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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 1

Little Rock, Arkansas
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PRICE 5 CENTS PER COPY. LITTLE "RUCK, SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1897. TWELVE PAGES. 1 and, feebltlaud eonaldernbio fympithy IWM IB WW I ItIII If 11 HI UK I iU I ll I Kill I I Hh liDaUJ ujuu lu 1 LU I ill llJllL) I III I llLi LTOI sooTHwmraai TELEQRAPIl AND TfiLEPHOXS COXPASY Flank Movement on the Guards at Plum Creek. SIX HUNDRED MINERS QUIT WORK Latnr Pay In WhMllugOne thouwnd Miners 1n Line Striker In Control of Hasletan, Pa.

scarcity of Coal In Pittsburg all of the Visible Supply In tha Hands of Oae firm. Pitching, Aug. 2,8. The campers at riuiu executed a flauk movement upon the deputies on guard there shortly before daylight, and before they were discovered 'they had mnrched all -round the comiauy'e houses and induced eijjht men to stay at home. When the deputies arrived they attempted to stop the marchers, but the etrikers paid no attention to the ordera shown until they had finished their work and marched back to the camp.

There Is much suffering at Camp Isolation on gucount of the lac of clothing and shoes. Many of the nurli are barefooted, having worn thelreJ4moug the Kport atated Southern Author's History Adopted for School ASSIGNMENT OF TEACHERS HADE Report of Board of Vhltorj Criticizes ths Plae Ing of Too Hack Work on tbe TeiebeM In ExamlnSttOM-Bow the United State Htt tort Queetjon Was Dliposod of by the Board -Detail) of the Meeting. The principal business transacted by the ficiiool board last night wa. the adoption a of the United States written by a southern man. Su perlulomleut announced the assignment of teachers for the ensuing year.

No assignment to the principal ship of Union school has been made yet. aii rue members or tbe board were present, President W. Cherry in the chair. The report of the board of visitors of the city public schools, a very lengthy uoeuniem, waa read and received (iiiu too mucu labor is imposed upon teachers In examination and that their efflcieucy became Impaired thereby Director Thoruburg regarded this as a serious statement, and moved that the reiMrt be referred to the committee on teachers and school The board of vis itors wa composed of Rev. John Gass, Dr.

P. (ilbson, Hon. W. E. Atklwon, job.

vir anu ur, v. s. liray. me committee on supplies recommended that the bid for the, Wilson webb Stationery Company for ftirnhh ing stationery supplies to the schools for the eiKuliig year be accepted, It be ing 1 tie lowest, at H33.40. Adopted.

Nhlnn'4 Utatory adopted. Committee reports on the question as to what history of the United States shall be taught In the public schools were taken up. Several proposition were presented from Dubllshlns honsp. Directors Polk and Cohen, pf the com mute ou teachers and schools, reecoin, meuded the adoption of Shlnn's history for the foltowinff-reasonsT-If" Thar the peougogicai arrangement Is superior. 2.

iaai tne etatementa are clearer and more accurate. 3. That tbe subjects arc ireatea on a broader and less sec tional piane, urns avoiding Inculcating prejudice); It ta better adaDted to mnt the conservative views of our people as a wnoie. xnat the typographical, as well aa the meenanical workmanship, Is far superior In every hesnect. The ex.

change, price of Shlnn's Wstory Is" 60 i-eum, nuu uie introduction price 1. Director L. W. Cherry, chairman of the committee on teacher and school, recommended that as both Lee's history, which offered even exchange and retail price of seventy-five cent, and Shlnn'a history claim to be touthern historians, and In view of the fact that hard time find the neonle poorly prepared to stand the burden of additional expense and cost, the book making- the best proposition, which la at no expense for exchange and 25 cents per copy less for permanent price. Which will save the neonla of thta district many hundreds of dollars, ehould be adopted, thought Director Cherry.

m. savage, representing tne American Book Company, was tirwnent and mailt Shluu'a history desired a verdict on Its merits, and that ro far as tbe bard time were concerned, be Intimated that bis company would donate books to poor children, By a vote of 5 ayes to 1 no iCherrvl the Shinn bkitory was adopted and Lee's nign acnooi mstory Was likewise adopted for the bigbgohool, Director Cohen alone voting In the negative. tonlderable routino business, anch a tbe allowance of bills, waa tranann. tea. Assignment Teaefter.

The following report On the assign ment of teachers was adopted; Little Uockf August 28, 1807. To the Honorable School Board, District 01 little uock: Gentlemen I have the honor to renort to you the assignment of the teachers elected by you at your special meeting, June 17th. In making this assignment to the sev eral schools, I have carefully considered the best possible results that may be secured. The few changes that bave been made from last year's assignment Will prove, In my opinion, beneficial to the children attending tbe several schools lu the special district of Little Rock. Below is the asslgament, PEABODY SCIIOOL-Hlgh School Depart ineut Robert C.

Hall, principal and teacher of Latin; ss Sophia Wa d-klrch, mathematics: Eugene W. Gudger, sciences; Miss Fanny A. Cook, literature had beeiv.tajrked Up lu his favor. It lu not prcbablt that he will live through bU terra ofjlmprlaouijient Everett Llpe, the yming 'schooMetch-w who accident ly killed Mina Lcni Goodman while atteudlng the Normal School at Rover last June, entered a plea of guilty to inoluntary manslaughter, and was sentenced to six mouths in tno penitentiary. There was not a very strong among the people to punish the yorn man for his criminal carelessness, but undfr the instructions of the court, the grand jury could not do than Indict him.

Circuit court will convene at Dardanelie the second Monday In September Harry I Farrlor, of Dardanelie; who wiiS4so badly Injured while bithlng at Foit Smith two week ago, was alive at last accounts but cannot survive much longer. Ills enilre body and ilinbi are paralyzed. News wa received bere at a lute hiur last night that M. Blackwell, of Chlckalnh. In this county, had hee'i robbed.

Lem Smith went with bis dogs to try to catch the rohbers. John C. Brook- fine two-story residence on North Front street burn at. 3 o'clock thl? morning. A part of the contents wag saved.

Tbe fire orlslnat-d In the kitchen from a dcfectlveflue. loss 12000, Insurance 11500 A Fatal Fltrht. Arkanan Oasette Correinnnr1n. Murfreesboro. Ane.

2 a fntni flirh between two small boys took place at "ir or tne west yesterday In which thv 14-year-old son oDock Eastwood wa murdered by a boy named Witt, ltl years uiu. i ne noys oecame involvfd In quarrel and Eatword advanced ou Wit witn an open knife whtn tlie latter struck- Eastwood, with a baselwll bt, lunictmg a wound from which he dl later In the day. Young Witt and companion, suppowfl to an accm puce, ore under arrest, KKNDALL MILLS KILLING THg INCITEMENT HAS NOT YET ABATED run Fartlculari ol tha Dlfficalty-WbUky Hayed a Prominent Part-The Killing of Johoiou and tyachlng of Wiley. Special to The Gasette. Rlson, Aug.

2.gThe excitement here over the murder of Mr. T. T. John son, and the terrible assault on Tom Uandley by a crowd of drunken negroes ai a picnic last Saturday, and the subse qucnt lynching of oni of th has not abated, and It has been neces' ary to remove the negroes beld as prisoners rom the Rlson Jail to Camden to prevent i possible- wholesale Irnch tag. Two of the ringleaders In tho riot are still at large.

An untiring search la being made for them, and it Is generally am. wimreu Dota will be summarily dealt with when captured. --v M7.uii ui nut lerrime anair are as follow: On last Saturdav tha no. groe eui'iiyed at the two big mills, the oihu. uty ana Kendall's, gave a barbecue and plcinc on Big Creek, between Kendall's and Kedron.

About rk ne groes were In attendance, and a number wuiie people went to the grounds i vi i-unosuy to see the picnickers. Late In the afternoon all the white peo- i. nye or six returned to their negroes, however, had rrcuiwi jMiviiiou and Intended to con-tlntie their revelry with a dance at night. irwiy nniomr th n. sruer, ana as night advanced mnhy be vu iiiioxicatea and riotous.

About dark Mr. Johnson went to the gronds to buy some barbecued meat. While he me.e xom uandley, a white man, smith seised upon the occasion to renew whisky, attempted to get in the dancing pavilion. He was met by a nero ouuiu, whu wnom tie bad had trouble a tear tin nli. bmlth seised up on the occasion to renew the dlrpute with Handler, anil -Hh oath, made a vicious attack nnnn tho white man, saying that he waa ONktn wjm nun.

air. Joimson tried uuiw aisturbance, and told tie negroes that he would taUa nanni. away from the grounds. Smith told Jobnsoo that If he Interfered he would i ai ne earn atviirino kin. rvlcloua blow over the headrxrrushlng iT aeemea to nave been a general attack by the "Pou tne two derenaelem whit oozen negroes rnabed upon them with nan .1 clubs Johnson and Handley were beaten, kicked and cut In a frightful manner.

Th riot lasted fnllv flftpnn during which time those of the picnick er uui engaged tne fight fled from urn scene. The wounded men were mhxi fnrv. a few; white men who came niwu the scene and aa below routed, Mr. Johnson died of bis wounds, Sheriff Dykes wa not nntitteA Hot until Monday mornlnar. thin went to Kendalfs and posse nd started ont after the murder-era.

By Tuesday five were landed in Jail at Rlson. Tuesday night Bill Wiley, one of the rlnglfadera, was captured, and ometrs waneo witn tneir prisoner on a hand car for Rlson. When they reached trestle half way between tho Rimr City Mill and Kendall's the car was atoppeij by a mob who took the prisoner, tied a rope about his heck, tautened the other end to a crotie, bound the negro's hands and feet and pushed him off the Uvstle. The negro fell aevtn feet and hla neck was broken tha fall. The negroes hi the Rlson lall given.

a preliminary hearing before Squire May. of Toledo; Wilev Rtmok. land, Sam Parker audi Will Yonnir waived examination and were committed without ball, Will Kvana and Alex Turner were dlijeharged. Owing to the excitement and tbe bitter feeling against ItPMikland, Parker and Young, It waa deemed best to remove tbem to the Jail" at Camden In order to prevent lynching, ana tney are now in tne uuacnua coun tyJaL Moranwj Smith and a negro namrd Matthews who started tbe riot are etill at large. They are considered responsi ble for the whole affair and If captured they will certainly be lynched.

Killed With a Knife. irrwelal te The Gasette. Paragould, Ang. a difficulty this evening V. Elliott cut and almost Instantly killed Thomas Lambert.

El-t liott Is in JalL Cause of the difficulty is supposed to be ou account of a dilulc Doings in the Courts of Va rious Cbuuties. JUSTICE TO GOOD AND BAD ALIKE Blgamlit Sent to the Irom Colombia Coanty or Ihraa Yewr-N4w lmprovesDati at HatnollaKote front PolnteU-aluot ronery ClteoJt Court-Joe Pembir, Da er Indictment lor Harder. Special to Tha Gaseite, Mnguolla, Aug. court, presided over by Judge Smith, is grinding out Justice to the good and bad alike Among the hrteresting sentences was one against Arthur U'llliauis, wbo came to this town a year ago as a tailor ana wooed aud wou the beautiful Misa Ber- ta Walker. It developed later that WU Hams had a wife and two children in Iowa, no skipped out to parts un known, but waa found by our vigilant sheriff lu Kansas He denied the charge, employed counsel, and while be awaited behind the iron bars the con ventng of court, bis new wife browned under a burning sun, rather un lose the comnaniopshin of a husband, who bad only a cruel wall between them.

The old wife was sent for through a popular subscription and when It appeared tha the old wife, the two children, the mar riaae certificate, the Justice who per formed the ceiemony, and other evldt uco waa about, to be nrodueed. the "goou looking" young bigamist threw bimseir on the mercy of the court ana was iei oft with only three years In state prison at "hard labor." The Glbney Dry Goods Company, or Camden, Is putting In a mammoth ock here now. A hotel Is ready to go up here. R. S.

Warnock Is the largest sbarehol der, Warnock Is doing much to advance the town. The and Northwestern ran road Is being rapidly pushed from this Dlace to Homer. La. A hundred teams are at work on this end and a large num hr are coming th Is way from uomer, Magnolia will soon have four trains a day, meeting all passenger trains on tn Cotton Belt. Major uearosiey, wun the road, and a party of engineers head ed by Capt.

Washburn, are here now. New cotton is beginning 10 buow mr stantiy on the streets. Signs of prosperity are marked on every face and there la no question but that south Arkansas is to enter on a new period of dtvelop-ment. This section Is not property va.nea yet. it hna dominoed bevona reasooauio doubt that this Is the finest pear region lu the country.

Tour corresponacui conversation with a leading pear-grow lug experimenter said that pear trees ate breaking down wilh rruit. -weu," sum hi. "I'm keen na oulet. hut I nave what I think the Lord, if I don't feather mv uocket In two or three yeara. All want." continued be, "Is to be sure now that I can stop blight, and I almost know I have the application that do it." The finest fire clay in the state is here.

Unlimited Quantities of timber and a soil that produces remarkably well. have been In many states In the Union and am wholly unable to account for the late development here on other ground than that Arkansas has been slandered. A compress company Is wanted here. The town will subscribe to an of this' kind as was evinced In a. busi ness meeting here a few days ago.

Four or the high school graduates win leave for college In a few days. Mr. D. smitn goea to Baylor University. Waco.

Miss Luella Fomby will to Galloway, and Miss Nancy Askew to the A. I. u. wr. j.

Gantt, goea to lienunx. County Conrt at Harrlsbnnr. Special tff Tha Qasett. warrisburguA ug. 28-County court was In session the first of the week.

J. u. uant, senior member of the firm of Gant general merchanhs, was in Aieinpnis on busiuecv Tuesday. miss rannie wade, of Mam moth spring, is visiting the family of bef brother, W. H.

Wade, this week. S. Rosa baa bought the liver staoie or raaner at this place, Chancery court was in aeevlou last weeg, ana a good many divorces were granted besides; much other Important Business was transactea. The town of Marked Tree, this county. has been Incorporated, and an election of officers was beld last week, This la one of the beat saw mill towns In the state.

A large number of bands are worked. ana goon business is done. Mrs. Hattle Mots. wife -of 4-Henrr Meta, manager of the Harrteburg etave works, la on an extended visit to friend and relatives Kentucky.

Our county Is doing a great deal of public Improvement The right of way for a county road on section line due west from this place Is bem cleared wayra part of which has been graded. The road will be extended to Waldcnsburg1, a postofflce In the western part of the county, and when completed will be one of much utility to the people of that section. Returned Eight Indictment Arkansas Gaxetta Correspondence, Mount Ida, Aug. 28. Circuit court here has juat adjourned.

The grand Jury returned eight Indictments one against Joe Demby, for murder In the first has been made before Chancellor weatherman for writ of habeas corpus to admit Dembf to balL It wag an unusually quiet court, It Is dry and dusty here. Considerable complaint of rust on cotton. Senator J. D. Klmbeli was among the dlatlngulttbed visitors at court Circuit Conrt In Yell County.

Special to The Gasette. Dardanelie, Aug. court has been in session at Danville this week. J. Meek, who killed Cass Adams In Csrden's Bottom rapt October, was convicted of manslaughter; and enteneed to two yenrs in the penl entlary.

MfeH, ho ii luptiBt preacher, is qmt old Rain and Cold Weather Spoil Seaside Pmu THE BIMETALLIC COiiiIISSI0NEIl3 Lack of Interest to Anwrlea la Engltah tjoea-tloni-g Oppofltloa te tbs Anaexatlea af Hawaii by tieBaltsd sUUsvrh lawtajlla Commtaloaers Enjoying Themjelves-Tat Iheatrleal Beason. (Copyrighted lSSTf By The Associated Press. 1 London, Aug. rain, col weather and violent thundersformi which have prevailed throughout Great Britain and tbe Continent during tha week have interfered, with pleasure at all the seaside resorts, from many rf which the Visitors are returnig la large numbers. Rev.

H. Mllburn, chaplain of tb United Statta senate, delivered a lecture at Aberystwlth, wales, ou Monday last In which he contrasted -the tocratlc hesitancy of the English pub lic i-peaKer witn tne rpread eagia "buncombe" orator of the Amtrlcaa polltlclana, Th Globe thereupon ayi "This la just the kind of thing we wish our American friends pot to say. It may be true, and Mr. Bayard said something nae ir, put we want our American friends to hare Influence on the other tfl.U If 1 nW .1. 1 diuc kuu ti Mftcj aj utcxifi uuia iupj lose it aitogetnor." Senator? Cnllom, of Illinois, Mrs.

Cuk Irtm a nif KtttV A nrrit At Ma lllrlftiaw vui auu vuvii iMtvauiv, uii mrt muKt7j and Senator Gray, of Delaware, and tn letter's xamily, nave been in England this month. Tbe Graya salt for home on Tueiday next. The Cul loms bate gone to the Continent Both na tor declare there la a aurprslug lack of Interest In American queetiomi In England. Sena wr Cullom raid; There appears to be great rejoicing among the British over the prospects that tha tariff bill may not ykld suffi cient revenue to support the government, They do not realise that the law has not been in effect long enough tor judgment to be pronounced as to Its effectiveness as a revenue producer. I have heard no opposition to the annexation of Haws it, expressed by the British, for they realise that the American rights are baramonuT; but there la general jeniousy because tne United States ea fit to Increase its territory.

Seuator Gray, referring to tne tarirr. "It la most mortifying for Americana traveling abroad to find that ws have- erected a barrier aeainxt ror- elgn nation which provokea the ill-will pf agnation 'which would otherwise be. more friendly." Continental' traveling thia aummex baa been the worst forimany seasons past and there has bWqulte a panic among the traveling public of Austria in consequence of the frequent railroad disasters and the contlnuona robbing of passengera pa tbe expresses, The bimetallic commissioners who re- main In Europe are enjoying a holiday while waiting for tne reply of tne urn- lsh government to their proposals. Senator and Mrs. Wolcott are In Carlsbad and ex-VIce-Preflldent gtevenson ana Miss Stevenson are sojourning In Paris.

News from the Anglo-Egyptlaa expe- dltlon up the Nile cornea slowly and unsatisfactorily largely owing to the humil iating regulations of the British, com- mander, Sir Herbert Kitchener. Tin newspaper correspondents are not allow ed to. mesa with the officers of the expedition and are torced to take with them 1r mnnthil annnlloa and alffn the SlUr ring regubitlona drawn np by Lord Wob ley during the previous campaign, Tbej are not allowed to go to the rronr, out are kept well in the rear and are furnished with Just what Information ths authorities please. The theatrical year of London baa M.nhail Via Inmi. IawaI tt Ita hh-tida andvth coming fortnight wiltwsher in the advance guards or a new eaaou.

mi 1 il.ufM. f.e I lit' re re uui pan a uunea-uw" the first-class Whose doors are open this week, but Londoners do not lack. for amusetnent, for all of tbe 400 music halls, great and small, which the city supports, are under full steam. The number of American performers on the music ball stage Is -remarkable. Despite the abundance of the theatres which strive for the entertainment of London-ers, there are no less than a dozen other r.ew ones In process of being launched Into tha stream of competition this fall.

Dr. Conan Doyle Is engaged upon a new play, which, will be staged at the Haymarket theater In the course of the season. 1 A Case of Whltecapptn Clarendon, Aug. cltisen In the eastern portion of our county reported' here today the whltecapplng of two negroes near Blackton, a small station fifteen miles east of here. One negro la reported to bave been Dauiy treated and almost if not" fatally.

"Injured. The other one not so bad. They were -tted and whipped. The sheriff of Phillip county la reported to have one young man; under arrest Two others, whoee names have not been learned, are also nnder arrest There i no causa given for the whltecapplng other than that several negroes, including the ene whipped, had become obnoxious to a certain class of individuals in that part ot the, county. Arrested lor Special to Ths Gasette.

,4 Texarkana, Ark Aug. 24 Abmrt o'clock yesterday afternoon a negro waa seen coming from the residence of Mr Frank Evans, a member of the Texaa produce Company, ot this city, Mr. Ev ans and family are ont of town, so the efitcers were notified of the fact and upon examination It was found that tbe bouse had been broken into and ransacked throughout The officers mounted horses and gave chase to tbe departed negro, and by diligent work, lasting several hours, succeeded In arrest ing him last night lu rave his name as Jinv Johnson, and i being held untif it be learned wllut goods were stolen fioi 1 1 Wljat goods 1 Pearl Excitement in Arkansas Intensifies. PROF. IIINEMOfl'S FIND IN SALINE i White County Han Get 250- tor One of the Uemi round by Uinv-Uaoilredt ol People Pearl Bunting In tha Moll Bed ol the Saline airer Rint Kjantefl Pearl found In the State of Arkanaa; i Special to The 4 Monicello, Aug.

dlstlnguisiied supertntendcut of I'lne Bluff public schools, Pi of. J. II. Hlnemon. csme down to this place Thursday ostensibly to take a deer hunt.

In company with sonic fi tends, he succeeded in arousing oue of the antlered munafebs of the woods. Friday morning the huntsmen, as well as the teacher, wltl two friends, bled away to the classic Raters of the Saline for the purpose of pearl hunting. Quietly on arriving they began a diltgeut search for the valuable geips. The professor Was the first oue Ube rewarded Sor his vigoi ous assault upon the shells. The first find stimulated tbem to greater efforts.

Shortly Prof. Hlnemon found another aud so on In quick succession until he counted six very valuable pearls. All returned to Moutlccllo feeling buoyant, Soon tbe town was Informed of the rich Muds and much interest now centers on pearl fishing. It is estimated that the six pearla are very valuable. Prof.

Hlnemon started this morning for his home highly elated over his discoveries. He will have them ex amined at once by an expert, and should the test prove successful, a Kloudyke move Is expected In these parts. Multl On for J50. The statement that the -Sallrie rivet pearl found in Saline river and gold to Chas. S.

Siifft. of this city, ana py mm sold to a customer, is the most valuable specimen yet found In the streams of Ar' kansas, is rombatted by Mr. John. Yarnell, of Searcy, who writes The tia aette" sa follows: 8 "I can inrnUl ya-the-corda of a sale that Is ahead of Mr. Stmt's.

On August 17 Mr. It. E. Swan, of West Point, White county. Bent a pearl which he had found to a Memphis Jew eler.

On August 21 he received returns for the same through the express agent here which netted him JKKX This atatc- ment can be verified by referring to the? express company's books at tne emce oearcy, Tom Pain's Monnted Pearl Tom C. Fain, the well-known commer cial tourist, is the possessor of the first mounted pearl found In Arkausas. It is of the color of the heliotrope and is 21 1-2 grains In weight He had It mounted aa a shirt stud. Haadreds Seeking Peirls. Referring to tbe famous Saline pearl brought to this city not long ago, the Times, of Benton, says: This pearl was accidentally found ly lag upon the ground upon tbe bank of Saline river near Benton several months ago.

by Jim There was no ex cltement at the time, as it waa not gen erally known that pearls could be found in tne mussel shell, nor that they were plentiful there. But for several days past the excitement has run high and hundreds of people have flocked to the river and the Indications are that tbia Is tbe case the entire length of the Sa line river, gome hare made a few rich. finds, having some specimens that are valuable, while others have many smal ler and Irregular shaped ones, which are not bo valuable. The largest we have seen weighs 81 trains, and were It per fect, it would surely command a good price. Peach Kinff Dead- Special to The Gaietta.

Kogers, Ark Aue. telegram waa received here this moraine from New York announcing tbe sud den; death of i David Wing, ot- -the firm of D. Wing oU this city, the peach king of this entire Section, Mr. Wing went east a raouin or two ago on account or rauiUjr health and also to look after the n-aca shipments. He waa secretary of the Rogers Shippers' union and was one of the best known fruit men throughout Southern Missouri and Northwest Ar kansas, Be was the nloneer of peach raising in Northwest Arkansas, and to getber with ibis brother controlled the largest portion of the Immense peach shipments to this eecilon and at Van Buren, Ark.

His death will be a great lota to this community. Fire at Texarkana. Special te The Gasette. 'lexargana, Arg Aug. zs.

Fire nroge out In tbe residence of Mr. Jamea Hud-dleston, in this city Inst night and as the bouse was located outside of tbe fire limits It was burned, together with tbe content, The ro.eidence of Mr. Fort Rogers, chief of fire department, which stood on an adjoining lot was alo burmd with a part of the bouse-houid goods, The property was valued at between four and five thousand dol lars, with no Insurance. The fire originated In the kitchen of the first house named, as the family were attending church and bad left a heavy tire In tho kitchen atove. Texarkana fieweraye -l Special to Th Gaattt.

Texarkana, Aug. kj. xne government on the Texas side of this city Is putting a complete sewerage system. The work Is being done by the Gridsbv. Con struction Company of Dallas.

and tbe entire city la now ditched, ready tor tbe pipes. Beat Hla Wife, Special ta The Gasette. i xexarxana, Aug. zs. Sidney Kobson, colored, came near killing his wife in this city last night by beating her with as axe-handle.

She wanted to attend' church and Bobson hence the beating, Ha was arrested and Is now lu aU awaiting, examination. connect th rt mm mi im I.M) aubecrlbers la Arkanaa. Mow bulislnf. Unaa from Fine Bluff to Camden, Pin Bluff DiHw aiiw 10 JTorrMt city, lih. ths lm distance inwa t( th Ub miu ba from Little Bock to Newport and BateevlUe, Rue- Smith.

Little tiocK arkana and AH way Stations between Ue point tntn- i nn Ail earn I I k-. WU4 oonaeoiao. General superintendent Percent Cent Loans on Real Estate Loam on Collateral. Loans to Build Houses. Real Estate a Specialty SALE OR RENT.

Give careful attention to rental collections, rental property and repairs. Investment property, as well as resi dences, building lots and business property on easy terms. Want to Buy Pulaski County Scrip FURLOUGH OUT. S. N.

MARSHALL IS AGAIN IS THE INSURANCE FIELD All Mill having reonvyd to ma the insurance agency that I conditionally aold them, all person having policial lo renew or new insurance to place are requeated to call at my present office, No. West aiarknam. N. MARSHALL. WKATHKtt FORECAST.

Washington, Aug. 28. Forecast for Arkansas: (ieneraliy fair, slightly cool it; norrhesst wluds. WOiN IT AT WILL Spyji Jast toyed With Little Rock. (UMtS WAS TOO MUCH ONK-SLDED Liviil.U Pot I'p a Perfaei Melding Sam and riU Wall Wl thi and 11 nt'ip Kaoh Wn lu tha Big Lea joeLoul-vIHhi ip Uttlj-Taa Spurting New Utieusrd.

Ctwa) to The Catette. Hot Springs, Aug. Pt up ii perfect uelUiug guine )day, wullc the reveise can be iuid or tha v.sitoiu, Llpsey Wiiij very wild aud pitched a wry poor gam', a lowing the iccaueaui 13 liiu aud a Laes tin balls, bei4'S hitting two error of Wcilter aud St. Clair at second ise and i abort were mutt The Benatcr te.

strengthening badly, aa In their priisent condition they are lu U' shape to ccp wl. the kord-hl tliig Invalids, Hot Spnugs scored two ruuj In the first Inning ou an error by Wolters a base, ou hall, Kemmer's single and Brlstow's donlle. They earned run In the second by Payne hlttlug wafe and Holland following with a three- a bagger and auother one lu the ibird ou Chiles' double aud Kemmer's single. la the firth five runs wre piled up by them on Wolters error, a base on balls, a wild plteb, singles by Payne, Alexander sud iSpeacer and Hardy's hard drive three ba es. In the ilxth errors by Eddlnger, Waldrop and St.

Clair, a base on balla. lngle by Alexander, Spencer snd Nrfau and five siol base among: wbkb were 1wo double steals, netted three runs. They scored four mor runs in the eighth on three errors by Wolters, a base en bai aud a wild pitch, singles by Nairn and Payne and Alexander's three base bit Th'. Senators earned their first run lu the fifth Inning oa singles by Waldn aud Llptey and a two base bit by Hodge. In the firth Wolters went to first-a balls, Starnagle was hit by a pitched ball and Clair and Quigg singled, bringing home he former two.

Their last run was earned In th? seventh on by Hodge and Woltew and Se 's double. The score: -H-t R. B.H. P.O. A B.

yne, a. tit 1,1 1 Cii )e. Ill Kcaimer, lb I 1 iandcr, Jb I Br JtoW Jb 4 1 1 Spencer, I I 'S Nolan, 1 1 11 Totals it u' IT p.o: 0 I I ,10 1 8 If A. tlttl Rock. A.B.

R. B.H. 4. f. I tvolter, 2b i 1 2 Btarnagla, I I 0 St.

Clair, a. -4 1 Ou'kk, o. 4 I (Wdiniiw, lb 4 IValrtrop, 1. 4 1 1 Hociga, lb 4 1 1 Upyt 41 Totals Bcora by Innings-Hot Bpringa Uttls Rook 4 11 I 111414711 1 1 1 1 0 I 4 0-l ententes-4 Earned Runs Rot SDrlnam. i-' STwo-baaa Hlta-Chllea, Briatow.

Scott! lodge. Threa-baaa Hlta-Rolland. Alexan-er. Hardy. Stolen Baaes-Keromer (2), Al.

Jxandfir. Briatow, Spencer. Bases on Ball -Oft Lipaey, off Nolan, s. Hit by PMched lall Hardy, Nolan, Stamagla, 8truck Out IPJW-li 1 Left on Bae -Hot 8irlngij Llttl Rock, (, Double flays-Kemmef and Alexander, Alexander ind Kimmer, Wolters and Eddlnger. Time UmplreTGraham.

Texurkana Clno at Bhteveport Ipeoiil to Tha Gaaett. Ttixarkaua. Aug. a8.The Jjxarkftna (Continued on Pag Xkretj Sydney J. Johnson, Allan Johnson.

out inarching and doing miaonary work. Superintendent Do Acftitt visited a number of the striking miners at their lHHtfwt early this morning, but failed to induce any of tbem to return to work. Scarcity of foal. Pittsburg, Aug. 28.

By the end of next week all the coal In the Mouonga-hela river district will practlcnlly be In Hie hands of one firm, and pilces will be made by the lucky possessors of the valuable mineral. There bss been a steady Increase in the price of coal all week and at the present run mine coal brings from 10 to 10 l-2c. From the time the present stike began John H. Jones Co, saw that prices must advance and they quietly went to work and liought coal everywhere they could at-prices which now seem very cheap. They" have been keeping this coal aud now practically control tbe coal trade in this vicinity.

Mr. Jones today admit ted that bis firm held over 500,000 bush els. Inquiries amoug other coal firms de veloped the fact that there la very little coar outside or that held by Jones Company, and that that firm would be able to get their own price. Today they were asking 9 l-2c for run of mine and 10 l-2c for lump coal. This laanadvace of 2c over yesterday, and It Is predicted that coal will be selling at 12c on Mon day.

Labor Day in Wheeling. Wheeling, Aug. 28. Today was labor day in Wheeling, and It was made lu reality a demonstration In favor of th striking coal miners, In the parade, which moved at 10 o'clock, the miner were given the head of the column and there were over 1000 of them In line with representatives from all the mining diatrlcts of the Upper Panhandle and Eastern Ohio. Their banners aud devices were picturesque and unlqn ltu in make and sentiment, the chief burden of their declaration being agnlnwt the "pluck-me" stores and government by Injunction.

The output of coal from the Kanawha Valley has been cut to almost nothing by tbe strike, but in New River there Is an Increase, nearly all the strikers having gone to work today. Six Hnndred Miners Quit BuBotoe, Aug. 28. The Elanor miners Joined tbe strikers this morning. and with tbe Reynoldsvllle minors marching (100 strong to Walston abd Adrian.

The Elanor men were origin ally much opposed to striking, but nich strong pressure waa brought to bear that they quit work. The Reynoldsvllle miners camped at Elanor last night, and the marchers left that place at 4 o'clock this morning. Strikers in Control. Haaelton. Pa.r Aug.

28. All of tbe Van Wyck's coalers at Beavcrmentle, Coleraln and Mllneaville were idle today and the strikers are in comp'ete control. This morning an englno attempting to remove a nig train ioaa or cars from Mllneaville wag prevented from doing so by the strikers. PRESIDENT' M'KIN LEY. A Big Beewtloa at Cleveland, Ohio Thousand! ssak Hanaa witatbaExaeaMv, Cleveland, Aug.

McKln- ley spent a very quiet morning at Wlnd- emere, Senator Hauna'a summer borne. He said It was one of the quietest which be has bad since hla vacation, began. During the latter part of thie morning Col. Richard O. Parsons, ex-Secretary of State Taylor, Congressman Kerr, of Mansfield, and Frank Mason, United States consul to Frankfort-on-the-Maiu, called upon tbe president.

Promptly at llaO o'clock the membera of the Tippecanoe Club assembled In their club rooms to arrange for the reception of the president. They formed into line and carried out the program arranged for the preceding day. With the music of braes bands, the fluttering of myriads of flags aud the cheers of the people. President McKlnley, Secretary Alger and Senator Hanna were re ceived in carnages at tne east end or the viaduct. Thence the parade over the original line of march began, embracing Superior street, Eucna avenue ana tne public square.

It was a magnificent occasion. People, crowded the streets many rods deep, banners floated In the air. and dowji town business blocks were beautifully decorated With flags and bunting. Mayor UcKlaaoa heade the column of ctty ofneiala a reception and escort Tha president waa heartily cheered all along the line of march. When the Hollenden house was reached the presidential carriages halted and the party passed in review before tha presi dent.

The president then entered tbe Hollenden and held a public reception In the ordinary. Thousands shook hande with him and every one believed that the disappointment of tbe. previous; day and history. Grammar School Department Mrs. Sue Seutor algebra, arithmetic and science; Miss Minnie Chesnutt, history, geography and drawing; Mrs.

Bena B. grammar aud spelling; Miss Ernestine A. Schader, reading and penmanship; fifth grade, Miss Gertrude Primary Department Pourth grade, Miss Maggie Murphy; fourth grade (second division), Miss Hettte M. Dentson; third grade, Miss Mary H. MeCabe; third grade (second division), Mrs, Frances B.

Kerrott; second grade, Miss Lena Erber; second grade (second'' division). Miss Mary ft Whltcomb; Hist grade, Miss Annie B. Boyee; first grade (second division) Miss Anna A. Ledwidge; FORT STEELE SCHOOL-Grammar School Department-Richard H. rarham, prinelpal sjtid teacher of algebra, arithmetic and science; Miss Erie Chambers, history, geography and drawlug; Mrs.

Mary E. Merrick, grammar and spelling; Mrs. Carrie H. Hinton. readingnd penmanship.

Fifth' grade, Miss Estelle Cat laway. Primary Department Fourth grade) Miss Birdie M. Eugstroum; fourth grade (second division), Miss May Dodd; third grade, Mtes Pearl Gsns; third grade (second division), Miss Lulu Ward; XCsntMdVpsf was aue 19 niuuuaemauaing vr.

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