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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 3

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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PAGE THREE THE EVEN1NQ REPUBLICAN COLUMBUS, TUESDAY JUNE 22, 1909. SALOON LOOTED OF STOCK. NEW RELIGIOUS SECT venturesome. The lake Is clear and deep, being fed by springs. The depth )ft 1 1 mi ir CBowwpdnnr races LOSE BACKERS $25,000 tIIBJWHemjSIBEJP NTMaavaaa OMPA "We offer 180.000 acres divided Into 12,000 farms irf'southern Florida, Dade county, for sale at $240 per farm, payable $10 down and $10 per month until paid.

The land Is drained Everglades, the work belcf -done by the state, and there will be no assessment of the lands to pay for drainage, as the state obtained $500,000 for this by selling a portion of the lands. The soil Is a rich, black loam from 6 to 12 feet deep, and is THE RICHEST LAND IN AMERICA NOT UNDER CULTIVATION, and will easily produce 2 crops per year of vegetables worth from $150 to $400 per acre, and if planted to oranges, bananas, pineapples or pecans will produce $800 to $1,500 per acre. The Florida Fruit Lands who own this land, will pay $1,000 and expenses of investigation if this land is not as good as described In their printed literature. Write for some. Price $240 per farm, $10 down and $10 per month until paid.

Farms range in size from 10 to 640 acres, depending upon location. A town lot is also given free with each farm. No taxes to pay until deed Is received. E. T.

VAN CLEAVE, AGENT; 1343 E. 5th Street, Cleaned Out by Thieves, Who Use Wagon to Cart Off Goods. Shelby vllle, Ind, June 22. The Walker saloon at St Paul was robbed Sunday night of everything but a. quart and a pint of whiskey.

A wagon was used in hauling the goods away. This is. the only saloon in tlx town and is on the Decatur count side of the place, the other saloon, having been closed up a few days ago on account of the county local option election, Eczema Is Now Curable. ZEMO, a clean liquid for external use, stops itching Instantly and perma nently curea i eczema and every form of itching skin or scalp disease. Hauser UpDeGraff, the druggists, say they have been shown positive proof of the many remarkable cures made by ZEMO and that they endorse and recommend it and believe ZEMO will do all that is claimed for it Ask for sample.

STEAMER SETS NEW RECORD. Cunard Liner Mauritania Creates World Mark on Last Trip. Liverpool. June 22. The Cunard line steamship Mauretania has estab lished a new world's record for passengers between New York and London.

She arrived here at 10:15 last night and thus for the first time, the feat of disembarking her passengers on Monday night after leaving New York on Wednesday Trains were in waiting, so' that the actual time between New York and London will be five days and eight hours. (Bsiuum Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how lone it has been crav or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth ox neaitny nair. stops its falling out.

ana positively removes Dandruff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Refuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in 51.00 aa 50c size. Is Not a Dye.

$1 and 60c. bottles, at dragjalsts eeaa tor tree book oe uareof toe Hair." Philo Hy Spec Newark, N.J. Bay's narflna Soapenrca red, touph and chapped hanrtu, and aU akin dis- a. skin fine and eoft. 25c.

drnsviBta. Send 2c for free book "The Can of the Kkin.M iltiM, MeaMt Noblltt, Bamwr a 18th YEAR HERE. DR. APPLEMAN, THE FAMOUS SPECIALIST, to rtalt this city personally. An ex cellent chance tor the sick and Buffering-.

FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION In his private parlors at the ST. DENIS HOTEL, Columbus, JUNE 25. HOURS 8 A. If. tm 4 P.

H. RETURNING EVERY FOUR WEEKS DR. APPLEMAN baa made a apodal study of th diseases of the eye. ear. throat and chronic diseases In the Bellevue and Charity hospitals.

New York; City, and me results or this experience are many phenomenal cures ail over the state. He successfully treats ACUTE aRD CHB.OXIC CATARRH. ring-ins; In ears, deafness, diseases of the eye, ear, throat. lungrs, stomach, liver, kidneys, urinary and bladder, nervoas prostration, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, epilepsy or fits. hemorrhoids (Piles) cured without knife or pain and no detention from work.

TOCXO A5D MIDDLES AGED ME5 suffering; from spermatorrhea and im-potency aa the result of self-abuse in youth or excesses in mature years and other causes producing; some of the following; effects, such aa emissions, blotches, debility, nervousness, dlxzinesa. confusion of ideas, aver sion to society, defective memory and sexual exhaustion which unfits the victim for business or marriagre. axe permanently curea Dy remedies injurious. BLOOD AHD SHUT DISEASES, aa syphilis, scrofula, stricture, gleet, etc, cured. Diseases of women, such aa len-eorrhoea, nainful menstruation, dis placement of the womb, bearing; down pains, etc, relieved in a snort time.

The doctor carries all his portable instruments and cornea prepared to examine the moat obscure medical and aura-teal cases. He undertakes ao In curable diseases, but cures hundreds after others fall. Correspondence so- ucitea. Address. J.

8. APPLEMAN, M. CL im. WORRIES POLITICIANS Crabbltes De Not Believe in Going to the Polls Problem in Morgan County. Martinsville, June 22.

Politic ians of Morgan county are up against a new proposition, and it Is one which promises to tax their Ingenuity to the The whole dilemma has been brought about by the peculiar beliefs of the Crabbites, a religious sect that holds forth in the hills south of Martinsville along Gose creek and Little Jordan. If the religion of the Crabbites "sticks' it will mean some new method of political maneuvering by the central committees. The Crabbites, according to lead ers who have Investigated theques tion will refuse to vote, because It is against their religious belief; The Crabbites live Jln Washington town ship, and the vote in Washington township, in which Martinsville is sit uated, always cuts a pretty big figure In the county election. Also, the pres-clnct in which, the Crabbites live cuts a pretty big-figure in the results In Washington township. Therefore the county politicians are extremely anxious about the Crabbites.

Heretofore those who aye now known as Crabbites have usually vot ed the republican ticket, but a great amount of organization work has been required in the Gose Creek and Little Jordan districts. Expert organizers have been known to work as late as midnight on the night before the elec tion perfecting little details In the or ganization. But with the Crabbites refusing to vote this organization work will be useless. One republican lead er, however, believes that the republi cans will be benefited by the new sltu- tlon. He summed It up as follows: "We can now let Gose Creek and Little Jordan go without any atten Brother Crabb will take care of things down there.

Meanwhile we can be putting forth our best efforts in other parts of the county and can gain votes where we never have gained them before. In my opinion tthe coun ty chairman should call Brother Crabb to headquarters and pat him on the back and tell him he is doing a noble work in saving souls." According to this republican there will be no chance to change'the views of the Crabbites, as the Crabbites with their new religion never put them selves In a position to be Influenced. In the old days they used to come to Martinsville each Saturday and afflli ate with one. another around the stores and other places and then go home happy and singing. In this optimistic mood they were easy to approach on any subject and often on election day could be led out in a dlscusion of politics and candidates which was highly satisfactory.

-Now, however, they seldom come to town and when they do they maintain their characteristic dignity and go home without singing. The Crabbites are pretty strong in this faith rattlesnakes to bite the most enthusiastic of the church workers is one of the favorite diversions. With proper faith the bites are harmless, they declare, and they do not seek any of Martinsville's artesian water to heal the wounds. DRUNKENNESS CURABLE DIS EASE. Eminent Physician and Scientific Men Agree that It Should be Treated as Such.

Drunkenness Is a progressive dis ease: the moderate drinker is not sat isfied with two or three drinks a day. the craving for more and more be comes irresistable as the, disease ad vances the result Is chronic alcohol ism. The treatment used successfully by thousands in their own homes is Or-rine. It is a scientific wire for drunkenness and has given such universal satisfaction that it is sold raider a positive guarantee to effect a cure or your money be refunded. This guarantee is given In good faith and is carried out to the letter.

Orrine is not a new remedy. It has been sold by leading the druggists in every city for years. It has lifted tens of thous ands from the depths to worthy, man hood and has the heartr endorsement of grateful men and women in every state in the Union. Orrine No. 1 is th secret remedy; Orrine No.

2 is for those willing to take the treatment Either from costs $1.00. Write to the Orrine Col, Washington. D. for free booklet on Drunkenness, mailed in plain sealed envelope. Orrine will be mailed sealed on receipt of Sold by leading druggists an-i In this city by T.

J. Noblltt CHAUFFEUR GETS ONE YEAR. Goes to Prison for Running Down Two Men, Killing One. Norristown, Pa June -22. Charles Scheers.

a chauffeur, who a year ago, while speedicg along the Old York road late at night ran down two men, one of whom. Patrick McLaughlin, died from his injuries, was sentenced in court here today to one year's im varies from five to eighteen, feet, averaging about ten feet deep and the lake covers between fifteen and twenty acres. A consignment of fish placed In the lake last summer by the United States fish and game commission has flourished and the water Is alive with bass, catfish and sunfish. The fish will be protected for several years. The lake has been named Iola and ad vertised with a large and L.

in hon or of the traction company. How to Cure Skin Disease. The germs and theirvpolsons which cause the disease must be drawn to the surface of the skin and destroyed. Zemo. a scientific preparation for ex- tlvely cure eczema pimples, dandruff and every form of skin or scalp disease.

Write for sample, B. W. Rose Medicine St Louis, Mo. See photos of many- remarkable cures and show case or window display at Hau- ser TJpDeGraff drug store. BASEBALL.

American Association. "Won. Lost. Pet. Milwaukee ...........33 29 .532 Indianapolis 34 30 .531 Columbus 34 30 .531 Minneapolis 32 30 ,516 Louisville ,..32 30 .516 Toledo 28 32 .467 Kansas City 27 32 .468 St Paul ......24 31 .436 Yesterday's Results St Paul, Indianapolis, 0.

"Toledo, Milwaukee, 1. Louisville, 3 Minneapolis, 1. Columbus, Kansas City, 2. i Games Today inaianapoiis at ou raui. Toledo at Milwaukee.

Columbus at Kansas City. 'Louisville at Minneapolis. National League. Lost Pet Pittsburg ...38 13 .745 Chicago i .36 18 .660 New; 24 22 .522 ClnclnnaU 28 26 .519 Philadelphia ....24 25 .490 St Louis 30 .434 Brooklyn 18 S3 .353 Boston .1 .13 35 .271 Yesterday's Results Pittsburg, Philadelphia, 3. Games -Today All games postponed on account of the funeral of George B.

Dovey. American League. Won. Lost-Pet Detroit 35' 19 .648 Philadelphia ..........28 23 .549 Boston ...29 24 .547 Cleveland 27 24 .529 New York ............25 25 .500 Chicago 23 26 .469 St Louis 19 31 .380 31 .380 Yesterday Results Boston, 6-4 Philadelphia, 5-1. Cleveland-Chicago Rain.

-New Yorlr, 4-3; Washington, 6-2. Detroit, St Louis, 0. Games Today St Louts at Detroit New York at Washington at Philadelphia. GUARDIANSHIP WORTH TEN THOUSAND A YEAR Probate Court at Indianapolis Allows the Guardian of George Rhodlus a Fancy- Fee. Indianapolis, June 22.

James M. Berry MIL guardian for George Rhodlus, will be allowed $5,000 a year for his services in managing' the af fairs of the millionaire's estate. Judge Ross, in the Probate Court, yesterday morning, decided upon the amount Mr, Berryhill has been Rhodlus guar dian for two years and the court an nounced yesterday that he would, be continued in the position. In making the allowance Judge Ross said that he had a personal examination of BerryhiU's report an! that he believed he had managed the affairs of the estate as well and in as careful and conscientious a man ner as If the' property had been his own. "The estate," said Judge Ross, "is valued at from $750,000 to $1,000,000 and has an income of about $35,000 a year.

This money is realized entirely 1 from real estate rentals and the guardian has collected about $65,000 in rents without the expense of a rental agent. He has also performed all legal services- without the expense of an attorney. has made leases, repaired buildings, tried and compromised litigation, claims, involving many thousands of dollars. Besides all this, he has devoted a great deal of time to the personal care of his ward." Judge Ross stated that when the expense of the recent trial at Greenfield, tfad been paid there would be no more large expenditures to be drawn from the estate and that within a short time the estate would begin to Increase in value so that if Rhodius should be found to be of sound mind theestate can be turned over to him more valable than it was before it entered Into court litigation. The balance of the moner vrhich Mr.

Berry-hill has on hand after withdrawing his allowance of $10,000 will be invested in first mortgage securities. Try a Republican classified ad. Chicago Automobile Club May Drop 1910 Event Lack of Interest Chicago, June 22- After the excitement attending the Crownpoint-Lowell automobile races the officials of the Chicago Automobile Club hare turned their attention toward he finances of the meet, which is understood to hare incurred a deficit to extent of 125,000. Reasons' for the loss have been plenty. Of coarse the main one Is that the Chicago publisc har not been enough interested In course racing and would rather spend its sooner in park meets or track meets.

Another theory-is that the qualifications for the entries were, so stringent that fewars were "entered. From statements made by promi nent club metf" chances are the races. If staged in ltlO; will be conducted on -a. vastly different basis governing the Crownpoint1 events. It is almost certain the Crownpoint course will be thrown into thedlscard for the next carnival.

The circuit -was none too fast for the light 'cars and the most heroic efforts failed to con-Vert tberoads into even fair shape for the Cobe "races of the second day. As one member of the club put have learned a world of things that will prove 'mightly useful if another race Is arranged i A member of the clnb said yesterday thatthe deficit would be paid by jonn if arson ana in an. as uicjr have been quoted as saying that they -would agree to pay any possible deficit, but this was not confirmed. I cannot say who will pay the said Ira M. Cobe," "but whatever the loss is, the amount will be promptly met by theassociation and whoever makes up the deficit will not want his name mentioned In the i matter Further than I cannot say.

"Looking at the deficit in any way. it la really not a loss In the end. as our membership has Increased wonderfully, since the first arrangements were made, three months ago, and that la certainly some benefit we got out of the races, even If the: events were-, not a financial success. "The races will Increase the num ber of. automobile sales and also the Interest in machines and future" races If we have a meet next year.

If our grandstand had been filled at the price charged, $5, it would have paid the cost of the race meet $50,000. As was the first day we had 4,000 and the second day 5,000 in the stand. "The exact amount of the loss will not be known for a month, and then the question of deficit will be taken up. I am sorry that the? races were not as successful financially as were successful in other respects." In the latter part of October, 1903 at the Harllm Park race meet of the Chicago Automobile Club, a small sum money was lost, which was quickly made up by members, of the club. The, Crownpoint races were said to be the first actual stock car races ever held In America, on account of no car being entered "except after an exam inatlon for the purpose of that actual stock cars were used and that no extra features 'had been added.

These qualifications would not be made by several of the large automo bile firms, and Tor that reason they did not enter the races. 1) The total number of persons who witnessed the races Is estimated to be 75,000 for the first day and 125,000 for the second day. The majority came from Chicago. The railroad companies report the passengers carried for Friday were 20,000 and Saturday 55,000, practically all to Crownpoint arid Ce dar Lake, while -the majority of the southern Indiana people went to -Lowell. Roalit Rata Thinaa.

Rosin Is good for fiddle bows, but when it is put in soap to give it webcht and hold it together it gets into the clothes an drots them. It holds the dirt theer too. Get a good, iun nnre mud et Easv Task soan. it'a maaa nf iwftanut oll borax, nan- tha and clean tallow, and it takes the boiling and 'the and the all- day labor out or wasnaay. Ana doesn't make the hands red and sore and ugly.

A cake costs only five cents; there's no economy in using the old-iasnioneo. Kinas. SCOTTSBURG NOW HAS A LAKE. Traction Company's Artificial Reser voir Used as a Pleasure Resort. Scottsburg, June 22.

An illustration of how an Industrial artificial reservoir may be turned into a pieas- ure resort has been shown here by the transformation of the supply reservoir of the IndJanapoUs Louis ville Traction Company. A large num ber or row boats besides three or four launches, have been built, and the banks of the lake are lined with incandescent lights at night. Bath rooms have been built and several diving platforms erected for the more llatures Cleanser, Whitener, Disinfectant -Deodorizer Abaolutely S9 to 100j PURE BORAX Borax saves so much in soap, starch, soda and other household helps, that the housewife will soon learn of the great economy afforded from the liberal use this famous household necessity. 20 Mule Team Powdered Borax is safe, better and more economical than any other chemical that will produce the same results. Never be without a oackafe 20 Mule Team Powdered Borax ready end convenient for osav Order Your Supply Today From Your Dealer 8t the Top of to Male Team Borax Faekaeea they ar tn ichn (or OMful premium.

Columbus, Ind. BIG FOUR ROUTE EXCURSIONS FOR JUNE. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TO NEW YORK, BOSTON, and NEW ENGLAND, CANADIAN AND JERSEY COAST RESORTS. Tickets good 30 1 days. On sale from Terre Haute, Danville, and West, com-i mencing June 1st.

On sale at sta-' tions East of Terre Haute, i and Danville, 111., commencing July list. CINCINNATI AND RETURN tickets on sale June 18 to 23, inclusive. DENVER, COLO, and. return. Tickets on sale daily.

ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS rami return. Tickets on sale July 5, 6 and 7. SHORT TRIPS TO LOCAL RESORT8, Cedar Point, Indian Lake, Clark's Lake, Devil's Lake, Acker-son Lake, Winona Lake, Loon Lake, Mud Lake, Yellow Creek Lake, Wawasee Lake, Ind. HOME-SEEKERS' TICKETS.

Round trip to the South and Southeast, West, Northwest and Southwest, on sale on the first and third Tuesday of each month. ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION, SEATTLE, WASH. Tickets on sale daily to September 30th. ALL YEAR TOURIST TICKETS, NEWPORT NEWS, NORFOLK, OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA BEACH ON SALE DAILY. NIAGARA FALLS AND THOUSAND ISLANDS Excursions.

Consult near-' est agent SUMMER TRIPS. A Book of Resorts. Send four cents for postage. APPLY TO AGENTS "BIG FOUR ROUTE," r. ri-U nr 1 11FT1 SSI CllCJMiTLi.

The Merchant Who Advertises Is Working For YOU! The non-advertising merchants of this city do not seek your patronage, your attention, or favor, so why should you confer them? The progressive merchants pay attention to YOU, thus deserving to hare YOUR attention In return. They are "on their metal all the time to secure values for you that will stand Inspection that will stand ADVERTISING. For the fact that he advertises places upon the merchant the necessity to "make good" to meet Ure competition to so wisely buy as to be able to sell to your profit as well as bis own. He is placed under a perpetual and he must emerge always with your increasing friendship. He must work for YOU with your approval ever In mind.

He must find bargains for you extra value things for you; he must protect you on styles, on qualities, on prices. He is enlisted In your service. And the non-advertising merchant is NOT. There's a Wis Razor For You Get It! A beard as stiff as bristles cannot be satisfactorily shared with a razor that is suitable only for soft, light beards. We'll help you select the especially made foj; your land of beard then yon can be sure of perfect and permanent satisfaction.

The WISS is cheapest to own because it always retains its sharp, keen edge, and is always in perfect condition to give a quick, dean, comfortable shave. Bay a WISS and if it doesn't prove entirely satisfactory, we'll exchange it or give yoa back your money; $1.59 to each. CHAS. A. J.

SCHAEFER, 426 Wash. St, Columbus. Ind. prisonment and $50 fine..

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