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Rolla Herald from Rolla, Missouri • Page 1

Rolla Heraldi
Rolla, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Villi WkM flll- A rVkVI.KV 1ST H. S- HEBBERT I i pUti art iif? 0b prtBtin OF EVERT DESCRIPTION Neatly and Proaptly Exreitrj at the office of the ROLLA "HERALD," WEARE PREPARED to print anything from the finest Viaiting Card to a Tripplc Sheet Poster. We have two good Presses, one of which capable of mm 41 la 7.. lerl.n IIS VT lc" Ml In im l. MU on VOLUME XI.

very large ai-orTTnent ot Jon miUerial. embracing nearly all sixes of metal I Loclpatronageearet- ROLLA, MISSOURI, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1877. NUMBER U. nw ear l.l.v.W. vl.W.UII' and the Caspian Sea opened to the KMT An African Belle In Fall CostRme.

In one tribe through whose territo TUTT'S PILLS commerce ot ltussia. Sweetheart of the Period. whispered in my darling's ear, "Sweet, do you love me yet?" Historical. Continued. Commerce ami other enterprises After returning from his victorious iHtft ry he passed after leaving Tanganyika, Lieut.

Cameron found the wo nnr A ditinguislied physician of New York She blushed, then came In accent clear was stimulated, and manv line edi campaign, me uzar appointed a commission to design a code of laws In I chara-ed fcr I. PHILPH tl JTT orriciAL DiRirronr. Ueirrentatlve ('. If. ftort.

krruit Jmtire V. H. Hill. rntoreutiiiK A tloruev Wm C. Kelly.

xherllT-pe. I.VMy. illet'tur lleurt I Van rSnmiivl II Itnnleit. irrult lerk i.ranTllletAlb-a. I tint JniM-r .1.

u. liuwman, Juhn A. ftally.M. 1-atiWell. oiinty Clerk J.

I'renrh Pniliale Jiulirr J. K. Howman. Priilialel lark K. Parker.

iiMprlBleaient Publie W. S. Per- The soft reply, "You bet men much more regarded than is usual among Africans, and couse- at III rale ia. Uk rl and jtl Paragraphs ef all Sorts. Ancient Greece old tallow.

A prevailing bug Humbug. To raise the wind buy a fan. The coming woman A little girl; To a good picture You be hanged. A match box Sparring for money. House investigation Spring clean- for the government of the country, ay.

"It i astoniiihin how imirorsally Dr. Tutt'a Pill are I it mv Jailv round fices were ercctcil to embellish anil improve the city, and to complete his conquests, he must have Llve- 'Oh, could I die for you," I cried, crowned Catharine Empress, and in- quently they were far more fashions 1 lnar of tlifin nut unly anionj tlio poor, lmt tlivir virtuii nnr In-ralilitl from th mun- 'My charminj, winsome elf!" sunn. iue Acaucmy oi science anu We thau the re9t 0f their sex in that land, he again drew the sword and tirj-enlaalliiawill She lifted up her eyes and sighed, happy country. One of the belles of ioim of tin1 wi-nltliy ntiil retitifil.

Know- drove the remnants of the Swedish IMW. "I kuow how 'tis myself!" r.Mit'r ami EUMte (up army trom that, and annexed it Aits in tue city ot Petersburg. At this time a long suppressed disease strangury began to break out with violence aud the only joy and pleasure he had, and that" gave him ru tr. the country is thus described in Cameron's journal "She is a merry sort of person, this Miss Pakwan- the inventor trotn Iim lonv; t-oniicction vitli the nii-diml lirofwioii, I hnvn gTcut cunftili-nw in thuir niTit. ami of Into have oft 'ii iirvc'riliil thi'tu with th happi-Bt re 1710.

The Swedish Lion, though dear" ing. 'O. hush, for goodness "My am. oiintT Trraurer tonia Auerbach. iMinly Mrrevor J.

It. Walkiut. umaer- Kulanf Public Alinhiialralor A.I..Slltf. ueieaiea ana prostrate, tried once moral A essa- a boy trying to mit in fiiMK when I di'iinil niuku a do- sake'" She cried, "or pa will hear, more to rise the Porte, under whose vwa, and really lady-like in her msnnorQ I areont fun bKrin-i ti cr AM oLSI Hhtr. relief, was to see the ship-building, ft r.

I t'idctl iinpriTrion on tin; be good. protection the Kins; of Sweden fled, Aud such a fuss and row he'll makc- ATION VT. declared war against Russia at the the ladogic canal and Kronstadt, but her a looking-glass. She had never these pleasures were merely tern- 8een one oxc antl was half afrakl Ir. Tutt has been en- eleven A high hat oac TUTPS PILLS costing You'd walk off on your ear." RANK OF ROLLA.

instigation of Charles the 12th, and dollars. CUM SICK RXAO. AC UK. in tue uegmning oi uie ofit. and ashamed to show she was gMred in the prai tke ol mriliiine thirty year, and longtime was ilcnion-stntnr ol annlomy in the He waited breathless till a creak Peter, after haying appointed a com ul Ul.

ear 1 7 his disease became I 1011. 25, People who work while they play Was heard up overhead 1 JV a Ml w. 1 7 ponic.tie t.srhana;. Mcutral ut leor I Warmnfh, Mayor. I.

WariiMdh, rl-offlrlo Kfforler. Henry Welmter, lirgi.ter. II V. Maralial. Harry mmI, Treasurer.

II. K. Maker. City Attorney. C.

rllaii.l. V. II m.t. K. W.

lbitt Neuman, E. 4. Murrta, U. II. K.

A. TUTPS PILLS uangerous, uie extern oi ms suner- double rows of cowries round l.or Actors. "Theic now," said she, "'twill do to cuas DTarmiA. ings ana pain deprived nun of his head, besides copper, iron and Ivory en. hfiHf, persons using his Pills have the guarantee Ihey are prepared on srienlihc principles.

Government bonds A pair of ltiho, Hume, speak, He's in his little bed." ornaments in her hair, and just above handcuffs. and are tree from all TUTPS PILLS he had, when he was listening to the and in front of each ear a tassel of CUSS OO JimPATlOU words of comfort from his Catharine qu kery. IU has succeeded in combining in them the nin(MC. red and white beads. A large neck' She nestled closely at his side, mission of eight men for the administration of the country, again went forward to battle.

Moving somewhat carelessly, and incautious he and his whole arm' was caught a snare near the river Pruth, and but for a providential interference and the. presence of mind of Catharine a girl cf low and unknown descend-encc with which he was in love, and who was keeping him constant heretofore antaecniUtic lace of shells was round her neck, Tender memories recollections of sore boil. One of woman's writes A post k4lt C'kairrki With most coutidiug manner; I j. Ih. I hI l-ir GENERAL am mm and as she directed his attention to the cross and to Jesus Christ, his TUTPS PILLS Uj.Iiimm.1.

i.iMl..r llular aarv lia un. ol" a itrtuflkm- aud round her waist a string of opal- Said "I want you for my bride ia I ami fourth Mimlay ol ererv numth, atVi Hi Ctjmji HLM. expression became clearer, and he if ti. ami a in In the Mawinir. Hall script to a letter.

hrir first anna rent ef in colored singoraazzi, and a rope made of strings of red beads. Her front Prujrr nieilnif vn weiluewUy evening at remarked, "les this is my last TUTPS PILLS o'rlH-k. uu'lay Mrhoul at o'l lin p. Said she, "That's what ails Hauncr. "Then let the blessed day be soon," I breathed with anxious sih; When are ladies cut to pieces? and my only comfort.

February apron was a leopard skin, and the Lt Ckarvk. Iter. -I. II. Uan- ovrb nrn ajid A91TK.

fect is to increase the appetite by canting the lood lo pn)irrly assimi la te. Thus the Mtmn is nourished, anil 'by Ihcir Ionic action on the digestive nr- When thej- are belter halves. 8th, 1725, he breathed his last li-U. orner Ninth anil Mam Slrrvln rear one of colored grass-cloth, with ly companv, bis glorious career ervirr ever Sumlaral III "Jit o'elm a. m.

ami breath the arms of Catharine, Men who are bound to make their its fringe strung with beads, and i 10 m. m. School every SiiHilay alt would be at an end. Her charming TUTPS PILLS OITSK BIUOUS COLIC mark Thote that can't write. cowries sewed on it in a pattern ganv regular ana rrultny cvacuiitions are prodnci-il.

while she was praying to the Lord to take his soul up to his Kingdom in a. ru. PrvaterlerlatM 'baircli. lie J. A influence prevailed upon the Turkish commander, an armistice was grant bright iron rings were round her The rapidity with hk li The fly is just beginning to take a Wliiitnkrr.

Ptur. ItvliKiou "M-rtiee every heaven. ankles, and copper and ivory brace nmti taxi a jusr. Hnhliatli at II a. in ami:) p.

in. Al- ed, and in the treaty of peace at particular interest in humanity. The news of the death of the be wnrrv V'elnrUy at 7 i n. in. Sumla lets on her arms.

Her hair was She said, "Well, say the fourth of June, How'll that do for high?" I clasped her to mv throbbing breast; My heart overflowed with joy, She sighed, her cheeks to mine close prest, "You are a brick, my boy." I told her she was sweet and fair Hushier, July 2d, 1711, having sur While anderthe infliiem-c When you see a man about to tac shaved a little back from her forehead -in J. 8. FRENCH. mill it MincriKTSK. RM.A.MO.

lrlir.KU tfco ttl.UliU Heli-hl fire ron.pnnlca: TI1K TtltO W9 FIUK TKSTK CE I or HAuiroKU. of these Pills, of itself in loved Czar fell like a thunder stroke over all Russia, the people whom rendered his conquests on the climil every Miutluy al in the nmruing invitalHia tvnltentl ia extended to all. RaaM kiareta. lie. Valkerpa dicates their adaiitahilit kle a buzz saw always bet on the saw.

and three lines, each about a quarter borders of the Black Sea to the to SHNirish the bmiv, and the Czar endeavored to deliver from TUTPS PILLS CURB KIDKXT OOK-f LaXMT. TUTPifPILLS CUM TORPID UTXR. hence their efficacv incu of an inch wide, were painted below lor. lraerilivraii-l Seventh lreel. A popular method to bend a child Porte, he and his army was released.

ever nunilav at II a. ru. ami p. Prav their bondage to the aristocracy ing nervous dehili'tv, inrl-sncholy. dyspepsiai 1 he nearest one to the hair was red of stubborn habits, is across the ar meeting 'eliie'lay night.

Mimlay School lu grateful remembrance of this groaned and lamented, while the the next black, and the next white ever) MIU'U) at Ala. Ill knee. event he married Catharine and had As angels in the sky! I ine "I tnr niuscles, slug-ginhness of the livrr, and chronic constipation. latter, who have become obtuse by and, to crown all, she was freshlr ailacoaMBl karckw Regular erv ire ImiIIi her publicly declared his mistress. She said, "Don't flatter, sir; take care; The man who fell into error was long usage, exulted over -this oc moraing anil vrmug.on ina mi nniay i anointed with oil, and looked sleek fcra tun TxniT a mu.

To recreate and restore his broken earn month, by Kr. William Juhnuin, of currence. A grateful posterity, al lifted out by the lever of public opin and shiny. Her upper lip was per llranoa, ini-ioiiaVy ia charge. ion.

"That's all In your eye." said she was the queen of girls, The fairest girl e'er born forated, and a piece of stone inserted Loiisville, Kr. t- J. s7v. Da. Tutt Dear Sir 'Mlby-lt though deviating somewhat from the course of the great Czar, set him an health he spent some time at Karlsbad in Germany and here he had his son Alexi from his first wife Eudoxia "iniili.

uaaior. M-rricet at Ina. m. eiwh Sun until the lip protruded a couple of Why is a situation of great trust iH.uram imnpanlet In V- S. ACLT3 J.

1.1370, HABTFOBD Or HTFHHt TUTPS PILLS ITR APPRTTTR. tutpTpills OURR POtrL RRRATB. lav For ten years I have been inches, gmng a hideous expression Site laughed, and shook her suuny curls, and from which he was seperated, like a back tooth Because it is hard to fill. a appropriate monument that was dedicated on the saecular coronation day by Catharine the second.

to the face, and making her articula Mtlalla-t olure-t. lie. Itevil. pan t-r. servk-e 11 ami inlSiialav intthe month I am, yes, in a horn." married to a princess of the house tipation, and piles, and well nigh exhausted Hanover Brunswick.

lir-tan-l Main treet. at II a. in. anil p. lu.

sumlay achvol at 2 p. Ill- tion quite indistinct." Haw Indians Enjoy Summer head, I whispered, bending down my more tliml WlT MN the materia medica for re THE END. TUTPS PILLS Again he had to meet one of these a of "Your lips are like a cherry;" HMU- oloreil lie. eigler laln Innirmx-e ninpsiiili tli fwiintrj. VRTRR ORIPR.

deplorable events which troubled We observe with a sense of ad lief fnnn this living death, when, by accident, your Pills went brought to my notice. I began their use. She took my meaning laughed and I irM and Mam svrvieetou and Ith sundav in the nmittli. him so often betore 1 His very son miration, which resembles en'y as $2,757,007.59 TUTPS PILLS and the tint dose irave me Alexi, the crown prince at the had said, "Well, I'm your huckleberry. the midst resembles the rain, the The man who puts on a spring coat with the most satisfaction is the house-painter.

Try not to ask j'our wile to wash a handkerchief with a pretty widow's initials on it. There are at present 13 men iu the Cabinet six without Schurz ant' seven with. Puck. such relief that I continued Sunday Newspapers. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian church at Chicago has had oue question before it which is OIVR aORHD RLRRR.

of some of the degenerated nobles of OtlCTIE 1aalr. Rulht lulge, laeeoal I heir hall Saliirdny So. IIJ manner and capacity of the "Washoe Indian's enjoyment of this balmy veiling to take them. I am now a well aian, have a good appetite, can digest well, the piles have disappeared. KIAGABA, riUK 1SH.

o. OK X. Y. The clock struck twelve while thus we the country, iormect a conspiracy TUTPS PILLS on or iH'torc the lull moon nt ear I he buck aborigine novel. It is the question of the law-J June weather against his father, contemplating his extermination for the OITK BUOTajrr P1AITS.

month. Iiting brethren rordiallv Ineitrd to f. llL.iu W. M-, lit si, Secretary. takes more solid comfort than the female of his tribe.

Here and again sat, Brcathiug the old, old story; "No, no," said she, "don't get your bat, We are all hunkvdoiy." 1. 1873, Jl.500.000.00i.ttrB.. rlk it' ll nliuMc! 11 anil 1 nave gaineu lortv pt.imls in solid flesh. 1 would not be without ihcm fur their weight in sold. Czar, the conspiracy was discovered fulness of the publication ol Sunday newspapers by a member of the Presbyterian Church.

The question TUTPS PILLS aud crushed, Alexis tesigned hi Mil II II PTKIl, Uol.l. RiiY l. CURB FLATT7USNCB. the latter is found with a huge burden of green tules, freshly cut, on No. meela at title to the crown, but his case was j-oiiir nail, rplay lull lu'ion evening before ic laleumitT gu.r.inli-e.l.

tuV rl-h Jn-lifv. J. N. IKKNfll. 1.1 -If.

Uil.Knt Aernt. Never despise humble services when large ships run aground, little boats may pull them oft'. 'Twas thus I wooed and won my Grace, nut on trial for high treason, and P. II. TUTPS PILLS came from the region of Pittsburg, and had been previously decided by the Presbytery of Allegheny and the uer Ini3 is ner spring pop llrt s''y P.

With the charms tltat so adorn her, convicted to death, yet he died be lin uer rosewood craule her niar- OTHE BOIIA V. aval rat ktir. -Kiiulkiu-r chapter, nieeti Aud she said the wedding must take fore the day of execution, 1718 It is impossible for a paper collar al M.v.xiiie Hall kimikI Sutardiiy erening alter Rtr. It. Simpson.

They arc perfectly harmless, can be taken by young or old without restraint of diet or occupation. PRICE aa CENTS. orncr. 35 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK.

ble-top bureau her cambric shams with Cluny lace insertion. But Mr. Houses, Lots Farm- TUTPS PILLS the lull HHMin C. ISLAM. P.

or a pound of butter to retain any place lu the "church around the corner." OIR CLEAR 8KI2C. Buck, with true masculine indiller- dignity such weather as this. Lands. J. s.

ii, sec y. st Jts: l.aiM.v. sio. V. A.

In the meantime, the Czar drove the Swedes from Tomeria and llolstein, aud after the victory on the Trava-munde he secured the control over ence tn domestic affairs, fornrettinor I Synod of Erie. It came in such an informal way that it was reported on b- the Committee on Bills and Overtures, instead ot the udicial Committee, and the following was the report "The Committee on Bills and Time of meet IngSalunltiv eve on or after the full TUTPS PILLS The only difference the X. Y. that "man must work and that wo- "Alwajs speafc well of the dead. Herald finds between Schurz and RXKOVB BLOTCHBS.

man must weeo lavs him down up- an once 111 a lule a wori ot W. BISHOP, ni-Mif nrearh inuiilh. lining brethren conn- jv itrd lo attend II. Hi i.i.rK, W.IM. I'm t.

tiooiiALL, Ser'y. the Baltic Sea and annexted Fiss-laud to his domain. Having now Chandler is in the number ot the on the sun-warmed earth, upon the lQe "V1DS 3ou uae ine limo or Al. li 1 arrived at the limits of his ambition, Overtures respectfully report to the drinks. grass, upon me an wuere De8Derate contests are now taking I.

O. r-Roll Uidge, No. IVi, mt everv hnrwlav eveuing at Masonic. Hall. I Assembly on Overture No- 6 This in the inviting air, prone his broad nW M.P(,n the small and th in the inviting air, prone his broad and extended his borderlines as far as he projected, he directed his at ADDITION BISHOP 1 mf TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE.

Gr.iv Hair can he changed to a clix'V I'l K'k a single application of Dr.TcTT's Hair Dye. It acts like magic, and i warranted as harmless as water. Price tixo. Office je, Mumvv N. Y.

A son of the late John C. Bt eck paper, entitled 'The complaint of the and manly stomach, and sleeps away green apples. The colic is umpire. itlng brother is ill receive a cordial welcome. T0TM.11, N.

li. M. Hi 4. e-'y. Tins or iioLimu (i rt.

Scwickely church ot the Oeneral the cares wliicn intest tue aay. tention to the domestic welfare and the internal administration, and inridge is about to marry a daughter of Llovd Tevis, reputed to be the Assembly against the action of the ow and then a group may be seen I "blips and go over. lbose on ir ami Si-i-omlJ TO ROLLA, here he met many defects and much Synod of Erie in the case between taking in the wild fascinations of banana or orange peel often make it Irraill Monday in Pebrit.iry richest man in California. the session and the Presbytery of willow-stitch monte but the pre- necessary to go all over the pave- aii.l 4 ltinl corruption 1 he olncials, uigii anu Iniw. liil nnt.

rare much for the laws. Prakate ('n-ljfl Mondavi in April, Allesrhenv. was hrst referred bv this lerence is given to nature sweet ment. lule. January.

Athletic sports for ladies Jumping extorted from the people the last 'Maaijr fmur Pir-l in Kelirnnry, Assembly to its Judicial Committee, restorer, balmy sleep. Such ma- Mai and Nnfeniber. The joung widow who was buried around a of blood and onressed them. at conclusions walking Hie Judicial Committee reported that not be as ennobling an occupation a. in griel is now alive and doing well.

But subject running through a novel no sooner became ue aware oi tne paper could not be received as a as tending the flocks which bleat for It is only another instance of prema the existence ot tnese eu, ms because the nroceedino-s more couv but if we are not can- skipping full descriptions. 3tlornti)s vv tiral Cstatt jjtnt. Hi. fir il' I ir-u of vitv df-sMilr iinlMiti lurue mi v.Ih-t of lh; ih.ihed lot. for prlvtitr resMrii'' In the tliv.

Filly lioo'iii'ss lota. ANn several and ilw tliiiK lioifi fur ur Son nt of hlcli ar lMitri in the liiost central and liiim' ii'tiiiiof the ritv. Also, M'Vt rtil ilvvelliiig li'Mives aud lore, to rent mnl for snle. Scvrral htm-dfi'd rr of taliliiide firnilm; Ami iiiiliiipriivcl. aitii.tti l-l to 2 from ill.

i. Fur partletilar. In. Vitrc K. W.

r.sopj;oll:i, MiivHiri-Jau. 21-1'. ture interment. irratc indignation rose high against Qf tae Synod to which it refers were dor bound to confess that there are these male peasant omcials, and not a iudicial trial, and recommended moments when the weariness im- A legacy of ten thousand dollars The prices of sewing machines are that it be referred to the Committee nosed by the grislcss treadmill whole troops; of them, even some i coming down, and poor woman's hus from the estate of the late Chief PORFIIOT, A A A KOI I.A, MU. closely connected to the throne, on Bills and Overtures.

Your Com- makes oue look with complacency bands will soon be smoking 10-ceut Justice Chase has just been received were banished to Siberia. mittec in obedience to what they at these happy, healthy vagabonds, liflle. in Heller's Brick Ituildlng. Itoom'No. cigars.

UU Lay Caw. by the Treasurer of Dartmouth Col I. Will practice in Eighteenth Judirial'Dis- understand to be the instructions of then there is no truth in the editor! The Czar continued to promote trii't. Manes county and I S. In.trict t-oiirt.

"All the ways of a man arc clear al chair. Carson (Nev.) Appeal the interest of commerce and internal the Assembly have considered it sim- lege. J.HN H.PARKER, in his own eyes," except the way the improvement. Petersburg grew in ply an overture ff.C.krl.l.T. H.K.

BAKKa. I loston ri icisi ice-lookin The Turkish Troops la the Field. Ciucinnati Enquirer Shumla Letter. splendor and grandeur, laws gave "In view ot these records, your delinquent subscriber bath in not paying for his newspaper. KELLY 6u BAKER, protection to all classes, to Committee recommend the adoption man, but lacks culcliaw.

awn 17 SI MAKER. To sum up as the result of my ATTOIIaKVH-AT-l. VT, Itolln. Mo Will v'know. peasant as well as to the noble, and of the following resolutions AT THE OLD STAND OF SMITH DYER, DF.ALKU IN DEW GOODS, NOTIONS, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, expect much from Ohio, prici in the coiistie.

the IMIiJadirml ii- Josh Billings says that the redeem week's observation among the Otto Ought to 'vc been lorn in Bawston secured the lower and laboring "i't'st this Assembly reamrms classes from the greediness of the the resolutions adopted by the Synod man troops in the field, I can say cuit. i irUce on nth strict. ed. a. r.

tv. Mill practice ing feature about croquet is, that it is suited to the limited intellectual capacity of the simplest minded. that in the hands of men of brains, higher: and the first ras that fell and Presbytery setting forth the energy, ambition and great purpose, A Chinaman who fell out of a tie iint Qf science reached the binding obligations of the Fourth the Turk could be made the finest all llieroontie. of the I -Mi ircuit Alw. ill i rawford and Marie.

rnnll, mid TIM StUHt, ROLLA, MO. be ill Hi. Hil l. I l- in.ltoia' No I 4 utvl ai toiv l.i pro He was injured by being run over. fourth story window in San Francis- hut as well as the palace.

Interest- Commandment as expounded in the co wot mad because a nartv of small ing and everlasting are the remarks Utandard of the Presbyterian Church soldier in Europe. He lacks only will give the trictel ntleiition to nil huincs I riilrii.tfd In his care. Olllce In I linen's 1 "If isn't tho owiilonl "aaid ho "that this to make him the same fierce tllork. but the lie maue on tne promo'ion oi ana in iue repumeu ueuvenuices oi 1 luc "lluo boys yelled broke loose. science: "Its course is similar to the General Assembly and also the the Crescent to Venice and Vienna.

We? run over with a swill M. I. RL.illl. 1.A rF tha Klcu-k1 1 tha fC Sv-nvl nnrl l'rofsrvv'to COBBLING! I cart, mutp rrnat ujuives uiu man. The largest known diamond be 4 I.elitiiin.

Mi.iiri. ivcuH- Russia will now be rv That anv voluntary imrticina- To-day he is without perfect organ i ill practice in all Ih I'mirt. of the Mill longed to the Rajah of Mathan, in and bad- Tf African explorers showed half hurt noilee, In and at sali.lacima Kuaranlred tneveiv its heni.crn influence tion in the nubbcation and sale of a izatlou 13 "'y fed unPal(l b.ii uid ltll Judicial lieu it. All iintii lo hie care a ill receive prompt attention. is in the lv clothed, and nanas oi the mtrenuitv.

that does in dta- Borneo, and weighed carats. 11 1 aiu liut i iilii uuv a liuiii i oiltiuuv ucvvauiiijv.1 iiiviioiaiuu aimless procrastinating, shiftless 0 covering where his mother has bidden south to north, from there to return alike with the decree of the law of He had been offered and refused V. MLUII, commanders, who, filled with a pe Queensware, the strawberries the source of the nirnin to its source Greece. God and with membership in the 1 Kolla. Mo.

offlc love m. a trial ii rviihut iip our dour below sh.r. Thos. Chatham 120,000 for it. culiar fatalism, sit in their tents and corner of Holla and Third tnvts, near I Nile would not be the secret It is.

Although the King of Sweden still Presbyterian Church ourl HoiiMt. smoke and drink, leaviner events to i rn i 1 Private remark by R. B. H. to assuming a tureaiening aiuuuie, "econa xuat it, is entirely wiui- shane themselves.

On the contra The awe felt by a youth in asking Peter went to travel, aud in Paris in the constitutional authority of a W. TALLR II, I IIV PP Ilcl Uteand l.eneral Mr9. Hayes "Don't be alarmed, my dear. It was racrety lemonade he embraced the movement of Presbvtery to direct the sessions ol a side of the ledger the Turkish sold- permission of a girl to see her home, ier offers tractability, religious fanat- only equalled by the terror he cx-inistn. splendid muscle, aud a lot of periences when he first slides his llu.ine.s Agent.

oiliceat Po-t nflice. Tinware, Hollow and Willow Ware. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, 4c. Holla, Mo. Sprcuvl attention given I evaouu- Richelion making the following re- church under its care to proceed ac-marks: "Great man, half of my cording to the discipline, and that it with a strawbeny in it.

Berry got iik land tit lea. New England fire-arms. And this daddy's razor over nis callow jaws. country I would give the Russian I 1 1 flip hnrrior no-ninKt. against tangled in the ice and hence the color." such instructions upon a reference ot There are two ways of getting knowledge of government and states nlla ltf sUvvrr fsl.

II. THilM Ps IN Proprietor, "tables ad hordes now sweeping to the Danube a case asking for its advice. That manship, to rule the balance." Soon through this world. One way is to i DEALER IN AM. KINDS K)Y PARLOR AND KITCHEN FURNITURE! joining t.

rant Hotel. All Slock. Ituggics 'l' I Tho ccctmn rlnfh harrDto ivirriinr 1 The new fifty-dollar coiu will be aaer his return the excellent minis -the session of the church of Se wick ley make the best of it, and the other BUM inirw firt -inn I -i r. i I 1 luuauiioic auu oniuwu lu.v.o uu i iiii'iii'Liiif. niv iiiinu micia liixa tot i fir in vv ifii nil' i lii I r- I virrK ihiiiiiii Ltf Luin vjui.

iuu oiaiu i were to out, tue bounu carry piain to mate me worst oi u. 1 nose no- ikely to stimulate the average news tt-HiTM-s lloardeil by the lay or meaning of the instructions of the ra.lse" 1 a 01 r1''1, take the latter course work hard for conciliate his monarch with the Czar, paper man to new and greater ex of self-denial, endurance, and no end of submission. With statesmen and We shiill nlso keep constantly on hand PROVISIONS of almost every d-scription, at prices that shall give satisfaction. Presbytery of Allegheny, and that their reasons for declining to do so nrrl. Trnpor tntioa lurn- ertions.

it is a tortunc put in a the initiatory steps were taken some time before, but Charles the 12th died before it was consummated. warriors to direct, Turkey might I l-h. to any art of South Mluri neat and attractive package. Wor- poor pay. "Where is the City Marshall shouts an excited Kansas paper, giving an account of a burglary.

In the are insufficient. have a great future. ''Third That the proper remedy Peter respected Charles very much, ester Prvas. Pine Street, Holla, Mo, and learning from his death, he for the Presbyteiy to apply to that A Boy's Essay on Rabbits. J.

P. TZ2THZT. PUVCTICAL When von see four yards of dress wept bitterly aud cried, "Oh, my session, it they continue to uisooey next issue it answers its own conundrum: Ran away from town vv it li Rabbits is generally about the Persea Desiring Bargaiis will find it to their interest to give ue a mil. Holla, Aug. 5th, 1875-tf.

R. P. ALLEN. the instructions of the Presbvtery, is brother how I deplore thy fate, size of a cat. Thev ain't so "useful goods trailing the walk, you can the recorders wife.

Yet it took three years of negotia- to put the session under discipline tQ rats as a cat, but they will Hoot .1 Slum MnkorjHflTT IT AY17B make up your mind that the wearer tion before a permanent treaty of for contumacy." null the bark off a grape-vine awful 1 1 1 1 1 i ii 1 1 ii iiinixnii For sustained calmness and self- of the dress couldn't put on a N. a VIM aUi Aa peace was concluded between these In the discussion ot the subject it quick. I had a rabbit once, and he possession tew things can equal a' shoe if death was the alternative. J. 11.

COKKMAN. U. SHI IP. northern powers, llie Czar was was moved the word "voluntary be gnawed the bark off my grandfather's Detroit Free Press. still busy engaged to promote the changed into tue word "responsible, near tree, and he cot mad.

and wheelbarrow. In fact we never saw an excited wheelbarrow even under AND Sheet Iron Worker, II j-. liK-uti tlvi' miles northeast of Kolla, Slid renuviu' the MtNUin, MIXTIU.M Ml UKFTS HlllLI. J10. to do nil is oik in niv line i tn Ul, welfare of his people and to liberate and in the entl both words were used, kicked the stuffin out of him.

and I the most trying Boston generously subscibes tuen 'm tlie chains of superstition and then the report was passed, with skun him. Rabbits' ears is Jong, so on the? I-anc's 1'ralrle road, and offer his .11 In iiumI i.f vinrV In )lii ana irom me oppressive lyiauiiy ui tew tuics aguuisv n. mis vie- -ou can pick em up easy. A. rat- 000 for the St.

John sufferers antl mi. line. pitopuir.TORs tip the Bojars (Nobles) I he sneaking fines the position ot the subject ot the bit often has red eyes, but if a girl cabal of the jesuits, who were r-est- Presbyterian Church clearly and em- had red eyes she'd look bad, you 1W oHIcc addri'ss, Kolla. Mo. Orders entertains the President in roy STEAM SAW MILL style at the same time.

Boston has can In left nt the St. Ioui hold. Mar 2. ling 111 Russia, was broken and the phatically. bet.

Me and another boy done up 1 1 Near Houston Road, 5 miles southwest of latter banished, and the ttivinc wor- some boss raddish in a cabbage leaf, a big heart if it does take a little though we have known them to be set for weeks in the most favorablu places without being fallen over' once. Yet even then they only got damp and slipper-, so that when a man finally came that way he fell hard. We've sometimes thought that after lying idle all summer an experienced wheelbarrow could skin1 a man in about half the usual perhaps this is only a fancy. ship was rendered more clear and Origin of the white race. At a an(j ave jt to jj r.

Hackett's rabbit wine for its stomach's sake. Nash Licking, Texas a ome and sue. TIIH IMOXKKir" SADDLE HARNESS MANUFACTORY, aorxA, mo. I i frkinU 'hl iibi ir k. ii.

rally, I run Ik ottud at tin- or ll plain 1719. In the same year sank recent prayer-meeting in to eat and he jumped over a clothes-his last hope, his son Peter Petro- the following unique explanation tme ami rim the kitchen and ua TelegrujiJi. CUN0MITHINC AND R3SPAIHI2TG I witch died the Czar was so much was given by the colored preacher, UpSet a bucket of syrup all over his The New York Ledger undertakes grieved at tins cveni tuat ne remain- as 10 xue origin 01 me wuii race air, and he was a sick-lookin rat We are prepared to fill all orders to tell "how to win a woman's love. ed for three days and three nights hen Cain killed his brother Abel, hit. and don't vou forget it.

I'd I 1- I enclosed anil witnout any iooti. tne lora missing mm, axen vain, ruther be a dog than a rabbit. The most simple and effective way, for any kind or LUMBER And now came at last the treaty of I Whar's your bruddcr Abel?" Cain I take this method of informing the iHihltc that 1 have opened a Gunsmith An accident without a parallel per peace concluded at Nystedt which answered, "I don't know, massa, I if a man can't afford diamonds, is to take some refreshment along and sit Some one who has- taken the' trouble to investigate has found1 out that rats commence breeding at three months old, and the female At short notice, and at the lowest cash haps since ships sailed the seas was fully pr. i pared ln mr I si M-'i'd will always nwl a t'" ami harness 'u bau.1. ,.,.1, secured to Russia -all couquerred didn't see'd him." And then the and Kvpairing Shop, ON' KIGHTII STRKKT, the other fellow out.

Boston Press the sudden upheaval of a ledge of territory on the Baltic Sea 1721. Lord hunted round the corn-field, Still the sword was not yet to rest l'ATUK ntUKX, preaparcd to do all work iu my price. ORDERS SOLICITED. Shipp 4 Co. March 22, 1877.

T. HOTK1V, Persia appeared in the arena and challenged the old hero to battle iici f.sortnO A Bro lino at rvasouahle price-, utins ami pis 3Ur. tol made and repaired on short notice I will also have in connection Il'-liY' miaw. 1 SHOOTIStt GALLERY. a pl-a-nre In aniw.ii.cln In and before leaving his home he or breeds once a month producing invariably thirteen at a time, and, what is curious, only one of the litter is a female.

Thi acarcity of the female seems to be an excellent provision of nature as otherwise, tho world would be overrun with tho progeny. We give the for what it worth. rock by a submarine volcano on the coast of Tunis lately, just in the nick of time to tear off the keel and sink the passing steamer Knight Templar. There was a submarine rumbling lasting a minute, the ocean seethed white all round her, and she received the brow about 15 feet from her stem, sinking four hours afterward. and then by-and-by he corned back and looked ober the fence, and again axed him, "Whar's your brudder Abel, you grand rascal nigger Then Cain he git skeered, and if it hadn't been for that nigger turning so white, we neber would have been troubled with this sassy set of white trash.

Professor Pierce says that the world must be at least oue hundred million years old. And several thousand middle-aged Massachusetts maidens have taken comfort and raised their bustles half a dozen de- dained the succession to the throne, TTIorKTII STREET, between Washington thai be Sewinir Machine repaired. A full line Irankltn Avennov, st. uouia, a nrs cliiMi hotel, bill reiluceil to second rlaaa rates it of ail kinds of anuntinitiou constantly on vannMV. fjftrff.

hOUlU. I and in conformity of European Courts he assumed the title of Emperor. Fortune was following bis standard, Derbent was conquered rooms nearlv fiirnifVieil. nnrn uated tables, and rumihe.i the hand. Givr.

Mr. A Call. 'M thetnirkct atlonU. IIVVBV SrS lV all the appointments rt rate. Wlvenyougo i gecs higher.

Xew York Weekly, to the cttv, bt driven to the st Nicholas JfcN.viM:., rroprtetot. June HIT). UUUV. 4..

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