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The Palm Beach Post du lieu suivant : West Palm Beach, Florida • Page 5

West Palm Beach, Florida
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Tuesday Morning, May 6, 1939 THE PALM BEACH POST Page Five The Qealm of Society0, Club and Church G4ctivitiesJ MEMBERS OF SOUTHBORO JUNIOR-HIGH PARENT-TEACHERS SPONSOR BRIDGE S. Earman, Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, Mrs. Lloyd Netto, Mrs. Charles Warwick, Mrs.

A. B. Rittenour, Mrs. Jack Salisbury, Mrs. Dale Zent, Mrs.

George Walz, Mrs. James L. Turnage, Mrs. Paschal C. Reese, Mrs.

John F. Binkley. QUEEN AND MAIDS CROWNED AT PIRATES' BALL The auditorium of the Southboro Junior High School was the scene last night of a delightful benefit Miss Olive D. Daunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank C. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Hart, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Krape, Mrs. B. B. Van Hou-ten, Mrs.

A. L. Robertson, Mrs. R. P.

Sim, Mrs. D. C. Parr, Mrs. J.

L. bridge party given by members of rise Southboro Junior High Association. The auditor ium was artistically decorated with Annual Luncheon of Junior Woman's Club The annual business meeting and luncheon of the junior department of the Woman's Club will be held at the Palm Beach Winter Club today at 1 o'clock, with Mrs. W. A.

Fagan, president, presiding. The annual reports of the officers will be given. Those making reservations are Mrs. William Stephenson, Mrs. B.

F. Worrell, Mrs. Kenyon Riddle, Mrs. D. F.

Goodell, Mrs. J. K. Williamson, Mrs. J.

Stockton Bryan, Mrs. W. A. Fagan, Mrs. Claude D.

Reese, Mrs. Margaret Gosman, Mrs. Joe L. Earman, Mrs. W.

R. Bowler, Mrs. R. E. Oliver, Mrs.

Joseph Far-rish, Mrs. Hansell Hall, Mrs. B. F. Paty, Mrs.

John Powell, Mrs. Charles Trevail, Mrs. Pan C. Smith, Miss Peggy Flannagan, Mrs. Trevor Bowler, Mrs.

William T. Reynolds, Mrs. H. P. Vannah, Mrs.

Fred Farwell, Mrs. Whitney B. Himes, Mrs. Edwin Baker, Mrs. Joe Chapter P.

E.O. Holds Business Meeting Mrs. P. N. Hiatt presided at the regular business meeting of Chapter P.

E. O. at the home of Mrs. J. D.

DeBerry, 2015 South Oliv avenue, Monday, when Mrs. De-Berry and E. Prather were hostesses. Plans for the year's work were discussed. A salad course was served by the hostesses at the close of the business meeting.

Attending were Mrs. N. Hiatt, Mrs. A. Ritenour, Mrs.

Lore Al-ford. Mrs. Newman T. Miller, Mrs. Robert Kerr, Mrs.

Frank Grimes, Mrs. J. G. Findley, Mrs. J.

J. and the hostesses. Northboro A Officers Are Installed The newly elected officers of the Northboro Parent-Teacher Association were installed at a meeting held at the Northboro School, Monday afternoon. Mrs. E.

Glover Johnston presided at the meeting and was in charge of the installation. The new officers are Mrs. F. P. Cook, president; Mrs.

W. C. Denny, first vice-president; Mrs. Margaret Bulerdick, second vice-president; Mrs. J.

D. Ferrell, third vice-president; Mrs. J. M. Harrison, secretary; Mrs.

H. H. Palmer, treasurer and Mrs. Jewell Mayo, historian. Reports were made by the committee chairman, an especially interesting one being by the historian, Mrs.

W. C. Denny. It was decided to hold the summer round up on Wednesday from 2 to 4 o'clock with Mrs. E.

Glover Johnston, chairman, assisted by other members of the association. Mrs. G. C. Brockway and Mrs.

W. C. Denny were appointed publicity chairman. A debate "The Train is of more commercial value than the automobile" wa3 presented by Ruby Clarke and Melva Connell, affirmative and Evelyn Calloway and John Crow, negative. Dorothy Scotten was the chairman of the debate.

The debaters are members' of Mrs. Jewell Mayo's class. The Judges were Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Robert Er-skine and Mrs.

H. H. Palmer. The affirmative side won. Moore, Mrs.

Raymond Hickey, Mrs. Geo. F. Reed, Miss Mary A. Reed, Mrs.

L. A. Barto, Mrs. E. S.

Smith, Mrs. J. Warren Smith, Mrs. J. F.

Gallagher, Mrs. Roy Beery, Mrs. Chas. W. Nipson, Mrs.

R. T. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gussman, Mr.

and Mrs. Judson L. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Redelsheimer, Mrs.

Taylor Adams, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ray Sparks, Mr. and Mrs.

George E. Anderson, Mrs. Ralph M. Walden, Mrs. J.

W. Loadholtes, Mrs. Robert Martin, Mrs. Michael Fischer, Mrs. F.

Peter Herman, Mrs. Emma Herman, Mrs. P. N. Hiatt, Mrs.

H. J. O'Neill, Mrs. F. H.

McLellan, Mrs. W. L. Fleischer, Mrs. Burt Bollinger, Miss Mary Louise Bollinger, Mrs.

Howard Selby, Mrs. Rollini Church, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith, Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mrs.

Grover C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. N. W.

Mizell, Mr. H. R. Hitchcock, Miss Irene McGlynn and Mr. and Mrs.

P. R. Bowers. van-colored garden flowers. Prizes were presented to holders of highest scores at each table and two special awards were mude.

An ice course with punch was served during the evening by the refreshment committee of which Mrs. R. T. Merrill was chairman, with Mrs. J.

Wayen Smith and Mrs. J. P. Cochrane, assisting. Mrs.

Roy Beery was chairman, of arrangements, assisted by Mrs. Roy Gussman; Mrs. Howard W. Selby was chairman of prizes; Mrs. Ralph M.

Hart, tables and napkins; Mrs. C. W. Nipson and Mrs. J.

F. Gallagher, tables; Mrs. C. H. Allen and Mrs.

Roy Hull, decorations; Mrs. E. H. Bowen, sale of cakes and candy; and Mrs. Gilbert Ray Sparks, publicity.

Present were Mrs. Chas. E. Taylor, Miss Viola Kundtz, Mrs. C.

Osborne, Mrs. G. Harrison Miller, Mrs. J. E.

McDonald, Mrs. R. L. Wykoff, Mrs. Helena Malphurs, SPECIAL OFFERING Of Our Entire Stock of Fathers Nght of Palmetto A.

Woman's Club Holds Business Meeting At the regular business meeting the Woman's Club, held at the William Thomas Ingram Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Incram.

of 52!) Club house, Monday afternoon, it Father's Night will be observed by members of the Palmetto Parent-Teacher Association at the Palmetto school Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Following a short business meeting, the students at the school will present an interesting program, which will include a health play and recitations. Twenty-ninth street, announce the birth of a son, William Thomas, at Good Samaritan hospital on May 3. LINERY I Hi A Personal Mention Games and contests will be enjoyed during the social hour which will follow the program, and refresh ments will be served. Mrs.

J. Ed Dr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Haskins of Miami, were week-end guests of the Rev.

and Mrs. William John Minges at their home, Peruvian avenue, Palm Beach. win Baker will be in charge of the refreshments. A meeting of the executive board of the Palmetto A. will be held at the school Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

ueciuea to nold the annual meeting and lunchpon at the club house on Monday, May 19, instead of on May 2(i as was planned. The annual meeting will be held at 11 5'clock, when the reports-of the officers will ')i heard, the luncheon will be held at 1 o'clock, during which time the installation of officers will take place. Mrs. James L. Turnage was appointed toastmist-ress and Mrs.

M. J. Dewey, chairman of the American Homes committee, wa3 appointed chairman of the luncheon, assisted by Mrs. A. Aden.

Reservation for the luncheon nay be made by calling Mis. O. J. Ford, 2-2790. The club 'oted to send the incoming president, Mrs.

W. R. Bowler, to the National convention of the Federation of Woman's Clubs, in Denver, June 5 to 14. Attending were Mrs. R.

E. Oliver, Mrs. Howard W. Selby, Mrs. James Asher, Mrs.

PatHe Day Miller, VV. J. von Behren. Mrs. W.

A. Dutch, Mrs. Susan Welch McKee, Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. A.

P. Sadler, Mrs. W. E. Bowler, Mrs.

O. J. NOW GOING ON-AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES Miss Dorothy Myers, who has been spending the past year with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Av Goodrich on Gardenia street, is laving tonight for her homo in Williams-port, Pa. Mrs.

E. T. Runyon Entertains at Bridge Mrs. E. T.

Runyon was hostess at a bridge tea at her home 1009 1-2 Florida avenue, Monday afternoon. The house was decorated with bou- William Grogan is recuperating after a tonsil operation at a local hospital. Mr. Grogan is an employe of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company. $3.35 to $8.95 gninvillea and hibiscus.

Miss Mary Jane Montfort, of Miami, was crowned Queen of the Pirates, leading social organization of the University of Florida, at the brilliant Pirates' ball at the Hotel Thomas Friday night, April 25. The three maids" chosen were Misses Gervals Prentis of Qulncy, Theresa Mlntz of Tampa and Elizabeth Finn of Miami. Each of the four beautiful young ladies are members of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. Punch was served during the bridge games and an ice course was served late in the afternoon. High score awards were presented to Mrs.

Harry Kocher, president of the Palm Beach County League of Women Voters, is leaving today for Miami to attend the state convention of the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Kocher will be accompanied by Mrs. G. N.

Nagle, of Lake Worth. Ford, Mrs. Joe L. Earman, Mrs. Charles H.

Wentworth, Mrs. George C. Barco, Mrs. J. F.

Kirk ton. THIS INCLUDES OUR CHOICE MERCHANDISE SISTER MARY'S KITCHEN Mr. and Mrs. William Asher, have been spending the winter in a Mrs. C.

C. Clapp, Mrs. Nellie Leary Murphy, Mrs. J. A.

Wilder, and consolation to Mrs. Frank Roberts. Other guests of Mrs. Runyon were Mrs. W.

E. Stetzel, Miss Elizabeth Young, Miss Margaret Long, Mrs. E. Westbv, Mrs. William Barnes, Mrs.

R. J. Blandford, Mrs. A. A.

Robinson and Miss Chrystal Clapp. Mrs. Miles to Speak On Wildflowers Mrs. C. A.

Miles of Tampa, an authority on wildflowers, who will be the guest Wednesday and Thursday of Mrs. Alfred Kay of the Palm tne city, left Monday for their home I in Indiana. Mrs. Asher, who trav-1 eled as a soloist with Billy Sunday for a number of years, ren The Week in Prospect Tuesday, Sixth Annual business meeting and luncheon of junior department of Woman's Club at Palm Beach Winter Club, 1 o'clock. Reservations must be made with Mrs.

Williamson, Phone 6748, by Monday night. Annual luncheon of Temple Israel Sisterhood at Gabrielle's, Palm Beach, 1 o'clock. For reservations call Mrs. Pastroff, 9570. Animal Rescue League at home of Mrs.

E. Tinsley Halter, 511 Thirty-second street, 3 W. M. U. of Northwood Baptist Church at the church, o'clock.

Monthly program meeting. Executive board of Southboro A. at the school, 3 o'clock. Fidelis Matrons Class Meeting Place Changed The class party of the Fidelis patrons' class of the First Baptist church, which was to have been held Friday afteronon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Silley, has been changed to the home of Mrs.

T. R. Allen, 612 street, same date and time. An interesting program has been arranged for the party by "Irs. W.

D. Jackson, assisted by Mrs, Bruce McKee. All members are invited to attend. Catherine MILLINERY IMPORTER, INC. dered a delightful solo at the services at the Memorial Presbyterian church Sunday evening.

By SISTKR MARY NfcA Service Writer Perhaps there is no dessert that a ears in as many variations as the nationally loved shortcake. To many persons a shortcake means just one thing a deliciously rich and flaky baking powder biscuit dough filled and covert- with syrupy fresh fruit and served with rich plain cream. But nowadays there are numerous foundations besides the old-fashioned biscuit dough. Waffles, sponge cake, gr.i-ham crackers and even bread an butter are used in some version of Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. Carr, of 1101 North Olive avenue, are leaving by motor, May 7, for their summer home, "Blue Gables," Eosscraeon addition, Skvland, N. C. East Keitler Thentre 116 Myrtle St, Opposite Band Stand ON MERIT ALONE Beach Garden Club, will give a lecture on Wildflowers at the Woman's Club, Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.

The Conservation department of the Woman's Club and the Founders circle of the West Palm Kcach Garden Club are sponsoring the lecture jointly. The lecture will be free and all lovers of flowers are invited to attend. We Invite Yon to ASK FOK OLR Eread Rolls Pastry Fresh Dally At Leading Grocers Executive board of Woman's Auxiliary of Memorial Presbyterian Church at Pioneer Park Pavilion, 3 o'clock. Regular literary and social meeting of Woman's Missionary Society of First Methodist Church at the church, 3 o'clock. Woman's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian Church at the church, 3 o'clock.

Mrs. W. A. Smith, hostess. Social meeting of B.

and P. W. Club at Palm Beach Winter Club, 7:30 o'clock. For reservations call Miss Ruth Shockley, 4600. Psychology and Health Club at Lake Court apartments, 8 o'clock.

Regular meeting of Palm Beach chapter, No. 41, O. E. S. at Masonic Temple, 8 o'clock, followed by social meeting complimenting mothers of members.

Palm Beach High School orchestra and glee club presents program in observance of National Music Week at City Park, under direction of Miss Elizabeth Spaugh, 8 o'clock. Woman's Missionary Society of First Christian church holds regular program meeting at church parlors, Georgia avenue, at 3 o'clock. Regular monthly program meeting of Woman's Missionary Society of First Baptist Church, at the church, 3 o'clock. TTP She thoughts tBSl Plit Ij "As much as I like you, I wouldn't think of staying overnight with 1 gue Circle 10 Meeting The all-day meeting of Circle 10 of the Woman's Missionary society of the First Methodist church, which was to have been held today at the home of Mrs. George Kapper.

has been postponed on account of the regular literary and business meeting of the Missionary society PI H-M( IIKK IKIHI III) VBBmmxmSSXESSXBnssmsr at the church, at 3 o'clock ELIZABETH UNNRG SIP a shortcake. Although shortcake is almost variably associated in our minds with strawberries, all the fruits 1 their seasons arc temptingly made into shortcakes. The must perfectly ripe and wvi. sugared and there should be plenH of it. The full flavor of fruits can be enjoyed in a shortcake, for the fruit is used fiesh and sweetened without cooking.

If the fruit is finely cut and covered with sugar and allowed to stand in a warm place for 30 to 60 minutes, tlv juice is extracted and the fruit sweetened thoroughly. Old-i'usliiiineii Strawberry Shortcake One quart strawberries, 3-4 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup flour, teaspoons baking powder, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons butter, 1. 3 cup milk or water. Wash and hull berries and cut in quarters. Sprinkle with sugar anu i let stand while mixing and baking shortcake.

Mix and sift flour, ball-i ing powder and salt. Cut in shor'-, ening with knives or rub in with tips of Cut in liquid to make soft dough. Divide dough ir halves and roll lightly on a floured molding board to fit baking pan. i Place in pan which has been oilcii and floured. Spread generously with soft butter and add remaining dough which has been rolled to fit lower section.

Bake in a hot oven 400 degrees F. for about 1'5 minutes. When ready to 1 split sections apart. Spread lower section with butter and cover a thick layer of berries and juice, Wednesday, Seventh Benefit bridge and five hundred party sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary for benefit of ninth month of High School and Crippled Children's Home, at Elks Club, 2:30 o'clock. Benefit bridge of Greater Palm Beach Woman's Athletic Club at home of Mrs.

George Shearman, Lake Trail and Seabreeze avenue, Palm Beach, 2:30 o'clock. For reservations call Mrs. Merrill, 5670. Rector's Aid of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church at home of Mrs. John Birdsall, 2425 South Poinsettia avenue, 2:30 o'clock.

Guild of the Nazarene at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 3 o'clock. Regular meeting Southboro Parent-Teacher Association at the school, 3 o'clock. Yearly reports. Installation of officers. Musical tea of Music Study Club at home of Mrs.

Lillian B. Loomis, 616 South Poinsettia avenue, 4 to 6 o'clock. Bridge party for Shriners and their lady friends given by board of governors of the Palm Beach Shrine Club at the club house, Park 1 CD On Vice Sale TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ANOTHER LOT OF Regular pa (Jj $18.50 dresses intimate friends for each 1 JtL Cover with top and add more berries. This may be topped with sweetened whipped cream and garnished with perfect whole berries. Serve with plain cream.

Instead of making one largo shortcake, the dough can be cut in rounds to make individual These are split and served like the large one. until she ended ffB. Do not miss this opportunity to get something that you need. Makes You Look Years ELIZABETH MANNING SIP ouncer avenue, Palm Beach, 8 o'clock sharp. Admission by 1930 Shrine cards.

Unity Lessons in Truth, 8 o'clock. Concert bf Musicians' Benefit Association orchestra under direction of Henri Godio in observance of National Music Week in the City Park, 8 o'clock. Recital of pupils of Robert Frederick Freund at Holy Trinity parish house, 8:30 o'clock. Public invited. Fathers Night meeting of Palmetto Parent-Teacher Association at the school, 7:30 o'clock.

Meeting of executive board of association at the school, 2 o'clock. Joint meeting of Missionary Aid, Young Matron's Guild and Friendship Class of Church of Christ of Christian Church at the church, 2:30 o'clock. Teletha Club meets at 8 o'clock at home of Miss Ruby Edna Pierce with' Miss Pierce and Mrs. Edith Walker hostesses. Lecture on Wildflowers by Mrs.

C. A. Miles of Tampa, sponsored by the Conservation departmments of the Founders Circle of the West Palm Beach Garden Club and the Woman's Club at the Woman's club, 8 oclock. Public invited. Thursday, Eighth Neighborhood meeting of all parishes along East Coast at All Saints Church, Fort Lauderdale, 10:30 o'clock.

Music Festival at High School Auditorium, 8:30 o'clock. Francaise at Lake Court apartments, 8:30 o'clock. Benefit bunco party sponsored by Mrs. E. P.

Savage at Royal Dan-elli Hotel, 8 o'clock. All Pythian Sisters and friends invited. Friday, Ninth Luncheon meeting of West Palm Beach League of Women Voters at Palm Beach Winter Club, 12:30 o'clock. For reservations call Mrs. Holsclaw, 2-2010 or Mrs.

Hartmann, 2-3931. Shakespeare Club at Memorial Library, 3 o'clock. Card party sponsored by Senior Young Peoples Service League at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church parish house, 8 o'clock. Public invited. Concert at City Park by Musicians Union under direction of Caesar LaMonaca, in observance of National Music Week, 8 o'clock, Annual dance revue of Heliker Studios at High School auditorium, 8 o'clock.

Class party of Fidelis Matrons of First Baptist Church at the home of Mrs. T. R. Allen, 612 street, 3 o'clock. Mother and daughter banquet of members of Church of Christ or Christian Church, at the church, 6:30 o'clock.

For reservations call 4579 or 2-2312. Saturday, Tenth Rummage sale sponsored by West Palm Beach League of Women Voters at 520 Clematis street, all day. Rummage may be left during week with Mrs. Pattie Day Miller, 5908 Garden avenue, Mrs. Alvin Good, 1114 South Olive avenue or Mrs.

Wentworth, Monterey Hotel. 311 CLEMATIS ST. The skin of youth lies in every box of new wonderful MELLO-GLO Face Powder. The purest powder made its color is passed by the U. S7 Government.

No pastiness, flakiness or irritation. A new French process makes it spread more smoothly and prevents large pores. No more shiny noses it stays on longer. Use MELLO-GLO. Hatch's, Inc.

and Pearson's flOTEL (limly 0)1 or) notice it in ourselves. But others do. That's why millions of particular men and women have adopted Lifebuoy as their toilet soap, For with Lifebuoy you can feel safe. Its bland, creamy, deep-cleansing, antiseptic lather purifies pores banishes every trace of "B.O." Ieave3 you gloriously fresh and clean. A real complexion soap And what wonders Lifebuoy can do for the complexion! It goes straight to the source of most complexion troubles clogged pores.

Quickly its gentle searching lather frees them of impurities-coaxes back healthy radiant bloom to dull, sallow skins. Its pleasant, extra-dean scent that vanishes as you rinse tells you Lifebuoy purifies. Adopt Lifebuoy today. LEVKR BROTUEES CambnJ); Jm. SHE LONGED for friendsrear! friends.

Girls who would drop in to see her often, go shopping with her or to the movies, stay overnight. But in spite of her cordiality, people didn't respond. They were polite, pleasant but kept her at arm's length. At last she found out why. "B.O." body odor.

Now her lonely days are over she has friends galore. She knows the easy way to avoid offending. ISo one is safe! Body odor is a fault people seldom mentionand never overlook. Yet unless we adopt some simple safeguard, any one of us may be guilt and not know itl Our pores constantly give off odor-causing waste as much a3 a quart daily, doctors say. We soon become accustomed to this ever-present odor and don't (5JVERNOR (Linton Opposite I'enn, l(.

H. station New York's new liotcl truly 'expressive of the greatest dty. 1200, pleasant rooms each vith bath, circulating ice water and radio provisions." TRY NEWZO E. G. Kil R4UM1M from Central Mgr.

S3.0 EVov iirliuiit I'Vet. Erzi'iiiii. Jem-r, Weiring mid skin irritate? 1 ions or liisoct liites. Sold under nioni'v liacts snaraii-tee, if imt witisfieil. For sale nti all drug stores.

tor Newberry's Pharmacy 80S Ho. Divlf I'lionc 4711 Wt Deliver Try AVENUE 31? STREET sfebuov LIFEBUOY "STABILIZE THE SKIRT" New York, This sudden chang set in with fashion designers and lend their views to fashion decrees. The recent change from short to long skirts brought on this SHAY 1IU 1 UaaXf HEALTH SOAP ROYAL PALM PET SHOP COK. OI.IVK and (JAKDHMA 1MIONB (1772 how the raror RliJcs over it shaves it clean with- ing of women's styles has got under the skin of the Women's Club of Forest Hills, and that organization has issued a resolution urging other women's clubs to devise a method whereby a few women without business affiliations would Fout a trace ot irritation. Sun-Tan, Sea-Air and Sunshine spell Palm Beach perfection.

In New York enjoy the perfection of the Governor Clinton. There are now over 2,250,000 horses in Australia; in 1788 there At your Urugg'il I "Stops body odor- were five one stallion, three mares 1 1. and a colt. (L.

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