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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 6

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MARK VALENTINE, WARNER'S Sale Liver and Kidney Cure HiiKtifwM'wtstM 1 rut: tor WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Eto. LOUISiOLF, JAMES COOK TsAUBJalilfiSl Book, Ark. JteUllc Caaea.eUikept VawfiaaawawkiHawUwaawMwaaawMaaaawaa Orricx: H. W. corner Main and Mark.

ham ttreata (Boom No. 71. S-l Ban on WishlnsrtoB Bank. Washington, Jane 2. A rutt wu made today on the National Saving bank, where a slight run occurred Saturday; Mno-teutha ol the per-aoua drawing 'are colored people.

The banks here. have taken wans in from recent eveuta and fortified themaelvea. The offioera of "the National Savinga bansajr they are cavinir DromntlY and have em IJTTIJs BOCK, ARK. a band, uraen Dy MiefTapa wui receive prompt attectlen. ti 310 MAIN STREET.

tyAU orders by expraesoT mall promptly attended to. TeleDnone cennectione. DR. F. IV, GREEN.

Disease! of tie Eje ail Ear a Specialty. 80 CEHTEB ITBEET. OCRS From 10 am. to p.m.' ST ft HI Q. C.

M. MCNEAL. FUNKttAL DIHEOTOB 13 Mala) Strwt. Uttta Rook no intention of taking advantage of Oldest youor House ill tii8 PERSONS UvtD(t In mlaamatlc distridls may prevent any attack of Mai aria by an eeca P.O flooperji. U.

A. L. Breyaaober.alJ) DBS. HOOPER BHEYSACHEH 8ATAMTA era tr-1 S3 toe tnirty aay clause, aa mey are id condiiiou to profit by the forfeit ore of accrued lutereat upon depoa-ita withdrawn. Middletoua statement ia expected to be ready tomorrow.


DR. JTN7 GLOVER. 186ft. RaatAr- Prlcsa Diniliriatad. 1884.

DB. 3. y. GLOVER offer hli professional aervioea to the people of Little Rock and vicinity. tyOfflceS.w.opr.

Main and Fifth. "Ara you feallntf better tld a gentle an yaaterdajr to a well-known tain railroad man. "Yea, a great deal better. The night run li Tery bard and I got down belor I knew It. I bad fever after fever, and For CLOCKS, JEWELRY, BOOMING! BOOMING! PINNACLE SPRINGS! THE SECOND ANNUAL FAIR 0 IBM WMte Connty Fair Associatiotf rWlllba'fteld at Judsonia, Oct.JW, 15 and 16.

LABOI additions'' are being made to tbe boUdings, and It la ex peeled the next exhibit will be Moond to none In tbe state. The Premium List will be issued as soon as tbe copy aaa be made up, and will afford a valuable medium tor advertising. NH9 ahook tbe car off tbe track a eonple of Htriotly rure Insect Powders at BEIDELMAN'S OBUO STORE. Contl'a White. Green aad Mottled Castile 8oap Inst received at BEIDELMAN'S DBUG STORE.

Artists' Materials, full assortment. BE1DELMAN, 216 Main St. SILVERWARE 8li SPECTACLES TKT h. o. clok' jewelrt house.

Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing receives prompt attention. Ail goods ana work warranted. Tbe beat of goods and lowest in price. (18 Him STBEKT, CLOK BLOCK. THE CASH DRUG STORK.

JOHN Ji JTJNG-IXNID, THE PINNACLE HOUSE baa all the eonvenleDeea of a flrsKslaas modern hotel. It la sltuatsd on aa elevated plat, convenint to the sprlnr, and especially adapted to the summer. It Is a two-story Frame building 86x61 feet, containing 40 rooms which are large and well ventilaUd, and a continual breeze is sweeping through its long broad halls. The superb promenade ea tbe -two verandas, making a stroll of 802 feet, and tbe picturesque scenery on every side makes this a delightful home for pleasure seekers, it is under the management J. D.

and W. W. Martin. W. E.

Crosby, that well-known jjaterer of tbe Crosby Jlouse, Conway, Is general manager of the dining-room and kitchen. HOTEL WILL, BE OPEN JUNE 1st. A regular hack line Is established, leaving Conway on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:30 p.m.; leaves Pinnacle Springs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:30 s.m.. making connections with Little.

Rovk and Fort Smith By. timet. Finally 1 decided to try Bmltb'e Bile Bsans, lwii prejudiced against tbe name or ratber tbe Bile part of It, or I might' have been wt 11 long before I waa. Tbey brougbt me out like a new man." Tbe above an actual fact, and prevee the merit of tbe goods. 7 be name of the gentleman can be given.

For tale by all druggists. 3091 The Paris Iiepublique Francaiee condemns the United States for allowing dynamiters to plan outrages. The Iatransigeau saya tbe explosions in Loudou are the result of 600 years of misery. TBS "open-formula" Family Medicines prepared at Bond's Pharmacy have proved their value only tesWoay IF you are going to clean up and Kal-aomine your bouse, you can get all shadea of Kalsomlne. ready for use, at Hnbe Palatial Droir Btore.

Dealer ia Toilet Articles and Fancy Goods, Paints Brushes of all Kinds. All Toilet and Fancy Goods at New i ork prices. Terms wash. 714 aiAlN ST. J.

V. attiabr JEWELSB COFFEE ROASTED 4 So 2 8 l-h For Merchants and Consumers for 85 cents per sack. Special rates in lots of ten sacks or more. I always keep on hand a stock of fresh, Home-Roasted Coffee, which I sell at lowest market quotation. JOSEPH KUTTNER.

NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK OF Novelties, Dry Goods, Embroideries, Luces, Etc. JOTCome and Ice us before the rush. 418 jriAIr strkct. 9 Vd W1 E. HETZWAUEfl.

Prop'r I. R. Baking Powdef Manufactory. Cor, 8lh anil Louisiana, Little Rock, was i 8g2o; as i as 4 This space belongs to ALBERT COHEN. in ARKHAITI ST.

tyninstrated Catalntnes aent on application. 105 K. 1 I Watches, ml i Perspnal Attention jenai.T. soecudea. The Old Reliable Jeweler.

Opera (Jlaaaea, nrr JTI1 CTII CTP Orallat Pr. ripllso. Carter's Ltttie Liver I'illi must not be eonlouuded with common Cathartic or Purgative Fills, as tbey are entirely unlike them Id every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. 41S3 The comptroller of the currency has declared a liual divideut of 11 per cent iu favor of the creditors of the Miners' National bank of Georgetown, making a total of 76 per cent.

SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. gallon's Cure lfc tbe remedy for you. VV. H. Halliburton, agent.

4178 A. J. Drexel (Jo. announce that they will buy at par the interest coupon's of the consolidated mortgage bonds of the Reading road, due iu 191 1. 1 he total interest due today is $000,000.

The Drexel banking house was filled wiih holders of these coupons, ivho ure receiving their money. or Great Value to Vocalists. L'NIONVILLE, WKSTCHKSTBIt N. Y. August, 1882.

I bad exposed myself and sustained a very severe and tight cold on my chest and my throat. I procured Allcock's Porous Plasters and applied one on tuo chest, well up on tbe throat, and relief came readily; tbe soreness of my chest waa removed, and my vocal organs were kept clear tbe entire past winter, enabling me to fulfill public engagementa In different parts ot this country. Mo more may be said than that Allcock's Porous Plasters, if applied by afflicted vocalists, will greatly assist their vocal rendition in public. 4011 B. Franklin Church.

5 GO nicrosropes. nu. 411 RAin 01., DLL tin SliU 9in 010. eareruilr Inspect his klegant stock, and suited, buy. No Two Prices.

Kverv artiolc 1 marked ft, Plain Fieiira m3 J. F. WILSON IBi Fifth and Louisiana, lp3'55 DEALERS IN SfeSfni.lft jiiul Vancv Groceries. t3 li 1 1 1 11 -in 1 1 1 rfiTT fTairrri ALEXANDER I riBadiinartera for flme and Produce. Tel.

connection. INTERNATIONAL Ho. 205 E. Markham. CO.

P-A-WILST BROKER, No. 200 East Markham. Od lie American id European Plans It la most convenient for ail trains on the Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad. J. W.

MAST, DEALER IN Iron, Wagon and Carriage Material. Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Pittsburgh Coe. 218 EAST MATtKTTAM RTRTTET. XITTL'E HOCK. ARK.

Money Loaned on all Kinds of Collateral Security. The rooms are finely furnished, the table cannot be surpassed, and everything first class. Street cars leave the Hotel every ten minutes, promptly. Special Attention Given to the Handling of WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Money Loaned.

Money Loaned. L. D. GLEASON. I 8 c0 as JAMES DAVIS.

ROBERT J. MATHEWS. Lafe' ICE CREAM Pa. DAVIS MATHEWS, Special attention paid to supplying Waddings, Balls and Banquets. Everything guaranteed to be of tbe best.

FRENCH and to CO Fine Confections Real Estate, I HOME MADE. Chke of BTry Variety. AND 107 E. Markham Little Itock. INSURANCE AGENTS.

OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE. Thos. Lampson, of Sebewaing, and Frank Ilalsey, -of East Sagiuaw, both youDg men, were drowned at Ileisterniau island, in Saginaw bay, yesterday, by the capsizing of skiff'. EVERY PROMISE backed by a guar-antee. Acker's Ovspepsia Tablets will five immediate roller.

Price 26c and 150c old by E. P. Schaer A Co. and all drug, gists. The uew 2-cent paper, the Morning Call, appeared ou the streets of St.

Louis yesterday. It is republican jn politics, aud is understood to repre-seut the Filley faction of the party. L. F. UECK, Manager.


COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO, of London. EstaM 22 Years. SPRINGFIELD F. M. INSURANCE CO, of Massactotts, EstaD'il 35 Tears.

Ame'lcan Plan. Tbe bouse has undergone thorough repair, and Is now being eon- Large Tracts of Timber Lands for Sale. ducted by tbe owner. Special attention paia to the tsd'O ana ine com ion oi guesu Please givoue a trial and oe convinced. All modern improvements.

Terms reasonable. lltl'SHwa STREET, selnnen FIFTH a. i SIXH (street Cars Bus Wlthls ne Blecli of Hotel.) B.B.GBKS8. B.LEIGH GrPtESS Sc LEIGH, Tbe weak, worn, and dyspeptic sbould take Coldeu' Liquid Beef Tonic. Insurance CoUlen'i; tah no Of druggists.

98 C. COCHRAN'S Store Pull Stock of New Goods. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. 1301 TWrAXET -TREET A New Departure IN THE South End. The New York supreme court has appointed John T.

Wilson receiver of Booth's theater, iu tbe suit of John No. 210 West Markham Street, Little Rock. GENERAL AGENTS FOR ARKANSAS OF The St. Paul Fire and Marina Insurance Company. LOCAL ABENIS FOR H.

Morris vs. Grant Ward et for a partition of property. O'NEALE STEYENS FULL LINE POCKET SEASIDE LIBRARY. Stock Will he Kept Complete. Now Books Ordered an Rapidly as Sold." ALSO, FRESH SUPPLY OF PECK'S BOSS BOOK.

Home Insnrance Company, Net Tort SprinEflelil F. anil M. Ins. Co, Mass. Crescent Insnrance Co, New Orleans.

lfytl DMONSON HORTON, London Oneen Insnrance Company, Enflanfl. Lancashire Insurance Co, England. Meiers' Life and Accident, Hartford All who have experiunccMl and wl tn exact! Merchants' Insnrance Jersey. the effect of Hos- Mntnal Life Insurance Company, New Tort. tetter's Stomach Hitters upon tlm weak, broken Staple and Fancy Groceries, Corner Fifth and Mai Streets, LITTLE ROCK, Total Cash Assets of Companies, 8141,000,000.

down desponding victims of dvs- Rish Written in all Parts of the State. Qin Houses and Contents Insure! 1: roinijiaiTtc-n-rr- 101 ami agutf, rneu-matlsm, nervous debility, prema ADAMS BOYLE, ture decay, know HRiSIVl AN PHILLIPS Groceries, Game, Fruits, Poultry, Etc. Commission MeroHsa-nta. Telephone. 107 Wat Fifth Btrt.

mat in mis eu-jirime tonic ancl alterative in en; D. C. SELL. TELEPHONE No. .140.

8i. 0. SJHTB. exists a specific INSURANCE AGENTS, TOK CH. at BlTTtrRS I principle- wnicn reaches the very source of the -trouble and effects an absolute and For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally.

No. 113 East Markham Little Rock, Ark. GENERAL AGENTS FOR Nti Orleans tesannci Association aiuoli Lift Assarincs Social. LOCAL AOKNT8 FOB A roll Bnpply oi Cora, Oata, Hnn ad All Kinds ol fia and Garde Seeds. W.

S. HUTT, DKLKR IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Tobaooo, Whlaklea, Wlnos, Plantation Supplies and Beeaa. S13 Main Street, Staxfc BELL SMITH, WHOLE8ALK AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, SIB Main Street, Opposite Crrand Opera. Hovise, LITTLE ROOK, ARK. MANHOOD RESTORED.

A victim of tvrlr ctinalnir tmroaa debit ftf, premature dcu, etc, luvktff tried in vain Terr known remedr. hdiTerfd simple mean of he will send FRKK 4numtj U. REEVES, 43 Chatham tU. New Ya Uvtrpool ui Londoa mi Globi Ins. Co.

Continental Insvinco Nil Yon. Pbinlx Insmaci Conpiy, Brooklyn. London and Lancashln Intanncf Cospurj Altai Insurants Contpanj, Hartford. tasoranci Coirpsrrj of North America. Nortl Brttls.

aad liercaotlli tooranci Co American Central Insurance Company. ERR'S Svstem Renovater at Hughes 'tlal Drue Rtnrs. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT Connecticut tnsnrance Company. ElitJ Written nroMliont tit State. Sis Bouses ul Contests IiclBdei.




Mill Work, Steamboat and House Work A SPECIALTY. Engines, Boilers, Machinery and Mill Supplies. Kg- Write for Prices. 618.620.622 and 624 Eaat Markham Little Hack Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Trimmings, Etc. Sir- I waive rult 1 nave th.

v.lue of your rtm.dy P-Si me to replyto your what 1 know ofSTr CKill Cur. ht prlvaw atauraacci of it; 3bcv I had, and the rood reaulu i of Ma I hTd ohaervcdooMr. V. M.r.ditli,wao,for nor. fwifiMO baea foreman of my offica, rndScVd" it ia faV- Th re.ults 17 baao aatircly aati.fac.ory.

The rat ca.a wu if in which I believe rrary nmedy had b.h triad with temporary rt, te.reaill.yr..uing "dK-JIT Oar stock of MENS', YOUTHS' and BOYS' SUITS are now Teady and embraces the Most Standard and Popular Makes of Worsteds, Cassimeres and Flannels, made in the Latest Design? and Equal to Merchant Tailor's Work. Novelties in Cut and Fabric are constantly being added, our stock is the Largest in the City, and comprises every grade of goods from the lowest to the highest, being adapted to the wants of Everyone. Our stock of CENTS' FURNISHING is Larger than ever, embracing many Novelties and Latest Importations. Our stockjof HATS is unsurpassed. We make a specialty of Merchant Tailoring.

Orders throughout the State have our prompt 7 IVC- Fonoo-te Bro. 104 Main Streec, L'c. "thi b. ao recurrence of the- for th aSE montha. Th.

other caae waa of a rnea-bat Th. IhUla would return at temdiea, om which time, friSuabl. "pcic. and perform. aU prom ht it.

Very resjtfuily, W. N. HALPF.MAW. I WILL SELL roE CASH Fifteen Thousand Dollars Worth Announce the arrival of hi Foreign Importation eomprlslnc; the lnteet do Ig-na for Spring; waar. Stock the largest end moat varied ever Imported to this market, HI good were made axprwaaly to order by the flneat American and European Manufacturer.

OF NIC dose of 8ATAOTA will 0 neirtly any sbmbio v-" ver. Important Tailor. 116 West Markliam Street S500 REWARD! wim vbi. rtii an wpiw I-M to mivt MUitaclKta. SttT CBrtaS, "SJ br mm.

Mlt an laillukMi. Tb poolaa nubctn4 oalj SSac. wsW w. ac.catwg. Imlri cku at -wolytot a 1a Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Gloves, TKIMMINGS, CLOAKS, Being the bankrupt stock of a Hot Springs merchant, regardless of cost.

All he goods must be sold in one month. Call at Wait block, Markham street, near Main. FRED. KBAMEB, Receiver. Little Rock, May 2G, 1834.

6051 CORRELL GRIEBEL, DEALEK3 IN Fine Imported. Ooii feotio ns Manufacturers or Candles of Every Description. Bome-Mad Candles a specialty, A First-Class delicacies of the season IS 1 Main Street (opposite Grand Opera House). ftl- Able' ot 01 and Lemon wiu coxa jv..

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