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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 7

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY TRIBUTE: SALT LAKE SATTJBDAY MARCH 25, NEWS Of OUR NEIGHBORS. Striking Ora Drillers at Florence lle turn to Work. LIVE STOCK COINS WELL IN WrOMIH6, Mywtftry Attachntl to tho Unit km- and BuHivan Ncvr.da Man's Pitiful Kxporinnc of Tftus nt Four Ilreulc Jail. The Tub or Opera IHJOII sold by II, A. W.

Tabor to 8. for oou. iMiscreanr, in poisoning dogs at G-coitfoiowti, u-tid if iho rniprlt is apprehended Iu; will bo to a coat of tar and foaihor.s. The iiwnajasuifiiit of tlio colobratod stock farm, i)u; Gyrmim, belonging so W. Cooloy Co.

of has hands, tlic former an Jit; ur, Wf'bstor,, aud Mr. ffohn Ojolny clirirK'-'- Tbo MUCIO of i.ho finest otiRhbrcd mill ruul'i in Slato, Tbo. Rocky Mountain Oil Company and i.ool driisrfftrH, on a strike at last wcok on account of a mlnct'uM in Uioir U'ngos, Jiavo till 10 uvu'k oxc'jpl two, who ronclii'loii to quit. Tho drillers instead of Til) and tool instead of ru formerly. Tlin i'lUinr! In fnriy-(ivn ruiloij wfisU of is said to ixtoiin of tlirs groal- ost 1 uvor in tiio coiintr-'.

'J Iu: fron: to Ji'O and. 15 wide, vitrtc-bnc- of a nail koif. Tbo aoiiunl wan nnliroly pot- rificd, and was burlod in a stratum of county, and it is said tbat tbo work for thn bill cost him his life. Tho deceased was ywars old, and leavns a aud two small children. Tho liujuost over tho (loath of mari killed in Saturday's explosion atUiuto is under way.

Littlo that Is new has boon developed, Jamws yjnlHfran, one of tho Injiirfcd men, ia gottluR along well, arid thoro is now tio doubt; of His recovery. Tsui FotborUyle Is In a very critical iionillUon, and there ia doubt of his recovery. A warrant was Jsnucd at Btitte Monday for the arrest of S. A. -Joiiristone, cliarprod wir.h forgery.

Johnstono was formerly employed no D'Awhcuel's drug 'Mo ran a bill of 3180 at Frank Uouchfir's clothing store, and Saturday presented a uheclc for Si GOO, payable to him, signed by Fred W. 1 Hodge, who, Jobnrtlono said, was treasurer of a i mining company at Elkhoni. the First National Bank, ttou- cber could not cash the check, but gavo few dollars on. tho chock jtncl credit for bin bill. The check was left with Boucher, presented it at the bank Monday moruinp, when It pronounced a forgery.


Complaints Lameness Soreness Wounds- Bruises Burns Piles A IN' I PH. Fun: Ivaiuh Friond, who ic JiU ranch at Opal for a Chr-yonn has bi-un month or bus rotnniod. Frh'nd riiportfj cuttlu In sijcLio bettor Ujan Umy iuivrj at for n. nu I'M. liartiioid of writes to t-hn "Stock looks woil in this outlook for siilpni In fall ucood; yoarllnf? stoors worili to per head; pood boof st s-irh as butchtr stuff, to S4U; IlJAHO A dispatch atatosi that Hon M.

Wol'H, Columbian for f'lnho. Uion-, Monday with A. ft. (rip.son, HiiperlnlonilyiU vvas 'also talking thn nun tor an upal exhibit from tlinsu pui'ls anil rocoivod oncour- 'Fit'A Nuinan, a Gorman, 40 years of ago, WHS kjlled by a falling troo last Friday morning on the ranch of John Jlsiymen, six miles north of Sultan City, Wash. Uovomor McGraw of Washington has signed tho bill inakiug It unlawful for nny person to buy.

Hell, give away or rnanufacturo cigarettes or cigarette paper within Htate. The law'goes Into aH'cut on tho 7th day of May. The Yak i ma Mcrald local dealers aro having a brisk trade at present, aiany of tho continued cigarette smokers buying their supplies by tho box. Four prisoners, including llobort J. Allon, recently arrested in SactaCiara county and suspooted of being Robber Son tag, from jail at Redwood City, Wuiurciay night and aro supposed to bo In the Crux mountains by this time, Allon was about six feet high, slim, has dark hair, brown mustache, and is aged 40 years.

Another, Harry Kads, held for robbery, IP about (ivo foot six Inches high, has black hair, mustache and a sallow complexion. Tho othor two aro not particularly wanted. Thoy stole throo guns, a revolver and ammunition from the jail, abdomen is begin- Ills pulse is nor- temperature. Mr. nging that this will bo 19tb: Mitchell ftrrivod hern nlu'hi after a physician to KC I'' i miles from here, to tcndllx! wil'oof Hurry of tho firm of Hrown Ktilluy.

Tlie lady l)c ai I Im: all winter, and as her ooiulition in uriulimlly gotiintr worse it was thonglit. advisablo to havo physl- it would be diflicnlt and to g-'u, ono into tiic camp at time oi'thc year. G. M. W'autr- Jiovsc U'l'i for tho camp this morning in eon.

puny with Mr. Hixiy-livo miles of tho trip will Juive to bo mado on snoM'shoos. Thoro is a mystery iht; dK-inUsr whlcli occtirred in iho Ilill unu Siillivuti mlno on tin) is of month, when two men woru killod by largo wiv. It, ro- Iftsi i.liut, a third HUKI wan I'onn'l in up thai, day. A jiori-'r inarn thing fii i rrganiiny tlir; rumor, but conk! positivi 1 it, luis boon t.y rnmorod around und I)M in vc'stigat Is also re- porictl thi'-ri! am (h liail omi)l')yiMl iu to cull fur timlr MIM last, Mil.

MACK AY'S CONDITION. San 'jPrau ulsco Post, 22nd: Dr. Koaney was scon this morning Jiud asked about Mr. Mackay's condition. Tho doctor was looking very choorful, and apparently iv load of anxiety had beeu llftod from bis shoulders.

Mackny passed a very comfort- abln 1 said tho doctor. "Ho slept olglib liours, aud condition la steadily Improving. Tho ning to sbauo Itself. mal, and so is lila Muckay is in excellent spirits. "Tlion you think tho crisis has boon passed?" "Yes; the crisis was reached about midnight, and safely passed." "Yon fncl amply justified then In predicting contain recovery?" "I do, in so Tar as anything human can bo certain." "A morning paper states that Mr.

Mackay's illness was occasioned by pea getting into tho appendix; is that true')" Dr. Keonoy's face took on a look of blank astonishment, then ho laughed heartily, and asked how under tho sun sucli a story could have oripitiatedi Ho said that It was without any foundation in fact, whatever. For C'OOKTNO uso one part St. Charles CrPiiin und two parts water. For cooking MILK use one part St.

Chnrles Cream and six parts walur, FOR COFFEE AND COCOA IT S3 UNEXCELLED. FREE EXHIBITS TO-DAY AT R. L. Price, 35'f Main street. K.

A. Wolf 143 W. Socond South: J. B. FurloNY, cor.

lat South and rt more men svho this mlnf), fallod tho mint) ought to mean glow-' ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the years to come. When we see in children tendencies to weakness, we know they are missing the life of food taken. This loss is overcome by DON'T FOROET THE PLACES. Unlike the Dutch Process Other Chemicals aro nsecl in the preparation of BAKER wJiich is pure and soluble. It Las mora than three timct theslrenyth of Conoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, anil is far inoro economical, costing less than one cent cup.

It i3 delicious, nourishing, and EASILY DIGESTED. Sold byOrorors everywhere. BAKEK Dorchester, Mais, ATE PORTING, ro.slflout of Cai 1 Asylum for thn tho by tin and lin .) HiVfptH', btM'll JiliU'Ud It Insjuift at. idgH Cheney of has now jury lust. 1 foj thn nuinbor of jurors f-m jirovi'liMl that oight of thorn ciotikl a truo bill, Dotitiitn rorioris front tfifi Snuko rlvor aro ihut.

t)io oil' und the stuck had boon without, loss. Tin- liunibolilt ranfU'S havo from ono to two lode of and ico JiiiuuMiijvtu prospdct of n. tiuiw, as tho Hiariod in lal.o thort 1 will but liitlo loss of rjvntjo stock. Winter i was known bei'tu'o to hold out as lato as this without, a break. Thoro nro ropor of somo loss shoup in ttio I sou thorn ratitrosi uu t.iio of Pino coMui.y und 1'lah.

'I A ropovfs rovoiv corrooiing a prcvloua of ITiii and what vitality soniu I JUKII tuivo when In Uistross unil trotihlo, tind ilii'fo is 0:10 ray of hocn to live. L-JXSL MondAy about, 1). 'Walii's sliuped on tiio it-o and fell on him, and badly injuring ono arm. alone on a wild ruoiiniaiu trail st.nrl«Ut todraijhim- to IMr. hay ranch, which was fourteen miles distant, whoro he arrived Thursday noon in a pftlful condition.

Ho more than alivo ivljcn ho was discovered, as ho had boon without food or water for days and and the woathor was coid and stormy most of tho timu. His aiul kno((9 -vnre. badly bruisiul and ijvi'ollon, ami a bloody trail was loft to toll tho terrible taio of his lonesome trivets of fourtooh tnilos in throo days' time. OwSiitf to tho loiijj clisi.anco to tclographic facilities it was impossible to gei'ihfcdical aid tu his assistance until Saturday morning. There Is strong hopos-of his rocovnry ono of the ordeals Uiat a hutuun being could suft'or.

Walti that pack of Howling coyotes foUowoil him nearly all the way and gavft him warning that thoy woro ready to devour him at a uoiloe, nud tlm awful thaiights of such gavo him more to iiurry on his painful jon'refty. MATTEIIS. of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophos-, a fat-food that builds up appetite and produces flesh at a ralti that appears magical. Almost as palatable as milk. BREAKFAST.

"By a thorough knowledfto of tho natural vhioh L'oviirn tho operations of UigeKtlon-and-1111- rltidii. und hy ctircful uppliciition of tho lino properties of well seloctetl COCOH, Mr Epps hns provided our hri'iikfust tublus with a delicately which may suve us iniuiy lootors' bills. It is by the judicious lisu oC sucu nvticlcs of diot that a constitution may gradually built up until enauith to resist e'yory tendency to disuaso. Hundreds oi' suht.lo hijiladlns nro iloii.tin»- around roady to attack wherever thdrc Ls a weak point. We may uBcape many a JfUjil b'y kneninft ouriiclvfis n-oll tortiiled with pure blood and a properly nourished framo." Service Aladc: iiiinply with boiling war.or or tnllk.

Sold only tins by labeled thus: JAMES EPPS HomoDopnthlc Chemists, London, England. JOSEPH WILLIAM KYLOB SALT LAKE CITY'S UNDERTAKER EMBALMER, WEST TEMPLE ST. A work thnt t.clls the cannoH. describes pohm UiSTi'iMCily. vultiablp, artistically thn iv.nsi bt i S- nu-Uloal booti WIT publistict! i y(i iinfion, evorv fifiM'Inj: In tints.

trcwttvl: Ininoiency, Dnvi-lopJMOHt, Vai-lfortiin Tho Hus- ct band, ThoseIntoiulSnK.Mavi'lr.R-t', oto. knar the GnrnA Truths, SfAo Plain.f'rtrts, the Old Sferets ft.vcf AVic Vts- to Nnr- who would far jxixt fvllirs £anrl. shf-iiId write fvr this ur.iJTTLr:£OGK. will ho sent fmj.umlprsrnl, white thecdl- gtion lasts, jniliHahrrs. EUIE MKDJCA1, N.l'.

Doa't pay money for A Kxtraotof Hoof Is more ticon- omical than a Hqiiltl, for the reason lhat it Is concontralod, and hotiso- kecpow will flnd It miiuh cboaper to BUY Liiebig of Beef, a solid, coacentrtited oxtraot, free from fat nnd iislatliio or nny foreign substance, anil dissolve It themselves. Thfl QBE AND BULLION BUYERS, PBOVlUETORi toafly, (andy Sampling Worts, (Established in 187B.) ORES SAMPLED AND SOLD To the highest bidder. Satisfaction guaranteed solioltod. Otticu Main ttreet, Suit Lako City. ESTABLISHED 1877.

day morning. J3, Forrest Mayor of Phillps- and ono of the beat known attor- county, died Mon- His death was a ffr.rmt although was- well known tlwlC had been confined to his pnuurnonlft since li Is return from clito, whei-o ho took ftn active interosfc i. the tla0 bill craaUisjf Shipping and A 1 flSSflY OFFICE, M. S. Samples by Mail and Express Will receive promot attention.

work a apaoialty. Sdnd for price No. 13 IS. Main Over Kahn Bros. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, IfiGO SlVrEIiflfiG SANDY STATION, UTAH.

SECOND SOUTH STHEETT, 5tE UTAJI SPECIALTY, ft A Regular Graduate in Medicine and Special PracliiJoncr. Authorized to treat all CHRONIC, NKRVOUS and PRIVATE DISEASES (whether crtuscd by Imprndencc, Excess or Contagion), Seminal Weakness, (nifr'ht josses), Sexual '(loss of sexual poyvcr), Nervous lability (loss or, inervc force). Varicoccle, (cnln.Tged veins in r-crotumj, Hydrocelc, (dronsy of the Diseases' of the Ulood, Syphilis, Gonorrhcra, CJk-ct, Stricture, Kidney and Bladder Troubles curc-d. Microscopic tests east's guaranteed or money refunded. reasonable.

Thousands of cases cured, sind experience are important. Fifteen years' practice in tho West; five in Snlt Lake City. All medicines are specially prepared for eiick individual case, at my own I-aboratory. No mercury used. 'No time lost from business.

Patients at a distance 1 by letter and express. Medicine sent everywhere free from gaze or No delay in filling- orders. Are troubled with too freoucnt evacuations of tlic compiinied by a slight wenkeriinfj af the system in manner die pnticnt cannot account for. SOUTH STS.

1 you always find a full and complete line Drags, SlinJl rl'nes, Toilet Articles. Sta; tiouery, Trusses, and Surgical AppHuiiws Our Prescription Department is under thu superrJblon p.f ayompMtant registered pharmacist. save you money if you will your prescriptions id us to fill. OTICE I.S I1EEE15Y GIVEN BY THE City Council of Silt Lake City. Territory of of the intention to make the following described nnprovnrncut: and servers nlong the following named streets, Oa First South street, fro'iji Fifth Kast to Sixth Ktist strc-pts, defray the cost thereof, estimated at S3.00 linear" or front foot, or SSTTtf, by .1 local iissoftsrnont upon the blorks, lots, of lots and jnecus of ground within Sower District No.

4, be ins the property, lots, purts nf lots piccc.s ul arouud in suid district to bo affected or. bfencflted by said improvement, namely: Lots 5 und 0, bJock In plat Salt Lake City survey. of time of dpKt torest said or otherwise. aci All protests ami objections to tho crirryiuR out to tho ur.ilorsigncd of such Intention to said improvement M.VL:-:. N'O'I'H in ir.tV'.::ai;c--: of n': or(Jcr of the t'jrt C-juntv ofSu'.

1 Territory t'tsb. JB'KIP on day of M.ireh. A. J). in oi tho estato i- rijitiv'rf of tho;(N« of saiJ "will sd! at private 10 the higiK'St for and subject by on o'r after Kriday, Tho ll'fi dny of April, 180, 1 at ill) the iu- by opf v.iti-:n of l.ixv i ir-nl othf than in aailiiioii to.thai, of cstutH ut tin: cl in and to that certain lot.

or Innd^ and in the city anJ county of'Salt Ixikc, Territorv of I'tali. an-'i nnd'Jf-Sv-rihrJ us follows (t'n in i.lurk, nJnt Salt Lake City rl ptinit two a.nd onc-hiilf u.e Rcrm-r sai.i running SL-uth (lO.i rods, tbenc" and uiic-hnlf rods. I thoacc north ten west two an! i one-half rods, to the Terms anil ooiulitions of ccut of price acc.o::ij)any faiti bid; i bniatice of jiik-o, of by the Uiils or IKUV ho nvjclo times Hi'tfr th'! tlrsl or this uolii-i- siui before tho 1 S'lio. All bivl.s or olFors niiisl be inwrUinpand 1-jft i tht'olHoeof U. 1) altorr.i'V-ul-law.

Xo. i-'alt Lake City, i Dreg or di 1 PROBST-: MCT )fK THK PRDU.iT!-. COURT IN AND FOR i S.V.t Uk-. Territory of In the mutter of of 15. A.

Guillemot, Notire. hereby piveu tfeat A. J. Aniia, adtninistrator of the estate of E. A.

Guinenini. hns ron k-reJ for sottln- mr-nt. anri tJii'd said court, nis iliiul accourtof of estate petition for lluui of tho. rc-qdiio of estate tiaijtli-ij thereto, and Tuf.S'iay, tno of A. 1).

at 11 o'clock -i. til court TODUI of suid court, in City ami 1 Territory, bas bpt-u duly appointed of ciicrt. for of i wiii.ih litne and snj- person ii may appear and show iht-ro why said nccoiint should in-nvtd and final difitrihu- prayr.l for. -3. H.

V. MKLOY. clork of the Court. Deputy. tit'i tion uisuic r.G\L tory of place for Kro South Misia stropt.

and 5, over the the urinary deposits, a ropy sediment often be found, particles of ulb- must bo presented in writinc to tho City Ro- oonior on or Keforo tho 18th day of April, 1898, b'iine rise tiruo.set. by sniu Council when it will hoar and consider such objections ns uiav made thereto. Hy order of iho City Council of Salt Luke City, Territory of Utah, made the 81st day of Marsh, C. E. STANTOK, Sower Intention No.

17. cS3 urnen will appear, or the color be of a thin milkish hue, ayain 1 to a or torpid appearance. There nre many men who die of this difficulty, iprnomift -of the cause, which is the second of seminal weakness. The doctor vnll fruar- nntec a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy of the ftenito-urinary ortruns, I TU usually the vssUlt of GonorrhG-a, Gleet, Mas-- JLJturhation, thoug-h sotr.e- timcii caused by accident iind is ftften concfcnita.1. It is tin causes-the closing up of the orifice in the urethral obstructing' the How oi urine, and rendering the sufferer tho most miserable of mortals.

We permanently cure by a painless and effective methocf. ivithout the use of knife, or dilation, and with no detention from business. Send .1 cents in stamps for Book (TO YOUNG, niDDLE-AGED AND OLD also Symptom VNn of etc. A Administrator deceased. March IS93.

G. NIELSON. 01" tbo estate of John Errkson, OARD OP KDUCATION, SALT LAKE City, March -M, will bo received by the Board of Kdiic.ation until 2 p. March isaa. lor tho erection of room brought.

airaint vou by iho above'uatnod ohiiutiffs school building on Fourth East, between Third in the Disirict Oourt of the Third Judicial Dis- TK THK DISTRICT COrRTIN AN'I) FOH i Third DiBtrit-t of Utah Territory. County of C. P.iv^v, trcstec, plaintiff, vs. Elln S. cars.

Simon Hir.sch and Adolph liirsch, siniiinonK, peo- Territory of rtnh send To or'Marcii," A Klla N. beiirs, Pinion Hirsoh AdoinJi Hirych, refill You nre hereby rftjuirnd to appear in an action NOTICE---IN THR PROUATU in and for Salt Lake Countv. In ih" m.ittof of of of time and hi-ariiiR of Patitioa for Admission I'ursuHiit au ordor of said Court, in snld raat- I Icr, Thitice piveii Wednesdny, tho i of IV l-SM. at 10 o'clock at the c'oisnty Court llousoiu Shit Lake City. I'tnh Ti-rritnry, in thf of said Court.

boea time and pjaea for i of fl petition of Hic.ks Free, 1 pr.iysusr for thf ndmisslon to probate of a certain thrr'-'with purporting to bf Will Tostiimont of Absolom P. when and all persons I Interested may appear and opposo the probate of sail will, or'ilu 1 crsxr.linf: of letters of acimin- 1 will nnuexod to Annie Hicks Free, j- as pr.iyrd for in said I li: witness I heronuto set rav hr.nd and ol said Court, this 15tK 1 MELOY of the. Court TH Jtputy tlork. East, between aud Fourth South streets. Mids must be mndo for the excavation, foundaUou, stono work, brick work, work, paint- in jr; plasteriiiK and finishing of the building) Bids will also'bo received for the entire compietfon of the buildinp: and all bids must have estimatos for brick walls as well as for stona walls.

Flans and speoHlcatiot'S can be seen at thi olllcc of tho Board of Kd- ucutioti. Each bia must ho accompanied by certified check of 5 per cout of the amount of the bid, J. MORETON, Clerk. STATEMENT FOR THK I CnpHal Fire Insurance Company, of Con- tbo of and co.ts. of A friendly letter or call may save you future f- of utith, piirsuniiec of an Ad.

relating to Firo ferinjr shame, and add golden years to life, i utuf in Address, or call on Insurance Com DR. OTTER BOURG, 3 0 Coi SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LAKE CITY, P. O. Box, 9.

Office hours, 9 a. m. to 7 p. Sundiiys, 10 a. K.

to 13 or by appointment in obscut 1 ind cases. CONSULTATION FREE. EliHTEER YEAHS IN SALT LAKE. DR. W.

HIGGINS, The woll-knttwn SPECIALIST, hr.3 removed to and commodious parlors, i7 and 18, ST. ELMO HOTEL. IPP1P" HIGGINS, Microscopic and Analytic Physician, Han practiced In SiH Tjakn City eighteen years, mid the wondorful and well-established ho has effeoted time prove the sciuutiil. princlpleu on which his remwllos nro Forming diagnosis by tho aid or Iho microscopy him to detect tho primary BttUKo of disease and affect radical uuro. Tho Doctor has ourad thousands of cases of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Weakness and Nervous Prostration, will forfeit Five Hundred Dollars for any ease taken under his treatment which his to cure.

AH of private diseases cured, and nil old, lingering diseases, which vitiate tho blood Rnd impair the iystem, thoroughly and perrnn- mently cured. Livor and kidney complaint cured. ill Classes of Fits Cured. removed with head or no pay. 13.

18S4. npany and location: Capital Firo Insurance Company. Concord, New Hampshire. 2. Tlio amount of capital stock 200,000.00 3.

The Capital Stock paid up is Tho amount of its Assets is Tho amount of. its Liabilities (including capital), is 821,971.50 5. Thrt not surplus over all Liabilities la 22.BS5.50 ,6. The name of its Attorney or Agent for tho Territory of Utah, upon whom service of process in any civil acition against Company may be made, Secretary of the Territory of Utab. 7.

The receipts during the year 142,771.53 Tho expenditures during tho year 101,323.74 STATS or NKW HAMPSIIIBB, I COUNTY oy MEURIMACK, Charles L. Juckman, Secretary of the Capital Fire Insurance Company, being duly sworn, deposes and a ays that he is Uiu above described officer of said Com pa and that; die statement of the goncra! condition of said Company on said Thlrty-flrsi; day of Deoeinhor, is correct according to the best of his information, knowledge aud boliftf, respectively. GHAULKS Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me thla SOtb day of D. 1803.

I.Soa.1] J. E. FKRNALD, Notary Public. OF UTAU, I Scorntary'sOlRco. Elijah Soils, Secretary of tho Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the nbovo and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the uutil the ouerAl condition of The Capital Firo Insusanco Company, of Concord, trict of tho Territory of ind to answer tho complaint flk-d therein witnin t.i>n dnys (oxclu- Kiveol the day df scrvioiM nft-T thp yorviccon you of this served within this county; or, if served out of this county, but In this district, within twenty days; otherwise within forty judgment by dftfault will be taken against you, accordin, 1 to the prayer saiil complaint.

The saici notion is broupht to have a this court defendants Hirsoli hohl certain ln-ruinaftiT described, subject to the lien of a certain of and given in this court April 13, fondant execution boi'ii issued out of this court, on s.iid judcmont, and returned wholly unsatisfied; that said property or so much thereof as may be necessary be sold to kstisfy said judvinient, with interniit from April IS, until paid; for othor relief aud costs of suit. Sr.itl premises aro described as follows, to wit: Commencing ton rods south of nort.hea.Jt corner, lot 7, block plat Salt Lake City survey, running thftnco won 8-1 feet, thence south tbeuco east 8-1 feet, ihonce north 2VJrods to K(iAL NOTiCK. -IN THE PBOBATE in nnd for Salt. Lako county. Tnrrl- tor.v of lab, in the rr.attcr of tho ostato of Abraham W.ii.lcr.*.

of time and place for thft hcarinp of petition for admission 10 probate of will. Pursuant to an order of said Court in said matter, is horoby given that S9th day of A. D. I89S, at 10 o'clock s.t thp County Oonrtbouss la Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, in tho courtroom of Court, has boon appointed tho time and place for tho henruiR of a petition of lohiil Wat-; tcrs, prayinc for the admission to of cortain documont therewith prcssnted, purport- iujj to bo ihe last will nod testament: of Abr.t- harn cocoased, and where nil person? interp.ited mny nppcar and opposo probate-of said will, or tbo granting of letters trstanicntary to Icbet Wntt.srs. prayod for In Ba'd petition.

In witness whoimf, 1 baro hareunto hand and afllxed the of tiaid Court, lOtn day of March, A. 1SW. H. V. MKLOY.

Clerk of the Probate Court. 13y CATTSTEN Deputy Clerk. And you are hereby notified that If you fnil to -vjoTTOE OP SALE OF REAL ESTATE- cial Distric.t, In and for the Territory of Utah, this 7th day of February in thoyoar of-our Lord ono tliousam! hundred and uinotv-tbreo. I.Seal.) 11KNRY G. Clcrlr.

GEO. JJ. LOOMIP, Jiepnty Cierk. FRANK PIKUCE, attoruoy for plaintiff. bTfiO ARSHAL'S TO AN order of sale ami decree 1 of foreclosure to uio dirbcteil by tho District.

Court of the Third Judicial District cf the Territory of Utah, shall at public sale, nt the south front door of the Court House, In the City anc County of Snlt Lake, Utali Titrntorr, on tho 1st dny of'April, 1S93, at 12 o'clock all the rlijht title, olnim and interest of Robort aur Kmily J. Page, of, in nnd to tho following do scribad real estate, situate, lyine, and In the City and County of Snlt Lake, Utnh Territory, und particularly described ns follows, to the same being an undivided one-half interest in and to the followinc described property: Coramenc iiiR at a point five (S) rods south of the northeast corner of lot four hi blnck (28), plat Salt Lake City survey, running thtnne Hampshire, filed in my office on the i south five (ft) rods, thence west ilva (5) rods, 6th day of February, JS93, in pursuance of an act relating to Fire insurance companies, approved March 18, In witness I have hereunto set my huud the great seal of the Territory of Utah, this 21st day of February, 1893. ELIJAH SELLS, c7 Secretary of Utah Territory. JNO. ecsojjp MA.m, STREET, Doorp iiqrlli of First South Tftr; Q.i Chronic iS'crVtjp, Blood.

and Fe- fi WB POS.1T1VE the; awful nlTocts of early vice and the numerous uvilti that follon- in its train. PRIVATE Ul.OOU AWD SKIN DISEASES speodi 13-, coroplotuly aud curftd. NEEVOU'SDlSUI'iT-'Y A'XD SP.X- L'AL DISORDKUS reudily to their skillful treatments: PJLER. AND RECTAL ULCERS cured detention trwu business. JROC RL E-and ARICOGELE in very.

SYPHILIS, GLE GONOUR11KA. Spenr.atorrlic-a, jjial AYcaKno.n.s Lost Manhood, Emissions. JDecay-i J''e- male Weakness and all tho dcjlicate disorders peculiar, to either sex posl- tivoly cured, as well aa all functional" that. rosuJt from youthful the exuess of mature years. To ISonig nrd Ji'tM'o Affeil" Mse.

A QJJPC PIJDC Tha awful effects. OUnC UUilL of curly which brings organic weaknoss. both mind and body, with all its dreadful ills, permanently enrod. OUR a Ey tho r.ionth or for stipulated ram, TTC all raod- loiiios. AVOID whoTrcirk'for and clfllm to bt patients of Specialists the cltj-.

AYO strunprtr.s on the 6 tree t. too friendly; you way be bunkoed or fi" 01? All ores boi'Rht by ui will be sampled tt our irorka of F. H. OFFICEU. SAMUEL JAJIES, Office room, -104 Dooly BlocJt, Salt Lake CUr P.

O. Mox 1234. of Pennsylvania Lead Company, Pi Its burg, ASSAY OFFICE, No. 15O Main Salt Lake City. Ores carofully assayed.

Samples sent from a distance promptly attended to jind rcturqs niada Uhnrjees moderate. We bur own medicines. A friendly Ulk- costs, All "let- ters Describs nyraptorM, enclusfi stM'pps and. prompt wer address above number. A NNUAL FOB THE YEAR ending November 30, 3392, Qf tho condiiion oT The Now Zealand Insurance Go.

of Auckland, N. 2., made to Secretary of the Territory of in piirswuice of an Act relating to Firo Companies, approved 13, 1884. 1. Name of Compauy and location, New Zealand Insurance Company of Auaklajd. N.

Tho amount of capital stock 00 The capital stock paid up is The amount of its assets is .1 077,219.130 The. amount of its liabilities (including capital) is 1,891,228.00 The not surplus over all liabilities 785,993.00 The name of its attorney or for the Terrrtnry of Utah, upon whom service of process in any civil action against said piiuy maybe made. Elijah Sells, Secretary of O'emtiory, Salt Luke City, The receipts during the year Tho fixpuuditure.1 during the year wore 1,301,292.00 OF.GADFOHNIA. I ClTT AND (JOUXTYOP SAN Hugh boinp duly jiworu, deposes nd eaya that ho is tho above described officer of iiiid Company, and that tho foregoing stn.toment if pewerul condition of said Company on aid thirtieth divy of November. JB correct ac- lordinn to the best of hl.s information, kaciwl- 'und belief, respectively, Oucn GRAIG, Manager.

Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 8th ay of March, A. D. Ig'JS. KINO, Commissioner for Utah lu San jtiinjTonr or UTAH. SBCRBTARY'S GJT'IOE.

Elijah Soils, Secretary of the Territory of no horuby certify thnt tbe above and fore- uoinp ia full, true and correct copy of the Annual Statement of the general condition of the New Zealand Insurance Company, of Auckland, Neiv filed in. my otnca the 'ISth dav of March, in pursuance of an net relating to liwuraueo Companies, approved 13, 1HH. In witness whereof, I haro Hereunto eet my 'iund aud afllxed the Grout Seal of the Territory oi Utah, thir- 15th day.of Murch, ELl.JAJf. SELLS, c9 Secretary of Utah T.errtory. thence north "Jive (6) rods, thonco east five (5) rods to the place of bufjlnninjj, containiue twon ty-live square rods of ground.

To bo sold ns tho property of Robert Brown and Emily J. F'flpe the suit of John Terms of sale, cash. Frank Pierce, pJwintilT'K attorney, IRVING A. BENTON, United States Marshal. BY D.

N. SWAN. Deputy Mnrshal. SALT LAKK CITY, UtR-h, March U. b7 200.000.00 200,000.00 501,027.23 372,347.02 12S.690.21 A NNUAL FOR THE YJEAR ending 31, 1892, of the condition of the Burlington Insurftnce Company of J3ur- Des Moihefi County, Iowa, to the Secretary of the.

Territory of Utah, in pur- fuauije 1 of an Apt' relating to Fire Insurance Companies, approved March 1884. 2N'tune of Oonopftiiy and locution, Burlington Insurance (Jo'nipiiu'y, Des Monies count v. lovvd. 2. The jifnount.of capital stock 8.

Thu.cnpitftr&tqclc paid up. 4. Tbo amount of. its asset? is The its. liabilities cludiug'napital) i.s.

5. Tho nut surplus over all liabili- 6. Tho. nnrae of Attorney or agnnt for-tlia Territory of upon ivhoin sori'ico of probess in any civil action ajralnstsaid Corn- puny may Baldwin, Salt Lake Oity, Uriih. 7.

Thy receipts durine'the wore The cxpciiditurcs during the year 280,471.37 STATE or -Jo i OF DEB MO'TKES. 'f 5 John G. Miller, President BnrlinRtori Iri- uranco Compjvuy, Iowa, belncr duly svrdrh ana 'aays that bo is the described officer of, Company, and that the foregoing statement of general condition of said' Comjia'hy on sakl thirty-first day of December, -is'correct accbrdirip to tho-best of nis jcTormatlon, kcowJlodffe 'aud belief, J.oas G. MILLTSB, Hwornio before ma this day '6. Notary Public; TEKKITOET--OE! OTICK OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS inc'iit of .1 local tax for the extension of water mains on Kopor, Eleventh Knat Street, Wnshingtou avenue, Notice is hereby that the Assessor and Collector-of Salt Lalco City has miido and coin- pleted the- list und jilut pertninint; to at the rate of four mills square fool, by the City Council of Salt.

Laice City, i 2Sth. Ifiyii. upon the followlni; duscrlbed lots or pieces of c'round, i.amely: Lots I und to -H inclusive, block Place: lots 1 and 33 to 20 inclusive, blocic 1 L. H. RockweU'fl First nddi- tion; 10 rods lots 1ft and block Five- acre plat Bic Field survey; Jots 1 to inclusive, in both blocks 1 and '2, Thomas's subdivision; enst tun rods lots 18, block IfJ, Five-acre pint 1-JiR survey: west 10 rods lots 10 and 11, block Five-acre plat Bltr Field survey; lots 47 to iiicliisivj.

block 4, Lincoln Park subdivision; lots Ul to 30 inclusive, Lincoln Park subdivision; lots 1 to 50 inclusive, blockfi, Lincoln Park subdivision; lots 103 to 111 inclusive, blocks, Lincoln Park subdivision; lots inclusive, block 1, Lincoln Park hub- division; lots 1 inclusive, block 4, Norwood Place; lots t.o 58 inclusive, block 3, Norwood Piace; aiiid tax bnins for the extension of t.ha watermains aloiiR the following described route, nameiy: From the ititerpcclioh of Roper Btreot and Eleventh street, alonp Eleventh EaHt strtrot to a point one hundred and thirty (130)' ieat south of Washington avenue; from the. intersection of Washington avenue and East streets, along Washington avenue toapolnt tinny (30) feet west of the Jordan Salt Lako Caniil, and from the intersection of Emerson aveniioand Eleventh East street along Emerson avenue to Thirteenth Kant street, l.honcc norl.b along; Thirteenth East street three hundrod (300j feet." Sfiid list and plat have been lodged in tho office of the City Recorder, room No. 2 City Hall, for a period of ten days from and after the 17th day of Mnrch, 1S93. during which titno written appenli to ths City Gouncil for the correctioa of the assesssmcnt may be nled with the said Recorder, in pursuance of tho ordinance In sucb case provided, C. E.

ST ANTON, City Kecorder. Salt Lake City, Dtah, March 1893. W. M. C.

148. b05fJ CHEERING NEWS FOB THE AFFLICTED, As tho darkest hour is just before the dawn, so to those who suffered HO louR tniit they, are on the point of despair, there coines Klad news thjit.thfi, W. 1 89 Mfttn SALT A KB CHINESE VEGETABLE rpvo ft panacea for ail their Illjii aw thing for the safe, gore and' curd priyftto- loss of manhocHl, ftemiriftl II AS all ditetvsei ofthe lunRl, Hvur and 'i'heio maRical pared only bj gIran ar unifom l5J3LarlmeT8trect, (Call DJSKTEB 'S-ells; Sccreiary-of the Territory of Utah, do hereby 66'rtify. that tbo above and fore-, Bohjjria'a full, true iuid correct copy pr the sa- nual "statement of tB'o, general condition of the Uiirlinir'toh Ijtj's'uraiice of Huchncton, filed 'pn' the 28th 'day, of January, 1893. Jri pufsiiahcei of an act relating to Fire Ihsurance couiparites; 1 approved March- 131'' 1888.

In wltucsiJ, iybereof I hereunto set ray hVutl ufitt'e'd'tbe great of tho Territory of Utahi this 'JlJit dity rot. February, JS93, ELIJAH cS Secretary of Utah Territory. and dravrh to a otne-. eighth building of two fire engine not to exceed 850-0. (W -oacli, wJJi rent! ved uhtletsJKnedi at the bflice pfjlljiiv Ci ty Reebrder, ropniSi City Half, Salt Utah, up to and inciludinf April 4t5, 1893, he of baliaSotts will be bria in, the First other In the Second Colorsd wHJ not tb'feijecf atty and Myorder ihe City GbuuqJI, raaiic March Slit; G.

STANTON, City JSH3. 1 ANNUAL 13, i ALT LAKE. 23RD, 1893. TO steam-heating and ventilating eniiineors. Sealed proposulf marked "Proposals lor heating aud ventilating" will be received by the Hoard of Education of tho city of Stilt Lako until Tuesday.

Murcli 28th, 1893. at 7:30 p. ra. for heat- inc aiid ventilating tbo Jackson Schoo! building, Salt Lako City, to bo heated by hJuh or low pressure direct and indirect with fan vcctilauon. The system of ventilation to be introduced must be juflidcni to ventilate tho principal 1 recitation arid cloak rooms, corridors, rooms and venter closets, and provide thirty cubic of fresh air per pupil per minute for each class to contain pfty-fivo and of the building 16 70 Ueg.

Fahrenheit in tho coldest weather. Bidders will be required to furnish complete plsua and speciflcatfona, showing their proposed system of beating and ventilating. The boilers to be the best quality tubular hand-riveted brickset. No underground ducts of any kiud will be permitted; Said system ot ventilation must if possible, conform to the flues provided for in tbn building, but if any changes arc nccrtssrirr they iu the plan. 1 and the cost Ihtfreof must be stated and the bia for heating and Tentilfttiou; No bid will be considered linlesB accompanied bj a certified check for 5 cent of the of tho payable to tho Treasurer of tbe Bdard of Education.

The Board will retain 50. per cent of the amount of the' contract for tho faithful performance theroof, and the heating and ventilating apparatus has proven successful aad satisfactory. The right is reserved to reject any aad nil bidli E.DUOLY, Chairman Comraittee Silts and Buildings. of tb-ji said will sell at public Kuotion. to tho highest bidder, for ia one pjircrl or in subdivisions, os shull be judged most benefloinl to the ostnte, and Bubjeot to con- flrmatlon by snid Probate Court, on Monday thfl 10th dfty of'April, 1803, at.

32 o'clock at ront door of tba County Court House, in tho City niiri County of Snlt Lake, fcll tbo right, title, interest end estate of said Andrew of his death, and all the richt, titia and Sniercst that the said estate hai, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in nddi- tion to that of the said Andrew MlneorattDe of hu death, in to all that cnrtain lot, or parcel of Innd situata, lying and beinp in sftid (3ouut.y of Salt Lako, Territory of Utah, aud bounded and deHcribed to wit: Tlic north half of lot 7 In block 40, plat Suit Lnko City survey. Terms and Conditions cf tan per contoftha purchase money to paid to auctiouee'r on the dny of the as-le, balance on, coDfirmiitlou of sale by Probato Courtj one-half purchase prioo on one year's 1 Deed expense of purchaser. HILDA REES, Administrator of the Estate of Andruw 4 Datftd Ularcb 18, 1893. blOl3 per OF THE HOARD OF PUBLIC Salt Lake City, March 1893. To contractors for street paving: will- be received 'until 2 o'clock n.

m. of Wednesday, March 2fi, 1893, for work of inp, paving with and asphai- turn all of West Temple street, between South Temple and Fourth South in paving district No. 3. of Salt Lake City. There will bo about 5000 linear feat of curbing, 600Q square yards of stoue block jpaTemorit, and about 15.000aquaro yards ofasphaftum pavement to be and formi of, con tract and bond together with full bidders will bts furnished on apyiicalioB.

Addreis Board! of PublJc Works, ffa. 181 South MMftiStreet, Salt Otah. TKft right is reserved to any and all bids. By orflw of thei Board. C.

i. HA1NES. City Engineer. b859 of Thursday, AprU IVliJBiJD NO OF llfE Mining 'ComMuv. Sslt Lake City, Utah Tertiiory, 15.

Board of declared for February, -seven thdtifandvfive hundred tbs Bftme btiug 25 centi per lipoi thi capital stock of oompany, payable March 1893; at dfflee of the company, Kb. 1SS SpntlTMain Btrect (tipttairi). 8ali Lite Cityj 1 Terrltpryj ai tot the kturer, J. B. San and at the trfciitfiir agectSt 4 Go 1 16 Jtrtoad, i -iL jjfjirch v- Mtt' rpRUSTEES WHEREAS, JOHX H.

JL llinman aud May Hiuman bis wife, by their certain deed of trust dated Ang. ifclud, 1892, and duly recorded in tho offlcw of tho County Recorder of Sait Lake Utah Territory, on tho 212nd day of A must, 1892. in book "3-H" of mortgages, on paces C'Jl and. 0:25 Inclusive, conveyed to uridersicned as trustee, the follow- in, 1 described property. Part of lot four 14) in block (51), pint Snlt Lake City purvey, to-wit: Commencing at the soutb- wc-pt cornar of ftfiid 3oi; four aqd running thence north sevon and cne-hnlf rods; thuuiifl east flre utid ono-hulf (of-;) rudft; tlionce fioutb seven aud one-half (7vj) rods: and five and om'-half rods to t.hfc place of boRianinij, filluntc in Fait couniy, Utah.

In trust however to seure tho payment, of cert.tin promissory nol.o of even dale tht'rexvltlv, lor fitjjhty-si'ven hundred dollars pHy.ible to the order of W. S. at tbo bank I no: house of AlcCoruick' Salt Luke City, Utah, six (fi) months with intprest nt thn rate of ten cent nununi, payjible qunrterly. And wbercAB, said irnsi deed provided Jf said note or huornst should not be paid when due, that the holder thereof might procfiod to sell tbo property therein described by giving thirty (30) diiy's previous notice of the sale by publication in newspaper published in the English language in Salt Like County, Utah. And srild note has not been paid although demanded, tbe holdc? thereof has requested tho undersigned trustee to poll said premises in accordance with tbo terms of his trust, Now therefore, public notion is hereby given that tho iindorsignt'd trustee will in accordance with tho terma of said truft, sell the property hereinbefore or so much thereof Ks may be necessary, at public vend ue to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the County Courthouse of Salt Lake Bounty, in Salt Lako City, Utah, on Tuesday, April ISth, 1893, at lit o'clock of said day.

for the purpose of pay- tliB expenses of this trust, including attorneys' fees, compensation to thn undersigned trustee, nnd said noto, prmclpaliund interest. JOSIAH BARNETT. Trustee. Dated at SaH Lake City, Utah, this seventeenth day of March, 1833.. FRANK PIBBCK, Atty.

for Trustee. b970 rRUSTEE'S ON THE day of March, 1802, M. Melph Welch nade, executed and delivered to A. Gray his jromisnory note, for the aum of eighteen nun- dred dollars, payable ona from said date, vith interest thorcon at tha rate of eight per cunt per Annum payable quarterly; and, Whereas, To secure tbe payment of the jote'nnd the thereon, when the same hould ticcoroo duo. tbe suid M.

Malph Welch, ou the said of March, 1892, made, executed und delivered to C. W. Morse, his certain, trunt deed, upon the following described property in Salt.Lake county, Utah Territory, to wit: Lots fifteen (Ity and sixteen (16) of Avondale Park, a subdivision of lot twelve (12), block four (i), Five-Acre plat, A. Big Field surrey, which said trust deed wan filed for record in the office of tbe County Recorder of Salt county, Ulan Territory, on the 28th day of March, 1892. and was duly recorded In Book "3 of Mortgages, at page 550; and, Whftrenfl, The said trust deed provided that in case of default iu payment of the cald or of the interest thereon or any part thereof when the same should become duo and tbe said C.

W. Morse, miglit proceed to sell tbe property, at public rendue, at the front door of the in Salt Lake City, Utah, first having given twenty days' public no- tiofi of tba time, tcraxs aud place of ate, by advertisement in some newspaper printed in tbe English language inPalt Lake City, Utah; Wlier'jas, Default been made in the payments of the interest upon said note, and by reason of the Raid default the entire amount of the principal of said note hat become due and payable, and Wbiiraaa. Tho holder of quested tbe fiaid 0. W. Morse to proceed to advertise and sell the zaid property according to tbo terms of the said trust deed.

Now, therefore, notice is hereby given C. W. Morse, trustee as aforesaid, will ort Saturday, the eighth day of April, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. said day. at tbe front of the Court House in Lako City, Utah.

for and sell fct nubile vendue, to tbe highest bidder, foi? cash, the hereinbefore desoti bed real estate? or BO much thereof RS may necesiary to satisfy the flaid note nnd tha eipeusef of executing this trust. bB73 C. W.MoBSB, Trustee. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ert of property abutting oa Aouth of South Temple street, from to Fcnrtfa East street, in sidewalk district Mo. 17, toooa flapstone sidewalks aight wide, Notice is hereby eivon by the CJty Council Salt Lake City, Territory of Utah; of of such Council to make the following deieribed improvements, to wit: Constructing flag etffirt Mil vride and four inches thick oa tioath iidi of east South Temple street, from SUM to Fonitb, street, the same being in sidewalk dUtriot No, 17, in Salt City and of UUh.

and defray the cotft thereof, wtioimud at M.90 per front or linear foot, or square foot, by a local tipni tnd cf loU and ptioct oi fifou the rollofrine described dUtrict or benefited oy eatd trnprovomtnt, nanoly: Lots 5, 6, 7 and and.8, block 73, all itt FUt Lalce City su'rrey. 5, 7 and 8, fclock Salt Lake Cltjeurvey. All proteits and cbjeotioiw of such intention muwfci Recorder, in writiaf po of March rb Territory Uta.

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