mo.) Xsws we learn something of the near approach of (the Iron Mountain extension to the Ar- uans iwucr. acre cvoucjiuii be made with the Cairo Fulton road which will scon1 bind us with bands of steel to the great metropolis of the aortq west. Jhe Iron Mooauini.rosd is completed to the bridge oa Black, river, four miles north of 'Poplar Bluff, and the Umbers are all on 4heground to build the bridge, which ia rspidly being placed in Tha Sews predicts thai 'tis can will be running tothe.Bluff about two weeks.

When this is accomplished the merchants of north Arkansas will be enabled to ship their goods, with' the ex ceptioa of the heavier articles direct of ThfrloBg land tedioui of shippinW freight to that point '1 kh nf Zxiti Bvh. lbetilificW will Raadoloh conntvand the neoi- i- joicev xt; nay require snui vei ass oj i Jaiaary to connect Little Rock and 6 Louis, though we trust the road will be completed by October. BLANKSi i Illser'lavetePwrehaseBlMkaer all Deaeriptloais. The Gaxetts office is prepared to fur nish all kinds of blanks junticee', clerks', lawyers', sheriffs', constaLles, etc be sides mortgages, and deeds of all kind and description. These blanks were gotten op under the supervision of a distia guished add we guarantee' satis faction not only as to style, but ia the form.

We can furnish them in any quae tity and at all times. A liberal discount made to the trade. Orders solicited from all parts of the state. Address W. D.

Blocher, business manager. atavaiBv ATSSWAI, The river is falling again with seven feet six inches by the gauge at this point. Weather cloudy, Indicating rain. Levee basiness active. The elegant passenger steamer Utah arrived from St.

Louis yeaterday evening with a good trip for this place and above She will reship her op-river freight on the Fort Gibson and return again to S. Louis and way points this evening at 2 o'clock. Capt. T. K.

IVoorhees is her veteran comnaander.W.. W. Choate is her gentlemanly secretary. The fine steamer R. C.

Grsy, from Cincinnati, will be found at the wbarl this morning. She will go np to Fort Smith as soon aa she dischargee her Little Rock freight. J- The Fort Gibson, ptimBowlin; from Fort Smith, is dne and expected dewn to-day. will, return again to Fori Smilh and way points Fridsy even ing. r.

The Thomas IL AUea left Memphis yesterday evening for this place with a fair trip of freight and a full passenger list. She will leave this place for Memphis and way points JFYiday eveaing. The Mary Boyd will leave Memphis Friday evening lor all points on this river. i. THE POOR-HOUSE.

Am Issanata Bteapes rrem It tm Keep rreaat Poor-houses' are usually established as homes for the weak "and" the friendless, who are without means of keeping them-selves and dependent opon. the comma-city for support? Heavy taxes are levied aad collected in this county for the purpose of aa institution of charauler's'lvif. low it falls taort of the object it was intended to subserve let the report of the Isst grand jury answer. From that report we are led to believe the place a disgrace to the county, and to the age in which" ws lire. That the report was not unfair and partisan in its character many additional evidences have come to light since that time.

Chief the latter is tie following; WEDNESDJlY. JULY 10, 1872 IN AND ABOUT THE CAPITAL. Senator Clayton arriyed last evening. Yesterday was one of the hottest days ol i no reason "Wood's opera-house opened last nmhl full hAUM "The Minstrel stale central committee aid notbing yesterday. 1: Turn out to the Greeley and Brown ratification meeting Thursday night.

i r. t. Mr. IL F. Kefdel.snperintendent of Che Spadra coal mines, arriyed in the city.yesterday Mt, Tindell, at Ohio, has leased the I i that time-honored institution be- tween the 1st and 10th of August.

King White, O. P. Snyder, Pina Rlnffj TrU Phillip; R. R. Kellogg, M.

McCansny, Ben. Adler, ton port Eliha Baxter, R. illarpham, BatesviUe F. Matthews, AngusU; 8. Wheeler, Devall's Eloff J.

Jf. 8arber, Clarksville Miss I M. R. Gordon, Fayetteville and Smith Babcock, Royston, were at the I Metropolitan last night. I We are requested by Dr.

John Kirk- wood, chairman i of the liberal re publican state central and member of the national committee, to state that ja grand ratification meeting will be held at the City hall on Thursday evening next, to ratify the nominations of Greeley and Brown. -vnariey xayior, tae constitutional. ntMmJ r. short time since, -where he had placed on a charge of horse stealing, was v. w-i-iIj land cemetery.

He was riding a fine bay hone, supposed ta have been stolen. He ia now in jail again, and it is to be hoped wu in vrauasicrrwu vu iu imucuiun i -The Wittaburg" Gazett. of the Sd, the following item; "Theresi dence of Mr. William; McElroy, of this county, was destroyed by fire last week. Nothing waa -WOtniog waa of Morris, at Dorria' mill, ia this county, was burned last week in the ab- jsence of himself and family.

xne con flagration was the work of an incendiary. Building and contents a total loss. Mr. D. Wilson, of Cross county, had bis house accidently burned to the gTound last week, The (dwelling cost between six and seven thousand dollors." 'j 1 I By the following it will be seen that steps are being taken to open a lead artel isuver mine in xvanaoipn county.

We v. a since we visited the lesd mines ia this worag een p-o-pecteu pon seye- ral occasions, previous to the war, and alwsys withisatisiactory results. It is! tenlion conunoe ins wera nntu success crowns u. t.1!MtrAn.' hopes. Col.

Weaver states Awo veins of ailver and one of lead ore have keen and that they become ncber aa the miners dsnccnd 1 nrn tKatt earth; The laborers have been retarded. untu very receauy, oy water wnicn flooded the shaft and rendered mining very difficult." BLOODY WORK. Prefcatble Klllimv mt Thrst Cltlais PspsCssBty, Parties by last evening's train on the Fort 1 Smith road bring exciting news from. Pope county. As prefatory to what follows, we copy, the following just re- learn of a ku-klnx to uke.

the life of John Wil- i T.l. Wt. Williams went to his corn crib, and while standing en the" outside of this four shots evidently from a prstol were fired at him-from the bashes. One bail struck him oa the belt, knock in? him dcwo, and the others missed him. Williams'j companion jumped out and; look him to the boue.

In the meJBtime the assassins As last accoants Capt. Williams was doiag well, and wi(l not be incapacitated from dmy for long. These outrages are becoming too frequent, and citisens should go prepared for the attacks of the cowardly sofaans who haunt thickets and live upon tMtdUwnisky aad game Bad as. was the spirit ia which the above was conceived and written, what I followed was still more reprehensible. Williams went to Dover and made the I mi.

report above. The general opinion seems to have been that he did the shooting himself in order: to raise the cry of ko- klux aad brief trouble npon the good people of the Oa Monday, as I Ausseiiviue yesteraay, tne sneriu, x.uaoa Dodso summoned a posse of twenty. 1 eight men, went oat from JJover to tne i TiciBity 0f the reported attempt at I n.j I wh 1 saipiuioB of being the parties concerned I rt. -if TT.l. 18 It.

They were a Mr. Hale And SOB, Mr. West and Joe Tucker. i Mr. Hale is an old and respected citizen of i rv the county.

The others are young men, atK generally esteemed as good citisens. I iuMiwe Val cVskv e.wtAadi 4 AM-t At i-t4 Akv4 at a sS aass sstw msa. Mfiiamaiuvu ll. A a -ir-v 7 leiore msgistrate a out the sheriff refused, stating that he in tended to take them to Dardsnelle, in Yell county, before Judge May, the circuit judge. He started; with them about o'clock in the afternoon.

When aboct three miles from EusseJlville, which is about ten miles from Dover and five from Dardsnelle, the sheriff halted his poses with the avowed intention I of csmpiri daring the ntgbt, A party wa sent out to hunt forsge, but soon returned, eg none could be obtained. The rerty tltn remounted, and the. four prisoners were placed abreast ia front. About this time a portion of the posae left the party aid went another rcait Ooirg ca alout ivtnntv nMar twine nfwalvi nv A Wa eay I 'ormeriy oi mis wwawrAne mines are located mbout eigl.ten miles north of aa a svnt as I i i I i 1 I I 1 I I i ry It 1 -Sun a an k.n.lji.BaIsL AV A it .1 a and buUdins oScea and store rooms, in most any part ot tne eity. l-9dtf So.

17 Aiarkham street. FOB 8AXiB. i( Hl.E OE BENT SJ9tf tsK HALE-TWO: MILCH COW Wita Tour ealret. Apply ts MRS. SAH HAYUKS.

Haynes' Uotel. 6 3fldif at HA US CORNER LOT We will sell dm lot eorner Arch aad Eiahth for one owaaad dollars, payabto when if. S. Urant rio not receive electoral rotas fox presi- lent ia KoTember. J87 klldtf.

UOKMBhOOEATOWNSESD. IMK SA In eo4 JL rBBBina- ordeT. at iievala umn, sua-i a ted en the bank of tbs rirer and immedi- aMlynaU Memphis and Little Rock rail-, 7ad. For particulars; apply to the ander- atrard. or to Clark iiltras.

JAMKSH PASCALL- na SA LK BAL EST ATE At a bar- from yesterdsy's Republican land on east aids sections 1 and li. in town- I From CapU Fitch, who has shiplOsoath, raose 4 west, on B- tarned from Pope county: we yoB.utiJwb.BtyrboT-,all ovrBW'ldatArdlv attemot an the nart of. two deputy sheriff of Pope coonty, on last Friday night He had been at Dover, and reached home before dark. In eompanv with another man, Sheriff Apply to fdtJ. AJSf AtUA A.

fiwisoca. 6 Id tf Ark Tresis SSAI.B RIVER PLAKTATIOK. I wiU sell sy vlaatauon. lyine en too aarlh bank oftbs Arkansas rirer. in Pa- laski eonaty.

ore miles above the eity of Little Rock. Said plantation it one of the bee tract oa the and one and a half 'mites south of the Little Rock and Fort Am ilh railroad. Thero are 4)0 acres, more t- less, in the tract, the larrer portion Crst-rata bottom land, the highland affording- a Ana oaarry of building-stone, and adapted to prapes and frsits. There are aboatlUI acres rtearetl, maeh of It now land. Title saar-antMil.

Terms, one-third cash in hand balance ia two annaal instalments, with Interest oa deferred payments. Apply to PH. LKK ANTHONY. Utile Keek. Mafeh 25 26dtf ARCHITECTURAL; IRON WORKS CIKCIKJIATI.

i i Manafaetars Stere Fronts, Doors aa! Fhnt- tor. Jail Work, Olasx Pavements, GraUa. Eailins. and all Iron vork nsed a bo erection of baildiars- i 1 liwisns -VfOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS 1 -post A LE RE A li ESTATE Dwetliot jj Houses and lioildib. LoU.

in different parts of the eity also Cultivated and" Wild S4' inU CJ A.W CP a II ya WBl BtUSBaU v. I Br wa "1 a tt A vn rrt.Tnx I rt: rnw i W-tom a geaueman wno, len Omci Caiso aim Ffi.tos' R. Littw Jiocc. sne io7 la order to enmrlete ana erato the Cairo I (l. k.

-nM. that alt stock sabscriptioBs shoald bo paid in nu. Asseastnenis amounting; to unr per een. of each share of stoett have already been made If tbesoj asesssments are i not naii BBttkiia stvtw UlV A At at frAm this ts tea the stock will be fortelted. and the amount already paid win os test to tne saoscnoers.

I am authorise to rive notieo to an stock, aolders that certifies. of faiiy paid stock U. a- Vi I sa vestas truovvnt auivm suuavi 1 samn spaii presentation at this ottiee IOC eeriificates aad roceipU for payment on the a a me, if presented ia cams of tweaty-fie dollars, within iijr (fiu) days from this aits. JA.xia m. jLutjtirHJK.uutii.

6-lSd3tAw8t Land jyjcNAIB J. IS STILL 1ST; TIIE lUKO I ITot in tie political ring, but in the Ton. Serial art. Shavins, hair-cuttinc aa thara noutac nuns in tne i or style, cmiaren hair cut and ladies' heads shampooed at their residences. street, Krebb's saildinr.

tt. JJE110VED. Ws'hsvs removed ear offled from Dedre'g row, to the new brick ot JuIko natkins 'y opposite tbe te-hoe. FttcaEK 4 WALKER C-5 4tf ueneral Land Agents, i 1 1 TON'S COLLtKR AD. tone Soutiien's barrel i -V Itli lil tllMI, -rs aci Uritis.

i. c. jr. The drawinff will positlvery Uke r.e a-c-" tn irfrewe-, 6f t.j I ua.s i. tr i 2 i t' il-eV.

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