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The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida • Page 1

West Palm Beach, Florida
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BEACH POST THE WEATHER. THE TIDES. Wednesday, fair; Thursday, fair; little change temperature. High Tide 6:32 p. m.

Low Tide 12 p. m. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1911 Vol. X. Member Associated Press.

Single Copy Five Cents i P1RUS IS TO IMS 1 IP A i OISPLAY TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS SUBSCRIBED TO CAUSE TAFT AND BRANDIES PAINTINGS MVCTFRY All i i lii I nuuiun MALONE ELOQUENT PLEA BOLSHEII PROCLAIM WAR AGIST GERMAN INVAH Tn nr miinti iTinti in in iiimiiin iiiiii dl iiiwmiuii AIUN (The Associated Press) Petrograd, February 26 An official statement issued today says: "Germany has formally refused to grant an armistice. German detachments continue to advance. Resistance thus becomes the principal task of the revolution. "The cursed minions of William and the German Kaledines are advancing against end shooting the Soviets. They are reconstituting the power of landlords, bankers and capitalists.

The revolution is in peril. To arms, all of you, and swell the ranks of the Red Battalions." WEEK'S PROGRAM LAID OUT FOR FOUR MINUTE lEinn moors (The Associated Pre) Feb. 26. The Americans northwest of Toul are under heavy artillery fire, but they are answering the enemy guns with spirited and effective shelling. BRYAN LEADS PHI FIGHT BEFORE NEW YORK ASSEMBLY (The Associated Press.) Albany, N.

Feb. 26. For more than five hours today, men of interna tional reputation argued for and against tne ratification by the Iew York legislature of the Federal Prohibition amendment. The opponents of ratification held that the federal amendment was unconstitutional. Sponsors for the resolution were equally emphatic in their opinions that its provisions were legal.

William Jennings Brvan led the pro hibition forces, with Samuel Gompers and former Senator Bailey of Texas among his principal opponents. Aviator Cadets Dashed To Death When Planes Collide IThe. Associated Press) Memphis, Feb. 26. William T.

Wcissingcr, of Buena Vista, a cadet aviator, was killed instantly, and William Storey, of Freeport, another cadet was fatally injured and died later in the hospital, when the aeroplanes in which they were making solo flights in Park field, near here. collided and fell about a thousand feet. ARCHBISHOP OF PHILADELPHIA DEAD Philadelphia, Feb. Most Reverend Francis Prcudergast, arch bishop of Philadelphia, died at his res idence here tonight of diabetes. UHFIRE FROM TEUTON GUNS BY FRENCH SOLDIERS AT TIE MONSIEUR LUDOVIC LEBLANC OPENS EXHIBIT VHICH WILL BE USED FOR BENEFIT OF SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES An exhibition of paintings made by French soldiers behind the lines in France will be opened today at the Breakers in the blue room, near the lobby.

The exhibition is in charge of Monsieur Ludovic Leblanc, of Paris, who is on a tour of the country in be-i-, i- nan oi me wounoeu soldiers and tlieir families, the proceeds of the picture sale being devoted to this purpose. M. Leblanc has met with much success in other parts of Florida. He bore a letter of introduction from Mrs. Charles Morse, of Chicago, and Winter Park, where he met with great success in the sale of these paintings.

The letter came to Dr. George Morgan Ward, some time of Winter Park as president of Rollins College, and well known to the letter's author. M. Leblanc also had letters from Mr. and Mrs.

Owen Roberts, of New York, well known at Palm Beach, and others equally distinguished, leav ing no duubt of the gentleman credi bility. The exhibition will open at 10 clock this morning, and unquestionably will be attended by many from the west side as well as the guests of the hotels and cottagers on the cast side. 1 (The Associated Tress.) Madrid, Feb. 26. Bilboa dispatches say that the Snanish steamer Scguri has been sunk by a submarine and the crews landed at the Canary Islands.

Shot Fellow Musicians lie-cause They Compelled Respect to National Air (Tho Associated Press.) San Francisco. Feb. 20. Three members of the Musicians Union were shot and slightly injured by a fellow member who had been ordered expelled because he refused to stand when the Star Spangled Banner was played recently in the civic auditorium. Governor Catts Coming Palm Beach County Fair Governor Sidney J.

Catts will be in attendance at the Palm Beach County Fair on Friday morning of next week, arriving on the train due here at 8 o'clock on that morning. This is the announcement made by the fair management upon receiving a tcclgrani from the Governor, which stated that it would be impossible for him to be present on "County Guard Day." It is possible that some changes will be made relative to that day because of the coming of the Governor on the following day. It is now proposed to have a welcoming parade meet the train hearing Governor Catts upon its arrival in this citv. In this congregation will he the County Guards from all portions of the county, the lioy Scouts, and the city an an invitation will be extended to the officers and men at Camp Josephus Daniels, together with the excellent band. It is the intention of the management of the fair to give proper greet-in, tlm commander-in-chief of Hor- ida's County Guards, and a program will he arranged in soon as possible.

complete detail as Senate Debates Bill Creating Mammoth War Finance Corporation (The Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 26. While the Senate was beginning the debate today on the Administration's bill to create a war finance corporation with authorized resources of $4,500,000,000, the House continued to make slow progress on the Administration measure governing the federal control of railroads. Indications are that both bills will be passed by Saturday. (The Associated Press.) I Washington, Feb.

26. A hill de-. signed to regulate the price, manti- facturc, and distribution of wearing apparel, hides, leather, farm I I implements and fertilizer was intro- I duced in the House todayjiy Hep- I resentativc Ayer, democrat, Kansas. TMiiiu STEAMER ORPEBOED BY SUB COL. WILLIAM B.

THOMPSON HEADS LIST WITH $10,000 UVULEY FIELD MALONE SPEAKS IN POINCIANA BALL ROOM PREDICTED SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT WILL PASS SEN ATE. Subscriptions to cause of woman suffrage taken last night in the Poinciana ballroom: Col. William B. Thompson J. $10,000 Mrs.

John H. Hanan 1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Baldwin 2O0 Mrs.

Samuel 200 Miss Alice Brock 200 Mrs. Barclay 100 E. F. Albee 100 Fred Zimmerman 100 Hene Buck 100 F. J.

Oakes, Jr 100 Mrs. Raymond 50 Cash from collection box, about 150 Total The cause of national suffrage for women was declared to have been won already at a meeting of suffrage sym pathizers which Dudley Field Malone addressed last night in the ballroom of the Poinciana hotel. In a month's time Mr. Malone predicted the measure will have passed the senate. The mass meeting was about as enthusiastic as though the fight had been in fact all over hut the handshaking.

Mr. Malone made a speech of about forty minutes, with lots of punch in it, plcnt yof oratory and considerable log ic. He kept his audience well entertained, and concluded by saying with reference to the war, which much of his speech concerned itself with, that the United States would have to send millions of dollars and billions of dollars' worth of supplies to Russia to keep her from relying upon the support of the German empire. He said that most of the old standards by which people have been used to gauge their conduct have been thrown overboard the last four years, and that in the clean up of the situation coming with the end of the war, labor would be dignified and would rule. Samuel Untermeyer, who introduced the speaker, when speaking of Mr.

Wilson's recent endorsement of suffrage after blocking it for years, said that the President had shown "his characteristic freedom from restraint in switching over," and said suffragettes 'were glad he had at last put his big personality and the dignity of his office back of the cause. Later Mr. Malone told of having taken the matter up with the President just prior to the tunc the pickets were posted at the White House gates, and the President had dismissed the subject by saying that suffrage was not an imminent matter. It was then decided, said Mr. Malone, that it would have to be made imminent, and the picketing was resorted to.

Miss Doris, Stevens, one of the women who went to jail for "obstructing traffic." followed Mr. Malone in speaking. She told of the harsh manner in which some of the women were treated while in jail, all as was narrated in press at the time, and then asked for subscriptions. Colonel William R. Thompson, of New York, head of the Red Cross mission, which recently returned from Russia, said after one or two subscriptions of $100 had been made, that the story of the imprisonment of women for wishing to vote was shocking to him, and that he would give $100 for every woman who had been imprisoned.

As ninety-seven women were put in jail, this was rather a large order, but the Colonel went his original subscription a little better hv making it an even $10,000. He said he had become accustomed in Russia to stories of men and women who served terms of imprisonment under the czar because of their love of liberty, but had not known that women of his own country had been subjected to brutal treatment such as had long since been abandoned in Russia. Mr. Malone said in part: "No thoughtful man entertains the same opinions and judgment in economy or politics that were his before the war began. And in the midst of these radical and incalculable changes the status of woman has been revised and the cause of feminism received its greatest impulse.

All the avocations which men for long years said women could not follow have been pursued in the war days by women in every calling and industry. "And so it is the duty of common intelligence promptly to revise our judgments and radically to dissipate the ancient masculine prejudices against equal suffrage for men and women in this country. "Men have for centuries assumed superiority of their sex, but Providence in its dispensation handed down the same moral code for men and women, and since Providence found it the basis of all law and equality, the masculine effort to change the divine arrangement is profoundly futile. "It is well for us all here on a holiday to look back at those of our ancestors, immediate or remote, who (Cnntlniieil tin Viibb Nit) FOLLOWING Of LABOR AND CAPITAL (Tho Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 26.

It was said to night that Justice Ilrandeis, of the supreme court, was likely to he seletced as one of labor's representatives for the conference between the spokesmen of capital and labor, which will frame the basis of a national labor policy. The employers' representatives today named former President Taft as one of the two men to serve for the general public. Hundred Thousand Census Enumerators Be Required For Statistical Work 1920 (The Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. the organization For collecting statistics for the year 1920 will be larger than ever before became known today when the Learned bill providing for the census was reported Tiy the House census committee a few Jays afio. The total force of supervisors, enumerators and clerks will run into nearly 100,000.

Extensive Adjustments Planned by Railroad Wage Commission (The Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 26. Hearing before the Railroad Wage Commission in the work of making recommendations for the most extensive wage adjustments ever undertaken was concluded today. Probably the Commission's decisions as to what classes of railroad employees will get increases will be communicated to the Director-General in about a month. Neg ro Soldiers Riot In Camo Pike.

Ark. (Tho Associated rress.) Little Rock, Feb. 26. Twenty-six soldiers of the Engineer Service Battalion are in the guard house at Camp Pike awaiting a court-martial as the result of a riot in the mess hall at camp today, in the course of which a white non-commissioned officer sustained a slight scalp wound. Divisional headquarters' report of rbe affair said that the trouble started when a negro refused to obey the white sergeant and flourishing a razor dashed at him, whereupon a free-for-all fight ensued.

OE DIRECT CONTRACTORS PREPARE A busy summer is ahead of Grey-nolds and Monroe, the grading contractors, already they have signed contracts for enough work to keep them hustling until late next fall. Anticipating a rush of work, these contractors purchased last week a carload of mules, which arrived this week from Jacksonville. Mr. Greynolds made a special trip to Jacksonville last week to purchase the mules. Satisfactory progress is being made by Greynolds 1 Monroe on the construction of the three and one-half miles of road along the east bank of the main lateral canal through the demonstration farm of the Southern States Land and Timber Company, situated fourteen miles west of the city, on the West Palm Meach canal.

This road, when completed, will connect with the highway which is being constructed across the Everglades to the Lee county line and will be known as the cross-state highway. It will also provide quick means of transportation into the eastern border of the Everglades and an opportunity for sightseers and those interested in farming to visit the demonstration farm after a short ride by automobile. I-fendrickson, Mrs. R. D.

Douglas, Mrs. W. D. Freeman. Mrs.

A. L. Huston, Mrs. George M. Ward, Mrs.

B. A. Maxlield and Mrs. C. Chillingworth, The board will have a meeting at the home of Mrs.

Chillingworth Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Calvin Campbell made a report of the finances of the hospital association for the period from Feb. 1, 1917, to Feb. 12, 1918. WEATHER TUESDAY I Chicago, clear 20 Washington, clear Boston, cloudy 48 New York, clear 38 "SMOKES" BENEFIT COLONEL THOMPSON TO INTRODUCE RUSSIAN "MYSTERY AUCTION FOR THE BOYS IN THE TRENCHES" THE CELEBRAT ED DOLLY SISTERS WILL ALSO DANCE PEERLESS A N.J PENNINGTON TO APPEAR GREAT DEMAND FOR TABLES ENTER-TATNMCNT TONIGHT.

Colonel William B. Thompson, of New York, just back from Russia, where he was head of the Red Cross Commission, yesterday bought a wrist watch of platinum and diamonds, worth several hundred dollars, and Cjave. it be auctioned tonighr at the benefit en-: tuiainment in the Poinciana G.con.'t Grove for he Sun Tobacco Fund, lor the boys in the trenches. In jo if so tbi' Colonel siecified the plan of auctioning he has seen used with great suece-s throughout Russia for war funds, and which he thinks may "oipc into general use in this country for the same purpose. The Colonel says all the theatres, especially in Petrograd, last fall were holding such auctions nightly after the show, amid great excitement which often kept a crowd until long after midnight.

The sale is being called "A Mystery Auction for The Boys in the Trenches" and will be conducted by John B. Fitzgerald, formerly mayor of Boston, assisted by a number of young women who will have much to do with the "mystery" part of the auction. When Gene Buck and Florenz Zeig-feld held the dress rehearsal yesterday, of the theatrical part of tonight's en- tertaiumcnt that is to put "smokes" into the trenches where the hoys have gone abroad to light the battles of those who have stayed home, there was no longer any doubt if there ever had been, that the entertainment would he extremely worth while seeing, probably as good a theatrical entertainment as has ever been held outside of New York. It was certain that the talent was there and as certain that Palm Beach can be trusted to furnish the atmosphere. Mr.

Buck has written for the occasion some songs that will rank with the best he has done. In one of the leading features the celebrated Dolly Sisters will dance. Ann Penning'- Ion will do one of her syncopated dances, in which she is acknowledged to have no peer in this country, and Sam Harrison and F'red Zimmerman, in makeup, are going to do some old fashioned dancing. Grace Darling, Kay Lauiell, and Marion Davis, will be some of the other girls taking part. In one of the numbers they will be dressed as boys, singing a kid song.

Everyone is invited and will be subject to an admission fee of $2 each person at the gate. There has been a great demand for tables around the dancing floor. Between the various features of the entertainment general dancing will be- interpolated and as two orchestras have been provided there will be plenty of music. The colored orchestra is down for some special stunts. Some of the jubilee singers will work in very nicely with the program.

The patronesses are Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. Charles F. Choatc, 3rd, Mrs. Alfred G.

Vanderbilt, Mrs. John C. King, Mrs. David R. Calhoun, Mrs.

Charles Dillingham, Mrs. John Rutherford, Mrs. William J. Hyde. Mrs.

Frederick Duff Frazier, Mrs. Quincy Shaw. Mrs. Douglas Paige, Mrs. Kenneth B.

VanRiner, Mrs. Harry Darlington. and Mrs. Barclay Warburton, U. S.

Submarine Chaser Arrives in Port (The Associated Press) Washington, Feb. 26. The safe arrival at a European port of a 110-foot submarine chaser, which had not been heard from for more than a month, is announced bv the navy department. The little craft was separated from her escort during a terrific gale while hound for Europe. $100,000 Used by Railroads For Political Purposes (The Associated Washington, Feb.

26. -The deposition of Milton H. Smith, President of the L. N. Railroad, made public by the Interstate Commerce Commission today, shows total expenditures of more than $100,000 by the road in the southern states before 1915 for political purposes.

Smith declared that there would be no more causes for complaint regarding such contributions from the road from now on as the practice was contrary to the public opinion of today. In Tennessee alone many legislators received eight thousand dollars worth of passes in a single year. HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN STARTED WITH BANG Meanwhile, the Germans are con-tiauing their inroads into Russia. An official proclamation, issued at Petrograd, calls upon the people to rally to the cause of Russia if the Bolsheviki Government is to be saved. Ambassador Francis Leaves Petrograd With Staff (The Associated Tress.) Washington, Feb.

26. The State Department has been advised by Ambassador Francis that the German army was yesterday only eight hours' march from Petrograd, and tfcat he was preparing to leave the Russian Capitol with his staff. The ambassador said the Japanese and Chinese diplomats were also preparing to leave. It is taken for granted at the Department that the Ambassador has abandoned the idea of following Lenine and Trotzky to the temporary capitol and that he will take his departure by train over the Siberian railroad to China. Trotsky's Downfall Imminent (Tin Associated Press.) London, Feb.

26. An exchange telegraph despatch from Petrograd reports a disagreement in the Council of Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates regarding the evacuation of Petrograd, and that the retirement of Trotzky, the Bolsheviki Foreign Minister, is imminent. The German Imperial Chancellor again told the Reichstag today that a general peace was possible of discussion on the basis of the four principles recently enunciated by President Wilson, butin the same breath, the usual qualifications were entwined with the statement, leaving the suspicion that the Central Powers still have their old ideals of a victorious peace to the fore. As a whole, Hertling's address was devoid of rancor, the speaker, seemingly, having it as his purpose to paint a picture for those at home who are dissatisfied with the war. He said that the present operations against Russia were carried out solely to secure the fruits of the peace she had signed with the Ukraine.

Washington, Feb. 26. Chancellor I fertl inyr's treatment of President Wilson's four fundamental principles for a peace hasis in an address to the Reichstag yesterday was officially regarded as ironical and designed for a very different end than the advancement of peace. It was said that there will he no formal comment made here upon Hertling's speech. Washington, Feh.

26. Despatches from Constantinople say that Turkish troops have entered -Trebizond on the Black Sea coast of Asia Minor, clearing it of "bands." CAMP WHEELER IS FREE FROM MEASLES (The Associated Press.) Macon. Feb. 26. For the first time since early in November, Camp Wheeler was declared tonight to be free from measles.

There is not a single case in the hospitals. Government Will Assume Control Fertilizer Industries (The Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 26. Government control of the fertilizer industry was ordered today by President Wilson in a proclamation requiring manufacturers and distributors to obtain licenses from the Secretary of Agriculture before March 20. VISITING FOUR MINUTE MEN REQUESTED TO REPORT TO CHAIRMAN H.

E. ROBINSON WHO WILL ASSIGN THEM WORK. Chairman H. E. kohit.son of the Four Minnie Men campaign has announced the following speakers fur the week: Wednesday night, Bijou theatre li.

J. Selkirk, St. Louis. Thursday night, Bijou theatre Rev. C.

11. I'ettihone. Friday night, Rialto theatre C. C. Chillingworth.

night, Kialtu theatre Judge K. The patriotic nature of the addresses to be given by the speakers at the Rialto theatre Friday and Saturday evenings will be emphasized by the appear ance there ot the Kirth of a Nation, regarded by many as the most thrilling-picture of a patriotic character ever ii lined. Chairman Kobinson stated last night that C. C. Chillingworth and E.

P. Mc-Cord had been added to the list ot speakers. The chairman requests that hour Minute Men of other cities who are visiting here call on him at the Carlberg keaity office, Clematis avenue, as he desires to meet them, and use their services it agreeable. This is the second week of the Four Minute Men campaign in West I 'aim lieach. The appear during intermissions at the motion picture theatres and talk on the war aims of the government.

It is a part of the campaign publicity in charge of the committee of which George Creel is chairman. HIS FREEDOM ON BOND IS CHARGED WITH MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE AND BOND IS FIXED AT $2500 FOR HIS APPEARANCE NEXT TERM. William Mcl.endon. charged with the murder of S. S.

Thompson, yes terday waived examination before Jus tice of the Peace George 11. Smith and was bound over to the next grand jury bond of $2500. The precedent of allowing bail to one charged with murder in the lirst degree was set in this case by Judge Donnell when he released McLendon on habeas corpus, after he had been held without bail by Judge Smith before whom the preliminary investigation was conducted, Mcl.endon was discharged last Saturday after his trial for manslaughter had started when his attorneys brought to the attention of the court a defect in the indictment, causing the judge to direct a verdict of not guilty! The defect complained of was that the indictment alleged that the dead man received a fatal blow on his body, whereas the blow from which he died was received on the head. INCREASED INTEREST ON BANK DEPOSITS DENOUNCED (The Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 26.

A sporadic movement by banks to increase interest rates on bank deposits as a means of swelling deposits at the expense of other hanks was denounced tonight by Governor Harding of the Federal Reserve Hoard, who said the movement in certain localities threatens to weaken the entire banking structure, if AT PLANS ARE LAID FOR SECURING NECESSARY FUNDS IN A BRIEF AND BREEZY CANVASS DURING NEXT FEW DAYS. What money is needed to complete the building fund of the Good Samaritan hospital will be raised within the next few days. This determination was evident and this conclusion reached at a meeting of the directors of the hospital association yesterday afternoon. The meeting was held at the home of A. F.

Huston, Sunset Avenue and Ocean boulevard, Palm Beach. A fine spirit of co-operation was manifested, and those present enlisted in the cause readily. Mr. Huston presided, and with the help of Miss Donna Roberts, who is to direct the campaign, got the preliminaries whipped into shape and the canvass was actually launched before the meeting adjourned. Nearly all who participated in the meeting were drafted to do some essential work looking toward the completion of the campaign committees.

These will be formed today and another meeting will be held at the Huston home Thursday morning at 10:30. at which reports will be received and the committees put to work. Col. Huston announced that the sum of $25,000 already was in hand, and among the first things to be decided was the total amount needed, so that the drive could be for a definite sum. It was decided that the proposed hospital should have not fewer than twenty beds.

C. H. Ellis stated that it would be no trouble to raise $10,000 on the west side, and it was tentatively agreed that a campaign of three days would be put on to complete the canvass on this side. The first canvass will he on the east side, however. Details will be settled at the meeting Thursday morning.

A resolution of thanks to Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs and others who have aided in the collection of funds for the hospital building; was proposal by Mrs. Henry, and unanimously adopted. The meeting yesterday was an adjourned annual meeting and an amendment to the bylaws was adopted providing for the domestic management of the hospital by a board of women managers. This board is to be composed of Mrs.

Clara Stvpmann, Mrs. J. B. lieach, Mrs. II.

A. Henry, Mrs. U. D..

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