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The Chronicle-Telegram du lieu suivant : Elyria, Ohio • Page 4

Elyria, Ohio
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Arffiitap Brothers To Be Featured In Of Show Bide sfain in civilian life ftfllf Atttly In. World War if, ilffft. em, in, Safety Film To Be Shown In Schools Education and enlfcruinmfnt will iiiitff fftititf iff tilt ftttimitmttntotiifitiHiti if tit limit itiiiff I- RADIO PROGRAMS Blyrla fiob combined in a motion picture Siiii OJ -j Tf (lit fVsurid i Siarf Mfti-Muilt 8 45 1.00 Spor'ti Bill Armitage are diligently re- 'flim to be shown early next month hearsing their old dance routine elementary schools nearsmg nun Elvna, it announced todsy. ftftd act In preparation for new snfrly film part in the coming Knights of Cot-j bp in thr elementary umbus Minstrels, it was announced! schools here on Mny 6 and 7 byj today jCafot. James H.

Frrnr. assistant The' tninMrel nitow ot the Elyria i director r.t safety nnd rHucailon ff tt High School auditorium on April the Cleveland Automobile Club. 23 and 24 will niark first for the felyrla allowing of war public appearance for the tftojthe film frere announced the Me- bf6therS. The two flre.Kiniey Parent-Teacher Association nff cmttm Ittoothiti JUtr.v Wufftlf Ubdt. U.

A CnmflWorld Rtprttt JfHtl ftftblon (Infill Viuthn MonrAi Li Phiio Sons of Jim ArmltftRf-, who is widely known Ihrotiphout this em ire jection for his ability a minstrel this by Hrtrry Mc- Hal't. of the Elvtia Automobile Club and safely for the oncl Upon "fiSU truth or tcrimbf ArHbj Mtjof I bit) Ift Cfitftl D.fiO Tlfnf, Tun I tht Mithty V6ur Hit Pufidt D.I.S tou fop ttill Kith Artvfnturi Mtirdtr Mr Mtlaht 10:00 Judv Chlcnto Md' Vurprlse nov diy" i McK inle.y P.T.A. o. ifr is predicted when the brothers ap- An (xhibit of safely malcnals in the K. of C.

fhow. provided by club for Richard grand knmht elementary presented Cf the Elyria Council of Knights of jftt the meeting. It included belts, rhti Aid serve interlocu- banners and Ilier supplies Columbus I6r for the minstrel part of the for Schoolboy Safely Piitrds which program and he was reported to protect yt'nngtr children be busv Vlth his crew of end mcn.lrrfiw heavily (rnvelerl str safety among school children, nnd reported thni the club had given ISfl pieces of safety mntenal to the 11:44 St'NDAV, April 11 WTAM tilOOi 7:00 Uullo YOU Melod.v_ Vlctotinn Choir MorJAn'f Mukli DIIC (All Sheets preparing comedy material. school buildings on their way to Principal end men are Mel: and from school Vouna Bill Ford Strtn navies and Mi-Hale told what the Llyna An- Bob Gardner, each described as Club is doing to prcmotf distinct individual artist in his style 6f i irbe 1 by a pieces nf safety material jo mor, .0 ftroup of six dance or auxiliary end; schools during the 1H48-4. I men: the Armitnge brothrrs.

Ru, I The oly pruRram UIIK Hirp.i at Zion WJW in Ntti .10 Stnni Quirttt H.4S 9:06 World Ntffl Biort to P.10 Child Prolrkm Concert Ridio Church Ookpil Alinr tttllln Protrim Tl Strlnr tontt ft MelodiM church ol Air Nftro SuiintM Hr Slodl Proirim Pulpit Act CorntdJ Important War Job By Residents Of Cambridge Revealed of knfew fodny tot the first lime linprtrtant that emergency Job they did for the Army In the Sprintf of 1944 was. They heard the story from Col. Robert Q. West, a.isistmil division engineer of the Corps of Engineers' Ohio River Division, last night In mi Army Week brbadcasl over station WLW. They heard Brl(? Oen.

Douglas L. Weart, division en- describe their Work as "one (lie grcRt tioft'-l 's- of Hie war," though the people of Wellington fw iimttt em illlllliiillllliilllUiiilillllliillitlllllltliilllllllf MtKSfftEL fS SfcCCISS WSLLlNCrfbN-A- capacity dicnce was in allendrfnte the school auditorium last night the clubs of Wellington their minstrel show. Mrs. Harold Kepler, director, WHS assisted by Clay Folsom, Roberta Calderft-ood and den mothers. Mrs.

Paul tongue, Carroll Wight, Mrs. Frances fisher, Mrs. Joe Babitt, Mrs, Charles Freeman, Mrs. Paul Wilkinson. Mrs.

Carl Oney and Mrs. Willard Sheffield. 'ttie program opened with a Paul Wilkinsofi, Wolf and dold AfrbW rMpfttivily; Gaflne and Charles 8elfl6re, Wdlf Philip tltif, Sefttlftkl, fidist, Wtiidtt 'eoucft. Car) aM, Paul Qsfrtf, Seal. Mill, SfftHH Ayers.

Lidtn Nitfit The Riwanii eluB his bookp6 RbBert fi. fiatigham, assistftnl di- 6f the Department of Welfare. State si c-hio, as its for club's annual ladies night dinner pflrly to held Sheffield. Qold frtn; David Miller, Bobcat pin. finfige MM.

According to Mrs. E. F. Schftanke, program chairman Wellington Parent-TeacHerS' AssoeliUion, they have booked Mrs. Harold £.

Andrews of Ashlnnd, wife of a Presbyterian minister of that a teacher of English at Ashland i Other College, an authority on the Sible willinm ifiilli and Roy 9 the First Methodist-church dining Thursday SveninR April 17. He belnit brought here by Coin- missioiief Alan R. Branson. subject frill be, "Another 1 The Sieeiblenders u-ell known Lorain barber quartet of more 50 voice, one of north Oh flo McCormlck have been re-eiecied to probably did not an-atlv in cri1 1 ule'h llid mc we inlr0 1 i thc SoItbaHCommiA, gicfuij in writing at men jrjuccd, were Carl H.IM,,_ children will rNitl it," Oen. Wcart said.

Tommy Itaflcr, Walter Springer, Bobby Wathey, Charles Tho llnrl tXonttt ilf hrntt-ii SChfrflnkCS SRJ J. the Well- The A Iml iMftty of brown i flC kie Kepler. They were aid- hiaton Barbershoo fluanei lirls in tt.i--.~i. onrocrsiiop quauei, evening meeting at the school 10 a Webber BeVifr torium, starlinj! at 8 o'clock. 'o fill the third position for the camouflage nets inU lwc nui-inibrmn the enginem sub-depoi at.

Cam- A. J. Dublo was at mcludes brldBe in 1944, West lne pinno. nmuuia Of the gray-green color neeclGd for) on the" progrmi) werb. a skit bvi use against the Spnng-tiinc hfi cnd mcn Thc fted! of Normandy.

School House" by Den III; old fa-' Orders from WashingtonJ vorite songs bv he Clllire pack; sfi that the neU were to be the cub orchestra: a nished" ol llicir brown color and 164? Softball setup. Double Pour Pinochle club mfi Thft quartei Thursday evening wilh Mrs. Mmicle Bob Baker, first prize went to Clay Folsom and iei man ftnt second to i Charles Whiton. ftefreshmenU will be served at' Tl1c hostess served refreshments, the dote of program and business: Ne meeting is April 24 with Mrs. meeting.

i Graham, Vine street. it itehool Needlepoint Unit was 'entertained inai me neu were 10 oo IcNions rn- the cub orchestra: MovlM Sehflol Needlepoint Unit was entertained "hi Sd Euron wHhin li Bl thci UlCnMop Dcn 1V; fans and interested home of Mrs. Forrest Per- An Am. vHem.hjacciwea" Den I and a sons in sports gathered in Thursday evening. There WeTsad Demo Thomn bc by WH rlel Scl1()o1 Auditorium Thursday night 1 '3 Prertnl.

crewei stitch was di- Wesi sa cl Capt. Demp liioinp- Dcn VI ))Ut oll a sklt -smart ci 0 ftnf nil1 A fu. version. The oroim will travel in men. me in no PulpH Powers.

Bill Momchein, Jim Rfsarjdrs'jtnfd to call attention to o- 10 1S i-HUlions ID bo remembered: Arrow Show Look to I he. right; 2- -Look in .1 I (ink forward: and Go John Choir lor Llsttntrn 11:30 Is Your World 11:46 Bolltnlr U-oo Warltf Front 1 Light 13M1 -ill be cailed! in with title indicating the type of meh it was announced today. The seat eXchiuige. for the show RlbU Glut Pllirim Hour ClttltllC Popular klunfl son, then in command of the sub- depot, went fur help In the presi- ii jdent of the Chnmber of Commerce nnd the Rev. W.

D. Heaston, pastor of the First Methodist church and president of the Asso- gouthtrnilrfi NPifit Oood WinRH Otfr Prorrtm Hour of Fultb cliilion. put Den V. il he aee Bill Edwardsi o'f'The'l rtl Thp 'H 'ravel to Wed- Cleveland Browns show movies of tllc home of Mrs. Franklin Simon- Den ft "Pollywolly Doodle" football action snapped bv him 0n lfl Henrietta, on April 224.

and tho entire puck sang Dark-, different limes. He la bring brought 'jaa- v. nrrrTrrr a (different Me is bring brought, btrultcrs Ball. John re by Wellington Fraternal Order i and Harold Furcron presented in numbers. Cubmastc.r Warren Cluiich made will Open 10 a.

m. next Friday i In the lobby oflhe Elyria Savings S. i iKi ir and Trust Building, i Cuba shipped 900,000 pounds of, lobster, mostly canned, to the Unit-- Slhtcs in the year. ftflPITOU Calendar 44.18 Before 9:.10 m. t.ibor Neits 0 8 Navy Hour Ciecfi pretrtm rhotrt 1 Ml AmtrlCA United IMS l.jn Dnlur of Chlctto I'44 pulpits, to "meet agnin at church tomorrow to give your I to an important undertaking the to Vet Hour ol St.

Thomoion helln of vcrnmcnl." Piece Jn WJ" cents an hour for imirtf Btor? nets (12 by 12 fceti and $1.20 an i oo Roy Shtdd i 3.10 Mflton Bit 8 road cud finlitn Rdr.frn To You Did You 1:00 Carmen CfttalUro 1.30 Ont (00 in TECHNICOLOR EVKNT8 TONIGHT Fliemen hold dance for benefit of new equipment at Camden school onj i-Ii" Suturriny. Shirley's Lamp will furnish music. C. H. I AVON Dance js.10 will be held at school at 9 p.

Saturday. oo c.tholie Hour NORTH OLMSTED Hi-Teen nob Burn. Canteen will open at 8 p. m. at the Coc Building.

T-oo NORTH OLMSTED-Adult Bible Phi) supper at 6:30 p. m. at the, N. O. Congregational church.

i PENFIELD Home Builder's Y. Phllhurmonie Society Oii Sunday, the ne.xt^ the lhc 0 awards to cubd who ic jhavc met certain rcquircmc'iHs: Wathey, Bobcat pin; Wight. Curl Bessemer. Sam nnd Jim Bobbie Fisher nnd Philip Coiikle received Bear pins; 'Den Babbit, Beflr pin, Edwin Gott, Wolf pin, Jack Romcis, Lion pin, Billy Poiner and Bob Anderson. Bobcat pins; Den Freeman, and by hour for large nets '30 by 30 feed were promised to organizations that aided.

The response was "amazing," Myiury Trut Hour of Mofry do Round Oreen Hornet West said. Boy Sccnits, Girl Scouts, the S'nlvation Army, war motiiers' I orgnnizations. Ladies' Aid groups and other organizations pitched in and the "filthy-dirty" work WHS Tht Shadow II 'Quiet Fltih Danger. Dr. Counurtpy club meets in Society Hall at 8 p.

m. Pancakes, syrup. I EVENTS SUNDAY Thoti MT'ter. Olelc.O'UercD UedlauoD Board Voicf of Ftrin(M FamllT Hour R. Carmichtel Joseph C.

and Harriet Frank Purker to Rita Smith Greatest Story dene Autrr Blondu MiiMnj tlelri Clock Sam Spade. Cnmt Doctor Bun. Evunlnir Hour 0:30 Familiar Muuo Etplortnt Unkno'n Archer Ooublt or Nothlni Tony Martin Neva Loiieila Ptrinna Jimmte Fldltr The of Eaton will holdjio.oo Don Amtchi 1. and O. supper at 7:30 p.

A nnoun 10..10 To Announced I I TOO Finul Storv Bfhlnd Church of Cod Henry Muile 111 41 RIVOLI LAST TIMES TODAY "BOOM TOWN" STARTS TOMORROW Prof. H. A. White of Bfrea, be the guest speaker. All men Eaton welcome.

EVENTS MONDAY Scouts will April H. meet at p. m. Important meet- i 8 00 Uodtr'n N. O.

Women's! Club meets nt 1 m. Club Speaker, Mrs. R. J. Schulke.

i-, N. OLMSTED. Kiwains Club; iTjSl.n'.nd P.ABUU Qabrlel Heatter It 'r Leiva It Theater Guild Pennootlal Church World Newi Ufrmlt VfWK HocktT Rttnmt You l.non Worn (All lobjrrt (a WHK (14201 WtJAR Mflprly i.nne Breakfait Bill KUycr (.1220) WJW RuriJ Frollu Manners m. at the Town Reporter On Happy Hank Do You Remtmbir i.lfl 4.S MuMr Bol meets 6:30 Hall for dinner. N.

Club meets HI 7:30 p. m. at the Hub. Circle of the Woman's Association rntels at 8 p. at the home of Mrs, J.

G. Kolbe Eviryone lied. LAKE' Thimbles 4-H Club- met ihe Oiu-r Our Time home of Pauline Billmgsley after 10 Ro CI Hfur Fair Motor Dum-n i Lljhl Mornlnx Reveiilc Newt Sen Kfiiny Sltds Mnntir.n MUJIC By Request Music in Morning Crosbj Hlngl Kenny -Balcer Armchair Plannlnf I) Music of Manhattan 9 II.4i Vncal nmi (or Muuo Conrert Wayne Mack Brtakfait Club 10:4) Jordtn Chtrmir.1 Childrtn Ten O'clock Tunei MT Trut Story Wilh Mli.Mc Ethfl Winlfri Rimni Onvid llnrum Cluy U-mcurrlo Civic nipets al 8.13 p. 1 the town 3" Rfrrh i. ii 11 1.11*1011 hdU.

Arncild Keller will ulk on. Refreshments. Everyone.jjjj,™ tVt fr i.ot« invited. Ml'jo Duugh'ur C.RAFTON Mothers Suidy Club A rm meets with Butler in I J'Ofl 'tis Bvmphonlc Swlni Piano Harrtnu'on Vlcior l.ady Fare Vocal Vdga Aif Hirmony Rtnch lora Bronnrmio Grind BUra Rniemtrv Kate Jrnr.v Helen Trent i Oui Newa Ted sfalnn. Kenny Baker News Stumpui Itay AVON LAKE Council 8 p.

m. EVENTS TlKSDAY LAKE AVENUE Grange Hustlers meet at live home of F.dwArcis 11.30 Tureen AVON- I'. T. A. meets at 8 li.e high school.

CIRAKTON ftebeksh mrrK in l.ndjie C.RAKTON-- Vi.Umtpt-r' Kire De- iprti-tmcM n.rfts n' EATON -T A. me. is MI school p. hiai.itrul, Art ard NO. Ol.MSTr.U Cuui.o! mfi 8 in.

'1 A Hull. I 10 I Namj Dunn 5 00 ruday'i ChlWren 3,15 in Whlta 3 if 4S l.ighr n( World CXtrif Pouter Ht( the Hovi Ma Perltini CriMhv Sdnfl Dr Malor.e Bub i-'. l.l.'o re.llo Teal of Cheer Melody Time Q.ieeu (or a Day IT Rurtoo Clambikt Peiry Slnjing Journey Brldi and Qrooro Aftcrnoriri R'jsr vl mv Dreams 3 no On Ri Otjutlful for Ohio J.n MH Prrktnt 1 31) Prprcr Vonng'i ,1 Rlitil to Hupp nen Hurt Ueroe 1 on .1.1 l.orrnto TWO-TMI Voiinj Widr.rr Brcwn Tune Irr ft 00 Wh'ti A Olrl Hirrun ft Faci-B Lift ipermm' in Jim pum I'tnuin Pin Turn Co r.m 10 riit s- I.n»r!! for You f.adlei Be Sealed Man With Hat Musltal Sforerjoarfi Music BII Party Uuilc Box Terry and PiratM 8ky King Armiitroni I'enneu'ee. UNITED POLISH CLUB Meeting Sunday April! 3,3 P.M. ALL MEMBERS PLEASE BE PRESENT completed in time.

"And the Normandy invasion went off as it was supposed to," West said. nf Eagles. Exchange Prornm The free minstrel show given by the high school exchange program gioup for the benefit of those who, had not it. was given under' the direction of Clay Folsom, music; director, and Miss Roberta Calder- wood, instrumental music director. Accompanists were Nola Arndt.

De-, lores Sclhvanke and Charles The cast Included Geraldine Pal Ofly, Mary Brandt, Gloria' Boise, Phyllis Relnert. Pat Willard, Ralph Barber. Anita Recard. Doris Blue Sky Inn 128 E. Irldqt St.


PLENTY OF WINE BEER BY THE CASE TO TAKE OUT. MEET YOUR FRIENDS WHERE EXCELLENT FOODS ARE SERVED Bowling Is treat fun and this a pleasant place to entertain. "Good At All Times" OLYMPIC RECREATION LIQL'OR FOOD BOWLING 223 Lodl Street HI-LEVEL INN Now Featuring "THE EDDIE KING TRIO' 1 EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY. It's Ntw It's It's Sensational BEER WINE LIQUOR FOOD PAUL YUHAS, Mgr. (intuited Digeit T.vr\ on 't iiin.

7 n.i 8 nf World -T. A '1 8 1 mphrinin lr F.rt Ktuion r.1 Smith Fvdhtim or Hnvil Ahnv n( Barry Wnrd I ind Ahntr i I NO. OLMSTEl'i 8 in High hijjh of America Yj'fl Inner AVON LAKE-- A. a vi r. Cliegort 8 4S .1 AVON l.AKK 4 of 9 10 Krcuitr ( htdici Theiirt Aa'nl i 9 n.te's at on Mrs.

I.fid Srhaeffer. 9H Screni Gulirl nil II 00 umbei Pr 1 a ei to a IOA ni 9 uncoir LAST TIMES TODAY i "WhUpering Smith Speaks' "Danger Ahead" SUNDAY ONLY SIMVOICEjfJiiOOtOEN WEST! lO 00 Keiwilfi 's n.inhMi fu.t YM DiAC i "'O Krtr.i I Or. Kurrcr Orrh PIU5 HIT NO. THI DEVIL ON STARTING MONDAY In HollywoW and Hoyr" OBERLIN SCHOOL OF COMMERCE ROLLER SKATING PARTY Coliseum, Lorain Thursday, April 17,1947 Advance 50 cents each GIT YOURS NOW Miss Mary Gamble Middle Avtnue Telephone 6413 Miss Barbara Wales 268 Harrison Street Telephone 944,5 Dance Every Sunday Nile AT AVON ISLE PARK MUSIC BY GENE SHARICK'S ORCHESTRA MODERN AND OLD FASHIONED DANCING HANK JACKSON, CALLER, 9:00 P. 12:30 PUBLIC INVITED JAM1IO1IEE To be broadcast over Station WJW, 850 on your dial from Elyria High School Auditorium 8:30 P.

Saturday, April 12 Featuring PAPPV HOWARD. and the Connecticut Kernels, Ann, Granclpappy Poolittle and Judy Pell plus Tenn. Slim and the Troubadours. Poors Open 7 p. m.

Admission Adults $1.00 Children 66c Tax included Gartner Inn 2 Blocks East of Bendix, Opposite Coal. BEEK- WINE LIQUOR Beer to Take Out DINNERS SERVED Open 8 a. m. to 2:30 ft. m.


M. I DAIQUIRIS Special 25c Join Us Monday In Our Pint Cocktail From 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. Cocktail Lounge Hours: I 1:30 to 1:00 A.M. Daily Graystone Hote B. QUICK, Prop, LET'S FOLLOW THE CROWD Tomorrow Afternoon, April 13th! to the SUPPER CLUB Where "Swing Inc." Presents JAM SESSION Lennie (Jerace, the reel hot Trumpet man, also lovely Ann Schwerer in her songs and dances.

3 P. M. to 5 P. M. Admission 75c Incl.

Tonight and Sunday Night Music For Your Dancing Pleasure From 10:00 P. M- 'TIL 2:00 A. M- by ART ROUSH and His Combo Back by Your Popular Bequest Serving Pinners Daily From 6:00 p. M. 'Til Midnite Choice of BROIWBP BQNI STEAKS Broiled Lobster Grilled Ham Steaks golden Fried Chicken Frog Legs Fresh Lake Fish Shrimp and Oyster Pinners A Fine Selection of Sandwiches and French Fries, Too! SUPPER CLUB D4ILV NOON 66233 AVE.


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