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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 4

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE cranna Tuesday; mrs.iwsa.- FIREWORKS BAN THE EVEH1HG REPUBLIC1H afcllafcaal IWT kr law T. BMiii 3 BIKE THIEVES i -t MeBenny ADDITIONAL HOPPERS. Mrs. Lyman Overshiner, who! is at the Robert Long hospital in Indianapolis, where she was taken a few days 1 a Iwr iftuMM, luiq: jxoteu5ooK MUCH MATERIAL! HERETO UENDi TRACTION TRACK IS OFF AT HOPE PLEAD GUILTY ago for treatments, is reported as be withheld judgment, pending- word from their relatives. 1 The sister of Charles Black came here fromi Indianapolis today and discussed th4 case with Judge Donaker.

She promised to take the boy home with her and vouche for hi good 'behavior In the future if the Judge would let the boy go. The judge gave his consent, and the sister is to make monthly reports on the boy's conduct." The other1 two boys are still in Jail, but a message was received this afternoon by Chief of Police Essex from E. A. Wall, father of the: Wall boy. ing slightly improved: Judgment Withheld By Donaker A bond issue of $4,400 for the! Hoff rMIb4 In the Republican Build 'lif.

North aairt earner of Ftftk Waahlng-ton Bta. i i i i i Batcred aa Matter at Poatoftice In Colurobua, TERMS 4r SUBSCRIPTION if if rr Week, delivered by carrier BT MAIU STRICTLY IN ADVAMCfcf WITHIN THH STATE: IV Until Word Comes From man: road in Ohio township, was sold -i Town Council, Imbued With Fourth Spirit, Repeals Ordinance.1 Last nlte after sllnrjir ron was he- today to the American ITrust Relatives. ginning to look as if he was starting Company of Indianapolis at a premium 15 Carloads of Brick, Cement, teei coincrtable, and ma ed, I ixpect M- and Mrs. Hews of 16. The-bonds are for five per cent, and there were three other stating that he would come here after Ties and Trackage Go, On Black.

15. John Wall. 14. and Charles One year ,.16.00 Three Months fix Mr Montha One Month Thfe dooce. either one of them'n hart t.

n. Tomorrow will be a red letter day Charles Negley, 15. three boys from sou uo l.Ke.nlm OH1f Washington miff, and both together they defy dis- The baseball! game OataMe of India between Co- for the boys and girls of Hope. na, per montl per year. Indianapolis, who were arrested on lo QO, so- Keiy me ooy wui Ostalde of India lumbus and North Vernon which was cription, pop sed.

Have you eny more, bad news? he i Postage Prepaid by Publisher; iff to? be played in North Vernon Sunday, in Columbus. July 8, will -be played 2 MONTHS FOR REPAIRS K. 8. Brown, PublUht, vnd Proprlfcart charges of taking and who. yicnw have been ia the county jail here, 1 i were berore Judge John W.

Donaker Lonis Sphneiderv who has teen at fn circuit court today and all three the county! hospital for some time, was plead guilty to the charges. The judge taken to Ms home yesterday. The grounds ai North And he started to lite a cigar and ma Bed, by the way, that reminds Bie, Willyum I had another good Ideer for a way for you to brake your Vernon have playing im- Last night the town council at that place, apparently-imbued 'with the spirit of the coming Fourth, repealed the ordinance which, since 1917, has prohibited the sale and use of fireworks, within the corporate limits of the town. I i Tomorrow and tomorrow night the been torn up, making Tn Aaaoc "a Prens Is excluat'ShL possible tlbere. nuued to use for republlcatioi-f 50-TON LOCOMOTIVE OF NEW self of smoking.

Its very simple, thats i 5 ELECTRIC TYPE TO BE PUT IN not Othrrla. rrxllla In ttila the Columbus The July meeting of No. MJ I HUGH TIL SERVICE LATTER PART OF nnd a'j the local new published tne tewty or it, she sed. Cant you. ixplain it some other time.

MILLER. Vice-President. In, WILLIAM 6. IRWIN. President held tomorrow Grange will be even THIS MONTH.

the thawt the Hews are coming W. B. TREAD WAY. AaaL Caahler. -At JOHN W.

SUVERKRUP. Cashier. ing at o'clock in the Grange hall TBIiErBOH OR SI. at which time on Fifth street, there is oppressive enuff- as it is pop sed, and ma sed. Now dont he sillv.

wait young people, and some of those who are young In spirit; and "like to shoot the rockets and bombs, will celebrate the independence, which the repeal of the law has given them, i During the meeting last night the will be a short business session fol- 'fireworks" that have been oc- The REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF till you heer it, its certeny simple flowed witih a special program by the alone Washington street be- currin; a I shouldend be serprized pod sed. tmo.n oii r.rt tho rnif nf plee- Juvenile grange. matter of purchasing motor driven- and ma sed, The hole thing is, every t.trical discharge, of the Interstate Pub-time you feel like smoking; go into a Qovjir n-anlr will chnrHv rpnsfi mm Francis Gilbert, of Globe, Arizl, and IRWIN'S chemical fire engine was discussed but WHAT JULY 4 MEANS'. movie show, and of corse they dont when the new track that has just been formerly of this; city, has one of the no definite action was taken. The On the eve of the anniversary of'W town at the present time has a hem best orchestras between New Orleans and Los according to a letter Binning of the Declaration of Indepjt allow smoking in there, and nobody received in this city by the company would wunt to smoke in the dark eny- i3 put fa.

New equipment will be laid way, and in a few minnits you'll get th nntrmta north tn Four- leal engine of the trailer type. A PRIVATE BANK, nce, it might wen to stop and iwi- Last night was the time scheduled received from Albert Stevens, '5 intristed in the pickture and forget all ton slder for a mbment what the Fourtffcf, for the sale of! bonds amounting to who recently went to Inspiration, At Coiumbut, In the State of Indiana, at the close of business June 30, 1923. JlO.tWO with which the town planned uu 10. iuuuw, un- will become, for the time being, a to take up! work as a mining engineer. amy reaiiy stanas torj.

o'Pj To many It means a day's vacat yt purchase stock to the amount, of -mi Kituuiiiy uy wgrees you wont single track, that the work may prog RESOURCES. i Peu wuu- to smoKc in ine ierBtjress, With rapidity and at the same 000 the new! Hope Light Power Herbert Allison has been added tp LJABIUTIES. I ......4100.000.00 PLoans and .51,003,156.55 Capital Company. i thft staff 0 the Indiana Oil Refining wuu wunout pay as tne case Ry It mean picnics, a feast, pi works, various kinds of sporHg place to begin with. time not delay the service between In Thats a'marvellis ideer and Im go- dianapolis and Louisville.

100,000.00 Overdrafta i None Surplus Company as agent for Premium, pro -net U. S. and other bonds 150,430.91 Undivided" proms- ing to try it immeedltly, pop sed. Im Eleven carloads of bricks two cars ducts in Bartholomew and Jackson ,...1,325,674.62 Vaults, furniture and fixtures 600.00 Deposits events and the like. To others it means an oDDortuiTty going rite erround tothe Little Grand of cement and two carloads of special counties.

-The rilant is now working land throw this cigar away outside, ties and trackage have been received steadily with the one completed! still, making its 450-barrel run each! day. Due from Banks and Trust 1 Companies 303.58Q.68 Cash on piand 81,779.28 land dash rite in, and 111 tell you all over the Pennsylvania for use in the iabqut my sensations Wen I come back. ilocal rebuilding of the Interstate lines. Seven tank cars of crude oil were re 5 SPECIAL CARS TO KLAN MEETING KM: -VP. ie sed.

And he jumped up and ma sed, It is, "estimated by- Interstate officials ceived yesterday and two today, all $139.447.75 Total jijut Willyum, not now, the Hews are thatnhe work will require sixty days contained nearlv 2,000 barrels, $1,539,447.75 Total to attend a patriotic jpelebration, htjr a Rood addresg, greet the" veteran fllers and get a touch of that spHt. which makes the blood in eVijcy American's veins run Just a faster; that spirit, which makes fejra square his shoulders and proudly ly to himself "I am an American." -jli oming. lor longer ior completion. tWhn a red ua. ti'hiv 1 General Reconditioning STATE OP INDIANA, BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY.

SS Two divorce cases venued nerel from tried ie llowl to Ktand In th naih nf tracks that are being rebuilt in Bank, do solemnly swear of Irwin's I toUlom fl Irwin nrcsldpnt the Decatur circuit court were WM.i G. IRWIN. progress? pop sed. And he quick went tnis cit are but.a small part of the in circuit court, today before Judge inierSiaie Will i UOnVey Large that the ubove statement is true. Donaker.

the first case, that of Iva i Moore i against Eugene Moore, Local Delegation to Ko- eubscrlbed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 4923. she was granted a decree of divorce, My commission expires April 1L 1926. KATHRYN HARRELL, SMITH, komd Conclave. uown and put on his hat and went worK wnicn is ueing uone oh out, ma saying, Now wat do company's lines. Reconditioning think of that man, he jest delibritly over the system is under way.

and took Idvantage of my ideer so he'the interstate is soon to have one of could get out of seeing the Hews. the Anest traction road beds In the liWich he uroberlv did. the states, according to officials of and the other case is that of Jennie (Seal) II i I -i 1 "iT ruuiin Nieff against Anthony Nieff, which was before the judge' late this after CHARTER ffO. "Kokomo, Indiana, 4wlll hittT the being 2 peenle that do all the company. 1 noon, biggest Fourth jot July, celebration in i Federal Reserve District, No.

7. fed none of the lissening. the history of the I United States to Miss Anna Cole, daughter of Charles REPORT OF THE CONDITION morrow when an estimated crowd of P. Cole, and formerly of this city, un three hundred thousand Klansmen iTonaniy tne majority of the rens in Bartholomew county belong io neither of t'nese classes absolutely rh to ftoth of them. In part at least, ftf-gardless, however, one! living in Art eti lea cannot but feel the, "deepest gijTjsi.

tude to those perBons, who by tgr courage brought about the great ment, which meant that AmerlcaJs to be a fro nation. i We ure proud of those, citizens ot 176. This Is shown by the fact ejtch year Wej)ay special homage-d them in many and divers ways wjt Jhey planned and executed 147 ago is kept alive today by thatAmi can spirit of patrioUsm, that sp (-ft which sent thousands of thousandiffef ,1 1 i nnnwn.An I. 1 During the last three years that the Interstate company has stressed its freight business the need for more and heavier trackage and equipment has manifested itself. Tnk rapid passenger and freight service demands and justifies the reconditioning of the lines, state officials.

of the w- n'' CARNIVAL OPENS I WITH BIG CROWD First National Bank lit i Methodist hoepitil in Indianapolis ye8- 'i; terday for goitr. Reports from there 22' today were to effect that MissiemreaeLfte ri, 0. men prominent In the Columbus affairs uIyrK. SK.o'tte Kn Klux klan, and when it ere- from this City-' Miss Cole has often i i ty visited here and has many friends Inaed urPnsf inl the, mind the inter-r-hiimK ii I I viewer, the local man went on to say At Columbus, in the State of Indiana, at the close of business June 30, 1923 New Locomotive Soon. The fifty ton model efectric engine that the Interstate company ordered i.

Tjr.ji, rA LIABILITIES. I RESOURCES. that at least fiye hundred from Bar- fonltal niM In 1.1100.000.00 (I iii irn ir ill i $862,540.49 V.r ia onn no tholomew county would drive to at- Loans and discounts iA lOverdrafts. Unsecured Judging from the traffic jam and Cember. is now beine tested bv that Shermani Handley, colored who was 447,04 oiiiinun tuuu Undivided iorofiU 9.241.22 iciiu siuc wuirc, a.iiviu.M.

government securities MKb-. ai mcuDuu.eiuiiicio niant nd will hp Hp vprprf hv tho midrf ia cuy coun jLius morning ueiore may- -L, 1 jMay- Circulatlns notes outstandine deposited to secure -circula- 1 tion (par lvalue) 100.000.00 All. other 9. government carnival, at Tenth and Reed streets 4le ot tne mont This 'or A. Tucker, on charge of assault lX1t 11 be larger than anything that has and battery on kenry was tto to iSZStalSSSiS 98.250.00 404.96 Amounts Aue Na tional banks owned

KuiuKa uo a.been rn on tne interstate lines. The louna not iguniy oi tnecparge. me. Nervation of cars juii la iii, iiiLiri 1111 c. .1.

ii i i Amounts i due Other stocks, securi wnne uoiumDus now used hv the rnmnnnv to affidavit against Handley as the re- p- was verified by officials of the Inter ui ialf t- i a a x. a i state comnanv. iVr-u iV Haul its freight cars Is known as a.UI Ul a "sai weiweeu ms iwg mu I lhe interesting thing about the con-, thirtv-apven 20,000.00 500.08 S3.002.97 ton model. The new jwnicn occurrea several aays ago. uio- i ton' modpl Thn npwl which occurred several days ago.

Gib- iiiuciitun uoys to aeatn on tne Dacf.H fields of France ypars later. Tq keep that spiri alive is es tial -to the bestj interests of Amer-pH tor any country which lacks it cart -Kit long endure. Oue day out of ev year should be set aside for special servances which would' tend to teftlt the younger generation that spiritJ4af patriotism, and to keep aliver in adults that same spirit. jTMS Whether that day should ties, etc Value or banking bouse (if un- incumbered) Furniture and fixtures Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 1 Cash in vault and net amount to banks. 'bank- era and trust Co's in 8.

i foreign countries i(other than -Included in 21 or v. 83 I 1 ii 4. i j.j snii raw a na Hb-o! fhnr-P filprt 1 iuc wuiuobb oujuiwi charge filed The women's Kiess vi biiuws is tne local interest 11 i i iuu iiiuut i win Li li ii ti iwiueu days freight cars over any part of the road. against mm Jm city court 'a; lew auxiliary of the Klaa will hot be officially represented at the Kokomo meetting.i but many of the Klansmen will take their wives and hold. The Dodson brothers started out with one or two dogs and a Waif dozen snakes, and have succeeded Some months aeo the Interstate after the fighU 1.883.96 4.775.50 rnmnnnv flnnnnnroH thaf it wnnlrl nfFoi.

due from National 'Amount 4us' from bankar: Certified checks outstanding: in rounding together a formidable parlor car serivce to its natrons, and 85,828.58 2,190.88 Uemana ioepuni children, it was stated. It is said by local i Klansmen that the program for Hon. Lafayette Peaceii of Washing- bankers and trust com auect A to re bunch Of "tWO thrOWS for a thPSP ran tr. ho in Tt a ton, D. who baa been in the city I the day will consist of addresses bT.

I cfieeka on LlZLlTnm ot dlyk i visiting brother, from Bagdad," in symphonies. denoslts same citv or own as report- the national leaders of the Ku Klux -ervea on May 30 or July 4 wouttt taw matter materially, but one such; dky sublect to check bi iney are now unuer construction, dui George and has depart- mi. urn i s- i i ing- bank i other than. Item 12 k. Certiflcatea of deposit iwoc V01UU1UU8, their delivery will be delayed until e-d for his bme in Denver.

Colo. i Mr, 8.722.43 61.62 Miscellaneous cash items Klan with other, special features, but that the main idea of the gigantie meeting is to hold a social get-together for the Hoosler Klansmen and apuuBuieuiiw carmvai, mat because certain" material has not Pence is an ex-cohgressmaii from Colo- fnnrla frvt- rriantor nnr. i wv. due in less tnan 30 day than fo money borrowedf 21.563.83 prize fights, the speedway races, the athletic contests of various kiifes Kedemptioni fund with y. S.

Treasurer, and due from U. is Vm ior tneir completion rado, has spent much! of his (time 6.000.00 during' thei recent years in Washing-si Raspberry Specials Now, jtheirfamilies, and to celebrate a saff bth4rYssTur! 8. Treasurer 189.71 Time depoalts subject to reserve: Certificates of deposit ton! where i he is not only known for P. iTrr specials" have supplant be barred. Let this one day be e-' voted to fanning into the white hea $tt devotion that spirit I which cauid anu sane uuriu.

i the "strawberry specials" on the bis record as a congressman, but) as a (other tnan ior monev borrowed 145.T89.i9s The Klan organization of Kokomd most able la ttorney and promoter. He iiai.iiuu iluc ucmccu lliviidliapviia ttliu Postal Savings de- j- owns, a large held and. nas rentea an was born and; reared in this city and nosttn 6.06&.3! 0UNTY SCHOOLS WILL the other available fields nearby to pro Louisville and each night several fffeight cars carrying raspberries pass those brave men and women to su untold sacrifice t.hat we might live ijiH der the- SUrs and Stripes Instead -pi Savings accounts 87,200.17 has many friends here. 878,258.69 vide for the parking of the automobiles which will be driven, to that city tomor flPFN SFPTFMRFR 5Rn through this, city over the Interstate trial urpuoi lo U. S.

Deposits other' than Pos the Union Jack of England. Thomas SaccoJ leader of the carni ft'- row, -ii tal Savings, including war loan deposit account and deposits pf U. S. disbursing officers i The "raspberry specials' are hnor nf tmct'o mnpt. equipped with extra heavy motors and val band, which is to giv a program at the show grounds tomorrow after Electric amplifiera have been pro 2.094.10 47.300.60 vided to enable all present to hear noon, is a composer of some note.

Notes and bills rediscounted Tom ting yesterday afternoon in the office ke, the run from the south of the the addresses, it was said. Mooseheart March." which willj play I i i nf iha 1" to us norinern terminal iour tomorrow might, was written especially If the plans go through, as there hours. for i the carnival here. 1 "The Elks is every evidence that they will, the Siiii! for the opening of school in the fall. County schools, according to the trustees' decision, will open on September March" is anothet- special number; writ- assembly of Klansmen will be the i- Total liabilities $1,212,208.43 11,312,808.43 -Total resources play ten by him.

The band has been SAILORS BURNED SERIOUSLY (By Associated Press.) largest thing of its kind ever held in the United States, and the plans will dur- ing: special concerts down itown STATE OFINDIANA. BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY.1 SS. 10 with exception of those in Columbus township, i where the opening has been set as September 3. Philadelphia, July 3. Three of the hour at the supper ing the day and! go through.

we know, said another. nine sailors burned in the explosion rauite bit of favoif- and! has caused C. DEHMBR, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to thebest of my knowledge and belief. i C. T.

Caahter- a remainder of the meeting was or the scout cruiser Richmond last I able comment. Klansmen, when' interviewed. FIVE GENERATIONS. Never get along nicely, while i ywir jsuDscripea ana iwgrn 10 oeiore roe tnis ora nay Ot July, 1923. (Seal) given over to discussion and to the approval of vouchers.

wife is visiting her mother. It you 3q LAUGHLIN. Notary Public. 1. 1924.

My commission expires Nov. Saturday are in a serious condition today The names of the three are withheld, i The other six are reported doing well. It makeB her mad. I rt Correct 'Attest ADDITIONAL SOCIETY. F.

3. CRTTM5. Buss sleeping with you in the WoCds Under thei heading Afound the Town," yesterday's Indianapolis News carried an article and a photograph of Take this paper for all the new. 'ELIZABETH WTCAa D. M.

BOTTORFF. iiiTrUkappa, wouldn't- be so bad if they didn't fet hungry at night. i 'I By the. time a straw hat begli.s 10 Mrs.4 Amanda Murphy, 89, of Hope. entertain the Mrs.

Ben Perry will her son, her grand-daughter, her great- feel good it begins to look bad. i grand-daughter and her great-great- Tri-Kappa jSorority Friday 1 afternoon THE REFEREE. at her home north of the city. When you see a man making faces at, another man it may be the coal mvi grandson. The phetoi was taken at a recent reunion held at Hope.

-1 Picnic In honor i of Charlesi Jackson. (By Albert Apple) mad; at the Ice .1 i Who with Mrs. is here from Pittsburgh! tisiting Half our cuss words were thougat up friends and! relatives, MrL and by people while trying to keep cotjl Ben I. Perry and! Dr. and July.

being worked out by big companies, on DANGER P. this SWIMMING POOL FUND, Roope are giving a picnic- party The proper place for a vacation off where people argue about what evening inBrowii county. New England pioneers, in the midst a basis that will protect employers as of warring IndlanB. were in less dan- well as employes. .1 i Another new an els Is a clause.

Thplne year it is. nWMlnn' Kln 8" Wau le iaw-nuilllllB l.ruCou..u v. JIisi 4' i wu. n( Indav aa va lip assistant iii.M.uru iu nuiuc mcinmtrco, nmvu iu- champ boxer is you have to light to -ttnrnpv of Rostoh. He nlaces validates the policy if the fire starts WERE YOU RIGHT? Here, are the names of the four sets of whose pic 4- keep your job.

i Lnit iYia MamA fnr tmfflo accidents from operating an illicit "moonbhine" 'IUVUV m.s. June husband tells us he can't go to dr ilptva.II BLUi, 4- 1,1 .1 l-l-r. following contributions to the Kjwanis Club swimming hole fund have been made with in the past few days: Previously acknowledged $30.00 F. Santnstepan i 1.00 Pete Ferry '1; (. .50 M.

Lienberger 1.00 B. Smiley 1.00 Paul Reeves I i i 1.00 William F. BasseM 1.00 Jack O'Bryan (increased) .50 ') ii" "I I- The moreCcongested our civilization becomes, the more dangerous. We of Illness is not inevitable. If we get the cities go about our daily business a disease, we usually should not be In almost as much peril as the average 5itled as victims, but rather con-Rnidipr who marrhpa off to war.

If you demned as fools. So claims Dr. Leon- town w.t.h her. Has to' stay home to Blgn for packages. I I i Boys who don't cut their feet every Bummer never amount to much.

Snakes always read the paper to see where Fourth of July; picnics will be tures and stery are published on page 4 in order from left to Tight, -V I 1 Josephine Brown, ii Margaret Fisk, Zella White, Zada Ritter, Martha Brown, Vada Ritter, ZeJma White Kathryne, Fisk.) Come Before Es Feathers Must dodge the autos. a brick may fall off a rd Williams, distinguished English Did you pair them correctly? tall building. Soon airplanes will be dropping wrenches and the like no lt is true that most illnesses are inriffpr qfp from ahovp preventable. But there are so many Molting season is here. Your hens will easily if 4 held.

I 'Some day a safecracker is going to claim he learned his I trade opening olives' and cardlnes. I When you see a man standing on the corner scratching ask him how he en-Joyed his vacation. I NO. 216 1 The safest place to be is in a dyna- 1Iuf "ls wan. ior us.

in civ- mite mill, where they realize their ihzation, that to dodge all of them danger and exercise the greatest safe- woud require 24 hours a day. Disease lose their old leathers, ant can they grow; new; imes? i -4 p. i If you don't give your birds featherriaWing feed, they will drain their, bodies for feather-making material. The molt will be prolonged, and the birds CONDENSED STATEMENT ty first device personal caution. Bes wyiuibo oy-prouuci, DDriUiDiTiAii auuuqi ii uiacttsc nuiuug tuts joiviiiiua PRUHlDlTlUN FATING OF THE VlUr prUIUUiLIUll SUCKS XlUCO An riA covins that nannlA Ai i tn nr 11 a viu wn; iug, vum uiauj jivwjic UAn 7UU tfl 'Z a their graves with their teeth.

Major- TRUST. CO. UNION Jt of ailments probably are due to market. Lamenting this Jules Alex- 4mproper diet. L1fe using low-grade will not lay next winUr.

Chowder makes leathers. Feed. twice as much? Chowder as Hen Chow, and your hens will molt 1 i 11 Tt. Summer is worse than winter; ou can't throw little ice on the grate ahd keep cool. I A man is a person who wilts his stiff collar cussing about how few clothes the women wear.

Unofficial report says half the June husbands are washing dishes. j' It Is warm enough to pose-for underwear advertisements new. A flsb In the hand is worth two pn or watered gasoline in the auto. M. O.

REEVES. CM. SETSER, Cashier. W. H.

SCOTT, Secretary piouiuiiiou eeuia ujyuciis, At Forsythe Dental school, Scientists K. ONGj VicelPresident.) lO ia rrenuu. ne appareuny iuis with mnnten Th quicKiy ana naiuraiiy. iicy wiu dc reaay ior. Condensed.

statement of the condition of the Union i Trust Company. een observing the great amouiit of thriTe best on juice and green early fall laying. at Columbus, la the State ot Indiana, at the close of business, June 30, 1923. i 11 i I 1 i i i v-c. leaves.

One monkey, living on whole liy 1 1 PTflln rtoroma on41anti nA "fito Resources Liabilities P. Phone 577 I However fewer than 200) of the an---fVZl rZIT S-rr the nook. The early worm gets the peach. A- 1 UUICI lULILUa KUl riltfUlliaLiU lUlULS dUU I ua MUlL aj-w. Capital stock 4.

.5200,000.09 68.469.56 None proximately 2.500 counties in the unit- ulcerated teeth from eating toe much Bonds Surplus no says lai im-n can i iuui. saw one sitting on a hot front portch 60,000.03 i 44,588.51 fV. flco milk, yeast and fats. overarafts 4 -Net- hiojuon went into enect. ine greatest tt fopiin- nt Rnra tnpoH.

Furniture and fixtures! v- 102.00 I. 1 .1 1 tlJ 1 Undivided profits-Dividends unpaid Trust investments Deposits Archie B. Spurgiia your diet Most Important of me from departments 145,466.25 and he wa9 running. i are the days you miss a nfan about two weeks, then you see Mm and 1 i 24,458.70 615.99 71,952.94 17371.95 7oc so tnan wnat we eat, is not Advance to estates 1,260,677.11 ui jra.a ua'c urcu, eating too much. Cash drinking, one can naroiy expect to get i annus Due frrim hanks the evils ot returning froti a vacaUon 1b finding the man.

keptjpn ial1 ot.them on the wagon in less than; One of the original Jokes is that the Trust securities 145,466.25 8660.27 leaving your miiK. i 1 v.T. English nave no sense of humor. Ewan I Keai estate i a I Fourth and Franklin Sts. i Headquarters for iv Quickest way to learn to swim ifjto luo 6refl afni.

s. Agnew. director of Punch celebrat- Total Total Hign price may aiso neip onng unnK- ed EngUsh comic magazine) retaliates change seats in a canoe. What the country needs Is ru rrs iu lueir seusrs, hv ndmlttlno- that none- h.n State of Indiana, ttotmty ot Bartholomew, ns: INSURANCE good a sense of humor as the English Queer situations develop in the sci- but our humor is "broader and less i C. M.

Setser, Cashier of the union Trust Columbus, do heels for picnic ants, 'if People who go away for a rest d) n't always get one. i A'. i solemnly swear! that the above statement Is true. r- entinc betting, system, insurance- At subtle than in Eneland." PURINE i -t i u. M.

SKTBKK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 1923. the University of Kansas recently. We strike Agnew as a nation of gilg-some students took jout policies that glers, who laugh tod easily. We laugh and child Mm.

Albert Perry. i EDITH BOYLE, Notary PublleV snent today in Shelbwlll where tieylpaid apiece If they flunked easily however, because we're a young. attended tho wedding of Mrs. Forty's examinations. nation and have leas to worry us My commission expires August 16, 1924, (SEAL) -5V pelce, JV insurance asamsi unemployment ia uau iJJSiana, "'7r i.

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