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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 12

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1935 OAKLAND SHIPPING AND PORT NEWS ADDITIONAL SPORTS lAW WQisTRici Moderately Vinpcra Hire Preilirli-d; (Ion tiniies in lhe Sierra Mevai i Fair weather will return to tlir Bay area today, witli im.dcrau-lj increasins c-mpcriitiires, according to the weather bureau. The freezing condition wil usher in tho morning is uc to rise before noon, reflectinj: a rise in temperature throughout all of Northern California. Fair weather will continue Monday, E. H. Bowie, forecaster, said with moderate to fresh Northwest winds prevailing off the Coast.

IN KIFKItA NFVAIIAS In the Sierra Nevaclas frnvint, temperatures were expected to continue tor ay and tomoi TOW, with fresh northerly winils. In the three valleys thermometers tha reqi.s ei freezing today will mount tomorrow to moderate levels with the same north wind prevailing. Southern California was also in the grip of the cold wave this morning, that showed no of liftin today or tomorrow. Frosts are reported in the interior. Washington and Oregon were in the path of rain that was due to fall Monday, as clouds moved in off the Coast.

The disturbances were not accompanied by unusually low temperatures. OTHER FOIIKUASTS Novaila nnd Irt.iho: Fnlr Sunday Monday; continued colrl. nd and oil the Pat Cniist Nnrlh Cnpc m.inco: Mndfrnti: to fresh southerly nnd ovrri-iul tonilillt anil Between Hlnncn nnd Pninl C'nncepcon: Moilernlr nortli nnil ami (air on Chi null Sunday. South of Point Conrendon: Moilcr.itij to fresh northwest nnd fair toi Illht nnd Sunday. WKATtUlIt COMHTIONS The weather chart nf Sato" ay noon showed Imv hnifimclrjc nicSJiie over the Rocky Mountain reui ant Plains States anil also over 1 le C.nlf of Alnskn nnil A ashn nnd the "erlni; Other recinns reiiorted hauniieliii.

pressure th one of maximum othir''olt the fW This riS5s, JS! 1 1 ra and the Canadian Prairie provinces. Warmer wcnlhor pruvnllpd Saturday ovrr the Middle Western and SouHiern SlalfR. while cold wcntlier prevailed In tin- Fnr Western and Norlhwpsti'm Slates. 'Hipri- were miller Ke.nrrnl frosts Sntt.r ay nir the Interior of Ciilliuii i. The outlook la for Kcncrnlly fn Sundny nnd Monday In all Fnr WcMcni Slates, except thai the wentlipr will he- come unsullied and he followed by rain Sunday nicht or Mondfiy over Western Washington nnd Nortluvcslnrn OrcKon.

No Important rlinmrcs in IcinpcrntlircF an; forecasted (or the Far Western Slnlrs. 'Tlicre will ic frusls Sumlny mornlnf! In B. fW Mnxlmitm minimum 52. minimum 34 de- CI Maximum 56, minimum 42 decrees. Bay Union-Clear and slifthtly winner Slindny.

but frcczliiK Sunday fair; moderate northerly wind. Northern California Knlr slluliUy warmer Sunday, tmt frosts frcuKltu: tcmperntures Sundny Monday fair; modcrntc to Jrcsh northwest wind off the coast. Fair Sunday and Monday; cont mice! tool; freezitm tures; fresh nnr wind. Sncramrnto, Santa Clurn null San qti Valleys- -Fa Sunday wil i fmMs or freeznff temperatures hi tho miirnmif: Mom ay fnir: mot eratc temperature; moderate -northerly wind. Southern Fnir Sunday and Monday; continued cool with frosts; in Hit- Interior; moderate to fresh northwest wind off the rinst.

Nevada ami Idaho Fnir Sundny and Monday; continued cold. Fa cast, cloudy wiwt nor- lion Sunday, followed hy unsi-ttlcd weather with rain nnrllnn hunclny or MOIH ay; modern tr te.inuerntnrc; fresh south wind the coast. Fair cast, cloudy wrsl unrt on Sinidny; Mondnv fair east nnd imsi-tlli'd west portion; rain northwest portion: iiiiid- eratc tempenitnrr; modernlc to fresh south wind off the coast. PRECIPITATION TO Ii I 1 SATUKIMY Stations Eureka ID 30.311 Ifi.JR neddinK 30.71 2H.IS J3JHI Sacramento 14.i:i n.7i 10. San Ifl.ftO 17.M 11.53 Stockton n.n2 Fresno T.

n.rt-l -1-35 San Luis Ohispo. .22 12.1U Los Ansees 2fi I7.r,;t n.r.7 M.n San DlcKO 10 1377 :i.fil! SAN FBANCISCH DATA Noon .1 p.m. Barometer son W.ll Temperature ichy liullii A Ml .11.3 Temperature (wet hull)) Humidity (per r.c -in so Wind din-L-lion W. N'.

N. Wind velocity (m.n.h... 8 Weather ricnr Clrar Ctrnr Pacific Coast r.a^frrn Baker 38 Aljilcnc 'ic, 43 Boise 40 Ainanlld Cfi Calsary Zfi -inlAttiintii -Mi Del ft-1 IJoslf-n If. IK Estevnn 4'1 311 Hi Eureka -la -14 nasstaff 3d -1" 37 13iCini'innali. Fresno 52 34jncnvcr -ill Havre 14 2.I>i-\ Mniin-s.

2(1 He na ni! fid nuhiih Juneau 24 Hi 7d Kalispcll 42 -i- Kamloops 4'i 24'iiiuin: Los Wi 42 ll'J f-ii 4JI Medford fln iiir NVcdlt-s K. 1 40 North tu; 4- Oakland Ci Mi.drn.i IM 111 Phoenix -1-1 -w Hrh-ai CJl if. Pocaie'lo Ynil: HI rolnt 42Kr.i!h IU Portland -in nun. I'fiy Prince- Rupert 34 -Jfi Redding r.n i'i Reno 31 IfiPnm-i- Alli-it. If.

Roschurt; 5'i 34.Qi:i-i SO Cily 5B 47 Hoswcll San Fr.inci9.vo T4 42, St. :.4 IW 3ft MinnraiiuhH. li'i Scatt 50 34 s.ili;r City 32 tSoda Springs Anlnnlo. fin S( Bpokanc 44 Fo TatOOsh 44 2'-' 14 Tonopah 24 10 Swifl Curirnt lit II Tucson CO 42 7ft r-Q Wai a 4V. 5R 4R Winnrmucr.i.

3G 4L' Yakima Sd so 3" Yuma f4 -ill Winnipeg 3d 'Maximum temnfratun- of lufci-dinn day. tSnow on tiic cronnd, 124 unlu-v i'ltliCll'ITATION P.iciflc Coast linker Kstcvan T- Hi-ti-h ll.t.hv .24, Havre .01. .28, spcl AiiKclr-s Medford North Head i-nix Prince Rupert .10, Itfddini; Hfno Sunnyvale Sprltitfs .18. T.I Winnermircit Yunia Oak and T. nululh .01.

Junrlion Jnclcsonvillr Cilv New Or- Cilv I'm AH.i-ti St. I-oiii-; I.aKr Cily .01, Antonio fi Ciirrni- 4-: no. I .1.2 EASTERN POKTS M1W 7. liru.f i for SoMon. Arrived.

Marrh llli- mils from New York. Arrived, Mnrrh SnppliiuMi from New Bedford. A. I Inn It 1 vJ Hy FRA. J.

n. CJrconI.iv.', better known in circles MS "Old from the f-'ict that he was a droppcx; into iho yestpnlny for a t-hal on tlit: old After talking this and that fnr a while, ho rr- I nifirkrd: RrtTiil shipping ahou nf, and the Coast psjif-ciiilly atnonti thf; rr-ininds ma of days back around the time of the; World Wai when thoro was all kinds of stevcdoie work up around I'ujjct Sound ports. Victoria and Vancouver. I.CJIK of was bcinK tians.shipjx 1 at Victoria from Japanese boats a IK loaded again on C'anadiiin ships for both Canada and thr; old country. Ont: day the Princess Alice Jay at Ihr- otitM 1 harbor wharf ready oad it cfiriJfj of i Tliuru weru a lot of poor fellows hanging around wait ing to i there, was a chance lo tfo lo work mining a truck to earn a needed dollars.

The. mate wanted a (janfl of about 11) men to loat the Alien and the first man ic )ic aid was a deck hand sailor 10 knew, Tommy by nnrnu. A biji bullying longshoreman up impertinantly to the mate and said, "You can't hire that man. Ho don't belong to tho union." Tho mate had offered this bin bully a job but that didn't please iim. lie was looking lo make (rouble and hold up the loading of Iho Alice.

Then the mate askec fo- volunteers. But the poor hun- Kry finys were intimidated and afraid lo offer themselves. I was a needy worker then with a wife and small family, and I hesitated when the male first asked for vn untocrs. When lie asked again 1 ventured. The big bully made a imge at me.

The captain of the ship had been standing near watching the trouble Jim ho immedialely grabbed the bully and then ordered him off the ock. That ended the trouble hi favor of all us poor guys who nccr. cd work and were nble to naviyale down the gang pank inlu the 'tween decks of the 'rince Alice. "Sometimes there wouldn't be union stevedores around the coast boats as it was often hard am iuigcrous work going down a sleep cargo gang plank at low tide. Working at a clip, sometimes a night, on overtime pay, and some of the old-time shellback doc aborer.s were none loo steady to hit the plank with a heavy truck load.

Unless one was able lo keep us foet he would skid down the ippery plank rubbing the gium, es lecially on a wet nighl. We worked hard in those coasters. The union dockers preferred to wor tin; Lamport Holt Blue Fumu 1 jp-j -nr- S'K HESTER whf-ri! it was all mu: oasif-r work in tlio holds and on thf- Jr-vr oufsidfiF, ns cnilfd us, the "Another day lhe J'rincfss lay at the doi-k and it was guinji bf an easy job. Thorc were pk-i of union men about to what the mate would no, hire them or a hunch of i poor scalawag outsiders. Well sir.

down (he jjanH- way conic wee fat "Tubby" JJarrif- tlie first male, and says lo rnf, "You tfo down in tlie I led a whole gmiK of outsidei.s lo work that The unidn boys were jumping mad. Tliny mfi( such a fuss that they Hot us nil fired after an hours work, as they iad an ntfn-emf-nt an Pacific to net the preference on jobs. "Rut there was little animosity shown Lo the nun- union men in those days. We usually a fair share of the work and most all of Ihu JiunH plank jobs. It used to be that when I would come up to the office to draw my pay old hardshell longshoreman would sintf out, "Here comes John the Baptist who has been working on the bojitK." They me Hint honorable niekniimc because I user: to preach lhe gospel uptown near their labor hall.

However, we were friendly, the way all workers oiifjhl lo be. Those were happy ays before all this "aKitatw rouble and radicalism rolled over from lo shipping conditions and the harmony amonjj the dock workers." LOSS OF TIIK ORIENT Ten sleeping halibut fishermen were sent to their deaths when lhe uirp prow of lhe Admiral Nulton cut through the hull of lhe hnlibul sc looner Orient, on the niglil of September 1. Thu accident c- currcd off. Sisters Island in the Strait of Georgia, between Vancouver Island and the mainlnm Only Hi rue men were saved from lhe fishermen's crew. Harold Hansen and Alfred Elingson were fount Ion ting about in the mnsfi of wreckage, and some time later lhe unconscious form of Edward Land- stres was discovered on the beiic i where he had been washed up by lhe lides.

All lhe rest of their companions were dead. Thu Orient, with a full cargo of halibut was on lier way back to Soatllo when tlie collision d. The men drowned were all asleep in their bunks at the time with no thought of disaster. At tlie sharp bow of the Nulton cleaved ils way through the wooden of the uchuoncr the waters rushed in and not a one had chance. Tlie Admiral Nulton cruised nboul through the wrecket filled sea for more than six hours in the hopes of finding more of the survivors.

JM W1RULESS REPORTS llr HADIO CORPORATION 1 Yor'san Pedro. H(iH inili-i H. IVdro. JIAU.NA Iliilbon for Han Pedro. -Ill inili-s S.

Sun Pedro for R.illiim, 2710 initi-s N.W. Itnllion. COl.HLN Kan Pedro for Auckland. miles K. Auckland.

Pcdio fin Honolul MM N.R. Honolulu. l-'ltANK -Knii Pedro for Snn Anlonio, 100 N. Snn Antonio. CIIAS.

It. MrCOKMlfK-Siin Pi-dm for n.iiho.-i. miles N.W. Miiii.itn. Pedro for llnllmn, 21 intlp-: N.W.

Itiilonn. San IVdio for SPiillle. 52:) .1 H. Si'iittlc. Pan rnmcisro for COM ini' miles S.

Coon Hf.y. Toi'll, A -Portland for Khiood. 1.15 miles N. Klu-iinil. 7f.

inilvs N. S.nn Frnni-isco. l.i:iii:i--Si>:ilili- for San Pedro. 47fi miles fmni Kan Pr.Iio. Knn Pedro for San Francisco.

17:: mill's K. Kan Fr.inrisi-ci. for Heai-h, i lilcs N. I.MJII; Pcdii. for Portlnnd.

207 S. Portland. 1OW.X Sim for Portland. 107 lltJS for Portlnnd. Ifi4 mill-; Portlaml.

I.AKi: I'KANCrs for San Fran( roilt-s N'. San Fr.inriM-o. N. K-III' PudlO. MM.

A WcMrnmster for Honolulu. -Ki-iilth; fur Ka'nnaimli. 18(13 It! San Pi-ilro for San St '() 1 IA Alifidfi'ii fm S.m KramiH-iii VianciM'n. WTST for Snn San IV.ii.i. Wl.M fAMAIMiO -Hail-adm-s for Hio, tmiis N.

Km. MATI San fur Honolulu, MO nnli- CUl.Ill.N lilt At inN for Sao Kiar.tiM-fi, San r.i.oiti. vvntn.css M. lr 1 Ai Halboa fur i.

n.ili-- fiom ll. Cl.l.VM.AMi- Havana for dill fnnn Vi.ik. 1 r-jfvv lur VAN liriUiN Mlimia for Ki iK.uinn-. Hi') from IIM hi: NT 1100 VI. Yokohama fur Kobe.

L'3 from Yokohama i ritiisiiH.NT A it 1 1: i. Kniic fur HI hotn JACKSON N.iKnva for Shl- inilcs fr.iin>i:NT AII-XMS -rtaiiioa fur IVrlio. alfi mile-; finm San IVdro. 1 (MM.I|)(;i;-YoV:imama for I'd link, from Moiiolulti (iltAM Yi.ko- li.iii,.]. iKim Victi.ria lur Nrw 1 fl'utn rn.irci: i'la-inn-i.

fi Pi-lni. n.i!i- S. ti.mi-iMii. POUTS Sailed, Mnrch 7, MrU'HS for IIANA-Kfillrd, March Mnnn for Ku- SUN, MOON, TIDE Hv U. roast nnd Ocmirtie: no-l CiiPtnms San Frnncisco.

SUNUAY. MAItCII 1(1 in rises Him Miiiin risiv 1 Mui.n M'ts HMMii MOON First Full Now Quarli-r Moon Unartor Moon Mar. 11 ftliir. 27 Anrll 1 Ci'ail iiniV Ccmlv-lil-'sn vcy tnhlc MIC K'vcn for foot of WHistcr Sirrel. Unklan.t.

For Furl Point siilitiiirt 40 minima MAltOll in 'I'd MAKl'H IT. Dt.Tlmn FI 'I'miL' H. -nine Time I'I. H.W. ll.W.

11 U'rOftp 7: top r. 1 llilt'ii. L.W. H.W. LAV.

li.W.' 1,1 IMifia 3.3 5 IK! -1 'i 14 7:. r1 ll.i fi Ill 2 T. 1 IS LMt llrMIp In llu- almvi- i.iluilalion the only lidrs an- Kivni in Hit- nulrr of Ilicir occur ri-nrt 1 conimi'iu'truf with the imm nnd in sm-ccrdiiu: llu-v nrcur. Ihc fourth occnrrini; tho fdllmi'im; The of hriclu r.ivo tho tinn f.ich pl.Ut- of rrfiTPiirc to Ihr ami Snr- TKAiNSPACIKIC MAILS Tin- lollowniR juiilmn nnil cloMtic tii of tranvparifh- mails the mam FranriM-n liostnffi. nn tin- latest Information fnrnishod by Mc.imhont companies' 11.

4MOn. Grncrnl l.fiv 15. fn-Ilta rn-Milcnt M.n-rh 15. 1:10 p.m.. March IS.

1:10 p.m.. Pro-uh'm Ailamp. April 13. lloiicli-isiin. HAWAIIAN M.irdi 1-J, a.

Ri-puMiC. 111 M.UI.M. Maii-h lit. lllrlii a.m.. Malolo. p. I'rc-Mili'ilt Ail.nns. Apui in.i M.uii.i.-..!. ANII March 13. 11:30 a M.ihnr.i Apul iCina.m Mrvirn ANU sorrii Man'Ii 11.

'1(111 ('luff. Man-It 11. Capar. M.irrh IS. M.irrh IH.

h.nil.i. THANSPOKTS following ntr approxitn.ito of nf Unilrd Stall's An iv Iraiv-noil TllintKY' San Finni-Uro to NViv Yoi lir.M)i;itsn\--N'oiIul!i tn S.m 1 rai VriUNGTON Honolnhi to Nrw York. In Manila ItCPCIII.IC— New Yoik to San Nonolk to Mnrr- Mand. I- S.TI in M-irihi LOU CHI TO WSlt MEXICO i Ktnljiirk Aliuan Thr nitrrl Fruil Jnor Oiiriqui Knrly in On May 'he Oakland Chamber of Common'e will r-nbnrk aboard the United Fruit lint Chirit, ui for its secrint visit to 1 por and cit es of Old Although in lip is scheduled lo cpnrt from San Franciyro for lhe cruisf is ffoof possibility tint 1he y. be from the municipa tcrmir.ah' of the nort of Oakland.

'1 last year a treniei id OILS success and there is every iiu icatimi thai lis year will see a larger throng of Kaslbay enls making lhe journey to tho Southe-m Itcpulilic. A stop i- mace at Angi-lcs for one ay am thc-n four days later the liner arrives at Acapulco. After a day lent that famous Coast sea lort Ihc- will lake rtulomo for 10 uplands, spending that night al Tax co. Tlie next day lhe parly continues fo the interest ing ci of viewed. On May Hi the excursion- is arrive at Mexico City for a five- a stay during whic i time they will be shown the sights of the Mexican capital as well ns being taken on excursions to the various points ant of in crest in the On May Jfi Ihc stars home, opping over for the first nigh I at Gauadlajara.

ant I hence on Manxanillu where the steamer will pick up the party for the return to Los Angeles und San Francisco. According to Phil So omon, 10 is land I ing the cruise in the- Knslbay, there has been a big ac vance in eresl shown in the forthcoming cruise. FINK FLEET OF SUM'S The United Fruit famous Whi Fleet, is a noble aggregation of passenger containing all the modern conveniences for travel (lit; tropics. On the coming Chain- jer of Commerce cr.uise every effort will be made by the officers ant crc-vvs guarantee the passengers having a good imc. Ente tainmcnts, dances, games, nnd various tournaments have been arranged.

Six ships com wise the fleet lich jerate bclwcon lhe Golt en Cla am I'anama. Tlie sin of tho company, "Every Pnssengor a Guest," is well borne out by the service. OAKLAND FACILITIES IN LEAD Term na facilities of lhe Port of Oakland lieh provide for Ihc interchange of cargo between the various forms of trans lortation are generally regarded ns ranking among the finest in the Unitet Stales, according to A. 11. Abe port Manager and chici engineer.

Jn providing new faci ilies for the uir jor, Abel expUtinet thu Port Jommission employes a basic plan which is modified when necessary meet the particular comlitit ns of site selected. All of the mu- licipally-owMctl and operalec faci ties are of fire-resistant construc- ion, sprin ihrougbou I'he apron wharves have widths of 12 fret, the transit are from 1 HO lo IHd feet wide ant Iho gangways in the sheds vary in width from '111 to (50 feet. "The net result of these ample Abel salt "is that cargo ran be handled with much greater efficiency and dispa ch nt our modern municipal Icrmiuals. All of our facilities are moreover readily tu rains, trucks, and inland wa erway carriers. SIIirSIDK TRACKAGE "Shipsit trackage is irovit cd a all municipal tormina lo icrmit the direct interchange of cargo bc- iwccn shi and cars, dc- prcrscd tracks on the lort of Hie transit sheds save time ant In in Ihc hnntlling of rail freight.

Trucks a sn use this jiavet (ie- prcssed track arra fen- the outvie loading or discharjiing of frc-t "Tht; haiulling fif truck slii mien on lhe inside nf transit sheds is fur- wnys and the provision of ac equate en nnd cxils. Vehicles al Ihr municipal have complete circulation, there is no time consuming backing and urning, entrances are matli' at one point and nfttr the (lading or discharging of freight the 1 rucks proceed forwart an appointed exit. "All of thi-M- inodrrn Abi-1 roiu-liu rd. "innki; tn ainotinls Minium- al Iho Oakhint iMimicipa Terminals 1 IJO'l'Ain' Cl.l 15 CHI Til MKAICO ConniHH ore veteran nnd r.n\v in cummand of the incr Kcsi ule on its annual voyane annind the woild. remain on Ihc bridge of Ilial uring iu- cruivo of tin 1 Tntcrna- ionnl to the convention in Mexico Ci next June.

Commotion 1 is a mnnber of thr Hani Germ; ny, Kolary Club, and fhe licit bv him, not only on transatlantic of lhe sleami-r New York. roi ilnrly ih. flagship of Iho Ham- Mim-Aniei'iean Line and the Cum- mot ore's command, but also on his ninny previous cruifes armmd thej world, has beconn 1 widely known as an cnlluiMa.MLC Hot ar inn. hrin 1 one of le few mariners ip. The KesnluU'.

with ils e.unplc- in-ill oi' Kolarinns, will from N'ew York nn 0 fo i eallim: i-n muU' nt Nassau am When the sh returns New Yort. Cnmmndore Ki'iise will ransfor hi.i flag hack tn the New York. MOVEMENTS OF SHIPS MATMEN START BOUT SQUABBLE TO ARRIVE SI MtAY. MARI'H HI Tcxii- A i Aiif-i Antomo Uhssp fir- Tf-Mi'- Pin tit ot Admiral Cole MAttril II 1 Court I I wir-, I' in 'I V.

I 1 Yi.iJc AiUirn. J'OIIIT i Mnlikn Kinma AlexMidor CVui.ii- a.liii.iUln AiiKdcs Timbr-rniim TO AKT York Oillffir ('orintf. Chief Walter I.nrkfnbndi TrrsiiAV, MAKCII Dornlliy I.tifl.-f>n1i;ir-li Ic A ii-xjindiT I'oiiit Pablo AlH-rdri-n TlniDPMiini Oilmiiliii FOREIGN PORTS HAVANA Arrivcrl. March Sant.i flu.s;, fintn Puerto Cnlomlii.v Mnrch fi, Snntn Hnr- iKtra fir.m Mollnulo.

AIniflfi A MarCh VOKOHAMA March fl. Prcsi- ilrnt Hoover for Knbr; Mnru for 'i Nojimn ftlarti lor San SAX A N'T MO-Arrived. Mnrrh I-rank fi. Drum frnm Snn Pedro. ItOSAICIO Arrived.

Mnrrh fl. Wrsl Niitiis fiom Iliifiitw Aires. March I). Sin.ilo:i from ri iUw'im likl11 Marcl1 ItOAlllAV Sl-iik-cl. March President onrof! Inr Mnrch li, President Uar- Arrived, Mnrch D.

(lenl fruni Nnmiya. r. I. It I) Arrived, Mnrcli 9 Gulden Uer.r from Wolliniiton. AN'Cf) II Vi: March 8.

Aiiw. liciiL'C Mnich AlTivwl lMnrc 9l Arrlvfd, March 'J. I'cKasux. hcnce Fehmary lil. UOI.OMIIIA—Sallwl.

Mntch a. MarHiii-i'1 for Plymoulh. 1 lled. B. Mnixi- poFa for Suva.

I'OltT AUiKHM Mnrch 8, Si A A I rrrjfid. March P. Siatirlanl fruni March California from Homhlon. WIRELESS REPOItTS Ily RADIO THLRnnAPH CO. H.

p. m. Y. S. Fran- cis'jo for miles from As- AOMIItAI, COLE--Portland for Fran- Iscd, -IS4 miles from Francisco.

IIKK.MAN for Los ATI- liftl) miles from Los Anccles nt IOWA -San Francisco Portlnnd. 100 iles of Columbia Ank'iilcs for Balboa, 2710 NW. of B.illwt. I'K'IKU IIKI.MS—Snii Frnni-i-ro for Po.t- il. f.

lies from TilXAS I'LAXTril I.cmKvirw fur miles from Snn Francisco. A I I-' Vnn- IVIT. arrived Vancouver nt AltMlltAL Aiiireles for San aiU milus rnmi San Fran- tMTV for l.oj, An- aBV miles from Los Amides nt urrv nr KAN nnnks fm- iji'Kfi. ini'li mi IPS from San Dicito IK (1. SCUI'IKLII fur Hous.

'M miles from Houston at noon. it. s. On Fishing Hanks. Difficulties surrousi'-lirm the number constituting tlio inairh bolwcen Mountain" Dran and Ktanloy Pinio nt tho Municipal Auditorium Friday ni'iht rhould i irdiicd out the day is over.

Drnn it holding nut for a one- fall match. Pinto wants Uvn lulls to deride, and has advanced the opinion the reason tho "Alan Mountain" is partial to the short route is a lack of ability and wind to travel any distance. Arbitration of iho matter tlir: rival matmcn. Roth have sinned for the show and must go through with the- schedule and tho promotion dor-sn'l rare- much whether the contest is of the one or two fall variety. (Jus Sonnc-nberp, former heavy- weifiht rhnmpion of thr world, and Dr.

Freddy Meyer will take part in a one-hour, two-fall bout supporting the Pinto-Dean Son- ncnhery twice was defeated by Pinto, with Dr. Meyer addim; Hardy Kruskamp to a total of victims lhe other Two newcomers arc for puKitions. "Wee Davis a nil Major Ivan Komarofi respectively, will face Joe Kujot and Hill Beth. Davis Is six feet, four inches in height and weighs 250 pounds. Hf has hecn a sensation through the Kasl.

IVlajor Koinaroff reputedly is a former officer In the Ilus- army and like Dean and "Ilaron" IJen (iinslierjf, allccts a heard. The fifth contest will feature Pat Fraley of Boston nnd ""' Steinborn. Hollywood Fans to Qive Bttal Seals Take 12 Hopes to Fresno Training Camp When 21 rookie players are taken fo the Fresno training ramp today by the San Francisco Seals, 12 of the number will be young hopefuls from Oakland who have been picked for further trial by the trans- bay team. Three other Eastbay boys, less fortunate than the 12, were released yesterday by the Seals. Those turned lose were Mike and John Erccg, pitchers, and Outfielder Ken Keating.

The players who will be taken to Fresno are pitchers Jim Addtego nncl Carl Monzo; catchers Bill Cal- lagcri, Neil Clifford. George Phillips and Gordon Williams; inficlders Tony Madinga, Kenny Colman and Tony Masucci; outfielders Ernie Oliver. Elmer Corbett and Al Peacock. MODESTO. Vitt has diiftul hi duties Irojn MoMy- to Oiikinnd.

but he rniirr'v lost California ball fans are to a hiq 'day thf limr- the Oaks appear in the South. i Vitt reroivf-d a wire from fieorge i Vounff. one f.f his boosius. 1 thai two FCftiun? of bix i bu for him his i friends for the opening yamo in Oakland. Yonnii is cominfi up from Ifollvwond for the contest and I amon-; his will be Harry i Ruby, playwripht of I music; Ham.

Dave and Bill Symon, Oakland and Carl I.ov- sren, packer. recf-ived a wire from I which read: "Have put enoiifjh corned beef on train lenvmp hrri' at p. m. to feed army. Want to build up ynur Ortklnnd athletes so that they can that ball and win the IMfi pennant." Younjf, a leading merchant of Hollywood, hnr.

been a Tribune MIU- for IT) years because he al- lias been an Oak booster. Ed Mairc, who pitched for the Oaks in 1009. during the days of Jim Wigffs. who also saw bis league service after leaving the Oaks, is residing here and nets much enjoyment dist-ussiiiR days of old. lie recalled the day when he sold Nculon "Red" Lynrh, former major league outfielder, to the Oaks for sm He is hopins that Secretary Herbert McTarlin will come down here so thnt he can renew his acQiiainlance.

Rain, hail and snow was not all that dampened the enthusiasm of the Oaks here Friday morning. Shep. a ye.unfi ColHe dog, which waited at the front gate of a local ranch each day to greet Oscar Vitt and his Oaks as they set out on the six-mile hike, is in a pet" hospital fighting for his life nnd all the players contributed toward paying whatever it will cost to try to save (he mascot's life. As thr dashed across the highway trying to join Eddie Walsh and Lou McEvoy. who led lhe hikers, was struck by a truck going miles an hour.

Police were called out and rushed out. sirens open, and took Ihc pet to the hospital. It will be another 24 hours before the crisis will be reached. 2 St. Elizabeth Gagers Named On Star Team miles fn i Hir for An- AiiKL'lCf for Topolubampu, ri.ACLXTlA—MtirlinW for Shclllnirn.

null's from Shclllnirn. fur Im Ancclcs, miles fmm Colon noon. M.A<;i:i.I.AX— Aniick'K for Fisliiui: ITfiO miles from l.os AiiKolrs. MAf.v.\Ki:A- Rnlltoa for AnKolcs, AnirvlCK nt mmn. I'itDSlhKNT for Los An" mill's frnm nnllion nick'o for FisliinK Bunks.

Snn IJirKo. Fishini: Rnnks. niiU'K from nn-Kii. SAN ANSKI.MO— for Son Dieiio. 'Ics fmni IlickM.

SAN SAI.VADOIt—On Fishuik' Hanks. 2100 IllL'KO. SANT AMAKIA- C'oriniinbo for T.n-; An- (rum Ixis AnKoler. SANTA Filling Banks. 2410 Dircti.

Tii nnnks for 2142 link's from Dieco ST. Fishmc Hanks. 900 Playground Cage League Gets Going This week marks the openinu round the third annual Oakland Playground Athletic League's basketball There are 48 teams entered, making a total of over SOf) participating between the afics of 16 and 20. This year's league will be run ofE on a two-same elimination basis due lo the number nf entries. The teams are divided into seven divisions.

Each squad will play until defeated twice. The winners of each division will then play off for (he 1D3J championship of the Games are played in the of Technical and Cnstlenumt schools and Woodrow Wilson and Hoover junior hijfhs. The teams in crested are composed of regular attendants at the Oakland playgrounds and is one phase of the. adult recreation program sponsored by (he Oakland Recreation Department and supervised by William Quaylc, in charge of iidult recreation. i i Sn i nip T.A1VO— On n.inks.MSO milfs from YAl.i:—Ixi.C Anin'h'K fur Snn Frarnisco, SO I).

Podro for null's fiom Rnllinn HAWAIIAN for 1. fiom Ahordrcn. Pcihu foi Bnlbna, 14fi2 fnim Hnlhon n-ion. On Fishins Hnnks. niih-s .1.

C. Snn Vrancifco for Hiiy. EOeni K. It. KINCSUCltY-Hichmmui fnr Malti mil fro for uf jit Prattle.

ROO ItllTA Ran IV.l i-: fmni 111: FisliiiiC H.iiiks. 2500 frnm San Hiln for Frnnci-ro. MM Fr.nirisrn. Al.lKo lionolulti fur Snn 1-JJ2 iniliv fiom S.ui Kranci-ipii. MTV AMI- Pan FrnncKi-o for WilininRton.

iilt-fl Wilinitiiitou. HC.MIV n. Poilrn for Hal. L'llii miles from million. HAWAIIAN" STANDAKIt Marshfiold for AluT.lccn.

155 milr-; from Porlro for TlMho.i. 1432 intli-s fi'iMii Halhoa, noon. c. San Fra St. Mary's Nelmen Meet Club Players St.

Mary's tennis team moves into fast company this afternoon in meeting the strong Vista Tennis Club of Oakland on tho campus courts at Belle Vista boasts some of the outstanding players in the Eastbay, and if the Gaels can trim them it will mean that Si. Mary's has ils best team in years. Dick Bennett, California vamty member; Johnny Friedman, former St. Mary's captain, and Jackie SmelUer. Slate ranking junior, arc some of the club notables.

Cordnn "Flash" Laird, captain antl center of St. Elixiiboth's crack Catholic Athletic League championship team. an unanimous choice for the official All-C. A. L.

five, picked by the four C. A. L. cage 1 mentors, Richard Donovan of St. James.

John Leo of St. Joseph 1 Paul of Serra, and Ray Brennon of St. Elizabeth's. Mike "WriRht. Saint guard, also placed on the all-league (earn.

St. Elizabeth's was (he only school to have two representatives on thr nil-star five. Mrrvyn Martin of St. anil Prfc "Redmond of SU James, forwards; Laird, center, anil Johnny Mnttilirh nf Srrra ami Wriffh't comprisp thp A1I-C. A.

L. quintet. Mrlvin captain nnd center of the 1933 Saint squad, is the only other cauer of the Oakland five ever to make All-C. A. team.

The Saints did not plane any men on last year's squad. Baskolball prospects of the Saints for 1030 arc bright. From fliis season's team are lost Laird and Jack Clark, forward, and Kd Simonich. However, in their Ft earl will be Richard Laird. GOT don's brother, at center; Bryan Lynch and Larry Rncno, forwards.

and Mike Wri.qhl and John Tuite. guards, Tuite. Laird, Lynch and Rntino farnrd I heir leltcr.s Ibis srapnu. Wright, havinp earned hip block last season, will be awaidcd an extra stripe. Friun the lightweight team will come Captain Walter Sehneider.

unanimous elioice for the All-C. A. L. lightweight five, and Johnny Fowler, forwards. i 75 milrs Fstr Ray.

mf for Hnlti- Marin Cagers Name All-Opponents KFNTKIKLD. 0. on the Marin Juysee hoop varsity today met nnd picked their choice of all-opponent plnyers for mythical five which the Mariners would nut to meet on any court. The All-Opponents five includes: Jno.obsmeyer, f. Modesto: Bowman, f.

Modesto; Calderwood, c. San Mateo; Anderson, San Matco; Ttobertson, Santn Rosa. TKN EYCK HAS AID SYRACUSE. N. Ten Eyck, "Grand Old Man" nf rowing at Syracuse University, fin-j KlNfiSlirUY--Hirl 201H1 from Liver-! sistant.

After year- of coaching rowin tMI11s alone. Ten 170 Eyck. oldest rowing conch in i-'isiiini; 2.V10 the world, will be assislod this year w'i "for San i McKaig, 1031 coxswain. illl mill's frnm San MAI.IKO- Honolulu lor San Fr.inciTO. I S.m Fi-anrisi'o.

Kraiu-iM-o for WilminK- Howell Makes Diamond Debut LAKELAND. Masch --Hivie llnwoll made "fair to niitidlin'" debut today in hi? first Biu Lenytio workout, malting one 1 hit and executing a difficult nmninj: catch. All pitrliors being in excellent shape. Manafior Mickey of (lit. 1 Delrrtil Tigers, called off Sunday practice to keep them from over-trnininjr.

Moraga Cage Men Get Award Sweaters ally has consented to having an as-1 i lllOn to 142 niilfx from WilmiriKlon. VISIT HIVIKHA tin- lint'i- Volcndiitn leavi's htT annual Mcditcrraneau-Xoi'- i-niisr. from Nrw York. July 3. she will call at several ports thf Krcnrh and Dalian Kivirra, in- cliuiinj; tlie rvcr fascinating city in" Naples, before ttirnins northward for (he Vikinrt lands of Nnr way nnd Sweden.

(By Fl.iminfio Pnik. Fl.i. R. U.K. 01ft fi I National.

Nrw Yorl: nilf (1 Cam Koxx: Chncnon and Mnm-iisn. iC.iilcd rml oi' sivth: T.impa. Fl.i. MarFa.vdrn. Oil? At NVw Amrncnn Cleveland, i II -100 in 1 Hin fldrt W2- -1 7 Snnlli anil Snrihi'i: Mnnsiim.

Hermann, Lewis. NVw Or- varsity and nine froslinier players were amionncixl yosterday winners nf award sweaters for the season just closed by St. Mary's board of athletic control. Varsity players rewarded for the- Gael's most successful in years were Cnptnin Billy Monde nnd Monroe Olson, Snn Franci.H'o; Don R.iffnnti. Paul liarncs and Al Ncl- snn.

Oakland: John Giannoni and liud Ilnnna, Sri era men to, and Rill Scott. Marysville. Kirst-yciir players to earn numeral j-weaters wei't- Warren Jenkins, F.fl MrSweeney, Harry Aronson and Kd Fil7patrick. San Franciscn; T.arry Minnhen and Julio Stockton: Frank Shock, Morris. Wilbur Wilkin, Sprincville.

Utah, and Davo Carey, Seattle, Intention? lo Wed PU. Tai Cmr.s-:'.>. Bcr.t-roi! Way. Hi-: IIXC. Lu Su--20.

l'5-'2 v. 1 WACJNKU. P.n;!—:':•. Box HARVEY. ia.

p. lt U'7J, r. A 162 SlM-t-l. OakJpno. 19J S'n i.iiidwi.

San Joa- r.j!i:-.)v llu.i:, I.indc-,. Joncnnr. County. Clii.ton 1'2. 4fi2 M.I::-, l.ui-y 5l-t Ah: 050 f.lNDAHI..

Klun oil a mi -33- 11" rwoori Aviv.if. Jon'. BOI-AN- KI.JVJH Amnnda 2R. 153 WiJ.j.-.ooil Plfdmoni. coi.r.

Suen. VAX Al'KKN., 3141 Sncrain 0:1:0. Licenses Honald-21. Oak- jnuri cni'THFSFN 1 Or, land.

IN. John Oakland. F.steljp Sophia- 3-J. Oak- lard. CAKHUTHFIES, Hc.bfrl 2R. HUMiiitEK. Gone Kladanc -IB. K.NUT.SK.N. Norvnl Julici' Hudson.

County. KLLUKSON. llcrtha County. IJE'rn'NX'OUKT. Jute.

A.M.Mt.M.U, 1 -30. nerkr- flcdint- Oak- lautl. DOLL. Oakland. LUG AH, Charles Pulca.

Untie Cuiiniy. Grace Paul- Ilcrki-lev. Karl Ilerkelry. 1 Bfrkeley. 31, Rk-lmiond.

Hidt-mi -Ifi. O.ikt.nnd. nrtANUKiMlUIUl. AUKIIPI Richmond. KOEN1G.

til.sie Aljirle -21, Hiihmmid. CIORANHSON. KiiRenr Snc- ramoiito. NOVER. Cenoviove HU, Oak- Inn THOMPSON, nalnh 2:1.

Oakland JONES. Emma Lt-tjna Oakland. YOUNG. Eutit-ne Oakland. AIcCAIU.KV.

Oakland PINNKLL. Herbert Indin- DE JONG, Frances Pii'diiiiint. SCOTT. Robrrt San Francisco. PKTEHSON, Greta Valinut-26, Oakland.

GASTON. Joan 25, Oakland. DivnrccB Fiiccl LOVIF.R. Florcncp vs. Ijinri-orp, tnielty.

BETCABE. Kltredn vs. Joseph, cruelly. FUNERAL Designs OUJi Oakland Floral Depot S. Garcsc Florists and 930 Wnaliington Street.

Piedmont 12S7J. AN dover 079T. LA hesiile OSS7 Depot Phone LA kealda 0262. CI.OSi;— I lifi-koli-y, March liflovnl ilaiifrli. tor i't Harry W.

and MM: late Julia T. of Harry Cluse, A .1. S. W. S.

JVott, Mrs. M. iiml Sutll- vii n. A nf v. 111 art: invited to at I cud the ii TiifFdav, iliiivti 1L'.

m. from rh Cni- vr-rsiti- AviMiiif. Thtuce to Church, Stropls. wlii-r- will he for Urn of hitt'i-fiit-rit St. Ci'iiH-tpry.

In Kvjihii'- wifrP of William Mockfii. of and tit- lain sislor nf l.i-.-lcr and D. A. VIHIIKT I''irt- nfti'iiiiinn, 11. in tb- L.itM« df Flcwcrs (Mi?) I R- nni-uin).

Atl'-linc at Asliliy Station, Hf-rkrley. I.ITTl.l-;- In Onkland. Pan LcriiKli-n. nV rii.irlcs Frnnlvlin Oliio, to ritt'-nd tii- the IMHI, l-ilh Stiefl. Monday Ojikhmd 1MKHCK In Oalilnad, IUSS, Csih-n H.

I'i-rcf, linslnuid oi" I-idif-I M. t'it-ivf. fullitr nl' flii.vlo ri.lri.-c, KOM of -Mr. ami Mrs. A.

II. I'irrfc, Mrs. l-'ffi-- XraniiM-ti-r and riorf-; nntivc of Wisn.iifin. to attwnil tin- fnn-ral from the ('hninjl llic 1-luisn-s, -t r.f.i I'ifdiinMit Ave- II1H-. 11.

11 n. m. I'. Miller Mnr- Inary. L'riTL 1 1 Itll Street.

i service, i S.UI'I'll In I Sprincs. dfar l.i-liui-d u-ifv uf th- laic Srnil li. Inviiiy jnint f-f Mis. Fr'-dl-ni'k M. Inainoml ati'l a ll imit'-d ti- nttf-nd th- fun.M-al from the.

imrliTfl oE Hn.thr-r.. CnMro Havwar.i. "inlay. Mnrph AVSS In O.iM.-nid. Marrh 7.

a n.itiv.- "I-H-n- 77 -V of ud. 11. S. Mi- M.H, p. in.

tii-- lain View Cemetery VORTK'IANS Julius S. Inc. Fimpral Director? Newly Decorated and Refurnished "A minified Service Very Priced" HI ghgate 4045 "Day nr Nlehl" 21 10 Webster Street.

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