Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas • Page 12
- Publication:
- Corsicana Daily Suni
- Location:
- Corsicana, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE CORSICANA DAILY SUN, TUESDAY, JANUARY, 24, 1933. GANDHI THREATENS TO BEGIN NEW FAST RESULT OF ORDERS POONA India, Jan. fast which the Mahatma Gandhi has been threatening over the "untouchables" situation will now apply to whole India instead of to the temple of Guravayoor only, he said today. This was the result of British viceroy's decision yesterday that the government will sonction introduction in the legislative ASsembly of A bill on the question of "untouchability" instead of sanctioning the proposed depressed classes legislation applying to Madras province alone. Mr.
Gandhi, who is still held in Veroda, prison disobedience near here for campaign leadagainst the government, said there WAS no need of his declaring the "My threat to is not inbeginning of a fast, at present. tended to embarrass the government. But I do want to embarrass reformers and co-workers and a awaken them to the fact that human nature 'he slow unless spurred to action," said. Mr. Gandhi Indefinitely postpones the fast he proposed to begin New Year's Day as A protest against the ban upon India's "untouchables" entering Guravayoor temple.
In another brief fast recently he protested against treatment of Yeroda jail prisoners. Baby Born Without Esophagus Dies in New Jersey Hospital HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N. Jan. -Little Helen Marie Taylor, the baby with a closed esophagus. died today at Hasbrouck Heights hospial.
The baby previously had been given only "one chance in a thousand" to survive. After she was born last Friday. nurses noted that whenever she was given nourishment, suffered severe choking spells and her face turned blue. William J. Greenfield of Hackensack found that the esophagus, or gullet, the tube through which food is carried to the stomach, was closed at the third rib.
Five physicians performed an emergency operation yesterday, inserting a tube through the abdomen to permit articicial feeding. Previously the child had been nourished by an Injection of sugar and water. Not being able to take food normally, the child had an excess of saliva, and a physician said it had been necessery to use a suction pump to keep the mouth dry. The infant, who was otherwise normal, was the daughter Mr. Mrs Herbert Taylor of Ridgefield Park.
Winter's Long Far West Siege Showing No Signs Abating SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. -Winter's week-long siege of the Far West, during which blizzards claimed at least three lives, disrupted communications to mountain regins and lashed the coast with wind and rain, gave no indication of ahating today. The United States weather burenu predicted continued snow for the highlands of Washington, Orcgon and California and for Idaho and Nevada. Storm warnings were posted for mariners on the coast from San Francisco northward, ROSES 11c Beautiful 2 Year Field Grown Roses Talisman Rose 14c Nandina Beautiful Rod Foliage. 29c Italian Cypress, Arizona Cypress 3 to 1 feet.
39c Bridal Wreath 9c Beautiful EVERGREENS 2 to 4 feet. 49c We will be open Wednesday 10 a. m. All Nursery Stock Priced Very Low. NAUGHTON FARM Located: Southeast Corner 3rd Ave.
and Beaton St. In "Trunk" Case Winnie Ruth Judd, condemned "trunk murderess," is shown as she. appeared witness stand in; court at Phoenix, during the preliminary hearing of J. J. "Happy! Jack" Halloran (lower), weallhy; lumberman, who is accused of being an accessory after the fact to the: for which Mrs.
Judd was sen-: tenced to death. After she had testified, Mrs. Judd startled the court with 8 frenzied outburst against Roosevelt Holding Series Conferences With B. M. Baruch WARM SPRINGS, Ga, Jan.
to put a ternational program into "prompt motion, President-clect Roosevelt today began a series of ences on domestic and foreign economics with Bernard M. Baruch, financial authority of New York. Mr. Roosevelt is ready to n.eet and talk over separately with the foreign powers their pleas for re-1 lief on war debts but he is going to exact in return for aid in this direction a measure of co-operation on his plans to restore prosperity by tariff adjustments and stabilization of currencies. Baruch, a staunch democrat and also a man who has intimate knowledge of the world economic, situation, is expected to give a helpful hand in the preparation of the Roosevelt program.
Condition British Novelist Serious LONDON, Jan. 21. -The condition of John Galsworthy, British novelist and 1932 winner of the Nobel prize in literature, was causing grave concern today. Galsworthy, suffering from ancInia, was reported decidedly He was at his home at Hampsicad. A heavy cold contracted early in brought on his present condition.
TWO CLASSES IN EDUCATION BEING OFFERED BY S.M.U. Two classes in education arc being offered by Southern Methodist University professors hereat the county superintendent's office in the courthouse, according to an nnnouncement. Tuesday. These courses are offered Monday afternoons and Monday evenings. The courses are "Tests and Measurements," by Dr.
Wisseman, and "Public School Accounting" by Dr. G. O. Clough. Both courses orier advanced or graduate credit.
Among the school men taking the course are principal at the State M. Hawkins, Mexia superintendent: Supt. Whitehurst of Groesbeck, and others. Former Publisher Eagle Pass Paper Dies in New York NEW YORK, Jan. N.
Quail, a member of the Joseph the New York Sun, died today at his home, illnes in of Rutherford, several N. after an months. Ho was born in New York CityOct. 16, 1858, but began his newspaper career in the west. He started the Eagle Pass Times, in New York in 1880 to work on the Eagle Pass, Texas, but came to New York World, first A8 EL printer and then as a copyreader.
From the World he went to the St. Louis Post Dispatch and then to the Butte, Miner. Later he worked on several York papers, on some of them as city editor, and joined the staff of the Sun as a copy reader in 1923. Surviving are his widow, the former Virginia Henry Sperry, of Illinois, and a son, Victor Neil Quail. Illinois Educator Named Chancellor Of New York U.
URBANA, Ja. New York University turned to the Middle West in electing a new chancellor, Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, president of the University of Illinois, who announced his acceptance of the post. Dr. Chase will succeed on July 1 Dr.
Elmer Ellsworth Brown, who before becoming, chancellor 22 years ago, was nt che time principal of a public school in Belvidere, Ill. Dr. Brown will become chancellor emeritus of the university. Chest Colds Best treated without "dosing" VICKS VAPORUB STAINLESS now, if you prefer NEW KNIT TURTLENECK Sweaters in Wine Green Blue Black White Canary Sizes 32 to 40 This cotton sweater in a pineapple weave is just the right weight for spring and the right price for any Wilson Brothers Sleeveless Sweaters All Wool Blue 25 Black White JACK. HERB HARRIS JACOBS 33 Corner Fifth at Beaton Courthouse News District Court.
Introduction of testimony in the case of the board of school trustees of Corsicana vs. Eckert-Burton Construction Company, breach of contract, was still in progress in the Thirteenth judicial district court Tuesday morning. The Navarro county grand jury resumed its work Tuesday morning after being in recess for sevcral days, Executor's Deed. Louis Pevehouse to J. H.
Edgar, lot 10, block 1, Edgar addition No. 2, Richland, $50. Txecutor's Deed. Mary Lane et alg to Metropolitan Building and Loan Association lot 7 and west 1-2 lot 8, block 414, Corsicana, $1 and other considerations, Sheriff's office. Sheriff Rufus Pevehouse was on the lookout for several hours lieved to have traveled this way I Tuesday morning for two cars be-! following the fatal shooting of an unidentified mEn near Fairfield at an early hour, but the suspected cars did not come through Corsicana.
Constables' Office. Constable J. R. 'Nutt arrePeauty vhite man Monday night Greek Chamber Is Dissolved By Decree President Tuesday ATHENS, Greece, Jan. -President Zaimis signed a decree this morning dissolving the chamber and setting new elections for March 5.
The President's action followed approval in the senate of 8 resilution calling for the dissolution of the lower house under provisions of the Greek constitution. Eltuerios Venizelos, who became premier for the fifth time in 23 years last week, requested new elections because he had only a bar majoritv of two votes in the chamber. Treasury Figures: WASHINGTON, Jan. Treasury receipts for January 21 were expenditures balance custom duties for 21 days of January were $13,165,150.79. on North Commerce street on a charge of drunkenness.
Justice Court. One man was fined Monday by I Judge M. Bryant on a charge drunkenness. Formal complaints filed before Judge Bryant Monday included two for alleged forgery and two for alleged theft of auto accessorics. One man was fined Tuesday morning by Judge Sam B.
Einstein, scientist, finding relativity is not applicable to every day life, went into of conof what to do about world in sultation t.o think outer formula general and the depression in particular. His intellectual consultants were Henry M. Robinson, banker and internatioally known economist, and Prof. William B. Munro, historian.
The three thought out loud in a symposium here last night on "America and the world Situation." Their formula, expressed mathematically, is that "dispassionate analytical understanding (Einstein), plus "elimination of fear" (Robinson) plus "adjournment of politics" (Muro) measured by the co-operation of the people, equals economic recovery. Einstein thinks the first sten necessary to dispassionate understanding is the removal of the "obstacle of the tabu." That ohstacle, he explained, "lies in' words and other symbols which OKLAHOMA FIELD DECREASE OUTPUT FOR U. S. of the ideas is lost in the background. Among these words he included "honor, prestige, fatherland in nearly all the countries of the present world." "'The use of such words is adapted for the driving out of all reason and the setting, up of emotion in its place," said.
Facing "naked reality" as he termed it, Einstein he did not believe war debts caused the depression, but that it was due to increased production technical invention and organization decreasing the need human labor. He believes international obligations should be reduced to a figure payable and acceptable by a corresponding amount of goods, He thinks disarmament can be reached almost rapidly elimiand dependence upon professional nating universal military, service armies. The fundamenta! necessity, he asserted, is dispassionate refleclion to analyze conditions and thus create mutual understanding to develop the ability to solve peacefully all questions. An Important Asset TULSA, Jan. big decrease in the Oklahoma City field countered production gains in other areas put last week's daily average crude oll output 897 barrels under the figure for the preceding week in the United States, Oil and Gas Journal reports disclose.
Total daily average production for the week ending January.21 was 2,022,073 barrels compared with barrels in the week ending January 14. The Oklahoma City Field fell off 31,720 barrels to 71,220 barries and Oklahoma's total daily average was 26,540 barrels or the figure was 298,226 barrels, 374,820. In East Texas, however gain of 4,818 barrels and Texas flow increased 4,865 barrels to 801,800 barrels. Kansas was up 3,355 barrels to Rocky Mountain area, up off an even 2,000 barrels to 114,000 4,876 to 71,676. on Easetrn fields fell.
and California was 2,500 less 469,500. World's Adviser are laden with emotion." Newspaper advertising 1s an 1m- drink, what to wear, and how He said there are some words asset to any wide awake to sleep. Without it would which "produce such violent dis- business, it is absolutely necessary still be driving horses "Ana bugturbances in our feelings" that the if you want to acquaint the pub- gies, hugging the old base burner role they play in the transmission lic with what you have to selL and sleeping on horse hair. Newspaper advertising is. world's adviser-what to eat, Ladies Full Fashioned SILL 50C HOSE pr.
I MARKS BROS. 300 pairs of pure silk chiffon and service Many famous makes, including Kaysers, about Values to $1.75 FORCEDTO color and size is here if you hurry. weight, broken assorted, but your favorite Half of Our Present Stock Off to A Fine Start and Ready for Crowds Again Tomorrow So far only a few items have been advertis ed in the papers because it would require whole newspaper to givo a fair representation of the items In all departments--but the store throughout has been crowded with thrifty folks since the sale started on the strength of our first announcement. Corsicana is full of thrifty people who make the most of opportunities like this, to dress better and make their home more attractive at minimum Check your needs now and hurry the thing tomorrow morningcoffist remember the entire stock is now priced at just what we think you'll pay for the goodsLet nothing keep you awayCome now, it is our biggest sale in over 52 years. Free Goods Daily at 3:30 p.
m. In our daily auction sales, come bring your green tickets and cash them in for desirahle merchandise, Come get your share. Men's $5.00 Trench COATS Expertly tailored of high an astonishing bargain, only all than grade, gaberdine. sizes now heavy New manufacturer's 011 fresh sale at waterproof stock, cost- less $298 Sensation Reductions on fine $7.50 to $10.50 Winter Dresses $2.88 -of silk crepe and knit dresses, 14 to 44, one and 2-piece models. Hurry for bargains like this only come once in a bluc moonwhile they last, $2.88.
Winter DRESSES Our Regular $16.50 $7.95 Brand new Fall Dresses in a wonderful range of models and new approved colors -high necks and lovely sleeves. Models for nearly every occasion-Sizes 14 to 46. Choice of materials and styles. Wednesday Bargain Day Krinkle SPREADS Bath TOWELS Large 81 105 Size. Cannon's 20 40 Good quality spreads, wanted -Good heavy thread, very ab9 A.
Sold Wednesday- 55c bargain Wednesday atgold, shades orchid. of blue, Check rose, up on green, what colored sorbent, borders. white An with outstanding assorted 10c Bottany All Wool CHALLIES $1.00 quality 48c -Big range of patterns in light and dark colors The best material you've ever bought at $1.00 yard. "Must have cash" price, 48c. Fast Color SUITINGS Values to 25c 16c The very materials for boy's' play suits and wash suits, plain colors only, guaranteed fast to sun and tub.
the what Men Should Buy Their Suits. Now Because they can get new suits from $22.50 to $25.00 at practically half -New Suits, New Styles -2 pair pants, year around weight, SUITS Dress SHIRTS Every suit tailored to fit and will give satisfactory wear, they are going out $1. Value rapidly, shop early for best selection. New 43c Sizes to 40. Newest Spring Coats $11.95 Values $945 New coats fresh from their wrappings.
Clever new Pi styles in the favorlte new shades of tan, red, navy and new blue. An unusual opportunity to save on new Spring Coats before the season 1s actually started. Fine Suede GLOVES Values to $1.50. -Many Choice Styles 29c 14 Ladies' SPORT SUITS $10.00 and $19.50 values Just 16 sults in the Int, ers some some short of are and trinied of Astrakan long tweeds, with coats-A woolens, furs, oth- $5.00 give away while they last, only $1 and $1.25 Children's Jersey DRESSES 47C Sizes 2 to 6 years, Jersey Dresses. One special group from previous 1 seasons, neat styles, good quality, a rare value at 47c.
$1 to $1.95 Children's Outing PAJAMAS 55c One special group, sizes 2 to 10 years. Attractive styles of good heavy outing. While they last 55c. RAISE Ladies' Wool Flannel ROBES $2.95 Solid colors sold as high as $1.05, exceptional quality, beautifully made, lasting and unusually attractive- to close at $2.95. Misses' PAJAMAS $1.50 to $1.95 Values, 49c Broadcloth and Prints.
Sizes to 16. Good styles from past seasons. CASH Full 3 Batts Cotton Linter Lb. Size. BATTS 19c.
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