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The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa • Page 17

Des Moines, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

17 THE DES SOLVES REGISTER-Wednesday Morning, May 19, 1926-THE NEWSPAPER IOWA DEPEN DS UPOX. BRITISH LAWYER CLAIMS LEITER IGNORED HIM LETHAL GAS HAS 110 EFFECT Oil relating to the estate of Levi Letter, her father, told on the witness stand today, in her suit to oust her brother, Jon. as a trustee of the estate, that bis wishes and requests in behalf of his client had been ignored by Joe Letter. His testimony, the concluding thrust of the complainant, in her THEY JOIN BUSINESS GIRLS' SORORITY Four blushing neophytes of the Alpha Beta Phi business girls' sorority last night learned that the route to the club's secrets led through the downtown district. From left to right they are: Misses Katherine Kraemer, Mayme Croat, Ruth Sloan, and in the baby carriage Jennie Sarosio.

Formal initiation will be held Thursday evening and a dance in their honor will be held at the Golf and Country ciub May 26, The o-rority, founded in Des Moines, is twenty years old. Miss Patricia Killoran, tha. fifth neophyte, was not with the foraging party. trustee whose removal also sought upon the contention that he was a tool of Joe, took the1 stand this morning and concluded his testimony. Although a de-, fendanl, he was called aa a wit-, ness by the complainant.

"Mummy, why does Uncle John eat off his knife?" ske little Joan. "Hush, dear!" replied t( mother in an agonized whisper. "I'ncle John Is rich enough off the coal shovel It he prar fers Tit-Bits. I.C.C.TO 0PEI1 FREIGHT RATES HEARINGS TODAY Western Situation Will Be Debated First NEVADA CRIME charges of mismanagement and extravagance against her brother, contained accounts of many efforts to keep track of Lady Suffolk's share of the estate. William J.

Warr. another Alphabetical Index eat All elBMlfirat. i numbrt In orflr thr appear. For UDct. ih first cla.uiicatsOB ia Icath AnfminrmntB -A REl.t? WA5TTKD APrtmnta inr rnt tl Aptrimnii furaiah4 alMmn iitraetlnni 24 AKffllB Auction aalaa 3 vun irtTaM (( Kduattonal ymal Ftila1fa Mal or fmal a.mplomni cta AVTO HFRY1CE Di ll KC TORY 44 Auto aaaaatrla, tha.

pari A alio body rpairlB(. Auio repairing. Wwlrtlnr Auioa ltd parts (V a rri Autoa for hlr. Hattery and lc rival arvioa. Brat rervlr.

Cylinder ri rlmllfif Rarttatnr and fenders. Automobiles Trucka HouahoM goods Hoihold goods shipping oukplna Hmia for rent Houmm rurnlahn liouae want In memorlam Industrial loans investments. bonds "1." i lo rooms Investments siata Bicycles and motorcycles 48 Board and room h9 Building malarial 45 Business and offlc equipment .60 Business and professional directory 12 BnelnefMi opportunities IS I mil location wanted Livestock, farm plts Loans Loan on real l.ottg notkse Lost and found lHarellaneoua Missing persons In gup- estate. .1: pi 1 Qfel i 5 n) v' 7 in 5eQ storage Monuments Card of thanks lmetrte rinthlna and furs Coal, wood and fuel Contra ts and securities wanted DeathJ toga. eat a.

birds and petg 1-A Motor yW 4 cyclre XI Moving and 30 Musical instruments M-A Notices Nursery stocks 1 Party suggestions rastura BT Teraonals and fin 10 I'ouliry. eggg and eimnllea P8 Farm machinery and tractors Flnrlats Professional -A Flour and feed 52 Radio and supplies Room and board Rooming houses Roommate wanted Rooms for rent Rooms wanted For sale or eicnanga Fuel, coal and 8 Funeral home.i 3 Furniture and used 40 Osrd n. horn and RFAI. EST AT Acreage Acreage for rent Murders Go on Despite I Terror of Penalty. Carson City, Mar IH; (U.N.) The sinister preparations being made at the state prison here tor Fridays aouoie lemsi gas execution have failed to bring about a cessation of crime In Nevada.

A re who me murder case was reported from Virginia City Tuesday, with the possibility thst Its perpetrstors mav follow jonn Randolph and Stanko Juklch into the execution chamber. Two men have been arrested as suspects following discovery of the body of Martin F.troJIUI. a Mexican. There were eight bullet wounds lu the slain man's bodv. The Mexican had left his rooming house after a call to him from the outside.

"They can't do more than kill me," he said as he answered the summons. Warden William Maxwell will preside at Friday's execution of Randolph and Juklch. murderers. Kxperts in the use of the hydrocyanic gas to be used are on their war from 1os Angeles to instruct guards in the use of the desdly fumes, one sniff of which will end a person's life. Workmen were busy Tuesday shout the single chambered death house in the prison yard, getting the lethal equipment into readiness.

The state pardon board meets Thursday, but Is not expected to alter the death sentences. Need Not Register for Primary Election No registration is required for the primary election to ne nem June 7. asserted Mayor Hunter, yesterday. For the last few days the city hall has been besieged with telephone Inquiries concern ing registration. Those whose names do not appear upon tbe cltv poll books may certify their residence on voting day.

Vlllagf Sees First Auto. Glentornsn, Ireland. May 17 Ik TM llftU nM unrlrl hme, the rounly of Donegal in celebrating the appearance ot the first automobile In Its midst. in honor of the occasion, all the rdnU hoMpd Northuvst on our emerald green 5 courses Visit our delightful mountain and seashore resorts camp in our majestic forests fish in our sparkling lakes and streams. Oregon is the land of opportunity and vacation playground of the Pacific Coast.

An hour or two from any of our cities and you are in Honor I'tlext at Jubilee. lawn service Good things to eat 54 48 Want Ad Rates ilnra fnr tha prtre of all. I 1 riaye. tso per lino earn. day.

1 or rinre, SIni per liue ea.h day. Minimum, two llnee. I real per line ilet'ount for rh with order. RTKS OL'TSIDK OF IOWA. Hnndev, Sftr per lino.

Dally. Mile per line per day. leeli With Order, rlaala of count la agate tneaaurement. enunt four average wutdl tn the ftret line, a average worde to each follow tng Una. Kverv word In each advertisement mu.t he cntinted, Including the name.

'Vharlea R. lavla. Marehelttnwn. Ih I. riva word.

"Walnut S'-'O" la twn etc. Blind or keyed nddrep.ea. five extra word, appear In thla form: ''Write Fteglater and Trlhune." and anust ba counted aa part of tha ad- NAME 6 CO-EDS CANDIDATES FOR QUEEN AT DRAKE Fort Madison, May 18 (Special) A golden Jubilee in honor of the Rev. Peter Kern pastor emeritus of St. Mary's Catholic church was held hare by the congregation yesterday, Father Kern retired from active service a year and a halt ago.

In the Pacific To Telephone Your Wirnt Ad Call Walnut 320 Countess of Suffolk Was Client. Chicago, May IS (A.P.) William 8cott Bond, lawyer for the Countess of Suffolk In affairs The Coffee Shop 5ictilkofthe traveling public, because of Its hospitable air and tempting meals. 18-hours-a-daf service. A place wfcere you can dine regally at moderate cost, in the most favored fine hotel buif Ok Hotel (jbronado 700 Rooms From Ptr Day liaeitt atvo. a IFSIMS AVB.

AFTER ALL, SEVEN DAYS ISN'T TOO LONG, IF Arrr.n it. 7 itaya wt TOO Innir to run your WANT Ad It It ar. COMPI.ISHES ror nurpnaa. VS. tv.

J. Wllb.rt, USl FIFTH avenue, rented TWO larte front rnomi THK aeventh dar her ad JSVPEA rtEO. eo ehe'l OI.AD aha ordered It for THAT length of time. (Did TOU know that rou can NOW run your Want Ad SEVKN' daya for tha PKICB of eun OFFICIAL PrLICAJ10fL OF uTl f.ICAT i ON propoha iron ca vt Nti not TO T.A Altr.NI'K VltikM THIS PA VINO IN PNACK AT Jn r. 1 I ni HAT IH'AU i THK WBHT CITY MM IT OK THK CITV OK 1KS MOINKS.

SmIM proposals will bt rrlvi by lh City CnuniMl of th City of Moire, at ih offlc of ihft City CUik, until 9 o'rlork b. m. on (h 7th Ay Of Jun. Itlrt. for tho fnllowlng 1m-piovi)ivnt lr plBtiB p'lfMB-llon now on 'tim In tha offlc of tn Kn fin IHvlalon of th of Pirt-ff Bfi.l 1'itblln 1m-provrnrntB of 111 City of I Molna, Pavinv Dotidtaa Avnu in' uniform width of tty frt ttK) frcm tli" pavinv In nlc.

tt th 1ntrMlon of Intila Ann to Mrlt Hay Rof1. to ih nvnB; In rlar to tto ronatrurt--t bv th Polk County Huprvtanra. at the wl rltv Mmita.of 1h City of Jm MolnB. with BlthBr rnrtlanrt CtnBnt Coot'ib i-r VlhrftHthlo ConrratB, in -rordanrii wiih tha niant nnrl prBpared by thu City KnrinBT, o' th Cltv of Pbb MolnB, anti approvBa hy thn Cllv Council of Ih Clly of and bv th Hlnhwav Commia-alon of (h Ptatt- of Iowa, whlrh plana intt ar now on flit In th off Ira of tha City Clark of the City of Molnaa. Raid work ahali rommnct1 im-mafliataly iipon tha a onroval of th rontrsft and bond hy tha Cltv CoiinrH.

and to ba rompUtad on or hafora thirty (XOi dava tharoafter. and tf Bald work la not rominanpad by tha rontractor. to ahom a met rontra-t la awardad. within tan 10 1 dava afiar th anproval of aald contract and bond, tha "uun. ll ra-arvaa tl'a rlpht to cancal aald con-tiarl w'thotit any Ilabil'ty on th part of th cttv to aald contractor.

Th total coat ar.d xpnaa of tnakln aald JmproTamant ahali paid aa fol )owi: Fortv-thra par rant t4S) of td to'al coal and axpana ahali ba uaid from tha Primary Hoad Kund allotad to Polk County. Iowa; th remalndar of tha total coat and annana of maklna-a Id Im nrovaman not pa Id from he aald Primary Road Fund. aa haraln-haffira at a ted. "hall ba sasd upon and atalnat tha aaveral lota and nart-ala of land I vlna and ah us lad within tha liHVtnt: dlatrlrt rraatad and hv tha Cltv of ha Ctv of Ia Molnaa. mn aai furlh and rlsm rlhatl In tha rtaanhltlon of Nrallv and In tha Raanlullnn Ordarlnr tT tnnrnvmtnt, aditniad hv aaid Ctiv Cnnni-ll In contiar.

tlnn with aald Irnpi ovainnt, and aaalnat rallwav and atraat railway comoanlaa whnaa tracka ara loc'Htad thereon or wtlhln aa Id 1st rift. In accordance wll tha law K.ivainlna tha an ma. Pavmenl for aald work, other than fha amount natd from tha Primary Road Kund. ahali ba made tn Anaeaatnent Cer-tlfliafea iaauad bv the flr Counrfl of tha Cllv of Oee Molnaa In connection with aald epartal aaaaaamanta Tha Cllv of Da Molnaa raeerves the rlerht to award a contract for tha pavement at a prlc par anna re yard, and not Includlnar tha extra aradlna: apectfled In th plana and apeclf (ration a on II as aforesaid. Cpon completion and acceptance of tha work and tha approval thereof bv the Cltv Council of tha Cltv nf Has olnaa and tha Hi ate Htahwav Com in (union of tha Rta a of Inwa, and tha anproval of the Rt hadiile of Aaaaamanta i inarator nv fii ii oiincn or ne MV r.f 1 Uela.a 1.

will ba mada bv payment to aald con tractor of a Burn to fortv-thraa par cent of th total coat of aald 1m-nrttVAmant from tha Prlitiarv Hnarl Kund. allotted to "Polk Countv. Iowa, aa arnreanii. in tha mannar and a a an proved hv tha Nteta Hirhwav Cnmmta. aton of tha fltate of Iowa: and tta la- aiianra hv tha Cltv of laa Mntnaa of Aa-aaaaroant Cartiflcataa for tha ramalndar of aaid coFt and a i panne acfordsric with 1 he nf raaihy and tha Resolution Orderlo tha work, adopt art hv tha CMv Council in connection with aald Improvement.

i Proposal reca(vl will be upon hv tha i'Uv Council on tha "th day of Ka ch hid in tie ha a ccntn pa nfed hr a carliflad check, encloaad In a sanara'e anvalou. dra wn unnn eon. a know ra-sponeihle hank In the Cltv of I Molna and made pa vabta in he order of tha i Cllv Tre-iaurar of the Cltv nf Mnlnea I In the sum of Hii lltindratl tioHars tiayrnuoi; tmd the city Council raarves the rlffht to relet anv and alt bids. Kred II. Huntm.

I Mavor. Atteatt I'o T. flnn, I 'Hv Clerk. PtiMiahed In The Dee Moinea Rexla- ter.a.Mv lfh and gmh. IfiZtl.

List of Uncalled for Replies lo Kegisier ana I ribune-News Keyed Want Ads Tl'EHDAV. MAY 18. iS p. -4701 at 2 1 H-434 I i 1 to Want Ads Acri '106, ta Apartments for lit' U.l Bnsleaaa nrAMltff fnr 16-B rent 99 ivc. Busineaa property for 1S-D sala f8- Tt-f.

Buetneae propartlM 1ST wanted 15-0 Dea Molnaa nomas lft-H for sat 110 Des Motnaa real 40 tat (or eicn. .....1043 Farm land by acn 94 states PI Farms for rent M-V tvj Farms wanted 44 3 Farms want1 to rant. 101 rent For rent or sal 1-B Tor sala or sxen 84 S2 siocks, 81 real ..100 Horn ouiinera Houses rooming So Investments estate In real .100 Loans on real aatata. 5Ji tt3 Offia spar for rant. Beat estate, low fl.B towns 11 ft Real atata mlacal- 3 laneoua 11 for sale J8 Real aetata.

thar 8 Real estate 10U Itesidenc lota 118 towna bl- 48 Title Insurance .10. v-4 Valley Junction raal 62 estate 11, if Srhoil.nd rnll.iM.. 'J S.ria and plant. DS Shu. linn, wanted a- fmal 1S-A Ihniuonl wanted mala II Slnrlln noJa JS Sinraia and fiwapa strvics 13 85 8f so Trirtnra and farm machlaarr Tvp.wrltara nd aup.

oll.a V.i'. i ion. ruortl tours, ate Want to borrow Want buy aal to rant 101., vertleement. No charge la mad forwarding rapliea to auch Want A The Regi.ter and Tribune company ro-eervea Ilia right to withhold all replies-to (Unified adverlleemenle which It considers nbjectlonable and aaeumes liability for in ad not bandied aa directed, except to publish or republlah gjtar notification. To cancel an advertisement, Walnut HJU l-hargea will be made for the day that tha cancellation la received.

Correction of errors In rlaaalfted aeW must be made heforo the aecond Inajr-llon. No allowance will be made Jog? snore than oi.e Imiorrert inaertloo. HOVT TO SEND VOIR WANT AD. Mall your add with aiplictt Instrug-tlons and a check or poetofftce mono? order lo cover the Insertion desired. i To tnsnr yor Want Ad getting- lat all titular Keglster edit Ions tlievt o'ltalde of Des Moines copy moat 04) tha offlc Jrrlday night.

ft'onf itiaterf from PrrceAina iTtrNtiTBR RESPONSIBLE OR sny aettts oiner tnan contractaa myself tt ri vtnnurn Want Ada 1 roaaerullea rlara far tha orlre Ask "Miss Perenaal er, lee" at Walnut (The above ao, not applv to roolrart artTertlalngl oolCy gray BEAUTY SHOPPE BhempQo, Marcat bob Curt 75V CONSTANCII! m'RANR 'V 2H towa Hid 411 and tliand. Mkt. FOR RENT Beellsl and Iisnra Hall New Masaey Building. e. For Parties Recltala and Club Pances.

Low Rental lea Mr. Thotnpaon. TiSr. tU I The Model Way AVERAOB FAMILY WAHH. It.


MAR1K WROWW. aift t.n,'iist. Open evenings, uperlor s.rvlre. modersle price; expert' opeistdrs. Phone Msrket 27 1 OK HOW town you Ilea tn vnu een have 1 city rug cleaning aervloa.

bend them tal Des Moines 1541 W. Kaventh Ht. Phone Wal. 1tW. Runs re-knlt.

Hose made prartfrallf; aa smut aa new. You'll be surprised htvaj Chan ply II ran be done. Tit ifi DlKfa.CT.TO-YOn COMPANY. 609 6th Avtt, St SPECIAL FOR MAT NESTLE C1RCCLINB Permanent wave, 6(1. Betty Lou "hop.

f0 leth Ht. Dr. KS77-W. All work guar. Piano Tuning Player work.

Raflnlahed. All kinds of piano work. Dine better by capabl. men fnr tans DBS MOINKB MITSIC CO. 81ft Valnut Ht.

I'hrna MarktTJI.J''- TH I ELBAR-SPRINQ The skill of our operators assures yon beautiful permsneot nisrrel wave. solulely no kinks, no fuss, no pstn. This is lu.i the wave every woman wants. 4IH 4IC lil.lg. Mkl.

17H3. Wsl. S50 False Teeth Repaired OI'ICKLY. One break. II Earn tooth furntehe,

Halley I IMr Molnea, la. l'reaent thla ad. DKNTAL CLINICS. TKETH KXTHACTBD.

1100. Pllllnga. falsa teeth. 11150; present thle ail. Ralley Ilentel Co, Dr.

Murphy, S. tt. cur, oth and locust. "Mkt. 4s.

Lawnmowers Sharpened By aulomstlo machine. Call. DeUeere Strauaa Key Bhop. Mia 7th, Just north Grand. Mkt.

gKKVICE PLUS QUALITY EQUALS by the erclualve French method. Parla 1 Hesuty r-sion. iis.i sano ni. Lr. ajvx.

"Permanent Wave, $10 ORI'HKCM BEACTV BHOP. 2'ja Ha vlrlson Hlrtg. ail th. Wal. 4M, F.

Ferren Sc Son CRMRNT CONTRACTORS. Pr. 277SW'. U. 48rd.

Dr. J. IF VOI! ARB NOT EA'RNINO IS. DM' per vear with good rhanfa for protna tlon. send for our cstalog.

American In.tittl'e. nes Moinea. la. JCST RRTCRNFD FROM LOH AN, g.les. Will drive rsr bark for es-( pen.eH.

Loral references. Write R-4tt, Tt.giM.r anu irioune. French Way Cleaners Wal 177. Maple U7. Drake 688.

Lan-Oil BKAl'TIKI'L PERMANENT $15- Itesver Ave. Beauty Parlor. Pr. liaill.J, 'Frank M. Vecchi, Tailor 202 Liberty Hldg.

Wal. 4043. kkfineTi mi'uulb aqkij cocVlh want tu care tor home during glimmer. Referemea. Pr.

147T-W, TftMlFS WHAT KIND? CALL CAR pentera union for tree Information a4- estlmatea yalnut247L WSfTO ADOPT DARK HAIRED Dii to 4 years. Referencaa. Webster Monuments KXPERIRNCED MOTHER WILL-hrd i hlldren In her home. Wal. Mfss Seymour fix PERL litOTHKR WISHES CAREoTir.

infant Walnut. Manle Cuetni'sri ASAUB. NUKSHi Alf.o SWem" Mkl mhi w. Tth. KXPF.P.IENCEU MOTHER 'vvTBHi-' 'little girl lo care tor.

Wal. MB5-J. "TTTVpY'rl COFFEE NOW Sc irr nniw-B'n'a WILL BOA RU AND ROOM CHILDREN, hy the week Maple 142)-W. PKOLSTtlllNO AND REPAlRINd. aV Portal M.o'e PEwTnO OAIt.MKNTS specie It Ir ka4 SAfl.

'(Continued on XtJct Pagt.) WaihtnRtoti, Mjr (A.P.) Freight rates In the went will come up for debate tomorrow with the opening of oral arguments before the Interstate com-mere commission on one of six proceedings consolidated In the commission's general Inquiry Into the country's rate structure as ordered by congress. Arguments are expected to last ten days and approximately seventy witnesses representing the railrosds, state commissions and shipping Interests probably will appear. Rates In the west are being tackled first becsuse of a provision of the Hoch-8mith resolution ordering the Investigation specifically directed that the commission effect, with the least practicable delay, the lowest possible rates on farm products and livestock that the carriers could tand. Carriers See Increase. Involved in the Inquiry Is the application of seventy-four west ern railroads for a horizontal in crease of 5 per cent in all freight rates, a request for a blanket re duction In livestock rates, and pe nnons tor eRiaouiinment or.

sen arate rate groups in the south west and northwest. Holders of securities In north western railroads also are seek ing, In addition to a general 6 per ceni raise in rates, a supplemental Increase for the northwest, while the corn belt committee and the American Farm Bureau federation seek agriculture and livestock rates substantially as low as those In effect June 24, 1918. Extensive hearings have been held on several phases of the in quiry, and nine state commission representatives will sit with the commission while the general west ern freight rase Is be in it argued while the entire state commission of Texas and one commissioner from Oklahoma will co-operate in the bearings of the livestock case. Hughes to Take Part. R.

N. Van Dorcn, vice president of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, will open the arguments for the western carriers, which have selected a committee of nine to plead their case. Charles E. Hughes, who will represent the receivers of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, may he reached tomorrow or Thursday morning.

He is expected to argue the Potten plan which would pool all revenues from the proposed 6 per cent raise and apportion them only to the roads earning less than 6) per cent. STANLEY TELLS RESERVE CORPS BATTLE STORIES Col. Claude M. Stanley of the Three Hundred Fiftieth reserve regiment spoke before a meeting of reserve officers at Hotel Sa-very last night, recounting Borne of his experiences at the battle of Chateau Thierry in July, 1H18. Colonel Stanley is in command of the reserve officers camp in session at Fort Des Moines.

The camp of fifteen days, bringing reserve officers here from all parts of the state for yearly Instruction, closes on Saturday. A short talk was given by Ma). I. M. Madison of Minneapolis, senior Instructor at.

the camp. R. F. Throckmorton presided at the meeting. Two Lincoln Students Found at St.

diaries Mildred Overton, IS years old, and John Kinney, 17 years old, Lincoln High school students who disappeared from their homes Sunday night, were found last night by Sheriff Findley at St. Charles, la. The couple were driving an automobile belonging to Miss Overton's father, Roy Overton, South West Thirteenth street and McKlnley avenue. Deputy Sheriff Rich Anderson -as expected to return them to Dea Moines early today. Hammond Opens His Campaign Quarters John B.

Hammond, candidate for stste senator, yesterday opened up headquarters at 702 Insurance Exchange building. Several speeches have been made by Mr. Hammond this week, most of them before labor organisations at the labor temple and the street car men's auditorium. He will speak tonight at a meeting at the Byron Rice school. Deaths of lowans Xew Hampton Funeral services for Fred Bearman, 82, pioneer settler of Chickasaw county and a resident here for tbe last fifty years, will be held Wednesday morning at 8t.

Mary's church. Perry John DIgnan, 72, for over forty years a merchant 1n Perry, died at his home here Sunday afternoon. James Council, 66, died at his home here. Humboldt Mrs. Rebecca Frles-ner Stong.

87, a life long resident of Iowa, died at Hartley. Mrs. Madge Perkins Hyde, 27. daughter of a former Humboldt girl, Mrs. Maude Fuller Perkins, died at Calumet, Mich.

Burial at Mason City. Rmmetsbanc E. J. Bradley died at his home north of town. O.

B. Sampson died at his home In Ruthven. Guthrie Center Eva Grace 31, wife of J. W. Leach, died at her home here Monday.

Storm Ike Mrs. John O'Boyle died at her home here. Eagle Groe C. W. Cooler, 75, died at the home of his son-in-law, S.

H. Williamson. IJnevllle Sarah Jane Bulling ton, 82, Wayne county pioneer, is dead. Mount Ayr Fred Oliver, 84, Is dead. He was a veteran of the civil war.

Frank Hughes. 69. He was born In Ringgold county. ttiarles Clly T. W.

Waller, 84. resident of Charles tuy lor the midst of awe-inspiring scenic wonders. For no country, in either continent, has the diversified scenery or offer ao many ways to spend an enjoyable vacation as Oregon. And here, too, is offered every opportunity for new capital, new industry and new settlers. The Ambition of Every American should be to know his own country.

The Pacific Coast is the most fascinating, most beautiful and most potential of the entire United States. You can visit the whole coast in this trip at very little additional cost HIGH SCHOOLS WILL GRADUATE CLASS JUNE 10 Largest Group Ever to Receive Diplomas. The largest class ever to be graduated from the Pes Moines high schools will receive diplomas at commencement June 10 in the Coliseum. The class numbers 670 and Includes seniors from West, North, East and Roosevelt High schools. This year for the first time students will be seated in their own high school groups.

They will be presented for diplomas by Superintendent. Studebaker and Craig Wright, president of tha school board, will give out th sheep skin awards. All students will wear gray capa and gowns and will march to their place on the platform. The Kev. Arthur A.

Brooks, pastor of (irace Methodist church, will deliver the commencement sddress. Alfred Smith, supervisor of music, has charge of tne musical program. VALLEY P. T.A. NAMES LEADERS FOR NEXT TERM Mrs.

R. Iwls was elected president of the Valley Junction Parent-Teachers association at a meeting of that organization at the Junior high school yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Lewis will assume her duties next September. Other officers elected were: Mrs.

Scott Lynn, vice president; Miss Mabel Day, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Basil Taylor, treasurer. Mrs. B. C.

Hopkins, president of the Iowa State Parent-Teachers association, was the guest of honor and spoke. Following the meeting the parents entertained the teachers at a picnic supper in the senior high school cafeteria. Deny Bradley Right to Settle Bankruptcy Chicago, May 18 (A.P.) Harold Bradley. Chicago real estate operator, who disappeared niord than a year ago and was later located in Texas, today was refused a request to settle on his bankruptcy obligations of more than $4,000 for a reported $3,000. Attorneys for trustees for Bradley's two bankrupt estates said they wanted to see Bradley court In person and wanted to know where the money was com ing irom to errect tne settlement.

Bradley is reported to be In business in Dallas. Plane Pilot Loses Job for Dropping Terrier Kansas City, May 18 (U.N.I Just for a good Joke, Waldo Ro-bey, 25 years old, a pilot for a flying school here, dropped a fox terrier pup from his airplane when more than a thousand feet in the air. The dog was killed, and Robey Is out of a job. the cblef instruc tor of the school having informed him that the presence of such jokers was obnoxious. When informed of the Joke, the humane society obtained a warrant for the aviator's arrest.

Threlkeld Heads Principals' Group C. H. Threlkeld, principal of North High school, was elected president of the Principals' club at the final meeting of the year yesterday. Miss Belle McConnell, principal of Wallace school, was elected vice president; J. O.

Mitchell of Park Avenue school, secretary and James M. Sterrett of Warren Harding Junior High school, treasurer. Kendrick Will Attend Insurance Meeting W. R. Kendrick.

ener1 counsel for the Roysl 1'nlnn I.lf Insurance company, left last night for West Sulphur Springs, w. to attend the annual meeting of the legal section of the Life Presidents assoclatfon, to be held there May 21. Legal matters pertaining to Insurance will be Oregon Miss Lillian Bradley Leads Field. Ulllan Bradley, a freshman In the dramatic, arts department of Drake university, led the field In the nominations for queen of the Drake Mardl Oras, yesterday morning at an assembly where six women candidates were named for queen and six men were nominated for cardinal. Tattye Horn, Drake's co-ed preacher; Naomi Paul, Delta Gamma member; Margaret Pel-ton, a Chi Omega and a sophomore In the education college; Pearl Nodskog, a freshman in the liberal arts college and a pledge to the Kappa Kappa Gumma soro rity, and Dortha Johnson, a fresh man and a Kappa Kappa (Jam in a pledge, were the other nominees selected by the men ot the school for queen.

Charles Everett, a Junior In tne commerce school, a Tau Psi and captain-elect of the basketball team, ran a close second to Rob ert Patrick, president of the sen ior liberal arts class and a mem ber of the Delta Zeta Chi fraternity, who led the group of nom inees chosen by tne girls, In the race for cardinal. Other nominees for cardinal were Lester Green, a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and president of the senior com merce class; Jeff Robertson, a Junior In the liberal arts and non-fraternity man; Ray Harrison, a member of the Tau Psl fraternity and a senior In the law college, and Douglas Smith, another non-fraternity man. The queen and cardinal will be chosen from the twelve students nominated yesterday at an election Friday. HOUDINI AGENT SAYS COOLIDGE HELD SEANCES Washington, May 18 (A.P.) A story of "table tipping seances" at the white house was told today before a house committee and promptly denied. The story was a pnrt of a hearing on a bill to regulate clairvoyants in the District of Columbia.

Hose Mackenberg, ail Investigator for Harry Houdinl, testified that a Washington fortune teller, Mrs. Jane Coates, had told her she had definite Information that seances were held In the executive mansion with President Coolidge present. Mrs. Coates declared the testimony was entirely false. Later It was stated at the white house that no seances had been held there during the Coolidge administration.

FINISH $25,000 IMPROVEMENT IN IOWA PLANT A $25,000 Improvement, complet-i Ing the sum of $260,000 spent by Swift- Co. In Improving the; plant of the Iowa Parking com-1 pany at Kant Klghteeentn and Maury streets, hss just been completed, It was announced yesterday by II. J. Nelson, president and general manager of the companv. The greater part of the $25,000 was spent for the erection, of a struct urn which will enable the Icing of several refrigerator cars at the same time.

The icing Is now done by a device carrying overhead buckets which operate back and forth from the crusher house, where the Ice cakes are broken BEST HOTEL VALUE IN NEW YORK. resoriatur DOOM 1A'1" The Comfort Hpule Regwlar SaiHags frees New Yarb to FRANCE AND ENGLAND Vaaieoe Irca." "Oroeee" ana "itroita" carry eely eaeta ana thire leM. searpass.d aMMBeaedatiee and eerrlee Csbia rs'e llet and aa anonting to aert ef leading, wit ee. aeg aeeeeg sr Ties naval Mall Steam racket Ca. 1 IT w.

avaeaiaejlew St. Mail this couponXr Information and Illustrated booklet PORTLAND CHAMBER of COMMERCE 694 OrraTon llldaT. Portland, Oregon Name. AddrcM. Pea the.

Kunerala. In amor lam and lrn ot Thank nf nut mora than fhe lines, K1.1SO dav. f.arh adrilttonal line. On week daa theae notice will npifenr In both morning anil evrnlns rtlltluna. jfiiBnlTlCA Han'icaa for I'tte Arbutlna will be held at Harbach'a Wadneaday afiarnuon at 'J SO o'clock, Burial In (Jlendale.

DAVOI.T Mrs O. O. Oavult paaaad away Monday evenint at me jvtatnuitiei uoa-pttal Kervlcea tvill he hlti at MnUrlde'a funeral home Wednesday at 10 a. nt. Hurial at iuwaOlty, I)K l.llllan.

AH yeara old. died at her lale realdence, U5 Taylor Nt. The bodv Ilea In state at Tomllnson'a funeral home, a wait Ins funeral arrangement a. Wi'MAS Mra. C.

Wfman of Vinton, lowi, paaaad away at er home Hunday or May 17. Kuneral Wedneada afternoon, hlie laavea lo mourn her loss a husband, twn anna, Humner and Charlaa and It datmhtera, Margurrlte and Kramaa of Vinton and Mra. Thurman Collins of 1ea Moinea. hanldea a rand children, one of whom made hie home with hla grandmother She will aadly plaead by mHy and fitanda 2 "TrT sa tV (it i ti tin. rilnghsm AmlHilsn'-e ellh linens blue.

It's WHITK HKIIVIN'I Trlt' MINT A XIY 11ST ANP rot'NO ap Anu tsken tlnlll 12 oVInrk noon for Tha Evening Tribune and 12 o'clnrk n.utnlght fnr The Morning rlealater. I'hnne Walnut aO. Ws: yuu tan rharga yuur ad. CAT filCND GRAY FEKS! AN "wTrtf hohlierl tall. Dr.

a.Htla CHAHM LtiHT Gt'LI) rtlNRIHTOHr tharm. Kewarrl. Call Mitt 13U.V ULMJ LOST -HK1 t'ltCKKH SPANIKI- Whlla atripea race, hub or ana breast bubberi tall, anewera to name uf Jlnuule. Ilewarcl. Will parly who called Haturday night pleaaa call again.

Walnut aaVJ-R-a. DtX LOST GERMAN PUI.ll.B I'l ,1 rnontha eld. Keward. 11117 Oakland A v.nue UlMl I.OHT (lEFIMAN grown; ansaers name Klip. Map.

ftOfl-J )lll Dr. --GKH MAN 112 POLICE J.OKT. CALL (IKtlMAN LOST -KE-male. Ana. name Mlnky Light rrettjti tlarlt ssildle; I si'lit limit '-lni ll lialK uruwn ejea.

I want. Mkl. Amerlian HHllwiiy jus tness lil.ASHKM LOHT SiHKI.I. ItlMMKI) SlBNS.H in case. ouhuij.

Wal. 414.1-W 'LOST IN BLACK CONTAINKIl. v.i. aiaal file bra.B kevs. small dujj roM.Mork li.y.

Reward Wal KVH 1,1 IM nu. it 'r keys. Reward Cllaka USATiTEb-BAO IIST WITH HH1H aehool boy haaehall outfit, green Jersey, etu. Reward. Write l'-742, Keglstsi an.l 'rrlbiine.

MONEY LOST- PLEASE RETURN Two weeks' wsae lost between Uuahler araat inn 1 Two la-'O btlle and a Thla wee loat by i. Una (hllrlran Hag man wnn heen out of work moat nf winter. A kinder deatl to raiurn innt.i paid fnr hy fallow workers. Reward, Call Maple ria Information. PI A I WITH DIAMOND IN anitlnK lost yaaterday afternoon Call Tr.

40(). TAR ROT LOST. CallWal. dOHiHewaid. SWEAT BR." VBLXoW.

I.OHT "JUIN MAY at t.rean wood tark. nort ut canm. Raward. rhone4nT N. Valiev Jun llotv AM KTRAYK FROM 371" A NO Franklin.

1 black. 1 bay mare. Maple JWMH-W. TRAVKMNH A(J. BLACK.

I.OST ON ro bat wean Manning and A read la ontainlnit him II addraaaad to Mr Haidt. Kvarly. Ktn.lly ra-tntn lo Manninn Monitor offlr and r- ralve ranard. vTaTc'H LOS LAUY'H wnisT wiitrh. S-ld hand.


Receiver, Defendant. No, SLSAS Equity. Notice of hearing on receivers report, final report and supplemental report. Notice ia hereby given that pursuant tn or fle.r nf tha District Court entered on th 24th day ot April, lttifl, May 29. l2fl, at tt o'clock A.

M. was fixed aa the (Sate for the hearing on the Receiver's reporta. including the final report and supplemental report, whlrh ara now on file In the itfflce of the Clerk of tha District Court of Iowa, in and for Polk County, and that all peraone desiring to exeapt or oblert to aald reporta. a of them, must file written objection on or befora tha said time, towlt: My JM, IU2H J- W. Mullare.

Racelver. American Bankara Raruritles Company. By C. B. lleatell and C.

A. Mlaalldine, Hta A ttornays. STyTM'B IH II BUB BY OrVBN THAT M. H. Mtntier, have dieaolved partnership with I.

A. Mintaer and am noi te-uponeihl for any ohliRntfons aeaiimart hy the BM oiirt Auto ra-klng and Junk (HirnariM. B. Int r. I "WIMN.T PR anv debts that niv wife, ireta fitra near, may contract, H.

E. Strauaer, liay-ard, l. CALIFORNIA via the BURLINGTON "the daylight scenic route Invites Youl DC4 GO VIA THE Mngfiii The Burlington carries you via the only really great scenic route. Through Denver, the Pikes Peak Region, Royal Gorge, Tennessee Pass, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City all by daylight acclaimed by travelers as one of the most magnificent panoramas of mountain scenery accessible by rail travel. Low summer excursion rates At a very Nllglit additional cost you can return' via tlie Pacific tlif American Wonderland vialttng Rainier And eltlicr Glacier or Yellowstone National I'arka.

Let us assist you with plans for your Pacific Coast trip. A. M. HIXSON Ciiinracrrlsl Agent OA Kqtiltahle Hid. Ism Moinea, Iowa J.4ft 1 6 2 j.Sl-2 J-ISN2 1 J-AH.

5 J. 114.1 1 j-n7 i J.ft7 I -7n7 1 J-7UK 2 J-7II 1 J-72S I 1 I J-7(l- 1 I L-Stt 2 I. 1 HH1 1 1 1 sat i im i L-HHM 1 n-42 1 3 1 H-4l L-(1T 1 B-4S I 1 II R-IV'ttv-l 7 R-SH2 1 1 R-tllHI 1 i r-i i I R-J 11-iU I I.7 I R-7J4 I R-740 1 I R-7H1 1 B-H7J 1 8.111.1 1 H.4IIR-I S-7'K 4II -1 W-7S3 1 H-401) 1 .1 I ll 7 .1 -1 It 4J'- 1 J-4JS-S S87 1 more tjau fifty years..

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