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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana • Page 5

The Republici
Columbus, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

faqs nvs 11IE EVENING BEPUBLIGA1T. COLTJIIBTJS. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916. AMUSEMENTS SOCIETY -in the annex, Tuesday evening. May 16.

member is invited to bring one guest. i i COUNTRY CLUB. I AThere will foe a guest day meeting ji At Crump's Theatre. 1,. William Farnum idently likes to FIVE HUNDRED "CLUB.

A' A- 1 of -the Country Club Tuesday after-Miss Agnes Wright will he hostess noon at the home of. Mrs. Nathan H. tn v.i Newsom, south of the city. Those at- fight.

At any rate people like to see fng at her home In Maple -Grove- CARD PARTY, 1 I (T1rilHA 0 CT nUAWil la A11VA fighting picture a big crowd is sure DINNER GUESTS. The Elks' Ladies will entertain! Mr and Airs Ed "Readnaur enter- to be the result. In "Fighting with a euchre party Thursday after-' tained the following guests at 12 which will be seen at Crump's theatre noon at the Elks' home on Third; o'clock dinner Sunday at their home in ilartsville: and Edna ii IAS AYUDAS CLASS. I Edwards, of Sardenia; Virgil Mobley Ar. Class of the Pres- and bytertan chiireb Will meet Tuesday Mss Ethel Campion and Clyde evening at I theeorphans home in East i A Syrames were quietjy married Satur- I ColumnuaAiMembers are requested to take; the, 7 25 o'clock car.

rsi iota xr. day night at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Alexander Sharp, pastor of the Presbyterian church, at the home of the officiating minister on Frauklin The Psl Iota, CXi Sorority will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Mar Maxr. Members are requested to meet at Miss Virginia Griffith's home at promptly 2:30 o'clock street, TRI-KAPPA. The Tri-Kappa Sorority was pleas and go from there to Miss Marr's antly entertained at its rogular meeting afternoon at tiie home of Mrs.

Mary Brown Behrman on Franklin street." The. usual business was transacted and there was a social hour and refreshments. home'. rp -A1 A'- EUCHRE PARTY. Ms.

llriry Kitzinger entertained several guests at euchre Fridayafter- noon complimentary to Gilbert "AFairtrace, ot Portsmouth, Ohio. The prizes were won by Miss Sue Henulon, Mrs. A Margaret Kidd and Miss Gold Culp and the card games iPgy MRS. RITTMAN. Mrs.

Charles Ixwe entertained a group of relatives at 12 o'clock dinner Sunday at hef 'home; on Second street in honor of "Mrs! Ed Rittman and son, Charles, of Anderson. Ki', Covers were laid for: Ed Lowe and i family, Mr and Mrs. George PfeifTer, John Lowe and family, Mrs. W. Nelna' One of the Musical Walkers.

i- ber and Frank TiwA anrl familv. lir. and Mrs. ErnRt were followed by a luncheon. j' A', A BRIDGE CLUB, Mrs.

lsei 0rove was a charming A. hostess Saturday afternoon at her, liome on Sycamore street, entertain-' In the; members of the Friday; noon Bridge Club and a feiv special guests. --1 AA AA'' The games were- played at; three tables and the favors were awarded to Mrs. J.i Prall and Mrs. Roy Stahlhuth.

Charles Lowe and family tonight, Farnum is said to be nj a and Mrs. Rittman and son, -Charles. I most belligerent mood' and his fight- Ing blood is boiling. all the time. As sociated with him in the cast i are MISSIONARY SOCIETY Dorothy i Bernard and several other I UAC nICCTIMn well known players un.u to the picture, the Wil Jackson, Following thevjcard games 1 an appetizing luncheon wasTservecf at liams Musical Comedy Company will l43t -Coat i 5 o'clock at the small tables SHAKESPEARE READING Seventeenth Annual Conference of hour.

I The first show starts at .7 Home Missionary Society to be 0'Ci0ck and the second1 will be ready Mrs-. Gaston's home on Sixth Held in M. E. Church Tuesday. shortly after 9 o'clock street wasi the scene of an interesting meeting ojf the-Shakespeare Reading Club Saturday artemoon.

.1 i i 1 i A 4 A A Aj All this season's most stylish; garmepts at "From Whence Did My Ancestors Come" wna erlven bv the- members in PERSONALS A The annual conference of the Home Missionary Society i of the Methodist Episcopal church of A i i. responses tc the roll call after which the following program was Ulc lovonH Shorn onpnt trwlav of Laughter and the Methodist Episcopal church In this rr i Pathos," Mrs. J. G. Perry; review of A A A A A-r 'A "All's Well That Ends Mrs.

H. i Everroad; "David Copperfleld, Stmn, Mr, Alexander, of Frankliri, will preside at vlsi4tmS dauter the meeting andithree of the confer- Don Shera is here from Columbus, ence officers, Mrs. Alfred I Stratford, Ohio, vis ting Jis grandparents chapters LIU' to end of the book, Mrs J. W. Donaker; "The World-Wide Ef- feqt of the Great War," Mrs.

1 Orr, of Indianapolis. pa A' A per was carried over from a. previous I Mrs. Hawn and Mrs. A.

B. rs- i- of Indianapolis, will give Mr Mrs. John Fahy talks relatives in North Vernon Sunday, Deiergates will be present from Jef- boro this morning to visit her mother, fersonvllle, Brownstown, Morgantown, Mr. and Thomas Mooney. of The meeting --f -1 I-.

B(0)iiboii Ef(Dc During Jthe fcusiness session the club vbte to -donate five dollars to Exclusive Ai- -a-: Rbady To Wear Seymour Franklin, Hope and BurneyMomsvuie, spent aunaay nere. wiur Woman's Shop 4 .1 111 1 xkHK I I I t-M I me pioneer votnerr monument iuna ana reports win De maue1 num iUe j-s Misses lorence ana jarrie ivhik variotis societies: The social hour followed and the "hostess was assisted i by Mrsi and Miss Mary Buxton spent Sunday ij COLUMBUS, INDIANA Auto Agency Open. in Indianapolis. Fitzgibbon- In i serving light refresh 4Hr ments. I i Mrs.

W4yne C. pf Denver, Manufacturer of well advertised, Miss Esther Canter, of Indianapolis, popular automobile; wishes to secure spent Sunday here the guest of Misses hustUng -agent ior. this territory. Un MCUf Jessie Silver, i -usual opportunity, Write today. B.

Rachel Quick and Lillian Xi liut-iv uua. L-vU with so alpha cijvss. The Alpha Bible Class-of the Meth-odist Episcopal, church will held its Am. I vuvi, viByaa 'j A viai a ilia a i own. s.ia& jaa.c.

Attend th our ads tell about regnlar meeting and sociaH it A Su OlIfS PARTY llttFORUED OH EVE OF t--: ALL IN CONNECTION WITH OUR REGULAR FEATURE PICTURE MONDAY NIGHT FOX FILM CORP. PRESENTS Villiam Farnum Thomas Harrell, of Chicago. spent last nightiwith his brother J. W. Harrell, and wife and left forj his home this morning.

Miss.Edna Shaw returned from Indianapolis this morning where she rhas been spending a few days with friends THEATRE GflllVEHTlOllTO FOuut SUFFRMiti I and relatives; Af MrsJTohn Alexander and daughter, IN FIGHT I Carrie Luclle, left this morning for Bloomington, to join her husband, who has located there. A A Miss Lenore Pherigo and her room-matei at. Franklin College, Miss Anna Grace Harris spent the week-end with her Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Pherigo, of 'Washington street. Miss Gladys Dailey, who has been here visiting sister, Mrs. Frank A i THREE DAYS COMMENCING TONIGHT i i The Walker Musical Comedy Col PRETTY GIRLS PRETTY MUSIC PRETTY COSTUMES 1 1 1 i CHANGE bF PROGRAM EACH NIGHT i i.i r. Youngman, and family, returned to AlH EQUAL TO THE "SPOILER" WHICH WE ALL REMEMBER I A A GREAT BtG SHOW MUSICAL COMEDY AND FEATURE PICTURES her hometin North Vernon this mornr A Mr; and Mrs.

Iawrence F. Orr and children, who have been visiting he. toother, Laura Fix, and other relatives, returned to their home in Indianapolis Sunday evening. A H. J.

McGinis and daughter, T. -A-M 0' i i A AN I I I is Vf 5, 10 arid 15 Cents I i aiary Jasper, returned to their, nomej 4- X. School Annual Off the Press ah i rfsv; vvvnM -va in Crawfordsville Sunday evenihg after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L.

Jones. Roy Tlanforth, who has been vikit-ing relatives in Elizabethtown, left this moruingr for his home in Water-ville, accompanied, by liis cousin, John Barr, of Elizabethtown. Thomas A. Edison Comes to Golumbu i i (Continued from Page One.) IN THE i Harden, assistant editor; Webb Heagy, business Zola Mont- Miss Hazel Varley and Miss Effie Baker left this morning for Battle kVv J1 A mjm Creek; where each will tak a gomery. literary editor New-course of training for.

a school nure; som, dramatic editor; Ruth Brown, They expect to be gone all summer: music editor; Lucille Spannagel, art Miss Irene Cummings, of Peters- editor; Lloyd Click, Forum editor; A three reel mahlng ttory at the A II -axw. rnw Gerald Gates, athletic editor and Howard D. W. Tooley, jokisLi Appre CRYSTAL THEATRE burg, who has been visiting her brother, Clessie Cummings, land family, left this morning for Battle Cteek, Mich.j where she is taking a special course for a school nurse. a a t.

ciation to Miss Carrie Ong, of the English department, is expressed by the editorial iboard for valuable advice on all subjects connecied with, the publication of this annual." TON I GHT i i I rAiXAA fl-s" 5 i Miss Myrtle Jewell, of Burney.l is' yXMm 1 HV7 i The camcri man. in making this motion picture, caught Edison una visiting Miss Lela Wertz at Harts-ville. 1 Mrs. Ed Readnaur, of Ilartsville, .2 A A I- It'-t- .4 xirV -1 wares in. his laboratory and filmed him.

At the same time jhar Anna Ca5e's "Charmant Oiseau" as Re-Created lhe Diamond Else ti- i.iinn' nfwot invcniion. Ybu cao hrtir' Re-Crealion of the There is nn excellent picture of the Central building, with short history and likewise! one of the new industrial building, with a history of its inception and the result The faculty, twenty-four in number, gets its indi- spent Saturday with friends in Rominger, of, Indianapolis, spent Sunday with his family in singing and flaying of other gTeat artists. Ilartsville. i Garrett Clapp, of Indianapolis, spent I vidua! pictures printed with a little Sunday with W. Rominger and fam- pedigree attached.

Individual pictures DALE PARKER, Ageritsj Columbus Ind. ily in Ilartsville. i also are printed of the big senior Mrs. Res McCalip. of MuncN, is visiting her mother, Mrs.

T. Vhn- class. Something of the activities of each senior is shown together with a little humorous jab thrown in by way ot good measure. in Hartsville It i i a rYkiioe-A nr univprmi annual. If you had never visited any of oar WOltN PROMINENT IS THE WOMAN'S PARTY.


MRS4 BERNARD SIPPY OF CHICAGO. 1 i Thomas Morrison, of Greensburg, wnicn, ii migui uuueru ioasiug, i is merely "Columbus" spelled bacli-! will, compare roost favorably In Its itorea you could sUZl decide, frpni: spent iSunday with Dr. and Mrs. J.ilL There are departments JTor the un Morrison in A r-4 derclasses, togeth rwhh ctures and W- Wit and humor has a depart text as well as iUustraUon. with any fading which one.

are of the ment which is humorous as well asjof the big school publications in In- most likely to most of year he oolltical stork la comlnr to the national republican convention! Paul Morrison, Thomas Brockman. class rolls." There is. a picture There is a picture Thomas Morrison and Jesse Bohon, Junit l. and rieht down in tne midst ot the political mrmou ne orwp, rhieh school chorus and a History of witty. Then comes the high school; diana and it Is.

doubtful If there Is an patronage. Hartsville, left this morning for a brind new political Infant- the wotnan'a party! TS organiie I of 1 woman's party thi Congressional Union lor Woman Suffrage, which jCulj of i Military School. The Forum, the Dramatic Club and calender and Anally a picture of the Indiana high school that, tan cornel athletic organizations all have" had (bS gate leading to Garland Brook within hailing distance of I their niptnrea taken and mre writ- cemetery, where the editorial board? i Ot toy groap of ten people who io mother organlxation will jbrlng 30.000 woaien to i Chicago. fti Alice Pa.nL n-' to own their own, homes, porsihly mo Are you advertising that property tlonal chairman of the Congressional Union, "will be to iwcure thf There is a depart- 'announces it will De "at nome alter ivme noming uui jacis into joarifuay not a yr aarr adeauatelv? You should tell all the! ten about them. (rriD to stu ly The other niu 191G." real estate aavemsemenis out write vtui passage OX toe eons ts.

Anuony anienatneni. to uiv facts, and tell them again and taln. ment devoted to society, another toj-j' i YThe Ix)s' has all the ear mark, of of the fact, that are essentiaLr are reading all Ursa whlcn will Vt woman ur rigni voibl j.i..'A. I If necessary. publication oi "The -suomuioc, A A .4 A XAlM.

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