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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 4

Janesville, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IJVStJRAUTCE. ODELI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, BE a 1,186 O. ASSETS. Cmfc on hand and in bank $38,33811 Cash in hands of Agents, and in coarse of transmission. loaned on call, 30,000 00 Bill receivable for loans amply secured, wane, nnincumbered.

(cash value) 11,029 15,00001 2409 suaroa bank stock in llartford, m'k't Tal. 260.362 960 400 New York. 200,225 0 Boston, 107,565 01 St. Louis, 40,300 Ol i4O railroad and other stock. 16,750 Ilartfjril City Bonds.6 per 36,500 01 State stocks.

(Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri.) 6 per cents, 66,625 SQHBurea State Bank Wisconsin, Of Total Assets. $955,754 5 Total Liabilit: 64,847 1 Insurance against or damage by fire, on Dwe littSS, Furniture. Stores. Warehouses, Merchandise, Manufa-Ujrie-v and most other kinds of property can be effected in thin company upon as favorable terms as the nature of the risks and security of policy-hoUei will admit. Tbe above is the oldest company doing business i this and with peculiar propriety has been denom nated The Old As an indemnity to th Jninred, it refers to a solid million of assets well inres ed; and ifanything were needed to commend it to th public fur lib'ral patronage, we mijrht offer its histor of success iu and honorable dealing with i patrous, for over a centnry, as amply sufficient fc tue purpose.

Polick'K without delay by mavMtf WHTTAKER, Agent Gaard Against Fall and Winter Fire BY CHOICE INSURANCE WITH THE liVSURAJVCJB Hartford, Conn. Incorporated Perpotna Cash Capital, $1,000,000 Absolute and Unimpaired. Zfet Surplus of $942,181 72, and the prestige of-10 years' success and experience. Upwards ol Losaea hare been paid by the JEtna Insurance Com pauy in tlie past furty years. The ralae of reliable insurance will be apparent from the following LOSSES PAID BY THE J3I1TA duriug the past five years In Ohio, Wifi-cornin, Kentucky, lown i Min, Venn, i $431.520 83 100.H55 07 201.9S9 B81.51S 01 10i39D 46 31.595 S-' Michigan, Indiana, Iliino.s, Tennessee, Kaasas Neb.

Areau. Ga-, $158,043 8 148.039 8 448.327 97.549 4 19,945 7 23,949 90 Mississippi and Alabama, $52,412 18. PIKE AMD INLAND NAVIGATION Bisks accepted at terms consistent with solvency an fair profits. Especial attention given to Insurance for termsof 1 6 years, of DWELLINGS AND CONTENTS. The solid service long and successfully tried, and th many advantages the Insurance Company aes-! iu ite linu, Should not be overlooked by those read to injure iwid understanding their beats interests.

During '-Btrui'ieut timi's" the necessity for Insurance bec'inli-n an imperative ability i pruperty holders to sustain loss being then mnch les ened. Agencies in all the principal cities and towns out tho state. Policies issued without delay, by any the duly authorised agents of the company. Jtf- Business attended to with despatch and fidelity (MDUdawSrn H. W.

COLLINS. Acent. Fire, ILile aud Marine. Metropolitan Fire Insurance Company New York City CAPITAL AND SUEFLDS, $380,000 Niagara Fire Insurance Company, New York City. CAPITAL tso SCEPLUS, (314,000 Park Fire Insurance Company, New York City.

CAPITAL AXD SCEPLCB, $286,000 Phenix Fire Insurance Company, Brooklyn, L. I. CAPITAL AND SEEFLCS, $299,487 Montauk Fire Insurance Company, Brooklyn, L. I. CAPITAL Erarms, $195,000 Springfield Fire Marine Ins.

Springfield, Masa, CAPIT.U, SCKHLCS, $460,000 ri 1HE above are fVrst Class, justly popitfar, i paying companies. They invite iavestigation into their condition and solicit business entirely upon their real merits. In point of solvency and reliability ant honorable dealius, they have etjuals, and no su pcri'irs. They are founded npon the very beat secnritii iii the bonds and mortgages upon properly in New York and tha have not, fur the past ten years, depreciated below par and are every way more reliable and permanent thai railroad. and other stocks, which are subject to the fluctuations of tlie market, and liable, in timtt of panic, as the experience of the past teaches, to become almost, if not entirely, valueless.

And while there are Companies entering the field of competition, well calcu latod to niisluiid by publishing partial and one-ridet statements of their omditiou, and without a cash surplus on haud sufficient to reinsure their outstanding risks, tho abovw named companies always have and keej over and above their capital twice the amount, and in most times, needed for the reinsurance ol all their With such a foundation, and with such a condition, they claim the right to look with confidence to the public for liberal patronage. Policies issued without delay, and fanna risks series of yearn taken at less rates than can he done by Mutual Companion, and a certainly given instead of an uncertainty. All losses promptly adjusted and paid. New York Life Insurance Company, CASH CAPITAL OVER $1,900,000 all well invested for the benefit of Policy holders, so that the profits of this vast sum pay a large proportion ot their annual premiums. This is unquestionably the Tory best Life Company doing burliness in this state.

F. W1UTAKEB, Agent. Office in Young America Store. Myers' Block. 100,000 Ibs.

Wool Wanted AT THE JANESVILLE WOOLEN FACTORY. AVING put their machinery in perfect order, the subscribers are now ready to manufacture woo into Caecimcres, Satinets. Tweeds, Flannel STOCKING YARN, oa most reasonable terms. We shall make our goods in the most substantial manner, and will warrant them to give satisfaction. We shall make Black, Brown, Blue, Green and Mixed Cussimeres; Cadet and Steel Mixed Satineta White.

Mixed, Ked and Checked Fan; nels; also, various kinds of Yarn, such aa White, lied, Mixed. Clouded. Ac. We manniacture on shares, by the yard, or boy yonr wool At the highest rates and sell you at reasonable prices, as you mny prefer. i xx Wo are piittinp our Custom Carding Machine into the best possible order, and are determined to do the best work done in the west, and would recommend fann- ers to have their fine wool wt-11 cleaned at home or at the factory.

Never use flwip in denying wool, as salt and soda is better. We shall keep a good supply of MIXED AND WHITE ROLLS on hand, for sale at £Ur prices. Cloth Dressing! We shall attend promptly to this branch, also to color- Ing old Garments, tihawls, Ac. Also, carpets washed on ehort notice. Those wishing to send wool to be carded, mantifactur- or exchanged cloth, by railroad, will please write us, by mail, what they want and they may rely on Ing business done satisfactorily.

We hare made arrangements with Mmsrs. Cogswell A of Bel side of river, to receive wool of those living neai drnog business at that place, which we will attend to oording to directions. Janesvilie Book Stationery JLEftAJL. CURE NervousHeadache CURE Headaclie. By the use of these pills the periodic attacks of Ifer- vout or Sick Bcadacfte may be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pa'n and sickness will be obtained.

They soldom fail in removing Nausea and Headache to which 'females are so subject. They act gently upon the tivcnett. For Literary Men. Students, delicate females, and all persons of sedentary habiti, they are valuable as a otttte, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestiveorgans, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investigation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering headache, whether originating in the nerp- out system or from a deranged state of tho stomach.

They are entirelyvegetable in their composition, and may bo taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the absence of any dit- affretaUe tistt renders it easy to admiuister Utem to children. BE WARS OP COUNTERFEITS I The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each box. Sold by Druggists and all other dealers in Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the 3PRIOE, 35 OEISTTS.

All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDINQ, nov21dawly 43 Cedar Street, New York. THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, will convince all who suffer from' HEADACHE, 8FZIIUD7 AUD SUKB 18 -WITHIN THEIR REACH. At these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. SPALDLHS, they afford tmquestionableproofofthe ejfica- cy of this truly scientific discovery.

MABoirnux, Feb. 1,1861. ME. SpilBrao, Sm: I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and like them to wtt that I want you to send me two dullars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got from you.

Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. HAVESFOED, Feb. 6, 1861. wUh yon to send me one more box of yonrCepbalic Pills, 7 hate received a great deal Uiem. Yours respectfully, MARY ANN STOIKEIOUSK.

SPRUCX CRXXE, HCKTINGTOX January H. 0 SPALDETO. Snt: You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO.

B. SIMON'S. P. Jhavc trsed one box of your fills, and Jind then excflUnt. BELLI VEEHOH, Ohio, Jan.

SPVIUHO, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo- neres. If you have any thing of the kind, please send to me. One of my customers, who is fubject to severe Sick Eleadache (usually lasting two days,) was eared af an attack in one hour by your Pillx. which I sent her.

Respectfully vonrs, W. B. WILKE3. FRJNKLLV OHIO, 1 January 9,1861. HxiiET C.

SPALDOO, No. 18 Cedar st, N. DXAE SIB Inclosed find twenty-five cents (25) for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev. Win. C.

Filler, Reynoldsbnrgh, Franklin Ohio. Four fills toork likt a cliarm cure Headache almost instenier. Truly yours, 1VM. C. FILLER.

YPBILAHTI, Jan. 14. 1861. Sm: Not long since I sent to you forabox of Ophnlic Pills or tbe cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, nd received the same, and they had so good an efiecl hat I woe induced to send for more. Please send by return mail.

Direct to A. B. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya. Cephalic Pills accomplish tbe object for which they ere made, Aiz: cure of headache iu all its forms.

From the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya. They have been tested In more than a thousand cans, with entire success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yon are, or have been, troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in case of an attack.

BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, Wo. 9, Main Street. fTlHE attention of purchasers is invited to the ing list, which wiilbe sold at Chicago or Milwaukee prices: Blank Deed and Mortgage! Bank Jonrnals, Books, Ledgers, Judgment Dockets, Cash Books, Court nnd liar Calendars, I Check Books, Assessment Rolls, Notes and Drafts, Abstract Records, of every description, from a ten quire Medium to the smallest Pass-Book, Medium Paper, blue white, Foolscap, plain, Demy Letter Crown Commercial Note, plain, Flat Cap Bath Letter, plain, Folio Post Billet, plain. endless varietyof Plain and Fancy PAPER WINDOW SHADES, Oil Shades, Gilt, comprising the latest styles and designs. Curtain Fixtures, 100 Reams Legal 100 200 100 200 400 50 Brief Foolscap, Bill Paper, Letter Paper, ter, Commercial Note, White Ladies'Court Let 100 Reams Fancy Note and Ba Papers, 50 Billet Paper, 60,000 Buff Envelopes, a.OOOLegal varl- 50.OOO Rolls of Wall Paper.

from 6 cents to $1 roll. In this department we DEFY ALL COMPETITION. 500 Rolls of Gilt and Velvet Borders. A very Large Supply of PRINTERS' CARD BOARD, TBIK CHI.Vi JIOAJLD. WHITE AND COLORED, RAILROAD, PORCELAIN ENAMELED BOARD, COLORED PRINTING PAPER OF ALL KINDS, White Enameled Paper, with a general assortment of PRINTING INKS.

Arnold's Writing Fluid, Davids' Writing Fluid, Davids' Black and Blue Ink, Arnold's and Davids' Copying Ink, Copying Books aud Presses, Carmine Ink, Draper's GOLD HID STEEL PENS, FZX-BOLDEEa, LtAD AND SUII PISCOS, SLATES, XYELET lUCHUrfS, in fact, everything necessary for office equipment. Sanders' Series of Readers and Spellers, SIcQuffey's Sargeant's National Stratton's Series of Mathematics, Thompson's Robinson's Davies's Ray's Greene's Series of Grammars, Piuneo's Clark's Warren's Series of Geographies, Cornell's Smith's Bryant Stratton's Book-Keeping, Crittecden's Preston's Anthm's Classical Dictionary, LidJell aZ Scott's Greek Lexicon, Andrew's Latin Lexicon, and all Oie Classical general use. Webster's Unabridged Pictorial Dictionary THEOLOGICAL, LAW MEDICAL BOOKS, and an extensive assortment of New and Popular migcellaneous fio constantly on hand. Gilt Mouldings, Rosewood, and Gilt Oval AGENT FOR THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, and Works of Francis Bacon. Every Description of Binding 1 PEOJCPTLI AUD NEATLY EXECUTED.

O. J. DEARBORN, mar21daw Commission Paper and Book Merchant. WHEELER WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES WITH New Improvements, at Reduced Prices HE "Wheeler Wilson ManuCicturinp Company having gained all their at law, with infringing manufacturers of Sewing Machines, propose that the public shall be bcnofitted thereby, and hare accordingly reduced the PRICES OF THEIR SEWIRG MACHINES. After this date they will be sold at rates that will pay a lair profit on the cont of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sains; such prices as will enable them to make class machines, and, as heretofore, guarantee them in ever3 particular.

C. MINER, Agent, Main street. NEW GROCERY AND EOROE TARRAN'T i CO. have opened in the store one door east of the Agricultural Store, a New Family Grocery aud Liquor Store which they will keep stocked at all times with a largt and superior assortment of Every Article appertaining to their line of business. GT mf SAND'S CHICAGO MILWAUKEE CREAM ALES! Hutson, as agent, has constantly on hand a fa supply of these celebrated Ales.

Orpers from the country and private houses mnst 1 accompanied with cash ALB AND CASKS. On return of the casks the price paid for thorn wi. be refunded or allowed for iu account. AH orders for ale promptly attended to, and dolivere to any part of the city free of charge. The ale is put up in quarter, half and whole barrc-1 Customers will be furnished with directions for th drawing and care of the ale.

Orders may be left at the store of Tarrant A an will be promptly attended to. apr4dtf TO FARMERS! Having leased the FARMERS' MILLS, JANESVILLE will pay particular attention to for the next twelve months. JACKMAN ALDEN; Jaunesvflle, Angnstlp. 1858. 60rl TIN! TBN IT IS A FACT THAT ringle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times "Wanted! In oxchnnse for Cloth and Soap, Wool Grease, old Holla nnd most kinds of Grain, for which the biftboet prices will be allowed.

i'lease give oa a call. F. A. WHEELER A SONS. JcaeaviHe.

March 22.1S59. 40w6m Change of Proprietors. IIAVE purchased from Mr. Platt Eycloehlmer hi interest in In the center of the Milwaukee street bridge, and will hereafter continue the business. Ae in pan.

this market will be supplied with everything pertaining to the business, and I shall endeavor to DittinUun tlie reputation it has acquired under the of Mr. Kyclvshimer. GKORGB A. YOUNG. JwiMnUe, 29, I860.

anBOdtf SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SATE THE PIECES I ECONOMYI DISPATCH: A STITCH ra Tna SATIS As accidents will happen, even In well regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, 4c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets ill snch emergencies, and no household can afford to be without It It is always ready, and np to the sticking point. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N. accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents.

Address, HENRY C. SPA1DINO, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York. CAUTION. At certain unprincipled persons are Attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting pnblic.

imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, 1 would caution all persons to examine before purchasing, and see that the fall name, PREPARED isom the cmtaide wrapper; all ethan ut swindling GT. ixr Keepts the best assortment of Tin, Copper and Slieet-Iron Ware in the City of JaneSTille, and is selling it too at price to correspond with the times. MILK PANS at reduced prices, for cash. A full stock of Cooking and Parlor Stoves POMPS, LEAD PIPS, EAYE TROUGHS AND CONDUCTORS ROOFING AND JOB WORK DONE TO ORDER. Store on Triangle, east ot the Ilyatt

mav'-Hdlwawtf PURE CIDER VINEGAR Roberts Metcalf, I the Ilyatt Houso Block, hare now on hand a large quantity of PURE CIDER VINEGAR, which we are sailing at Wholesale and Retail SO DPEIR. OZE3XTT LO'WEl than nas ever been sold in this market before. Oar vinegar is manufactured by the natural fermentation of the Pure Juice of Apples, and warranted to be free from all poisonous and corrosive acids, and possesses a richness and flavor never fonnd in any of the Bogus mixtures sold for vinegar in this market. We hare also on hand a large stock of TAX NOTICE. STATE OP WISCONSIN, BOCK COCXTY, SS.

OTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern that I will sell at public auction, ou the second September, A 1861, anil as many ot tho next succeeding days thereafter as shall be necessary, at the office of the county treasurer, in Janesvilie, so much of tho following described lots, tracts or parcels of lands as may be necessary for the payment of thu taxes, interest and charges thereon for the year A 1880. 1 North, Range 11 East. Description. Sea. Acres uw ne 12 20 Johnstown Tman 3 North, Range 14 East.

lot 23 IS 10 City of Lot 27. S. S. nOLDREDOE, Connty Treasurer. Dated Jauesville, August 5th, IbOl.

au7d5w AMENDED STATE OF W1SUOXSIN. CIRCUIT COURT FOB ROCK COUNTY. Lucius Burnham against Harriet H. McArthur, widow of trial McArthur, deceased, and ad executrix uf the estate of the said trial McArthur, deceased, Frederick McArthur. infant heir of Erial McArthur, decea-cd.

John Dixon, and Richard Eddy, mid Caroline J. McArthur, Lucinda Johnson, 111 ram Johnson, Uenry U. McArthur, Mary McArthur, Alonzo L. McArthur, McArthur, hid wife, Sarah M. George, Ihomua George.

Roda A. Wight, Jusiah W. Wight, uiid Ellen S. Smith. Thu'Statu of Wisconsin: To Harriet M.

McArthur, widow of Krial McArthur, deceased, and as executrix of tho estate ol the saidiiriel McArthur, decea-ed, Frederick McArthur, miant heir of £rit-l Me An hur, deceased, JtJm and Richard Eddy, and Caruliue J. Me Arthur. Lucinda Johnson, Hiram Johnson, Henry G. McArthur, Mary Me An liar, Alunzu L. McArthur.

McArihur, his wife, M. Thomas George, Roda A. Wight, Josiah W. Wight, and Ellen S. Smith, the above named defendants.

OU arc hereby summoned aud required to answer the complaint in thin action, which was filed office ul'thu Clerk of tlie Circuit Court lur Kock enmity at thu City Januavilte iu said county, on the JOtli day of March, 18G1, and of which a is herewith served upon you, and to ei-rve a cojiy of yuur a-uswcr to Mud complaint ou the nubscribars, at thtirofiicti iu said City of Janeaville. within ninety days after tlie service hereof, exclusive of the day of nuch service; and Kyou fail to answer said complaint within the time the plaint iff in this action will apply to the court fur n-liut demanded iu said March 15th, Ibol. LEGAL. Sale on Execution. CIRCUIT COnET POE KOCK COUNTY.

Junes Colton, plaintiff, va. A Pratt and Carlos Brown, defendants. virtue of an execution in the above entitled cause, indued out of the circuit court in and for the county of Kock. Wisconsin, in faTor of the above named plaintiff and against the defendants above named, and to me directed and delivered. I have levied upon and shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on TJJE 2W DAT of SEPTEMBER, A 1861, ut the hour often o'clock in the forenoon of that day, on the sidewalk in front of the post office, in the city Janesville, in the said county Bock, all the right, title and interest which the said A Bl Pratt had on the ninth day ol December, A D1859, or at any time thereafter, in and to Ihe following real estate lying and being in tho city of Junesville, Kock county, Wisconsin, and bounded as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of section 115, town 3 north of range 13 east, running thence east on north line of section, 17 chains and 50 links to tlie west boundary line or railroad, thence smith east on west line of railroad 5 chains and 72 links, thence west and parallel with nortli line of section to west line of section, thence northerly to tho place of beginning, being the same premises now occupied by A Pratt as a residence, or so much aud such part thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the judgment in the above entitled cause and the costs of this August 8th, 1581.

J. M. PUTXAM, auSd7w Sheriff of Rock County. au2d7w BENNETT, CASSUDAY UllHlri. AttjB.

for llaiutiiL PHILADELPHIA DllUG ST011E, WEST SIDE OF THE RIVEK. in. J. BliCCIKiOK TO OGIL VIE BARROWS. To Physicians and Dealers.

OFFER a largo and well nelixled of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, selected with care and warranted Pure, at prices that defy competition. To Surgeons and Dentists. A full assortment of Tieraan's Surgical and Dental Instruments. A complete of 1 IE IB I3C from the New York Teeth Manufacturing Company. Gold Foil and Spoiige Gold.

A. J. Watts Co's. Crystal Gold Foil and Gold always on hand. tf Daguerrean and Ambrotype Goods A LAllGE assortment of Plates, Ulv.i, CheiukvUs, Cases, Preservers, uiwftj'rf on hantl augUwtf PIIILADKLPIIIA DRUG Lubin's £xtracts WrigLt'H Kxtmcts, Uarvcy'u Extmctn, Hair Bnishes, Tooth lirushes, Fancy Soaps, Toilet J'uw- dt-rs, Ac.

PUILADELPIITA DRUG STORE. Honey Soup, Windsor Soap, Barkers' Sosip. Soda Soap, Camphorated Soap, TnuiBptircut Soap, from tho manufactory of Colgate Co. sale at PHILADELPHIA STOKE. Patent illediciiies.

Agents for all tho popular Patent s. Trade supplied at laauuIacturerH' PIIILADKLPIIIA DRUG Corn Starch, Sago, Tapioca, Uecker'a Farina, Oatnu-Jtl, Pearl Barley, Chocolate, Ex- tracta for Cookiug, Ruso Water, Ac. PHILADELPHIA DRUG STORE. G- 1 or A large assortment always en baud, suitable fur Druggists and Housekeepers. L.


1'tire Unliiilo Ijcatl. French Ameriatii in Oil ami Demur yiiniish. A large assortment of Culura, dry ami gronnil in English and Axifriam Ftiint Dryers. Ao.

1 and 2, rarnifh. Light Picture I'ltmisfi, Body Varnisfi, Aaphitlttim Varm'sli. Isathfr Varnish. Japan Varnish, Turpentine. (fc.

For sale at the current market prices, at PHILADELPHIA DRUO STORK. which we are selling at very low figures. Janesvilie, Feb. 9th, 1861. feb9d3d-wtf Horiei to be Hitched.

AN ORDINANCE to restrict the owners or drivers ol horses attached to vehicles from leaving the same unsecured. Ihe Mayor and Common Council of tht City of Janes- vilie do ordain as follows SEC. 1. It shall not be lawful for any owner or driver, or any person in charge of any vehicle whatsoever to leave his horse or horses attached thereto, in any of the Greets of this city, without firat securing such horse or homes by means of a sufficient halter, rope or chain, or without some suitable person to take the charge or of them so as to ptevent the'ir running. Sec.

2. If any such person shall violate the provisions jf the proceeding section, he and his employer or employers, jointly and severally, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. Sic. 3. It Is hereby made the duty of each and every constable to inforce this ordinance.

SEO. 4. All horses so found running at large may be taken by said constable and held as contraband of war. F. lUriRCTE, Clerk.

J. B. DOE, Mayor. ALL KINDS OP JUSTICE'S B.LANKS for at tbU To A large assortment of French and American GLASS, from the best manuiactones. Putty, in bladders.

Glazers' Points. PHILADELPHIA DRUO STORE. s- Sole agency of the above valuable medicine, which will be supplied to the tnule at prices. Application for agency made to L. J.

BARROWS, successor to aul4wtf Ogilvie Barrows, I'hila. Drug Store. VAIVDERWARF TTAS just received a New and Splendid Stock ol Boots and Slioes, a Great Deduction from former purchases. In consequence of the unsettled state of the country, manufacturers at the east, not expecting a very heavy southern trade, are willing to sell their goods to western lealers at prices that will enable us to sell our customers a better article for LESS MONEY ban ever oft-red before. To satiety yourselves call and ee my Ladies' plain Serge, CongreesbeelGaiters, 1,25 worth 1,50 1 Congress Heel Gaiters, 1,00 Foxed Lace Gaiters.

50 1,00 Monocco Slippers, 39 63 fens double sole, home made, Fr'h Kip Boots 4,00 5,00 Kip Boots 3-00 4,00 eastern thick 1,75" 2.50 oys 1.50" 2,00 Mens' home made Calf Boots, 4 00 0 Together with a large lot of the different kinds work for women, boys and pirla I tliiuk, with these Inducements, tlie citizens ot Janesville and icinity can find it to their interest to call and examine tock before purchasing elsewhere. -Please remember that the placo to buy good oots and Shoes Cheap is at C. VANDEHWARFS. mar4dawtf No. 2, Myers 1 Block, Jancavtlle, Wis.

IN CIRCUIT COUNTY. Job Angell, plaintiff, against William Hammond, Emily Hammond, Adeladc Combs, Jesse II Combs, Hugh A Sandiukey and Warner Scott, defendants. I pursuance and by virtue of a judgment and order of foreclosure aud sale of the circuit court in and for Hock county, made in tbe above entitled action on the fifth day of June, A D1S61 in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, I will sell at public auction, the highest bidder, on DAY of NOVEMBER, A 1861, at ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the circuit cuurt room in the city of Janesvilie, in tha county of Kock and state of Wisconsin, tho following de- ncribed property and real etttate, viz: all those certain parcela or tracts oflaud situate, lying and being in tbe county of Kock and state of WUconmn, known aud distinguished as the south half of the northeast quarter; and the eait half of the southeast quarter of section number twelve (12) in township number three (3) north, of range number ten (10) east, and also the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of section number in township number three (8) north, of range number eleven (11) wist; also the nortlmut quarter of the northeast quarter of section number fourteen (14). the northwest qinr- t-r of the northwest quarter ol section uamber thirteen (13). and the west halt'of the southwest quarter of section number twelve (12), all in township number three (3) north, of range number ten (10) cant, containing in all five hundred and bixty acres ol land, according to government survey, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay the said judgment and tlie interest thereon, together with the July A 1661.

S. J. M. PUT.NAM, Sheriff of Rock county, Wisconsin. PEASE HUGEK, Plff's Attys.

jy2Ud3m COUNTY COURT OF ROCK COUNTY. In the matter uf the estate of Jerome David, deceased. reading and tiling the petition of John Kimball, administrator of said estate, representing that he is prepared to settle his account at such adiuin- Utrator, and praying that a time and place may be fixed for examining and allowing the same, it is ordered that rtaid account bo examined by this court, at tbe office of the judge thereof, in tho city of Janesvilie, on the first Monday of September next, at ten o'clock A M. and that notice thereof be given to all persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three successive ouce in each week, prior to said day, in the Janesvilie Daily Gazette, a daily newspaper published in said July 29th. 1861.

By the court, AMOS P. PRICHARD, Jy29d3vv County Judge. COUNTY COURT OF ROCK COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of Michael Me Far! and, deceased. N' this 27th day of July, A D1861.

upon reading and filing the petition of Catharine Mcfc'arlaud, widow ol that ha, late a resident of the city of Janes villw.iutbecountyuf Kock oudatate of Wisconsin, died intestate ou or about the 13th day of January, 1H61, an-1 pray ing that she may bo appointed ad miuiwlratrix ol tho estate of naid deceased, it is ordered that tfnid application be heard before tbe said court, at the ofiiceof the fudge thereof, in the city of Janesvilie. on the first Monday of tieptember next, at 10 o'clock AM and it ia further ordered, that notice 61 said application and hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, once in each week prior to said hearing, iu the Janesvilie Daily Gazette, a newspaper printed andpublishedinsaidcity. AMOS P. PKICIIARD, jy'JOdSw Connty Judge. State or Wisconsin.

CIRCUIT COUKT FOR ROCK COUNTY. Aaron Case against Waldo Abeel and Maria Abeel. I pursuance and by virtue of tbe judgment of foreclosure and sale, rendered in tbe above entitled action on tho loth day of January. 1SC1, in favor of the above named jjlaintilTand against the above named de- ft-ndantrt, I Bhall offer for sale and sell at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, on the curiu-r of Main and 31 il- xviuikee streets, in fiunt of the County Bunk, in tlie city ol Janesvilie, in said county, un TUEIth DAY of MAY, 1S01, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, the following described mortgaged tc wit: all thodt: certain pieces or of land situate, lying and being iu the said city of Janedviile, in tho county ot Kock aud state of Wisconsin, being a part of lot number thirty-seven (37) in Mitchell's second addition to and bounded as at a point in thu east line of Pearl street, in siiid addition, t'ight (8) rods south from the center of the west line ol tot thirty-eight ID said addition, thence south on thu said lino of Pearl street lour (4) rods, thence east at right with said line of Pearl etrt-et eight rods thence parallel with said line of Pearl stret-t lour (4) thence west eight (rt) rods to the place of beginning; and part of Jot (37) in addition to Janeaville. as per recorded plat thy same, and bounded as follows, to ut a point in the west line of Terrace street eight (8) from the center of the sac line ot lut number thirty-eight (38) iu said addition and on said street, thence southerly along the line of said street four (4) rods, thence at right to said street westerly par- nllel to the north line ol" said lot thirty-seven (37) tight rods, thence northerly and pural el with the line of said Terrace street four rods, theuce easterly in aliceat right angles to said Terrace street and parallel to the south line of the lot hereby conveyed, eight rods to the place oi beginning, containing thirty-two square uf land.

Dated January 31st. S. J. M. PUTNAM.

BENNETT, CAisoDAi 4 GIBBS, Sher.ffRockCo.,Wis. feb4d3m Pifl's Attys. The above sale is postponed to 15th day of June next, at tlie hour of 10 o'clock A. of that day, then to take place on the corner of Main and Milwaukee strt'tits. iu front of the jewelry store of C.

Spanldinx', iu ihe city Ruck county, at this Tth day of May, 1861. S. J. SI. PUTNAM, BENNETT, CASSODAY GIBDS, shariff.

maySdts Attys for Plffe. The above sale is further postponed to the 29th day of June. A 1861, theu to take place at the hoi.r and placo above June 15th. 1861. jeladts S.

J- M. PUTNAM, Sheriff. The above sale ia further postponed to the 30th. day of September, A 1S61, then to lake place at the hour and place last above June 29th. It-61.

S. J. M. PUTNAM. Sheriff ol Kock Co.

IX CIRCUIT COUNTY. Barnabas II Eldredge. plaintiff, against William Neisser. Balentim-, Henry Adams Balentine Barton Spears, defendants. The state of Wisconsin, to the above named and each and every of them OU are hereby summoned and required to answer tho complaint in this action, which has been filed in the oflice ot" the clerk of the circuit court for Rock county, at the city of Janesvilie, in said cuutity of Kock, and of which a copy in herewith served upun you, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaititon the subscriber at his office, in Janesvilie, in said county, within ninety days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail answer said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for relief demanded in said complaint.

Witness, the Hon. David Noggle, judge of eaid court, this23dday of July, AD1861. J. J. R.

PEASE, Plaintiff's Atty, LEVI ALDEN, Clerk. Junesville, Wis. IX CIRCUIT COUNTY. Job Airpell, plaintiff, against William Ilammond, Emily liatnmond, Adi-lade Combs, Combs, liugh A Sanduskey and Warner Scott, defendants. I pursuance and by virtue of a judgment and order of foreclosure and sale of the circuit court in and for Rock county, made in the above entitled action on the 5tb day ol June, A 1861.

in favor of the above named plaintiff and agmnst the above named will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on THE'Zd DAY of NOVEMBER, A 1S61, at ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the circuit court room in the city of in thecouu- ty of Rock and i-tate of Wisconsin, the following scribed property and real estate, viz: all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situa-e, lying and being in the town of Magnolia, in the county ot Rock and state of Wisconsin, and known and distinguished as the northeast qimrtfr of the northeast quarter of section number fourteen (14). tbe north west quarter af the northwest quarter of section number thirteen (13), and the west half ol the soiithwcat quarter of section number twelve (12), all in township number three (3) north, of range number ten (10) east, containing one hundred and sixty acres of land, or so much thereof aa bhall be sufficient to pav the said judgment and the interest thereon, to- gethe'r with the expenses of July 26th, A 1861. S. J. PUTNAM, Sheriff of Rock county, Wisconsin.

ELDEEME, PZASZ RCGEB, Plff's Attye. jy27dSm Sheriff 9 Sale OIL Execution. CIKCUIT COURT FOR ROCK COUNTY. Theodore Bailey, plaintiff, against Levi Farnham, Daniel Lovejoy and Juhn Cuambers, defendants. virtue of an execution in the above entitled cause, unt ot the circuit court in and lor the county of Kock, in the stato of Wisojtiaiu, in lavor of the itbove named plaintiff, and against the above named, and to me directed and delivered, 1 have levied upon and shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on 1HE ZBth DAT if SEPTEMBER, A 1861, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of that on the corner of Main and Milwaukee streets, in front of the jewelry store of in the city Janedville, in the county ot Kock anil state si all the right, title and internal which the said let Lovejoy Uau on the llth day of January, A ISbo, or at any thereafter, in aud the rea.

estate, situate, IviLg aud being in the town of furtex-, iu the county of Kock and uf Wiacuiuiu, and known and describ dad ollowtt, to wit: the uoithweai quarter of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section nineteen (19), tn township No. lour (4) north, of range Ao. uleTeu east, or so much and such part thereof iti be sufficient to satisfy the judgment iu the above entitled cause, and the custd and uu burse incuts ol this sal August lath, Ibtil. ATTEC, Attya for Plff. J.

31. 1't Sheriff of Rock CIRCUIT COUNTY. Henry Sawyer agst John It Beunoi KIdio Bennett, Ben Cook and Cueater Barter. I pursuance with and by virtue of a judgment and decree uf foret-lofitue tin a sale of the circuit court lur the county of Ruck, luado on the 7th day ol June, A 1861, iu tavor of tliu ubovu u.iuied piuiuult' aud the above named deli-udaiiH, 1 wiil deli at publ.c auction to the highest bidder, cu THE llth. DAY of SEPTEMBER, A at two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, ou thu sidewalk iu front of the ilyutt ilouse lilock.

in the city of Jantsville, iu said county, the following or pared of htnd, or so much thereof aa may buauliicifiit to discharge the amount due to the pLuiuitt uii judgment aud coats, to wit: all that cerium piti'e, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in of intiie county of Hock and PCJ.U: Wisconsin, and known and distiiiguiclied ua part of the ijaathalfof h-ill uf east quarter of section number twenty-tivu (li-rt, town three (o) north, of twelve, beginning a in the line between the, c.wt lult ai.u ti.a half of the cast ball of the u.jrthea-it section twenty-five neveu and ttt.y (7.5U) chains Uurtli of the east and west u-; daidsectiuU twenty-live and running and parallel to the auid east and went vciiou line nine and seven the center of the road luu'lmg from tijt- fu Milton; thence north twenty-Mix along the cei-ter of roul tlncu tj-nve huti- drudlhs chains (3.45); thence itutl tn ti.e quarter line of said section fur- ty-iliree tuiudredths clmiu.s; tii-juct- aud parallel to the section Hue on thu r-iik 1 said N--C- tion, three and nine rhaiud to the place of June 14tit, 1:01. jelod3ui S. J. M. PUTNAM.

Sheriff. KNCWLTON, PRICHABD it JACKSON, Plff's Attjs. Chicago and SPUING ARKAMi Trains leavo Janesvillu: Passenger Train, for Chicago, 7.Ml A. I'. IZiu A.

ft.lO A. i.lU V. i :.43 A. liuu i.LO A. 0.00 P.

Tickets for Berlin. Dam, Purtutf" Cily, pun. La Crosse, i'aul anil all jioinls m.i-tli-wi --t; tur Ueloic, KiKklonl. Uulruu. Umik-illi uliJ pmiiU west; all principal csi-t and ur sale at tho t.

11. K. I'-V't Freight Tiain, Passenger Train, for Oahkoah. Freight Train, Aizent. Jt I'rulrie tlu CVlileil Halt A OF Takes May 7 oVIock A M.

Trains leave Jaueavillu lor: Milwaukee, 7.00 A Prairie duChion, 4. Milwaukee, Mourof, Pruirie du Chien, 2--10 A il Trains arrive at Jaucariily fr-'m Monroe, 10 20 A Milwaukee, I--- 1 Prairie du Chien, Milwaukee, Prairie rtu Chfen, A Through tichets via tho and Milwaukee, liu-ui Tr nk Kail for sa il. rT 11! ou Day CIKCUIT COURT FOR ROCK COUNTY. David Coleman agst John Rhinehan and others. virtue of a judgment of sale and foreclosure of he circuit court for Rock county, made on tiio day of June, 18tX), in of the above named plain: in and against the defendants in the above entitK-dactiuu, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, ou TUElSth DAY of AUGUST, 1861, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, on the sidewalk in front of the Central Bank of "Wiweonsiit, iu the city of in said county of Rock and uf Wisconsin, all the following described land, to wit; nortbeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven, in township one north of range ten east.

mtuin- ing forty acres, being in Rock county aforefcird, or no much aud such part thereof as shall be to make the amount due the plaintiff bv virtue of May 13th, iSttl. COAGEtt IlAWEB, S. J. M. PUTNAM, Attys forPlff.

Sheriff Kock (ounrv. I pursuance and by virtue of a indent-lit of foreclosure and sale of the circuit IN CIRCUIT ROCK COUNTY. David Eldredge, plaintiff, against John Kiniboll at administrator of tho estate of Jerume Davia, deceased, John Ilackett, adminstratur of rieluv Kidder, deceased, George David, Ella Davis, Davis, Robert Smith and James 1 1. defendants. p.ler for Rock county, made in thu above entitled the fifth day of June, A 1SU1.

in fitvorof aliove named plaintiff and against the above 'L-Ii-nd- anta, I will sell at public auction, to the bidiier, OtfTHEWth DAY of SEPTEMBER, A t) 1861, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at ti.i- circuit court room, in the city of Janesvilie. in the cunniy ot Rock aforesaid, the following described pruj-i-rty and real estate, to wit: all those certain pieces, p-trcels or tracts ol land situate, lying and being in city of Janesvilie, in the county ol Kock and state Wisconsin, and known and distinguished as lot eleven (11J in block number thirty-three in city of Jauesviile (tormerly the village of Janes vLle mrdiug to the recorded plat of said village); ail that part uf lut number ten (Iu), in sai.i block nuiuher thirty- three (U3; iu said city of Jauesvilie, fornn-riy village of Jauesville, according to the recorded pi it village, which lies south ol a line drawn at n- families with Miiiu street in said city (formerly xaid baid line commencing on the sidt of said Main street one hundred an-1 tlnriv-onc six inches southerly from the southerly f-itK- ui Milwaukee street iu said city (formerly said villajrerf JariLVr- ville) according to the recorded plat of or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to pay i-ai and the interest thereon, together with the of sale. Dated June A 1S61 J. M. PUTNAM, Sheriff of Rock Co, ELDRIDGK.

RCOKR. Attys. On and afU-r April I'j, tr.ii Thin O'lnitjrra witn thy ton expntsa ti.iy, ux-it and ut lit wi-st 1'or Frt'cjMiit, ral Point, liiik-na Q. unJ U. i.

1 I. AM f. Iu Galerui i fur Tickets ci all I I. Geo. M.

inuile ut bu procured at oUi lly. trains will K. U. TALCuTi', WiiEi-LEU, Gen. AiJCEL, New Vork OS.N KC'I'S -it Albany Uiih Vi li.r TUt li This roitd with ihu Suspeusiou ruatl, witii tlie 1 MUcT KXi' lM'liuL r.

ud c. tun and i'lT Faro 33 A. Gen. as it: North- EAST. Chi- ad the -Hill all ik and Other Home.

ihc Cairo and a un i Ttlio train. 11 Trains arrive For I Greiu 1 Vi. P.Jull.\s..i.\.c;tn. Eeavo and AM, for I 1 uent ty corral 9.45 A. I'.

7.0u P.M.. Cm CIKCUIT COUNTY. Cjrso Craneag'st Isaac N'ortou. Eliza Norton 0 F-jrd, William babcock-Morris fuller, Joseph A Sleeper, Charles Norton, Franklin Whittaker. AlpbiAVnrren, Alexander ilabcock, Dewitt hexfurd.

hzra Duttnu. William Tracy, A Hyatt Smith. Ann Sniiih, Kd- win Wells and Nancy A Wells. The State of Wisconsin to each of the abovo mimed defendants OU are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in this action, which been tiled iu the office ol the clerk of the circuit court tur county, at the city of Jane-viHe in said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the siiid complaint, on the subsciibenf at their office in said city, within ninety days after the service of this summon-t on yen. exclusive of the day of such service; audit' you fail to answer the said complaint within the the plaintiff in this action wilt apply to the court ior the relief demanded in the complaint.

KNOWLTUN JACKS jy25d7w Plaintiff's Attorneys, Wia. fice.i ill and born at and at tlte -j il. J. t'fAL-LDINt R. loot Lake r.

every day "very daj day r.iilr^d ol- -oriKT Lako UullaL-, fhi- N. HICK, inp't. Great Broad Douljit- aud Tu And all Eastern Cities, mi: Great Lulted StAtca 31 nil a. urnvtU all EUIIUJ, tin- rn.m jtu-i run aul, CIRCUIT COURT FOR ROCK COUNTY. John A Bailey agst Ruaaell Scott.

virtue' of a judgment of foreclosure and ent er- ed in the above entitled action on the day of January, IStil, I vill sell at public auciiun. the highest bidder, at the circuit court room, in the city of Janesville, in said county, on DAT of OCTOBER, ISa, at two o'clock in the afternoon that day. fnlloiv- ing described premises situated in the town of Beloit. county of Rock and sttte ot" viz the half of the noithcast quarter ol scctiuu thiee, in one. range twelve or so much thereof u-s be necessary to make thu amount due unsaid Dated July 2Bth, ISttL S.


David Cowlca, plff, agst John Mitchell, Solomon Ilut- SOB, Eliza Iluison and Caroline Eycleshimer. I pursnancoand by virtue of a judgment uf foreclosure and sale rendered in tlie above action ou the 7th day of Junv, A 1861,1, Ira C. Jenfcs, a referee duly Appointed for such purpose by said court, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the steps of the Central Bank of Wisconsin, in en THEIQth JO AT of SEPTEMBER NEA'T, at 2 o'clock all those parcels of land situate in the city of Janesville, county of Rock and state of Wisconsin, and known and described as lots one handrvd aud eighty nine (189). one hundred and ninety two hundred and nineteen (219, and two hundred mid ty (220) in Mitchell's fifth addition to Janesvilk-, according to the recorded plat of, or so mnch thereof ad dball bo necessary to make the amount due plaintiff by virtue of said June 8th, 1861 Jc8dl3w IRA C. JENK3, Referee.

Sale on. Foreclosure. STATE OF WISCO.fSLY. CIRCUIT COURT FOR MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Angel Saj lee, plaintiff, against Joseph Pottrr, Maria Potter, Simon Borlingame and George Alkn, defendants. I N' pursuance with and by virtue of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale of the circuit court for Milwaukee county, made on tho day of June.

A 1861, in favor of tho above named plaintiff aud against the defendants above named, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on THE 1st DAY of OCTOBER, A 1 61, at the hour of 10 o'clock A of that day. at thu circufl court room, in the city of Janesvilie, in the county ol Rock and state of Wisconsin, the following premised, to wit: the one equal undivided half part fractional section twenty-seven, township two nurth, of range twelve east, containing two hundred and forty acres, more or less, situate in the county of Rock ami state of Wisconsin, or so much thereof as ahull be auffl- cieut to satisfy judgment and costs in this Dated June 26th, 1801. S. J. M.

PUTNAM, ITCHELL, Sheriff of Rock County. Atty for Plff. je2tiWm Tlir uiily 1 to iCi'kt-tLy. Lara run uu Fiirt- us low aa I'j anj ruiitu. ill Be Liirticuliir and fur 'Lickt-: the York and are the iu vn-t.

This roail n-r'onis lUcilities of Freight, superior to tiny ntlior ruini'. An Express Freight Train leaves York daily, i ijuiukt-r time tluiit evet belure niadu uii iiu r. Fn-ight way. i'urlj; j. I)r, kf and at all itllt street.

street, Chicago, under th El. H.tiAWx'*.R. Ni.rth UNITED STATLSMA1L ON'LY V.KKKLY LJM; To Londonderry, Hiasguw Liverpool, A NDall uf Uiitiiin ar.a the cuntin-jnt of hur. c. "iil.i;" Ireland.

THE MO.VTItKAJ. MAIJL. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CGiVaPAHY'S -ttfujijt-rs, iu clsios, full pu'iVtrt-il. A 1 it cf ihr Bohemian North Briton Anglo A I I. A Cauuda chvai-t-ti in.

On a iul after the ol from yiii-bi'C weekly. Jr'afe txoni to pool: 1st according to Steerage, fouiu Hetuiu tictieb, State fry in lillHl. by tilt- 'l WAJlUACli, l.rin of li, l.i --owor Livep- Jlil and IS-i aud il 1 Hi 98 iinu at vtiy i.Ulka, OPEJf. ILVKR IV ARK pure aa coin, just received at MpUdftwtf aPAULDINQ'P. CIRCUIT COUNTY.

Honry McKinney agst Eliza Schlensker, Frederick Schlensker and Juhn I pnrpuance and by virtue of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale of the circuit court for Rock county, made on the sixth day of June, AD 1861, in the above entitled action, in favor of the above named plaintiff and against the above named defendants, I will dell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on THE 27(A DAY of SEPTEMBER, A 1861, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the court room, iu the city of Jnnesville, in said county, the following described real estate, to wit: all these certain pieces, parcels or lota of land situat', lying and being in the county of Kock and state of Wisconsin, known and as feet front and off from the south de of lot eight, in block thirty six, in the village of Janesvilie, according to the recorded map thereof, said piece of land twenty-two feet front and rear to run the whole length of eaid lot. or BO much thereof as shall bo sufficient to pay said judgment, interest and costa, with expenses of June 2Ctb. 1861. e20d3w 8. J.


Otho Bell against John Parker, Alvira Parker, John Jay Parker, Henry Cheney, and Cheney, wife ot Uetry Cheney. TN pursuance and by virtue ef the judfrmpnt t.f fore- closure and sale rendered in the above entitled action on the 12th day of June, IStil, In favor of the above named plaintiff and againat the above named. I shall offer for sale and Hell, at jmMie auction, to the highest bidder, on the corner of Mnin and Mil waukee in front of SpauldiugN Jewelry store, in the city of Janeeville. in said county, THE 30th DAY of OCTOBER, IStil. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon uf that day.

the following described mortgaged prt-midca, to wit: all the following described pieces or parcels of land situate in the town of Johnstown, cunnty of Ruck and state of Wisconsin, to southeast qnnrtirr of section twenty-six, the south part of the scnthwt-M quarter of section twenty-five and the west luilf of tuthwe-t quarter of the southwest quarter nf wctiun three, all iu town three, north ot ran go fourteen ea-t containing in the whole two hundred and si.xtv-ix be tlie tame men or July 25th, 1861. B. J. 1C PUTNAM, Sheriff: KKAT Tl.w immense iron lon-i-si in the river St. Liwn-m-i.

in half millions of to western of the Grand Triinlt Railway, ot Caaodn, ia now ODUQ fur triatitr, ol 1 ot'iir niilL'S in lenjitll. In ment from i'ui only 1 Lj-pt river I't'Tilainl i-r 'UvuniL-iir ii'iLVi 1 and NL-U' i- i booked through to ail ut Eugland etatcs, TO AND FROM CHrfAOO aad the coatineiit of rates, by thu only and European every Saturday during tner. ami truiu Londonderry every Fr.dav throi: tll6 nix ur'd aud tlu'I-i' 19 or the ib Wi'St mid farther parttcuiiirH T.IVKRPOOL, raMv Of Stat-Jd 1UO- :ii.v, at U.L- yt-iir. For -t': NLV and Altnn daily, thro C. C.

WHEELUI. Fi J- Jicun. a "in 'II Of Stilt quitrry ot t.nil-! ihti first v. nil i-Ii ire. JUi'l Icinis It- t-y cm run iVfin ten A JacKHJn, Sock county.

nittlo A. C'r ot'lho uiulrry 1SOL li. T. UV'l'ON..

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