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The Des Moines Register du lieu suivant : Des Moines, Iowa • Page 49

Des Moines, Iowa
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DES MOINES, IOWA, MAY 8, 193S-SECTION 10. I' 1 'V i 1 i 1 i i i mi i ii ii i i nm jiii i I an pi pmtmm I i fVv I M-'iL 1 Y. l' ill 1 7 I BDM SugirM (Bwirw UEmax wm CpQEdnmpa? Don't forget that Sam recently did a bit of hoaxing on his own when he built up Jon Hall as a son of Tahiti. Jon was born Charles Hall Lochern in Fresno, Cal. But no matter how she arrived in Sam Goldwyn's "Marco Polo," Sigrid Haukelid will keep on signing her name this way: Blond Sigrid Gurie, starring in "Marco was introduced to Hollywood as "Norway's threat to Greta Garbo," as "Sonja Henie's sister citizen from Oslo," as "Sam Goldwyn's London discovery." Blond Sigrid IS Goldwyn's discovery.

But he says he didn't discover her in London, she isn't from Oslo and if she's a threat to Greta Garbo yet to be demonstrated she certainly isn't Norway's threat. The hoax was revealed when Sigrid's divorce action against Tom Stewart went to court. Then it became known that she was born But the Sam Goldwyn version is: "I knew who she was all the time." Hollywood has had lots of hoaxes. Oriental Theda Bara turned out to be Ohio-born Thco-dosia Goodman, Britain's Margaret Lindsay is really Iowa's Margaret Kies, Fifi D'Orsay of France is Canada's Marie Lussier and Spain's Ricardo Cortez was revealed long ago as Vienna's later New York's Jacob Kranze. With such revelations exploding under his very nose, is it likely Sam Goldwyn could be easily hoaxed? Sigrid Haukelid in Brooklyn, N.

went to Norway several times with her Norwegian parents, landed in California four years ago. There's still some doubt as to what happened next, beyond the fact that she married Tom Stewart in the non-Norwegian town of Cal. One version says Sigrid met Goldwyn in London, where he signed her under the impression she was a star in the Norway National theater. Another version has it that she was brought to Goldwyn's Hollywood office as a star of the N. N.

T. and completely fooled him..

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