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Tyrone Daily Herald from Tyrone, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Tyrone, Pennsylvania
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Tho Tyrone Daily UeMtt IS, l.fc.—t yrofld flullillfig nmt l-onit AssoeliUlon, fticcWttlt.i'ftf o'clock Uott FBUOWS If -iflf, oi Ki, fnfifita at 7.4ft o'ofocki 1 i Mend llio HOW fulvef. of tfnttnn Kcrbo. OofnfmtSiicrttioll relating to ordinance appear Monday. A caflomt direct fi'otn tho growers, says U. Albright in his ntlvor- lisetnotit.

14. tl. Kolir, for sofno yenl's. past in business here, has removed his household effects to Jersey Shore. Thorn will bo anrttcsMnionial meeting in the P.

tt. It. rooms this evening ut, 8 o'clock, Everybody Mimic Wol- conic. On uttd take your family with yon. 8.

0. Smith and family desire in this munner to express their thanks to neighbors and friends for kindness shown thorn at tho time of tlior recent bereave- 'Wo have a limited quantity of Mc- Kinloy and Hobaft campaign buttons which will bo supplied to voters who wish them, as long as tho supply holds out. Call at the Herald office, llov. 'Horace Lincoln Jacobs returned last evening from a week's stay at Eagles More, where he reports Imviiigtlelightfulthiio, Ho will bo in his pulpit tomorrow, G. T.

Warfel will deliver an address at ii tomorrow afternoon at Hundred Springs in connection with the camp meeting now in progress there. A postal card to llov. Ohriston snys Mr. Warfel'H subject will be, "The Key to tho Kingdom," H. 0.

McOans and family loft this morning for a two weeks' trip to that gentleman's old home, Menallcn, Adams county. Cal. will, also attend the meetings of the grand lodge of Knights of Pythias, which will be hold at Gettysburg next week. H. F.

Copolin and family, W. Taylor and family, Mrs. W. 13. Me- Kinncy, dipt.

D. U. Miller and family, Councilman John A. Dunklc and family, Miss Cora E. Ewiug and II.

L. Hcsser and family aro among the Tyrone people at Newton Hamilton camp meeting. A small boy at Mariposa Park, last Saturday, remarked that the Lindosy band was tho first he over saw that paraded in drawers without over pants, and wondered if the men weren't ashamed of themselves. The same "kid" said lie saw ono of them walking with a Coulport Weather permitting the Bethel A. M.

K. church expect the closing day, row, of their camp meeting at Hundred Springs to bo one of special interest to their own people and to the visitors as well. Services tomorrow morning, afternoon" and evening. Tho jubilee singers will be on hand and their part ol tho program will bo specially entertaining. Everybody invited.

A hearty welcome to all. John McCarron made the assertion tho other day that ho had twin tomatoes growing on his vinos, which woro largoi than his two fists. Ho brought them down town this morning to prove hi.s assertion, and oil'octnuUy did it. Tho tomatoes, growing togcthciytro monsters and weigh a pounds 12 ounces. Ogle JBurloy should get some of the seed, Now Johnny should turn his attention to beans and see if ho can outdistance tho fourteon-inch beans in Sam Woodring's garden.

Joseph Hughes owns a cow that proposes to have her own way or some occasion at least. This morning near Jtho paper mill Gussio Plowdon and sevcra other people tried to drive the anima with rope attached to her horns, but il they did the spectators had lots of fin looking ut tho show, Gussio turned various sumcrsaults and tore his clothes while making desperate effort to hold to ono end of tho rope, and "Galleghor 1 Gates had much of the skin torn oil' ono of his hands in an effort to drive tho cow. Sample copies of tho Harrisburg Tele gvaiu woro distributed iu Tyrone bj Local Manager II. O. Piper, this after noon, It is the intention of tho management of the Telegram to proson tho advantages of this well kiiowi paper to all tho people of Tyrone, Ii is entirely rejuvenated and improver in every particular, the managomon having reformed its policy, not ontoriiu to sensation, but printing nil tho news ii most attractive form, and upholding tho interests of the people against al other interests, The pot toud nwdo its upponninoi at tho Scofjold shop lust evening and a big crowd of people witnessed HMO entertainment.

While waiting t'o the reptile that nto the spiders and bug iv couple nights ngo, another toad cum ou the scone yesterday evening and at trnotod the attention of the people finite Number of whoju hurt gathoro at tho lower end ol the stops which ur abowt thirty toot in length, Unnoticei the ttuuo towel wuuo out from wider th stops ut the opposite end, and hoppjuj, up to me third step moved toward tlv group until ho had almost joined party, Of cowrie he welcomed, ttfH iu ft jitt'y bug wui produced, wUicl was rejected- Spiders wore thoj browght forth und the ate of then till UP had enough, then ho returned his hiding place again. In (juicfe sue cession jio got liwuy with thirty-fly spiders. To swallow several of the ouos of epursp it wmsidoriAPlo wiuk jng, bjiwlfiug auil stretcbing to law tot wws iwu4 vok to quit til got pH-Qjyjh. Pr. yiwjiey ilu ajt ftftfffftff IS If, in nf ytnniffpr Olil tltixtm nr fimtait, At tho h'bttte of ills ilrtflglitef; Mrs.

4cofgoW, Sttydcf died nt 8,20 o'clock this ngj after an illness of about two hotigh lie hatl been in failing health tho Though his ills WcrG nttrikf able to extreme ago the immediate anso of death was imoiiinoiiirt, Mo Was ntional to tho last, and quietly slept way, JMbort Snyder was born In County UoHmelHlor, Bavaria, Germany, on the iTth of Attgust, 1811, and at death had ilmost t'oached the advanced ago of 85 i'cafs. In 1884 he entered tho Gorman wtiy, continuing in tho military service intil April 0, 1810, wholi ho received his lischargo, On June 10, J8-IO, ho sailed 'or America to make his future homo, Did August 27 following he arrived at Jaltimoro. Itomaiiiing in that city only i short time he catno in October, ISJO, Willinmsburg, Ulair county, where 10 worked at his trade as carpet weaver, to afterwards resided two years at Yel- ow Springs whence ho removed to From the latter place ho catno to Tyrone in the spring of 1.808, aking up his residence at the old well- mown Snydor homestead just outside Jio borough limits, where he lived for years, raised a largo family, saw this town grow from a sparse settlement to a flourishing borough. The past three months ho had made his ionic with his daughter, Mrs. George W.

Jones, at Northwood. On March J8-W, he was united in narriago to Miss Snsana Hull, at Wil- iamsburg, by llov. Michael Eistcr. Mrs. Snydcr died March If), J88U, aged )5 years, They were the parents of ifteen children, four of whom have vassed away.

Those surviving arc 3corgo Mrs. E. H. Levy, Mrs. Matilda Kcmborline, Samuel, Mrs.

Samuel Dunlap, William Emory David Mrs. George W. Jones, Ida Bertha, md Jessie Keturah, all of Tyrone and vicinity. Tho deceased was admitted into membership in the Lutheran church on Easter Sunday, 1S20, by Rev. Mr.

Kistlor, and thus from his bO3 hood has led a consistent Christian life. Ho was a charter member of Tyrone lodge No. 152 I. O. O.

and never flagged in his interest to order and his lodge. In his younger -lays Mr. Snyder was an active citizen of this community, always reliable and enjoying tho confidence of his neighbors. Ho took a lively interest in the affairs of Snydcr township, serving as tax collector, supervisor, school director and in other places of trust and importance iimong his fellow citixons. In politics iie was a life-long Republican, always taking a lively interest in tho affairs of the party.

The funeral will occur on Monday in afternoon. Services will bo conducted the First Lutheran church by Rev, F. L. Bcrgstressor at 2.HO o'clock, after which interment will bo made at, Tyrone cemetery. HIGHWAY KOltllKllY.

lIuiiKUi'litn mill SiMirclii-il 1 Vonnjj Mini. Last Wednesday evening about 10.80 o'clock OHicors Barr and Wands woro sitting in front of the home of tho lattoi on East Tenth street, when a Hungariai named Jacob Cuppack camo along and proceoccd across tho bridge and on down Tonth street. Shortly after Wilbui Kanpt, Edward Kays and Charley Bulick came along from tho same direction that tho Hungarian had, Turning Blair avenue the throe young men hurriedly crossed tho bridge at Eleventh street and coming out on Tonth stroel again at tho academy of music proceed od down that thoroughfare. In a shorl time tho Hungarian in an excited condition camo back and reported to tho officers that ho had been attacked at the end of tho pavement on Tonth street and while ono man hold him anothoi wont through his pockets, but fortunate ly ho hud no money, hence they go 1 none, though they demanded whiskej and money of him, A few niimitos bo fore tho Hungarian camo back youiif, Bulick had returned. Tho other two bj some other route returned to town, aw while one of tho officers was in hiding at tho Empire House, one of the youiif, men was hoard to remark, "They aro 01 our track already," as tho other offlcei ivppvoachod but was not yet within hoar ing distance, The Hungarian was advised to swoai out a warrant, which ho did, and tin throe young men wore arrested uiu placed in the lookup, Guppak haviiif, in the meantime gone off in search work WHS found by Officer Burr yoster day somewhere ju the vicinity of Crook.

Coming back with the officer nt a hearing before Justice Smith in th afternoon OnppnU identified Kuupt nix Kays, the latter as the ono who heli him wUiio tho other wont through hi clothes, but ho hud not soon Buliok, tlv two ho said only being implicated so as ho knew in the attack upon him QfUcors jiarr mid Wunds wore swori also, whoso statements wore as related above. There being no ovj donee aguinst Unliolf ho WHS discharged but tho other two men wore hold court, being conducted to tho count) jail on the evening twin. Fpr sv Phnrg of highway robbery justice has power to admit bail, but the court muj do so upon implication. Puppwlj work pd in this vicinity some yours ugo, bw loft. Recently ho came bacli jij soarcl of work, hut ho4 not secured place and had no money.

fyrouo was infested some with iv "gut who made tiling uj4p.u4>iiut for decent mud people. Ths free clubs in the hiiiids pf ojlicers heayj flues ftuaJly brofee it up. There is 14 of roughs in this fawn wpw who acorn ju the worst kiud of 'Itoy fwrltnps may not 1m RO fat to intend" to Mi uny one, if they Were td got into tight qtfftf- efs While the net of eolfifnltfiiig igltWny robbofy it Wotilrt flot bti StiP- ifisinf? to Icitrn of tmifftci' Iroihtf com- liUteit. It mny bo claimed Ihat tho for- ignofs rto Hot tloSofVo bettor treatment, no iunttcf how offensive mny io to ally" tho ftctsoii Who attacks Item in tho dark jntts himself on it owei- plane than they ut-Oj iuut proves to bo rtdnngorotis character who Jiiglifc to bo looked after by officers of ho law itmt made to snlFef severely if guilty of high crime, MlMflO HlllldlllK drill) In ilio I'll per Mill I'liinl, The Atofi'isoti dass papor company ifo making still further improvements their extensive plant. Their con- itnntly increasing business has crowded ino chipping department so that a now chipper building became a necessity, the bundation for which is now completed ind everything in readiness for the n'icklayors to begin work.

Tho new juilding is located about 26 foot from main mill building, in the vicinity of tho present chipping room. It Will te 84x40 feet in and two and half stories high. Tho process of chipping wood for tho nanufactnro of paper is an interesting ono, On tho basement floor of tho tiew milding will bo located the chipper, nto which fifty cords of wood will bo lamped daily, the billot going into tho lopper endwise, where the great steel cnivcs bite it into chips more rapidly ban a thresher tears tho grain from a jundlo of straw. The chips as low will be conveyed from the chipper to an upper floor by means of nickcts fastened to an endless belt, and the new building will bo transfer red to the main building by means of a constantly moving conveyor ton point from which they will as now be sent to digesters where tho process of transformation into pulp begins. Tho now building, like all the improvements, will be of solid brick, thoroughly substantial ind in every way convenient.

Tho new addition to tho mill fronting on Logan avcimo is about completed and is now A Matl.T of Cm losHy. "Now." said the prudent man, "yon have drawn up my will to the. best ol your ability?" "Yes, sir," replied the lawyer, "I've done it just as carefully as I know "And it's properly signed and witnessed and all that?" "Everything is quite regular." "Well, there is just one more thing 1 wisli you'd do for mo. It's largely a matter of curiosity." "What is it?" "I wish you'd tell mo who, in youi opinion, is most likely to get tho money when the Lawsuit is over." Volou From lln- llniilrli Itoiiil. The Bcllefonto Silver Wutclnnai opines: "Bryan would undoubtcdlj from tho presidential race if some ono would show him the way the Tyrone Herald deals with his recent stop in that place." For goodness sake don't toll Willie It would spoil lots of fun for us newspaper follows if tho Boy Orator would so early in tho game.

Lot the train move on. Tliero win a young man I'rciu tlio I'liitlc, Who cam'! lion) to lull; Iliro his liullr, wlien lui The puoplo And liu Just whuro ho was atln, York Ti'lbiim Tyrone l.ixl);" lilii O. V. A special mooting of Tyrone Lodge No, 152 I.O.O.F. will be hold this oven ing at 8 o'clock, A full attendance requested.

By order of F. HAHNK, G. WAivncu BmiMCY, Secy. "Bos" Ermine, who was down ii Delaware last spring, tolls a good snakr story, which ho declares is true, the in cidont having happened at Dover, when ho put in a good bit of time while ii that state, A snako, ho says, attackci a toad, and proceeded to swallow it, bw tho toad surmising that tho snake in tended to make a meal of him fastoiuK a stick crosswise in his mouth. Tho snake after sliming tho toad all ovoi made several efforts to swallow him, bu every time tho stick in tho toad's moutl refused to yield, thus forming a com ploto barrier to the further progress the toad in the direction of the snakeV stoiuueh, Tho snako at last giving nj the job retired while the tond hoppoi away also quickly as possible room No, 88, Wan House, hunting case gold watch, "For three years I suffered from sal rheum, It covered my hands to sucl an extent that I could not wush thorn Two bottles of Burdock JJlood Bitter cured LibbieYoung, Pope's Mills St, Lawrence county, Small in size, but grout in results OoWitt'B Littlo Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dys pepsin and eonstipiwon, gmrtll pill safe pill, best pill, Smith's two stores, Wt Fisher has now in stock Inrg' copper apple butter kettles, than over A dose of Pr.

Fowler's fet, of. Wilt Strawberry brings immediate relief ii jiH oivses of cramping pains of the stom aoh or bowels. It is nature's sppuifti for summer pompUint in nil its forms. SAWS wt J. Fisher's Stoyp unj tin frui cans, was strings, sealing gum for glass jurs, preserving kettles iu ul make big wages and want all to have the same opppr tunity.

The work is very pleasant oju win nnciiv pjy This is I wuwt uo luouoy uiwl wil sou4 jjwtlculars to ull SPH4 iwg Afiss, M. A- Do we Count You Among- Our Patrons? If not, kindly Iny tuside youi 1 ome in 'iind look the store over, investigate the goods, make youi 1 own comparison as to quality and price, This done, ten to one, we shall make a customer of you, Trunks fintl Satchels at dry gootls prices. WJiy pay more Good Trunks at $4.00, $4.60 ind $5.00 5 better ones up to 26 to 32 inches. Special value in Satchels at $1.25. New Sun will need one now and can afford to buy from these lots, but they will be sold at short notice at these White China Silk Parasols, one ruffle, at $.150, worth 3 Printed Warp Sun Parasols $1,00, were 2 Linen Color Parasols $1.00, worth 3 White Duck Parasols at 76c.

Ventilating Corsets. We show the best 50 cent Ventilating Corset in the market. Our to see $1.00. We show Thompson's Glove Fitting Ventilating Corset, the best value in the maaket. Lace show a 4-yard dainty Speer Curtain at $2,50 per pair, the value of which is $4.00 per pair.

Four special bargains in curtains, yards $2,50 worth 3.50 to 4.00 per pair. We offer a fine White Brussels Net Curtain at 5.50 which you cannot duplicate elsewhere at the price. At 75 cents, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 we show exceptionally good values in curtains. Indian offer about 100 Fancy Baskets, Work Baskets, Scrap Baskets and Baskets of every description, at 15 and 25 cents each, original value 50 cents to 1.00. A Muslin offer a good 4-4 Unbleached Muslin, a standard brand, at 5 cents; regular value 7 bargain.

Artistic call your attention to the many novelties we arc showing ii artistic furniture at low prices Book Cases, Screens. Scrcer Frames, Tables, Umbrella Stands, Indian Seats, Stools Hat Racks, Mirrors, Etc. Kindly call investigate TEMPLETON Crnwl'iml Co. HnrrcHNiirs K. Co.

22 and 24 West Tenth Street, TYRONE, PA Gold String pi In point of merit, tone, action, construction, durability and appearance surpass all others. The best is never cheaper than Avhcn you buy a piano, Sold on small monthly pay-. ments. KARRAN Factory Kcprosen tati vo We will have a car load of peaches, Jenny Lirul Lopes, Water Melons and Sweet Potatoes, direct from growers day or Wednesday morning' of next week, Prices will likely be low, P. Q.

ALBRIGHT. Pennsylvania Avenue and Twelfth Stveot, I of the some of tho people all the popple who drink Sod? Water at Falck's Drug Store TU4T IT IS Ut5ST ta hfl hiVl IV TyvQjie, Tiy People come ami Pfliiie agaii fov his Opeam Vow'll do the you'i try 4, 1 SEASON Picnickers and others, too, can get tlte finest cakes and rolls, and tlie BT Try our Raspberry Frappe, Tell it to the do the rest. BAKERY Telephone Logan Avenue UGUST BARGAINS AVc olTer great inducements this month iu all lines, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac, Silverware. We showing nuuiy new tilings iu novelties and silver en- amel jewelry, very reasonable. WALTON ACKLIN.

We arc not able to make the wonderful reductions in prices that some do, because we did not mark our goods too high up at the beginning'. Our prices at the start correspond to the down prices of others. Come in and see us. We have somfc wonderful bargains in our various departments. Goods were never so low.

We have lately purchased an immense stock at prices that are simply astonishing. CARPETS, 2oc. up Lace Curtains, soc. up But why attempt to give quotations Come and see us, look through our stock, note prices, compare prices and quality with others. You Avill always find us lower than the lowest.

D. G. OWENS. $2.00 OK Groat (iloimmco wulo of broken sizes and out of duto footwear nt50o. on tho dollar, ntf.

1 nnrt lasting 20 days. First class in (It unrt but not tho latest stylos, Wo cannot olfor any snch bargains as thoso Conio early and the whole family and secure tho olioiuu Tlio lot consists of only pairs of at ono half tho regular price, Twenty-five per cent. oir on all Hnssot and Tan Shoos, Largo lot of Oxford Ties at 25 per cent, off, Men's fine shoes, congress or lace, at $1,00 a pair, Ladies' and Onildroii'K Gossamers, 7fie, each, Gilt Edge Dressing, 1 5o, bottle. These goods for wish only, periodical tickets not accepted Conahy, Logan Avenue and Fourteenth Street, Tyrone, Pa. THE DRUGGIST hy the host manufacturers, The style, finish and ity cannot be had anywhere for the same money, Also have the largest and best assortment of hand harness in Central Pennsylvania, ino line Nurse Sheets, Fly Nets, fop Dusters, Whips, Everything kept in a first class harness store.

Prices ta suit the most conservative at H. M. QRAY'B Ctorrwge and Bepositoiyi 'Mt Twith.

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