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The Emporia Gazette from Emporia, Kansas • Page 3

Emporia, Kansas
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Six THE EMPORIA DAILY GAZETTE Emoorfa. Novemfer 4. 1989 FREE THEATRE TICKETS With each CASH Want-Ad in The Gazette you will receive a Free Ticket to the Strand Theatre AT THE STRAND A Torrhy Blane in -TORCHY PLATS WITH DYNAMITE" Roy Refers, Mary Hart in "US' OLD CALIENTE" A A A A A A A. Classified Advertising Want-Ads Containing the Price nml llic Seller's Cet Three the Results of without this information! ANNOUNCEMENTS Monuments aiirt Cirnu'tery LoU 5 MOM'Ml'NTJ-, ir.artrrs; r-hone 2164-M, Wm. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms GOOD SOUTHEAST room, nlctlj tur- nlshed; 1403 Ncosllo, phono 1B31.

ROOM for girl, board optional: phone 352-W. S5-P1M3 ROOM In modern home, garage, close to business district; phone 1812. MODERN sleeping room and garage: phone REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments for Rent 91 Lost, Mraj-pfi and Found LOST Fi-mfci 1322-K name "Pep' AI TOM()T1VE Automobile fur Salt 12 SAM: OR Master r.if. roach, find look.s pood priced way in en is run be fd-' 727 ror.rrr!*. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 14 TKACTOR bargains .0 00; 11.2.*» tncli.

Firestone Auto ly VOL' Mrchanlc. Stations 17 Craned pi rrrvi ml rrpalrcd. A ci 1 Wnlly's rU-11 BLSl.NESs SERVICES Business Serviros Offered 21 to flip Fleatins. numbing. Koofinc 25 F.fTATi: HKATKOI.A—Nrnrly new; Professional Srirircs over nioclcl- nit iK.s Mrs.

EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted, Female tor Krlirr -IK Help, Male and Female 38 WANT wllo on innir. urtdr Gasrttl'. Situations, Work Hunted 40 IloiiM-work by rjiprrlrncrd FINANCIAL Money to Loan, MortRr.KCs 45 nr.AL CSTATI: I 1 B. 1 1 Commercial Nnl'l Br.r.t; "31. 4.

LIVKSTOCK Oops, Cats, Other I'cts 56 SCOTTII: r. M. Unbcock. 1 1-0 I.T Livestock 57 SAM'' Kemp JriM-y pp Mattm ui.GiMt:Ri:i> Yl.Aia.ixt; nrui.roitn; J. C.

Mi-Kimiry. Gs M' A. Ilnm- 7-1)11-15 IOR pond Spottrcl I'oinnil 1421513. OK M.I.'—Jv^cy :r.r,k mlle.i i Oi-o. 1 OK S.M.I;—cvc'oi! mile Liikr.

.7. A. 1OB loins Poultry. Chirks, Supplies S3 RHODE. ISLAM! V.

Hr.ct Gl DEAD ANIMALS WANTED IrjrkT. Our tho Colonial. S27 50. Included In rental: Stcnm heat, vntrr, gas, telephone, electric rcfriBerator, vnshcr. Iront'r.

current ior Ironiiw: 822 Merchant. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Partecr npartments. 422-24 West ElRhtn hented, garage, electric laundry, refrigeration, iour closets, porches: phono 750. TOR npartmenl, (IrBt lloor. fom rooms and closets, large front porch, convenient to town and schools.

Telephone 1100. 813 N'cosho. DOWNSTAIRS two-room TurnlEhed aparl- 7nent, outsldo entrance: 826 Constitution. POUND-rROOF furnished or unfurnished apartments; Tho Congress, phone WARM MODERN furnished apartment: phono 2558-R. wo-rooni rURNISIIF.n MODERN npartinrlit.

bills inquire 831 Exchange or 40! EaM. iurniPbcrt npartment. ncwlj 701 State. 24S2-J. cll-7 TWO rtillNISIIKD at 211 Hurnl; plwne 10.S7-W.

KOIt or three-room nptirt- mt-ul: 25 Hurnl. three-room duplex, -425 NeoMm: Kundiiy. IIIIOMS unturnishcd. privnti' butli. dosr- In; 2280.

Htisincss Places for Kent U2 SIXICSS 1023 Commercial slrct't, near Normal: any rcnl fompitny or write J. A. Kennedy. Kan. Houses fnr Rent THOUSANDS WATCH CORNHUSKEHS WOVE DOWN THE is an aerial view of the National Cornhuskinf contest law- rcnee, as thousands of wa'kert up and down the lanes chccrihpon their home slate favorites as they rattled ears afainst bang- boarcls in quest of the.

national farm title. Twenty-one contestants from 11 states worked at top speed for 80 minutes. CHASE COUNTY Start Collection Of Chase Taxes Totaling $335,560 Sperinl to Tlie Gazette: Cottomvoocl Falls. Nov. 4 The collection of S335.5C0.44 taxes which represents all taxes ior Chase county for 1939 was started Wednesday by County Treasurer Tom Graham.

Tnx receipt No. 1 was issued to lone Sevier, Phyllis Johnson and Irenu Stfirns; a one-act comedy, "The Winner," with Chad Patton, Marjtjrie Brogden. Irene Starns and Gerald Johnson in the cast. This play was chosen by the judges as the one to be presented at the play festival at Cottonwood Falls later this month. The program was ended with a piano duet by lone and Lorraine Sevier.

Property and stage managers were Connie Kay, Lenora Cox and Bettya Underwood. Ushers were Lenora Cox and Eugene Talkington. Tom Mercer, of this city, who also was thc first taxpayer last Rnnrh The next 10 receipts issued were to DUUCll ITICCIS the following taxpayers in the order t() named: John Scobee, of Clements: O. J. Mcsscr.

of Burns; Bam Wance, of Since Mr. Rlley's death several years ago, Mrs. Riley has not lived on the farm. New Tire Shop to Tlu 1 Gazette: Cottonwood Falls, Nov. Humbarger and Glen Woodrlng are opening a tire and auto accessory business in tlie old John Mann garage now owned by Calvin Mendenhall, east of the courthouse.

Considerable remodeling is being done on tho garage building. A large lire and accessory room has been made in tho north part of thc building and thc office room will be at tho front on the south side. i Painting is being clone on both the Matficld Green. Nov. Vir- interior and outside.

They expect yinia Lult entertained the Jolly to have their stock and equipment Gazette: I'OH house, dnub'c cnrncp; Con Wult Pino, plumr TOH houpe, excellent condtMtUi. modern; phone 15H4. 1'OR house, excellent condition, strictly moiVcni; phone 15B4. TOR modern Miburbun; Warren Company, phoni- 403. ltotiM 424 Coltolr.vninl.

house. Rood' r-outh, West Sixth; Inquire Mrs! TOR modern bungalow: plionu MIR modern house: ni9 Wash- VOIl phone liOti. Orciye. $20. lllvVL FOR SALE Farms, Lnnds, Tracts Ifl'J l't)R SAI.I'—I'arms.

nil nmne us low airf: easy trrnls; Conwav i 1 lihlldy. II23 1 CiMllllierclnl. lll'J-pjl-4 Hnuses fur Sale 10: SEE THIS BARGAIN! 5 ROOMS. SEMI-NEW.

MODERN! Llvingroom. 12x24 one bedroom and bath on first floor; 2 bedrooms upstairs; large rloscts with lights ntid windows. varti, Nice shade and bnck inruc front porch. Easy terms. $2,700.

SCOTT MOUSE CO. 1C Shun 1 You Heller Bargains 111 I.T.IZIMI.S nldf. I'lwne 727 Ph. 3 A 40-Star Flag Waved 6 Days ROY STOLFCS I.lVI>7(H'h Amniuic, Texas flag that ivas the official one of the U. S.

tor only days is in of Arthur Ball, of Amarillo. The Hag has 40 stars in it because there were 'only that many states the union on the day that the bunting wa.s purchased by Ball's North Dakota and South Dakota were admitted to the union on Crofoot Cllr: ra.M a this city, and Nellie McMorris, ol J3LnllLL Cty. 1938. Last week county officials were in doubt as to whether tax collections could start November 1, because of the fact that the Southwestern Bell Telephone company had obtained a temporary order against thc certification bv coiintv clerks of thc as- i Special to The son are new members. Tlie afternoon was with cards.

Mrs. won high, Mrs. Rowena Nichols won second high won low. Mrs. Lutt bought a mirrored medicine cabinet with her dimes a Mailen received her was served.

LYON COUNTY Prepare For Church Bazaar Snrclr to rhe All-School Party Mrs Orpha Admire. Nov. members Division 1 of the Admire Church and Community Aid society met in the church basement Wednesday afternoon and worked on articles for the Eleven members of Division 2 met in the church at the same time and worked on tea groups served re- sessment of telephone Mat'icM Green. Nov. 4.

Thc towels. Both Howc'ver, instructions from John High hool held an all school party c.shmcnt_s McCuish. chairman of the commis- i fli-j school house Monday eve- mcnt TI society will sponsor a Mou of revenue anil taxation. Tucs- "ho committees were: re- am "festival the after- day. county tax ofUclals to freslnnr Us, Phyllis Eastman and 1)orm OV eninp- 'of November certify all taxes except the telephone company tax to their county treasurer.

Club Members Entertain Husbands The Gazette: Safforflvlllc, Nov. The Cozy Corner club nntertaliu'ri their liu.s- baniis and lamilto a Halloween parly Monday cvcnliiK the aan schoolhuiiM 1 Members aiul CiirM.s wore costumes inasks. Prises were awarded by popular vote, to Marie Mrs. Florence and Ma MI Schwatken: entertnln- Rui.crt Nichols. Charles Hull decoration.

Crofoot and 10 at the church. A psnny will be served riuring the evening, be- hunt. Brumbaugh won first prize and Connie Kay and Chester Jones second. The remainder of the cvc- men Earned Their Dollar," after which an auction sale will be held to of bazaar articles not Previously sold. Everyone is invit- Doris Jean Johnson winning thc finuiri priy.f.

ed. Seniors Sponsor Special In The Gazette: i Galloping Tea f'lirrlul In;e: Allen, Nov. galloping tea was given thc home of Mrs. Edith in Allen, Wednesday af- batchell. Glennlo Huenergardt and Ccclru PollUi Nov Tnc senior tsrnoon.

Mrs. Lester Griffith and Donna Johnson. Giiest-s other than a Halloween party Mrs. Frank Estes used their cars in the immediate families of club tn! hi ff wo auditorium. Tucs- Katharine thc women.

Those at- membcrs were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest I riay rv rning. The party was in the tending; were: Mrs. E.

M. Martz, of Cook and children, of Australia. orm a carnival, consisting oflMcLouth: Mrs. Howard Pace, of and Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Reyi-r and games, bingo, fortune tell-i Plymouth: Mrs. Schuyler White, son, Darwin. Refreshments were 1K aml fooci strincls The commit- S. Gilmore, Mrs. E.

E. Ed- served by Mrs. I. B. tcc on Bamcs a.s Junior Heckcn-1 wards, Mrs.

William Porter, Mrs. Mrs. D. T. Hcycr and Mrs.

Flor-' or Melva Lee James and Bill Lester Griffith, Mrs. Mac Lemmon, encc S.itrhell. tainint'tit wero Arcllth Huencreardt and Mrs. Ruby Harvey. New Century Club Holds Outing Games and enter- Phillips.

an the refreshment com-' Mrs. E. J. Haas. Mrs.

Eugene Da- conducted by included Elva Lee James, vidson and children, Mrs. Roy- Frank Hcrkenclorn and Lorene Mor- i Grimsley. Mrs. Wilbur Powell, Mrs. gan.

Afore than 40 students were May Giger and Mrs. Edith David- at the party, also Miss Carolyn son, Mrs. Frank Estes, Mrs. William Fanning, Mr. and Mrs.

Ray Me-! Day and Mrs. Clifford Day, all of Feators, Herbert Franz mid Ora Allen. rrlnl to Vhr CliiirtTp' MatfieJri Given. Nov. 4.

The SCOUTS (tlVG Junior Ninv Century club members ride and wiener the Wagoner farm south Thp OMcU Tuesday evrning. Hie Poi NoV- 4 The Girl Thc afternoon was spent in visiting. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Willian Day. Mrs.

Frank Estes and Mrs. Clifford Day. Refreshments were served. Leslie Powell, IG-year-old son of i Mr and Mis. Earl Powell, of Allen, ineir I Scout entertained their mothers been a patient in thc Se- the members of the committee.

cur Benefit hospital in Topeka Underwood Shirley Hnllmvcpn parly nt thc homc Limlcns Mominy evc for thc past three weeks, has returned to his home. His friends Doris Jran Johnson. John- Each one present brought a be glad to hear that his con- son. November 2. 1K8S.

bringing the total Phyllis Ku.stman, Gerald Johnson, Chad Patton. to 40. and tlie 40-Mar flag was prop er. On November 8. Montana came In and added another star.

Other ramp rapidly. On ft lJ ber 11. Washington was admitted. aOIC1 Wyoming and Idaho entered the union in 1890 and Utah in 130H. Bailey.

Homer Undcnvood. Eugene Donald Robi- tf i Talkington and Mrs. Margaret Wackier, rhupcron. "white elephant" and a sack lunch. I clition is improved.

om-Mi-r A short mccllng was ncld nm tnC Dorwird of tho Mer- cadl Kuest chosc sack of arrt hni which consiste of sand- wichcs and rookies. The hostess served cocoa and apples. There wore nine members, and seven visitors present. Mrs. G.

H. Orimwood. Church Groups Meet Special to Tlic Gmette: Americus, Nov. Women's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Herbert Anderson.

Mrs. J. C. Rollins gave a re- Oklahoma was admitted In 1907 and Farm and Dairy Product-, KX Arizona and New Mexico in 1912. Fad, Feed, fertilizer He's Sure His Plan Will Work HuuselioJd Goods 73 i Var.crjver.

Wash, a 1 C. ra-'-ac! of Covina. is so i-erialn sound national recoven' Matfield Green I Mrs. Earl James, Mrs. E.

Tyler. vknv of thc study booki a play- Gus Carpenter, Mrs. Russell Icl cnlit i To serve the Present Mrs. Ray Crofoot, and Mrs. W.

R. i Ice. rc Farm Age," was given by Mrs. C. M.

Bruce, Mrs. A. J. Ericsson, Mrs. Leo Hazlctt, Mrs.

Ernst and Mrs. Rollins. A thank offering was received. Thc Women's Missionary society 4 Al i of the Free Methodist church met nm i( TM, Murdock. who has been farming the this afternoon with Mrs.

Dallas Crawiord ranch B1 dy crcck Olovcr, seventeen members being w.i.s puseniea. nr rhe Oaiette- Gvccn. Nov. first cor.imiinity meeting was held at the auditorium Wednesday evening. Dan Eastman.

Margaret BMlrv and Mrs. Olin Jones wore on tho Kt Tin- Gnzrtlp: Cottonwood Falls, Nov. present. Mrs. O.

W. Knight, president, had charge of the devotional period, assisted by Miss Belle Craig and Mrs. George Bailsman. Mrs. Ernest Proehl was leader.

The work period was given to quilting on a qullfc to be sent to a home mission school in the Ozarks. Class Holds Party Special to The Gazette: Americus, Nov. Women's Bible class of the United Presbyterian church had a Halloween party in Mrs. J. M.

Elliott's building, the Kozy Kot, Wednesday afternoon. After singing several songs, the class election was held, Mrs. Hazel Anderson was elected president; Mrs. Cora Correll, vice president; Mrs. W.

F. Tietz, secretary-treasurer. Games and contests were directed by Mrs. Eva Spellman, chairman of the social committee, and Mrs. Lillie Kerr.

Favors for a guessing contest went to Miss Gsrtrude Daharsh. and Mrs. Helen Edmiston, teacher. Other members and guests present were Mrs. Merle Campbell.

Mrs. Anna Toms. Mrs. J. M.

Downing, Mrs. Murray Wright, Mrs. Clyde McAuley, Mrs. Ruth Gaither. Miss Maggie Irvine, Mrs.

Annie Allen. Mrs. Gus- sle Edmiston, Mrs. Amy Hudson, Mrs. Ida McAuley, Mrs.

Freda Delfs. Mrs. Vv'iiey Grimsley, Mrs. Ethel Sterbenz, Mrs. Annabelle Dyer.

Mrs. Mayme Kerr, Mrs. Alice G. Sims and Mrs. William Hunt.

Aid society Wednesday. The day was spent quilting lor the church. The Junior Endeavor of the Presbyterian church held a picnic at Semirary park Tuesday. Mrs. Maud Watson was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Imon Pilcher received the prize for high score. Second prize went to Mrs. Cosby Lauderback, and Mrs. Desale Godkln received the traveling prize.

Refreshments were served to the eight guests following the game. Orville Steele and his parents, of Burlington, have moved here and are occupying the Roy Johnson property. Mr. Steele is running the M. and L.

grocery. Mrs. Wallie Crutcher was hostess to the monthly party Wednesday afternoon for the Royal Neighbor lodge. After the business meeting bingo was played. Mrs.

Thomas Leighty won high score prize, and Alice Lipsey had low score. Refreshments were served. The Queen Esther S. S. class of the Methodist church entertained their husbands and families at a get together meeting and supper Monday evening.

During the program which followed supper, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Jones sang a Negro spiritual, Mrs.

Click Fockele.and Clara sang a duet, Mrs. J. S. Jones gave a reading, and Max Coffin gave a talk on his trip to Arkansas. Mrs.

Hillard Hays badly mashed a hand In an electric wringer while wringing clothes this week. Mrs. Lena Ingram, of Crotty, was hostess to the Royal Neighbor lodge Wednesday. The day was spent quilting. Party at Allen Ojeclul to The Gazette: Allen, Nov.

Halloween party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sexton. Tuesday eventiff. Miss Helen Gorman and Miss Ruby Warren assisted.

Those entertained were Mr. and Mrs. William Wllke and daughter, Betty; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Scltz.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bates and daughter, Miss Melba; Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schureman, Jake Wilson. Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Griffith. Howard James, Miss Lucile Hawks, Miss Mary Ellen Howell. The evening was spent playing games and having contests. Refreshments were served.

Meet at Rinker to Thc Qaicttc: Miller, Nov. members of the Miller Aid society motored to thc home of Mrs. Edward Johnson, a former member, in the Rinker neighborhood near Emporia Wednesday for an all day meeting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Among those making the trip were: Mesdamcs Raymond Peterson.

C. W. Sanders, N. S. Sanders, Walter Kaniper.

Ira Smith, R. P. Hoglund. C. C.

Hoglund. C. H. Tubbs, Myra Stockwell, W. A.

Stolfus, V. A. Leebury and C. A. Holmberg.

Welcome New Pastor Special tft (Tie Gazette: Hartford, Nov. large crowd attended the reception and dinner for the new Methodist pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pentz, which was held in the church basement here Wednesday evening. Following the dinner, a program arranged by Mrs.

G. E. Majors was given. C. T.

West welcomed the new pastor and his wife, and Mr. Pentz responded. COFFEY COUNTY Entertains Club Special to The Gazette: LeRoy. Nov. W.

H. Schlic- tcr. who lives west of LeRoy. entertained the Merry Matrons of the Neosho valley Tuesday with an all day meeting. Dinner was served by the hostess.

The 14 members present spent the day quilting. 1 plan that he's hitchhiking across r.ution to expostulate it to the CIKCVLATING HEATER public He'll bOKin thumbing his cw i wny as as he finishes a campaign. 1 -ically, his plan calls for re- of nil government duet. Patty Jo Eastman and act for more than 30 years, has closed Mrs. Bertha Miller, of the Spring Creek neighborhood, entertained the I'it-.

fit: ar.c; a system of dr- prefiatitiR currency, plus the pay- men! S20U a month until dentil to ali persons over 50 years of agr. GazttW Wani reiiilts. Dons a one piny. "Afraid of tho Dark." Chester Jones. Junior Vesper.

Dirk' Ulls Cox. Chester Perkins. Victor Bast In a deal for the purchase of J. -----N. Kiley's farm just southwest of Mr.

Murdock. with his son. Gil- Mrrton Tnlkmcton: mtisir bv I bcrt has cc ln a i tlc busi ness and farming In this county the Irirrmodiate grades, directed by! RuMi Ellis: a one-art "Tho Bride Wore Rod Pajamas." by Jean Schwatken. Doris Jean Johnrrn, Girdner Junior possession is to be given next practically fill their lives. Recently the Crawford ranch, which of about 2,000 acres, was sold and and Charles Hull: music by March.

double trio, directed by Miss Buck: I Mr. Murdock is to get iloi-bii- trio. Bottye of the Rilry farm at that lime when Connie Kay, Doris Jean Johnson, I he and his family will move there, SERVICE For thirty-eight have served community faithfully and one of our customers. May we serve you? EMPORIA STATE BANK BOl Commercial Celebrate 25th Anniversary Special to The Gazette: Gridley, Nov. and neighbors gathered at the E.

H. Kaufman home here Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock for a surprise basket dinner, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman's 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs.

Harvey Kaufman made the three tiered wedding cake with a miniature bride and groom on top. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. E.

Pllcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Luthl, Mr. and Mrs.

H. E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs.

D. D. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman, Mr.

and Mrs. Harvey Kaufman, Mrs. Ooldie Axford. Mrs. Glenn Robison, Mrs M.

B. Crow, Mrs. Mae Griffith, Mr. L. W.

Keplar, Misses Freda, Virginia and Helen Kaufman and the guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. E. H.

Kaufman. The evening was spent playing Chinese checkers and bridge. Farm Unit Meets ypecinl to Tlie Oazetle: Strawn. Nov. M.

and M. Farm bureau unit met with Mrs. Nellie Henning Thursday afternoon. Roll call was answered by each giving the date of her wedding. The general topic was on "Wedding Anniversaries" and weddins pictures were shown.

Games were played and refreshments served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Pauline McKay, November 16. This will be an all day meeting with a covered dish dinner. The lesson will be "Sauce for the Goose." Roll call will be "I Count My Blessings." The group will work on party favors and wood carvings.

Commissioners Take Away Mileage Fees Of Probate Officer The Lyon county commissioners have devised a new monthly payment schedule for Mrs. Nina V. gga county probate officer, with the idea of eliminating mileage charges. Under the proposal reported In the commissioners' meeting minutes, Mrs, Riggs would be employed for half month as a truancy officer at $2 per day and for the other half month as Juvenile officer at $5 per day. Counting 13 work- ing in each half month, the per month would total wound with no mileage allowance stipulated.

The schedule was set to become effective November 1. Mrs. Riggs has been getting per month, plus mileage at 5 cents per mile. Her mileage account for September was and that for August was $24.65. Formerly the county commission allowed Mrs.

Riggs' a Hat rate of WO per month REPORTS. In recent months the county commissioners have required county employes or officers to submit more detailed accounts of their mileage bills and purposes for taking the trips before mileage bills are allowed. As a part of an economy campaign -the. commissioners are reported to be considering other steps to reduce mileage charges. News from E.B.C.

'mmediately following the community parade Tuesday evening, an Emporia Business college Halloween party vas given by Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Hawkins at their home, 902 Exchange. Those present were: Miss Lorenu Davis, Clifford Hawkins, Mr.

and Mrs. Jonas E. Hawkins, Mary Margaret Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shillcutt, Dorothy Braucher, Billie Jean Chubbuck, Joe Dee Grain, Helen Crook, Clean Davis, Irene Dohring, Doris Drummond, Marthi Drummond, Virginia 'Ellis, Patricia Gangwer, Phyllis Gunkle, Dorothy Hammer, Betty Hawkins, Bill Hawkins, Eldon Jonas Hawkins, Frederick Hawkins, Joan Ruthella Hawkins, Iverd Jones.

Mae Evelyn Kerns, Donald Laughlin, Mary Ida Leonard, DC Mae Loop, Mildred Magathan, Ralph Metz, Virgil Pat- terson, Marjoj-ie Root, Wayne Row- lands, Howard Smit" Goldie Soderstrom, Maj 3 Specht, Betty Lou Stone, Dorothy Warner, Charlene White, Dorothy VanGundy and Vernon Young. Paul Utt visited school Tuesday. Donald Williams, a former student from Dwight, visiteo school Tuesday. Charlene White, of Americus. recently was absent 'rom Business collego to be with her folk from Kansas City, who were her home in Americus.

The J. Earl Hawkins family entertained Fran! Clark and daughter, Evelyn, of Wichita, and Mrs. Kathryn Binns and son, William, of Kansas City, Sunday. Alice ImMasche was absent from school this week. George Thonpkins has received an appointment as commissary clerk at the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth.

He went to this Job from with the Reemploymcnt division of the Civil Service department in Topeka. Betty Stack and her family entertained relatives from El Dorado Sunday. Programs fntnus Folden. Special Boxed Sinuunary 250 sheets, 250 envelopes, blfold size, with name an address crin ted: at The Gazette Tune In KTCW Sunday 5:30 P.M. HAYNES HARDWARE CO.

"Spelling Bee of Boys' Dorm vs. Dorm 30 minuten of entertain. ment for everyone. DON'T MISS IT i. It News Hour On tlie Hoar KTSW 1370 Kilocycles On the Dial SATURDAY, r.

M. Confd. Nov. ":4.f—Pinky Tomlln Pout Ku Kluh Rerue rt Wllh Us Oft SUNDAY, Nov. 6.

On Interlude Sundaj- BreakfMt Clib Hour rcllte Mnilcale Qyartet Salon Group First Mcthodlit Church r. A. Program Good Citlien, National llank Eb Warren Montare Co. Ford. Granada Theater I.lndo Music lleiedoi Home Honr.

Hotel Broadview Brothers Strint En.nenble Ara of Goluen Dreams, Roherls-niue Mano Weeks Donnellan Muxlc Bluextone Brr. Haynea Hardware Co. Reporter Trevues. Granada, Slrani, Lyric Mother Dad Music Van Continentals Players Berreni Trio Octet You Want Oft MONDAY, Nov. (I.

On Musleal Clock 1 American Lerion Band Mornlnff Pevntlonal Just Time Hollywood Brevities Kndy Sooter Harmony Rail 10: l.V- Stars over Hollywood Fashion Chats. Poolr's Concert M.t'ler 11:00 Women In the 11:1." nlll Koherls Robert Royee 11: Tin fan Alley Man on the Street, Utt Jt Pharmacy Professor, Jones-Anderson Rufns A Roberta, Teichrraeher Mlllinr Co. A 7eh, Warren Mortrare Co, Party IV. P. A Talk Music Yon Want Reverie Nrnsr Chest r.

Albert Taylor Hal! Da lire Time st Relax Drums. Kuallty Kup Coffet Reporter FARM LOANS RI.4L ESTATE WARREN MORTGAGE CO. Bnpofla, Kansas PROMPT CLOSING TERMS LOW RATES BARGAINS.

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