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Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas • Page 3

Little Rock, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Absolute Security for Valuables I Awaisas She arrlTiU hla foretga Iaaperf tto, aoainlalac tke UUat tlgmM tor Fmll u4 Winter wear. Stock the larfea ul sutt vmrlsd ver Inportotf this aaarket. Bts gods ware made expreaaly te rder ty the ftnest Karnpeag WaufM. Smrere. The Montgomery County Af- try.

Mt. Ida, Montgomery Sept 18. 'T Ultorot Tilt Gaieturr-TTT A A certain historic celebrity, "when traduced and maligned, simply re-marked, "Posterity will do me jo-ticebut private individuals, when slandered and, misrepresented, are generally obliged to attend to that matter of justice themselves, or rest contented under whatever obloquy the ingenuity of their enemies may invent, and their malignity publish; and as by certain newspaper articles recently published (notably in the Ilornet-Uorse-Shoe, of Wot Springs) I find my name presented to the public In rather an unenviable light by a distortion of the truth, I am impeled.both by self respect and a de- Mnt mirtrd for the orjiuions of hon alive, will reeieve th grateful thanks of his anxious mother, Mrs. Marinda E. Bust, aged 76 years, now residing at Grand Dallas eonnty, Texas.

Will Texas, Arkansas and Mexican papers please copy and thereby possibly aid in the identification of her son. A fire at Paris, 111 destroyed a number of business houses. HCKDBED8 they owe their life and presen good health to) Ackers' English Remedy for Consumptlon.Couihs, Colds, etc. Sold by -P. Sehaer ft Uttis Bock.

Ark- im Berdenbacb, Schwab clothiers, New York, assigned. Liabilities, How to tell the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator: Look tor the wrapper haying a large red tn the eenter and the signature ot J. H. Zellln Co. on the side.

AU others are worthless and injurious imitations. 884 Saturday night the jewelry store of FKotshoven, Detroit, was robbed of goods valued at $15,000. HAS ERECTED A i Fin and Burglar Proof Vault WItb a Capacity of Over 500 Safes. I Rents from HO to t70 Pes? Tear. Special rates for short periods.

Each customer carries a key to Us owm safS wbich will lit bo other. Light and airy private rooms are supplied, with ample desk roon, where valuables can be examined in absolute prlvsey. LocwUob (, central Under Merchants' National Bank, Little Bock. LADIES will And It an aid to peaceful slumbers to store their valuable Jewelry, Papers or Money where they are secure trom sneak thieves, burglars or ire. MERCHANTS AND OTHEB BUSINESS MEN will have an opportunity to securely keep Contracts, Insurance Policies, Notes, Inventories, Mortgages, etc.

TRAVELERS and others temporarily in the city can find, at low rates, perfect safety for Jewelry, Securities, Papers, or other valuables during their sojourn. SHERIBTS, COLLECTORS nd others requiring to keep Scrip and. Securities Will ImTJorting Tailor. 116 IDT COPflffi, SMET IRON Roofing, Guttering and H. J.

KETCH It pTgQ 1 orable men, to submit the following statement of facts and ask for it a place in the columns of your paper: In order to fully understand the occurrence of the 8th it will be necessary to refer to things that transplredJa8tipri.iifc. Mayt 1888, in a persouul "encounter bo- tween the undersigned and the Dr. Birch, the latter was killed. The ori-gin of the difficulty it is unnecessary to state in detail. It is sufficient to say that an" examining court, after-careful inquiry, found the de- feadant guilty of no offuhseand the orr-nri illrv a the result ot loUBT I i.

nnu tnese bates, a me state capital, a secure ana convenient plsee of deposit. EAILROAD MEN and other persons frequently absent from their lodgings can," for a small outlay place their valuables where they "will be sure to remain safe snd untouched at long as desired. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS, INSURANCE COMPANIES snd other Corporations, or persons so situated that it is necessary for a number of persons to simultaneously examine documents kept in rented safes, without removing them from the premises, will find pleajajn comfortable with all modern conveniences, In which examlnatlous can be conducted In entire seclusion. VERY PERSON who has will, who owns Scrips, Bonds, Mortgages, Abstracts of Titles, Insurance. Policies, or other important Papers.

Diamonds, Jewelry, Precious Relics. Heirlooms, or othjaavaluables In faet, any person possessing anything that would tempt theft bt cbuld be destroyed by fire, or which they desire to keep absolutely secret and secure from all eyes and fingers save their own, will find they can best serve themselves by renting a safe in this vault, 1 patient investigation, arrived at the i InU V.O.I the undersigned been fully exonerated from all blame by the highest legal tribunal of the county. Be- '-fore the, affair of the 8th inst, this brief statement is necessary to a correct understanding of what then transpired: There is resident at Hot springs a young man claiming to be a sou of BEO. f. HUGHES, Tlct-PresiUeit i.

tioifsoi, issistut Casliei. 0. FOILS, I. wilier, tower. i iiJj AGENTS FOR OLIVER CHILLED AND B.

F. AVERY Ml MI. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES, ARRIOnTiTITRAL TMPLRMRNTS. RT0 CAPITAL uie muivwtm bly a law student," physically an athlete aud professionally a pugilist.

lie attended the September term of the Montgomery court, aud used all means legitimate and otherwise to obtain a true-bill against the undersigned, aud when It failed publicly declared that he take the matter into his own hands aud settle it himself. Uu September 4th he arrived at Mount Ida and remained until the 8th without making auy demonstration, but on the evening of the 8th he took his Eositiou in the hall of the court ouse commanding a view of the street, and as the uudersigncd left his residence for his ulace of busi- W. EL SCOTT Accounts of Banters Broters and Merchants Solicitefl. DEALERS VH W. P.


4. S. POLLOCK, CHklei. ardware The 1 HI VK a HUTU MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper and 302 East Markham Street, D. II.

WING. OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. Paid-Up Capital, $80,000. ness be ijemsxkr.d, yonder conies the old villain, and immediately ing opened tiro at short with ii inrm roved Holt's revolver, firiliir five shots iu rapid succession, with but slight results, as the proximity j. h.

McCarthy, r. a. kdhkrtos, JOSKPH WOLK, J. M. MOOKK, JAMKS JOYCK.

PHILIP PFKIFKR. HEADQUARTERS FOR Engines, Boilers, Machinery and Mill Supplies. WRITE FOR PRICES. The accounts of merchants and business mon throughout the state solicited. Correspondence receives prompt attention.

1755 WENDELL RUOF. DUDLEY E. JONKB. 1 RUOF 2z DICKINSON, ril JLL1 AM Jfc CO.t HARDWARE Euls In ii AGENTS FOR Manufacturers of all kinds ol Engines, Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, Railway, Steamboat and Mining Machinery, Bras ind Iron Castings. Special Attention PaiJ ts die Eepairii of Agricultural Machinery Corner Third and Commerce Streets, Little Rook.

"West Markham Street ASD COMICE WORKERS. Job Work Specialty. 3()2 E. Markham. and Stoves, Sheet-Iron Ware, 224 LITTLE ROCK, ARK.


ETC. kittle Kock. 844 Torpid Liver. Yellow Jaundice. Chills and Tever.

WITH BYk h. f. JLVrVl vvvt Winship's Cotton Gins, Presses, Dederick's Hay Press, Adjustable Wire Bale Ties Aultman Taylor Steam Engines, "Old Hickory" Wagons, Etc. 510 and 513 East Markham Street, Little Rock E. WITZMANN WHOLESALE DEALERS AND PUBLISHERS.

Music House. COTTON GIN Swift's Specific Is not a triumph of sclenee, bntls a revelation through tie Instinct of the untutored savage, sad is complete antidote to all kinds of Blood Poison and Skin Uumor. Swift's Specific has cured me of Serof-nla, which is hereditary in my family. I have with It for many gears' and have tries a great many physicians and all sorts ot treatment, but to no purpose; and when I began to take Swift's Speclfio I wasin a horrible condition; but thanks to this great remedy, I am rid of the disease, There is no doubt that it is the greatest medicine tn existence, and I hope any woo. doubt will write to me.

C. II AWES. Clarksvllle, Ga; After suffering twenty-five years with a Daiuful I)rv fetter, and trvlnsr manv tihvu. icidBs, I was at last relieved by the use of kwitt't'bpecino, and cheerfully commend it to ail similarly afflicted. Bv.

B. BRANH'AM, Macon, Qa. 1O0O hKWARD! Will ha paid to any Chemist who will and. on Anantyals of 1(H) bottles 8. S.

one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium or any mineral substance. TilK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO; Drawers Atlanta. OA. tS-Wrtte tor the little book which will be mailed free. Price: Small sUe.

11.00 per bottle. Large size (holding double quantity). 11.75 bottle. All druggists sell it. THE RAILWAY.

Invite all strangers visiting the city, as well at citizens, to visit their Land Office and see tome of the Wonderful Productions of Western Arkansas. All parties desirous ot purchasing lands should take a trip up this celebrated railway and look at the beautiful country before deciding to purchase elsewhere. Look for Yourselves the best of Agents furrjlstied to SHOW THE LANDS CALL AT THK L. R. F.

S. R'y LAND OFFICE Cor. Markham and Commerce LITTLE ROCK. AKK. FACTS THE St.

LouiSalroB Monntaiii Southern RAILWAY, With its connections, tonus THE BEST ROUTE FROM Little Rock to St, Louis and all points North, West and East. PULLMAN'S Palace Sleeping Cars and now and elegant coaches run from Little Rock to St Louis without change. There Is only one change of cars from Little KocK to Kansas tjity, unicago, Cleveland. Louisville, Cincinnati, Indian apolis, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and that is at St.

Louis, where the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway connects with nine through fast lines to all points west, north and east. The track is thoroughly and substan-tially built, a large portion laid with steel rails, the entire passenger equipment ol the most modern construction, combining every improvement to secure the comfort and safety of passengers, Including the celebrated Westlngbouse Air Brake and Miller's Safetv Platform. To secure these advantages, see that your ticket reads via St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway.

Rates Always as Low as bj Any Other Line. Full and relinble Information in regard to the popular line, with maps, time tables, rates, etc, will be cheerfully furnished by calling upon or writing to F. CHANDLER, General Ticket Agont. H. TOWNSEND, General Passenger Agent.

SAM. B. ADAMS, Ticket Agent, Little Keck, OUR MOTTO Unexcelled ty Competitors as to Quality, Quantity or Variety Goods, I'iVHIVALED IK tOW PRICES. Unequalcd for Courtesy, Politeness and Prompt Attention to Customers. A Metropolitan Soda Fountain freighted with ice cold Soda nd Mineral Waters.

A Sews 8tnd laden with choice NKWS-PAPKtt LITKRATURK. A handsome Perfume and Toilet Case, pure Confectioneries (manufactured ex presslv for druggUts). choice Imported and Cigars, are among the attractive- features of our new and popular Drug Store. Proscriptions a Specialty. In the filling of prescriptions only the best and purest medicines are used at the hands of skilllul druggists.

Capital Pharmacy, COCHRAN BELL, FKOPMlEtORS, 121 Capital Hotel Biillitr, Little Roc S. I HALL'S LITTLE ROCK. D. G.FONES, Treas. Manufacturers ol the Genuine S.

Z. HALL'S Suit A r.H. rfit. Feeders and Coadeaui a. 1 Tan best of reeom fei mendations furnish ed and correspondence solicited.

SOUTHERN ERUPTIONS, BOliES. PIMPLES, RHEUMATISM are but indicators of impure blood. Acker's Blood Elixir Is the remedy. Bold by E. P.

Sehaer ft Little Bock, Ark. 168 A farmer living in Canaan, was waylaid hd beaten fcturdy night beyond consciousness. How to tell the genuine Simmons Llvel Regulator: Look for the wrapper having a large red In the eenter and the siiraa tore ot JH.Zellln ft Co. on the side-All others are worthless and Injurious imitations. 8S4 A considerable number of weavers in the Lorrain mills, Pawtucket, struck yesterday against a reduction of wages.

How to tell the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator! Look for the wrapper having a large red in the center and the signature J. H. Zeilin ft Co. on the side. All others are worthless and Injurious imitations.

8S4 A severe hail storm swept over the valley of the Ohio yesterday, in the vicinity of Lawrenceburg, Indiana, ruining the crons in the Held. P. W. Ooebel, druggist, ot Louisburg Kansas, says: "1 have sold 'Prickly Asn Bitters' tor live years, and' I have never bandied a medicine which gave more universal satinfaction. It is last becoming the family medicine of this section.

We have warranted dozens of bottles never had one returned till Postmaster II. Mcng, of Vidalia, Louisiana, was arrested yesterday, chnrged with robbiug the registered mail. Muug acknowledged the crime. It Is better to remove than to hide com plexions! blemishes. Use Glenn's Sul phur Soap.

Hill' Hair Bye, "black or brown, 50 cents. Plkn'N Toothache Drop cure in one minute. Polka Dot. a trotting inare, owned bv William iloton, Kalamazoo, Michigan, who made a record of 2.28 on the Jackson track, was burned at Pittsburgh. If any one of your family Is nffllete-witb sores or eruptions of the skin, im purity of the blood or rheumatism thev will find DK.

JACKON' HUK)lANf HUMOR SYRUP a positive and reliable cure. It is sold by all druggists. 51776 Advices from Forsythe, Tanuy county, says J. M. Everett, a prominent merchant of that town, was killed Saturday night by Albert G.

Laytou, a sporting character. Cause not slated. Laytou escaped, and the brother of the dead man offers a reward of $500 for his arrest. DR. JACKSON'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS are without an equal ns a reliable family remedy, safe and certain at all times.

Many a tit ot eipkness h.iB been promptly prevented by a timely dose of them. If you have a headache, pour stomach and feel bad generally, by all means take a dose of them; you will be delighted at the relief they afford. 2770 Lord Coleridge, aud members of the Hew ork bur, now in Chicago, accepted an invitation to hear the Dtifr Standard Opera company in "Heart and Hand" lust evening. GUARANTEED TO CURE a Cold or Cough Acker's Celebrated English Remedy." Sold by E. 1.

Sehaer ft Little 1648 C. W. Edsell's residence, Ostcgo, Michigan, was burglarized, some time since Saturday, of several hundred dollars worth of silver-ware and other valuables. The family were absent on a visit A Marvelous Story TOLD 111 TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON: York, Oct.

28, lHM. Utntlemcn: My father resides at GlSrer, VI. He ha been a great utferer from Scrofula, and the inclosed letter will tell yon what marvelous etfeet Ayer's Sarsaparilla has bad in his cam. I think his blood most hare contained the tumor for at least ten yoara but it did not show, except In the form of a scrofuloiu sore on the wriit, nntil aboat fire years ago. From a few snots which appeared at that time, it gradually spread to as to corer hi entire body.

I assure you he was terribly arUicU-d, and an object of pity, when hebegan-uauigOur medicine, Now, there are few meu of his age who enjoy as good health as be has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Toura truly, W. M. PHlLLrrs." FROM THE FATHER U2Z a duty for me to state to you th benefit I bare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Six months nrn 1 was completely colored with a torriblo humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenerer I moved. My suiTt were great, aud my life a burden. I commenced the use of the Sahsaparilla In April last, and have uji1 It regularly sinco that time. My condition began to improve at once.

The sores have all healed, anil .1 feel perfectly well in every respect being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and 1 tell them, as I bavo here tried to tell you, Avr.R's Saiesaparilla. Clover, Oct. 21, 1884. Yours gratefully, Hiram PniLLirs." ATKS'S SARSAPARH.LA coros Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysipelas, cm mil, Rlnirworiii, Klotehes, Sorr, Boils, Tomors, and Eruptions of the Skin.

It clears the blood of all Imparities, aids digestion, stimulate the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. FREPARKD BT Dp. J. C. Ayer A Lowell, Mass.

Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for Sole Agents for the following first-claai lnstrumt Titi Steinway Webber PT A ATI Krankh Bach, E. I fl XTaIlaa Ramlla.CleaRk A AVm Wbrclnrk, 1 ulVUiliXO H.rr-n. P.leabrt Kalaad, E. Wltiaana aad. OrlxaUl deal.

I ('. aad Mailtk aaaricaa. I-WRITE FOB CATALOGUES. Nog. '423 and 225 Second Street, Memphis, Term J.

PUCKETT, Tuner and Traveler In Arkansas. Office ol Junior Member of the firm, PROF. KMILE LKVY, at M. 1'oUock ft BY ADDRESSING THE 8250,000 Bank W. P.

11 OMAN, II. ft. ALLIS. W. J.

TURNER. Bras LITTLE ROCK. S. HALL, Supt. All work done under the Immediate supervision of the patentee, S.

Z. Hall. All work guaranteed. The advantages claimed' for the Machines as now manufactured cannot be expressed in the space alotted to us' but rial KUTTNER, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' and to cuts' Fnrnishinz Goods. lifraii, S.

Z. Hall's Soiita Cotton Bin or Fones Brotes, Little Bod. A description of the machine, together with prices, terms, and testimonials from all parts of the cotton reelon, will be sent on application. Also. State Agents for.

THE WESTING HOUSE ENGINE, which is particularly adapted for running Cotton Gins. These engines run about the same speed as a Gin, aud with our Gin can be coupled direct to the saw shaft, thus avoiding belts and pulleys altogether. This plan will give much satisfaction, everything being handv for the ginner. The engine may bo slopped and started Instantly, and is not affected by dirt or grit. Main street, ALL WHO XsTEEID I Paner ami in mm, 01 tne parlies cunDiea uie undersigned to divert the pistol from its aim with hand and arm.

On being searched after his arrest, Birch was i'- W1LU a IMIilllUU 1UVU1VU1 auu ma pockets tilled with rocks. Birch waived examiuation and was held to answer for an assault with -intent to kill, aud the undersigned, after a thorough examination, was fully acquitted. The l'oregoiug is a succinct statement of facts as thuy actually occurred, with nothing extenuated and uaught set down in malice, aud those who read will, no doubt, coucur with those who witnessed the affair that, instead of a rencounter, it was simply a deliberate, though futile, attempt at coldblooded, cowardly assassination. J. C.

Witt. Ailvice to Mothers. Mrs. Winsi.ow's Soothing Syrcp should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suf-lerer at once; It produces natural, quiet sleep by reltovlng the child from puln, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It i very pleasant to taste.

It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 2414 A Brave Man. Cincinnati, September 24. A Times-Star Akron, special says: John Bull, engineer or the Thunder-belt passenger train on the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad, died today lrom injuries by collision with the freight at Tall-madge Saturday.

He might have saved bjs life by jumping, but he thought of the passengers, reversed the engine, set the air brakes, then put on full steam and started the engine ahead. It broke loose from the cars aud the passengers were unhurt. He lived at Galion and was the old-eatengineer ou the road. ACKER'S BLOOD ELIXIR guaranteed; will cure all kinds of blood poisoning inlurited or contracted. Sold by K.

1. Sohaer A Little Bock. Ark. 1646 Colored National Convention. Louisville, September 24.

The colored national convention is in session this afternoon at Liedock-ranz hall, being called to order by Milton' Holland, of Washington, 1). C. About 'JfiO were present The time of the meeting has been consumed iu efforts to elect a temporary chairman. Siuidy, of Missouri, and Oreeii, of Washington, are the leading camlidntes. Douglass will be chosen permanent chairman.

EVERY PROMISE baeked by a guar antee. Acker Dyspepsia amets win give Immediate relief. 1'rlce and rxic. Sold by E. 1.

Sehaer ft Little Rock, Ark. 1646 I resident Arthur. JJewi'okt, K. September 24. President Arthur remained at Frenehville this niorniiiir.

reieiviutr Biniititf trlwim ivaa I Vitlnft ir Cozzeus, to whom (he president stated ho would go to Bristol on the revenue cutter Samuel Dexter. It Will embark at ii o'clock tomorrow morning. Tonight he dines with George Henry Warren, of New York. How to tell the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator: Look for the wrapper having lai'- red 7. in the center and the signature ot 11 Zeilin .4 Co.

on the side. All others arc worthless and Injurious imitations, Sl Information Desired. On December 6, 1816, my 16-year-old boy, lurael I). Rust, left his home in Brighton, and iu company with a young man named ltobinson went to-New Orleans, and the last tidings ever had of him was that he had gone up the 'Arkansas river as cook on a steamboat, in the early part of 1847. He had light brown liair and blue eyes A portion oi the third linger oil the left hand was Amputated; ho had a scar over the left eye and an anchor in India ink on his arm.

Any one contributing anv information Jcadiug to the lden-'fegttggTnjtear sou; ftcad-Of Little Rock Paint Works, Manufacturers of Arkaiisaw Traveler Ready Mixed Paints. Pure White, Black and all the Popular Shades and Colors Mixed, Beady for the Brush, MIXED PAINT8, aa we manufacture them, are the oldest and most reliable paints of the kind In the market. Our experience In manufacturing the goods dates back to the beginning of mixed paints, and we have no hesitation In.saying that our brand, which is made with special reference to standing in southern climate, has no equal for economy, beauty and durability. Palnu mixed by hand do not contain sufficient oil, and, as every one knows, white lead when' prepared in that way soon chalka off, leaving the building in worse condition than It was before the paint was applied. Our mixed paints are ground and mixed by the latest Improved machinery, the oil and pigment thoroughly incorporated, and whf spread on a building drti Into a hard enamel cement that is perfectly water-proof, very durable and beautful.

We guarantee our paints to wear at leant three times as long ss white lead and oil mixed By painters. 7 BEND FOR SAMPLE! CARD OW DOLORS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Picture Frames, Mirrors, Mirror Plates, Should Patronize, aurt Thin Secure the Advantages of Ike LAKGKST STOCK aud LOVVKKT KKICKH, CH AS. T. ABELBS (Successors to Hendricks Abeles), Jobbers and Retailers. 215 Main Street.

Little Roek. Ark. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT AROUSE CURE STOP Your Your Your I MOBS MALARION, LITTLE KOCK, AUK. Regular Session of Tnis Department, will. Open Wednesday, October 3, 1883.

A Full Course of Didactic Lectures, with ampfe Clinical and Dissecting Koom Facilities. For Catalogue, and other information, addrem (i. VINOS. M. Swrefarv Kacnltv.

THE, GREAT LIVEK REMEDY. Kat and drink what you please, for it will not salivate you. Only a half tcaspoonlul at a dose. Price, Sold by all Retail Druggists aud Mvdiclue Dealers. BOLD BY Jll "Wl.olesa.le Druggists.

JOSEPH DEAI.KII IS Vi Ir a a JLJL L.AJ--Lk3lJkf FINE MILLINERY, Fancy Goods. No. 319 Malii Street. I am now turning out, at my factory at Van Buren, as floe line of Tobacco a is manufactured in the older states, and at prices ten to twenty per cent cheaper. FINE NAVIES A SPECIALTY.

ADDRESS, ROBERT HTTISTES, Van Buren, Arkansas. SHAVINGS! LITTLE ROCK COOPCBAfiE. Good Stove Wood and load, $1.60, to be paid when sura Address, J. HAMILTON, T. O.

Box 3..

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