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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 1

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


BENH. HILL'S QBE AT LETTER THE CASE by the, bayonet a boUct ontaida of tha aaaatitn. Business directory. Groceries. Dry.Go6ds--Clothing.

-i- Or i I OtfR -ADVERTISERS 1 I A Superintendent Memphis and rl otc Cramer Mill rak U. tJ-lScott, President, W.H. Pnltoa, 8xter! ARKANSAS UAZMl'fc, Mjui weekly, "3 1 and J0 Office, Gazette block.Markharr. 15 J. as Uruiririat.

Ku. 2(T. Asia 7 rag, i8 JL dralrra la sash, doors. LUnda. Huuaufacturera aqd tr gtate oase.

ePi8' Insurance ageutJKramer MUlcr fanjiJing. Markham street. ii. Deutwt, corner Clry aiid bcoU 'lOMMtaiCiAL, iMjiiL, loot Ol A 4am, pronrietor. Maui.

HUe(, A. Li J. PhVHififllt UBli' Lk'? TV e16' in lt8 and Bhoe8j)itter bmlding, Markham et. iii USA, CaritnUiia and builders. J' Ml left with J.

y.Ztmmermarj and Pones Or- Broa. A UA-N XX i KiSULiaa, Attorvays at i JCf Kramer A Mflterttqildiiijr, Markham atj HOXjC, Urocen, and Generu JC AlejjqliaiMiige. Main atreet, Eieatra boiHMng. SJOZiiuA A iron and copiir ware, Hardware, etc.TJlin 'Btreet. i W'w A ttorcy at 'lawVaud rerf estate dcater, Adtuna buJduig, ttarknam street.

tlU AiJuLAJtY, LotJerBatarte a fancy IJEI1.I; W. Ff. Jb. ft Dealers lu genaral ma-. -chaiiaw, at.

iJlFlj-iim, iVbulele aiid ail Dry Uiiaa, Tuwei llock, comer east Main od Markham gtreets. Cs--' 1 AUUAtiilKii Attofieya at law, Marti ham street. GIBa-S, GEO. Cooks, stationery, wail bock binder, etc. Markham street.

paper, fcMllSTEAU, KAY, Attorney at.Lw, "DiUr Buf iSr.f Markiant at. AGHK, Co.ash, door and blind factory, iiaaoeni Mfeet. between tentrgand Hpring MUUUh.S WfcliJia, Wholesale and jretaii boots, shoes, leatheretc, Tebbett'a block, Markham treet. art tZbfcvlAli 1 in and shet Iron work- J1JL erg, hardware, cutlery, stoFeSjCtcIOO Markham HUOl'iSIi, Pbysician and Surgeon, corner jMarJkhain and fecott etreeta, fEGUiHB, t0. Drnggist eM May street.

'JLA-' JJ USS5t uratice Agent, 2io. 2 Xebbetto Uiiit. fiati tuia oiiuuueut-, al paii.tinj. Main 1 1., near tail dvaiern in gwnerel rnerckandiHe, receiving, torwardinfe Saddle' 6C.J harness maker, Mai rfi, Irf ar" 1a K-pi, JSurgeou, A. Ji.

J.eorrrScMttd'Varkhamatrecta. BAAU.K. WILl.luBk.CUCrvecra si on pK-rcltante, Markham stwct.aear Landing. AFr Eltf i BALE1GU, Wholesale and retail A obbers. dry (roods and groceries.

Markham st. Xtih.M, V. ilaiiuLicl.urt.t' ol Oootd aiiu anotsa, JLj No. 4(J ast Main street tkerj and famUy grocery, Xo. 40 Main stWetr- GOUY A BOWEKXON, Wholesale and retail block.

Markham wt. tUAfiS, M. 11. A leaie Clotniug, Mark Ham treet, Adarus bniicing. us MAXJ t- i-euicr in btapia auu ncy 3iry Main ttreet.

OSIGOMJiaV VVAKW1CK, Aorney and Conniiftlorff at Law, Tenhett Blocr. K1UKV Jf amMy (J ttrjogfa ain street and new rcet. cornelraft cALMOJVi and N. E. corner east Main and Markham streets, i h.v lry ink), ti itaageu XTJL block jieast Main fftrcet.

JM JUiliN Livery una tu-itj bUililc, Act) ley4jnetable. i IT J. cevieaiin4 rttftrftatiori mrplrf-r, ei-t Main at. A' AV Ay hoiBale ahd fWua, glass and crtcttrtvaral dry goods tort OCtiiMB, Kramer 4 MUter bniWtBtf.IIitrtuam;' UlUi, Jt. no tuia -and wtiuf gioccnea and lKiuors, cor.

Mam and walnnt ttreeta. liOitoX ol Wnoletmle aealers ini liquors and MT winea, Geortre Building, Markham Street. JUKUW A injiuraDte agenta, ft W. cornier Markham and Bctt streatM. Jt Jbu, J.

VV. MM intecdeat, H. i'axner jrcigat Aatnt, nxamar and Miller block. II fcAliiJUA.JAa. ikKkneber audi Cinder, lU- tioner, titc, Gaetto block, Mark barn ttreet: h.lGL.XK, GEO.

liool and ahoe luaif Main opio4tiTlieatrv: tit oB AliliH, 11. Kaiiruad, Uge and team boat ageTtt, Anthony Honse. II. bttain aaw lumber, dealers in iaths, old A damson mill. It Oi lAKisiil vH.

A lioieeaiti wins. etc.kaietta Mock. BINGO. DANIEL, Attorney at law, Ji.ttor build-M. lug, Maitsbam street.

eCHAX'EK, JOS. lealer in General Merchant S3 dise, Marfcjham near steamboat LandiDg" aGV UkV 4JO tnwarMing and com-. 13 minion tuiWxIiauWvaBJi jikfabut agents, ateam- oat landins. ti 4vHAU mid antt-Jobiiai Suut, -Anvy llfiiiOAd dt tHJT' ii holesate andetid ttirinture tLACK 4 KBuK. Cigar ind fob emporium, b.

i5 U. wrneraKt aod 5f irWrnyxi Bteetc. YJ 1 liCACK.K5iil5r SbJ vi it.f'.W Ki.U.'n AwKl.L'A'ktVMLjfcfr Atrnejaai aj iw, Aatuey raWjiSiarxaam atroM. AOlil.iO' J.lieacd inwe irva wurksf sta AVW 1fcr ri'ftW in xrfHirtai 1 mm mm i i 1 Iitter fcutidiiMr, cor. A1 lA'ii, i)aG.

Jf Djaicmn and Mirgeuu, t-A -JL ner Markham and iScott gtreeta. A i LOM, WltriX A turwaruwg and. oommistittn tnercnanu, Levee. 1 I 1 i Medicines. "5 i J.

McALMONT STILL WELL. STTLLWELL, WHOLBSALS ABO BBTAII, DBALBBS IB va Dfe Staffs, Paint, Oili, Tarnlxutt, Brmhej, Tatent fedielnei, Colognei, rerfnraerics, Soaps, Fancy and Toilet Articles, SURGICAL ISSTRDSHSIS, WISDOWL AND and promptly prepared at all hours, aav U1U U1UI Store, No. 184 northeatt cor. Main and Markham Old etmtd ofJi J. Me Almont.


o. Lixoour. DODGE WHOLESALE RETAIL DRUGGISTS. No. 173 Markham AVE a well selected stock of Druirs.

Fancy Goods, and Toilet articles of sverv description. Also Paints, Oils and Window 8 Glass for sale at lowest market rates. They I also a run stocx or an the popalar pot ont raeuioiues oi tne aay ror sale at old prices. Gonmry merchants win bo furnished with all articles in our Iioeat Memphis prices. janQ Convalescents, Or persons recovering from fevers or any of ths ma- luruia or airease, will nnd lioback Htomach Bitters invaluable as a tonic sad stimulant for re moving ail me prostrating eflocti which follow disease; it soppHes the great want so long felt for a safe and ivukois sonic auu appetiser.

GtO. A.HUGHE8, Agent, 19 Druggist, UtUe Bock. Melancholy la one of the iay disorders of the tiefvons ystem, uibb iuw in conautuuonai no jrn or Reveie prostiafion after long cautioned sitkuew. aiMl require fnrfpn-atinfr remedies like Jioback's etoiuaw uiuemto to ihcir nataral vitality. GEO-' i Cfurira A(i'-rit utile jnck.

Doiit Grow OM. There ia no uwthy Iih H'iiaiore old oj me Boback'sbtonbci lt it ttY vitality e'aati-(Hty by Invigoratiun yej-titu ol iKidy. Gi O. a. tit'GUt, JLKrrA.

ln ruggjt, Litile Kk Household Remedies- There are no n-mediessi) weU anrl rnr ln as Household remedies4' as' Or. H.back Ri.k..! Purifiar.f Btomacb Bitters ami Rln, imi family should be without them. wo. A. HrUGJIKS, Acut, fan9 'Diuggit, Ltttle Puvk.

In, the time of peace. Hrctare iht. ni.i adage, and there Is no entnce In the golTKh lan- Mtack Wud Then; be ye svct prepaet huwe tlis uodscs a mwu i.ui, -OHimacn-: iJitters and IJJocd Parifier at hand end combat disease sDCcotwfully. Little, Diseases of.the Skin. of the Skin, all readily succrrmb to the wendwfat tn-fluenoe of Blood.

Purifier, btemaeh Bitters and Blood J' GW). ij6nEs', Agent'. Eleven Tfeari- Of expertoncs with a constantly Inc reading: di'iiiand for Roback's Medicines ia snfficieat acknowledgment of their intrinsic merit, and places them the verv'Hret to rank for; enrina; th diMsasee tot which, they are recommeBuoc. bokt toy att -jEiuggisth, 3 jr. hit l'nhin -'l i'M -V' postiventts, remedy as Boback'a Bipod Pilta has savsd: mnch sick- and death, and many peraous ardaytfare Indebted to these pills atone for their ratf existence, mm tarn, 'anrtiAcales la miaai.Mlinr iH hoi tifcLK Aawutl )at9 A Druggie, I jtHj! Jjck, A nd Aropsjcal ewejlInfftre.awJe2.if timely use of Xtoback'a Blood I'jsrifisr wfcfe taken la aVanlnrtp.t.inn with Hoback's Blood nui to GHXK Ai'HcGHra, fstit, lwaciX fc5tvMhiJtol Alfi jcia.C bilious haSitsj aftcf eatlrtj or drinking heoly.

I great relief ia tunM of i'tV, they ai 'dictation1 by the too kttitnMitu th)u ths mp eruvtar tie Ac, wiiioii f-tll-'W fr i eating jbjo neAit! v. a-1 am zsi tic; jttM 9 le -Erytlpclat iit 1 nuttbid otditioa rf the entire ryx- tiim. and UriUir remedies can pe.j Miua.uijn vt, KoUnk a Uiofd llninpr ana liloon t'lls Agtiil.5 ian! T. Vmsii, UnielJoek. "'f-i mi" CrtJ ci us At Jilti ii' i'J.

imVti. Ate "pills a direct ayd poMful nciios on the "iitvt? aiul-'ifclltTre t-MisMted htatenf jmportant orpan upoa wi( V.t-p. prooeaS of dliteMtivn. The inlMslaOS. tbe.ot!Wicrtn; a v41 tkAT.fcliiUf hnve rach direct uuu wuh'iul tiie ki aiWHrj.

ia Xn every out; sn P1 are fi nod Pills, they ar arely teiiMiMi, and e- in eertanav be railed "jn. and pr at all ill i ifQ? A- llUlJllhAsenti -4ank Lito atk it. iri' Drugs O. Oor. Creat At ciOA.r DRY 19.

the will attentU is sr. 1 a low Soirf using A fV, ii and DRY Vv Oat tmted 7.." 6-il1 4 Cards.1 usincss 0. SOOTT. 1AM, I.AWSOM, TAT. BUT.

4. nuAL SCOTT, LA WSO. roBWABDiini axnl msxia COMMISSION MEliCFIANTS COTTON FACTOR.i AND bSBl lat and Watar o)ro- ailSliwlLaadule. LITUjK t'ullouj I'rtnl. ted, and at) orders pnmppj tfliid, IJaeu: Iron XioatLupvlioa fowesit hiiukct lau I- Jberal advaucrmefiU utnd Jan I do tf.

'I 1 i. I i Is on Cm. i CO. ltCICLlIR, BOOT AD SH08 WASER, Dealer in LEATHER, FINDINOg, Miia direr. opprwitu smvIi! irtoatre, iAtu tcx-lt.

Ark. "1 EO. a. nuonEs DBUOQIST, Uis Stebst, OrroiiTr. T11 a i I.rtlle Karl.

I.k KhUUUiid agency for all poptil pikM nt pr. Palat, Oil and Glau Dipot if the City JU d.r. J- W. BEIDELMAN WHOLESALE AND RETAI DRUGGISTS 1 3 Waia Street. 11 ITTLE! ROCK, Altk.

SLACK IaAOK JKIRK. 1 Having purchased the me corner of Main and MarklU ton's, offer thsj psbllrr sMoKUiaAKo cnsiRd touaccc JOS, j. SCIIADKII, Dealer In GOObS. ANs PLANTATION SDTPliPM Maikhara street, near SUm il. LITTLE 1 ''El -xui i.

r. Ukitu a execute ever varfl tv uiaT a With hbiarwsvf Wte! branchs Vt Ihejewelri 1 JVP of Kouwi fotueiTK i. is receive oct ..1, .3 ..1 I.J TO ROCK, iTA.YI.dR-, WESX isi Hsx-ntVfni 't w.faini,ui( lowVMd U.e aWes'ttfaHrilW of tbe pl.ltaaBSilTa 7: to or oornV'' 3 February. 1 2 wyica.4. VO MISSION MEKOII ANTS, ariil ffeiirffieafcnlfri TiewUrn T-X "Wot 1 purchasing 1 rv-ve ass, 1 'j 1 was pipers munom: JL 1, 11 If A T.

PB3 mmm mm M-a AJ Ate eV OfpT. LOUW. derf-f kf fcJmoH, ever, pjire-ras new and book nafwr tri sceiit MiIIh wran-ulnit ipws tKiidesA tigtebftdy sblaekiod colored l.W(V vil b.1j-- Webfry and found as theluwtart. -vr. 7n v-tl sa' lM lhZ v1 nwrk' PfWwrts and other liEHIIirGTOWS a -it bjsth tradt tjMcrnUy.

t. to JjDOO T-utiJl Ut 0ovrifaem Army, Nsvy, Belt. Police 4i', r-Poysen-Revolvfli Repeating ar.J et pockt inA 'Lille MeUtilS tttstiidjcrs and Re- Uion. 1 BTlCLES THE -TOILtT: New -ad-I ditions tooar 8oct of loUut articles con-etamlyarxirin'Z 4l UUi'GE CO. 11 eelc'ttrftiei E.

Ci ucf -i i ou gins, as .1 sorts Xuitt, lot -n f.t-as-h by jvGO JSC01T, LAVViiON CO. 4 1, ii'H TAXfcoB.T7Sl. ilhs T. AasLaaifcssI Aew Orleans to M'phki GOODS; OROCErtlKS. U'rLANTA.

TroNSUh.LIFENESiWyr Anna U.I J. wilting rat'irH. bath ruled and w.uSVi; neN for the UafctlATlM3MraTi rT? hties hnveliii ni 1 i I'l i. uti fliS fry-' --4r7r7ai a-it'j 1 A A 1 -1 i i I Hx: t- P- I i SI" i t- ir, it y'. i 1 1 -I 1.

i 1 Uon, whidh the bayoaeU, -Begrees and false courtg alone established I s'-If How long will it take to improve the temper of the southern people by continuing that poli- oj wmo aioao ass aiBturbed that temper since the surrender, and which every day keeps their property ana ueir families la danger of pillage, rape and burning HOf what value is it te the north to force upon the south governmenU which will enable deluded negroes te select for South Carolina and Georgia governors and representatives from Vermont and Massachusetts? Ton say General Grant will te elected. Pos sibly so. I cannot fix a limit te fanatic infaluaj tion. It he shall be elected and shall adtnims ter the constitution according to his oath, he win nave no more cordial supporters man tne southern people. If he shall administer the Chicago platform, as he stands pledged contrary to his oath, he may find submissive snbjeets.trat no honest supporters at the south, and.

no free constituency in America, The south asks fpr nothing but what north promised equality under the same constitution. Georgia power a make a constitution for her internal affairs, or te change that constitution, which is not conceded to and exercised by Illinois. Will a president chosen from Illinois eoncede that claim according to the constitution, or will he deny it according to the Chicago platform I I 'r i With a rledee to eerry ont the platform.with- in the platform or theVfedge, will tbepeopf ee? America risk the rights and the freedom of every man merely to eonfer an empty honor on one man, however great D. H. HILL.

Miscellaneous. Lafferty Block, Markham street. We arefjuat in receipt of a full sopply of freeh Ir.rt of Cheese choice factory, Crackers, Soda, Better, Fngar.cured hams extra, sua ab; CUBED BREAKFAST bacon. Shoulders, i Lard. Clear es, I Salt, In sacks and barrets Soap, starch and candles.

I New Mackerel, Kiq coffee, Lagoyra Table salt, in. boxes and sacks, Lea A Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, I Irish potatoes, etc. JWILSON ETTEBU AKEEY AND GROCERY, No, 40 Mam Sieiit, LITTLE The undersigned betrs leate to inform the cit izens of Little Bock, and the pablie in general, that he has started a first-class bakery at the above place, where can be found the best of bread, cakes, pies, etc Fancy and plain, 'cakes' of all i kinds furnished for weddings, pie-ttics and other parlies on short notice. 9 In connection with ibe4kbove WH ae found3 everything usually kept In a poh, I grocery store. Everything as Prices low.

gy Goods delivered in any part of the eity free of charge. 1 -t augl Bdtf JuUKi im js tw rjpHE BEST KID GLOVES IN THE WORLD LIPORTE'S PARIS -cKIU GLOVES. Ladles will find these beautiful and elastic Kid LAFPEBTY BaLEIGBTSv Gloves at sep30dtf i rukX m-lfst i PROBST, CO. are sellintr their large and complete stock of wines and liquors at northern prices, consisting of Bourbon, Bye, Mononganela, and. uowars fc-y celebrated whUkies.

Atsd. complete stock of cognacs, port, gins, sherry, AgenU for GBogen Sontceiepraiea spark ling catasba. Dealers will find it to their advantage to can andses-iis. 1 PBOBST GO- i Corner First and Markham Loul George building. ocQ Bindery ana ISook factory.

HAYB IN OPERATION ths ml Paging and JBook-Cutttng Machine iu this. v. I My Bindery and J5o Manufactory at eamfitt in aU its appointments, and under the management of Mr. A. HENDERSON, well known for the last ten "years, as one ol tha best workmen In the West or Koutn.

I will do work as lheap as in aoy other eity, nil it shall be as well The public are invited to call and examine Machinery, Materials an i Work, at the corner ol Markham and SeoU streets, nearly opposite Anthony Hoose, I JNO. E. REABDON. JSooS Sell and iimuont. 1 ORDER TO "AVOID ALL AtlSUOEUr STAXDINO; WE OWE NOTICE TEAI McDOWELL A COU Kvpt- failinz enrplj of white lead.

lino, paiateCoHs and painter's articles, at the Zireat PainUOiT and Glass Depot of v. I octlo i A. IHQi rIMv ones i jAiir the rjLACB ryKpTquB erBPLua 8 A. IJ S. From 'this date we will sell "the following goods only at regular prices for statejbbnds -J Cigars, in great variety, Chewing andsmoktng tobaceol bales.

an! papers; Champagne, German and native nea, hamper and ease; Whiskey, brandy and gintbbl. and ease) Morning Call and JLegal Tender Bitters, ease Assorted syrups, cases; T.ii.t -at. -i- Saaoesv' 'can and4 bottled; r-'. o- i eream, tartar, ls1 i xs HopehlU yeast powders, ground spleeBj1 'cerffee mawena, 5lJi Vermicelli, heat, tubs, wash, sieves; .11 Ivt yO- till Hor a and shoe ruahf i i la- 21 WlgrMrns; i so effcfts Boiling and "Clothes pins, Cfovered grocery and" snaar, butfces I -1 TM5'i it Baling rdp, cloth wkWrneia tin i.vrtlT nTr''Cf1i(raakets: UKKI 7 X-' Flayls eiras.tttri; -et Ui" CbAlk, bine vitriol, li sulphur, a ass ,2 JliJcl-i XiHOTEL. CANDLES and V.

CATiUi- 1 Ivl fi5; ii.ial nil Irs lVA. enatecXc? JW1, qthing s.J tfEl frl tiJsi 4BJiaoa i tt.1 lsLr'J oi i as sr STRONG LT PUT. The followinc ia thm lctlc tha non. Ban II to ta New York i7rbmt nicu 0 muoliliaa Wen Baid of late .1 Nw Yokk, Oct. 3, 1868.

Zo (A Editor nf il. IT 5 er14 tni morning fa an article Leader, in New wrj ana Bmoritf thil'nnm mentinn me fir8t cf I am. no pait a nil UBTe.r flT8 expect to be. auuw me, in Belt nla wine or eat din- UITR Tint. hAn a came north, to iv Pano of the northern Pwbable reealt of the political contest bow beinir v.

i. wau nas VI 10 Mmire the system of rr un state ana rsteriea. with hira w.j forelfby pUinly written eonstitolione, the examination hum no Shaken In Sin i nBu war ubuwiuBcu hi lanaucai- aiacniuinn rights and capacities of eome as hfteJa.f ojTapesaJation from the jungles of now is, wnetner with these saTages, now confessedly free and crt.iniw ITlr, ohern masters, this harmoniooBl Btabfe, White race ffiainialncd and alt; races perpetuated. v- I find the republicans m'eelinz this great ques tion by proposing to "miintaia and perpetuate" measures wnich araj'outside prtne constitolion," '-seek to disfranchise and degrade white people for no reason but that. of a Tindictire hatred of section against section, and which pretend, in the most unnatural way, to elerate the negro by leading him, ignorant and credulous, promisingly, to equality, but really to ruin, as the butcher tempts with hia bundle of hay deluded sheep to the slaughter pen.

I find the deneerats meeting this moat palpable insanity1 et tire republicans by exhausting all their poweraupon a cent per cent fdgrnment about bonds, jrold and greenbacks. ind the capitalists, more insane than the political leaders, taking sides with the republicans in this issue, and are lavishly spending their means to maintain and rerretuate measures which sub- Yert the goYerarhpnt and destroy the industrial energies pr the country in order to make the goTernment stable and its resources ample to pay1 their bonds. Ministers of religion are executing their noble commissions as peacemakers by abandoning gotpel and urging their hearers to join in the work of maintaining a policy whose only fruits in the past hare been and whose only fruits in the future can be riots, hate and bloodshed. Amid all this babel of discord, of political and moral confusion of the northern people; find but fewwho seem to remember that there is a written constitution, and that those who are chosen to administer it must be sworn ta support, protect and defend it." It is most significant that in the whole Chicago platform, and the letters of acceptance from the nominees thereon, this constitution is not mentioned or even alluded to. Its builders remembered there was a negro, but forgo there was a constitution.

I hare heard and read long speeches from notorious (called distinguished) political leaders, who, I do believe, have never so much arad theconeMtulioD, and most certainly 1iave not read its hisrory nor understood its meaptigi 'f Ai Statesmen have abandoned the constitution clergymen have abandoned the Bible, and the people are losing both freedom and religion. Nothing in the north not even its great cities and wonderful material developments stands ont so prominently siew as this startling If the union can be cordially restored and the resources of the country thereby be developed this government will be able to pay the existing debt, even if three times as great as reportj ed. In this contingency there need be no de-bafe as (o whether, the shall be paid it. Currency or gold, for then (he 'credit of the government will be restored and the currency will be equal to gold. If the union cannot be cordially restored and the resources of the country thereby be permitted to be developed, the existing debt will not be paid nay, iot even ten cents on the dollar; fo fa 'that' event tte resources ef the country will be consumed in a process of subverting th government, and some other government which did not contract the debt will take its place either in the form of red republican anarchy er a military dictatorship.

can ih restored gx rei'urningtt the ddristittftiShi "How will tho government be subverted By the American people deciding to "maintain and policy outside of the Inside of the constitution, a union, freedom, increased prosperity, restored credit and bonds payable, putside of the constitution, union, prosperity 'iwid credit wni peTrsh' together. reconstruction poncy or congress nas cost hundreds of millions already. It has lessened the productions of the south one hundred million each year of its existence. It has de preciated the value of southern property la one fourth its value in lbo. it will coat the iede-ral governine' hundreds of millions more to "maintain ana perpetuate" tnts "assured success," this wholesale destruction.

It will lee-sen tho productions of the south more than one hundred millions per annum, wickedly enticing the poor negroes from the fields of plenty into loyal leagues of hate and into armed companies of death, will for years desolate rromote pros perity, restore goo4 philanthropy," modify" southern' temper, restrain "rebel outrager'l and pay the bonds by 'maintaining and jerpetuaUns a. policy liut i am ioldlfiat the yltoricus ncrfa is Tdy to fight agaiiy and.milliohs ef "boys" iatlue" will march under their great leader, General (then President! rebels Yon'willr Bav.a i But etop, courageous fool 5 i Lart a '1 i snsvai TTi rvsBr win a n.1. rcuu m-: sinifiii 1 7 JT equipped, strug gle, to oenquer one poony equippea, ana tnen boast about it and call that one sTodward, and sormagnanuaout to crush .1 at one' and force sklca th norlhirn," slates for them- atop, miaerable -policy of reconstruction wmcn ii uxi. iuo soma wsais pnes. She is im everiehea, and -needs it: i -Sbe was pfemMed Uj oSr tertti of' eonAlity if she would rrsBdef an 'tsatilted to.

ia She fess kept whils le keeoS that bond. Will ther loin her ajul ihXef Jeal the pelitieians in this It A KAMA A kf BAnlk m.A tl. resLTtt avn wcww uu.u bui tu i 1 (-a. hAnor or tna norio i iwi siar iucse carrei- tncf'r''fan VfO thft lahnrars, farmers, machinists aad sajvitaUata -ef the north toy tak-ina-'awar this miserable 'reconstruction policy which keeps away the last We have fcrOle, hep homes (Jr. o.nrtKera fepple whe will ecme tATiieTnii9 buili'DrtOcuntrr whose sky is the briahtesf and whoiff lutU' are the sweetest carpet-bagger who comes to take control of negro; ajnd ureeinate saa eoriua a ge.BiucB.

"sAmopir yenr Auadreds of. thpusaads of read ers are bankers, brokers, millionaires, mer- fhantfj alaluLaijqpustarxfs and learned gen He-men. Can you induce them to consider and saWetho followtag prcb-ktati the -following prpWfiraaf- can ha linTftn How effeotuaUy can the union under the CB slitnt'rpn twrt Stored; by measures outside lh constitution JIow long will take to jsay the public debt by expending'hundrecs of millions to destroy the industry of the nn.4 ia tifcinUialng rZJ? CHEAPEST CASH STORE. The oldjlnnrof EIKD OOL IE At tlteirffncw brick store bonsc, DltterBloca, 1M Markham street. LITTLK ARKANSAS.

Are now receiving a large and well select-d stock of new goods, fresh from ths eastern markets. All the latest styles and fashions of Ladies' and gentlemens' plain and fancy drees goods, ataple and fancy dry goods, cloth-. ing, hats, cape, boots and shoes for alL 1 notions ia great variety, carpets of all grades and bridles and, leather goods, spun thread, cotton cards, willow, wooden and hollow ware, hardware, cutlery and queensware, of all kinds, groceries and plantation aupplies.all the subs tan-tiala and luxuries of the market, with many other desirable articles, which thev are Bellini? at unusually low prices for GASH. The ladies, and country merchants, are especially invited to call, examine and price, that they may be convinced. jy24 FEILD fc DOLLEY REAT CLEARING OUT SALE The rhe-iesl Store Under the Snn JOSh PIT MEYER, le determined to sell but the balance of his well assorted atoek of Staple and Fancy Dry Clothing, Boots, Shoes, POSITIVELY AT COST, preparatory to going caet'ifbr an entire new stock of fall andwinter goods.

THIS IS NO HUMBUG GOODS POSITIVE LY AT COST1 ggrEverjbody call and see for themselvesiig JOSEPH MEYER, No. 6 Badgett Bloek. LitHctf Clothing, ptore. LATEST NEWS FROM -THE FRONT i. Great.

Casb. Sale of -Government 7 Sack eoats, "it'-l-; rk; Black Officers' dark bias coats, Cavalry overcoats, Infantry overooats, .0 Caralry pants, iy-f- Gray, k-nit sacks and army caps, i liuDDer poncnoes ana Mannets, i Orders from -aU pwla of the country will re. ft, 9 1,000 'r-1 -ALTf i'DTO ASH itATS IM SFASOJI ic--(i 0.0 JX S.ri l-. i A fc dairy sdl toteet.styies iti-the irmarkeW-eossisOag 1 drees suits, burl- 'v ir.n, newt -dark Wu Jttannel4' 5' --iH lt8 'Gentlemens fnrnishiog htt, caps, JS ft i ElUtS afsl. a -1 1 AIM AS mm Ml'li a.

1 SoU Ltvthcr Trunin Ztihr aieJnUt, l6au CUSTOM-MADE SHIRTS, of always t'J BILK HATS MADE TO OB T'TStlienV military suHs' made oa short -notice anda fit guaranteed it aoj Markham sirecVf tsosi doer Xrom He Bock, Arkf ir -t TtTtfAGOSS WAfJONSUH fc iiaiij vvp.2v?jt 4J iivti have en band and ars oBerinc very tow. wann of any patterns, Irora 9 light two t' the. largest army size. 1. i uv fTW0 show cases for sale at DODGE CQ.

it VUEZk. A Jv A BUO-i accept ABuau witu negro, IdtaJers in J' Mala at. i lioii. mux. Proprietor PaJac lAtwtw A Rnlerirb'a.

Markham i It. c-lai BO it-Ma PSjarfonsa-aad; aritri Dr. FertoS-ifTjxt-! WATKlNd KosE, Attorneys iditaWvKajkfeTIm'rOtta in good faith', nd every baiicsstw. i 1 endorser i .1 an ooktiit OrrtetifTen iCh Kramer: SlTfler Cp: A k-Mffanuiy supply a "tuteT22! nain-Rea. l'c CLOTnirt3.

--jU. NICE FALL-feUTTS. GENTLEMEN'S CWTWZGitv immriZ GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, Jrsdmtlin PJckctji sum, 4 head and peatiy reduced prices, them. Up stiairs at Cafii Alb' -shU'see Mt --LAFFEBTY A RA GITS, Matrimonial Felioit.M on the errors, abuses, ud diseases, wbiclS lend to prevent felicity ia Marriage, with the humana view of treatment and sure sent in sealed letter ssivelopes free or chartre.i Adddreaa Howard ItiUdeluhia PsT sep30d3m. I AHA 1VH.

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