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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 37

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OAKLAND TRIBUNEUFRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936 OAKLANDESHIPPiNG AND PORT NEWS 1 1 i mm mm mm ii mm mm va mm i w-- m. mmm i nnuwr i-1 nrttnn ninin SHIP MOVEMENTS i i I i nni liiii ilk i i uri Illinois 110 USE I fDNSTRUCT 2 RY TDOTLERS IS TO DEPART LL-S1M Es! SPORTSMAN By BOB DWYER BAblbJNIUtA TOIIIGHT ATTLE 'Hiere are still pleirty of boats available at many points in the upper bay for wse Sunday in the final of the Oakland. Tribune Striped Bass Derby, ContestantSt have been telephoning their fears' on the koat "question, bnt remepiber, that this Sunday there will only be .404 finalists to be accommodated. Tlie most controversial part of the final is the role on observers. One contestant will come in or telephone and praise the By NORMAN JONES Tony LazzerJ; veteran second baseman of the New York Yankees, who set a new record in the last World Series when he poled a long home run with the bases bulging, will definitely be on hand for the ninth All-Star- Major vs.

All-Star Minor baseball classic of the Alameda Elks Sunday at the Oakland Coast League baseball park. "Push 'em Tony as he is familiarly known, Is one of the highest salaried players In the majors and is known to every i-niinirtir nrl fan thrfmehOut the TO ARRIVE f-RIDAX. OCTOBER, Calcutta Hawaii Mna Baltimore Willztpo Mobi Vicente Seattle Anselmo Seattle Francisco ColMmMa Rivw.j.. E. H.

MeyeT Los Angeles Hind Iaos Angeles Peter Helms SATURDAY, OVTOBtK 4 Manila China CliDDer Manila Yokohama Hawaii Philadelphia Baltimore Orleans Victoria Columbia SUNDAY, Buenos Aires Hawaii Columbia Columbia Hoover Maru Makua .1.... Estero Samuel Bakke OCTOBER 25 Kir Alfred Matsonia City NUus TRANSPACIFIC MAILS I The foUewini galling dates and closing times of transpacific malls at the main San JTrancisco postoffice are based on the latest Inlormatioo furnished by -steamboat companies; ft' ORIENTAL- October 2S, 6 p. Chinese Prince. Octobers, China Clipper. October Maru.

October 29, Taybank. October SO. 1:10 p.m., President Hoover. October 31, 6:00 p.m., Muncaster Castle. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS- October 2T, 10:10 a.m., Maui.

October 28, 12:30 p.m., China Clipper. October 89, 10:10 a. Chichibu Mart. October 30, 1:10 p.m., President Hoover. November :10 a.m..

Matfloriia. November 10, 9:10 a.m Mariposa AUSTRALIA AND NEW 7EALAND November a.m., Matsonia. November to, 9:10 a.m., Mariposa. November 18. 11:30 a.m., Makura.

MEXICO AND SOUTH AMERICA- October 24, 9:10 a Pennsylvania. October 28, 8.00 a.m.. Point Ancha. October 29, 6:00 a.m., West Nilus. October 30, Santa Paula.

now "head, and has rated as a gen-eifel passenger agent. Bird who is at present en route to Mexico and California, has had charge of the Panama Pacific Line's passenger Office at New York for the past 10 years. Another change in the company personnel, recently announced, was the appointment of W. H. Maybaum, general passenger agent at 'New to succeed the late W.

F. Ohlson in charge of the company's business in Southern California. FORMER OFFICERS TO MEET Of the Retired Officers' Association, composed of retired. officers of the Army. Navy.

Marine ArOimd world TTavM Honolulu turline Barcelona Norfolk Kanilnwn Balboa Antigua wresoem city Elizabeth SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 Glasgow Bakke rVatparaiso Maru New York Pennsylcania NewYork Julia Luckenbach New York A San Anselmo Seattle Pptm- Rplmq Columbia Wheeler Columbia Los Angeles Wapama SUNDAY, OCTOBER King City London SUN, MOON, TIDE By 8. Coast ana Geodetic Survey. 303 Customs San Franfisco. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 Sun I Sun Moon rises. Moon sets.

MOON PHASES New First Foil tjiiartef Moo Nov. 18 OcVS3 Oct. 2S Nov. 5 8:42 p.m.- 4:54 a.m. p.m.

The time and height of tides in the fallowing U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey table are given for foot of Webster Street. Oakland. For Fort Point Subtract 48 minute.

OCTOBER 83 TQ QCTQBER 29 si: Time 1 1, Time Ft. Ti me Ft. Time H.W, L.W. H.W. 5.1 L.W.

H.W. J.7 8.0 33 7.10a 5.0 3.1 h.w. 0 3 8.2 0.4 5.6 SO 5.1 0.5 -9: 1.2 5.2 0.8 6.3 0.4 5.3 l.l 7 5.4 4:168 1.510:37a 7.0 NOTICE In the above tabulatfon of the tides the daily tides are given In the order of their occurrence, enmmenctna with the early morning tide in the left-hand column and the succeeding tides as they occur. On some days but three tides occur. The column of heights gives the elevation of each tide above or below tha level on Coast Survey Chart soundings.

The numbers are always additive tp the chcart depth, unless preceded by -a minus (p) sign, then the numbers ere aubtTHjCted from the depth on the chart. nMfes (Signed) R. R. LUKENS Weather Temperatures Hi.3h Lowl HlghliOw New 84 72 New 74 54 Abilene 42 34 32 82 56 14 0 30 6Nome 40 30 28: North 56 48 18; North 34 26 67 49 561 Oak. 70 46 2IOkla.

38 .18 Boston. 74 84 Calgary. Chicago Dawson BpK Moines'. 30 Phoenix 42 1 Point Reyes. 44tPortland 481 prince Albert.

24 HIPrlrtceRuperl. 52 281 Quebec 241 Rapid City, .141 30l 101 Rweburg. 42 Duluth. Dutch Harbor 44 Edmonton. .14 62 62 50 74 62 221 76 lt.

46 Fl Kvansvlne. Paul. A)-a. 42 461 Salt Lake City 60 36' San 66'San 60! San Francisco, SUSeattie SOIherldahf, 74Spokane, Fresno. Galveston Grand 56 Havre 38 42 82 Huron 30 Indiarftoolftft 48 82 Jnneau 54 --4fl iPlfjwm current, at 88 681 Tatoosh.

54 48iTonotah 64 W'ntctmi. iHiniuuua ins. miniuver.rt 56 Kansas H5f Kodlak 54 40IVictoria 58 Lander 30 22'Walla Wal 62 Los 72 40 54 Miami 66 Minneaopolls. ,12 54 Needles'. 76 80 32 46! 60 22 61 miynma 9t 60l- TRANSPORTS The follbwing are the approximate loca-.

tion of shins of the United -States Army transport aervlce: TiiAtiMONT -Norfolk to Pan Franclaco, HENDERSON San Francisco toWfolkrl i.i immu I on; in overnaui in new yoik REPUBLIC In New York. KCOTTSBUIta New Ifork to Son flWtClUPB. to Snn Francisco. ST. M1HIEI-In San Fra'nclsqo, GRANTSnn Ftancisco to Manila.

VEGA In Norfolk. CHARTERS CHARSASS Portland to United I0ng-dom, wheat, October loading, Bulk Carriers Corporation, OCTOBER it QAKtANb Tranerblcht, for Vancouver Hamburg-American Lines RUIT tUJERS Camera to be rut On Pacific Coast Run; Panama Pacific hi By FRANK KESTER Preparation for the handling of gn expanding movement of fresh fruits from th Pacific Coast to IFrance was seen in the announcement made today "that the French jLifjis proceeding with the tmme-KiSre construction of two 17-kiiot fruit streamliners' and the con version of two additional vessels the of refrigerator The announcement was aased on advices received from Macqueron, Pacific Coast representative, who is at present in Paris, cabled-to the General Steamship Corporation, Ltd, agents for he line. The new 'iruit streamliners" as hey are being called in Europe to Kescribe their ultra-modern design, tepresent a speedy type of carrier fequipped fo the prompt and effi cient handlftig -of 80,000 boxes or fruit. While two. of these vessels have beerr ordered from the ship building yards for early delivery, hey are expected to be models for i series of several similar carriers follow.

CONVERT TWO SHIPS The Ships, that have been selected for conversion are the Sah Pedro fend San Mateo, each of which will be fitted to carry 60,000 boxes Of fruit and 100 tons of frozen fish. fhese Vessels are sisterships of ther "San" 'type vessels now en gaged in the French Line service Except that are faster, attaining a speed of 15 to 16 knots. Addition of the new iruit ktreamliners" and the converted Kan Pedro and San Mateo is in- ended to take care of the growing Hemand for fresh fruits being developed as a result of recent trade vowels fegreements, These Supplement" the present service hrtintained by the fine passer fend cargo carriers Oregon, ngton, Wyoming and Wisconsin, land the freighters San Francisco, Ban Diego, San' Antonio and San 11 of which are now equip- ith refrigerator facilities, entire program, it was an nounced, has been planned in a fianner to permit as many sailings France each month as the fresh Kruit trade may require yet enabling regulation of arrivals for the fbest interests of the trade. With fthese additions the French Line, Jwhich already operates eleven fruit Ivessels in the West Indies banana bade and carries Substantial quantities of refrigerator, cargoes In its transatlantic uperliners promises ko become an Increasingly powenui factor in' the fruit' trade between line Pacific Coftst and Europe. PANAMA JeACIFIC SHIFTS- Advices were received yesterday Iby W.

H. Hoskier, Pacific Coast Imanager of the International Mer cantile Co. of a number oi im foortant changes in the company's Mfirial personnel at New (ties S. Mahool who was in pamornia recently, will retire es passenger traffic manager, after 84 tyears service tne company, find will be succeeded by Jonn Brennan. who has been with the orripany for the past two decades I and has worked up through various ratings in the passenger depart ment.

i David Lindsay, veteran assistant, passenger traffic manager, will re tire as of December and two hew assistant traffic managers are appoihted, Van Courtland Shortxor the Atlantic and Fred Bird for the' intercoastal business and domestic tours. Each has been long identi-fiedwith ttre4epaTtment-hewilt: Metropolitan paklaiwer Has Idea to Save Lives in Thick Of Early Morning Fogs One of the residents of Metropolitan Oakland has hit upon a bright idea that may make him a lot of money. He has perfected plans for the manufacture of individual fog horns on a large scale that tan Je, sold for a dime each. The -success of his "scheme is dependent 'upon the continuation of the thick fogs, which havetbeen enshrouding the area during- the past few i vn. "My -horm? be the ordinary-kind," states -the inventive genius.

"In fact they will be a distinct novelty So many people going to work will have to use them that it would make an awful, din if they all went along the Streets tootling to warn approaching pedestrians or automobiles. So I am going to make each horn in a different pitch and key. In that way a group that enjoys walking to work together can tune their horns in such a way that they can play barbershop chords as they stroll along. It will be decidedly pleasant and will awaken a new interest In music as well as providing safety for the players. The scheme depends entirely upon the -fog keep ing up though" According to the official outlook there will be more fog tomorrow.

Then according to old Mother tta-ture'a rule for this area the sunshine should return for the weekenders benefit. I Oakland ana VIclnlty-Falr tonight and Saturday with morning fog; no change In temperature! gentle, wind. Northern California Fair tonight and Saturday but occasional tcq on south coast; little change in temperature; gentle, changeable Wind off the coast. Sierra Nevada Fair tonight and SatuS 'day; little change in temperature; fresh easterly wind, Sacramento, Santa Clara and Sn lea. uln Valleys Fair tonight and Saturday; little change In temperature; gentle, variable Wind, Salinas Van Fair tonight and Saturday with morning fogs in north portion; no change in temperature; arentte.

variable wind. Southern California Increasing ness ionium ana sniuraay, Deconvng unsettled in south portion; slightly warmer In southeast portion- tonight; gentle northwest wind off the coast. Nevada Fair toniaht artH KMutftavt tort change In temperature. Idaho Fair tonight and Saturday; slightly warmer Jonight, Washington Fair, tonight and Saturday bat morning fogs In west portion; slightly warmer central portion tonlghti gentle northwest Wind off the coast, Oregon Fair tonight and Jaturda but local mornlne fogs in west portion; slightly warmer In-northeast portion tonight; gentle northwest wind off the coast. Fire-weather Farectst for California Fair but occasional fevj on south and central coast and Increasing cloudiness in extreme south portion i little change In temperature and humidity) gentle to niod-erate northeast and.

east wirtd but fresh or strong over high ranges. WEATHER CONDITIONS The outlook is for fair weather In the' Far Western States tonight and Saturday with occasional fogs on the coast. Tern perfctures will not change materially. 1 RAINFALL TO A. FRIDAT Last Seasl.

NrmK Station! i Sacramento. nri. to istc io aaie 19.18 .00 .13 8.BB .46 .04 .08 .86 1.38 1.22 .62 l.M ft 1.48 1.18 in l.t7, 1.10 1.19 1.48 .16 .23 San .00 .00 Fresno .00 S. LutofOhlspo.

.00 Los .00 San Diego 00 .77 .69 .63. .51 SAN FRANCISCO METEOROLOGICAL DATA Noon pm. 6 am. Barometer, fsea 30.05 30.01 30 00 Temperature (dty bulb) 65.4 55.6 80.0 Temperature (wet bulb) 58.1 5.1.1 41.4 Humid'ty (per 84 85 95 Wind S.E. W.

N.W, Win velocity (m.p.h.). 4 50 2' Pt.Cldy. Clear Clear PRECIPITATION Abilene 1,86, Amarlllo .22,. Buffalo Calgary .06, Chicago .04, Cincinnati .18, Cleveland .18, Cordova 8.56, Dawson Dutch Harbor ,0, Edmonton El Paso .04, Evanaville .20, Grand Junction Havre ,01, Indlanapolia .01, Juneau ..04, Kodiak Memphis .02, Miami .04, Mo-deha New Orleans .70, Nbme .14, Phoenix .46, Pittsburgh .04, Prince Albert Prince Rupert .28, RoBwell ,14, San Antonio Santa Fe .20, Sheridan llston T. Winnipeg and Coast Guard, will hold Boise Rathskeller of the Alameda fifks Club for the antlered herd's annual Bouillabaisse dinner.

The event will "be a general get-together ''and celebration of the 1 second annual Elks' Striped Bass Derby. Reg toiler, my. faithful ton doings Of the Elks, writes-1 a but comprehensive resort on what's doine and space is S-lackin' today 1 will' pass ill along. Dinner and name by Henry I Konka. and Chsrlie Llndemann.

as sisted by Dolph tV'aters and- Al Ooidon. Oeneral -ctiairmnn, Henry "Nick" Cooperj time, 6:80 p.1 m. SHARP; master of fe.mpnles, Bob Dwyer, Oakland Tribiin, asslate.d by Jack Burt, Alameda iosre; (meats, Herbert iRnvis, Joe Hunter ot l-'ish and Game 'Commiasiont sportins editors, Harry Hmith, Tom I.ntrd, Pat Frayfie, AV Grlvea and Art fish and irame columnists, Tod Julea Cuenht. Sherjjian Montrose, Joe Deerlbfe: RodTi "Gun. Phil Rose, radio; Ralph "fishing- fool," champion eater; Cfeorre Hany, secretary of AlamAla Itod and C.un Club, and William "Toot" lay, president There be music, entertainment, motion Wctt of the Elks recent fishing Ms and some other features that are.

billed as Special surprises. Must find space here to mention that Rudolph Ginter, Oakland, caught a limit of stripers dowtfin-the Estuary In less than 45, minutes. Mrs. J. Emmett, postcards me the catch but doesn't say how large' the fish were.

That is speed though' regardless of size. t. A Question has been asked that might interest more oi me imai-ists than the man who telephoned. Each finalist will carry the tard Sunday tor tbe observer that has been assigned to tompany him. If this observer leaves him or for any reason fails to- do his duty the finalist should report to a natrot boat at once or go back to th Weighing registration nootn ana an employee oi mc tribune will be sent ontto take the place of the observer.

JUst to get away from this Derby business for a' moment, we might turn to the fine letter -from Arthur Ehrenpfort who has Just returned from the North, He declares the sky is overcast from manyres apd that in Oregon the smoke is. very dense. At Klamath, when he-was there, citizens were back-firing to i The fish Were not biting at the Smith River, he saysand there was little doing at the mouth offtRe He did bring back a Ut of catches from. Guy's Tavern vat Klamath showing that Frank HudV. son, Modesto, and H.

W. landed a 41-pound king salmon; Prank Brack, Klamath, 84 pound Chinook; Dan Brack, Klamath, 29-pound Chinook, above, the bridge; M. N. Macornber, Klamath, 30 pounds, mm SAN DIEGO, Oct. 23.

Rel. alive Strength of the Southern Call fomla and Far Western Conferences will Be given another test tomorrow When" Sftn. Diego and Ban Jose State Colleges-clash In a Shrine charity football game Last year San-Jose defeated the local team, in the northern city. This year, however, the Aztecs are undefeated, having- tfounced Occidental, La Verne and Redlands, the latter two by fairly large margins. On the other hand, San Jose has met stronger opposition In holding Santa Clara and University -of San Francisco to respectable scores.

The stack up about even in weight, with the lines averaging around 185 each andthe Spartans holding a five-pound advantage in the backficld; 4- 'ALAMEttA ttAYDiCAP Alameda Golf Club members are scheduled, to' compete In the third round of. their club handicap championship tournament Sunday morn ing, starting at ciock. country -----v- v. Thqse locauy Jtnow vmm v. ls the North Beach boy in San Francisco who went Up to the big time to be followed by Frarikfc Crosetti and Joe' Di Maggio.

His presenc Sunday should be a de cided asset to tne in vnainj' game. DirV kartell, who kerjt the Gianta in the running in the last World Series, is acting as manager fot tha All-Star Majors and has signed th most impressive aggregation of ma jor league stars ever to appear in the big time baseball finals of tha Mamie! Dtiarte and Hay fer-baker, co-managers' of the All- Star Minors, are assisting Bartell tn lining np Ms players ahd are hot on the trail of Vernon "Lefty Gomes. They visited the Gome borne In Rodeo yesterday bnt "'Lefty" wS not at home. His mother said she expected Mm flHtn and the committee will hear from him as soon as he rets batk. ''Such stars as Joe DiMagglo, the'v Yanks, Gussie Suhr of Pittsburgh, Leo Scarcely Cincinnati, Bud Hafey, Pittsburghv Ernie Lombard! with Cincinnati, Art St.

Louis Cardinals, Ernie. Sulikr Phillies and Tony Puccl-nelli, Frank Gabler, hurler for the New York Giants and possibly Monte Pearson, of the Yankees, have been invited to show Eastbay fans the mastery of pitch- tog. Augie Chicago Cuba outfielder, is another of the possibilities who will attend ifhe can get here on Sunday. STARS LINED UP Determined hot to let the ma jors steal the show," Duarte and Brubaker, aided by Johnny Verges, fnrrrtm- third baseman for th6 Giants and more recently -with th Sacramento Senators. have signeo; 'several Of prospective major guers from the' mlhOrs.

Among those on the list artt.SmeSd Jolley, Joe Marty, Vlnce Lincoln Blakely, Frankie Eddie iLeishman, Harlan Pool, Jihimy To bin. Bob Loane, Eddie Montagu 4hd.B0b Cole. Verge Will team captaim The entire proceeds ol the game 1 will go to the Alameda, Elks. Christmas basket fund, which furnishes Christmas cheer to tn underprivileged and less fortunate families during the holiday Game time. is set for 8 o'clock; and Will be preceded by selections from Alameda Post.

9 American Legion Band and drill: worl? hv fotvi frorri Ban' Francisco and Lodges of Elks. All seats in the parlt, SUBClfly wiii sen fifty cents. 5" Lee Owen Picks Six on Nose at Six winners out of eight raees. This Is the record yesterday of tee Owen, Tribune: HftnBlcapplr, at Tanforan. Owen had Salinas In the first, tady walte In the third; Little Ina lh the feurth; Sir Oracle in the fifth.

Kent Jn the sixth and Burning. Up lh the eighth. He was eased out of seven winners in the seventh "race when Chatterly finished third and Star -Brook, second place ch616j crossed the Wire first. Altogether Owen had 13 Iiorsel that placed In the money during' the day. MOOSE WIN Bud ac softball chucker, twirled the Oakland Moose Club to a 10-0 victory over the De Paoli Oakland Police DetJartmCnt at Ex-, position Field.

TanforanTrack ineir luurin aim laat luuuiicun ui year at the Berkeley Women's City Club, 2315 Durant Avenue, Berke ley, next TBCEfsday. October 29, at 12:30 p. m. The' officers of the association are; Capt; A. Kearney, U.

S. Navy, retired: President: Brigadier-Gen. R. W. Mearhs, U.

S. Army, retired, vice-president, and Col. T. M. Cough lah.

U. S. Army, retired, secretary. All retired officers and their guests are welcome. Notify the secretary at 244 18th Avenue.

San Francisco; hone BA view, 3288. TRAFFIC CLUB MEETING The discussion group Of the Oak land TraffiCClub Mil meet in the Athens Athletic ClUbat .7:30 p. m. Tuesday. "Liability or the Shipper' Carrier and Consignee oh Freight Moving1 Under Transit is the subject to be" covered, with dis cussion led by Harvey Mulder, city freight agent for the Santa.

Fe Rail way. Mulder will give a brief his tony of the transit services from their first application in 1870 to the present day; Will describe the Vari ous services offered, such' as partial unloadingymilling, processing and storage on agricultural products, and fabrication, treating, and sorting on manufactured articles, but will de vote most of his time to a discussion of the legal points involved in thr handling ot claim? for shortage and damage. He will also touch on the Signee to properly load and brace freight to be stopped in transit partial unlo.adingv "Cargo Insurance on Truck Ship- mehts" will also be discussed, with a talk to be given by Roy Haycock of the Fireman's Fund Insurance Com pany. There is no admission charge and students and others interested in traffice management are welcome totttend Dean Detton, heavyweight wrestling champion of the world, will be melcomed by fans ait' the Audi-toriunixtonightjvthe starting point of he meets Gas "Dynamite" Sonnenberg, former Dartmouth gridder, in a title match. "Detton wrestled Sonnenberg to a torrid two-hour draw here several DEAN DETTON The New Mat Champ years ago when he was a comparative novice in the sport.

Since that time jhe has traveled East, moved through an elimination tournamept undefeated and soilled Dave Levin to take the crown. Gus "The Goaf believes that he has defense for Detton's toe hold and spin, and is quite willjngto trade tackles any day of the week, The match will have a. two-hour time limit, with best two falls to decide whether" or not a new champion leaves the ring. The Sonnenberg request that a new referee be assigned to handle the title bout has been granted, and Dick Rutherford, rated one" of tbe Jvill probably handle the cpore. The new champion will show a variety of holds when he defends his title.

trelims for the1 title match In-elude Vic" Sunland, vs. Jack McArthur, Ireland; Herb Freeman, New York, vs. Rudy Strongberg, Germany; Rumberg opens the show with Ted Sarris. Will End Finals in the. annual Claremont women's president cup tourney will be played today.

Consolation matches will be played also and presentation of trophies made at the end of the day's playl Results of yesterday's play follow; First tHshti Mrs. Georte Grant defeated Mr. Rollo Fay, and 2i Mr. S. E.

Stret-tort won from Mrs. M. E. Keyser 2 and 1. Second fltcht: Mtss Ellrabeth Klltott downed B.

Colin, Mrs. Wyman Taylor defeated Mrs. Hancock, a and 4i- Thlrrt fllrht: Mrs. John Roberts won rom Mrs. A.

Smith, 2 and Miss Inffft Dleckmsnn downea Mrs. i. a. if Id, and Fourth Miss cynmian rae won om Mrs. Leon Tern-ro, 2 and 1 and ta.

A. Wlshon defeated Mrs. Arthur Pollard on the 2l)th hole. Dimond Net Courts To Be Dedicated Exhibition tennis matches, music and other entertainment will mark the dedicatory program for the two new lighted courts at Dimond Park, conducted -tomorrow night by the Oakland Recreation Department. Festivities start at 8 o'clock.

A mixed doubles matoh, with Miss Adeline Brohm at)'d; George' Rice meejing Mrs. Clarlta Teei and Vern Neville, will start at 8:30 O'clock, followed by George Rice and Ronald English playing Barney DcGiere 4n4 Vorn NaimHo Dimond Tennis Club members wiltHtollow4thlmila-tches Virginia Maxfield and Allan An derson teaming against Fern and John Stevens in mixed doubles, and. Vern and Vip Christy meeting Jack1 Tunney and i 1 1 Davie in men's doubles. VITAL GAME TONIGHT SANTA BARBARA; t)ct. 23 (U.R) Santa Barbara's powerful grid team, eying the Southern California conference title, tonight clashes with Whitticr, 1935 champions, in I game that may settle the championship Tanforan Results YEStRttBAV FIRST RACE 6 lurlonfs, S-yeat-oldl up, claiming; Salinas $5.60 33.40 12.60 Iron Claw 12.80 6 80 Morflre 4.20 Time 1:13.2.

Belies Last, Hoxana Cold Wave, lady Tdrchilla, Mallltw, Treasure Chest, Val June Hastings and Most Unruly finished as named. SECOND RACE 6' furlongs, maiden 2-year-olds, California bred, claiming; High Ace .,.113.40 $.20 $4.60 Qlal-Mt A fin 4 an Radnor toAO 1:08.4, Crystal Sheik, Better Shot, San Anselmo, Mortgage" Pride, Kitty O'Boyle, Runanconard and Bon Boots finished at named. Scratched Deodora Hills. THIRD RACE-S furlongs, 2-year-olds up, claiming: Lady Waits 12.80 12.80 12.80 Flag lme 8.80 6.40 Judge Luedera (Burns) 21.40 Time 1:133, Humorous, Plum Bnot, Night Small Mortgage, Crystal Image Bnooksle Shot and Well pressed finished as named. Scratched Nekena and Pima Rose.

FOURTH RACE 1116 miles, 3-year-olds up, claiming: Little Ina (Gray) 24.80 $3.20 12.80 Btlng Knight (Rlchrdsh) 4.40 3.40 Electric Gaff (Dauron). 6.00 Time 1:43, Low Bridge. Puako, Can Eie, Peterkin an onus unisnea as namea. FIFTH RACI-) furlongs, S-year-olds, The Gorgo, allowances: Sir Oracle (Neves) $2.60 $2.40 $2.20 Jargo (Burns) 6.20 3.80 Farouhar (Jones) 2-40 Time 1:12.8. Kortena.

Bernhardt K. and Bun Prairie finished as hamed. Scratched Danke Srhnn, RAt'K 6 furlongs, S-yMr-Olds U0, The Briar Sweet, class Kent (Thompson) $16.20 $6 80 $4.80 6ky Pirate 4.60 400 Tracker (Chojnackl). $.40 Barbara A Sallys Booter, Distribute and Mr, Spenc finished ACEti4 miles, $-year-oldi up, claiming: Star Brook (Dauron). $4 00 $280 Speckle 2.60 2.20 Chatterly 2.40 Tlmel-BJ.

Northralla. Nftonus, Brown Hills, Donna Bonlta and Enigmatic fln-U EKiHTh" RACE 1H tnllel, S-year-dld up, claiming; .1 .4 Burning Up (Chrtjhackl) $3 20 $2 80 In Helker 2.60 ..2 20 Maxwell M. (Gray). 2.40 Time -Quick Sal. Lartty Boy, Enro, Ina Mat and Sill Andy finished at turned.

Ksi plan to high heaven, the nextt one will think it is unfair be' cause rheer is of telline Aether his observer will get to go on a boat or sit on the bank. Just remember that rule is the fortunes ot war for man you bring: It he doesnt get to go out on- a boat to "fish, someone else's Irieiid will get that chance. Be sure, however, that when you choose someone to be ob server, you are certain they will carry out their duties tor should they fail if will eliminate you from contest. Saturday full instrUGtioriS will be printed again and a copy of these given to each finaljst registering Sunday morning. "Georre astwoo4, Pittsbarr Iraffle officer, telephones in the program for the ft-'' boxing open air shew to be held at the Ptttsburf Montctoal fcaa-ball park Saturday night, in addl- tion to two good cards there will be Other entertainment.

the tnowey derived Tronf ihts open air and remember that prices are scaled down lower than arty Movie, will be used to buy uniforms for the Junior Traffic Squad. Joe Di Magjrto, sensational star of the world champton New Vbrk Yankees this year will referee the first lotrat of the evening and will help officiate in the rest of the program. i The main event of the evetilhg tlll bring together Joe Yabarra and Archie Bianco at 133 v'oif All events will be at four rounds. Barrie Dnran will meet Kiu at 122 pounds in the special event. Other bouts sofiefluled ftre: Young Cameron ve.

MavMIUlrth, 188 pounds; Charlie Brown Vs. Joe Balletta, 1 55 poundB; Charlie Felix vs. Frankle BettB, 12(1 pounds; I'lnkto Da-via vs. Bat, i-0 a apedal between 'the -champions of th traf-fle pjuaa jmiitjrs, -Tiger Job Vs. Fisherman Jrt Bruno st 90 pounds.

A rilce bout will th four rounder between Wimple W.ood and Joe Olvera. lenrtpan Cardova will meet Wildest Joe domes tbe opeTrfng-writllnK match. A blR prornm to amuse- the fishermen Saturday night and get their minds off the big contest the next day. iTlash and super flash on the striped bass fishing. One of the sweetest runs of stripers this year is on now in Three Mile Slough" where, it enters the river.

Five 1 1 S. f) nmrA in for one bunch and almost every-T one fishing there in the last few days has reported limits or near limits and most of the fish are large. Get' In there Ss soon as possible as the run may be Just a-general movement of the bass. Most of. the.

fish are being taken trolling. In fact few -have been taken. on bait, I understand. Tonight the mighty of. the fish and game world will gather in the DEISMS mmwm 'Speaking' in i figurative; Setise, aps-sayedteough-il-motbt exhaust pipe 'the Emeryville Speedway last night.

The midgets wound up their season as Xynn Delster of Oakland won the 1B0; lap main event and "the track championship before 4000 persons. Starting things by turning the one-fifth mile courses in 16.78 seconds to take the pole position, beis-ter went Immediately to work In the long grind. Ten rounds. Out had lapped most of the field 18 starters and was bearing down' on Duane Carter, second place man, Snd Charlie Baker, In', third spot. At the 25th lap, Delster was out in the breeze by -a til lap over Carter and $aker, and two laps over- the rest of the aspirants.

Midway of the ramble he rolled Into the pit'Tor a tire change and fuel. Baker look' the lead, Carter took It from him, but -Delster retrieved it. Deister's time for the 150 laps was 44 minutes, 45.4 seconds. Second place went to "Sketts'' Jones, who came from howhere when motor trouble put Carter and Baker out Of the Jim Denning was third, Tony Dutra fourth and Lfes Dreisback fifth, Al Stein, reigning champion and the one whom Delster snatched the track went 'out with motor trouble in about the fifth lap. Harry Alley celebrated his winning the class trophy for the year by tossing a rear wheel over the fence in the time trials.

"Dutch" Van Tassell of FresnO, bad boy of the race course, failed to put in an appearance. Leanevlch Doxes- Simmon TonUKi HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 23. (U.R) Gus Lesnevlch, Russian middle-welafht from Jersev, Clashes to. night With Marty Simmons of Michigan in tne lu-rouna mam evnt at Leelon Stadium.

The Russian was I favorite to de-' feat Simmons just reiurneu from Australia where he scored six Victories in seven starts, Lesnevlch Is seeking a. bout with Champion Freddie Steele and was expected to try for ad early khbekout to aid hs cause. one mi mm mmum II i i YOU'LL GO. FOR WAT SWELL NEW CEREAL FLAVOR, AND HUSKIES HELP DUILD ALL-AMERICAN HALFBACK I i jay li RIGHT Mf THAT NfW f7-i fLM tr KAsi4i iiiiiiii in nil i iii il iriiniirniinil ii ii i JLr: (V r. ill-American I I i All-Amencaa I PON HtTSdN.

Alabama's end, now turriog with the eenuayfackera; I JAY BEftWAMCER. Unirerjity of Cbjcagq All. American halfback, who wis Toted the out. player of IN BOTTIES AND ON DRAUGHT AT THE BETTER DF I w-. (k i great Gn mni fro- Whole wheat art uted id hUSKlES: lu.j mud miWr A All-Ataerkin breakfait (reatl That'i whit fimoui arrii stara tall V6tKlES.

And you will.too.Ohce you're tasted those CriJp, cruhchy flakes of vahxibl mineral saDt tat ttnnt bmii tooth. Carbohvdratei for food-energy, golden-broWn whole wheat hint fe ftalp bwiM mutcl. And Vlfwnlng A Pot HUSKIES bring you a keaty flavor I ni -mprieii 6d mrtrlftom that's fynew.vdelk:irjftHry different iof in food-from ny other cereal! But, more than energy, get HtJSKiES, in the 10-oz. blue tU the ralaabi food emotiali of and yellow box at your grocerl today! PACIIiieEWlMG MALtiNfi tO bisbtlstc Brewery's Own Branch 'Stfa Sin hbli Avchuo, Oakland HU 4t VNrtsssn1 Zs ME.

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