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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 6

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THIS MOINES REGISTER: SUNDAY MOHXINCi. DECEMHEH 1 1)1 7. Olsen Golden WedcLng Celebrated Tomorrow CLAIM MANY MILES OF FILMS FILCHED MORSE CASE IS OP AGAIN IN GOTHAM Vr i.nd (. Olsen. for twenty-two veurs re.

idents of this city, on Monday will celebrate TYPES OF CARNEGIE LIBRARIES IN IOWA ill latni New Way to Get Rich Quick Uncovered; Studio Employe and Dealer Under Arrest. Bill Filed in Court May Reveal How Pardon Was Granted. TELLS OF MOVIE SECflET Photographer, in Suit for Salary, Describes Fake Octopus. -v NEW YORK, Dec. 8.

The suit or J. Ernest Wiljiamson, the aub-lnarino photographer, against th' Universal Film Manufacturing corc- panv -for salary which he allege is due him for taking undersea pictures of fake octopudu nnd genuin i Flunks, was resumed before Judg i Manton of the feder 1 Dist. ict ecur 'ihe pictures werj used 111 the film play of Jules Verne's story, "Twenty 'Thousand Leagues Under thf Sea The production, It was aald, cost about $200,000. Mr. Williamson told in the witness chair of how art was ubti-tuted for reality.

He has a tube with an end of glass big enough tmL accommodate several men. In this. tube the photographer and his assistants sit, and then It is lowered 7 1 ml 4 If 7 Vt vV? I heir golden edding anniversary. The Zlon Norwfg an Lutheran church In which both Mr. and Mrs.

Olsen are active workers will tender theni a reception Monday evening a 6 o'clock at the church. Ninth and Des Moines streets. Doth Mr. and Mrs. Olsen were born in Norwav.

the f.iruier Jan. 14, 1S3H. and the latter Sept. 11, 111. They were married In Freedom.

111., an I came to Dei Moines in 1 9 locating at 1011 Lyon street where hev still reside. Mr Olsen is a member of Kinsman post, hi'vlng served in thi civil war. Tomorrow evening In the church auditorium a program will be presented In honor of the venerable couple as follows: Soup Ji-u Nsi-n ftfv -r C. Fifty It rt.i-', A.ltlirs tin Nr.r -Kiu tt" 1 II LOS AXCELES. D-c.

111 'C 1 icr-h mj i The allesed theft or a little mote than fifty-seven I'liVi of motion ure films from the Fox Film co'n-i pany was revealed through the nr. i est of A. K. Davies. un employe of the company, aud Arthur II denier lit motion picture supplies.

Ptey were liken into custody bv uttacbes or lie.shei ii 's office a'n! JMlfd by lleiMltv llist' Powell. Wade 'UilVn. v- tit If NEW YORK. Dec. 8.

The nature of a suit for Bi'rvire begin lost May against Charles V. rse, the former banker ami ateanmhlp man, who was pardoned bv President Taf while serving r.4'nlenre In the federal was rvenled today a' Dill of nar-t'eulars was filed tile fedral Distort eourt here. 1 "ine lij now head of the Stales company. whit li recently was rwnrrtd a co'itrnft bv ihe government for Ihe building of thirty steamers. The bill of particulars alleges that an oral contract 'is entered Into between Mnrne and W'a't'r K-Ileid, a steamship tmtn of Water-villa.

while they traveling on a train in whereby Heicl was made Morse'i and representative In his flnanetnl affairs into tile water at a depth some-. times of fifty feet or more. It usuvMy attached to a barge whlcii Amoved, in 'his rase. In the clear i waters' of the Bahamas, near Naa-uJ i sail. The submarine of Captain Nemo, the hero of the story, was jWW'I lis 'I'Tt' 1S I I'r-if i 'nrin 'Jr fclskrr 1 i.

ti. of the Fo company, was n- rested also by ri i tl'l ves of the I'e- retiv" agency thut had been irk 1 nil; on Hie case lor si me dnvs, said thai "iiiditioiial arrest, nmv lie made. TUe intimation is that plot tor further wholesale ihe." of films has been al oited. Davies. it is said, whs in riiarge i tiie stockroom of the Fox Film company.

The company began miss in" films. Their value finally totalled about $15,000. A private detective agency was employed to discover the leak. A trap was set and Davies, It is said, was the first one to fall Into it. For three weeks another employe of the company was placed under surveillance.

In the interim thousands of feet of films were recovered. I. Rif. Aiatinu "our --Sliver Thn i 'Mrs! "Mi 'Oht hulks nt (In Norwegian), Our Cliurrli" K. Bui.


au'ltAnci. thirty feet long and was made painted canvas. Asked In describe the octopus, which in the pictures wages a ins. I fight with brave diver and Is even ttiallv killed amid the shudders vt Ihe audience, the witness said it was thirty two feet long with body, big enough to conceal men Inside of it. whose duty it was to operate the rubber arms that eri fastened to the body by etec springs.

There were only six nt these rubber arms, whereas natus ralists Insist upon giving all octo-poda eight. I This rubber octopus thrashei about in the water naturiJlv enough, and assumed positions which made It easy for Mr. Will iamsmi to take good pictures of it? in horrible attitudes and contortions. Asked about the sharks I NEWEST CAKNEUIE RIGHT. LAl'KENS.

AHOVK I.KFT. FAIKFIKLP OLD CAHNEOIIO I.I HA It AIIOVK. SIDI.KY II It A It LOWER I.KKT. I Hl' 'JT I.AHf! EST CAIt.VIidlE Mill! All SMALLEST C'AHXEUIK LI Kit A ft that Davies placed the stolen films in this locker, and that Mullen and others suspected In the plot to steal the films visited the same, got keen demand Just at present and a marked increase In price resulted at the October sales. Chiuese, Australian nnd Russian supplies were very scarce, while American furs were not half sufficient to meet Hie demand.

Prices ranged from la per cent to 100 per cent advance on previous sales. Nutria, black musiiuasli and black kid-skins reflected the advance most. The second man was Horsley. It is during September to be arrested the films and took them to Hors-asserted that ley's establishment, and Oclobei 1 Accnrdlne to an alleeed partial Horsley received 45.000 feet of the confession made by Davies Horsley paid 2J cents a foot for the positive films and 21 cents a foot for the negative ones. The films are reputed to be worth 4j cents a foot.

With missing films from the Fox company I storeroom. In one day it is said lie purchased lO.ono feet of ad-1 dltlonal film from Suspicion was directed towards Mullen because he was frequently i seen going to a locker in the ware'- house of the Hollywood Fireproof Stori-e company. The officers say Food two Soaring 111 Andrew Carnegie's first fuc public library was et ulilished in Liw.i tweuty-fiur years iitto at Fairfield. It was likewise the flint Cam. library to be located west of Aile :hen.v, Pa Today Iowa has ninety to Carnegie libraries and Is surpassed in nuniiieis liy only a few states.

The most recent one to he dedicated in the state was at Siblev. the dediea tion ceremonies being held yester-da The Carnegie gifts to the municipalities and colleges of Iowa represent more than a total of The library located ut Fairfield was one of the few gifts which the former Pittsburgh steed magnate gave without the stipulated clause which tought the divers and th yacht that was blown up, Mr. Williamson declared that both sharks and explosion were genuine. Tha case will hn continued Monday. Hedfurd.

costing Mount Ayr, costing JS.uOO; licinbeck. and cost ins 10. Oiiii Carnegie libraries nt Clear Lake iml liriti. both costing are Hearing completion aud will be ledicatcd alter the first of the year. The ttdlowing Iowa cities have promises of Carnegie Hamburg.

Fremont rounty: Corydon. Wayne county; Harlan, Shelby county, and Montezuma, Poweshiek county. The smallest Carneele library to he erected In Iowa is located at, Laurens. It was erected at a cost of $3.8110 In 1910. The population of Laurens is given as MS.

This library was for a time the smallest In the I'nited States and also the kly and in the case of the I'nited ates against Morse g'-ow intt out trf the ttank of North America frauds. It is also stated that Keid continued to ait as Mere's aeent during the two years the banker was In nrison. A reference in the bill of particulars to lteld's execution of "di-rections concerning steps designed to procure a par'on or commutation of fentence of defendant," indicates the no'sib'lity of the details being revealed of how Morse obtained the presidential pardon. The particulars not be'ng regarded a enough bv Morse's counsel. re Matin T.

Manton directed Field's attornev to supplement them bv providing namea. dates and places and to do-ribe "unwise enterprises" Field alleges he prevented Morso and his wife frorn engaging in. Morse, on being convicted of violating the national banking liws, entered the Atlanta penitentiary on Jin. 1, 1910. to erve a tentenee of fifteen vear.

When lie was believed- to be dvinip President Taft him on Feb. 1. 1912. Another suit against Morse for compensation for aliened services was brought in the Supreme court in 1914 bv Max ('. Baitm.

a real estate dealer here. He asked for 100 000 and claimed that it was tliy i-mili! (ireott Demand. Dec. 8. Fur is ho In LONDON.

Is locaied at Leeds, being a branch of the library at Sioux City. Waterloo is the only Iowa city wliiii has two Carnegie libraries, one being located on either side of the Cedar river. Harrison county lias the largest number of libraries In the state, nil three being Carnegie libraries. They are located at Duulup. Woodbine, and Missouri Valley.

Des Moines is the only city in Iowa having library paid for entirely by taxation. It is likewise the largest library in the slate, having hen constructed at a cost of Iowa has only twenty-two libraries which were not Caruegie gifts. A Carnegie library is located in Des Moines at Drake university. Fairfield has two Carnegie libraries, one being located at Parsons college. The largest college Carnegio library is located at Cornell college.

Mount Vernon. The other college Carnegie libraries are the following: Iowa college, Urlnnell college, Grinnell; Simpson college. Indlanola; Lean-tier Clark college, Toledo; T'pper Iowa university, Fayette. that the munleipailtv receiving the be i smallest public library in Iowa. gift was to raise otie tenth ot "Practical Useful Gifts" for Men and Boys; Are amount given.

Ihe building was erected at a cost of $10,000. The next Carnegie libraries were erected In Iowa in 1902 in the cities of Newton and Ottuiuwa. During 1903 there were twelve buildings erected. In 1 904 theie were sixteen and in there were fifteen buildings erected. During the present year there have been four Carnegie libraries dedicated.

They are located at mere nre two smaller libraries, at Forest City and West Branch. The smallest town in Iowa to contain a Carnegie library Is Alden. having a population of 800. The library cost being erected In 1913. Dubuque received the largest Carnegie gift, the public library In that city being erected in 190- at a cost of $100,000.

The only Carnegie branch library ere In Ataeclaiice Inrr-lv through Ills efforts that Pres'dent Taft wa Induced to pardon Morse. JOIN AVIATTON, COEPS Wednesday afternoon at o'clock at the home of Mrs CITY IN BRIEF E. It's been this store's sole purpose for years to supply men and boys with apparel they like best. the British fleet for the South Atlantic and South Pacific. SlDre March 10 of last year not a single Bhlp has stopped at the Falklands on its journey to Eng Two IIarl Workers Honored by Kellow implores.

G. W. Chandler and Orville ramer. employes of the Harbacu comruny, enlisted In the army avl-! atlon corps yesterday and will Our knowledge of their requirements will be a Heur. 1420 Dean avenue.

No further invitalion will be extended lo those who wish to participate In Ihe gathering. Police were asked to look for W. R. Fish, 4 7 years old, Twontv-fourth street aud Park avenue, last night. The request came from .1.

11. Itedfleld, Twenty-fourth street and Park avenue, when Fish failed to return home from Camp Dortg where he had been working. 1'p to an early hour this morning police have been unable to locate him. They fear foul play. AN(H KMKVI'H.

Sparks from a nearby chimney caused a fire which did damage to Ihe extent of $2,000 to the boarding house run by Mrs. II. llabish nt 721 Sixth avenue. Tho roof and upper story of Ihe building wern destroyed, and the first floor suffered damage from water. The I'nited States civil service commission will hold an examination in Des Moines on Jan.

9 for the position of postmaster at St. Charles, la. The position carries leave at once tor the airplane training school. Yesterday their Immediate associates in the Harbach force made a oanvans among fellow employes and raised a fund with which they purchased' a handsome wrist watch for each. Len Harbach and P.

L. Richards made brief presentation addresses in which they voiced appreciation of the service of thi men and pride In the patriotic step they had taken. land, aud correspondence for Hue-nos AJrea and Montevideo has been sent by way of Puntu Arenas, while passengers for Iluenos Aires or Montevideo have had to go around to Valparaiso, on the Pacific liners, and tl'-m cross the Amies by train, to get to their destinations. The British government has bought up all the wool of Ihe Falklands, giving the owners B5 per rent above pre-war prices. Soinn of this wool sold as high as 2 shillings 6 pence a pound.

Flour has risen to fill shillings a sack anil bread Is selling at a shilling a loaf, weighing less than 4 pounds. Sugar Is selling at pence a pound. The Islands have become so overrun with rata that the government has offered an English penny a head for all those killed. great advantage to you in making their selections. Gift Suggestions for Men a salary of $1,000 per year.

The rlia titar. ii. sharp. examination will be open to nil who receive mall from the postoffice. Mrs.

Charles Loath, 1049 West MrnitwlAl uprvtri'H Ht Hawkry K. No, MuielHy at a Sixth ami I.iicukI Htreem. HlKhlanil Park loilaa No. 111 FALKLANDS OUT OF WORLD F. Mill hujit to, annua home omln oa Monday pviMilnK, Her.

10, in their onmr of Si' HM nri an. I Knoll. 1 a 'iranU will lia nt Is Ram Overrun Isles and Itounly lha ah rfiinHK. loM.i'', ana 'd: iii il if" trill Ci I'll. 'Si ti i tr.

ii. til aiv 'ist Otv HI th at. -a Mn At 'hn' (bit! ft ve-f mn-i. lint; be Hri eri; i cai; 'wH'f cow Jhf gav i I thf ly 4 Filf un eel coi at p- foe un by dlw pes nej i res Car, no. bee no igi bajr box of -'mat-; Sii- dril, A.

IfK Ollli i whe' brio" ji rj'i In! in Sweaters $3.50 to $17.50 I nderwear $1 to $0.50 Fancy Vests to 1 0 Mufflers Initial Kelts $1 to $2 Cuff Links. 25 to $1.50 Suits $15 to $50 Overcoats $15 to $1-10 Raincoats $5 to $25 Mackinaws to $1 8 Bath $3.50 to House Coats $5.00 to $25 iweiun Bireet, was Bruised aoour. i the hips when she was struck by an automobile driven by Dr. L. M.

Scruby. 1447 Kighth street. Mrs. I Loach refused assistance. A social afternoon to be enjoyed by mothers, sweethearts, wives nnd feminine relatives of members of the One Hundred Sixty-eighth ma- cuine gun company will be held Offered for Them.

POUT STANLEY, Falkland Islands, Dec. 8. The war has completely Isolated the Falkland islands from the rest of Ihe world, as far as commercial Intercourse Is concerned, in spite of the fact that the Islands are the naval base of Very I iiusoal. "A rath'r rrmarkatiie roupl. I houM p) "Thy'v marrlail tn year, imi Mill vnh ilfrn- tirn ti rpnn an Hlrminn)ia ui ana rnnnila are InyltM.

Tha monthly alt lav holinaaa nifwl-Intr will hsl at I.oi;iOI llosp-l lalu-r-nii'-lf. i-ormT lai-fii' lil um-iiui? 1 1 1 Mi-Kin-liy atrii-t. Tui-mliir. Iiec. 11.

lit no a in, 1' anil 7 an Alpha Ciiuni-ii KnyHl anil Selart Mailt ri, will lli-nr animal flt'rllon t-f ot-fliftH 10s- In. Till, lift t-ssarilv lht moat important huaim-aN mto'ttnB of lha jphi. anil a larpa it tcnilani-n Is d-Hlrft'l. a many Important raporta will lit mailt, anil luiKh loeunt'aa Iranaartptl. Itfl t'roaa aot-laty tif lha CottaKO liiovi rrr-t'tiylTian hliri will mtft with Mrs T.

otltl '1' v. anty -fourth atrai't 'I'hurmlay nf'fnnmn ill Lt of lock 1 will lit' All pctaona In H' 1 roas work an- urnt'tl to attantt anil OrlriK Kntttiiia. i Scarf Pins 50c to $1 .00 (Jillette Safety Razors $5.00 (iem Safetv Razors $1.00 Collar Kaars $1.00 to $5.00 Leather Novelties 50r to $7.50 Cigarette Cases $1,001" $3.50 Pullman Slippers $1 00 to $1.50 Travelinn Hags $5.00 to $25.00 I mbrellas $1.00 to $7.50 Walking Sticks 50c4 to $2.00 Fur Caps to $15.00 Dress Uoves $1 .00 to 4.50 Drivins Cloves $1.50 to $1 5.00 Neckwear 50C to $5.00 Handkerchiefs Tha South si, If Nflehi i Mrs 1 1th itiftl clocli 'I'll ,1 at MA hlrct.H l.ifti'H frte. Trt Ki iitrna 1 A til' uvn at Nlhth nu hklt Mi.n.tny nlk'lit. U'1'--.

t'(. brltiK our rtfltnti. t.iffl Vournr. Sr will thi- ui at art venitiK I t.t community fW ft. 111! nil Ut JJ'rt- 1 The Best in Music Better than piano, better than organ, better than violin, better than any band or orchestra because it is all of them.

Better for home entertainment, better for child education, better for dancing it is tho supreme musical instrument the ideal Christmas gift. iiitin auv. Gili Suggestions for Boys Airs. Christine Mtili n. Mrs.

rhristine Hulen. si a is A 'Hi Sii Ui w'fi vesrtlav at the home of old, died her son Fred K. uten. Euneral will be hold Tuesday aft- services ernoon. This Wonderful Victrola ''i 1 ii; tun mw 1 hit tittf Pf Jim and Record Cabinet I iiiiiiiiiiii! i va Jtlin While.

John While. 1 years old. I died Dec. 2, 1917. He is survived 1 hv his wife and four little children.

Walter Mueller, Mowers. Zelek Dyer. Dick Turner. Walter Shaw ami Charley riw at rotioei i actetl as pallbearers, three of whom were with him at t'ie time of his death. Elder TVilliam Ostrander of i the Kevenih Dav Adventist church 3 Sailor Suits $2.50 Pajamas $1.00 to $1 .50 ISalh Rohcs SI .95 to 1.95 (i'oves and Mittens 50c to $2.50 Leather Kelts 25 to 50c Combination Supporters 50c to 05c1 Silk Ties 25C to 50c 1 Knit Ties 25c to 50c Sweaters $1.50 to $0.95 Mackinaws $3.95 to $12.50 Overcoats S2.95 tn $15.00 Knicker Suits $1.95 to $18.00 Juvenile Suits $2.95 to $0.50 Covlr-v Suits $2.00 Indian Suits $1.25 Soldier Suits $2.50 to $7.95 aMMMM preached the luneral sermon.

I Sirs. S. C. Keller. Mrs.

S. ('. Keller died Sunday Dec. 1917, at the Lutheran bos- ft jV.J i 1 4 nitnl nf fliahetes Marv (ictrude Fi niiincton was Don't Forget the Boys in Uniform it i 1 I IK rl 'M' 4 if Hrt; 11 Order Isy Send this II ll Mail. We Coupon II Pav fM Express Free Trial II Charges.

Offer horn at Ceutei ville. i Mav 2S. i 1871. She was innrr-ed in lsftn to R. Curtis Keller of Mount Am-.

In. i Thev lived for time in southern Iowa, then In North Dnkota. and for the past seven years have made i their home In tits Moines. I To this union were born seven sens, all of whom are livlnn They nre: Neil K'ler. Otn'ha.

Neb IlurVe and Vance Keller, naval aervlce, (Jreat I.skes Training sta- tion: and Ivan, Dean. Harobl and i Maurice Keller, of this cllv. Ite-sltla her hiiabinil end sons, de- oe-i'e survived bv her step-reo'e-, Mrs. M. H.

nniuRton of thi city; threo brothers aid oix siste's. The fit are: Mrs. p. Leather Puttees Money Kelts First Aid Kits. Surgical Kits Sanitax Sammy $8.00 to $18 50 to $2.00 $1.00 to $1.50 $2.00 to $0.00 Kits .83.50 to 85 We have made it possible for nearly any home to have this wonderful musical instrument.

We have made it so easy to purchase that you should no longer deprive yourself and your family of the pleasure it brings. You can have it in your home on Christmas morning if you wish. Over Fifteen Hundred Sold in Des Moines and Iowa We sell these Victrola outfits faster than any musiral Instrument have ever lu Iowa. We have placed it In over fifteen hundred liciuta In the past year and a half. a REMEMBER- thjs genuine Victrola.

with handsome record cabinet as picture the Ideal outfit for hundreds of homes. Order Now for Christmas There will not be enough of these speclat Viutrola outfits to supply the holiday demand. We advise you to rnsar yours at once to avoid possible disappointment. Out-of-town people use this coupon. '111 i 1 i iiiiietre aieiy itazors (Jem or Ever-readv Razors $5.00 $1.00 O.

D. Wool Sweaters $2.75 to $10 Sheep Lined Coats $12.50 to $35 0. 1). Wool Suits $2S to $10 Regulation to $80 Leather Vests $8.50 to $15 Wool Hose Military Gloves $1.00 to 1.50 Woo) Underwear. to $0.50 0.

I). Wool Shirts $3.50 to $7.50 Leather Undershirts $0.50 Leather Drawers $7.50 Regulation Ties 25 to 50c Spiral Puttees $3.50 to $5.00 ipe and lobacco Cases $1 50 Cigarette Cases to $3.50 (nvrsati-n Rooks 7rf r5r Soldier's Diary Comfy Kits Tent Tidy Leather Kags S1.00to$5.00 $10 to $20 I I '---ilk. Ceitervllle, Mrs. II. V.

PlmlnR. Os-enln. Mrs. J. F.

Prltchsrd. I.orimor. and J. Cahl'l. M--s I li Ch-se st'd Mam! Pennington of r'ty.

The brothers are: A. M. PepnjnK'on and 1 M. Penninpton of this city, and M. H.

Penninpton of Chicago. Mr. Martha I 1Iji1hI1i Ilnlej. Mrs. Msrfha Elizabeth Htley.

"1 years old. wife of (ireenbury Ualey. d'ed Krid-'V evening at her bonie. 200 Dunham avenue. He-sides her husband she is survived by two sons and sin daughter.

Funeral services will he held Tues- VTHE MOD CLOTHES STORE" (iltNK A US Vlelrtila llrad. iiuatiara, lira llnra, Is.i mn Free Trial 'iflt uiul Special A Cltristir.HS tarms on Vti'tii'oi. liutflt CI. 4 To" ti a SI it et nr IUiU la JOWA'S VICTROLA HEAbUVARTtRS 11 uitiiMiiifiiiMMiiMiii. nil a ii.

nit1 mi un ii ii i ii Mm iii ii.iiini,- 1 1 1 1 i I i.u i i i I i I i 1 1 1 1 i i i i i ii i il day afternoon at 3 o'clock..

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