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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 4

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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THE EVENING REPUBLICAN, COLUMBUS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1918. PAGE FOUR. crate i filled, and plunge the crate 1HE EVENING REPUBUCANffiilf? What the War Moves Mean lilt; UUtUllg MdlCl. 1 1'W 1 I IU rtraaia in the vigorously boiling wa-ter for to 12 minutes, determining flash for the Kaiser's boats. tmmo xvxar incuooi, amnAY i BapaMlaaa BaUdlng, Northeait Cornr Wiilt-izgto and Fifth Street.

Kntmto, Bontamt Corner, Xlrvt Floor. the exact time by testing an ear by; cutting or crushing a few grains. Thfr cocking is complete when the "milk is set" when no fluid escapes when the grains are cut open. Older and younger ears should be sorted and (BY J. W.

T. MASON.) (Written for the United Press.) A Kansas farmer who had been having trouble with a couple his harvest hands who 'tiaa I. V- V. tendencies, pulled both of them through a barbed wire fence, slapped cooked separately, as the younger New York, Aug. 2.

VonHinden- important Tailway which runs along burg is conducting his slow retreat the bank of the stream. This is the toward the Vesle in such a majiner only defensive position remaining in as to avoid the dangerous pockets VonHindenburg's possession south of which the Americana were creating the Yesle and in the western arc of their faces,) and after telling them where to 'gi to get their wages, kicked them! fifty yards down the sec- 1 How To Condition and Store Various. Products When' Dried Muttrtd Scnd CZatt Matter ml tks Put OJies mt Coiumtus, Indian; rxsHS or BCBscairnovt tMk, UTrd Mts BT MAIL muOTLT IV ABVAXOS. OM 04 Am tlx Ktha On Mostk a tag Prepaid fcy FablJab. Outside of county, per year It.OO ears, eurprisingly enough.

will- re-, quire somewhat longer cooking than the older ones. -'a "When the corn Is sufficiently cook-j. ed, dump the ears upon a table to.5 drain and cool, then cut the grain from the cob with a strong, sharp-knife, so held that the grains are cut 'tiqn line. I That farmer is entitled to a service! badge. -I by their advance along the main rail- the Soifcsons-Rheims salient, way from Fisuies.

i Today's fighting, however, is pro- The German west flank south of eeediug less heavily on- the western Smsanna i at the samp time slowlv flank and is tending to shitt to the St. Louis are to the Reports I Uvertkllf Rates Made IflOWl ei AftScafloft 1 effect that jie Western Uniotftele- bending before the allies blows and central area, directly south of Fisnies. uiruugn jusi ai me case or me nec by which they are attached to the cob. graph company in! that city is ais-iis tending to rorm a aiagonauy uenerai ocn purpose in unngmg re- straight line with the southern front, i newed pressure to bear here is due i This makes a much more presentable established 1877 by Isaao T. Brown.

I charging operators because they wear By rectifying his defensive positions to the horror onHindenDurg is snow-1 product that that obtained by cutting buttons: i One man thus RoymonQ S. Brown, Manager. their union. i i i less deeply and scraping, and the at in this manner, VonHindenburg is ing of salients. Eery small advance discharged, who has; three sons in the trying to eliminate all salients, and by the Americans in the central see-to compel the allies to continue their tor tends to create a' pocket and TELEPHONE 3S tached glumes the hull-like attachments at the tips of -the grains are easily separated when the corn becomes dry.

Spread upon trays to a pressure by means of frontal attacks- causes the Germans to retreat else- These tactics are only temporarily where so as to try to keep their en- army, one of them now on the' firing line in Frarice, has written to Postmaster General Burleson, director of the wires under government control, in protest. It will! be interesting to nnta wViat 'renlv rr i what action Bur of advantage to the Germans and are tire line straight. dpth of Vi to inch if the corn is to! be jdried in the sun. or 1 inch if dry-! in the nature of an expedient to gain! Minimum losses are thus falling to time for the further retirement of, the allies for the gains they are mak- ing in a The temperature ofj the drier may be 130 to 140 degrees! German heavy artillery and munitions. ing.

Henceforth General Foch may leson will (like. The government did The present position of the allies west be expected to shift his assaults Trom of the Fismes railway1 is seriously i one local area to another, as new con- not hesitati to take the. sons; it should not now hesitate to protect the man who gave them. threatening the German communica-, dltions present themselves for creat- at the beginning and should be in-j creased 15 to 20 degrees toward thej end of the process. The grain should i be thoroughly stirred several times! to separate any compact masses.

If corn is dried in the sun. it should I be finished by pouring into breadpans. i tions along the Crise river, and the Ing pockets. (Mr-i Rynerson managed to "pull off the meeting of fourth' district Demo-rat, iiiia niii vootcrHav in what formulated with the intention of crushing the soul out of these men, and making of them mere beasts of bur 0mm I lu iui a vivj .4 inif piper Haf enllSteCl may be said to be a very successful flag nor to the boys who are facing the Huns over there. Congress has taken action in the passing of laws which gives the administration -power to deal with the pro-Germans and with German propaganda, but there seems to be a little too much ten den? They were denied the right to tththe government lf the and satisfactory to him and his warming t'o 160 to 165 degrees for; two hours, with frequent stirring, ae it is practically impossible to bring corn to a sufficient degree of dryness by the unaided heat'of the sun.

Drying should in every case be con i vi 1 learn, even the right to think, and CWSe Of America for the crowd-manner, ue those who dared to think paid the Bneu, or eveu uycu aiiciuvi oi period of the war same penalty as that recently given bulling, although it is suspected that Nicholas Romanoff. Did the former 'ft 'r V. A some members of the local Democracy A Good Container Should Exclude the Light and Be Insect-Proof, but Not. are today again feeling the effects of dency to laxity. In this the county councils of defense all over the country have a most vital part to, play and an urgent duty to perform, and it tinued untilthe grains are hard, semi-transparent, and break to bits with a clean, -glasslike fracture when it Is crushed.

When corn ha been brought to this degree of-1 dr.yness. it may be perma BKPVBLICAIf STATE TICKET. Air-Tight. the road poller. It was noticed that lutely air tight, and that it exclnda tate Chaftman Van Nuys.

in calling the light. Heavy i paper bags, stout is pleasing to note that tne large ma the roll bfij for responses "for the eood ilof the party." called the pasteboard boxes, muslin bags which WHEN THE CITY WOMAN DRIES. nently stored at once, preferably in jority of the county councils are up czar at last realize that these were human beings, and that in their dark; ened minds thoughts were springing up? Did he stop to think that the awful chaos, fruit was his own destruction, was tffe direct result of his own methods, and those of his blood arrogant, cruel slave masters that they' were? We shall never know his thoughts, closely woven muslin bags or heavy and doing and always active, but It paper bags, tied tightly at the neckj is regrettable that in some places the Secretary of State WILLIAM A. ROACH of Delphi Auditor of State OTTO L. KLAUS3 of Bvanivllle Treasurer of State UZ McMURTIE of Marlon Attorney General ELE 8TAN3BUK of Willlamsport Clerk" of Supreme and Appellate Courts PATRICK J.

LYNCH of Newcastle State Superintendent of Public Inatruc- tlon county councils seem to be "sleeping counties1 b. name alphabetical order, with jhe exception of Bartholomew, he1 apparently believing that is. the last letter in the alphabet, and when he eached 'that letter, instead Buy when the market is full. Select only fresh products. 4 Prepare for drying at once.

Dry by the fan as it cools at the switch." '1 and placed within a larger muslin bag which is in turn tightly tied. Prior to storing, the corn may be freed of silks, glumes, and bits of cob by stirring it repeatedly to loosen the have be-n dipped Into melted paramo lard cans or other tin cans harms reasonably close fitting slip covers, and tight wooden: boxes similar to those in which commercial evaporated fruits are packed may all be employed with entire success. I boxes or cans are to be used, they should be lined with several lay ers of waxed paper ordinary paramn paper is excellent which should be the rooms. perhaps, not even when the book of of calling iljor Bartholomew county, he Pack in candy and cracker NICHOLAS ROMANOFF, COWARD. Nicholas Romanoff, former Russian glumes from the tips of the grains th inHp-mtnt unrnlla Rut the mills LINNAEUS N.

HINES of ICrawfordsvllle caUed for fMr. Rynerson of Barthol-Of course, slippery John of the gods grind, slowiy indeed, some- and then Passing the corn over it from boxes. 4- Store on the pantry shelves. Save fuel Save work Save emperor, given two hours in which to' screen or pouring one vessel to another while another person cre would never have, been, guilty of ar prepare for the end, was taken out sugar Save food! little: thing like that. ates a strong breeze by fanning the ranging a so placed In the box that "the second layer covers the Joints of the first and 1 times, but exceedingly small, and doubtless there are many who see in the end of the craven Komanlff the truth of the age old adage, "as ye have sown, so.

shall ye reap." stream of grain, thus winnowing outj that the ends project beyond the ildes by his executioners in such a state of collapse that it was necessary to prop him against a post to await his death. the lichter narticles. il a i i a WAR NOT OVER. TH of the box sufficiently far to allow Dried foods are not ready to be State OeoloKlst LEWIS F. ROURKE of Bloomlnston Judg- of Supreme Court, First District B.

WILLOtlGHB of Vlncennes Judge of Supreme Court, Fourth District HOWARD I TOWNS END of Ft. Wayne Judges of Appellate Court, First District CHARGES -F. P.EMY of lndlanapolla SOLpN ENIXE of Danville. Juases of Appellate Court, Second "Die- irlct A. L.

NICHOLS, of Winchester. WILLIS C. McMAHON of Crownpolnt While tie magnificent successes of during the past two weeks the allies placed in permanent containers as they come from the drier; they must says a recent dispatch, from Amsterdam. Truly, an ignoble end for the last ot the mighty' Romanoffs, a have givei all Americans cause to AGRTCVUTJRE or Since corn is a product which quite high both in sugar and in pro- tein. it is quite1 subject to the attacks of bacteria if the drying process is allowed to stop while there is still a considerable percentage of water present.

Consequently, if sun drying undergo a preliminary conditioning rwfm or after-drying treatment No matter WTO weakling, who had not nerve enough to face the death which he and his how dry and crisp the surfaces of the hope that the waif may soon end, we must all know that the end is not yetnor, perhaps soon. While the German atmies have met with what pieces may feel to the touch, there is had often so lightly inflicted on others. is interrupted by cloudy weather: or a conBldable- percentage of moisture showers, while the corn still has much He was harmless, it was admitted by tne interior, ir such ma 1SEPIBMCN COUVT1 TICKET 'hem to be folded snugly over the top to exclude insects. Then pour in the material, packing it jdown rather, firmly with the hands, fold the paper tistbtly into place over the top, taking care to leave no openings between the and put on the lid. If paper or muslin bags are to be used, it is best to place the dry product In smaller bags; folding th neck DRYiTO SAVE Food, sugar, space, transpor- tation.

Jars, rings, time, effort. .1 appears td be a crushing defeat, it does not mean that' the Kaiser and his many of the better element in Rus terial were at once placed in contain drying should be continued over the stove or in the oven or the For Congress JOHN S. BKNHAM Prosecutlns Attorney ers, the moisture present in each sia, some of whom have protested at SWEET CORN. product may spoil. Ordinary white field corn, if gath Huns hav4 yet been brought to their knees.

They are still able to put up his summary execution. piece of material would gradually distribute itself equally throughout the piece, while; the air within the can Corn intended for drying, should be There was little excuse for. putting a stiff although it is hard gathered when in "milk stage" ered when in ideal roasting ear stage and treated by the method here described, makes a dry product which is would become almost saturated with ly to be! thought; that they will ever when all the contents of a grain can moisture, and spoilage would soon be him to death, even considering all the circumstances. True, there were always rumors that certain forces were combining to-reinstate him, but again, be able to take the offensive be pressed out" as a semi-liquid mass or course much lower sugar con gin at least hot on any such large scale tent than is sweet corn, but which is is In order to avoid this daneer secure! as in the uut tney are noi yi by no means to be despised. a number of good sized wooden boxes! by crushing with, the thumbnail before the hardening glazing of the grams hasset- irt.

Corn which is either too immature or too old to be ideal for -immediate table use will not beaten There must yet be much and equal to thr number- of different pro- hard fighting, and months of contin eren the most ignorant of the. Bolshevik! were wise enough to know that they had. little to fear from that source. But his once despised ducts you are going to dry. line these ANTIPODES TO THE (By United Press.) 3 uous battling.

Not until the Germans with clean wrapping paper or newspa- make a strictly first-class product. It Melbourne, Aug. 3 Australia has of each over and tying it tightly, and to drop a mimber-of -these 'iito -a single larger bag which Is in turn rMIv tied. Such bans may be stored in a tin can which has a reasonably fitting lid. but if a warm, dry, airy closet or storage room is avail- iL'e it is a much better plan to in are driven back across the Rhine into contributed ten per cent of her popula moujiks, "my moujiks," as 'he called their owW territory' will they be given snouid te gatnered only as rapidly as it can be prepared -for drying; the practically universal rule in canneries tion for the allied firing line.

them, his vassals, lower in his estima the final! blow that will crush their With a population of barely 5.000.000. WHERE TO DRY. 3 I CARL. CAKTbiK Joint Senator ATwl K. L1SHER Upr4eentative JOHN W.

MORGAN County Clerk CHARLES Q. HUNTER County Auditor rTTwejvRURON County Treasurer SMUir CARMICHARL i mt1t JAMIOS HOWE Coxmty Sheriff 'r WILBT'U H. POWERS County Surveyor j. HADLEY C. County Coroner DR.

GEORGE F. CLINE County Assessor NEWELL. E. ROM1NE 1 Commissioner First District JOHN OTT If Commissioner Second District EDD MARR Councllman-at-Large 1 ISAAC BREEDING JAMES C. ALLEY WILLIAM E.

PANCAKE County Councilman Firsts District ALBERT M. HOLLAND County Councilman Second District CHESTER NEWSOM County Councilman rThird District THOMAS F. BUTLER County Councilman Fourth District FRANK McHENRY and corn-drying plants that no corn'more than 426.000 have enlisted. Of military spirit. close them in a larger bag and sua- may be gathered more than four Capt- Jt M.

de Beaufort, late of the Belgian army, now in the United iff r. houre before it can be worked up is In the sun, 5 On the stove. In the oven. Near a fan. 4 States! believes that it will take until these 48.7S0 have ben killed and more than 133.000 wounded.

I The total cost of Australia in money has been more than a billion dollars. I Rochester A. Denniston. presi- an excellent "one to follow in the home, no product deteriorates more rapidly after it is gathered. 1921 to thoroughly conquer Germany and that between 4,000,000 and 5,000, tion than the horses that had the honor carry him, were the and they had an old, old score to set- i And when he rod looking into Jhelr faces and waiting death.

at their bands, what were his thoughts? Did he look back into the history of his benighted country, and see the thousands of these same despised moujiks who had been sent to death, and worse than death, banishment. to- Siberia, Husk the ears, trim out any worm 000 American soldiers will be requir injuries or other defects, but do not dent of the Rochester Bridge Companv ed to finish the job. "It is a says the! captain, "to say that. Ger rers, provide sheets of closely woven mosquito netting or cheesecloth to cover them, and place them in a warm, darkened room. As material dried, bring it directly from the drier and place it in the box set apart many can be starved out, or tha spend time in attempts to remove "lias received word that the first steel silks, as.

they are readily separated ship assembled by the International after drying. Place the ears in a wire Shipbuiding would glide basket or shallow box having a bot-jdown the ways at Hog Island. Au-tom of wire netting made to fit into gust 5, to be christened "Quistonck." an ordinary washboiler, have the boil- the name selected by Mrs. Woodrow er partially filled with water and Wilson. The ship will contain parts brought to boiling by the time 'the fabricated in the local plant there! will be internal revolution in fend them, from the ceiling so.

that the air may have free access to them. The room in which dried materials re to be stored must be one which is -Hoth warm and dry. The ordinary pantry or storeroom opening out of the kitchen Is not 'well salted Jo the nnrivKP. for. uch a room Is usually kept rather damp by steam from dried imnterials readily take up moisture which they do not have opportunity to'give off Into dryer air.

'f the house has an airy attic which la Vent warm by! flues from the rooms helow. it will furnish an ideal place for storing dried products of all kinds, which fusnended from rafters or stored on shelves near the chimney where the: heat will prevent any 4 i DRY. to that particular product, covering that country to put a stop to the war." The only way, he says, that for th most trifling infringements of tyrannical laws? Laws I which were Germany! yfill be: beaten is by crushing is the box with cheesecloth so that thi? air may have free access to the contents while inswts are kepi out. At Intervals of a day or tw(T stir the con her armed lorces, -ana mis, ne De-lieves, will require at least three years more fighting. THE HYPNOTIST tents of the box thoroughly, and when a fresh batch of product is brouzht from the drier mix it thoroughly with It is jbecoming more and more ap parent that the "alues have reason to that already in the box.



CLARK be. more of German probagan Continue this process or ten dayc to two weeks. During the first part 8 da than they how have of German armsj and America and the American of this time the products apparently will take on moisture, cdsp and brit people Should pay especial heed to this. 1 The overthrow of Russia was tie pieces will become pliable nnd leathery. and the inexperienced You need not buy another Jar or can.

You n--d not use another pound of snear. Save everything. I not the achievement of German arms, Si housewife may be lod to fear that the but of permanj propaganda, and the whole mass is about to spoil. But the material will then gradually become Austro-German successes in Italy were THE WEATHER. Probably ehowers tonight and Sun: day.

h-' drier by loss of moisture to the atmos due to (the same pernicious activity. phere and presently it will become ap Alreadv! we are beginning td hear oi parent that, no change is occurring in peace proposals and peaco feelers serious absorption of moisture the winter. For the same reason, a closet near a chimney or radiator in a warm room is to be preferred' to it from dav to dav. Now remove th A Yank flyer brought down 1 three and, Germany hg already even gone Huns iff five minutes Wednesday, "dis patches tell us. I Those Yanks sure storage In an In districts unheated closet which have exception do work rapid like.

material from the boxes, place it in the drir or in the oven of the stove, and heat it gradually up to 10 degrees F. to destroy any insert "gzs which may have been dr-jiosited in it. and at once place it in permanent containers. A Variety of Containers. A considerable variety of contain- A New Yorkeriwho snatched a Ger so, tar lis to indicate a williugness to gie up all she ''gained" the west Jfj no questions will bo askuJ about east! For the allies to accede, td any such peace terms woutc be to 'grant to Germany victory, and all ioflfthe cost and sacrifice rof the four years, of terrible war would have been thrown to the winds.

Granted such a victory would mean that man paper from the hands of a man and then pummeled him because he i I I SI I 3 i Si i i 3 1 i. i i ally long periods of constant rainfall or damp, muggy weather, or which are so near the ocean that high hu-idity prevails for long periods, it will be necessary to employ special care" in order to avoid spoilage of dried products. In isuch the aup-jfty of dried foods should be examined from tim to time, and any portiona which lo be too moint for safe. heaped abuse on the paper-snatcher was fined $20 by a New York judge Possibly a little investigation into the true sentiments of the judge might not within ty should be returned to the drier or ten or fifteen years Germany have the opportunity, and take advantage of it, to mobil- ALL IN THE FAMILY. Father srrew the vegetables.

Sister picked the fruits. Rrother made the driers. And mother dried the roots. would would! placed In th-oven of the cook stove jand h-atd for a sufficient period to i drive off tbf excess moisture, after iae mn and materials for another world! war, and a "ar in which she would" undoubtedly win, thus ing dream of world power and Prussian military supremacy of the urn tney may ne returned to the containers. Under less exceptional ers may be employed for storine drid conditions this will not te now be out of order.

I -T One year ago next Monday night the Indiana state militia was mustered into the federal service, and tonight the big majority of those boys are "somewhere" in France In the presence the great battle how rag- Ing and the absence of casualty lists there is a deep significance to many vegetables or fruits. The essential ft s-sarv with products which have earth; I It would mean that the boys features of a good container are that been sufficiently dried la the first I it shall be insert-proof but not abso- place, I wha ajre now in school in the United States! would ithen be in Che trenches. of us In that word "somewhere land nbt in tke trenches "somewhere INDIANA WAR MOTHERS ithat ihna who otherwise WILL HELP BOYS VOTE WIU brouf 1 int i "These boys are' scattered and we i it'll a Vli. 4nK f- TSAI in Europe" but somewhere in the United States, for such a world -war would hot be "three thousand then if away," but would be brought miles Have Been Asked to Aid by Locating a-. "but with the assistance of the Boys in Various Cantonments patriotic organizations of the state If Kaiser Bill had only thought of it he might have got some valuable pointers from Spain as to the fighting qualities of the United States soldiers.

General Weyler would have told him a thing or two if Bill bad pur pry doors. we expected Throughout Country. the work to progress Gertaany must be crushed forever. i daily." and crushed now. There can be no taken 'the trouble to have asked the peace talk that will be heard until (By United Press.) Indianapolis.

Aug. let incheter Kess Moore was buried general before the general ceased to the Prussian war lords are ready to talk about it listen to peace talk, and not talk it themselves. German propaganda is at'- TcJohV- "1 TlaTkS ters have bePn mailed to the various accidental shot. received when he waa war mothers' organizations and other cleaning a rifle. "The bullet lodged in patriotic todies throuehout the sta' his kidneys.

I asking them to aspist in locating Indi-! ana boys ia the various fighting units! I 1 i 6b that may have an ojiortunity to TVratur Miss Christina Habegger vof this fall. (and Miss Mettle Lehman, of Berne, A commission recently appointed by will-go to China as missionaries on the Governor Goodrich including W. O. Mennonite church. They will go to Prediction is made that as last flash in the pan In this war, the Kaiser will send out his.

fleet and that the greatest sea battle ever known will be waged. The boys on the allied work in the United States 'right now; -j it been at work ever since the war i.pegari.. but now it will renew its activity, and the American who listens to it, does not do all with- battleships, who have' been waiting in his power to stop it and stop the so long for "soaiiethJng to will propagandist will not be true to the Fiedler and James K. IVrry, of thin Pekid fim. where they will attend a city, has taken this step in the hope I language echooL.

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